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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.9

By Shroooomy
Created: 2022-09-04 02:44:13
Updated: 2022-09-04 02:47:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Chapter 15 :Pinkie
  2. > I was running late.
  3. > Or….rolling late
  4. > I had pushed this barrel of milk across half of Sweet Apple Acres.
  5. > Through forests, hills, farmland and everything in between.
  6. > After what felt like eternity I finally found myself back in town.
  7. > I watched the final rays of sun flickering behind the mountains.
  8. > I didn't even realize how late it was until I saw the line of angry ponies standing outside Sugar Cube Corner.
  10. > Oh, great.
  11. > It appeared I was running more than late.
  12. > I was super duper late!
  13. > “I’ll be with you all in just a moment, just please be patient!”
  14. > I pushed my way past the bickering ponies planting my eyes on the barrel to hide the embarrassment I no doubt had in my eyes.
  15. > Once inside I slammed the door behind me as fast as I could.
  16. > Inside, everything was exactly as I left
  17. > The lights were off and the party decorations all sat in the dark
  18. > I could still hear them bickering outside
  19. > I don't usually get Embarrassed, but being late to your own party when you’re the town's party planning pony wasn't good for my reputation.
  20. > Worst of all, I still had so much to do.
  21. > I had to feed Marble, take a shower, and get dressed.
  22. > And where the heck was Trixie?
  23. “Trixie! Come help me with this barrel!” I called into the darkness.
  25. > I was met with dead silence
  26. > What could she be up to? I thought she would be getting ready for her act by now.
  27. > I didn't see a stage and all of her magic and makeup was cleared out from the backroom
  28. > All that was left was a couple feathers from her silly peecock outfit.
  29. > It was like she wasn’t even here.
  30. > I don't plan on paying her if she thinks leaving me hanging like this was acceptable
  31. > She really does have a whores loyalty.
  32. > I pushed the barrel up the steps and down the hall to my bedroom.
  34. > Despite my exhaustion the night was still young and much work still needed to be done.
  35. > I would have to flirt with a dozen stallions to make all this work all worth it.
  36. > At least I have THAT to look forward to.
  37. > I opened the door and thankfully, Marble was still in bed.
  38. > Her eyebrows stood up and she gave me a confused look when she saw the barrel
  39. > "Hey Marble…Sorry I took so long…This barrel is really heavy!" I gasped
  40. > I pushed it across the room and stood it upright next to her bedside before collapsing from exhaustion.
  41. > The floor was a welcoming place to be
  42. > If I could, I would just fall asleep right here.
  43. > It was so peaceful.
  44. >...
  45. > I felt Marbles hoof tapping my head
  46. > “Pinkie…”
  47. > Startled I popped back up and pressed my hoof to her lips
  48. “Shhhh! Don’t wear yourself out talking. Let me explain.”
  49. > She crossed her legs over her pregnant looking belly and shot me a grumpy face.
  50. “Oh, stop being so moody! I just brought you a mothers load of milk!”
  51. > I unscrewed the knob and let the milk flow into my hooves
  52. "See? Milk!"
  53. > She didn't look impressed, but right before she could protest I grabbed the tube attached to the top of the barrel and stuck it in her mouth.
  55. > I then stuck the tube into the top of the barrel and turned the valve.
  56. > I watched the milk rush up the tube into her mouth.
  57. > Begrudgingly, she sucked on the tube with a resting expression of disappointment.
  58. "Now, I know what you're thinking, But don't worry this isn't just some stranger's milk. It's Applejacks!"
  59. > Marbles eyes jumped open before spitting the tube out with a look of disgust
  60. “It’s not Applejack's milk, silly! It’s from her farm!"
  61. > I popped the tube back in her mouth and cranked the valve open a little more.
  62. > "Do you really think I'd give my favourite little sister mare milk?" I asked ruffling her mane.
  63. > Marble nodded yes
  64. > That kind of hurt
  65. > It was well known that only criminals and fetishiests drink, collect and sell mare milk.
