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Spy Green

By Aftercase
Created: 2022-08-16 23:48:57
Updated: 2022-08-24 20:31:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >The mare smirks then gives you a wink. She speaks with a soft but assured voice.
  2. >Her accent flows with an odd twang from the frontier.
  3. >"Good eye Agent Twenty Two..."
  4. >Slowly, she runs her hoof up her thigh and lifts her dress.
  5. >You see a small pistol holster attached to her lace garter.
  6. >"It's been a little while since I had a partner..."
  7. >The mare eyes you up then down, her gaze hangs a little too long around your crotch before falling to your well-polished shoes.
  8. >Taking a sip of her drink she elegantly places it down, "First mission?.." She carefully watches your expression, but hours of training crafted a well-perfected poker face. "Hmm...Hard to read. Very well. The situation is this..."
  9. >The mare speaks in a hushed tone.
  10. >"Our hit is in the private rooms at the back," She motions her head to signify the location of the said rooms, "Our little mob boss has his fodder well placed around the door..."
  11. >The mare pauses as a pin-striped stallion takes place in front of the private rooms.
  12. >"Bad news is that the boss has been tipped off about his hit, the good news is the rat is taking a long nap in a trash compactor..." The mare chuckles, "Look at them all..."
  13. >The mare sighs and then smirks again.
  14. >"I place my bits that they are all looking for some well-dressed stallion with a Trottenham accent...So..."
  15. >The mare strokes the glass up and down.
  16. >"How do you want to do this? Slow or steady? Or rough and loud?...And no, I'm not telling my preference...You're going to have to figure that out on your own honey..."
  18. >You stare at that mare for a few moments as the band on stage starts to play their next song. An upbeat twenties swing plays through the building.
  19. "The private rooms. Do they have windows?"
  20. >The mare shakes her head.
  21. >"They are private for a reason honey...He's in there like a rat in a cage."
  22. >You slowly nod.
  23. >You pull on the sleeves of your jacket and righten your shirt collar.
  24. >Next you hold the bottom of your tie and pull it up a little. In one motion you slip your hand into your jacket pocket then pull your piece.
  25. >You spin and aim at the stallion then pull the trigger.
  26. >Your gun rings out over the music, and the stallion's head recoils.
  27. >Blood starts pumping through your veins.
  28. >The music stops.
  29. >The ponies freeze.
  30. >And the blood spills.
  31. >A scream from a mare breaks the silence. Ponies run, scream, and climb over each other to exit the bar. Tables turn, glasses smash, and stallions yell.
  32. >The mare slips off the stall, her hooves lightly clack on the floor.
  33. >She whips her bushy flowing mane back to reveal a horn.
  34. >"Oh~ Twenty Two...You know how to make a mare excited..." She speaks in a sultry voice as she uses her magic to slide up her red dress, to show more than her pistol. "Nothing better than a good strong stallion, to leave me in such a mess..."
  35. >You watch her eyes glance behind you, in one motion she grabs her pistol with her magic and fires. The bullet narrowly grazes your neck.
  36. >"Not even a flinch...This is going to be fun..."
  37. >You turn around and step over a bleeding mob stallion, kicking his knife away as you do so.
  38. >Spotting the other mobsters in the stampeding crowd you open fire, hitting two and missing one, who toppled a table and hid.
  39. >You attempt to run towards him ready for a clearer shot but instead your path was blocked by another table being magically slid in front of you.
  40. >"Honey, duck!"
  41. >You slid behind it as a deafening blast hit the other side.
  42. >Wooden splinters cover your suit.
  43. >To your left you see the mare slide up beside you, open fire then duck.
  44. >Over the smell of gunfire and alcohol, you can smell her sweet perfume.
  45. >"Huh...Saw-Off I mean really...Not classy in the slightest."
  46. >The mare shoots over the table once more.
  47. >You hear a yell before a meaty thud.
  48. >A slamming of a door causes you both to poke your head over the splintered table.
  49. >"I guess the boss is getting the rundown." The mare mutters as you both survey the now empty room.
  50. >The mare's ears twitch before she sighs.
  51. >It appears she hears it before you do.
  52. >Police sirens.
  53. >"Here come the show stoppers...We need to make this quick. Three thousand bits on four guards in there." The mare motions to the door of the private room.
  54. >You hold up three fingers.
  55. >"Three guards?"
  56. >You nod, hold up four fingers then smile.
  57. >"Four thousand? Alright, honey. I'm in..."
  59. >Making sure the bar area is clear, you both stand up.
  60. >You brush off the wood splinters from your suit.
  61. >A tiny rattle from a glass triggers your reflexes.
  62. >Both of you turn with your pistols aimed at the bartender.
  63. >"D-don't shoot!" The bartender stammers and he holds his front hooves up.
  64. >The mare sighs and then waves her pistol towards the door.
  65. >The stallion takes no time to flee, leaping over the dead mobsters as he weeps.
  66. >The mare tuts and shakes her head.
  67. >"Stallions these days, no spine, no back racks..." She mutters as she slides up the clip from her pistol. Giving a quick count she slides it back in. She looks at you. "What?"
  68. >You raise an eyebrow as you simply reload yours.
  69. >"Now that's just being wasteful. Four left, one for each head. That's being resourceful..." The mare trails off as she walks towards the door.
  70. >You watch her swing her hips and flick her tail as she does. You can just about catch a glimpse of her bra from the bottom of her short dress.
  71. >From what you can tell she has some teats.
  72. >Noticing you are watching, she flicks her tail higher.
  73. >You smirk and follow her.
  74. >Both of you take a position on either side of the door.
  75. >The mare knocks on it and then quickly returns with her back to the wall.
  76. >Multiple bullet holes piece the wood and ricochet around the other side of the bar.
  77. >"I think they are nervous...Do you think so, honey?"
  78. >The mare grabs the door with her magic and then tears it off its hinges.
  79. >Bullets come flying from the now naked door frame.
  80. >"I'm sorry Twenty Two, but this mare holds a dirty secret..." She reaches between her hind legs and pulls out a rounded smoke bomb. "I'm really an A cup..."
  81. >The mare shrugs at the fact and then tosses in the smoke bomb.
  82. >The mobsters start coughing as you both storm the room.
  83. >Bang.
  84. >Bang.
  85. >Bang.
  86. >Bang.
  87. >Three bodies hit the floor.
  88. >The mare lightly blows the barrel of her gun and then reloads.
  89. >"None wasted."
  90. >The smoke clears. A lone mobster stands against a wall with a flick knife strapped to his foreleg. He stares at you both in shock as a misaimed bullet is lodged in the wall inches from his head.
  91. >You point at him.
  92. "You missed one."
  94. >"Huh?" The mare huffs. "Maybe that bartender did spike my drink...I don't normally miss."
  95. >Looking at the mare who is now frowning at the lone mobster, you aim the gun at him then fire.
  96. >You hear a body slide down the wall ending with a fleshy thump on the floor.
  97. >"Show off..." The mare lowers her gun as you both look around.
  98. >Seeing it's clear you both holster your weapons.
  99. >"Seems like our rat has escaped his cage..." The mare says as she moves around the room, scanning over nook and cranny.
  100. "Are you sure he was here in the first place?"
