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The Man Who Fell For Sweetie Belle

By Guest
Created: 2022-09-13 21:02:02
Expiry: Never

  1. by mediocrewritefag
  3. >"HI Nonny! I have a message for you from Rarity!"
  4. >Pinkie sticks out her chest, puts on a spiteful face and adopts a familiar yet certainly made-up accent
  5. >"I've had it up to here with Sweetie Belle spending her evenings at the arcade, playing... "video games". When I said she needed a male role model, well, Anon isn't what I had in mind. He's so carefree. And lazy. And boyish, and reckless. Not to mention he thinks he's SO good with kids. I can make Sweetie laugh."
  6. >Pinkie crosses her arms and huffs
  7. >"I could make her laugh until she cried. I'm just busy. There's no time in my schedule for telling childish jokes to my sister."
  8. >She huffs even louder
  9. >"And what is WITH his hair? Frankly, it's embarrassing. Spending time with someone of his... standards... is undoubtedly bad for Sweetie."
  10. >...
  11. >"Anyway, he's waiting to pick her up at her piano lessons. Be a dear and relay this to him?"
  12. >Pinkie spins around and walks five feet before tensing up
  13. >"Oh, but take out all those mean things I said. We wouldn't want to hurt his feelings."
  14. >Pinkie nods her head and beams in satisfaction with her accurate retelling
  15. >Then her eyes bulge
  16. >You observe Pinkie for a while, hoping for some sign of life.
  17. >No dice on that, though.
  18. >Regardless of how many times you wave your hand in front of her face, she does not respond.
  19. >The sound of an opening door distracts you as a flood of young girls file out of the building next door.
  20. >It's not long before one of them finds their way to you and glomps into you.
  21. >"Anon, am I glad to see you!"
  22. >You reciprocate and lift up your soon-to-be passenger.
  23. "It's good to see you too, Sweetie Belle."
  24. >Both of you laugh happily until Sweetie Belle catches sight of the living statue behind you.
  25. >"Is that Pinkie Pie?"
  26. "Uh, yeah."
  27. >"Is she okay?"
  28. >Truthfully, you're not certain that Pinkie would ever be able to be described as okay.
  29. "I think she just thought a little too hard. She'll be alright once she gets home. Should probably not leave her out here, though."
  30. >Putting down your young companion, you open up the door and load Pinkie into the backseat.
  31. >"Hey, Anon?"
  32. "Yes, Sweetie?"
  33. >"Where am I going to sit now?"
  34. >Oh shit, you didn't really think about that.
  35. >There's no real other place to put Pinkie, however.
  36. "Well, I guess you'll have to sit in the front seat today."
  37. >Her eyes go wide at your revelation.
  38. >"You mean it?"
  39. "Sure, why not."
  40. >Before you know it, she's already buckled up and fidgeting in her seat with glee.
  41. >Girl really doesn't get much fun without you.
  42. >Joining her in the car, you strap in and start up your Aztec.
  43. >After pulling out of your parking spot, your mind drifts to the words Pinkie Pie had put into your mind.
  44. >Rarity's always been a bit of a fussy character, but does she really think so little of you?
  45. >You'll admit you're not the greatest role model in the world, but everyone has their faults.
  46. >The car comes to a stop as you hit a traffic jam.
  47. >There's a large amount of jam on the road, and a few crunched cars ahead of you.
  48. >Looks like you'll be here for a bit.
  49. >"Oh no, are we stuck?"
  50. "Looks like it, little buddy."
  51. >"If we stay here, we're not going to make it to the arcade in time to clear House of the Dead."
  52. >Aw, crap.
  53. >Here come the waterworks.
  54. >She really does only get the time she's with you to actually get out from her rigid schedule.
  55. >Stealing a quick glance in your rearview, you see that no one has yet gotten behind you.
  56. >Taking a deep breath, you slowly perform an illegal u-turn and decide to head off from your usual route.
  57. >You'll make it to the arcade now with plenty of time to spare.
  58. >Sweetie Belle tugs on your shirt to catch your attention.
  59. >"Hey, Anon?"
  60. "Yes, Sweetie?"
  61. >"Wasn't that...illegal?"
  62. "...Kinda. Please don't tell your sister that I did that, though."
  63. >She laughs as she zips her lips and smiles at you.
  64. >It's cute and worrying at the same time.
  65. >Part of you is actually starting to think that maybe Rarity isn't completely in the wrong.
  66. >"Anon, what's wrong?"
  67. "Huh? Oh, nothing."
  68. >"Is it because you're concerned about what you did?"
  69. "No, it's not that. I'm just thinking about stuff, Sweetie."
  70. >"What stuff?"
  71. >You take your eyes off the road for a split second and notice she's looking a bit down.
  72. >Giving a sigh, you work up the courage to ask her the question that's burning at the back of your mind.
  73. "Sweetie, do you think I'm a...bad influence?"
  74. >Even though you're not looking at her, you can feel the negative vibes coming off of her something fierce.
  75. >"...Did Rarity tell you that?"
  76. "No. Well, not directly. Pinkie did."
  77. >"Well, it's not true. You're the only person who lets me have any fun. If anything, Rarity's the one who's bad for me."
  78. >Tapping your fingers on the wheel, you try to find the best words to get the real brunt of Rarity's message off of your chest.
  79. "There's a bit more to it than just that, Sweetie. Rarity thinks that I probably shouldn't be spending as much time with you."
  80. >"WHAT!"
  81. >Her voice cracks as she squeaks out a fairly ear-shattering disapproval.
  82. >"B-but that's not fair! Rarity always does this! Anytime I find someone who actually lets me do something I want to do, she takes them away from me!"
  83. >Dammit, you knew she wasn't going to take this well.
  84. >The sniffling is a dead giveaway at how she feels right now.
  85. "Sweetie, I know you don't like the idea of not being able to hang out with me anymore, but that's just the way its going to have to be, kiddo."
  86. >"I don't want it to be like that! Applebloom and Scootaloo are cool and all, but neither of them will take me to the movies or make me laugh like you do! Why does it have to be like this?"
  87. >Both of you don't like the reality of the situation.
  88. >It's very likely that after today, you're not going to see her for a while.
  89. >The thought process in your head is cut off by someone running a red and nearly taking your fender off.
  90. >You catch the license plate and recognize it as Flash's.
  91. >Dude's not bad, but he can't drive worth a damn.
  92. >Probably in a rush to get more beer for his dumb forest party.
  93. >An idea gets into your head at the revelation.
  94. "Sweetie, I know it's not an easy thing to digest. However, we've still got a while to go before we actually need to head back."
  95. >Without a bit of hesitation, you turn right and head straight down the avenue.
  96. >"This isn't the way to the arcade. Where are we going?"
  97. "To Flash's party."
  98. >"Huh?"
  99. "I figure since Rarity thinks I'm already a bad influence and corrupting you, this will only be a drop in the bucket."
  100. >"You mean it?!"
  101. >The adorable munchkin beside you can't contain her excitement as she lets out a little scream.
  102. >"I can't believe it, I'm going to a real high school party!"
  103. >Her mouth shoots off at a mile a minute at what she's going to do at the party.
  104. >Some part of you recognizes that this is likely a bad idea and the worst decision you've ever made, but you'll be damned before you let Sweetie Belle wallow in sadness.
  105. >To hell with ethical implications, it's party time.
  106. >About an hour passes before you make it to your destination.
  107. >The car has barely come to a full stop as Sweetie hops out of the car and takes in the sight before her.
  108. >Following suit, you take notice of how populous the party has become.
