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Manos The Hands of Fate Part 1

By Guest
Created: 2022-09-12 09:17:20
Expiry: Never

  1. I was able to find most of the original parts on the Wayback Machine since pastebin nuked them. Saw they weren't posted here.
  3. >you are anon
  4. >you have been transported to equestria
  5. >not sure how but now isn't the time for that.
  6. >you have been observing ponies for weeks now and you are finally ready
  7. >you had to wait to try and confirm the time you arrived here maybe have a idea of what is to come
  8. >turns out today is the day twilight first comes to ponyville.
  9. >time to set your plans in motion
  12. >from the outskirts of town you wait you see them getting ready for the summer-sun celebration
  13. >time to make your existence known
  14. >casually you walk into town and as you expect most ponies are afraid or confused
  15. >mostly they are scared
  16. >you walk to where you remember nightmare moon returning in the show and stand there
  17. >the ponies watch you closely some starting to come and get a closer look at you
  18. >"what is that thing?"
  19. >>"i dont know, but it looks like its waiting for something"
  20. >"should we ask it what its here for? I mean it is wearing clothes, they fit him quite well... i could make them better of course, with enough time."
  21. >before rarity can finish her thoughts you say clearly
  22. "my clothes are fine as they are lady rarity."
  23. >"It knows my name!?!"
  24. >you continue to look at the spot unfazed by those around you now having a genuine interest.
  25. >two ponies more than the others
  26. >in a flash a mint green pony and a purple unicorn are within inches of you bombarding you with questions
  27. >some of them they answer to each other
  28. >"OH MY GOSH! are you a real human?! are there more? can i feel your fingers? will you pet my mane!"
  29. >>"where are you from? how do you speak equestrian?! what is your species? what is your diet consist of?"
  30. >as the questions keep bombarding your skull you slowly turn and walk away
  31. "you have much more to worry about than me. be ready for many trials are ahead. good luck Twilight, and ill be seeing you in the future Lyra"
  32. >you walk towards the forest again leaving behind a large crowed of stunned and confused ponies
  34. >the day goes by quickly for you in the wilderness
  35. >maybe because you were busy searching for the castle ruins, or maybe because nightmare moon had already returned
  36. >you cant be bothered to care
  37. >your plan is much more interesting
  38. >after watching the show for so long and having multiple reruns play you feel like you can navigate equestria pretty easily
  39. >turns out you were mistaken, if only slightly
  40. >your plan WAS to reach the castle before the girls could make it
  41. >but instead you arrive there just after them just in time to see them begin the confrontation with soon to be, again, Luna
  42. "damn it im a little late.. but i suppose i can salvage this."
  43. >"you see nightmare moon. when those elements are united by the... spark--"
  44. >you ignore most of it as you always thought this episode was cheesy anyway
  45. >yaya friendship is magic yada yada
  46. >that's when it happens, twilight and the others are lifted up and a light glows from each of them
  47. >you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside you before the blast of magic hits Nightmare moon
  48. >the element bearers are unconscious for a time exhausted from the magic they haven't wielded before
  49. >you slowly walk into the room as they awaken Twilight is the first to notice you then Rarity
  50. >the others have no idea who you are but twilight speaks first
  51. >"You? what are you doing here. And how did you know what was going to happen?"
  52. >Rarity steps up next and questions you
  53. >"Yes dear, you even knew our names. not only that but you were watching the spot where Nightmare moon appeared!"
  54. "I know many things. my dear ponies. i know that each of you has a larger part to play. but i must go now. it seems your "friend" is here"
  55. >you point over to the window as a ball of light approaches
  57. >as the ponies look to the glowing and bright arrival of Princess Sun-butt you walk out
  58. >she was too distracted by the ponies and her "reformed" sister to notice you
  59. >perfect
  60. >you're sure to walk the path you took to get here but now there is a problem.
  61. >how do you avoid the elements and the princess while still being close enough to keep an eye on them?
  62. >simple...
  63. >a certain mint pony would love to help a human in need.
  64. >a few hours and one moment of being lost later you make it back to town
  65. >if there is a god he must love you
  66. >Lyra is near the outskirts with a odd photographer get-up
  67. >she is so busy talking to herself she doesnt notice you walk up behind her
  68. >"come on Lyra... one of the greatest creatures ever is right in there. right in that woods... that dark scary woods. filled with timber-wolves..."
  69. "its not that scary really."
  70. >She nearly jumps out of her fur
  71. >you cant help but laugh, but you try to hold most of it in, this is a serious visit.
  72. >"you! youyouyouyou!"
  73. "yes me, what are you up to?"
  74. >"I--I was about to go in there to look for you!"
  75. "is that what the camera is for?"
  76. >"YES! You're the first human ive ever seen! and if i had a picture i could prove you exist!"
  77. "well i might be able to do you one better..."
  78. >her face turns red
  79. >"uh.. uhm... what do you mean?"
  80. "well i have no residence, and i was wondering. perhaps if you don't mind, i could stay with you?"
  82. >be Lyra
  83. >brain.exe is loading...
  84. >loading....
  85. >loading........
  86. >"uh hello?... Lyra?"
  88. >still be Lyra
  89. >did he just ask to move in with you
  90. >a human
  91. >living with you
  92. >A HUMAN
  94. >why did i scream that
  95. >the human took a little step back from your outburst but otherwise seemed to be expecting it
  96. >"well thanks, i know im asking a lot--"
  97. "nononono! it would be my pleasure! but you have to answer all of my questions consider it your rent!"
  98. >your eyes beam with eagerness to learn about this human
  99. >"alright but we have to keep his a secret for now ok? from everyone. and i mean EVERYONE even bonbon"
  100. "uh ok. i think i can do that."
  101. >maybe
  103. >be Anon
  104. >be walking to Lyra house which you now see is in the middle of town
  105. >well this is just perfect!
  106. "how am i supposed to get there without being seen?"
  107. >"hey its not my fault you want to hide from everypony. id say just walk there and if ponies see, then ponies see."
  108. "i cant do that, then everything will be ruined."
  109. >you look around for anything that might help.
  110. >your eyes catch sight of a large box and a idea forms in your head.
  111. "that might just be dumb enough to work."
  112. >you cant believe this is working.
  113. >if you could have more respect for the man who gave you this idea you would
  114. >truly he was a stealth master
  115. >you are in a large cardboard box literally walking into town and they are none the wiser
  116. >Lyra is walking just ahead of you her green tail your beacon of light which you follow to your destination
  117. >"hey Lyra!"
  118. >shit who is that.
  119. >>"hey, whats up"
  120. >Lyra voice is suddenly shaky
  121. >not good.
  122. >"are you going to be busy this afternoon? i hear pinkie pie is throwing a party."
  123. >>"uh.. yeah! ill be there i just need to go home first something i need to get."
  124. >"yeah.... oh-kay... uh Lyra?"
  125. >>"yes?"
  126. >"who's in the box?"
  128. >"oh hes just a colt who thinks he is some sort of spy or something"
  129. >nice cover Lyra
  130. >>"oh. well ok. anyway ill see you later then!"
  131. >"alright see you there Bonbon"
  132. >that was close.
  133. >the rest of the trip goes without delay and soon you are stumbling into mother base
  134. >I mean Lyras house
  135. >you burst from the box as soon as you hear the door close
  136. "that was close."
  137. >"yeah it was.. why on earth did you think someone wouldn't notice a moving box?"
  138. "hey a cardboard box its the final say in stealth technology!"
  139. >"whatever. now! you have to answer my questions!"
  140. >oh boy here we go.
  141. >"ok so first! can i look at your hands?"
  142. "uh sure..."
  143. >you hold out your hands palms up for her to look at.
  144. >she takes them in her hooves and begins to touch and feel each finger, spreading them apart, bending them and trying to learn how they work
  145. >soon she is completely absorbed in fascination that she forgets to ask any questions
  146. >instead she places your hand on her head
  147. >slowly you begin to pet her
  148. >"awwww yeaaaah...."
  149. >her eyes are only half open and she relaxes into a slouch
  151. >you are anon
  152. >and you have been petting this horse for almost a hour now
  153. "hey Lyra..."
  154. >"one more minute"
  155. "ugh.."
  156. >five minutes pass and you are bored of this
  157. "hey Lyra where do i sleep?"
  158. >"where do you... oh.. yeah, i guess i didn't think of that."
  159. >the small house has only one bedroom a small kitchen and dinning area a single bathroom and a living area
  160. >all in all, a very cute house
  161. >her face is blushing again
  162. >"i guess... you can sleep on the bed with me..."
  163. >got to find a way out of that
  164. "uh.. thanks but we just met... mind if I sleep on the couch or something?"
  165. >suddenly she is redder than before
  166. >most likely from embarrassment
  167. >"sure, yeah, that's a good idea i don't know why i didn't think of that."
  168. >its going to take a while to get used to this. but it will be worth it if everything comes together
  169. "Lyra arnt you supposed to be going to a party or something?"
  170. >"oh yeah. i forgot about that, yeah i better get going. are you coming too?"
  171. >i guess she doesn't understand it quite yet
  172. "No Lyra, i need to stay a secret for now. I cant interfere with the lives of too many people"
  173. >"why is that?"
  174. "because if i influence the wrong people the wrong way the whole future could be changed"
  175. >Lyra looks dumbfounded
  176. >"wait.... whats this about the future?"
  177. "I'm sorry Lyra but i cant say more, trust me, its for the best"
  178. >dejected Lyra gives up on her short interrogation. this time.
  179. >"alright... i guess. Well since you cant go to the party ill be sure to bring you something back!"
  180. >she beams with a wide grin on her face
  181. "thanks id like that a lot. you wouldn't happen to have a basement would you?"
  183. >be Lyra
  184. >you're on your way to the party
  185. "i wonder why anon asked if he could use my basement..."
  186. >maybe is was a human thing
  187. >maybe its for a secret future thing
  188. >you cant wait to tell everypony about this!
  189. >wait... anon said nopony could know. not even bonbon.
  190. "im sure one or two ponies couldn't hurt... ill leave out the details it will be fine"
  191. >just as you finish your thoughts you have arrived at the party
  192. >this is the best day ever
  194. >be anon
  195. >its has been a few weeks now you have been living with Lyra in her small home
  196. >but you have been busy during this time
  197. >there aint no rest for the wicked.
  198. >turns out Lyra spilled the beans to a few ponies
  199. >ill have to move my backup plan forward.
  200. >you peek out a window and see Lyra talking to three other ponies.
  201. >youve been watching them for a while and even learned their names
  202. >you know they are the ones Lyra told
  203. "I hope this works"
  205. >you gently tap the window and motion for lyra to come over
  206. >only your hand is able to be seen as you are behind the curtains
  207. >time to get your mind in the game
  208. >Lyra peeks in slowly
  209. >"what is it anon? i think they saw, and they want to know if that was the human"
  210. "its ok let them in, it time for me to meet them."
  211. >"REALLY! ok! Come on in guys! he says he would like to meet you!"
  212. >the other ponies crash into the room, they must have had their ears against the door
  213. >"uh ok.. well i guess you are already here"
  214. >a small unicorn with a teal mane is first to speak
  215. >>"HI MR.HOOMAN! wow you're just like Lyra described!"
  216. >you shoot a quick glare to Lyra who sheepishly smiles back
  217. "am i now? well may i ask the names of my good company? my name is Anonymous."
  218. >>"i thought you would have already known our names? Lyra said you knew everything."
  219. "well its polite to ask names first Little League"
  220. >silence.
  221. >....
  222. >>"WOAH! Lyra was right!"
  223. >a tall brown stallion with a shinny and copper mane approaches you
  224. >you have never seen him in the show before
  225. >better play cool
  226. "now may i ask your name sir? It is polite to ask rather than assume"
  227. >"my name is Copper Coin Mr Anonymous. im a close friend of Lyras."
  228. >Copper Coin huh? must have some connections judging by his appearance and name
  229. >"i have been the only pony willing to fund Lyra in her studies on humans they have always been a thrilling topic for me ever since she and i met"
  230. "well its nice to meet you Mr Coin."
  231. >"Likewise"
  232. >he gives a slight bow
  233. >kissing ass already? how nice.
  234. >turning to the final pony
  235. "and you must be Bonbon. I think i told lyra to keep me a secret from you but i guess things happen for a reason"
  236. >bonbon looks over to Lyra still in disbelief that Lyra wasn't just crazy
  237. >"you.. you're real?"
  238. >Lyra smugly responds
  239. >"told you so..."
  240. >your tone gets more serious and your smile begins to fade
  241. "now that i have met all of you. Formally that is. i have a small favor to ask of all of you, know that in accepting this favor each of your lives will be changed. for the better or for worse is simply how you view it."
  242. >Copper Coin quickly responds
  243. >"well that's very up front of you to ask favors of ponies you just met. is that how you humans do things? certainly its not how we ponies behave"
  244. "in most cases it isn't, also in most cases humans wouldn't offer anything in return for a favor, but i am different. each of you will be rewarded. not with money, or other wealth. least not directly. but instead you will be given something greater."
  245. >you let the words settle in the air for a moment
  246. >you have all the ponies attention on you a few more eager than others to hear
  247. "you will be given Knowledge. Knowledge of my people, knowledge of our advancements, and of course knowledge of equestrias future."
  248. >the ponies begin to look to one another
  249. >Copper Coin seems to be the most skeptical
  250. >that is until you look to Bonbon
  251. >"we have no real evidence you know what you claim to, up until just now most if not all ponies, Lyra excluded of course, don't even believe humans ever existed or ever will."
  252. "well perhaps i could prove my abilities of perception and intellect."
  253. >you close your eyes for a moment and ponder what exactly you should say
  254. >it cant be too obvious, or too vague, but it must also be something that couldn't have been predicted by anyone else.
  255. >you got it.
  256. "tell me ponies. have you heard of a being named Discord?"
  258. >be Bonbon
  259. >this human cant be serious... this old tale?
  260. "discord? yeah he used to rule Equestria before the Princess used the elements of harmony to banish him"
  261. >wait.. why is he smiling at me.
  262. >... look at those teeth..
  263. >a small shudder crawls up your spine as you notice his sharp fangs for the first time
  264. >"as it turns out he wasn't banished. he was instead turned to stone. and he has been very much wanting to return to this world. In fact, he should be returning quite soon"
  265. >WHAT!
  266. >just relax, this "human" has no proof of this, he could just as easily be making all of this up as he goes.
  267. "uh huh... forgive me if i don't believe you, our history says otherwise and id rather take the word of many ponies over hundreds of years. at least compared to a "human" who just showed up"
  268. >"that is a logical response. to be honest if i was in your position id say something along those lies myself"
  269. >well of course.
  270. >>"well there is only one way to prove it. Ill go to the castle grounds myself, I frequently am asked to have a few of my artists make sculptures for them, which are presented there. the royal guards know me and i am always welcome to view the grounds at my own leisure"
  271. "always finding time to brag about connections to the palace arnt you Copper?"
  272. >>"its not bragging, its indulging others to my privileges"
  273. >the smug little grin he gives you annoys you to no end.
  275. >be Anon
  276. "well my little ponies. i must ask that you don't reveal me to ANYONE else."
  277. >you snap your head to Lyra then to the others
  278. "anyone. it could effect everything im hoping to accomplish"
  279. >did that sound evil?
  280. >nah it sounded about right
  281. >besides you're not a villain.
  282. >you're the hero.
  283. >the hero... I like the sound of that.
  285. >it has been a day since you told the ponies of Discord and his return
  286. >and you had the most wonderful dream
  287. >sadly it was cut short
  288. >you were awaken from your sleep to the sun in your eyes
  289. >nope the moon
  290. >nope the sun again
  291. >wait... that could only mean one thing
  292. >today is the day. the day your little following of ponies learn of discord and the lie the sisters have told
  293. >and the truth you have to share
  294. >its time to be important
  296. >you scramble up and in a rush out the door you grab your stealth box
  297. >today of all days no one would think this odd
  298. "now off to the garden! that's the first place the mane six go"
  299. >you begin your trek, and honestly...
  300. >no matter how many times you watch the show you could never be ready for witnessing the weather firsthand
  301. >please imagine what chocolate rain feels like when it comes from cotton-candy
  302. >or imagine that the chocolate sometimes explodes for no god damn reason!
  303. "this is a death trap! i can see now why ponies hated it"
  304. >you run as fast as your box legs can take you
  305. >right to the garden of Canterlot
  306. >well...
  307. >the outside of the walls guarding the garden to be exact
  308. "shit. now what.."
  309. >that's when you get a brilliant idea!
  310. >turning the box over you do your best to collect a small puddle of chocolate rain
  311. >once there's about a cups worth
  312. >you scoop it into your hand
  313. >and fling it at the walls
  314. >there is a ear shattering explosion
  315. >this is when you notice just how accurate those shell shock scenes are in movies
  316. >your ears are ringing and you fall on your ass
  317. >after a few moments you wobble to your feet
  318. >you cant waste time, better get going
  319. >you have to make it to the Hedge maze before the girls
  320. >holy shit you made it
  321. >and the best part is it stopped raining!
  322. >least now you wont need to worry about death
  323. >a very familiar voice enters your ears
  324. >"Oh my, what a wonderful and chaotic day this is wouldn't you agree?"
  325. >fuck
  326. >"oh come now no need for such language, even if you didn't actually say it."
  327. "well well. nice to meet you Discord, man to uh... beast."
  328. >"Since you are new here ill let that 'beast' comment slide, but as i was saying. my chaos is lovely isnt it? i figure a human of all creatures can appreciate some chaos."
  329. "well to be honest i liked it before i found out the chocolate rain was explosive"
  330. >"yes a few people have said things of that sort before, but you must excuse me.i have a certain box to hide, and a game to plan!"
  331. >there's a audible 'squeee' as Discord poofs away in a small cloud of smoke
  332. >just in time too. seems that a colorful group of females have finally arrived
  334. >Be Twilight
  335. >you know the elements must have been stored here in the maze
  336. >you and the girls are the only hope for the ponies of ponyville now
  337. >wait... is that the human waiting there?
  338. "Uh... you again? what are you doing here? have you come to look for the elements too?"
  339. >Before the human can respond Rainbow Flys up to his face
  340. >"I Bet you're with discord! you seem like something he would make to fool us or lead us away from the elements"
  341. "rainbow, the human was here before Discord was free."
  342. >>"yes Darling, he even tried to warn us of things like this happening, why would something discord created want to stop him?"
  343. >"I don't know... but i still don't trust him.. I got my eyes on you."
  344. "but that doesn't explain why you are here, or how you got here."
  345. >the human smiles slightly but doesn't make eye contact with anypony instead he looks into the maze before responding
  346. >"well this is going to be interesting. I wonder if you all will be able to keep yourselves together in there. in more ways than one."
  347. "So you think the elements are in the maze too?"
  348. >he doesn't respond
  349. >be anon
  350. >"so you think the elements are in the maze too?"
  351. >I really have to word things carefully.
  352. >I know that applejack can tell if people lie
  353. >but i cant just give them the answer or the timeline will be fucked somehow
  354. "perhaps.."
  355. >"look, do ya know where they are er not partner?"
  356. "yes i do"
  357. >"well? ya gonna tell us?"
  358. "I cant do that applejack"
  359. >"Now how do ya know ma' name?"
  360. >you point to each of the ponies as you call them out
  361. "Applejack, element of honesty, RainbowDash, element of loyalty, Rarity, element of Generosity"
  362. >you look over to the shy little Pegasus behind the girls
  363. "Fluttershy"
  364. >"eep"
  365. "The element of Kindness"
  366. >"OOH OOH Im Pinkie pie! are you new here?! OHMYGOSH! that means you need a party! well id like throw one for you now but we have to find the elements---"
  367. >as pinkie pie goes on about parties and how you need one you stop her
  368. "Element of laughter! and finally you twilight."
  369. >"the element of magic"
  370. "indeed, im sure you will pass this test.. with flying colors"
  371. >"what is that supposed to mean?"
  372. "it means, purple magic"
  373. >twilight looks a little put off by your nickname
  374. "im sure you will pass this test."
  375. >you turn to walk away
  376. "Now if you excuse me, i have more work to do. im a very busy person, oh and please hurry im not to fond of this weather as it is."
  377. >"well thanks for nothing!"
  378. >oh fuck you dash
  379. "you will see me again, don't worry. perhaps next time we might be on better terms, least one of you will"
  380. >cryptic. nice.
  381. >just as you get far enough away you get behind a statue and watch from a distance
  382. >right on schedule Discord has them all playing in his little maze
  383. >wonder if they will remember what you said about keeping together will work.
  384. >then there is sudden screams and the sounds of plants expanding
  385. >heh nope.
  387. >Be Copper Coin
  388. >there's no way! How is this possible!?
  389. >as soon as things started to act weird you rushed here as fast as your legs could take you
  390. >the guards were too occupied with keeping order to even care that you were running through the palace
  391. >right to this spot....
  392. >the statue garden.
  393. >to the statue of Discord.
  394. >or rather...
  395. >the base of the statue, with no Discord.
  396. "he was right..."
  398. >Be Bonbon
  399. "There HAS to be a logical explanation! there is no way that this was Discord!"
  400. >"Bonbon! i told you! i told you that human was amazing! he knew it was going to happen!"
  402. >but she is right....
  403. >he was right....
  404. >"and he trusts us, US! with his knowledge! I could learn all about humans! and then people will see just how great they are!"
  405. >he was right....
  406. >Be LittleLeague
  407. >be walking outside in all the chaos
  408. "wow... he knew all of this would happen. Anon is amazing"
  409. >you were so absorbed in the world around you that you dont notice you're right outside Lyras house.
  410. >"LittleLeague get over here now! its not safe out there! quick inside!"
  411. "Hi Lyra! Look! Anon was right!"
  412. >"yes we know now get in here before you get hurt"
  413. "alright im coming"
  414. >I don't know why she is so scared for me, Anon never said we would get hurt.
  415. >Anon knows everything
  417. >Be Anon
  418. >you have been walking calmly this whole time.
  419. >honestly besides the rain of chocolate doom this is really cool
  420. >this must be like how Alice felt.
  421. "your magic, white rabbit, has left its writing on the wall, I follow, like Alice, and just keep diving down the hole."
  422. >suddenly you slip and you quite literally fall down a rabbit hole
  423. "shiiiiiiiiiiit!"
  424. >its kinda like a very long slide that just keeps going.
  425. >suddenly you hit the ground hard.
  426. "ow.."
  427. >now where am i? huh?!
  428. >you have arrived at the ruins of the old castle
  429. "heh... guess it was a worm hole"
  430. >Carlos.jpg
  431. "well this is where i need to be. guess i got some time to kill"
  432. >just then a small note falls from the sky
  433. >"just figured this might speed things up for you, no need to thank me. we are two of a kind after all" -Q
  434. "haha.. funny."
  435. >the note then changes
  436. >"I know it was"
  437. >its been a few hours now and you are waiting just outside of the castle the elements clearly visible
  438. >just need to wait... im sure they will get here soon.
  439. >ah there they are.
  441. >be Twilight Sparkle (perfect wingless edition)
  442. >there's no way in hell that's him again
  443. >"hello girls, nice day isn't it?"
  444. >>"yah its a great day, I love days like ta-day."
  445. >"awh come now, apples don't lie."
  446. >>"Sure we do! all tha time!"
  447. "look, please... we are going through a lot right now. can you please help us.."
  448. >"sure thing Princess."
  449. "Princess? im not a princess. i am her student though. and im sure if you help us you will be thanked for it"
  450. >"sorry slip of the tongue honestly i don't think you're a princess either. now or then, which i guess for you... oh never mind."
  451. "so you're going to help?"
  452. >"yup. the elements are right there."
  453. >you follow where his claws are pointing and sure enough there they are
  454. >how didn't you see them before?
  455. "wow ok thanks for--- where did he go?"
  457. >be anon
  458. >you have just fallen off of your seat and landed in the bushes behind you.
  459. >luckily they were soft.
  460. >and it totally made you look like you pulled a batman
  461. >best get back to Lyras.
  462. >bet they are worried sick.
  463. >or excited to learn from me.
  464. >heh... being the good guy rules.
  465. >still anon
  466. >almost there... just a bit further...
  467. >walking sucks, where is a good wormhole when you need one.
  468. >finally make it back to town
  469. >yup things are still chaotic they must have failed the first time
  470. >oh well they will fix it soon.
  471. >now is not the time for Discord.
  472. >that comes later.
  473. >there's Lyras house.
  474. >before entering you stop and knock on the door
  475. >no need to be rude, after all mommanon taught you manners.
  476. >"who is knocking at a time like this?"
  477. >well I see Bonbon is here.
  478. "its me. the Ol' human."
  479. >the door slams open and you get pulled in faster than you thought possible by a Mint colored blur
  480. >the door slams shut behind you
  481. >a quick survey around the room shows the gang of ponies you met previously
  482. >Copper Coin standing as tall as he can in your presence speaks, even before Lyra had a chance
  483. >"you were right anon... you were right about everything. I went to the statue it was shattered!"
  484. >what surprised you most was bonbons reaction
  485. >"And it WAS discord! he was behind all of this! just like you said... you were right all along."
  486. "do you believe me now?"
  487. >you smile devilishly
  488. "i told you what would happen. and then it did. Even though it seemed impossible to you, and even though it contradicted your historians"
  489. >they are like putty in your hands
  490. >if you told them you shit pure diamond you bet they would believe it.
  491. "now my friends... are you willing to help me?"
  494. "are you willing to help me make a better world?"
  498. >Be Copper Coin
  499. >i cant believe this opportunity!
  500. >anon has a special assignment just for me!
  501. >he must trust me a lot.
  502. >i wont fail him.
  504. >be Anon
  505. "don't worry everyone. this return of discord will pass."
  506. >"what do we need to do? we need to stop him now!'
  507. "don't worry Bonbon. its all taken care of. the pieces have been set the players are in the game"
  508. >"what do you mean anon?"
  509. "what i mean is. He has already lost. not just once, he will lose again. but that is still some time away. for now we need to start our new Equestria, one without all this chaos"
  510. >Lyra steps forward if it was so you notice her instead of Bonbon or so you hear her clearly you cant be sure
  511. >"how do we do that Anon?"
  512. "first get all the ponies in town calm, don't be afraid to walk the streets tell them everything will be back to normal soon."
  513. >"and if they still panic? or if they don't believe us?"
  514. "just tell them it will be all over in one day."
  515. >you raise your hand and place the other on your chest
  516. "The 'Hands of Fate' promise"
  517. >"alright.. if you say so"
  518. "i do. don't worry you two. everything will be fine"
  519. >you turn away and see a little filly asleep on the couch
  520. >awh Little League is cute when she sleeps.
  521. >looking out the window at all the chaos you imagine how you can help protect this world from evil.
  522. >its a heroes job after all.
  523. >you close your eyes as one of your favorite songs comes to you
  526. >be Copper coin
  527. >huh everything is suddenly back to normal again.
  528. "Anon must have stopped discord. wonder how he did it."
  529. >No matter, you have a job to do. You wont let Anon down.
  530. >but he knows that.
  531. "Anon knows everyth---"
  532. >what am i saying. anon knows a lot but not everything
  533. >besides if he knew everything then he would surely tell you.
  534. >after all you are his messenger.
  535. >finally you make it back to Canterlot. and everything seems to be back to normal.
  536. >well as normal as a city that was just controlled by chaos can be
  537. >AH! there it is.
  538. >you approach a large building with various clothes and banners hanging in the windows
  539. >there's a sign that reads "Customer Designs: Welcome"
  540. >you walk inside and the bell rings.
  541. "uhm.. hello? anyone here?"
  542. >CRASH
  543. >a yellow and pink mare stands over her pile of rubble
  544. >"uh yes I, ow, Im here!"
  545. "uh hello ma'am. im Mr.Copper Coin. and id like to place an order."
  546. >"oh ok what would you like?"
  547. "well actually i brought a list of things"
  548. >you pull a list out of your bag and place it on her counter
  549. "when could you have all this by?"
  550. >"uhm.. well an order like this.. it might be a while"
  551. "that's fine here ill tell you where you can have it sent"
  552. >"how are you planning on paying for all this?"
  553. "Oh of course!"
  554. >you pull a large sack of bits out of your bag
  555. "wih ths ohf corse"
  556. >you drop the bag and coins spill out.
  557. >the mare just stares at the pile for a moment
  558. "is everything ok?"
  560. >in a flash she goes into her back room and gets to work
  561. >task completed.
  562. "Anon will know he made a good choice with me."
  564. >Be anon
  565. >its a new day, and its staying that way so far.
  566. >The mane six must have finally got there shit together
  567. >you walk over to the window and look outside, the sun is bright and they day seems to be going fine
  568. >there's a few poines outside and you overhear a bit of their conversation
  569. >"yeah.. its weird yesterday it was all chaotic and messed up"
  570. >>"yeah i heard discord was defeated again."
  571. >"remember those ponies yesterday? the ones who said everything would be normal today?"
  572. >>"yeah... what was that about. how did they know?"
  573. >"im not sure... something about, 'Hands' or something?"
  574. >>"maybe we could ask about it. Im sure they wouldn't mind if we did"
  575. >a crooked smile crosses your face
  576. >the seeds have been planted.
  577. "all i need to do now is add a little water, then watch it grow."
  579. >Be Copper Coin
  580. >be leaving Customer Designs
  581. "now that ive finished that. i suppose getting a drink isn't out of the question"
  582. >you walk down the streets of Canterlot, some ponies are still in panic
  583. >but that is understandable.
  584. >not everyone can know what you do
  585. >not everyone knows about anon.
  586. >maybe a few more ponies learning about him couldn't hurt...
  587. >just a few.
  588. >"Hey Copper! is that you?"
  589. >you turn to see a royal guard approaching you
  590. >of course they all look the same in uniform
  591. >luckily you happen to see her cutie mark
  592. "oh hello Silver Valor"
  593. >"hey. what brings you to Canterlot so soon? I thought you had business down in ponyville"
  594. "well. its kind of a long story."
  595. >but it is one you are excited to tell.
  596. "tell me... have you heard of humans?"
  598. >be anon
  599. >be in Lyras basement
  600. >its been a few days and you already have this place looking nice
  601. >no one ever comes down here anyway
  602. >not even Lyra
  603. >she used to use it as a old study on humans but it got pretty old being in the basement all day
  604. >least thats what she told you
  605. "this will be perfect. once Copper Coin returns with confirmation of the order we shall begin"
  606. >"begin what?"
  607. >you turn around and see Little League looking at you with innocent curiosity
  608. "the beginning of the New Equestria, free of chaos. This is where ill begin to meet ponies."
  610. >Be Lyra
  611. >its been a day and just like anon said discords magic is gone
  612. "wow... he knows so much about our world."
  613. >wonder how much he knows of his own
  615. "eeeeee! this is so exciting! today Anon said he would talk to us about his home."
  616. >i have to go get Bonbon so she wont miss out on this.
  618. >Be Bonbon
  619. >*knock knock knock*
  620. >ugh.. not this early
  621. "who is it?! its barely sunrise..."
  622. >sunrise, is it sunrise?
  623. >it is! and its staying that way.
  624. >discord must have lost his magic.
  625. >anon was right again.
  626. >you're not sure if that's amazing or terrifying
  627. >*KNOCK KNOCK*
  628. "Im coming!"
  631. >you're now deep in Lyras basement.
  632. >not in the fun way either.
  633. >Lyra seems to be excited about her own basement for some reason
  634. >a small book sits on a single desk at the front of the room
  635. >also in the room are assorted seats all in rows
  636. >and there is a small light on each of the sides of the room
  637. >"is this a classroom or something?"
  638. "you don't know whats in your own basement Lyra?"
  639. >"sorry, but i haven't been down here since Anon started staying here"
  640. >Anons voice is heard from the room
  641. >"this may be a place of knowledge, but it is no classroom."
  642. "Anon? you're already here?"
  643. >"well yeah not many other places for me to be. least without being seen"
  644. >you and Lyra look around the room a little confused
  645. >>"well where are you now?"
  646. >Anons voice is suddenly behind you clear as day
  647. >"Im right here"
  648. >you and Lyra jump and hug together surprise
  649. >noticing that your face is smashed against hers you blush and move away
  650. "GAH! why would you scare us like that?"
  651. >"you were talking to me, i figured you knew i was here."
  652. "where was 'here'?"
  653. >he extends his claw to the stairs
  654. >"right behind those i didn't know who was coming"
  656. >Be Lyra
  657. >well better tell him now
  658. "yeah.. about who is coming.. we may have..."
  659. >how do you put this so he wont be too mad
  660. "we may have told a few more ponies... Copper told a few too."
  661. >silence.
  662. "and they are all Upstairs"
  664. >be anon
  665. >holy shit... i really didn't expect this so soon...
  666. >you just entered the room
  667. >filled with about ten to twenty other ponies
  668. >one walks forward and looks at you in admiration
  669. >"we... we heard you were able to predict the future?"
  670. "no. i don't predict the future."
  671. >confusion spreads throughout the ponies in the room
  672. >while you look at them you are sure to make sure none of the mane six are included
  673. >that would fuck everything up
  674. >you cant have that
  675. "I don't predict. I know. prediction means there is a chance of it being wrong"
  676. >one shouts "we heard you predicted the exact time discord would come here!'
  677. >then others join in the small rabble
  678. >"yeah! and i saw you looking at the exact spot Nightmare Moon returned to!"
  679. >>"How did you know all that would happen?!"
  680. >"will you warn us again?!"
  681. >you raise your hand to silence them
  682. "i made a promise to you all, not directly.. but a promise was made."
  683. >you feel each of their eyes looking to you
  684. >even those who were to scared at first
  685. "I promised to help Equestria. I promised to help make a better world. one free of chaos."
  686. >you involuntarily walk to the center of the room
  687. >the ponies part ways for you to walk by
  688. "This is a promise i wont be able to keep alone, ill need your help"
  689. >you motion Lyra an Bonbon over to you
  690. >they slowly walk to your sides
  691. "these ponies have joined in helping save equestria. will you?"
  693. >Be Copper Coin
  694. >be sitting at the bar with Silver Valor
  695. >"so that's why you were running to the gardens..."
  696. "yeah and once i got there, it was as he said. the statue was gone, and discord was free"
  697. >"wow, that's really weird, and pretty cool."
  698. >she fiddles with her drink for a moment
  699. >she clearly has something o her mind,
  700. "You ok Silver?"
  701. >"yeah, you think... I could meet him?"
  702. >could she meet him.
  703. "is that what you've been thinking about?"
  704. >she takes another drink of her Cider
  705. >"well.. yeah. In the guard we have heard a few rumors about a creature."
  706. "oh? and you think its him?"
  707. >this could be very bad.
  708. >why did you open your mouth about anon!?
  709. >hes going to be so upset if he gets caught or arrested or worse!
  710. >"like i said. they were just rumors, but the princess has apparently received a few letters, letters from her student. they said they keep running into someone just before something bad happens."
  711. "W-Well yes. but he isn't behind any of it, in fact the opposite! hes been actively trying to prevent it, or keep peace when he cant."
  712. >i need to convince her Anon isn't a bad human
  713. >in fact hes not even a bad pony.
  714. >hes just Anon, and he is here to help us all.
  715. >"i believe you. in fact some of us in the guard think hes some sort of messenger. least that's what the rumors say. did he really predict all those things you said he did?"
  716. >this is something you can say without a doubt
  717. >with a prideful smile you tell her
  718. "yes, i swear upon my life its as i said. word for word."
  720. >Be anon
  721. >you now realize how much you hate answering questions
  722. >you have been at this for about a hour
  723. >"what was discord like?"
  724. >"are the elements of harmony just like the stories?"
  725. >"Will you pet me again?!"
  726. >"what do you think will happen next?!"
  727. >guess what one was Lyra.
  729. >still anon
  730. >its been about a half hour long question and answer session
  731. >most of them have been simple questions about you
  732. >but one you were just stumped on how to answer
  733. >"what was your home like?"
  734. "my home..."
  735. >what did you think of your home.
  736. "My home, my world, it was a dangerous place."
  737. >and filled with lies, greed, rapists, murderers.
  738. >it had no harmony.
  739. >it had no order...
  740. >this world wont become that.
  741. >you will make sure of it
  742. "It was a place where people lied and cheated on a daily basis."
  743. "they would stab friends in the back for a quick buck"
  744. >that sentence might have a different meaning here
  745. >but it still is true if you think about it
  746. "Countries, Kingdoms, Leaders.. would kill each other over almost anything."
  747. >"that's horrible!"
  748. >>"why would ponies-- people do that?"
  749. >there was a moment of silence as they awaited your voice
  750. >"did you ever kill anyone?"
  751. >all heads turned to the little filly
  752. >to Little League
  753. "no. I haven't. but maybe if i was in the same position as others like me... maybe i would have"
  754. >eyes back to you
  755. >"you would kill another intelligent creature? one of your own kind?"
  756. "Sometimes to do good. you have to do evil things."
  757. >...
  758. >..
  759. >a pony steps forward and locks eyes with you
  760. >"i understand... i think most of us do."
  761. >the others ponies look at others or at their hooves
  762. >"even if they don't say it"
  763. "im glad you see things like i do"
  764. >it will make things that much easier.
  766. >be Lyra
  767. >five days have passed since the first "meeting" anon had with the others
  768. >those that came that day were sworn into secrecy
  769. >and each was given a small card
  770. >Coppers was sent to him in the mail
  771. >along with a explanation for its use
  772. >a completely meaningless card to anyone else
  773. >but to those who knew it was all that mattered in the world
  774. >you look down at your card
  775. >one side is completely blank
  776. >the other has a mark
  777. >a perfect copy of Anons 'Hand' with ink
  778. >and below that was a single word.
  779. >Member.
  780. "this is so cool."
  782. >be Copper Coin.
  783. >be escorted into the town of Ponyville by three royal guards
  784. >'escorted' more like you were leading them
  785. "here it is. this is Lyras house."
  786. >hope everything works out ok...
  788. >Be anon
  789. >be in the basement
  790. >you are writing a small list of items
  791. >*knock knock*
  792. >you hear Lyra answer the door
  793. "Hello? OH, hello. uh what seems to be the problem Officers?"
  794. >officers?
  795. >that cant be good.
  796. >you quickly put the note in your pockets and get behind your stairs.
  797. >"uh Anon... you might want to see this"
  798. >"uh anon.. please come up here."
  799. >damn it Lyra.. are you selling me out so soon?
  800. "alright ill be there."
  801. >>"was that him Copper?"
  802. >"yeah that's his voice, im sure of it."
  803. >Copper Coin too?
  804. >you slowly walk up the stairs and are soon looking over to Lyra and Copper Coin
  805. >and three royal guardsponies.
  806. "Copper... what is this about?"
  807. >copper coin holds up his card.
  808. >"its about this..."
  809. >you look over to the guards as they slowly advance towards you.
  810. >"are you the Human, the one who calls himself Anonymous."
  811. "yes i am. and i have committed no crimes."
  812. >"the same human who has been seen by the student of our princess Celestia at each of the recent events Including but not limited to; The return of Nightmare moon, The rise of Discord, and the rediscovering of the elements of harmony?"
  813. >I do NOT like where this is going.
  814. >i might not have committed any crimes
  815. >but that list would make me suspicious
  816. "yes."
  817. >the leading guardspony takes a few steps closer to you
  818. >then she removes her helmet.
  819. >"my name is Silver Valor, its a honor for us to meet you Anonymous"
  820. >well... that's a relief
  821. >but this still is a very dangerous spot im in.
  822. "Its nice to meet you too."
  823. >you extend your hand
  824. >Silver Valor places her hoof in yours and you shake.. hands? hooves?
  825. >"my and my escort here were sent to help her student prepare for the princess' arrival today, and well. we wanted to see if the rumors were true. i was lucky enough to be friends with Copper Coin."
  826. >oh... OH that explains why he said it was about the cards
  827. >so.. does she have the same ideals as the other ponies do?
  828. "ah yes. that is today. well id love to chat but with that being today then it seems things might get a little messy around here soon."
  829. >"messy?"
  830. >that got her attention
  831. "yes. In fact right after what happens here it ends up going right to Canterlot."
  832. >her voice becomes more serious, shes back on 'duty' mode
  833. >"perhaps you would be so kind as to inform the guard then.."
  834. you take the list out of your pocket.
  835. "im afraid i cant tell you WHAT it will be. as im sure you will tell others. it is after all standard procedure for law enforcement to report things"
  836. >"that does tend to come with the job. but if you know of a threat to nation security and are failing to report it then you are just as much of a threat and i must take you in."
  837. >you hand her the slip with the list on it
  838. "you will need this when it happens, and yes i know its ridiculous. but it WILL work"
  839. >she cautiously takes the slip from your hand
  840. >"are... are you for real?... THIS is going to help us how?"
  841. "just trust me. gather those things and do exactly as it says."
  842. >"if.. if you think this will help its my job to at least take it into consideration. but what is this threat anyway?"
  843. "heh its kinda funny. only one pony seems to know about them, and it isn't the princess."
  844. >"well? what are they?"
  845. "you can keep bugging me for the answer. but im afraid i cant give it"
  846. >the guards look to their commander
  847. >"ma'am... orders?"
  848. >silver valor looks at the slip
  849. >then back to you
  850. >"sorry Anon, but if this is true. I will personally see you out of jail... arrest him"
  851. >the larger pony steps behind you and binds your arms
  852. >the other walks to your side just to make sure you don't try anything
  853. >"You are under arrest for treason against the crown and intentionally withholding valuable intelligence about a unknown threat to national security"
  854. "I understand"
  856. >be Copper Coin
  857. >realize you just got anon arrested
  858. "WHAT?! anon hasn't done anything wrong!"
  859. >Lyra jumps into the argument
  860. >"yeah he is trying to help us. he even gave you that note!"
  861. >anon looks at us
  862. >you cant look him in the eyes
  863. >your eyes start to water
  864. "I- Im sorry anon. I didn't think they would have arrested you. Silver Valor... She said she wanted to meet you."
  865. >"i did want to meet anon, and now i have. But my job comes first. im sorry. lets go"
  866. >>"yes ma'am!"
  868. >you are anonymous
  869. >you are arrested
  870. >you were arrested for trying to the help ponies.
  871. >HELPING got you arrested!
  872. "i will not resist arrest. lead the way..."
  873. >you are led outside Lyras house
  874. >Both Lyra and Copper Coin followed you out still yelling at the Guards to free you
  875. >it seems that got some attention of others.
  876. >six familiar faces are looking at you.
  877. >the element bearers
  878. >of course the blue pegasus top cunt opens her mouth first
  879. >"hey... what are you doing here?"
  880. "im being escorted to jail how about you?"
  881. >"JAIL! ha see Twilight! i told you he was bad news. How much of a flank kicking did the guards give you huh? hahaahahah!"
  882. >>"rainbow dear, that's rude. anon looks completely unharmed, perhaps this is just a... misunderstanding of sorts."
  883. "No misunderstanding. i am guilty of the crime this guard has accused me of."
  885. >Be Twilight
  886. >watching the human being taken away to jail
  887. >how is he always turning up?
  888. >and why!?
  889. >"No misunderstanding. i am guilty of the crime this guard has accused me of"
  890. "and what was that exactly?"
  891. >the Human looks over to you. a smile on his face.
  892. >its a little unnerving seeing this from someone being arrested
  893. >"I am being arrested for withholding information about a threat to national security"
  894. >that is completely reasonable
  895. "well tell us what it is?"
  896. >"Nope. oh purple magic, do you like music?"
  897. "uh.. yeah i guess.. and its Twilight!"
  898. >the human laughs to himself a bit
  899. >"so do they. don't worry ill be out and about soon enough. Good luck with those spells."
  900. "What spells? i don't know what you're-- huh?"
  901. >a small group of ponies are standing in front of the guards blocking their path
  902. >the guardsmare shouts to them
  903. >"Citizens stand aside."
  904. >they don't move.
  905. >"i said stand aside this is royal business don't interfere"
  906. >whats going on here?
  907. "what are you ponies doing! they are serious"
  908. >more laughs from Anon.
  909. >"oh man. already things like this are happening. oh boy. its ok everyone. please let us be on our way"
  910. >>"B-but you didn't do anything wrong."
  911. >"don't worry about me. everything will be alright."
  912. >the ponies start to disperse some still angry with the guards others just upset about the whole mess
  913. >what is this all about?
  915. >be Anon
  916. >you're now on your way to Canterlots prison.
  917. >well least inside a jail you cant mess up the timeline right?
  918. "hey Silver."
  919. >"yes prisoner anonymous?"
  920. "I accept."
  921. >you smile already knowing how this all plays out.
  923. >you have been in jail for almost twenty minutes
  924. >already you are annoyed with the conditions
  925. >least Silver was nice enough to give you a pillow
  926. "well it is a cell..."
  927. >you hear the sound of a door opening and the halls in front of you have a dim glow.
  928. >you hear hoofsteps echo
  929. >calm slow hoofsteps
  930. >it stops in front of your cell
  931. >you see light under the door frame followed by a calm soothing voice
  932. >"is this him?"
  933. >>"yes your majesty, this is the prisoner you asked about"
  934. >"you are dismissed"
  935. >>"uh yes your majesty"
  936. >you look to the floor as the door opens
  937. >"oh.. so this is the human my student has been writing to me about."
  938. >yup im right here in the flesh sun-butt.
  939. >lets find out if you are indeed Celestia
  940. >or if you are any of the fan created ones
  941. >please not Molestia
  942. "the one and only, my name is Anonymous. Its good to finally meet you Celestia"
  943. >"is it? I would have thought otherwise considering the circumstances."
  944. >she has no idea what the circumstances are
  945. >"do you care to share why you are smiling anonymous?"
  946. "oh its nothing. just a little joke is all."
  947. >"would you mind if i ask you a few questions?"
  948. >in the 'nicest' im not a asshole voice you can muster
  949. "I believe you already are asking questions. in fact its all you have done since that door opened."
  950. >Celestia laughs a bit
  951. >maybe just to remove tension
  952. >she has been a diplomat for over a thousand years after all
  953. >"i suppose i have, but i must inquire about this 'threat'you were talking about."
  954. "don't worry Sunny"
  955. >you finally look at her.
  956. >shes just like you imagined
  957. >she has this almost motherly aura
  958. >with a warm smile and soft eyes.
  959. >beautiful
  960. "it is already being taken care of by a little pink pony."
  961. >a few more minutes of 'questioning' goes on
  962. >mostly about why i wont tell her what it is
  963. >or how i knew the things i did
  964. >cant be slipping up to someone so close to a main character now.
  965. >"well i did enjoy this little chat anonymous. but i do have duties to attend to"
  966. "tell Twilight i said hello when you see her."
  967. >"h.. how did you know i was going to ponyville?
  968. "well to be honest i didn't. least not that you were leaving now. good. that means ill be out sooner than later."
  969. >Celestia looks at you for a moment
  970. >you can tell she is confused
  971. >her eyes are looking into yours trying to read you
  972. "Careful Princess don't get lost in there"
  973. >she smiles again and walks out the door.
  974. "heh.. weird. i just met my waifu and didn't care."
  976. >be Silver Valor.
  977. >what in Celestias name are these bugs!?
  978. >they are everywhere!
  979. "get this place under control. get the brains in the magic divisions up here so we can figure this out!"
  980. >one of your guards salutes you
  981. >"Yes ma'am!"
  982. "they wouldn't be so bad if they were just cute and everywhere but--"
  984. "what the buck is wrong with this place recently"
  985. >the slip Anon gave you falls out from your armor
  986. >you look down to it as you see the first line again
  987. >"In case of parasprites..."
  988. "he better not be right about this..."
  990. >be anon again
  991. >its about mid-day
  992. >the sun is shining into your cell from the barred window
  993. >its like a ray of light in this dark cell
  994. >it would look really cool if someone opened the door right now.
  995. >a small bug buzzes into your only view to the outside world.
  996. "hello little parasprite."
  997. >before the bug can try to eat your cell you see it look away towards the inner city
  998. >you try to see what its looking at but you dont have a view of it
  999. >you now hear a faint noise.
  1000. >it is growing louder
  1001. "heh.. she read the note."
  1002. >the little ball of cuteness and hunger starts to bob to and fro
  1003. >then it flies off to the sound of the music
  1004. "see ponies. its never over till the fat pony sings."
  1005. >oh that was lame
  1006. >and i know it
  1008. >its been about two hours now.
  1009. "hmm. this is taking a while."
  1010. >as if on cue you get a knock on your door.
  1011. >your cell door..
  1012. >someone knocked...
  1013. >what?
  1014. "uh.. come in?"
  1015. >the door cracks open and Silver is standing there.
  1016. >her face is red.
  1017. >"anon. uhm... uh. you see.. I know it was my job and all..."
  1018. >oh yes...
  1019. >can you smell that?
  1020. >that smelly smell?
  1021. >that smelly smell that smells... smelly...
  1022. >Victory...
  1023. >"I said that you would be free if you helped us... ilI have no idea how you knew."
  1024. >yesssss go on...
  1025. >"not even our best unicorns could figure it out. that's including the sister princesses... but.."
  1026. >Buuuuuut
  1027. >"Anonymous! for your aid in dealing with the parasprite swarm attacking canterlot you have been given a royal pardon of all crimes weighed against you."
  1028. >she hold out a paper with two signatures
  1029. >"this is proof you are innocent of all crimes signed by both monarchs"
  1030. "and..."
  1031. >"and... im sor--"
  1032. "i already accepted its ok"
  1033. >im such an ass.
  1035. >Be Silver Valor
  1036. >be recently promoted
  1037. >thanks to anons note...
  1038. >Anon.
  1039. >the Human who knows the future.
  1040. "you are something else you know that?"
  1041. >"yeah i am. in fact im one of a kind"
  1042. "clever... so, yeah about Copper."
  1043. >anon snaps a response at you
  1044. >"what about Copper?"
  1045. >ok fair, he must be a little sore about this whole thing
  1046. "Well.. he told me a few things about you. Honestly i didn't believe most of it."
  1047. >Anon is silent as you walk him out of his cell
  1048. "The whole prediction thing"
  1049. >"I don't predict."
  1050. "well the knowing the future thing.. how are you dealing with it?"
  1051. >silence
  1052. "anon?"
  1053. >"yeah sorry i was just thinking how to answer that."
  1054. "oh sorry you don't have to answer it if you don't want to"
  1055. >might be in my best interest NOT to piss off a creature who knows everything that can and will happen
  1056. >"might arrest me again for it though wont ya?"
  1057. >you snap around to face him
  1058. "HEY I was just doing my job! if you were in my position you would have done the same"
  1059. >why is he laughing at me?
  1060. "whats so funny?"
  1061. >"you, your response. you don't know how true that is. but it was just a joke. relax... i accepted your apology."
  1063. >be anon
  1064. >she is stepping into each little word trap you have
  1065. >maybe you can push this a bit
  1066. >eyes in the guard could be useful
  1067. "and besides why would i be mad at someone who is doing her part to help keep peace."
  1068. >take the bait girly
  1069. >"im glad you're getting enjoyment out of all this."
  1070. "so. Silver. why did you want to meet me."
  1071. >"im not going to discuss that yet."
  1072. >and why is that little pony. keeping secrets?
  1073. >no matter
  1074. >after a few more minutes of walking you are outside the prison and standing in front of a small crowd
  1075. "well... this was not expected."
  1076. >one pony raises his card.
  1077. >then the others.
  1078. >you look over to Silver
  1079. >she has one too.
  1081. >you look out over the crowd of ponies and their cards
  1082. >most of the faces you recognize from ponyville but there are a few who you don't recall
  1083. >not only that there are a few guardsponies with cards
  1084. >you look over the Silver Valor again
  1085. "seems like a few of my friends missed me while i was away"
  1086. >a voice from the crowd interrupts your train of thought
  1087. >"You warned them about the parasprites!"
  1088. >>"you were right again!"
  1089. >"Yeah! and they locked you up for trying to help us!"
  1090. >you take a few steps closer to the ponies
  1091. >its best to remove any ideas of violence now
  1092. "I know some of you might feel upset with some of the guard"
  1093. >more than one or two eyes glance over to Silver Valor
  1094. >as do yours but not for the same reason as the others
  1095. >she is taking this all rather well
  1096. >she stands straight and doesn't waver even though you're sure she can feel the uneasiness in her bones
  1097. >you look back to your followers
  1098. "In the end they were just doing their jobs."
  1099. >"BY TAKING YOU AWAY!"
  1100. >a small chorus of 'yeahs' emit from the group
  1101. >you make your voice loud and commanding
  1102. >like the voice of a god
  1103. "I bare no ill will towards anypony who is out to protect others! there will be no angry acts committed against or towards them! is that understood?"
  1104. >the shouts and fits of anger in the crowd appear to be eliminated
  1105. >at least for now.
  1106. >there is no reason to entice riots and end up back inside the jail already
  1107. >you still have a lot of work to do before that.
  1109. "everyone. as you can see i am alive and unharmed. no damage was done so there is no need for revenge. I have some business to tend to here before i return to you all."
  1110. >"what business do you have here?"
  1111. >>"don't question anon!"
  1112. >"Im just curious!"
  1113. >well looks like some ponies are more devoted to you
  1114. >ill be sure to make a mental note of those ponies.
  1115. "For those who might be curious, im actually here to pick up an order i had a friend make, in person. now if you all excuse me. id like to do so without causing a scene"
  1116. >there's a few giggles and smiles at your reason of business
  1117. >but at least they start home without incident
  1118. "would you like to come with me Silver? i think i might need your approval on a few things"
  1119. >"mine, anon? why mine?"
  1120. "your role in this new chapter has grown, and that's all i will say at this time"
  1121. >she smiles as she accompanies you down the streets of Canterlot
  1123. >its been about a fifteen minute walk down the streets
  1124. >there are many buildings emptied for decommission and reconstruction
  1125. >you can only assume why of course
  1126. >but the large bites out of random bits kinda shows what the reason is
  1127. "Im glad you decided to come with me, it will give me a chance to learn more about you"
  1128. >Silver seems to be calm around you
  1129. >does she trust you like the others?
  1130. >"well honestly i was supposed to patrol down this route anyway. so im still just doing my job"
  1131. "heh. I suppose you are. Tell me, what is it you do in the guard?"
  1132. >her smile leaves
  1133. >"i mostly just do paperwork, nothing interesting really, the past few days have been the most ive ever been in the field"
  1134. >interesting
  1135. "do you like it?"
  1136. >"do i like what?"
  1137. "what you do in the guard"
  1138. >"it gets boring at times. But i feel good knowing it helps ponies, even if they don't always appreciate it"
  1139. >be Silver Valor
  1140. >you are accompanying Anon, the Human
  1141. >the one who controls the hands of fate
  1142. "I wish we just got a bit more respect from ponies. we are out to protect them after all"
  1143. >why does anon always make you think about how much you hate your job
  1144. >not that its a bad job, there are just few perks besides a paycheck
  1145. >which honestly isn't that great either.
  1146. >"I understand that and I admire your loyalty."
  1147. >he does?
  1148. "you do?"
  1149. >"yes i do. i think you have the right idea about what you do. Can i ask you to keep doing it?"
  1150. >what? my job? well i mean i guess i was planning on that already
  1151. >it really feels good that someone appreciates you
  1152. >even more so when its Anon
  1153. >"Ah we're here"
  1154. >as you were walking with anon you lost track of both time and place
  1155. >you only just now notice the building a few feet in front of you
  1156. "you order from 'Customer Designs'? "
  1157. >"well.. technically 'I' never been here. but yes i am here to pick up a order."
  1159. >You are Anon again
  1160. "and i cant wait to see how they are turning out."
  1161. >you open the door and motion for Silver to enter
  1162. >ladies first
  1163. >manners are always important
  1164. >you follow her in and shut the door behind you.
  1165. >you catch a peek of a few ponies stopping and waiting outside
  1166. >what could that be?
  1167. >"oh hello! we don't often get guardsponies here... oh OH my, or whatever your friend is.."
  1168. >you turn to look at the yellow an pink mare
  1169. "Hello. i had a order placed here a few days ago. my friend Copper Coin dropped off a list of items. and id like to know how its coming along"
  1170. >she looks a little nervous
  1171. >"well we do get customers in here with orders a lot. im sorry but i cant be giving out customer information.."
  1172. >well least i know anything i order here is private
  1173. "My name is Anonymous, or perhaps you might recognize this?"
  1174. >you hold up your hand
  1175. >which also happens to be the main design of the order
  1176. "do you have any finished?"
  1177. >after looking at your hands for a moment, she smiles and goes into the back to pull one out to show
  1179. >this looks really good. not too flashy to wear in public but yet plenty of formality.
  1180. >you examine all the pockets and stitching
  1181. >its perfect, it looks just like how you ordered it
  1182. "what do you think Silver?"
  1183. >silver walks to the desk and takes a look for herself
  1184. >of course she would be a better judge of pony clothes than you
  1185. >its good she came along to give her opinion
  1186. >"they look really nice, almost as good as the dress they give us in the guard"
  1187. >so they have formal dress? never saw that in the show.
  1188. >unless you count the Wonderbolts but that was also their uniform.
  1189. >you smile a bit proud of your decision in clothing
  1190. >"what is it for anon?"
  1191. "its for a few ponies like yourself who want to help equestria."
  1192. >the mare looks very excited at the overall appeal her outfits have to you
  1193. >she is practically beaming with pride
  1194. >"I work really hard on my orders, i sow each and every one of the outfits myself!"
  1195. "you do a stupendous job of it."
  1196. >"thank you, im very good at it if i may say so. i can usually do two or three outfits at a time."
  1197. "that is impressive. do you have the part that goes here?"
  1198. >you point to the sleeve about halfway up
  1199. >"oh yes i had those finished the same day as the order! ill get you them now"
  1200. >under the desk she brings out a box filled with your new symbol
  1201. >"once i saw your hands i knew this had to be your order. i never saw anything else like it. well besides like claws on griffons or dragons.."
  1202. >you slip the band up the sleeve
  1203. >this is perfect.
  1205. >be Copper Coin
  1206. >be worried that anon blames you for being arrested
  1207. >anon even went to get the order without you.
  1208. >he surely saw you in the crowd of ponies you were in the front row!
  1209. "im sorry anon... i didn't know she would arrest you"
  1210. >a white and green Pegasus mare walks up to you
  1211. >"hey its ok, im sure anon understands besides that's why we are here. to make sure they don't bother him anymore"
  1212. "yeah.. i guess that is true. just when he comes out let me talk to him ok?"
  1213. >"sure, no problem"
  1215. >the doors of the shop open slowly
  1216. >first Silver Valor steps out
  1217. >then anon holding a box
  1218. >you suddenly think that the ground is very interesting and your eyes begin examining it
  1219. "hello anon.. I- Im sorry that you got arrested. Im really really sorry."
  1220. >"its alright Copper. everything worked out just as was expected might i ask why you and your.. friends are following us?"
  1221. "well.. i wanted to apologize and make sure that you were ok. i know talking to a group is a bit more complex than just one pony.."
  1222. >the Pegasus mare jumps in excitedly
  1223. >"and we wanted to make sure you wouldn't be harassed by anyone."
  1224. >the mare looks to Valor with a little bit of spite
  1225. >"anyone.."
  1226. >Anon steps slightly forward
  1227. >"don't worry about her, shes a friend of mine."
  1228. >>"if you say so anon.. i still have my eyes on her though"
  1230. >be Anon
  1231. >oh Copper you have no idea how easy you're making this for me.
  1232. >you are easily one of the most loyal
  1233. "thank you for being so protective of me. And Copper"
  1234. >his eyes finally come from his hooves
  1235. "I forgive you. in fact i have a new ob for you."
  1236. >"yes? ill do it! anything!"
  1237. "would you mind giving me a list of all the ponies in our little group?"
  1238. >it seems that caught him by surprise
  1239. "and have it organized by how... supportive.. they are of me. you know, ones like your Pegasus friend here"
  1240. >"uh-- of course anon! ill get right on it!"
  1241. "thank you Copper. i knew i could count on you."
  1243. "oh and i almost forgot, Copper.. this is yours."
  1244. >you take out the first uniform
  1245. >and the first armband
  1246. "you deserve this, you will be my right hand."
  1247. >im sure this will be plenty to secure loyalty from him
  1248. >I am already a god to some ponies. but soon ill become a leader too.
  1249. "Valor..."
  1250. >Valor looks to you a small smile present
  1251. "Since you are in the guard im afraid i cant bestow one of these to you quite yet."
  1252. >well I COULD...
  1253. >but im sure that would make some unwanted problems
  1254. "but i cant let you go empty handed."
  1255. >you pull out a armband
  1256. "This is yours. im sure there wont be any problems if you wear it when off duty."
  1257. >"thanks anon. it looks pretty cool to me."
  1258. "as for you ponies. if you would be so kind as to escort Copper as he does his survey. i don't see why you shouldn't receive your own uniforms. it is professional after all"
  1259. >you take a uniform out for each of the ponies
  1260. >the Pegasi have a bit of a struggle with it at first
  1261. >they notice that they have spots they can remove for their wings to be unhindered
  1262. "well you all look really good in those uniforms. ill be sure to get more for you and any others you deem fit."
