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Ponies Fell From the Sky (39000447)

By Guest
Created: 2022-09-01 15:46:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon
  2. >Enjoying your morning coffee when suddenly the city starts to quake
  3. >You go outside to see what the commotion is all about
  4. >Neighbors all around doing the same like one of those scenes in a superhero movie when the invaders strike
  5. >You look up, it's raining mares (hallelujah)
  6. >Brightly colored pones drop from the sky, pinning human males under them with airy pomfs
  7. >A nice soft plot suddenly lands in your face as you're thrown to the ground
  8. >"Hi, I'm Pinkie and I'm your designated waifu! Surrender is mandatory!"
  9. >You are Anon and you've got coffee on your tie and pony all over your shirt
  10. >Gonna be late to work again this morning
  11. >"Initiating snu-snus!"
  12. >Also gonna need new underwear
  13. ...
  14. >"Anonymous. Late to work again I see."
  15. >Your boss stands there with an unamused look on his face
  16. "I'm sorry sir, b-but the ponies-"
  17. >"No excuses, Anon."
  18. "Sir, one is clinging to your shirt and humping your stomach as we speak."
  19. >"And I didn't let that stop me from coming into work, so neither should you."
  20. "Yes sir..."
  21. >"You're on thin ice, Anonymous."
  22. >You trudge through the office past various cubicles where your coworkers are moaning from being lewded by the tiny pastel horses
  23. >And everyone is treating this like just another obstacle to their day
  24. >It's like that hentai The Polinic Girls Attack, except with equines
  25. >You flop in your swivel chair and get to work as the pink pony you found yourself carting around all day continues bobbing on your knob
  26. "Damn it, where did I put that spreadsheet."
  27. >"Here you go!"
  28. "Oh, thanks."
  29. >You take the paperwork from the outstretched hoof and return to work
  30. >At this point you can't even nut anymore and your new assistant is laying on your desk and licking the cum off her hooves like a cat
  31. "Could you hand me that file?"
  32. >"How about a cupcake instead? You look hungry."
  33. "Shit, is it lunchtime already?"
  34. >You check your watch and grab the cupcake as you walk towards the employee lounge to grab another cup of coffee
  35. >On the TV overhead the news is reporting the incident with ponies happening all over the world
  36. >"You hearing this, Anon? They're shutting down major military operations. We may finally have peace in the middle east."
  37. "Yeah yeah, I bet that'll last all of two hours before we're going back in for oil, clout or both."
  38. >"We're going to fuck the hatred and intolerance out of you humans if it's the last thing we do, mister!" Pinkie pipes up
  39. >"Hey, that your own pony? Gotta say, the wife was shocked when one just tumbled into our backyard and started raping me. Damn near scared the kids! Sent all the dogs in the neighborhood barking up a storm too."
  40. >"Hiya Dash!"
  41. >"Hey Pinkie!"
  42. "I just wish they'd move clear of the road before I have to scrape one off my bumper."
  43. >You open the office mini-fridge to find your sandwich missing
  44. "God damn it, Greg. I wrote my name on both the front AND back this time!"
  45. >"Don't blame me this time."
  46. >"Heh, sorry dude, was getting kinda hungry from all the awesome fucking I've been doing." the rainbow maned pegasus speaks up
  47. >Fucking ponies, man
  48. ...
  49. "Let's see... carrots, onions, celery, cucum-"
  50. >You look down at what you picked up just to come face to face with a minty mare
  51. >"Please take me home with you!"
  52. >You sigh and put her back on the shelf
  53. >"Aww."
  54. >You continue with your shopping while the pink pony fills your cart with all sorts of sweets like a rambunctious child
  55. >She even adds some condoms, but assures you they're for making funny balloon animals with and that you're not going to be using them for their intended purpose
  56. >[Clean up on isle five. Clean up on isle five]
  57. >You look over to see some poor sap slipping on mare juice
  58. >And a mare putting down a caution cone while performing CPR on the downed patron
  59. >You're pretty sure humping is not how you perform chest compressions but you're not exactly a doctor
  60. >Passing by the deli, you see another man being wrestled to the ground by several angry mares
  61. >"No! Stop! I'm gay!"
  62. >"Not tonight you aren't."
  63. >"No more sausages for you, buddy."
  64. >"The only meat on your future menu is clam!"
  65. >"But I like faggots!"