  109. >At least there's no shortage of people for you to meet up with.
  110. >"Anon, come on! Let's go have fun!"
  111. >Sweetie takes you by the arm and leads you into the thick of it.
  112. >The party is definitely a lot more organized than you were lead to believe initially.
  113. >There's multiple food booths, a live performance, and pin the tail on the donkey.
  114. >How the hell did Flash pull this together?
  115. >"Anon, what should we do first?"
  116. >A familiar sound comes from your gut as your nose catches wind of churros.
  117. "We gotta fuel up for our adventure, right?"
  118. >Sweetie nods in agreement as you head over to the churro booth.
  119. >The line is surprisingly short as the two of you snag a pack of churros in no time.
  120. >Munching away at the sweets, you and Sweetie laugh as the sugar and cinnamon cover you enough to turn you both into churros.
  121. >It may be the last time you see that smile, but that doesn't mean you aren't going to enjoy every last second you have with it.
  122. >"Oh, Anon, let's go watch the band!"
  123. >With the two of you still mid-snacking on your last churro, Sweetie leads you to the stage.
  124. >Girl's high on sugar and life, least you can do is let her get it out of her system.
  125. >It looks like everyone's digging the music so far.
  126. >You gotta admit, you've always had a soft spot for new wave.
  127. >A few of the people in the crowd have already begun to dance to the music.
  128. >The rhythm flows through you as you begin to tap your foot in time with the beat.
  129. >Sweetie's begun to feel it as well.
  130. >She gives you a pleading look as she starts to sway.
  131. "Sweetie, no, you know I can't dance."
  132. >Her puppy-dog eyes grow ever larger.
  133. >You swear she knows how to play you like a damn kazoo.
  134. >Ceding to her whims, you groan before you begin to move alongside her.
  135. >Pretty soon, the both of you are into the swing of things.
  136. >Seeing the two of you gives more of the crowd the confidence to dance as well.
  137. >The whole area turns into a dance floor , with you and Sweetie caught in the middle.
  138. >Eventually your inability to dance catches up with you, causing you to fall and take your partner with you.
  139. >Upon seeing the mess the two of you are, you both laugh and pick yourselves up.
  140. >"That was fun, Anon."
  141. "Yeah, it was. Still can't dance to save my life, though."
  142. >The two of you laugh at your shortcomings in the dancing department.
  143. >"I'm a little thirsty, Anon."
  144. "I think there's a punch booth three booths down from the churros. Now's as good a time as any to get something."
  145. >Parched from your moving and shaking, you sojourn to acquire refreshments.
  146. >Oddly enough the punch is deserted.
  147. >A look at the sign tells you why.
  148. "Watermelon punch. Disgusting."
  149. >"What's wrong with it?"
  150. >Before you can explain the many things wrong with the crime against beverages, Sweetie Belle has already helped herself to a cup.
  151. >"I don't get it. Tastes fine to me."
  152. >You shake your head in shame.
  153. >Poor girl is too young to know any better.
  154. >Really wish you had something to wet your whistle, though.
  155. >The shirt tugging has come back with a vengeance.
  156. >Sweetie Belle drags you off further behind the treeline, leading you far away from the actual party.
  157. "What's going on here, Sweetie?"
  158. >After you hear the sounds of the party completely disappear, Sweetie lets go of your sleeve and plops down next to a large oak.
  159. >Taking a seat beside her, you look off into the distance at the untamed wild before you.
  160. >"...Anon, this was really fun, and I appreciate that you'd do this for me. But I know that this is only so I'm not so upset when you...leave."
  161. >There's not a single thing you can say that will disprove her statement.
  162. >It's all true.
  163. "Can't get anything past you, can I? Yeah, that's pretty much why we're here. I know you don't get as much out of life as you probably should, what with Rarity bearing down on you all the time."
  164. >"I don't, and it sucks. Rarity gets to go out all the time and chum around with all the boys and I can't do anything! There's no justice in it, I tell ya."
  165. "I know it's not really fair, but Rarity does want what's best for you, in her own way. Just doesn't include me is all."
  166. >Sweetie frowns as she fiddles around with her punch.
  167. >"I don't want to stop having days like this."
  168. "It's just not up to me, Sweetie."
  169. >Both of you sit in silence until you see the woods begin to light up with the presence of fireflies.
  170. >Sweetie Belle smiles as they gather around you both, losing sight of her sadness in the splendor of the night.
  171. >
  172. >It's been a good while the two of you have sat out here.
  173. >Fireflies abound, lighting up the woods bright enough to dispel any darkness.
  174. >Rarity's probably pissed as hell right now.
  175. >Fuck it, you only care about Sweetie Belle's last good day right now.
  176. >Suddenly, you see Fluttershy and a few other girls meandering through the woods stark naked.
  177. >After observing the acid-fueled girls, you decide it's at least time to bail from the woods.
  178. "Sweetie, let's head back to the main area."
  179. >Standing, you realize just how tiff you were from sitting down that long.
  180. >Your ward doesn't take as gracefully to her feet.
  181. >Concerned, you help her up.
  182. "Sweetie, is something wrong?"
  183. >Sweetie Belle groans a little as she begins to right yourself.
  184. >"Anon, something doesn't feel too good."
  185. >A smell tickles your nose when Sweetie Belle speaks.
  186. >You take hold of the cup and taste it.
  187. >Aside from the horrible taste of watermelon punch, you recognize something else.
  188. >Stoicism takes hold of your face as you realize just what was in that punch.
  189. >Rarity may have actually been right about you being a bad influence now, because you just let Sweetie drink almost an entire cup of spiked punch.
  190. >"Anon, it's hard to stand."
  191. "It's alright, buddy. Just take my hand."
  192. >Taking her small hand in your own, you begin to lead her the long way around the party.
  193. >Last thing you need right now is for anyone to see you walking out of the woods with a drunken 13 year-old.
  194. >Boy, this really went from zero to fucked fast.
  195. >Glancing at your pal, you can see that aside from her inebriation, nothing else is wrong with her.
  196. >She starts to slow down, however.
  197. >Her face is red as a beet for some reason.
  198. >"A-Anon, I..."
  199. >Sweetie starts trying to pull her shirt down, covering her shame.
  200. >Oh hell.
  201. >You press onward with Sweetie and hit your parking spot.
  202. >Loading her into the passenger seat, you buckle her in tightly and pray that you don't get stopped by the cops today.
  203. >As you begin to drive off, your heart and your mind begin to race.
  204. >Not only have you kept Sweetie way past her curfew, but you have also managed to get her hammered and covered in her own urine.
  205. >The goofing is real tonight.
  206. >When Rarity sees what you've done to her sister you won't have to worry about going to jail for the multiple laws you've violated today, because in all likeliness she's going to strangle you with a cardigan while turning you into a pincushion.
  207. >You've already run about 7 red lights, way past the speed limit.
  208. >Thankfully, the police in this town are as sparse and inept as usual and your shenanigans don't result in you getting caught.
  209. >Sweetie just quietly sits next to you as she stews in her embarrassment.
  210. >Your chest tightens as you feel Sweetie's pain.
  211. >After running a couple more red lights, and using Twist as a speed bump, you arrive at Rarity's house.
  212. >Strangest thing is Rarity doesn't have her car in the driveway, and the lights in the house aren't on.
  213. >Carrying Sweetie from the car, you hear none of the telltale signs of habitation in the house.
  214. >Retrieving the hidden key from the hidden compartment in the front door, you open it and flick on the lights.
  215. >Much to your surprise, Rarity really isn't here.
