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The Cursed Statue

By BigPone
Created: 2022-09-05 18:44:40
Updated: 2023-09-22 16:13:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >An older story I forgot to put a bow on and publish. This is one of those older stories where I used a different main character as a placeholder during writing. There's more past the end point in the original file, but I've capped it off at a definite end rather than an unfinished continuation.
  2. “You really shouldn’t be messing with that!” Daring Do protested, sweating nervously. The svelte explorer preferred to work alone, and this was why. The risk of disaster was exponentially higher with every party member added to the mix. Curses and traps could be triggered, pits could be fallen into, cave collapses could occur, priceless artifacts could be trampled, all manner of ill-will could occur. Of course, it wasn’t like she could reject a royal request. Princess Twilight herself had requested to come along. Daring owed a lot to Twilight, and would have (begrudgingly) agreed to this even if she hadn’t ascended to the throne. “Relaaaaaax, Daring! If anything bad happens, butterball here will save us!” Prodded Rainbow Dash. Upon hearing about the trip, the wonderbolt insisted on tagging along. Few choices would have been better for the lieutenant’s day off than an adventure with her favorite author and adventurer? Daring bit her lib and wiped sweat off her brow, glancing at Rainbow. Daring looked the same as ever, but her cohort who she formerly shared a mane style with had styled her mane back, like a rainbow colored Spitfire. Noticing her nervousness, Dash chuckled nervously herself. “I mean, with a spell or something. He can still do that!”
  3. It had been half a decade since the sisters retired and left Equestria to Twilight. The greatest threat Equestria saw since the stoning of the trio of evil had been maintaining relationships with other nations. With the nation at peace, everypony was able to relax and unwind. Most ponies stayed the same, while a few let go of some of their inhibitions. One of the latter was Princess Twilight herself. She wasn’t exceptionally large by any means, but had put on a considerable amount of pudge. While she had only grown a few inches taller with her Alicorn body, she put on enough weight that there wasn’t an area of her body that you could look at and not see chub in. Her cheeks were noticeably puffy, and she had a small double chin that accentuated itself whenever she looked down. Her belly was considerably rounded out, hanging down about a third of the way to her knee joints. She blew up most notably in the rear, with her ample, supple plot and thighs expanding so large her throne was becoming a tight fit. She was dressed in a tight explorer’s vest, with a cute explorer’s hat on her head. The boots she wore stretched harshly across the section of her thighs they could even reach around, producing a tantalizing muffin top effect around the edges. She weighed around 225 pounds when she was first coronated, and last weighed in at a heavy 372 pounds.
  4. To her right stood the real reason Daring Do was so concerned: Twilight’s assistant, Beaming Light. The grey stallion’s princely duties were largely ceremonial, and most of his days were spent idling around, mostly at places that involved food. Once daily, he produced a report of the goings-on around Equestria that he gathered using a spell he was naturally talented at: advanced astral projection. He made sure to earn his keep, and convincingly justified his expenditures at various restaurants as “stimulating the economy”. Many theorized, or even blamed, Beaming for Twilight’s expansive growth, and it was easy to see why. His long, flowing, mare-like mane did a poor job of hiding his bulbous cheeks, which melded seamlessly with the massive spare tire of a double chin that protruded slightly past his real chin at all times. His blubber-packed neck was nearly as big around as most ponies’ torsos, and led down to his rotund barrel, which protruded nearly as far out as his chin and sat squished between blubber-packed forelegs. Beaming’s enormous belly not only reached the ground, but spread across it so much he was twice as wide as he was tall, and he was nearly as tall as Big Mac. His rear pair of overburdened hooves held up a plot that, while dwarved by his gigantic gut, was still large enough to make him pass for a mare from behind. It was a wonder he could even walk, let alone fit through the cave. At his last weigh in, which was months ago when he broke the only scale that could previously weigh him, he was over 1300 pounds. This wasn’t the first time Beaming had fallen into his gainer craze phase when something important came up.
  5. Rounding out the rest of the group were two members of the royal guard, normal as can be. They insisted on coming along to ensure the sole ruler of Equestria stayed safe. At least, that was their cover story. In reality, the Pegasus guard had the hots for Rainbow Dash, and the Unicorn guard would take any opportunity he could to keep an eye on the princess’s assets.
  7. “Now, Beamy, carefully remove the statue from the pedestal, and keep that mass-teleport spell ready.” Twilight instructed, with a look that could only be described as an awkward mix of determination and nervousness. The pair loved each other, closer than princess and assistant typically would, but the only reason Beaming was dragged along was due to his massive mana pool. The statue could only be moved using magic, at an amount that would drain most Unicorns and leave most Alicorns occupied enough that teleporting to a safe destination would be difficult. Beaming was able to draw mana from his supreme excess of mass. While Twilight wasn’t exactly opposed to obesity, and rather quite had a fetish for it, Beaming had been going more than a little overboard lately, glutting himself so severely and gaining weight so quickly, he wasn’t far from losing mobility. His size when he broke the scale was so significantly enough smaller than his current form, whose hooves could barely reach the ground, he could easily have weighed over a ton. If he had to expel enough mana, he’d lose a lot of weight. This was a continuous cycle for the so-called prince of gluttony: he’d go on crash diets and mana overexertion spells for months in a (successful) effort to slim down. Something would happen- the holiday season, a new restaurant opening, a visit from his old magic school friends who all resembled his current form- and the pendulum would swing in the other direction. Small portions and light snacks would turn into eight meals a day (plus snacks and dessert!) that would balloon him up to his pre-diet weight in a third of the time. The first instance of this cycle saw him drop to a lightly chubby 330 pounds, a weight he hadn’t been since he was a colt. Each cycle saw both ends becoming progressively fatter. The last cycle before his gaining craze began had him only slim down to 500 pounds.
  8. Beaming huffed and puffed, wiping exertion sweat off his brow with a telekinetically controlled rag. He had been casting a constant strength buff to allow him to get through the cave, and even then the exertion was more than he normally experienced in an entire week. “Our next trip better be to a buffet,” he grumbled, picking up the small statue through no small amount of struggle. It was the size of a 5 pound vase, but easily weighed over a ton, somehow. The cave unnaturally quickly began to shake and crumble, sending the party into a panic. “Everyone, in the circle, quick!” Twilight shouted. Rainbow, Daring, and the two guards rushed into the small circle of magic light so fast they couldn’t stop themselves from pressing into Beaming like a waterbed. With a blush, Beaming charged a teleport spell to his pre-determined anchor location, hoping it would cast in time. A bright flash removed the equines from the area a split second before a boulder crushed the pedestal into dust.
