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Anon and Sunny Shimmy

By Guest
Created: 2022-08-26 05:05:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Sunny Shimmy has been turned into a 10 year old due to magical hijinks
  3. >"Look, Anon, I know I'm in a kid's body now, but please stop acting like you have a stick up your butt around me."
  4. "Sunny, what do you want me to do? You see that I can't just, you know, treat you normally the way you are. It's just messed up."
  5. >She pouts
  6. >"I get it, but we're still dating, right? Princess Twilight is busy doing God knows what in Equestria, so I could be stuck like this for a while. We have to get used to it for now."
  7. "Sunny..."
  8. >A snarl crosses her face for a brief second before being replaced with a big smile
  9. >Oh God
  10. >"Anon, please. You don't want to get on my bad side, do you?"
  11. >You didn't want to admit it, but
  12. >Even in the body of a ten year old, Sunset could still intimidate you if she wanted
  13. >She was a lot kinder then she used to be, but that old anger could still make itself known from time to time
  14. "Of course not, Sunny. I just... It's just weird, I'm sorry."
  15. >Her eyes burrowed into your soul
  16. >Sunset lifted her arms in the air
  17. >"Lift me up. We're going to kiss and you're going to like it, so help me! You can't just leave me cock blocked like this, Anon."
  18. >You look around nervously
  19. "Just a kiss, okay."
  20. >Without much effort, you lift the tiny Shimmer into the air
  21. >She grabs you around your head and pulls herself in for a kiss
  22. >God this is weird
  23. >Her lips are ridiculously soft, and a bit too small for your liking
  24. "Woah, hey, no tongue," you hush manically
  25. >"Fine," she says, pouting
  26. >You set her back down
  27. >You really did miss treating Sunset normally
  28. >Going out and stuff, it's been days since you've anything together
  29. >Maybe a movie
  30. >That could work
  31. >After school you bring up the idea with her
  32. >"A movie, huh? Sounds good."
  33. >Sunset smiles and throws her arms around you
  34. >God that's cute
  35. >Wait
  36. "Sunset, stop! Jesus Christ."
  37. >"Ugh, prude. You didn't always complain with a little touching now and then."
  38. "Yeah, well it was usually the kind of touch that wouldn't end up getting me raped in prison for fifty years."
  39. >She rolls her eyes
  40. >The two of you take a walk over to the movie theater
  41. >"Two tickets for Splatter Goreathon IV, please," Sunset cheered
  42. >"Kid, you are not old enough for that movie."
  43. >"Sir, please. I know I may not look it, but I am old enough."
  44. >"Come back in a few years, little girl."
  45. >The cashier chuckles to himself
  46. >"Look, fucker. I'll have you know that I am a fucking magical prodigy, bred to succeed the fucking Princess of the Sun. I have done more in my life than you could do in ten thousand lives. I was in line to be a genuine pony princess, asshole. Now give me those FUCKING TICKETS."
  47. >The cashier looks to you, annoyed, then back to Sunset
  48. >"They're playing Iceified. Maybe that's more your speed. Your big brother over there can maybe teach you some manners before it starts."
  49. >"Uhm, he's not my brother. He's my BOYFRIEND, asshole. I am a grown ass fucking woman. We fuck. NOW GIVE ME THE TICKETS OR I AM THROUGH WITH BEING NICE."
  50. >The guys eyes bulge
  51. "SUNSET, YOU, WHAT?!"
  52. >The guy picks up a phone and begins dialing
  53. >Guess
  54. >911
  55. >Fucking god fucking fuck
  56. >It may not look the best, but you hoist Sunset over your shoulder and make a run for it
  57. >You run for
  58. >Fuck, you don't know how long
  59. >But, even with Sunset weighing as little as she does, it's a bitch
  60. >You finally make it back to her apartment
  61. >"What was that about Anon?!"
  63. >"The school has proof that I'm older than I look. That this is just a magical mishap."
  64. >You rest your head in your hands
  65. "People don't take to the 'it was magic, man' answer so quickly. You should know that by now."
  66. >"Ugh, whatever. Just, you know, FUCK that guy. God, being treated like a child just irritates me to no end!"