  101. >"I watched him enter through that very door."
  102. >One of the dead mobs' bodies starts to glow green, and you both redraw your weapons and aim.
  103. >Eventually the green glow subsides, and a dead green changing takes his place.
  104. >"Damn it!" The mare kicks the changeling's body in frustration. "That was our chance...Celestia knows where the boss is now..."
  106. >"And the fun is over...Let's get back to HQ." The mare readies her gun. "Probably some gin on the way back..."
  108. >"...Three." The mare starts counting down.
  109. >You both leave the private room
  110. >"Two..."
  111. >Then across the area.
  112. >"One..."
  113. >You hear some shouting and commotion outside, you can hear ponies trying to pull rank on each other.
  114. >The voice changes on the megaphone.
  116. >The mare rolls her eyes.
  117. >"It seems like our ride is here..."
  119. >You both emerge from the bar into a dark, rainy scene.
  120. >Old-fashioned cop cars litter the street, with police ponies behind them.
  121. >It seems all eyes are on you and a black-suited unicorn stallion is walking toward you.
  122. >He stops in his tracks, then brushes back his black rain-matted mane with a hoof as he looks at you both with dismay.
  123. >"Figures...Agent Slick. EIA...I think it's about time you both call it a night."
  124. >You both pass over your weapons for your answer.
  125. >"Good." The stallion smiles at the waves over a black car.
  126. >Agent Slick opens the rear door and motions you both to enter.
  127. >The mare spends no time hopping in as you follow suit.
  128. >Slick slams the door shut and taps on the door twice as the car pulls away.
  129. >"You two had fun tonight?" The driver speaks up.
  130. >You glance up from the backseat to find two yellow cat-like eyes looking back at you in the rearview mirror.
  131. >"Started with a rat and ended with a bug..." The mare grumbles as she stretches with a yawn, "But Agent Twenty-Two here made it a good time, I have to say you know how to move..."
  132. >The mare nudges you lightly with a hoof.
  133. >The driver narrows his eyes at you in the mirror, and you stare back with a stone-cold gaze.
  134. >"What are you anyway?"
  135. "Human. Other than that, it's classified."
  136. >You end with a shrug.
  137. >"Figured as much...Never seen you around, are you new?"
  138. >"I tried getting him to answer that earlier, not much of a talker," The mare retorts. "Are you Twenty Two?"
  139. >You shake your head then look out the window.
  140. >The rain patters against the glass as the car drives through the empty streetlamp streets of the city.
  141. >"See..." You feel the mare lean into you, and once again you can smell her sweet perfume, "You play the mystery stallion so well~ Dangerous and Mysterious, a deadly combination..." Her hoof slowly creeps up your thigh as she nears her muzzle to your ear and softly speaks, "I want to know your next move..."
  142. >The mare pauses, then starts to wriggle a bit.
  143. >"Ah...Hang on...." She fidgets under her dress and pulls out another smoke bomb, "Forgot that was still there...Now, where were we, honey?"
  144. >The driver coughs and then glances back into his mirror, "Agent Nineteen, may I interrupt but I must relay your next order from HQ..."
  145. >With a huff, the mare replies flippantly "What is it, Chauffeur?"
  146. >The way she called him chauffeur you guess it is his name or alias.
  147. >"HQ will contact you via telephone..." The chauffeur relays the order as he pulls over to a steady stop.
  148. >The back of the front seats slides open to reveal your new pistols and a few magazines.
  149. >The mare grins as she sees a hidden bottle of gin, "Oh Chauffeur, you're starting to know me too well...It's getting dangerous..." The mare grabs the gin with her hooves as well as grabs and loads her pistol with her magic.
  150. >"I'm out of your league Nineteen."
  151. >The mare smirks at his reply.
  152. >You simply take your pistol, load it, and holster it.
  153. >Once you have pocketed your magazines, you both leave the car.
  155. >You both stand in the rain in front of an abandoned building.
  156. >The wet redbricks glistened under the light of the streetlamps, and the rain echoed through the hollow windows.
  157. >Faintly, you hear a phone ring.
  158. >"That'll be HQ..." The mare says as she hops through a glassless window.
  159. >You climb in after the mare, a low glow from her horn lights the empty barren rooms, with no wallpaper, no features, just unpolished wooden floors.
  160. >You both enter the room where the telephone rings in the darkness, like the others, this one is almost barren.
  161. >As the mare's horn lights up the room, you see an old twenties-style brass telephone sitting on an old oak desk.
  162. >The bell chimes as it calls for an answer.
  163. >The mare picks up the earpiece with her magic and then places it next to her ear.
  164. >"Agent Nineteen..." The mare speaks in a monotone voice, "Twenty-Two, Alive."
  165. >The mare listens for a moment.
  166. >"Target escaped, changeling body double. Intel is incorrect."
  167. >The mare flinches, as she continues to listen into the earpiece.
  168. >"Will not happen again, Mistress...Thank you...Good-bye." The mare hangs up.
  169. >The mare shudders before turning to you.
  170. >"Well...The good news is we are off the hook for the failed assignment, the Mistress has ordered us to rest up. She's got another assignment for us...The bad news is a black paper mission. A do or die...The details have already been delivered to my safe house."
  171. >You look down at the mare then shrug.
  172. >"...Do you know what do or die means? It's a black paper mission, it means our target is very high-profile...."
  173. >You shrug again.
  174. >"How can you simply shrug?"
  175. "It's a mission, white paper, black paper, toilet paper. It's all the same..."
  176. >"We won't be just shooting normal mobsters Twenty-Two, besides, we won't have the help of HQ, the EIA, or anypony, it means this is off the records, it means we do our own intel, planning, and execution."
  177. "Sounds fun."
  178. >"..."
  179. >The mare stops then looks up at you, "I.."
  180. >She pauses, and a small smirk appears at the corner of her mouth.
  181. >"It does...Yeah..." The mare nods, "Loud and rough or slow and steady?"
  182. >You smile at her.
  184. >You follow the mare, at least you now know her as Agent Nineteen back to her safe house, it wasn't too far from the point of contact, but still, you both got soaked from the rain.
  185. >Her apartment seems normal, it sits on top of a highrise in a run-down area. You both enter through a large wooden door and start to ascend a concrete staircase, with black painted railings.
  186. >When you reach the top floor, the mare stops in front of a worn red door and searches for her keys, then unlocks the door.
  187. >Nineteen shakes off the excess rain from her fur and dress before entering.
  188. >Entering her seems like a shift of realities, the run-down exterior became a wealthy state of art-deco. White walls and black trims run along the hallway. The wall is littered with Bauhaus-like art and marble statues of unknown or famous ponies.
  189. >"I'll show you around..." The mare states as she walks down the corridor.
  190. >She taps on the door and then pushes it open.
  191. >"Lounge," The mare keeps walking a few meters then pushes another door "Kitchen," She continues to move to the next one but only taps the door, "My bedroom...Go in there I'll kill you, or pounce you, haven't decided yet...and finally..." She pauses in front of a double set of doors, "Armory." The mare pushes the doors open.
  192. >The walls are littered with weapons of all types.
  193. >Rifles.
  194. >Shotguns.
  195. >SMGs.
