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"And I pick YOU!"

By Guest
Created: 2022-08-24 18:01:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >"And I pick..."
  2. >>"YOU!"
  3. >"YES, YOU!"
  4. >"The guy with the green skin and no eyes!"
  5. >"How's it sound taking the single coolest, fastest, awesomest and hottest girl at CHS to the prom?!"
  6. >Everyone turns around to meet your eyes.
  7. >Deep silence engulfs the cafeteria, everyone waiting for a response.
  9. >You stand there.
  10. >Flabbergasted.
  11. >Dumbstruck.
  12. >If memory serves, shes Rainbow Dash.
  13. >And she is indeed actually popular here.
  14. >So why the ever loving FUCK was she even talking to you?
  15. >Other then that one time where she needed test answers and your too far beyond giving a fuck to say no.
  16. >Still, keep your wits about you.
  17. >This is obviously a trick.
  18. >Nothing more then a prank to make you look stupid in front of all the other kids.
  19. >Just walk away...
  20. "I... uh... what?"
  21. >Okay, not exactly according to plan.
  22. >No matter.
  23. >There is still plenty of time to just turn around and-
  24. >"Thats right! YOU and ME!" She says, her confidance unwavering.
  25. >Quickly, before this becomes too awkward! Leave! Less you be made a fool!
  26. "Ohhkay?" You mutter, with obvious anxiety in your voice.
  27. >YOU FOOL!
  29. >"Awesome!" She gets in your face, "We're gonna have SO much fun! Its gonna be the most awesomest prom because you're with me!"
  30. >She gives you a quick hug and runs off into the hallway.
  31. >Moments pass and eventually the cafeteria returns to its normal unintellgble audible noise.
  32. >Whelp, you're fucked.
  33. >Six ways from Sunday.
  34. >God only knows how the hell going to prom even works.
  35. >Or even if shes being serious or if you're just being setup.
  36. >Like that movie with the girl and the blood...
  37. >God having pyschic powers would be awesome.
  38. >Oh wait the prom!
  39. >This sucks...
  41. >Sitting in english class, you contemplate your situation.
  42. >Stuck in the mire of doubt and anxiety.
  43. >The teacher prattles on about words, words, and more words.
  44. >So many words...
  45. >"Anonymous!"
  46. >Fuck.
  47. "Hm?"
  48. >"Just because the year is almost over doesn't mean you get to space out in my class."
  49. >You sigh.
  50. >"You're already at risk of failing for the year, so you may want to pay attention."
  51. >You give a slight nod.
  52. "My bad."
  53. >"Good. Now then, when Ceaser got stabbed in back, what was it he said to blah blah blah...."
  54. >Your mind drifts away once more.
  55. >Back to that decisive moment.
  56. >The sublime moment of your undoing.
  57. >It won't stop replaying in your head.
  58. >The way she looked at you..
  59. >Those big, pretty eyes of hers.
  60. >That slim, athletic and tone figure from her years of playing sports.
  61. >God shes hot.
  62. >Just imagine her naked body on top of yours...
  63. >You catch yourself.
  64. >And... yep.
  65. >Boner.
  66. >QUICK! Think of lawnmowers!
  67. >The smell of fresh cut grass on a hot summer morning!
  68. >Baseball!
  69. >Ok that did it.
  70. >Good thing this hoodie covers part of your waist.
  71. >Only another moment goes by and your thinking of it again.
  72. >How she happily skipped to you after you said yes and surprised you with that hug.
  73. >She was warm...
  74. >And the expression on her face when she did.
  75. >She seemed so happy.
  76. >A debate rages on in your mind.
  77. >Do you actually go?
  78. >Maybe shes serious.
  79. >No... shes /way/ out of your league.
  80. >God a ciggerette sounds awesome right now.
  81. >Fucking school security started patrolling more around and under the bleachers by the soccer field more thoroughly now that the year is ending.
  82. >Can't catch kids fucking in between classes.
  83. >Just imagine getting a sloppy blowy from Rainbow Dash behind one of thoe bleachers...
  84. >You'd be all sweaty and shes slobbin' your nob like no tomorrow.
  85. >Annnd boner again.
  86. >This sucks.
  88. >Walking home.
  89. >Same as always.
  90. >The events that happened at lunch are still whirling around in your head.
  91. >What the actual fuck was that?
  92. >No one has said anything to you about it...
  93. >Figured /someone/ would come up to you and say something like "How did you get a prom date bro!?" or something.
  94. >Fuck this place.
  95. >Mired in thought, you failed to notice the car pull up beside the sidewalk.
  96. >"Hey Anon!"
  97. "Hm?"
  98. >"Hiii~!" A rainbow haired girl waves.
  99. >Oh shit its her again.
  100. >"Whatsup?"
  101. >There in the front seat of a red convertable sat Rainbow Dash, your soon-to-be prom date.
  102. "Hey," you wave, "whatsup?"
  103. >Beside her in the driver seat was Rarity, another one of her group of freinds.
  104. >"Need a ride, dear?"
  105. >You shrug.
  106. >Why not.
  107. >May as well take advantage of this while you can.
  108. >Maybe the fact they're being nice to you /out/side of school walls means they're being genuine.
  109. >Nevertheless, you hop in the back and she takes off.
  110. >"You have a tux?" Dash asks excitedly.
  111. "A what?"
  112. >Rainbow turns around and gets up on her knees in her seat.
  113. >"You don't have a tux to wear to prom?!"
  114. "Uhm, no? Why would I?"
  115. >Rainbow sit back in her seat.
  116. >"Wow your hopeless!"
  117. >"Rainbow!" Rarity says, accusingly.
  118. >"Sorry! Heh, sorry." Rainbow turns her head, looking at you, "Don't worry Ano- uh, babe! Rarity is a wiz at tailoring!"
  119. >"Ohh! A new project!" Rarity says, giddy, "Fear not, dear Anonymous. I, Rarity, will ensure you're looking like a sophisticated genteman!"
  120. >"Don't make him look lame! Give hime some leather pants and we can teach him to ride a motorcycle!"
  121. "Uhhh..."
  122. >"Hmph! We'll see what the man thinks when I've got him all dressed up! Won't we, Anonymous!"
  123. >Dash glares at you.
  124. "W-we'll see." You smile sheepishly.
  125. >Dash's glare turns into a sly smirk.
  126. >She winks at you.
  127. >"There you have it darling."
  128. >"Yeah, yeah. Yo Anon, where do ya live, uh, babe?"
  129. "On Old Western road, bout ten minutes down this road and then take a left."
  130. >"You walk this far everyday?"
  131. "Well I used to take the city bus but I got tired of dealing with paying everyday and the school busses don't go out this far. 'Beyond the school boundaries for Canterlot High' or however they put it."
  132. >"Bummer."
  133. >You shrug.
  134. "Sucks to suck."
  135. >"Jeeze~."
  136. >Dash turns back around to the front.
  137. >Other then giving directions the rest of the ride is awkwardly silent.
  138. >You arrive, finally.
  139. "Thanks for the ride."
  140. >"Of course, dear!"
  141. >You exit and begin walking to the front door.
  142. >"Hold up!" Dash calls out.
  143. >She hops out of the car and run up to you to give you a quick hug.
  144. >"Cya tomorrow!"
  145. >You couldn't help but smile and blush.
  146. "Yeah!"
  147. >Even if it was all an act it still felt good in the moment.
  148. >Dash gets back in, giving a smile and wave before Rarity speeds off.
  150. >Be Rainbow Dash.
  151. >Leaving Anon's place after dropping him off.
  152. >"Are you sure about him, Dash?" Rarity asks.
  153. "Yeah, yeah, he needs some work."
  154. >"Honestly darling you could've chosen any other boy."
  155. >You roll your eyes.
  156. >"I'm serious!"
  157. "Look, with prom coming up I'm just trying to have a good time, ok?"
  158. >"With him...?"
  159. >You deadpan.
  160. >"Honeslty didn't think you'd be attracted to a guy like that."
  161. "Uh!"
  162. >"Just make sure he wears protection."
  163. "Rarity!" You blush."
  164. >"Honeslty Dash I know you love danger, but thats a danger you /don't/ want to deal with. No sense in throwing your life away for a memorable night."
  165. "Not /that/ good of a time!!"
  166. >You cut her off, face beat red.
  167. >"Oh. Ohhhh."
  168. >She laughs, to your shigrin.
  169. >"But still, dear. HIM?"
  170. "I don't /actually/ like him okay?"
  171. >Rarity turns her head, turning her gaze from you only to watch the road.
  172. "Look, with prom coming up, Zephyr keeps hounding me like a dog with a bone."
  173. >"In more ways then one..."
  174. "Exactly! And if I go with Anon, not only will Zephyr back off, but he'll be insulted that I chose Anon of all guys over him!"
  175. >"Thats devious!"
  176. "So?"
  177. >Rarity sighs.
  178. >"I just hope Anon doesn't get the wrong idea..."
  179. >You reach down to the floorboard to grab your backpack, unzipping it you reach in and grab a bottle of water.
  180. "He'll be fine." You take a swig, "Besides, we both win if you think about it. I get Zephyr to stay away from me, and Anon gets to go to prom with me!"
  181. >Now Rarity is rolling her eyes.
  182. "What're you complaining about? Like you said, you get a new project in making him something to wear."
  183. >"Fine, I'll keep my mouth shut. But I still think its rude."
  184. >You groan.
  185. "He'll be fiiine!"
  187. >Be Rainbow Dash
  188. >Standing in front of your locker before classes start at good'ol Canterlot High.
  189. >"So right there, in front of the WHOLE cafeteria??"