  67. "Yeah. Why would he have ever done that."
  68. >She points a finger at you
  69. >"We won't be having any sex if you keep on going against me."
  70. "Oh no. I can't be arrested for child molestation, whatever shall I do?!"
  71. >Sunset puffs her face up
  72. >Then breaks out laughing
  73. >You laugh too
  74. >"Man, this is fucked up. Fucking Twilight Sparkle. Nice girl and all, but fuck."
  75. "How did this even happen, anyways?"
  76. >"She wanted to perform some magical analysis on me after the whole Battle of the Bands thing. Something about the possibility of a new element existing. And, of course, it went horribly wrong."
  77. "Eh." You pat her on the back. "It'll get better."
  78. >"You wanna know the worst part?"
  79. "Sure."
  80. >"Still got a hell of a sex drive. Like nothing but the appearance has changed but the hormones are still there. I just want to pounce you right now, you know?"
  81. >nope.jpg
  82. "Let's not."
  83. >Sunset gives you a sly, sultry look
  84. >Or at least, she tries
  85. >It comes off more off-putting than anything else
  86. >She runs a finger down your stomach
  87. >Her arm held goofily above her head as she does
  88. "Yeah, I don't think this is having the same effect it used to."
  89. >"Oh yeah, well how about - Wait, I don't have boobs anymore. Fuck."
  90. >You chuckle
  91. >Sunset snaps at you with a glare
  92. >She raises her arms straight above her
  93. >"Pick me up again so I can make out with you and sway you to fuck me," Sunset commands from her tiny body
  94. "Let me think about that."
  95. >feigning_thought.jpg
  96. "No."
  97. >"GIVE ME THE D."
  98. "No."
  100. >You just laugh
  101. >Next thing you know, you're on the floor
  102. >She kicked out the back of your knees
  103. >Sunset pounces on top of you
  104. >"How do you like this, huh?"
  105. >Being rough with each other was nice when it didn't involve statutory rape
  106. >And you certainly weren't going to let a little girl rape you into prison
  107. >Like, how the fuck even?
  108. >You just pick her up off of you and hold her outstretched
  109. >She flails in your arms
  110. "Go to your room and think about what you've done."
  112. "Don't talk back to me young lady."
  114. "Bed time for you. No complaining."
  115. >She complained, though
  116. >"Oh Anon~"
  117. >You shake yourself awake
  118. >You're sweating and your heart is racing for some reason
  119. >Man you feel good...
  120. >Sunset is perched next to you under the covers
  121. >Bouncing herself up and down on...
  122. "SUNSET."
  123. >"TRY AND STOP ME."
  124. >She just cackles insanely, your cock in deathly vice grip
  125. >You jump out of bed and Sunset holds on to you while continuing to bounce
  126. >Jesus Christ
  127. >She's stuck to you like a fucking tick
  128. >You flail your body around trying to throw the small child off of your body
  129. >Not working
  130. >"HA HA HA, AH HA HA HA!"
  131. "HOW EVEN."
  133. >She shudders against your body
  136. >She begins moaning loudly
  137. >"I... I'm gonna..."
  138. >Sunset lets out a high-pitched cry of ecstasy
  139. >She clenches against you
  140. >You can't hold back any longer and spasm as orgasm takes you
  141. >The two of you collapse onto the floor
  142. "Seriously?"
  143. >"Fuck yeah."
  144. "We can tell no one."
  145. >"Yeah yeah. Though I am going to brag to the CMC. Those permavirgins ain't got any yet, lol."
  146. >Sunset throws her keys at you
  147. "Ow! What the fuck?"
  148. >You pick the keys up from off the floor
  149. >"Drive me to the clinic. Need to get the morning after pill or whatever they do. Don't want to get pregnant."
  150. "Can't you do it? I want to watch some stuff on Netflix."
  151. >"Uh, do I look like I can drive?"
  152. >She stomps her foot on the floor
  153. "Fine..."
  154. >It's not too long of a drive to get there
  155. >"Come in with me. I want to get some condoms while we're here and they might not give 'em to me."
  156. >You shrug and enter the clinic with Sunset and keep by the entrance
  157. >Didn't want to be seen as being here with her
  158. >"Hey, you guys have morning after pills here right?"
  159. >"I'm sorry little girl, I don't think I heard you right. What did you want?"