  66. > I may be a little flirty but I wasn't a total perv.
  67. >…
  69. > Well, At least I wasn’t one of those lactation ponies.
  70. > Those were a strange bunch.
  71. > I’ve drank lots of mare milk at my Manehatten parties over the past couple years
  72. > It’s unfortunately quite good and I would probably drink the stuff regularly if the punishment for consuming mares milk wasn't so harsh.
  73. > Twenty years in the dungeons or forced labor in a horrid place like the Old Ponyville mining camp wasn't worth it.
  75. > I turned back to Marble who was now sucking the milk down enthusiastically.
  76. > It appeared she had a very sudden change of heart.
  77. “Personally, I think it’s quite sweet. Makes you wonder what Applejack's feeding those cows! Am I right!?"
  78. > Marbles eyes were fixed on the tube, I could practically see the hearts dancing in her eyes
  79. "I didn't even know she had cows!" I joked
  80. > I could tell She wasn't even listening, she was too busy sucking on the tube with a large grin.
  81. >I didn’t like being ignored but I haven't seen her smile like that in a very long time.
  82. > It warmed my heart and made me smile as well.
  83. "Do you want more?"
  84. > She nodded excitedly
  85. > I opened up the valve a little more but it jammed
  86. > "One second Marble…just…gotta…"
  87. > With one big push I forced the valve open but in doing so fell forward
  88. > My legs lost the floor and I heard a loud snapping sound on the way down.
  89. > After my tumble I found my nose meeting the ground and in my hoof the valve that I had snapped off the barrel.
  92. > I swung my head back at Marble
  93. > The milk was now shooting through the tube unfiltered
  94. > Marble's cheeks were starting to swell and her already bloated tummy started expanding before my eyes.
  95. > She looked terrified
  96. > Her stomach groaned as did the bed beneath her.
  97. >Suddenly a loud cracking sound accompanied by snapping wood filled the room as Marbles' stomach continued to grow, mounting more and more weight on the bed until finally it buckled under the weight and collapsed.
  98. > The bed was left in pieces beneath her.
  99. > I could see so much in her eyes
  100. > Fear
  101. > Excitement
  102. > Pleasure
  103. > Her weight was growing and growing all while she willingly consumed more and more milk
  104. > That much weight gain that quickly couldn’t be healthy for a mare.
  105. > I yanked it out of her mouth
  106. "Sorry Marble!"
  107. > She flailed her hooves, trying to take the hose back
  108. > Her mouth was wide and covered in milk.
  109. > She had a desperate expression as she frantically pawed at my chest
  111. > In my hoof The milk shot upwards like a geyser.
  112. > "M-more!” She trembled
  113. .> With a lunge as big as she could muster she somehow snatched the tube from my grasp and shoved it back in her mouth, moaning happily as she suckled and slurped on the pipe
  114. > Her belly was gurgling and stretching while the barrel was ringing a sustained, high pitched noise.
  115. > The milk sloshed through the tube and into her mouth that was painted in milk thick as a smoothie while thick globs of drool hung from her chin
  116. > She moaned like a mare in heat
  117. > I tried to pull it from her but she gripped it with all her strength and refused to let go.
  118. > "Marble! Let go right now!"
  119. > She shook her head and tugged harder
  120. > "Marble! I'm your big sister, You have to do what I say!"
  121. > Marble stuck her tongue out and blew raspberries at me, spitting milk all over my face.
  122. > Not cool, sis.
  125. > Marble, if you don't listen to me I'll…I'll."
  126. > Marble started to grin.
  127. > The emptiness of my threat dawned on me
  128. > I had nothing to threaten her with
  129. > What could I do to her?
  130. > Physically, all she could do at this point was eat, It wasn't like I could refuse to feed her.
  132. > The sound of the downstairs crashing open made me jump
  133. > “Pinkie! Are you going to let it in or what!"
  134. > It was Twilight
  135. > I totally forgot about all the ponies outside!