  190. >You sigh.
  191. >Pinkie is over the moon about you having a "date".
  192. >Means to an end, of course.
  193. >Still, may as well show the guy a good time.
  194. >Hook him up with some new threads, a dance or two, and go your seperate ways.
  195. >You, on your way to become a world class athelete and him onto... whatever.
  196. >Who cares.
  197. "Yes, Pinkie. The whole cafeteria. Whats the big deal?"
  198. >"Thats so unlike you! Showing any sort of affection in public!"
  199. "Yeah well-"
  200. >"Because normally your all like, 'EW feelings!' n'stuff!"
  201. >You close your locker and lean against it.
  202. "What can I say? I like the guy."
  203. >"OH! OH! What about him do you like!? Because you have like, NOTHING in common!"
  204. >Pinkie, stop pointing out the obvious!!
  205. "W-well, he uhhh...."
  206. >Pinkie awaits an answer with baited breath.
  207. >The big smile on her face showing no signs of going away.
  208. >This girl's cheek muscles must be like threaded steel...
  209. "Heeee..." You rub your arm, "Hes uh, cute?"
  210. >Pinkie's smile fades and she adopts a more curious look.
  211. >"Thats it? Didn't think you were shallow."
  212. "I'm not shallow!!"
  213. >"Well theres gotta be something else, then. Right?"
  214. >Pinkie crosses her arms, giving a slight accusatory look.
  215. "Okay okay! Hes cute and uhhh..." You break out into a nervous sweat, "We... like the same music?"
  216. >Pinkie's face is unmoving.
  217. >"Oh."
  218. "Heh, yup."
  219. >"THATS SO COOL!"
  220. >Pinkie jumps, throwing streamer from out of nowhere.
  221. >As she usually does with streamers.
  222. >Phew...
  223. >No telling how'd she'd react if she found out what Rarity already did.
  224. >SHE is trustworthy with a secret like that.
  225. >But Pinkie?
  226. >A secret that involves using a person?
  227. >No way.
  228. >But you're hardly using him though.
  229. >Right?
  230. >He gets a great night and you get an axcuse to get Zephyr to back off.
  231. >"Speaking of Zephyr, here he comes!" Pinkie says.
  232. "Wait, what?"
  233. >Sure enough, around the corner theres Fluttershy's lanky and effeminate brother.
  234. >Eugh...
  235. >"Heyyy Dash, whats up?"
  236. >He extends his arm, leaning against the locker and looking down at you.
  237. >Could swear hes trying to get a look at your chest.
  238. "H-hey," you gag a little, "Z-Zephyr."
  239. >"Welp, I'm gonna head to class, later Dashie!"
  240. >Pinkie skips away down the hall.
  241. "No, don't leave me alone with him!!"
  242. >"Hehe, can't contain yourself when we're alone eh?" He leans in more, getting uncomfortably close.
  243. >His skin looked clammy beneath his vest, and he very obviously wasn't wearing deodorant.
  244. "Eugh..." You shake at the smell.
  245. >"I know Dash, I have to control myself too most of the time~."
  246. >He pinches your chin between his finger and thumb.
  247. >You swat away his hand.
  248. "Hands off the goods, gruesome!"
  249. >"Oh-ho! Love that energy!"
  250. >His eyes wander downward, giving a hum of arousal as he does.
  252. "Hoh god!" your eyes dart side to side looking for your freinds to save you, "where is- ANON!!"
  253. >Down the hall to your left Anon walks by, not even noticing you.
  254. >You push Zephyr away and run to him as the bell rings.
  256. >>
  257. >Be Anon.
  258. >Walking down the hall, as the class bell rings.
  259. >Another late slip for you, no doubt.
  260. >Oh well, perfect excuse to walk out to the treeline where they can't see you skip class.
  261. >"ANON!"
  262. "Hm? Rainbow Dash?"
  263. >"Nyeh!"
  264. "Hm??"
  265. >Rainbow Dash dead ass sprints towards you and grabs your arm, holding it for dear life.
  266. "The hell?"
  267. >"Quick, lets get outta here!"
  268. >"Whos this?" Zephyr says, approaching.
  269. "I can ask the same."
  270. >"/This/," Dash hugs your arm, "Is my boyfriend! Anon!"
  271. >"Boyfreind??"
  272. >She nods, staying glued to your side.
  273. "Yeah."
  274. >You put your arm around her.
  275. >Dash blushes, not expecting you to hold her.
  276. >"Uhm..." She hums lightly.
  277. >"What?? Him? Rainbow c'mon! He doesn't even has his hair in a bun!"
  278. "Yeah sorry I'm not mired in onions and girly mags."
  279. >"Wha??" Hes speechless, much to Dash's pleasure.
  280. >"Yeah I don't like that look, Zephyr, never did. Sorry not sorry."
  281. >"I bet he doesn't even have a van with an old acoustic guitar in it!" He stutters a bit, "I- H-he! I bet he doesn't even play for the street crowd on hot summer days!"
  282. "Nah I don't. I may be poor but I'm not desperate. Go fuck a tree, hippy."
  283. >Your words leave him in shock.
  284. >You begin walking away, Dash wrapping hert arms around you and breathing a sigh of relief.
  285. >"Phew... thought he was gonna try and cop a feel or something."
  286. "Freaky alien genotype..."
  287. >"Huh?"
  288. "N-nothing nothing. Just making a reference."
  289. >You turn the corner, the minute you do Dash lets you go.
  290. >"Didn't think you were the type to tell someone off like that." She puts her hands on her hips, "Was pretty cool, y'know."
  291. "I don't really care all that much for most things, but hippies?" You shake your head, "Those things piss me off."
  292. >She giggles.
  293. >"Well, thanks for coming to the rescue, anyway."
  294. "Guess I was just in the right place at the right time. Dude is kind of a freak too, eh?"
  295. >"Ugh! Like no other!" She crosses her arms.
  296. >Silence...
  297. "Well, guess I'll cya after school?"
  298. >"Oh, yeah! We gotta go to Rarity's shop so she can get all your measurements for prom."
  299. "Alright. Cya then."
  300. >You make for the exit.
  301. >"H-hey! Hold up! class is this way!"
  302. "I know." You open the exit door.
  303. >"So why are you leaving?"
  304. "Oh, I'm already failing my first class for today, so I don't even go anymore."
  305. >She stands there, in utter shock.
  306. "What? Its just an elective class. Who cares?"
  307. >"They can get you in trouble for bad attendance y'know."
  308. >She leans on one leg, crossing her arms again.
  309. "Oh well."
  310. >You walk out and flip your backpack around, opening it up to reach for your smokes.
  311. >Gonna spend this morning catching up on sleep out int he shade.
  313. >Be Anon.
  314. >Laying at the base of a tree just outside school grounds where the staff and school security don't patrol.
  315. >Safe from thier prying eyes as you stare intently at the burning stick of tobacco in your hand.
  316. "Boyfriend?"
  317. >Her voice keeps replaying in your head.
  318. >The thight grip she had on your arm when she ran up to you...
  319. >The look of desperation on her face when she said you both should leave.
  320. >And the feel of satisfaction she had while latched onto you after telling that clown off.
  321. >You take a drag and exhale slowly, watching the smoke drift into the air amidts the sunshafts shining through the tree branches.
  322. "Don't get used to the idea, Anon." You tell yourself, "Its all a ruse, remember?"
  323. >You sigh deeply and lean your head back against the tree.
  324. "Still, felt good though. Never had a girl even look at me that way, much less call out my name like that. Maybe she really does-OW!"
  325. >Your fingers are burnt by the butt of your ciggarette.
  326. >You wave you hand, flinging away the butt.
  327. "Pain in the ass..." You sigh again, "Fuck it I'll smoke another. Already late as shit."
  328. >You shake your head.
  329. "Get a fucking grip."
  330. >You lean back, now laying in the grass and resting your head on the root of the tree.
  331. "You aren't meant to have a /good/ life." You say with a chuckle, "Did you forget that too?"
  334. >>
  335. >Be Rainbow Dash once again.
  336. >Now hanging out with AppleJack after first period let out.
  337. >Thankfully you both have the same class next.
  338. >After Anon left you've been weary of the hallways now.
  339. >Never know when Mr. Feelsy would rear his ugly head again.
  340. >Figured AJ would be good backup should things get physical too.
  341. >"So he just skipped class? Like it was nothin'?"
  342. "Yeah. I was actually mad! I couldn't believe it!"
  343. >"Well 'course you were. If he y'all really have feelings for each other, then you'd think he respect you enough to go to class after you show you care, right?"
  344. "Oh! Uh, heh, feelings, right. Y-yeah, totally!"
  345. >Honestly who does he think he is?
  346. >You ask him to prom, he says yes, saves you, and then just leaves?
  347. >Could of at least walked you to class...
  348. >In that moment, it dawned on you.
  349. >You've gone from nuetral towards him to actually almost liking him.
  350. >As a friend, of course.
  351. >Only that.
  352. >...
  353. >/Only/ that.
  354. >"Well, the two of you ought to sit with all of us at lunch! I'm sure the girls would love to hear that story."
  355. "Well, maybe except for Fluttershy. And if I can find him. The guys' a ghost most of the time, I noticed."
  356. >"True that. Heck, when I /would/ see him in the lunch room, he'd be alone. Also, yeah... y'all gotta talk to her about her brother."
  357. "Ugh! I have! He just can't take hint! Even when I'm straight up in saying I don't like him he /still/ tries."
  358. >You cross you arms and huff.
  359. "Wouldn't expect you to know what its like to have a guy liking you."
  360. >AppleJack glares.