  10. With a loud thump and a rumble, the five ponies hit the ground with enough force to knock them unconscious for a few seconds. Beaming came to first, his forehead aching like someone just tore his horn off. His vision spun and stirred, eventually focusing on the statue. He couldn’t move, or even feel, anything but his eyes and forehead. The statue looked like a small earth pony filly holding a jar in one hoof. Suddenly, the statue turned its head to look directly at Beaming, and a devilish smile broke across its face. Slowly, the figure morphed piece by piece: First, it grew a horn. Then, its snoot changed to the more squarish shape that stallions and colts had. Next, it grew taller, reaching the height of a very tall stallion.
  11. Beaming was still too dazed to comprehend just what he was seeing. He just kept staring, like he was in a trance. Twilight groaned and stood up, only to find her eyes locking onto the statue. Just like Beaming, her vision locked focus on it, blanking out everything else in frame. “Wha-aat is- that’s now how it- it looks just like-“ She could scarcely finish a sentence. The statue’s grin opened voraciously into a devouring stance. Beaming’s cognitive senses had rebooted enough to start understanding what he was seeing, on some base level at least. ‘That looks like… but I don’t think I’ve ever been that thin?’ He thought, trying desperately to move or feel anything but the searing, stabbing pain in his head.
  12. The statue winked and licked its lips, as if to confirm Beaming’s suspicions: It had taken his form. Then, it began to grow… fatter. Fatter, and fatter, and fatter. It was like a time lapse of Beaming’s expansive weight gain, depicted as if it had taken place only as a stallion. Beaming was the type of pony that was obese even as a young colt, so this seemed odd. Within barely over a minute, the statue reached what Beaming figured was his current size. ‘Am I really that fat?’ he thought. Being too large to be seen fully in a mirror, he had never really seen just how huge he was. However, the statue kept going, as if it were simulating Beaming’s future. The statue let out a belch that shook Beaming’s vision just like the cave collapse did. The Beaming depicted in the statue was a beyond-immobile blob of blubber, easily over double his current size. Then, everything went black.
  14. “Are you sure this is safe, sugarcube?” “This jar’s enchantment is based on the same spell that kept Princess Luna on the moon for a millennium. Besides, I don’t think this statue could stomach any more weight if it wanted to.” “Oh darling, your outfit is practically bursting at the seams already! Should you really be eating that many hayburgers?” “Shucks, Rarity, leave ‘er alone. She’s been through a lot today!” “Yeah! Besides, isn’t fat in style for royalty? I mean, Beaming, Cadence, even Luna and Celestia are getting pretty big. Not all ponies can be as fit and awesome as me!” “Oh dear, is your assistant going to be alright, Twilight?” “Girls, this is important. Beaming… I’ll take care of him, but it’s going to be difficult for him. I’m letting you know because you’re my friends and I trust you, but we need to keep this secret. As far as anyone else needs to know, Beaming is sick and will be on bed rest for a long time. I already told the guards that were there and my royal nurse. Dash, I want you to make sure Daring Do doesn’t blab either, got it?” “Got it!” [sounds of fast Pegasus whooshing away] “Um, what will we do about her?” “Easy, we’ll say she’s my- PINKIE!!!”
  15. “OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH SHE’S SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!” The conversation was muffled, but loud enough to be heard. Pinkie’s outburst? It startled Beaming awake with a yelp, with him daintily landing on his hooves. “H-hi Pinkie. Wh-why are you so tall?” Beaming’s eyes went dark. ‘Why is my voice…’ Twilight kept a big mirror in her lab, and Beaming darted toward it, feeling very short and immeasurably light. His fears were soon realized.
  16. He was not only short and thin, but ‘he’ was also no longer a he. That statue had turned Beaming into a filly. His coat was no longer blue, having turned a medium shade of green. His mane, still messy and long as ever, had changed from white to black. “Beaming…” Twilight cooed, showing a look of concern she hadn’t had since Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis nearly divided and conquered Equestria. Her expression quickly changed to confusion as she saw the green filly smirk. “This actually isn’t as bad as I thought,” Beaming giggled. “I can live with this, ‘least until we find a reversal spell or something. Heh.” Beaming stood there awkwardly with a smug, closed-eye expression on her face. “Uh, what are you doing?” Twilight quipped. “Why isn’t telekinesis working?” Beaming lifted her mane up with a forehoof, revealing her forehead was bare: no horn was present. “I’m… an EARTH PONY?!”
  17. In a dramatic flair reminiscent of Rarity’s younger days, Beaming stood on her hind legs and fainted backwards, flopping on a cushion Twilight hastily slid under her. Applejack scowled, while Pinkie looked halfway turned to her Pinkamena depression form. Fluttershy shuffled nervously. “Oh dear…” Noticing the mood of the room, and Twilight’s rapidly elevating stress levels, Rarity jumped to the former prince’s defense. “C-come now, dears, let’s not be too hasty. I’m sure he- she meant nothing by it. If you woke up in another body as a different race, you’d be startled too!” Pinkie, clad in a detective hat with matching pipe, rubbed her double chin thoughtfully.
  18. Despite her bizarre reality-bending tendencies, her metabolism hadn’t held out as well as the rest of her. She had been pregnant for a month, and her diet had not been made any healthier by her marriage nor her visits with Beaming. In the past two years, she had suddenly ballooned up from a deceptively normal looking pony to a pony that was one big meal shy of weighing a quarter-ton, and looked like a merge of Mrs. Cake and Twilight in heft.
  19. “Beamy diiiiiiiid tell me he thought he didn’t think he’d be able to walk by hearth’s warming this year and kiiiinda uses his magic for everything, sooooooooooo….” Her mane puffed up to its normal cheery form. “Okie dokie lokie!” Twilight trotted over to the rest of the group, letting her assistant-turned-filly rest. “Wait, when did he tell you that?” “Oh! It was a moon or two ago, when you sent him to Ponyville to check on the preparations for this year’s Festival of the Two Sisters after Applejack stuffed him until he was about to pop! And then he ate everything in Sugarcube Corner and couldn’t move until morning. Mrs. Cake was soooooooo mad!”