  136. > I felt like everything was crashing into me at once.
  137. > I ran to my bedroom door and hollered
  138. "Ten more minutes everypony!"
  140. > Pinkie! What's going on!? Everyponies waiting."
  141. > "TEN! MORE! MINUTES!"
  142. > I slammed the door and returned to my glutinous sister who had grown to a size that would put a fully grown bear to shame.
  143. "Fine, you can have it!” I cried
  144. “I have a party to organize, just promise me you'll be responsible."
  145. >Marble nodded and gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes
  146. > I hated when she did that.
  147. > I just couldn't stay mad at her.
  148. > even when I really, really wanted to.
  149. > I went into the bathroom and threw off my wet swamp soaked clothes and jumped in the shower
  150. > My body was covered in dried bog water, I felt sticky and gross all over.
  151. > I had invited the richest ponies in town to attend this party, but if I wanted to seduce them I couldn't give off the impression that I had spent the afternoon bathing in a pig pen.
  152. > I needed to look my best if I wanted to sleep with them and take their bits.
  153. > I scrubbed my mane and watched the pine needles, acorns and Tiny lizards fall from my hair and circle the drain.
  154. > I turned the tap to the hottest temperature and collapsed in the tub.
  156. > Finally, I could lay down and rest for a minute.
  157. > The water blasted my most important parts as I rubbed my breasts with a bar of soap making them shine.
  158. > I never liked my boobs
  159. > One is slightly bigger than the other and they don’t produce milk
  160. > A normal function most mares can do but I simply couldn’t.
  161. > I brought the soap between my legs and began cleaning my crotch the best way I knew how
  162. > I slipped the bar of soap inside my box as far as I could.
  163. > As far as I know no other mares clean there insides this way, which is unfortunate it's super convenient.
  164. > I Just sit back and wait for the soap to melt inside me.
  165. > It felt great and was sanitary!
  167. > Though, I often wondered if being able to effortlessly shove a bar of soap up my vag was a sign my snatch had gotten a little too slack.
  168. > I've never gotten any complaints from any of my friends, stallion friends, fuck buddies, customers, one night night stands or even my gynaecologist about it though
  170. > My gynaecologist said I shouldn’t worry and that it was still tight, functional and relatively healthy for the amount of unprotected sex I have.
  171. > But he still prefers my butt.
  173. > I think it’s current state is as a sign of a productive sex life, sleeping with ponies from Ponyville to Canterlot and Manehatten is an accomplishment!
  174. > Twilight says it's disgusting, but I think it's fun!
  175. > Only a crazy or blind pony would want to hump twilights' musky unicorn crotch or smash tongues with her stringy maned, pizza face.
  176. > Nothing against the poor hermit, She just needs to put in more effort and leave her room every once and a while.
  177. > I bet if she got the daily attention I receive with my natural beauty her and I would be hitting the clubs every night.
  180. > My stomach started to grumble and still wasn't feeling right.
  181. > The skin along my tummy started to visibly shiver
  182. > I pulled my hoof over my torso and felt two lines of tiny nubs parallel to each other above my breasts
  183. > These nubs ran up my stomach from my breasts to the bottom of my chest
  184. > I counted ten in total.
  185. > I've caught almost everything over the years but this was new to me and I was beginning to worry.
  186. > It had to be from kissing Trixie, She must have had more than just herpes.
  187. > Probably some sort of weird unicorn STD she got from stripping at that seedy bar.
  189. > I started to feel nervous and hopped out of the shower.
  190. > I checked my lips in the mirror for bumps or any signs of irritation. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting.
  191. >Earth ponies don’t get herpes.
  192. > That's an ailment of weaker breeds.
  193. > That thought calmed me a little so I turned my attention back to my torso.