  1263. >Copper has a few tears in his eye as he speaks to you
  1264. >"thanks for forgiving me anon.. I wont let you down again."
  1265. >he gives you a salute
  1266. >"I swear on my life."
  1267. "that's all I can ever ask of you Copper. The hands of fate guide each of us."
  1268. "valor? would you mind taking me back to Ponyville?"
  1269. >"well... im supposed to be on duty..."
  1270. >she ponders her options for a moment before looking at her band
  1271. >"but i owe you for being the one to arrest you. alright lets go."
  1272. >she is already making tiny steps to becoming your new pawn
  1273. "thank you Valor. I enjoy our talks immensely"
  1274. >be Twilight sparkle
  1275. >and you have a small problem.
  1276. >seems the princess has given you only two tickets to the Gala..
  1277. >and you have six ponies who all want to go
  1278. "ugh.. what do i do now."
  1279. >you accidentally run into a copper colored pony in a brown suit
  1280. "oh im sorry. I should have been looking where I was going, are you hurt?"
  1281. >"No. im not hurt, in fact today i feel better than i ever have in my whole life"
  1282. "oh well im glad you're ok. sorry if i interrupted anything"
  1283. >"its alright have a nice day!"
  1284. >he was a little weird
  1286. >Be anon
  1287. >you enjoyed your walk back to Lyras house
  1288. >you didn't see any of the Elements of harmony on the way
  1289. >you didn't have to hide from anyone
  1290. >and you got to start the next big step in your ideal world...
  1291. >in your peaceful* world
  1292. "wonder how things have been going here.."
  1293. >you walk into the house
  1294. "hello? Lyra?"
  1295. >silence
  1296. >she is probably just outside somewhere
  1297. >you walk over to the basement stairway
  1298. >the door is left open.
  1299. >you NEVER leave the door open.
  1300. >you walk down the stairs slowly
  1301. >there is a small glow in the room and a few ponies are gathered there
  1302. >at the front of the room you see Lyra
  1303. >and she is reading something to them
  1304. >"Anon is the hand of fate, and we are his chosen.."
  1305. >oh this is too good.
  1306. >you make as little noise as possible as you descend the stairs
  1307. >"he is the light that will cleanse the darkness from this world, he knows the past, the present and the future."
  1308. >the group says as one
  1309. >>"He is the hand of fate"
  1310. >"he will lead us to a orderly world, free of chaos"
  1311. >>"He is the hand of fate"
  1312. >you speak to them
  1313. >the group turns to you as your words grace their ears
  1314. "And you. are my faithful hands"
  1316. >be Copper Coin, The Right Hand of Fate.
  1317. >you have been working non-stop on your list
  1318. >and you are nearly finished with it.
  1319. >you have made a ranking system just for this list.
  1320. >the lower the number the more loyal they are
  1321. >you explain the listing to your chosen group who have been doing their own lists
  1322. "the lowest is 5. and the pure, the few of us that would never. NEVER fail him are here... tier Zero."
  1323. >you have learned a lot about your...
  1324. >friends...
  1325. >its seems some are not as faithful to anon as you are.
  1326. >that is disheartening.
  1327. >but you don't need them, those in this room are your new friends.
  1328. >and they are loyal.
  1329. >"Sir Copper Coin."
  1330. "speak Golden Bright"
  1331. >"Will anon be attending the gala?"
  1332. >yes the Gala. the perfect way to give anon much needed exposure to Canterlots elite.
  1333. >you should have thought of this sooner.
  1334. "I am unsure. nevertheless, make arrangements for it. Im sure anon would be willing to grace them with his presence"
  1335. >"i know the door-pony. he will have no issues ill see to it."
  1336. "good. but we have work to finish here first"
  1338. >the next day
  1340. >Be Anon
  1341. >Copper is expected to get back to you today with his list
  1342. >but that isn't till about noon.
  1343. >you have plenty of time to relax today.
  1344. >*knock knock*
  1345. "maybe not..."
  1346. >you wait by the door as one of your new pony bodyguard answers for you
  1347. >"yes?"
  1348. >>"im here to see anon"
  1349. >"your mark."
  1350. >...
  1351. >"you may enter"
  1352. >Copper Coin enters the room along with a well dressed unicorn stallion
  1353. "You're early"
  1354. >"yes sir, i am early. the list is complete and sorted out, i have a copy of it here."
  1355. >he takes a list from his pocket and gives it to you.
  1356. >"I also have this for you."
  1357. >a extravagant note floats from the well dressed Unicorns satchel
  1358. >>"you are here-by invited to this years Grand Galloping Gala, sir."
  1359. "Ive been waiting for this moment. lets make arrangements"
  1360. >"already taken care of sir. and you will have no issues once there"
  1361. >you smile and look to your faithful pony
  1362. "Copper... you never cease to amaze me."
  1364. >Its the day of the Gala
  1365. >everyone in town is excited
  1366. >those who aren't going are planning a large party in town
  1367. >today is going to be an eventful one, thats for sure.
  1369. >be Anon
  1370. >you are wearing your best suit
  1371. >yes you have more than one.
  1372. >that order you had filled wasn't JUST for others you know.
  1373. >copper stand behind you in the doorway
  1374. >you are admiring yourself in the special mirror made just for you
  1375. >there are engravings along the side with the words
  1376. >"we hope you see yourself as we see you lord."
  1377. "How do i look Copper?"
  1378. >"fierce as a timberwolf sir, and wise as Celestia herself."
  1379. "Ill be sure to live up to that then."
  1380. >you check the clock on the wall
  1381. >its time to go
  1382. "Lets go Copper we don't want to keep them waiting"
  1383. >you walk out the door there is a line of your guards saluting you
  1384. >there is also a small red carpet unfolding from a Pegasi Carriage
  1385. >of course they are also your Guards
  1386. "you honor me Copper. I think you might have out done yourself"
  1387. >"I am here to serve you Sir.."
  1388. "and are you coming along?"
  1389. >"im afraid i cannot sir. there is much to still be done here."
  1390. "if you insist."
  1391. >"Silver Valor and a few of the other royal guards that are par of our cause will be sure to keep you safe"
  1392. >honestly you arnt worried about that quite yet.
  1393. >you will be safe in Canterlot.
  1394. >least until the wedding
  1395. "Hope you have a nice night Copper."
  1396. >"dont worry sir. we have a parade planned for the town tonight it will be fun for everyone"
  1397. >you step into the Carriage as it begins to take off for Canterlot
  1399. >it was about a hour long ride to Canterlot.
  1400. >most of it was from waiting for a place to land.
  1401. "man this is some event huh."
  1402. >you look to the entrance and see the ponies starting to enter into a song
  1403. "im so glad im not down there right now."
  1404. >finally you land and you are greeted by two more of your private security
  1405. >apparently bodyguards arnt regulated here
  1406. >or its just normal for the elite
  1407. >"Sir its good to see you made it. right this way"
  1408. "thank you. lead the way."
  1409. >you walk forward as the door-pony calls out the names of the previous guests
  1410. >"Twilight Sparkle and guests.."
  1411. >he then looks over to you
  1412. >his frown turns to a slight grin.
  1413. >he whispers to one of the royal guard who then signal the other at the door.
  1414. >they both leave their stations momentarily
  1415. >as the Greeter turns back to you you see something sticking just out of his front pocket.
  1416. >a very familiar card.
  1417. >"Sir Anonymous of The Hands of Fate"
  1418. >you grin and feel a small wave of pride
  1419. >you continue walking not needing a invitation on your person.
  1420. >"enjoy the cake sir..."
  1421. "ill be sure to save some for you"
  1422. >the pony chuckles as you walk
  1424. >be Twilight
  1425. >is he really here too?..
  1426. >oh well. nothing can ruin tonight
  1427. >besides im sure the princess invited him here as a sorry for arresting you thing
  1428. >you will have plenty of time to talk with her about it tonight anyway.
  1430. >Be Anon again.
  1431. >You stick out like a sore thumb here.
  1432. >not because you are under-dressed, no.
  1433. >in fact you look better than some of the nobles here.
  1434. >but you are easily a foot taller than anyone else
  1435. "I heard the cake is exquisite, would you be so kind as to take me to where i can grab a small helping?"
  1436. >"of course sir. right this way."
  1437. >you are led to the table of delectable pastries
  1438. >surprise surprise guess who has the closest table
  1439. >Princess Celestia
  1440. >better greet her. no need to be rude to your favorite pony.
  1441. >you wait in line patiently to greet the princess
  1442. >you see her looking up over the ponies
  1443. >after each greeting she looks up at you briefly
  1444. >"hello, glad you could make it."
  1445. >"hello, glad you could make it."
  1446. >about twelve more "hello, glad you could make it"s its finally your turn
  1447. >seems she doesn't have the same response for you.
  1448. >you stand there face to face with the princess
  1449. >are you doing something wrong?
  1450. >you realize there was something all the previous ponies did before you got there
  1451. >each of them bowed
  1452. "hello Celestia. its good to see you again."
  1453. >there are a few gasps from the crowd
  1454. >the one from Purple Magic is especially loud
  1455. >"hello Anonymous, Welcome to the Gala."
  1456. "thank you princess i hope tonight goes well for everyone"
  1457. >"As do I. Anonymous. I hope there is no great danger this night."
  1458. "nothing of the sort. im simply here to enjoy the festivities. hows the cake?"
  1459. >she looks to the piece of cake you have on your plate.
  1460. >the one you kept just for this moment
  1461. >"i haven't happened to have any yet. but please. feel free to enjoy it"
  1462. >you take a small bite from the cake
  1463. >and chew it way more than needed just to waste time
  1464. "its exquisite. i hope you should try some soon..."
  1465. >her voice is the same as before but you know she is jealous
  1466. >"i shall as soon as i am able"
  1467. "better make it quick. might all be gone soon."
  1468. >she looks to the table and sees most of it is already missing
  1469. "ah.. "heavy is the head" princess. ill save you a piece"
  1470. >you calmly walk away
  1471. >the crowd watches as you do astounded you neither bowed or acknowledged her status
  1473. >Be Copper Coin.
  1474. >the Parade is about to start.
  1475. >you and your new 'parade detail' have a spot reserved
  1476. >you and Lyra are to lead the group as the followers march in the center
  1477. >and the new guard will be surrounding them as you march
  1478. >it will look as professional as anon would want it.
  1479. "ready ponies we are next to go."
  1480. >"we march in his name!"
  1481. >>"He is the hand of fate"
  1482. >"and we are his faithful hands"
  1484. >you are anon
  1485. >the Gala is going rather well.
  1486. >at least for you.
  1487. >seems the girls didn't expect the gala to be so... formal.
  1488. >what a shame.
  1489. >you turn and talk to one of your personal guard which you have started calling your 'Brownshirts'
  1490. "see those ponies..."
  1491. >"yes sir?"
  1492. "those six oddballs are equestrias first and last line of defense against chaos."
  1493. >there is silence from your Brownshirt as he looks at you questioningly
  1494. >"are you serious sir? surely the guard is better than... those ponies."
  1495. >you chuckle
  1496. "Now you see why im here, and why the citizens of equestria need us."
  1497. >the Brownshirt smiles and returns to his duty
  1498. >"makes me glad im here standing with you sir."
  1499. "I share that sentiment."
  1500. >I suppose while im here I should mingle a bit.
  1501. >are those the wonderbolts?
  1502. "well. they arnt the Blue Angels... but im sure they might have some military connection."
  1503. >you slowly start wandering in their direction
  1504. >your Brownshirts make sure no pony gets too close to you
  1505. >a gentle shove or a redirection is usually all it takes.
  1506. >"What did you say to me you peasant!"
  1507. >>"sir im asking you to please make way for Anon"
  1508. >seems our path has crossed that of a certain blue blooded prince
  1509. >how did i know this would happen
  1510. >"you'd have me. ME a PRINCE move for that overgrown ape! and you call yourself a pony. ill have you--"
  1511. >the Brownshirt calmly ignores most of the threats
  1512. >but he made the mistake of not backing down
  1513. >>"sir i will not ask again. if you refuse to move you will be considered a threat to Anon"
  1514. >time to break this up before it goes to far.
  1515. >i don't need that kind of press.
  1516. "now now.. what is the problem here?"
  1517. >"Your pony is threatening me, a Prince! Im royalty! they are simple townsfolk! you should reprimand him immediately"
  1518. "I will do no such thing..."
  1519. >"you.. WHAT!?"
  1520. "if you had asked me to before insulting my men i would have gladly done so."
  1521. >the situation is now the center of attention at the Gala
  1522. >how do I handle this..
  1523. >this situation is already out of hand.
  1524. >Blueblood made sure of that just by being himself.
  1525. >wait.. didn't Copper say something about the guards here being in your pockets?
  1526. >you look over to one of the royal guards in the corner
  1527. >he looks back eyes fixed on the scene playing out in front of him
  1528. >Only one way to find out for sure.
  1529. >you nod in Bluebloods direction.
  1531. >Be Blueblood.
  1532. >this big dumb monkey thinks he is important?! HA!
  1533. >he needs to be put in his place.
  1534. >and you know just the ponies to do it
  1535. "Guards! Guards! get over here immediately!"
  1536. >the guards make their way over to you
  1537. >too there lazy ass time with it.
  1538. "finally you worthless ponies got here. this monkey has been harassing me! i Order you to arrest him!"
  1539. >that will teach this ape who is in charge here.
  1540. >you close your eyes and smile at your assured victory.
  1541. >"come on sir, you'e had too much to drink."
  1542. >yes take him away!
  1543. >"sir! lets go!..
  1544. >you feel something grip your shoulder
  1545. "wha... whats going on here?!"
  1546. >the offender now is one of your useless royal guardponies
  1547. "What are you doing! i said arrest HIM! not ME! you imbecile!"
  1548. >"Sir don't resist if you refuse to leave quietly we will have to place you under arrest!"
  1549. >you look over to the big ape.
  1550. >IS HE SMILING!?
  1551. >HE DID THIS!
  1553. >be Anon
  1554. >8 ball. corner pocket.
  1555. >game and match to Anon.
  1556. >seems Copper was, as normal, as surprising as ever.
  1557. >he really is making all the right connections
  1558. >or perhaps this was Valor's doing?
  1559. >either way the outcome was the same.
  1560. >you look to the ponies watching.
  1561. "Im sorry for the disturbance everypony, this wont happen again."
  1562. >you wave to them all trying to break the tension.
  1563. "my guards will be dismissed for the remainder of the gala im sorry for their brash behavior"
  1564. >you lean close to the nearest Brownshirt
  1565. "secure my carriage and other belongings ill be fine here."
  1566. >"as you wish sir. lets go men."
  1567. >well... that went better than expected.
  1568. >be Blueblood
  1569. >be 'escorted' by your guardponies to your room
  1570. "damn that ape!"
  1571. >"watch your tongue, sir."
  1572. "what did you say to me?! Ill have you court-martialed for this!"
  1573. >>"are we clear."
  1574. >"affirmative, no witnesses, no fields of view uncovered"
  1575. "what are you doing! get away from me you damn common folk!"
  1576. >"tie him down. hes going to learn some manners..."
  1577. >>"aye sir."
  1578. "N..No! not my face! my perfect face!"
  1579. >a sudden impact to your gut knocks all the air out of you
  1581. >Be Anon
  1582. >be slowly making your way to the Wonderbolts
  1583. >as you approach you see a familiar rainbow colored mare.
  1584. >great, top cunt is here still.
  1585. >I can wait a bit longer I suppose
  1586. >...
  1587. >its almost twenty minutes later
  1588. >ok that's enough waiting she had her chance for attention.
  1589. >you make it to the entrance to the Wonderbolts section
  1590. >two guards walk up to you.
  1591. >"your invitation sir.."
  1592. >the other looks to his comrade
  1593. >>"he is clear."
  1594. >"what? he hasn't even shown his invitation yet."
  1595. >>"I said... he's clear."
  1596. >"uh.. yes sir."
  1597. >the commanding pony gives you a nod and lets you by
  1598. >who to try and talk to first?
  1599. >perhaps Spitfire? her high ranking could be useful if you make ties.
  1600. >but perhaps that's too much of a long shot.
  1601. >Soarin? maybe.
  1602. >he seems friendly.
  1603. >and he happens to be right next to you already
  1604. >Soarin it is!
  1605. "hello there, my name is Anonymous, a pleasure to meet you."
  1606. >"huh. oh hello there! nice to meet you. Call me Soarin"
  1607. >he gives you a genuine smile
  1608. "mind if we chat for a bit? im sure i could find us some nice pie or cake while we chat."
  1609. >"did you say pie?...."
  1611. >wow.. Soarin really likes pie.
  1612. >in fact.. this is his third.
  1613. >not third slice or third bite, its his third PIE!
  1614. >standing there dumbfounded you cant help but just watch as he keeps eating
  1615. >"uh.. oh im sorry did you want any?"
  1616. >well least he is polite about his ravenous hunger
  1617. "um.. no im quite alright, im thankful for the offer though."
  1618. >>"Hey Soarin! who's your friend?"
  1619. >Spitfire happens to walk over
  1620. >she must be used to seeing him eat
  1621. >she apparently is unfazed by the three empty pie pans
  1622. >"oh. this is.. uhhh. non? yeah he is Anon!"
  1623. "yes. my name is Anonymous. but feel free to call me Anon"
  1624. >>"wait. i think Ive heard of you before."
  1625. >has she? was it in a positive or negative light?
  1626. >>"yeah. you're that monkey that got arrested just before the bugs ate canterlot!"
  1627. >she did not just call you a monkey..
  1628. "human.."
  1629. >>"im sorry?"
  1630. "Im a human, not a monkey. A human."
  1631. >>"oh ok. well you are that human then right?"
  1632. "yes, i am. I am also the human that was given a pardon by both the sister princesses for helping SAVE canterlot."
  1633. >>"huh, didnt hear about that part.
  1634. >you can feel one of your eyes twitch
  1635. >is she TRYING to anger you?
  1636. >does she really not know who you are?
  1637. >calm down anon... calm down..
  1638. "well its true. and im actually here to mingle and show that im not as bad as some ponies might claim."
  1639. >>"well if you were able to make buddies with soarin then you must be ok. nice to meet you!"
  1640. "Usually people introduce themselves with their names."
  1641. >the indecency of this pony.
  1642. >>"you seriously dont know us?"
  1643. "that is irrelevant, its simpler manners. but if you excuse me i must be going. the party is ending soon you see."
  1644. >>"it is? i thought it was just starting"
  1645. >you look over to pinkie pie and the other mane six as their.. 'shenanigans' unfold
  1646. "for me it has sadly ended. i have business to take care of."
  1647. >>"uhh. alright.. hey, wait."
  1648. >oh what now. im seriously tired of being insulted here
  1649. >>"im sorry if i was rude. here, have these."
  1650. >are those tickets?
  1652. >be Copper Coin
  1653. >the parade is going better than expected!
  1654. >your ponies are in formation and marching in time
  1655. >they look so professional.
  1656. >so perfect.
  1657. >anon would be proud of them all.
  1658. >the crowd cheers for each part of the parade
  1659. >once yours goes by there is an even louder cheer.
  1660. >your banners are high with Anons mark
  1661. >there is even a picture of him.
  1662. >an artists rendition of course but it fits him well.
  1663. >after every few minutes of march you repeat yourself
  1664. "We march!"
  1665. >the Brownshirts call
  1666. >"we march in his name!"
  1667. >the followers then shout
  1668. >"He is the hand of fate!"
  1669. >then the crowd would join with the followers when they say
  1670. >"and we are his faithful hands!"
  1672. >You are Anon
  1673. >you walk out of the gala and get in your private carriage
  1674. >you say to your pegasi
  1675. "i think that went pretty well."
  1676. >"that's good to hear sir. anywhere you'd like to stop before heading home?"
  1677. "no thanks lets head out."
  1678. >"yes sir"
  1679. >the carriage lurches forward slightly before taking off
  1680. "wonder what Blueblood thinks of the party."
  1681. >you laugh to yourself as you head for ponyville
  1682. >almost twenty minutes later
  1683. >"sir there appears to be a parade going on. would you like to view it?"
  1684. "I see no reason why I cant."
  1685. >"we will land near the beginning so you dont miss anything then"
  1686. "How kind of you."
  1687. >you land at the edge of town and exit your ride.
  1688. "before you go. do you anything about the wonderbolts?"
  1689. >"i know they are the best flyers in Equestria."
  1690. "are you two fans?"
  1691. >"sir?"
  1692. "take these tickets. enjoy yourselves. and tell Spitfire and Soarin i couldn't make it"
  1693. >"th-Thank you sir! I wont forget this."
  1694. >ponies are so easy to buy.
  1695. >well this is a nice little parade.
  1696. >there is a marching band.
  1697. >a Miss Ponyville carriage for each winner
  1698. >apparently Mayor Mare won once
  1699. >and there is even a CMC float.
  1700. >that's your favorite one so far. mostly because it was falling apart but still cute
  1701. >further down the parade you see a familiar symbol high in the air.
  1702. >your smile grows as the closer it gets the louder the cheers become
  1703. >soon you can see the Hands of fate walking by
  1704. >should you make a scene?
  1705. >fuck it why not.
  1706. >"we march in his name!'
  1707. >"he is the hand of fate!"
  1708. >"we are his faithful hands!"
  1709. >you walk out into the parade group soon you standing next to Copper Coin
  1710. >the parade stops momentarily as the Brownshirts take time to salute you.
  1711. >the followers bow their heads
  1712. >and the crowd stomps their hooves and cheer
  1713. "I like this parade Copper. remind me to schedule one before the elections for town mayor."
  1714. >Coppers pride is clearly visible to anypony looking at him
  1715. >"as you wish sir. planning on running for mayor?"
  1716. "Oh i plan on much more than that Copper. Ive only just begun."
  1717. >you walk along with your ponies for the ending of the parade
  1718. >its been a exciting night for you.
  1719. >making your ace more available to the public can only help you now
  1720. >those that follow you speak of you to everyone like you are a god.
  1721. >and the ponies who protect you follow you like a true leader
  1722. >are you the leader the ponies really need?
  1723. >it took the sister princesses almost a thousand years to get their level of devotion devotion
  1724. >you have done this in mere months.
  1725. "how far can i go.."
  1727. >its been weeks since the night of the Grand Gala
  1728. >you have received word that Blueblood is apparently much more... behaved
  1729. >and that any further trouble from him will be dealt with accordingly
  1730. >pays to have friends in both high and low places.
  1731. >but that is not important today.
  1732. >today ponyville is getting ready for its next election for mayor
  1733. >and you are throwing your hat into the ring.
  1734. >or you would have.
  1735. >but it appears that its been done for you by other ponies
  1736. >you walk out into the streets and there are signs everywhere.
  1737. >"a vote for anon is a vote for a future!"
  1738. >"Anon or Chaos! you decide!"
  1739. >"A single vote makes all the difference, Anon can make that difference matter"
  1740. >its quite flattering honestly
  1741. >walking down the streets you see ponies wearing your arm bands
  1742. >ponies in their brownshirts handing out fliers
  1743. >some even holding up signs an standing out of stores
  1744. "i love election time. its plenty interesting if you know how and where to look"
  1745. >you walk over to some early voting booths
  1746. >ponies can vote early if they desire to and their votes get tallied and used as information for the polls.
  1747. >they can change their votes at anytime before the final date when they are finally locked in and the mayor is chosen.
  1748. "good evening ponies."
  1749. >you wave as you walk by the open voting booth
  1750. >the one clearly visible
  1751. >and open so anyone watching can see who you vote for
  1752. >guarded by your own Brownshirts
  1753. "i cant wait for the election day"
  1754. >its the day before election finals
  1755. >you have to give a speech before the final election day
  1756. >'mayor' mare gives her speech about her previous experiences
  1757. >she has very good points, and the crowd cheers all the same
  1758. >but you and her both know who has won this election
  1759. >with her final words she walks off the podium and you take your place
  1760. >the crowd cheers and stomps loudly
  1761. >you wait.
  1762. >they continue to cheer
  1763. >you stand still and calmly waiting for it all to die down
  1764. >eventually they calm down and become silent.
  1765. >you wipe your hair out of your face
  1766. >and give the speech the ponies want to hear
  1767. "Ponies... Stallions.. Mares.. look to one another, what do you see?"
  1768. >they look to one another
  1769. "some see pegasi... Unicorns, and Earth ponies. I dont.."
  1770. >you look over the crowd so they can all see your face
  1771. >you rise your hand and shout
  1772. "I see brothers and sisters! i see fathers and mothers! I see families! see order and harmony!"
  1773. >some members of the crowd cheer again
  1774. "I see Hope! i see a bright future where Order triumphs over chaos! where you! YOU! the ponies! no longer fear the darkness! No longer do you fear the Wolf! the Dragon! the Griffon!"
  1775. >you calm yourself again
  1776. "i see a world where you the ponies are safe. safe and secure from danger. but i cannot do this alone"
  1777. >you jab your finger out to the crowd and shout
  1778. "I need you're help! i need your help to keep equestria safe! it is our home! our shelter our mother! it is our house of freedom! let me ask you.. what is a house... divided? rubble.. a ruin. A House divided cannot stand!
  1779. So we all need to band together! as this is our home! our equestria! And the start of our new and safe home, is here! in this town! in PONYVILLE!
  1780. >the crowd erupts into unanimous cheers
  1781. >you look to your brownshirts and they salute you, their heads held high and backs straight.
  1782. >"anon! anon! anon!"
  1783. >today was a good day for you to be a politician
  1784. >its election day.
  1785. >you and 'mayor' mare stand in front of all the ponies in town
  1786. >the town has grown SIGNIFICANTLY since you started running for mayor
  1787. >ponies from all over have moved here and the housing market has skyrocketed
  1788. >ponyville is almost a small city now.
  1789. >not close to the megalopolis' that are canterlot or cloudsdale though
  1790. >the final votes are being tallied
  1791. "ms, mare"
  1792. >the 'previous' mayor turns to you
  1793. "no matter the outcome of this election, i want you to know. i couldnt have thought of a better opponent"
  1794. >she smiles at your 'compliment'
  1795. >you never said she was a good one.
  1797. >be Twilight sparkle
  1798. >election day has come
  1799. >and honestly you dont know who to vote for.
  1800. >on one hoof mayor mare has done great things for ponyville
  1801. >on the other Anon has done so much so fast, and has also steered you in the right direction on a few occasions
  1802. >you're not sure who would be a better mayor
  1804. >be Rarity
  1805. >anon looks so nice in his outfit.
  1806. >so do all his ponies.
  1807. >although the color choice could have been a bit better.
  1808. >still it looks good and professional
  1809. >you need that in a mayor.
  1810. >also with all the new ponies you business is expanding
  1811. >so there's nothing wrong with voting for anon.
  1813. >be Rainbow Dash
  1814. >you dont like anon.
  1815. >something about him is off.
  1816. >but he does seem to be doing all the right things...
  1817. >maybe you could vote for him...
  1818. >just this once
  1820. >be Fluttershy
  1821. >be in your home
  1822. >anon shouts to loudly for your liking
  1823. >you're to scared to come out today
  1825. >be Applejack
  1826. >well anon hasnt lied yet. and thats something RARE in a politician
  1827. >also your farm has much more business now
  1828. >voting anon
  1830. >be pinkie.
  1831. >you voted a few days ago after anons parade
  1832. >anon sure knows how to throw a party
  1833. >you had to vote for him!
  1834. >his parties are almost as fun as yours!
  1836. >you are Copper Coin.
  1837. >you have a list of everyone in town who has voted.
  1838. >and who they voted for.
  1839. >being the one in charge of the election this year allows easy access
  1840. >and what you cant do yourself you have your Brownshirts
  1841. >the votes are clear a landslide for anon
  1842. >83% anon
  1843. >17% mayor mare
  1844. >that low number will make it much easier to survey those voters
  1845. >dont want them to get any funny ideas
  1846. >Anon cannot do everything on his own after all.
  1848. >be Anon.
  1849. >you're not sure what date it supposed to be, but you have a feeling
  1850. >eventually there's going to be a wedding in canterlot.
  1851. >and with that wedding comes an invasion
  1852. >an invasion you should ready the ponies for.
  1853. >also you voted for mayor mare.
  1854. >because you thought it would be funny to see the Brownshirts reaction
  1855. >it was.
  1857. >"ponies of ponyville! your new mayor is!..."
  1858. >the mare opens up the envelope and smiles
  1859. >"your new mayor is. ANONYMOUS!"
  1860. >the ponies begin to cheer
  1861. >but a few decide they want to leave
  1862. "thats rude of them..."
  1863. >luckily the Brownshirts are there to.. politely ask them to stay.
  1864. >by that i mean they move back and forth preventing ponies from leaving.
  1865. >the pegasi that fly away will be watched by your own.
  1866. >luckily none of the unicorns find it necessary to magic themselves away.
  1867. >"anonymous please, could you give us a welcoming speech?"
  1868. "well if you insist.. i dont have anything planned though."
  1869. >you walk up in front of the crowd
  1870. "i want to thank each and every one of you who voted for me. I will do my best to keep all my promises to you, and i will do everything in my power to keep you all safe from chaos."
  1871. >short and sweet
  1872. >you leave the stand to the sound of cheers
  1873. >but that invasion is coming
  1874. >and you have a few princess to save
  1876. >you walk up to Copper after your speech
  1877. "Copper how goes the meetings at Lyras?"
  1878. >"huh. oh those. it seems you are turning into a god in the eyes of many... if i might be honest sir. I am one of those many."
  1879. >you figured as much
  1880. "is that so Copper?"
  1881. >"yes lord. uh sir!.."
  1882. >God....Lord... i like the sound of that.
  1883. "dont bother correcting yourself i dont mind either way."
  1884. >he relaxes then regains his composure
  1885. >"but if you dont mind me saying so lord. perhaps you should start to visit them more regularly"
  1886. >that thought has crossed my mind.
  1887. >having a direct influence over them would certainly be beneficial
  1888. >and it would be good to see how your people worship
  1889. "alright Copper. inform Lyra that ill be at the next meeting and tell her that she will be my next in command. right under you. She will be my Left hand"
  1890. >The left hand: the hand of faith
  1891. >The right hand: the hand of duty
  1892. >"yes sir. understood. and lord, the rest of the uniforms arrived today"
  1893. "oh? if that is the case you may hand them out to those who are considered faithful to me and me alone."
  1894. >he bows his head and excitedly responds
  1895. >"yes it will be so!"
  1896. >you quite like the uniforms. in fact you had one made just for you.
  1898. >Its time for the meeting at Lyras
  1899. >you are early and take your place in the far back of the room out of sight
  1900. >Lyra has her sermons ready and her closest acolytes are getting everything in order.
  1901. >the first few visitors start to pour in.
  1902. >there are a few ponies in robes
  1903. >others in their brown shirts
  1904. >some are even in their royal guard uniform
  1905. >both solar AND lunar.
  1906. >you had no idea this cult following had grown so much.
  1907. >you have been not using it effectively
  1908. >"please sit brothers an' sisters of fate."
  1909. >they sit in unison
  1910. >"let us begin with our prayer"
  1911. >>"He has given us a second chance. He is fate."
  1912. >"He is the hands of fate"
  1913. >>"and we are his faithful hands"
  1914. >"he is wise, he is knowing, he is lord"
  1915. >>"and we are his faithful hands"
  1916. >"Anon lord of fate"
  1917. >>"we serve fate till fate takes us."
  1918. >this is beautiful
  1919. >and creepy
  1920. >but mostly beautiful
  1921. "And your service does not go un-noticed."
  1922. >you rise from your dark corner as Lyras magic lights the wall behind you brightly
  1923. >you are a light in the darkness
  1924. "I have as much faith in you as you do myself."
  1925. >you walk past the ponies to the front of the room
  1926. >as you walk past they bow their heads
  1927. "which is why i have come to you as i have a test of your faith"
  1928. >"our faith never wavers"
  1929. >>"like the hands of fate never close"
  1930. "soon.. there will be a war... you will be my sword. and faith will be your shield."
  1931. >a unicorn in the royal guard stands
  1932. >"we serve fate, till fate takes us lord."
  1933. "let me ask you soldier... who do you truly serve.."
  1934. >the others suddenly look to the guard with a mix of anger and disgust.
  1935. >it appears if you doubt someone they also doubt them
  1936. >"wh..what do you mean lord?"
  1937. "you wear the armor of the sun."
  1938. >you point to one of the lunar guards
  1939. "and you the moon."
  1940. >both the guards look on the verge of panic
  1941. >perhaps that's good.
  1942. "you wear the marks of the Sun and Moon, yet you pray to me, Fate.. so i shall ask again."
  1943. >you motion to the ponies to give the guards space
  1944. "Who do you serve?..."
  1945. >the two guards look to each other hoping that they might know something the other doesn't
  1946. >"we.. we serve equestria"
  1947. >>"we are your faithful hands and the children of the sun and moon"
  1948. "if that is what you believe. then that is your fate."
  1949. >you leave the back of the room and allow the meeting to continue
  1950. >those ponies have plenty to think about now.
  1951. >the first test of fate has begun
  1953. >in your corner you think
  1954. >you have the manpower for a army
  1955. >but you will need a weapons to have a army.
  1956. >but before that you will need a REASON to make weapons
  1957. >and you cant give the princess or anyone who could influence the invasion the REAL reason
  1958. >things are getting much more difficult.
  1959. >eventually some changes in the timeline will occur.
  1960. >how will you adapt to those changes...
  1961. >you will have to leave it up to fate.
  1962. >you smile
  1963. >you are Anonymous
  1964. >and you ARE Fate
  1966. >be Silver Valor.
  1967. >you have gained rank in the Royal guard.
  1968. >no doubt the connections you have with the hands of fate helped this along
  1969. >but you are loyal to anon. not his cult following.
  1970. >"Ma'am!"
  1971. >a unicorn guardspony stands before you
  1972. "yes?"
  1973. >"you have a message."
  1974. "put it over there with all the others"
  1975. >"no ma'am.. you have a message from Fate himself."
  1976. >whats that supposed to mean?
  1977. >oh. thats right, those followers call Anonymous Fate
  1978. "bring it here. ill read it immediately"
  1979. >the unicorn floats the letter with his magic to you and you begin to read it.
  1980. >you need weapons huh...
  1981. "guard"
  1982. >"yes ma'am?"
  1983. "send a letter back for me. it should read as follows: 'a shipment has been lost in Everfree' "
  1984. >"understood ma'am"
  1985. "and get me the latest on those missing ponies"
  1986. >"right away"
  1987. >wonder what anon has planned now..
  1989. >you are Anonymous
  1990. >and you are prearranging a expedition into everfree forest.
  1991. >to the ponies of the town it nothing more than to clear out any dangers
  1992. >but to you and your small group of loyalists
  1993. >it was to arm for war.
  1994. "Copper get the ponies anything you can. I don't care if they have to use forks i wont have them dying in that woods without protection."
  1995. >"we have most of the ponies armed with batons. unfortunately thats about all civilians are allowed to legally carry in the open"
  1996. "fine it will have to do. but get that shipment here as soon as possible"
  1997. >"have no fear lord. we shall not fail"
  1998. "its in the old castle ruins. once you have those weapons you will begin securing the area around it and start reconstruction. You may conscript anyone you need but make sure they are loyal to our cause."
  1999. >"we are your faithful hands my lord."
  2000. "go Copper Im not sure how much time we will have till the attack."
  2001. >things have gone smoothly
  2002. >and there has been no word of a wedding in canterlot yet.
  2003. >your connections in the guard will keep you informed
  2004. >though it might seem weird that you keep asking if code-name: candy-ass is getting married.
  2005. >wonder if shining armor knows about the code name.
  2006. >wonder if shining armor even knows about you.
  2007. >no matter you have more important things to do
  2008. "get those support beams up. i don't want any accidents causing all this to crumble down on us"
  2009. >"yes lord!"
  2010. >the outside of the castle that wasnt still standing is now made of wood
  2011. >it will slowly be replaced with stone
  2012. >but you need something soon for your citadel
  2013. "take down all those banners! only leave the two of the sisters at the entrance everything else will be replaced"
  2014. >the banners fall in a slow glorious fashion
  2015. "out with the old princess..."
  2016. >you hold an armband with your mark on it
  2017. "and in with the new."
  2019. >be Silver Valor.
  2020. >you have reports that Princess Cadence just proposed to Shining armor.
  2021. >apparently he wasn't stallion enough to ask her, she had to do it
  2022. >stallions...
  2023. "wait.. a proposal?.."
  2024. >you look over a letter that anon had sent a while back
  2025. >use the code name: candy-ass
  2026. "oh so he even predicts weddings now?"
  2027. >you begin to write a letter for your messengers to send to anon.
  2029. >you are Anon.
  2030. >its around midnight
  2031. >another night, another step closer to your goal.
  2032. >a orderly world
  2033. >one with you at the top
  2034. >you look up and the moon is perfectly in line with the window
  2035. >it shines a brightly upon you in the center of the room
  2036. >some of the ponies working stop to admire the view of their god in the moonlight
  2037. >it must be a beautiful sight
  2038. >you envy those ponies who bask in your glow.
  2039. "I Wondered why i haven't met you yet..."
  2040. >you turn to see a large pony standing in the castle doorway
  2041. "Princess"
  2042. >The large pony walks from the shadows of the doorway
  2043. >its Princess Luna, pony 'Goddess' of the moon and dreams
  2044. >"anonymous."
  2045. "so you know of me after all. I was worried you would never grace me with your presence"
  2046. >she looks over the ruins of her once long ago home.
  2047. >"you should not be here anonymous."
  2048. "I beg to differ Luna. I have as much right as anyone else. Everfree isnt part of Equestrias lands. I believe that's why your sister named it 'Ever-free' Forest"
  2049. >"that's not what we mean anonymous."
  2050. >this should be good.
  2051. >"we mean you shouldn't be here in this castle doing what you are."
  2052. >you had my attention Luna.
  2053. "and why do you believe that?"
  2054. >but now you have my curiosity
  2055. >"this place was where I fell to the nightmare, and became what I once was. there are dangerous magics here"
  2056. >interesting.. perhaps something yet to be discovered is here.
  2057. >"im also worried about what plans you might have for MY ponies.."
  2058. >YOUR ponies?... you have no ponies here little princess
  2059. "What has you worried? i have done nothing to cause concern"
  2060. >Luna approaches you soon the two of you are side by side in the rays of moonlight
  2061. >"I watch over my subjects as they dream--"
  2062. "i already know of this Moon Goddess. their ideas are not my own however, have you seen mine?"
  2063. >she is silent for a good deal of time
  2064. >perhaps you struck a chord?
  2065. >"No. I haven't, that also is why I worry. For whatever reason.. I cannot see your dreams like my ponies."
  2066. >perhaps i have an idea as to why
  2067. >time to take a calculated risk
  2068. "like Discords dreams correct?"
  2069. >"that... that is correct"
  2070. "so you fear the unknown, like a mortal"
  2071. >there is a slight sharpness in her voice as she looks you in the eyes
  2072. >"are you saying you don't fear unknown threats anonymous?"
  2073. "So I AM a threat to you then?"
  2074. >this got interesting fast
  2075. >"dont try to twist our words, my sister and i have protected our ponies for thousands of years, there is little that we cannot overcome."
  2076. >well technically you have only existed for five years
  2077. >but that's just getting meta
  2078. "do you have faith Luna?"
  2079. >she looks at you confused by your seemingly random question
  2080. >"explain your question anonymous"
  2081. "do you have faith, a ideology, a hope, your own dream?"
  2082. >"we dream of safety for all of our little ponies."
  2083. >all 'our' ponies now.
  2084. >before you said 'Your'
  2085. "I have the same dream. I want 'our' ponies"
  2086. >you put emphasis the word 'our'
  2087. "to be safe, i want them to be free of the fear they all have."
  2088. >"what could possibly trouble our ponies that you would know and my sister and i wouldn't"
  2089. "perhaps you do know of it. or perhaps you are simply ignorant of it."
  2090. >"dont toy with us Anonymous"
  2091. >you chuckle for a moment
  2092. "Forgive me. I forget Im speaking to 'royalty' but nevertheless the thing that they fear, is the unknown"
  2093. >"and why is that? you seem to believe you have a way to end that fear."
  2094. "I do. I shall let them grow, let them mature. not like my own people mind you. we matured too fast. we became greedy, and violent. but on the opposite end princess. besides YOUR rebellion.."
  2095. >you snap your eyes to her to catch her reaction
  2096. >she hides it well, but you can tell she is ashamed or angered
  2097. >or both
  2098. "they have had to real reason to mature. they have become soft. and dependent on your sisters protection"
  2099. >you intentionally leave out Luna's protection
  2100. "I want them to mature on their own become un-afraid and maybe, one day they wont need beings like us."
  2101. >"what do you mean like US?"
  2102. "id love to explain more princess"
  2103. >you look over to the rising sun
  2104. "but it seems its time to lower your moon.. dont worry we will speak again."
  2105. >you mockingly bow to her
  2106. >of course it appears to be real
  2107. >but you know better
  2108. "I promise princess, your ponies will be safe as long as I 'Anonymous' live."
  2109. >Luna watches you for a moment before leaving
  2110. "well. i think that went rather well."
  2111. >one of your faithful hands walks up to you.
  2112. >a worried look in his eyes
  2113. >"lord Anonymous, was it.. wise.. to confront the princess like that?"
  2114. >you look down to your little pony
  2115. >you pet his head softly
  2116. "fear not my little pony. she will learn I mean no harm to you or the others"
  2117. >the room becomes brightly lit with the rising sun
  2118. "I made a promise to keep you all safe."
  2119. >"I know lord. and we believe in you."
  2120. >he returns to his work, much less worried
  2121. "besides.. even the sun and the moon cannot run from their own fate"
  2123. >you are Copper Coin
  2124. >as soon as you return to your temporary home in ponyville there is a letter waiting for you
  2125. "whats this..."
  2126. >you open the letter marked TOP SECRET tier zero eyes only
  2127. >you read it slowly retaining all the information stored in the letter
  2128. "Anon is never wrong."
  2129. >The wedding he spoke of is already being planned in canterlot"
  2130. "even about weddings it seems"
  2131. >you will make sure he knows of this the first time you see him
  2133. >You are Silver Valor
  2134. >you have been waiting for further orders from Anonymous or Copper
  2135. >so far you have received none
  2136. >on top of that some of the guard have gone missing recently
  2137. >along with many acting strangely
  2138. >you must act at your own discretion
  2139. >you turn to your personal assistant and bodyguard
  2140. "i want to double the patrols, starting now, something is going on here"
  2141. >you look at your empty 'in' box
  2142. >its usually stacked up high with paperwork
  2143. "and i want to find out what."
  2144. >"as you command"
  2145. >you need some idea of whats going on here.
  2146. >relax valor...
  2147. "Anon knows what he is going on... i know it. he will know what to do"
  2149. >you are Twilight
  2150. >aka Purple magic
  2151. >today you received a letter from your older brother
  2152. >and it turns out he is getting
  2153. "Married?!"
  2154. >and not to just anypony
  2155. >he is getting married to the best foalsitter ever!
  2156. >you have to tell your friends about this!
  2158. >you are Anonymous
  2159. >and construction is going well.
  2160. >you have already got most of the main hall completed
  2161. >magic makes things so much easier
  2162. >the halls of the castle are adorned with your banner
  2163. >a symbol of hope for your little ponies.
  2164. >and a constant reminder of who they truly follow
  2165. >"Lord anonymous"
  2166. >Copper coin has arrived just on time as always
  2167. "Yes Copper?"
  2168. >"Candy-ass is getting married sooner than expected"
  2169. >Your fists tighten up for a moment
  2170. >you should have started all this sooner!
  2171. >you are not nearly ready!
  2172. >no matter.
  2173. "Proceed as we have discussed"
  2174. >"but.. my lord many of our ponies arnt ready yet. some haven't even wielded a weapon yet"
  2175. >your voice booms in the empty halls
  2176. "then they shall have a trail by fire! I will not be seen as useless! arm the ponies and get them into pre-assigned positions!"
  2177. >"yes lord. forgive me i didn't mean to question you."
  2178. >Does Copper fear you?
  2179. >your most loyal pony?
  2180. >perhaps its best to have a mix of fear and admiration
  2181. >but not yet.
  2182. "Im sorry Copper.. i didn't mean to let my emotions get the better of me."
  2183. >i should be more careful of this.
  2184. >i don't want to make a mistake like this to someone important
  2185. >"its ok lord, I understand, trying so hard to make make a better world for us all must be stressful"
  2186. "You have no idea Copper... things are just going to get harder from here. continue with our plans, and be sure to get them the new uniforms. don't want to look like rabble to we?"
  2187. >"I am your right hand lord. i will not disappoint you."
  2189. >be Canterlot
  2190. >yes you are a city
  2191. >thousands if not millions of ponies live in you
  2192. >and whats better a wedding will be taking place soon!
  2193. >but something seems off.
  2194. >there are more ponies than usual
  2195. >ponies in black uniforms walk down your streets
  2196. >they look like they are searching for something
  2197. >they are questioning ponies left and right
  2198. >what could they be looking for?
  2200. >you are Copper Coin. The right hand of fate
  2201. >as Anon has instructed you and your ponies have entered canterlot
  2202. >The Brownshirts have been taking care of most of the dirty work
  2203. >building barricades in secret
  2204. >fortifying abandoned houses
  2205. >and storing weapons in pre-planned hideouts
  2206. >but the important part of the job is up to you and your personal division
  2207. >you are the head Black Hand division
  2208. >the most loyal and elite of anons private 'army'
  2209. >and you must discover as many false ponies as possible before the attack
  2210. >'Discover'
  2211. >not engage
  2212. >you need to estimate the enemies forces before anything else
  2213. "this is going to be a very long day"
  2215. >you are Anonymous.
  2216. >and you are going to crash a wedding.
  2217. >and save a princess
  2218. >you speak to your bodyguard
  2219. "seems the regular guard is semi competent"
  2220. >you point up to the large pink dome just now forming over your head
  2221. >"bout time those ponies something got done around here sir."
  2222. "We cant all be as productive as you can we?"
  2223. >you and your guard smile briefly
  2224. >"no sir."
  2225. "well lets go. we have a princess to meet."
  2226. >"i have your back sir."
  2228. >you enter the castle in stride
  2229. >you know exactly who to look for
  2230. >only question is where to look.
  2231. >the main hall is already being decorated and ponies are too busy to notice you.
  2232. >at least at first
  2233. >the further into the castle you go the more you notice ponies giving you strange looks
  2234. >as if they never heard of you
  2235. >you can only assume its because they are changelings
  2236. >or they are just ignorant
  2237. >you lean in close to your black hand guard
  2238. "we must be getting closer."
  2239. >"why do you think that sir?"
  2240. "notice the ponies here?"
  2241. >"yes? they act like they have never seen you before, so what? they probably don't get out much?"
  2242. "not just that, look closer. you will see a few of them run after they are 'out of sight'"
  2243. >"changelings then sir?"
  2244. >you see him and the others look visibly more tense.
  2245. >some even ready their magic or blades
  2246. "the more hostile they appear... the closer we must be. lets keep moving"
  2247. >"as you wish sir. once more into the breach."
  2248. >its nice to see ponies so faithful to you at your side
  2249. >it gives you much more confidence in what you're doing
  2250. "that death does not wait, there is no debate, so charge and attack. we're going to hell and back"
  2251. >the ponies of course.. don't get your reference
  2252. >But hearing it inspires them all the same
  2254. >Be Queen Chrysalis
  2255. >your drones have reported there are ponies searching homes for something
  2256. >you can only assume its for you and your swarm
  2257. >however those foolish ponies apparently haven't found any of you
  2258. >there have been no arrests or attacks
  2259. >you are too smart for them
  2260. >but that beast that is walking the halls...
  2261. >he seems different.
  2262. >different from anypony you have met.
  2263. "perhaps i should make time to greet our guests. wouldn't you agree dear?"
  2264. >you turn to Shining armor who has just been placed under your control.
  2265. "well lets not keep them waiting!"
  2267. >you are Lyra. the Left hand of Fate
  2268. >the hand of Faith
  2269. >anon has asked you and your children of the hand to become warriors.
  2270. >he gave us robes. white and red with his mark
  2271. >where we walk he walks with us now.
  2272. >anons wisdom is eternal
  2273. >and your faith is stronger than any foe
  2274. >you decide its best to give a quick talk to the ponies here with you
  2275. >they look so peaceful
  2276. >no fear in their eyes as anon had said
  2277. >faith is their shield
  2278. "if anon asks us to fight. then we fight"
  2279. >"he is the hand of fate"
  2280. "if we die then it is our fate, a fate that cant be changed"
  2281. >"he is the hand of fate"
  2282. "it will soon be time.. we shall do his will with pride"
  2283. >"we are his faithful hands!"
  2285. >you are Twilight
  2286. >and something seems wrong.
  2287. >and you're not just talking about the ponies
  2288. >Cadence is acting strange
  2289. >you decided to stop by her room before the wedding to catch up and apologize
  2290. >what is she doing to shinning armor?
  2292. >you knew something was wrong!
  2293. >uh oh! she saw you!
  2295. >you are Anonymous
  2296. >and you are getting close.
  2297. >you can feel it
  2298. >some of the ponies are even deliberately trying to slow you down
  2299. >or stop you entirely
  2300. "pay them no mind what we came for is close now."
  2301. >a black hand knocks one of the changelings to the ground and spits on him
  2302. >"good. lets be gone before these.. pests get out of hand"
  2303. >ah.. picking up on human slang huh?
  2304. "the queen is right behind this door..."
  2305. >you open the door and sure enough...
  2306. >'Cadence' is waiting for you.
  2307. >along with a green eyed shining armor.
  2308. "Hello Cadence, its nice to finally meet you. Twilight has told me so much about you"
  2309. >Shining armors eyes quickly go back to normal
  2310. >and Cadence puts up an act fast
  2311. >"oh hello there. im sorry but i dont think we have met. who are you?"
  2312. "Oh my apologies, my name is Anonymous."
  2313. >you take a small bow.
  2314. >your black hands walk to your sides seemingly calm
  2315. >very professional
  2316. >Shining Armor speaks
  2317. >"are.. are YOU that creature, the human. Twilly has wrote so much about?"
  2318. "The one and only. you must be her older brother. she tells me so much about you."
  2320. [Embed] Chant of the Templars - Da Pacem Domine
  2322. >"i.. i bet.."
  2323. >you turn to one of the 'servants'
  2324. "would you mind getting me a drink?"
  2325. >the 'servant' doesn't move. just continues to glare at you.
  2326. "im sorry i forgot to say please.."
  2327. >the servant wasn't planning on moving until Cadence interrupted
  2328. >"don't be rude.. Anon has asked for a drink"
  2329. >the servant bows and scurries away to get a drink
  2330. >you have one more strike left queenie
  2331. >"so will you be at my wedding? i heard twilight was bringing all her best friends. she spoke of bringing you too, i however didn't realize you looked... like that. im sorry for my rudeness earlier"
  2332. >strike three...
  2333. >the Changeling returns with your water
  2334. "My thanks. here for all your hard work i got you something something i think you deserve"
  2335. >in a quick motion you crush the bugs skull under your boot
  2336. >then you look to Cadence
  2337. "three strikes... strike one. bad cover-up"
  2338. >your black hands close the door behind you and seal it up with magic
  2339. "strike two, the servants are worse actors than you."
  2340. >the non unicorns draw their blades while the unicorns ready magic
  2341. "and strike three... Twilight didn't know I was coming."
  2343. "Kill her.."
  2344. >apparently, there were more servants in this room than you expected
  2345. >what appeared to be about five or sex quickly became two dozen
  2346. >it matters little
  2347. "shield"
  2348. >one of your unicorn guards stand in front of you horn glowing
  2349. >at that moment two changelings charge at you
  2350. >but they are too slow
  2351. >a blue orb envelops you and your guard
  2352. >as the two bugs make contact they receive a large shock of electricity
  2353. >or magic energy
  2354. >whichever is cannon
  2355. >they hit the ground. a dead twitching mess.
  2356. >around the room you see piles of carcasses
  2357. >all of them drone changelings
  2358. "i see your infiltrators are shit at real combat."
  2359. >Chrysalis sneers at you
  2360. >"what would a ape like you know!? you cower behind a shield! fight me!"
  2361. "no.. i leave that to my betters"
  2362. >you give a hand motion and the other black hands.
  2363. >a total of 4 ponies: 1 unicorn and 3 earth ponies advance on her.
  2364. >but Shining armor gets in the way.
  2365. >"I wont let you harm my wife!"
  2366. >his eyes are full of rage
  2367. >he really believes that she is his wife
  2368. >>"hmhmhm looks like i can hide behind a shield of my own. in fact. he is a whole set of armor"
  2369. >oh lame joke...
  2370. "what makes you think i give a rats ass about him?"
  2371. >"I.. what? what do you mean! he is a innocent pony! you wouldn't hurt an innocent"
  2372. >she smiles at you thinking she has you beat
  2373. "there is no innocence Chrysalis, only varying degrees of guilt."
  2374. >you lock eyes with hers.
  2375. >then Shining armors.
  2376. "shining armor. are you or are you not, willing to use deadly force against me?"
  2377. >his horn glows
  2378. "are you planning on killing those ponies in front of you?"
  2379. >"you are a threat to my wife. if she wants you to die then ill kill you"
  2380. >just what you wanted to hear.
  2381. >the pony in your shield then speaks
  2382. >"Then Captain armor, under article 12 section 24, I royal guard First Lieutenant 'Honor Bound' assume rank of Captain and place you under arrest. Resistance will be met with deadly force"
  2383. "your move bug lover"
  2385. >you are Copper coin.
  2386. >its been too long since anon has spoken with you.
  2387. >as the plan stated if he wasn't to return on time you were move on with the next phase of the plan anyway
  2388. "inform the men, clear out the creatures. we will restore order to equestria."
  2389. >"aye sir!"
  2390. >a burst of magic shoots into the air from his horn
  2391. >and the Operation has begun.
  2393. >you are Lyra.
  2394. >the signal has been given.
  2395. "let us march in his name!"
  2396. >"He is the hand of fate!
  2397. >>"We are his faithful hands!"
  2398. >as you march into the streets you and the other ponies begin a chant to inspire the troops
  2399. >one worthy of Anonymous
  2400. >one you and the other ponies have been practicing for this moment
  2402. [Embed] Warhammer 40k - Warriors of the God Emperor
  2403. >change human to pony and emperor to anonymous
  2405. >you are anonymous
  2406. >and you hear battle outside
  2407. >good... this should be over quickly
  2408. >you can explain all this to the princesses once you have this bugs head
  2409. >Shining armor charges and launches a blast of magic at you
  2410. >it penetrates the shield and burns your face
  2411. "ahh son of a bitch!"
  2412. >you point to the attacker
  2413. "kill him now!"
  2414. >your orders were executed with a righteous fury.
  2415. >chrysalis is strong. but her power is coming from shining armor.
  2416. >remove him.. remove her power
  2417. >four versus one?
  2418. >it was no contest
  2419. >shining armor focused all his power on you.
  2420. >leaving him open to attacks from the others.
  2421. >the first attack came from an earth pony.
  2422. >a slash to his back leg, a chunk of flesh being severed clean
  2423. >the second was from another angle a stab to his front shoulder blade
  2424. >the third was a blast of magic to his face, where he burned to a crisp. his eyes shriveling and burning with a audible pop
  2425. >the final blow was to his gut, a stab piercing from the bottom up past his spine
  2426. >your ponies never flinched
  2427. >chrysalis however
  2429. >you are Chrysalis
  2430. >you are the predator, the one who was behind all of this
  2431. >you looked at the macabre scene in horror
  2432. >where once before was a whole alive stallion, just like the others
  2433. >there was now just a scarecrow of flesh and fire.
  2434. >it was sickening
  2435. >sure you killed ponies before. but it was for survival
  2436. >they did it just because anon asked.
  2437. >they were ponies! not drones!
  2438. >so they killed a pony. and a fellow guard out of free will!
  2439. >you look over to Anon
  2440. >you realized that he alone controls your Fate
  2441. "n..Now lets not be to hasty about this anonymous.. I still have my.."
  2442. >his voice thunders in the small room
  2443. >"YOU HAVE NOTHING! are you so disconnected from your swarm that you cant hear? i can hear them clearly! listen."
  2444. >you were ignorant o it till now, but you do hear it.
  2445. >screams, fear, and pain.
  2446. >you can almost feel all the pain your children are going through
  2447. >you begin to cry, you never cried before
  2448. "I.. i still have.."
  2449. >"NOTHING! you are an insect worthless! a queen with no brood!"
  2450. >his words are like thousands of deaths over and over
  2451. >"what could you possibly have that id want?"
  2452. "if.. if you let me and my children go.."
  2453. >"you will come back and try again! dont say you wont. I've seen it."
  2454. "how could you have?"
  2455. >"you clearly dont know who i am. i am anonymous. I AM FATE!"
  2456. >anonymous' eyes slightly glow, its barely visible. but its there
  2457. >"and death Chrysalis! is your fate!"
  2458. >those were the last words you ever heard
  2460. >you are anonymous
  2461. >and your face burns
  2462. >you still feel the heat from shining armors magic on your skin
  2463. >"lord anonymous?..."
  2464. >the black hand ponies look to you.
  2465. >you stand a few feet from where you were before
  2466. >and you are extremely dizzy
  2467. >"you look around and notice you are holding chrysalis by her neck
  2468. >well you're holding her head anyway.
  2469. >her body in on the floor
  2470. "I... wha.."
  2471. >you take a moment to regain your composure
  2472. "clean up this mess. get the guards in here to have shining armor confirmed dead by changelings"
  2473. >"sir. are you ok.. should we get you a medical pony?"
  2474. "Honor Bound. you stay with me, the rest of you. you have your orders.."
  2475. >>"yes sir."
  2476. "Honor Bound. tell me exactly what happened after i was hit."
  2477. >"uh.. as you wish sir.."
  2479. >you are Copper coin
  2480. >the dome fell about halfway into the fight
  2481. >its was worrying for a moment
  2482. >but besides that the plan went perfectly
  2483. >the changelings were quickly discovered and eliminated
  2484. >at first the ponies thought you were the enemy
  2485. >but once it became clear you were fighting changelings they quickly changed views
  2486. >the royal guard had to join in and of course that caused a few problems
  2487. >but besides a few minor setbacks the battle was swift
  2488. "inform the guard that the threat has been dealt with. and they can thank lord anonymous once he returns"
  2489. >"what if they blame us for the attack?"
  2490. "then they are fooling themselves, only a idiot would think that we attacked canterlot and the targets all HAPPENED to be changelings"
  2491. >"heh. i guess you are right sir."
  2492. "its amazing how anonymous knew all this would happen."
  2493. >"it is sir. my faith in him has never been stronger."
  2495. >you are Princess Celestia
  2496. >and you are pissed
  2497. >but you are also very thankful
  2498. >you are in a very delicate state of mind
  2499. "anonymous has overstepped the bounds of anyone in equestrian history! he created is own ARMY!"
  2500. >You vent your concerns to your sister Luna
  2501. >who is listening and just letting you vent
  2502. >you calm down after a while
  2503. "but.. if he didnt do as he did, i dont know how many ponies might have been hurt..."
  2504. >"sister has there been any news about Cadence and Shining Armor?"
  2505. "No sister.. and im very worried."
  2506. >"fear not sister im sure they are well and safe."
  2507. >Luna is right.
  2508. >surely if anonymous was able to save so many lives today then surely they would be ok
  2510. >you are Anonymous
  2511. >and you are barely walking
  2512. >for some reason you feel weaker than normal
  2513. "we need to get to the mines..."
  2514. >"we need to get YOU to a medical pony."
  2515. "I gave you an order! take me to the mines now"
  2516. >"as you wish sir. i am your faithful hands"
  2518. >about twenty minutes later
  2520. >you are now deep in the canterlot mines.
  2521. >there are crystals everywhere.
  2522. >your voice is a little weak
  2523. "H..Hello?!"
  2524. >"sir who are we looking for?"
  2525. >two or three Brownshirts joined you when they saw how weak you were
  2526. >they felt they needed to keep you safe
  2527. "search the mines. there should be two ponies here. The Real Princess cadence and Twilight. when you find them bring them here."
  2528. >you move away from Honor Bound and lean against a nearby cart.
  2529. "Ill wait here.. I need to think of what i say next very carefully..."
  2530. >"you heard lord anonymous! get searching! we have ponies trapped down here!"
  2531. >perhaps a short nap will help.
  2533. >you are Twilight sparkle
  2534. >and you have been trapped in this 'cave?' for who knows how long.
  2535. >you are trapped in here with the real Princess Cadence
  2536. >she isnt taking this well at all.
  2537. >today is supposed to be her wedding day
  2538. >and from what you found out your older brother is going to marry Chrysalis a changeling queen
  2539. "dont worry Cadence, my friends will notice we're gone and we will be out of here soon"
  2540. >she softly responds with
  2541. >"ok twilight..."