  20. Applejack bit her lip and looked nervous. It was a poorly kept secret (everyone knew), but Applejack had a monstrous fat fetish, and was a seriously aggressive feeder. Paired with a ravenous glutton of a feedee, she had completely lost all self control and pushed the entire festival’s apple-based smorgasboard into Beaming’s gut, followed it up with a few gallons of water to fill his belly to the bursting point, and gave him a final dessert of squash soup. If she had it her way, Beaming would be a multi-ton blob bigger than the barn she hid her preparation testing in – learning from the mistake she made stuffing Twilight on her first day in Ponyville in front of her entire extended family.
  22. Everypony but Twilight had left by the time Beaming woke up. Spike had joined them- being the royal advisor, he’d be around Twilight far too often to be effectively kept in the dark about Beaming’s predicament. An intermittent and increasingly loud rumble echoed in the bedroom as the trio tried to come up with a convincing cover story. Beaming’s input was minimal, distracted by his growing hunger. Small filly or not, his mind was still that of a stallion that let his fetishes and gluttony run so out of control he couldn’t even give his wife foals. Still, he couldn’t tell if he was so hungry because he was used to stuffing himself all day long, or if it was because he hadn’t eaten in over 12 hours. Twilight trying her damndest to keep her stress under control by wolfing down plates of hayburgers, straining that explorer outfit to its popping point, didn’t help matters.
  23. Beaming was startled by a sharp boop to the snoot. Irritated at first, this quickly gave way to a loving blush when he realized Twilight had popped a coat button with her stress eating. Blushing embarrassingly and stifling a small belch, Twilight set down the now-empty tray. “Ahem. It’s settled, then. Beaming, until we can get you back to your real body, you’ll be known as my adopted daughter, Sweet Mint. I’ll try to get you ‘homeschooled’ or tested out of regular school so you don’t have to suffer any more than you have.” Twilight hopped off her chair and groaned, only now realizing just how overstuffed she was. “Thanks, Twi,” ‘Sweet Mint’ replied. “Since you’ve had your fill already,” Sweet poked at Twilight’s engorged belly lovingly. “Can I get some food? I’m wasting away here!”
  24. “O-oh, sure! I’ll have the chefs make you a-” “I want cakes, pies, ice cream, and milkshakes, enough to stuff a full-grown stallion, and I want them in my entertainment room. The theater projection machine should have enough charge in it to last a few years and I wanna be comfy.” Twilight lowered her head in exhaustion. “You’re going to milk my guilt as much as you can, aren’t you?” ‘Sweet Mint’ replied with a dangerously smug expression.
  26. One of the guards that was at the cave pushed an overflowing cart of dessert sweets into Beaming’s entertainment room. The room was off-limits for most of the castle staff, meaning two guards, a nurse, and the Princess were the only ones allowed in. The cover story was that the sick Beaming couldn’t lay in the royal bedroom for fear of spreading a contagious disease to the sole ruler of Equestria, after all. “Here’s your dinner, my pri-er, ma’am, er, uh, aaaa! Forgive me, milord!” Like anypony that would find themselves in a body of the opposite sex, Sweet Mint was exploring her new body and all its differences. She was so used to being a stallion, and so packed with blubber his belly covered his genitals up in this position. “I-it’s ok, Lance,” Sweet sheepily replied, not expecting to get caught flicking the gem, as it were. “Don’t feel the need to avert your gaze on my behalf. It’s my first time being female and thin, so…” Lance Armet cleared his throat, returning his gaze to the prince-turned-filly. “Yes, well, h-here you go. Are… are you sure you can eat all this?” Sweet flashed a smug grin, eyeing the guard. “I’ll most certainly try. I may be a thin little filly now, but my mind is still that of the prince who’d consider this a large snack.” She hopped off the chair and brushed against Lance’s foreleg. “Which means I’m probably going to get faaaaaaaat again~” she cooed. Lance’s white face was as red as Big Mac, and he rushed out of the room. “Y-yes, well, I have g-guard stuff to do!”
  27. Sweet dove into the massive cart of food like her old, true self. Her ravenous appetite was precisely the same as it was as Beaming Light, though her body was clearly not even close to the size. The entertainment projector, when it wasn’t providing a one-way portal view of one of the many stages in Canterlot where a show or concert may play, was a normal mirror. Sweet couldn’t help but watch herself eat. Being so thin, her belly filling up was actually actively visible well before 80% of her stomach capacity. In fact, it was growing as rapidly as she was reaching her new capacity. She was already feeling bloated after a single blueberry cream pie, but insisted on grabbing more to sate her latent ravenousness. Down went a peanut butter pie with a pure fudge crust, leaving her feeling absolutely stuffed. Washing it down with a thick half-gallon vanilla milkshake as a palette cleanser left her already feeling like she had gone beyond overdoing it. Cradling her belly, which bulged out the size of an entire buckball, she gurgled out a strange cross between pleasure and pain. “Oh Celestia, I haven’t been beaten this easily since the last time I was a blank flank. But… I’m still hungry? Fuck me, I’m gonna be the fattest filly in Equestria too, aren’t I?”
  28. As if compelled by an unseen force, Sweet forced her overengorged self over to a large triple layer cake that sat on the cart. She had barely finished an eight of the cart’s contents, but if she could at least down that cake, she’d be satisfied. The problem was, even as she took huge bites out of it and swallowed as fast as she could, that cake was as big as her entire belly. And still, she shoved more and more of it into her increasingly strained belly. The little filly’s gut grew bigger and bigger and bigger, rounder and rounder, and took on an increasingly worrisome shade of red as a cacophony of gurgles and glorps emitted from her stomach desperately trying to contain and process the oncoming onslaught.
  29. A nonstop soundtrack of gluttony emitted from Sweet’s vastly overengorged tummy, which had doubled in size since devouring that cake. Chocolate adorning her muzzle like a nasty looking goatee, all Sweet could do was groan and try to rub the soreness out of her belly. “H-heh, I really do have no self-control.
  31. Back in the lab, Twilight and Moondancer perused an entire library’s worth of books on spells, curses, and enchantments, searching for anything that could help with Beaming’s predicament. Putting down a book, Twilight let out an exasperated sigh. “Moonie, I have to get back to my princess duties. I’m already running late for a meeting with Mayor Mare about trade deal negotiations. Are you ok looking into this for me?” Moondancer nodded, swallowing a particularly large piece of cake. “Of course, Twi! I’d do anything for you, and your hunk of a hubby. I’ll even live here for as long as it takes!” “Thanks, Moonie. I’ll make sure you’re paid well for your efforts. Remember to keep this secret!” Twilight smiled and took off at a galloping pace, causing her big belly and huge plot to jiggle and flop.
