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Vinyl Kidnaps Anon

By Guest
Created: 2022-08-10 05:56:46
Expiry: Never

  1. “Look, all I need is a lift. My car got towed, what do you want me to do? Walk home? Get your ass over here.”
  2. >You lean back, swapping the phone between your hands.
  3. “What do you mean you’re busy? What am I supposed to do? You gotta be kidding me.”
  4. >The line goes dead as your friend hangs up.
  5. “Motherfucker.”
  6. >The one time you needed him.
  7. >Great.
  8. >Taking a deep breath, you shift the weight of the stuff on your back and head off.
  9. >Something stops you though.
  10. >A loud honking.
  11. >You turn around to find the source.
  12. >It’s that weird girl from school.
  13. >The one that never talks and is always listening to music.
  14. >Her car is parked on the curb.
  15. >She motions for you to get in.
  16. “Who, me?”
  17. >She flashes a smile, and nods.
  18. “Huh.”
  19. >Tentatively, you approach her.
  20. >The car is odd, certainly, but it’s not bad.
  21. >And she is offering.
  22. >What’s the harm?
  23. >Leaning into the car, you lock eyes with her.
  24. “You sure about this, Blues?”
  25. >She’s quiet for a moment, before nodding and looking away.
  26. >”Vinyl.”
  27. “Alright, Vinyl. Cool. I just need a quick lift home, no problem?”
  28. >She nods again.
  29. >Swinging the door open, you settle into the passenger side.
  30. >Music blares into your ears as Vinyl turns the radio back on.
  31. >The seat is surprisingly comfortable, so you lean back.
  32. “So you’re a big fan of this whole 90’s techno, eh?”
  33. >She doesn’t reply.
  34. >Instead, she points to a small sign she has on the dashboard.
  35. >”Do not disturb the driver.”
  36. >Ah, that was fine. You could make small talk with yourself.
  38. >After a couple of minutes, you begin to notice something odd.
  39. >Vinyl is driving you out of town.
  40. >You hardly recognize most of the buildings around here.
  41. “Hey Vinyl, are you sure you’re heading the right way?”
  42. >She swallows loudly.
  43. “Vinyl?”
  44. >”Shortcut.”
  45. “It’s a shortcut?”
  46. >She nods.
  47. >Ah.
  48. >Well, at least that settled your fears a little.
  49. >Especially now that you were completely out of town.
  50. >Still, it wasn’t too bad.
  51. >The sun on your face, the wind in your hair.
  52. >Vinyl is looking nice as well.
  53. >Her shirt is rolled up, showing her midriff and revealing a set of clearly defined abs. Sweat was dripping down them, making them shine slightly in the sun.
  54. >Above them, a hint of underboob.
  55. >Below them, some tight purple leggings barely holding in her thighs.
  56. >Maybe it’s the light, but they even seem a little we--
  57. >You hastily look back up when clicks her fingers at you.
  58. >Though she seems…nervous.
  59. “You alright, Vinyl?”
  60. >She glances over at you, nodding quickly.
  61. “I’m just asking cause you’re sweating a lot.”
  62. >”Hot. Yo—It’s hot.”
  63. >She moves a hand up to cover her face, but you think she’s blushing.
  64. >You guess she was just sensitive to the sun or something.
  65. >Resting, you stare into the sky.
  66. >Vinyl slowly comes to a complete stop on the side of the road.
  67. >You stare at her as she pulls the handbrake.
  68. >You’re in the middle of nowhere.
  69. “Vinyl…where are we?” You ask slowly.
  71. >The sound of her seatbelt unclasping snaps your attention to her.
  72. “What, you’re kidnapping me in a car without a roof?”
  73. >She just gives you a smile.
  74. >But not a gentle one.
  75. >This one was hungry.
  76. >”Not…exactly.”
  77. >Sliding over, she climbs onto your lap.
  78. >Presses her crotch against yours.
  79. >You try to move, but she quickly clenches her legs, pinning you in place.
  80. >You bring your hands up to try and move her, but she grabs them as well.
  81. >Using her leverage, she forces them back against the seat.
