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It's not gay

By SmutAnon
Created: 2022-08-15 17:12:36
Updated: 2023-09-05 20:52:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Old prompt from 2018:
  3. >You are one dense retard.
  4. >Like really.
  5. >The RGR never really sinks in thanks to you not being terribly observant.
  6. >But you like living in the moment, and decide to enjoy life now and lament on your lost home later.
  7. >So naturally you want to bang a pony alien just to say you did. The language barrier is annoying, but not impossible to circumvent.
  8. >So you picked out a female who typically is alone, who naturally plays hard to get, then win her over with affection and the occasional gift.
  9. >Again, the language barrier sucks, but by now you know enough Equestrian to kind of understand things.
  10. >But your annoyance at the barrier and your depression at losing Earth is easied greatly by the warm and affectionate pony who loves her spot in your arms.
  11. >Even without words, the love is there.
  12. >Finally your mate is comfortable enough with getting intimate, making it obvious with her expression and her insistence on leading you to the bed.
  13. >You have her a shivering, moaning mess with just some kissing and ear nibbles, so now it's time to move on. You trail your hand down her front...
  14. >...And palm an erection.
  15. >...She is a He.
  16. >It suddenly hits you that you've never seen between the legs of a pony before today and you didn't have the words to ask so you just assumed based on the feminine behavior.
  17. >You tried to apply human norms to aliens, you idiot
  18. >Your lover looks down at the tent in your underwear when you freeze, a look of startled realization passing over her (him?)
  19. >Apparently you fooled him as much as he fooled you.
  20. >But even with all the confusion, you still feel love.
  21. >This is the creature you put effort into wooing, the creature you silently swore to protect...
  22. >...The creature who would hold you when the reality that your home and family are gone, letting you silently cry without judgement, even if she-er, he (dammit that's confusing) didn't totally understand why you were upset.
  23. >Your mate shifts uncomfortably and tentatively nuzzles you. "Anon?" He asks in his deceptively feminine voice. "You are okay? Change... No change us, no change us, yes?" He asks in the English he's picked up. "No change?" He asks again, eyes wet and full of desperate hope.
  24. >Fuck...
  26. Anon picks it up in 2021, fucking dies immediately after:
  28. >Be Anon.
  29. >Be sitting on the edge of your bed, your trap, uh, boyfriend(?) nuzzling into your neck as you contemplate your next set of actions.
  30. >This is a weird as fuck situation indeed, and Papanon raised no fag, so you won't abide the rule of 'Ass is ass!'
  31. >Even if you can't see Choco Foam as anything but female.
  32. >Dick's still there, so you absentmindedly begin to pet her-HIS, his mane to calm yourself.
  33. >While your monkey brain goes brrr, you reach an epiphany.
  34. >These pony-aliens, they are herding like the many ungulates back on Earth!
  35. >So, in theory, you can keep your trap boyfriend (what the fuck) /AND/ have sex!
  36. >But with an actual female, though.
  37. >Okay, yeah, some parts of this plan needs some polishing, right now it sounds incredibly gay.
  38. >Dismissing the thought, you look down into Choco's vivid, chocolate brown eyes, still wet with tears.
  40. >Be Choco Foam.
  41. >Be quite upset about this revelation you went through in the past minutes.
  42. >Anon, for all intents and purposes, was the dictionary example of a strong yet caring mare.
  43. >You should have realized sooner, /him/ being an alien and all...
  44. >But alas, you brought yourself into this situation, you might still get something out of it.
  45. >For the past ten minutes Anon's been just petting your mane - oh, you love that so much - visibly in thought.
  46. >Then he looks down and you see on his face how emotionally hurt he is.
  47. >Losing his homeworld and then, well, /this/, must be hard on him.
  48. >"I have idea. You may no like." He tells you in his broken Equish - just another point showing how dedicated he is, to learn your language without prompting - and you raise your eyebrows curiously.
  49. >"We go to bar, find not-stallion?" He asks more than suggest, although he himself sounds unsure. "I want no change but uhhh... you stallion, me stallion, not okay." He continues, doing his best to pronounce the words correctly. "We find not-stallion, we keep... uhh... uhh... love to make?" You think you understand what he means.