  66. >The mares ignore his pleas as the meatballs spill out of his basket and roll across the floor, along with his spaghetti
  67. >Finally you make your way to check-out
  68. >"Paper or plastic?"
  69. "Plastic, please."
  70. >You take out your card
  71. >"Sorry, we're not accepting credit cards at the moment."
  72. "God damn it, fine."
  73. >You pull out some bills
  74. >"We're not accepting cash either."
  75. "What the fuck?"
  76. >You look up to see a mare behind the register
  77. >She spreads her mouth wide with her hooves
  78. >"Please deposit your semen for this transaction."
  79. "And uh, how much would you need to cover everything?"
  80. >"Enough to make my belly distend and wobble like an overripe grape."
  81. >You let out an explosive sigh and fish your dick out of your pants
  82. "Fucking inflation is ridiculous."
  83. ...
  84. >Parking in your driveway, you make a note to get your car washed later
  85. >Ponies kept falling from the sky, several smacking into your window
  86. >One even tried getting inside the vehicle
  87. >"Dude! Let me in! I'm a fairy!"
  88. >You turned on the windshield wipers and kept driving
  89. >After that harrowing experience, your car was now splattered in various bodily fluids and smelling like crusty sweat socks
  90. >Looking over the hedge, you see your neighbor watering his lawn and waving at you while spraying down a yellow pegasus every time she gets too close
  91. >"Fine weather we're having today, huh?"
  92. >You look up at the sky that's still raining ponies
  93. "Yeah, sure. You gonna need any help with that?"
  94. >"Nah, I got it covered."
  95. >"Are wet mares your fetish, Steve?"
  96. >"No Fluttershy, wet mares are not my fetish."
  97. >He hits her with the hose again
  98. "Watering the ponies or the posies?"
  99. >He laughs and the mare turns to answer
  100. >"Oh no, Posey is my cousin. We look very much alike, so it's easy to get us confused."
  101. >The two of you stare at the pegasus before Steve hits her with the hose for a third time
  102. >"No one cares, Fluttershy."
  103. >"Is-"
  104. >"Bullying is not my fetish either."
  105. >She yelps as the spraying doesn't stop this time
  106. >Hefting the groceries out of the back of your car, you make your way inside, wiping your shoes on your new, suspiciously pony looking welcome mat and tossing your jacket on an oddly unicorn-shaped coat rack
  107. >The greatest and most powerful coat rack, if what it mumbles back at you is any indication
  108. >Huh, didn't expect that type of quality from Ikea
  109. "So, pink thing. Anything you feel like eating tonight?"
  110. >"You!"
  111. "Besides me."
  112. >"Um, pasta alfredo?"
  113. "I didn't pick up any alfredo. Or chicken, for that matter."
  114. >"That's okay, I can just suck your dick and get the same experience!"
  115. "Cute, but how about something else?"
  116. >"Darn, and here I wanted some meat."
  117. "I thought ponies didn't-"
  118. >She grins at you
  119. "Never mind. How about a salad?"
  120. >"Sure! I'll toss it for you!"
  121. "Alright, coo-"
  122. >She grins again
  123. "God damn it."
  124. >Flip on the TV, using Pinkie Pie's head as a tray for your dinner since she decided to sit in your lap
  125. >Unfortunately your tray keeps moving up and down and you end up spilling your coffee several times
  126. >It's equally unfortunate as your coffee maker seems to be on the fritz
  127. >You kept pressing the button to turn it off, but all it did was moan and drip even more
  128. >"My fellow Americans."
  129. >The program switches to a state of address from the president
  130. >Before he can say any more, his face is smothered in the ass of a giant white mare with a sun on her flanks
  131. >"My fellow Equestrians."
  132. >Blah, blah, blah, it seems your country has a new leader now
  133. >That's neat, but fuck politics
  134. >Apparently she agrees, fuck politics and fuck the politicians... oh, she meant that literally
  135. >She declares her intention to take over the world like a Saturday morning cartoon villain
  136. >You don't even have to wonder how North Korea is taking it, as the feed switches over to the various leaders of the world, you see Kim Jong Jitsu being smothered by an equally impressive mare with a moon on her flanks
  137. >The war between Russia and Not-Russia has been put on hold as ponies are being fired out of cannons at the retreating soldiers
  138. >"I helped design those!"
  139. "Should I be concerned I have a war criminal in my house?"
  140. >"Do you really care?"
  141. "Good point. I'm fresh out of fucks to give."
  142. >"Because I've been taking them all?"