  2542. >this much be a lot for her.
  2543. >>"hello?! anyone in here!"
  2544. >was that a voice!
  2545. >it must be the guard!
  2546. "Cadence listen! its a pony they know we are missing!"
  2547. >you shout over the crystals
  2548. "Hello! over here! help us! Princess Cadence isnt doing to well! I-I think she might be hurt!"
  2549. >>"Keep talking! we are coming towards your voice!'
  2550. >cadence still is quiet
  2551. >something must really be bothering her...
  2553. >be Princess Cadence
  2554. >something is very wrong...
  2555. >you are the princess of love
  2556. >you can feel the love ponies have for one another
  2557. >especially when that love is directed to you.
  2558. "why is it Shining Armors love is suddenly gone?..."
  2559. >you dont care if you are found or not...
  2561. >Be Honor Bound
  2563. >you hear a young mares voice yell back
  2564. >"can you see a way to get us out!?"
  2566. >you give them a minute or two to get a good distance away
  2567. >you nod to the two other unicorns no with you
  2568. >you all charge up a magic attack to break the crystals apart
  2570. >you are anonymous.
  2571. >and you hear a large explosion in the distance
  2572. "they must have found them.. they will be here soon.."
  2573. >you do your best to stand
  2574. >it takes a few tries
  2575. >and your face still burns
  2576. >but you eventually stand up just in time
  2577. >Twilight and Candace arrive to see you wobbling tall.
  2578. "Im sorry Twilight... I tried"
  2579. >you cant stand anymore.
  2580. >you fall the the ground.
  2581. "fuck.. that hurt.."
  2582. >Honor Bound rushes to your side.
  2583. >"sir, you need to stay awake. you are hurt to badly"
  2584. >the rest of the ponies also rush to your side.
  2585. >all but cadence she still sulks
  2586. >you can hear twilight's voice
  2587. >"anon..? what happened to you?"
  2588. "that doesnt matter twilight... i want you to know. that i am sorry"
  2589. >you pass out then and there
  2590. >that sentence was probably the most believable lie you ever told
  2592. >you are Honor Bound
  2593. "get me a medical pony YESTERDAY! thats a direct order!"
  2594. >the Brownshirts quickly run off to fetch anypony who can help
  2595. >Twilight looks on the verge of tears
  2596. >"what.. what did he mean by he is sorry?"
  2597. >you focus on keeping Lord anonymous alive
  2598. >you try to stabilize him with your magic
  2599. >but you don't know how
  2600. >"Answer me!"
  2601. >you snap your eyes to the purple pony.
  2602. >Doesnt she see than anonymous needs help!?
  2603. >we ponies are HIS faithful hands
  2604. >we he needs help WE give it!
  2605. >then you see her begin to cry.
  2606. >you look over to cadence who has already begun crying
  2607. >she must have known already..
  2608. "Despite our Lords best efforts..."
  2609. >you pause still concerned for his safety
  2610. >"Despite his efforts what!?"
  2611. "despite his best efforts to save.. Captain Shining Armor.."
  2612. >you look to the entrance waiting for medical to arrive
  2613. "Shining armor was killed in the fight to stop Chrysalis, he fought till his last breath.. he was truly a guard to the end"
  2614. >you keep looking to the entrance
  2615. >as you hear two mares cries echo in the mines
  2617. >you are anon.
  2618. >and as far as you can tell you are asleep
  2619. >when did you fall asleep?
  2620. >"well my, my, you have been a busy little human haven't you?"
  2621. >you recognize that voice.
  2622. >but you cant place it.
  2623. >"you have been causing quite a bit of chaos.."
  2624. "I prevent chaos.. I am order. I am Fate!"
  2625. >your voice echos in the empty void
  2626. >the voice laughs to himself
  2627. >its clearly a male voice
  2628. >"well what is order without chaos? nothing! you and I. we are one and the same"
  2629. >you remember that voice now.
  2630. "We are nothing alike.."
  2631. >"we both have the same power source. the same as the sisters, the same as cadence, isnt that enough to say we are the same?"
  2632. "i have no powers. im human. we have no magic"
  2633. >"listen here boy, ive been around long enough to know that if something DOESN'T have magic. it just hasn't been here long enough, and you have been here a while"
  2634. >you try to clear you head and the void around you becomes a blank white page
  2635. "so.. im in my head?"
  2636. >"ehhh close.. you see you and I"
  2637. >living room set appears in front of you
  2638. >nothing matches with anything else
  2639. >"we are right now on a different plane, a new world like area."
  2640. "like.. like the Immaterium?"
  2641. >"YES! well.. no.. but yes."
  2642. >this is getting old
  2643. "why dont you just come out of hiding Discord.."
  2644. >"oh dear human im not hiding! you simply dont believe im here!"
  2645. "so therefore you arnt?"
  2646. >"in a manner of speaking yes!"
  2647. >"did you ever wonder how i got my power? hm?"
  2648. "No. and i dont really care."
  2649. >"well you should. because you are starting to be effected by it."
  2650. "like.. when i felt so weak?"
  2651. >"yes.. you are becoming like us! ponies believe you are more than you are! so eventually when enough believe it you will become it! you exist because they do!"
  2652. "i think i get it.."
  2653. >"OOP time to wake up! seems you need to talk to someone important soon! tata!"
  2655. >you are anonymous
  2656. >and you are Fate
  2657. >your time in this world is not yet up
  2658. >you open your eyes.
  2659. "why.. where am I?"
  2660. >"hes waking up. get the medication!"
  2661. "get, get off of me. I need to get to Copper and inform him"
  2662. >you push someone away just as you feel a sting in your shoulder
  2663. "dont get me anything! im fine!"
  2664. >your vision is blurry
  2665. >you never felt this weak
  2666. "what happened?.."
  2667. >you hear the familiar voice of Honor Bound
  2668. >"you died sir. you flat lined just before you awoke"
  2669. "heh. you should know better then that.. Fate can never die."
  2671. >you are Honor Bound
  2672. >and you just witnessed the impossible
  2673. >Lord anonymous came back from the dead
  2674. >"heh. you should know better then that.. Fate can never die."
  2675. "I never would have thought so until now sir.."
  2676. >"get the men ready. i need them to see that im alive and unharmed"
  2677. "they are outside sir. we have been waiting or news. all of equestria has."
  2678. >"news? what news.."
  2679. "Sir you are currently inside the Royal Hospital of the Sister Princesses"
  2680. >not to mention we just fought a small scale war in a matter of hours
  2681. >"i need some air.. take me to a window or something"
  2682. >>"we cant have him moving around! he shouldnt even be moving at all!"
  2683. "he gave you orders! i will enforce them myself if i must. ill take you to the balcony sir"
  2684. >you feel honored that anonymous trusts you enough to let you guide him to his ponies.
  2686. >you are Anonymous
  2687. >after walking for a bit you can start to see clearer
  2688. >you hear ponies in the distance but they are quiet
  2689. >you place your hands on the edge of what you can only assume is the balcony Honorspoke of
  2690. >your vision slowly comes back
  2691. >and below you are thousands of cheering ponies.
  2692. "heh.. I guess we won then."
  2693. >in a sudden wave your senses return to you.
  2694. >you feel a burning on your face
  2695. >its a intense pain like nothing you have felt before
  2696. >you hold your face with your hand to compensate the feeling
  2697. >"Lord are you sure you should be out here. the sunlight could be very bad for that burn.."
  2698. "Im fine Honor.. I want to see my ponies.."
  2699. >you want them to see you.
  2700. >you do your best to stand tall on your own
  2701. >and you bask in the glory these ponies give you.
  2702. >there is a soft voice behind you.
  2703. >a motherly one
  2704. >"Anonymous. we need to talk..."
  2705. "I understand... Honor. lets go."
  2706. >"yes sir."
  2708. >you stumble down the halls of the palace
  2709. >you refuse to have anyone assist you
  2710. >you need to do this on your own
  2711. >you are not helpless.
  2712. >"anonymous... Twilight told me about what you said."
  2713. "what did she say?"
  2714. >"she said that.. you saw shinning armor die. ad that you tried to save him, that you said that with your last conscious breath"
  2715. >you remain silent
  2716. >you said you were sorry.
  2717. >not that you tried to save him
  2718. >"i would like to ask how it happened..."
  2719. >dont trust me?
  2720. >"im going to give a speech at his funeral, twilight requested you be there."
  2721. "Its the least i can do.. he was a fighter till the end."
  2722. >you smile realizing even now he is fighting you
  2723. >you also realize this burn will never go away
  2724. >you are now alone in a room with Celestia.
  2725. >well not completely
  2726. >Honor Bound is with you.
  2727. >He was your bodyguard specially selected by Copper Coin.
  2728. >and he takes his job Very seriously
  2729. >"anonymous.. does that burn hurt?"
  2730. >awh she cares.
  2731. "it burns like a son of a bitch. and i think it never will stop burning."
  2732. >she looks at you with concern
  2733. >"and why is that anonymous?"
  2734. "because Shining Armor gave me this burn..."
  2736. >You are Honor Bound
  2737. >did anon just admit to killing a would-be prince?
  2738. >no.. he just said that he gave him the mark. not how, or why.
  2739. >"Shining armor attacked me when i tried to stop Chrysalis"
  2741. >>"why would shining armor do that!?"
  2742. >you look to the princess she is very interested and worried
  2743. >"Shining armor believed that the Changeling was his soon to be wife.."
  2744. >Anonymous.. what are you planning?
  2745. >are you going to give up on all we are trying to accomplish?
  2746. >"he attacked with a blast strong enough to destroy the shield we had protecting us. it was focused on killing me, theres no other way that much emotion could have powered that blast."
  2747. >>"anonymous.. what happened in that room?"
  2748. >L-Lord?..
  2749. >there is a long silence and anon hangs his head.
  2750. >Celestia looks at him intensely
  2751. >"I killed Shining Armor."
  2752. >ANONYMOUS what are you doing?!
  2754. >you are princess Celestia
  2755. >and you cannot believe what you heard.
  2756. >anonymous, the hero of canterlot
  2757. >the self proclaimed 'hand of fate' killed Shining Armor
  2758. >your Captain
  2759. >Your soon to be Family
  2760. >the Groom
  2761. >and he admitted to it right in front of you.
  2762. >no. he admitted it TO you.
  2763. "why?"
  2765. >you are anonymous
  2766. >and the real battlefield has been established
  2767. >this room, this was your goal.
  2768. >now that you are here, you will plan each move accordingly
  2769. >each apology a tactical withdrawal
  2770. >each confession an advance
  2771. >diplomacy is just as critical in warfare as the troops in the field
  2772. >you remember a quote from one of your favorite books.
  2773. >If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
  2774. >If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
  2775. >If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
  2776. >you know Celestia.
  2777. >you know yourself.
  2778. >the battle has finally begun.
  2780. >you are Honor Bound
  2781. >and you are shocked at what anon is doing
  2782. >is he trying to get himself killed?!
  2783. >you cant beat a princess...
  2784. >but if it came down to it...
  2785. >you would die trying
  2786. >you are his faithful hand
  2787. >anon speaks more
  2788. >"he wouldn't listen to reason, even when his fellow guardsponies tried to convince him"
  2789. >"we found out it was a spell chrysalis was using to keep him in her control"
  2790. >"we tried to dispel it but were unable. the only unicorn that survived was Honor bound here"
  2791. >i shall be remembered for my faith...
  2792. >because i think this is the end.
  2793. >"and that's only because he was casting the shield."
  2794. >...
  2795. >...
  2796. >...
  2797. >the silence is deafening
  2798. >>"this.. this is a lot to take in anonymous.. on top of that, you killed the captain of the royal guard"
  2799. >"yes I did."
  2800. >>"why did you say he died a hero then?"
  2801. >"i said he was a fighter till the end, and i meant it. but i dont want his name tarnished he deserves better than that."
  2802. >oh so that's your game anon...
  2804. >you are Anonymous the Hand of Fate
  2805. >its your move now my dear waifu...
  2806. "i couldn't bare twilight knowing the truth... her brother deserves to be honored as a hero who gave the ultimate sacrifice for what he believed in"
  2807. >if you could laugh right now you would
  2808. >you can feel her sorrow and understanding from here
  2809. >she is like a rat in a trap
  2810. >"i understand how you might think that way... but to lie about his death to her.. especially when you 'died' afterwards--"
  2811. >you cut in
  2812. "I would die again if it kept his fate from her. Her brother IS a hero. even if he died fighting for the wrong side."
  2813. >"if that is the case why have you told me this Anonymous! you put me in a very difficult spot"
  2814. >I know that already
  2815. >lets see how a deity of the sun handles a bit of intrigue like we have everyday on earth
  2816. "I told you. because I have to carry this"
  2817. >you motion to the burn on your face
  2818. "for the rest of my life.. a constant reminder of what ive done.. and i cant hide the truth forever, its best to tell you now, rather than you find out later."
  2819. >Ive got you RIGHT where i want you.
  2820. >you are so predictable..
  2821. >its why i used to love you so much.
  2822. >always the good older sister
  2823. >if this was Luna.. she may have called me out my lies..
  2824. >But not you... not the trusting one.
  2826. >be Honor Bound
  2827. >you cannot believe what is happening here right in front of you
  2828. >this is a battle of gods!
  2829. >and yours is coming out on top.
  2830. >the other might not even realize there is a battle waging
  2831. "my lord... i don't mean to interrupt"
  2832. >"what is it Honor Bound?"
  2833. "its just.. what would happen if other ponies found out about what happened?"
  2834. >if i help out this should be a bit easier for him
  2835. >don't worry anonymous.
  2836. >i am always and forever your faithful hand
  2837. >"There might be some ponies calling out for justice against me. Justice they wouldn't be wrong in asking for"
  2838. >>"No one will know of this."
  2839. >you look to the princess of the sun
  2840. >"what do you mean princess"
  2841. >>"What i mean is, what we have discussed here does not leave this room."
  2842. >perfect.
  2844. >be anonymous
  2845. >damn it! i wasn't finished with her yet!
  2846. >Damn you HONOR!
  2847. "if that's what you wish. i told you what happened there. I wont tell another soul"
  2848. >i swear if he does something like this again ill have him end up like Armor
  2849. >a 'hero.'
  2850. >"let us go. we have preparations to make for the funeral tomorrow, you both will be attending, that is the sentence for your crime anonymous"
  2851. >that's all... a funeral for a dead horse?
  2852. "Ill have a speech ready.. my men will honor him as a martyr."
  2853. >Celestia doesn't even look at you
  2854. >shes still processing what has been said here
  2855. >"Ill see to it you get your chance for your speech. its the least you can do"
  2856. "as you wish princess."
  2857. >honor.. i would have had absolute victory if you didn't step in.
  2858. >be fucking glad i got this much out of it.
  2859. >or you will have your fate come sooner than later.
  2861. >its the day of Captain Armors Funeral.
  2862. >you stand at the head of the gravestone
  2863. >right next to the wife and sister.
  2864. >there is silence as the guard bring the casket from the barracks
  2865. >to your left is the whole of the solar and lunar guards
  2866. >to the right are all of your faithful
  2867. >the casket makes it to the grave
  2868. >at the exact moment it does your ponies give him a salute simultaneously
  2869. >Twilight breaks down.
  2870. >Cadence is forlorn
  2871. >she is all out of tears from crying for so long.
  2872. >she looks good in black.
  2873. >Celestia and Luna approach the grave
  2874. >Celestia never looks at you.
  2875. >she gives her final goodbyes to her faithful captain
  2876. >"anonymous was there for Shining armors last moments. id like to ask him to say a few words"
  2877. >she turns away and steps to the side
  2878. >making sure not to look at you.
  2879. >you take a step forward eyes on the casket
  2880. "Captain Shining Armor. You will be remembered for your valor and heroism, you are what all ponies should aspire to be. I envy you... If there was a way i could have taken your place instead i would have. you gave your life so that others may live."
  2881. >you snap him a salute
  2882. >your ponies follow suit
  2883. >all your ponies say as one
  2884. >"You will forever be remembered. Your Fate came too soon."
  2885. "I promise to keep those you loved safe shining armor. I swear it."
  2886. >the feeling of the burn returns to your face
  2887. >eat your heart out shining armor.
  2888. >you take a step back and let the dead be laid to rest
  2889. >twilight takes a step forward now.
  2890. >its her turn
  2891. >"Brother.. Anonymous said you died a hero. I believe him, that's the only way you could have died"
  2892. >"you always did take your job seriously.. i just wish i could have seen you one last time before..."
  2893. >twilight doesn't have the strength to continue and steps back fresh tears streaming down her face.
  2895. >its been three hours
  2896. >you, Cadence, and Twilight are all that remains.
  2897. >as the sun sets the last light folds over Shining's grave like a blanket
  2898. >you stifle a smile as you say
  2899. "goodnight. sweet prince."
  2902. >you are anonymous
  2903. >and its time to leave.
  2904. >you look over to Twilight sparkle and Cadence
  2905. "Come on you two... we better get going."
  2906. >at first they seem to ignore you
  2907. >but soon as you start to walk away you hear their heavy hoofsteps behind you.
  2908. >i wonder is shining armor was one of my followers?
  2909. >probably not. he was to loyal to the princesses.
  2911. >You are Lyra
  2912. >after the battle you have all new respect for your ponies.
  2913. "today we proved to all the ponies of Canterlot that the path anonymous leads us is true."
  2914. >you look over your 'children' of fate
  2915. "im sure each and every one of you have made our Lord proud. And im happy to tell you all, Anonymous has recovered from his battle with the Changelings."
  2916. >Your ponies utter a few prayers
  2917. >most likely to thank anonymous for not leaving us so soon.
  2918. "what more.. we have heard something very interesting happened at the hospital before anonymous awoke"
  2919. >after a few second the praying stops and all the ponies look to you
  2920. "Its seems Anonymous died... then rose from the grave. If this doesn't prove to us that he is the true Hand of Fate then I don't know what will"
  2921. >some ponies begin to cry while others begin to pray once more. tears of joy, and prayers of thanks fill the room.
  2922. >Anonymous truly is a God.
  2924. >You are once again Anonymous.
  2925. >and you have to return to your town.
  2926. >they have been without your presence for too long.
  2927. >the people should be fine under the small scale government you set in place
  2928. >but what you mostly desire to see. is the reconstruction and excavation of the old castle ruins
  2929. >perhaps something has been found in your absence.
  2930. >"anonymous"
  2931. >you are broken from your thoughts by Cadence
  2932. "yes Cadence?"
  2933. >she slowly walks over and takes a seat next to you.
  2934. >she has a slight fade to her once bright colors
  2935. >"I.. never thanked you for what you have done"
  2936. >is that all?
  2937. "I wish i could have done more.."
  2938. >"i know you do"
  2939. >she looks at your burn
  2940. >"but i know you tried. and that's all i could have asked for."
  2941. "I thank you cadence for your time. But im afraid i need to go. i have ponies in Ponyville who need me there."
  2942. >and a castle to rebuild in my glory.
  2943. >"Twilight is to upset to leave her room, and since.. Armor died.. I don't have anyone to talk to."
  2944. >this isn't looking good
  2945. >you don't need a depressed Princess informant following you around
  2946. >but if you turn her away that would only ruin your image.
  2947. >fuck.. ponies love to fuck me over.
  2948. "I see.."
  2949. >"Would you be willing to visit from time to time.. you were the only pony to stay with Twilight and I for so long after everyone left."
  2950. "I suppose I could, i have business here often enough."
  2951. >she almost smiles. but it just isn't in her yet.
  2952. >"thank you Anonymous"
  2953. >slowly she walks away leaving you alone
  2954. "I need to get to work.."
  2956. >you still haven't recovered fully
  2957. >after a short walk.
  2958. >or wobble in your case
  2959. >you make it to the exit of Canterlot castle
  2960. >every guard you pass gives you a salute.
  2961. >even if they aren't one of your followers
  2962. >you have earned the title of 'hero of canterlot' among the ponies here
  2963. >and that is enough for respect
  2964. "i require my Carriage. would someone please be so kind as to retrieve them?
  2965. >a guard leaves his post for a moment and soon your carriage arrives at the door
  2966. "i want to go home. the past few days have been far to stressful"
  2967. >"understood lord. we will have you there as soon as we are able"
  2968. "thank you."
  2969. >the Carriage takes off moments later
  2970. >as you look over Canterlot you see princess Celestia
  2971. >watching your carriage leave the city
  2972. "don't get too lonely princess. i still have much work to do before i return."
  2973. >you smile and relax
  2974. >a short nap on your flight wold do you good.
  2975. >a sudden stop wakes you from your rest.
  2976. >it appears you have landed
  2977. >you look out of your window
  2978. >this isn't ponyville
  2979. >"we have arrived sir. watch your step not everything is completed yet"
  2980. >you step out and into the calm woods.
  2981. >in front of you is a nearly completed castle entrance
  2982. "seems construction is going better than expected."
  2983. >"we have had a influx of volunteers since you have been gone"
  2984. >you turn to see Copper Coin standing just behind you
  2985. >he is in full uniform with his own personal guard
  2986. >they salute you
  2987. >>"welcome back Lord"
  2988. "thank you, my faithful hands"
  2989. >"lets us enter then shall we?"
  2990. "lead the way Copper."
  2991. >he walks to the large doors as they open for us to enter
  2992. >"right this way"
  2993. >you follow him inside this castle looks nothing like it once did.
  2994. >its been heavily improved
  2995. >the masonry is all new
  2996. >the windows are stained glass, of course they are all of you besides the first two being the sisters
  2997. >its only fair to give them their due
  2998. "Its very acceptable Copper."
  2999. >"thank you sir. now if you follow me ill take you to your temporary chambers"
  3000. >you walk some more
  3001. >the halls around you are dark blue with large red and white banners
  3002. >there are ponies standing guard all in key positions
  3003. >workers are kept track of and directed by Brownshirts
  3004. >there are a few of your Black Hands stationed by some rooms
  3005. >Copper explains that they are all guarding Intel or locations where we are currently storing weapons and... artifacts
  3006. >"i will go into more detail on those in the morning sir. you will need to be fully recovered trust me"
  3007. "Copper i just came back from the dead, im sure a old artifact wont stop me for long"
  3008. >Copper only chuckles as he leads you to your room
  3009. >"here we are."
  3010. >its clearly not for unwanted guests to enter,
  3011. >there are four unicorn Black Hands stationed outside the door
  3012. >they snap to attention as they see you approach
  3013. >"Nothing will get past us sir."
  3014. >>"We stake our life on it"
  3015. >the unicorns open the large doors
  3016. >inside are two more of the Black hands
  3017. >they snap to attention
  3018. >you enter the room and once inside you see a fully furnished room.
  3019. >your bed is at the furthest corner and there are plenty of chairs and luxuries
  3020. >this was better than your room in Canterlots castle
  3021. "leave me. for tonight. ill be expecting to see what you recovered in the morning Copper"
  3022. >"as you wish Lord. oh. and before i forget there are a few ponies who are asking for you."
  3023. >who could be asking for me?
  3024. >well, enough so that Copper felt the need to inform me
  3025. >"five ponies who say they know you. and that they are friends of a Miss Twilight Sparkle."
  3026. >i should have guessed it would be them
  3027. "fine.. ill speak with them tomorrow, but the artifacts come first."
  3028. >with that the doors close and you take a seat at the nearby desk
  3029. >it takes you a moment but you get a hold of a quill and paper
  3030. >heh.. this will be most enjoyable..
  3031. >you begin your letter
  3032. "dear, princess Celesta...."
  3034. >you are Honor Bound
  3035. >you have been given a special assignment
  3036. >one that supersedes any previous orders.
  3037. >you were told to take a small detachment of black hands and look for something
  3038. >something called "the crystal kingdom"
  3039. >you never question orders
  3040. >especially from anonymous
  3041. >but why did where he have to tell you to look be so bucking cold!
  3043. >you are anonymous
  3044. >you look over your letter and read it to yourself
  3045. "dear Princess Celestia, It has come to my attention that you sister dislikes or disapproves of my recent renovation and inhabiting of the old Everfree castle. while i do respect her desire i leave, i have plans to take up permanent residence here, reconstruction has been underway for some time now and is nearly complete. I offer to you, your sister, and Cadence. Invitation to the castle upon its completion. everything will be provided from food, entertainment, and music to living space. feel free to bring along any and all guests. Sincerely yours..."
  3046. >you pause.
  3047. >perhaps...
  3048. >you add your personal seal for the signature
  3049. >anonymous died in their care..
  3050. >and you were reborn with only from will.
  3051. >you are the true lord of fate.
  3052. >and Fate has decided to change.
  3054. >you are Copper Coin
  3055. >you are inside the castles old alchemy lab
  3056. >it has been re-purposed for Intel gathering and study
  3057. >Tier 1 Operators and above only
  3058. "this is interesting... Glazed Sphere come here!"
  3059. >a unicorn in a black lab coat trots over
  3060. >"what have you found Copper?"
  3061. "Take this crystal"
  3062. >he looks at you confused for a moment but then takes it
  3063. "go over there!"
  3064. >you point to the other side of the room
  3065. >"uh, alright"
  3066. >he trots to the other side of the room and looks back to you
  3067. >he speaks but you hear his voice twice.
  3068. >"now what"
  3069. >"now what"
  3070. >HA it does work!
  3071. "just listen"
  3072. >he jumps a bit and the crystal falls from his magical grip
  3073. >he leans down low and inspects it
  3074. >"it carried your voice.."
  3075. "yes! it carried my voice, and it carries yours!"
  3076. >the unicorn and you stop and look at each other
  3077. >you then say simultaneously
  3078. "Instant communication!"
  3079. >"and without a need for a power source! or phone lines!"
  3080. >anonymous will be pleased to hear of this discovery
  3081. >just image what we can do now.
  3083. >you are Anonymous
  3084. >that was the best sleep you ever had.
  3085. >you leave your bed and get dressed
  3086. >your clothes were already transported and stored in your new abode
  3087. >once fully awake and dressed its time to start a new day
  3088. >A magical day in equestria where nothing bad ever happens!
  3089. >you walk to your door
  3090. >and suddenly your face burns
  3091. "AH!"
  3092. >you hold your face tightly
  3093. >the burn Shining armor left is acting up
  3094. >perhaps this is his revenge?
  3095. >the doors burst open as your black hands enter the room clearing it for any danger
  3096. >"my lord are you alright?!"
  3097. "im fine. this damned mark burns is all."
  3098. >you wave them off and regain your composure
  3099. "take me to Copper Coin. he said he had things to show me today"
  3100. >"as you wish my lord."
  3101. >the walk to meet copper was uneventful
  3102. >but it was nice to admire your new home some more
  3103. "Copper. what has been found in my absence"
  3104. >copper turns to you
  3105. >its very apparent he hasn't slept all night
  3106. >"Anonymous! you're awake! ive been so wrapped up in this i forgot to sleep"
  3107. >oh great. this aught to be good
  3108. >"it appears this crystal we have discovered in the castle makes it possible to communicate instantly over short distance!"
  3109. >is that it?
  3110. "how much do you know about it?"
  3111. >"well.. not much. yet! but we have our scientists looking into it!"
  3112. "so for now.. its a rock phone"
  3113. >"uh... well.. yes.. but that's not all we found!"
  3114. >he opens a small chest he has on his desk
  3115. >"we found this.."
  3116. >and he hoofs you a small object
  3117. >"you would be surprised what an old trades pony has in his stock.."
  3118. >"to bad we got it before some blue mare tried buying it"
  3119. >Oh copper...
  3120. >this..
  3121. >this is perfect..
  3122. "Copper. was this blue mare by chance a unicorn?.."
  3123. >"yes, and she was very upset that we gave the seller a more.. satisfying offer."
  3124. >you smile
  3125. >a plan is already forming in your mind
  3126. "i think its time i meet with Twilights friends, im sure they are worried about her."
  3127. >you walk out of the room the amulet gripped tightly in your hands
  3129. >you make your way into town
  3130. >you are looking for someone
  3131. >someone who might be very unhappy to see you.
  3132. >and she is blue.
  3133. >"HEY"
  3134. >ah there she is..
  3135. >"where is twilight! we haven't seen her in days!"
  3136. "she is staying at Canterlot for a few days. her brothers death was very damaging to her."
  3137. >you turn around to see Rainbow Dash and the rest of the girls
  3138. "im sorry i cant tell you more"
  3139. >"you always say that! why cant you tell us anything! you always bring trouble!"
  3140. >what did she say?
  3141. >>"rainbow dear, maybe you shouldn't be so hard on him. i mean, look at what he has done for-"
  3142. >you raise your hand cutting Rarity off
  3143. "no.. let her speak her mind.."
  3144. >other ponies begin to take notice
  3145. >"whenever we see you something bad happens! this time it was Twilights brother dying!"
  3146. >go on
  3147. >"what is so important that you couldn't have at least told her about that! or tried to stop it from happening!?"
  3148. >by the end of her rant she was shouting
  3149. >all of the ponies look at her in both shock and anger
  3150. >you see a few of your Brownshirts start to walk towards her
  3151. >you simply raise your hand and they stop
  3152. "Tell me... cunt.."
  3153. >lets say ponies didn't expect you to say that.
  3154. "what do you see when you look at me?"
  3155. >you make sure that the side of your face with the burn is in her full view.
  3156. "its ok. you can say it. its my burn. a Burn i received saving ponies... tell me.. how many scars do you have? how many broken limbs have you had? how many times have you collapsed from pain? or how about this.. how many times have you DIED. for ponies who you owe NOTHING"
  3157. >you are inches from her now
  3158. >your shadow looms over her
  3159. "none... some element of loyalty you are."
  3160. >rainbow dash looks up at you
  3161. >she seems to be at a loss for words.
  3162. >"I-- that's."
  3163. "that's what? not fair? how 'fair' is it whenever i see you, you seem to despise me? look at what i have done for all of you!"
  3164. >you can feel rage growing
  3165. >it isn't until now you noticed you still had the amulet.
  3166. >is its influence this strong?
  3167. "I give, and i give. i sacrifice myself more and more! and YOU the element of FUCKING LOYALTY! seems to despise me!"
  3168. >Applejack steps in
  3169. >"now hold on there partner, Rainbow Dash didn't mean no harm by it, she just gets worked up is all."
  3170. "I.. im sorry."
  3171. >you force yourself to put the amulet in your pocket
  3172. >and out of your hands
  3173. "I shouldn't have let myself get worked up like that. im just stressed over all this"
  3174. >you walk away from the scene
  3175. "i need to get this amulet where i need it fast."
  3177. >you are Honor Bound
  3178. >and you finally found... something.
  3179. >you cant tell exactly what it is from here but it looks like some sort of city.
  3180. >but its covered in large black crystals
  3181. >and has a huge cloud of smoke flying around it.
  3182. "this must be what our lord was searching for."
  3183. >time to report back.
  3184. >and that means you have to walk.
  3185. >all
  3186. >the
  3187. >way
  3188. >back
  3189. >damn it.
  3190. >to bad you cant send letters with magic, or something.
  3192. >you are anonymous
  3193. >and the amulet in your pocket is troubling
  3194. >you knew it increased anger and agitation while increasing magic prowess
  3195. >but you had no idea how much until recently
  3196. "wonder who does the armor for the royal guards?"
  3197. >gold was always said to be both enchant-able and magic resistant.
  3198. >perhaps direct contact with this amulet isn't required?
  3199. >its worth the study
  3200. >"anonymous.."
  3201. >you were so wrapped up in thought you didn't even notice Applejack had followed you
  3202. >"I know you might be mad at Rainbow Dash, but did ya' really have to go that far?"
  3203. >you look at her for a moment before then looking at the sky
  3204. "no.. i suppose i didn't"
  3205. >you know lying to applejack will only cause more problems then its worth
  3206. >on top of that, you don't know if she can tell if you lie or not
  3207. >best to not risk it yet
  3208. "I am sorry for my outburst. I haven't been the same since that night"
  3209. >Applejack takes a seat next to you on the grass
  3210. >you decide you should sit down too
  3211. >if only for appearances
  3212. >"I can only imagine what it would have been like, im sure that rainbow means well and all--"
  3213. "I was there when he died you know. I saw it happen. And to be reminded of it by HER"
  3214. >Applejack just nods
  3215. >"well.. i know you probably don't want to, but could you apologize to her?"
  3216. >apologize?!
  3217. >for her ignorance!?
  3218. "nothing i said to her was a lie, and i meant every word. I bet you could tell. and i bet that's why you don't seem to be mad"
  3219. >"heh, that might be true, but even if you don't think so, we know rainbow dash is a good element bearer"
  3220. "ill make you a deal, you keep her mouth under control.. and ill apologize for the loyalty thing"
  3221. >Applejack holds out her hoof
  3222. >"you got a deal partner"
  3223. >well, least that is one thing you don't need to worry about now
  3225. >you are Princess Celestia
  3226. >you got mail
  3227. >and this letter is from anonymous.
  3228. "dear princess Celestia"
  3229. >great, just like twilights start
  3230. >you read on about anons castle being built
  3231. >and about being invited to his party
  3232. "wonder if there will be cake"
  3234. >you are Honor Bound
  3235. >and you have FINALLY made it back.
  3236. >this was both a mission and a test of will
  3237. >anonymous demands the best, and i give it!
  3238. >First you need to report to Copper Coin
  3239. >then you are to resume body guarding anonymous
  3240. >its been a while since you were last in ponyville
  3241. >and its, different, to say the least.
  3242. >Ponyville is now more of a small city
  3243. >there are shops, inns, blacksmiths, even gambling halls!
  3244. "woah, anons influence has really made this place catch up with the world"
  3245. >each Brownshirt you pass gives you a salute
  3246. >good, they still recognize you after all this time
  3247. >its been about a week since you saw anon
  3248. "he should be living in the castle by now, if what copper told me about construction was correct."
  3249. >time to take a small walk in the woods.
  3250. >you sigh
  3251. >more walking....
  3252. >perhaps a stop at the gambling hall first.
  3253. >it will just be a minute.
  3255. >you are princess Luna
  3256. "Sister.. are you not concerned about anonymous living in our old home?"
  3257. >"why would i need to worry about that Luna? it seems the ponies there have everything well taken care of."
  3258. >did she forget about the history there?
  3259. >or the fact it is your old home?
  3260. "Perhaps, but what about Anons private group? like you said before its practically an army!"
  3261. >"Luna, Anonymous has saved Canterlot not once but twice. If he had any Ill will toward us or our ponies why wouldn't he have just let the attacks happen?"
  3262. >well...
  3263. >she has a point..
  3264. "Still.. we.. hm.."
  3265. >besides my one, possibly rude, meeting with him i haven't really got to know him
  3266. "Perhaps you are right sister.. but we request that you bring at least a few guards."
  3267. >"I doubt i could get away from that if i tried. by the way, he invited you too"
  3268. >huh.. wonder if there will be cake.
  3270. >you are anonymous
  3271. >and within the week you castle should be finished.
  3272. >at least the parts that any guests would see.
  3273. >and to be honest. its nothing like you expected.
  3274. >but that's not a bad thing
  3275. >in fact this design is very appealing
  3276. >there is even a clear route to and from town
  3277. >small checkpoints have been set to keep the road safe
  3278. >and the walls have been improved.
  3279. >not to mention the castle just looks good.
  3280. "Copper. How long until the first invitations go out?"
  3281. >"hm. id say about two or three days. you did say you wanted it completed first"
  3282. "go ahead and reschedule that, send them out today."
  3283. >"if you want lord. it will be done"
  3284. "Also"
  3285. >you look at him from your desk
  3286. "anything that could be.. 'hindering' to my popularity. keep in the restricted R&D section of the castle"
  3287. >"of course lord. the guards will be informed and told to be looking their best"
  3288. >good ol' Copper
  3289. "Oh, any word from Honor yet?"
  3290. >"uhm not yet sir. should i send out a party to investigate?"
  3291. "please.. and do me a favor."
  3292. >he quickly snaps to attention again
  3293. >"of course! anything lord!"
  3294. "let me pick my bodyguards in the future..."
  3295. >that's not too much to ask is it?
  3297. >you are Honor bound
  3298. >and you lost 300 bits in a hour.
  3299. "damn blackjack! worst game ever!"
  3300. >i better get to anonymous
  3301. >and i better report my findings before i end up taking too long.
  3302. >huh least the roads are safe in the woods now
  3304. >you are Lyra
  3305. >and today you received a invitation to a party from your god
  3306. >now THAT is a once in a lifetime thing
  3307. "it says I can bring guests."
  3308. >you think for a moment of who you could invite with you.
  3309. >its been a long time since you have seen Bonbon
  3310. >least outside of meetings
  3311. >and what about Little League?
  3312. >last you heard she was taking some special class at the town hall
  3313. >to become part of anons group or something?
  3314. >i bet anon will be happy to see you three again
  3315. >just like old times.
  3316. "better get ready for the party then."
  3318. >you are Cadence
  3319. >and you don't know how you feel about this.
  3320. >you got an invitation to anonymous' party
  3321. >so did Celestia and Luna
  3322. >should you go too?
  3323. >you briefly feel excited
  3324. >but then you read about bringing guests
  3325. "who would i bring, the only pony i could think of.. isn't here anymore"
  3326. >he wouldn't want you to be sad.
  3327. >of that you are positive
  3328. "Shining would want me to go."
  3329. >you repeat that to yourself as you plan for the party
  3331. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  3332. >and Celestia invited you to go with her and Luna to a party.
  3333. >perhaps you should go
  3334. >you haven't done anything but sulk for weeks now
  3335. >and besides its anon's party
  3336. >the first one in a new castle
  3337. "i bet a party will help me take my mind off my sadness.."
  3338. >you look at your stack of open books
  3339. >it will probably do better than being alone
  3340. >you read that in avoiding sadness for fillies
  3342. >you are anonymous...
  3343. >and you are furious.
  3344. "ok, please... Honor Bound explain to me why you decided to gamble instead of report back"
  3345. >there is no answer that wont make you less angry
  3346. >but you give him the chance to explain anyway
  3348. >You are Honor Bound
  3349. >uh oh...
  3350. "well, you see..."
  3351. >what can i possibly say?!
  3352. "Uhm. well it was a long walk here, and i thought if i took a small break then id make good time reporting back to you. You know. being well rested and all."
  3353. >you smile sheepishly
  3354. >your job is on the line here
  3355. >this is a different type of gambling
  3356. >"honor.. im going to be frank."
  3357. >uh oh
  3358. >"you fucked up. how would it look if my best. my ELITE, all decide that gambling is more important than following orders?"
  3359. >anonymous is silent
  3360. >oh he wants you to answer.
  3361. "not.. not good."
  3362. >"correct, it would look 'not good' in fact it would look terrible, insulting even."
  3363. "i understand my lord. im sorry for my failure. but i do have the information you requested."
  3365. >you are anonymous
  3366. >at least he isn't a total failure
  3367. >perhaps just a reassignment is in order.
  3368. >and demotion
  3369. >but nothing 'permanent'
  3370. "Honor Bound, i am required to set an example, of you, and all other Black Hands, to prevent any further.. failures.. but i think this punishment will be fair and just."
  3371. >"what is it lord. ill do it, ill prove to you im useful"
  3372. >hope you like running a checkpoint on the edge of everfree then.
  3375. >well that's one order of business done.
  3376. >you watch Honor Bound give you a salute before leaving
  3377. >you turn to your assistant
  3378. "keep me informed on how he progresses and how he operates, if he is doing fine have him returned to the Black Hands in 2 months, not as my bodyguard of course."
  3379. >the teal female pegasus smiles and nods
  3380. >then leaves to fill out the forms required
  3381. "i do believe i have a party soon. better check on how far along we are, we need to be ready for our guests"
  3382. >you stand and walk out of your room
  3383. >of course the Black Hands snap to attention as you walk by
  3384. >soon you are in the main hall where the party will be taking place
  3385. >you examine the decor
  3386. >everything seems to be in order
  3387. "excuse me"
  3388. >one of your decorators waits for you to speak
  3389. "please do me a favor and have banners for princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence mixed in with my own, but keep the ones on the walls the same."
  3390. >you smile as you walk yourself to the dinning hall where you and the VIP guests will have dinner
  3391. >your seat is the most prominent
  3392. >naturally
  3393. >and the others are all in line perfectly
  3394. >there are paintings of you in very romanticized events
  3395. >like the battle of Canterlot
  3396. >or the return of Nightmare moon
  3397. "move that one over Lunas seat"
  3398. >its the little things that make you smile.
  3400. >be Honor Bound
  3401. "I will earn back my honor anon."
  3402. >you stand in attention just outside your checkpoint
  3403. >this might not be a very respectable role
  3404. >but its yours for now
  3405. >and you will do your best
  3406. >did it just start raining?
  3407. >you don't have a poncho yet...
  3409. >you are Host Anonymous
  3410. >its the night of the party
  3411. >and everything is ready
  3412. >some guests arrived early
  3413. >but no one of real importance
  3414. >mostly just wealthy individuals of Ponyville
  3415. >and of course high ranking members of your own Black Hands
  3416. >tonight is going to be perfect.
  3417. >the kind of day of which you dreamed since you were small.
  3420. >you are Princess Celestia
  3421. >and you are leaving for anons new castle
  3422. >"what do think it will look like sister?"
  3423. >Luna decided to go
  3424. >she will be riding with you and Twilight in the Royal Carriage
  3425. "you were the last one to see it Luna, surely you have an idea."
  3426. >she rolls her eyes at you
  3427. >"Last i saw it, sister, was when it was mostly ruin still. I have no idea what it looks like now"
  3428. "well then we shall soon see. that is of course if you ever get in the carriage with us"
  3429. >Twilight giggles at your little joke
  3430. >you both are already in the carriage while Luna was speaking to you from outside of it
  3431. >"uh.. yes! very well! we shall depart immediately!"
  3432. >she is blushing
  3434. >you are Cadence.
  3435. >you decided its for the best if you go
  3436. >your own Carriage has been called
  3437. >its been a while since you really went anywhere
  3438. >a party would do you some good.
  3439. >you smile and tell your drivers
  3440. "thank you for waiting, im ready whenever you are"
  3441. >wonder what the castle looks like
  3443. >you are anonymous
  3444. >Lyra and her guests just arrived.
  3445. >of course they deserve a proper greeting
  3446. "Lyra! how good it is to see you. outside of formalities of course."
  3447. >"its good to see you too my lord."
  3448. "please. no lord or god tonight"
  3449. >Lyra giggles and agrees
  3450. >oh she brought some ponies with her too
  3451. >wait..
  3452. "is that who i think it is?"
  3454. >"ANONYMOUS!"
  3455. >a little filly in a small slick black uniform hops into a hug
  3456. "hey Little League, what have you been up to?"
  3457. >she smiles up at you
  3458. >"ive been in training! im taking one of those classes up in the town hall"
  3459. "oh is that so? what have you been learning there?"
  3460. >she climbs down and straightens herself
  3461. >makes sure none of her uniform is out of place
  3462. >"Im going to be a Black Hand!"
  3463. >she salutes you
  3464. >"Sir"
  3465. >you cant tell if that's adorable or terrifying
  3466. >lets go with adorable
  3467. >you return the salute
  3468. "Well im sure you will be one of the best!"
  3469. >you look up from the little sympathizer
  3470. "oh its good to see you too Bonbon"
  3471. >you stand up and get a good look at her
  3472. >"yes its good to see you too lord."
  3473. >she is in a Brownshirts uniform
  3474. "i didn't know you were a Brownshirt."
  3475. >"yes just recently actually, im a patrol officer just out of a similar class Little League has taken"
  3476. >well brown goes well with her hair
  3477. >i guess.
  3478. "please don't let me hold you up, enjoy yourselves. i hope you all stay for dinner tonight"
  3479. >Little League quickly responds
  3480. >"wouldn't miss it sir!"
  3481. "enjoy the party."
  3482. >you look to the doors
  3483. >just in time to see the Princess and her Guards arrive
  3484. >And Luna...
  3485. >and... Twilight..
  3486. >huh I wonder if Cadence is coming too.
  3488. >rewind about 10 minutes
  3490. >you are Princess Celestia
  3491. >and the view of the castle from the sky is a little overwhelming
  3492. >its as if it was always there and the forest grew around it
  3493. >the walls are new the glass windows pristine
  3494. >"Look at it sister! it might not be the size of ours but it defiantly looks beautiful"
  3495. >>"i agree, i never expected anything like that to be built in Everfree, it must have took a lot of work"
  3496. "I wonder how the inside looks"
  3497. >as you examine the castle you also see little roads
  3498. >and what look to be 'huts' perhaps?
  3499. >or small towns?
  3500. >whatever they are they have ponies keeping the roads safe for travelers
  3501. "it seems he does care for the ponies like he said, look at the guards on the roads Luna"
  3502. >"oh i didn't even notice, does he always have them patrolling? they must be quite brave to do that all night and day"
  3503. >your drivers inform you that they will be landing soon
  3504. >and the next thing you know you are stepping out of your carriage
  3505. >Anonymous is at the door greeting other ponies
  3506. >he must be very popular with them
  3508. >you are anonymous
  3509. >and now you need to greet royalty
  3510. >at least you have the home field here.
  3511. "ah im glad you all could make it!"
  3512. >you give a 'very' slight bow
  3513. "and Twilight came too? im glad you finally decided to return to Ponyville! your friends have been missing you, you know."
  3514. >"yeah, i guess i just wasn't ready to leave yet.."
  3515. >don't be a downer now..
  3516. >he's been dead for what? a week or two?
  3517. >he was a minor character at best in the show anyway
  3518. "I understand, i hope you will enjoy the party all the same"
  3519. >you smile politely
  3520. "and im glad you showed up too Luna"
  3521. >"yes well.. we were promised cake by our Sister."
  3522. >>"I never said that!"
  3523. >Luna just smiles at her sisters reaction
  3524. "well im sure there will be plenty for you. I don't know about Celestia though"
  3525. >you smirk
  3526. >Luna Bursts out laughing
  3527. >Celestia just turns red and tries to play it off
  3528. >"im sure the amount provided will be more than fine anonymous"
  3529. "lets hope, please come in and enjoy yourselves, if you need anything don't be afraid to ask"
  3530. >you're just about to join them when another carriage lands
  3531. "well it would be rude to greet them then leave these guests"
  3532. >you decide its best to greet them too
  3533. "hello im glad you could--"
  3534. >you stop mid sentence when you realize its cadence
  3535. "oh hello Cadence, you look much better"
  3536. >she does
  3537. >but she still doesn't have all her color back
  3538. >"hello anonymous, thank you for inviting me... sorry i don't have any guests to bring,"
  3539. "that's quite alright, im sure you will meet new ponies inside, Luna Celestia and Twilight just got here, perhaps you might want to mingle with them?"
  3540. >you gesture her inside
  3541. "come lets enjoy the party"
  3542. >you can feel your burn acting up again
  3543. >fuck off and be dead you darn horse
  3544. >you walk Cadence inside
  3545. >it would be rude to feed her to the sharks
  3546. >that's of course a metaphor
  3547. >wonder if you can get a shark pit...
  3548. >the guests seem to be enjoying themselves
  3549. >even more so now that the Princesses are here
  3550. >the music starts
  3552. [Embed] - Best of Classical music
  3553. (Feel free to stop it whenever its 3 1/2 hours)
  3555. "im glad i was able to find similar music to what was played back home"
  3556. >"this is similar to your own music?"
  3557. "yes, as a matter of fact its exactly the same."
  3558. >kinda weird to be honest
  3559. "but most of it was long before my time, this is our classical music"
  3560. >Cadence seems interested
  3561. >"this is relatively common music in Canterlot im not sure how new it is though, i don't have a ear for music myself"
  3562. "oh really?"
  3563. >how interesting... not really.
  3564. >this is small talk
  3565. "I must be off to make sure everything will be ready for Dinner. i hope you will stay for it"
  3566. >Cadence only nods as you leave
  3567. >Time to make a few changes...
  3568. >you walk past the kitchen
  3569. >you keep going down the halls
  3570. >guards and servants clear your path
  3571. >you are now nearing the R&D section of the castle
  3572. "open the doors"
  3573. >you continue your pace as the guards magically and quickly open the doors
  3574. >you pass by unfazed
  3575. >you keep walking
  3576. >Tier 3 access only
  3577. >Tier 2..
  3578. >Tier 1...
  3579. >Tier 0...
  3580. >you are now in the most secure area of the castle
  3581. >pre-authorized personnel only, ID check REQUIRED!
  3582. >even YOU have to go through a check before entering
  3583. >never know what might happen out there
  3584. "Anonymous, Human, Male"
  3585. >you hold your hand up as a Unicorn in full black uniform including what appears to be a gas mask
  3586. >he motions forward
  3587. >before pricking your finger with a small needle
  3588. >he then casts a spell to identify beings by their blood
  3589. >"clear, welcome back sir."
  3590. >he steps aside letting you enter.
  3591. >inside is a large room filled with fully covered Black Hands and Black Hand Scientists
  3592. >and inside is a large cage filled with now Queen-less Changelings
  3593. >you walk into the room eyeing the cage
  3594. "is the one i asked for ready?"
  3595. >"absolutely sir. it has been perfectly integrated and controlled using the best unicorn magic we have"
  3596. "good... Dinner will start soon"
  3597. >you smile as you gave the signal to prepare for the next phase
  3598. >you look at the changelings in the cage
  3599. "you are just what i need..."
  3600. >you turn to leave and return to the party.
  3601. "a reason.."
  3603. >you are anonymous.
  3604. >and dinner is ready.
  3605. >in the main hall you take your place at the top of the stairs
  3606. "Everyone, i thank you all for coming"
  3607. >you look over the crowd making sure all the intended guests are still here
  3608. >they all appear to be mingled into the other ponies well
  3609. "and for those who were personally invited it is time for our private dinner. but for those of you who arrived without a personal invitation don't fret! your dinner will be served out here right after we depart. i hope you all continue to enjoy the night, those of you dinning with me, please follow me."
  3610. >you walk down into the crowd and lead your VIP guests to the dinning room
  3611. >everyones seats have been assigned and neat little name cards are placed for each
  3612. >you made sure that the princesses and your close friends all had a good view of your seat
  3613. "everyone please find your seat"
  3614. >soon everyone is seated and you yourself take a seat.
  3615. "let dinner.."
  3616. >you clap
  3617. "begin"
  3618. >the doors open up and the servants bring out all sorts of foods
  3619. >some are rare, others more common.
  3620. >you have to appeal to everyone's taste after all
  3621. >after a few moments of eating you tap your glass
  3622. >getting, and holding, everyone's attention
  3623. "i know this is a party, and that its to be fun and entertaining.. but i want to take a moment.."
  3624. >play it cool anon
  3625. "and have a moment of silence for those who could not be with us. for those who have died protecting Equestria and her ponies."
  3626. >your face feels like its on fire
  3627. "and to Shining Armor.."
  3628. >the moment feels like hours.
  3629. >then it ends with a servant dropping her tray
  3630. >everyone looks just in time to see her charge at you
  3631. >"DIE QUEEN SLAYER!"
  3632. >you smile as the broken glass she wielded enters your neck
  3633. >perfect
  3635. >You are anonymous
  3636. >and you were just assassinated
  3637. >in front of everypony
  3638. >you hold your neck feeling your precious life blood escape
  3639. >you try to call for help but instead only vowels and blood come
  3640. >this is the worst plan you ever had.
  3641. >you pass out to voices calling out and fading
  3642. >"Lord anonymous!.. anonmos!? manos? manos?!"
  3644. >you are Cadence
  3645. >and you are the first to see the attacker
  3646. >"DIE QUEEN SLAYER!"
  3647. >you try to stop the attack
  3648. >you try to magic the attacker away
  3649. >and you also run at her
  3650. >less than a second later you see the glass entering Anonymous' neck
  3651. "ANONYMOUS!"
  3653. >you are Little League
  3654. >and you scream
  3655. >anonymous was just attacked
  3656. >in his own home!
  3658. >you cover your eyes and start to cry as Black Hands rush into action
  3660. >you are Celestia
  3661. >and you tried to save anonymous
  3662. >but you were too slow.
  3663. >as was everypony else.
  3664. >you cant concentrate enough to cast a healing spell
  3665. >Hopefully his guard will know how to save him
  3666. >they have to.
  3668. >you are Lyra
  3669. >and you just saw your god die
  3670. "ANONYMOUS!!"
  3671. >he cant die.
  3672. >hes come back from the dead before
  3673. >he will do it again
  3674. >he has to!
  3675. >you jump from your seat and make it to his side
  3676. >you cant take your eyes off of his
  3677. >they are becoming dim
  3678. >you look to where the changeling was
  3679. >Cadence is standing above it
  3680. >her magic holding it down
  3681. >her eyes are nearly fire
  3683. >you are Cadence
  3684. >and you have the insect
  3685. >the worthless bug
  3686. >the creature that has caused you so much pain
  3687. >and you HATE them.
  3688. >you lift it up and then slam it back into the ground
  3689. >it wiggles and tries to break free of your grip
  3690. "you.. you wont take anyone else from me!"
  3691. >you slam it over and over
  3692. >other ponies are watching
  3693. >you dont care.
  3694. >you dont have anything to lose
  3695. >first your husband
  3696. >then your only friend
  3698. >you dont even notice you are screaming
  3699. >you slam it once more into the ground as it looks up at you
  3700. >almost empty of life
  3701. >you look back
  3702. >then stomp on its skull
  3704. >you are anonymous
  3705. >and you are being rushed to your medical team
  3706. >the ones who have been practicing for this for weeks.
  3708. >two hours later
  3710. >you are anonymous
  3711. >and you are finally coming around.
  3712. >"hes waking up"
  3713. >>"clear the area, give him some room"
  3714. >your first instinct is to hold your neck
  3715. >why dont you feel a scar?
  3716. >or even a scratch?
  3717. >you open your eyes slowly
  3718. >the fist thing you see is a room filled with worried mares
  3719. >and calm Black Hands
  3720. >the next thing you see is blood.
  3721. >lots of blood
  3722. "what happened?"
  3723. >you look to your suit and its stained red in your own blood
  3724. >"anonymous!"
  3725. >you look to see who called your name
  3726. >but before you can see exactly who you are hugged by nearly everyone
  3727. >your Black Hands of course still 'clearing' the room
  3728. "before i went dark.. someone was calling my name."
  3729. >you remember how it sounded, and you remember the other name..
  3730. >Manos.
  3731. >you force yourself to stand
  3733. "how did i survive?"
  3734. >you already knew your team would have saved you
  3735. >"your black hands got help.. but before they could arrive, your wound started to close on its own"
  3736. >what was that?
  3737. "it.. did what?"
  3738. >the ponies nod
  3739. >"and none of us could concentrate enough to use magic"
  3740. "so.. i brought myself back from the dead.. again."
  3741. >not entirely true.
  3742. >anonymous did die..
  3743. >from here out; you are superior than anonymous
  3744. "my name.. is Manos.."
  3746. >you are Cadence
  3747. >and you cannot be more relived
  3748. "you're alive.."
  3749. >you didnt think you would ever cry again after you cried for shining
  3750. >but you do, small tears of joy form in your eyes
  3751. >"yes. i am alive, Nothing can stop Fate my little ponies"
  3752. >his smile seems warmer than normal
  3753. >everyone sees anonymous calmly wipe the blood from his skin
  3754. >"and please... from now on. Call me Manos."
  3755. "why the name change anony-- Manos?"
  3756. >I suppose something this traumatizing could do much worse then make you change your name
  3757. >he finishes wiping the blood away
  3758. "because.. thats the name i kept hearing when i died.. must be fate"
  3759. >manos chuckles a bit before becoming serious again
  3760. >"who attacked me?"
  3762. >you are Celestia
  3763. >how can anonymous..
  3764. >Manos
  3765. >still be alive? its a miracle!
  3766. >not even you cant bring yourself back the dead
  3767. >and yet he has done it twice!
  3768. "dont worry manos... Cadence she, she took care of things."
  3769. >you cant explain to him exactly what she did
  3770. >besides.. its not all her fault.
  3772. >you are Manos. Lord of Fate
  3773. >you look to your side and see a large crumpled up Changeling corpse
  3774. "Changelings.."
  3775. >no one expected you had yourself assassinated
  3776. "they must be mixed in with the ponies of equestria now they don't have a hive mind to connect to."
  3777. >why is its head bashed in..
  3778. >and why is there blood smears all over.
  3779. >the Changeling was supposed to be captured alive.
  3780. "you said.. Cadence took care of it"
  3781. >you look to her hooves they have bits of Changeling still on them
  3782. >perhaps this is better than the original plan.
  3783. >"they are disgusting.. they should all be removed.."
  3784. >that a girl Cadence.
  3786. "well.. this has sure been an eventful dinner.."
  3787. >you look to the princesses
  3788. "i suppose you all lost your appetite?"
  3789. >Luna and Celestia look to each other
  3790. >there are a few whispers back in forth
  3791. >they have that 'this is serious' look to them
  3792. >Luna speaks first
  3793. >"Manos, may we talk to you in private later. its important.."
  3794. "uh, if you insist.. i hope you dont mind if i get myself cleaned up first"
  3795. >and find out if anything can be salvaged from this partially succeeded plan
  3796. >its then you see a little filly in her black uniform still crying at her seat
  3797. "Little League.."
  3798. >you walk over to her
  3799. >instinctively she grips your clothing
  3800. >"you died, I thought you were gone forever!"
  3801. "its ok Little League"
  3802. >you pet her mane softly
  3803. >"I promise anon-- Manos. Ill be the best Black Hand ever, so you will always be safe."
  3804. >you smile and hug her close
  3805. >its good to set goals
  3807. >you are Copper Coin
  3808. >you are also in disguise
  3809. >it was your job to step in if something got out of control with the Changeling
  3810. >such as the bind on it breaking
  3811. >under no other circumstance were you to get involved
  3812. >those were your orders
  3813. >you were most interested in the pink one Cadence.
  3814. >perhaps she would be a good fit..
  3816. >you are anonymous
  3817. >and you need to change.
  3818. "mind if i be excused, i would like to clean myself and get fresh clothing."
  3819. >there are no objections
  3820. >least out loud
  3821. >you walk from the dinning hall and to your room
  3822. >is someone following you?
  3823. >...
  3824. >must have been the wind
  3825. >you make it to your room and close the door.
  3826. >your wardrobe is already waiting for you
  3827. >soon you are clean and fresh
  3828. >Cleanliness is next to godliness
  3829. "i know you're there."
  3830. >you hear a fumble as the door gets knocked open
  3831. >inside your room are Luna and Celestia
  3832. >piled on the floor.
  3833. >they quickly regain their composure
  3834. >celestia is first to recover
  3835. >"ahem.. Manos, we did say we wished to speak with you."
  3836. >>"yes, and we wanted to be sure you were safe. so.. we were waiting outside!"
  3837. >"for you to come out, and talk with us."
  3838. >uh huh.. then why did you both fall when i called you out.
  3839. >you take a seat at your desk
  3840. "very well. let us speak"
  3841. >you motion them to the chairs
  3842. "please take a seat"
  3843. >there is a brief moment where neither of them move
  3844. >then they notice and rush to the chairs
  3845. "I can only assume this is about my recent.. death? and the Changelings that could be a threat to your ponies?"
  3846. >"uh.."
  3847. >>"YES thats it, thats what we wished to speak of!"
  3848. >really... you were really just trying to peek at me..
  3849. >i don know if im flattered or disapointed
  3850. >you rub your forehead and start discussions
  3851. "understand.. this could be serious.. we could literally have millions of them in our borders and not know it."
  3852. >shit did you say 'our borders'?
  3853. >of course you meant 'my borders'
  3854. >Celestia nods her head looking at the map of Equestria
  3855. >Luna decides to share her thoughts
  3856. >"Not to mention sister, that outside of the ponies in the cities, others in the countryside
  3857. could be effected by this"
  3858. >>"not only that Luna, but we cant forget that they also can have hives or burrows anywhere that we dont have settled"
  3859. "this is a very dangerous time for Equestria Princesses"
  3860. >they didnt seem to mind that you said it was 'our borders'
  3861. >good, they recognize your control
  3862. >and approve or at least accept it
  3863. "i wish that you keep your guards on high alert. and keep your capital, and yourseleves safe."
  3864. >"and what would become of the ponies outside. we cant just leave them."
  3865. >>"we agree with our sister, they are just as important to protect as we are."
  3866. >you pause
  3867. >of course you know what to do
  3868. >you planned this conversation
  3869. >but ultimately they need to approve of it.
  3870. >and thats the hard part.
  3871. "perhaps.. I could oversee such a large operation?"
  3872. >they continue to remain silent for a while
  3873. >perhaps a little push?
  3874. "In the end, i am expendable, if i am the one cracking down im more likely to be targeted keeping you and those in your capital safe."
  3875. >"perhaps.. it is rather logical. and it would let us keep the ponies calm, least to an extent"
  3876. >>"how would you go about this Manos? and what would you do to the Changelings you find"
  3877. >ever been to camp princess?