  160. >Sunset shrugged
  161. >"Morning after pills?"
  162. >"What could you possibly want those for?"
  163. >Sunset gives the woman a smirk
  164. >"Got laid last night. But don't want to get preggers or anything, you know?"
  165. >The woman doesn't respond
  166. >"Look, can I just get the pill or what?"
  167. >"I'm going to need to contact-"
  168. >"You don't need to contact anyone. Just hand it over. Oh, do you got condoms here, by the way? Me 'n that guy," she points to you, "might be going through a pack tonight. If you know what I mean."
  169. >The woman stares at you with bugged eyes
  170. >She stays silent
  171. >"Like, I meant we're gonna fuck. I thought that was obvious."
  172. >The woman picks up a phone and begins dialing a three digit number
  173. >Fun
  174. >You run off again
  175. >You're back at her apartment again
  176. >The two of you collapse onto her couch
  177. >"You've gotta stop doing that, Anon."
  178. "You've gotta stop doing that."
  179. >"Whatever..."
  180. >Sunset sighs and frowns at you
  181. "What?"
  182. >"Can you please just treat me like your girlfriend again for once."
  183. "Sunset, lo-"
  184. >"Shut up. Listen, how do you think it feels to be unwanted by the person who's supposed to want you? It fucking sucks. I don't want to have to ambush you to get that same sort of affection from you."
  185. >You shrug
  186. "It's just still weird, you know. Not to mention people keep calling the cops on me."
  187. >Sunset sulks and huddles against her knees on the couch
  188. "Hey, c'mon. I still love you."
  189. >"Yeah, you just won't touch me at all or kiss me or look at me or do anything with me. That's all."
  190. >You hated seeing her like this
  191. >Fuck
  192. "What do you want to do?"
  193. >"Can we just hang out or something? Watch a movie on the couch?"
  194. >She gives you a subdued smile
  195. >You nod
  196. >Sunset squees and pulls you in for a hug
  197. "What movie? Let me guess, FairBears Island Adventure."
  198. >"I rend the flesh from your body, Anon."
  199. >A chill ran down your spine
  200. >Yeah, she still intimidated you
  201. >Eventually, you settled on some uber-horror film that Sunset fancied
  202. >And fuck was this shit disturbing
  203. >Halfway through, Sunset had spent most of the time laughing
  204. >You tried not to show your apprehension, but Sunset could tell you were tense
  205. >Most horror films didn't get to you, but Sunset seemed to go for this insane underground shit exclusively
  206. >Just to fuck with you
  207. >Pull you against her when things freaked you out to much
  208. >A grown fucking man cowering in the arms of a ten year old girl
  209. >You bet she was getting off to it
  210. >Her left arm crossed over her body and found itself on your thigh
  211. >Slowly, it moved closer and closer to your groin
  212. "Really?"
  213. >"If you're scared during a horror movie, you get felt up. Them's the unspoken rules of relationships, Anon."
  214. >A little girl was pulling the "Horror Movie" dating cliche on you
  215. >What has your life come to
  216. >Her lithe hand inches ever closer
  217. >"Hey, move your head down here. You're too tall for me to lean in on."
  218. >Just go with it
  219. >Just go with it
  220. >Okay, well, it felt good, sure
  221. >Her supple hands had wriggled their way into your pants now
  222. >Kissing her was still the same, essentially
  223. >She was a fucking good kisser
  224. >Sunset was just a beast in general
  225. >You reached out to fondle her-
  226. >Oh, nope, that's nothing but flat chest
  227. >You...
  228. >Pat at her chest?
  229. >"What are you doing?"
  230. "I... I don't know."
  231. >"Just use your thumbs, genius."
  232. >You don't get to respond as she goes back in for the kiss
  233. >You rub your thumbs in circles around her nipples
  234. >Sunset moans into you, the warmth of her breath running against your lips
  235. >Her hand quickens its pace, rubbing along your member
  236. >She pushes you down against the couch and slides her head down to your crotch
  237. >Roughly, Sunset uses her teeth to pull down your pants
  238. >Holy fuck
  239. >"Man, this thing is so much bigger when I'm like this..."
