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By TiberiusPonificus
Created: 2022-09-02 16:23:16
Expiry: Never

  1. “ORDER UP!”
  3. The shouting from the counter overcame the usual din of the restaurant, the different conversations that would go on between groups. A tray of food, three sandwiches with accompanying sides was placed on the counter ready to be picked up.
  5. Sweetie Belle managed to get through the crowd waiting for their own orders and smiled when she saw that it was her and her friend’s order that was ready. She picked up the tray and carefully walked back through the crowd. Getting through the other patrons walking about, she was able to make it back to the corner booth, where Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were waiting.
  7. “Thanks, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom said upon seeing her friend with the food.
  9. “Got out pretty quick, considering the crowd,” Scootaloo commented. “What’d you get?”
  11. “You’re NOT changing the subject on me, girls!” Sweetie Belle asserted, looking slightly cross. “As I was saying, I think you two are going a little too fast!”
  13. The subject she was mentioning was regarding her friends’ rendezvous with their respective “boyfriends”. Naturally, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo couldn’t help but gloat about how they had gotten intimate, which shocked Sweetie Belle quite a bit. Being the romantic that she was, she couldn’t help but feel this wasn’t right.
  15. “Look, just because it took you and Button a while before the two of you got naked doesn’t mean we gotta follow the same rules!” Scootaloo explained, rolling her eyes. “I would bet good money that if you had known that was a thing before then, you would’ve jumped on that chance sooner. Don’t lie!”
  17. “…maybe. But even so, I would’ve at least waited until maybe a couple of weeks, or maybe even the third date! It’s supposed to be something special!”
  19. “It wasn’t any less special when Taps and me did it. And it ain’t like I only got with him for sex,” Apple Bloom elaborated.
  21. “Well, I thought you’d make a cute couple from the start. I just thought you’d wait until after the first date,” Sweetie Belle explained. “You, on the other hand…”
  23. “Me, what?” Scootaloo asked, raising her eyebrow.
  25. “Rumble? Really?!” she exclaimed. “That guy was a jerk! You remember how he was at our day camp!”
  27. “Oh please! That guy’s nothing but hot air!” Scootaloo laughed. “One poke to his ego, and he’s clay in your hands! Besides, it’s not like we haven’t dealt with worse…”
  29. “Excuse me…” a familiar voice called out to the girls.
  31. “Speaking of…” Scootaloo uttered under her breath as she saw who the voice belonged to. Standing in front of the booth was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, with the latter naturally holding a tray with their food.
  33. “…is this booth reserved, or is there some space for us?” Diamond Tiara asked, taking a sip of her drink.
  35. “I think we can fit you in!” Sweetie Belle said, moving herself closer to her friends to allow room for their two guests.
  37. “Why thank you, Sweetie Belle!” Silver Spoon said as she and Diamond Tiara made themselves comfortable in the booth, much to the visible annoyance of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.
  39. “So, what’s all the buzz going on here?” Diamond Tiara asked.
  41. “Ah, nothing…” Apple Bloom answered, regaining her composure. “Just discussin’ the awesome weekend we had with our boyfriends…”
  43. “BoyFRIENDS?” Silver Spoon asked with emphasis. “So Sweetie Belle isn’t the only one with a beau now, I see. Well, congratulations you two!”
  45. “Yeah, it’s gonna be all couple talk in this booth,” Scootaloo commented. “It’ll probably go over your heads.”
  47. “Don’t be so quick to assume, girls!” Diamond Tiara wagged her finger. “As luck would have it, the two of us have acquired boyfriends of our own!”
  49. “Oh really? What’re their names? Thin Air and Make Believe?” Scootaloo asked with a smirk, putting her hand out to get high-fived by Apple Bloom.
  51. “Cute,” Silver Spoon remarked, “but if you must know, it’s Lickety Split and Chipcutter.”
  53. “Chipcutter?” Apple Bloom asked, recognizing the name. “We helped him figure out his talent!”
  55. “Yeah…who knew he needed more help than that?” Scootaloo asked, only to get kicked under the table by Sweetie Belle. “Ow!”
  57. “And not only that, girls…” Diamond Tiara said with the usual smug look as she leaned in close, “…we’ve already come to know them quite intimately. But I suppose such adult manners would go way over your heads. You’ve probably just only started to think about kissing your boyfriends, huh?”
  59. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were internally set off by that statement. Diamond Tiara thought they were still the same naïve girls, did she? Individually, but all at once, they came to the conclusion that they were going to show her how wrong she was.
  61. “Right. So, Apple Bloom, you were about to go on about how Tender Taps came over, right?” Sweetie Belle asked. “How was it?”