  82. >Whipping her head back, you watch as the momentum pulls the glasses off her eyes and onto her head.
  83. >She’s got very beautiful [spoiler]red[/spoiler] eyes.
  84. >Staring into them, she matches your gaze.
  85. >There’s a hint of uncertainty in them, before she swallows it and dives forward.
  86. >Her lips lock with yours, sending a spasm through your arms as they involuntarily move to push her off.
  87. >And fail, of course.
  88. >Her tongue is aggressive, forcing itself into your throat.
  89. >It tastes sweet.
  90. >Whenever yours moves to stop it, she pushes it back into the bottom of your mouth, or tries to wrap hers around it.
  91. >She’s doing her best to explore every inch of your mouth.
  92. >Hastily, she pulls back for a breath of air, and goes back in.
  93. >There’s nothing you can do but let her.
  94. >The pressure on your sides lessens as Vinyl begins to slide her body up and down your leg.
  95. >Humping you.
  96. >She leaves a trail behind her.
  97. >Your pants are already growing damp, and the thought of how wet hers must already be causes a tightness in your pants.
  98. >With a lewd moan, Vinyl suddenly pulls herself off of you.
  99. >She releases your arms, but you don’t fight back.
  100. >Maybe you should, but you wanna see where this is going.
  101. >Can’t rape the willing.
  103. >She stands up, putting her leg up on the door.
  104. >Her crotch is pressed right up against your face.
  105. >Slowly, she runs a finger around the rim of her pants, before pulling them down.
  106. >Her pussy is so wet that a line of juice chases them down.
  107. >The needy, burning smell of it overpowers you.
  108. >Vinyl bites her lips.
  109. >“Now this…this is what…here’s what’s happening.”
  110. >She’s stammering.
  111. >Maybe that’s why she doesn’t talk so much?
  112. >”You…you’re gonna eat me out like a good little boy, okay? And…and if you’re lu-lucky, I might, MIGHT, return the favour. Don’t struggle so much.”
  113. >You’d have replied, but she didn’t even wait for a response.
  114. >She’s upon you immediately.
  115. >She smells like a mix of musk and sweat.
  116. >Your head is pressed against the seat, so you can’t escape.
  117. >With no other choice, you run your tongue along her pussy.
  118. >The juices cover your tongue heavily.
  119. >Vinyl moans, and presses harder.
  120. >Breathing through your nose, you get to work exploring her folds.
  121. >You make sure to do it slowly.
  122. >To build her up.
  123. >Once or twice, you stab into her with her tongue, or brush against her clit, eliciting a moan.
  124. >The noise alone is making you ooze pre-cum.
  125. >She’s practically humping your face at this point.
  126. >And then, she reaches down and grabs your nose.
  127. >You panic as your air supply is cut off and try to move away.
  128. >But she’s got you trapped between her thighs.
  129. >”You wanna breathe? Fin—Finish the job.”
  130. >Switching into high gear, you go all out.
  131. >Enough teasing, now you just want to get her off.
  132. >You reach as far into her as you can, pulling back only to target her clit.
  133. >She can’t handle it for long.
  134. >Her legs shake, and she screams into the air as your mouth is filled with her fluids.
  135. >She still hasn’t pulled back, so you can only swallow it.
  136. >Eventually, she steps back, and you take a breath of glorious air.
  138. >Even with your best efforts, your face is still sticky.
  139. >Panting, Vinyl climbs back into the driver’s seat.
  140. >She swallows several times before reaching down and turning the car back on.
  141. >You just stare at her, dick throbbing.
  142. >She acts coy, smiling.
  143. >”Oh, n—need something?”
  144. >You take a deep, pained breath.
  145. >Your balls are basically turning blue.
  146. >”Feeling a little…are you hot and bothered?”
  147. “Yes.”
  148. >She wipes her brow.
  149. >”Good. May—maybe you know how I…what I feel now.”
  150. “Excuse me?”
  151. >”Have…having to watch you all day. Going home needy. Shit dude, you’re so…hot.”
  152. >She nearly breaths the last word out.
  153. “Is that why you’re doing this?”
  154. >She nods, blushing again.