  216. >Guilt's crushing weight has been lifted from your heart as you don't have to necessarily let Rarity see her sister like this now.
  217. >First priority is to get her cleaned up.
  218. >Sweetie Belle seems to be coming around a bit more.
  219. "Hey, Sweetie, we're gonna need to get you cleaned up."
  220. >She meekly nods as you herd her into the bathroom.
  221. >You shut the door after depositing her into the bathroom.
  222. >With any luck, you can get her cleaned up befo-
  223. >Knocking interrupts your thought process as you her Sweetie's voice coming through the door.
  224. >"Anon, I need help."
  225. >Oh no.
  226. >Swallowing down your misgivings, you head into the bathroom.
  227. >Sweetie's clothes are just stuck halfway on her.
  228. >Guess she's still too out of it to be trusted to do things on her own.
  229. >"Anon, please help me get these off, it's cold and damp."
  230. >In any other situation, you would be pleased to help a girl remove her clothes.
  231. >But not right now.
  232. >Resisting the urge to scream right now, you gently peel off Sweetie's clothing.
  233. >Her shirt comes off easily enough and she luckily isn't wearing a bra.
  234. >Wait, that came out wrong.
  235. >Bah, nevermind that, you still have to get her cleaned up.
  236. >Moving onto her lower half, you unzip her shorts and remove them as carefully as you can, avoiding being anywhere but her outer thighs.
  237. >With that out of your way all that's left is her...unmentionables.
  238. >Closing your eyes, you make a swift motion and take them off with ease.
  239. >After that, you turn on the shower and set it to lukewarm.
  240. >Mission accomplished, you turn around to avoid seeing anything more than you needed to.
  241. "Alright, I'll be outside if you need anything else."
  242. >The door slams shut behind you, as you walk over to the couch and slump down onto it.
  243. >At least if Rarity comes home now, you know you're not going to get yelled at.
  244. >Still, this went way further than you expected it to.
  245. >Maybe you really are bad for Sweetie Belle.
  246. >...Hold on a moment, the only reason this all happened was because of Rarity.
  247. >She kickstarted this whole situation in the first place.
  248. >Yeah, that's it.
  249. >Just gotta blame Rarity.
  250. >The shower stops running and you hear Sweetie Belle stepping out of the shower.
  251. >No clattering or thumps gives you relief in the knowledge that she hasn't fallen down yet.
  252. >Sweetie Belle comes out of the shower shortly after, wrapped in her towel.
  253. >You may just get away with this yet.
  254. >Shooting up from the couch, you head into the kitchen and open the cupboards.
  255. >Taking out two glasses, you turn on the faucet and fill them.
  256. >Glasses full, you grab a few slices of bread and set them on a plate.
  257. >Materials in hand, you head back into the living room.
  258. "Sweetie Belle, drink this water and eat this bread. It's not going to immediately sober you up, but you're not going to wake up hungover with this."
  259. >Sweetie takes it into her arms as you pass it off.
  260. >Paranoid, you peer out the window and scan for signs of Rarity.
  261. >Still nothing.
  262. >It's not like her to take this long.
  263. >You hope she's alright.
  264. >The clinking of the dishes in the sink catches your attention.
  265. >Turning around, you see Sweetie Belle coming out of the kitchen.
  266. >Well, that's taken care of.
  267. >You walk over to Sweetie and take her by the hand, leading her to her room.
  268. >No way you're letting her go up stairs alone.
  269. >Things go well until her towel falls off midway.
  270. >Forget it, you'll pick it up when you come back down.
  271. >Kicking the door open, you shuffle the little drunkard onto her bed and exit the room quietly.
  272. >You briskly jaunt down the stairs in an effort to put everything the way it should be.
  273. >It takes some doing, but you get the house close enough to pristine.
  274. >Without a moment to spare, as you hear the jingling of keys at the front door.
  275. >Hopping onto the couch, you sit patiently as you watch Rarity open the door.
  276. >She walks in slowly, and then you notice she's covered in dried jam and clutching a roll of cloth.
  277. >Her gaze meets yours as she closes the door behind her.
  278. >"Anonymous? Why are you in here?"
  279. >As you're about to explain how everything is Rarity's fault, the phone rings next to her.
  280. >Rarity grabs hold of the vibrating menace and turns away from you.
  281. >"Hello, this is Rarity. To whom am I speaking?
  282. Come again? When? What do you mean you haven't seen them in hours?"
  283. >Drama queen groans as she tosses the cloth to the wayside and moves her hair back into its usual position.
  284. >"Alright, I'll be there soon. Ciao, darling."
  285. >She sets down the phone and rights herself.
  286. "Hey, Rarara, what's going on?"
  287. >"I've told you not to call me that, numerous times. If you must know, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have both gone missing. The girls are organizing a search party, and I need to go help find them."
  288. "What about Sweetie Belle?"
  289. >The look of annoyance turns to one of defeat as she realizes the exact predicament she is in.
  290. >"In my...excitement today, I had forgotten that Sweetie Belle was here. Oh, goodness, now I have to find someone to look after Sweetie Belle."
  291. "I'll do it."
  292. >Coldly, she stares at you, nonplussed.
  293. >"Anonymous, this is no time for jokes."
  294. "Not a joke. I'm already here, so why not? It's not like you were here watching her for the hours you were flat out gone."
  295. >Those words strike a chord and you see her taken aback by your criticism.
  296. >"I was held up in business."
  297. "Is that why you're covered in jam?"
  298. >"That's an entirely different story."
  299. "So, why a-"
  300. >"Nevermind that, I don't have the time to be regaling you with stories."
  301. "She's already eaten, taken a shower and is likely asleep by now. I've already been here for a few hours, so watching her until you get back's no problem."
  302. >Keeping this straight face is killing you, but you only need a few more seconds to bullshit your way out of this.
  303. >"Anonymous, I'm not certain about this."
  304. "Rare, I know you think I'm a bit of a screw-up and I will admit I have my faults, but I'm not going to let Sweetie Belle be all alone here, and you need to go find Fluttershy."
  305. >"Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie."
  306. "Pinkie Pie's fine. She's in the back of my car. I was planning on taking her home after you came back, but you never did."
  307. >"Why is she-"
  308. "Pinkie Pie. That's why."
  309. >You've disarmed her by now.
  310. >Time to bring it home.
  311. "You don't need to worry, just go find Fluttershy."
  312. >Stunned, she slowly walks out the door again.
  313. >Before she's out of earshot, you cup your hands and prepare to shout.
  314. "Check the woods!"
  315. >"What? Why?"
  316. "Don't worry about it!"
  317. >Unsure of how to respond, she gets into her apparently dinged up car and drives off.
  318. >You close the door and walk back to the couch.
  319. >Exhaustion forces you to collapse onto the couch.
  320. >Today was a very stressful day.
  321. >Seven hours later, you come to.
  322. >You're still in Rarity's house and not in jail.
  323. >Everything went better than you expected.
  324. >Bit worrying that you're still here and haven't been kicked out by Rarity yet.
  325. >Hunger sets in and drives you to seek out food.
  326. >Generous soul that she is, Rarity won't mind if you help yourself to a bowl of cereal.
  327. >Taking stock of the inventory in the cereal cupboard, you see bran flakes.
  328. >Bran flakes and nothing else.
  329. >Never before have you understood how horrible this house is for a child.
  330. >If you put in enough sugar, maybe you won't notice.
  331. >Going through the motions, you set yourself up with a substantial bowl of bran flakes.
  332. >Taking a bite, you realize just how futile your sweetening endeavor is.
  333. >Not wanting to waste the food, you soldier on through the horror of the bran flakes.