  50. >Well... this is actually great news for you, in all honesty.
  51. >He not only wants to continue your relationship - despite being against gayness - but also wants to find a mare so the both of you can have some fun?
  52. >Your heart starts to beat faster.
  53. "Yes, let's go." You simply respond to him and smile, making him let out a sigh of relief and smile himself.
  54. >You just wonder what exactly will happen next, how will Anon act and behave from now on...
  56. >Be Anon again.
  57. >Be quite proud of yourself, based on your trap boyfriend's (what the fuck, stop saying that you fag) reaction you managed to convey the idea to him well enough for him to understand.
  58. >You can see on his face that he's regained hope, his hot cocoa colored coat almost looking brighter and his whipped cream colored mane bobbing just right.
  59. >Fuck, you are thinking about kissing him again, the pony-alien is just so aesthetically pleasing, you can't help yourself, being that fucking gay or not.
  60. >Fighting the urge back, you gently place Choco on the floor, allowing both of you to get ready and return to the bar where you first picked him up.
  61. >Some time later you enter the 'fine establishment' and look around, your eyes automatically seeking out the girly looking and acting, well, 'stallions' is the right word, right?
  62. >You painfully remind yourself, they are not your target, not at all, and the reassuring hoof on your leg, paired with the similarly reassuring expression Choco makes upon looking down at him, you sigh, mentally fortifying yourself.
  63. "Let's get to work." You say in English, and Choco nods, understanding your words just fine.
  65. >Be Lavender Sky.
  66. >Be sitting alone in the bar.
  67. >Again.
  68. >You do your best, you really do.
  69. >But stallions just... don't like you for some reason.
  70. >Maybe it's your too vivid colors?
  71. >Or your mane being too wavy?
  72. >You.. honestly have no idea.
  73. >Letting out a sigh, you stare down into the reflective surface of your cider in your glass beer mug.
  74. >Your eyes go wide as you see not one but TWO silhouettes appearing in it!
  75. >Eyes wide in surprise, you crane your neck around to see just who is approaching you.
  76. >It's... it's a stallion, the chocolatey looking earth you tried your luck with before, only to be turned down.
  77. >And the alien mare who managed to easily swoon him the other day.
  78. >They exchange a glance, the alien mare nods, then the stallion speaks up.
  79. >"Hey there. Anon and I've been having some... 'trouble in the bed' and we were wondering if you were interested in, perhaps, joining us?"
  80. >The question, in its entirety, is so shocking to you, your only reaction is your pair of wings going absolutely madlass and sticking up as high as they can.
  81. >This does not get avoided by the stallion's attention.
  82. >With a knowing expression on his face he looks up at his marefriend and nods.
  83. >"She says yes!" He tells her, and oh colt, you are actually feeling a bit lightheaded.
  84. >You smile and think to yourself 'See Mom? I told you I was not a dyke!'
  86. >Be several minutes later, in the apartment of the hyoo-mann, apparently named Anon.
  87. >Be Lavender again, gawking at the view in front of you.
  88. >You are sitting on the edge of the oversized bed, and colt, are you glad you are already on your rump, because the news you just got would have made you fall on it, hard!
  89. >Apparently the 'bedroom problems' wasn't what you thought it was - that is, Anon being not quite enough to sate Choco - but that Anon was a he, with a stallionhood putting some porn actors to shame!
  90. >Well.
  91. >He is a big guy.
  92. >For you at least.
  93. >Forcing your mind at the topic at hoof, you audibly gulp, your eyes darting between the two cocks.
  94. >There... there was a question asked, you think.
  95. >You didn't pay much attention, your inner horny teenager in a dresstease club rampaging through your mind.
  96. >"Well? Are you alright with... this?" Choco asks you, and even with your attention pulled away from the plain view of dicks, your eyes still wander down, seeing his half-erect shaft gently pulsing with his heartbeat.
