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The Party Will Last Forever

By Guest
Created: 2022-08-07 08:07:15
Expiry: Never

  1. [Celestia]
  2. Sister I've been inspired
  3. Been thinking 'bout our plans to retire, and I see
  4. The future is pink, she'll fill up the streets
  5. with parties aplenty, so what do you think?
  7. [Luna]
  8. Sister, that's quite a surprise,
  9. I didn't think you'd pass young Twilight by, but I say
  10. We'll play it by ear, 'cause what do I know
  11. Bring laughter and cheer, make the world glow
  13. [Pinkie Pie]
  14. With honor I accept this crown,
  15. My mandate: vanquish every frown,
  16. Music fills the air,
  17. The cheers of happy mares,
  18. So pin the title on my tail,
  19. Dance away your woes and ails,
  20. Till you're feeling better
  21. The party will last forever!
  23. [Interlude]
  24. Luna: That line sounds really familiar.
  25. Celestia: Oh, this cake is delightful! I told you she was a good choice.
  27. Pinkie Pie: And you get a cake! And you get a cake! You get a cake! You get a cake! Everypony gets a cake!
  29. Rainbow Dash: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I might get tired of partying...
  31. Luna: Sister, art thou not concerned that Pinkie Pie has driven us into a deficit through cake expenses alone?
  32. Celestia: Oh, lighten up a little, Luna.
  33. Luna: My treasury is certainly enlightened.
  35. [Celestia]
  36. The cake is great, that much I know,
  37. for now the ponies are all happy in the streets below, but we say
  39. [Luna+Celestia]
  40. We've got a concern, Pinkie Pie
  41. This discretionary spending, it is bleeding us dry
  43. [Pinkie Pie]
  44. I hear your doubts, so I've been told,
  45. but there is more to life than counting up your bits of gold
  46. The fun's all you need, it's all there is to live for
  48. [Luna]
  49. I'm taking my leave, I'll no longer give more
  51. [Interlude]
  52. Celestia: Wait, where are you going?
  53. Luna: I'm out! I'm leaving!
  55. [Pinkie Pie]
  56. But still I'll hold on to this crown,
  57. My mandate: vanquish every frown,
  58. Music fills the air,
  59. The screams of happy mares,
  60. You pinned the title on my tail,
  61. Dance despite your woes and ails,
  62. When does it end? Never!
  63. The party will last forever!
  65. [Interlude]
  66. Pinkie: Partying will continue until morale improves!
  67. Celestia: Pinkie, please! Stop this at once!
  68. Celestia: Pinkie…
  69. Pinkie: Wait! I can change! I can change! Smaller cakes next time! And only half as many balloons!
  70. Celestia: You leave me with no other option! I am sending you to the moon!
  72. [Celestia]
  73. It seems I've made a small mistake
  74. I've sent another away
  76. [Mane Six Minus One]
  77. You partied harder than anyone would think
  78. Just a little relief
  80. But still we'll send you lots of love
  81. On balloons to the stars above
  83. [Pinkie Pie]
  84. Don't worry, it's OK
  85. Though we're now miles away
  86. You pinned the title on my tail,
  87. Danced away your woes and ails,
  88. Though the conga line is severed
  89. The party will last…
  91. And the pink shall inherit the earth.

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