  3878. "I could construct large facilities, they would be designed around holding changelings and only changelings, we could continue to study and learn about them, and perhaps find a way to have them peacefully released if a breakthrough can be made, if not. perhaps they could be workers or something? they are largely consisted of drones."
  3879. >just a Yes or a No
  3880. >"Manos.. we would be putting a lot of trust in you."
  3881. >Just a yes... or a no
  3882. >perhaps you pushed this to hard
  3883. >maybe a different approach was needed?
  3884. >"We leave this to you anonymous.. if this plan as you described to us works in a small scale first, we will allow you to expand it."
  3885. >>"the protection of our ponies is out highest priority, we have never had a threat like this face us before. what you proposed seems to be the best course of action to take."
  3886. >check mate princess.
  3887. "This will be a lot of work, and ill be honest.. there will probably be some ponies upset by this."
  3888. >the nod in understanding
  3889. "I hope this all will work out soon... while i have you here"
  3890. >they are happy there is a change of subject from this serious business
  3891. >ponies apparently dont have the stomach for change
  3892. "what do you know of the Crystal Kingdom?"
  3894. >you are Copper Coin
  3895. >you just passed the ID check for the Highest security area of the castle
  3896. >The R&D department
  3897. >specifically the security and warfare section.
  3898. >there are many Changelings in here
  3899. >most are in cages or being experimented on by your scientists and doctors
  3900. >everything from possible diet study to weaponized drones to pony augmentation
  3901. >"sir Copper, any news from lord anonymous?"
  3902. "Manos. its Lord Manos now. and not yet, but i can safely assume that he will make the princesses come around to our ideas, begin plans for the facilities we previously discussed here"
  3903. >"right away Copper, we are his faithful hands!"
  3904. >the pony rushes off to inform the other top scientists of the new facilities acceptance
  3905. >You walk up to a changeling strapped to a lab table
  3906. >its still alive and moving
  3907. >even with its midsection opened up
  3908. >you can see each of its organs and muscle tissue under the carapace
  3909. "You creatures really are amazing.."
  3911. >you are anonymous
  3912. >you are ecstatic!
  3913. >everything, every single thing is going right.
  3914. >your plans have been accepted by the princesses
  3915. >not only will this give you more power in Equestia,
  3916. >it will also give you mass production capabilities
  3917. >but you are getting to far ahead of yourself..
  3918. >right now you need to discuss Sombra and the Crystal Kingdom with Celestia and Luna
  3919. "first things first, the Crystal Kingdom has returned, if what my 'agent' told me is correct."
  3920. >"then Sombra has already returned as well, and the ponies there are undoubtedly under his control"
  3921. >>"either from fear or by magic they wont turn on him unless they believe he is gone"
  3922. >"it saddens me that such evil ponies exist, ruling from fear and intimidation instead of the support of their followers"
  3923. >you smirk to yourself
  3924. "I wholeheartedly agree.. how do you plan on dealing with him?"
  3925. >"our plan would have originally been to use the Elements against him, but im not sure Twilight is... stable, enough for that just yet."
  3926. >>"perhaps we should confront him ourselves. with Cadence You Sister and I, surely we would be powerful enough to stop him."
  3927. "that could work."
  3928. >you remembered that the Alicorn Amulet is still in your old suit, it should be in your wardrobe still
  3929. "If you two are going, ill be there to stand beside you. its for the safety of equestria"
  3930. >and will no doubt earn much favor with the Crystal Empires ponies
  3931. >perhaps they might become MY ponies.
  3932. >"then its settled, we shall face Sombra in the absence of the elements"
  3933. "This has been a very eventful night, if you dont mind, id like to return to my party. and try to salvage what remains of the fun tonight"
  3934. >wonder how cadence will respond to the ideas we have
  3936. >you are Cadence
  3937. >Manos has been gone a long time
  3938. >now that you think of it.. so have aunt Celestia and Luna.
  3939. >you turn to Twilight
  3940. "you dont think Celestia and Luna are... 'with' Manos do you?"
  3941. >Twilight turns red
  3942. >clearly she might have been thinking the same thing
  3943. >"uhm"
  3945. >you are Copper Coin
  3946. >these changelings are quite fascinating
  3947. >you were never much of a scientist before now
  3948. >but Lord Manos changes the fate of many ponies
  3949. "why not my own?"
  3950. >you walk up behind a group of your top scientists
  3951. >they currently are trying to learn how the hive-mind the queen usually controlled actually works
  3952. "how goes the research?"
  3953. >"we have hit a bit of a snag sir, it seems whenever we get close to a breakthrough the weak creatures just die, as if they are still trying to serve a long dead queen"
  3954. "well is there a way you can study the link with a deceased subject?"
  3955. >"not that we are currently aware--"
  3956. >you cut him off and lock eyes
  3957. >you keep your calm and assertive tone
  3958. "perhaps it takes a deceased pony to learn about deceased bugs.. im sure i can find a replacement"
  3959. >"uhhh no, no sir we will have your research completed soon, just give us a bit longer"
  3960. "if you insist, i have to meet with Lord Manos soon anyway. i hope there will be something to report when i return"
  3961. >you walk out of the R&D wing
  3962. "lord manos is much more tolerating of failure than I"
  3964. >you are anonymous
  3965. >aka Lord Manos
  3966. >and you have just returned to your party
  3967. >even after your, untimely end, ponies still have resumed the festivities
  3968. "good, im glad everything is still going smoothly"
  3969. >where is that pink princess gone to
  3970. >"excuse me lord"
  3971. >you look towards the voice
  3972. "ah, i have something you will be very happy to hear about Copper, seems as though the princesses agree with our plan for the camps. however we must first retake an old kingdom.."
  3973. >Copper smiles
  3974. >"i never had any doubt in you lord."
  3976. "i know that Copper, you are my most reliable pony. i could not have a better second in command."
  3977. >"I thank you Lord Manos, I am your faithful hand."
  3978. "oh about the camps, do we have any suitable candidates for overseeing them? i have one in mind, but of course id like your opinion"
  3979. >"if its a certain Pink Princess, then id have to agree with you. however she has none of our ideals besides her hate for the Changelings."
  3980. >perhaps Copper is right about that
  3981. >but then again..
  3982. "Dont worry about that Copper, Cadence will be perfect for the role, She has lost so much to those pests that even if we were to just kill them all off she would just smile and look the other way."
  3983. >not to mention she seems to have bonded to me since her husbands.. end
  3984. >your burn tingles, not as bad as before but you still feel it
  3985. >bout time it started going away
  3986. >"do you still have the artifact?"
  3987. >the artifact? oh the amulet.
  3988. "yes Copper, don't worry its still in my possession, and soon i wont need it. The princesses and I will be confronting Sombra and his Crystal Kingdom soon."
  3989. >"thats perfect then!"
  3990. >that was a little surprising
  3991. "and why is that Copper?"
  3992. >"would you be interested in allowing me to test one of our newest... assets on the kingdom?"
  3993. "explain Copper, i want to know what im testing and how much hot water i might get in if its troublesome to my image"
  3994. >Copper smiles and leads you down a hall
  3995. >there are no ponies around
  3996. >"we have a good idea of how the changelings are able to keep up a disguise using limited to no magic"
  3997. >copper then continues
  3998. >"we have a prototype suit designed out of the carapace which should, in theory, make the magic needed to maintain the facade minimal"
  3999. "so, you wish to try and conduct some recon, very well. test your armor"
  4000. >anything that will give me an edge
  4001. >you grab copper by his shoulder before he walks away
  4002. "oh yes, while i have you here. Im in need of a new bodyguard, perhaps more than one."
  4003. >"and who or what do you have in mind."
  4004. "i want a personal regiment, their only task will be protection of myself and my belongings."
  4005. >copper looks slightly confused
  4006. >"are you not satisfied with the Black Hands? if you like i can make cuts where needed."
  4007. "id like a list of ALL personnel in all branches on my desk soon Copper, I will be having a strict selection for this group and i have the only say in who will get in."
  4008. >Copper salutes you
  4009. >"if that is what you wish Lord Manos it will be done"
  4010. "good, ill expect you to return in a few hours."
  4011. >you walk back to the party to search for the new face of your labor camps
  4013. >you are Cadence
  4014. >you are mingling with the many ponies here
  4015. >oddly enough the ones you seem to enjoy the company of are not the citizens of ponyville
  4016. >but Lord Manos, and the Black Hands.
  4017. >you are chatting with a few of the higher ranking ones
  4018. >then suddenly the stop their conversation and snap a salute
  4019. >"hello Cadence, everything going well?"
  4020. >you turn and Manos is standing behind you
  4021. >he looks much nicer without his blood covering him
  4022. >thank Celestia he is ok
  4023. "Yes, everything is going fine Manos, your Black hands here were just telling me about how they have been helping equestria as a whole"
  4024. >Manos nods to them and they walk off
  4025. >"cadence, i know you are.. disliking.. of the Changelings."
  4026. >you frown
  4027. >of course i am!
  4028. >they killed my Husband, then they nearly killed you!
  4029. "yes... they, they aren't my favorite type of beast"
  4030. >"yes i am aware, in fact i have just been given permission to hunt equestria for every last one."
  4031. >you smile
  4032. "Good, the sooner they are removed the better. Is there any way i could assist?"
  4033. >why is he smiling suddenly?
  4034. >"heheh oh cadence, i think you will be perfect for this."
  4035. "for what"
  4036. >"well i need someone to oversee a few camps im making."
  4037. >camps?
  4038. >"are you interested?"
  4040. >you are Lyra,
  4041. >the Left Hand of Fate
  4042. >Lord Manos most faithful
  4043. >his head of religion
  4044. >and the leader of his Children of Fate
  4045. >and you are drunk...
  4046. "and then.. wzen he waz on the floor, i seen him die.."
  4047. >you are telling Bonbon the story of how anon came back from the dead
  4048. >"yes Lyra.. i know, i was there."
  4049. >Bonbon is excited to hear more
  4050. "BUT!! he waznt dead. I was wrong I was.. Manos cant die"
  4051. >you laugh like you just heard the best joke in the world
  4052. >you can tell Bonbon is enjoying herself listening to the story too
  4053. >"yes Lyra. Manos defiantly has survived many more times he should have. It is incredible really"
  4054. "Damn right it is! and IIIIIM his Left Hand, has he ever pet you before? he pet me once.. it was amazing.."
  4055. >and so you begin another tale
  4057. >you are anonymous
  4058. "well? interested?"
  4059. >you just explained what the camps would be for
  4060. >for the security of equestria and the proper use and removal of changelings
  4061. >you wait patiently for her response.
  4062. >"im not sure, i hate those creatures.. i dont know how i would handle being around so many at once.
  4063. "handle it however you like, you will be the one in charge of it all."
  4064. >im sure you will enjoy your work
  4065. "i heard about how you reacted to my attacker. that was pretty aggressive"
  4066. >she looks at her drink and takes a sip
  4067. >"yes, it.. was one of my weaker moments."
  4068. "how did it feel?"
  4069. >"wh.. what?"
  4070. "you can be honest with me. Cadence."
  4071. >there is a long pause
  4072. >"i wish it lasted longer.."
  4073. >you smile
  4074. >shes definitely perfect
  4075. "let me take you to our R&D section then..."
  4077. >you are Cadence
  4078. >and this is the R&D hall
  4079. >there are lots of Black Hands here
  4080. >each of them are watching you closely
  4081. >"follow me"
  4082. >you follow Manos to a large door where you see a sign 'Tier 2 Access only'
  4083. "Tier 2?"
  4084. >"yes we have a ranking system in place here, starting at Five and ending at 0"
  4085. >oh wow this is really thought out
  4086. >"I am of course a Tier 0 and head of all operations, i can get anyone anywhere."
  4087. >you continue to follow Manos
  4088. >there are more ponies in this section some are scientists but most are guards
  4089. >there are branching hallways each having guards at a checkpoint
  4090. "this really is a high security area.. why is that?"
  4091. >"if anything in this castle were to get out Equestria would be in danger, so i take the utmost care in preventing that"
  4092. "well thats good."
  4093. >theres a new door in front of you
  4094. >the guards at this one look to be better armed and have a large shield covering them and the door
  4095. >the sign says 'Tier 1 only'
  4096. >>"you may pass, welcome back sir."
  4097. >"thank you"
  4098. >this continues again until we reach the most guarded door
  4099. >'TIER 0 Authorized personnel only! ID check REQUIRED'
  4100. >"Anonymous, Human, Male. Guest will be identified from this point on as Cadence, Alicorn, female. have her blood processed and added to the list"
  4101. >>"wait till Check is finished until carrying out that order"
  4102. >anonymous holds out his hand as they take a needle and prick his finger
  4103. >>"he is clear, this is Lord Manos. Proceed with his orders"
  4104. >>>"yes sir"
  4105. "is this necessary?"
  4106. >>"please remain still, and refrain from questions until cleared"
  4107. >"give them your name, species, and sex"
  4108. "uhm.. ok, Cadence, Alicorn, Female"
  4109. >they take the needle and prick your foreleg
  4110. >>"you are cleared, welcome to weapons and security R&D miss Cadence"
  4111. >this.. this is completely overwhelming
  4112. >you are in a single room that looks as large as the main hall of the castle
  4113. "wow, is this incredible"
  4114. >in this room there are many more Scientists than guards
  4115. >however each guard is completely covered in some sort of black armor with a closed helmet
  4116. >you hear a loud chattering and buzzing
  4117. "whats that noise?"
  4118. >you were so caught up in the security and the room that you didnt notice it till now
  4119. >"follow me, i think you will enjoy this."
  4121. >you are Anonymous
  4122. >and this will be all or nothing
  4123. "follow me, i think you will enjoy this"
  4124. >you lead Cadence over to a a cage covered in blankets then shielded
  4125. "remove the barrier on this section, and uncover it please"
  4126. >>"yes sir"
  4127. >a guard folds the blanket up revealing a large cage of changelings
  4128. >they must have been hungry
  4129. >seems they resort to cannibalism when without love.
  4130. >those little nymphs must have been the easiest to kill
  4131. >"what disgusting things! they eat their own?!"
  4132. "i would appear so, dont you think equestria would be better without them?"
  4133. >you look at cadence
  4134. >shes to busy watching a large changeling eat a nymph
  4135. >"kill that large one"
  4136. >w0t?
  4137. >>"what?"
  4138. >"you heard me, i want to watch it die..."
  4139. >the scientists look at her
  4140. >>"sir we dont have many fully grown specimens like him, he is worth a few nymphs surely!"
  4141. >cadence speaks up grabbing your attention
  4142. >"anonymous, ill do it, but i want to see that one die."
  4143. >like i said. perfect.
  4145. >you are Cadence
  4146. >and those beasts are worthless
  4147. >"do as she said, shes our new head of the Extermination camps. she outranks you."
  4148. >>"but sir!"
  4149. >"I said.. she outranks you. are you refusing an order from a superior?"
  4150. >>"no sir.."
  4151. >"good, kill it then"
  4152. >you watch with a proud smile on your face and the scientist steps down
  4153. >and the guard walks over with his horn glowing
  4154. "burn him.."
  4155. >The smell of roasted cockroach fills the room.
  4156. >its a beautiful smell
  4158. >you are anonymous
  4159. >and this pink pony is going to be the perfect puppet
  4160. >you watch as she smiles at the burning and screaming changeling drone
  4161. "enjoying yourself cadence? this is just the start. follow me. we have much work to do"
  4162. >you turn and walk out of the R&D wing with cadence in tow
  4163. >"when will it be ready?"
  4164. >eager? good.
  4165. "Like i said earlier, we just got permission from Celestia and Luna, we need to first find a suitable location, preferably isolated."
  4166. >"do you have anywhere particular in mind?"
  4167. >you think for a moment.
  4168. >then the perfect place comes to mind
  4169. >not only is it isolated, you will be having to go there soon anyway.
  4170. "yes. yes i have the perfect place in mind. and with you as our head of operations on this, i think our chances of acquiring the area has improved tenfold."
  4171. >"oh really? where?"
  4172. "right now it is in the hooves of a one King Sombra, and if everything goes as it should... we will soon be in control of it. well.. more specifically you."
  4174. >You are Copper Coin
  4175. >and you have been quite the busy pony
  4176. >Lord Manos didnt give you much time to acquire all these dossiers
  4177. >but you still were able to collect them from your various groups.
  4178. >from the black hands
  4179. >from the brownshirts
  4180. >from the schooling programs
  4181. >even from Lyra and her Children of Fate
  4182. "All registered members and troops are in here."
  4183. >you walk to Lord Manos' room
  4184. >he said he should be here soon.
  4186. >you are anonymous
  4187. >and you are returning to your room for the night
  4188. >most of the guests of the party have left or returned to duty
  4189. >the few that are remaining are guests for the night
  4190. >you havnt seen Celestia or Luna since your talks.
  4191. "perhaps they just went back to Canterlot since this change of events"
  4192. >you already said your goodnights to Lyra Bonbon and Little League
  4193. >they have their own rooms for the night
  4194. >guarded by Black Hands for their protection
  4195. "Copper should be waiting for me, i will have a lot of work to do tonight..."
  4196. >sleep is for the weak anyway
  4197. >you get a salute from your door guards as you enter the room
  4198. >the files have been placed neatly on your desk with a note from Copper.
  4199. >'i was unable to wait for your return, rest assured this is every member we have in all groups and followings, If you need me ill soon be in the R&D wing.'
  4200. >Your Right Hand of Fate
  4201. "time to get some work done."
  4202. >you open the files and begin to read.
  4203. >first Brownshirts
  4204. >a few ponies in and so far they dont seem suitable
  4205. >then a surprising name shows up
  4206. >a newer recruit, but so far has not failed any task given
  4207. >also she has been known to complete operations much faster than other pegasi
  4208. >she is also being considered for Black Hand recruitment by Copper
  4209. "against my better judgement..."
  4210. >you slide her into the 'possible' section
  4211. "if she insults me once.. she will be out in ten seconds flat.."
  4214. >you are Cadence
  4215. >and this is your first task as head of Changeling 'regulation'
  4216. >personally you prefer extermination, but this looks better on paper.
  4217. >you are to be fitted for a Black Hands uniform
  4218. >then you will have several Photos taken of you in the uniform
  4219. >this will be for propaganda posters but that's not till later.
  4220. "right now, all i have to think of is slogans for the posters."
  4221. >that shouldnt be to hard right?
  4222. >make extermination of Bugs seem like its tied to your love for ponies.
  4223. "im sure ill think of something by then"
  4225. >you are anonymous
  4226. >and your list of ponies is growing
  4227. >you now have a small group of around thirty or so
  4228. >but you still need someone to be in charge of them
  4229. >someone fanatical
  4230. >someone loyal only to you
  4231. >someone who would support you and try to protect you against any threat
  4232. >even the princesses
  4233. "lets see here.."
  4234. >you look over the list in front of you
  4235. "i think this choice is rather obvious. but i think personal interviews will be needed"
  4236. >you look over to your assistant
  4237. "have this list of ponies in here by midnight, tell them its from Lord Manos Himself, they are up for a huge promotion.."
  4238. >the Cyan mare takes the list and places it in her bag
  4239. >"yes lord, they will be here as soon as possible"
  4240. >she walks out of your room to fetch your new bodyguards
  4241. "you know, for the amount she helps around here... you'd think id have remembered her name."
  4242. >but then again, how many ponies do you see a day.
  4244. >its fifteen minutes to midnight
  4246. >your assistant arrives
  4247. >"they are all waiting outside lord, shall i send them in together or one at a time?"
  4248. "one at a time please. id like to size them up"
  4249. >she nods then motions to one of the ponies
  4250. >"you first, everyone else form a line"
  4251. >she closes the door as the first pony walks in
  4253. >a white mare with a blonde mane walks in
  4254. >she is one of your special teachers for the youth classes
  4255. >she snaps to attention and gives a salute
  4256. >"Lord manos, I am Black Hand youth recruiter Aryanne"
  4257. "i know who you are, please have a seat."
  4258. >you motion to the chair you have set
  4259. >"yes Lord"
  4260. >she takes a seat careful to keep her uniform perfect
  4261. "i have a few questions to ask you."
  4262. >"i will answer"
  4263. "do you believe in MY cause? and would you die for it? even if you had to fight the princesses themselves?"
  4264. >this was only the first question
  4265. >this was the start of your interviews for your personal guard
  4266. >this has gone on for a while now
  4267. >you have cleared the past 6 ponies
  4268. "ok send in the next one"
  4269. >the door creeks open
  4270. "ah.. you.. take a seat"
  4271. >the pony walks in and takes a seat
  4272. >"im surprised you would have selected me.."
  4273. "oh so am i. but you have recommendation from my second in command, seems you have a way with getting attention.."
  4274. >the mare smiles her cocky smile
  4275. "well if you think you arnt cut out for this, or if there will be any issues, the door is there"
  4276. >she remains in her seat
  4277. >"im not leaving, im here to be interviewed"
  4278. "consider this part of it then, your first question. do you WANT to be here?"
  4279. >as soon as you finish she has a response
  4280. >"yes"
  4281. "next question... if i asked you to protect equestira with you life would you?"
  4282. >before she can respond you add
  4283. "If i gave you an ORDER to die, would you do it."
  4284. >you need to pressure her
  4285. >there can be no doubts if she wants to be in this position
  4286. >"I.. I would"
  4287. "do you believe, truly believe im here for the betterment of all ponykind?"
  4288. >"yes"
  4289. "If there was a time. that myself and the princesses, Luna or Celestia."
  4290. >she remains straight faced
  4291. "would become enemies, would you fight them if my life was on the line?"
  4292. >she is quiet for a long time
  4293. >failed. you either are willing or arnt.
  4294. >"i remember what you said to me.."
  4295. >you look her in the eyes
  4296. >is that determination?
  4297. >"that day in ponyville.. how you gave everything for ponies who you owe nothing"
  4298. "..."
  4299. >"that you had been scarred, your bones have been broken, and you have collapsed from pain, and that you even died trying to protect others.."
  4300. "go on.."
  4301. >"I truly believe, you are here for the ponies... and to answer your question. Id die protecting the one i think is here to keep equestria safe"
  4302. >Rainbow Dash salutes you firmly.
  4303. >"sir"
  4304. "reborn from ashes.. you may go."
  4305. >you look at the file
  4306. >passed.
  4308. >you are Honor bound
  4309. >and you are on guard duty.
  4310. >its been a while since you arrived here at this checkpoint
  4311. >nothing to strange seems to happen
  4312. >there is an occasional Timberwolf pack, or Manticore.
  4313. >but they mostly stay away
  4314. >"Honor Bound, anything out there?"
  4315. "No sir, it must have just been the wind"
  4316. >you hear a snap from the woods to your left
  4317. "i retract that last statement, i heard it again"
  4318. >two other guards come out and light up the area with magic
  4319. >"what is THAT?!"
  4320. >its looks like.. a pony? but it has some sort of black armor on it.
  4321. "identify yourself!"
  4322. >the pony just disappears!
  4323. >right in front of you
  4324. >"where did he go?! did he use magic?"
  4325. "negative he wasn't a unicorn!"
  4326. >you hear a scream from the other side of the checkpoint
  4327. "get to that position and tell me what the buck is going on!"
  4328. >you hear a slight 'wosh'
  4329. >and the guard you just sent is walking back to you
  4330. "what are you doing here, i told you to check that posi-- wait, you're not one of our guards!"
  4331. >the pony drops out of its disguise with a flash of green flames
  4332. >then strikes
  4334. >you are Copper Coin
  4335. >and the first test of the new stealth suit was a success
  4336. >not only was the operator not harmed
  4337. >but he was able to use basic transformation magic without a horn
  4338. "this is truly a breakthrough in magical science!"
  4339. >you look to your fellow observer
  4340. "what was his time clearing the checkpoint?"
  4341. >"approximately three minutes fifty two seconds."
  4342. "excellent! and were all the guards neutralized?"
  4343. >"it appears so, none seem to be fatal so far."
  4344. "perfect. now that we have had a successful alpha test we will move on to the real one."
  4345. >you smile and start your trek to the castle
  4346. "get the operator ready for recon of the Crystal Kingdom as soon as possible"
  4348. >you are anonymous
  4349. >and you have finished your interviews
  4350. >twenty of the thirty or so ponies have made the cut
  4351. >the others will remain in their respected roles
  4352. "now, i still have to choose a leader of my new guard."
  4353. >before you can think about who would be a better fit you have a knock on your door
  4354. "whatever it is it can wait till morning!"
  4355. >coppers casual voice travels through your door
  4356. >"normally i would agree, but this is something you should know now"
  4357. "fine.. come in Copper.."
  4358. >Copper enters your room a big smile plastered on his face
  4359. "what is so important that you couldn't have waited till morning?"
  4360. >"our initial tests of the suit are a success!"
  4361. >"along with that and the crystals we used for instant communication and he was able to both recon positions with perfect accuracy AND eliminate all threats without being detected!"
  4362. "Copper.. where did you test this?"
  4363. >"i took the liberty of testing it out on a few border checkpoints, to keep the men on guard."
  4364. "You didn't kill any of my ponies correct? or do anything that would cause them to be ineffective did you?"
  4365. >you cant be losing troops before any conflict has arisen.
  4366. >especially to your second in commands new science fetish
  4367. >"of course not Lord Manos. non lethal take-downs and recon potential testing only"
  4368. >sure.. whatever you say
  4369. "fine then, get this new toy of yours to report on the defenses of the Crystal Kingdom, i want a detailed report before i make my final plans for the siege."
  4370. >"siege sir?"
  4371. "Yes Copper... you don't think that a Kingdom controlled by a near god wont have a few soldiers to get past do you? and the princesses and I will need to be ready for when we confront him, not worn out by petty squabbles with thralls."
  4372. >you hand Copper a map of the terrain
  4373. "have everything recorded. i have issues to deal with here."
  4374. >"yes lord manos!"
  4375. >copper walks out of the room
  4376. >finally i can get some rest...
  4379. >today is the first day you are protected by your new bodyguard
  4380. >it is also the day the first expeditions into the northern lands are to start
  4381. >you have assembled the new guard in the courtyard
  4382. "today is your first day as my personal guard, feel honored, because you were each individually chosen by myself an no one else"
  4383. >you look directly at Rainbow
  4384. "and along with that honor comes certain responsibility, you have at this moment, no commanding officer besides myself. you take orders from ME, and me alone."
  4385. >each pony stands in attention as you inspect each detail of their uniforms
  4386. "and today you will show if you have what it takes to lead. i have with me a simulated battle scenario."
  4387. >you point over to a group of around 40 volunteer Brownshirts
  4388. "they will be your opponents, and each of you will be split into four groups of five"
  4389. >you look to the observation post you have set up and point
  4390. "everything you and your group does will be recorded by my observation team"
  4391. >you also point to a few pegasi hovering over your castle
  4392. "as well as myself. of course, your objective will be to get me to my room alive. you each will have thirty minutes to complete this."
  4393. >you look to your brownshirts
  4394. "get ready"
  4395. >they take off to preset ambushes
  4396. "well lets begin"
  4398. >you are Copper, and you are head observer.
  4399. >you were not allowed to see the ponies Manos selected before now to keep your judgement fair
  4400. "alright thats the signal. the test has started"
  4402. >you are Celestia
  4403. >and this is something you havent had to do in over a century
  4404. >you have to plan an invasion
  4405. "Captain what is the strength of the guard at this point in time?"
  4406. >"its around 7,000 strong your highness"
  4407. >not nearly a real invasion force
  4408. "do we have any idea of my sisters guard?"
  4409. >"its approximated to be around three thousand"
  4410. "and we have no idea how many forces we face, hopefully Manos has some ponies to spare.."
  4411. >you hate war, but there seems to be no other way to reclaim the Crystal empire.
  4413. >you are copper,
  4414. >this test is going on for too long.
  4415. >you could be doing so much more in R&D
  4416. "how many groups have finished the course?"
  4417. >"two.."
  4418. >oh lord manos... why do you hate me so?
  4419. "alright.. lets keep going then.."
  4421. >you are anonymous
  4422. >group one and two failed.
  4423. >they walked into three of the four ambushes and failed to push the second one back
  4424. >you died both times
  4425. "group three! you're next!"
  4426. >you walk back to the start this group has both Rainbow and Aryanne
  4427. >lucky you...
  4428. "alright lead me home."
  4429. >Aryanne takes control right off the bat
  4430. >"Rainbow Dash, take point. make sure we can see whats ahead of us until we get to the main hall"
  4431. >perhaps she is a good choice.
  4433. >you are cadence
  4434. >you finally have your uniform
  4435. >time to get to work.
  4436. >you walk away from your desk with your most recent posters
  4437. >'Keep Equestira free of Changelings!'
  4438. >its a picture of you holding a changeling by the wings and throwing it out of Canterlot
  4439. >cute..
  4440. >but not as effective as you really are.
  4441. >"Cadence ma'am what are your orders?"
  4442. >you have your first unit ready for work
  4443. "i want each house in Ponyville checked from top to bottom, from there you will move to Canterlot and repeat"
  4444. >"ma'am if that is your order"
  4445. "it is, make sure everyone knows its for the best, if they comply they will no longer ber harassed by further checks"
  4446. >"as you wish"
  4447. >time to get those disgusting insects out of our Equestira
  4449. >you are anonymous
  4450. >and you're not dead yet.
  4451. "so far so good, keep this up."
  4452. >perhaps encouraging them might make them slip
  4453. >overconfidence gets you killed in the field
  4454. "best scores yet, you should be proud"
  4455. >its only been a few minutes
  4456. >plenty of time to fail
  4457. >you keep walking knowing that a unavoidable battle is around the next corner
  4459. >you are Rainbow Dash
  4460. >you have been on point for this escort mission
  4461. "we got a group of about six enemies ahead!"
  4462. >as soon as you report three pegasi attack from their hiding place
  4463. >they are heading straight for you
  4464. >but youre faster than any Brownshirt Pegasi
  4465. >while you are dealing with them the other guards form a defensive formation around manos
  4466. >you hear Aryanne shout
  4467. >"strong right side! keep your sector clear!"
  4469. >you are Anonymous
  4470. "you're doing well. keep them off of me."
  4471. >you stand in the center of their defense
  4472. >so far they have removed around 4 or 5 Brownshirts without taking a loss
  4473. >they also have had impressive coordination
  4474. >only a few more feet past this is another ambush then it should be home free
  4475. >of course you could also get resistance from any 'survivors' that may be waiting
  4476. >while there are pre-set attacks and ambushes any routing forces can collect and establish new attacks
  4477. >this was to simulate unpredictable battlefields
  4478. >and of course to teach the 'no survivors' mentality
  4479. >"keep it up they are routing! manos is still secure! not much further to the secure sector!"
  4480. "hope you are ready ponies. you never know what might be waiting."
  4481. >you look up into the sky to observe Rainbow and her.. is it still a 'dogfight' here?
  4482. >its three versus one, the odds are defiantly against her
  4483. >you are not allowed to influence the test besides observation and non test related communication
  4484. "a beautiful day is it not?"
  4485. >the other ponies seem to be too distracted with their own final bouts of combat
  4486. >its a shame, seems rainbow has to deal with the 3 to 1 on her own for now
  4488. >you are Rainbow Dash
  4489. "buck, i cant keep dodging them forever."
  4490. >you look back for a second to see two pegasi on your tail
  4491. "wait where.."
  4492. >you look up by chance and see him about to dive and attack on you
  4493. >quickly you turn just barely avoiding his assault
  4494. >you just barely hear manos
  4495. >"a beautiful day is it not?"
  4496. >that gives you an idea!
  4497. >you quickly direct yourself towards the sun
  4498. >it burns your eyes but you know that those following you also have to look
  4499. >nothing is ahead so you close your eyes trying to protect your vision
  4500. "I hope this works."
  4502. >you are anonymous
  4503. >what is she planning..
  4504. >you can tell she thought of something by her change in flight
  4505. >while before she was turning weaving and dodging now shes flying straight
  4506. >suddenly you see her do a 180
  4507. >ah clever using the sun as a distraction
  4508. >she knocks the two closer pegasi out of the sky
  4509. >now its a one versus one
  4510. "clever girl.."
  4511. >now the combat on the ground has ended and the only unicorn in the squad notices your comment
  4512. >"rainbow! get clear!"
  4513. >not seconds after rainbow picks up speed leaving the last pegasi behind
  4514. >the unicorn begins using low magic requiring impact spells, and lights up the sky around the pegasi
  4515. >soon the pegasi comes tumbling down to earth
  4516. "well i wasn't expecting that."
  4517. >bonus points for you two
  4520. >you are code-name; blackout
  4521. >your real name and identity has been hidden
  4522. >you are the operator of the Changeling stealth suit
  4523. >you are a Earth Pony
  4524. >a voice comes from your helmet
  4525. >there is a Crystal embedded inside apparently for communication
  4526. >"Blackout, this is R&D alpha, we have your first mission set."
  4527. "Understood Alpha, what is the mission, over."
  4528. >"we are to have you recon and report on a possible threat to the security of our nation"
  4529. >you remain silent as you await orders
  4530. >"we have everything you will need waiting for you 3 miles northbound of Castle Manos"
  4531. >you look at your map as you receive the coordinates
  4532. "understood will I maintain crystal silence until i have a report ready?"
  4533. >"A-firm, gather as much information as you can, your report will save lives blackout"
  4534. "dont worry sir, I am his faithful hand. i will not fail Manos"
  4536. >you are Anonymous
  4537. >and so far this team seems to be best fit for your personal security
  4538. >the others will have to be on possession secuirty and support
  4539. >this is the final hall, everything is quiet
  4540. >good, time to make them drop their guard
  4541. "seems we are clear, just need to open that door and walk me in and you pass with the high score"
  4542. >a few of the ponies smile
  4543. >but not Rainbow or Aryanne
  4544. >"Aryanne, ill go first, keep manos covered"
  4545. >Aryanne nods and takes back command
  4546. >>"i want two of you covering his back while the other is next to me, keep a shield around Manos for this final march"
  4547. >they do as commanded
  4548. >so far there has been no losses to this team
  4549. >rainbow makes it about half way before the final trap is sprung
  4550. >a banner falls to the ground and is held up by a rope
  4551. >blocking vision between Rainbow and the squad
  4552. >another falls behind you
  4553. >blocking the squads vision from the back
  4554. >you are blind and trapped
  4555. >and its unknown how many ponies have survived the attacks
  4556. "ah. resourceful little ponies."
  4557. >"Rainbow return to the main squad!"
  4558. >there are sounds of a struggle
  4559. >and it sounds like an attack is coming from behind
  4560. >if the battle cries are anything to go by
  4561. >you hear Aryanne take command again
  4562. >"ADVANCE! Fight through them! we stop moving and we die!"
  4563. >you are then lifted by magic as your guard charge through the banner
  4564. >there are three ponies ahead in a conflict with rainbow
  4565. >the sounds of the charge behind you is growing
  4566. >"push past them! get to the secure sector!"
  4567. >as your ponies charge into the skirmish ahead you look around taking in your surroundings
  4568. >the windows are left open.
  4569. >and there are pegasi flying in to attack you
  4570. >you remain silent this is definitely the most elaborate ambush yet
  4571. >and you had no idea it would happen
  4572. >"protect the flank!"
  4573. >your shield drops and you are being pulled to safety by Aryanne
  4574. >two losses to your squad
  4575. >only Rainbow Aryanne and your Unicorn remain.
  4576. >rainbow barks over the noise
  4577. >>"we will hold them back get to the room"
  4578. >"Fate be on your side, Rainbow"
  4579. >wow they really do treat this like combat
  4580. >next thing you know you are being hauled into your room by a very tired bodyguard
  4581. >she then turns over a desk and secures you behind it
  4582. "what did my desk ever do to you?.."
  4583. >there is a few moments of fighting outside before silence
  4584. >then a knock on the door.
  4585. "congratulations, you are the first to get me to my room."
  4586. >you open the door to see your new bodyguards exhausted and panting
  4587. >along with a very tired group of Brownshirts
  4588. >you smile and say just one word
  4589. Passed.
  4591. >you are Blackout
  4592. >and this is the drop zone
  4593. >there is a box with a bag
  4594. >inside the bag is enough food for a week
  4595. >two if you ration properly
  4596. >being a ex royal guard sentry has taught you to survive on the minimal
  4597. >also inside is another crystal
  4598. >its smaller than the one in your helmet and glows a light blue
  4599. "Alpha command what is this crystal in the drop?"
  4600. >"its a more refined version of the one in your helmet, it should work at the distance you are required to travel"
  4601. >"remove the one in your helmet and replace it with this one"
  4602. "A-firm Command, carrying on from the drop to recon point Alpha"
  4603. >"roger that Alpha Command out"
  4604. >you look at your map
  4605. >the Alpha point isn't too far...
  4606. >about a day or two of double time
  4607. >you look to the north and start your run
  4608. >your armor blending with the forest as you run
  4610. >you are anonymous
  4611. >and the final group has failed
  4612. >so your choice is easy group 3, the only ones to pass make it
  4613. >seems top cunt is good for something
  4614. "Group three! with a score of 87% has the highest score. you will be my personal guard unit, the others will be support for them and security of my possessions"
  4615. >"yes! i knew we would be the best, you did have me after all"
  4616. >you shoot rainbow a look
  4617. "rainbow, do four laps around the castle grounds. i dont tolerate bragging for a group exercise"
  4618. >"I wah... fine.."
  4619. >she readies her wings
  4620. "yes sir!"
  4621. >and takes off
  4622. "now, when i call your name and give you this mark you will be officially my personal guard"
  4623. >you hold a patch of a shield with a pony skull
  4624. >with the words "Abiecit clipeum" below
  4625. "Aryanne, step forward!"
  4626. >Aryanne takes a step ahead of the rest
  4627. "for being the pony to take command of group three as well as being the pony to secure me you are commanding officer."
  4628. >"thank you sir, i wont let you down"
  4629. >as she steps back Rainbow Dash lands and falls into line with the others
  4630. "Cinnamon Pop!"
  4631. >what a ridiculous name for a guard..
  4632. >a tan unicorn with white hair takes a step forward
  4633. >his cutie mark is a small explosion with sugar flying out
  4634. "with this patch you are now one of my personal guard"
  4635. >"thank you sir!"
  4636. >he takes a step back in line after receiving it
  4637. "Comet Glow"
  4638. >a light grey earth pony with black hair and bright green eyes takes a step forward
  4639. >his cutie mark is literally glowing eyes
  4640. >perhaps he sees well in the dark?
  4641. "Almond heart"
  4642. >a golden yellow pegasus mare with a brown mane steps forward
  4643. "with this patch you are now one of my personal guard"
  4644. >and now its Dash's turn
  4645. "rainbow dash.."
  4646. >you pause and she takes a step forward
  4647. "with this patch, you are now one of my personal guard"
  4648. >she smirks at you
  4649. >the look screams i knew id make it
  4650. >you will be sure to work her the hardest
  4651. >you continue down the line giving the support teams their patch
  4652. >their patch is the same besides the pony skull
  4653. "those of you with a skull on your patch, that signifies your superior skill and you will be treated and NCO's in the field. everyone here, you will have no official rank but you take orders only from ME, Aryanne or if you dont have a skull. from those with one."
  4654. >you need to get ready for the next step
  4655. >life fire exercise
  4656. "you will have one hour to gather your new outfit and kit from the supply. after that we move out for the north, seems Winter has come early for us."
  4657. >im coming for you sombra..
  4658. >your kingdom will be mine
  4659. >even if i have to claw it away from those two sisters.
  4661. >you are Luna
  4662. >and you just entered Celestias war-room
  4663. >its clear you feel far more at home here than she does
  4664. "Sister, you asked for us?"
  4665. >"yes, thank you for coming Luna, I need to know what forces you might be able to bring to this... conflict"
  4666. >you look to her table the little legion models from long ago being used again
  4667. >you see only solar guard on the table
  4668. "i have under my command, around 7,000 lunar guardsponies, there hasn't been a reason to increase this number"
  4669. >Celestia looks a little disappointed
  4670. >"that was as i suspected.."
  4671. "whats wrong sister do you worry about our chances?"
  4672. >Celestia looks again over the table
  4673. >"I worry about the ponies sister, how many ponies lives will be lost in this coming conflict.. not only that the current state with the Changelings.. i dont know how many guards we can use.."
  4674. "we still have lord manos and his ponies"
  4675. >"they are not soldiers though Luna! how many of them will die because we cannot protect them?"
  4676. >you both are silent for a time
  4677. "they have the same determination as our own sister, im sure they will fight as hard"
  4678. >"but is that enough?"
  4680. >you are anonymous
  4681. >and your troops will be ready
  4682. "How many officers do we have on staff Copper?"
  4683. >"at our current state our military officers number around 250 veterans"
  4684. "seems to be rather high for one town copper.. are you sure those estimations are correct?"
  4685. >"Lord manos, your influence is much farther than you appear to realize, not only is all of ponyville under your control, you have large portions of Canterlot and Cloudsdale, as well as portions of Roam, Vanhoover, and Las Pegasus"
  4686. >oh really?
  4687. >i need to pay more attention to the recruitment tabs
  4688. "how is that possible i gave you an order to give me all the names of our ponies in all branches a few days ago?"
  4689. >"well you did, but that would have been far too much for you to go through on your own so i had each division select the best they had and send it in"
  4690. "Copper.. in the future, dont fucking lie to me again"
  4691. >copper takes a few steps back
  4692. >you didnt even notice that your eyes started to have a light red glow
  4693. >you look back to the folders.
  4694. "how do i know my selections were accurate if you had a hand in it"
  4695. >"you, you can trust me Lord Manos. i still had no idea who was selected, i wouldnt go against orders!"
  4696. >he steps forward again confidently
  4697. >"if you think i would betray you then ill take my own life here and now"
  4698. >care to test that?
  4699. >no, it was a simple mistake. and one that did save you countless hours
  4700. "dont let bullshit like this happen again. understood? when i ask for something i need ALL of it, not a part, not a suggestion, ALL OF IT."
  4701. >Copper nods and gives a salute
  4702. >"i wont let this happen again sir, im sorry for my failure"
  4703. "no, but you will be when you try to decide for Fate. remember who i am copper."
  4704. >you point to your map of the terrain
  4705. "report on this. now."
  4708. >you are Blackout
  4709. >"blackout this is Alpha Command, we need a report"
  4710. >already? you just arrived to the location
  4711. "sir, as far as i can tell the kingdom seems to be defended or encased by large black crystals"
  4712. >you continue advancing to get a better view
  4713. "there are a few guards on the walls at locations Bronze, Copper, Diamond, and Utah."
  4714. >what kind of name is Utah?
  4715. >"we need more than than Blackout"
  4716. "give me a few minutes, ill have estimated numbers back to you soon."
  4717. >"Blackout.. this is Lord Manos... do you recognize my voice.."
  4718. >you stop mid run
  4719. >your heart is racing
  4720. >is that really Lord Manos...
  4721. "Sir, I- I was unaware you were there Lord."
  4722. >"i need details on his defenses.. towers, manpower, outposts, weapons. everything.. this is top priority."
  4723. >you suddenly realize just how important your role is
  4724. "Yes lord. I am your faithful hand"
  4725. >you sprint to the walls
  4726. >your camouflage easily able to keep up with all the snow
  4727. >you watch the patrols on the keep
  4728. "there appear to be ponies paroling, around... 30 or so at the furthest gate to tower marked at position.. Diamond"
  4729. >"continue."
  4730. >you try to get a look at the armor and gear
  4731. "they seem to have.. crystal made armor and weapons.. im not sure how effective they might be, should i engage if given the chance?"
  4732. >there is silence for a moment
  4733. >"negative, continue the report. you are saving lives Blackout. the more information we have, the less lives we lose."
  4734. "yes my lord, i shall keep you updated."
  4736. >you are anonymous
  4737. >im glad there are ponies as loyal as this 'blackout'
  4738. "copper, you could learn a thing or two from him. when he is given an order, he follows it."
  4739. >you make sure he knows you are upset
  4740. "keep this map updated, i want a full report once i arrive at our planned outpost with my new guards."
  4741. >you leave the room letting copper and your Black Hands keep tabs
  4742. >about twenty minutes later you are in the courtyard
  4743. "Glad you all were kind enough to wait for me."
  4744. >there is a series of laughs from your expedition force
  4745. >your personal guard move beside you
  4746. >all in all you have around three hundred ponies
  4747. >lets hope it works out better than a different three hundred
  4748. "gather your gear, we are moving out."
  4749. >Aryanne takes a position next to you
  4750. >you turn to her
  4751. "do you have it?"
  4752. >"of course Manos."
  4753. >she opens her bag and hands you a small box
  4754. >you open it making sure the amulet is indeed there.
  4755. >it is
  4756. "thank you Aryanne, this is critical to our mission."
  4757. >you look to the carriages that are being packed
  4758. "this whole thing better not end like Op Barbarossa"
  4759. >"im not sure what that is Lord... but you weren't leading them, and they weren't us."
  4760. >no, but its pretty damn close.
  4761. "you got thirty seconds! if your ass inst marching you will be left behind!"
  4762. >you take the first carriage the top is left open so you can see everything around you
  4763. >you wear a pair of binoculars you took it upon yourself to be forward the observation
  4764. "alright, move out."
  4765. >at your signal you and your company move out.
  4766. >out of the castle grounds
  4767. >and into the streets
  4768. >ponies give salutes an cheers for you and your brave ponies.
  4769. >word must have got out as to your soon coming invasion
  4770. >for a few moments there is a song playing
  4771. >must be 'song magic'.. we have no instruments as far as you are aware
  4772. >soon your ponies begin to march with a song filling the air
  4775. >least you get an enjoyable tune as you lead your ponies.
  4776. >you cant help but lift your arm to wave to the ponies.
  4777. >"for victory!"
  4778. >>"give em hell lord!"
  4779. >"Hail Manos!"
  4780. >you look to Aryanne next to you
  4781. >and you both give the sieg heil
  4782. >soon the ponies in the crowd join in with it
  4783. >"hail manos!"
  4784. >>"Hail, Hail, Hail."
  4787. >you are Blackout
  4788. >and your report is finished
  4789. >you have covered everything you could see.
  4790. >from numbers to the cracks in the wall.
  4791. >you even have been scouting further out to potential outposts
  4792. >both for Manos and your pitiful foe
  4793. "Alpha, this is Blackout, report concluded. shall i return to Castle Manos?"
  4794. >"this is Alpha Command, negative, go to specified coordinates. coordinates are as follows:..."
  4795. >why there?
  4796. "understood command. ill report to the commanding officer"
  4797. >"you will meet with Manos. out."
  4798. >the line goes dead
  4799. >did he say manos...
  4800. >YOU are going to report to Manos?
  4801. "i am not worthy of his attentions... it will be my honor.."
  4802. >you hurry to the RV point to secure it from any possible threats
  4804. >you are Anonymous
  4805. >and you are ahead of schedule
  4806. >you hold up your communications crystal and get in contact with Copper
  4807. "Copper, this is Manos. do you have a pen and paper near you?"
  4808. >there is a bit of noise on the other end
  4809. >"yes lord, i have some right here."
  4810. "good.. take a letter.."
  4811. >"a letter sir? what will it say?"
  4812. >you smile as you imagine the look on the recipients face
  4813. "it will start as follows: Dear Princess Celestia.."
  4815. >you are Princess Celestia
  4816. >and you finally have a plan of attack
  4817. >but it will heavily depend on Manos and his ponies
  4818. >much more than you wished it would
  4819. "if i had more information on the kingdoms strength.."
  4820. >soon a guard bursts into the room
  4821. >it startles you and you nearly knock over the table
  4822. >Luna is also surprised by the interruption
  4823. >the guard is panting.
  4824. >"im.. im sorry princess, i had to get this to you as soon as i could.. its a letter"
  4825. "a letter? you interrupted an invasion plan for a letter? Twilights friendship reports can wait."
  4826. >"sorry your majesty, but this isn't from Twilight."
  4827. >this gets both your and Lunas attention
  4828. >"whom else would mail a letter and have it be sent directly to my sister, herself?"
  4829. >as soon as your sister says it you realize who it would be from
  4830. >"its from lord manos.."
  4831. >you quickly take the letter and read it out loud
  4832. "Dear Princess Celestia... Wanna Race?"
  4833. >attached to the letter is a very detailed map of the Crystal Kingdom
  4834. >even a small report on the type of resistance to expect
  4835. "How long ago did he leave?!"
  4836. >"almost a day ago, he had the letter sent today."
  4838. >you are anonymous
  4839. >and you can feel a disturbance in the force.
  4840. >its been three days since you left the castle, and two since you sent the letter
  4841. >you should be meeting with this 'Blackout' soon
  4842. >and you will set up your fist Forward Operating Base
  4843. "we are only a few miles from the set up point. get us there and get the base up ASAP"
  4844. >your officer gives you a salute
  4845. >"yes Lord manos"
  4846. >time to be a bit of an ass
  4847. "dont salute me in the field, you trying to get me killed?"
  4848. >the officer stammers
  4849. >"uh.. I im sorry lord, i was unaware of.."
  4850. >you laugh
  4851. "I stick out like a sore thumb."
  4852. >the pony doesnt get the joke
  4853. >oh no thumbs..
  4854. "never mind carry on"
  4855. >not much happens until you get near the RV point.
  4856. "Hold here!"
  4857. >the convoy stops
  4858. >you look around
  4859. >the land is quiet
  4860. >no wind, no animals, nothing.
  4861. "secure a perimeter!"
  4862. >without a second thought your ponies jump into action
  4863. >Rainbow and Almond Heart fly above you quickly scanning the air
  4864. >Comet Glow takes point you see him doing the same at ground level
  4865. >Aryanne and Cinnamon Pop get close to you
  4866. >Cinnamon's horn Glows
  4867. >there is a loud snap from the small woodland to your right flank
  4868. "Right FLANK!"
  4869. >your guard all focus there
  4870. >soon a Black Armored Earth pony fades into view
  4871. >not walks, just appears standing on a broken stick
  4872. >"you are very observant Lord."
  4873. >the Pony bows
  4874. "you must be Blackout"
  4875. >"affirmative, you Honor me with your presence lord"
  4876. "anything new to report?.."
  4877. >"the pony stand back up
  4878. >"yes lord. there has been a change in plans"
  4880. >you are Celestia
  4881. >you are now forced to move your Invasion plans forward
  4882. >you have only two thirds of the forces you planned
  4883. "have the rest of the troops arrive as soon as possible"
  4884. >"yes Ma'am!"
  4885. >you lead your ponies out of canterlot along with Luna and her Lunar Guard
  4886. "Manos, how could you have been so bold as to do this.."
  4887. >how many lives will he cost just for some piece ground
  4888. >"perhaps he knows something we dont sister, it wouldnt be to out of the question."
  4889. "I pray youre right Luna, because if not then he will be facing a massive attack before he is ready"
  4890. >you have to get to Manos
  4891. >soon.
  4893. >you are anonymous
  4894. >and this is bad.
  4895. "say again Blackout?"
  4896. >"yes lord, i said that there is a large force heading right for us, i know not how, but it seems sombra is aware of our presence. perhaps his magic is more powerful than we expected."
  4897. >you look to the box the amulet is in..
  4898. >with that powerful crystal inside.
  4899. "oh fuck me.. i should have known.."
  4900. >"whats wrong lord?"
  4901. >you begin to bark orders
  4902. >no time to waste
  4903. "I need a defense set up ASAP! get as many pitfalls as you can in that clearing, i want our forces concealed in that woodlands overlooking it! get spike traps made out of that wood in as large a quantity as you can! where you cant keep a good line of sight get me some snares! I want this woods to be a fortress before nightfall!"
  4904. >at first the ponies are just surprised and overloaded with all the information you just gave them
  4905. >Aryanne shouts
  4907. >Rainbow then jumps in
  4908. >"Anyone who is standing around will be considered a traitor! get moving!"
  4909. >its going to be a long night
  4910. "how long do we have Blackout?"
  4911. >"they should be on us within a day lord."
  4912. "then we will make them pay for this ground, for every inch of it."
  4913. >"what shall you have me do lord?"
  4914. "meet with my next force, they should be arriving at the halfway point by the time we engage."
  4915. >"yes lord"
  4916. >you look at the ponies starting to work
  4917. "how could I have been so stupid... i am practically giving Sombra ultimate power on a silver fucking PLATE!"
  4918. >you take the amulet out of the box and immediately place it on your neck
  4919. "fine, you crystal fetish fuck. come and get your dinner."
  4920. >you can already feel anger growing
  4921. >but you need to keep it in check
  4922. >you close your eyes and try to relax
  4923. >taking deep breaths
  4924. >suddenly even though your eyes are closed you can see, everything is devoid of color.
  4925. >you open them again and everything is normal
  4926. "that was weird.. can i do it again?"
  4927. >you close you eyes and repeat what you did before
  4928. >deep breaths
  4929. >you become completely calm
  4930. >again you can see. a colorless version of the world
  4931. >but nothing is moving.
  4932. >it isnt until now that you notice there is silence
  4933. >you look around to the ponies standing still
  4934. >some are in mid action.
  4935. >you focus on one
  4936. >and open your eyes again
  4937. >just like how you saw he was in mid action, but now he continues, and volume returns to the world
  4938. "heh, fate.. fate sees everything. and I am fate.."
  4939. >you close your eyes again and begin planning.
  4941. >you are Blackout
  4942. >and you never have ran as fast as you are now
  4943. >your orders were clear
  4944. >get to reinforcements
  4945. >and get them to Lord Manos
  4946. "I will NOT fail my lord!"
  4947. >your legs burn like never before
  4948. >but you dont stop running
  4950. >you are anonymous
  4951. >its been only seconds
  4952. >but for you it could have been years
  4953. >you had to think of something to give you an edge
  4954. >and you did but its something you have no control over
  4955. "Rainbow Dash"
  4956. >the mare is too busy flying supplies back and forth
  4957. "Rainbow Dash front and center!"
  4958. >"yes sir!"
  4959. >you inspect her for a moment
  4960. "Rainbow Dash are you currently injured or have any reason you might not be able to fly?"
  4961. >she looks at her wings
  4962. >"no sir? why does it look like i do?"
  4963. "I want you to take a position at the top of this slight incline along side me."
  4964. >"alright, if thats an order."
  4965. "be there before nightfall, until then continue with helping prepare a defense"
  4966. >you look over to your supply carriages
  4967. "and get me a banner, we will place it at the top of that incline next to me. if that banner falls, so have we."
  4969. >You are Blackout
  4970. >and you have to be getting close now
  4971. >there you see them!
  4972. >in the distance there is a large convoy of ponies and gear
  4973. >once you get close enough to talk to the lead pony you collapse
  4974. "Lord.. Lord Manos needs reinforcements..."
  4975. >you point your hoof in the direction manos is
  4976. "he is fortifying the woods, for an expected attack."
  4977. >"fear not my little pony, My sister and I will get to him soon"
  4978. >you look once more to see a combined force of Black Hands, Lunar, and Solar guard
  4979. >the Black hands take you to medical
  4980. >>"dont worry, we wont fail him. We are his faithful hands"
  4981. >you close your eyes as darkness overtakes you
  4982. >your mission completed
  4984. >you are Anonymous
  4985. >the sun is setting over the horizon
  4986. >and you can feel in your bones that tonight will be the attack
  4987. >your ponies have done their best to make this hillside woods a decent fortress
  4988. >"we have pit falls in the clearing, mace traps scattered in the woods, what you called 'punji stakes' are also scattered but the largest concentration is right in front of our line"
  4989. "good, thats where they most likely will be confident and charge us, mass casualties before a charge will severely reduce the power."
  4990. >you look over your small company
  4991. >now entrenched and ready
  4992. >you had your pegasi stay on the hill with you so you could coordinate air assaults
  4993. >you gathered a few clouds too
  4994. >hopefully that thunder and lightning trick is effective in a battle
  4995. "this is our Alamo, our Maginot line, our Stalingrad."
  4996. >"Stalliongrad sir."
  4997. >you don't bother correcting Cinnamon Pop
  4998. "we hold here, and if we survive, im going to rename this woods"
  4999. >Cinnamon Pop looks to you
  5000. >"to what sir?"
  5001. "Ardennes. Cinnamon.. Ardennes."
  5002. >"i can only assume its appropriate sir"
  5003. "out numbered and with limited supplies, troops held their position in the woods. against a large enemy assault, they were unable to retreat, so they fought to the death until reinforcements could arrive."
  5004. >"ah.. then it is very appropriate sir"
  5005. >you look to the edge of the clearing
  5006. >and you see the first enemies advancing
  5007. "let us be steadfast and strong. Faith will be our shield"
  5008. >Cinnamon readies his magic
  5009. >"we are your faithful, and we are your shield, we shall not fail"
  5010. >the first line of Crystal ponies had been decimated by your pitfalls and spike traps
  5011. >but thats only the first line, you see now that this is almost a legion against your three hundred
  5012. "let the first spells fly!"
  5013. >a few unicorn groups had been holding magic in their horns to cast large impact spells
  5014. >you see large balls of magic fly into the sky and burst as they hit the ground
  5015. >in the distance ponies scatter and break ranks
  5016. >but the sheer number has them keep advancing
  5017. >soon they reach the woods
  5018. "send everything their way, the less that reach out front line the better!"
  5019. >magic shoots from your unicorns at the opposing forces
  5020. >and some is equally returned
  5021. >trees explode into splinters and impact nearby ponies
  5022. >screams of pain are drowned in the sound of battle
  5023. >for your ponies, this is the first battle of the first war in over a thousand years.
  5024. >and it shows, some start to panic and make themselves as small as possible trying to stay alive
  5025. >while others show remarkable bravery, taking command for those incapable
  5026. >"Fate is on our side! stand strong brothers and sisters!"
  5027. >>"he fights with us! show him the power of our faith!"
  5028. >the enemy force keeps advancing soon they are within a charge distance
  5029. >you can see their faces clearly
  5030. >a few crystal ponies are scared and panicked
  5031. >while others seem to be confident and unfazed their faces are void of emotion
  5032. >you look closer, those scared make up the largest percent of the force
  5033. >they are no warriors, this is a slave army, conscripts.
  5034. "You insult me Sombra. I am no salad eating pony. Im a Human and I am a God."
  5035. >you signal your Pegasi to take to the sky
  5036. >some go immediately while others panic before finally leaving the ground
  5037. "Rainbow get ready, ill need you for the next assault"
  5038. >you signal the cloud riders to engage
  5039. >while your normal Pegasi engage the crystal ones your cloud riders attack the infantry
  5040. >Loud booms of thunder erupt over the battlefield
  5041. >and blasts of lightning scorch the frozen ground
  5043. >you are princess Celestia
  5044. >and there is loud booms in the distance
  5045. "was.. was that thunder?"
  5046. >Luna walks beside you
  5047. >"i dont see any storm clouds in the sky, perhaps it was magic?"
  5048. "If that is the case, then anonymous has already been engaged. we must make haste"
  5049. >Luna takes to the sky and looks across the now dark landscape
  5050. >"there, there are flashes of lightning in the distance along with bursts of magic flying in all directions, its certain that it is Manos"
  5051. >you shout up to your sister in the sky
  5052. "Luna! take all your ponies and my pegasi and get to Manos as soon as you can! we shall continue on the path as fast as our hooves can carry us!"
  5053. >hopefully we will make it in time
  5055. >You are Anonymous
  5056. >and this is war.
  5057. >its been only a hour and the air reeks with burnt and freshly opened flesh
  5058. >the battle is raging on your first line had to retreat to your next line
  5059. "Hold fast my ponies! make them pay for every inch of dirt with sweat and blood!"
  5060. >is your voice louder than normal?
  5061. >you look again at the advancing enemy force
  5062. "Rainbow, are you ready?"
  5063. >"uh i think, what am i doing?"
  5064. >you point to the center of the mass charge
  5065. "Rainboom"
  5066. >rainbow looks at the target position
  5067. >"uh. are you sure, i mean, i dont know if it will work like that"
  5068. "trust me Rainbow, and even if you don't trust me this is still an order, i need you to do a Sonic rainboom right at that location"
  5069. >rainbow gulps
  5070. >then fakes her normally confident grin
  5071. >"yeah, no problem, i got this."
  5072. >then she takes off at top speed
  5073. "dont fail me horse.."
  5075. >You are Princess Luna
  5076. >and you can see a battle raging
  5077. >what surprises you is its not as you expected
  5078. >where normally there would be lines of troops fighting in combat
  5079. >there is only one side in formation while the other is scattered and inflicting casualties then retreating
  5080. "what is this strange brand of war?"
  5081. >as you get closer you can see how effective it has been
  5082. >there are traps that have been sprung and the bodies are piling up for the Crystal ponies
  5083. >while manos and his force seems to be taking relatively few losses against such a large foe
  5084. "Lord Manos is down there in that woods! here is where we shall assist! Charge that rear line my ponies!"
  5085. >you and your troops dive from the sky
  5086. >the night shielding you from discovery until the last moment
  5088. >You are Anonymous
  5089. >and who has arrived to the fray?