  97. "Y-yes, absolutely! I ain't no dyke, regardless of what my mom tells her herd sisters behind my back! Wait, why did I say that out loud?!"
  98. >Panic hits you like a torrential wave, only for Choco to snort and start chuckling and Anon, after a brief explanation in a language you don't understand, join him.
  99. >Then they approach you in unison.
  100. >"Anon here told me about something he wanted to try. So... who do you want to be in front and in the back?" Choco asks you coyly and you feel your face burning feverishly.
  101. "A... a spit roast?" You utter, to which both males nod their heads, lewd expressions clearly plastered on their faces.
  102. >Well, looks like you are into maledom now.
  103. >Shit.
  105. My continuation:
  107. >Be Lavender Sky again.
  108. >Not that you ever stopped, but it feels like you've been frozen in time for half a year.
  109. >Weird.
  110. >Must be the fact that there's not one, but TWO STALLIONS approaching you, dicks out, with rather clear intent to screw your brains out.
  111. >You're still a bit stunned. This kind of stuff only happens in lewd books and porn.
  112. >Your eyes keep darting back and forth between their hardening cocks.
  113. >They stop in front of you, the alien reaching his soft claws towards your mane, running them gently along your neck, and looking at you with a questioning expression.
  114. >Right, they asked you something.
  115. >Which holes do you want each of them to take?
  116. >Hmmmm...
  117. >...
  118. >The "human" is huge. He's almost twice your size, with a dick to match.
  119. >The chocolate stallion looks fairly average.
  120. >"The- the mouth," you stammer, looking at Anon.
  121. >Just like the rest of him, his dick looks really exotic. This should let you take a good look (and feel) as he's shoving it into you.
  122. >He seems to understand, nodding at you with a smile.
  123. >You glance at the stallion.
  124. >He's smiling widely, looking approvingly at the human massaging your scalp.
  125. >Celestia, that feels good.
  126. >With a gentle pull, the human moves his claws and takes your forehooves, guiding you to lie down across the bed.
  127. >This is it.
  128. >This is really happening.
  129. >Your backside is left dangling off the edge of the bed, your tail instantly moving aside for the stallion.
  130. >You feel yourself wink furiously.
  131. >A moment later, you gasp, feeling his forehooves land on you flanks, kneading them.
  132. >"I'd tell you to give some kind of signal if this gets too much for you, but I'm pretty sure you're just going to say what mares always say."
  133. >"H-hey, are you saying I can't take a p-pounding from a stall- two stallions? I can take this- huge dick..."
  134. >You trail off as the human's dick boops your nose, already fully erect.
  135. >He climbed on the bed while you were talking to the stallion, running his claws along your feathers.
  136. >Choco laughs, though there's no malice behind it.
  137. >"As you wish."
  138. >A low whine escapes your throat.
  139. >Your heart is beating like crazy, and you're flushed all over.
  140. >Your wings are at full extension and feel like they're made of stone. No, steel.
  141. >Come on, Lavender, mare up.
  142. >You let out a breath on the human's dick, watching it like a hawk.
  143. >A small shiver runs through his body.
  144. >All right, alien or not, he's still a colt.
  145. >You open your mouth, licking his tip and inviting him in.
  146. >Mmmm. He tastes salty.
  147. >He sighs, grabbing your head and slowly sliding himself into your maw.
  148. >You wrap your lips around him, ever so gently massaging his dick as he slides deeper in.
  149. >As he goes deeper, you do your best to use your tonge to massage the base of the dick.
  150. >You might not have any experience with this, but by your ancestors, you're going to make him feel good or die trying.
  151. >Meanwhile, Choco mounts you properly, running his muzzle along your wings, nibbling gently as he prods your entrance with his stallionhood.
  152. >A tiny moan escapes your throat.
  153. >You wink again as he presses against you, gently sliding into your folds.
  154. >You reflexively try to glance behind yourself, but get the dick in your mouth and the claws rubbing your ears prevent that.
  155. >You squirm a little as you try to figure out how to best do this.
  156. >Looks like your backside is entirely at the mercy of the earth stallion.