  63. “We had such a good time!” she replied. “He brought over some records from his house, and we had fun dancing to some of those. Granny really liked his taste in music too, so he’s got her approval!”
  65. “That’s good to hear,” Scootaloo added. “She’s usually really stiff, I thought he’d have trouble.”
  67. “Same here. After we danced a bit, I took him out to the barn to see the orchard,” Apple Bloom continued. “I brought out the washtub and we cooled off together. You shoulda seen his face when I started taking my clothes off!”
  69. At that moment, Diamond Tiara, who had been listening intently, nearly choked on her drink. Did she really just say that, she thought. Then again, Apple Bloom was the type who wouldn’t think twice about getting naked outdoors, so that was probably as far as it went, right?
  71. “Oh man!” Scootaloo laughed. “I should’ve been there! His face must’ve been so red!”
  73. “It was adorable! Didn’t take much to convince him to do the same, even if I did have to help him along,” Apple Bloom narrated. “He ain’t got much muscle, but all that dancing keeps him pretty fit. Got himself a nice pair of legs for it, too! He got a pretty nice butt, now that I think about it…”
  75. “Sounds like a pretty good catch. Did anything happen after that?” Silver Spoon asked, seemingly ignoring the tension in her friend’s face. Apple Bloom blinked in surprise that Silver Spoon seemed unfazed at her story so far. She recovered quickly and continued.
  77. “Oh, you bet it did! Once we made ourselves an official couple, I noticed all that made him a little…excited, so we got out and moved on to the next step,” she said. “He was a little nervous when I got on top of him, but oh…feeling a boy inside you is like nothin’ else!”
  79. “You can say that again!” Scootaloo commented. “So you had a good time with him, yeah?”
  81. “I ain’t finished! We were in the middle of it when AJ and Big Mac walked in on us!”
  83. “Were they angry with you?” Sweetie Belle asked.
  85. “Not at all! In fact, they wanted to take him for a spin too!” Apple Bloom answered with no hesitation, taking mental note of how Diamond Tiara appeared while she was telling her story.
  87. “Oh my. Poor boy got much more than he thought he was going to get!” Silver Spoon giggled. “He couldn’t have been pleased about your brother wanting to have his way with him.”
  89. “Funny you say that,” she said, fidgeting with her fingers. “Turns out Taps favors boys too and has been wanting to try things out with another boy for a while!”
  91. “You don’t say…” Scootaloo remarked, a big grin spread across her face. “So how’d that go?”
  93. “He seemed to like it. I’m just glad that those two like him,” Apple Bloom concluded with a look of content relief. “How about you, Scoots? What was Rumble like?”
  95. Diamond Tiara felt herself relax a bit. Surely, Scootaloo hadn’t gotten very far, tomboy that she is. Perhaps nothing had happened between them at all!
  97. “Just between us, I think that boy’s got some issues. Started going on about how he couldn’t possibly be thinking of having sex with me and how he had it with his babysitters before,” she started. “I’m sure he’s bluffing, but he was so sure about it, I just let him think it.”
  99. “He probably thought he’d look like he was dating a boy if he was going out with you,” Silver Spoon chimed in. “I don’t see what the big deal is, but you know boys…”
  101. “Mhm. I managed to put him in his place with a little game of Chicken. Started to take off my clothes, because it shouldn’t bother him if he doesn’t think of me as a girl, right?” she continued with a wink.
  103. Diamond Tiara felt the heat rising in her face again. Where does someone even think of a game like that?! She had to preserve her dominance, so as the booth erupted in laughter, she pretended to quietly and elegantly laugh.
  105. “Oh my gosh! Tell me he fell for it!” Apple Bloom asked.
  107. “Hook, line, and sinker. Like I said, he’s easy once you know how to attack his ego,” Scootaloo answered. “I didn’t even get all his clothes off before I made him cream his shorts with a few touches.”
  109. Diamond Tiara tensed up again. How is the most boyish of this group so adventurous? Does her lack of femininity allow her to do something so shameless? Her shock eased into curiosity as she continued to listen to Scootaloo’s story.
  111. “I kept that boy on his toes. He talked a big game, but that boy didn’t even know you could lick a girl down there!” she went on. “That alone makes me think he’s lying about the babysitters thing. That being said, he wasn’t bad once we really started getting into it. All that exercise he does with his brother really helps him last in bed. His skills could use a little polish, but I think he’s pretty good for what he’s got.”
  113. “Well, so long as you had fun,” Apple Bloom commented. “Speaking of which, you went over to Button’s house the other day, right Sweetie Belle? How’d that go?”
