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Politeness costs nothing

By SmutAnon
Created: 2022-08-15 16:58:50
Updated: 2023-09-05 20:53:02
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >The local green interdimensional faggot alien-turned-pony.
  3. >Not that every locale has an anon, but you get the idea.
  4. >And be pissed.
  5. >No reason in particular. Just... Life being a pain.
  6. >You sigh for the dozenth time.
  7. >You know that this too will pass.
  8. >It always does. You're fine. Just grit your teeth and power through it.
  9. >You considered going out and getting drunk. Maybe get some free drinks from sexist mares and bring one home to pound her silly.
  10. >But that sounded horribly stereotypical, for some reason.
  11. >Like you've been in this situation a thousand times before.
  12. >Anon, bar, sexist mare(s), drinks, end up in a relationship. Not necessarily in that order.
  13. >A weird sense of deja vu comes over you when you think about it, even though that never happened to you.
  14. >Weird.
  15. >Well, whatever.
  16. >You decided to go hiking, instead.
  17. >There's some pretty nice trails around Canterlot mountain, if you're not afraid of heights and sheer drops.
  18. >It's not putting you into a great mood or anything, but it's keeping the worst at bay.
  19. >You're just finishing up, getting off a thin trail and coming onto the main road into Canterlot.
  20. >It's still rather empty, though, since most ponies these days use the train to get to the city.
  21. >Which suits you just fine.
  22. >Unfortunately, before you can reach the city gates, you notice a group of four mares approaching from the other direction.
  23. >Just don't make eye contact and walk on by, Anon.
  24. >Not in the mood to deal with people.
  25. >"Well now, what do we have here?"
  26. >Ugh.
  27. >You say nothing as the lead mare, a hefty earth pony, leers at you.
  28. >"A stallion all alone, on this unwatched and dangerous road? You should be more careful, dear. What if you met a mare that wanted to take advantage of a single, unprotected male?"
  29. >She changes direction to stand in your way.
  30. "I'd punch her in the face so hard she'd be shitting teeth for the next week, then I'd break her legs, and leave her screaming in pain on the roadside," You growl at her, sidestepping around her.
  31. >The entire group is completely slack-jawed, the earth pony sputtering wordlessly.
  32. >You almost make it past her before she composes herself just enough to jump in your way.
  33. >Damn it.
  34. >"You- you can't- just- a colt-"
  35. >Heh.
  36. >Looks like you short-circuited her brain with that remark.
  37. "I can, and I just did. Now, piss off," you hiss, picking her up with your magic.
  38. >Yeah, you're a unicorn.
  39. >Losing hands sucked, but having mind powers was a pretty sweet tradeoff.
  40. >You got pretty strong at it, too.
  41. >You never cared about getting /fit/ or whatever crap back on Earth, but magic?
  42. >It's goddamn magic, man.
  43. >You'd be insane not to want to be a crazy strong wizard.
  44. >So, you practiced. A lot.
  45. >You levitated things at just about every opportunity, carrying everything from some coins to shopping bags to make your magic stronger.
  46. >And it paid off.
  47. >The mare's eyes bulge out as you lift her with little effort.
  48. "So, want me to toss you off the side of the mountain and see if your pegasus friend is fast enough to catch you?"
  49. >The other mares are a pegasus and two unicorns.
  50. >Their eyes are wide with fear as well, especially the pegasus'.
  51. >She shakes her head frantically, looking at the erth pony.
  52. >"N-no! Nonononono! Put me down, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
  53. >You snort, dropping her.
  54. >She keeps babbling.
  55. >"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean anything, I swear! I just - you were alone and defenseless - you know? I just wanted- How did you even-?"
  56. "Not defenseless," You point out with a smirk. "And what the everloving fuck is wrong with you? Do you jump in the way of every single stallion you see walking alone?"
  57. >"NO! No, no! I- Stallions shouldn't walk by themselves on roads like this! I just, uhh... Wanted to..."