  143. "Give them back. Give me back my fucks."
  144. >"No!"
  145. ...
  146. >In bed after a long day of skullduggery and ponefuckery
  147. >Is that redundant? Probably
  148. >Cuddling your gubment benefits
  149. >You roll over and turn out the lights
  150. >After several moments of trying to go to sleep, you feel a sudden heaviness weighing on you
  151. >Turning the lights back on, you're surprised to find your coat rack snuggled up on your chest
  152. >Turning off the lights again, you try to get comfortable with this new arrangement when you feel more shifting of the sheets
  153. >Sighing and turning the lights back on, you find even more home appliances piled up on your bed
  154. >The toaster, the toilet brush, the coffee pot, your slippers and even your lawnmower
  155. >When did they get all these girly stickers on them?
  156. >Did a child break into your house while you were away?
  157. >You always knew those Girl Scouts were bad news
  158. >Whatever, you need to get some shuteye for tomorrow or the boss will have your ass out on the sidewalk
  159. >Trying once again to get some sleep, you're on the edge of unconsciousness when your bloodshot eyes snap open and a realization rocks your brain
  160. >Those aren't household items
  161. >Your bed is covered in ponies
  162. >A considerable snuggle pile of cuties
  163. >All you can do is stare at the adorable bundles of fluff and wonder how you didn't notice the mare mimics sooner
  164. >You don't remember ponies being one of the ten plagues of Egypt
  165. >Then again, you wouldn't be surprised if God decided to fuck with you after inhaling all that burning bush from the stoners in the supermarket parking lot earlier
  166. "How did I not notice you all sooner?"
  167. >"Probably because the salmon shaded semen slurper kept distracting you with her oral ministrations" your toilet brush responds
  168. "You mean the constant talking or the constant sucking?"
  169. >"Yes."
  170. >Fair enough
  171. "And you two, you're not my slippers. Wait, I recognize you... you're that pony from back at the store!"
  172. >"Yup! I followed you home! And this is my friend who was hiding among the peaches!"
  173. "How even... I did use you as slippers, right?"
  174. >They both blush
  175. >"Well, that's not the first time I've had something odd in my backside."
  176. "Wha-"
  177. >"I've been used as a wallet, a pencil sharpener, a cozy hat, a boxing glove-"
  178. "That's enough Swiss Army Pone, I don't need to hear any more."
  179. >"I make muffins!"
  180. "Thank you, miss toaster."
  181. >"My name is Derpy!"
  182. "You don't have to tell me it, then."
  183. >"But-"
  184. "You okay there, toilet scrubber?"
  185. >She has a thousand yard stare in her eyes
  186. >"I've seen some shit."
  187. "Right. And you, how do you plan to mow my lawn?"
  188. >The 'lawnmower' rolls over and smiles up at you
  189. >"Grazing. Lots and lots of grazing."
  190. "And you're okay with that?"
  191. >"Eh, it's a living."
  192. >God damn Flintstones pones
  193. >Finally you turn to the one nestled on your chest
  194. "Well, you do hold a coat quite well."
  195. >"Obviously, there is no task Trrrrrixie cannot overcome!"
  196. "Except have a second horn to hang my hat on."
  197. >"...Buck."
  198. >The covers lift up, revealing your self-designated cock cozy
  199. >"By the way, you may not want to use your swimming pool any time soon."
  200. "And why's that?"
  201. >"You'll be drowning in mare pussy."
  202. >Laying back down, you sigh for the upteenth time that day and turn off the lights
  203. >Gonna have to get out your pool skimmer and unclog the drains tomorrow
  204. "Goodnight, girls."
  205. >"Goodnight, Nonny! Don't let the bedmares bite!"
  206. >Several glowing, lustful eyes shine back at you from the darkness, one pair crossed and confused
  207. >You may as well add finding new employment to your mental checklist while you're at it
  209. Meanwhile, in the Middle East...
  210. ">Ra-"
  211. >">Rape"
  212. "By Allah, she's stolen my favorite trick!"
  213. >"Attention citizens, you're now under Ponia law! No human male shall be allowed outside without the escort of a mare! Those breaking the law... will just be raped by other mares, really. But it would cause some confusion and hurt feelings, so it would be super keen if you didn't."
  214. "We have harems in this country!"
  215. >"Awesome!"
  216. >Several of the ponies dawn their suicide snuggle vests and jump the humans, exploding in a flurry of confetti, glitter and horse pussy

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