  5090. >you look up just in time to see a large group of pegasi smash into the opposing force
  5091. >perhaps a rout will occur soon
  5092. "watch your spells! there are friendlies in melee with those Crystal bastards!"
  5093. >"Aye sir!"
  5094. >your unicorns stop the massive volley of spells and instead change to more direct spells
  5095. >the fight is entering CQC for all sides now
  5096. "Comet Glow do you see rainbow dash anywhere?"
  5097. >"yes sir, here she comes! shes about to attack the center!"
  5098. >Sorry Luna, but you know what they say
  5099. "Friendly fire, isn't."
  5100. >as you finish there is a loud blast
  5101. >a rainbow colored explosion mid air strikes the center of the Enemy line
  5102. >its inflicts massive casualties
  5103. >both the the crystals
  5104. >and to some unlucky Lunar Guard too close to the center
  5105. "situational awareness Luna, either you have it or you dont"
  5107. >rewind about 3 minutes
  5108. >you are Rainbow Dash
  5109. "just a little faster!"
  5110. >you feel the drag as you keep increasing speed
  5111. >you know you are close to completing the rainboom
  5112. >"Charge that rear line my ponies!"
  5113. >who was that?!
  5114. "LUNA?!"
  5115. >its too late if you slow down or change direction you wont be able to finish your run
  5116. >you have your orders but...
  5117. >theres no time to think about this
  5118. "im sorry"
  5119. >you feel the sonic boom as you finally commit to the attack
  5120. >you are the element of loyalty
  5121. >and you do as commanded
  5123. >You are Luna
  5124. >and your attack has just begun!
  5125. "send them back to their vile master! we shall not falter this night!"
  5126. >as you yourself enter the battle alongside your troops you look up to see a long pony
  5127. >she is picking up speed
  5128. "is that.. Rainbow Dash?"
  5129. >there is a loud explosion
  5130. >and everything is rainbows
  5132. >you are anonymous
  5133. >and you can feel the blast from your observation point
  5134. >you stand firm while some ponies around you falter
  5135. "direct hit."
  5136. >you cant imagine how bad the blast must have been up close
  5137. >your ears are ringing and you feel off balance from here
  5138. "send in everyone, mop up any remaining resistance. if you can take captives do it"
  5139. >Cinnamon and Aryanne wobble to their feet
  5140. >they both respond
  5141. >"yes lord!"
  5142. >they take your forces for your final and brutal counter attack
  5143. "their Fate has been decided."
  5144. >you calmly walk to your banner still flying high on the hill
  5145. >you pick up the banner from its post and walk down to the battlefield
  5146. >after you make it to the field where there is now little to no resistance you stab the flag into the ground
  5147. "this night is ours. you will have to do more then send a mass army of slaves to stop our righteous march"
  5148. >you tap the amulet around your neck
  5149. "i know you can sense this.. if you want it, you will need to earn it"
  5150. >you drink in the sights of the battlefield for a time
  5151. >"lord manos!"
  5152. >one of your loyal bodyguard rush to your side
  5153. >you are too immersed in the glory to recognize who
  5154. >"we have a estimated body count... it seems we lost around one hundred and fifty-three brave ponies. but.."
  5155. "but what?"
  5156. >"we took the lives of over 5 thousand slaves.. and less than a few hundred were trained soldiers"
  5157. "only a monster would send slaves to do a soldiers job, either way. this was a heroic victory for us. have the records sent back to Canterlot and Castle Manos ASAP."
  5158. >"uh.. as you wish lord."
  5159. >Imagine the boost to recruitment you will receive when the news of this gets out
  5160. >and how well your public image will be improved
  5161. >Manos and his Three-hundred, defeats a full legion of Crystal warriors.
  5162. >you just notice Rainbow Dash standing a few feet away
  5163. >"manos.."
  5164. >you notice she is looking at the carnage on the field
  5165. >mangled corpses, broken limbs, moans and screams for ponies mothers
  5166. >some of the bodies just dissolved while others became a red mist
  5167. >all of that just from her sonic rainboom
  5168. >something that before know was just a stunt
  5169. "Yes Rainbow?"
  5170. >"how can i live with this knowing what i have done here."
  5171. "thats for you to figure out.. but, take solace in knowing that every life you took, is the same as saving countless lives of our ponies and our nation."
  5172. >you both just stand there for a moment
  5173. >until Luna emerges from under a pile of bodies
  5174. >>"Manos? is it over?"
  5175. >you simply smile and nod to her
  5176. "yes Luna, the night is ours"
  5178. >you are Celestia
  5179. >and the sounds of battle have ended
  5180. "Manos.. am i too late? and what of Luna.."
  5181. >you cant think about that now
  5182. >you boom using the royal canterlot voice
  5184. >after what seems like a forever long run you make it to where the noise was emanating from
  5185. >just as you reach the top of the hill the sun rises with you
  5186. >like you and your ponies are the light of the sun itself
  5187. >however what you see soon takes all the light from you
  5188. >a scarred and destroyed field most of which was once a peaceful woods
  5189. >you are at a loss for words as you look and see Manos Mark flying high over the battlefield
  5190. "he.. he won?"
  5191. >without giving orders the Black Hands that came with you quickly move in
  5192. >soon they are integrated with the others, clearing bodies, debris, and confirming kills
  5193. "what has become of my sister and manos?"
  5194. >a Black hand with a open wound just looks to you
  5195. >a calm look in his eyes even with such a terrible wound
  5196. >"Lord manos has decided our fate, and we still stand this day."
  5197. >the pony smiles and then points you to where the new FOB was constructed
  5198. >"he is waiting there, and your sister too princess."
  5199. >the pony then walks off to find a medical pony
  5200. "i can only imagine what these ponies had to witness.."
  5201. >you walk off to find your sister and Manos
  5203. >you are anonymous
  5204. >and Luna is still a little shaken
  5205. >Rainbow is a whole different matter
  5206. >she refuses to talk about anything instead seems to be ignoring the battle even happend
  5207. "Luna are you ok?"
  5208. >you dont look up from your map as you ask
  5209. >to much to think about now.
  5210. >"yes manos. i think i am.."
  5211. "Good, im sure your sister will be here soon. so im sure--"
  5212. >theres a crash as Celestia rushes into the room knocking a pony over by mistake
  5213. >>"oh im sorry my little pony.."
  5214. >Almond heart only stands up and huffs before going back to work
  5215. >>"Luna! you are ok! and Manos you survived the assault?!"
  5216. >"yes Sister, i am alive and well. it seems Manos is a little.. unconventional in his views of warfare"
  5217. >you cut in quickly
  5218. "Unconventional to you, but its effective and i saved the lives of those under my command, by the way. we also have around sixty captives being held by my forces currently would you be so kind as to-"
  5219. >>"Manos!"
  5220. >you finally look up from your map
  5221. >your voice is tense and annoyed
  5222. "what."
  5223. >>"do you not care about the lives you risked?"
  5224. "This is a WAR Celestia, Lives WILL be lost. that is inevitable!"
  5225. >Celestia storms over to you her eyes nearly fire
  5226. >>"WANNA RACE?! you couldnt have just gave us a little notice before leaving? perhaps plan a strategy?!"
  5227. >you remain silent and let the princess rant
  5228. >as does Luna
  5229. >>"You could have cost the lives of all your ponies, for what? some dirt! this battle had no meaning!"
  5230. "Wrong."
  5231. >she stops her shouting
  5232. >>"Im sorry? how am i possibly Wrong?!"
  5233. "look outside what did you see?"
  5234. >>"Carnage and death innocent ponies are dead Manos!"
  5235. "i see hope... outside there was only three-hundred of MY ponies. Mine."
  5236. >you lock eyes refusing to back down
  5237. >you stand and become level to her
  5238. "MY ponies who came here willingly, MY ponies who fought off a LEGION!"
  5239. >you point to Luna
  5240. "And i bet! instead of coming to help MY ponies yourself! YOU SENT YOUR LITTLE SISTER!"
  5241. >there is a long and heavy silence
  5243. >the pause continues
  5244. "If you saw them as YOUR poines... i bet you would have made it here before the battle even begun."
  5245. >you never break you gaze
  5246. >but under your suit the Alicorn Amulet is glowing red.
  5247. >"Manos.."
  5248. >you and Celestia both look to Luna
  5249. >Luna points a hoof to your chest
  5250. >"what is that glowing.."
  5251. >you look down and see the red glow
  5252. >you forgot you still had the amulet on.
  5253. >and you just had a unnecessary argument because of it.
  5254. >with the leader of equestria
  5255. >>"manos.. show us what that is.."
  5256. "i dont take orders from you Celestia."
  5257. >shit what did you say?
  5258. >now is not the time for this Manos get it together
  5259. "I.. im sorry, i dont know what has got into me today."
  5260. >you walk out of the 'Command building'
  5261. >and quickly remove the amulet from your neck
  5262. "fuck.. this piece of rock keeps getting me into shit i just dont need"
  5263. >>"what 'rock' manos"
  5264. >Celestia followed you out.
  5265. >and now you are stuck.
  5266. "I have in my possession the Alicorn Amulet."
  5267. >and now you wait
  5269. >You are Blackout
  5270. >and you finally woke up
  5271. >as soon as you come to you rush outside to check where you are
  5272. "is this a battlefield?"
  5273. >you scan the horizon until you spot a familiar mark
  5274. >Manos flag is flying high
  5275. "I never doubted you Lord."
  5276. >you look to what you can safely assume is the Command post
  5277. >and start your walk to congratulate your Lord on the victory
  5279. >you are Rainbow Dash
  5280. >and you are sitting on the top f the hill watching the clouds
  5281. >did you do the right thing?
  5282. "of course i did. those ponies would have all died if i didnt do it."
  5283. >are you sure?
  5284. >what if you could have done something else?
  5285. >you get up and walk back to command
  5286. "what ifs never help things..."
  5287. >you see Celestia confronting Manos.
  5288. >whats going on?
  5289. >"Manos.. give me the amulet. you dont know what you have"
  5290. >>"yes Princess i know exactly what i have, and you are not able to keep it safe"
  5291. >"Manos that amulet is evil, it might increase your powers but it comes at a cost! nothing in the world is free manos!"
  5292. >>"I KNOW THAT! but if you were fit to protect it then it wouldnt be out in the world just waiting for someone to grab it. do you even know where we recovered it? do you?"
  5293. "what are they talking about?"
  5294. >you rush to the scene as guards and Black Hands begin to gather
  5296. >You are Blackout
  5297. >and you are watching a confrontation between Celestia and manos
  5298. "careful my lord.."
  5299. >"where ever you found it manos, is irrelevant now that we know where it is it should be guarded!"
  5300. >>"it was in a shop! open to the pubic! anyone could have obtained this! Imagine what could have happened!"
  5301. >"but YOU recovered it, now manos please, give it to us we will ensure its safety"
  5302. >for a moment manos closes his eyes
  5303. >then suddenly he throws the Amulet in your direction.
  5304. >and looks right to you
  5305. "i understand my mission"
  5306. >you blend into the world as you catch the amulet
  5308. >you are anonymous
  5309. "I will keep it safe, Princess. Along with MY ponies."
  5310. >you turn to your men
  5311. "We move out in four hours. let the princess keep this camp for herself, we will get our hooves dirty for her."
  5312. >you walk away from the scene once again
  5313. >i have severely miscalculated the amulets effects.
  5314. >soon your personal guard are around you again
  5315. >they are on edge since your encounter with Celestia and are beginning to keep an eye on the solar guard
  5316. "we need to take that kingdom soon."
  5318. >You are Lord Sombra.
  5319. >and you are very displeased
  5320. "tell me again.. pony, what happened to my legion?"
  5321. >a very scared slave master is before you
  5322. >"im sorry my L-lord, but our Legion was decimated by the enemy"
  5323. >this pony is worthless to you then
  5324. "A whole Legion, over 6000 slaves and soldiers were destroyed by a mere 300 ponies! what kind idiot can lose with a 20 to 1 advantage!!"
  5325. >your voice echos throughout the halls
  5326. >smoke billows from your eyes with a green and red glow
  5327. >"the leader was not using conventional warfare! we didnt know what to expect!"
  5328. "do you know what the price of failing a god is?! its death! I am death! I am fear! I AM A GOD!"
  5329. >your rage is uncontrollable as you last out with your magic, a spell impacts on the pony
  5330. >at first nothing seems to happen
  5331. >then he hits the floor screaming
  5333. >some black spikes jut out from under his skin blood leaking onto the floor
  5334. >you watch as the pony slowly from the inside out becomes a pile of black crystals
  5335. "I am fear.. the last thing you feel before you die.."
  5336. >you turn into a cloud of smoke and leave to ready your legions
  5338. >You are anonymous
  5339. >you might have made some mistakes today
  5340. >but in the end there was victory
  5341. >and victory means you are one step closer to that Crystal rich throne being in your hands
  5342. >the amulet however... is very troubling.
  5343. "i need to relax, things might be bad now.. but i can change that, I decide my own Fate..."
  5344. >I decide the fate of all.
  5345. >I am Fate
  5346. >I am a God.
  5348. >you are Lord Sombra
  5349. >who is this leader who can best your legion with so few
  5350. >and what tactics did he use..
  5351. >when you arrived to this Kingdom you revolutionized technology
  5352. >you raised armies and created national unity in one leader
  5353. >you remember your rise...
  5354. >you started with nothing just you and your magic..
  5355. >you had to crawl to the top
  5356. >but once you made it you never looked back
  5357. >and now here you stand
  5358. >before your Legions of Slaves
  5359. "Soon we will be facing a foe that we have never faced before.. They Think themselves heroes! but there are no heroes! only villains in disguise! we will show them that nothing can overcome us! we are the face of fear!
  5360. >you will show him who rules here.
  5362. >you are anonymous
  5363. >you and your forces are advancing
  5364. >always forward never back
  5365. >you grab your communication crystal
  5366. "blackout, do you still have possession of it"
  5367. >"yes lord, its safe and in my possession"
  5368. "good, keep it with you, but under NO circumstance wear it. even though you are an earth pony its side effect may still influence you"
  5369. >"understood"
  5370. "Blackout.. i have a plan.. Im going to meet with Sombra. Ill need you to provide security along with my personal guards"
  5371. >"are.. are you sure about this?"
  5372. "No. im positive. Let him meet the face of Fate."
  5373. >"as you wish lord.. i am your faithful hand"
  5375. >you are Lord Sombra
  5376. >and you are currently talking to a 'messenger'
  5377. "how do i know you're not a spy sent to divulge information to your leader?"
  5378. >the messenger speaks
  5379. >"because Sombra, if i was here to spy on you i would not have been discovered"
  5380. "Confident for a mere pony"
  5381. >"Im Confident in my lord. he Decides the fate of all, if mine is to die here delivering a message.. then so be it"
  5382. >what was that part about fate?
  5383. "Who DO you serve anyway pony? i have heard rumors of your.. leader and his battle tactics."
  5384. >"i serve Lord Manos, I serve the God of Fate"
  5385. "amusing.. someone sees themselves a god do they? there are only a few true gods in this world."
  5386. >"and he has proven to many he is one"
  5387. >you look at the little pony for a long time
  5388. "fine.. we shall have this meeting. if he is a god then he shouldnt fear meeting me alone..."
  5389. >you look to the top of a nearby Mountain
  5390. "at the summit of that mountain we shall meet.. two days from now"
  5391. >"i will inform him of the time and place then."
  5392. >the pony bows very slightly before leaving
  5393. >you smile
  5394. >what a foolish leader.. letting the other choose the time and place...
  5395. "killing him will be too easy.."
  5397. >you are anonymous
  5398. >and Comet Glow has just returned from Sombras Kingdom
  5399. >"he has agreed to the meeting, he said you two will meet at the summit of that mountain, in two days"
  5400. >he points to the summit
  5401. "No doubt he will have a ambush set... I know i would."
  5402. >"you would set an ambush for a diplomatic meeting?"
  5403. "you clearly know little of politics Comet Glow... its the same as warfare except the opponent smiles as they stab you in the back"
  5404. >"ah, i see"
  5405. "now listen close my ponies.. this will be the plan.."
  5406. >you open up a crude map of the mountain
  5407. "you will need to wait for my signal, and trust me, you will know it when you see it."
  5408. >you look over to a 'watery' looking corner of the room
  5409. >at Blackout
  5410. "because you will give me the Amulet"
  5412. >you are Luna
  5413. >and you are worried about both Manos and your Sister
  5414. >neither of them have been the same since the battle
  5415. "Tia i understand your frustration with manos and the amulet.. but.. perhaps he was right, i mean if it was really just sitting in a shop then who knows what could have happened?"
  5416. >"thats not the point Luna, Im worried that the Amulet is effecting his mind. thats not at all how Manos normally acts!"
  5417. >well you agree on that at least
  5418. >but it probably is safer with Manos than in Canterlot
  5419. "but is it really something worth fighting him over like that? Sister, he seems to not be able to die! and on top of that he knows events before they occur!"
  5420. >Celestia remains silent but you can tell she is thinking about what you have said
  5421. "i think its safer now than it ever was.. besides, its not like he would just take it straight to Sombra."
  5422. >Celestia giggles a bit
  5423. >good to she her mood lifted
  5424. >"I suppose you are right Luna, Manos wouldnt be that reckless."
  5425. "of course not, now let us prepare for our attack on the kingdom. that is our top priority"
  5427. >you are anonymous
  5428. >and you are climbing the mountain
  5429. >you cant see them but you know your ponies are close by
  5430. "Time to meet Sombra face to face."
  5431. >you continue to climb the mountain as you clench your chest
  5432. >making sure the amulet is safe around your neck
  5433. "this will be a meeting that decides the future, of this war, of the crystal kingdom, and of Equestria."
  5435. >you are Lord Sombra
  5436. >and you are waiting
  5437. "how long till this lord 'manos' arrives."
  5438. >you stomp your hooves into the snow, small black crystals forming around you from excess magic and anger
  5439. >"perhaps you should control that temper of yours Sombra.."
  5440. >you look around but you cant quite see this 'Manos' yet
  5441. >"i know that mine has got me into... difficult situations"
  5442. >you look ahead and see a tall bipedal figure appearing from the snowstorm
  5443. "And i suppose you are this Manos.. the one who has taken to calling himself Fate."
  5444. >the creature keeps approaching
  5445. >soon you see a large smile on his face
  5447. >You are anonymous
  5448. >and this is your meeting with Sombra
  5449. "I am Lord Manos, the Lord of Fate."
  5450. >you give a slight bow
  5451. >"same me your lies.. you are not fate, no more than I am the Sun Goddess"
  5452. >you begin to laugh at his bad attempt at mockery
  5453. "I know who you are too Sombra. I know your past, and your future, and it doesnt look good."
  5454. >Sombra scoffs and approaches you
  5455. >his eyes aglow and his almost demonic smile wide
  5456. >"tell me manos, do you feel fear?"
  5457. "of course i do, im not ignorant enough to deny that. but if you are trying to scare me. you will have to do much more than show me some pearly whites.."
  5458. >you make sure he sees your teeth
  5459. >specifically your canines
  5460. "especially when we share the same pretty smile"
  5461. >Sombra looks at you and laughs then lets see what else we share then.
  5462. >there is a slight pain in your mind before you once again see nothing but black
  5464. >you are in the Immaterial world again
  5465. >still face to face with Sombra
  5466. >"here is where we shall see the truth of one another"
  5467. "then let us begin"
  5468. >you look in Sombras eyes
  5469. >and soon you are flooded with information
  5470. >you see his life, from start to finish, multiple times each time different
  5471. >as you look you see him grin
  5472. >does he see what you see?
  5473. >no.. he sees your fears.
  5474. >so that must mean i see his fate
  5475. >let the games begin
  5476. >before you know it you are again on the mountain
  5477. >the snow chilling your bones
  5478. >the sound of the wind piercing your ears
  5479. >the only thing you focus on is the Large Unicorn in front of you
  5480. "So tell me Sombra, was your little peak into my mind eventful? i can assure you mine was most enlightening"
  5481. >"hmhmhm oh yes, i learned quite a lot about you manos. arent you worried about a being who controls fear looking into your mind?"
  5482. >you two begin to circle one another on the cliff
  5483. "Fear is something that can be overcome Sombra. you see yourself as a god, but i know the real story"
  5484. >its.. its actually very similar to..
  5485. "you were nobody, a face in the crowd"
  5486. >sombra becomes agitated but lets you continue
  5487. "you built your kingdom from the ground up, lurking in shadows. inciting rebellions, a real anarchist you were.."
  5488. >"And what of you? you undoubtably were given your position! you know not of the struggles i had to endure! nor the months, years, DECADES of planning and learning to rest control of MY kingdom!"
  5489. >you stop walking
  5490. >as does he
  5491. "Oh poor little Sombra.. its a shame how your parents died.. isnt it?"
  5492. >Sombra for a moment looks worried, then it turns to anger
  5493. >he strikes
  5494. >a blast of magic flies at you and impacts directly
  5495. >soon you fall to your knees
  5496. "you know who you remind me of?.. you remind me of a pony i killed long ago."
  5497. >you see a large crystal starting to grow from inside your gut
  5498. "he also hit me with magic before he died.."
  5499. >you fall to the ground
  5500. >you can hear Sombra laughing
  5501. >"and you call yourself a god, how foolish.. you couldnt even last a single spell.."
  5502. >Sombra walks over to your 'corpse'
  5503. >"quite pathetic if you ask me."
  5504. >you begin to laugh.
  5505. >its a quite disturbing sight, a creature with blood pouring out of him
  5506. >crystals beginning to pierce out of its skin
  5507. >and laughing
  5508. >you do your best to stand but you know already whats going to happen
  5509. "oh Sombra."
  5510. >you look directly at sombra a crystal growing out of your eye
  5511. "You cant kill fate"
  5513. >you are Sombra
  5514. "what! how are you not writhing in pain!"
  5515. >you take a small step back
  5516. "you should be screaming in agony and dying! not laughing!"
  5517. >you attack him again
  5518. >now stomping on this monsters body
  5519. >over
  5520. >and over
  5521. >you can feel his body breaking under your hooves
  5522. >"hahahahah! oh sombra! you cant kill me! not here."
  5523. >the beast still laughs at you
  5524. >its infuriating!
  5525. "You are insignificant! just a speck of dirt on my armor! now be quiet and DIE"
  5526. >soon there is silence
  5527. >only the sound of your breathing
  5528. >no wind
  5529. >you dont even feel cold from the snow
  5530. >you can still hear his voice
  5531. >"its is truly a shame how your parents met their fate... isnt it sombra?"
  5532. >you look to the body mangled in the snow
  5533. >its no longer speaking
  5534. >"you and your magic, you just couldnt learn with them in the way could you?"
  5535. "SHUT UP!"
  5536. >you start to cast magic in random directions hoping to hit something, anything!
  5537. >"you killed them, just because they were worried about your obsessions.."
  5538. >thats all you can take
  5539. >you are at your maximum
  5540. >soon you are belching smoke and shadow your eyes are glowing red as pure magic flows from you
  5542. >"im right here."
  5543. >you look at the body again
  5544. >its starting to stand
  5545. >its grotesque and morbid flesh dangles loosely and what is held together is solid only from the crystals growing out of it
  5546. >"are you afraid of me Sombra? I thought you were fear? or perhaps you are just a pony.. with his pathetic spells that will never be finished.."
  5548. >you are manos
  5549. >and you are in control
  5550. >Sombra is unaware you never let the immaterial World
  5551. >and here, with this amulet, you hold all the cards.
  5553. >you are Blackout
  5554. >and the two beings have done nothing but stand there for the past few minutes.
  5555. "Search for any hostiles nearby, eliminate them before any signal from Sombra can be given"
  5556. >Manos personal guard seem to ignore you
  5557. >the one named Aryanne speaks
  5558. >"do as he says, its the best course of action for now"
  5559. >the others nod to their commander and carry out their search and destroy mission
  5561. >you are Comet Glow
  5562. >you and Cinnamon are right behind two unknowing Crystal guards
  5563. >"on the count of three we strike"
  5564. >you nod
  5565. "one."
  5566. >"two"
  5567. "go"
  5568. >swift and silent the both of you strike removing these two pawns from the game-board
  5569. "lets see if there are more nearby"
  5571. >you are Almond Heart
  5572. >you are alone when you spot a group of three Crystal ponies behind a boulder
  5573. "buck.. i cant take them on alone.."
  5574. >you look around
  5575. >perhaps something here will give you an edge
  5576. "ah ha."
  5577. >you look up to see a large snowbank just above them
  5578. >quickly and quietly as you can you fly up behind it
  5579. "hope this works"
  5580. >you push as much of the snow as you can
  5581. >soon the rest follows it off the side
  5582. >the Crystal ponies below are encased in snow trying to pull themselves out
  5583. >you fly down to them standing just above their heads
  5584. >"uh.. please dont hurt us!"
  5585. >>"we were just following orders!"
  5586. >"Mercy?"
  5587. >you smile to yourself as you remember what you were once told by Lyra
  5588. >just before the battle of Canterlot
  5589. "we are his angels of death.."
  5590. >you then look to the cone who begged to be spared
  5591. "not his angels of mercy.."
  5592. >you draw your blades and drown them in their own blood
  5594. >you are Manos,
  5595. >the only real God here.
  5596. "Soooooommmmbbbbrraaaa"
  5597. >you make your body disappear into the snow
  5598. "dont be afraid.. Fate cannot be changed."
  5599. >"dont toy with me!"
  5600. >sombra turns into his cloud of smoke and starts to fly around searching for you
  5601. >"why do you run? you are scared of me! arnt you! dont worry manos soon i will find you!"
  5602. >he is getting overconfident
  5603. >thats good, he will show you everything in his bag of tricks
  5604. >large black crystals begin to form all over the mountain
  5605. >some smashing into the side causing rocks and snow to fall
  5606. >others exploding into shrapnel sticking areas of snow
  5607. >"You cant scare me with your magic tricks manos! i am Fear! i dont feel it! IT is me!"
  5608. "there is no magic Sombra."
  5609. >slowly the crystals recede
  5610. >and his trail of smoke fades
  5611. >"What are you doing to me?! how are you taking my magic!"
  5612. >in a matter of moments Sombra is back to his normal Pony state
  5613. >he stands on the edge of the cliff right where he was before you entered this immaterial world
  5614. >your body rises from the ground in front of him
  5615. >you appear back to your normal self
  5616. >you are also right where you stand
  5617. "you cant change fate Sombra... but fate can change you."
  5618. >you reach out your hand
  5619. "Ill give you this one chance.."
  5620. >Sombra snarls at you
  5621. >"once chance for what? beast!"
  5622. "to live.. either work with me... or your fate, is sealed"
  5623. >ponies walk from the snowline
  5624. >at first sombra grins thinking they are his guards
  5625. >then he soon realizes that they are not
  5626. >and instead they are your personal guard
  5627. "your choice, pony.."
  5629. >you are Blackout
  5630. >and Manos just started talking out of nowhere
  5631. >like he was having a conversation that you were unable to hear
  5632. >"Ill give you this one chance"
  5633. >you watch as Sombra too seems to come out of his trance
  5634. >a large snarl on his face
  5635. >>"One chance for what? Beast!"
  5636. >"to live.. Either work with me.. or your fate, is sealed"
  5637. >you look to Aryanne and the other ponies
  5638. >they are already approaching the duo
  5639. >some are stained with blood
  5640. >they must have taken care of the company
  5641. >you walk up with them
  5642. >"your choice, pony..."
  5643. >sombra now looks near terrified
  5644. >seems he wasnt expecting you and the others to take care of his ponies
  5646. >you are Sombra
  5647. >and you are outnumbered
  5648. >even with your magic.. no.. somehow this creature.. this Manos
  5649. >has taken your magic
  5650. >you saw it yourself
  5651. >your crystals disappeared and your cloud of smoke was sent away
  5652. >you are at his mercy
  5653. >you hate it..
  5654. "Fine... Manos.."
  5655. >the beast smiles at you
  5656. "what would you have me do.."
  5657. >"simply follow me. and i can assure you.. power will be yours. power far beyond your simple tricks with rocks."
  5658. >doubtful..
  5659. >but.. possible..
  5660. "I am at your service then."
  5661. >for now.
  5663. >you are Manos
  5664. >and Sombra just pledged himself to you.
  5665. >of course you're sure this is just temporary
  5666. "come with me then. we have much to discuss."
  5667. >you start to walk back to 'Celestias' forward base
  5668. "and i think you need to see how far my reach extends"
  5670. >you are Aryanne
  5671. >is Manos sure about this?
  5672. >this is Sombra! even with all of the ponies here youre not sure you could take him on
  5673. >but, you do have manos with you.
  5674. >"is this a good idea commander?"
  5675. >you look back to Comet Glow
  5676. "If manos thinks it is so do i, but.. dont let your guard down around Sombra."
  5677. >Comet seems to understand that you agree with him on this
  5678. >despite what you said
  5679. >"understood. id give my life for Manos, against any foe."
  5680. >why is it manos likes keeping us in the dark so much?
  5681. >you laugh a little to yourself
  5682. >it doesnt matter, you dont know how you could handle knowing everything like manos does
  5683. >he seems to be holding together well.
  5685. >You are Blackout
  5686. >and you are falling in line with the ponies marching back
  5687. >wait.. why are we going towards Celestias camp?
  5688. >you look to Almond heart
  5689. "out of the frying pan.."
  5690. >"and into the sun.."
  5691. >ha.. clever.
  5693. >You are Celestia
  5694. >and you have finally calmed down
  5695. >Luna has talked you down from your rage
  5696. >thats good..
  5697. "perhaps i should apologize to manos. hes going through a lot in the aftermath of that battle.."
  5698. >you did arrive after it was over..
  5699. >and then immediately verbally assaulted him
  5700. >yes he was reckless with the lives of his ponies
  5701. >but in the end it was fine.
  5702. "thats it. when i see him ill apologize and request one more time he returns the amulet, if he says 'no' then ill explain why i think its best and be done with it. what he decides then will be fine."
  5703. >right?
  5704. >besides its not like he did anything too rash.
  5705. >like take the amulet right to Sombra.
  5707. >you are Manos
  5708. >and this about how you expected to be greeted
  5709. >"MANOS! you did WHAT!?"
  5710. >Celestia screams at you from the entrance of (your) her camp
  5711. >royal guards are lined from wall to wall spears, magic, and arrows ready
  5712. >of course your personal guard jump to the defense
  5713. >a shield is up protecting you while the others take a defensible position around you
  5714. >Sombra is left out in the open with no protection from your ponies
  5715. >he looks worried
  5716. "I said, Celestia.. i confronted Sombra. and he has pledged himself to my service"
  5717. >whats so hard to understand here?
  5718. >am i not speaking English?
  5719. >or rather equestrian.
  5721. "yup."
  5722. >Luna comes up over the ramparts
  5724. >you cant help but smile at that
  5725. >then she notices Sombra
  5727. >She jump from the base and charges at sombra her eyes aglow
  5728. >you simply walk in front of him
  5729. "now hold your...self there luna"
  5730. >she starts to slide a bit as she stops
  5731. >a puzzled expression on her face
  5732. "Sombra is Under my protection. he has pledged himself to my service"
  5733. >she stares at you for a while
  5735. >huh. I guess they are sisters
  5736. "he is now my vassal, as is his kingdom. continuation of hostilities means you will be committing the same offences towards myself"
  5739. "please stop with the shouting.."
  5740. >this time they answer together
  5741. >"NO!"
  5742. >you then look over to Sombra.
  5743. "You see what i have to deal with?"
  5744. >Sombra is completely lost and confused from this turn of events.
  5745. "look we can discuss this like normal calm beings of power, no need to cause Armageddon"
  5746. >you look to your ponies
  5747. "alright stand down, i think you guys are making them nervous"
  5748. >your personal guard all look to you
  5749. >"us?! you think its US making them nervous?"
  5750. "yeah, look at you, you look ready to kill."
  5751. >you start to walk to the base
  5752. "come on everyone. we can talk more inside"
  5753. >for a moment there is silence besides the sounds of your footsteps
  5754. >then slowly you hear other ponies begin to follow you
  5755. "there we go, we can be civil"
  5756. >you can feel the death glares digging into the back of your skull
  5758. >you are Sombra
  5759. >you cant be serious..
  5760. >this beast, this being of power that was able to get you
  5761. >YOU
  5762. >to swear allegiance to him
  5763. >is buddy buddy with the princesses
  5764. >and so confident is he around them that he just brushed them aside?
  5765. "what have i got myself into.."
  5767. >you are manos
  5768. >and you have the sisters, yourself, and Sombra all sitting at the same table
  5769. >while you drink tea calmly, the others glare at one another from opposite ends of the table
  5770. >you hate tea btw
  5771. "now that we are all here.. lets discuss this.. awkward situation."
  5772. >you look to Celestia and Luna
  5773. "ok girls. you first."
  5774. >"Manos.. you are mad.. i cant believe you actually trust Sombra enough to bring him in are war room!"
  5775. >>"WE AGREE, this is surely some sort of mistake"
  5776. >you set down your tea
  5777. "so you two dont trust me then?.."
  5778. >you give them a side glance
  5779. "the one who has saved your ponies countless times, and the one, who you blamed for needless loss of life from a battle you failed to assist in"
  5780. >they are silent
  5781. "A battle i won.. i might add. and then was accused of losing too many lives, now that i have made a PEACEFUL end to the war, you are here mad about that."
  5782. >you smash your cup on the table
  5783. "PICK A DAMN SIDE!"
  5784. "please just tell me what you want from me. you wanted to attack, i attacked, you wanted a peaceful end i gave you a peaceful end, yet here we are again! this reminds me of when you actually arrested me for saving your capital. i just cant win here can I?"
  5785. >sombra looks at you
  5786. >then back to the Princesses
  5787. >"you two sound like the ones a fault here.."
  5788. >Celestia snaps back
  5789. >>"STAY OUT OF THIS, Manos, I understand how you.. might think that you arnt being treated fairly here... but believe us when we say Sombra is bad news"
  5790. >"im right here.."
  5791. >>"and i said stay out of this!"
  5792. >you just rub your forehead in annoyance
  5793. "ok celestia you said your piece, Luna.. ill let you go next."
  5794. >"We second our sisters thoughts... but.."
  5795. >>"there! you see Luna agrees!"
  5796. "she said 'but' now let her finish"
  5797. >"but.. we trust you enough to know what you are doing.."
  5798. >Celestia looks shocked at Luna but eventually returns to her seat
  5799. "thank you for remaining calm about this. Now Sombra.. your turn"
  5800. >"what?"
  5801. "its your turn to speak.. do you have anything to say to this enjoyable mare or her agitated sister?"
  5802. >"uh.. not.. not particularly. I mean there was that banishment. but.. i think you have it worse right now"
  5803. >i like you sombra.
  5804. >its a shame i saw how you died.
  5805. >and everything else you do leading up to that point
  5806. "there. now we all had our time to get things off our chest. Sombra. ill be escorting you to your kingdom along with my soldiers, there will be some reforms and a little change in the government there, but besides that your kingdom will remain under your rule"
  5807. >but not your control
  5808. >"what kind of reforms Manos?"
  5809. >there is a little bite to his words
  5810. "well the biggest one will be all your slaves will be released, and your guard will be swapped with my troops for a short duration to establish a peaceful transition into this new rule, then we can talk about it from there.
  5811. >"i agree to those terms"
  5812. "see Celestia"
  5813. >you point to Sombra
  5814. "HE is reasonable."
  5816. >you are Cadence
  5817. >and so far everything has gone smoothly while manos is away
  5818. >you have been collecting all the changelings you can find
  5819. >for now they are being stored in different sections of the R&D wing of castle manos
  5820. >you always stop by from time to time..
  5821. >the scientists 'love' to see you.
  5822. >your visits always end with a few of the stock.. expiring
  5823. >"Cadence ma'am, we have finished clearing almost half of canterlot, there has been some resistance, however those instances are rare"
  5824. "Be sure to check on them more frequently, if they are protecting of harboring any of those creatures then they are enemies to our equestria."
  5825. >"yes ma'am we shall check them routinely"
  5826. "good. and i want a few of those pests executed in the street.. make sure the ponies see that they will be kept safe from all threats, foreign and domestic"
  5827. >the Black Hand gives you a salute and returns to the street
  5828. >things are going well in Canterlot
  5830. >you are Manos
  5831. >things are going well in the field
  5832. >you have established peace after a single victory.
  5833. >you have overseen 'peace talk' between Equestria and the Crystal Kingdom
  5834. >and you gathered all your forces to move out
  5835. >soon you will be garrisoning the Crystal Kingdom
  5836. >and those large quantities of rare resources... including sombras dark magic crystals
  5837. >will be all yours...
  5838. >you can only imagine what copper could come up with, with that kind of resources
  5839. "everything is finally coming together."
  5840. >"whatever you say manos"
  5841. >oh yeah. Sombra is with you
  5842. "hey, i just stood up for you against TWO goddesses, have a little respect ok?"
  5843. >sombra rolls his eyes at you
  5844. >"it was rather impressive how you just put them in their place, and i am glad it didnt end in Banishment AGAIN.."
  5845. "there you go.. now you see Sombra.. i have more power than most ponies realize."
  5846. >more than either the princesses or sombra can hope to comprehend.
  5847. >one step at a time..
  5848. >Equestria is becoming yours.
  5850. >you are maud
  5851. >and you are going from building to building looking for changelings
  5852. >you knock on the door to a large expensive house
  5853. >a wealthy pony answers
  5854. >"hello? can i help you?
  5855. "yes, we are looking for changelings."
  5856. >the pony waits expecting more details
  5857. "we are looking here."
  5858. >"uh.. here as in my house?"
  5859. "yes"
  5860. >you blink and look past him
  5861. "please move."
  5862. >the pony looks to you, then to the group of six ponies behind you in uniform
  5863. >"now.. see here, this is my home. you cant just walk in and do as you please"
  5864. "orders are orders.."
  5865. >you nod to the doorway and the other ponies enter past the home owner
  5866. >"YOU CANT DO THIS! THIS IS MY HOME! the princesses will hear of this"
  5867. >you simply take out a piece of paper
  5868. "they ordered it."
  5869. >that shuts him up
  5870. "if you cooperate, we wont harass you anymore as an apology"
  5871. >..
  5872. "sorry"
  5873. >>"commander maud! we found one!"
  5874. >you walk past him and find a changeling trying to escape your ponies
  5875. >"wha.. there was a changeling here?! in my home!"
  5876. "yes, you're welcome."
  5877. >you look around the room
  5878. "check for a body. they usually dont hide it far"
  5879. >"did.. did you say body?"
  5880. "yes, changelings feed off of love, so they take the life of a family member"
  5881. >"but.. a body.. then.. that means.."
  5882. "who lives with you sir?"
  5883. >he has tears in his eyes...
  5884. >"just.. just my daughter"
  5887. >You are Manos
  5888. >and its almost time to move out
  5889. "my faithful hands, there has been a slight change in the plan. Instead of spending countless hours and losses on a siege of the Crystal Kingdom we will be instead marching straight in."
  5890. >your ponies look to one another in a general mix of worry and confusion
  5891. >you motion for Sombra to approach
  5892. >as he walks up to your side you continue
  5893. "it seems Lord Sombra, has sworn himself to me. meaning his kingdom, is also my own. if there is any resistance it will be dealt with swiftly, so we can establish order, our first task will be to garrison ourselves and remove the old guard, should be quite simple considering they are mostly unwilling slaves, which will be freed. remember we are to be liberators not conquerors"
  5894. >sombra doesnt look all to happy about your orders but he doesnt resist
  5895. >you already know to keep an eye on him
  5897. >its two or three hours later
  5898. >and the troops have been on the march
  5900. >you are Lord Manos
  5901. >and so far, the travel to the Crystal Kingdom has gone without a hitch
  5902. >you can already see the large gates in the distance
  5903. "Sombra, stay close to me. dont want you running off and causing trouble.. do we?"
  5904. >you place your hand on his shoulder
  5905. >did he flinch slightly?
  5906. "good, im glad you understand your position for the moment"
  5907. >the gates open once sombra gave the word
  5908. >and the Crystal ponies lay down their weapons without a fight
  5909. "well im glad that went well."
  5910. >you look to the number of possible hostiles
  5911. >needless to say the number was frightening
  5912. "you keep a lot of slaves Sombra, will your production centers be able to maintain themselves with this change?"
  5913. >sombra grinds his teeth
  5914. "likely not, as im sure you are aware"
  5915. >yes, you are fully aware of this.
  5916. "dont worry sombra. i can guarantee you much more productive workers soon"
  5917. >"what can possibly cover for the losses of all my slaves?"
  5918. "new, much less lazy ones of course. dont worry, once my camps are constructed you will never want pony slaves again."
  5920. >you are Cadence
  5921. >overseer of the Changeling 'removal'
  5922. >Copper Coin as come with a message for you
  5923. >you two dont get along well anymore
  5924. >different views on how to deal with changelings has created a divide
  5925. >"Miss Cadence... its seems Lord Manos has given the order to begin construction soon, the.. Crystal Kingdom has surrendered and became his Vassal"
  5926. "Impressive.. well there is no time to waste then, the sooner these pests get into a new cell the better, i want them out of Equestria."
  5927. >copper looks a little disgruntled at your... narrow view on the bugs
  5928. >"as you wish, you are in charge of this operation. i do expect a quality batch shipped to me on a regular basis. there is so much we can learn from them, dead or alive."
  5929. >whatever keeps you away from MY camps Copper.
  5930. "fine, if you are so insistent"
  5932. >you are manos
  5933. >and you have entered the throne room
  5934. >Sombras throne is made completely of crystal, specifically his dark magic ones
  5935. "well that is a very nice chair you have Sombra."
  5936. >sombra takes his place atop of it
  5937. >"yes, MY throne is a symbol, both of my power, and my control"
  5938. "thats nice. now we have work to do."
  5939. >you open a large map of the crystal kingdoms borders
  5940. >you place it on a table
  5941. "please show me the best places for my... 'production' facilities"
  5942. >a smirk forms on your face
  5943. "and where some of those crystals"
  5944. >you point to the crystals forming the throne
  5945. "will need to be shipped to for experimentation"
  5946. >if i can harness those crystals before sombra can betray me then he will have fulfilled his use.
  5947. "time.. Sombra, is of the essence"
  5949. >you are Rainbow Dash
  5950. >you walk the halls of the Crystal Kingdom
  5951. >not more than a few days ago you were killing ponies for a chance to get here
  5952. >so many ponies..
  5953. >and now, just like that Manos was able to secure a way inside without any more killing
  5954. "was what i did even necessary in the first place?"
  5955. >"of course it was"
  5956. >you jump slightly as Cinnamon Pop walks up to you
  5957. "dont scare me like that Cinnamon.."
  5958. >"my apologies rainbow, but what you did that night was indeed necessary"
  5959. "how do you know?"
  5960. >"how would Manos be able to intimidate and persuade somepony like sombra without giving an example of power?"
  5961. >Cinnamon looks to a few recently freed slaves, large smiles on their faces as they leave the old castle
  5962. >"he wouldnt have been able to. he showed he could overcome his forces in battle with a twenty to one handicap at that, then during his confrontation he was able to make sombra falter against him there"
  5963. >you hang your head again
  5964. "perhaps you're right, perhaps im just placing blame on myself when there isnt a need to"
  5965. >Cinnamon pats your back
  5966. >"hey, we are his shield. its our job to protect Manos, but we also protect one another"
  5968. >you are Manos
  5969. >and you are standing over a large balcony in front of thousands of freed Crystal ponies
  5970. >many are confused but most are just excited to be out of the mines or the armies
  5971. "Crystal Ponies!"
  5972. >your voice is loud and carries over the city
  5973. "I am Lord Manos! you might also know me as The Lord of Fate!"
  5974. >there is a silence as ponies stop whatever conversations or actions they were involved with
  5975. "as of this moment, you are all free from slavery! and you will be protected by myself and my ponies!"
  5976. >a loud cheer begins to erupt
  5977. "Sombra has sworn himself to me, so i am now your ruler, but have no fear of me my ponies. you are free citizens! the old guard has been dissolved and will be replaced with one of my own, the new guard will be here for your protection not your submission."
  5978. >as far as they need to be aware
  5979. >you bask in the applause and cheers of your loving subjects
  5980. >they might not be the children of fate..
  5981. >but already they see you as a savior
  5982. >that means they will be loyal
  5983. "I ask that for today each of you meet with my commanders, they will be in the town square later this afternoon, you will be given assistance and be assigned homes, i understand it may be a difficult few months of transitioning, but i am confident that soon you will all be able to enjoy your lives as free ponies of a proud kingdom"
  5984. >you close your eyes and listen to the approval of the ponies
  5985. >then you relax yourself again
  5986. >and soon everything around you goes still and quiet
  5987. >time to have a look at this kingdom
  5988. >you can see the world but it is free of color sound or movement time itself has stopped
  5989. >last time you did this you simply remained still in thought.
  5990. >this time you are going to try something different
  5991. >you try to reach out with your sight
  5992. >and soon your vision beings to move your body remains where it was as you slowly take in all the sights of the kingdom
  5993. >from the halls of the castle
  5994. >to the open plains of snow
  5995. >you look inside all of the battlements
  5996. >and each and every home
  5997. "soon i will know this place like the back of my hand..."
  5998. >and you begin your search for the Heart
  5999. >as well as any other secrets sombra might have in this kingdom
  6001. >You are Sombra
  6002. >and you can hear Manos' speech fro your throne
  6003. "how can he promise better slaves, but think he can acquire love from those ponies.."
  6004. >at least he knows not where you have hidden the crystal heart
  6005. >if he was to discover it AND have the love of the citizens..
  6006. >well things would look bad for you.
  6007. "i doubt he even knows of its existence.. he only cares for his little camps and my crystals"
  6008. >which gives you an advantage
  6009. >only you can create those crystals a resource he wants with only one way to get.
  6010. >and those camps are on your land
  6011. >yes. you hold all the cards this time
  6012. >you are sure of it
  6014. >you are Celestia
  6015. >and you are still in the base
  6016. >the one that was 'given' to you from Manos
  6017. >you walk outside to see the large still destroyed forest
  6018. >Manos said something about renaming this place didnt he?
  6019. >you overhead some ponies talk of it.
  6020. "Ardennes wasnt it?.."
  6021. >you look to the distant Crystal Kingdom
  6022. >one battle was all it took to change a war.
  6023. >one confrontation was all it took to have sombra bow to Manos
  6024. >one human was was all that was needed to change equestria so much
  6025. >and one moment was all it took to...
  6026. >"Princess, what do we do with the captives from the battle?"
  6027. >you look to the solar guard
  6028. "take them to canterlot, we will question them there, if they are no threat to my ponies then they will be freed"
  6029. >"understood ma'am, we shall begin our march back"
  6030. "inform Luna of my decision, last i knew she was going to be overlooking this.."
  6031. >you cant think of an appropriate word for it
  6032. "this hill.. this grave.."
  6034. >you are Luna
  6035. >and you cant stop thinking about what Manos has done
  6036. >he with almost no help defeated an army of thousands with only a handful at his command
  6037. >was he a general before he came here?
  6038. >a politician?
  6039. >a soldier?
  6040. "i know nothing of him.."
  6041. >and that is a first for you
  6042. >he is the only being, besides discord, that you are unable to look into his dreams
  6043. >he is a mystery to you.
  6044. >and for some reason you...
  6045. >"Princess Luna"
  6046. >a solar guard approaches you
  6047. "speak you have our attention"
  6048. >"Your sister has given us orders to take the captives to canterlot for questioning and possible integration. This piece of dirt and death is no longer our concern, and the Crystal Kingdom will be left to manos' protection"
  6049. >this piece of dirt...
  6050. "is that all you see it as.."
  6051. >"princess?"
  6052. "Very well. we shall move out as soon as we are able"
  6053. >you look one last time over the battlefield, to the Crystal Kingdom
  6055. >you are manos
  6056. >and you have found what you were looking for
  6057. >and more
  6058. >you open your eyes as the world floods back to you
  6059. >sounds, color, movement, even the feel of the wind returns to you
  6060. >how long were you gone.
  6061. >you wave to the ponies below as they continue to cheer
  6062. >then you turn away leaving most of the organization to your troops
  6063. >you felt like you were gone for years
  6064. >but in reality it was less than a moment
  6065. "Aryanne"
  6066. >she walks to you and gives you the sieg hiel
  6067. >"lord manos"
  6068. "i have found it.. gather a small group of ponies and secure the heart."
  6069. >"yes lord, where is it located?"
  6070. >you inform Aryanne of everything you saw and instructions on how to get to the heart
  6071. "ill keep sombra busy. if discovers that we know of the heart then he wil most likely panic and act.. brashly"
  6072. >"understood we shall retrieve it immediately"
  6073. >she rushes off to assemble a team
  6074. >>"Manos.."
  6075. "yes sombra."
  6076. >Sombra steps out from the shadow
  6077. >"we need to talk about my rule"
  6078. "yes Sombra, yes we do."
  6080. >you are Aryanne
  6081. >and the first ponies you have met with was Rainbow Dash and Cinnamon Pop
  6082. "Rainbow, we have a mission from Manos. its going to be top secret and no one besides those involved can be aware"
  6083. >Rainbow and Cinnamon look to you
  6084. >surprisingly rainbow doesnt seem worried or distant
  6085. >thats a big change from her recent attitude
  6086. >"What does lord manos command his element of loyalty do?"
  6088. >You are Copper Coin
  6089. >and your research has been your whole life
  6090. >who knew changelings were such complex organisms?!
  6091. "Come here doctor! look to this one here."
  6092. >a doctor in a lab coat rushes to your table
  6093. >"what is it copper? what have you discovered?"
  6094. "do you see this organ here doctor?"
  6095. >you press your scalpel into it slightly
  6096. >the changeling writhes in pain
  6097. >its still very much alive as you have been cutting into it
  6098. >no painkillers of course
  6099. >why bother?
  6100. "this is where they convert emotion to food. now see how this one here is much smaller than this one?"
  6101. >you show him the same organ from another changeling
  6102. >"yes? so this one eats more.. what is the significance?"
  6103. >your smile is almost painfully too large
  6104. "this one with the smaller emotion stomach was born inside captivity!"
  6105. >you point to the other
  6106. "while this one was born as part of the hive! dont you see doctor?! they are beginning to evolve and adapt right in front of our very eyes!"
  6107. >you cant help but laugh
  6108. "in one generation they have adapted to the food shortage! imagine what we could do if we learned to.. sway their evolution to something useful!"
  6109. >imagine the possibilities!
  6110. >labor drones!
  6111. >soldiers!
  6112. >assassins!
  6113. "the possibilities for us to experiment are endless! fate is truly on our side!"
  6114. >the doctor nods his head in agreement
  6115. "start gathering the nymphs immediately! the sooner they learn who is in charge the sooner they will develop attachment"
  6116. >they might even learn to call me uncle
  6118. >you are Manos
  6119. >and sombra is discussing what he believes is a 'fair' trade
  6120. >"so you see Manos.. since I alone can create these crystals, and it is MY land you wish to build your camps on i think its only fair that-"
  6121. "that what? that i give you everything you have asked for?"
  6122. >you can see Sombra puffing his chest
  6123. >a futile attempt at intimidation if you ever saw one
  6124. >"yes that is correct, in fact my terms might have even been generous considering yow you have so calmly walked in and assumed to control my kingdom"
  6125. >typical
  6126. "No sombra. I will not give you what you have asked. there will be no weapons from the equestrians, no tribute for trespassing on your land, and i certainly will not compensate you for the loss of 'property' that was at the battle of Ardennes forest you WILL however supply me with your crystals and you WILL stay out of my camps. in return you get to live, and get free labor from my camps. there will be NO haggling"
  6127. >don't presume that you have any control over me
  6129. >you are Sombra
  6130. >"there will be NO haggling"
  6131. >this is a outrage!
  6132. "manos while i have agreed to serve you i require SOME benefits!"
  6133. >"do you value your life so little? remember you are alive only because i wished to keep you that way, dont think i wont end your insignificant life, you are nothing but a footnote on a history i am currently writing!"
  6134. >you see Manos eyes glow slightly
  6135. >and so does something under his suit
  6136. >wait.. you can feel it
  6137. >like its calling out to you
  6138. >it was the same feeling you had before the battle...
  6139. >and when you confronted manos on the mountain
  6140. >that power can only be from one thing..
  6141. "crystaaalllllsssss"
  6142. >you can feel a hunger grow inside you
  6143. >how did he hide it from you?
  6145. >you are Manos
  6146. >"crystaaalllllsssss"
  6147. >seems the pony has finally noticed you have the amulet.
  6148. >you tap your chest right on the Alicorn Amulet
  6149. "you want this then?"
  6150. >you wondered how long it would take him to discover it
  6151. >a makeshift locket from solar guard armor wouldnt last forever
  6152. "if you think you can take it from me sombra.. then try it.."
  6153. >you can feel sombras hunger
  6154. >he wants that amulet
  6155. >"I.. I will not give into my hunger."
  6156. >what...
  6157. >wait.. how didnt i know this would happen? i saw his future.
  6158. >something is wrong here.
  6159. "Sombra?"
  6160. >Sombra lashes out at you
  6162. >you take a slight step back
  6163. >this was not what was seen before
  6164. >something has changed
  6165. "we will speak again when you can control your temper.. my pet."
  6166. >sombra vanishes into shadows
  6167. "who is out there changing my plans.."
  6168. >you can only think of one being.
  6169. >god damn it discord..
  6171. >I am discord
  6172. >or you are.
  6173. >whichever it doesnt really matter
  6174. >we are in this together after all is said and done
  6175. "my my my, manos sure has done a lot hasn't he?
  6176. >from a little speck of dirt to a god in less than a year...
  6177. >and with several conquests under his belt too
  6178. "it is quite fun watching him deal with everything but now that he can learn anything about someone just from looking at them and concentrating, well i simply HAD to change a few things around."
  6179. >nothing big, dont worry
  6180. "but i cant let him just walk around doing what i do without adding my own twists!"
  6181. >by what i do i mean cause chaos of course.
  6182. "Oh but even I have my limits... even if people fail to see them"
  6183. >manos needs to learn that I am the Top Dog around here.
  6184. >I am the universal god of chaos
  6185. >and everyone believes that
  6186. "which means its true!"
  6187. >"hello discord.."
  6188. >uh.. how did you get here?
  6189. >"dont you worry about that.. and dont think i dont know about your little changes."
  6190. >oh go back to your ponies.
  6191. >"I will.. but know when im done, ill be coming for you next."
  6192. "ive never felt fear before.."
  6193. >"then there is a first time for everything isnt there?"
  6195. >you are Cadence
  6196. >as its been too long since you have been able to speak with Manos
  6197. >but not much longer now
  6198. >you and those under your command are moving out to the Crystal Kingdom
  6199. >and you have orders to meet with manos
  6200. >you look in a mirror
  6201. >you look so much better now that manos has given you this job
  6202. "my mane is clean.. my eyes are full of life again.. i dont know how i ever let myself look as bad as i did"
  6203. >you admire yourself in your slick black uniform
  6204. >you look good
  6205. "im sure manos will be glad to see me. we have so much to discuss."
  6206. >there is a knock on your carriage door
  6207. >"ma'am we are about two days away from the Crystal empire. and the sun is setting, should we make camp for the night?"
  6208. "nonsense, we can go a bit further, keep traveling for another hour or two then set up camp, you stallions arnt scared of the dark are you?"
  6209. >you giggle to yourself
  6210. >"of course not ma'am. as you command"
  6211. >you wonder what manos thinks of you as you start to admire yourself in your uniform again
  6213. >You are manos
  6214. >and you just took yourself out of the immaterial world
  6215. >you had a little chat with that god of chaos
  6216. >and he is still a great annoyance
  6217. "even when that john de lancie voiced fool is trapped in stone he still is able to change events!"
  6218. >you smash your hand on your desk
  6219. "i need to think of a way to remove him.. or at least his power."
  6220. >but how?
  6221. >he is the single biggest threat to you
  6222. "i cant use the elements.. i need them to stay.. separated."
  6223. >or.. do you?
  6224. >rainbow seems to finally have become your element of loyalty.
  6225. >instead of Celestias
  6226. >sure its not the same loyalty but its still her element
  6227. >which means she still has control of it.
  6228. >right?
  6229. >"Manos, we have it"
  6230. "bring it in. and have it concealed quickly! i need to keep it safe until Cadence arrives"
  6231. >Aryanne and Rainbow rush the large heart crystal inside and begin to cover it with 'recovered' solar guard armor
  6232. "oh and rainbow i have a special assignment just for you"
  6233. >"uh ok, what is it manos?'
  6234. "i will need you to return to Ponyville"
  6235. >"uh... what?"
  6236. >>Aryanne also looks a little confused
  6237. "i need you to return to ponyville and continue being the element of Loyalty."
  6238. >"uh ok, i get that you want me to go back. but why? have i done something wrong? am i not as good as my comrades?"
  6239. >still trying to prove you're the best, really?
  6240. "No, but you are a Element bearer. and you are separated from the other five. that is what i need you to do. I need you to return to your friends and be their protection."
  6241. >"so.. my mission is to go home?"
  6242. "if you wish to think of it that way."
  6243. >rainbow looks over to Aryanne
  6244. >then to Cinnamon, who is still in the doorway
  6245. >"why not the others?"
  6246. "Rainbow, this isnt a discharge, this isnt RnR this is a tier 0 mission. The elements of Harmony are the strongest line of defense equestria has besides myself."
  6247. >of course you are not equestrian, nor do you have any REAL loyalty to them
  6248. "i am giving you a direct order, return to ponyville, and protect your friends."
  6249. >"If thats.."
  6250. >rainbow snaps to attention
  6251. >"YES SIR i understand my mission"
  6252. >she slowly walk out of the room giving a final goodbye to her brothers and sisters in arms
  6253. >"i will not fail you sir"
  6254. "i know."
  6255. >you hear the doors close and you know rainbow will be back to the elements
  6256. "now.. all i have to do, is keep an eye out for any change discord might make..."
  6257. >"discord sir?"
  6258. "yes Aryanne, i sent rainbow back to make sure he remains contained, the elements are the only weapon i have against him"
  6259. >you look to your amulet, then to the heart
  6260. "at least for now"
  6262. >you are Rainbow Dash
  6263. >and you are on your way back to ponyville
  6264. >you're on your way back home
  6265. >you look back at the crystal kingdom as you begin your flight
  6266. "an order is a order."
  6267. >you decide its best to give everyone a nice farewell
  6269. >you are Almond Heart
  6270. >now the only Pegasus in Manos personal security
  6271. >its a shame you didnt get to talk with rainbow much before she left
  6272. "i probably wouldn't have got along well with her anyway"
  6273. >theres a large boom as you look to the sky
  6274. >a large rainbow blast explodes above the empire
  6275. "see ya Rainbow"
  6277. >you are Cinnamon Pop
  6278. >since you Aryanne and Rainbow dropped off the crystal heart you have been walking the halls
  6279. >you never said the words 'goodbye' but you knew that you didnt have to
  6280. >the five of you are like family, you protect each other.
  6281. >a band of brothers and sisters
  6282. >you look out the window as a large rainbow colored explosion appears high in the sky
  6283. "hope you make it back safe rainbow"
  6285. >you are Lord Manos
  6286. >and rainbow decided to create a sonic rainboom as a goodbye
  6287. "touching, but quite unnecessary, wouldnt you agree?"
  6288. >Aryanne just nods
  6289. >she must have appreciated the gesture to an extent
  6290. "we have to get ready for Cadence and her ponies to arrive.."
  6291. >you point over to the map on the table
  6292. "bring that along, she will need to know the places we plan to have the camps
  6293. >"yes lord manos"
  6294. >there is a knock on the door then a Comet Glow walks in
  6295. >"Lord, there are a few crystal ponies who would like to speak with you... they said they used to be Guards"
  6296. "interesting.. bring them in"
  6297. >perhaps they might be willing to join the ranks?
  6298. >as soon as the two walk in you notice something
  6299. >that armor looks like shit up close...
  6300. "ok ok.. first. if you want me to take anything you say seriously you are going to need to remove that armor."
  6301. >the two Crystal guards look at each other then back to you
  6302. >"but lord, this armor has been passed down for generations, the crystals used to make it are extremely resistant to magic and most physical attacks"
  6303. "how old is it?"
  6304. >"uh.. around a few hundred years or so?"
  6305. >you have to rub your forehead for a moment
  6306. "so.. you are telling me, that your military hasn't had any improvements to armor or weapons in centuries?"
  6307. >"there has been no need to improve it"
  6308. >alright i suppose thats a fair argument
  6309. "we can discuss that later, i was told you two wanted to speak to me?"
  6310. >"oh yes, our apologies! we have come to discuss the reformation of the crystal guard."