  58. >You facehoof.
  59. >With both forehooves.
  60. >Your butt lowers to the ground.
  61. >You let out a massive groan.
  62. >The mares all cringe, the earth pony's companions taking a step backwards.
  63. >Opening your eyes, you glare at the mare.
  64. >Her ears are folded, she's sweating, and she has this huge fake smile plastered on her face.
  65. >"Heh-heh... No harm done...?"
  66. "Were you seriously trying to seduce me by- What? Implying that you're going to rape me if I don't give you some?"
  67. >"Hey, I wasn't implying-"
  68. >You step towards her, shoving your muzzle into hers.
  69. "Look me in the eye and repeat that. Tell me you weren't >implying EXACTLY that."
  70. >She gulps, but remains quiet.
  71. "You... You dense fatherbucker," you swear, using the ponified version of the insult.
  72. >She winces. You shake your head.
  73. >One of the unicorns steps forward.
  74. >"Um, I'm sorry, sir, really. Acorn here means well, I swear. She's, just, well... A wee bit dense, like you said."
  75. >The earth mare, now named as Acorn, winces a bit.
  76. >You snort.
  77. >That was actually mildly amusing.
  78. "Seriously... Learn some manners next time," You tell her, starting to move.
  79. >The same unicorn takes a few steps after you.
  80. >"Sir, wait, please..."
  81. >You groan again.
  82. "Only because you said please. And you actually seem to know what manners are," You reply to her flatly.
  83. >"Oh, um. Thank you. Honestly. And, um, if there's anything we can do to make it up to you..."
  84. >You roll your eyes.
  85. "Teach your friend some manners. You seem to know them better than she does. See what you can achieve with a "please"?"
  86. >Acorn mutters something.
  87. >You turn your head back, glaring at her.
  88. "Something you'd like to share?"
  89. >She freezes up.
  90. >You turn back towards her fully.
  91. "No, no, don't be shy. Let's hear it."
  92. >She stands there, scrunched up. When she sees that you're not going to relent, she gives up. Lowering her head, she mutters.
  93. >"Not like asking nicely works on stallions... Nice mares finish last."
  94. >You give her a flat look.
  95. >Wordlessly, you turn toward her friends.
  96. >They seem surprised that you haven't hit her.
  97. >You look at the polite unicorn.
  98. >She's a thin little thing, with glasses and a small scarf.
  99. >Cute nerd.
  100. >You levitate her glasses of her muzzle.
  101. >"Wha- hey..."
  102. >She protests, meekly.
  103. "Don't worry, I'll give those back in a moment, I promise. Meanwhile, Miss Manners, tell me - would you like a better pair of goggles? Much, much better?"
  104. >"Um... Yes...?" She asks uncertainly.
  105. "Ask for it. Nicely. Very nicely."
  106. >"Uh... May I have my glasses back? Or those... Goggles? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Sir?"
  107. "Good girl," you compliment her, smiling wide. "Here you go," you exclaim, walking towards her and turning around suddenly, lifting your tail.
  108. >Inevitably, her eyes are drawn to your balls.
  109. >It's really not hard to figure out how mares are going to react when you do this. They keep going on and on about balls all the time, after all.
  110. >"Oh sweet Celestia, are those SIZE- MFFFFFFFF!"
  111. >Her voice gets muffled as you bend her head lower with your magic, depositing your hefty balls on her face and muzzle.
  112. >The rest of the mares are completely slack-jawed again.
  113. >You look at Acorn.
  114. "See? She asked nicely. So, miss unicorn. Enjoying your new goggles there?"
  115. >"Uh- Uh- uh. Um. Oh my. Yes. Very much," She speaks, slightly muffled by your ballsack that she shoved her muzzle into. "Can we trade? You can keep my glasses."
  116. >The rest of the mares are still speechless.
  117. >You chuckle.
  118. "Don't be shy," you encourage the unicorn. "Get a lick if you want to."
  119. >"I- Really? Can- May I? Please?"
  120. >You sigh, her warm breath tickling your privates.
  121. "SO polite. Yes, since you asked so nicely, go nuts. Do whatever you want."
  122. >She hesitates for a moment, before popping one of your boys into her mouth and suckling on it like a teat, sloppily covering it with her saliva.
