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AI Dungeon index (63,198 stories)

By Guest
Created: 2022-08-04 03:25:18
Expiry: Never

  1. Mostly MLP-related AI Dungeon 2 links
  3. posted to 4chan /b/ (incl. bug / bug report of "ai_reconstruct.user.js"):
  5. Maybe MLP/FIM:
  7. ">You are Parchment Bleach, a handsome and charming Earth Pony stallion looking for love and harmless mischief. You head out into Ponyville to find a cute mare to have some fun with. Unfortunately you don't get far before the local police come across your actions and start chasing you":
  9. {"story_start": "Your name is Ponder Petals. You are an obese magical pony. You are eating at home. You have a sister named Fluttershy who you love very much", "seed": null, "actions": ["\n> You eat a lot of food.\n", "\n> You break free.\n"], "results": ["You decide to eat a lot of food, because that's what ponies do.\n\n\"I'm hungry!\" you say. \"Let me out of here!\"\n\n\"No! I can't let you go,\" says the voice in your head. ", "You break free from your confinement and run away from home.\nYou run through the streets of Ponyville, screaming for help. The citizens of Ponyville look on in horror as you run through their town"], "choices": [], "possible_action_results": null, "game_state": {}, "context": "", "uuid": "8e346816-189c-11ea-949b-0242ac1c0002", "rating": 1.0}
  11. ----
  13. ">You are Garfield and hunger for Lasagna.":
  15. ----
  17. AI Dungeon stories index (63,198 tales)
  19. Webpages here:
  21. How to use the userscript "ai_reconstruct.user.js":
  22. * Install Greasemonkey for Firefox
  23. ** I used, but you can find and install the addon by yourself.
  24. * Go to about:config (enter "about:config" in the URL bar)
  25. * Set "devtools.jsonview.enabled" to "false" to enable plain JSON view.
  26. ** (Search "json" in about:config.)
  27. * Open some AI Dungeon story link to see if it is working.
  29. ----
  31. Other links
  34. vc: qlocE

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