  240. >She eyes you with a bit of hesitation
  241. "H-Holy shit..."
  242. >Sunset pops her mouth over your member, bobbing slowly at first
  243. >Her tongue flits around the head with the same expertise as usual
  244. >But her mouth is a whole lot tighter than before
  245. >Sunset's jaw is stretched to its limit
  246. >Pumping you with two of her tiny hands, she tries to bring herself further and further down on you
  247. >You groan as you feel your heart beat quicken
  248. >"Ngh~"
  249. >Sunset gyrates her hips in the air as she picks up the pace, soaking
  250. >You can't believe it, but she's taken you almost to the hilt now
  251. >It doesn't look possible, but she's taking all of you in her small mouth
  252. >You can feel her throat tighten your cock as she swallows against your member
  253. >Her tongue lathers its underside at the same time, her bobbing up and down
  254. >Fuck
  255. >You can't last long like this
  256. >"N-Ngh~"
  257. >Her moans are getting louder now
  258. >She takes one of her hands and begins to grope her nipples as she downs you
  259. "I..."
  260. >You're nearing the edge
  261. >Sunset slows down, leaving you just at the border of orgasm
  262. >Instinctively, you begin thrusting against her mouth
  263. >There's a pop as she removes you from her mouth
  264. >Sunset slides upwards along your body
  265. >She doesn't make it very far before her rear is lined up with your cock
  266. >Wriggling against you, she uses a hand and places it against one of her holes
  267. >"Time to be a little adventurous," she says with a smirk
  268. >"A-Ah~"
  269. >Your heart skips a beat as your tip slips into her ass
  270. >Sunset's soft hands press down against your chest as she rides you
  271. >Up and down, each time taking more and more
  272. >"O-Oh f-fuck..."
  273. >You couldn't take much more of this
  274. >Her moans were filling the warm air, caressing your ears
  275. >Sunset slid up and down on your cock, tightening against you with each upward movement
  276. >"F-FUCK!"
  277. >Sunset's nails start to dig into
  278. >Her bouncing is now taking in almost all of you
  279. >Its erratic and fast and threatens to blow your heart out
  280. >It's almost painful how hard you are right now
  281. >"Anon, I'm gonna..."
  282. "Fuck!"
  283. >Sunset's whole body spams on top of you, gripping your cock, practically pumping you of your sperm
  284. >You tense and feel pleasure wash over the whole of your body as you ejaculate
  285. >Sunset collapses on top of you looking wholly satisfied
  286. >Crawling, she makes her way over to your face and gives you a kiss
  287. >"So, how was that?"
  288. "Fucking amazing."
  289. >"Maybe I should stay this way."
  290. "I wouldn't say that."
  291. >The two of you laugh in each others arms
  293. >Days pass
  294. >Little new from 'Princess Twilight' as of late
  295. >Busy doing fucking whatever with her horse friends
  296. >Life with Sunset is... getting better
  297. >Still weird as fuck
  298. >Just have to think about her as being her, being your girlfriend
  299. >And not as being a small child
  300. >The vulgar language helped with that
  301. >"Well, I contacted Twilight with the diary."
  302. "And?"
  303. >"She's busy helping a friend 'learn a friendship lesson' or something. Blech."
  304. "Sounds very important."
  305. >Sunset shrugs
  306. >"Friendship does kind of make the world go 'round. At least in Equestria."
  307. >You nod
  308. "Are you shorter?"
  309. >She glares at you
  310. >"Hilarious, Anon."
  311. "No, I mean, shorter shorter."
  312. >Sunset pauses, then walks up to you
  313. >She hold a hand flat against her head, and extends it to your stomach
  314. >"I AM shorter. Fuck."
  315. >Sunset looks up at you, int your eyes, wearing a smirk
  316. >"Almost perfect dick sucking height now, huh?"
  317. "Do you go out of your way to make me feel uncomfortable?"
  318. >"Maybe."
  319. >Sunset giggles innocently
  320. >Somehow, she'd convinced you
  321. >Convinced you to go in public with her again
  322. >She wanted to watch a movie, so fine
  323. >It was PG-13 this time, and you genuinely wanted to see it as well
  324. >Just had to go to a different theater...