  362. >"Whats that supposed to mean?"
  363. "Uh! N-nothing! Your totally hot AJ! Plenty of guys want you! They're just intimidated, thats all."
  364. >You smile sheepishly.
  365. >Applejack pinches the bridge of her nose.
  366. >"Lets just get to class before we're late."
  367. >You nod.
  370. >>
  371. >Be Anon.
  372. >Green dude.
  373. >Yeah.
  374. >Making your way to the cafeteria for lunch.
  375. >Wondering if she'll try to get you to eat with her.
  376. >Meh, who cares.
  377. >Just gonna treat everything as normal unless she interjects.
  378. >That way, you can know for sure if shes just messing with you.
  379. >Gotta admire her comitment though, at this point.
  380. >You walk in and only a moment after grabbing your tray, you hear her voice behind you.
  381. >"Hey, Anon!"
  382. >You couldn't help but feel elated at the sound of her voice.
  383. "Oh, Dash. Whats up?"
  384. >"Me friends and I are over at that table right there."
  385. >She points behind her.
  386. >The table she mentioned indeed had her group of friends all sitting around it.
  387. >They give a friendly wave when they notice you looking.
  388. >"You should sit with us. Since your my prom date and all." She gives a playful tap on your arm, "Heh. Don't keep us waiting, ok?"
  389. >She walks back to her table, taking her seat and giving you a wave.
  390. >"Hey, don't hold up the lunch line!" The lunch lady barks.
  391. "Yeah yeah I'm movin, (old bitch)."
  392. >"Hm?"
  393. "I didn't say anything."
  394. >You grab an apple and a package of crackers and head over to where your supposed girlfriends and her girlfriends all sat.
  395. >"Whatsup Anon!" Dash stands up, revealing another chair next to hers.
  396. >You oblige and take your seat.
  397. "How ya been since this moring?"
  398. >"Aw y'know, being as awesome as can be. Because I'm me."
  399. >She giggles.
  400. >"Heh, that rhymed."
  401. "Y-yeah. Uh, I mean, hell yeah. Good to hear. Glad fuckface hasn't bothered you anymore."
  402. >"Language dear!" Rarity says.
  403. "Oh, sorry."
  404. >"Totally! That was awesome what you did for me this morning, let me introduce you to my friends!"
  405. >Dash begins going around the table, one by one.
  406. >"This is Pinkie Pie!"
  407. >"HI~!! We HAVE to throw a party to celebrate you being Dash's new boyfriend! Also another one for the fact that she has a prom date! OH OH!! And another after the prom to celebrate the prom!"
  408. >"Pinkie!"
  409. >Pinkie shrugs.
  410. >"What? Haven't you heard of after parties?"
  411. >Dash sighs and moves on.
  412. >"This blondie here is Applejack."
  413. >"Howdy! Any boy who sticks up for Rainbow is a friend of mine!"
  414. >"And you've already met Rarity."
  415. >"Indeed, darling! I look forward to making you a suitable getup for the dance."
  416. "Much obliged."
  417. >"This is Twilight Sparkle."
  418. >"Hello!" She gives a friendly wave, "I know Applejack alread said something, but I wanted to thank you as well."
  419. "Well yeah, we gotta look out for each other, right?" You look at Dash.
  420. >"Y-yeah! Of course!" She says, a tinge of pink in her cheeks, "And last but not least, here is Fluttershy!"
  421. >"H-hi uhm..."
  422. >Damn shes almost as awkward as you are.
  424. >"I'm so sorry for Zephyr breeze! Please forgive him! I've tried to get him under control when it comes to Rainbow Dash, but theres only so much I can do!"
  425. "Uhhh-"
  426. >"Please forgive me too! I should try harder to keep him at bay and not interfering in your relationship with Rainbow Dash!"
  427. "Uhh, heh, there there."
  428. >You look at Dash who just sighs with a smile.
  429. "Uhm, its all good. Is he your ex or something?"
  430. >"Hm? Oh no, hes my brother."
  431. "Huh. Well, its all good. No harm no foul and all."
  432. >"Thank you for being so understanding! You picked out a very nice boyfriend Rainbow."
  433. >That word again.
  434. >"Hey! Heh, I can really pick'em!"
  435. >The rest of the lunch period goes on with them sharing stories and gossiping, as girls do.
  436. >And of course they wanted your perspective on what happened.
  437. >Asking you if you really cursed at him, if you really called him a hippie, and so on.
  438. >It was nice, being the center of attention, for once.
  440. >Be Rainbow Dash once again.
  441. >Super athlete extraordinaire!
  442. >Awaiting in the student parking lot in Rarity's awesome convertable.
  443. >Girl is too rich for her own good.
  444. >Rarity opens up her powder mirror and touches herself up.
  445. >"You told him at lunch didn't you?"
  446. "You were sitting there when I told him. Here, parking lot, this time."
  447. >"Honestly that boy." She snaps the powder mirror closed, "So rude to keep two pretty ladies waiting."
  448. >You sigh and lean back in your seat.
  449. "Well it hasn't been /that/ long."
  450. >Rarity continues checking herself in her visor mirror.
  451. "Relax Rarity your face is still there."
  452. >She ignores your rude comment, fluttering her eyelashes at her reflection.
  453. >"You should..." She flips the visor mirror up, "Sit in the back with him."
  454. "Huh?"
  455. >"You know~, get close. Get," she looks at you and bites her lip, "intimate."
  456. >You deadpan.
  457. "You know its not like that."
  458. >"Well prom is only another few nights away, and we all know how prom night ends~..."
  459. >She cocks her brow.
  460. "I already said I'm not doing that!"
  461. >"Oh, too ugly for you?"
  462. "Hes not ugly!"
  463. >"Ohhh so defensive."
  464. >You blush, quickly realizing what you just said.
  465. "I mean, I don't think hes ugly or anything, I just don't wanna give him the wrong idea."
  466. >"Aren't you already?"
  467. "Well, yeah! But only to a degree!"
  468. >"Hm." Rarity goes back to the mirror, "That poor boy..." she says, with a grin.
  469. "Hrmmm!"
  470. >Rarity breaks out into laughter.
  471. >"Ahh-haha! Oh, Dashie!" She snickers and snorts, "Ahhh, I'm only teasing you."
  472. "Ugh!" You sink back in your seat and roll your eyes.
  473. >A moment of silence sets in.
  474. >"I totally would."
  475. "Gahh!"
  476. >"Would what?"
  477. >"Ah! Anonymous! Good afternoon dahling! We were just talking about the big night is all." Rarity says, waving her hand.
  478. "Yeah, a little too much about it..." You mutter.
  479. >"You okay there, Rainbow?" He asks.
  480. "Uh, oh! Yup! I'm awesome!" You lift your chin, "Especially since we get to see what your gonna look like when we're dancing together, stud."
  481. >You wink.
  482. >"Cool! We going straight to your shop, Rarity?"
  483. >"Of course!"
  484. >He nods and gets in the back.
  485. >The moment his door shuts, you can't help but notice something.
  486. >You sniff, picking up a particular smell.
  487. "Do you... *sniff* smell that?"
  488. >"Oh?" Rarity asks, starting up the car, "I don't smell anything."
  489. >Wouldn't expect you too with all perfume on...
  490. "Its like a sorta, smoky smell. Like ciggarettes."
  491. >You look back at anon.
  492. "Yeah that must be me, sorry."
  493. >"Wha-? Well, why do you smell like that?" You ask, a little peeved.
  494. "What? I smoke. Started sophomore year."
  495. >"WHAT?!" They both say in unison.
  496. "Anoon~!"
  497. >He shrugs.
  498. "That bad for you! C'mon!"
  499. >"A lot of things are."
  500. "Hnggg! No more smoking, got it?"
  501. >"..."
  502. "Got it??"
  503. >He sighs.
  504. >"Oh, alright, alright! I'll stop." He crosses his arms, "Fuck..."
  505. >"Language!"
  506. >"Sorry..."
  508. >Your phone pings.
  509. >Its a text from Rarity.
  510. >How did she even do that so fast??
  511. >You read; "You liiike him, you caaare about him."
  512. >Somehow you were able to read that in the mocking tone she no doubt had in her head when she typed it.
  513. >You glare at her.
  514. >Rarity, not breaking her poker face, take her phone and begins texting rapidly with one hand while driving.
  515. >Swear if its another-
  516. *ping*
  517. "Hrm..."
  518. >You read; "You wanna watch him deck Zephyr in the face and then kiiiiss him afterrr~."
  519. >You read this in the same tone and voice as the last.
  520. >Rarity couldn't contain herself much more.
  521. >She was snickering while trying to focus on the road, only looking away to glance at your now beat red face.
  522. >"Women..." Anon mutters to himself.
  524. >>
  525. >Be Anonymous.
  526. >Good'ol green boy.
  527. >Finally arriving at Rarity's shop.
  528. >Looked nice.
  529. >"We're heeeere~!"
  530. >She shuts off the engine and eagerly leaves the car and walks right in.
  531. "Well shes awfully excited."
  532. >"Well sure," Dash responds, "not every day she gets a new person to work on. C'mon stud!"
  533. "Is that your official pet name for me now?"
  534. >"What?"
  535. "Well first it was 'babe' and all day today its been 'stud'."
  536. >"Whaaat can't I give knight in shining armor a pet name?" She ruffles your hair and giggles.
  537. >You sit there feeling dumb.
  538. >While Dash giggles and covers her mouth, looking at your hair she disheveld.
  539. >Rarity pokes her head out of the door.
  540. >"Dashie! Anon! Please come in! We must work. There is greatness to be achieved!"
  541. >Dash chuckles to herself.