  334. >Nothing about this was a good decision.
  335. >"Rarity, are you trying to pretend to like that cereal again?"
  336. >It seems Sweetie Belle is finally up.
  337. >She walks into the kitchen and-
  338. >Oh dear Neptune, she's naked.
  339. >"Anon! What are you doing here?!"
  340. >Having enough of the view, you put your face into the bran flakes.
  341. >Beats eating them.
  342. "Sweetie Belle, why are you still naked?"
  343. >"I always walk around like this when it's just me and Rarity."
  344. >That's pretty hot.
  345. >Dammit, boner, not now.
  346. >Come on, admit it.
  347. >Ignoring your erection, you clear your throat and steel your resolve.
  348. "Sweetie Belle, please put on some clothes?"
  349. >"Where's Rarity?"
  350. "You're not making this easy for me."
  351. >"Does she know about the party?"
  352. "No."
  353. >"Did she...say anything about you?"
  354. "No, Sweetie."
  355. >"Are you going to just stay there until you drown?"
  356. "That's entirely dependent on you."
  357. >"Anon, this is silly. You don't need to cover your eyes. You kind of already saw everything, didn't you?"
  358. >Submerged as they are, your eyebrows displace the contents of the bowl as your eyes widen.
  359. "Sweetie, how much of last night do you remember?"
  360. >"Um, I'd say most of it."
  361. "I don't think I need to tell you that telling anyone about that's going to land both of us in hot water."
  362. >"Anon, are you mad at me?"
  363. "Why would you think that?"
  364. >"Because you could've gotten in big trouble all because of me."
  365. >Aw geez.
  366. "Sweetie, nothing that happened yesterday was your fault."
  367. >"Really?"
  368. "Yes. It was Rarity's fault."
  369. >"Rarity's fault?"
  370. "Don't question it, just roll with it, Sweetie."
  371. >Even though you can't see her, her feet patter on the tile until she's standing next to you.
  372. >"Anon, look at me."
  373. "I'm fine with the cereal."
  374. >"Anon, please."
  375. >Against your better judgement you look up from your bowl and at Sweetie Belle.
  376. >Trying her best to acquiesce to your request, she has put her arms in such a position to cover herself slightly.
  377. >This is only marginally better.
  378. >"Anon, I know that things didn't go exactly like you wanted, but I'm still glad that I got to go. Thank you."
  379. >Arms wrap around you in a friendly embrace.
  380. >Reflexively, you reciprocate her gesture.
  381. >Unfortunately, due to height difference, your gaze drifts downward and you catch sight of her ass.
  382. >Even as young as she is, she's still had some fair development.
  383. >The event takes you off of your usual guard and your loins stir.
  384. >Damn you, bovine growth hormone!
  385. >Sweetie Belle gasps in surprise as she feels your bulge begin to protrude.
  386. >She backs off slightly and observes the object in question.
  387. >Her porcelain skin turns redder than an apple as she realize what she has caused.
  388. >"A-Anon?"
  389. >Sweetie Belle looks at you, not sure of how to proceed.
  390. >Bro, you know what you need to do.
  391. >Denim is no match for your dong, as it begins to expand rapidly.
  392. >Boner, no!
  393. >Boner, yes!
  394. >Your manhood has taken on a mind all its own, no longer constrained by your will.
  395. >Jail may still be in your future.
  396. >As you prepare for a tactical retreat, Sweetie Belle takes the initiative and places her lithe hand right on your crotch.
  397. >Shock of this magnitude would have felled a lesser man.
  398. "Sweetie Belle."
  399. >Her eyes wander back towards your erection.
  400. "What are you doing."
  401. >Fingers tighten around your zipper.
  402. >"Sweetie!"
  403. >Teeth coming undone, you know that it is not long before you have completely turned the corner.
  404. >"Stop!"
  405. >It has been too late, the deed is done.
  406. >After 10000 hours, your dick has been freed by a maiden once more.
  407. >Any remaining innocence Sweetie Belle held is now gone.
  408. >Mesmerized by your true form, she stands motionless.
  409. >Mere centimeters separate you from her body.
  410. >Abruptly, the sounds of a car pulling into the driveway knock the both of you out of your standoff.
  411. >Never before have you seen how fast Sweetie Belle can actually run.
  412. >As the door opens, you realize your predicament as the wind brushes against your exposed self.
  413. >There's no way that you're fitting back into your pants anytime soon.
  414. >Unwilling to be caught with your pants down, you scurry to the sink and dump the bran flakes down the garbage disposal.
  415. >If you pretend to be cleaning dishes, you'll buy yourself enough time.
  416. >"Rarity, I'm so sorry."
  417. >"For the last time, Fluttershy, it's alright."
  418. >Fluttershy's here?
  419. >Why is Flutter shy here?
  420. >"But you still seem so upset about the...Anon?"
  421. "Oh, hello ladies. Don''t mind me, I'm just doing the dishes."
  422. >Given that they're not screaming means you're thankfully obscured from their view.
  423. >"Anonymous, why are you doing dishes?"
  424. "Well I can't leave the dishes dirty. Proper sanitation is important to the well-being of a household."
  425. >Rarity actually buys your baloney.
  426. >Sweet.
  427. "So, how was the search?"
  428. >Sourness claims Rarity's visage, obviously perturbed by the thought of last night.
  429. >"As you can see, we found Fluttershy. However, it was not until after she had apparently co-founded a pagan fertility cult while under the influence of illicit substances."
  430. >"I didn't mean to-"
  431. >Fluttershy's lips are silenced by Rarity's finger as she continues her rant.
  432. >"After trying to get her to come back to her senses, she ordered her other cultists to apprehend us and intended to sacrifice Applejack to her heathen forest gods."
  433. >Fluttershy once again tries to interject, but Rarity maintains her forced silence.
  434. >"Through a series of sordid and unmentionable acts, we eventually escaped and brought her back home. Applejack however ended up pregnant with a pear tree and she's not taking it well."
  435. >Well, you can safely say that you're no longer in any danger of them seeing your johnson.
  436. "That's...something."
  437. >"Yes, it was."
  438. >Rarity turns her attention away from you, towards Fluttershy.
  439. >"Darling, if you would be so kind as to please go home, Anonymous and I have something important to discuss."
  440. >"Oh, alright. Bye, Anon."
  441. >"And stay away from Applejack for at least another two weeks."
  442. >The both of you watch as she scuttles her way out of the house, staring at the ground.
  443. >"Now that we're alone, there is something I would like to discuss with you, Anonymous. Let us adjourn to my study."
  444. >As she walks, you zip yourself as silently as possible.
  445. >Two situations handled, one to go.
  446. >Following behind Rarity, you observe the house as you walk down the corridor.
  447. >Most of it looks untouched.
  448. >Guess those rumors about Rarity's parents not being around much are true.
  449. >When you reach the door, she ushers you into a seat and sits across from you in a disturbing throne made of mannequin limbs.
  450. >All this fashion is likely warping her mind.
  451. >"Anonymous, you've likely already guessed why you are here. Therefore I shall skip the pleasantries and get to the heart of the matter."
  452. >Here it comes.
  453. >There was a point when this had to occur, and you know now that it really is going to happen.
  454. >"Anonymous, I believe that you well and truly are not a good influence on Sweetie Belle. Your crassness, your manner of dress, and your predilection for junkfood are all things that I believe that Sweetie Belle would be better off without."
  455. "Rarity, I-"
  456. >"Please don't interrupt a lady until she has concluded her thought. As I was saying, no self-respecting elder sibling would allow such a delinquent around."