  196. >Handguns.
  197. >Crossbows.
  198. >Swords.
  199. >"It's a mix from work and my personal collection..." Nineteen shrugs before pulling out her pistol with her magic.
  200. >She drops the magazine and then unloads it.
  201. >The mag is tucked nicely away in an ammo box, while she places the pistol in its rightful hanging slot on the wall.
  202. >You hear hoofsteps from behind you, you raise your hand towards the inside of your jacket.
  203. >"That'll be my maid, I prefer it if you didn't shoot her, it's so hard to find one with experience with firearms..." Nineteen asks as she starts pulling hidden blades from around her body.
  204. >You turn around to see another mare wearing a maid pinny.
  205. >The maid is pure white with a dusty brown mane, she looks up at you with two large emerald eyes.
  206. >"Miss Nineteen, it appears a suited monkey has followed you in."
  207. >Nineteen laughs, "That'll be Agent Twenty-Two, he is my new partner, he will be staying with us."
  208. >"I see," The mare never breaks eye contact with you.
  209. >...
  210. >"Dusty, do I have any mail?" Nineteen asks.
  211. >The maid nods, eventually tearing her eyes away from yours.
  212. >"You do, a black envelope. It appears to be from your work."
  213. >Nineteen looks up to you, "Let's go over this with a drink...Dusty a gin, neat, loads of ice...Twenty-two?"
  214. "Whisky, no less than Twenty-Five years old. On the rocks."
  215. >The maid nods.
  216. >You wait in the lounge while Nineteen slips into something more comfortable.
  217. >You lay back on a pure white comfortable coach and sip on your whiskey as you look over the contents of the black envelope.
  218. >It's a dossier of your target.
  219. >Placing your glass on the black oak coffee table that lays in front of you, you spread out the documents.
  220. >First is the picture of your target.
  221. >It seems to be a noble, you can tell by the stallion's poster and clothing.
  222. >Black Wealth.
  223. >You read out his name in your mind.
  224. >You find several more photos of him talking to changelings, while others to be the mobsters you were shooting up earlier.
  225. >"If you're wondering why there is so much Pix Dust in this city he is the answer." Nineteen states as she looks over your shoulder from behind the coach.
  226. >The mare slinks around, to show off their black velvet nightgown.
  227. >While holding her gin in her magic she sits next to you, revealing plenty of leg and hip.
  228. >You couldn't notice a faint scar where the cutie mark should be.
  229. >You are glad you skipped that part of the induction at HQ.
  230. "Pix Dust?"
  231. >"Dried and refined changeling green jelly. Mix and boil dry with moonshine then you have a powerful stimulant with an amazing feel-good factor....Even more popular than opium from the Kirins."
  232. "So this Black Wealth is just a glorified drug dealer?"
  233. >The mare shakes her head.
  234. >"It says here that he is a Canterlot noble, if they're a hit on him, then that means he overstepped his mark. I place my bits that the EIA are no longer getting their fair share from their black budget opium trade."
  235. >You smirk at her cold analysis.
  236. "On a scale of one to ten, how protected is this guy?"
  237. >Nineteen picks up the documents with her magic and then reads them.
  238. >"Contracted mercenaries in the badlands, numerous hit ponies, and half a dozen ex-military bodyguards. Not to mention he pays the mob protection money."
  239. "I presume he knows he's ruffling some feathers."
  240. >"Indeed he does..." Nineteen trails off as she reads some more, "Says here he has not been seen in public for over six months...The EIA only knows he's alive due to intercepted telephone calls from an unknown location."
  241. "Do we have a lead to even start with?"
  242. >"I know a pony who is an ex EIA. He lives in Canterlot and he knows the nobles more than they do themselves..."
  246. "Sounds like you got a plan..."
  247. >Nineteen doesn't look up from the documents as she hovers over her drink and takes an elegant sip before replying.
  248. >"Almost, it's clear the bits made from pix dust all flow back to Black Wealth..." Nineteen, takes another drink, a bit longer from the last, "Dusty?"
  249. >The maid trots up to the side of the couch.
  250. >"You called for me."
  251. >Once again Dusty's emerald eyes lock on you.
  252. >You stare back with your perfect poker face.
  253. >"Yes honey, call Chauffeur and have him pick us up early in the evening. Twenty-two and I will be paying a Canterlot visit ." Nineteen orders, "And stop staring at our guest."
  254. > You raise your eyebrows at Nineteen as Dusty leaves the room, you wait until you can longer hear her hoofsteps before asking.
  255. "Why Canterlot ?"
  256. >Nineteen stands up and walks to the other side of the lounge as she talks, "This ex-agent...He has- some issues with the nobles that need settling, the poor stallion is still waiting to settle the score." Nineteen pauses next to a cabinet, she opens it with her magic and pulls out a small box. "...he will be useful..."
  257. >The mare opens the small box and pulls out a thin cigarette.
  258. >"You want one honey?" Nineteen asks, holding the box in her magic.
  259. >You shake your head.
  260. >"As you wish," Nineteen shrugs as she pops one in her mouth. She walks to a tall black standing ashtray by the window lighting her cigarette with a spell. She continues after taking a long drag, "Nobles all talk and they all meet in their secret little clubs, at least one will know a thing or two about Black Wealths location."
  261. “You’re implying we raid one of those clubs?”
  262. >"So violent Twenty-two..." The mare bites down her lip and then smirks, "No, I was going to suggest we interrogate out the information we need to locate Mr. Wealth. Our ex-agent will know who knows…Killing nobles is a fast way to get the Royal Guards involved."
  263. >You take a long sip from your whiskey. The ice tumbles and clicks against the glass as it tilts.
  264. >You pull away the cold drink from your lips.
  265. "I prefer loose ends tied."
  266. >"Let the ex-agent take that heat, as I said, he has a score to settle with them. Let him bring the crown's wrath upon him." Nineteen stubs out her cigarette, “As they say in the frontier, we will be getting out of Dodge.”
  267. “I hear a frontier twang in your voice, I presume you are familiar with it?” You ask, placing your drink back on the coffee table.
  268. >Before replying, Nineteen tuts, she levitates your glass with her magic and then slides a coaster under it.
  269. >” If you're asking where I’m from, I’m not answering that Twenty-two. I might as well ask your birth name if I break such a rule.”
  270. “I asked if you were familiar with it,” You reply a little colder than you wished, “Besides, all you need to do is ask.”
  271. >The mare hums into her glass as she sips, “Then I would have to neutralize you. As you will be compromised…You’re playing a dangerous game, and I like it…”
  272. >You shrug your shoulders, it seems the whiskey has put you in a playful mood. A little testing of your new partner seems to be in order.
  273. >You lean back into the couch's backrest then place a leg up on your other thigh.
  274. “You do? Then it’s Anon, short for Anonymous.”
  275. >The mare coughs into her gin, then laughs.
  276. > ”Good one, an anonymous agent called Anonymous, almost had me there and my name is Mare Doe…Nice to meet you.”
  277. >You laugh along with her.
  278. >” Alright, enough fun Twenty-two. Yes, I am familiar with the frontier. Why do you ask?”
  279. “You mentioned this pix dust is made with Moonshine and Changeling jelly. Both of those ingredients come from the frontier…I’m just forming a plan B.”