  325. >At least Sunset let you buy the tickets this time!
  326. >"Thanks, big bro!" she squeaks as you hand her a ticket
  327. >Ugh, you did not particularly like hearing that
  328. >"Aw, how cute."
  329. "Huh?"
  330. >A woman, some random stranger, is talking to you for some reason
  331. >"Good to see a young man spending time with his sister. My son never does that."
  332. "Oh, yeah."
  333. >You laugh awkwardly
  334. >fucking_normies_talking_to_me.TriggerWarning
  335. >"He's just the best~"
  336. >Jesus, Sunset is really pouring the sugar on her speech
  337. >"You're just sweet, aren't you?"
  338. >"Thanks, miss. Being a little girl, here with her big brother, sure is great. I'm living life before true realization of my mortality, that I will one day die, living a pure life without knowledge of the fundamental datum that is death."
  339. >The woman is giving the two of you strange stares now
  340. >"One day your children will bury you, and not long after that they will forget you. It will be as if you had never been. But I'll remember. Bye bye, lady~"
  341. "What the fuck was that?"
  342. >Sunset gives you a shit eating grin
  343. >"What can I say? I like fucking with people."
  344. "You have one hell of a potty mouth for a kid."
  345. >"'Hell' is a bad word, you fuck."
  346. >Sunset hums and skips as the two of you make your way to the theater
  347. >Room 9
  348. >Not a lot of people here, movie's been out for a while
  349. "Let's get a seat somewhere near the middle."
  350. >Sunset pulls on your arm
  351. >"I want to sit in the back."
  352. "You can't fool me."
  353. >"If we sit in the middle, someone might sit in front of me, and I'm short. And the front is for fag cunts," she whispers
  354. "Whatever..."
  355. >You follow her to the back corner
  356. >The lights go down soon after as the film starts
  357. >And almost immediately, the groping begins
  358. "C'mon, I need to watch this," you say with a hushed tone
  359. >You try to keep Sunset off of you with one hand on her chest
  360. >This was a trap, but damn it, you wanted to watch this movie
  361. >The last one was really good, and this one was supposed to be awesome and shit
  362. >/tv/ said so!
  363. >Sunset's tiny arms batted against you ineffectually
  364. >You reveled in your physical superiority
  365. >"I'll scream..."
  366. "You wouldn't dare."
  367. >She takes a deep breath
  368. >Fuck
  369. >Sunset, you are one hell of a manipulative cunt
  370. >You didn't say that out loud though
  371. >She'd probably beat you up later
  372. >You let your arm go slack against her
  373. >She wrings her hands jewishly
  374. >Sunset leans over you on her knees and beings undoing your zipper
  375. >You look around nervously
  376. >Only a few people here, but...
  377. "I don't think we should be doing this in public."
  378. >She ignores you
  379. >Just focus on the movie, focus on the-
  380. >Oh fuck
  381. >Whelp, your dick was out now
  382. >You could feel Sunset's hot breath wafting against your skin
  383. >Paranoia was spiking within you
  384. >People would see
  385. >And that would be bad normally
  386. >This?
  387. >This would be way fucking worse
  388. "F-Fuck..."
  389. >Yeah, Sunset was smaller now
  390. >Her mouth was warm and wet against you
  391. >And exceptionally tight
  392. >Sunset bobbed very slowly along your length, only able to go down about half way now
  393. >"Ng~"
  394. >She moaned quietly, hands wringing your cock
  395. >The sensation flittered up your spine
  396. >You pursed your lips, trying to keep your breathing down
  397. >You let out a cough
  398. >Sunset's moaning is getting louder now
  399. "K-Keep it down..."
  400. >You look into the seats
  401. >Some guy turns around and looks at you
  402. >Fuckfuckfuck
  403. >He just nods and gives you a thumbs up
  404. >Y-You too
  405. >Jesus Christ, you feel like you can smell Sunset's damp crotch from here
  406. >She wriggles her hips against the air, fingering herself with one hand
  407. >"A-Ah~"
  408. >Sunset gasps, your cock in her mouth, her breathing stilted
  409. >She's shuddering on top of you
  410. >Your cock is being taken deeper and deeper into her mouth now