  157. >Turning your eyes forward, you focus on the human's dick.
  158. >It's very smooth, with a pointed tip and even texture, slowly approaching the end of your mouth and reaching for your throat.
  159. >And there's barely less than half of it inside so far.
  160. >There's... No medial ring, you notice.
  161. >Your eyes widen a little as you realize what's going to happen.
  162. >Just as you expected, the human - Anonymous, mare, remember his name or he'll smack you for it later! - keeps going, biting his lip while looking into your eyes.
  163. >You do your best to make a seductive look, lidding your eyes and suckling on his dick.
  164. >He seems to like it, caressing your cheek and smiling at you.
  165. >That's right, big colt, give it to me. I'm a hot mare.
  166. >Yes I am...
  167. >There's two stallions inside me, and that's more than any of the cunts that kept calling me a dyke ever had.
  168. >Choco bottoms out, sighing as you squeeze him, before focusing on Anon again.
  169. >His tip pokes your throat, meeting some resistance.
  170. >He hesitates briefly, but keeps pushing forward, looking at you with a questioning expression.
  171. >Aww, what a sweetie.
  172. >You try to force your head forward, but the angle makes it hard.
  173. >He stops you with a claw, making you raise your muzzle up and straightening out your neck.
  174. >Then he pushes again, and you can feel his tip moving down your throat.
  175. >Your eyes go a little wide as the your airflow gets cut off.
  176. >He pulls back for a moment, letting you get a breath in.
  177. >After you give him a grateful look, he pushes forward again, more insistently this time.
  178. >You lid your eyes and focus on the sensations.
  179. >His musky smell.
  180. >His salty taste.
  181. >The texture of his cock on your tongue and lips.
  182. >The feeling of your throat getting a good stretching.
  183. >You never understood the mares that said they liked eating stallions out instead of getting their cunts filled, but you guess you had to experience it for yourself.
  184. >AND you're getting your cunt filled anyway!
  185. >Choco is thrusting away, in his slow, gentle stallion rhythm.
  186. >Anon, meanwhile, is slowly but firmly shoving the rest of him inside you.
  187. >Top unf.
  188. >After a moment more, he goes all the way, his belly bumping against your nose, a sigh escaping him.
  189. >Damn, he doesn't even have a sheath. Literally ALL of him is inside your mouth and throat right now.
  190. >UNFFFF
  191. >All of him, except... You feel his balls slap against your chin. Your eyes widen.
  192. >Immediately, you dart your tongue out, doing your best to caress every part of those wonderful orbs.
  193. >Anon sighs again, pressing against you even more.
  194. >Your jaw is stretched almost to the point of hurting, but you don't care.
  195. >This is bucking amazing.
  196. >You look sadly at his retreating balls as he starts pulling out, only to shove himself back in your throat with a smack.
  197. >Damn, he likes it rough, huh?
  198. >You like it.
  199. >He starts building up a rhythm, using your mouth and throat as he wishes while you do your best not to lose your mind from the synchronized thrusting of two stallions.
  200. >You can't focus on anything through the pleasure, so you just lay there, taking it, letting two stallions absolutely have their way with you.
  201. >Using you as their plaything, petting you, nipping on your sensitive spots as you lay there helplessly, pounded on both ends.
  202. >Not very marely, not at all.
  203. >But you're getting fucked by two stallions, which is only possible for the biggest trixie thundercunts to achieve.
  204. >The whole situation does not add up.
  205. >Such extremely important philosophical questions run through your mind as you raptly watch the dick disappearing and reappearing out of your mouth, licking his balls whenever they get in reach.
  206. >Anon gestures for you to signal him when you need to take a breath.
  207. >Ha. He doesn't seem to know that pegasi can hold their breaths far longer than any stallion can last.
  208. >He looks at you with concern, but you give him the lidded eyes again, which makes him thrust a little faster.
  209. >Absently, you reach a hoof towards your neck.
  210. >Whoa.
  211. >You can FEEL the massive bulge going back and forth.
  212. >Damn, he's big.