  123. >You hear a loud smack to the side.
  124. >Huh?
  125. >Looks like the pegasus hit the other unicorn.
  126. >"Thanks," the mare says. "Looks like I'm not dreaming after all. Really, though is this actually happening?"
  127. >"Hit me, I want to make sure I'm not dreaming either," The pegasus asks her.
  128. >There's a smack as the unicorn slaps the pegasus this time.
  129. >"Ow. Okay, pretty sure I'm awake."
  130. "Impossible to believe, isn't it? What politeness can get you?" You tell them snarkily.
  131. >They don't seem too sure how to reply to that.
  132. >After sharing a glance, the pegasus takes a tiny step forward.
  133. >"Uh, do you.. Think I could get in on that? Please? Pretty please?"
  134. >You rub your chin in an exaggerated motion, humming contemplatively.
  135. "Well, I think you need to ask your friend whether she's willing to share..."
  136. >"Hey, uh, Quill..."
  137. >The unicorn, Quill, reluctantly lets go of your ball with a pop.
  138. >"Well, I can only comfortably fit one in my mouth, so I guess..."
  139. >"No dyke," The pegasus says before diving in, rubbing her side and neck with Quill as they cram their faces in your crotch.
  140. >You're getting hard at this point, having dropped from your sheath moments before.
  141. >The other unicorn pipes up.
  142. >"Could I, um, maybe, if you'd allow me to, well, take care of that...? Um, please?"
  143. "Oh, I suppose..."
  144. >Instead of using her mouth, she gently grips your shaft with her magic and starts stroking it, staring at the rapidly hardening organ with wide eyes, a bit of drool running from her mouth.
  145. >Your strained attention is drawn towards the sound of nervous clopping on stone.
  146. >Acorn is trotting in place, blushing.
  147. >"Um, do you think I could..."
  148. "Nope," you shut her down immediately.
  149. >"Oh... Guess I... Deserve that..?"
  150. "Why the questioning tone? Yes you do. Now then... We ARE in the middle of the road, empty as it is..."
  151. >You take a step forward, pulling your balls out of the mare's mouths, small whines escaping from them.
  152. "You want more? Follow me," You say, putting Quill's glasses on your head and turning off to a small crevice.
  153. >They hesitate for only a moment before scrambling madly after you.
  154. >You step through the crack, coming out into a small, round area.
  155. >There's a few secluded nooks and crannies like that in the trails that you've discovered. Right by the road, but invisible unless you're looking right at them.
  156. >You sit down, spreading your hindlegs wide, your erect cock and balls on full display.
  157. >The mares all stare, drooling.
  158. "What are you waiting for, a signed invitation? Hop to it," you say, gesturing towards your crotch. "Except for Acorn, of course - have fun watching your friends have fun. After they finish me off, I'll be sure to return the favor... Then pound one or two of them silly for a second round. Think of good manners while you wait."
  159. >Acorn whines, but doesn't dare protest.
  160. >The other three share a glance, but decide it's not worth arguing with you.
  161. >They go back to the same positions. Unicorn and pegasus on your balls, other unicorn slowly stroking your shaft with magic, though she was also reaching towards it with her muzzle uncertainly."
  162. "It's okay," you gently reassure her.
  163. >She blushes, but gets closer, opening her mouth wide and ever-so-slowly taking your head in her mouth, closing her eyes and exploring the taste.
  164. "Good girl."
  165. >She folds her ears, pulling off.
  166. >"I'm- I'm not very good at this, I never actually-"
  167. "Shhhhh," You shush her, gently bending her head towards your dick with your magic. "You're doing wonderfully. No time like the present to learn, right? Just do what feels natural."
  168. >She nods, going back towards your shaft, licking and nibbling on it before running her tongue in circles on the head, looking into your eyes for approval the entire time.
  169. >You sigh in pleasure, petting her ears.
  170. >The encouragement makes her smile, and she starts taking your shaft in her mouth again, intensifying the stroking with her magic.