  6311. "its been taken care of, my ponies will assume the role of the guard"
  6312. >"yes, we are aware, but it would give the ponies a sense of pride and honor to have a royal guard consisting of their own. it would give us back some of our past"
  6313. >it would be quite useful to not have your own manpower wasted on this kingdom
  6314. >but you still need to be in control of this new guard
  6315. "i will allow the two of you to begin recruitment. but it will be volunteer only, and commanding roles will all be black hands including the head of the guard, those are the terms, take it or leave it, it matters little to me"
  6316. >the two crystal ponies agree quite quickly to the terms
  6317. "good.. no go begin your national pride guard, Aryanne, get me a list of ponies fit for policing this kingdom and select those you think would be most loyal."
  6318. >Aryanne gives you a salute before giving you the map you requested she grab
  6319. >"anything else lord?"
  6320. "no that will be all, i will prepare the greeting on my own."
  6322. >you are Cadence
  6323. >and its time to move out
  6324. >you are less than a day away from the Crystal Kingdom
  6325. >less than a day away from your closest friend
  6326. >"ma'am we are ready to begin the march onward"
  6327. "well then lets get going the sooner the better"
  6329. >you are Manos
  6330. >and you have two of the six pieces of the puzzle
  6331. >all you need to do now is acquire some of sombras crystals then locate the last three
  6332. >its hard to imagine what might happen once you have them all
  6333. >but if it goes as you expect..
  6334. >you can become one of the most powerful beings alive
  6335. >you cant help but smile.
  6336. "calm down Manos.. if you lose focus now, then everything could be lost."
  6337. >you look down the main street
  6338. "perhaps a large town greeting is in order"
  6339. >you walk off to inform the troops and citizens of the coming 'liberators'
  6341. >You are Cadence and you are just outside the Crystal Kingdom
  6342. >your heart is racing
  6343. >not only is Manos here
  6344. >but you also will be starting the 'removal' process soon.
  6345. >you grin like an excited teenager
  6346. "i cant wait to begin!"
  6347. >you hear the large crystal gates begin to open
  6348. >and.. is that cheering?
  6349. >you step out of your carriage still in your black hands uniform
  6350. >there's ponies, thousands of crystal ponies on the sides of the street cheering
  6351. >just ahead of them are a line of black hands keeping them from crossing into the streets
  6352. >you take the lead and begin to walk to the center of town
  6353. >theres banners and signs with various greetings and welcomes
  6354. "well. this is much nicer than i expected it to be"
  6355. >you feel like a hero to these ponies.
  6356. >you are a hero. without you, and manos of course, they too might be under changeling threat
  6357. >you wave to the crowd as your troops and you continue marching on
  6359. >you are lord Manos
  6360. >and Cadence has arrived.
  6361. >while you are unable to see if that is a fact since you are inside the throne room waiting for Sombra
  6362. >you can hear cheers and stomping outside of thousands of crystal ponies
  6363. "Sombra, i know you are here. just come out of your shadows.."
  6364. >Sombra melds into exsistace from behind his throne
  6365. >"how are you aware of my presence?"
  6366. "its simple, i feel like im being watched, and i get a cold shiver up my spine for no apparent reason, you say you are fear, and that gives you away"
  6367. "but before we continue this conversation, i want a crystal. now. if you please."
  6368. >manners are important
  6369. >"fine, your obsession with these is almost mirroring my own, i am curious however.. why do you have such a interest in them?"
  6370. "i have my reasons sombra"
  6371. >a large black crystal begins to form on the floor in front of you
  6372. >at a close inspection it looks almost like glass with billowing smoke and small flashes of lightning
  6373. >not only that looking at it sends another chill up your spine
  6374. "this one is perfect"
  6375. >you reach for it slowly
  6376. >Sombra merely smiles as your hand makes contact with it
  6377. >as soon as you touch it you feel pure terror coursing through you
  6378. >you remove you hand and the terror is gone
  6379. "very interesting.."
  6380. >you look to sombra and give him a equally wide grin
  6381. "they are even more perfect than i imagined"
  6382. >"and why is that Manos?"
  6383. >i suppose it couldnt hurt to indulge his curiosity a little
  6384. "tell me Sombra, what do you know of the Elements of"
  6385. >the large doors to the throne room opens
  6386. >and Cadence stands tall a large smile on her face as she sees you
  6387. >"Manos its good to see you again! we havnt talked since"
  6388. >she notices Sombra
  6389. >"Oh"
  6390. >her eyes narrow
  6391. >"i can presume you are sombra the evil king"
  6392. >>"Evil no, im just misunderstood"
  6393. >he laughs at his own poor joke
  6394. "evil is a relative concept Cadence, and varies from person to person"
  6395. >you are still examining the crystals
  6396. "what we are doing can be seen as heroic, or it could just as easily be seen as villainous"
  6397. >you pick it up from the ground and you can feel fear pour into you
  6398. >but you can overcome it, it will just take willpower
  6399. >you drop the crystal
  6400. >"manos how can protecting our ponies possibly be seen as evil?"
  6401. >you try to pick it up again
  6402. "have you ever thought of how the changelings view us? we are literally killing them off by the hundreds every hour"
  6403. >"they are just beasts why would they think anything of us?"
  6404. "beasts, they are intelligent Cadence, they live lives AS ponies not as shadows"
  6405. "every Changeling that dies, that is one less intelligent being in this world"
  6406. >you smile as you look over to her
  6407. >you can tell she doesnt agree
  6408. >thats fine, she doesnt need to
  6409. >Sombra however seems to be interested
  6410. "so that is why we need to make use of them."
  6411. >you hold out the map
  6412. "i have marked several locations that would be perfect for construction sites. while you do have complete control over what happens inside my camps.. i get.. creative freedoms."
  6413. >"explain manos, what would you possibly desire of these bugs?"
  6414. "well these bugs, are a free labor source, not only that but they are perfect lab rats for Coppers tests, and of course a few of my own private ones."
  6415. >"speaking of Private manos.."
  6416. >did she just flutter her eyes at you?
  6417. >"perhaps we could speak together alone? i would love to catch up with you"
  6418. "alright, i cant say no to someone like you."
  6419. >ah and there is that familiar burn again
  6420. >is it weird that you miss it?
  6421. >probably
  6423. >You are Copper Coin
  6424. >and you are experimenting on a new.. species?
  6425. >or perhaps a sub species.. either way, it IS a changeling
  6426. >once the last batch of drone nymphs were hatched you found a few that were..
  6427. >different, to say the least
  6428. >they were far more aggressive and they seemed to prefer killing
  6429. >specifically their siblings
  6430. >but it wasnt just a kill and eat type of kill no
  6431. >they let the others know they were being hunted
  6432. >they desired the chase
  6433. "Fascinating.. their exoskeleton is vastly different from the others, the mouths are longer and have more teeth.."
  6434. >you begin to take notes.
  6435. "hm possible military use?"
  6436. >you watch as one of your Changelings gets shredded by one of its larger more 'advanced' siblings
  6437. "I think i shall label them as hunters.."
  6438. >you look into the 'hunters' eyes
  6439. >its teeth are sharp and mouth is dripping saliva as it begins to devour its prey
  6440. "you are beautiful creatures..."
  6442. >You are Manos
  6443. >and you are walking the halls of the Crystal Kingdom with Cadence
  6444. >you also decided this would be a perfect test for yourself
  6445. >you carry the crystal in your hand
  6446. >you wont let go until the conversation ends
  6447. >"Its been a long time Manos, and to be honest ive missed you."
  6448. "i have missed your company as well Cadence, i dont have much personal time like i used to"
  6449. >did you ever really have personal time?
  6450. >nope, everything was planned out.
  6451. >everything was to achieve your goals
  6452. >"thats a shame.."
  6453. >there is a bit of a pause
  6454. >you look over at cadence
  6455. >you are barely holding together right now
  6456. >shit you are staring too long, she might ask questions
  6458. >you are Cadence
  6459. >he is staring at you
  6460. >he has very nice eyes.
  6461. >oh shit now you are staring
  6462. >you turn away to hide a slight blush
  6463. "so, are you free.. tonight? perhaps? we could talk more, even if its about business thats fine"
  6464. >is he nervous? thats so cute!
  6465. >"s-sure. whatever you say. i look forward to it"
  6466. >wow.. he must be really nervous
  6468. >You are manos
  6469. >and prolonged exposure to these crystals is NOT RECOMMENDED
  6470. >Cadence appears to be screaming at you
  6471. >but you know she isnt
  6472. >its such a weird thing knowing someone isnt yelling but you believe they are
  6473. >it feels like a bad acid trip
  6474. >you cant take it
  6475. >you throw the crystal down the hall
  6476. >then gasp heavily
  6477. "that was the most nerve racking experience of my life.."
  6478. >wait.. am i going on a date?
  6480. >you are Celestia
  6481. >and you have been talking with Luna
  6482. "Manos is doing a lot for equestria, and well im nervous Luna."
  6483. >"why is that sister?"
  6484. "He has done so much for us, and.. it seems we have done little to nothing for him, or worse"
  6485. >you remember your various.. confrontations
  6486. "we.. or mostly I, might have offended and insulted him. even after everything he has done."
  6487. >Luna nods her head a bit.
  6488. >she seems distracted
  6489. "Luna are you listening?"
  6490. >Luna nods her head some more
  6491. >...
  6492. "your flank looks three sizes bigger than yesterday"
  6493. >Luna nods
  6494. >"HEY!"
  6495. >you giggle a bit
  6496. "what are you thinking about anyway?"
  6497. >luna turns a slight red
  6498. >"n-nothing, just what you said about Manos"
  6499. >sure.
  6501. >You are Manos
  6502. >and you are currently writing a letter to Copper
  6503. "Copper coin, this is a personal request from lord Manos i request a report on any experiments of significant note to be honest ive become quite bored with the constant politics of the Crystal Kingdom by the way, I will be sending you a shipment of extremely RARE crystals. they appear to be a physical form of fear, i can only imagine what you might discover from them, though i would recommend that staff use some form of protection when handlign them as physical contact causes paranoia and hallucinations, this has been tested on a regular basis by myself as my own test dummy. perhaps it could effect changelings the same way? or perhaps it could be made into a weapon? Im excited to hear what you can come up with." -Manos
  6504. >well.. there is that
  6505. >only thing i still need to worry about today is a certain pink princess
  6506. >is she a princess still?
  6507. >you hear a knocking on your door
  6508. "great.. now i have to go on a date.. least its just us in this room"
  6509. >right Sombra?
  6511. >You are Cadence
  6512. >and you are excited for your 'date'
  6513. >ok so its not like a special date, but its something
  6514. >you get to spend quality time with Manos
  6515. >alone and in his room
  6516. >L-lewd
  6517. >you made sure you wore your.. 'best fitting' uniform
  6518. "ok cadence... now just knock on the door"
  6519. >you raise your hoof
  6520. >"you can come in. i can hear you talking to yourself"
  6521. "uh. ok."
  6522. >you open the door and walk inside
  6523. >Manos sits at his desk finishing a letter or report of some nature
  6525. >You are Manos
  6526. >how are you going to play this..
  6527. >weigh your options here
  6528. >you could just try and drive her away, she would be a distraction from your goals
  6529. >but.. her attachment to you could also ensure loyalty
  6530. >and.. make you Equestrian royalty if you play your cards right..
  6531. >which gives you even more power
  6532. >politics, romance, and warfare. those three things make kingdoms rise and fall.
  6533. >"Im glad you wanted to spend some time with me Manos"
  6534. "of course i did, You are one of my closest friends."
  6535. >and my most effective tool
  6537. >you are Lord Sombra
  6538. >and what have you stumbled upon?
  6539. >nothing less than two 'lovers'
  6540. >you make no sound as you shift from shadow to shadow
  6541. >with manos distracted with his pretty little pony
  6542. >you can work on learning more about him
  6543. >sure you know his fears.. but that wont be enough to destroy an empire
  6544. >no you need to learn much more than that
  6546. >you are Rainbow Dash
  6547. >and you have just arrived to Ponyville
  6548. "home sweet home."
  6549. >It has changed quite a lot.
  6550. >there are paved roads, large banners and statues to Manos
  6551. >shops on every corner
  6552. >it looks like a small city dedicated to Manos
  6553. >but you still see it as ponyville
  6554. >you hear a familiar exaggerated gasp from behind you
  6555. >just before you get the tightest hug you could image
  6557. >you force yourself to speak even with all the air being squeezed out of you
  6558. "Hey pinkie, i just got back. its good you see you"
  6559. >"i need to give you a 'welcome back to ponyville' party!"
  6560. "im.. im not really in a mood for a party juuust yet"
  6561. >you give a fake smile
  6562. >"oh.. alright.. but that means ill just have to plan a even bigger party to make up for not giving you a welcome back party!"
  6563. "heheh thats fine, im actually really glad to be back, i missed you and the others"
  6564. >"we missed you too, after that little fight you had with manos we were worried about you, you just took off and were always too busy with stuff to hang out anymore"
  6565. >well, now i have plenty of time. in fact id be going against orders if i didnt spend time with my freinds
  6567. >its later in the afternoon
  6568. >you left your uniform at home
  6569. >and all your friends have gathered at Twilights house to welcome you back
  6570. >even though its not a 'party' there are still plenty of snacks and music to welcome you back
  6571. >Twilight is the first to speak
  6572. >"So where have you been dash? all we knew was that you suddenly got promoted at your job then you were just gone"
  6573. "I.. I was promoted to a black hand."
  6574. >"oh, isnt that one of Manos' guards?"
  6575. "yeah, i was actually made a personal guard to manos...
  6576. >you mumble to yourself
  6577. "Abiecit clipeum"
  6578. >rarity overheard you
  6579. >"what was that Rainbow dear?"
  6580. "oh, sorry.. its just a saying we had in his personal guard"
  6581. >"what does it mean dear?"
  6582. "it means, his shield"
  6583. >you feel just a bit of pride just from saying it again
  6584. >"did you see a lot of different things when you were out with manos?"
  6585. >different things...
  6587. Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven
  6589. >"what about any adventures?"
  6590. >>"yes dear surely someone like manos must live an interesting life, did you have to fight any villains? or save any ponies is peril?
  6591. >did we fight any..
  6592. >you start to shake a little
  6593. >your eyes begin to dart around the room
  6594. "uh.. yeah we fought a bit.. uh, there was.."
  6595. >>"ah heard there was something called Ardennes? wha's that all about?'
  6596. "Ardennes.."
  6597. >you remember everything
  6598. >you can still smell the blood
  6599. >you can feel the cold snow and wind
  6600. >you see the faces of scared and injured ponies
  6601. >you begin to shake more
  6602. >you have to lay down
  6603. "That.. that was.."
  6604. >you can see twilight start to get worried
  6605. >she walks up to you
  6606. >"R..Rainbow?"
  6607. >you hear Manos' voice
  6608. >as if he was right next to you
  6609. >"Rainbow are you ready?"
  6610. >"I need you to do a sonic rainboom"
  6611. "I.. I did.. I did a rainboom.."
  6612. >you cant keep yourself together anymore
  6613. >you cover your head from the ponies and start to cry
  6615. >you are Twilight Sparkle
  6616. >and you have never seen dash like this before
  6617. "rainbow.. are you ok?"
  6618. >Rainbow just continues to cry and sob
  6619. >she starts t talk to herself
  6620. >"Im loyalty.. I did what i was ordered to.. but theres so many.. there was just so many"
  6621. >the rest of her speech becomes mostly huffs from lack of air and tears
  6622. >you lay down next to her
  6623. >so does Fluttershy
  6624. >>"there there.. its ok rainbow everthing is ok"
  6625. >rainbow snaps
  6626. >"ITS NOT OK! I wouldnt have had to.. if the princess got there sooner.. i wouldnt have had to..."
  6627. >fluttershy hides in her mane
  6628. "you wouldnt have had to what rainbow?"
  6629. >the room is silent as you all wait for your friend to respond
  6630. >"I did my job"
  6631. >>"an' what did ya mean by if the princess got there sooner?"
  6632. >Rainbow keeps quiet trying to stop herself from crying more
  6633. >"i wouldnt have had to do my job so well."
  6634. "rainbow"
  6635. >you ask as softly and kindly as you can
  6636. >she needs to talk about this with her friends
  6637. "what happened in Ardennes?"
  6639. >you are Rainbow Dash
  6640. >it doesnt matter if i tell them
  6641. >they werent there
  6642. >they wont know what it was like even if i explain everything in detail
  6643. "it was a battle.. there was only a couple hundred of us.. and Manos too."
  6644. >you can see everyone listening closely
  6645. >but twilight and fluttershy seem to be the only ones not excited to hear
  6646. "we were attacked.. by a huge army of ponies.. i think someone said it was around six thousand or so"
  6647. >you can hear a few gasps
  6648. >"that sounds dreadful dear, how did you manage to escape?"
  6649. >escape where?
  6650. "we didnt, we stood our ground. twenty to one.. we.. we won the fight"
  6651. >>"darn right ya did! with you and Manos there i bet it was over in a flash"
  6652. >over in a flash
  6653. "it was over in a rainboom. i was right next to manos, and he gave me the order to preform my rainboom in the enemy line"
  6654. >"why would he ask that? did it distract them?"
  6655. "no, a sonic rainboom that close.. it killed nearly the whole legion"
  6656. >you dont need to look to see your friends shocked faces
  6658. >you are Copper Coin
  6659. >and you are awakened by a loud alarm
  6660. >"warning! containment breach! code red! warning"
  6661. >seems some of your pets got out of their cage
  6662. >you quickly dress yourself and rush to R&D
  6663. >there is a small force of armed guards and magic wielding unicorns
  6664. "stand aside.. im opening the door."
  6665. >"Sir, we have you covered."
  6666. "can i get a status report?"
  6667. >you ask as the large security door slowly opens
  6668. >all the lights in the halls are out besides emergency crystal back-ups
  6669. >the black halls glow a dim bloody red
  6670. >"we have reports that some of those aggressive changelings have broken free"
  6671. "hows that?"
  6672. >you calmly start to walk down the halls
  6673. >the door slowly closes and is sealed shut behind you
  6674. >your security team, doesnt look as confident as before
  6675. >"when we sent staff to feed them he let them get to close to the cage door"
  6676. >>"soon the whole collection of them got out and we had to lock this section down, sir."
  6677. "very well. lets get going. and by the way be sure to look up when you search. we have five of my precious hunters loose here, and i want them ALL returned to me"
  6678. >you look back to your team
  6679. "ALIVE"
  6680. >the team gives you a quick salute
  6681. >"yes sir!"
  6682. >you dont wait for them to secure the area
  6683. >you just keep calmly walking down the empty and blood covered halls
  6684. "come out my precious hunters.. Uncle Copper is looking for you"
  6685. >you can hear small hisses in the dark corners of the room
  6686. "i know you are here... come out."
  6687. >you signal for two guards to search the area while the rest watch the hall
  6688. >theres a few more hisses
  6689. >then there is a very short scream followed by a few blasts of magic
  6690. "be careful with my pets damn it!"
  6691. >there is silence
  6692. "gah. fine. ill do it myself."
  6693. >you look to a nearby unicorn
  6694. "come with me"
  6695. >you both walk to where the sounds were heard
  6696. >all that remains are a few pieces of flesh and bone
  6697. >they are hardly recognizable as being pony corpses
  6698. >you just look to the walls where the streak of blood leads
  6699. "shoot your spell there.."
  6700. >you point the the darkest corner
  6701. >"yes sir.."
  6702. >the unicorn casts a net at the location trapping a Hunter mid lunch
  6703. >the creature hisses and screams as a leg from one of the guards drops from its mouth
  6704. "calm down.. there there thats good hunter.. you were just hungry"
  6705. >you look back to the unicorn
  6706. "cast it again right above you"
  6707. >"what!?"
  6708. >a split second after you command she looks up as a hunter drops from the ceiling
  6709. >she screams but casts it just in time
  6710. "thats two. i have three more out there. they are likely together and hunting anything that can feel fear"
  6711. >you walk back to the main hall with the other guards
  6712. "they are still changelings dear, so they still need some emotions to survive"
  6713. >and perhaps a bit of meat now and then
  6714. "they have only adapted to feed off of fear instead of love."
  6715. >you look over your shoulder to her but keep walking
  6716. "dont become food now.."
  6717. >you smile as you continue the search for your precious pets
  6719. >you are manos
  6720. >and this 'date' is going well
  6721. >sure most of it was talks about the camps
  6722. >but shes excited about it
  6723. "Cadence.. have you talked with Celestia and Luna since.. since Armor?"
  6724. >she tries to force a small smile
  6725. >but you can tell its just so you dont worry
  6726. >you wouldn't worry anyway but still
  6727. >"no, i really havnt. Ive been so busy working with Copper and making sure everything goes smoothly that i havnt had much time"
  6728. "well perhaps you could visit them for a while? there is still plenty of work to do here before the camps will be operational. and you deserve a break from all your hard work"
  6729. >Cadence smile again
  6730. >"it would be nice to see them again. but its also nice to spend time here with you."
  6731. >its getting late
  6732. >this talk/date has been going on for almost an hour or two
  6733. >you look out the window
  6734. "its getting pretty late.. and we have a busy day tomorrow."
  6737. >you are Cadence
  6738. >you didnt notice how late it was
  6739. "yes we do.. but.."
  6740. >ok, you have a shot.
  6741. >why not take it..
  6742. >the worse he can do is say no
  6743. "but, I dont have a place to stay. would you mind if i stayed here for tonight?"
  6744. >your heart is racing
  6745. >you give him a cute smile and you feel your face blush
  6746. >"that is fine, but i have to step out for just a moment. i have to get this letter out ASAP"
  6747. >HE SAID YES
  6748. "oh, thats fine. ill wait here."
  6749. >manos walks out of the room and you take a spot on his bed
  6750. >you are glad you kept this uniform
  6751. >its probably a size to small
  6752. >but for this it was worth it.
  6754. >you are Copper Coin
  6755. >and you are still looking for your last little creation
  6756. "check that room and the following hall"
  6757. >two groups of ponies charge down the halls clearing it one inch at a time
  6758. >you hear a loud hiss behind you
  6759. >you slowly turn and you are face to face with one of your hunters
  6760. "ah.. there you are.."
  6761. >this hunter is easily the largest of the group
  6762. >you look it right in the eyes as it drops to the floor
  6763. "i wondered where you were.."
  6764. >"sir who are you talking... CONTACT!"
  6765. >your security team quickly turn to your direction and surrounds the Changeling
  6766. "stand down."
  6767. >the large beast starts to calm down
  6768. >you place your hoof on its head
  6769. "good.."
  6770. >you nod to your security
  6771. >and its soon captured in a safe net
  6772. >the unicorn from before walks up to you
  6773. >"why didnt it attack you?"
  6774. >you just look to her
  6775. "they know who is in charge here.. i gave no fear.. im not prey. lets get them back in the cages, OH and get me more nymphs Lord Manos will want a shipment sent to him soon im sure"
  6777. >you are Lord Manos
  6778. >and you just got your message to a runner
  6779. "Im sure Copper has had something happen since ive been away"
  6780. >you walk back to your room and gently knock
  6781. >why? its your own door?
  6782. >you walk inside to see Cadence waiting for you on you bed
  6783. "i hope you weren't too lonely while i was away"
  6784. >"if said i was.. would you make it up to me?"
  6785. >a smile comes to your face
  6786. "only if you asked me nicely my princess"
  6787. >ah.. there it is
  6788. >your burn feels like its been placed in a furnace
  6789. >its a good burn.
  6790. >"please manos?"
  6792. >you are Rainbow Dash
  6793. >last night was... eventful to say the least...
  6794. >you left soon after explaining what you did
  6795. >you said you needed time to adjust
  6796. >luckily your friends all said that if you need anything or just want to talk they would be there
  6797. "maybe i can just find my own way to relax"
  6798. >you take a short flight
  6799. >no racing no tricks or training
  6800. >just a calm flight
  6801. >fluttershy would be proud
  6802. >you look over the city of Ponyville
  6803. >you can see large statues to manos
  6804. >there are even a few smaller ones of Celestia Luna and Cadence
  6805. >but they are usually around a larger manos
  6806. >there are a lot of new stores
  6807. >from food to personal defense to a pretty dress you're sure you could find anything here now
  6808. "Manos has done great things.."
  6809. >you look at your patch on your clothing
  6810. >your standard casual gear that was given to you when you joined the black hands
  6811. >it still gives you a huge sense of pride every time you see it
  6812. "Im one of the best. and i did what i did for the ponies here."
  6813. >you spot a pretty populated bar
  6814. >there are plenty of brownshirts and civilian ponies
  6815. >you fly to the door and walk inside
  6816. >you look around seeing if you recognize anyone
  6817. >"hey.. care to join us sister?"
  6818. >you look to the side and see a closed off section of the bar
  6819. >a red rope around it
  6820. >in that section is a small group of black hand ponies
  6821. >each of them in full uniforms
  6822. "i could do worse then spend time with my brothers and sisters of the hand"
  6823. >you join them for a few drinks
  6824. >you feel like your back with your unit again
  6826. >you are Copper
  6827. >and you have successfully contained the escape attempt
  6828. >nothing important was lost
  6829. >and all of the changelings were returned with minimal stress and injury
  6830. >thank Manos
  6831. >"sir Copper. we have a letter from manos"
  6832. "oh? well hand it over then."
  6833. >you quickly read the letter
  6834. "HAHA! a new form of crystal that is made of FEAR?!"
  6835. >oh this is perfect!
  6836. "we have a much more filling food source for my pets, and of course think of all the new projects and experiments?"
  6837. >this is the best day in your life
  6838. "get my hunters into regularly scheduled 'hunts' "
  6839. >"if.. if you insist sir.. where would we have them?"
  6840. "well why not here? do you still have that list of trouble makers? perfect prey!"
  6841. >oh everything is working out perfectly
  6843. >you are manos
  6844. >and you are laying in bed with a 'very tired' Cadence
  6845. >your face is still burning as much as when you first walked in
  6846. >you cant help but smile and laugh to yourself quietly
  6847. "hope you enjoyed the show old sport."
  6848. >you slowly get out of bed and get dressed
  6849. >where is that crystal again?
  6850. >you slowly walk over to your desk
  6851. >you open the compartment and pull out both the amulet and the crystal
  6852. >you whisper
  6853. "im actually surprised you didnt try to steal these, i was.. a little distracted after all"
  6854. >you hold the crystal in one hand having fear wash over your body
  6855. >your spine tingles and you get covered in goosebumps
  6856. >the other hand had the alicorn amulet
  6857. >you walk out into the hall
  6858. >towards the place you and your guard hid the crystal heart
  6859. "if you are still here.. why not find out what i am planning.. im sure you would love to know"
  6860. >as you walk down the hall a small trail of smoke follows you
  6861. >you open the door and move to the hidden crystal heart
  6862. >but first you hold up the two you have
  6863. "i was going to ask you what you knew about the elements.. or.. how many you THINK there are."
  6864. >sombra appears from his little cloud of smoke
  6865. >"what do you mean by that, 'lord' Manos"
  6866. >you can feel the spite when he says lord
  6867. "what do you see here?"
  6868. >you hold up the amulet
  6869. >"a amulet of immense power.. with a slight drawback of letting anger and hate slip out at a constant rate"
  6870. >you chuckle
  6871. "what a very 'safe' answer. but wrong. this Sombra.. is one of the Elements"
  6872. >you hold up the crystal he gave you
  6873. "and now this one?"
  6874. >sombra already expects what you will say but answers nonetheless
  6875. >"that is a crystal that gives those who make contact with it vast amounts of terror.. however.."
  6876. "go on.. we both know what it is"
  6877. >"it gives you power over your own fears if you can handle.."
  6878. "integrating it with yourself, correct.. and once that is done you gain power right?"
  6879. >sombra just looks at you
  6880. >".... correct.."
  6881. "then this too.. is a element.."
  6882. >"but there are only six elements of harmony manos.. how can these both be elements too?"
  6883. >oh you misguided pony..
  6884. "who said anything about them being elements of harmony sombra?"
  6885. >you look at sombra in the eyes
  6886. >and soon both of you are sent to the immaterial world again
  6887. >you are standing a few feet away but face to face
  6888. "you said there are six elements of harmony"
  6889. >the six crystal forms of the elements appear in front of you and sombra as you name them
  6890. "honesty.. loyalty...generosity...kindness...laughter.. and magic.. now, when these come together they are called the elements of harmony. while its not completely necessary for element bearers to have them once they are bound they need to make contact with them first before they bind.."
  6891. >you look to the left of sombra
  6892. "now if there are elements of Harmony... well.. balance must be maintained sombra"
  6893. >six forms appear to mirror the elements
  6894. >sombra looks to be following along with great interest
  6895. "now these six? they are the elements.. of chaos"
  6896. >"elements of chaos?"
  6897. "yes. when the elements of harmony were created the side effect of it was creating the elements of chaos"
  6898. >everything has its balance
  6899. "Deceit, cowardice, lust, hate, sorrow, and my favorite..."
  6900. >you point to you head
  6901. "knowledge."
  6902. >"but.. those arnt complete opposites?"
  6903. "arnt they? fear or cowardice can make even the most loyal friend falter. knowledge can make even the most powerful spell-caster fall to someone who has no magic. the elements dont need to be opposite. they need to be opposing sombra.."
  6904. >you are getting quite excited
  6905. >this is the first time you have revealed your plans
  6906. "now what happens when harmony.. and chaos combine?"
  6907. >you wait for a moment
  6908. "then everything is in balance sombra.. or as i like to call it."
  6909. >you smash the two sets of crystals together as they all become one
  6910. "the natural order, and thats what im bringing to equestria sombra."
  6911. >as fate always does..
  6912. "im here to maintain.. order.."
  6914. >you are Luna
  6915. >its time to watch over the dreams of your ponies.
  6916. >like every night after raising the moon
  6917. >you sit on your throne and close your eyes
  6918. >soon you are walking in the immaterial world
  6919. >where you can easily watch over the dreams of your subjects
  6920. >but this time something seems.. off.
  6921. "im not alone here.."
  6922. >you reach out to search for others in this realm
  6923. >"the natural order, and thats what im bringing to equestria sombra. im here to maintain.. order.."
  6924. >what that manos? and he was speaking with sombra here?
  6925. >you try to concentrate to locate them in this vast emptiness
  6926. "manos.. can you hear me?"
  6928. >you are Manos
  6929. >and that voice sounds familiar
  6930. >quickly you remove all visual aids
  6931. >and return to the material world along with sombra
  6932. >the vast empty void soon pulls away and you are thrust back into the room inside the Crystal Kingdom
  6933. >you say to yourself
  6934. "I was unaware that others could focus in on us like that"
  6935. >you wonder how much she heard
  6936. "but no reason to worry about it for now, i can always explain myself later."
  6937. >sombra brings the conversation back
  6938. >"Manos.. how many of those elements are you aware of?"
  6939. "as of right now, i have possession of three. thanks to you of course..."
  6940. >"three? then why have you only shown me two?"
  6941. "because sombra, if i reveal everything to you then what would stop you from doing it all yourself?"
  6942. >Sombra smirks
  6943. >"nothing at all."
  6945. >you are Cadence
  6946. >and you are having the best sleep of your life
  6947. >Manos really knows how to tire you out.
  6948. >"Cadence?.."
  6949. >your peaceful dream slowly disappears
  6950. >you give a slightly sarcastic greeting
  6951. "hello, Luna... always glad to see you here, in my dreams."
  6952. >"we know that its rather.. odd to speak to us here, but we are curious about manos."
  6953. "if you were THAT curious about him you could have just kept watching my dream"
  6954. >luna blushes
  6955. >she just noticed what kind of dream you were having
  6956. >you smile
  6957. "the real thing is better"
  6958. >you cant help but giggle at Lunas reaction
  6960. >you are Luna
  6961. >did Cadence and manos?
  6962. >and did you walk in on a..
  6963. >'private' dream?
  6964. "uh.. you.. and manos?"
  6965. >cadence giggles for a while
  6966. >your face feels hot
  6967. >"dont worry Luna. i can always dream of it later. what did you need to talk about?"
  6968. >what was it again..
  6969. >you cant think straight right now
  6970. "how was he..?"
  6972. "I mean how IS he!... wait! no i mean.."
  6973. >you are too jumbled
  6974. >Cadence laughs more
  6975. >"its ok Luna, i know what you mean."
  6976. "yes.. of course you do"
  6977. >you have a breath relief
  6978. >of course she knows what you meant
  6979. >"you can tell he is a predator... this one thing he did with his hands--"
  6981. >but you are very curious about it now..
  6982. "but... go on.."
  6984. >you are Manos
  6985. "we shall speak more of his later Sombra. im still very tired and i didnt want to sleep knowing you were still lurking around my room"
  6986. >sombra laughs
  6987. >"are you finally becoming scared of me?"
  6988. "scared and creeped out by you watching me fuck a horse are two different things Sombra"
  6989. >you and sombra share a small laugh before he disappears into smoke
  6990. "creep.."
  6991. >you take the Alicorn Amulet and the Crystal back to your room
  6992. >after locking them away you get back into bed
  6993. >you look over to Cadence
  6994. >good she is still asleep
  6995. >awh.. shes smiling
  6996. >must be having a good dream
  6997. >its morning
  6998. >a good rest was very welcomed
  6999. >you start to sit up but you notice there is a pink pony laying her head on your chest
  7000. >it would be rude to wake her
  7001. >and even ruder to leave her here
  7002. >manners are important
  7003. >so is political prowess
  7004. "i suppose i can stay 'Heer' a bit longer"
  7005. >your face burns
  7006. >its probably because of your pun
  7007. >you slowly begin to pet the sleeping princess
  7008. >she lets out a small moan as she wakes up moving her head slightly
  7009. >"M..manos?.."
  7010. "im still here. enjoy your sleep?"
  7011. >she smiles and rests her head against you again
  7012. >"i did.. and everything else too"
  7013. "we should probably get up and get dressed. we have a lot of work to do today"
  7014. >"just... just a bit longer? please?"
  7015. >fine..
  7016. "alright. but just a few more minutes"
  7018. >you are Aryanne
  7019. >and you woke up early
  7020. >manos said that today is going to be a busy one
  7021. >you are already washed and in full uniform
  7022. >you attach your sword to your belt
  7023. "perfect. now im in uniform"
  7024. >you look over to your sleeping comrades
  7025. >this is your favorite part of the job
  7026. >you yell at the top of your lungs
  7028. >immediately ponies awake
  7029. >some frantically get their gear on
  7030. >others groan and slowly get out of bed
  7031. "Comet Glow! I want you dressed and ready for action in ten seconds!"
  7032. >"YES MA'AM!"
  7033. "Almond Heart! Cinnamon Pop! I said up and at em!"
  7034. >now that everyone is getting ready for the day its time to get Manos
  7035. >you head off in the direction of his room
  7037. >you are manos
  7038. >and this is really nice...
  7039. >you feel happy here laying in bed with Cadence
  7040. >you feel her breathing as you both just lay there enjoying the others company
  7041. >its feels nice
  7042. "i could lay here all--"
  7043. >knock knock
  7044. >"Lord Manos! we are ready just as ordered!"
  7045. >fuck..
  7046. "Thank you aryanne, ill be out shortly gather everyone outside the walls we have work to do"
  7047. >you look over to Cadence
  7048. >she dont look to happy to get up
  7049. "common girly.. lets get up"
  7050. >she giggles a bit before giving in
  7051. >"ugh! fine. youre right. besides ive been looking forward to this for a long time"
  7052. >she crawls out of bed and starts to put on her uniform
  7053. >you do the same with one of your own
  7055. >you are Aryanne
  7056. >just as manos had ordered you have gathered both his guard and those who are here with cadence
  7057. "Manos says we have lots of work to do! i expect all of you to do your jobs! i will not tolerate any slacking!"
  7058. >your black hands walk along side you as you inspect Cadences ponies
  7059. >their uniforms are slightly different
  7060. >while yours are slick black and have your patch showing clear
  7061. >the ponies in front of you are slightly grey with cadences cutie mark as their patch
  7062. >they also dont look to be as disciplined
  7063. "straighten that uniform!"
  7064. >"buck off.."
  7065. >what did she say?
  7066. "Im sorry.. did i ask you to talk? i gave you an order!"
  7067. >"you arnt my commander.."
  7068. >you look her right in the eyes
  7069. "Comet."
  7070. >Comet glow walks over calmly
  7071. >then punches the pony in the head
  7073. >the mare picks herself up
  7074. >she looks between you and comet
  7075. >then straightens her uniform
  7076. >you notice a few other ponies do the same
  7077. "thank you."
  7079. >you are Manos
  7080. >Cadence is with you
  7081. >you walk down the Crystal halls of the castle out to the streets
  7082. >ponies smile and bow their heads in respect for you
  7083. >Black Hands and new Crystal guards give you salutes and sieg heil
  7084. >"manos.. what is to become of this kingdom?"
  7085. "they are technically under the rule of sombra for now, and since he has sworn service to me so have they"
  7086. >"what if sombra betrays you?"
  7087. "he will, i know it. but when he decides to ill have the support of both my forces and his ponies. along with my own powers, he should be put down quite easily"
  7088. >this answer seems to have calmed Cadence for the time being
  7089. "but... then they will need a new ruler... and it will need to be someone i can trust"
  7090. >after a few more minutes of walking you have reached the gates
  7091. >soon you are in front of all your ponies and those of cadence
  7092. >you look them over.
  7093. "they could use a bit more discipline cadence.."
  7094. >you see Comet punch a pony and shouting before she straightens herself
  7096. >you look over to cadence
  7097. "thats discipline.. even when im not around my ponies still act accordingly"
  7098. >"wasnt that harsh?!"
  7099. "no, the talked back to a officer. what if someone under you decides that the changelings should be freed?"
  7100. >you smile to her
  7101. "i think you would not be to happy, and probably have a worse punishment"
  7102. >"thats true.. but still over something so small?"
  7103. "remember that we need to set examples. the more we do the less we have to"
  7104. >you walk over to the company
  7105. "And even when Manos is here they are still superiors and will be treated as such!"
  7106. >all eyes are on you
  7107. >you see your security give you sieg heil
  7108. >you pull out a rough drawing of what they will be building
  7109. "this is what we are here for.. we are out here to build in seclusion so nobody can be harmed by any changelings being held here."
  7110. >you give the plan to Aryanne
  7111. "now.. lets get to work."
  7113. >you are Celestia
  7114. >and you just had a very... informative conversation with luna
  7115. >"and then she said Manos--"
  7116. "Luna.. why did you feel the need to tell me this?"
  7117. >Luna is quiet for a moment
  7118. >"are.. are you not curious about it?"
  7119. >curious?... yes..
  7120. >mad? yes
  7122. >and now hes bucking her?!
  7123. "Im not sure how i feel about Cadence being.. that, close to Manos"
  7124. >"why is that sister?.."
  7125. >lunas face becomes a slight grin
  7126. >"you like him to dont you?"
  7127. >your face turns red
  7128. "NO, well.. maybe. but thats not why i think that!"
  7129. >luna giggles
  7130. >"its ok sister, we also have a attraction to manos, i mean how could we not, look at all he has done for us, and he always knows how to--"
  7131. >you cant keep it inside
  7132. >you snap at luna
  7133. "Luna! Manos killed Shining Armor!"
  7134. >Luna stops talking..
  7135. >she suddenly looks furious
  7136. >"Sister!"
  7137. >its true luna..
  7138. >"How could you say such lies! Manos tried to save shining armor! and he nearly DIED doing it!"
  7139. >wait what..
  7141. >you are Manos
  7142. >and construction is going very well.
  7143. >man magic sure does speed up things
  7144. >you examine the already completed entrance and the largely completed outer wall
  7145. "if we keep this up we could have hundreds of these camps built within the year."
  7146. >Cadence looks at the camps excitedly
  7147. >"Good i can finally get my camps running and ill be rid of all those damn pests!"
  7148. >you could have sworn you heard her mumble "and i get to watch them burn.."
  7149. >perhaps you misheard?
  7150. >but you doubt it
  7152. >you are Copper Coin
  7153. >and you have been observing a 'hunt'
  7154. "watch! watch! look how he plays with his food, he wants to first feed on the fear before enjoying the meat"
  7155. >using unicorn magic you have constructed a screen in the laboratory
  7156. >it allows you to watch everything from the point of view of your hunters
  7157. >you and several of your scientists have been vigorously taking notes
  7158. "ah now here it is.."
  7159. >you watch the screen
  7160. >the hunter hisses as the pony turns to its direction frightened
  7161. >then another hisses on the opposite side of the room
  7162. "AH HA! pack mentality they have tactics to hunt! fascinating!"
  7163. >then something happens that you didnt expect
  7164. >one of the hunters behind a door makes a odd noise...
  7165. >its mostly slurred words and screeches but its clear what it said
  7166. >"CCCCCCccoooam to Uncccleee Caaapaarehh"
  7167. >you become stiff
  7168. >did it just...
  7169. >the mare on the screen screams
  7170. >>"HELP ME! IM IN HERE! theres monsters!"
  7171. >she runs to the sound of the voice
  7172. >as soon as she opens the door shes face to face with the hunter
  7173. >you look into her eyes from the screen
  7174. >her eyes are reduced to the size of a pin needle
  7175. >there's tears streaming from her face
  7176. >>"please.. no.."
  7177. >the hunters approach from all sides
  7178. >"Uncccleee Caapaarehhssss here"
  7179. >you then watch as the five begin to tare her limb from limb
  7180. "it.. it spoke.."
  7182. >you are Rainbow Dash
  7183. >and you have the worst possible headache..
  7184. "ah.. buck me.."
  7185. >your own voice makes it hurt more
  7186. >you are hungover as hell
  7187. >you look around your cloud house
  7188. "at least i made it home this time."
  7189. >you roll out of bed and walk over to your kitchen
  7190. >you open your fridge and take out some milk
  7191. "wish i had something else"
  7192. >you sniff it
  7193. >yup its bad
  7194. >you place it back in the fridge and instead get a glass of water
  7195. >you down about three glasses
  7196. >already you feel.. slightly better
  7197. >you look around your room
  7198. "my commander would be ashamed.. id be doing PT till i drop dead and then some"
  7199. >you down one more glass before starting to clean your house
  7200. >probably for the first time ever
  7202. >you are fluttershy
  7203. >and you are worried about Rainbow
  7204. >its not her fault she yelled
  7205. >it was just bad memories
  7206. "i know, ill stop by her house and see if she would like to talk about it"
  7207. >you smile to yourself as you slowly lift off into the air
  7209. >you are Rainbow Dash
  7210. >and is there a storm outside?
  7211. >you could swear you hear thunder
  7212. "oh.. its someone knocking"
  7213. >you walk over to the door and see a very.. well.. its fluttershy
  7214. >you talk softly
  7215. "hey flutters.. sorry about yelling at you before.."
  7216. >"oh its ok, i know it must have been hard for you."
  7217. >least shes quiet
  7218. "uh.. want to come in?"
  7219. >as soon as fluttershy sees your house she gasps
  7220. >"r-rainbow! your house! its clean..."
  7221. "i guess its a habit i have now.."
  7222. >you look down at your patch
  7223. "cant let them down."
  7225. >You are Luna
  7226. >and you cant believe what your sister has told you
  7227. "we can understand a bit of jealousy sister! but to slander Manos name like that! just because YOU didnt have him first?!"
  7228. >"LUNA! i cant believe you're saying that! i am not lying! Manos Killed shining armor and asked me to keep it a secret!"
  7229. >oh sure.
  7230. "Sister! we see how you constantly fight with manos! always thinking he is at fault or that he is not acting how YOU think he should! NOW YOU LIE ABOUT HIM TRYING TO SAVE A LIFE!"
  7231. >you cant believe your sister would stoop this low.
  7232. >"luna! I-"
  7233. "Sister! until you are ready to tell the truth and stop slandering others because of jealousy we refrain from conversing with you"
  7234. >you stick up your nose and magic away to your room
  7235. "i cant believe her.."
  7236. >you cry slightly
  7237. "i cant.."
  7238. >manos would never hurt or kill innocent ponies
  7240. >you are Aryanne
  7241. >and you WILL make sure your ponies are on schedule
  7242. "we need this wall done by sun-down! we dont know when the first batch of bugs are arriving! so we need this place built and ready when they get here!"
  7243. >"yes ma'am!"
  7244. >>"Aryanne ma'am"
  7245. "yes Almond Heart?"
  7246. >>"where are the first shelters supposed to be built? we have idle ponies sitting around when they could be getting to work on those"
  7247. >you pull out the layout
  7248. "here and here each are to be five feet apart from each other and have solid floors, we dont want any of those bugs digging around"
  7249. >>"yes ma'am! HEY YOU SLACKERS! i have a job for you!"
  7250. >manos walks over to you
  7251. >"everything coming along fine?"
  7252. "at this rate we will finish ahead of schedule lord."
  7253. >manos pets your head
  7254. >wow... that really feels good..
  7255. >"good, im glad you are so efficient Aryanne. I hope to see more of this in the future"
  7256. "of course lord manos"
  7258. >you are Cadence
  7259. "things are coming along well.."
  7260. >a black hand is standing next to you
  7261. >you think his name is Cinnamon pop?
  7262. "Cinnamon, right?"
  7263. >Cinnamon pop just glaces over to you
  7264. >"yes, that is my name"
  7265. "no need to be so serious with me, im not like Manos."
  7266. >"no.. you're not."
  7267. >Cinnamon keeps watching over the ponies
  7268. "what is that supposed to mean?"
  7269. >rude..
  7270. >"it means that you are not like Manos. I am his security, i consider everyone besides my brothers and sisters in his security a threat"
  7271. >Cinnamon looks back to you
  7272. >"that includes you, Cadence. ~Orders you see.~"
  7273. >well you should have been keeping a better eye on us then.
  7274. >you can only smile
  7275. "im not a threat to manos.. but im glad you are so protective of him."
  7276. >you stand there in silence for a while just observing construction
  7278. >you are Copper Coin
  7279. "HAHHAHA it spoke! and it called me UNCLE!"
  7280. >to a pony who didnt know you, you'd probably look crazy
  7281. >actually even to those who DO know you
  7282. >you give a signal for the spell to be cast
  7283. >your unicorns cast a spell that has the hunters return to R&D
  7284. >on the screen you see them crawl out of the open window
  7285. >soon they are prowling the streets in shadow and in the dark alleyways
  7286. "look how they move! so stealthy, not a pony has noticed!"
  7287. >they are so fascinating!
  7288. >your mind is racing with new ideas for experiments and study!
  7289. >"sir copper, we have a new development.."
  7290. "oh?"
  7291. >you are lead to the tier 1 area of R&D
  7292. >there is a large egg-sack in the room surrounded by medical staff and scientists
  7293. "what is this?"
  7294. >"sir, this egg never hatched.. it just.. continued to grow"
  7295. >you approach the egg-sack and the inside is a bright green with a large dark figure inside
  7296. "tell me, what do you believe is inside?"
  7297. >a few scientists look back and forth between themselves
  7298. >"we.. we believe sir.."
  7299. >>"that its a queen.."
  7301. >you are Rainbow Dash
  7302. >and you have your whole house in order.
  7303. >from your now perfectly made bed
  7304. >to your clean dishes
  7305. >to a now 'cleaned out' fridge
  7306. >"well, its good you have the desire to keep a clean house now."
  7307. "yeah i guess it is, it reminds me of when i first joined up really."
  7308. >joined up with the brownshirts
  7309. >then the black hands
  7310. >now you're here
  7311. >back home, with your friends..
  7312. >but why doesnt it feel like home anymore?
  7313. "Fluttershy"
  7314. >"yes rainbow?"
  7315. >you think for a moment
  7316. >would she be upset if you said you miss being with your unit?
  7317. >that... they feel like home?
  7318. "never mind.."
  7319. >"ok rainbow, im always here to listen, thats what friends are for."
  7320. >fluttershy goes back to helping clean the small things left
  7321. "yeah, thanks flutters"
  7322. >you feel torn
  7323. >stuck between two different homes.
  7324. >between two different lives
  7325. >you mumble to yourself so quietly you almost sound like fluttershy
  7326. "who really am i now?.."
  7327. >fluttershys ear twitches slightly
  7329. >you are manos
  7330. >and you are leaving the construction to Aryanne and Cadence
  7331. >Comet Glow and Cinnamon Pop come with you
  7332. >while you feel you are perfectly safe here its best to keep security in case
  7333. >as you walk down the streets you see a few recruitment centers set up
  7334. >mostly for crystal guard sign-ups but theres one or two for black hands
  7335. "a very.. patriotic place this one."
  7336. >your two guards chuckle
  7337. "sombra must be second guessing himself with his betrayal plans.. almost all of the ponies here would join me in a heartbeat"
  7338. >"even if they didnt join you manos"
  7339. >>"we woulds till have your back"
  7340. >you laugh
  7341. "and im sure we would give them hell"
  7342. >not more than a few minutes later a pony in a alleyway call to you
  7343. >"lord manos.."
  7344. >both Cinnamon and Comet stand between the pony and yourself
  7345. >>"what business do you have with lord manos?"
  7346. >you just look over to the pony waiting for a explanation
  7347. >you cant see their face
  7348. >"i represent a certain.. investor, and ive traveled a long way to speak with you"
  7349. "if that is the case you would do so i the open, not in the shadows"
  7350. >thats how i do things around here..
  7351. >"im sorry lord, but im afraid in my line of work its best to err on the side of caution"
  7352. "speak then, i have much to do"
  7353. >no you dont
  7354. >not till those camps are done anyway
  7355. >the covered pony hold out a small card
  7356. >Comet glow steps forward and takes the card from him
  7357. >he gives it a quick inspection before walking back to you and letting you take it
  7358. >you examine the card
  7359. > Las Pegaus: 'double eights lucky casino' if you want fun, salt, mares, or gambling we have it all!
  7360. "a casino?.. i dont need a vacation.."
  7361. >"then perhaps you'd like to hear a business proposal.. if you are interested, all you need to do is stop by."
  7362. >you pocket the card
  7363. "we will see.."
  7364. >you and your guard walk off.
  7365. >you dont have time for a common casino boss...
  7366. >you keep walking until you reach the center of town
  7367. >there seems to be a disturbance of some kind
  7368. >you walk up the the crowd of ponies and see a group black hands getting into a fight with two crystal ponies
  7369. >both sides seem to be equally bloodied up
  7370. >before Cinnamon and Comet and move in you place your hands on their sides
  7371. "no.. just wait.."
  7372. >the two crystal ponies are clearly out numbered but they are still putting up a fight
  7373. >two of your black hands are having trouble standing while the rest are beaten pretty badly
  7374. >the crystal ponies are surrounded though
  7375. >one of them is breathing heavily
  7376. >"you.. you ok sis?"
  7377. >>"ye- yeah, im fine."
  7378. >"think you can take those two while i get these three?"
  7379. >>"oh deciding to actually fight now huh?"
  7380. >one of the black hands shouts
  7381. >"hit the stupid whorse!"
  7382. >the fight commences again the two sisters fighting off five of your hands
  7383. "i think thats quite enough.."
  7384. >everyone looks at you now
  7385. >except the sisters who keep watching the hands
  7386. >"Lord manos! these two whorses assaulted one of your men when we jumped in they continued to resist.. sir!"
  7387. "i can see that.. and looking at you id say they were winning, your lucky i showed up"
  7388. >Cinnamon and Comet laugh
  7389. "so, who was the assaulted pony?"
  7390. >you look around to the hands
  7391. >>"i was sir"
  7392. >a pegasus Stallion walks up, he can barely stand
  7393. "what happened?
  7394. >>"uh, i was just minding my own business sir on patrol with my comrades here"
  7395. "and?"
  7396. >>"and when we approached these two mares they just attacked us-"
  7398. >you look at the sisters one is a bright green colored pony with light blue and red hair
  7399. >while the other is a blue pony with light green hair
  7400. >the green one is the one shouting
  7401. "would you mind telling me what happened?"
  7402. >the mare looks at you
  7403. >"your oh so noble black hands here tried to have their way with my sister! when she tried to get away they became violent! i stepped in then!"
  7404. "well i know how to find out what really happened"
  7405. >you turn to your black hand
  7406. >and you look him in the eyes
  7407. >a few seconds go by
  7408. >then you look to the green pony
  7409. >again you look her in the eyes
  7410. >"what? what are you looking at?"
  7411. >Cinnamon cant help but laugh
  7412. >"someones about to get it.. which do you think Comet?"
  7413. >Comet smiles back and holds out a bit
  7414. >>"ten bits on the rookie"
  7415. >"ill do ten on the Pegasus who spoke up"
  7416. >everyone else looking seems to just be confused as to whats happening
  7418. >there is a silence
  7420. >you walk up to the two sisters
  7421. >you reach to your belt and pull out a retractable baton
  7422. >you flick your wrist and it extends
  7423. >"what are you doing?! we told you it was them! we didnt do anything!"
  7424. >>"you're just like the Sombra!"
  7425. >you smile to yourself
  7426. >and your eyes glow a slight red
  7427. "im sorry for the trouble my men caused you ladies.. which one first?"
  7428. >the mares look a little surprised
  7429. >you turn and knock the Pegasus to the ground
  7430. >>"AH! what the buck!?"
  7431. >his words are slurred
  7432. >must have dislocated his jaw
  7433. >you hit him again breaking his front leg
  7435. >you stand over the crippled pony
  7436. "we are not animals.."
  7437. >you remove your hat and wipe your hair back keeping it orderly
  7438. "if you act like a beast you will be treated as such"
  7439. >you look to the others who were involved
  7440. "get this piece of shit to a medic, and have him stripped of rank and uniform, fucking Pinko"
  7441. >the stallion is quickly hauled off
  7442. >you turn around to see Comet hand a bit to Cinnamon
  7443. >"lucky guess.."
  7444. >you walk to the two mares
  7445. "my humblest apologies for my subordinates actions... would you be so kind as to join me for dinner to make up for this incident?"
  7446. >the two mares look to one another
  7447. >"uh.. ok?"
  7449. >you are Manos
  7450. >and its time for dinner
  7451. >you are in the great hall of the Crystal Castle
  7452. >of course you sit on the very end of the table
  7453. >even IF sombra was here and eating with you he wouldnt be in this seat
  7454. "Comet, do please get my guests, they are probably waiting outside the door for someone to let them in"
  7455. >Comet walks to the door and opens it
  7456. >sure enough the two mares are waiting there
  7457. "please, come inside."
  7458. >you wave them in
  7459. "have a seat anywhere you like"
  7460. >the table is large enough to seat thirty
  7461. >you have several high ranking Black hands with you
  7462. >none worth mentioning however
  7463. >and most of your personal guards are supervising construction
  7464. >the two sisters walk in
  7465. >judging by their pace they are very nervous
  7466. >no one else besides you has taken a seat yet
  7467. >"where are they sitting?"
  7468. >shes considerate
  7469. >how sweet
  7470. >>"who cares Sapphire, he said to take a seat where we like..."
  7471. >"i know, but still."
  7472. "perhaps you two would feel safer sitting next to myself?"
  7473. >the one named 'Sapphire' walks up and takes a seat next to you
  7474. >while her sister simply sits on the other side of her sister having the sister between you and her
  7475. "there we go, now. lets eat."
  7476. >the black hands take their seats and Comet takes the seat next to you opposite Sapphire
  7477. "im sorry for my rudeness, my name is Manos"
  7478. >you bow your head slightly
  7479. "may i ask your names?"
  7480. >the green mare just scoffs
  7481. >while the blue one speaks up
  7482. >"Im Sapphire Shine, and this is my twin sister Emerald Shine"
  7483. "its very nice to meet you, please enjoy"
  7484. >the side doors open and large amounts of food are placed right in front of each guest
  7485. >some black hands begin to eat while others converse and leer at the two 'Crystal manes'
  7486. >you can only assume thats a slur.
  7487. "i hate beasts like those that tried to take advantage of you. and i wish to prevent anything like that from happening again"
  7488. >you talk between bites
  7489. >emerald just quips
  7490. >"sure you do"
  7491. "i do. in fact, i have just recently came up with a way to prevent it."
  7494. >you are Copper Coin
  7495. >and you are having the best day in your scientific life!
  7496. "a queen you say?"
  7497. >"yes sir, we believe this egg contains a future queen.. but we know little about what that means for our stock"
  7498. >you lean in closely trying to examine the 'queen' inside the sack
  7499. >it looks like a taller version of a regular changeling
  7500. >but it appears to have a main of some sort, made of the same fibers or hairs as the tail
  7501. "i want her moved to tier 0 immediately, and constant watch for any new activity, no less than five guards on station for her at all times"
  7502. >"yes sir!"
  7503. >the docters run out of the room to get the needed forms filled out
  7504. "what new wonders will you hold?"
  7505. >inside the egg sack you can see the eyes slightly open before closing again
  7506. >you gently pet the egg
  7507. "sleep now, dont worry, when you wake up we will have lots of work to do."
  7508. >>"Lord Copper sir."
  7509. >sigh..
  7510. "what is it now?"
  7511. >"Blackout has returned from the field. he requests to speak with you"
  7512. "alright, bring her in."
  7513. >"uh... her? sir?"
  7514. >oh for the love of manos
  7515. "her, him, it, they, just get blackout in here.."
  7516. >"yes sir!"
  7517. >you dont have time for that old experiment now. modifying ponies can come later
  7518. >the changelings and their queen take full priority
  7519. >moments later Blackout walks into the room escorted by two guards
  7520. "what is it blackout, you know my research is very important.."
  7521. >"i know copper. but its been a while since ive had a mission, or any new training, or even experimental modification.."
  7522. "is that all? you feel left out? is this why you bother me?"
  7523. >"COPPER! i signed up for this experiment to be the best! not to be a toy that you throw away when you get a new one!"
  7524. "THAT IS SCIENCE! once i finish with my more pressing studies ill pick back up on you"
  7525. >you stare into the changeling helmet
  7526. >you cant see the wearers face but you know there is a glare
  7527. "will there be anything else? or are we done here?"
  7528. >Blackout remains silent
  7530. [Embed] Official Ghost Rider 2 Spirit of Vengeance Theme Song
  7532. >you are Blackout
  7533. >and copper is bucking you over
  7534. "you changed me Copper, you modified my body, you fused my armor to me, you gave me magic, and made me a killer."
  7535. >copper only looks at you unamused
  7536. "i wanted to become the best black hand.. i wanted to prove my worth to manos.. AND NOW YOU SAY IM NOT WORTH THE WORK ANYMORE!?"
  7537. >copper laughs to himself
  7538. >"now you understand. yes that is what im saying, what i am doing now will far exceed anything you could ever do."
  7539. >copper looks back to the egg sack
  7540. >"now if you please, leave me to my work.."
  7541. >the two guards pull you away
  7542. >you start to walk with them out of the room
  7543. >you turn around once more
  7544. >and remove your helmet
  7545. >revealing your teal mane and lavender eyes
  7546. "Copper.."
  7547. >copper barely looks over his shoulder
  7548. "with or without you... I WILL be the best."
  7549. >you cloak yourself and walk out of R&D uninterrupted
  7550. >you have your own mission to accomplish
  7551. >and none of coppers experiments are going to get in your way
  7552. "if i see any of those experiments out.. then the hunters will become the hunted.."
  7554. >you are Manos
  7555. >and dinner is going very well
  7556. >both emerald and sapphire look relatively interested
  7557. >"well.. what is your idea manos?"
  7558. "its quite simple.. i want you to to be part of a inspection branch"
  7559. >the other black hands all become silent
  7560. >some even drop food
  7561. >>"Lord manos"
  7562. >one of your more outspoken Black hands rises
  7563. >>"surely you arnt going to put two civvies with no training or any of our ideals in charge of.."
  7564. "i am well aware of what they are Coalmark, i have seen their whole lives, from start to finish. and i feel they are perfect for the job"
  7565. >"wait.."
  7566. >now emerald speaks
  7567. >"how is that possible? how could you have seen our whole lives? you only met us a few hours ago and we didnt exactly share that"
  7568. >oh these crystal ponies.. they still havnt learned they are talking to the Lord of Fate
  7569. >perhaps you need to start a church or school here..
  7570. >just to educate them that is
  7571. "I am the lord of fate, one look into your eyes and i can see your whole life from start to finish, of course, i see how it occurs without my deliberate change of course.. and not to give away any spoilers.. but you might want to consider my offer."
  7572. >you look to sapphire
  7573. "please"
  7574. >Sapphire looks to Emerald
  7575. >Emerald just looks skeptic
  7576. >"whats the catch? nothing is ever just given out freely.."
  7577. >oh you like her quite a lot.
  7578. "well there is one catch actually. you would have to go through a training program, and learn a few basics and that could take a while... but besides that i think you two lovely mares would be perfect for the head of my new crystal gestapo"
  7579. >you continue to eat
  7580. >then politely wipe your mouth before continuing
  7581. "so.. what do you think?.."
  7583. >You are Blackout
  7584. >first things first
  7585. >as you leave Castle Manos you walk out and into ponyville
  7586. >you remain cloaked
  7587. >you dont know how thorough Copper might be with 'failed' experiments
  7588. "i only know one pony who will trust me.."