  411. >God it's getting loud...
  412. >F-Fuck...
  413. >She's not even trying to be quiet now
  414. >Her whole body is shaking
  415. >That one guy is looking back at you again
  416. >Creepy ass smile on his face
  417. >Fucker, turn back around and watch the movie
  418. >Sunset lets out a squeak and begins shaking violently on top of you
  419. >"FUCK!"
  420. >She's yells into your cock
  421. >At least it's somewhat muffled
  422. >You can't hold out any longer
  423. >You arch your back as wave after wave of pleasure flows through your body
  424. >Sunset swallows it as it comes and finally removes herself with a 'pop'
  425. >But you're attracting more attention now
  426. >And not just creepy weirdo attention
  427. >Someone's walking over to you
  428. >"You fucking kids these days and your..."
  429. >Fuck fuck fuck
  430. >He's going to see her and then probably beat the shit out of you
  431. >"... No manners, and... Where's the girl?"
  432. "H-Huh?"
  433. >Sunset's gone
  434. >"What the fuck is going on here?!"
  435. "I... I was sucking myself off, b-bro."
  436. >The man throws his hands up in the air
  437. >"Fucking faggot ass kids these days sucking their own dick in public..."
  438. >He leaves
  439. >Sunset crawls back from under the next row
  440. >"Ready for round two?" she asks with a devious look
  441. >You slap her hands away
  442. "Watch the fucking movie."
  443. >"Fuck you I do what I want. I don't take orders from you. I'm the older one in this relationship."
  444. >You ignore her
  445. >Fuck, you don't even know what's going on in the movie anymore
  446. >God damn it
  447. >Sunset just pouts with her arms crossed
  448. >You decide to stagger your depatures, leaving a bit before the actual end of the movie
  449. >Didn't want to be seen with her
  450. >Honestly didn't want to be seen with yourself
  451. >Smooth moves with the auto-fellatio excuse
  452. >And being constantly raped by a dominatrix in a child's body wasn't helping your self-esteem either
  453. >No, this wasn't going so awesome to you
  454. >Sunset poked at your back
  455. >"Wanna sneak in to another movie?"
  456. "No!"
  457. >"Ugh, why?"
  458. "I don't want to have to question my morality every time we do 'it.' As of now, I'm not fucking you 'till Twilight fixes you."
  459. >Sunset grunts
  460. >"YOU CAN'T DO THAT"
  461. "Keep your voice down!"
  462. >"I'll tell people you're diddlin' a child, Anon."
  463. >Ugh
  464. >You drag a rebellious Sunset back to her place
  465. "I'm getting a chastity belt and swallowing the key..."
  466. >It took a while to find one you liked
  467. >And one that was cheap and unused
  468. >But you found a good chastity belt
  469. >Sunset thought you were kidding
  470. >You weren't
  471. >And a week later, the thing was in your hands
  472. >Not very comfortable, but it'd have to work
  473. >You hid the key in your sock
  474. >Sunset invited you to hang out at her place and do homework
  475. >You knew she wanted more than that
  476. >And you were prepared!
  477. >"I'll be out in just a minute~" she says from her bedroom
  478. >You take a seat on her couch, take out a laptop, and start doing your English homework
  479. >Had to write a short story about something in your own life
  480. >Though you had a lot of content for it, you decided against writing about being raped by your de-aged girlfriend
  481. >"Oh Anon~"
  482. >Sunset shimmies out from her room
  483. >She's scantily clad, wearing silk lingerie
  484. >Rubbing her hands along her body, she dances in front of you
  485. >"What do you think?"
  486. "Your wiles won't work on me this time," you say with a smile. "Also, where'd you get that?"
  487. >"Pfft, they make kid lingerie."
  488. "That's... I believe you I guess."
  489. >Without warning, Sunset pounces you and tears at your pants
  490. >You laugh
  491. >You laugh like a madman
  492. >You laugh like a man who has obtained victory

Yandere Thread - Yandere Applejack (completed)

by Guest

Bonding with Nature

by Guest

The Long and Short of It (RGRE)

by Guest

incest relationships piece of the whole pie (lewd) by Frostybox[...]

by Guest

incest thread piece of the (non-canon) pie, limestone's pie by[...]

by Guest