  171. >The other two, meanwhile, have really gotten into it, licking and nibbling everywhere in and around your balls and sheath, running licks along your scrotum and hefting your balls in their hooves.
  172. >Your dick twitches an you let out a groan.
  173. >This is something else.
  174. >You wanted to take out your frustrations on something, and boy, it is working.
  175. >Not the healthiest way to do it by taking it out on some ponies, probably, but they kind of brought it on themselves.
  176. >...And it's not like they're not willing participants. Exremely willing.
  177. >The mare sucking your dick doesn't manage to take it very deep, but she makes up for it with enthusiasm, doing short, quick bobs of her head, licknig your sensitive head all the time, still working your shaft with her magic, the sparkly sensation making you rock hard.
  178. >The sheer assault on every single surface of your genitals with suckling, nibbling, licking and light moans being let out by the mares is nothing short of amazing.
  179. >You feel yourself getting close.
  180. "Hrrrrrrmmmmmfffff..."
  181. >You groan, your dick twitching, the mare sucking on it holding it with a hoof as well as her magic.
  182. >You look into the unnamed unicorn's eyes, giving her a warning.
  183. "I'm getting close."
  184. >Her eyes widen a little, but she doesn't stop. In fact, she does the opposite, frantically increasing her stroking.
  185. "I'm going to blow my entire load in your mouth, you know..."
  186. >Given her actions, that's probably what she wants.
  187. >With a shrug, you relax, letting the mares work their magic.
  188. >Moments later, the pleasure reaches a peak, and your dick twitches again, the head flaring and your balls tightening as you finally blow.
  189. >The mare's eyes widen as the cum splashes into her mouth.
  190. >She gulps it down, though the second load comes too fast and she gags, pulling off and reflexively taking a few steps back.
  191. >The bottom two mares, who had been watching the exchange intently, jump up.
  192. >Quill, the second unicorn, catches the third and fourth loads in her magic, looking you in the eyes as she levitates them in her mouth, throwing her head back and demonstratively showing the bulge in her neck go down as she swallows it all, smacking her lips.
  193. >Figures that the shy nerd would be the quiet freak.
  194. >Meanwhile, the pegasus locks her lips around the flare, suckling fiercely, not letting a single drop go to waste as you shoot a few more loads into her mouth.
  195. >You spend a good minute panting as she keeps licking your sensitive head, finally pulling off as you start going soft.
  196. "Haaaaaaa... Now then... What did we learn today...?" You ask, looking at Acorn.
  197. >She has one hoof in her mouth and another one between her legs, whining and rubbing herself furiously.
  198. >"Um... Always be polite and ask nicely?" Quill ventures.
  199. "Exactly. Here you go," You say, levitating the glasses back on her muzzle.
  200. >"You... You said something about p-pounding?" The pegasus asks bashfully, hiding her face behind a wing.
  201. "I'm not a machine, give me a minute to catch my breath... But you would like that, wouldn't you? None of this "mares are in charge" idiocy? Just getting mounted properly, feeling my weight on your back and the heft of my shaft as it pokes against you? Me spreading your folds, spearing deep inside you as I bite your neck and hold you down, pounding you silly until you can't fly straight, then pounding you some more until you can't walk straight, and then pounding you even more for good measure until you can't see straight? Would you like that, you big, strong mare?"
  202. >A low whine escapes her lips as she winks furiously, squishes escaping her other lips as you talk dirty at her.
  203. >You chuckle as you fire up your horn and pick Quill up from the ground and pull her towards you, the mare flailing in panic for a second.
  204. "Like I said, give me a minute," You mutter, eyeing the unicorn pussy in front of you as you hold Quill in the air. "I'll happily pound some manners into you as well," you conclude, spreading Quill's marehood with your magic and sticking your tongue inside.