  280. >”Oh, and you think my plan-”
  281. >”I would like to come.”
  282. >Nineteen jumps at the voice then swings her glass around. Dusty has reappeared next to the coach with Nineteens gin glass now a fraction of an inch from her face.
  283. >You have a feeling this maid has more to her than she appears.
  284. >” Celestia’s sun, Dusty. What have I told you about sneaking up on me like that!?”
  285. >Dusty blinks a few times before speaking, “I have faith in your abilities…But I will ask again, may I come.”
  286. >Nineteen places her glass on the coffee table with a coaster, then turns back to Dusty, “I hired you as a maid, and with my pay, a maid you will be.”
  287. >The maid looks at the table then at you, her eyes slowly drift from you back to Nineteen who is looking at her in shock.
  288. >” That Stallion…” Dusty trails off as she looks over the documents.
  289. >You lean forward to snatch them away only to have your hand slapped away with a hoof.
  290. >” I want him dead too.” Dusty says as she stares at the photograph.
  291. >” You know what you are doing Dusty…” Nineteen asks, with growing concern in her voice.
  292. >” Reading classified material…”
  293. >”...Dusty. Damn it…Told you before about poking your nose into my work.”
  294. >You slide your hand into your jacket, then hold the grip of your pistol.
  295. >The maid watches you, she barely moves, her face expressionless as a stone.
  296. >It’s a shame, such a cute mare too.
  297. >” That stallion gambled me away…” The maid says calmly.
  298. >Nineteen gives you a sorrowful look then nods.
  299. >You lean forward, placing both feet on the floor, and pull your pistol from your holster.
  300. >Click.
  301. >The sound didn’t come from your gun, it came from your feet.
  302. >You glance down at your shoes, your right foot now sits firmly on a homemade landmine. Dusty must have slid the makeshift bomb under you before making herself known.
  303. >”...Don’t lift that leg up Twenty-Two…” Nineteen orders before turning to her maid, “Fine. You’re in luck that this assignment is off the record. But I suggest after this mission we part ways and you change your name- Hey Dusty!”
  304. >The maid walks off as Nineteen tries to talk to her.
  305. >” You can safely lift your leg, the fuse slipped out when I slid mine under the couch. Oh, and Chauffeur will be here at Four PM…”
  306. >Nineteen jumps up from the couch and follows her maid, “Dusty! You get back here…”
  307. >As the two mares disappear from the lounge you look back down at your feet.
  308. >How on Earth did she do that without you hearing anything?
  309. >You continue looking at the mine, whether to trust the maid or not.
  310. >With a sigh you carefully reach over and grab your drink. Downing it, you place the glass back down on the table next to the coaster.
  311. >You lift your foot. It clicks again.
  312. >Nothing.
  313. >You smirk at the homemade mine. The wiring is a little off and the springs are a little off angle. Either way, the maid could be more useful alive.
  322. >Be Agent Nineteen.
  323. >You leave the lounge in pursuit of Dusty.
  324. >Realizing you left your gin behind you quickly grab it in your magic before exiting.
  325. “Dusty!” You call out to your maid.“Dusty what in Tartarus is wrong with you tonight!?”
  326. >You catch your maid in the armory.
  327. >Dusty is looking over the weapons on the wall.
  328. >She pulls off a large saddle mount rifle and inspects it.
  329. “Dusty.”
  330. >” I have my reasons.” Dusty replies as she pulls back the chamber of the rifle, she shakes her head and then puts it back.
  331. “Reasons? Twenty-Two was ready to put you down. Overhearing is one thing but reading black letter documents in front of another agent is another thing.”
  332. >Dusty takes her time as she trails the wall looking over the numerous weapons. She stops by a machine gun, “Do we still have the dual saddle mounts for the Nicker Machine Gun?”
  333. >You frown at Dusty, you know your maid and you damn know she’s trying to change the subject. That mare knows where every gun, knife, and explosive is in your apartment. You wouldn’t put it past her to know where every bullet is too.
  334. “I think you know that answer, Dusty.” You reply as you walk up to her, you place your still hovering gin glass on the ammo reloading table. “Are you going to answer my question?”
  335. >Dusty turns to you, her green eyes bore into you for a moment before she turns and lifts the machine gun from its rack.
  336. >” Twenty-Two wouldn’t have pulled the trigger on me. As soon as I saw him I knew he wasn't a cold-hearted killer. I can see it in his eyes.”
  337. “Honey, Twenty-Two and I cleared a mob club tonight. He was smiling all the way though.”
  338. >” You learn to smile as you kill.” Dusty replies sharply.
  339. You shake your head, “Anyway, this isn’t about Twenty-Two, I want to know why the sudden outburst. I haven’t felt guilt in a long time, but giving Twenty-Two the okay to terminate you, kind of hurts here you know…” You tap a hoof on your chest.
  340. >Dusty doesn’t reply for a while as she returns to the weapons wall and pulls off another Nickers Machine Gun and places it next to the other on the desk.
  341. >” I told you on my first day of employment, don’t get attached to me, this is only a temporary job.”
  342. “Three years does not seem temporary Dusty…”
  343. >Dusty pulls back the chamber on one of the guns and then inspects it, “I needed the money.”
  344. “Money for what?”
  345. >” Revenge.”
  346. >You groan at her short, vague answer. Though you manage to connect some pieces.
  347. “Alright, I get it, Black Wealth had you over. You want him dead and this is the perfect opportunity. So you acted on a whim when you overheard his name and nearly got yourself killed in the process…”
  348. >”...Sure, let's go with that one…”
  349. >You give a heavy sigh and grab your gin glass and finish off the drink. When Dusty is like this there is no use in arguing with her.
  350. “...I’m going to bed. Just don’t stay up all night…” You say as you turn to leave.
  351. >” I’ll have everything ready by the morning, ready to load into the car for Four PM…I’ll rest between then.”
  352. >You shake your head and leave.
  355. >Be Twenty-Two.
  356. >Not the age, but the agent.
  357. >You awaken on the couch, with a groan you pull yourself up and rub your eyes.
  358. >You feel a sheet fall down your chest, you don’t remember having a blanket last night.
  359. >Still half asleep you inspect it.
  360. >” From the lack of fur, I imagined you were cold. Did the organization shave you or something?”
  361. >You look up to find Agent Nineteen smoking by the window with a piping hot coffee on the window sill staring at your bare chest.
  362. “Thanks…No, it comes as standard.”
  363. >”So what are you anyway? I’ve been trying to figure it out.”
  364. “Classified. Though on the certs, I’m a minotaur with a birth defect…”
  365. >Nineteen laughs, “Classified by who? The EIA?”
  366. You shake your head. “SMILE.”
  367. >Nineteen laughs even louder, “SMILE? SMILE? Oh for Celestia’s sake. They’re just a bunch of ponies with monster-hunting gadgets. What are they going to do? Crack out the ropes and give you a lecture on friendship?”
  368. “Clearly you haven’t met Agent Bon-Bon…” You mumble.
  369. >” Who?...Nevermind Twenty-Two…” Nineteen shakes her head and laughs a bit more “You want a coffee?”