  32. Moondancer sat on a bench, ignoring how much her plot overflowed it, how loudly it was creaking, and the fact the seat was touching the floor. Though the nearest table was four feet away, her belly pressed into it and even squished further past for a few inches. The massive mare had taken very quickly to the culinary hedonism Equestria had started adapting. Between her admiration for the slowly fattening Twilight, her love for Beaming, and a raging fat fetish that had once been kept to private journals, the gainer gourmand lifestyle was a perfect fit for her. It proved beneficial to her studies by eliminating any desire to step away. Proportionally, she was even fatter than Beaming was, having surpassed her goals of reaching the same size as the only stallion to draw her attention. She was heavier too: Before the entire device collapsed, she and Beaming were placed on an industrial-strength enchanted scale, and her side of the scale sunk further down.
  33. Moondancer and Beaming had gotten together a few times as part of herding procedures, and it was always crazy. They’d eat out the stocks of multiple restaurants, perform dangerous eating dares that left them unconscious in a food coma just before their overglutted stomachs would have burst open, and would even attempt sexual acts. Those never got past magic simulations because they were so large, but it felt satisfying enough.
  34. The massive mare, the current fattest mare in all of Equestria, broke her last scale at 1200 pounds and grew even larger since then. Being much shorter than Beaming, she was completely immobilized, and required the use of a very large, magically enchanted cart to lift and hold her belly and allow her to move around. Even this failed most of the time, as her belly stuck out further than her hooves could reach on an empty stomach, and she was rarely less than 60% full. Each individual thigh was bigger around than an obese 500 pound mare’s body. Her plot was wider than Big Mac was tall, even with Sugar Belle standing on his back. Her face was surrounded by a sphere of blubber, and her neck almost looked non-existent with how its overfilled-balloon of lard disappeared into her back and barrel. Bested by only two elusive stallions, she was the third fattest creature in all of Equestria. Moondancer grew so addicted to binge eating and gaining weight, she wanted to grow so fat her weight was measured in tons, normal houses couldn’t hold her, and nothing in the world could move her. Sometimes, when she fantasizes, she dreams of being bigger than the mountain Canterlot was built on. An impossible feat, but an arousing one.
  35. A tinny rumbling caught the mare’s attention, pulling her away from stuffing her face and toward looking at the mysterious statue. The statue became aware of its observation, and changed its concerned grimace into a nervous stare, as if it was trying (and failing) to act like nothing was happening. It was too apparent, however: the statue’s belly was growing just bigger enough to be noticeable. It wasn’t enough to shine any light on its properties, but it was sufficient to note. “The statue takes its form from the last pony to touch it, and locks into that form for an unknown period of time. It converts some excess from the victim’s form into additional body fat, perhaps the undigested food in their system or some sort of conversion from the victim’s original height – despite taking the height with the original form change.” Moondancer paused to stuff an entire cream pie into her mouth, chewing for a moment and swallowing it as if it were a small candy bar. “After a day’s time, the statue grows even fatter, cause unknown. Given the time of day, the victim may have eaten a meal. Given the victim’s nature, it was likely an excessively large meal. This, however, is pure speculation, and further study is needed. Conclusion: We need to determine the cause of the statue’s continued growth, what effects this event may entail, and why the statue displays signs of sentience.”
  37. Sweet woke up at the crack of dawn, groggy and disoriented. She forgot to close the curtains last night. As her vision focused, she noticed the cart was emptied of food. “Mmph, I was saving that for breakfast…” She mumbled, hopping off the couch and landing on her hooves. “Ehhh? I feel…. Heavier.” Spying her appearance in the entertainment projector, in its switched off mirror mode, her small filly body was considerably thicker than it was the previous day. She wasn’t fat by any means, but her lanky, underfed appearance was replaced with that of a normal, healthy filly’s body, with the slightest hint of extra belly chub. Without hesitation, she trotted over to the scale, massively oversized as it was for her current body. “I’m sooo not used to the first two numbers being zero… Celestia! I’m even talking like a filly. Ehhh? 85 pounds? Gaining 15 pounds in a meal is extreme, even for me…”
  38. “Beaming! Let’s- oh, uh, you’ve gotten bigger.” Twilight trotted across the room, eyeing her assistant-turned-daughter. “Let’s get breakfast together like usual. It’s earlier than you usually roll out of bed, so it won’t look suspicious.” Twilight was dressed in her normal royal gear, which was only disappointing because it didn’t have those tight garments that accentuated her excess weight. “I can eat as much as I want, right?” Sweet asked, channeling her special cute filly begging powers. ‘That’s my assistant, alright. No matter what body he has, he’s going to eat himself into immobility before giving me any foals.’ Twilight sighed. “Of course, sweetie. Now come on, I’m starving!” Twilight didn’t see it, but Sweet bit her lower lip and blushed redder than the show-opening lights at Vinyl’s last performance.
  39. The royal dining hall was both less and more crowded than usual. Most ponies got up at a decent hour and had their breakfast at a regular time, meaning the place was packed with all the royal subjects that worked in the castle. Being a fraction of her former size, the room felt wide open and practically empty to Sweet. The duo took a seat at their usual table. Beaming’s gigantic seat remained bare, while his filly form had to sit in a regular sized seat with a booster cushion on top. “I’ll try to get you a better seat today. We could use your regular one, but it would look suspicious,” Twilight whispered.
  40. The waiter, a short and tubby Pegasus, strolled up and pulled out his tablet and quill. “All the best to the Prince, m’lady. I take it you’ll want the usual?” Twilight nodded. “Thank you. Yes, I’ll take the usual.” “Mmhmm, and for the little lady?”
  41. Sweet slapped her forehooves on the table, excitedly. “The double stacker pancake combo! Double butter, double syrup, and a full order of cannolis!” she squeaked. The waiter’s eyes widened, glancing at the ravenous filly’s small belly. “Yeesh, that’s a lot for a little filly! Not to question you, princess, but is this alright?” Sweet put on her best cute filly begging face, smiling widely. “Weeeeeeell, she didn’t get to each much at the orphanage. Beaming and I decided she could eat as much as she wanted here, soooooooo if you could prepare some takeout boxes just in case, that would be great!”