  207. >She gasps as you start playing with her folds, going to town on the cute nerd.
  208. >Good thing she's the adorable, neat kind of nerd, and not the obese and greasy one.
  209. >After wiggling your tongue inside her, you pull out, nibbling and licking her lips.
  210. >Her insides are nice, but there's just something amazing about the well-defined, thick lips of mare pussies that makes you want to play with them.
  211. >You keep applying pressure to them, running your tongue up and down, and flicking her clit whenever she winks.
  212. >Which is often.
  213. >She's gasping and whining as you hold her in the air, trying and failing to stifle the sounds coming from her mouth with her hooves.
  214. >You make sure to keep eye contact with her all the time, lidding your eyes and giving her a (hopefully) sexy look.
  215. >She seems to like it, blushing furiously.
  216. >Your ears twitch as the other mares start talking.
  217. >"Sooo... Who the heck do you think he is?"
  218. >"More like, what the heck do you think he is? Is he even a stallion?"
  219. >"Uh, Gale, you had his balls in your mouth. And drank a good load of his cum. How can you ask if he's a stallion or not?"
  220. >"I mean, is he a PONY stallion? What if that's a changeling, or something? Stallions don't act like that."
  221. >There's a pause as they consider the question.
  222. >You roll your eyes, pressing Quill's lips together with magic and scraping them with your tongue hard as you can.
  223. >The mare lets out a loud moan.
  224. >"I... I think I'm okay with him being a changeling, if, you know... He doesn't shove us into a cocoon after he's done with us, or something."
  225. >One of the mares scoffs.
  226. >"You've seen how strong he is, haven't you? Look at how he's holding Quill, he's not even putting in any real effort. He wouldn't need to tire us out if he wanted to abduct us. Pretty sure he could hold us down with his magic and cover us in slime, or whatever is it changelings do to cocoon ponies."
  227. >"Oh... Good point."
  228. >"Uh..." You recognize the voice as Acorn, the earth mare. "So, is he, like... Forcing himself on Quill?"
  229. >There's another pause. You try not to smile and focus on your magic, spreading Quill wide open and sending magic feelers into her depths, giving her more stimulation.
  230. >You're rewarded with another moan and a splash of mare juices on your chin and neck.
  231. >"What... The hay, Acorn?" An incredibly confused question comes from one of the others.
  232. >You think that was Gale, the pegasus.
  233. >"Well, uh, you know... He's stronger than us, and he practically dragged us here... After taking Quill's glasses and forcing his balls on her face?"
  234. >"What are you saying? That he's... What? Raping Quill? What the what? Seriously, what?"
  235. >"Well, I mean, he's strong enough to just grab any one of us, hold us down, and do whatever he wants to us. He didn't even ask Quill if she wanted this before grabbing her. Isn't that rape?"
  236. >There's a scoff from the other unicorn.
  237. >"Really, Acorn? That's not rape, that's a good time. A stallion could grab me and screw me in the middle of the street, for all I care."
  238. >The pegasus concurs.
  239. >"Yeah, seriously, of all the dumb things that you say, this might have just been the dumbest. Stallions can't rape, Acorn."
  240. >"I.. Guess you're right..."
  241. >You're forced to put in serious effort not to burst out laughing into Quill's marehood from listening to that conversation.
  242. >You lose a little bit of focus, your magic flaring a little and pouring into Quill, stretching her insides to her limits, giving you a view of every inch of her gaping tunnel.
  243. >She lets out a loud neigh, whining a little.
  244. >Whoops.
  245. >You disperse the magic, allowing her marehood to close again, going on the attack on her clit.
  246. >She starts bucking in the air, a low whine coming from her mouth.
  247. >Looks like she's getting close.
  248. >You slow down deliberately, giving firm, but slow licks on her lips, holding her in place.
  249. >She gives you a pleading look, to which you reply with a wink, not increasing your pace, edging her on purpose.