  457. >Her words pierce through your heart.
  458. >Even though you knew it was going to happen, that didn't make this any easier.
  459. >"Which is why it pains me to say...that I was wrong."
  460. >Hold on.
  461. >Did you hear her correctly?"
  462. "What was that, Rarity?"
  463. >"I was wrong, Anonymous. Dead wrong. Yesterday showed me that you're not some run of the mill brigand, but a gentleman in tarnished cloth. While Applejack's purity was stolen from her in front of my eyes, and I believed that it was the end for us all, I realized just how terribly I had neglected the loving that Sweetie Belle truly needed, just like our well-meaning parents, bless their hearts."
  464. >Rarity ascends from her throne of madness, and takes your hands into hers.
  465. >"Yesterday showed me that you truly cared about Sweetie Belle's well-being as much as I did. If you were as bad as I had believed you to be, you would have left her by her lonesome in a house without someone to make sure she was safe. I must admit, I'm a tad envious that she's found herself such a caring individual to look out for her. I wish that I had that same opportunity as a child."
  466. "Rarity, you're like three years older than her."
  467. >"The onset of pubescence is a very important developmental time in a girl's life. Seeing her so happy, and knowing she's got someone virtuous aside from myself to depend on takes the weight off of my shoulders."
  468. "So you mean that you're not going to kick me out of Sweetie Belle's life?"
  469. >"Yes, Anonymous."
  470. "Rarity, I'm sorry."
  471. >"For what, darling?"
  472. >Out of sheer joy, you jump from your seat and hug Rarity like a smiling tard.
  473. >You see where Sweetie Belle's blush comes from as she awkwardly chuckles at your emotional outburst.
  474. >"Please, Anonymous, you're getting me all flustered~"
  475. >Setting her down, you try to center yourself emotionally once again.
  476. "Sorry, it was just a lot to handle at once. I can't wait to tell Sweetie Belle!"
  477. >Not stopping to look back at Rarity, you make for the living room.
  478. >Cupping your hands, you shout as happily as you can.
  479. "Sweetie Belle, Rarity says it's still cool to hang out with you."
  480. >The clamor inside her room tells you that she's flabbergasted by the news.
  481. >Sweetie Belle comes out of her room with a mile-wide smile.
  482. >"Really?! I can still hang out with you?!"
  483. >You nod affirmatively, and she rushes downstairs to give you a hug.
  484. >"Let's go get milkshakes to celebrate!"
  485. >Typical Sweetie Belle, always in the mood for sweets.
  486. >But a milkshake does sound good right now.
  487. >She sticks to you like glue as you head out for a fun morning.
  488. >Something's still bothering you in the back of your mind, but that can wait for now.
  489. >Dry pop music fills your ears as you and Sweetie Belle work your way through your shakes.
  490. >Food courts are usually highly populated, but this early in the morning the only ones around are the occasional janitor and Stu, the resident mall pigeon.
  491. >Blissfully wrapped up in her own world, Sweetie Belle sips on her vanilla bean milkshake.
  492. >Can't understand why someone would choose vanilla over butterscotch, but to each their own.
  493. >This is good, though.
  494. >Just you and Sweetie Belle together again.
  495. >How it used to be before yesterday.
  496. >Like nothing ever happened.
  497. >...
  498. >You can't keep pretending everything's the same as it used to be.
  499. >Deep down, you know that what happened yesterday isn't just going to go away if you just ignore it.
  500. >Sweetie Belle hasn't brought any of it up either, but you know she's trying to mask it with her usual cheery disposition.
  501. >Knowing her for as long as you have, both of you have a good sense on how the other thinks.
  502. >You've got to get it off of your chest, regardless of how badly you want to sweep it under the rug.
  503. "Sweetie Belle."
  504. >Her eyes move from the milkshake to you after hearing her name.
  505. >"Yes, Anon?"
  506. "I wanted to talk to you about..."
  507. >"...about what?"
  508. >Huh.
  509. >When did your throat dry out?
  510. >Boy, that's the weirdest thing.
  511. "About...about..."
  512. >Subconsciously, you go back to your milkshake to wet your whistle.
  513. >Why is your mouth so dry.
  514. >All you want to do it talk to Sweetie Belle.
  515. >"Anon?"
  516. >Unable to parse out the true message you want to convey, your backup phrase falls out of your mouth like spaghetti from a pocket.
  517. "The arcade. We should go to the arcade and play a few rounds like always."
  518. >"Sounds fun, Anon!"
  519. >Please, just tell her.
  520. >Come on mouth, you can do it.
  521. >"Let's finish up our milkshakes in the car, Anon."
  522. >Autopilot engages as you walk alongside Sweetie Belle to the parking lot.
  523. >Words are exchanged, but it's not really you talking.
  524. >The two of you enter the car, and drive off.
  525. >Behind you, the mall slips further and further out of sight.
  526. >Not a single word that you want to say comes out yet.
  527. >You know it's not that hard to actually talk.
  528. >Just say it.
  529. "When's your piano recital, Sweetie?"
  530. >"A couple weeks from now."
  531. >Try harder, damn you.
  532. >Don't pussyfoot around it.
  533. "Maybe you could bug Rarity to make you a new dress for the occasion."
  534. >"Ha, very funny, you know she'd make me one before I could even ask her."
  535. >Goddammit, you need to just say it.
  536. >It's nine words, that's it.
  537. >The exit is coming up
  538. >What's it going to be?
  539. >Your arms shake on the steering wheel.
  540. >Take that turn, and you'll never own up to your actions.
  541. >Sweetie Belle once again chatters about nothing in particular, as the exit gets ever closer.
  542. >Your arms move to make the turn and-
  544. >Holy shit, you forgot that Pinkie Pie was even in the back of the Aztec.
  545. >Both you and Sweetie scream in surprise.
  546. >Shock locks your arms straight and you miss the turn.
  547. "Holy shit, Pinkie, don't just yell in the car!"
  548. >Frantic apologies are thrown into your ear from the backseat as Pinkie Pie cries up a storm behind you.
  549. >Sweetie Belle is hyperventilating from the outburst still.
  550. >And you didn't take the turn.
  551. >Taking this road straight just leads out of town.
  552. >You could make a highly illegal u-turn again and puss out.
  553. >But you don't.
  554. >You're done being a fucking coward.
  555. >Pinkie Pie is consoling Sweetie Belle, neither of them observing where you're going.
  556. >After twenty minutes, you're at the edge of the city limits, and you drive off towards the hill near you.
  557. >Having finally calmed themselves down, the two girls in your entourage question where they are.
  558. >The only response that they get is your silence.
  559. >You gently stop at the edge of the dirt and turn off the car.
  560. >"Anon, why are we here? We could have gotten back to town two stops ago."
  561. "I have to do something, Pinkie Pie."
  562. >Stepping out of the car, you motion for Sweetie Belle to come out of the car.
  563. >She steps out as well, and stand next to you.
  564. >Pinkie Pie stares at the both of you, childlocked into the backseat.
  565. >Stepping away from the car, you and Sweetie near the cliff.
  566. >Courage like this isn't going to be wasted.
  567. >This time you will get past your fear.
  568. >Stopping before you reach the actual cliff, you sit down and rest on your hands.
  569. >Sweetie Belle sits on her knees as she looks warily at you.
  570. >"...why are we here, anon?"
  571. >Her voice is barely a whisper.
  572. >It hurts to even hear her like that.
  573. "Sweetie Belle, we need to talk about your actions."
  574. >Understanding where this conversation is going, she looks down to the ground.
  575. >"What actions?"