  542. >"C'mon fuzzy head." She snickers.
  543. >You sigh and follow behind.
  544. >The door opens with a light ringing of a bell.
  545. >You look up to see its an actual bell and not just a sound effect or one of those Seven Eleven *beeps*.
  546. "Cool."
  547. >"Very much so, dear. But not as cool as you'll be after I'm done with you."
  548. >Rarity stood next to a platform which was surrounded by mirrors.
  549. >"Go for it, champ!" Rainbow says, lighlty tapping your arm.
  550. "Oh. Right, right."
  551. >"Ok dear, just come right over here and take off your shoes, your hoodie, and your pants.
  552. "...Do what now?"
  553. >"Relax dear, I'm a professional."
  554. >Rarity dons a pair of red glasses.
  555. "Uhh...." You look out at the busy street through the window behind you.
  556. >"Oh! Of course how forgetful of me!"
  557. >She pulls out a few curtain racks to block any and all prying eyes that may see your half naked self.
  558. >You barely take a step before Rainbow walks behind the curtain with Rarity.
  559. >"Yo Anon you coming or what?" She pokes her head out of the curtains, "Helloooo~?"
  560. "So do the pants /need/ to come off?"
  561. >Dash blinks and then adopts a somewhat sultry look.
  562. >Uh-oh...
  563. >"Whats wrong? Is the 'I don't care what anyone thinks' bad boy getting all afraid because a couple of girls are gonna see his undies?" She winks.
  564. >"Do make haste, Anon! I have other things to do as well, y'know."
  565. >You breath deep and take off your shoes, leaving them at the door before entering the curtain walls with Dash and Rarity.
  567. >Before your even all the way behind the curtains Rarity is already ordering you.
  568. >"C'mon c'mon," she points to your hoodie, "off off off..."
  569. >You oblige her and off the hoodie goes.
  570. >Thank god you wore deodorant today.
  571. >"And those." She points at your jeans.
  572. >You shrug.
  573. >Fuck it.
  574. >Shes a professional right?
  575. >The pants come off and you set them aside.
  576. >"I guess your a boxers guy, huh?" Dsah remarks as you stand on the platform.
  577. "Hey, gotta go with whats comfrtable."
  578. >She looks at your waist and scans your body.
  579. >"Yep. Sure do."
  580. >"Enough you two, I have work to do!"
  581. >Rarity pulls out a piece of measuring tape and a notepad.
  582. >"Lets see..."
  583. >You awkwardly move with her, trying but you think failing, at making her job easier.
  584. >"Relax dear, just spread your legs a little bit and I'll do the rest."
  585. "Y- *ahem* yeah."
  586. >Rarity stops in her tracks and makes direct eye contact with you, a tinge of annoynace in her gaze.
  587. >She smirks.
  588. >"Save those thoughts for your girlfriend, hm?" She points over to Dash.
  589. "I wasn't! I mean I-"
  590. >"Easy stud, I'm not worried that you'd be thinking of anyone but me."
  591. >You fake cough as a bead of sweat collects on your forehead.
  592. "Ah, okay! Lets change the subject!"
  593. >Dash bursts out laughing, holding herself up on her knees.
  594. >"Ahh, your a riot Anon."
  595. >"We were just teasing you dear." Rarity says, having already gone back to work.
  596. >"But since we are changing the subject, what're you gonna do after graduation, stud?"
  597. "Mmm..." You look away or at the floor.
  598. >Anywhere but her eyes.
  599. "Not uh, not sure yet."
  600. >"Oh come now darling no need to be nervous, you're already undressed before us, after all."
  601. >"Yeah! Like me, I'm going to go to college and get a bunch of contracts with every sports team I can! I'm pretty much the best athlete in school already, so I know I can make it!"
  602. >Dash sits on a stool and sighs in content.
  603. >"I know it'll be a pain having to probe myself again in fron of a bunch of new coaches and teammates, /and/ having to keep my grades up, but it'll be sooo worth it!"
  604. >She clenches her fists and looks at the cieling, no doubt envisioning her name in lights and crowds cheering her on.
  605. >It was a feeling you could never know.
  606. >"Yeah..." She says, hungrily, "what about you, Rarity?"
  607. >"Me? Oh you know, nothing as grandios as you, I imagine buuut..."
  608. >She pauses, closing her eyes and clasping her hands togther.
  609. >"I'm going to have the most successful clothing line ever! I'll cater to all manner of high society! Dresses, high class wessings, parties..." She sighs with just as much elation as Dash did, "The dream..."
  610. >"So c'mon, we told you! Now you tell us! We /promise/ we won't laugh if you thinks its lame!"
  611. >She gives a look of utter excitement.
  612. "I uh... I hear another wat may be on the brink. Think I'll join the army or something."
  613. >"Ohhh~. A man of honor~." Rarity coos.
  614. >"Thats uh, cool?" Dash says, with a bit of reserve, "I mean, you'll have to leave though, right?"
  616. "Well, yeah."
  617. >"But what if something really does happen?"
  618. "Mwell..." you hesitate to answer.
  619. >The air in the room had seemingly shifted since they expressed thier own plans.
  620. "I mean if its my time, then its my time."
  621. >"...What?"
  622. "I mean if something really does pop off and I end up going, and die, at least then my life would have had /some/ meaning."
  623. >"You... can't really mean that, right?"
  624. "Why wouldn't I?"
  625. >"I mean, well," You laugh nervously, "you wouldn't bu-"
  626. "Hey now, you said you wouldn't laugh."
  627. >"That wasn't- I wasn't..."
  628. >She looks away, glances at you and then leaves.
  629. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that, eh?"
  630. >"Just give her a moment to calm down. Not everyday someone tells you that, heh. Well, lets finish up then."
  631. "Yeah."
  632. >Oh man... might have screwed the pooch on this.
  634. >Be Rainbow Dash.
  635. >Having just been hit by an ironic bombshell by your "borfriend".
  636. >Of all guys to choose from, it just /had/ to be the one with a deathwish.
  637. >Outside behind the boutique you stand.
  638. >Staring at the ground and with your arms crossed, contemplate all that just happened.
  639. "C'mon girl... Get a grip." you wipe a tear, "You weren't supposed to end up having feelings for the guy."
  640. >You spend the next five minutes slowly pacing back and forth until you stop in place.
  641. >You let out a long, drawn-out sigh.
  642. >Its fine.
  643. >All good!
  644. >You've gone through /way/ worse then this!
  645. >What about the time your soccer team was down a goal with only ten seconds left on the clock and you TOTALLY nailed the shot to tie it up, go into overtime, and take the win?
  646. "Well that was easy." You mutter to yourself.
  647. >You rub the sides of your head.
  648. "Ugh! Why am I even struggling with this? Am I just feeling sorry for him or is it something more?" You stomp your foot, "Why does love have to be such a pain!?"
  649. >You stagger backward into the wall and slide down to sit.
  650. "I know I shouldn't feel anything, but he was so quick to stick up for me before..."
  651. >You rest your head in your palm.
  652. "Everytime I think about what he said, I get a pain in my chest. Like my heart hurts."
  653. >You're struck with a sudden sense of anger.
  654. "Hmph! 'Well if its my time, then its my time. I don't care at all about /you/ Rainbow Dash! Not one bit!' *sniff*".
  655. >Your lip quivers.
  656. "Fine then. I'll just ignore these feelings until its over. Its only gonna be a little while longer anyway. Once hes gone it'll stop." You wipe the water from your eyes and get back to your feet, "Fine then! Have your dumb death wish. Go fight in some stupid war somewhere for god knows what. Not like I didn't want to start to get to know you anyway!"
  657. >You close your eyes, breathe deep, and recollect yourself.
  658. "Okay..."
  661. >>
  662. >"Well dear, that about wraps it up! I have everything I need to make your suit."
  663. "I really do appreciate this."
  664. >Be Anon again.
  665. >Getting all wrapped up with these measurements.
  666. >"Just as well, I think shes had enough time to cool off. Go talk to her."
  667. "What do I even say?"
  668. >"Anything, dear."
  669. "Oh like what? Like shes the first girl to ever treat me with anything other then either complete apathy or outright contempt? And that I like her for it...?"
  670. >Shit.
  671. >You just spilled the beans.
  672. >Shouldn't have let that one slip.
  673. >More importantly, you just had a revalation.
  674. >It happened.
  675. >What you JUST said to yourself this morning, /not/ to let happen.
  676. >You developed feelings for her.
  677. >Way to go, idiot.
  678. >"Actually, I think she'd probably like that."
  679. "Thinks so? Sounds kinda pathetic."
  680. >"Well, yes it is."
  681. "..."
  682. >Rarity giggles.
  683. >"But, its honest."
  684. >Rarity grabs her measurment tools and leaves the curtains as you begin getting dressed.
  685. >"Oh, Rainbow!"
  686. >You ears perk.
  688. >"Are you feeling well?"
  689. >"Yes, Rarity, I'm fine. Did Anon leave or..."
  690. >"Hes getting his clothes back on. He, says he has something to say to you."
  691. "Hey, Dash?" You struggle with your pants, eager to talk to her, "H-hang on I- AH!"
  692. >You trip and fall through the curtain.
  693. "Crap."
  694. >"Heheh, lemme help you out, stud."
  695. >Dash walks over and helps you get to your feet.
  696. "Thanks."
  697. >"You're welcome!"
  698. >She looks at you.
  699. >With those eyes of hers...
  700. "Uh, ahem, listen I uh-"
  701. >"Wait! Me first. I'm sorry for just leaving like that. I'm uhhh..." She blushes, "Not good with all the feelings stuff and all that."