  42. A quick 15 minutes passed, and both meals were brought to the table. Twilight’s “usual” consisted of a stack of pancakes, normal butter and syrup, with a dollop of whipped cream on top and a side of breakfast hayburgers. The double stacker combo that Sweet ordered was a feast typically eaten by Royal Guards before the start of their shift, providing enough energy to last their entire shift. With Sweet’s specifications, this meal consists of 20 1/3 inch thick pancakes, with four sticks of butter split between each pancake, and enough syrup to drench every single one. It came with a side of hash browns and haysausage links, 2 of each. The cannoli order she picked as an additional “side” was an entire pound of cannolis, meant to be shared between a party of six. No sooner than the plates were set down did Sweet stuff the hash browns and haysausages into her mouth, chewing and swallowing the mass within seconds. “She must take after her stepfather,” the waiter noted, bemused. Twilight blushed and looked embarrassed.
  43. A normal filly’s breakfast would be two of these pancakes and a strip of haybacon. Sweet ate like a stallion with a huge appetite, shoving whole pancakes in her mouth without regard for getting the sticky syrup all over her forehooves. Her little belly was visibly bulging by the third pancake, and yet her pace didn’t slow. Pancake after pancake was shoved down that little gullet, pushing her belly further and further outward.
  44. Sweet’s belly bulged out like she ate an entire buckball. The first stack of pancakes was defeated, and she took a minute to lick the syrup off her hooves and rub her belly. A few onlookers in the hall took glances toward her direction, surprised at what they were seeing. Lance Armet had the (un?)lucky circumstance of being stationed on guard duty right next to the royal table. He was sweating bullets, and couldn’t take his eyes off Sweet. Another guard walked up to him and draped a cloak over him, whispering something into his ear that made his white face turn red.
  45. ‘More, more, more!’ Sweet’s mind echoed, as if it were someone commanding her. She tried to shove the entire second stack of pancakes into her belly all at once, but could barely manage to fit three in her mouth at a time. Her belly swelled further and further, starting to take a slight shade of red from the strain and approaching beachball sizes. She was as full as she was by the time she passed out the night before, but showed no signs of stopping. All that was left was the cannolis, and by Celestia she was going to eat every single one. The entire world may as well have not existed- all Sweet could think of was eating. One by one, she stuffed a sweet, creamy cannoli in her mouth, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure each time.
  46. The next thing Sweet knew, she was on the ground, the haziness and engorgement fixation having given away. Not a single crumb or droplet of syrup remained on her plates. To her surprise, she felt the coldness of the floor on her belly and hind hooves, but her forehooves only felt her belly. The small filly had eaten so much, her belly was not only reaching the floor, it actually lifted her off her hooves. A white light enveloped her, and she found herself floating, landing carefully on a royal guard’s back. She tried to say something, but could only emit the occasional groan and belch. “D-don’t worry, uh, Sweet. I’ll t-take you back to your room.” A nervous and troubled Lance tried to reassure her. Twilight had apparently left to take care of her duties already. At a careful pace, the cloaked guard carried the overstuffed filly back to “her” room.
  48. “It grew again,” Moondancer noted, scarfing down a quadruple layer fudge cake in her third meal of the day. “Its face looks like mine when I eat myself into a coma. I really need to ask Twilight what Beaming’s meal schedule is.” She was considerably less scientific with her notes this time. “Mmph… oh… what if I could steal all its fat for myself, and then return Beaming’s body back~”. The thought was too much to bear. She had to deal with her urges before she could concentrate on study again. Moondancer split her magic in two: the first half shoveled food into her mouth so fast she couldn’t even savor the taste, while the other formed a suspiciously accurate dildo and pleasured her clitoris. She’d lose hours resting off this engorgement and masturbation session, but the losses would be lesser than if she held off any longer.
  49. The statue seemed in a state of bliss, visibly expanding a few centimeters. Beaming had gone on yo-yo diets before, growing nearly as large as the statue’s initial state before the rebound, but this was a size even he had never reached. The statue was the equivalent of a pony that weighed over an entire ton. Its hooves could no longer reach the ground, and it lay on its sphere of a belly. The enclosure the statue was placed in was getting cramped.
  50. Moondancer finished, looking like she had just spent hours in a pool before swallowing the entire water supply. Her mane flopped down messily, her entire body was drenched in sweat to the point her ill-fitting sweater was practically a biohazard, and her gigantic, multi-pony-sized stomach was visibly stuffed to its limits. Wiping the sweat and food off her face with a towel, she focused on catching her breath.
  51. She wasn’t a complete slob, at the very least. She had long perfected the art of localized teleportations. It was the only way for a mare her size to keep properly clean, with regards to certain unsavory daily biological functions. The only way anypony would know that she relieved her sexual tensions would be if they knew her that intimately. Beaming was the only other pony that knew Moondancer really, truly got sexual pleasure out of stuffing herself and imagining exponentially growing in weight with each bite. For all Twilight knew, Moondancer had just made a major breakthrough and celebrated with a feast. “I’m… guessing you found something?”
  53. Sweet woke up with a moan, rubbing her eyes with her forehooves. Her moan elicited a stifled gasp from behind, and she felt a wet cloth drop between her flanks. Her belly felt empty, like the entire breakfast craziness was just a dream. The clock on the wall said it was a little past 7:30, nearly an hour later. She slowly stood up, feeling that wet cloth drop to her hooves. “I’m so not used to standing with just my hooves touching the floor, or sofa, in this case,” she mumbled, turning herself around groggily. She felt softer, and her empty belly felt like it protruded more than it had that morning. “Mmh… L-Lance? What’s up?” The guard was sweating bullets, as if he were trying to rust his old armor out. “Oh! Uh, nothing much, sir-ma’am-prince, uhhhhhh… Y-You just passed out after breakfast, and I decided to clean you up so you didn’t wake up covered in syrup.” Sweet raised an eyebrow, feeling very strange.
  54. “Beaming, come to the lab with me!” Squeaked a very excited Twilight, having just teleported into the room. Before anypony could react, she and Sweet teleported out. Twilight teleported back in for a brief second. “Lance, have the nurse bring in some lunch for Beaming, then get back to work. Bye!” Like that, she was gone again. The nervous wreck of a guard let out a sigh of relief. “What am I doing?”
  56. It had been a while since Beaming was in the lab. The entire place was moved around compared to his memory. He wasn’t able to visit because he grew too fat to fit, but even the entrance was resized to allow Moondancer in. Everything looked and felt massive for his current body, and it took a few seconds to get his bearings.