  213. >You twitch as Choco rams into you a little harder.
  214. >Your backside's been running on autopilot, reflexively squeezing him now and then.
  215. >Your legs are soaked from your arousal, and you feel yourself getting close.
  216. >Judging by Choco's increased speed, he's about to blow, too.
  217. >You raise your tail and drape it across his back, caressing him gently.
  218. >He responds by biting your neck, his thrusts getting wild.
  219. >Your throat muscles flex reflexively, fruitlessly attempting to moan through the human dick occupying the space.
  220. >Moments later, Choco flares, stretching you out just that little bit more and pushing you over the edge.
  221. >You feel him cum as he gives a few last tiny thrusts, nibbling on your neck and moaning lightly.
  222. >Your eyes cross from the pleasure as you realize something.
  223. >Anon still hadn't cum yet.
  224. >And you're actually feeling a little short of breath.
  225. >Sweet Celestia, is he some kind of sex demon from another plane?
  226. >He keeps thrusting away as Choco slowly recovers, raising his head from where he's draped across you.
  227. >"Anon...?" He asks in a slightly dazed voice.
  229. >You are Anon, and holy shit pegasi are amazing.
  230. >She's been holding her breath for what, five minutes now?
  231. >Just laying there, taking it, giving you lewd looks as you use her face as a fleshlight.
  232. >You hope she's really enjoying it as much as she appears to be.
  233. >Choco seems to have finished, looking at you with awe, fascination, and just a hint of jealousy.
  234. >Glancing at the mare, he fumbles for a few English words.
  235. >"Anon, does... Does mare not- good?"
  236. >She feels good. Very good. You're getting close, but you're not there just yet.
  237. "No, Choco, she feels good. Amazing, wonderful even. I guess I just... Last longer."
  238. >He nods, mostly understanding.
  239. >The mare is looking at you with wide eyes, fidgeting a little now.
  240. >Right, maybe she finally ran out of breath.
  241. >You pull out, letting her get a few huge gulps of air.
  242. >She's tired and there's tears running down her cheeks, but there's an absolutely massive smile on her face.
  243. >She tries to tell you something, but all she can manage is a happy gurgle.
  244. >A few deep breaths later, she opens her mouth wide, gesturing towards it with a hoof.
  245. >"Wow," Choco remarks.
  246. >However, her neck sways and her head almost falls on her bed, her muscles too tired to support her.
  247. >You make a quick decision.
  248. "Choco, help me flip her on her back.
  249. >With the stallion's help, you quickly turn her over, carefull so you don't hurt her wings.
  250. >Her confused expression turns to understanding as you switch positions a little, resting her neck on the bed as you line up with her mouth again.
  251. >Moments later, you're back inside her, pumping back and forth.
  252. >Your boyf- argh.
  253. >You seriously need to think this gay shit through some time.
  254. >Your bro.
  255. >That's right, he's your bro. You're fucking a female together. Nothing gay about that at all.
  256. >You keep giving the pegasus the fucking of a lifetime as you see Choco drop from his sheath again.
  257. >His cock pulses with his heartbeat, rapidly getting hard as he watches the scene, slackjawed.
  258. >Moments later, it slaps against his belly, snapping him out of his reverie.
  259. >You observe him as he approaches the bed, nuzzling the mare's belly.
  260. >Yup. Nothing gay at all.
  262. >Be Choco
  263. >This day has been all kinds of interesting.
  264. >Ups and downs.
  265. >You found out that the nice, loving mare that could make you feel absolutely amazing with just a touch was a stallion.
  266. >That was a surprise for both of you.
  267. >You weren't gay, but you loved him enough to try and make it work, if he wanted to.
  268. >He didn't want to, though.
  269. >Fortunately, that didn't mean he wanted to leave you.
  270. >So, you two went mare hunting.
  271. >The results of your hunt were now spread out on the bed, a quivering, helpless puddle of a mare.
  272. >The sounds of wet smacks and gulps echoed across the room.
  273. >Her hoves twitched now and then, but she didn't try to do anything.