  702. >You stare at her, dumbstruck as you were that day in the cafeteria.
  703. "Oh thank god!"
  704. >"Huh?"
  705. "Me too!"
  706. >"R-really?"
  707. "Yes! From an early age I never got really any much attention from my parents because well, I don't even know my dad and mom was always working, so..." You scratch the back of your head, "I kinda became a recluse and just didn't care about anyone or anything."
  708. >"But why?"
  709. "I mean I was a little kid, alone all the time. I'd go to the park and wouldn't get along with the other kids because I'd just end up getting into fights'n stuff..." You shake your head, "I figured being on my own all the time was what I was meant for."
  710. >"Really?"
  711. >You nod.
  712. >"Wow... Y'know for me it was kinda the opposite."
  713. "Yeah?"
  714. >"Mhm. My parents were supportive, TOO supportive! They were always so pushy and wanting to be involved with every aspect of my life! I was being smothered to the point of suffocation!" She sighs, "I'm still close with them and all, but now I don't even bother telling them about upcoming games or event because I know they'll just emberass me."
  715. "Guess were two sides of the same coin."
  716. >"Guess so."
  717. "Well, the suns' starting to set. I should get going. Long walk back and the children of the night, lets call them, like to come out after dark around my street."
  718. >"Mm!"
  719. >She hugs you.
  720. >Hard.
  721. >Squeezing tightly around your body, and firmly planting her head against your chest.
  722. "Sorry if I uh, hurt your feelings before."
  723. >You return the hug, petting her head.
  724. >"Me too." She says, blushing.
  725. >She releases you, finally.
  726. "Well, guess I'll get going. Cya tomorrow."
  727. >"Hey!"
  728. "Hm?"
  729. >"We both have the same speech class right?"
  730. "Yeah, I let you copy my essay once at the begining of the year."
  731. >"I remember that..." She mutters, "Uhm, well, sit next to me, okay?"
  732. >You smile and nod.
  733. "Yeah, sure."
  734. >You both wave and your out the door, heading home.
  736. >>
  737. >Be Dash again.
  738. >Well, that went better then expected.
  739. >Was mentally prepping for a big fight, honestly.
  740. >Still wish he wasn't so fatalistic with life, though...
  741. >*Ping*
  742. "Huh?"
  743. >You look at your phone.
  744. >A picture message from Rarity of you hugging Anon, with a caption of "awwww!" and kissy faces.
  745. "RARITY!!"
  746. >You turn around, seeing her hidden slightly behind the stairs.
  747. >In her hand she jingled the keys to her car.
  748. "Whats the big idea- oh!"
  749. >She throws you the keys.
  751. >"Well go on, darling."
  752. >You take them in your hand and smirk.
  753. "Thanks!"
  754. >"Just make sure you fill it up on your way back."
  755. >Always a catch.
  756. "Yeah, thanks..."
  757. >"And don't leave any stains~."
  760. >The following moring.
  761. >Be Anon again.
  762. >Actually on time for class.
  763. >Much to not only yours but the teacher's surprise as well.
  764. >Of course you're only here because Dash wanted to sit next to you today.
  765. >Will probably spend more time cutting up and making jokes with her then actually paying any inkling of attention.
  766. >Also to your surprise, you awoke today kind of excited for school.
  767. >First time thats happened since Elementary.
  768. >Regardless, you await in your corner of the room waiting for her.
  769. >Contemplating the series of events that have taken place over the last few days.
  770. >It was all a trick, you told yourself.
  771. >That it was a simple ploy to make you vulnerable for some elaborate prank.
  772. >But curcumstances have proven otherwise.
  773. >She /is/ genuine with her sentaments towards you.
  774. >You can't help but smile.
  775. >A fluttery feeling in your stomache picks up and trickles to your heart.
  776. "Kinda cool, actually."
  777. >"Lost in thoughts about me there, stud?"
  778. >And there she is.
  779. "Sorta..."
  780. >She giggles.
  781. >"At least you're on time today." She says, taking the desk next to yours and scooching it closer.
  782. "Well after you gave me a ride yesterday, showing up on time so we can sit next to each other was the least I could do."
  783. >"Aw don't mention it!"
  784. >She ruffles your hair, much to your dismay.
  785. "Hrm...."
  786. >"Surprise!"
  787. >?
  788. >She leans in close, holding her phone up to snap a quick pic of the two of you.
  789. >She looks at the screen, clearly satisfied as she shows it to you.
  790. "My hair looks like a mess thanks to you..."
  791. >"You hair is always a mess."
  792. "Yeah!" You cross your arms, "But a well kempt mess."
  793. >"Well you better make it look nice for tonight."
  794. "Tonight- oh shit the prom is tonight isn't it?"
  795. >"Uh, yeah!" She rolls her eyes, "Just wait! We're gonna roll up in a limo, with all my friends, and we're gonna have doves flying out behind us when we exit!"
  796. "Doves? Why doves?"
  797. >"Be...cause... doves are awesome thats why!"
  798. "Expensive too, I imagine."
  799. >"Stick in the mud."
  800. "Hey."
  801. >She looks at you, smirking in arrogance.
  802. "S-so what."
  803. >She sighs contently.
  804. >"You're too easy, Anon."
  805. "Hmph."
  806. >"Okay students, take your seats!" The teacher finally walks in.
  807. >Honestly, why do they always get the coaches to teach history, english, or speech classes?
  808. >Do they even make any extra?
  809. >Maybe because they're easier to teach.
  810. >"Now we'll be continuing on presentations and interviews, so-" He notices Rainbow's desk only inches from yours, "Mr. Anon."
  811. >Your eyes dart around.
  812. "What?"
  813. >"You're not trying to distract one my players and students are you?"
  814. >The class begins to murmur in laughter and gossip.
  815. >You tilt your head.
  817. "I don't even know what you coach."
  818. >He clearly got a little offended.
  819. >"Girl's volley ball. And the fact my star player is sitting so close to you doesn't exactly inspire-"
  820. >"Its okay, Mr. Sandusky!" Dash interjects, "Hes just offering to help me out a bit since we're so close to the end of the year."
  821. >"His grade is almost as low as yours, Ms. Dash."
  822. >"So?" She shrugs, "Still higher."
  823. >You smirk and give an affirmative nod.
  824. >"Well if you want to bring your grades up, you should sit with Punymire here."
  825. >He points out the stick boi sitting at the front of the class, closest desk to the door.
  826. >He turns in his seat and waves at Rainbow, much to her disgust.
  827. >You just shake your head.
  828. >"Uhm... no?"
  829. >"...Fine whatever its your grade not mine."
  830. "Douche." You mutter.
  831. >"Oh yeah!" Dash exclaims in hush tone, "I almost forgot to tell you, Rarity got permission from her teachers to stay in the sewing room this morning so she can work on your threads."
  832. "Damn, shes really passionate about clothes eh?"
  833. >"She likes a project to work on. Plus shes pretty much a shoe-in for graduating with good grades, so her teachers let her have a little bit of extra freedom for that sorta stuff."
  834. >You smile at her.
  835. "Thanks for getting my back."
  836. >For a moment, shes a little flustered.
  837. >"Uh, oh! Yeah, heh, no problem!"
  840. >>
  841. >Lunch time.
  842. >Only, you're not in the cefateria.
  843. >No no, you're in the sewing room where Rarity has essentially made it into an extension her of shop.
  844. >Or "boutique" as she calls it.
  845. >Fancy person words.
  846. >Smooth brain don't get big words.
  847. >Still, cool as shit shes going through such lengths to hook you up.
  848. >And for Rainbow for allowing it to happen.
  849. >Speaking of whom, she and Pinkie were with you as well.
  850. >"Well, you gonna try it on or what?" Dash asks, as it hangs on the curtain rack.
  851. "Holy shi-"
  852. >Rarity narrows her eyes at you.
  853. "Uh, crap. You actually made it up since just yesterday?"
  854. >"Well truth be told I-"
  855. >"She sure did!" Pinkie exclaims, "Rarity is a /wiz/ at tailoring. AND decorations!"
  856. >"Indeed," Rarity flings her hair, "But yes, most of the work was already done save for a few inches here and there along the cuffs. I was a little dissapointed actually."
  857. "Oh. Well sorry I was a boring project I guess."
  858. >"Oh stop it, dear. Just means I'm getting really good."
  859. >You take the suit off the rack and examine it wrapped in a plastic cover.
  860. >Through which you can see the soft sewn materials it was made with.
  861. >Even if what she said is true, you still can't help but marvel at the sewmanship.
  862. "Wow."
  863. >"Well we don't have all day!"
  864. >Dash pushes you into the fitting room.
  865. "Hey, hey! Alright alright!"
  866. >"In ya go, stud!"
  867. "Wha-!"
  868. >And just like that a girl only half your sized pushed you across the room.
  869. >Damn shes stronger then she looks.
  870. >Feelings of inadequzcy aside, you hang the tux and begin to undress.
  871. >The only distraction being the talking outside...
  872. >"Did you sew balloons into the pant leg?" Pinkie asks.
  874. >"No."
  875. >"Well why not??"
  876. >"Pinkie balloons don't go with everything, y'know!"
  877. >Pinkie gasps.
  878. >"They sooo do!"
  879. >"Pinkie calm down." Dash says.
  880. >You tune them out and focus on getting into your new gear, making the effort not to fall over and risk ripping anything.
  881. >The pants go on easy enough, the soft materials flow smoothly over your skin as you slide them up.
  882. >Even hug the contors of your ass well and nice too.
  883. >You can't help but look at it in the mirror.
  884. "Heh, do you do squats? Yeah you do squats."