  57. Before that could happen, Sweet found herself flying through the air, landing softly on a rock-hard tan surface. Moondancer’s belly had been kept in a constant state of stuffed-to-the-brim since Twilight first walked in, and worked flawlessly as an impromptu shelf for the filly to stand on. Beaming forgot just how massive Moondancer was, and she definitely put on a few hundred pounds since then. Until the investigation started, Moondancer hadn’t left her home for years, having grown too fat to leave it. “Oh, Moondancer! You’ve gotten… huge!” Sweet squeaked, a mixture of surprise and arousal. “And you got so small!” Moondancer smiled, kissing Sweet on the cheek. Luckily, Twilight had made the sphere of a scientist wash up. “You aren’t wasting any time porking back up though!” She giggled, setting the filly back on the floor, right on top of a scale.
  58. The scale stopped at 95 pounds. “You gained 10 pounds from breakfast? I know you ate a lot, but I didn’t think…” Twilight paused her train of thought, refocusing on the main topic. “Beaming, come here. See, the statue is a lot fatter than before.” Sweet nodded, grimacing. That was her rightful body, even if she thought it could keep those extra hundreds of pounds. “Moonie noticed something: When you eat, the statue grows fatter. I don’t know if you’re gaining weight faster because the statue did something to you, or if you’re really just eating that many excess calories without getting sick, but Moondancer and I have a theory…”
  59. “You’re going to love it!” Moondancer interrupted, shoving a 15,000 calorie cake into her maw. Swallowing it led to her stomach expanding another few inches, letting out a worrying groan. “N-nap time!” She exclaimed, flopping on her back, rapidly falling into a food coma. Twilight sighed. “You two are so alike. Your appetite is ridiculous enough that you’d do this anyway, but here’s the plan: be your cute, binge-eating, gluttonous self. If my calculations are right, something will happen when the statue gets so large it bursts out of containment. If my calculations are wrong, well… you’d be gaining weight anyways. You’ve gained 25 pounds, and it’s only been 16 hours.”
  60. Sweet played the cute filly card against her wife, having grown just chubby enough for the frown to push into puffy cheeks. “Oh, come on, Beaming! Don’t give me that look! I didn’t marry a 500 pound buffet-destroyer of a stallion for his commitment to a diet and exercise regimen. I’m giving you a blessing to be the biggest, most spoiled filly in Equestria!” Sweet bounced up and gave Twilight a kiss on the lips. A very brief one, given their height distance, but one with the intentions made clear. “I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.”
  62. Sweet woke up in the morning, much the same as the prior day’s awakening. She rolled out of bed, grumbled a bit, and took a trip over to the scale. She had doubled in weight from her first moments as a filly. At 140 pounds, she passed the pudgy and chubby stages, and was downright fat. Her belly was round and stuck out significantly, while her flanks and thighs had really begun to fill out. Her face was taking on a spherical appearance, with the beginnings of a double chin and rounded cheeks. She took to the new weight well, not feeling particularly troubled by it. Of course, she sat in her room all day, excepting a short walk to the royal dining hall for breakfast, so she wasn’t exactly under a lot of physical duress. For breakfast, she ordered the same meal as the day before. She had to be carried back by Lance again, but this time she asked for a couple pies as soon as she got back. Just like the day before, she woke up from her breakfast nap hungry, a little fatter, and with a nervous guard proclaiming he was cleaning her up.
  63. Sweet’s stomach capacity was bigger than a full-grown stallion’s, but nowhere near that of her former body’s. She could outeat Big Mac, easily. It was still up in the air whether some part of the statue’s curse caused her to gain weight so rapidly, or her caloric intake exceeded her caloric needs by that extreme an amount. With the exception of that first night, she digested her meals quickly enough that she’d feel hungry before the next scheduled meal was even close, leaving plenty of snacking in the schedule. Throughout each, Sweet would be visited by Twilight, Lance Armet, and Nurse Cakeheart, the very appropriately named head nurse of the castle. Twilight checked in on Sweet, usually bringing some sweets and affection. Lance brought in the meals, offering suspiciously enthusiastically to take over those duties. Nurse Cakeheart, the 450 pound health expert, would perform periodic health checks, making sure the rapidly expanding filly wasn’t encountering any health issues from her unusual predicament.
  64. Sweet obviously enjoyed the visits from Twilight. They were spouses, after all. Lance always seemed nervous and made Sweet a little uncomfortable, but the food was more than welcome. Visits from the Nurse made Sweet blush and feel all hot and bothered. Nurse Cakeheart would come in, barely squeezing into her uniform, and would feel Sweet’s body all over, making sure no unusual growths or clots appeared. She’d always feed Sweet some exceptionally delicious cupcakes before she left, calling her a cutie. Sometimes, the visits occurred while Sweet was trying to rest off a ton of food. The nurse would coo, congratulating and cheering her on for eating so healthily, and would all but force Sweet to stuff down those cupcakes.
  66. The days seemed to meld into one another. It was a fun life of luxury, something Sweet didn’t even get as her true form. There were a few things here and there she had to do then. Now, her only obligation was to go to breakfast with Twilight in the mornings. The pace of her weight gain had slowed, but she was nevertheless expanding at quite a surprising rate. A moon had passed, and while some small turmoil had occurred because Beaming wasn’t able to perform his duties, things remained peaceful.
  67. Sweet rolled out of bed, something that was becoming more difficult lately. Trying to ignore the rumbling of her always-hungry belly, she plodded over to the scale, part of her between-meals routine. She wasn’t gaining 10-15 pounds a meal anymore, sure, but the weight was still piling on fast. Day 32 of being a filly showed no major progress in a cure, but amazing progress in the field of studying how a body swap is incapable of changing one’s eating habits. The not-so-little filly, physically as old as the Equestria-famous CMC were halfway between their formation and their cutie mark acquisition, gained just over 300 pounds since her first day in the body. At 378 pounds, she outweighed all the average-weighted adults in Equestria. Even if she didn’t gain that weight so rapidly, she would be struggling with her weight. Earth pony strength only went so far. Her thighs and flanks were thicker and wider than a full grown mare’s by a longshot, Her face was surrounded by a ball of fat, with her short neck, chin, and cheeks melding into one soft mass. Her belly hung past her knees, and bulged out sideways even further than her flanks. Rather than 10-15 pounds a meal, she dialed back to gaining a pound or two a day.
  68. Twilight arrived with Lance, who pulled the royal cart with the hefty filly in it to and from breakfast. Sweet was barely able to make the walk there, and the extra appetite built up by the small burst of exercise was enough to bring her dangerously close to overwhelming her stomach capacity. Still, Sweet was all too happy about everything in life. Twilight warmed up to her form more and more as she increasingly resembled her old body, looking proportionally just a bit fatter than Beaming on their wedding day. Nurse Cakeheart’s checkups doubled as a very soothing body massage, and the cupcakes felt just as filling as an entire meal. Lance was becoming increasingly hooves-on with Sweet, and his feelings were harder to hide. Sweet almost caught him doing… whatever he was doing while cleaning breakfast off her, a few times.