  250. >The mares start talking again.
  251. >"So... Back to the question... Who do you think he is?"
  252. >"Dunno. Some kind of dominator?"
  253. >"I didn't think those were real..."
  254. >"Huh?"
  255. >"Well, you know. A stallion dominating a mare? That's absurd. I thought that it was just a made-up fetish for mares that liked to pretend that a stallion was in charge. Didn't think that there's actually a way a stallion could do it for real."
  256. >"Oh. I guess that makes sense."
  257. >"Yeah, I mean, look at him. HE'S eating HER out, and yet he's definitely the one having his way with her, not the other way around. Didn't think that a stallion eating cunt could also be the one leading."
  258. >"Mmmmmh, yeah... Buck that's hot..."
  259. >"Why don't we just ask him?"
  260. >Quill answers, gasping for breath.
  261. >"He's - AH! - not going to - mmm - tell you, Gale. He cares about - mf - manners, and it's rude to - ooooh - talk with your mouth full."
  262. >"Oh. Huh."
  263. >You chuckle, using a bit of magic to expose her clit again.
  264. >Quill's breaths quicken in anticipation of what you're about to do.
  265. >You keep licking though, raising an eyebrow at her, but not touching her clit.
  266. >"P-please..." She whispers.
  267. >You give her an approving look. She gets the idea.
  268. >"Please, sir, pretty please, stop teasing me and let me cum!"
  269. "Well, since you asked nicely..."
  270. >You reach into her marehood with your magic again, rubbing and spreading her walls as you lock you lips on her clit, flicking it with your tongue and sucking on it furiously.
  271. >The effect is instantenous.
  272. >You've been holding her on the edge of orgasm for a good few minutes, and now that you finally give her release, release she does.
  273. >A waterfall of marecum splashes against your chin, running down your neck and chest.
  274. >You keep licking and using your magic gently on her sensitive marehood as she screams, moans, and whimpers.
  276. >Slowly, the sounds she's making turn towards whines as she ineffectually tries to push your face off herself with her forehooves.
  277. >"P-please, mercy..."
  278. "Oh, alright," You grin, finally putting her down in your lap.
  279. >"Sweet Celestia..." Gale comments.
  280. >You chuckle as you nibble on Quill's ears, rubbing her back with both forelegs as she pants, trying to catch her breath.
  281. >The other mares keep staring, small puddles gathering on the ground between their hindlegs.
  282. >Looks like they enjoyed the show.
  283. >Quill is still blushing furiously, squirming a little. You don't let her get away, though, holding her firmly against yourself.
  284. >Her squirming makes her tail and coat rub against your dick, though.
  285. >You were doing your best to ignore it and not to get hard while you were eating her, to give your buddy a rest.
  286. >It mostly worked, and you were only peeking out of your sheath a little.
  287. >Quill's rubbing and thinking about it instantly makes you start hardening again, though.
  288. >With each heartbeat, your shaft pulses, extending a little bit more.
  289. >Quill gasps as she feels the entire process, your dick rubbing against her flanks as it lengthens.
  290. >The other mares stare with hungry looks as your shaft peeks out from under the unicorn.
  291. "Sooo.... Gale, was it?"
  292. >"Y-yeah?"
  293. "You'll have to remind me... Was there something you wanted...?"
  294. >You emphasize the question with a slight thrust of your hips, making your dick bob in the air.
  295. >Gale gulps, her wings extending to the fullest.
  296. >"Well, if you would be so kind, sir, I would very much like it if you please would shove that thing deep inside me and spread me wide and don't stop until I can't fly straight for a week? If you would be ever so generous, please?
  297. >You laugh a little, gently pulling Quill off you and standing up, your equipment on full display.
  298. "Sure thing. Turn around, and move your tail aside."

Size doesn't matter

by SmutAnon

Politeness costs nothing

by SmutAnon

It's not gay

by SmutAnon

Crystal bells

by SmutAnon

Anon in RGREldritch Equestria

by SmutAnon