  885. >You cringe at yourself and continue on with the rest.
  886. >The arguing outside continues on...
  887. >"Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, girls!" Pinkie shouts.
  888. >"Darling what are you on about?"
  889. >"Don't get me started on the frogs!!"
  890. >"What??"
  891. >"Pinkie," Dash says, "You are so random."
  892. "That girls head is a series of mazes and mirrors..."
  893. >You look at yourself in the mirror, buttoning up your coat.
  894. >Looks... good.
  895. >Never seen yourself wearing something like this, or even picture yourself wearing something like this.
  896. >Guess you'll have to let the girls judge.
  897. "Aw fuck..." You mutter, dreading the thought.
  898. >"Tax evasion is a crime, Pinkie!" Rarity says, accusingly.
  899. >"Its an obligation!" She fires back.
  900. >Dash just sits and sighs at the absurdity.
  901. >"Yo Anon, you almost done or what?"
  902. "Yeah, just about!"
  903. >Finally understand what ZZ Top was talking about with that song about the dude dressing up and the girls loving it.
  904. >"Please hurry..."
  905. >"I'm gonna start a buisness with Fluttershy!" Pinkie continues on, "And we'll make it an animal park, and we'll get park designation status so the goverment won't steal our money!"
  906. >"Pinkie!" Rarity shouts, "This conversation has nothing to do with anything!"
  907. >"Well y'know what could've prevented this conversation??"
  908. >"...Balloons on the pantleg?"
  909. >"Ballons on the pantlegs!"
  910. "Is conspiracy hour done? Or should I just stay in the dressing room?"
  911. >You walk out.
  912. >The big reveal.
  913. >"Ah! My hero! Dash says, getting up and looking at your new clothes."
  914. >They all look at you, in silence.
  915. "Well, c'mon then, how bad do I make it look?"
  916. >"On the contrary dear, now you /are/ a full on stud."
  917. >"Whoa, cool!" Dash says, examining your figure.
  918. >"Glad you're not fat!" Pinkie says.
  919. >"Pinkie!"
  920. >"What? Y'know Dash is glad too!"
  921. >Dash walks around you, arms crossed and with a smirk.
  922. >You feel the heat of emberassment begining to swell up.
  923. >"Nice, nice..."
  924. >"You see darlings," Rarity says, hand on her chest, "I do good work."
  925. "Its really comfy! Love the fabric."
  926. >"Of course dear~." She waves her hand, clearly impressed by her own work.
  927. >"Yeah, great material ya got here..."
  928. >Dash leans down behind you.
  929. "..."
  930. >"Wonder what it feels like."
  931. >You feel a sharp poke in your butt cheek.
  932. "Ah!" You jump a whole ass foot in front of you.
  933. >She begins laughing uncontrollably.
  934. >"You're too easy! haha!"
  936. "Alrighty then, I'm just gonna change back since I look so good and its confirmed!"
  937. >"Hold it!" Rarity stops you, "Hmmm."
  938. >She walks circles around you, muttering to herself.
  939. >"The shoulders look a bit stiff, hm."
  940. >She eyes you up and down.
  941. >"And maybe the sleeves are a bit too short."
  942. "Feels fine to me."
  943. >"Well that may be so dear, but I'm a perfectionist! But, since we clearly don't have the time, I suppose this will suffice, even for me."
  944. >"I guess even /without/ balloons, it looks good."
  945. "Right..."
  946. >Well, I'll just change back then.
  947. >Easily the most eventful lunch period of the year.
  948. >For you, anyway...
  950. >Tonight is the night.
  951. >THE night.
  952. >The night of nights.
  953. >A night to be remembered.
  954. >More words about the night being memorable!
  955. >In the back of Rarity's big ass limousine the girls all rant and rave about prom and how its going to be so memorable.
  956. >The interior and seats were of millionaire status.
  957. >How she could have all this crazy shit was beyond you.
  958. >You came to the conclusion that it was best to stop asking questions about these things pretty much the day you saw she owned a convertable.
  959. >Next to you, of course, Rainbow sat.
  960. >Her dress matched her hair /and/ name perfectly.
  961. >A rainbow patterened top, with lavender sleeves, aky blue dress with a golden thunderbolt buckle keeping a mauve belt sug around her waist.
  962. >It wasn't the most traditional of dresses for a girl.
  963. >But considering everything Rainbow Dash is about, it doesn't seem in the least out of place.
  964. >It fit her.
  965. >Perfectly...
  966. >Dash throws her arm around your shoulder, holding her phone out.
  967. >Already knowing whats coming, you throw up devil horns, smirking at the camera.
  968. >"No gang signs!" She says.
  969. "Wha-huh? Thats not a gang-"
  970. >She throws up her own set of horns, moving her hand.
  971. >"Joking~."
  972. >You laugh and throw yours back up, next to hers.
  973. >The phone camera flashes and there you have it.
  974. >First memory of the night captured.
  975. >Overall, the mood was over the top positive.
  976. >Had there been anymore giddy-ness in the car it might actually explode from an overload of teenage feminine pheremones.
  977. >"This calls for some rocking tunes!" Rarity shouts.
  978. >With the press of a button a mini disco ball lowers from the cieling of the vehicle, accompanied by lights and speakers.
  979. >"Barnabas!" She shouts to the driver, who is barely visible through a window open to the driver's seat.
  980. >"M-miss Rarity, my name, its David." He says, in a deafeated tone, "And you can access the sound system from back there-"
  981. >"Hm, odd." She says, examining her nails, "Doesn't sound much like music is being turned on, /Barnabas/."
  982. >He sighs defeatedly as the speakers thrum to life with blasting beats.
  983. >"Miss Rarity! If I may!" He shouts, just barely audible over the music, "Can you please, for once get my name..."
  984. >Rarity presses the window button, seperating the cab from the driver's seat.
  985. >From behind the window, despite the music, you can still hear his sorrow over his crushed dreams and broken life.
  986. >Anyway, everyone is having the time of thier life with the music blaring.
  987. >Honestly with how fancy this thing is you could have a whole date just in here.
  988. >After what only felt like a few moments, you finally arrive to your school.
  989. >Other people pull up ahead and alongside your limo, all dressed up and looking fancy as they exity thier own cars.
  990. >A spectacle you never thought you'd ever be a part of.
  991. >"C'mon everyone! Lets hit it!" Applejack says ecstatically.
  992. >Pinkie Pie reaches for the limo door and swings it open.
  993. >You all exit one by one, forming up in a line just outside.
  995. >"Alright!" Twilight says, "Lets go-"
  996. >"PARTAYY! Wooo!"
  997. >Pinkie runs in ahead of the group.
  998. "Is that girl like, high on sugar 24/7?"
  999. >"Uhm, maybe?" Fluttershy responds.
  1000. "Huh..."
  1001. >"We'll worry about her later." Twilight says, "I'm going to try some punch!"
  1002. >"Whoo! I know what I'm gonna be doin! Bet none of these guys ever dance'd in a real barnyard hoedown before!"
  1003. >Applejack strides to the doors, eager to show off her moves.
  1004. >"I just hope theres at least someplace where you can get away from all the noise for a break every few minutes."
  1005. >"Honestly, Fluttershy. You're one of the best looking girls in this school whether you want to admit it or not." Rarity says, with a wink.
  1006. >"" Fluttershy blushes and rubs her arm.
  1007. >"Why would you wanna hide?" Rarity says, brushing up to Fluttershy's side.
  1008. >"She sooo right!" Dash brushes up to her other side, "You can dance with any cute boy you want!"
  1009. >Fluttershy squeeks in nervous emberassment.
  1010. >"Come dahling!" Raritys takes her arm, "Your very own prince awaits!"
  1011. >"Hmmm!!" She whines, being practically dragged inside by rarity.
  1012. "Well they sure are all energetic."
  1013. >"Of course they are! You should be too stud!" Dash playfully punches your arm.
  1014. "Well I guess we should just try not to get lost in the exitement then, eh?"
  1015. >"We SO totally are!!"
  1016. >Dash wraps her arm around yours, and takes off with you in tow.
  1017. "Jesus!"
  1018. >All your suspicions had been laid to rest by now.
  1019. >She /is/ being genuine with her feelings towards you.
  1020. >Now at least.
  1021. >Or so you hope.
  1024. >>
  1025. >Be Rainbow Dash.
  1026. >Dancing with ol' green boy.
  1027. >Anonymous, the guy who you called out just a few days ago to stand in as a date to keep yourself clear of Fluttershy's grabby brother.
  1028. >The plan worked perfectly, he hasn't even made any attempts to get near you since that one morning.
  1029. >Such a breath of fresh air, too.
  1030. >Not having to worry about that smelly bum feeling you up with his eyes.
  1031. >All thanks to your "boyfriend".
  1032. >Although you didn't expect to really grow as attached to him as you have, you can't really complain.
  1033. >Whether or not you could call it "love", you could certainly say that it can grow to that with more time.
  1034. >Hes nice enough, at least.
  1035. >And he certainly seems willing to stand up for you when necessary.
  1036. >Which is nice to have happen.
  1037. >Since its mostly you being the one who stands up for your friends.
  1038. >With the music going strong and all manner of lights hung from the cieling shifting and changing to green, purple, blue, red, and so on, the prom dance floor is alive with movement.
  1039. >Applejack, true to her word, has been going nonstop since you walked in.
  1040. >Shes even managed to form a circle of admirers around her.
  1041. "C'mon, Anon! Shake it good and hard!"
  1042. >"I'm shakin'!!"
  1043. >Moving your body in rhythm with the beat of the speakers blasting on stage, you can't help but laugh internally as Anon struggles to keep up.