  576. "Earlier today. In the kitchen."
  577. >The cracking voice from yesterday comes back in full force.
  578. >"I didn't mean to walk in naked!"
  579. "Wasn't talking about that Sweetie Belle."
  580. >"...I...I was just curious about what one looked like."
  581. "They teach sex ed in the seventh grade here, Sweetie. I know you already know what they look like."
  582. >Embarrassed as an under-dressed party-goer at a black tie formal, she hides behind her two-toned hair.
  583. "Sweetie Belle, please answer me honestly: why did you do that?"
  584. >"...I thought that's what people were supposed to do in that situation."
  585. "Situation?"
  586. >"You know...that."
  587. >No way.
  588. >It's not that.
  589. >Wholeheartedly, you refuse to accept that she meant what you think she meant.
  590. "Sweetie Belle."
  591. >She's barely peeking from behind her hair at this point.
  592. >"yes?"
  593. >Never thought you'd ask her this question.
  594. >Then again, a lot of things you never thought of happened in the last 24 hours.
  595. "Do you like me?"
  596. >Coming out from her hair more, she seems more sure of herself at this point.
  597. >"Of course I like you, Anon. You're my friend."
  598. "No, Sweetie. I mean do you like me as more than just a friend."
  599. >"Anon, please don't ask me that."
  600. "Sweetie Belle, do you or do you not have romantic feelings for me."
  601. >Even without looking at her, you can tell she's close to tears.
  602. >"Anon, this isn't funny."
  603. "Sweetie Belle."
  604. >"Anon, stop."
  605. "Answer the question."
  606. >"I don't want to answer the question!"
  609. >Neither of you have ever raised your voice like that to each other before.
  610. >Sweetie Belle is fully out of her hair, staring right at you.
  611. >Her eyes are letting loose a torrent of tears, her face contorted in frustration and doubt.
  612. >"I do, Anon, I really do."
  613. "Fuck."
  614. >That's all you can muster to say in front of Sweetie Belle.
  615. >Banging comes from behind the two of you as Pinkie Pie tries to force her way out of the car.
  616. >Your silence only further distresses Sweetie Belle.
  617. >"Do you hate me now?"
  618. >Not knowing what else to do, you put your arm around Sweetie Belle.
  619. >Her blush comes back as she feels you against her.
  620. "No, I don't hate you, Sweetie. I just didn't expect this answer, that's all."
  621. >"...Do you?"
  622. "Like you?"
  623. >The mess of emotion beside you nods affirmatively.
  624. "If I'm going to be honest, I'd say I do."
  625. >Both of your heartbeats are strong enough now that you feel them through each other.
  626. >Through your peripheral vision, you Sweetie Belle turn towards you.
  627. >Instinctively, you turn to meet her gaze.
  628. >Damn it all.
  629. >Why does she have to be so cute.
  630. >Her face inches ever closer to yours.
  631. >Lips pursed and eyes closed, she moves to meet your own.
  632. >Fuck.
  633. >FUCK.
  634. >FUCK!
  635. >You turn your head and look back towards the cliff.
  636. >Sweetie Belle places her peck upon your cheek, unaware that you turned.
  637. >When she opens her eyes again, she's stunned beyond belief.
  638. >"Anon?"
  639. "Sweetie, I can't let this go any further."
  640. >The light goes out in her eyes, and you swear you hear her heart shattering.
  641. >You have the distinct feeling that you just goofed hard.
  642. >Sweetie Belle crumples into a heap on your chest, sobbing into your shirt.
  643. >"Why? Why, Anon?"
  644. "Sweetie, it wouldn't work out."
  645. >Her face leaking so profusely, she can barely choke out her words.
  646. >"B-but you said that you liked me."
  647. "I did, and I do."
  648. >"Then why?"
  649. "It's a bunch of things."
  650. >Sweetie Belle manages to get herself to stop crying enough to clearly communicate.
  651. >"Is it because I'm not pretty like Rarity? I know I'm not like her, and I don't have boobs like Applebloom or lips like Scootaloo, but-"
  652. "It's not a matter of what your body is like, Sweetie. If that were the case, your eyes alone would win me over."
  653. >Still can't believe that you're speaking this way to someone 5 years younger than you.
  654. >"Then why?"
  655. "You're too young, and Rarity would completely lose all trust in me, not to mention she'd likely kill me if she ever found out."
  656. >"I won't tell her!"
  657. >Without another word, you walk back to the car and seat yourself once more.
  658. >Sweetie Belle stares back at the car, flabbergasted that you just up and left.
  659. >Pinkie Pie fidgets uncomfortably in her seat, unsure of exactly what has conspired.
  660. >While it takes some time, she does relent and shuffles back to the car taking a seat in the back.
  661. >Everyone sits in silence and you start the engine back up.
  662. >Kicking up a bit of dust, you leave the cliff behind.
  663. >The ride back is far calmer than the ride here.
  664. >Sweetie Belle sits dejected next to Pinkie Pie.
  665. >Pinkie Pie is trying to talk to Sweetie Belle in hushed whispers, but as far as you can tell she doesn't say much back.
  666. >Eventually, she looks up and straight into the rearview mirror.
  667. >"Anon, will you take me to the arcade?
  668. >After all this time, she still wants to go?
  669. >You're not going to deny her the opportunity, seeing how you came down fairly hard on her today.
  670. >Having a break from the drama today would benefit the both of you.
  671. >Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie continue to whisper to each other while you make your way towards the arcade.
  672. >Pinkie Pie can talk the depression out of anyone, you swear.
  673. >Before you know it, you see the arcade in all its splendor.
  674. >The Entertainment Industrial Complex.
  675. >A handful of a name, but it's the largest arcade in the country.
  676. >Damn thing even has a rockwall, skating rink and karaoke parlor built into it.
  677. >If only they sold proper food in here.
  678. >Taking advantage of the first parking spot you find, you gently roll in and step out.
  679. >You open the left backdoor and watch Sweetie step out from it.
  680. >Pinkie tries her best to get out, but her legs have become noodles from being frozen for so long.
  681. >You and Sweetie leave her behind as you walk into the giant building.
  682. >Like a snowstorm, the air conditioning hits you hard when you step in.
  683. >It reminds you of a simpler time.
  684. "So, Sweetie, what do you want to play? Blazing Cabbies? Feline Fighters XIIII? Dance Pants Evolution Xtreme 5: Dance Harder - Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series? "
  685. >As if you said nothing at all, she walks past all of your usual games.
  686. >Is she going to the skating kiosk?
  687. >No, she passed that by as well.
  688. >The only thing left over there's the karaoke parlor.
  689. >...She wouldn't.
  690. >Walking at a brisk pace, you catch up to her quickly.
  691. >The place is fairly packed since it's Saturday, but she pushes past the crowd and walks into the nearly empty parlor.
  692. >Showing the attendant her season passcard you bought her for her birthday, she walks right onto the stage and actually touches the console.
  693. >No word exists to state how surprised you are at the fact that she's actually singing in public like this.
  694. >Eventually, she stops after finding her song.
  695. >What exactly would she even find in the console?
  696. >The only songs in there are for weebs, drunk moms and tone-deaf mormons.
  697. >...It's Bowie.
  698. >Heroes, of every goddamn song she could picked.
  699. >The first song she ever heard from him in your car.
  700. >From the first day you ever took her to the arcade.
  701. >"I, I will be king. And you, you will be queen. Though nothing will drive them away, we can beat them, just for one day."
  702. >You loaned her your entire Bowie collection after that.
  703. >"We can be heroes, just for one day."
  704. >The doors behind you open up.