  69. Sweet ordered the same breakfast as always, sitting in two chairs at once. On a weekly basis, she’d expand the meal larger and larger. She was up to three double-stacker combos and two orders of cannolis now, topped off with whatever leftover scraps some of the cleaner-eating guests left behind. Every meal ended the same way: her belly stuffed so large her hooves couldn’t come close to touching the floor, over an hour of sleep time, and a sharp hunger as soon as she woke back up. One of the mornings, she had a very sensual dream that some cute stallion treated her the way she, in her old body, treated Twilight, while the old body was small enough to make it happen. It felt so real, and she could swear she heard panicked hooffalls rushing away when she woke up with a moan. She couldn’t see anypony there, with her still-stuffed belly blocking all view.
  70. Sweet wasn’t the only pony putting on weight. Moondancer, stuffing her face and fantasizing in between recording measurements, had put on fifty pounds, and strained the limits of her mobility platform. The statue looked like it put on 600 pounds – a big, immobile blob of a pony living in perpetual bliss. Its belly pressed against the enclosure and filled half the available space. The unusually elastic enclosure had expanded to fit the increased form, but was showing signs of strain. The running theory was that breaking the enclosure would have some effect, possibly reversing the curse. Twilight and Sweet secretly worried, unbeknownst to the other, that the curse breaking would make Beaming as big as the statue portrayed. As big as Sweet was getting, a potentially 3000 pound stallion body wasn’t entirely preferable.
  72. Another three moons passed, and everything remained mostly the same. The unrest grew more severe due to four moons’ worth of a royal figure being missing and possibly dead, and four months of Beaming’s intelligence gathering spells being unable to watch over the land. Moondancer was returned to her home through an exertion of magic that left Twilight bedridden for days, as the greedy mare had truly reached immobility. She had long since stopped actually researching, and ate the royal chefs out of stock repeatedly. Weighing over a ton, she was immobile, addicted to emulating that statue’s growth, and had to be let go.
  73. Twilight had put on some weight, too. Stress played a small role in it, but it was mostly just the holidays. Nightmare Night and Hearth’s Warming involved Twilight eating a lot at royal banquets and other celebratory acts, and she always put on weight this time of year. However, it normally wasn’t this much weight. Between the end of summer and now, she grew from 372 pounds to 420, and had to get some of her royal garments resized.
  74. The biggest change, proportionally speaking, was Sweet. She strongly resembled her old stallion form by this point: Her belly reached the floor and spread across it, even on an empty stomach. Her flanks and thighs were wide enough she needed three, going on four chairs to contain it all. Her face looked small compared to the mass of blubber surrounding it at all angles. Her mobility was puny, and she almost never left her hideout room by this point, if only because Lance couldn’t pull her in the cart anymore. She was just too heavy.
  75. While generally happy, and enjoying the even further increased attention she got from all three of her visitors, Sweet grew concerned about something: her weight gain had shot up through the roof again. By 430 pounds, she slowed down to gaining a pound or two a week. For the past two weeks, her gain had slowly ramped back up, and she was packing on 5 pounds a meal. Between her six meals and constant snacking, she gained 40 pounds a day for the past 8 days. Sweet was barely mobile, and had the room rearranged so she could take care of everything, including weigh-ins, without moving. Today, she weighed 760 pounds. Tomorrow, she’d weigh 800. By the next week, she’d weigh half a ton.
  76. Those estimates didn’t account for Sweet’s ballooning appetite. Her capacity wasn’t quite there, but here appetite had reached levels of ravenousness equal to her original form during gainer crazes. She woke up, glutted until her belly was about to burst, and slept until the food coma wore off, day in and day out. Two hours bingeing, two hours sleeping. The only stimuli she even responded to was food. The only reaction to other ponies she gave was a loving gaze at whoever was feeding her at the time. The glazed look in her eyes gave the impression she had become little more than a binge-eating automaton.
  77. Lance Armet volunteered to take care of watching her full-time while Twilight worked with more trustworthy scholars in deciphering the statue’s effects. Having broken the couch, which was strong enough to hold the globular filly’s original stallion form, Sweet’s new lounging platform was nothing more than her belly on top of an extreme-capacity scale. Nurse Cakeheart would check on her daily, and was perplexed to find not one iota of a health issue was present in the not-so-little filly, defying logic. Beached whale that she was, the thoroughly immobile filly’s weight had skyrocketed by over 1000 pounds in two weeks.
  79. Lance sauntered back from the showers, his face glistening in afterglow. He flopped in an armchair across from the sleeping mountain of a filly, undoing the tight belt around his armor. His royal duties involved sitting in one room and taking care of a 1700 pound ball of blubber, and even she wouldn’t notice if he took care of his dietary needs by pilfering some of the leftover stock Sweet couldn’t finish. He had grown quite the potbelly, eating nothing but cake and exercising only by releasing his urges in the elephantine rear of his charge. What worried him more than anything, including getting caught at this point, was that he was actually enjoying partaking in the indulgence himself. A cacophony of gurgles and groans echoed in the room. If he hadn’t utterly drained himself already, this would be enough to prime Lance for a fourth round.
  80. Twilight burst into the room, accompanied by a small detachment of the royal guard. Lance jumped to his hooves, startled. “Y-your highness, I can explain!” Twilight shook her head and brushed past him, unwittingly brushing her belly and plot against his snoot. A few of the guards glanced at Lance’s belly and raised their eyebrows at him. “Lance, I don’t care. Beaming would have been fine with it if you just asked him anyway. Bring the statue in!”
  81. The guards carried in the statue, set in the cart Sweet used to be ferried about in and covered in a blanket. One whispered something in Lance’s ear that made him tremble. Whipping off the blanket like she intended to send it to the moon, Twilight shouted “Stand back! There isn’t going to be much room in here for long.”
  82. The statue had broken free from the glass confines. With an unmistakable face of sexual pleasure, it showed a body so exceptionally obese it broke world records: It was as if Beaming’s size pre-teleportation and Sweet’s current weight were added together. Lance ushered the other guards out of the room, struggling to buckle the belt around his gut. The statue’s eyes-closed pleasure overload face intensified to a point not thought ponily possible, then turned to face Sweet’s face directly, opening its eyes wide. As if on cue, Sweet woke up, turning her gaze to the statue. Twilight shielded her face with her wings from the ensuing blinding light. The statue and Sweet had traded places, crushing the transport cart. The food that was in the room, enough to feed a royal banquet, disappeared. Both Sweet and the statue were even fatter than before- their bellies were stuffed to the brim, judging by the continued symphony of gurgles and glorps, but they had another 300 pounds of fat on them. Sweet regained sentience, breathing heavily and occasionally emitting the happiest sounding grunt possible.
  83. In a matter of seconds, the statue grew to Beaming’s full size, and morphed from stone to organic. The sounds of digestion had doubled in volume. “Beaming! You’re… yourself again!” Twilight’s muffled voice emanated through the mass of blue-furred blubber. Her purple face was flushed, equal parts from being squished by so much of her lover’s mass and from longing for this kind of contact. The display was knocked over, but the new scale accurately read Beaming’s current weight: 3,580 pounds. A tenth of a pound at a time, the number increased every few seconds. The “prince of gluttony” was the fattest pony in all recorded Equestrian history. Beaming struggled to get his bearings, his mind returning not only to his own body, but also to the world of sentience. His house of a belly was stuffed fuller than he ever felt it, and his horn was mere inches from the ceiling. ‘What in the goddamn…’ he thought, too engorged to spare a particle of breath for speaking. He felt a hoof prodding his side. Struggling to turn his face in that direction, he saw a green filly. He couldn’t see her whole body, with a sea of blue in the way, but he had a strong feeling that she was exactly as fat as he and his old friend Mint Cupcake fantasized reaching when they were still filly and colt. The filly burped, and pulled herself up Beaming’s gut enough to make her spherical face visible. It was the cutest smile you could imagine, with hundreds of pounds of gluttony surrounding it. “Thanks bro!”
  85. Beaming, Twilight, Lance, and that filly were gathered in one of the castle’s ballrooms, one of the few places large enough to house the two blobs. Twilight trotted about, looking fitter than the day she first arrived in Ponyville. Teleporting organic mountains burned all her excess fat and then some, but didn’t drain her nearly as badly as it would have drained Beaming. He and the filly were downing a third mountain of food, much of it fabricated by magic in an attempt to not overwork the chefs. Both were over a hundred pounds fatter than the day prior on an empty stomach, and were nevertheless ravenous to fill their cavernous stomachs. Lance was propped up against the filly, his stomach stuffed to burst limits, tattered belt laying helplessly to the sides. Kept out of a food coma only by his lust, he pulled food to the filly’s face with his magic at a rate that barely could keep up with her rapid eating.
  86. The food was gone in under an hour. Twilight leaned against Beaming’s belly, smirking smugly. “Now that you two won’t be distracted by your gluttony, how about you tell me what happened, filly?” The filly belched carelessly, then returned the smug attitude. “I have a name, you know!” “Oh, really. What is it?”
  87. “I… don’t remember. Oh! Why don’t you call me what you called big bro over here? Sweet Mint. Oh! I like it!” Twilight raised an eyebrow. She didn’t know her own name? She was aware of what happened? “Okay…. Sweet. What are you? How did you switch places with Beaming and turn both of you into boulders?” Twilight accentuated that last word by smacking Beaming’s gut, failing to suppress the blush spreading across her face. “Oh, that wasn’t me. It was the mage. Man, food is sooooooo much better than I remember it.” “The mage?” Beaming interrupted, his curiosity piqued.
  88. “I got trapped in that cave during the civil war. There was plenty of water, but I didn’t have food. I could fill my belly with water, but almost starved to death anyway. How lame. The mage found me and saved me. He said he’d make me immortal, and made me that statue. I could see, hear, and feel everything. Ohhhhhh, the mage was so cute! That big, blue belly of his was bursting out of his robe! He kinda looked like big bro!” Twilight looked at Beaming accusingly. “Twi, please. I’m not a thousand years old. She said ‘civil war’. The last recorded civil war in Equestrian history was between Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia.” Twilight relaxed her glare, and returned to Sweet. “You were a statue for a thousand years?” Sweet nodded. “Yep! He said I’d come back to life only when my true desires were met. What a jerk. If he stayed and gave me lots of food, I wouldn’t have had sit in some boring old cave for so long.”
  89. “Your true desire was to have some fat stallion feed you?” Twilight asked. Sweet flailed her limbs in anger, bonking Lance awake. “No! Idiot! Moron! I-” she paused to catch her breath. “I wanted a big, fat cutie that loved to eat too much and fed me like he feeds himself.” She put a hoof to her chin- at least, she tried to. “I don’t know how any of that made me and big bro switch bodies and share our meals, but I guess it worked.”
  90. Twilight shook her head. “And you needed yourself and my assistant to gain a TON to accomplish that?” Sweet shrugged. “I kind of thought someone would get the idea to put us in the same room. The way big bro eats, we probably would have gotten here on the first day. Actually, I think that tan whale you sat me next to wrote it down somewhere, but she probably ate it on accident. She’d be cute if she wasn’t such a slob.” Twilight’s body erupted in flame and disappeared in a flash. Accompanied by the sounds of windows rattling, the trio left in the room could hear a faint scream in a familiar voice. It sounded like it said ‘Moondancer’ in the angriest tone possible.
  91. Beaming turned to Sweet. “So, uh, how is it?” Sweet giggled. “It’s great, big bro. It would be nice to be able to walk, though. I kind of want to do it again, at a more normal pace.” Beaming nodded. “As the new fattest pony in all of Equestria, I feel the same way. I like being able to walk around, even if it’s really hard to do. It’ll be a few months before I regain my mana, but I have some diet spells that I could use to thin the two of us down. I don’t think we’ll stay that way for long, but I don’t think we’ll be gaining back two thousand pounds in a few weeks either. Until then, there’s not much we can do but stuff ourselves. Your admirer there can help.”
  92. Beaming’s eyes shot not daggers, but zweihanders at Lance. Beaming’s horn lit up, sparking and weak as the glow was, and the guard heard a voice in his head. “You’re going to take care of us and feed us. Learn food summoning as fast as you can. If I detect an ounce of insubordination, you’re trading that armor in for a maid uniform. Prepare that plot of yours, because I’ve got some revenge in mind.”

Chocolate Pie: Isekai

by BigPone

Slime of the Evergreen

by BigPone

Tavi and the bad influence

by BigPone

Pony Subspecies and Obesity: a /trash/ pseudoscientific piece

by BigPone

The Pigging Out Adventures of Anonfilly and Twilight (Archival copy)

by BigPone