  115. Diamond Tiara let herself exhale again. Out of those three girls, Sweetie Belle was the most innocent. Her looks and demeanor said it all! And Button Mash was the kind of dork who wouldn’t have the guts to try and get under a girl’s skirt. Those two went through their little “playdate” without any trouble, right?
  117. “Well, since that last time at my place, Button’s been…nervous about touching me again,” Sweetie Belle started. “Said he doesn’t want to become some kind of pervert. Adorable, right?”
  119. “Yeah, that tracks…” Scootaloo scoffed. “So did you get to do anything that day?”
  121. “Of course, I did! No matter how polite a boy may be, they’ll change once you get naked and put your mouth on their penis!” Sweetie Belle said, pretending not to notice Diamond Tiara shaking just the slightest bit, but holding her drink with a vice-like grip.
  123. “Ha ha ha! I’ll bet that made him put down his game!” Apple Bloom laughed. “How’d it go from there?”
  125. “You’ll love this: After that, he told me he wanted to cuddle for a while because we didn’t get to do that last time,” she went on. “Even after having a time with all three of us, he’s still the sweetest boy.”
  127. Diamond Tiara’s grip on her drink tightened. Did she just say that Button Mash had sex with all three of those girls? The same Button Mash who’d sooner wet himself in fear from her and Silver Spoon than ever get that lucky with a girl? And yet, all three of them were on him…completely naked, most likely…running their hands on…
  129. “EXCUSE ME!” Diamond Tiara exclaimed unexpectedly, before correcting herself with a cleared throat. “I have to visit the little girls’ room. Don’t wait up…”
  131. The girls leaned over to watch Diamond Tiara after she got up from the table and began to walk towards the back of the restaurant. Slow at first, until she broke into a near sprint as she got further away. Silver Spoon looked on and merely sighed.
  133. “I should go check on her. I’ll be right back,” she said as she herself got up from the table and followed her friend. The others simply relaxed back in their seat and quietly laughed amongst themselves.
  135. “Wow. She lasted a lot longer than I thought she would,” Scootaloo commented.
  137. “Yeah, she’s definitely bluffing!” Apple Bloom laughed.
  139. “Too bad,” Sweetie Belle said. “I didn’t even get to the part where his mother joined in.”
  141. “WHAT?!”
  144. Diamond Tiara rushed into the Ladies Room, quickly ran into a vacant stall, sat down, and screamed as quietly as she could into her hands. She could feel how hot her face was just by touching it. Once she was able to breathe again, she internally kicked herself.
  146. How, she thought. How was it possible that those girls had so much more experience than her? And to say all that without so much as a care? Was she really that much of an amateur that even girls sharing stories like that made her hot and bothered?
  148. She took in a deep breath and ran her hands across her face. It can’t stay like this. If she was going to present herself as a matured girl over her peers, she can’t get flustered by mere accounts of sexual escapades. But what can she do? More experience wouldn’t be a bad idea, but the only one she’s had is that boy she picked up…
  150. “Bitten off a little more than we can chew, as usual?” she heard from outside the stall door. She knew that voice anywhere.
  152. “What do I do, Silver Spoon?” she asked. “I didn’t think they’d be so far ahead of us! Just them telling us about all that is making my heart beat so much, it’s all I can hear in my ears!”
  154. “Calm down, first of all,” Silver Spoon intoned. “You realize there’s a good chance they’re bluffing, right?”
  156. “You think so?”
  158. “I’m not entirely certain, but there’s a way to make everyone put their cards on the table,” she said with a snide grin. “You just leave everything to your dear friend, Silver Spoon!”
  161. “Dude, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone looking so sad eating a bowl of ice cream,” Lickety Split said to his friend. Chipcutter was making his usual visit to friend’s family ice cream shop but hadn’t been in the mood for anything save a simple scoop of a single flavor.
  163. It had been a couple of weeks since the two had been picked up by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Even though the experience turned out to be enjoyable and the girls had said they would be seeing each other again, there hadn’t been a single word since then. Lickety Split felt it too good to be true and brushed it off, as did Chipcutter…at least, that’s what he said he did.
  165. “I’m not sad, Split. I’ve just…got a lot on my mind,” Chipcutter replied. He hadn’t taken many bites out of his ice cream and was simply fiddling with the half-melted mess with his spoon.
  167. “Still thinking about those two?” Lickety Split asked, cutting right to the heart of the matter. Chipcutter didn’t verbally answer, but the change in his face said everything. “Bro, you know we should’ve seen this coming. Old habits die hard, you know? Even if they are trying to be nicer, it doesn’t mean they’re never gonna fall back to how they used to be. It’s called ‘relapse’, man.”