  7589. >as you walk down the city streets avoiding both brownshirts and black hands you see a large cathedral like building
  7590. >you walk up to the doors
  7591. "damn. locked.."
  7592. >for a moment you examine the strength of the door and how easy it would be to breach inside
  7593. >or the location of the windows for a quick and stealthy entry.
  7594. "no.. this isnt a target.."
  7595. >you raise your hoof and softly knock on the doors"
  7596. "please Lyra.. recognize me.."
  7598. [Embed] [ThePruld] We are the souls (new ending)
  7600. >you are High Priestess Lyra Heartstrings the Left Hand of Fate
  7601. >has a lost soul come to your abode?
  7602. "ill be there in a moment, please be a little patient."
  7603. >you finish your prayer to Manos at the large alter
  7604. "he is the hands of fate, let him guide us to a bright new future.. fate wills it."
  7605. >you slowly rise and kiss the hands on the statue
  7606. >then turn and walk to your doors
  7607. >you slowly open them
  7608. >what you see there is definitely unexpected
  7609. >a large pony in black armor
  7610. >their face is covered and they look...
  7611. >lost? confused?
  7612. >youre not sure, its hard to tell since their face is covered
  7613. >"lyra.."
  7614. >it knows you?
  7615. "yes my child?.."
  7616. >the big pony slowly removes the helmet
  7617. >you stare at the ponies face, you swear you have seen them before
  7618. >"its me.. Little League.."
  7619. >your eyes go wide and you begin to tear up
  7620. >her face is scarred and getting a close look at her you notice the armor is fused to her skin
  7621. >its almost painful to look at
  7622. "Little..."
  7623. >"yes lyra.. its me."
  7624. >Lyra quickly ushers you inside
  7625. >she then looks around to see if anypony saw
  7626. >you know no one did
  7627. >you would have seen, heard, or smelled them.
  7628. >enhanced senses were your first... 'improvement'
  7629. >second was basic magic
  7630. >you still dont know how much you can actually do
  7631. >you hear the large doors close and Lyra rushes back over to you
  7632. >"Little League what happened to you?!"
  7633. >she is barely holding back her tears
  7634. >"this.. this.. how? you were in your classes then suddenly you came back saying you were going to be a black hand then.. you were gone!"
  7635. "its a long story.. but i have all the time in the world now."
  7636. >or youre out of it.. whichever
  7637. "i was selected, because of my test scores and my physical aptitude.. to be part of a special group, i was told from that point there would be no going back, either id pass or id fail.. and failing had a likely chance of dying"
  7638. >Lyra just listens closely
  7639. >wonder if they do confessions?
  7640. "then came the surgeries.. out of the twelve of us only four survived, we were then put through intense training. our bodies were new to us but we were expected to adapt quickly, we were put into basic recon roles, then into single target eliminations.. they were perfecting us to be assassins.."
  7641. >it took you a moment, but you just remembered.. you are still only a filly. a child...
  7642. >and here you are, in a full grown body, with your mind at its peak
  7643. >you never had the free time to actually think about this before
  7644. >its heartbreaking
  7645. "but.. long story short, i was the only one left after everything was said an done. and now, they said im worthless to them.."
  7646. >you feel anger rising
  7647. >you stomp your hoof on the tile floor
  7648. >the tile beneath you breaks
  7649. "i just wanted to be the best... i wanted to protect Manos. NOW! now im a useless failed experiment"
  7650. >"not you're not!"
  7651. >you turn to Lyra
  7652. >"you have all those skills, that experience, and your abilities.. perhaps, you'd be willing to work with my church?"
  7653. >you smile to Lyra
  7654. "yes, id like that"
  7656. >you are Manos
  7657. >and after a bit of further discussion both Emerald and Sapphire Shine agreed to your terms
  7658. >you wish you could have stayed and chatted with the lovely mares for a bit longer
  7659. >but, you have business.
  7660. >you were quickly pulled away from dinner by a black hand saying he had news from copper coin
  7661. "alright, now that im fully away from my delicious meal, tell me what copper thought was so important."
  7662. >the black hand bows his head
  7663. >"im sorry lord, i wouldnt have disturbed you if it wasnt important, but it seems copper.."
  7664. >..
  7665. >"it seems copper has reported that codename Blackout has gone rouge sir. i was told to inform you no matter the circumstance"
  7666. >blackout gone rouge?
  7667. "are you sure of this information? last i was with blackout he was one of the reasons we survived a slaughter"
  7668. >"yes lord, he hasnt reported back to his station, nor has he made any contact, he just went silent after threatening Copper"
  7669. >damn it.
  7670. "i dont have time for a insurrection.. and moving my forces back would be too risky."
  7671. >you in a bit of a bind
  7672. >what about Cadence?
  7673. >you look to the black hand
  7674. "Inform Princess Cadence she is in charge of everything here till i return, get her up to speed on my plan for the crystal gestapo and with my future plans for the camps, i dont know how long this will take, but im sure she will do fine"
  7675. >the black hand gives a Sieg Heil
  7676. >"yes lord manos!"
  7677. >you walk down the long crystal halls
  7678. "now i have to put down one of your failed experiments copper?.."
  7680. >you are Copper coin
  7681. >and this small turn of events was.. unexpected.
  7682. >but you might be able to salvage this.
  7683. >you walk to the hunters cage
  7684. >the beasts hiss and snap at one another
  7685. >but they all turn and look when you get close
  7686. >the snapping stops and the hissing is now very low
  7687. "hello my lovelies.."
  7688. >"Unccccleee Copaaaah"
  7689. >you smile
  7690. "i have a little task for you.. i need you to hunt again."
  7691. >they hunters hiss to each other
  7692. >"huuuuunnnntttzzzss!"
  7693. "i need you to find this pony.."
  7694. >you hold up a picture of Blackout
  7695. >and you take out a sample of her mane
  7697. >you are Blackout.
  7698. >its been four days since you have started working here with Lyra
  7699. >it feels like you are back home again
  7700. >you still have the armor but you wear a robe over it
  7701. >luckily your face is still normal.. enough so you can go without a helmet or mask
  7702. >"Little League, can you please come to the sermon tomorrow? i think it would be a great way for you to start returning to a normal life"
  7703. "of course Lyra, id be happy to."
  7704. >a genuine smile comes to your face
  7706. >You are Manos
  7707. >and you have just arrived back home
  7708. >you already had copper informed you arrived and you are waiting patiently in your room
  7709. "he better be able to explain all this.."
  7710. >there is a knock at your door
  7711. "Aryanne, if you please?"
  7712. >Aryanne walks to the door opening it to reveal Copper standing there with a file
  7713. "alright Copper.. explain"
  7714. >he walks in calmly
  7715. >"of course Lord."
  7716. >copper takes out the file
  7717. >"this right here is a record of all of blackouts possible capabilities"
  7718. >you look at the list
  7719. >it ranges from increased senses to magical abilities
  7720. >"as you can see this kind of experiment being out in equestria would be a huge security concern"
  7721. >no shit
  7722. "yes i can see that, do you have any contingency plans?"
  7723. >copper lays out 5 files on your desk
  7724. >"we have five possible options.."
  7725. "four"
  7726. >copper looks to you slightly confused
  7727. >"four sir?"
  7728. "option four, i know where this is going and id like to avoid it, now my choice is option four."
  7729. >copper opens up file four
  7730. "ok then, this option is my personal favorite"
  7731. >i fucking knew it copper...
  7732. >"its using my new 'hunters' to hunt down the rogue hand"
  7733. "there cant be any collateral damage on this copper. this will be a search and destroy mission, a quick in and out, the less cover ups i have to do the better your life will be"
  7734. >"then lets get started lord."
  7736. >you are Blackout
  7737. >today is the Sermon
  7738. >you walk out into the main room of the cathedral and see its filled to the brim
  7739. >every seat is filled, and those without a seat are happily standing
  7740. >you walk around the edge of the pews to go to the door for your last moment of privacy
  7741. >"excuse me, sorry im late.. i was held up."
  7742. >a rainbow mare walks past you inside
  7743. "dont worry, we haven't started yet plenty of time"
  7744. >"thanks"
  7745. >you look out over the busy streets of ponyville city
  7746. "im glad im home again."
  7747. >you close the doors and walk back to the room
  7748. >Lyra has just begun her sermon to the ponies
  7749. >"he is the hands of fate"
  7750. >>"and we are his faithful hands"
  7751. >"please take a seat"
  7753. >you are Copper
  7754. >you are in your tier 0 R&D office
  7755. >the same one with the screens for your hunters
  7756. >you press a button on the desk and the cages are opened
  7757. "go and get her my beautiful pets"
  7758. >you watch the screens as the hunters follow the scent
  7759. >they move through town swiftly and silently
  7760. >whenever someone might spot them they hide
  7761. >or take an even more creative route
  7762. >sometimes they even distract the would be spotter with a noise or something falling
  7763. "they are so well coordinated.. they're perfect!"
  7764. >soon they approach a large Cathedral to Manos
  7765. "praying that fate will be on your side blackout?.."
  7766. >you watch as each of your five hunters slip inside through various entrances
  7767. >two through the basement window
  7768. >one from the bell tower
  7769. >the other two found windows or a unlocked door
  7770. "go get her.."
  7772. >you are blackout
  7773. >you are sitting at a pew, luckily somepony was kind enough to let you have their seat
  7774. >as you listen to the sermon you think you hear a out of place noise
  7775. >your ears twitch and adjust
  7776. >your eyes begin to look around the room searching for anything out of place
  7777. "i know i heard something"
  7778. >you get up from your seat
  7779. "sorry, i have to use the restroom, please take my seat if you like"
  7780. >the mare next to you nods and thanks you
  7781. >you walk down the side of the room
  7782. >you notice that Lyra seems to be looking at you
  7783. >perhaps she thinks you are leaving
  7784. >you give her a quick smile and mouth to her 'be right back'
  7785. >Lyra smiles and continues her sermon
  7786. >"we are his children of fate, lord manos has chosen us as his ponies even when we distrusted and feared him, he was here to guide us and begin a bright future"
  7787. >you smell the air
  7788. >you can almost distinguish all the smells of the individual ponies here
  7789. >but one smell is.. different
  7790. >it almost smells like bugs
  7791. >wait.. bugs..
  7792. >your eyes shoot open and you scan the room again
  7793. >this time you check the walls and ceilings
  7794. "i cant believe you would send those after me.."
  7795. >you hanvt seen them yet, but you know they are here."
  7796. "hunters"
  7797. >you concentrate and adjust your hearing to block out the sound of Lyra
  7798. >you can hear very quiet hissing in various areas of the room
  7799. >you rush to your safety box and put on you helmet then cloak yourself
  7800. >"while we are simple ponies, even we can aspire to greatness! from the smallest of foals we can become giants"
  7801. >pictures of the battle of canterlot are all around the room
  7802. >Lyra points to them
  7803. "remember our strength when we stood together! that day we were not ponies we were his Archangels!"
  7804. >at that moment the hunters strike at you
  7805. >you just entered the main room
  7806. >"CHANGELINGS!"
  7807. >>"get to the back of the room!"
  7808. >the hunters surround you and the others
  7809. >you drop your cloak appearing in front of the church goers
  7810. >there is a gasp at your sudden appearance
  7811. >then battle breaks out
  7813. [Embed] - Seether - Weak (Lyric Video)
  7815. >you look at the five large changelings
  7816. >each of them bare their fangs and snap at you
  7817. >"how many you think you can take?"
  7818. >what..
  7819. >you look to your left
  7820. >that rainbow mare from before is standing next to you
  7821. "if you take the two on the right i can take the three on the left."
  7822. >"but that leaves you with three and one of those is the big one"
  7823. "jealous then?"
  7824. >>"ill take the two on the left.."
  7825. >both you and rainbow look over to see Lyra next to you
  7826. >her horn and eyes aglow
  7827. >one of the ponies on the congregation shouts
  7828. >"Lyra! leave it to them! they look like fighters!"
  7829. >Lyra turns her head back to her ponies
  7830. >"a shepherd must protect her flock.."
  7831. >then she looks to her two targets
  7832. >"and at times.. she must fight off the wolves!"
  7833. >that leaves you with the largest one..
  7834. >take him out then assist in the clean up of the other four
  7835. >your mind already begins planning a battle tactic
  7836. >then the Changelings charge
  7838. >you are Copper Coin
  7839. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!"
  7840. >you smash your hooves on the desk
  7841. "who the hell do they think they are?!"
  7842. >you look closer at the pony in robes
  7843. >wait.. thats..
  7844. "Manos damn you Lyra.. dont hurt my pets!"
  7845. >you then look to the other pony
  7846. "and thats Rainbow Dash..."
  7847. >you rub your head with your hooves
  7848. "this could not have gone any worse.."
  7849. >"what couldnt have gone worse Copper...."
  7850. >you had to open your big fat mouth
  7851. >you turn off the screens
  7852. "nothing lord manos."
  7853. >manos just looks at the screens that are now off
  7854. >turn those back on...
  7856. >you are Rainbow Dash
  7857. >as soon as the changelings charged you counter charged
  7858. >you slammed into the first one to move
  7859. >it screams and hisses at you before returning to its feet
  7860. >the other pounces at you and you roll away from to dodge
  7861. "I am his shield! ive fought against worse odds than this and come out on top!"
  7862. >you glare at the two for a moment then attack again
  7864. >you are Lyra
  7865. >before the two you are facing can strike you shoot a green flame from your horn
  7866. "suffer not the changeling to live.."
  7867. >one of them gets burned to a crisp instantly but the other jumped to the ceiling
  7868. >its eyes watch you as you ready yourself for another attak
  7869. >it jumps again to the wall
  7870. >then to the floor
  7871. >it keeps moving
  7872. "be careful! they seem to learn quick!"
  7873. >it then jumps at you fangs ready to bite
  7875. >you are Blackout
  7876. >and the biggest one is all yours
  7877. >it licks its lips and its eyes narrow
  7878. >"coooppppaaahhhh saaayys.. hunt.."
  7879. >its bites at you and keeps swiping with its hooves to knock you off balance
  7880. >but you quickly keep moving to counter
  7881. >your plan is to wait out its strikes, wear it down, and look for openings
  7882. >it commits to a large rush
  7883. >you cloak and jump to the side
  7884. >then re-appear
  7885. "lets see what really is a failed experiment... me?"
  7886. >you remove your helmet
  7887. "or you"
  7888. >it hisses at you
  7889. >"diiiee... ponieessss"
  7891. >you are Manos
  7892. >and are watching the screens
  7893. >for a second you were sightly confused at what you were looking at
  7894. >but soon you realized what it was
  7895. "copper... why do i see you attacking not only out mutual freind Lyra, but also rainbow dash?"
  7896. >"uh.. you see Manos I."
  7897. "and on top of that i said this was to be stealthy not.."
  7898. >you stop mid sentence ad look at the screen
  7899. >>"lets see what really is a failed experiment... me? or you!"
  7900. >Blackout removes his helmet..
  7901. >no.. her helmet...
  7902. >you look into her eyes through the screen..
  7903. >thats...
  7904. >you slowly turn your head to Copper
  7905. >for the first time in forever copper is extremely afraid
  7906. >you can see his legs shaking
  7907. >"Manos, let me explain!"
  7908. >you look Copper right in the eyes
  7909. >then both of you are in the immaterial world
  7911. >you are Blackout
  7912. >the Large hunter has taken a few hits
  7913. >you can see cracks in its carapace
  7914. >so far three of the five changelings are dead
  7915. >Rainbow Dash takes a spot beside you both of you facing the Changeling
  7916. >"i dont know what all this is.."
  7917. >you can hear her heavy breathing
  7918. >yours is still calm and controlled
  7919. >"and i dont know.. who you are.. but you are keeping ponies safe"
  7920. >she gives you a sideways glace
  7921. >"that makes you ok in my book."
  7922. >you never took your eyes off the changeling hunter
  7923. "rainbow, flank him from the left side ill take right if he tries to run you engage anything else and ill finish him off"
  7924. >there is a loud screeching from behind you along with the smell of Lyras fire
  7925. "seems he is the last one."
  7926. >"get those ponies out of here, we can take this last one ourselves!"
  7928. >rewind about 30 seconds
  7929. >you are Copper Coin
  7930. >and you are looking face to face with manos
  7931. >is he going to do anythng?
  7932. >wait.. hes looking at you.
  7933. >you snap your eyes shut
  7934. >"to late Copper..."
  7935. >you open your eyes and manos is gone
  7936. >your R&D lab is in ruin, all around you are blood smears and corpses
  7937. >you walk down the halls not knowing what to expect
  7938. "please manos, you know me, i wouldnt have done this if i didnt have a reason."
  7939. >there is silence
  7940. >you know he can hear you
  7941. "please... let me go."
  7942. >you hear a loud hiss behind you
  7943. >you quickly turn your head
  7944. >nothing
  7945. >you walk down the halls some more
  7946. >suddenly all the lights go out
  7947. >and only a few of the crystal backups come on
  7948. >some only flicker
  7949. >you walk up to a disfigured corpse
  7950. >it takes you a while but you start to recognize it
  7951. >its you
  7952. >your jaw is ripped apart
  7953. >one of your eyes are missing
  7954. >your tongue is barely there
  7955. >pieces of flesh hang from your bones
  7956. >the head slowly turns
  7957. >you take a few steps back
  7958. >it looks at you more and slowly starts to stand
  7959. "m-manos! please! dont do this!"
  7960. >you look behind you the hall is three times as long as it was
  7961. >at the end is a bright light with manos standing in the way
  7962. >you run off in his direction
  7963. >you hear the shambling abomination chase you
  7964. "no.. you cant outrun your fate Copper.."
  7965. >just as you make it to the door it closes manos staring at you the whole time
  7967. >you are Manos
  7968. >and you will let Copper stay in that world for a while
  7969. >you look back to the screen and see all of the hunters have been killed
  7970. >or at least they are put down in some form
  7971. >"thanks for the help.."
  7972. >>"do you know where those came from?"
  7973. >"yeah.. but ill take care of that"
  7974. >>"no! we have to go there together! we would have a better chance then"
  7975. >you see the once small little league looks to be a grown mare
  7976. >thats impossible..
  7977. >right?
  7978. >coppers unresponsive form remains standing
  7979. "what the fuck did you do to her?"
  7980. >you look into his eyes again
  7981. >and you are assaulted with thousands of experiments memories and tests
  7982. >you watched every memory
  7983. >copper oversaw the surgeries
  7984. >he killed a dozen foals for what he eventually called a 'failed experiment'
  7985. >you knock him to the ground
  7986. >still he is unresponsive
  7988. >you put your hand to his neck to feel his pulse
  7989. >good he is still alive.
  7990. "you fucked up copper."
  7991. >you open the doors
  7992. "guards! get this pinko to a private cell! hes unresponsive for now but he will return to consciousness soon! when he does let me know, he will be made a example of in front of everyone in equestria."
  7993. >"YES SIR!"
  7994. >two guards rush inside and drag Copper to a Changeling cage
  7995. >a fitting place for a beast like him
  7996. >you walk back to your office
  7997. >now that Copper has proved himself both a madman and a traitor to his own you need a new head of R&D
  7998. "i need to be careful who i pick.. i need someone loyal to me, and wont do anything i wouldnt approve.."
  7999. >you take a seat at your chair.
  8000. >you look over your large stack of files
  8001. >you tap the top of the stack
  8002. "no.. i dont need to go through all these"
  8003. >you remember a old and still very VERY loyal pony.
  8004. >you check the date on your calendar
  8005. "lucky you, looks like a new high ranking position has just opened up"
  8006. >you look over to your personal assistant
  8007. >she just entered the room
  8008. "can you send a message for me please?"
  8009. >she smiles and takes out a pen and paper
  8010. >"alright go ahead"
  8011. "Dear Honor Bound.."
  8013. >you are Cadence
  8014. >and the camp has finally been completed
  8015. >you have almost a hundred changelings already in your first camp
  8016. >they are under constant watch and you are pressuring for executions to start soon
  8017. "how soon till basic production can start? shields and armor would be very useful to have produced soon."
  8018. >"ma'am it will still be a few days, the dumb beasts are still being trained.."
  8019. "what a waste of time... but manos wants it.."
  8020. >you giggle a bit
  8021. "and manos knows id do anything HE wants.."
  8022. >you involuntarily swish your tail
  8023. >"uh.. uhm.. ill.. ill get them to hurry it up then"
  8024. >the red face guard standing behind you goes off to try and hurry the training
  8026. >you are Princess Luna
  8027. >and you havent spoken to your sister in days..
  8028. "i still cant believe she would say that about Manos."
  8029. >you walk to the throne room where Celestia holds her morning court
  8030. >you made sure that the time you arrive she would be free for discussion
  8031. >the mare at the door sees you walking
  8032. >"shes ready to see you princess. go right ahead"
  8033. >you nod to her and walk inside
  8034. >Celestia is very surprised to see you here
  8035. >"luna, its been a while since we talked."
  8036. "indeed it has sister.. i must know, is what you told me.. is it really the truth?"
  8037. >there is a silence and celestia lowers her head
  8038. "well sister?"
  8040. >you are Celestia
  8041. >and you're not sure what to say..
  8042. >you know it is the truth but what good would it do?
  8043. >if anything it might cause harm to the stability of equestria
  8044. "Luna, what i told you... it was--"
  8045. >a royal guard enters the throne room
  8046. >"your Majesties! Lord Manos is here! he says its urgent!"
  8047. >luna looks to you then back to the guard
  8048. "send him in we need to speak with him anyway."
  8049. >"yes princess"
  8050. >the guard walks back out to let manos know he is able to enter
  8052. >You are Manos
  8053. >and you are in canterlot
  8054. >you have a request to make of the princesses
  8055. >and hopefully they will go along with it.
  8056. >they do owe you for everything you have done for their little kingdom after all
  8057. >"lord manos. sir.. the princesses will see you now"
  8058. >the guard bows his head low
  8059. >he must be a worshiper
  8060. "thank you. this will be quick"
  8062. >you are Honor Bound
  8063. >and you received a letter from Manos
  8064. >is this your chance?
  8065. >have you proven yourself again?
  8066. "give me the letter!"
  8067. >you quickly take the letter from the mare
  8068. >you rip it open and read the words frantically
  8069. "Dear Honor Bound, due to a recent development my head of R&D needs to be.. removed from his position, if you would be so kind as to assist with this matter, his position as head of R&D will be yours, i understand you arnt a scientist but what you are is far more valuable, you are trustworthy, report to the castle tomorrow at noon for your next assignment"
  8070. >you look to the mare
  8072. >you kiss her and the letter
  8073. "hahha!"
  8074. >you rush to get your gear and get ready to move out
  8075. "i wont fail you again manos! my faith is true and my loyalty is unfaltering!"
  8077. >you are manos
  8078. >and you are in the presence of royalty
  8079. >and they are in the presence of a god
  8080. "Celestia, Luna, its been far too long. its good to see you again!"
  8081. >Luna seems excited to see you a large smile on her face
  8082. >"Greetings Manos! its good to see you again!"
  8083. >after she looks at you for a minute she seems to remember something.
  8084. >her face goes red and she looks away
  8085. >wonder what thats about.
  8086. >celestia just looks worried
  8087. >always worried or annoyed with you sunbutt. you havnt been happy to see me since the party
  8088. >the one you 'died' at
  8089. "i have some troubling news about members of my outfit.."
  8090. >you pull out a file
  8091. >one you made yourself
  8092. >inside is a list of all the experiments you KNOW the princesses would disapprove of
  8093. "i have here.. a list.."
  8094. >"a list of what manos?"
  8095. >Luna walks to your side
  8096. >perhaps a bit too close
  8097. >but you dont mind
  8098. "a list of all the experiments a member of my staff has done.."
  8099. >you begin to read the list of experiments to the sisters
  8100. >you have been listing for quite some time
  8101. >both of the sisters seem disgusted in whoever this culprit is
  8102. >you reach the bottom of the list
  8103. >and you made sure to list only the experiments that you were unaware of or couldn't be traced back to you
  8104. "and finally.. the experiments that gained my attention only recently, and revealed all this to me, Pony augmentation on Foals, experimental surgeries on Foalsm forced changeling mutations, and finally Harboring a queen.."
  8105. >you lower the list and look to the two royals
  8106. "you understand what a difficult situation this is for me."
  8107. >Celestia speaks up
  8108. >"And what do you suggest we do about this anonymous.. keep it a secret?"
  8109. >was that a jab at me?
  8110. "no. in fact i think we need to have this pony be made an example of."
  8111. >"im not so sure about this anonymous, i have a feeling our views on 'making and example of' are different"
  8112. >Luna is quick to jump to your side
  8113. >"i think you are right Manos, anypony who has committed atrocities like this deserves punishment!"
  8114. >>"sister times are different, we havnt had an execution since before you were ban-"
  8115. >"since before you banished me yes. i am aware, however its still equestrian law. even if its an old one, Manos"
  8116. >Luna looks to you
  8117. >"do you agree with an execution?"
  8118. >you smile
  8119. >this pony just did your job for you
  8120. "i do, a public execution so the ponies know that i will not tolerate anything like this in my followers"
  8121. >Celestia frowns
  8122. >"it seems i am the minority here.. if you two insist on this, i will not stop you. but you will not have my approval either."
  8123. >am i still able to go through with it?
  8124. >>"but you shall have mine, and that is more than enough to approve of punishing a criminal"
  8125. >Luna smiles proudly
  8126. "thank you Luna, i appreciate your decision greatly"
  8127. >Luna blushes a bit
  8128. >>"yes, well.. it is a princesses job to make hard decisions"
  8129. "perhaps you would be willing to stand beside me at the execution. it would be very valuable to have a princess there"
  8130. >>"of course manos"
  8132. >you are Celestia
  8133. >you dont know what to think of all this..
  8134. >perhaps Manos is getting too much control over your ponies.
  8135. >is he really as good natured as he seems?
  8136. "if you two are about done with your talk of execution.. perhaps we can return to a former matter.."
  8137. >Manos and Luna turn to you
  8138. "Luna ask Manos what you asked me.."
  8139. >this will show if manos really is the kind soul he makes himself out to be..
  8140. >you hope.. so dearly that he is
  8141. >you see Luna turn to manos
  8142. >a confident smile on her face
  8143. >"of course sister, we shall end this matter here and now."
  8144. >>"what matter?"
  8145. >Manos calmly looks between you and Luna
  8146. >"Manos, did you kill shining armor?"
  8147. >Manos turns to you, and scowl on his face.
  8148. >you dont respond you just wait for him to answer.
  8150. >you are Manos
  8151. >and even Celestia seems to have betrayed your trust
  8152. >'trust' honestly you knew this would happen eventually
  8153. >you look to celestia
  8154. >then back to Luna
  8155. >Luna waits patiently
  8156. >Celestia does the same
  8157. "i wont lie..."
  8158. >you feel the burn on your face start to flare up
  8159. "i killed shining armor."
  8160. >you turn to face celestia
  8161. "and i returned to you and told you of my crime, i left my punishment to you, and i believe you decided Celestia."
  8162. >you motion for her to continue.
  8163. >Luna looks shocked but looks to her sister
  8164. >"what.. what did you decide.."
  8165. >Celestia looks at you
  8166. >clearly she is angry with you
  8167. >probably didnt expect you to turn it on her.
  8168. >>"i decided.. Luna.. that it was best to keep it a secret.. for the sake of my ponies, and Shining armors memory"
  8169. "i see i misplaced my trust Celestia."
  8170. >you turn to walk out of the Throne room
  8172. >you are Luna
  8173. >you watch as manos leaves your sisters throne room
  8174. >then turn back to your sister
  8175. "You were right sister, im sorry for not believing you, its just hard to imagine.."
  8176. >Celestia walks over to you and gives you a small hug
  8177. >"its alright luna, but how do we handle this? you see how well it worked when i told you what happened, i cant imagine how Cadence would react to it."
  8178. >you never thought of that
  8179. >but you never thought it was the truth either
  8180. "Perhaps we should let the truth out? and tell everyone about what really happened?"
  8181. >Celestia just shakes her head
  8182. >"i contemplated doing that myself, but... im afraid since so many ponies put so much faith in him"
  8183. >you finish for your sister
  8184. "you think that they would deny it.. or worse think we are denouncing Manos just to make ourselves look better.."
  8185. >"something else worries me too Luna, even more so than Cadences affection to Manos.."
  8186. >Celestias mane begins to slow an become less wavy
  8187. "what is that sister?"
  8188. >"i dont think this is just a execution of a criminal..."
  8189. >you tilt your head in confusion
  8190. "then, what is it?"
  8191. >"I fear luna, that this is just a display of power.. a display that you gave Manos royal permission to do"
  8192. >no, manos is just punishing a monster.. manos didnt know about everything that this 'copper' was doing.. right?
  8193. >or perhaps Celestia is right..
  8194. >and you gave Manos control
  8195. >control he will unlikely give back
  8196. " 'Tia.. i truly hope you are wrong about that.."
  8198. >You are Copper
  8199. >and you are in pain
  8200. >this creature this abomination of yourself is ripping your body apart
  8201. >and whats worse, you're still alive.
  8202. >you see it ripping off chucks of meat with its teeth
  8203. >it smashes your bones with its sharp broken hooves
  8204. >you have never felt pain like this before
  8205. >its too much
  8206. >you scream out in pain and agony
  8207. >then suddenly, the monster is gone, the room is no longer bloody
  8208. >but you're in a cage
  8209. >locked up and guarded by black hands
  8211. >you are Manos
  8212. >and besides that last bit of the conversation, everything seemed to go nicely
  8213. >Luna did most of the work for you
  8214. >you place the file under your arm and start to walk to your carriage
  8215. >as you enter and take a seat a small card falls out of your pocket
  8216. >'double eights lucky casino' if you want fun, salt, mares, or gambling we have it all!"
  8217. "wonder what this was all about..."
  8218. >you place it back
  8219. "ill have to look into that after i finish my business with Copper.."
  8220. >the carriage rocks slightly as you take off back to Castle Manos
  8221. >hopefully when you arrive you wont have to wait long for Honor Bound to show up
  8223. >You are Aryanne
  8224. >and you have Copper under close guard
  8225. >only you and those under your command are allowed to be in the same room as him
  8226. >cant let him let out any information that might be a hindrance to Manos
  8227. "Cinnamon, swap guard duty with Comet, inform him that he has a two hour break before he returns to duty."
  8228. >Cinnamon gives you a salute and starts to put on the helmet and gear
  8229. >"yes ma'am and dont worry no one will get in or out while im on watch"
  8230. "i know, also tell Almond Heart she is dismissed for the night have one of the support ponies take her place"
  8231. >"yes commander"
  8232. >Cinnamon leaves the room and you are left alone
  8233. >possibly for the rest of the night
  8234. "ah, i can finally be at ease.."
  8235. >you take a seat at your desk and slouch back
  8236. >you loosen your uniform and just relax
  8237. >Manos is still a good hour away.
  8238. "i still have time to relax a bit"
  8239. >you close your eyes to get some much deserved rest
  8241. >you are Copper Coin
  8242. >and you are still in a cage
  8243. "let me out of here! this is all a mistake, I am your superior!"
  8244. >"shut up traitor.. we have orders to keep you here"
  8245. >the pony flares its wings revealing a set of wing-blades
  8246. >"they dont care what condition you are in.."
  8247. "look, let me out! you know me! im Copper Coin! head of R&D my research has saved lives and improved the lives of all equestira!"
  8248. >the pony turns to you
  8249. >you see your own reflection in the glass of its helmet
  8250. >you never realized how scary it is not seeing their face until now
  8251. >"say one more word pinko.. i dare you.."
  8252. "pinko? whats a pinko?"
  8253. >the pony kicks the cage
  8254. >the cages next to you suddenly have hundreds of hisses and snapping coming from them
  8256. >"I SAID!--"
  8257. >the large door slowly begins to open
  8258. >the pony who kicked your cage quickly gets into a defensive stance facing the door
  8259. >so does the other guard
  8260. "Get me out of here!"
  8261. >your pleas fall on deaf ears
  8262. >another guard in identical armor walks in
  8263. >it looks to the Pegasus who kicked your cage
  8264. >"youre dismissed for the night, enjoy your vacation"
  8265. >then he looks to the other
  8266. >"you take two hours for R&R and meet back here."
  8267. >the guards change out
  8268. >it seems there was a second one waiting outside, once the two leave the other walks in
  8269. >then the door is sealed shut
  8270. "whats going to happen to me then huh?"
  8271. >the guards are silent
  8272. "TELL ME! as your Commanding officer i have the right to---"
  8273. >"buck off pinko.."
  8275. >the guard looks back to you
  8276. >"a traitor to our cause.. to our name.. to our people.. a pinko is scum who is lucky to be alive.."
  8277. >finally someone answered you
  8278. >"but dont worry Pinko... your Fate is already sealed."
  8280. >you are manos
  8281. >you arrived to the castle a little ahead of schedule
  8282. >you step out of your carriage and walk to the entrance of your home
  8283. >your castle, your research center, your base of operations..
  8284. >perhaps you should spread those things out a bit..
  8285. >"Heil Manos!"
  8286. >your guards snap a sieg heil as you walk up the steps and inside
  8287. >its been a while since you have been able to walk your own home without a rush
  8288. >you observe the staff working in your castle
  8289. >each of them bow their heads as you walk by
  8290. >some of the more devoted give a sieg heil or bow completely
  8291. >"we are your faithful hands lord"
  8292. >you continue on to your room, now located at the top of the castle giving you a perfect view
  8293. >both of your Castle grounds.. and a nice overlook of Ponyville city
  8294. >you walk inside and see a sleeping Aryanne
  8295. >you look at the time
  8296. >you are a few minutes early.
  8297. >no need to get too upset. besides.. you have plenty of guards on watch
  8298. "Morning Commander Aryanne"
  8299. >her eyes snap open and she falls from the chair
  8300. >after stumbling for a bit she gives you a sieg heil
  8301. >"Heil Manos! sorry for my incompetence! i thought i had more time for RnR before you arrived sir!"
  8302. >you look her over
  8303. >her mane is unkept, her uniform is loose, and her hat is on the floor
  8304. >you smile and point to her
  8305. "straighten that uniform soldier, then carry on"
  8306. >Aryanne relaxes then straightens herself
  8307. >"Manos, did everything go well in Canterlot?"
  8308. "it was eventful, seems im losing my touch with the sisters and they dont seem to be as trustworthy as i hoped"
  8309. >"is there any reason to worry lord?"
  8310. >aryanne looks more concerned for you than for the circumstance
  8311. "no, my mission was a success. I have permission to carry out the execution of the traitor"
  8312. >"Copper, sir?"
  8313. >you almost spit his name
  8314. "yes. Copper"
  8315. >he goes behind your back on more than one occasion..
  8316. >he performs reckless surgery on your friends
  8317. >then he risks the lives of YOUR ponies and your FRIENDS for his experiment
  8318. >arrogance gets you killed
  8320. >you are Silver Valor
  8321. >and you have a letter waiting for you in your office
  8322. "huh, what could this be.."
  8323. >you pick up the envelope
  8324. >and see a old familiar mark on it..
  8325. "ah.. i see you havnt forgot your old friend in the guard after all.."
  8326. >you open the letter
  8327. >inside is detailed instructions on a planned execution.
  8328. >at first you think this is some sort of plot..
  8329. >but you see it was given the royal seal of approval
  8330. "your reach sure has expanded since we last talked Anonymous.. or should i call you Manos now.."
  8331. >you smile and take a seat at your desk
  8332. >you have a public event to plan.
  8333. >ordered by your superiors...
  8334. >the princesses of course..
  8335. >you burn the letter as instructed
  8336. "its a shame i havnt heard from Anonymous in a while"
  8337. >you laugh to yourself as you follow your detailed orders to the letter.
  8339. >You are Manos
  8340. >there is a knocking at your door
  8341. >you look to the clock
  8342. >then to Aryanne
  8343. "that must be our new head of R&D let him in"
  8344. >Aryanne walks to the door and inspects the pony standing there
  8345. >"manos.. you sure this is him?"
  8346. >she steps out of the way revealing a very stoic Honor Bound
  8347. >still in his woodland Uniform
  8348. >>"Lord Manos sir! as requested i have arrived precisely on time! I shall not disobey orders again lord!"
  8349. >you wave him in
  8350. "yes thats him alright... i recognize that kiss ass attitude anywhere.."
  8351. >Honor Bound walks inside then looks back to the door
  8352. >Aryanne closes the door and it becomes sealed by Honors Magic
  8353. >>"your security has become rather relaxed since i was reassigned"
  8354. >you can see Aryanne scowl at him behind his back
  8355. "its different. not relaxed, are you ready to receive your first assignment?"
  8356. >Honor Snaps to attention
  8357. >born ready sir.
  8358. "you are to execute Copper Coin in the town square tomorrow morning."
  8359. >Honor bound dont even flinch
  8360. >"then he will be executed"
  8361. "good pony."
  8363. >you are Luna
  8364. >and you are suck in a position you dont want to be in
  8365. >you have to oversee a execution that you believe is just
  8366. >but at the same time.. Manos seems to be.. overstepping himself
  8367. "he is not of any Royal Line, he should be gaining the power he has.."
  8368. >but he has the support of the people..
  8369. "our ponies love him though.. should that be enough of a right to be a leader?.."
  8370. >what do you do..
  8371. "we cant just stand by and let this be a show of Manos' power.. this has to be known as a criminal being executed by royal laws! not by Manos will"
  8372. >you puff out your chest and feel confident in your own plan
  8373. >all you need to do is give a little speech before the execution and everything will be fine
  8374. >right?
  8375. "of course! we know how to deal with nobles and the like, manos couldn't be too different from them"
  8376. >you honestly dont believe that
  8377. >but it felt good to say out loud
  8379. >you are Honor Bound
  8380. >and you are reading your mission plan to yourself
  8381. >Manos gave you very detailed instructions to memorize by tomorrow
  8382. >but you will not fail him
  8383. "if copper is a traitor. he is no different than Armor was.."
  8384. >you will end his miserable existence with any regrets.
  8385. "hail lord manos.. hail the lord of fate."
  8386. >you pull up a manos necklace
  8387. >and give a quick prayer
  8389. >You are Copper Coin
  8390. >and you have no perception of time in here
  8391. >there is no windows no clocks
  8392. >nothing
  8393. >just you, the changelings in the cages next to you, and the guards..
  8394. "can i get some water?"
  8395. >..
  8396. "some food?"
  8397. >"why would we waste food and water on a dead pony."
  8398. >the guard walks out to the door
  8399. >just as it opens
  8400. >"looks like its time dear uncle copper.."
  8401. >all the changelings try to repeat it
  8402. >"unnnccllllleee coppaaahhre"
  8403. >you are escorted down the long hallways of R&D
  8404. >you look at all the ponies in uniform eyeing you
  8405. >some throw insults at you
  8406. >others just glare
  8407. >you look to some of your assistant doctors
  8408. >the ones who actually performed the surgeries
  8409. "you arnt arrested?! you are the ones who actually did the crimes im being executed for!"
  8410. >the doctors just look at you as you are escorted out
  8411. >"no Copper, we were just following orders.. you, you betrayed manos.."
  8414. >you are Manos
  8415. >and you have the whole city gathered for this
  8416. >guards are positioned at every corner
  8417. >and of course, royal guards are positioned at the closest areas to where the execution is taking place
  8418. >you stand in the center of the square
  8419. >next to a large pole
  8420. >Luna has yet to arrive but Copper should be arriving shortly
  8421. "My Ponies! i have some rather unpleasant news.. as most of you know there was a changeling attack!"
  8422. >ponies begin to murmur
  8423. "and it gets a little worse im afraid..."
  8424. >you look over the crowd and see hundreds if not thousands of ponies
  8425. >after a bit of searching you find Lyra and Little League
  8426. >or.. blackout rather..
  8427. >you nod to them
  8428. "Those Changelings.. were under the control of one of my own black hands."
  8429. >the murmurs become shouts
  8430. "I understand you are all distraught! i myself am furious!"
  8431. >you point to your castle
  8432. "AND THAT PONY IS BEING BROUGHT HERE! he is being brought to face you the ponies for his crimes! he has attacked you! betrayed myself and all of you!"
  8433. >they shouts turn to barely controlled rage
  8434. "He will face his fate!"
  8435. >just as you finish riling up the crowd the Princess Arrives
  8436. >along with a detachment of her own Lunar Guard
  8437. >just as Copper is brought to the center of the city
  8438. >bound by chains and magic
  8440. >you are Princess Luna
  8441. >and you made it on time
  8442. >was Manos going to execute that pony without you here?
  8443. >you glace to him as you land
  8444. >your escort taking up crowd control roles
  8446. >the crowd doesnt calm
  8447. >in fact they get even more enraged
  8448. >"Banish him!'
  8449. >>"kill the traitor!"
  8450. >"he betrayed manos! he chose his fate!"
  8452. >you can feel manos giving you a glare
  8453. >even if it isnt a visible one
  8454. >some of the ponies calm down
  8456. >you look to the bound pony
  8459. >you are Honor Bound
  8460. >you watch as the two black hands escorting Copper refuse orders from the princess
  8461. >good... they are loyal ponies
  8462. >manos gives them a nod
  8463. >"unbind him.."
  8464. >they do as instructed
  8465. >now its your part
  8466. >you walk into the crowd and your horn begins to glow
  8467. >a crooked smile on your face
  8469. >you are Copper Coin
  8471. >you can prove you are innocent
  8472. >you can prove you are still loyal
  8473. >"copper.. you may speak on your behalf"
  8474. >you open your mouth to defend yourself
  8475. >but all that comes out it
  8476. "I would do it again in a heartbeat, the lives of a few ponies matter little in the way of science"
  8477. >what did you say!?
  8478. >you look around at the furious crowd
  8479. >and your eyes spot a smiling Honor Bound
  8480. >his horn glowing and controlling your words
  8481. "not to mention.."
  8482. >you hear yourself continue
  8483. "you have no real evidence any of this could be my doing.."
  8484. >well that is true.
  8485. >he has presented no real proof as of yet..
  8486. >Manos steps up
  8487. >"i have here copper.. a file.. A file of all of your experiments and operations, perhaps i could read them to the lovely ponies here?"
  8488. >manos hands move down the list
  8491. >you are Manos
  8492. >and this is your part in this act
  8493. >you begin to read the 'charges'
  8494. "Forced Changeling Mutations, Murder of innocent ponies using hybrids known as 'hunters', invasive and experimental surgeries, pony augmentation without consent of pony, Brainwashing, Augmenting of Foals for military use,"
  8495. >that one really gets the crowd going
  8496. "execution of subjects deemed 'unfit' or as 'failures' most commonly foals. but several cases of adults, Use of experimental weaponry on your own scientists and soldiers."
  8497. >you close the folder.
  8498. "all of these we have proper evidence of, including your own journal entries, we also have witnesses to those crimes committed"
  8499. >'copper' speaks
  8500. >"I dont see any of those ponies here.. if you have witnesses why didnt they show up?!"
  8501. >Luna looks to you
  8503. >a single pony walks forward
  8504. >she is soon stopped by two royal guards
  8505. >"youre slow, i could have attacked and eliminated both of you within a fraction of your reaction times"
  8506. >the pony disappears
  8507. >then she re-appears next to you
  8508. "i believe i do have a witness,"
  8509. >Blackout removes her hood and her helmet
  8510. >"hello princess.. my name is Little League, aka project blackout.."
  8511. >the ponies and the princess get a good look of the mare
  8512. >there are several scars on her face on body
  8513. >along with the armor being fused to her
  8514. >Luna looks shocked
  8515. >>"and you were one of those foals?"
  8516. >"i am a foal.. im only 12 years old, my body and my mind altered so much that my mental age is unknown to me"
  8517. "Luna, im sure she is all the evidence i need.."
  8518. >the execution has reached the turning point
  8519. >you need to solidify your position on this
  8520. >you need to show the ponies that you are in control
  8521. >you turn away from Luna and to your large crowd
  8522. "Would you be able to sleep at night!? knowing that a pony like this could be walking your streets?!"
  8523. >a series of shouts ring out from the crowd
  8524. >"NO"
  8526. "Then what should we do?! who shall decide his fate!?"
  8527. >Luna steps forward
  8528. >"Manos, when you came to us for permission for this execution i thought you were in the right.."
  8529. >she looks over the ponies
  8530. >and copper
  8531. >then turns back to you
  8532. >"but if its to happen it shouldnt be made public like this..its unnecessary"
  8533. >what is she doing..
  8534. >does she really think that she can just change her mind like that?!
  8535. >"Copper, the accused, will be taken to Royal Canterlots prison! from there he will stand trial before a court, and if he is found guilty, he will be executed."
  8536. >luna nods to her Lunar guards to try and escort Copper away
  8537. >but your black hands stand in their way
  8538. >as do you
  8539. "Luna.. he is guilty of his crimes, we have evidence.. and witnesses, the ponies here have already decided his fate."
  8540. >for a moment you and Luna stare at one another
  8541. >neither of you backing down
  8542. >the ponies in the crowd become more violent
  8543. >>"Kill the traitor!"
  8544. >>"hes a murderer! dont protect him!'
  8546. >Luna calmly asks you
  8547. >"manos.. please step aside.. this is a royal matter.. not one for a simple mayor to decide.."
  8548. >a simple..
  8549. >a simple mayor?!
  8550. "you're right, its not for me to decide"
  8551. >you smile and point to the crowd
  8552. "its theirs"
  8553. >"Guilty!"
  8554. >"Guilty!"
  8555. >"Guilty!"
  8556. >the crowd repeats, growing louder.
  8557. "and they have chosen."
  8558. >you motion to your black hands and they move Copper to the center of the square
  8559. "hes fate is sealed Luna.."
  8560. >you raise up the 'royal decree'
  8561. "and its sealed by royalty.."
  8562. >you look to copper
  8563. >you smile at him as he just looks back pleadingly
  8564. "Blackout... would you be so kind?"
  8565. >you take a sword from one of your nearby guards
  8566. >and hand it to her
  8568. >you are Blackout
  8569. >and you are standing between three powerful forces
  8570. >to your left is Manos your god and friend
  8571. >the right is Luna a royal princess and her lunar guard
  8572. >and behind you.. is all of ponyville city.
  8573. >you take the sword from manos and walk up to copper coin
  8574. "im just a failed experiment..."
  8575. >you thrust the sword into his chest slowly
  8576. >then your drag the blade down to his gut
  8577. >blood pours out of his now dying body
  8578. >the color in his eyes fade as he looks right at you
  8579. >as you finish your task the crowd cheers
  8580. >"HIS FATE IS SEALED!"
  8581. >"HEIL MANOS!"
  8582. >Heils echo throughout town
  8584. >you are Luna
  8585. >and you realize this situation with manos is defiantly troublesome
  8586. "My sister will need to be informed of this manos.."
  8587. >he only nods
  8588. >"tell her his fate was decided long before you gave the seal, the safety of MY ponies comes before all Luna.."
  8589. >his ponies..
  8590. "perhaps you need to be reminded whos land you inhabit.. but very well.. we shall send your, message."
  8591. >you lift off into the sky and fly to the castle
  8592. >the echoing of heils lowering in the distance
  8594. >you are Manos
  8595. >and if this went like you planned then your little city will be occupied by royal guards soon
  8596. >you smile as you watch Luna and her Lunar guard fly off
  8597. >the crowd cheers on
  8598. >the royal guard that were stationed here for the execution start to back off from the mob
  8599. >soon they too are gone or have removed their royal marks in favor of yours
  8600. >you then turn to them and rise your hands to silence the crowd.
  8601. >it takes a while but soon you have their attention again.
  8602. "my friends.. my followers.. my children.."
  8603. >the mob becomes a silent crowd of orderly ponies
  8604. "while today was a victory for order and harmony"
  8605. >you motion to coppers lifeless corpse still tied to the pole
  8606. "over chaos.. we must be strong.. for now we shall be tested.."
  8607. >you point to canterlot in the distance
  8608. "the sister princesses will no doubt be afraid of us... of you! they will come here.. and our lives will be hard.."
  8609. >you bow your head for a moment and sigh
  8610. >then you stand up tall and shout to your ponies
  8611. "but we shall be stronger for it! we shall be a united people! under our own banner!"
  8612. >you point to a nearby banner with your mark on it
  8613. "our flag! our ponies! our nation! sieg heil"
  8614. >there is a chorus of heil again
  8615. "but as any new nation must do! we must prove we are worth the struggle!"
  8616. >you place a hand on coppers corpse
  8617. "we must prove that harmony can overcome chaos! that order and harmony are two sides of the same coin!"
  8618. >ponies look to stand a bit taller than usual
  8619. "when the princesses soldiers arrive.. dont assault them, dont hate them.."
  8620. >you walk over to a royal guard who bares your mark
  8621. >and place your hand on him
  8622. "for they too are our brothers and sisters.. they are just misguided.."
  8623. >the royal guard looks up to you a small prideful smile on his face
  8624. "we are the same.. we are the same people! but of two different views! and if i can help it! i WILL PRESERVE PEACE BETWEEN US!"
  8625. >your hands rise over your head as you finish your speech
  8626. >"heil manos! our lord of fate!"
  8627. >you walk from the center of town
  8628. >blackout and Lyra come with you
  8629. >Honor bound is to finish with the disposal of the body then return to you for his next orders
  8630. "come my friends.. we have work to do.."
  8631. >you and your small group walk to the large cathedral
  8632. >as you walk inside there are a small group of ponies there already
  8633. >most of them just to pray
  8634. >once you walk in however you are quickly noticed and their heads are lowered
  8635. >you hear faint voices
  8636. >"praise manos, praise the lord of fate, we are his children."
  8637. >you walk up to the large alter of yourself and place your hand on it
  8638. "this statue.. what do you see when you look at it?"
  8639. >the ponies look to one another
  8640. "its ok, you may speak freely.. any of you."
  8641. >a small mare in the back of the room speaks up
  8642. >"I-I I see a hope for a better future.. i see a leader a god.. who is here for his chosen ponies.."
  8643. >you smile and turn to the small mare
  8644. "you are right.. and you are wrong. im not here for ponies of my own choice, im here for those ponies who choose me."
  8645. >you give her a slight bow
  8646. >she looks astounded and unsure
  8647. >she looks back and forth for any idea of what to do
  8648. >then you rise up again
  8649. "im here to protect those that want my protection.. those who look to me become my children.. a father protects his children from all threats."
  8650. >you look back to the statue
  8651. >somehow looking at it makes you feel small
  8652. >even though its a statue of you
  8653. "i make another promise to my children.. here in this church."
  8654. >you bow your head
  8655. "i promise to unite equestria again.. and even now, i shall protect it from chaos. even when she doesnt want me here, i promise to continue the fight for order, for a new equestrian people."
  8656. >but how can you protect equestia when equestria will soon want control again?
  8657. >you close your eyes
  8658. >and time slowly stops
  8659. >giving you all the time you need to think
  8660. >..
  8661. >and to plan for a better future
  8663. >you are Princess Celestia
  8664. >and you are waiting in your throne room for morning court
  8665. >today is the execution
  8666. "i hope Luna had a change of heart.. Manos is getting far more influential than i thought.."
  8667. >you already had several ponies come to morning court with requests for adding Manos' banner to the royal palace
  8668. >or other parts of canterlot
  8669. >and a few wanting to create another guard branch called the guards of Fate
  8670. "he is getting out of hoof.. and my ponies are starting to become more fanatical"
  8671. >mid thought Luna Storms in the room
  8672. >"SISTER! we have most unwelcome news!"
  8673. >oh boy..
  8674. "what is it luna?"
  8675. >"Manos proceeded with the execution without our final say"
  8676. >HE WHAT?!
  8677. >you stand up from your throne and walk to your sister
  8678. "then he has broken the law and should be placed under arrest!"
  8679. >Luna looks a little worried again
  8680. "what else happened...?"
  8681. >"sister.. he himself didnt execute the pony.. he let the ponies of ponyville decide his fate.. they did it themselves."
  8682. >oh... my little ponies..
  8683. >"and he said to bring you a message.."
  8684. "tell me what he said luna.."
  8685. >you stand with a very concerned expression on your face
  8686. >"he said, his fate was decided long before you gave the seal, the safety of MY ponies comes before all else"
  8687. >luna then looks to her guards..
  8688. >there are fewer than before
  8689. >"and he also declared Ponyville its own nation.. the ponies were quick to agree, even some in the guard"
  8690. >the situation has become most dire..
  8691. "Luna.. we need to establish control in ponyville again.."
  8692. >"i shall get as many guards that i can muster to go sister"
  8693. "please luna.. save my ponies.."
  8695. >you are Cadence
  8696. >and the camps are running smoothly
  8697. >not only that but you also have the Crystal Ponies adjusting well
  8698. "I wonder why Manos had to leave in such a hurry"
  8699. >you walk down the crystal halls
  8700. >both crystal guards and black hands are on guard
  8701. >and lone black hand runs up to you
  8702. >"Princess Cadence!"
  8703. "yes?"
  8704. >"we have news from ponyville and lord manos"
  8705. >this must be important
  8706. "what is it then?"
  8707. >the guard holds out a letter
  8708. >you open the letter
  8709. >inside is a message from manos
  8710. 'cadence, im afraid there has been a development in Ponyville, Ponyville and all those under my personal control including the crystal kingdom has declared itself as a independent nation from equestria, this was not my original intention when i was returning to ponyville but its a choice the ponies made.. and i stand by them. I understand if your ties to Equestria are too strong and you feel you must step down.. but i am asking you.. not as a commander, or as Manos, but as Anonymous. please.. stay with the black hands.. stay with me.'
  8711. >you put down the letter.
  8712. >you have a hard decision to make now
  8713. "i have to decide between manos.. and my auntie celestia.."
  8715. >you are Manos
  8716. >and you have a very small nation to start
  8717. >you are in your castle surrounded by your personal guard and your friends
  8718. >Lyra and Blackout
  8719. >honestly this is a horrible position and a horrible time to start a nation
  8720. >you look at a map of equestria
  8721. "i have everfree forest and ponyville under my control. as well as the crystal kingdom.. i know there are going to be scattered towns and small cities between with some of my own followers, as well as many in Canterlot"
  8722. >you look to the ponies looking at the map with you
  8723. "im going to be honest with you all.. i dont know how we will be able to remain 'free' with the minuscule amounts of resources we have, not to mention was have no logistics with the Crystal Kingdom"
  8724. >wonder if those camps are starting production yet..
  8725. >you need to get a report from them soon..
  8726. "if they occupy ponyville city"
  8727. >you point to the map
  8728. "then we will be forced to remain in everfree.. and ill be completely cut off from my ponies.."
  8729. >"manos.."
  8730. >lyra walks to your side and places a hoof on your shoulder
  8731. >"perhaps.. perhaps you should leave here, and get to the crystal kingdom."
  8732. >Aryanne nods
  8733. >"i agree manos, it would be a much more defense-able location, no to mention it has a vast amount of resources and tactical opportunities"
  8734. "I wont abandon those ponies who wanted to be under my protection instead of celestias"
  8735. >Lyra speaks up
  8736. >"Manos, we will be fine here. I can keep you informed and carry out orders in your absence.."
  8737. "and how would you be able to do that without being discovered?"
  8738. >Lyra only smiles
  8739. >"dont worry about us manos.. you need to get to the Crystal Kingdom before things start to go downhill."
  8740. >you know she is right..
  8741. >and if this little turn of events does become a full out civil war, then you will need to be where you are most effective..
  8742. "Honor bound, i have a few orders for you, I want R&D completely dismantled and everything ready to leave with me ASAP, what cant be taken will be destroyed."
  8744. >you are Cadence
  8745. >and your decision has been made
  8746. >its not what you would have wanted but its what needs to be done
  8747. >not just for you but for the ponies of equestria
  8748. >you walk to your room and look at your folded up uniforms
  8749. >you remove your crown and put on your officers hat
  8750. "im sorry Auntie.."
  8751. >you look to the plans for the camps
  8752. "but this is for the good of all of equestria... and for the rest of the world.."
  8753. >changelings dont care who they kill
  8754. >who they hurt and hunt
  8755. "they need to be removed.. and if that makes me a traitor.."
  8756. >you look at a picture of you and shining armor
  8757. >then one of you Luna and Celestia
  8758. "then ill be a traitor to protect our ponies.. they come first.."
  8759. >you magic the pictures over to you and hug them close
  8760. "im sorry.. i still love you all, but i believe in what Manos is doing, even if you dont."
  8762. >you are Honor Bound
  8763. >and you have your orders
  8765. >scientists and guards are scrambling back and forth packing and burning everything they can find
  8766. >you point a hoof to the changelings
  8767. "get those cages ready to move within the hour! any not out to the convoy by then exterminate them"
  8768. >"do you have any idea how long it took us to gather all of them?!"
  8769. >you look to the scientist
  8770. "no, and i dont care, orders are orders. if manos says they are worthless then they are. simple as that."
  8771. >you walk out of R&D as the building slowly becomes empty
  8772. "Manos Will be done. we are his faithful hands. orders shall not be questioned under my command.."
  8774. >you are Manos
  8775. >and you are leaving your home..
  8776. >you look back to the castle its walls holding firm like the spirit of your people
  8777. >its banners still fly high above it
  8778. >you insisted that the banners of the two sisters remain untouched
  8779. >they also fly high along side yours
  8780. >you turn back and get into your carriage
  8781. >your escort of Pegasi guards and a few more carriages of important intel and research are stored in this first flight out.
  8782. >the reason behind it it this first move will be the one least contested if at all
  8783. "take us to the crystal kingdom.."
  8784. >the carriage lifts off and you look out over ponyville city
  8785. >you see a large force of royal guards arriving to the town
  8786. >so far.. they seem to be peaceful
  8787. >your ponies leaving them alone and instead just keeping banners on their homes
  8788. "i promise my ponies. ill come back. and when i do, you will be free again."
  8789. >you decide to rest as you take your trip to you new.. home.."
  8791. >you are Luna
  8792. >and you have arrived to ponyville city with your detachment of guards
  8794. >you walk into town
  8795. >unexpectedly the most resistance you have received from the citizens has been a few glares
  8796. >and some.. vulgar insults.
  8797. >you walk down the streets and see large statues to manos
  8798. "they depict him as a god.."
  8799. >you look to the smaller statues of you and your sister by his side
  8800. "and as a much more important pony than their princesses.. the ones who have looked out for them for thousands of years.."
  8801. >a stallion with a armband and covered face shouts at you
  8802. >"YOU WERE A TRAITOR before this! it only proves that nightmare moon is still among us"
  8803. >what a fool.. he wasnt even alive during your... history
  8804. "You dont know what happened then, dont presume to know us"
  8805. >he gives a sieg heil
  8806. >"heil manos! hail true equestria!"
  8807. >other ponies join in
  8808. >you motion for your guards to disperse them before it escalates
  8809. "this is going to be different that what ive had to deal with before.."
  8811. >you are Celestia
  8812. >and you hope Luna can help those ponies in ponyville
  8813. >you walk to your room and start to write a letter to your student twilight sparkle
  8814. >you remember a few times when she brought up her friend Rainbow was a black hand
  8815. "i hope she hasn't fell into manos' hands.. if one of the elements is not willing to fight against Manos then im not sure what can stop him.."
  8816. >as you start to write to twilight asking about how ponyville seems to be behaving you slow to a stop.
  8817. >IS manos evil?...
  8818. >you set down the quill
  8819. >you look out of your window out to canterlots streets
  8820. >even here ponies see him as a hero or as a god
  8821. >has he really done anything to be considered evil?
  8822. >you need to be honest with yourself
  8823. "i dont know.. is manos a villain.. or a hero with a different view"
  8824. >and if he isnt a villain does that mean the elements wont work?
  8825. >or should you even try to stop him?
  8826. "the worst that can happen is he becomes a leader of his own country.."
  8827. >why is this so different from anything you have faced before!?
  8828. >why cant it be like before?! good versus evil! a clear side to choose?
  8829. >there is a knock at your door
  8830. "you may enter"
  8831. >a solar guard walks in
  8832. >"princess, we have a letter for you."
  8833. "from who?"
  8834. >"it says its from Cadence ma'am."
  8835. "princess cadence?"
  8836. >"no ma'am.. Officer Cadence.. of the Black hands changeling removal branch"
  8837. >oh cadence...
  8838. >you take the letter in your magical grip
  8839. >and you are worried to open it and read what it says
  8840. >you look at the seal on the letter
  8841. >its the seal of Manos
  8842. >not her own seal
  8843. >or yours.
  8844. "Cadence.. you still dont know do you?.."
  8846. >you are Rainbow Dash
  8847. >you and your friends were out when the execution was scheduled
  8848. >not because you didnt want justice to be done
  8849. >just seeing death still causes memories to come back
  8850. "hey Twilight"
  8851. >"yes rainbow?"
  8852. "what.. what do you think of manos? like in general"
  8853. >twilight rubs her chin with her hoof
  8854. >"well.. i personally wouldnt do the same things he has done.. but he has done a lot of good for equestria."