  155. >The sight is a little cute.
  156. >She has no pants on, but is embarrassed by talking to you.
  157. >You shrug.
  158. “You didn’t have to kidnap me. You could have just asked.”
  159. >”M—me? The stuttering wreck? Ask you? Are you…you’re kidding?”
  160. >Well, when she puts it like that.
  161. >Still…
  162. “You know, we don’t have to end here.”
  163. >Slowly, you unzip your pants.
  164. >Pull down your underwear.
  165. >Your cock springs out, hard as a rock.
  166. >Vinyl just stares at it, mesmerized.
  167. “It’s only fair.”
  168. >Vinyl swallows nervously.
  169. >She’s blushing harder, the deep red nearly matching her eyes.
  170. >O—Okay. But we’re doing this right, get out of the car. I…don’t want cum stains on my seats.”
  171. >You push the door open, stepping out.
  172. >Vinyl does the same on her side, but stops to remove her shirt.
  173. >Her tits aren’t fantastic, but she’s not a board either.
  174. >They’re modest. Perky.
  175. >She notices your cock bob as you see her.
  176. >She licks her lips and crouches down.
  177. >You lean against her car as she inches closer.
  179. >She lines her mouth up with your cock.
  180. >”I’ve never…this isn’t something I’ve done before. So if… so when I screw up, please don’t… you won’t get mad, right?
  181. >It’s a fucking blowjob.
  182. >How can you fuck it up?
  183. >Gently, you give her a nod.
  184. >She takes your cock in her mouth, balancing it on her tongue.
  185. >Before trying to go straight for the hilt.
  186. >Her throat stops her halfway, and she gags loudly.
  187. >On instinct, she pulls out and starts coughing and gasping.
  188. >”Okay. Slow. Slowly.”
  189. >This time, she sticks her tongue out, and licks the tip.
  190. >She keeps it there, and slowly moves down your length.
  191. >Her tongue runs along your cock.
  192. >It feels heavenly.
  193. >On a whim, she rubs her cheek against it, smearing her own spit across her face.
  194. >Returning to the tip, she glances up at you with her beautiful red eyes.
  195. >She winks, and then tries to swallow you again.
  196. >She bobs on the top, only taking in an inch at a time.
  197. >Luckily, her tongue sticks out of her mouth, covering slightly more ground.
  198. >Slowly, more and more cock disappears into her throat.
  199. >You can see it poking out.
  200. >The cold of the air being replaced by the warm chasm of her mouth is incredible.
  201. >Finally, with another loud gag, she reaches your crotch.
  202. >Confident she can take it, Vinyl begins to move faster.
  203. >The lewd sounds of her moaning and actions are bringing you to the brink.
  204. >Looking down, you can see her fingering herself just as hard.
  205. >Then you’re struck by an idea.
  206. >You grab the back of her head, holding her in place.
  207. >She tries to pull herself off to breathe, but you don’t let her.
  208. “You wanna breathe? Better finish the job.”
  209. >She shoots a death glare at you, but sucks harder.
  210. >Her tongue swirls around your entire length.
  211. >She cums first, screaming into your cock, which pushes you over the edge as well.
  212. >You fire so much cum into her mouth that it shoots out her nose.
  213. >Content, you release her to take a pained, struggling breath.
  215. >She doesn’t move for a moment, just breathing.
  216. >Before she wipes the cum off of her face and licks it off her fingers.
  217. >”You taste…this is delicious.”
  218. >She pushes herself back to her feet.
  219. >Turning around, you pull the door to her car open.
  220. >Or try to, at least.
  221. >Vinyl rushes between the two of you, slamming it shut again.
  222. >”Not finished. Horny again. Fuck, you’re…”
  223. >Wordless, she grabs your cock.
  224. >Her hand is soft, but tight.
  225. >Instead of fucking you there and then though, she drags you cock first away from the car.
  226. >”Got an idea.” Is all she says. “Always wanted to try this.”
  227. >She throws you to the ground, and returns to her car.
  228. >Turns the music up.
  229. >Pushes a button, even turns the entire thing into a speaker system.