  274. >She was helpess. You, a stallion, were completely in charge.
  275. >You and your mare- Stallionfriend?
  276. >You'll figure it out later.
  277. >You heard the rumors, of course.
  278. >About how some mares wanted to be dominated by stallions.
  279. >About how there were dominator stallions that wore black, skintight getups and carried whips, getting paid to spank mares and do whatever they wanted with them.
  280. >You assumed that it was mostly confined to fantasies and porn flicks.
  281. >But now, you're experiencing it in real life, minus the skintight getups and the whips.
  282. >And sweet Celestia, it's hot.
  283. >Despite finishing a mere couple minutes earlier, you're rock hard again.
  284. >You thought that this would be a hard and complicated relationship, and you both would need to put in a lot of work.
  285. >But it seems that Anonymous knew what he was doing.
  286. >He took charge, but you knew you could trust him. He earned it.
  287. >It was his idea to go back to the bar and find someone for both of you to have fun with.
  288. >Fast and decisive, just like a mare.
  289. >Except he wasn't.
  290. >His rather stallionly dick and balls certainly showed that.
  291. >Still, he had the character and the attitude of a mare.
  292. >You would have him as your lead mare, happily.
  293. >Or stallion.
  294. >A little unusual, but you felt comfortable with the idea.
  295. >A warmth spread through your chest as you gazed lovingly at the human.
  296. >Yes, this was going work out wonderfully, you're sure of it.
  297. >Then you remembered the heat and hardness in your nethers.
  298. >Oh, right. Snap back to the present, Choco.
  299. >You go to mount Lavender Sky again, licking and nuzzling her belly.
  300. >She wouldn't mind, you figured.
  301. >Putting your forelegs on the bed, you nuzzle into her chest tuft, losing yourself in the mare's scent as you find her marehood with your dick again.
  302. >She was still wet as a river from the previous round, so you go right back to thrusting.
  303. >She twitched again, but didn't complain.
  304. >Not that she could, with her mouth full.
  305. >Anon bit his lip, cradling her head as he thrusted erratically into her mouth.
  306. >You figured he must be getting close by now.
  307. >Blinking, you watch a huge bulge moving back and forth through Lavender's neck.
  308. >Wow. You hope it doesn't hurt.
  309. >Slowly, you reach your muzzle towards her neck as you keep pumping away at her marehood.
  310. >You nuzzle and nibble at it, feeling Anon's impressive stallionhood move back and forth.
  311. >Lavender Sky reaches out with her forelegs, hugging you closer.
  312. >After a few more thrusts, Anon bottoms out in her mouth, unloading deep into her throat with a groan.
  313. >You lick her neck, feeling him pulse through her.
  314. >It's amazingly hot.
  315. >You start thrusting faster, trying to fill her from both ends simultaneously.
  316. >Lavender is just lying there, taking it all.
  317. >You never thought about it before, but now you don't think you could go back to being a meek, submissive stallion in the bedroom.
  318. >The whole experience was just too amazing.
  319. >Well, you'd be submissive for Anon. But you don't think he'll ever be interested in sex if there isn't a mare between you two.
  320. >You can't help but start moaning as you keep pounding into the mare, still slightly sensitive from your previous orgasm.
  321. >Soon enough, you feel yourself flaring, going in as deep as you can.
  322. >You see stars as your second orgasm blows through you.
  323. >It's amazing. Far better than the first one.
  324. >Anon pulls out, petting Lavender as you lay stretched out across her, panting.
  325. >It takes a good few minutes for you two to recover.
  326. >Which isn't nearly enough time for Lavender Sky, it seems.
  327. >She just lays there with a dopey smile on her face, the occasional twitch being the only sign that she's still alive.
  328. >You snigger as you nip at her neck.
  329. >"I think we broke her, Anon."
  330. >She lets out a happy whinny, feebly stroking your mane.
  331. >He laughs, stroking her wings.
  332. >You could get used to this.

Size doesn't matter

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Politeness costs nothing

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It's not gay

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Crystal bells

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Anon in RGREldritch Equestria

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