  8855. >she looks to the others
  8856. >"what do you girls think?"
  8857. >Applejack gives her opinion right off the bat
  8858. >"well ah think hes a good pony at heart.. er human at heart. but he has done.. things, that i dont approve of"
  8859. >>"and he has a FABULOUS taste in fashion! have you seen his uniforms for his ponies? sure the nasty brown ones are bad but those slick black ones? and his own with his mark on them they look absolutely royal"
  8860. >applejack and you both roll your eyes
  8861. >"I.. i dont really like him.. much.."
  8862. >you look over to fluttershy
  8863. "whys that flutters?"
  8864. >she quickly hides herself
  8865. >"oh sorry rainbow.. i know you like him and all.. b-but.. hes just to mean.. and loud..."
  8866. "its ok. i know"
  8867. >"he did hurt you.."
  8868. >you stop walking
  8869. "huh? Manos never hurt me i mean we had that argument a long time ago, but that was just hot air."
  8870. >you wave your hoof to emphasize your point
  8871. >"thats.. not exactly what i mean.."
  8872. "then what do you mean?"
  8873. >the other girls also look a slightly away
  8874. >including pinkie pie
  8875. >"w-well.. you arnt the same as you used to be.. you are always on time, you clean, you keep everything in order."
  8876. "those are all good things though! you guys always complained about it before"
  8877. >"and.. you stare a lot.. you get real quiet, then when we talk to you.."
  8878. "It wasnt manos.. its just hard to forget what happens when ponies lives are at stake..."
  8879. >"rainbow.."
  8880. "im FINE im the same old dash! i just have a bit more order in my lifestyle now"
  8881. >right?
  8882. "sorry. lets just get home. i didnt mean to shout at you."
  8883. >"its ok dashie"
  8885. >you are Aryanne
  8886. >you Cinnamon and Comet Glow ride together in the carriage behind manos
  8887. >Almond Heart provides escort for Manos
  8888. "So, what do you stallions think of all this?"
  8889. >Cinnamon looks up from his seat to speak while Comet keeps looking out the window
  8890. >"im not sure what to think, I know we are trying to protect equestria. i know that with all my being, but now equestria doesn't want us?"
  8891. >Comet adds his two bits
  8892. >"Well.. technically WE declared independence from them, but it was bound to happen sooner or later.. we work differently"
  8893. "how do you figure Comet?"
  8894. >he pauses for a moment
  8895. >"we get things done, when there is a threat or a problem we face it head on, we dont ask who will stand beside us"
  8896. >he smiles
  8897. >"we are those who lead the way to a better tomorrow, even if that makes us look bad."
  8898. >thats one way to think of it you suppose
  8899. >>"what about you Commander? what do you think of this?"
  8900. "Well cinnamon, id follow Manos to the depths of Tartarus and back. If that means im not equestiran anymore.. so be it."
  8901. >Comet and Cinnamon respond together
  8902. >"Abiecit clipeum commander, we are his shield"
  8903. >you feel pride swell up inside you
  8904. >even though you wouldnt say it out loud, you are glad they approve of you
  8906. >you are Manos
  8907. >and you are right now flying past Canterlot
  8908. >you stare at the Captial city of Equestira
  8909. "how many times must i save you from chaos before you finally respect me."
  8910. >you move your hand over the castle on the mountain
  8911. "even now, i will protect you, even when you see me as the threat."
  8912. >you sit back in your seat
  8913. "but first.. ill need a army, a real army."
  8914. >you look to your personal files
  8915. >and open it up to a blank page
  8916. >you take out a pen and begin to sketch out your first child of warfare.
  8917. "i have much to do before then."
  8918. >you continue to sketch and design until the Crystal Kingdom comes slowly into view.
  8920. >you are Honor Bound
  8921. >and you have the most honorable task of preparing Manos most prized... bug...
  8922. >you look to the large unmarked cage
  8923. >inside is a sealed and very well protected egg-sack
  8924. "why manos would ever want to keep you ill never know.."
  8925. >you start to walk towards your own troops when a soft voice enters your mind
  8926. >its very sweet sounding and calming
  8927. >yet at the same time it has a tone of superiority
  8928. >"because im very different from anything hes had before"
  8929. >you look back to the cage
  8930. "did you just.."
  8931. >there is silence
  8932. "We will see if you are worth the trouble.."
  8933. >you walk back to your troops which are ready to move out
  8934. "Lets get moving ladies! we dont have all day here! the royal guards are already inside Ponyville I dont want them getting their hooves in our toys!'
  8935. >you walk past a scientist still trying to gather some old papers
  8936. >you ignite the pile of files being gathered
  8937. "times up we move out now"
  8938. >the scientist gives you a glare but gets into his carriage
  8939. "you slow us down you get left behind!"
  8940. >you take your position and begin to move out
  8942. >You are Cadence
  8943. >and your choice was made
  8944. >you straighten your uniform, and remove your crown
  8945. "i might not be equestrian anymore.. but ill still protect them. its what Manos would do, and its what Shining has done."
  8946. >you place your officers hat on your head
  8947. >and make sure you are presentable for your ponies and Manos
  8948. "I wont abandon their ideals, i will protect equestria."
  8949. >you walk out of your room and out to the main hall
  8950. >sombra is waiting there
  8951. >"Hello Cadence.."
  8952. >you give him a side glance as you continue walking
  8953. "Sombra, where have you been?"
  8954. >"ive been around.. here. there.. ponyville.. Canterlot.. just enjoying the views."
  8955. "so why come back and annoy me?"
  8956. >Sombra walks along side you
  8957. >a big toothy grin on his face
  8958. >"because i heard the most interesting news.."
  8959. >you scoff
  8960. >"and im sure you will love to hear about it."
  8962. >you are Manos
  8963. >and you have with you plans for your first wonder weapon.
  8964. >you step out of your carriage and you are greeted by Aryanne and the rest of your personal guard
  8965. >they have a perimeter established and you walk calmly down the streets
  8966. "wonder how my little resorts are doing."
  8967. >you look over to the walls of the Crystal Kingdom
  8968. "ill be sure to make full use of them soon."
  8969. >Aryanne gives a signal to stop
  8970. >"Manos we have guests."
  8971. >in front of your escort there are two mares in full uniform
  8972. >they both have a crystal logo on their uniforms
  8973. >they give you a sieg heil
  8974. >"lord manos, welcome back."
  8975. >you smile to the two beautiful mares in front of you
  8976. "well you ladies defiantly look different from when i met you"
  8977. >>"We have been busy since our meeting."
  8978. >"and we have changed a lot since then"
  8979. >>"my sister and I.. we are sorry for how we treated you."
  8980. >the two crystal mares stand in attention
  8981. >"but we were shown how much you gave for ponies who owed you nothing in return. and we think we need to give a little back"
  8982. "thank you Emerald. i must say, you seem to have lost a bit of that fire you had."
  8983. >Sapphire smiles knowingly and looks over to her sister
  8984. >Emerald remains steadfast
  8985. >"You earned my respect Manos. but dont get carried away... lord."
  8986. "well then ladies. would you mind filling me in on whats happened since ive been gone?"
  8987. >you and your slightly larger escort continue to walk to the Castle
  8989. >you are Cadence
  8990. "sombra i have no interest in whatever little lie or story you have come up with."
  8991. >"oh but this is no story, in fact this came from the princesses themselves, and Manos."
  8992. >you cant trust Sombra.
  8993. >you know that.
  8994. >but something inside you has a burning curiosity
  8995. "fine, what is your little story.."
  8996. >Sombra smiles again and laughs
  8997. >"it happens to be how your beloved actually died. its quite a story actually.."
  8998. >just as Sombra is about to tell you the Large doors open
  8999. >Manos and his guardponies walk inside
  9000. >along with Emerald and Sapphire Shine
  9001. >you feel a bit of Jealousy creep up inside you as you see Manos being flanked by the two mares.
  9002. >that mixed with the annoyance Sombra has given you isnt a good combination
  9003. >you cut off both Sombras story and whatever the two Crystal mares were talking to Manos about
  9004. "Manos, its so good to see you again"
  9005. >you walk up to him and give a Sieg Heil
  9006. >he smiles at you
  9007. >thats a good sign
  9008. >you give him a quick hug
  9009. >sure its unprofessional but those mares need to know who he belongs to.
  9010. >besides, you outrank them.
  9011. "ive missed you."
  9012. >manos hugs you back
  9013. >"Im glad you decided to stand by me, even when Celestia and Luna have not."
  9014. >you feel him pet your mane agian
  9015. >like he did that morning after
  9016. "it was a hard decision. but i think i made the right one"
  9017. >you end the hug and get into a professional manner again
  9018. >you clear you throat
  9019. "eh-hum. Lord Manos, Welcome back to the Crystal Kingdom, everything is in order and gone exactly as you requested"
  9020. >"i am aware Cadence. Sapphire and Emerald here briefed me on events since i was gone, i must say you have done a great job"
  9021. >you smile and blush slightly
  9022. "Thank you Manos."
  9024. >you are Manos
  9025. >you look over to sombra
  9026. >what is he smiling about?
  9027. "Sombra. we have business to discuss. meet me in the war-room in twenty."
  9028. >Sombra laughs to himself and bows his head
  9029. >"Of course lord. ill be waiting."
  9030. >then he vanishes in a cloud of smoke
  9031. "he is up to something.. and hes not afraid of being obvious about it."
  9032. >you look to your ponies
  9033. "please have my new arrivals and any research brought along organized for me, keep me informed of anything of note"
  9034. >they all give you a sieg heil
  9035. >"HEIL"
  9036. "Dismissed"
  9037. >you have to have a talk with Sombra
  9038. >you walk to the war-room of the crystal kingdom
  9039. >you look at the walls of this castle
  9040. "it just doesnt fit me.."
  9041. >you move your hand up the cold crystal walls
  9042. "this is not my castle..."
  9043. >you remove you hand from the wall and look to the crystal glass windows in the hall
  9044. >they depict history from the rise of king Sombra all the way to when you arrived
  9045. >when you 'liberated' them
  9046. "but these ponies. they are"
  9047. >you finally arrive to the darkly lit room
  9048. >its appears to be empty
  9049. >but the large amount of shadows is a give away
  9050. "no time for your shows of magic sombra we have work to do"
  9051. >you close the doors behind you and walk to the table at the center
  9052. >you lean over the map of equestira and the crystal kingdom
  9053. >you see the shadows form and create sombra on the opposite side
  9054. >you point to Ardennes
  9055. "this is still the most likely route of any invasion.. along with here."
  9056. >you point to a large plains area
  9057. >it will most likely be covered in snow for a good portion of the year
  9058. "what do you know of the terrain?"
  9059. >"its mostly flatland, there are a few small hills but nothing that would give anyone a real advantage"
  9060. "so its a perfect battlefield for warfare as 'you' know it."
  9061. >"many battles have been fought there yes. it allows for the most maneuverability of troops"
  9062. "im going to be honest here sombra, 'war' as you and any ponies here know it is primitive. and a waste of resources, if war IS to come to this place it will be the worst fight you ponies have ever seen."
  9063. >"and why is that manos? you think you can do better than generals have for centuries?"
  9064. "of course i can. Im a human... Killing is what we excel at."
  9065. >you pull out your design and place it on the table
  9066. "what do we have that can start to build the parts ill need.."
  9067. >sombra levitates the plans into his view
  9068. >he inspects them closely
  9069. >"ive never seen anything like this before.. at least on this level. what is it? a single car train?"
  9070. "its my first born, Sombra. it will be the first true instrument of my will"
  9071. >"how will it work?.. it seems to be built like.. like a box.."
  9072. >Sombra looks at the image cluelessly
  9073. "just can the parts be manufactured? if you can get me the materials then i can get the brains in R&D to make it work... trust me, machines like this are considered obsolete where im from."
  9074. >"i suppose we could.. if its similar to trains.."
  9075. "Good thats all i need to hear. we can discuss the details for it later. right now we will have to work with what we have, if we kep looking to the future we will lose the present"
  9076. >you look back to the map again looking for possible cities and towns on the outskirts of Celestias control
  9077. "oh, and what were you trying to tell Cadence.."
  9078. >you glare at him without looking up
  9079. >he smiles and acts coy
  9080. >"just a rumor i heard..."
  9081. "be careful of what rumors you start to spread Sombra.."
  9082. >damn him. he knows something... but what?
  9083. >what could he be willing to hide from me but tell cadence?
  9084. >...
  9085. >oh, you son of a bitch.
  9086. "and if it happens to be the 'rumor' i think it is"
  9087. >you look to him both of you having your own smiles
  9088. >ones that only two people who hate one another could give
  9089. "then Sombra will really understand what a god can do to a single pony before he dies"
  9090. >"well lets hope.. for that gods sake.. that the pony doesn't let that secret slip.. perhaps his own command would keep my lips sealed"
  9091. >...
  9092. "your own command?.. what could you possibly want to command that i cant do better?"
  9093. >"nothing big of course.. just my own legion. loyal to me.."
  9094. >he walks to your side
  9095. >"I think thats a fair trade.. considering what you could lose if this 'rumor' was to get out."
  9096. >you manipulative fuck
  9097. >beat me at my own game
  9098. "on the other side Sombra.. who says they would believe a slave king?"
  9099. >"thats your risk Manos, i cant lose either way... why not have us BOTH be winners here?"
  9100. >his smile is absolutely irritating
  9101. >but you cant risk everything falling apart.
  9102. "fine.. you will have your own legion.. under one condition if i give you a mission, you WILL NOT refuse. if you do.. it will be considered treason and both you and your legion will be marked as terrorists."
  9103. >sombra looks a little confused and blinks
  9104. >"whats a terrorist?"
  9105. >you sigh. of course they wouldnt have that word here...
  9106. "you will be labeled as a traitor to all of equestria. and i sure Celestia wouldnt mind cooperating to stop an 'evil king' like yourself."
  9107. >sombra laughs a bit again
  9108. >"these terms are acceptable.. my lord.."
  9109. >in his usual fashion sombra dissipates into his cloud of smoke
  9110. >you wait until that chill up your spine is gone before you go back to your plans.
  9111. "that dog is getting close to breaking off his chain.. ill need to tie him back down again soon."
  9112. >you take out a little model of a crystal pony. and place it on the map
  9113. "the Black Legion has been formed..."
  9114. >you smile again thinking you are clever
  9115. "also known as, the Penal battalion."
  9116. >you want a legion Sombra? ok. you will have your legion...
  9118. >you are Cadence
  9119. >and you are with Emerald and Sapphire Shine
  9120. >the heads of the Crystal Gestapo..
  9121. >your and Manos' secret police force
  9122. "Emerald.. Sapphire.."
  9123. >"yes Cadence?"
  9124. >>"yes ma'am?"
  9125. "Stay away from Manos... dont get any ideas about him."
  9126. >you give them both a distasteful look
  9127. >the two sisters just look at eachother for a moment, then back to you
  9128. >"is that an order ma'am?"
  9129. >>"seems like a rather odd one to give us."
  9130. >they smile
  9131. "no.. its not a order.. but i would recommend obeying it as though it was"
  9132. >they give you a sieg heil
  9133. >"if you insist ma'am"
  9134. >they both start to walk away
  9135. >>"but then who will keep him off of us?"
  9136. >"besides why have you when he can have two?"
  9137. >they both laugh as they leave the room
  9138. >you severely dislike them...
  9140. >you are Lyra,
  9141. >the now Right hand of Fate and High Priestess of Manos.
  9142. >and Ponyville is starting to become restless
  9143. >its only been a few days. but ponies are already wanting to 'rise' for manos
  9144. >each of your sermons you preach about Manos' plan and his ideals
  9145. >you also use these sessions to meet with your agents
  9146. >and word is, theres going to be an assault on a temporary guard barracks
  9147. >mostly by the citizens of ponyville but you also hear Brownshirts are in on it.
  9148. "i have to do something.. if rioting breaks out then the princesses will have more reason to blame manos"
  9149. >you look over to Blackout.
  9150. >she still refuses to be called Little League
  9151. >she said that that foal died on the operating table
  9152. "Blackout.. do you have any ideas on how to stop that riot?"
  9153. >"why would i want to stop it.. the ponies have a right to fight for what they believe"
  9154. "well im going to do something. even if you're not"
  9155. >you walk out of your cathedral and into the dark streets
  9156. >and you try to find the more faithful as you walk to the place where the riot is going to happen
  9158. >you are BonBon
  9159. >and you are in charge of the Brownshirts in Ponyville
  9160. "this is where we will meet up with the resistance."
  9161. >you point to the main street of ponyville city
  9162. "once the ponies assault the guards here, they will have to turn to face the threat, leaving this street clear"
  9163. >you move your hoof to the 'rear' of the guards position
  9164. "that is where we will strike. the more we get off our streets the less control they will have."
  9165. >the other Brownshirts nod in agreement
  9166. >"Manos had to flee the city because of these ponies..."
  9167. >>"yes, even if they are faithful to him. they are traitors.. helping a occupation of this holy city!?"
  9168. >"its a declaration of war it what it is!"
  9169. "thats why we need to be strong. we need to show them that this is OUR city. not theirs"
  9170. >you point to a propaganda poster of Celestia with the words 'obey' under her
  9172. >you are Lyra
  9173. >and you have gathered a sizable group of ponies to walk with you
  9174. "we have to stop this riot before it starts, this our chance to help manos, just like before. remember canterlot! then we were his warriors of faith! now we are his keepers of peace! he is the hands of fate!"
  9175. >"we are his faithful hands"
  9176. >you walk to the large gathering of ponies
  9177. >seems its not escalated yet but its close to it
  9178. >guards have a barrier established and are asking ponies to disperse
  9179. "alright everypony.. this is it.."
  9180. >you all slow your pace so as not to seem like a threat
  9181. >you all start to sing
  9183. [Embed] Sieg Heil Viktoria (Schutzstaffel und Waffen-SS)
  9185. >the guards look to your direction and some get into a defensive position
  9186. >soon you are feet from them and closing
  9187. >but you all keep walking slowly
  9188. >soon you are walking past the guards towards the ponies
  9189. >you all get close together and stand in front of them protecting the guards
  9190. >some of you in the front take a seat and continue to wait
  9192. >you are BonBon
  9193. >and its time
  9194. >the riot should have started by now
  9195. >you and your brownshirts are moving out
  9196. >many of you have.. 'acquired' weapons from guard posts
  9197. >or from what were donated to you from the black hands
  9198. "we are his keepers of the peace! we will rid our streets of this tyranny! HEIL MANOS! HEIL TRUE EQUESTRIA!!"
  9199. >"SEIG HIEL!"
  9200. >>"SEIG HEIL!"
  9201. >you walk up the street and see the flank of the guards, just like was planned.
  9202. >they are distracted by something
  9203. "Now is our chance! for Manos!"
  9204. >you and your Brownshirts charge the flank of the Guards
  9205. >one of the guards sees you and shouts
  9207. >then another battle breaks out in the streets
  9208. >and unknowingly you have caught Lyra, and her ponies in the center of it all
  9210. >you are Lyra
  9211. >and something has happened
  9212. "my ponies please! stop this fight! Manos wants peace between us!"
  9213. >its no use
  9214. >those who were rioting want their 'justice' and those in the guard are wanting to get out alive
  9215. >you look around and notice even those who were with you are being forced to fight
  9216. >not because they want to, but because they are trying to defend themselves from angry guardsponies
  9217. >"LYRA get over here!"
  9218. >you look to the voice and see Bonbon in her Brownshirts Uniform
  9219. >she waves you over to a alleyway
  9220. >there are two Brownshirts with her providing a safe escape route for ponies
  9221. >and making sure guards dont follow anyone
  9222. >you run to Bonbon's side
  9223. "What are you doing here Bonbon?!"
  9224. >she looks a little surprised at your outburst
  9225. >"Im here to protect our ponies! and to help free Ponyville!"
  9226. >she looks to the left and shouts to another Brownshirt
  9227. >"Get any wounded civilians out of here asap! those who are wounded should give up arms to those able to fight!"
  9228. "BONBON!"
  9229. >"WHAT! if we dont do this then we have failed manos!"
  9230. "Manos doesnt want this violence BonBon! he wants to resolve this crisis peacefully!"
  9231. >"Then let him resolve it! until he does however i am forced to act on my own accord!"
  9232. >she rushes into the fray leaving you by the escape route
  9233. "oh Bonbon.. why did you do this.."
  9234. >you shake your head and look back to your ponies
  9235. "everyone! this way is clear! please! if you can get away do so!"
  9237. >you are Manos
  9238. >and you have to organize a Penal Battalion soon, otherwise Sombra might get out of hand
  9239. >you walk to the Barracks that your Security team is stationed
  9240. >you walk inside
  9241. >"OFFICER ON SITE!"
  9242. >soon all the ponies who were relaxed and carrying on snap to attention
  9243. >they all stand in front of their bunks
  9244. "Im looking for Commander Aryanne, be sure she knows."
  9245. >all the ponies respond as one
  9246. >"HEIL"
  9247. "Cinnamon, Almond, and Comet, please come with me."
  9248. >they get into uniform and soon follow you out
  9249. >you walk out of the Hands barracks to the Crystal Pony Barracks
  9250. >you point to the door
  9251. >your guards enter inside orderly
  9252. >"HEIL MANOS"
  9253. >you hear Ponies inside rush quickly then a simultaneous stomp of hooves
  9254. >they must be in attention
  9255. >you walk inside and inspect the Crystal Guards barracks
  9256. >its much larger than the one for the Hands
  9257. >but its not nearly as 'cozy' looking
  9258. >the bunks are smaller and are more rows in the barracks to hold more ponies
  9259. "inspection!"
  9260. >the ponies move in sync and open their hooflockers
  9261. >you slowly walk inspecting both the ponies themselves and the contents of their hooflockers
  9262. "as you ponies may or may not be aware, equestria has fallen into a small civil disorder.."
  9263. >you point to a half eaten cookie in a hooflocker
  9264. >cinnamon walks up to the pony who owns the locker
  9265. >"WHATS THIS?! were you hungry? there is NO EATING IN OUR BARRACKS!"
  9266. >you move on inspecting while that pony gets scolded
  9267. "and since this Kingdom has so kindly welcomed me.. i will be making this place my own residence."
  9268. >for now
  9269. >you see a few guards give each other glances without turning their heads
  9270. "And that means you are going to be not only protecting myself. but you are going to be protecting my ponies."
  9271. >you move on to the next row
  9272. "and of course.. yourselves. you are my ponies.. and i will make sure you are safe."
  9273. >you point to another hooflocker with a dirty magazine inside
  9274. >and another with playing cards and gambling chips
  9275. >each of those ponies get their own deserved scolding from one of your Black Hands
  9276. >"whats this Horseshit!? you think this is Las Pegasus? why do you two have porn and gambling materials?!"
  9277. >you continue walking
  9278. "which means ill have to break you first.. ill break and bloody you here"
  9279. >you turn to your Crystal guards
  9280. "so you dont get broken and bloodied out there. now lets go for a run.."
  9281. >you lead the ponies out of the barracks to the area designated for training
  9282. >its a cleared out area of the Crystal Kingdom barely the size of a park
  9283. "this wont do.. on me ponies."
  9284. >you start to lead a large group of marching ponies out to the streets
  9285. >to their credit, they still stayed in perfect marching order.
  9286. >of course thats all the military ever does in equestria anyway. march..
  9287. >you continue to lead them to the gates
  9288. >ponies in the streets watch and give sieg heil's
  9289. >like its a parade or something
  9290. >soon you and the guards are outside of the city and into the deep snow
  9291. "form running formation."
  9292. >your black hands move up and down the line making sure everyone is in order
  9293. >they give you a ready signal
  9294. "Cinnamon, would you be so kind to give us a Cadence?"
  9295. >"yes sir, it would be my pleasure!"
  9296. >Cinnamon moves to the front of the ponies
  9297. >"alright you crystal maned mules! repeat after me!"
  9298. >he starts to begin to run
  9301. >you run in time beside them
  9302. >still inspecting your ponies
  9303. >you need to get them up to fighting strength soon
  9304. >most of them are just volunteers
  9305. >but soon they will be real front line troops
  9307. >you are Aryanne
  9308. >and you are walking with cadence
  9309. >she asked to speak with you personally
  9310. >"Aryanne, you know Manos better than i do... even though i hate to admit that."
  9311. "yes Ma'am, I am his Shield. i need to be familiar with who i protect dont I?"
  9312. >she catches your sarcastic joke and smiles
  9313. >"yes, yes you do. I want to ask you. does he see any mares?"
  9314. >what..
  9315. "Ma'am?"
  9316. >She looks over to the two Shine sisters on the other side of the room
  9317. >"specifically them."
  9318. >is she serious right now?
  9319. "Ma'am if manos wishes to spend time with mares thats his choice. im not here to get involved with drama"
  9320. >"fine.. sorry for bothering you then."
  9321. >what a dumb mare
  9322. >you head back to the barracks, upset you had your time wasted
  9324. >you are Manos
  9325. >and the run went well.
  9326. >those who started to fall behind were pushed forward
  9327. >ponies who finished to early had to keep running in place until those who got left behind finally finished
  9328. "that was a good run wasnt it!?"
  9329. >there is a breathy response from the ponies
  9330. >"yes sir!"
  9331. "think you can do it again?"
  9332. >again the same response but with a little less enthusiasm
  9333. >"yes sir!"
  9334. >you look up at the crystal kingdom
  9335. "alright then, lets head back! Comet take them home!"
  9336. >Comet glow walks to the front of the group
  9337. >"Come on ladies! you can sleep when you're dead!"
  9338. >>"yes sir!"
  9339. "Cinnamon, Almond you two come with me... theres somewhere i want to see"
  9340. >the two slightly exhausted ponies give you a salute
  9341. >"where you go we do sir."
  9342. >you look to the nearby forest of Ardennes.
  9343. >and you start walking to what remains of the battlefield
  9345. >you are Cinnamon Pop
  9346. >at first you wonder where manos is leading you
  9347. >but after a few minutes it starts to become clear
  9348. >there are still bodies left in the snow
  9349. >trees have fallen and even though time has passed it still looks like a warzone
  9350. "Never thought id be here so soon.."
  9351. >Almond Heart walks next to you
  9352. >"i remember this place..."
  9353. >she points to the clouds overhead
  9354. >"i was right there coordinating strikes on clusters of ponies.."
  9355. >Manos remains silent as he continues to walk through the scarred land
  9356. >you look around at the destruction
  9357. >you also are careful to watch your step for any still active traps
  9358. "this is Ardennes. this is where the Black hands were really made famous."
  9359. >you see at the top of the hill the now abandoned headquarters
  9360. >still holding the Equestrian flag next to one of Manos'
  9361. "think there might be another battle here Heart?"
  9362. >Almond looks around slowly
  9363. >"I hope not.. least not for a while.. i still have dreams of this place."
  9364. "so do I.."
  9365. >"I cant imagine what dreams rainbow still has.."
  9366. >you look at the impact crater she made from her blast
  9367. "neither can I"
  9369. >you are Manos
  9370. >and you are nearing the top of the hill.
  9371. >you look back to Cinnamon and Almond
  9372. "you two.. stay here.. if im not back in twenty minutes come after me."
  9373. >"sir?.."
  9374. "ill be ok, but trust me. its best if you stay here."
  9375. >you continue up the hill to the worn out and abandoned headquarters
  9376. >the closer you get to the building the more.. 'warm' you feel.
  9377. >you look around the base drinking in the memories here.
  9378. >you take a deep breath and walk inside the building
  9379. >a bright light shines on you as you walk inside
  9380. >"I knew you would come here eventually Manos.."
  9381. "the only reason i did was because i was looking for you."
  9382. >the bright light dims and standing in the room is Princess Celestia and four solar guards
  9384. >you are Honor Bound
  9385. >and you occasionally hear that damn changelings voice in your head
  9386. >you even made it a priority to keep it on the opposite side of the convoy
  9387. "it will probably hatch soon.."
  9388. >manos will want to have it secure and contained for when it does.
  9389. "how far are we from the crystal Kingdom?"
  9390. >"a few hours sir. the only thing between us and Manos is Ardennes"
  9391. "the lets get going. i dont want this bug hatching without Manos to oversee her."
  9392. >the convoy does its best to pick up speed.
  9393. >but carriages arnt really made well for snow
  9394. >this could be a while..
  9396. >you are Celestia
  9397. >and you have Manos in the same room as you
  9398. "manos.. i have questions.."
  9399. >he gives you his knowing smirk
  9400. >"ask away princess"
  9401. "how are you controlling my ponies?"
  9402. >manos looks at you confused.
  9403. >then he starts to laugh
  9404. >"im not controlling anyone Celetstia, you know that, the ponies follow me of their own will"
  9405. "manos, my ponies would not become this violent if they werent being lead to."
  9406. >Manos suddenly looks interested
  9407. >"what do you mean? what has happened since i left Ponyville.."
  9408. >does he really not know?
  9409. >of course he does.. he has to.
  9410. "the riots manos.. you know what im talking about.."
  9411. >you stomp your hoof for emphasis
  9412. "Innocent ponies are DYING! and i want to know why!"
  9413. >Manos straightens himself and looks to your guards
  9414. >then back to you
  9415. >"i dont know what is happening there.. but i need to know."
  9416. >manos takes a step towards you
  9417. >your guards ready themselves
  9418. >"who.. is killing MY ponies?.."
  9419. >you look into his eyes
  9420. >and you can feel a fire burning inside them
  9422. >you are Bonbon
  9423. >and your rebellion is going well...
  9424. >sort of..
  9425. >enough to get the attention of the princesses anyway
  9426. >you walk the streets with your own bodyguard of Brownshirts
  9427. >you give them orders to remove anything relating to the princesses
  9428. "take down those two statues.. dont let them disgrace Manos any longer."
  9429. >a few of your Brownshirts start to tie ropes or grip it with magic
  9430. >soon they are pulling it to the ground and smashing it.
  9431. >a few Royal guards rush to the scene.
  9432. >"You are under arrest for destroying property of the princesses and the ponies of Ponyville!"
  9433. "WE ARE THE PONIES! and we dont want you or the princesses here anymore!"
  9434. >the guards draw swords and ready magic while your guards take out their own arms
  9435. >"dont resist arrest! we have been authorized to use deadly force if necessary!"
  9436. >more ponies start to gather
  9437. >they too see the injustice of the guards and their power mongering.
  9438. "I BonBon head of the Ponyville Brownshirts place you royal guards under arrest for threatening innocents as well as members of our organization! stand down or you will be engaged!"
  9439. >neither side backs down..
  9440. >this can only end one way.
  9441. >again.
  9443. >you are Lyra
  9444. >you heard there was another 'battle' in ponyville today
  9445. >you stand in front of the alter to Manos in the cathedral
  9446. "manos.. please guide me.."
  9447. >you kiss the statues hands
  9448. >you close your eyes and pray for your ponies
  9449. >"Lyra.. you know who is behind it.."
  9450. "not now Blackout.."
  9451. >Blackout walks up to your side and takes a seat
  9452. >"I know you and Bonbon have a history.. hell.. we all know eachother somehow.."
  9453. >"Blackout, i said enough.. i heard your idea. and i will no allow any of it."
  9454. >Blackout puts on her helmet
  9455. >"im afraid that it wont matter if you do or not."
  9456. >you turn to look at the pony in her armored form
  9457. "Blackout.. please.. dont do what i think you're going to do."
  9458. >Blackout just turns invisible and you hear her hoofsteps slowly disappear
  9459. >you look back to 'Manos'
  9460. "please Manos.. save our ponies.. please.."
  9462. >you are Blackout.
  9463. >and you are still a black hand.
  9464. >you walk the streets cloaked you see the city divided.
  9465. >some corners have royal guards on patrol
  9466. >others have Brownshirts
  9467. >on a rare occasion some will have both staring each other down from across the street
  9468. >those situations usually turn to violence quickly.
  9469. "and they say they fight for Manos.. Manos doesnt want us to kill each other over nothing."
  9470. >you look out to the long road leading (eventually) to the outskirts of Ponyville
  9471. >you need to get to Manos and inform him of whats happening here..
  9472. >and you need to get your plan approved by a superior..
  9473. "Manos will approve of it... even if its painful for all of us."
  9474. >you start to run in the direction of Ardennes
  9475. >soon you are going full sprint
  9476. "sooner i find him the better.."
  9478. >You are manos
  9479. "who.. is killing MY ponies?.."
  9480. >Celestia takes a small step back
  9481. >"you really dont know.. do you?.."
  9482. >im getting tired of this Celestia
  9483. "Celestia, tell me who is hurting my ponies.. NOW"
  9484. >the royal guards start to advance on you
  9485. >you dont care this is more important
  9486. >"wait.."
  9487. >the guards look back to the Princess
  9488. >"He isnt behind it"
  9489. >you see one of guards take a breath and smile
  9490. >she has a necklace with your mark around her neck
  9491. >"manos.. Ponyville has become a battlefield.."
  9492. "why? how?"
  9493. >"it appears that the ponies there think you were exiled or run out of Equestria. they have begun a full scale revolution."
  9494. >what?
  9495. >you told them to not turn violent..
  9496. "someone or somepony must be edging them on.."
  9497. >"and i thought that someone was you.."
  9498. >you scowl at Celestia
  9499. "you really do think im the bad guy here.. even after all i do.."
  9500. >"Manos we dont have time for this to start up again.."
  9501. >for once you can say she is right
  9502. "you're right.. My ponies are dying in the streets i dont have time to argue over politics."
  9503. >you hear a few voices from outside..
  9504. >your twenty minutes must be up
  9505. "Cinnamon! Almond! im in here. when you enter do it calmly."
  9506. >the two bodyguards walk inside and see you flanked by royal guards
  9507. >immediately they go into protection mode.
  9508. >but they dont go against orders
  9509. >they walk inside and are sure to be between you and the guards
  9510. >keeping watch on them closely
  9511. "Now princess.. do we have a plan on how to solve this issue?"
  9512. >Celestia shakes her head
  9513. >"Since i thought it was you.. any plans i had are long gone.."
  9514. >you always have to do everything around here..
  9515. "fine.. ill take care of another one of your problems.."
  9517. >you are blackout
  9518. >and you are still running to reach manos.
  9519. >things in ponyville city are out of control and they need to be set straight
  9520. >as you run you start to see a large convoy in the distance.
  9521. "that must be whats left of Coppers research.."
  9522. >you still have a urge inside you to destroy everything there..
  9523. >your last Buck you to Copper.
  9524. >but you dont have time for that..
  9525. >even now you are starting to tire out... your enhanced body eventually wearing down.
  9526. >you look behind you and look for ponyville.
  9527. >its long out of your sight.
  9528. >how far have you run?
  9529. >you can see that the convoy is entering the forest so you must be at least half way.
  9530. >the longer you stand here the more your lungs and body start to ache.
  9531. "I have to keep moving.. i made this run once before i can do it again.."
  9532. >you start to jog
  9533. >if you pace yourself a bit you should still make good time..
  9535. >you are Manos
  9536. >and you are discussing putting down a revolution you started..
  9537. >one that has gone a little too far out of control apparently
  9538. >you didnt expect ponies to be THAT fanatical to just start attacking any guards they see.
  9539. "you know for sure its my Brownshirts?.. not some angry ponies in the street?"
  9540. >"its a mix of both.. but we know the ones who are causing the most deaths are Brownshirts."
  9541. >you probably shouldnt have supplied them with so many arms then...
  9542. >but on the bright side. Celestia hasnt accused you of arming them that extensively
  9543. >"we think most of their gear is a mix of homemade weaponry and Arms and armor stolen from royal guards"
  9544. "i see... Celestia.."
  9545. >"yes manos?"
  9546. "i think i know how to take care of this problem.."
  9547. >"how?"
  9548. "there is an old saying back home.. cut off the head, and the body will die.."
  9549. >now you just need to find out WHO is the head of this body.
  9551. >you are Aryanne
  9552. >you have returned to your Barracks
  9553. >although you notice that Cinnamon and Almond are missing
  9554. >"Aryanne ma'am"
  9555. >a stallion walks up to you and gives a salute
  9556. "what is it?"
  9557. >"Lord Manos said he was looking for you ma'am, then he left with Cinnamon Almond and Comet."
  9558. >shit.
  9559. >you missed a bucking Mission because of Cadence..
  9560. "do you know where they went?"
  9561. >"No ma'am! last i heard they were taking the new Crystal Guard for a run.. i dont know where"
  9562. "thank you for informing me."
  9563. >you look to the ponies starting to laze about
  9564. "have everyone get on guard duty. with manos not here i want his possessions looked after carefully.."
  9565. >you look over to his room
  9566. >then to the ponies again
  9567. "you four, with me. i want his room secured and nopony entering until he returns. i dont care who they are."
  9568. >the four ponies give you a affirmative then get geared up
  9569. >you walk over to Manos' room
  9570. >stepping inside everything seems to be normal
  9571. >you walk over to his locked chest
  9572. >its made of the hardest metals the Black Hand has available
  9573. >and coated in a layer of gold to help prevent magic use
  9574. >you test to see if it was opened or tampered with
  9575. >nope. everything is clear. good..
  9576. >if Manos lost his precious elements because you were out gossiping then heads would roll
  9577. >you personally stand guard inside his room until your security team finally arrives to take over guard duty
  9579. >you are Sombra
  9580. >and you are a very busy pony.
  9581. >you have been searching everywhere!
  9582. "damn that Manos! he already had the crystal heart all this time!"
  9583. >you look over to the fake one he left in its place
  9584. "GAH! how could i have been so foalish!"
  9585. >you stomp on it making it shatter into thousands of tiny pieces
  9586. "i was so distracted by him changing everything around here i didnt think to check up on my precious crystals.."
  9587. >your head starts to burn at the mention of crystals
  9588. "damn him.. ever since he was in my mind ive been having this pain!"
  9589. >you burn off magic by forming more of your black crystals around you
  9590. >you take a deep breath and try to relax yourself
  9591. "wothout the Crystal Heart.. my information of how Shining died is the only leverage i have!"
  9592. >and you know that wont last forever.
  9593. >manos always finds a loophole or a way around a problem.
  9594. "or he just removes it completely.."
  9595. >you walk over to the balcony overlooking YOUR kingdom
  9596. "he is taking more and more from me! one piece at a time! soon i will have no use! then ill be removed.."
  9597. >you growl in frustration
  9598. >then sigh
  9599. "as soon as i have my Legion.. Manos will see i have use.."
  9600. >you laugh to yourself again
  9601. "and when he believes me loyal.. thats when ill strike."
  9603. >you are Manos
  9604. >and you are in a very awkward position
  9605. >you are tasked with putting down a revolution that YOU started.
  9606. >but you need to be careful on how you do it..
  9607. >crush them without mercy and you will lose followers
  9608. >dont play this off well and you will lose what little favor you have with the princess
  9609. >its a balancing act..
  9610. >an act...
  9611. >thats it.
  9612. "So all i really need to know Celestia is WHO is in charge of my Brownshirts. once i take care of them the rest will either falter or be far less effective at resisting."
  9613. >you will need to make this look convincing to the princesses..
  9614. >and they see you as brutal.
  9615. >time to put on a show in Ponyville.
  9617. >you are Celestia
  9618. >and it seems Manos is willing to help you again
  9619. >even when you just tried to arrest him....
  9620. >again..
  9621. >you really hope this wont become a habit
  9622. "Manos.. are you suggesting that you are going to kill those who are fighting in your name?"
  9623. >why would he do that?
  9624. >why wouldnt he try to help them?
  9625. >"Yes Celestia, thats exactly what i am suggesting, i gave all the ponies in ponyville ORDERS!"
  9626. >his claws clench together on the table
  9627. >"Orders to not attack the guard, orders to not become violent! this, what they are doing.. is the opposite."
  9628. >his guards look to him for a moment then return to watching your own
  9629. >they really are a focused bunch
  9630. "why would you tell them that.. you are the one who wanted the revolution arnt you?"
  9631. >Manos chuckles and lets his claws loosen
  9632. >"yes.. that i am. but i didnt want bloodshed of the ones im trying to protect. im here to protect equestria not burn it to the ground."
  9633. >you look manos over.
  9634. >he still wears his own uniform as he always has
  9635. >but looking closer at it you see two things that stick out.
  9636. >one he has a small medal of his claw.
  9637. >one you see many ponies carry or have in some form
  9638. >and he has one for both the sun and the moon.
  9639. >of course they are below his own
  9640. "i quite enjoy your subtle hints of superiority Manos.."
  9641. >a small smile grows on his face
  9642. >"i thought someone like you might pick up on them"
  9643. >he taps the small medals
  9644. >"i see that you saw my mark above yours and your sisters?"
  9645. >you nod
  9646. "you're not quite as subtle as you think on some things manos... but im sure there are things that even you get past me.."
  9647. >"lets hope Celestia."
  9648. >you give a small laugh
  9649. >odd how you can stand here with someone you are considering a foe..
  9650. >and still have friendly banter
  9651. >this is defiantly a odd situation
  9653. >you are Blackout.
  9654. >you are too tired to continue your run
  9655. >you should find a place to rest.
  9656. >in the middle of Ardennes you remember that there was a base that Celestia had brought you to
  9657. "thats as good a place as any.."
  9658. >you walk over the hills and fallen trees till you see the old building
  9659. >soon you are approaching
  9660. >something is wrong...
  9661. >your ears are twitching as you listen to faint voices
  9662. "somepony is inside there.."
  9663. >you re-cloak yourself and slowly approach
  9664. >"if we can take back the streets establish order and put down the Brownshirts then everything should come to a stop"
  9665. >>"how can you be sure of this? what if it gets worse and ponies want more blood because of it?"
  9666. >"they wont. ill make sure of that."
  9667. >you creep to the doorway
  9668. >you can smell a few familiar scents
  9669. >but you cant place them.
  9670. >you peek inside quickly and see Princess Celestia and her guards
  9671. >they are talking with somepony
  9672. >you slowly and carefully walk inside trying to get a look at who it is.
  9673. >"Celestia.. how observant do you think you are?"
  9674. >>"what?.. why do you ask?"
  9675. >you see a familiar hand poke out from behind the princess blocking your view
  9676. >"because if Blackout was working for anyone besides me. we would be dead.."
  9677. >manos?!
  9678. >you drop your spell and become visible again
  9679. "Lord Manos.. ive been looking for you. I have a request.."
  9680. >Manos smiles while the other ponies in the room take notice of you
  9681. >"speak Blackout. im interested to hear what your plan is.."
  9682. >you have a feeling its similar to his own.
  9683. "i know who the leaders of the Brownshirts are.. there a few but the most powerful one.. is Bonbon."
  9684. >Manos' smile fades and he looks mildly upset
  9685. >"of course.. it had to be another one of my friends.."
  9686. "i request permission to carry out a assassination on each of the leaders."
  9687. >>"just a moment please.."
  9688. >Celestia looks rather uncomfortable
  9689. >>"you said your name is Blackout right?"
  9690. >you nod
  9691. >>"the same Blackout my sister luna saw kill the science pony in the square?"
  9692. >"that is her Celestia, and she is still under my protection.. if you want this rebellion dealt with, then she was never here"
  9693. >Celestia looks to manos
  9694. >and Manos looks to you
  9695. >"Blackout.. permission granted. but i have a few conditions"
  9697. >you are Manos
  9698. >an Blackout was just who you needed to see
  9699. "you will lead a team of Black hands. you will make sure that the ponies of ponyville know that i did not approve of the way the Brownshirts have resisted and you will leave this.."
  9700. >you pull a medal out of your pocket.
  9701. >the same as the one you wear on your uniform
  9702. >your mark
  9703. "at the scene of each removal.."
  9704. >blackout nods her head and takes the small medal from your hands
  9705. >"i will begin as soon as i am able when will a large enough team be ready?"
  9706. >Honor Bound still hasnt met with you yet...
  9707. >his convoy should still be moving to the Crystal kingdom
  9708. "i believe i already have one nearby.. find Honor Bound, tell him you need as many guards as he can spare, and that this order comes directly from me."
  9709. >he shouldn't be too far away from here
  9710. >"yes lord... it will be done."
  9711. "and Little league..."
  9712. >blackout stops mid stride and looks back to you
  9713. "try to capture Bonbon.. i dont want to lose more of you... Copper was already too many."
  9714. >blackout remains silent.
  9715. >and walks out of the building to find Honor Bound
  9717. >you are Bonbon
  9718. >leader of the largest resistance group
  9719. >and current leader of Manos' Brownshirts
  9720. "whats the situation in taking the city square?"
  9721. >a large white stallion in royal guard armor and a Brownshirt hat walks up to you
  9722. >"we are having trouble taking the square.. they know its the most important part of the city they have the largest concentration of guards there"
  9723. >you stomp your hoof
  9724. "i dont care how many are there! we need that square! if we need more ponies then convince the citizens to fight!"
  9725. >the stallion takes a step back
  9726. >"but.. ma'am most of the ponies who want to fight already are.."
  9727. "i dont care what it takes to convince them. just do it. offer protection offer to stop harassing i dont care!'
  9728. >the stallion gives you a salute
  9729. >"as you wish ma'am"
  9730. >he and his group of 'conscripts' walk out of your base of operations to start another assault
  9732. >you are Silver Valor
  9733. >and you have been reassigned to command the forces in Ponyville city
  9734. "i want this square fortified and protected day and night. its the center of the city, if we lose it then we lose connections to almost half the city blocks we control. and we WONT lose them!"
  9735. >"YES MA'AM!"
  9736. "i know some of you are followers of Manos.. i want you to know, so am i.. it might seem hard fighting against what you would consider brothers and sisters in faith.. but this is for peace and stability of equestria, ask yourselves what would manos think of these rebels.. im sure you will think differently about it then."
  9737. >you dismiss your ponies to their guard posts
  9738. >a mare in her golden armor approaches you and gives you a salute
  9739. >"Valor ma'am, i have a message for you from the Princess herself."
  9740. >the princess herself huh?
  9741. "speak, time is of the essence"
  9742. >"she says.. ma'am, to pull all your forces back to the square. let the Brownshirts take the streets."
  9743. "what? why would the princess order that?"
  9744. >"she said everything will be taken care of im afraid i dont know any more"
  9746. >you are Blackout
  9747. >after meeting up with Honor and his troops you have started to make your way back to Ponyville city
  9748. >you now have a large enough group for manos' plans
  9749. >"blackout.."
  9750. >a Black Hand takes a position next to you
  9751. >"we understand that you are in charge of this mission. from this point on we are under your direct command."
  9752. >you already know this.
  9753. >"so. sir.. what are our orders?"
  9754. "split into three groups and go into each of the designated positions. we are black hands so we wont be assaulted... make use of that. dont engage until you are within striking distance of ALL your assigned targets."
  9755. >"understood sir."
  9756. >you hand him three folders you had in your bag
  9757. "these are the targets for each group, we need confirmation each has been taken out. and we have orders to leave these.."
  9758. >you pull out a small bag of medals shaped like hands
  9759. "on each of the targets bodies.. ponies need to know it was the will of Manos that they were killed. not the will of the princesses."
  9760. >the black hand takes the folders and medals
  9761. >"i will have these handed out immediately.. consider us ready and able"
  9762. "as soon as you give them their assigned targets have them move out. ill meet you all in the town square when my assignment is done. if you need to fall back for WHATEVER reason fall back there. the royals are on our side. be sure to give off a red flare spell to show your mission was aborted."
  9763. >the black hand nods and walks off
  9764. "its time to clean up this mess.."
  9765. >you cloak yourself and head into the city
  9766. >your personally responsible for taking out Bonbon and her bodyguard.
  9767. >if possible, you are to take her alive.
  9768. "i hope it is possible..."
  9770. >you are Bonbon
  9771. >you are in your 'base'
  9772. >which is really just a 'liberated' warehouse
  9773. >you snap to a runner who just entered
  9774. "how is the assault going?"
  9775. >she gives you a salute
  9776. >"ma'am all of the royal guards in ponyville have retreated to the city square. we have gained the entire city"
  9777. >what?
  9778. >your heart is racing
  9779. "Haha! thats perfect then. have everyone circle the square and keep them contained there until we gather enough support to remove them completely!"
  9780. >"ma'am we also have word that Black Hands are moving about the city."
  9781. "excellent! its about time we got real support!"
  9782. >the mare looks at the ground
  9783. >"well.. ma'am.. thats the thing.."
  9784. >you give the mare a questioning look
  9785. "what do you mean?"
  9786. >"it seems they arnt engaging any of the guard.. in fact they are able to freely walk in and out of the square."
  9787. >why would the guard allow that?
  9788. >are they with the guard?
  9789. >no.. manos has a plan, a plan that you just arnt aware of.
  9790. "understood.. im sure manos' has a plan and we are just out of the loop. if you can get the black hands to report to the nearest base to fill us in with the details."
  9791. >"yes ma'am!"
  9792. >as the mare turns to walk out the door her neck suddenly gets sliced open
  9793. >blood splatters all over the room and some seems to be dripping off of..
  9794. >the air?
  9795. >her body falls to the floor and the blood stuck in the air slowly moves towards you
  9796. "what are you! WHO IS THERE? GUARDS!"
  9797. >"there are no guards.. you are all thats left."
  9798. >you ready your sword
  9799. >the air suddenly changes and a pony in black is standing before you
  9800. >"Bonbon.. you are under arrest under the orders of Lord Manos himself... im begging you. dont resist.."
  9802. >you are Blackout.
  9803. >and you have Bonbon cornered
  9804. "bonbon.. please.. i know you think what you are doing is right, but it goes against Manos' orders."
  9805. >"who are you to order me around?!"
  9806. >bonbon gets into her attack stance
  9807. >you retract some of your helmet to show your eyes
  9808. "bonbon.. its me. please.. turn yourself in and you wont be harmed."
  9809. >bonbon looks at you
  9810. >apparently she doesn't care or realize who you are.
  9811. >"i only take orders from Manos.."
  9812. >you lower your head
  9813. "then im sorry bonbon.. i really am... i promise. ill make sure to keep Lyra safe."
  9814. >Bonbon attacks
  9815. >you dont bother moving
  9816. >you let her get close
  9817. >she still is a clumsy and slow fighter
  9818. >as she gets within your desired distance you counter
  9819. >your blade going straight into her chest
  9820. >she drops her sword and begins to cough.
  9821. >blood begins to spray on your helmet from each cough
  9822. "im sorry bonbon.."
  9823. >"b--buck you.. little league.."
  9824. >she slumps to the floor a small pool of crimson forming around her.
  9825. >so.. she did know it was you..
  9826. "why did you still attack?"
  9827. >bonbon coughs more adding to the pool
  9828. >"because.. id rather die fighting for something i believe in.. than live knowing that i failed"
  9829. >you take a seat next to her and give her a hug as the life slowly fades from her eyes
  9830. "ill miss you Bonbon.."
  9831. >you still have to finish your mission..
  9832. >you have to confirm she is dead.
  9833. >you continue to hug her
  9834. >then snap her neck
  9835. >gently you place her body on the ground and take out the medal, tossing it onto her lifeless corpse
  9836. "m..mission.. accomplished.."
  9837. >your helmet closes again
  9838. >you walk out to the streets everyone unaware of what happened inside
  9839. >you dont want to look anyone in the eyes for a while...
  9841. >you are Manos
  9842. >you are in the old headquarters with Celestia
  9843. >she sent her guards to give out orders
  9844. >and you sent your guards back to inform Aryanne of your location
  9845. >the two of you are alone awaiting word of your operation.
  9846. >"Manos.."
  9847. "what Celestia?"
  9848. >"I dont understand you.."
  9849. >you laugh
  9850. "clearly. although being the only human here might explain that."
  9851. >"thats not what i mean Manos.."
  9852. "then what DO you mean?"
  9853. >Celestia scratches her chin with her hoof
  9854. >how to they bend their legs like that anyway?
  9855. >i mean.. they arent arms? are they?
  9856. >"I mean.. you do things that ive never expected a creature to do.. you at one moment are a kind generous uh.. 'person' "
  9857. "yeah? so?"
  9858. >"then the next moment you can order the death of another being without a second thought!"
  9859. >she looks to the door perhaps waiting for something to end this odd conversation
  9860. >"im over a thousand years old Manos.. and i still am very reluctant to kill another being... yet you do it calmly"
  9861. >you lean back in your seat and look at the ceiling
  9862. >am i going to have to explain humans to Sunbutt?
  9863. >id rather not.
  9864. "I wouldnt say i do it calmly.. i care for the lives of each and every one of my ponies."
  9865. >"and thats another thing.. you have so many ponies who just follow your orders without question!"
  9866. >ahhh i get it now.
  9867. >shes not really interested in me.
  9868. >shes trying to dig into my head and see if im actually a threat to HER
  9869. >you get out of your chair and stand beside her
  9870. "Celestia.."
  9871. >you place your hand on her shoulder
  9872. "are you scared of me?.."
  9873. >she is silent for a short moment
  9874. >perhaps she is?
  9875. >"no manos. im not scared of you. but i am scared of what you might do."
  9876. >you kneel down so you are eye to eye with her as she sits
  9877. "want to know what i think? i think you are scared of losing power."
  9878. >you smile
  9879. "id would be too."
  9880. >you walk out of the building to stand on the hill in the fresh air
  9882. >You are Silver Valor
  9883. >you are out in the streets watching as the royal guards stationed in ponyville are gathering in the square
  9884. >"Commander, why were we ordered to give up our posts?"
  9885. >>"and why are black hands moving the streets freely?"
  9886. >you're not entirely sure yourself
  9887. "It was orders of the princesses.. i dont know much more than that."
  9888. >you look up into the sky
  9889. >a green flare shoots up from down the street
  9890. >then another
  9891. >and another
  9892. >the last one is launched from down a road you can clearly see to the end of
  9893. >a group of black hands walk out of a brownshirt position and launch a green flare spell
  9894. >other guards are watching too
  9895. >there is a mixed reaction from what you are viewing
  9896. >"are they going to attack?"
  9897. >>"did.. did they take out the Brownshirts?"
  9898. >"why would they do that?"
  9899. >>"it must have been the will of manos to put down the rebellion!"
  9900. >the black hands start to move into the square.
  9901. >your guards give them a wide berth
  9902. >they remain silent and take a spot in the back of the square.
  9903. >soon more arrive meeting up with them
  9904. >each group is coated in crimson, but they wear it like a badge of pride
  9905. >a few even begin to joke and laugh with the others almost like nothing happened
  9906. "Excuse me. i am commander Silver valor of the royal guard. what has just taken place here?"
  9907. >the Black Hands ignore you and continue their mingling
  9908. >you shout
  9909. "I asked you a question! i expect and answer!"
  9910. >one of the Hands look to you with a smile on her face
  9911. >"we did all your chores. all we did is clean up your mes and take out the trash"
  9912. >the others laugh at the mare's dark humor
  9913. >you and a good amount of your guards just watch as the Hands go about their business uncaring of the blood they spilled
  9914. >>"i wouldnt want to get on their bad side.."
  9915. >"no joke.. if they can laugh off a slaughter imagine what happens when they are mad.."
  9916. "quit the yapping. make sure the perimeter is secure.."
  9917. >they give you a salute
  9918. >"YES MA'AM"
  9920. >you are Manos
  9921. >even from all the way out here you can see little tiny specks of green light in the sky
  9922. >perhaps everything went smoothly?
  9923. >you still need to wait for confirmation of course
  9924. >you look back to the makeshift building
  9925. >Celestia is finally emerging from it
  9926. "care to join me?"
  9927. >you cant beat me.
  9928. >Celestia is silent as she walks to your side
  9929. >the tattered remains of this old battlefield are deathly silent
  9930. >you can hear her breathing
  9931. >you can see her breath and yours in the cold air
  9932. "was i right Celestia?"
  9933. >"about what manos.."
  9934. "are you afraid of losing power?.."
  9935. >"as i said before manos. im not afraid of you."
  9936. >you watch as she makes little movements with her hooves
  9937. >they are slightly shaking
  9938. >perhaps its the cold.
  9939. >either way you might as well comment on it
  9940. >you move your head to face her shaking hooves
  9941. "then it must be cold then..."
  9942. >you look back up to her
  9943. >and remove your uniform jacket placing it over her
  9944. >Celestia looks at you. perplexed..
  9945. >"you are strange manos.. Stranger than discord..."
  9946. "ill TRY to take that as a compliment"
  9947. >you stand with Celestia on the top of the hill now in half your uniform
  9948. >"why would you threaten me. then suddenly give me a kindness? you constantly contradict your words and actions in situations like this."
  9949. >that is a good question isnt it sun-butt?
  9950. >"but then when we are in a conflict.. or when the matters are dire. you always have a path you follow without faltering."
  9951. "because i have goals Celestia. i have a dream and a mission. enemies are made with that."
  9952. >you look to Celestia
  9953. "but you should always respect those foes.. you never know when a enemy will be made an ally. or in other words.. keep your friends close.."
  9954. >"but your enemies closer."
  9956. >you and Celestia stand on the hill for a few minutes
  9957. >you bask in the cold air and chilling wind
  9958. >looking around you at the forest
  9959. "this place. it reminds me of home.."
  9960. >"a battlefield?"
  9961. >you chuckle
  9962. "well.. that too. but i meant the forest.. the snow.. the air."
  9963. >you look to sky and see a Pegasus in gold armor flying to your location
  9964. >you point to the pony getting Celestias attention
  9965. "looks like thats our messenger"
  9966. >the pegasus lands kicking up dirt and snow from the impact of her hooves
  9967. >she comes to a stop and gives Celestia a salute
  9968. >"Princess Celestia. the rebellion has been put down. there is no more resistance in the streets we are free to patrol again"
  9969. >you look to celestia
  9970. "you sure thats a good idea princess?"
  9971. >now to make your closing moves in this little chess game
  9972. >>"why wouldnt it be manos? would it be a hindrance to any of YOUR plans for my ponies?"
  9973. "to be honest. no. in fact it would only benefit me. i am only looking out for your reputation."
  9974. >you smile and begin to walk away to the Crystal kingdom
  9975. >>"then why tell me? wouldn't it be better to have your opponent out of the way?"
  9976. >you laugh
  9977. "i have my reasons. oh and feel free to keep the jacket. i have plenty."
  9978. >this game isnt over until i can win it all.
  9979. >why take a few chips now, when you can force them to go all in later?
  9980. "besides. i have a nation to run. even if you dont acknowledge it as one yet."
  9981. >and a army to raise.
  9983. >you are Honor Bound.
  9984. >you and your now smaller group have finally made it to the Crystal Kingdom
  9985. "alright get everything to its predetermined locations!"
  9986. >as you order your crew to unload and unpack Aryanne walks up to you
  9987. >"ah.. if it isnt Honor.. so good to see you again."
  9988. >you can FEEL the sarcasm
  9989. "ah its always a pleasure to see my replacement"
  9990. >she flips her mane out of her eyes
  9991. >"more like Manos' upgrade. but enough pleasantries.. ive been ordered to make sure THIS gets to your hooves."
  9992. >she gives you a folder with several sketches inside
  9993. >you open the folder and look at the sketches
  9994. "what are these Aryanne?"
  9995. >"that.. Honor. is R&D's new project. all i know is Manos himself came up with it, and that its supposedly a weapon from his world"
  9996. >interesting
  9997. >you tuck the pictures back inside and place the folder in your bag
  9998. "if its my assignment from manos then it will be completed."
  9999. >you look to the scientists that came with you
  10000. "Listen up! we have work waiting for us. get everything unloaded asap! i wont have manos' time wasted!"
  10001. >>"yes sir"
  10002. >"enjoy your homework honor bound haha"
  10003. >you look to Aryanne as she walks away
  10004. >you're still not sure if you like her or hate her
  10006. >you are Sombra
  10007. >and like everyday you need to burn magic
  10008. >if you keep it held in for too long you get...
  10009. >irritable.
  10010. "well.. Manos' little bookworms finally made it i see.. might as well start giving them those crystals manos wants so much.."
  10011. >you move in to meet with the scientists
  10012. >as you get close black hands block you off
  10013. >"what do you want sombra?"
  10014. >you glare at the pony
  10015. "show me some respect! or ill make sure you regret it little pony"
  10016. >the stallion just looks over to the other guard
  10017. >"sure.."
  10018. >>"but the question still stands sombra."
  10019. "if you must know.. im here to give your little scientists a shipment of very rare crystals... as arranged by manos."
  10020. >the guards look around you
  10021. >"then where are they?"
  10022. >this is getting annoying
  10023. >you channel your magic and create large spires of black magic crystals
  10024. "right there... good luck"
  10025. >you turn into a cloud of smoke and return to your throne room
  10026. >let them figure out how to transport them now.
  10027. >manos never said he wanted them in individual pieces

Yandere Thread - Yandere Applejack (completed)

by Guest

Bonding with Nature

by Guest

The Long and Short of It (RGRE)

by Guest

incest relationships piece of the whole pie (lewd) by Frostybox[...]

by Guest

incest thread piece of the (non-canon) pie, limestone's pie by[...]

by Guest