  370. You nod, “Please. One sugar, one shot of whiskey. No milk. Stirred Anti-clockwise…”
  371. >Nineteen takes a drag of her cigarette and then calls out for Dusty for another coffee followed by how you like it.
  372. “What time is it anyway?”
  373. >” Around Eleven. I left you sleeping, it looked like you needed it.”
  374. >By the state of Nineteen's mane you can tell she has just gotten up also.
  375. “Sure…” You trail off as you look around for your clothes, “Where is my suit?”
  376. >” Dusty washed them,” Nineteen stubs out her cigarette then walks across the room then picks up your neatly folded clothes from on top of a cabinet, “Here you go.”
  377. “Thanks.”
  378. >You get up and let the blanket slide off you.
  379. >Nineteen eyes lock on yours, slowly, her eyes follow your body down once again hanging by the crotch area for a moment.
  380. >” It puzzles me why you are so keen to put them back on. You don’t have to wear the uniform all the time.” She says still staring at your boxers.
  381. “It’s a cultural thing.”
  382. >” Coffee.” You hear Dusty enter the room. “One sugar-” She pauses.
  383. >The maid takes one look at you, and she gasps. Quickly slamming down your coffee on the table she flees.
  384. “Uh…Thanks? I guess she’s probably nervous from last night, you should tell her I’m not mad about the improvised mine…And I changed my mind on…You know…”
  385. >”...Yeah, I will…” Nineteen says still holding your clothes in her magic.
  386. “And can I have my clothes?”
  387. >”Hmm? Oh! Sorry, here…” The mare passes them over to you.
  388. “Thanks…”
  390. >Time passes quickly over a late breakfast.
  391. >You both go back over your plan from last night.
  392. >It’s more like finding the ex-agent than going from there.
  393. >At least it’s something to work from.
  394. >The hours rolled by until you hear a beep of a car horn from outside.
  395. >” That’ll be Chauffeur,” Nineteen says as you peer out of the window to see the same black car from yesterday, “Dusty!” The mare calls out for her maid.
  396. >You notice Dusty is already outside pulling a black military crate towards the car.
  397. “She’s already outside.”
  398. >” At least she’s keen…Come on let's go.”
  399. >You both leave the apartment, down the stairs, and onto the street where the car is waiting.
  400. >Being daylight you can see what Chauffeur looks like, the catlike eyes made sense once you saw his leathery wings. A batpony. His fur is a light grayish blue, complemented with a faded navy blue mane.
  401. >Chauffeur slams the boot of the car shut as he moans about his aching back as he adjusted his sunglasses.
  402. >” Damn it Dusty, what is in there?”
  403. >The maid shrugs, “Supplies.” She says nothing more as she enters the front passenger seat of the car, “You shouldn’t have offered it if you cannot lift it.”
  404. >” I didn’t know it was - Hey! What are you doing!” Chauffeur calls out to her.
  405. >” It’s alright Chauffeur, “ Nineteen interjects, “She’s with us.”
  406. >Chauffeur looks back at you both with confusion, “Is it that big of an assignment that you need your maid with you?”
  407. >” Something like that.” Nineteen smiles at him before opening the back door.
  408. >You follow suit and enter the car from the other side.
  409. >Moments later Chauffeur enters the driver seat and then turns on the ignition.
  410. >” So where too?”
  411. >” Canterlot, Sunrise Road off Main Street.” Nineteen replies.
  412. >” Alright,” Chauffeur nods before taking a look at Dusty sitting next to him.
  413. >'' What?” The maid frowns at the batpony.
  414. >” Nothing. Just don’t touch any buttons and we will be okay.”
  415. >” Do I look like a filly to you?”
  416. >” Just saying…”
  417. >The car pulls off and heads down the street in the afternoon sun.
  420. >A fair few hours pass when you pass through Canterlots City walls.
  421. >The streets are emptying, as the final ponies leave their workplaces to return home and the streetlamps flicker on.
  422. >The journey was uneventful, mostly idle small talk broken up by Chauffeurs and Dusty's bickering about button pressing.
  423. >You spent most of the time talking to Nineteen, awkwardly turning your head when she decided to change her dress a few times and asking you if it’s “Does this make her rear end look big”. In the end, you choose to watch the countryside pass by from the window.
  424. >Chauffeur pulls around the corner off of Mainstreet.
  425. >”There’s a place.” Nineteen tells Chauffeur, pointing at a lonely donut shop.
  426. >”I’m not going to be happy if you made me drive all this way for a sugary snack Nineteen.”
  427. >”No, it’s the pony inside I wish to talk to.” The mare replies.
  428. >Dusty shrugs as she is just as baffled as you and Chauffeur.
  429. >”Alright, I’ll park up,” Chauffeur replies as he slows the car searching for a parking space.
  430. >Eventually he finds one a hundred yards down the road.
  431. >He pulls in and switches off the engine.
  432. >”You two wait in the car, Twenty-Two you're with me.” Nineteen orders as she places her gun into her hoster and tucks it under her short dress.
  433. >You get out, shut the door of the car then follow Nineteen along the empty street.
  434. “I get the joke with authorities and donuts, but will we find the ex agent in there?” You ask looking at the donut shop's illuminated signs in the distance.
  435. >”I’m certain of that honey.” Nineteen replies.
  436. “If you say so.” You shrug.
  437. >You see a silhouette of a stallion walking towards you. As he walks under a streetlamp you notice he lowers his head to cast a shadow over his face.
  438. >Nineteen notices it too as she glances up at you and then back to the approaching figure.
  439. >As the stallion is a few feet away he stops and then flicks his hoof.
  440. >You both hear a blade switch out.
  441. >You both stop in your tracks.
  442. >” I’m not scared to ruin your night, everything is valuable to me now…”
  443. >Nineteen ignores the stallion then turns to you then continues the conversation, “It’ll come clear once you meet him.”
  444. “So he works there then? Bit of a career change then?” You reply.
  445. >The stallion huffs, “Hey! I’m talking to you.”
  446. >”He does, haven’t seen him for a few years, so I don’t know if it’s just a cover or he enjoys it. Who knows, maybe it’s both.” Nineteen says once again ignoring the mugger.
  447. “Normally they go the private detective or the professional alcoholic route.”
  448. >” Sometimes both,” Nineteen chuckles.
  449. >”ENOUGH!” The mugger slams a hoof on the ground, he brings up a hoof, blade ready, “I HAD-”
  450. >He freezes.
  451. >You and Nineteen pull your pistols with the mugger's forehead firmly in the sights.
  452. >Both of you continue to walk past him, still, your barrels aimed at his head.
  453. >The stallion sinks a little then scuttles off down a back alley once you are a safe distance.
  454. >”This used to be a nice part of town,” Nineteen mutters as you approach the donut shop.
  455. >You push the door and the bell chimes. You let the mare enter first as you hold the door open.
  456. >As you enter you are instantly hit with the smell of baked goods, sweet sugar, and a hint of coffee.
  457. >You both walk along a white well-polished tile floor towards the counter.
  458. >A beige fur, brown-mane unicorn stallion is cleaning up his sugary day's work.
  460. >The unicorn looks up for a moment before returning to wipe down the counter.
  461. >” I’m closing up, so what's on display is what I got.” The unicorn points to the display counter.