  1044. >Clearly not a dancer.
  1045. "C'mon! Like this!"
  1047. >You move your hips side to side, pumping your arms while doing so in tangent with the popping beats.
  1048. >"See?"
  1049. >He watches your feet, moving up to your hips and shoulders.
  1050. >He tried to get in rhythm with you.
  1051. >Key work being "trying".
  1052. >"There ya go! Almost got it!"
  1053. "How the hell are you doing it so perfectly??"
  1054. >You laugh and get close to him.
  1055. "You just gotta find the rhythm and go with it, stud~."
  1056. >Even through all the shifting lights you could see his cheeks change color.
  1057. >Maybe you overwhelmed him a bit there with dancing right up against him, but you didn't care.
  1058. >It was fun to see him so flustered and off balance with himself when normally hes so gloomy and/or uncaring to everything.
  1059. >You turn it up and put your back directly against his torso, bobbing side to side.
  1060. >"Whoh boy."
  1061. >Hes visibly sweating now.
  1062. >You let out a laugh and continue dancing.
  1063. "Careful, stud!" You say, giving sultry look, "Don't get /too/ excited."
  1064. >He lets out a nervous cough.
  1065. >"I-I'm not! I mean, you're the one doing it!"
  1066. >You giggle.
  1067. "Am I~?"
  1068. >You brush your hips against his just as the song ends.
  1069. >He breaths a sigh of relief.
  1070. >"Oh thank god..." He mutters.
  1071. "C'mon stud," You wipe a bit of sweat from your brow, "lets go get some punch."
  1072. >"Yeah."
  1073. >You reach for the ladel and pour yourself a cup, as does he.
  1074. "Hey!"
  1075. >"Hm?"
  1076. "Here!"
  1077. >You take a pin of your favorite lightning bolt symbol and pin it to his lapel.
  1078. "I've always felt like that symbol meant something really cool. So, I want you to have it on you too, because I think your..." You clear your throat, "Y'know, pretty cool too."
  1079. >He looks down at it, rubbing his finger over it.
  1080. >"I... wow Dash, thanks. I always see you wearing something with this symbol on it, figured it was like your own personal logo or something."
  1081. "Heheh... y-yeah."
  1082. >He sets down his cup, and brings you in, much to your surprise.
  1083. "Uh..."
  1084. >"Thanks, Dash."
  1085. "W-we're in public!"
  1086. >If your face burned any hotter you might set his tux on fire.
  1087. >Finally he lets you go.
  1088. >"I guess this time you were the one flustered eh?"
  1089. "Whoo..." you fan yourself off, "Yeah! How about a warning next time?"
  1090. >"Nah, more fun this way."
  1091. >He finishes his cup and throws it in the trash.
  1092. >"I'm gonna go use the restroom, be back in a bit!"
  1093. "Kay!"
  1094. >As he walks off, Rarity and Fluttershy come over to the table.
  1095. >"Honestly, darling. Not a single dance?"
  1096. >"I told you, Rarity. I'm not a dancer."
  1097. >Rarity sighs defeatedly.
  1098. >"Well, I tried."
  1099. >"Whoo boy!" Applejack approaches as well, wiping a good bit of sweat from her brow, "Gonna need to get some hydration in me after tonight!"
  1100. >"Seriously!" You hear Pinkie's voice, "All the jelly beans! A whole bag!"
  1101. >"Pinkie please," Twilight begs, "no more stories..."
  1102. "I don't even wanna know..."
  1103. >Twilight sighs.
  1104. >"Well, how is everyone's night going?"
  1105. "Amazing!"
  1106. >"A real hootenanny!" Applejack says, slamming more punch.
  1108. >"Uhm, I thought it was a hoedown?" Fluttershy asks.
  1109. >"It can be both! Why can't it be?"
  1110. >"Well I know Dashie and Nonny are having fun~." Pinkie says, raising her brows.
  1111. >"They are!" rarity agrees, "Your plan is really working out better then expected isn't it dear?"
  1112. >You shake your head, moving your hands to get her to shutup.
  1113. >"Plan?" Twilight asks.
  1114. >"Uhm, whoops."
  1115. >"What plan?" Applejack asks.
  1116. "Uh n-nothing! No plan at all! I'm with Anon because I totally like him!"
  1117. >Applejack narrows her eyes.
  1118. >She was always gifted with the ability to see through a facade.
  1119. >Even when most inconvenient.
  1120. >"Girls, lets talk about this somewhere private." Twilight says, pointing to an exit.
  1121. >You sigh.
  1122. >Guess it was inevitable word would get out eventually.
  1125. >>
  1126. >"You used him to shield yourself from someone else?" Twilight asks, accusingly.
  1127. >You stand on what may as well be trial for lying to Anon about everything.
  1128. >Within one of the empty classroom you and your friends discuss your ruse.
  1129. "Well when you say it like that," you roll your eyes." Whats the big deal? So what if I've been lying to him this whole time! Its not like he isn't having fun or anything!"
  1130. >"Well, Rainbow Dash," Applejack interjects, "thats not the point! How can y'all just lead someone on like that?"
  1131. "S-so what if I did!"
  1132. >You feel the sting in your eyes, the telltale sign of tears to follow.
  1133. >"Why did you do it, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asks, sitting next to you.
  1134. "I was just wanting to enjoy the last dance of the year without getting pestered by Zephyr Breeze!" You huff, "Hes always annoying me with wanting to dance, or saying that I really /do/ like when I obviously don't!"
  1135. >"I'm sorry to hear that, Rainbow Dash," Twilight says, placing a hand on your shoulder, "but that doesn't mean you just go and lead another person on like that."
  1136. "I'm sorry, okay?" You sniff, "I actually started liking Anon a little anyway."
  1137. >"Its true!" Rarity says, "Over the last few days they have warmed up to each other, so it isn't entirely a lie. Well, not now at least."
  1138. >"Be that as it may, Rarity," Twilight says, "She should still tell him the truth. For all we know Anonymous could be actually in love with Rainbow."
  1139. >Your heart sinks at those words.
  1140. >For they carried with them the heavy weight of truth.
  1141. >"Ohh!" Rarity pouts, "Can't it wait until after tonight! It looks like they were having so much fun!"
  1142. >"I don't think this is something that should wait, Rarity." Twilight sighs, "Rainbow Dash-"
  1143. "I know..." You sigh defeatedly, wiping away a tear, "I'll... I'll tell him."
  1144. >You unenthusiastically get up from your seat and make for the door to the hallway.
  1145. >Your friends follow behind.
  1146. >You breath deep and open the door.
  1147. >Okay, lets do this.
  1148. >He /should/ know.
  1149. >"Hm?" Rarity picks something up off the floor just outside the door, "Rainbow, did this fall off your dress?"
  1150. >She hands it to you.
  1151. >It was a pin.
  1152. >A familiar pin.
  1153. >It strikes you like a bolt of actual lightning.
  1154. "Uh-oh..."
  1156. >Be Anon!
  1157. >Despite all suspicion, doubt, anxiety.
  1158. >Tonight seems to be playing out pretty damn well!
  1159. >Much to your surprise.
  1160. >You stand in front of the mirror, washing your hands.
  1161. >You glance up at your reflection.
  1162. >Can't help but smile.
  1163. >For the first time in a long time, you may be genuinely happy.
  1164. >Almost forgot how good it can feel.
  1165. >Well, enough internal thought. Time to get back to your prom date.
  1166. >You exit the bathroom and make your way down the hall back to the gymnasium where the music and lights go strong.
  1167. >"C'mon! Its not that big of a deal!"
  1168. >Odd... sounded like Rainbow's voice.
  1169. >From one of the classroom doors you hear not only her voice but that of her friends as well.
  1170. >What could they be talking about?
  1171. >Heh, did she try to spike the punch or something?
  1172. >You curiousity get the better of you, and you get close to the door, remaning out of sight.
  1173. >"So what if I've been lying to him this whole time! Its not like he isn't having fun or anything!"
  1174. >Theres no mistaking it, that /her/ voice alright.
  1175. >"Well, Rainbow Dash,"
  1176. "Applejack?" You whisper to yourself.
  1177. >"Thats not the point! How can y'all just lead someone on like that?"
  1178. "S-so what if I did!"
  1179. >You sink in a mire of self doubt and anxiety.
  1180. >So overcome with grief and anger.
  1181. >You can't help but laugh on the inside.
  1182. "Of fucking course..." You mutter.
  1183. >You roll you shoulder against the wall and away from the door, using the walls and lockers for support.
  1184. "Told you, idiot." You take the pin and throw it to the ground, "You don't /get/ to be happy..."
  1185. >You reach into your lapel, taking out a pack of smokes you hid away.
  1186. >Had planned to smoke at least one in between dances or something.
  1187. >Quitting is a bitch.
  1188. "Thank fuck I brought these."
  1189. >You go down the hall to the nearest exit, taking it without hesitation.
  1191. >>
  1192. >Be Rainbow Dash once again.
  1193. "Thats the pin I gave him after we danced."
  1194. >Rarity gasps.
  1195. >"You don't think he heard, do you?"
  1196. "I... I have to find him!"
  1197. >Now filled with determination, you run down the hall.
  1198. >"Rainbow!" Pinkie calls out, "The dance is this way!"
  1199. "I know!" You call back, running for the exit.
  1200. >"C'mon girls, lets split up and help her look!" Twilight says.
  1201. >They nod in agreement and split off into different directions.
  1202. >You run into the door, knocking it open and making it slam against the wall.
  1203. "Where'd you go, where'd you go?" You whisper to yourself.