  230. >It’s a very, very fast paced song.
  231. >Very techno.
  232. >And then returns to you.
  233. >”You’re gonna fuck…we’re gonna fuck in time with the music, okay? No pussy shit…this is anal. Don’t fuck this up.”
  234. >She climbs on top of you, perching above your cock like a bird of prey.
  235. >You reach upward and grab her tits.
  236. >Run a thumb along her nipples, kneading them.
  237. >The stimulation causes her to reach down and start kissing again.
  238. >The music is loud, drilling into you mind and chasing away any other thoughts.
  239. >Vinyl is simply waiting for the right moment.
  240. >You think you know when it is.
  241. >When everything’s finished building up.
  242. >When Vinyl’s reached her pitch.
  243. >When you’ve reached your pitch.
  244. >When the music can’t climb any higher.
  245. >The drop.
  247. >Vinyl brings her entire body down on your cock.
  248. >The sudden change instantly shoots new life into your dick.
  249. >She’s so warm, and it’s so incredibly tight.
  250. >Vinyl looks a little uncomfortable, but the clear amount of pleasure on her face as well overpowers it.
  251. >On instinct, you thrust upward.
  252. >Vinyl gasps as you reach deep into her body, one of her hands running to her pussy at the same time.
  253. >She bites her lip, before the music snaps her back to attention.
  254. >”Faster. We need…faster.”
  255. >Taking a moment to feel the beat, you thrust faster.
  256. >The music is so incredibly loud; you can literally feel the vibrations around you.
  257. >Running through you.
  258. >Vinyl grips your dick with every movement.
  259. >Pushing against you in all the right places.
  260. >Vinyl’s tongue is lolling out of her mouth.
  261. >Eyes staring upwards at nothing.
  262. >She swoops down for a kiss, before returning to her panting.
  263. >Her breath is hot.
  264. >”Faster. We’re still not…the music is faster.”
  265. >You take a deep breath and grab her thighs.
  266. >They fill your hands.
  267. >You begin to throw everything you have at her.
  268. >Physically pulling her down on your dick and thrusting her back up.
  269. >She cums without warning, spewing juice all over your body.
  270. >Her once furious strength diminishes as she calms down, but you don’t stop.
  271. >You’re too close to stop.
  272. >With one final thrust, you go deeper than ever before.
  273. >Your dick twitches, and your balls contract as you shoot your spunk inside her.
  274. >And then she collapses on top of you, not even bothering to get off your dick.
  275. >Her sweaty, toned body pressed against you feels…right.
  276. >So you simply sit there, listening to the music while she gathers her strength again.
  277. Eventually, she stands back up.
  278. >”Stay here.”
  279. >She retreats back to the car, and comes back a moment later.
  280. >There are condoms in her hands, and strange pills.
  281. >”Viagra. You’re not done until I say you’re done.”
  282. >Oh.
  283. >Looks like you were gonna have a long day.
  285. >You woke up to someone poking you.
  286. >It looks like Vinyl had called your friend to come pick you up.
  287. >You remember passing out at some point.
  288. >Sometime around the tenth and twentieth time you’d cum.
  289. >You didn’t regret a single one though.
  290. >You’re covered in fluids.
  291. >Some are yours, since Vinyl stopped licking them off you halfway through.
  292. >Some are Vinyl’s, since that much was obvious.
  293. >You felt sticky, sore, worn out and drained.
  294. >That damn semen demon had sucked you dry.
  295. >Looking up, you hastily move to cover your dick.
  296. >Vinyl hadn’t even bothered to put your pants back on.
  297. >She, and her car, was nowhere to be seen.
  298. >Bitch had left you here.
  299. >Standing up and groaning as your muscles protested, you quickly tracked down your pants and slipped them on.
  300. >They were dirty, but so were you, so there was no problem.
  301. >There was something in your pocket though.
  302. >You pull out the scrap of paper.
  303. >There’s a phone number written on it, and some words, along with a musical note.
  304. >”Call me. Please. Vinyl Scratch.”
  305. >You smile, despite yourself.
  306. >You might need a moment to recuperate, but that was definitely something you could do.

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