  462. >You approach the counter and look over the remaining donuts and other sugary goods.
  463. >Since this is Nineteen's idea, you decide to let her do the talking.
  464. >” I’m not here for a donut. Neither is my partner here.”
  465. >The unicorn pauses cleaning then stares at Nineteen for a moment. You can almost see a little hint of surprise in his expression.
  466. > “Private Detective Lily Petals…” He eventually replies, frowns before rising out of his cloth with his magic, “You know, after our little adventure, I did a little digging. You do not exist in any record...And I mean all records.”
  467. > “I try not to make myself known.” Nineteen shrugs.
  468. > ”I’m calling manure on that one, I want to ask why you are here, but I’m itching to know who you are.”
  469. > “I’m surprised Agent Slick never told you.”
  470. > The unicorn pauses, “Slick…That's one Stallion that needs to be put down.”
  471. > “Oh, bad blood?” Nineteen asks.
  472. > “He’s the main reason I left the Agency. I got a little sick covering up the Nobles' little games…While Slick, he’s just happy to accept the Bits…”
  473. > “You should owe him, Joe, from what I heard he got your life sentence down to five years. I’m pretty sure, it wasn’t just pony-slaughter.”
  474. >You raise an eyebrow at the name Joe, it’s still odd coming across ponies with human names from time to time.
  475. > “...Yeah sure…” Joe sighs, as he looks at a picture of a family on the counter “Alright, why are you here?”
  476. You speak up, “Black Wealth…You know him?”
  477. >Joe furrows his brow at you, mostly at your question, but you can tell he’s trying to work out what you are, “Know him? Who doesn’t in the underbelly? A damn noble playing mob boss…What are you anyway?”
  478. “Minotaur with a birth defect…But never mind that we’re looking for Black Wealth.”
  479. > “Good luck with that, no pony knows where he is hiding…” Joe places the cloth on the counter and then looks to Nineteen, “If you are investigating him, then you might as well end it here. You two will be dead once his mob gets wind you’re looking for him…”
  480. > “We can handle ourselves.” Nineteen smirks, “I thought I proved that to you in Las pegasus.”
  481. > Joe laughs, “I’m just playing along with you being a detective, no pony can handle a pistol like that without serious training…” Joe’s horn glows as he picks his cloth up, “I’m closing up now and sorry, I don’t know Black Wealth's location.”
  482. >Nineteen peers over the counter then roll her eyes. “Fair enough, but you do know somepony who does…”
  483. > The unicorn frowns again, “...I got things to do tonight, I think it’s best to leave.”
  484. > “Joe. You know somepony who does.”
  485. > “It’s time to go.” Joe sternly replies.
  486. > Nineteen nods, you both pull out your pistol and aim it at him.
  487. > You’re almost surprised at the speed of his draw, as a black snub-nosed revolver is floating in front of him.
  488. > “Joe…Don’t you’re outnumbered, outmatched, and outgunned. Just give us the information and we will leave you to your donuts.” Nineteen orders calmly.
  489. >The unicorn hesitates as the revolver shakes in his magic.
  490. > “Damn it!” Joe lowers his gun, “Alright, follow me.”
  491. >You and Nineteen walk around the counter and follow the unicorn through the kitchen then down a flight of stairs.
  492. >The light tinks on in the basement and you walk between shelves of baking supplies before reaching an old wooden door at the far end. Joe unlocks it with his magic and you all enter.
  493. >Another light flickers on to show a small room filled to the brim of weapons haphazardly placed around the room.
  494. >Guns led on tables, against the walls, unspent bullets litter the floor with paperwork and documents.
  495. >At the back, dozens of pictures of ponies are pinned to the wall, some with a red ‘X’ through and others with notes scribbled around them.
  496. >Some faces you recognize with them being famous, one even being Blueblood's cousin, you read in the newspaper he vanished under suspicious circumstances, with a red X covering his face, you can guess what truly happened.
  497. > “Told you he had issues with the nobles…” Nineteen whispers as Joe rummages through the scattered paperwork muttering to himself.
  498. “Most of these ponies are in high places, actors, nobles, politicians…Is he a hitpony?” You whisper back.
  499. > “No, all those ponies wronged him. Las Pegasus ended his career. I’ll tell you another time.”
  500. >You look at the wall again, and you spot the face of Slick, the EIA agent from yesterday, then a little further across separated from the other photographs is Black Wealth.
  501. >Black Wealths was the only photograph to have a red question mark over it.
  502. > “Here it is,” Joe holds up a small old piece of paper with his magic and then passes it to you.
  503. > “It’s an old invite to a secret club for the elites. There is the address.”
  504. > You look at the small invite, sure enough, there is an address.
  505. “We are looking for a pony, not a secret clubhouse.”
  506. > “No, you’ll find the pony there who might know.” Joe turns then tears off a photograph from the wall and shows you, “Staged Coin,”
  507. >You look at the photograph, an overweight light blue unicorn is seen talking to other suited ponies.
  508. > Joe continues “He hosts a yearly masquerade at his ‘abandoned’ mansion, he invites the top business stallions, nobles, and politicians every year…He is hosting one tomorrow night.”
  509. > “Easy,” Nineteen gives one of her signature smirks, “We will snatch him during the afterparty. When he is nice and liquored up.”
  510. > “I should also mention he invites the head of SMILE, EIA, NSE, EHS, GIA, MAREi6, and even the RGID, Royal Guard Intelligence division. Trust me, any more agencies it’ll be an alphabet soup.” Joe interjects, “I have no idea why Celestia thinks it's a good idea to have so many…”
  511. > “Trying to decentralize power I guess” Nineteen mutters to herself before glancing back at you then back to Joe, “Can you get us in?”
  512. > “I can, there -is- a noble I can tolerate, Fancy Pants, he is invited every year but never attends.”
  513. “Where can we find him?”
  514. > “You can find him around the castle during the day. Every morning he attends the day court to meet with Princess Celestia herself…Though he will be reluctant to talk to you about such issues.”
  515. > “Can you help us with that?” Nineteen asks.
  516. > Joe nods, “But first you need to help me with something, your skills I saw back in Las Pegasus will come in useful.”
  517. > “...I don’t normally lend out such skills…” Nineteen replies as she looks to you for some input.
  518. >You only shrug in return. This is her plan after all.
  519. > “There is a meeting taking place between the Manehattan Mob and the Kirinzuka. They are doing a deal in the old industrial sector. From what I can gather the EIA or the RGID has no interest in stopping it. I need it stopped with maximum casualties.”
  520. > “Sounds like the EIA has an informant there.” Nineteen says.
  521. > “They do,” The unicorn tears off another photo from the wall, “Turn Coat. That is who I’m after. The gang casualties will be just the glaze on the donut.”
  522. >You and Nineteen look at the agent's picture. It’s a lanky ight-red earth pony.
  523. > “Alright, we will distract the gangs and you’ll get your hit. Deal?”
  524. > “You have a deal, Lily.”
  525. > “Oh, and the names Nineteen, and this is Twenty-two…”
  526. > Joe furrows his brow, “What name are those-'' he pauses, eyes widened, “So that's why Slick never told me…” The unicorn huffs ending with a small smile, “Don’t worry about tying up loose ends after this. Tomorrow night will be my last anyhow.”
  527. >While you look at Nineteen with worry, she turns to you with excitement.
  528. > “I need to get suited,” Joe says, picking up a Gallopfield sniper rifle and a Tottingson SMG with his magic and then placing them on the already gun-littered table, “If you got a car bring it around back, it’ll see you in ten minutes.”
  529. >You both leave the small room and head back upstairs.
  530. >As you pass by the counter back in the donut shop, you pause and pick up the picture frame with the family.
  531. >You see a beautiful cream-colored unicorn mare with a light brown flowing mane with two young foals on each leg, she is smiling at the camera.
  532. > “That was his wife and his two sons,” Nineteen says as she walks by, “After Las-pegasus, Equestria took everything from him.”
  533. “What happened?”
  534. >You ask placing the picture back down then proceed to follow the mare.
  535. > “I’m not sure if you see us as beautiful, but his wife was very attractive where any stallion would fall for her, sadly she met a noble who thought money could buy everything…To cut a long story short, the noble knew someone in the EIA, who sent Joe on a suicide mission. Lucky, the mobsters he had to infiltrate, I had to lay waste too.”
  536. “Damn that’s cold.”
  537. > “It happens, it’s probably happening to us with our mission.” Nineteen shrugs, “I’ve been in this game for too long and you…Well…”
  538. “A little too foreign?”
  539. > “Probably? The Mistress works in weird ways, she lets some live and some die.”
  540. >You both mutually decide not to continue talking about the mistress and return to Joe's story.
  541. “Then what happened to his family?” You ask, holding the shop door open for Nineteen.
  542. >You both leave, the sky is now dark. A cold breeze blows through the empty street.
  543. > “Joe found out, lost his mind then killed the noble. He ended up in prison only to return to an empty house, with a note that his wife and sons were murdered in revenge.”
  544. “Didn’t he search for the killers?”
  545. > “From what I can tell from his picture wall back there, the rabbit hole runs deep and I only got part of the story.”
  546. >As you walk you see the car in the distance. Chauffeur is leaning on the door smoking a cigarette.
  547. >As you both approach the batpony flicks his smoke on the floor and then stubs it out with his hoof.
  548. > “Any more time spent with her,” Chauffeur points to Dusty in the car, “And there would be a showdown.”
  549. > Nineteen laughs, “I don’t know why she gets you so worked up,”
  550. > You can hear the frustration in the chauffeur's voice as he replies.
  551. > “Worked up! That mare needs to learn how to keep her hooves to herself, I’m actually stressed out from batting her hoof away from the buttons…In the end I gave up!”
  552. You laugh with Nineteen.
  553. > “Don’t you laugh too!” Chauffeur snaps, to his pure frustration the window wipers of the car start going back and forth, the bat pony stares in through the window glaring at Dusty who is now reaching over the driver seat, “I’m not even mad anymore.”
  554. > “She wouldn’t do this if you don’t get so worked up.” Nineteen says getting into the car, “Oh, and pull us round at the back of the donut shop, “There’s something we need to do,”
  555. >You follow Nineteen into the back seats.
  556. >Chauffeur huff then opens his door then pushes Dusty back into her seat, “Move.”
  557. > “I don’t like being touched.” Dusty states glaring at Chauffeur.
  558. > “I don’t like you touching my buttons,”
  559. > “I don’t like your tone of voice,”
  560. > “I don’t like you.”
  561. > “I don’t like you either.”
  562. >” Cut it you two,” Nineteen barks, “We got a job to do.”
  563. > Chauffeur grumbles as he turns the ignition.
  565. >Chauffeur pulls his car around the back of the donut shop then shifts it into neutral.
  566. >Joe is waiting by the back door, noticing the car he nods before picking up two duffle bags with his magic.
  567. >Chauffeur jumps out of the car then opens the boot, where Joe simply tosses the backs in.
  568. >You can hear the heavy clank of gun metal and magazines.
  569. >Nineteen shuffles over towards you as the unicorn opens the door then climbs in.
  570. >Chauffeur returns to the driver seat after closing the boot.
  571. >The batpony looks up in the rear view mirror, “A new friend?”
  572. > ”An old one, take us to the old industrial district.” Nineteen orders.
  573. > “Right.” Chauffeur replies, shifting the car into gear.
  575. >After a ten minute or so journey Chauffeur pulls the car into an empty decaying street.
  576. >The air stinks of old coal and rust as you leave the car.
  577. >Looking around you see the old brick chimneys scatter the skyline. The old industrial factories stand empty and abandoned, left to rot.
  578. > “Dusty, you’re with us to provide over.” Nineteen commands, “Chauffeur keep your distance, Dusty will come and get you if things go south.”
  579. >The three of them nod, the maid opens her military crate then pulls out a large metal suitcase.
  580. >Laying on the floor she opens it, pulling out a long barrel she screws it onto a large chamber.
  581. >After attaching a scope, she reaches back in and pulls out a large gem embedded silencer.
  582. >The gem slightly glows a dull faint red for a moment as she attaches it. Eventually it fades.
  583. > Joe inspects the maids sniper then glances at his smaller scoped Gallopfield Rifle, “I’m not even going to ask.”
  584. >Nineteen smirks, “At least she packed lightly, so, where to Joe?”
  585. >Joe throws one of the duffle backs over his shoulder, “This way.”
  586. >You, Nineteen, and Dusty follow Joe along the street, he takes a sharp left and crawls through a hole in a rusty chain link fence.
  587. >You all stick close to an old brick wall, all of you cast eyes around the towering factories.
  588. >Joe stops at a chain link gate and then slowly pushes it with his magic, “This way,” He whispers.
  589. >You all once again follow him into an old factory that overlooks a pothole-ridden car park.
  590. >Joe slides the metal door close before he takes a long look out of a cracked window.
  591. > ”They’re not here yet, that means we have time to set up an advantage point.” Joe states as he pushes open a door to a flight of metal stairs, “I’ll be on the roof. Keep their eyes off me until I take out my hit,” The door swings shut behind him.
  592. >Nineteen turns to Dusty, “Go and be his spotter, once his target is down give me and Twenty-Two cover.” The maid nods then leaves for the roof.
  593. “So…” You pull your pistol from your jacket then release the magazine, check the bullets then slide it back in, “What are we going to do about Joe? He’s starting to know too much.”
  594. > “From what he said, I think he’s finally cracked and decided to go out guns blazing and I have a feeling the target will be the nobles party tomorrow night.” Nineteen replies as she watches out of the windows.
  595. “Now I have a bad feeling about this.”
  596. > “Now you jinxed it,” Nineteen chuckles, “Shh! You’re giving me the hots now honey, I want to see how dangerous this can get,”
  597. “You enjoy this too much,”
  598. > “Nothing beats the thrill of a gun fight to make you feel alive..Now hush, I see some lights.”
  599. >You look out of the window, you watch several black old-fashioned cars pull into the parking lot, they all pull up haphazardly yet forming a semi circle.
  600. >One thing you know that is for defense, these mobsters have done this many times before.
  601. >The doors of the cars open, as pin-suited stallions file out of the cars, some smoke as they talk to each other.
  602. > “I’m counting twenty,” Nineteen whispers, as several other cars file into the lot.
  603. >This time the cars park up opposite the one prior.
  604. >Two dozen white-suited Kirin jump out of the cars, then take place beside them. Ready for cover at the moment's notice.
  605. > “I don’t see the informant…” Nineteen Whispers.
  606. “A red stallion right?” You ask.
  607. >Nineteen nods, “Wait, there he is…” She points to the lanky red agent walking with a short buff stallion.
  608. >The two meet with the Kirin in the middle and start to talk.
  609. > A few minutes pass before Nineteen whispers again, “Why isn’t Joe shooting?”
  610. “Guns jammed? That is an old model he is using,” You whisper back.
  611. > “Doubt it, Dusty is with him, she would get that working in seconds,”
  612. >You both look back out the window, something is climbing up the factory opposite.
  613. “Who is that?” You point at the figure scaling the factory wall with rope
  614. >Nineteen looks up, you both watch the figure hold out a hoof then fire something up into an empty window, the rope tightens then the figure is pulled in.
  615. > “There’s only one agency who uses grappling guns, and that is SMILE.”
  616. “What are they doing here?”
  617. > “No idea, but I think that’s why Joe isn’t firing, if he’s smart he’ll wait.”
  618. >You both watch the building opposite, you squint as you notice something flashed green inside.
  619. “Did you see that?”
  620. > “I did.”
  621. >The building's upper windows flash green several times before something black falls out one of the windows.
  622. >You notice the lanky informant keeps glancing over to the building too, he is starting to look uncomfortable.
  623. >A shadowy figure appears in the window of the factory, you can just see a glint of a barrel reflected in the moonlight.
  624. >CRACK!
  625. >The lanky informant stumbles, as the others around him take a moment to realize what happened.
  626. >He falls to the floor and screams, his leg has been completely shut off.
  627. >CRACK!
  628. >Another shot comes from the roof above you, the informant's skull shatters along the concrete.
  629. >>The mobsters pull their weapons then aim them at the Kirinzuka, several kirin burst into flames as they snarl at the mobsters.
  630. > “Show time,” Nineteen smiles at you, “Loud and proud or slow and steady?”
  631. >You smile at her, then walk towards a shattered window firing a shot towards a Kirin, striking him straight in his horn.
  632. >The Kirin stumbles, giving out a silent scream before erupting into flames.
  633. “Look at that, I lit him up…” You laugh to yourself as you fire another shot putting the enraged kirin down.
  634. >”That’s bad Twenty-Two, I mean really…Don’t quit your day job.” Nineteen chuckles as she fires a couple of rounds into the mobsters.
  635. “I don’t think I can if I tried,” You smirk, as you continue to fire.
  636. >Finally some of the mobsters and kirin start to return fire, some jump over their cars and hide behind them while others open the doors for cover.
  637. >It’s complete chaos in the car park as the two parties start firing upon each other as well as aiming at you and Nineteen.
  638. >Bullets fly in from all directions, as the glass in the windows shatters as the rounds ricochet off the brick walls behind you.
  639. >You duck then run along the side of the wall, taking pop shots out the windows.
  640. >You manage to draw the majority of the fire as Nineteen picks off a few stallions.
  641. >Making to the far end of the factory you shoulder barge the exit door open, then swing your pistol around and instinctively pull the trigger.
  642. >Bang!
  643. >A kirin slumps to the floor.
  644. >You change your magazine as you run towards the car park.
  645. >Many mobsters and kirin lay dead in the car park as the three-way gunfight rages on.
  646. >You hear another crack from a rifle.
  647. >The short buff stallion slides along the floor, suit matted in blood.
  648. >A few Kirin try to enter their cars, only to be shot down by silent bullets zipping overhead.
  649. >You push towards the nearest car and take cover as it gets littered with bullet holes.
  650. >The tires burst and the glass shattered.
  651. >Peeking over you see Nineteen running from the old factory, she fires a few bullets at the mobsters who are now retreating to take cover.
  652. >You watch as one mobster fires his pistol, a red mist plumes from Ninteens head as she stumbles behind a car.
  653. >To your relief you see her gun hover over the car glowing with Nineteen's magic. The mare returns the favor by blind firing into the shooter's chest.
  654. >A few remaining mobsters try to rush her only to be gunned down by Dusty's silent bullets.
  655. >Crack!
  656. >You hear something strike the car. You quickly turn around to see a Kirin inches from you.
  657. >The bullet has embedded into the door, from the kirins vacant look, it must've passed through him.
  658. >He slumps over.
  659. >You curse yourself upon remembering how silent they can be.
  660. >A few cars manage to escape the car park as the gunfire dies down.
  661. >You get up from behind the car pistol ready.
  662. >Nineteen pokes her head out then looks around, “All clear.”
  663. “Damn it Nineteen I thought he had you.”
  664. > “You had to jinx it didn’t you?” The mare smiles, “…Is it bad?”
  665. >You look at Nineteen's left ear, the top of it is gone, and blood is pouring down her head.
  666. “I’d say you’re about a quarter of an ear shorter.”
  667. > The mare steps out from the cover and walks towards you.
  668. > The bleeding mobster who shot her coughs and splutters, as he clutches his wounded stomach on the floor.
  669. > Nineteen shows him mercy from the end of her pistol barrel as she walks past.
  670. > “Oh honey…that was something…” She finally catches her breath and grins,” Never been in a threeway before…” She stands in the middle of the carpark with dozens of bodies around her.
  671. “Yeah, I’m surprised how many there were, it must have been a big deal going on.”
  672. > “Maybe,” Nineteen shrugs then looks around “You gotta be kidding me…”
  673. >The lanky informant starts to glow green, and his body erupts in a green flame.
  674. > “Another changeling…That answers the SMILE question.”
  675. “Joe isn’t going to be happy…”
  676. > “Damn right I’m not! Damn it all!” The unicorn slams his rifle into the body of the changeling, he beats it a few times. Green blood splatters over the concrete. “I spent years waiting for this opportunity! This was my last chance!”
  677. > “I know the feeling…” Nineteen mumbles just out of earshot, “Dusty!”
  678. > “Nineteen, half of your ear is missing ” The maid walks over to the mare, looking slightly guilty. “Sorry I was reloading…”
  679. > “It’s fine, can’t shoot them all,” Nineteen laughs then winces, “Seriously though, I need it patched up, don’t want to go out bleeding out or with an ear infection…Joe, are you coming?”
  680. > The unicorn stares at the dead changeling, “I’ll catch up, I just need to think.”
  681. > “Don’t forget your end of the deal.” Nineteen reminds him.
  682. > “I know, I know. Just give me ten alright…And nice shooting Dusty. You have some talent.”
  683. > The maid doesn’t reply, she just nods then turns away and starts to leave.
  684. > Before you leave, you take a glance back at the factory opposite, whoever was there is now long gone.

Midnight Run /nmp/

by Aftercase

Hearts of Speed [Story Formatted] /CYOA/

by Aftercase

Happy X Anon Shorts /Kinderequestria/

by Aftercase

Anon in Tatarus /kinderquestria/

by Aftercase

Mare En Armure

by Aftercase