  1204. >"Heyyy~!"
  1205. "Ano- uh!?"
  1206. >"Heyyy babyyy~!"
  1207. "Zephyr?? Why are you here?"
  1208. >You catch a pungent stench eminating from him.
  1209. >Not the normal musky stench, but of a mixture of just that and straight booze.
  1210. >"Oh y'know, I figured since you didn't ask me to prom- *hic*"
  1211. >He staggers towards you.
  1212. >"I'd just surprise you for a great night, ehheheh..."
  1213. >He takes a swig of the bottle in his hand.
  1214. "Eugh... I don't have time to deal with you right now, just get lost, ok?"
  1215. >He lurches forward and grabs your arm.
  1216. "Hey, hey! Hands off!"
  1218. >You struggle against his grip.
  1219. >Normally hes not this grabby.
  1220. >His drunken stupor is obviously making him more bold then normal.
  1221. "Hands off I said!"
  1222. >"No!" He grabs your other arm, almost enough to rip the fabrics of your sleeves, "You're always so closed off to what we she be open about Dashie~! Mmm~."
  1223. >He cranes his neck, trying to kiss you.
  1224. "Gross!"
  1225. >"C'mon baby~." He licks his lips, "Let me in~..."
  1226. "Get. OFF!"
  1227. >You manage to get an arm free and punch him in the gut as hard as you can.
  1228. >"Offhooo!" He releases you to hold his gut, leaning over.
  1229. "Take a hint, loser!"
  1230. >You take off around the corner, with him not much further behind.
  1231. >"Come back here!"
  1232. "Drunk idiot!"
  1233. >You sprint off around the corner, too quickly.
  1234. >You shoe that was clearly meant for anything BUT running causes you to slip and fall just as you turn.
  1235. "Darn it! Ugh!"
  1236. >You see a pait of legs in front of you.
  1237. >Looking up you seen Anon taking a long drag off his cigerette, all the while giving you a look if pure contempt.
  1238. >"Not exactly dressed for that are you?"
  1239. >You get to your feet.
  1240. "Listen to me for just a minute okay?!" You plead.
  1241. >"You have twenty seconds." He takes another drag, "Tick tock."
  1242. >"Rainbow! Come back baby!!"
  1243. "Ugh! Just go away!"
  1246. >>
  1247. >Be Anon again.
  1248. >Rainbow just seemingly fell into you lap.
  1249. >Figured you get a few good smokes in before walking outta this shithole.
  1250. >But that not how this drama unfolds apperently.
  1251. >Rainbow looked disheveld, and part of her sleeve was torn.
  1252. >Against your better judgement you couldn't help but worry.
  1253. >"Listen to me for just a minute okay?!"
  1254. "You have twenty seconds."
  1255. >You take a long ass, purposful drag.
  1256. "Tick tock..."
  1257. >"Rainbow! Come back baby!!"
  1258. >"Ugh!" Rainbow balls her fists, "Just go away!"
  1259. >Recognize that voice..."
  1260. >Rainbow gets closer to you, as if seeking protection.
  1261. >You take step back away from her.
  1262. >"No, you don't get it! Hes trying to-"
  1263. >"Rainbow!" *pant* "I knew you'd see..."
  1264. >OF course its the lanky effeminite hippy again.
  1265. >Sporting a cologne of booze and B.O.
  1266. >"Ohh well if isn't the 'boyfriend'!"
  1267. "We should really stop meeting like this. And in general."
  1268. >You toss you smoke to the ground and stomp it out.
  1269. >"Shutup! I'm taking Dash from you, we're meant to be together! And if I gotta beat you upto prove it, so be it!"
  1270. "Can you even fight? You can barely stand."
  1271. >"Shutup!"
  1272. >He throws a sloppy punch, which you manage to weave under.
  1273. >Now think Anon... years of solitude and getting into tussles as a kid taught you how to fight for yourself, yes?
  1274. >What did you learn?
  1275. >What ALWAYS works?
  1276. "Of course!"
  1277. >"Huh?"
  1278. >You kick him in the nuts as hard as you possibly can.
  1279. >Sending him to the ground like a bag of bricks.
  1280. >"Hnguhh! My pebbly webblies!"
  1281. "Huh, he does have a pair."
  1283. >"That was awesome!"
  1284. >Dash embraces you tightly.
  1285. "Yeah heh, no."
  1286. >You undo her arms and free yourself from her grip.
  1287. >"But I-"
  1288. "C'mon I'll walk you back in through the front where theres too many eyes for this idiot to try anything."
  1289. >"O-okay..."
  1290. >Not a word was spoken on the walk back.
  1292. >>
  1293. >You make it back to the front of the school, where Dash's friends had already congregated.
  1294. "Theres you people, go on then."
  1295. >"But wait, you-"
  1296. "It wasn't a benevolent act. Just a repayment for the admittedly good time up to this point."
  1297. >"Hold on! Please listen!"
  1298. "I kinda figured this was all a facade from the start."
  1299. >"Y-you... you what?"
  1300. "Can't lie, I even thought I'd just roll with it and enjoy it like it was real. But I didn't count on actually developing a caring for you."
  1301. >"No, see! So did I!" She says, desperatly, "I swear! It started as just a lie but..."
  1302. >You take a deep breath.
  1303. >Dash's friends, having seen the two of you, quickly gather around.
  1304. "Look, I think it best we go out seperate ways."
  1305. >"But I-"
  1306. "Even if we did end up together, theres no way we could make it last, or work. We're going in two completely different places in life."
  1307. >"W-we could try anyway! I don't care about what you said about dying when we were in the boutique!"
  1308. >Some of the girls cover thier mouths.
  1309. >"We can still try!" She desperatly laughs, "At least, right?"
  1310. >Your heart skips a beat.
  1311. >You take a moment to collect yourself.
  1312. "I'm sorry, but no."
  1313. >She looks at the ground, shoulders slumped.
  1314. >You begin walking away, lighting up a cig while you do.
  1315. >You stop for a moment.
  1316. "Rarity."
  1317. >She looks at you with a sad expression.
  1318. "I'll return the tux on Monday, does that work?"
  1319. >"O-oh! Uhm, yes. Of course."
  1320. >You nod, and walk away.
  1321. >Last you hear being Rainbow Dash's sobs as her friends comfort her.
  1324. >>
  1325. >A few weeks later...
  1326. >Be Rainbow Dash.
  1327. >Graduation day!
  1328. >Can't beleive it!
  1329. >The ceremony is over and you've already thrown your hat in the air after turning the thing at the top.
  1330. >Never figured out what its called.
  1331. >Still felt good though!
  1332. >"Oh what a joyous day!" Rarity exclaims, "Ohh now we move on to the next step in our lives!"
  1333. "Yeah! Even better, we're all going to the same college!"
  1334. >"Eeeee!" Rarity is giddier then ever.
  1335. >Laughing and hopping in place.
  1336. >"Howdy fellow graduates!" Applejack calls you two out.
  1337. "Hey AJ!"
  1338. >Pinkie Pie, Twilght, and Fluttershy come up as well.
  1339. >"Wow! I can't beleive we're all here!" Pinkie says.
  1340. >"Well why wouldn't we be, Pinkie?" Fluttershy asks.
  1341. >"I dunno! I'm just so happy we're all here!!"
  1342. >You all laugh.
  1343. "Oh Pinkie, you're so random..."
  1344. >Something catches you in the corner of your eye.
  1345. >A guy in a military uniform walking out to the parking lot.
  1346. >And walking along side him, already out of his gown, was Anon.
  1347. "Hey uh, girls? Gimme a sec, I gotta go talk to someone."
  1348. >"Of course, Rainbow." Twilight says.
  1350. "Yo, Anon!"
  1351. >"Hm?"
  1352. "Wait up!"
  1353. >He stops, thankfully.
  1354. >Running with this gown on is harder then it looks...
  1355. >You catch up with him.
  1356. "Hey!"
  1357. >"Hey, whats up?"
  1358. "I mean, we haven't talked since... well, y'know."
  1359. >"Yeah. Its all good." He looks back to the man in uniform, "Hey, Sergeant? Can We get a minute?"
  1360. >"Yeah sure, take your time, brotha." He gets into his care, looking at phone while he waits.
  1361. "So uh, you... you're really going huh?"
  1362. >"Yeah."
  1363. "Well whenever you come back, maybe we can hangout? Just as friends if you want."
  1364. >He tilts his head and narrows his eyes.
  1365. "Relax." You laugh, placing a hand on his chest, "I just want a chance, a real chance to get to know you, thats all."
  1366. >He smiles.
  1367. >"Sure thing, Rainbow Dash."
  1368. >He gives a friendly nod and gets in the vehicle with who you assume is a recuiter.
  1369. >You stare intently, and watch as they drive off.
  1370. >You could swear Anon was meeting your eyes in the rear view mirror.
  1372. >>
  1373. >Be Anon.
  1374. >In a stupor of melancholy at the moment.
  1375. >Your recruiter offered to pick you up and give you a ride home after graduation, because mom is working and well, don't wanna walk home carrying this gown and hat the whole way.
  1376. >"Was that your girlfriend?" He asks.
  1377. "Hm? No, just an acquatence."
  1378. >"Didn't seem like it."
  1379. "Maybe you better at picking up on that stuff then me." You laugh.
  1380. >"Was she at some point?"
  1381. "...Yeah. Sorta."
  1382. >"What happened?"
  1383. "We were just going to two completely different places in life. Didn't think it'd work out."
  1384. >"Hey man, shit happens. Was it good while it lasted, at least?"
  1385. >You meekly nod.
  1386. "Yeah... Yeah it was."

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