  705. >People begin to flood the under-utilized section.
  706. >"And you, you can be mean."
  707. >Even with the people filling in, she continues on.
  708. >"And I, I'll drink all the time."
  709. >No matter how many pour in, she never takes her eyes off of you.
  710. >"Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact."
  711. >Jaded teenagers, burnt-out parents and rambunctious children all abandoned their activities just to hear her song.
  712. >"Yes we're lovers, and that is that."
  713. >But you're the only one she's singing it for.
  714. >Regardless of the crowd size, you tune them out and single out her voice.
  715. >Her voice seamlessly weaves the crowd under her spell.
  716. >Something patters onto your shirt.
  717. >Heh.
  718. >No matter how many times you've listened to it, you've never cried to it before now.
  719. >Sweetie Belle drops to her knees as she reaches your favorite part.
  720. >"We can be heroes."
  721. >The crowd has begun to join in.
  722. >"We can be heroes."
  723. >Tears have welled up in her eyes.
  724. >"We can be heroes."
  725. >Everytime she say 'heroes', you hear that crack in her angelic voice.
  726. >"Just for one day."
  727. >Any bit of strength she had to keep her head up is gone.
  728. >"We can be heroes."
  729. >She's lost sight of you.
  731. >You don't know why you let things get this bad.
  733. >But you know one thing.
  735. >This is tearing her apart.
  736. >"for just one day."
  737. >Even her voice has faltered.
  738. >She drops the microphone as she runs out of the exit, her dress stained with her sadness.
  739. >Looking around here, you see that there are far more people in her than there were before.
  740. >They're all looking around in confusion, unaware why she ran out after the amazing performance.
  741. >Standing here, all you can think about is how you just pushed away someone that would do that for you.
  742. >"Did you like it, Nonny?"
  743. >Looking behind you, you see Pinkie Pie standing on one leg.
  744. >"She told me everything, you know. Then I told her to show you just how much she loved you, by giving you something only you would know the value of."
  745. "Pinkie Pie, I-"
  746. >Your vision has turned 90 degrees.
  747. >A red mark stains your cheek.
  748. >"Why would you hurt her like that, Anon?"
  749. >Trying to find the words, you stumble your tongue until you find the nerve.
  750. "I didn't want to do it, Pinkie."
  751. >"Then why did you!?"
  752. "No one's going to accept it, Pinkie."
  753. >"Why do you care about that? Her love for you is real, Anon."
  754. "What about-"
  755. >"Anon, kids are already having sex at eight nowadays. Not that I'm saying that sex outside of marriage is right, but something like that should be the least of your concerns."
  756. "But Rarity-"
  757. >"Rarity nothing! Haven't you ever watched a japanese cartoon? The pure love of a young maiden is never to be wasted!"
  758. >As outlandish as her points are, you know she's right.
  759. >Sweetie Belle does actually care about you.
  760. >Looking around you, you see that thousands have packed every inch of this place.
  761. >There's only one way you can make this right.
  762. >Pushing your way to the stage, you look for another Bowie song.
  763. >You think you're out of luck until you find the Metal Gear music listing.
  764. >Staring out at the crowd, you know that your gesture will reach her.
  765. >The console starts up the song, and you know that you've made the right choice.
  766. >Currently, you're Sweetie Belle.
  767. >After giving it your all onstage, you ran outside.
  768. >Today has been more than you could handle, which is why you're slumped up against the wall outside what was your favorite place.
  769. >You lost track of whether your tears are from sadness or anger.
  770. >But it doesn't matter anymore.
  771. >None of this matters.
  772. >Anon is never going to accept your love.
  773. >You should have just jumped off of that cliff while you had a chance.
  774. >"Hey, what are you doing out here, Sweetie?"
  775. >Pinkie Pie picks your chin up and wipes away your tears, showing you her trademark smile.
  776. >It does nothing for you, though.
  777. >"How about you come back inside?"
  778. >Not waiting for you to answer, she hoists you onto her shoulder and carries you in.
  779. >"I laughed and shook his hand, and made my way back home. I searched for form and land."
  780. >That voice.
  781. >"For years and years I roamed. I gazed a gazely stare."
  782. >Your position changes as Pinkie flings you onto her shoulders.
  783. >"And all the millions here, we must have died alone, a long long time ago."
  784. >He's looking at you now, you're sure of it.
  785. >"Who knows? Not me. We never lost control!"
  786. >The crowd is cheering wildly for him, and you follow suit.
  787. >"You're face,"
  788. >Oh, now you're crying again.
  789. >"To face,"
  790. >But it's clear why this time.
  791. >"With the man who sold the world!"
  792. >It's because you're happy.
  793. >Once more, you are Anon.
  794. >Leaving the EIC wasn't an easy feat with everyone clamoring over the two of you.
  795. >Especially once everyone saw how adorable Sweetie Belle was when she ran up to hug you onstage.
  796. >All that was now behind you, and Sweetie Belle has joined you once again in the front.
  797. >Her smile brings you joy, even though you're not quite sure of how the future's going to play out.
  798. >Sweetie Belle can't help but glance at you, still giddy that you've accepted her into your heart.
  799. >Pinkie Pie can't help but smile like she just won the lottery.
  800. "If you keep holding a smile like that, Pinkie, you're going to pull a muscle."
  801. >"I can't help it, Nonny! You're in love, for real this time!"
  802. "Hey, Rainbow Dash and I had a very fulfilling relationship."
  803. >"Anon, we both know that Rainbow Dash has the romantic capacity of a hockey puck."
  804. >Sweetie Belle can't help but laugh.
  805. >"Hey, Sweetie Belle, how do you feel now?"
  806. >Your new flame can't help but blush when asked that question.
  807. >"Ah, young love. It gives me hope for the world."
  808. "You do realize that you're the only person who is going to be like this out of the entirety of town, right?"
  809. >"Fluttershy will probably support you."
  810. "She uses acid and has sex with trees, I don't think she's a good judge of character."
  811. >The car comes to a complete stop, as you have reached Rarity's house.
  812. >As you step outside of the car, you take in the sight of the house where your life changed so drastically.
  813. >Completely locked in still, Pinkie paws at the door like a lost puppy.
  814. >You open the door and watch her stretch.
  815. >"Ah, feels so good to move again. Well this is my stop, see you two lovebirds later."
  816. >Ponka gasps in surprise as you bind her hands behind her back while she stretches.
  817. >"Anon, how could you! I thought you were going to give up these illegal activities."
  818. "Pinkie, this isn't even in the top twenty of the terrible things I have done recently. Unlawful detention is small potatoes."
  819. >"Even though this is my fetish, kidnapping friends is not polite, Anon!"
  820. >Yeah, you're not gonna bother asking.
  821. "I need you here, Pinkie Pie. I'm going to need your help to get everyone together."
  822. >"What for, Nonny?"
  823. >Taking a deep breath, you center yourself to make your declaration.
  824. "I need your help to break the news to Rarity."
  825. >"WHAT!"
  826. >Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle nearly burst your eardrums.
  827. >Ow.
  828. >As the ringing subsides, you see both of them are still going off.
  829. >Landing a finger on each of their mouths, you stop them if only for a moment.
  830. "Now, the reason I am doing this is because it's necessary. None of us would go around willingly telling someone, but what if someone found out? Secrecy only hurts you in the long run, so it's best for us to just come out with it."
  831. >"But Nonny, my involvement with the story was supposed to end here! The writer said so!"
  832. >There she goes again, being Pinkie Pie.