  194. > There were ten nubs in two perfect lines running across my body
  195. > They kind of looked like pimples surrounded by tiny pockets of fat
  196. > I opened the medicine cabinet and looked through my embarrassing quantity of medications
  197. > Since I wasn't sure what I had contracted I went ahead and took a bit of everything
  198. > After a couple hoof-full of antivirals I went into my bedroom and started to get changed
  200. > At this point, The debris from the shattered bed were consumed under Marbles belly
  201. > Despite this, Marble continued sucking down the milk with a big, dopy smile plastered across her face
  202. > Even though she was a whiney, pain in the plot she was still my little sister and everything was worth it just to see her smile again.
  203. > I skipped to my closet and decided on one of my most classic looks.
  204. > My old purple and black showmare dress fitted with fishnets and a girdle.
  205. "How do I look Marble?" I asked spinning like a silly filly.
  206. > She gave me a dirty look and shook her head in disapproval.
  207. > I knew she wouldn’t like it
  208. "I've gotta start this party. DO NOT drink that entire barrel. Kink the tube before you give yourself a tummy ache.
  209. > Marble crossed her heart and nodded
  212. > I stormed down the stairs, switched on the lights and swung open the door
  213. “Hello everypony! The party has now begun!”
  214. > The crowd clapped rather unenthusiastically at my announcement as I peered down the line that was stretched far down the street at this point.
  215. > Twilight was at the front of the line, wearing the most boring, minimalist outfit in all Equestria.
  216. > A blue dress with frilly ends that were just a shade lighter than the dress itself.
  217. > It looked like something a pony would go to bed in
  218. > Next to her was Cloudchaser, stuffed in her old Flight school uniform from when she was a filly.
  219. > It was covered in wine stains and tears around the chest and sleeves.
  220. > She swayed back and forth drunkenly and her eyes were bloodshot red
  221. > "Oh! You brought Cloudchaser!? I never thought you two were a thing!”
  222. > “We aren’t!” They shouted in unison.
  224. > They weren’t dressed up to standard but I’ll let it slide
  225. > Twilight has the fashion sense of a mule and Cloudchaser is a raging drunk.
  226. > I was surprised she was even attending.
  227. > My eyes wandered to her boobs that were poking from between her legs, looking stiff and veiny.
  228. “Wow Cloudchaser! Look at those tits!"
  229. > Cloudchaser smiled "Glad you noticed, aren't they stunning?"
  230. > I crouched down to get a closer look
  231. “I love them!”
  232. > “Of course you do. Who doesn't appreciate a nice pair of breasts?”
  233. > Cloudchaser grabbed my mane and pulled my head an inch to her face
  234. > “Are they the biggest you’ve ever seen?” She asked raising and eyebrow
  235. “Not at all!” I giggled
  236. “But they’re really nice!”
  237. > Cloudchaser relieved her grip and turned to Twilight
  238. > “Top me up when we get inside, this is my big night.”
  239. > Twilight rolled her eyes and groaned and the two shuffled inside, shoving each other with each step.
  241. > “Pinkie, Darling marvellous to see you.”
  242. > I turned my head back to the line and saw Filthy Rich with his wife and filly.
  243. > I shot him an unfriendly glare
  244. > “Ah! Pinkie, Glad you finally decided to start the party.”
  245. > I had so much I wanted to say to this greedy stallion
  246. > But I had to play it dumb and cool.
  247. “Good to see you Mr.Rich!”
  248. > He tapped his hoof watch impatiently
  250. > “Fashionably late Miss Pie, Were your eyes drawn to an irresistible piece of low hanging flesh on your way here?”
  251. > The crowd of ponies behind him laughed
  252. “Oh Mr. Rich, You know me so well!”
  253. > I was really starting to hate playing dumb
  254. > “Are you finally ready to start this event or not?”
  255. > My eyes darted between him, his wife and his bratty little filly.
  256. > I felt nothing but disdain for this rotten pony
  257. > He was not only taking away my friend's farm but was unknowingly making me feel guilty about it.
  258. > For Applejacks farm
  259. > I knew what I had to do.
  260. “Of course sir!”
  261. > Let's party.

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy