>Then identify the ones where there are replies *and* the totalReplyCount doesn't equal the number of replies
How does your script tell when replies =/= totalReplyCount (you probably don't do it manually)? I made this thing which reports instances of said inequality; see below (figuring out the vim way probably took me longer and was harder than if I was to find out the JS way).
Though it would probably be better to do it with JavaScript or something, I didn't feel like figuring out the JS way to do it. So I figuring out how to do it with vim :)
:%s/\(.\+\n\)\{28} \{8}"totalReplyCount": 0,\(\n.\+\)\{3}//g
:%s/\(.\+\n\)\{6}\%x20\{14}"textDisplay": "\(.\+\n\)\{15}.\+/./g
:%s/\(^\.$\n\)\+/\=strlen(substitute(submatch(0), "\n", "", "g")) . "\r"
:%s/^ \{8}"totalReplyCount": \(\d\+\),\(\n.\+\)\{4}\n\1/---Has all replies/ge
:%s/^ \{8}"totalReplyCount": \(\d\+\),\(\n.\+\)\{4}\n\d\+/---Does NOT have all replies/ge
:g!/^---\|^ \{6}"id"/d
Above: run as a function in .vimrc or run as one command with " | " between each command.
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