  169. “I know, I know,” bemoaned Chipcutter. “But there was…something in the way she looked. Like she was really enjoying what she was doing. Like it wasn’t just some trick she was playing. What if she’s just gotten cold feet?”
  171. “A week and a half is an awful long time for cold feet, don’t you think?” he asked. “Look, I hate seeing you like this. We should just be happy for the experience we got and move on.”
  173. “I am moving on. I’m halfway over it already,” Chipcutter tried to say convincingly.
  175. “You sure about that, dude?” Lickety Split chuckled and motioned at the bowl.
  177. Chipcutter snapped out of his daze long enough to notice that during their conversation, he had been sculpting the image of a vagina out of his ice cream. The boy bristled with shock and embarrassment, quickly picking up his bowl and eating the rest of his ice cream in one go. Lickety Split looked on in surprise at how fast he was.
  179. “Okay! Maybe I’m not as over it as I say I am!” Chipcutter exclaimed, wiping the ice cream that had collected on his lips. “I just want a chance to have that again, you know? But who am I kidding? A girl like her has probably got a whole line up of boys to do what I did.”
  181. RIIIING!!
  183. “Splitzy, can you get the phone? I’m a little busy here!” Lickety Split heard his mother shout from the center of the shop.
  185. “Sure thing, Mom!” he shouted back, getting out of the booth and hurrying to the phone on their wall as it continued to ring. He quickly grabbed it and proceeded to recite what he had been taught to say whenever somebody calls the shop. “Thank you for calling Sweet Scoops! Our Flavor of the Day is Chocolate Cherry Cordial!”
  187. “Oh? And what flavor might you be?” he heard the voice on the other end say, causing him to flinch with surprise. It had been a while, but he knew whose voice that was.
  189. “Silver Spoon?” he felt the need to ask.
  191. “Aww, you remembered my voice! How sweet of you!” she said, almost convincingly genuine. “Have you been holding up okay?”
  193. “Well…” Lickety Split took a quick look at Chipcutter, still slumped over on the table. “I have…”
  195. “That’s great to hear! I’m so sorry it’s been so long since we said we’d call you back. The life of a socialite is a very busy one, you see,” Silver Spoon explained. “But Diamond Tiara and I are more than prepared to make it up to both you and Chipcutter.”
  197. “How?”
  199. “As it so happens, my parents are gonna be out for the weekend, so to stave off loneliness, Diamond Tiara and I are hosting a slumber party,” she continued. “Of course, with little to no adult interference, that means we’re free to invite whoever we want and do whatever we want.”
  201. “A party, huh? I mean, there’s never a bad reason to have one of those!” Lickety Split said.
  203. “I don’t think you’re getting it, Licky-dear…” Silver Spoon interjected. “Doing whatever we want means whatever we want. Surely, you haven’t forgotten the fun time we had at DT’s place. Now, imagine if you would, all that extended for a couple of days. My body upon yours, just lazing in my bed the whole time. No need to bring a change of clothes; we won’t be needing them!”
  205. “Uh…” Lickety Split found himself sweating, and audibly gulped. “That does sound nice…”
  207. “Good! I hope you don’t mind if a few of our friends join in too!” Silver Spoon added. “It’s not much of a party with only four people, you know…”
  209. “Would…they be doing the same things?” he felt the need to ask.
  211. “Yes, which means they would be bringing their own boys as well. But don’t you worry. There will be plenty of eye candy for everyone. So, what do you say?” she asked.
  213. It took a moment for Lickety Split to think about it. If this turned out to be some long prank, the two of them would be outnumbered if he and Chipcutter could convince the other guests to cooperate. If it wasn’t a prank, this would be the best day of his life this far. Looking at it that way, there wasn’t much to lose.
  215. “Yeah! You bet we’re in!” he finally answered.
  217. “Fantastic! Be sure to give Chipcutter the info I just told you. I’m sure he’ll be on board as well,” Silver Spoon said. “Just let whoever needs to know what’s going on, and we’ll see the two of you on Friday!”
  219. “Friday! Got it! See you then!” Lickety Split replied before hanging up the phone. He ran as quickly as he could to Chipcutter’s booth, surprising his friend. “DUDE!! You’ll never guess who that was!”
  221. “Really?” Chipcutter asked, with a smile that looked like it hadn’t been seen in forever. Suddenly, he felt an odd shock in his head. He immediately gripped it and screamed. “GAAAAAHHHH!!”
  223. “Oh, there’s the brain freeze…”

For Larrykitty

by TiberiusPonificus

For Larrykitty v2

by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus


by TiberiusPonificus