  833. "Pinkie, I need you. Sweetie Belle needs you. If I don't have a solid circle of people to socially pressure Rarity into being okay with this, everything you did today will be for nothing. Do you really want to disappoint this face?"
  834. >You push Sweetie Belle in front of Pinkie, exposing her to those enchanting emeralds she has for eyes.
  835. >Her willpower fades.
  836. >"Fine, I'll do it. But can you untie me?"
  837. "No, because that's part of another plan."
  838. >Dragging along your prisoner, you wait for Sweetie to unlock the door and usher you in.
  839. >Scanning the house, it seems Rarity is currently elsewhere.
  840. >Perfect.
  841. "Alright, Pinkie, send out a group message."
  842. >"Fine, fine."
  843. >The phone drops out of her hair and into her bound hands.
  844. >One day you'll figure out just what else she has in there.
  845. >"Done. So, what now?"
  846. >You contemplate on how you can kill time.
  847. >Sweetie Belle comes into the living room with a platter of assorted cheeses and some sort of mixture of seeds and nuts you presume is meant to be a cracker.
  848. >"Snacks?"
  849. >Looks like your time killer came to you.
  850. >Time goes by faster than you expected, and you hear the congregation of women entering the driveway.
  851. >Doorbell rung, Sweetie Belle opens up the door and allows them in.
  852. >You greet them all as they enter.
  853. "Hey, Shy. Sup, Shimmy? Rainbow Dash. Holy shit, Applejack, they weren't kidding about the pregnancy. Applebloom? Why are you here?"
  854. >AB:"Ah had to drive Applejack. She can't use the steering wheel."
  855. >Makes sense.
  856. >The girls stand around, eventually finding somewhere to seat themselves.
  857. >Applejack is the first person to speak up.
  858. >AJ:"Alright, why are we here?"
  859. >PP:" We'll get to that in a moment, but first, could you get that door and close the blinds, Fluttershy?"
  860. >She does as she's instructed and soon you are cut off from the outside world.
  861. >RD:"Pinkie Pie, this better not be one of your *alternative* parties. I still taste purple on occasion."
  862. >PP:" I assure you, this is nothing of the sort. I've called this meeting so that we can discuss and handle a matter discussing Rarity as per the text message."
  863. >SS:"Has she started neglecting eating again?"
  864. >PP:"We'll get to the Rarity part later, but first, Sweetie Belle has something she would like to say."
  865. >Sweetie Belle rises from her seat and closes her eyes, likely imagining that no one is around her.
  866. >SB:"I...I am going out with Anon."
  867. >Laughter erupts as they all believe they've just been hit with another one of Pinkie Pie's zany impractical jokes.
  868. >RD:"Ha, that's a good one, Pinkie. Must have been a really odd time of the day when this joke struck you."
  869. >The three of you do not laugh, remaining stoic.
  870. >Sweetie Belle sits next to you, holds your hand in hers and gives you a peck on the cheek.
  871. >What was once raucous laughter is now a tense silence.
  872. >Sunset Shimmer looks around the room, not quite sure of what to do.
  873. >SS:"Um, is this part of the joke."
  874. >PP:"This is not a joke, girls. This is real."
  875. >RD:"What the fuck?! Even for a joke, this is going too far."
  876. "It's not a joke, Dash."
  877. >PP:"...Alright, now that we have that out of-"
  878. >RD:"Anon, what kind of sick fuck are you?!"
  879. >PP:"Rainbow Dash!"
  880. >RD:"Pinkie Pie, this is what you called us here for?"
  881. >FS:"Rainbow Dash, you should calm down."
  882. >RD:"How are you not disgusted with this! Anon is corrupting our friend's little sister!"
  883. >SB:"I'm not being corrupted! I want Anon to be with me."
  884. >RD:"See? He's already got her emotionally manipulatated."
  885. >FS:"I don't think that's a word."
  886. >PP:"GIRLS! Please, settle down. Anon and Sweetie Belle need our love and support."
  887. >RD:"I'm not supporting this! This is wrong and I have half a mind to call the cops!"
  888. >SS:"I don't get it, why are we all getting so mad again?"
  889. >RD:"Because Anon is waaaay too old to be in a relationship with Sweetie Belle!"
  890. >SS:"Is five years really that big a difference?"
  891. >PP:"See, Sunset has the right attitude."
  892. >RD:"Oh, come on! Fluttershy, you're not okay with this, right?"
  893. >The doormat looks around nervously, not wishing to step on anyone's toes.
  894. >FS:"Um...Sweetie Belle?"
  895. >SB:"Yes?"
  896. >FS:"Is Anon forcing you to do this?"
  897. >SB:"For the last time, no."
  898. >PP:"I can vouch for that. I had to get Sweetie Belle to sing in public before they ended up going out. Search for 'Bowie Buddies' on your phones."
  899. >The girls open up their phones, and have mixed reactions as they watch the video.
  900. >FS:"Oh my, that's adorable."
  901. >AJ:"Why does this have 12 million views?"
  902. >SS:"I left my phone in the car."
  903. >AB:"Ah didn't know we had karaoke in town."
  904. >RD:"This doesn't prove anything."
  905. >PP:"See? If it wasn't for this, Sweetie Belle would be sitting in her room and cutting herself to emo music, because Anon was not going along with it."
  906. >RD:"Pinkie Pie, just because you made a shipping chart does not mean that you get to put together your crack ships in real life!"
  907. >PP:"I told you that in confidence!"
  908. >Fluttershy clears her throat and looks you right in the eyes.
  909. >FS:"Anon, is it really true that you love Sweetie Belle?"
  910. "Yes."
  911. >FS:"Well, then I guess that there's nothing wrong with it Sweetie if the both of you really feel that way about each other."
  912. >PP:"Told you that Fluttershy would be alright with it."
  913. "That was not in question."
  914. >RD:"Fluttershy, do you really think this is okay?"
  915. >FS:"Rainbow Dash, if you really love something, small differences aren't that important."
  916. >RD:"You can't love a tree, they have no emotions."
  917. >FS+AJ:"That's not true!"
  918. >Rainbow Dash facepalms as Applejack and Fluttershy try to avoid making eye contact.
  919. >RD:"Applejack, you agree that this is crazy, right?"
  920. >AJ:"What's crazy?"
  921. >RD:"Sweetie Belle and Anon, AJ!"
  922. >AJ:"Ah don't think that Ah'm the right person for this discussion."
  923. >RD:"Don't tell me that you think there's nothing wrong with this."
  924. >AJ:"It ain't that Ah, necessarily approve, just that there's a bit of a skewed view on it for me. Apple family tends to get married young, Granny Smith was 15 when she got married, and Ah have been pestered about when Ah intend to get a man since mah first period."
  925. >The utterance makes everyone sort of cringe.
  927. >RD:"Back to our original point, is this not weird?!"
  928. >AJ:"It ain't really socially sound, but Ah have a bit of a different world view, so Ah can't really say, Rainbow."
  929. >RD:"No one else is really as upset with this as I am? What about you, Applebloom?""
  930. >AB:"Of course ah'm upset! Sweetie Belle's younger than me, yet she's the first one to get a boyfriend, who's a Senior that has his own car and wears size 13 shoes! My boobs are almost as large as Applejack's and all ah got to show for it is having my back going out in gym class."
  931. >AJ:"Bloom, Ah told ya that ya need to wear the brace or your back'll snap like a twig."
  932. >Dash sits dumbstruck and buries her head in her arms.
  933. >RD:"I can't believe you guys."
  934. >PP:"Dashie, why are you making this so difficult? You're the only one who is opposed to it at this point."
  935. >Pinkie Pie walks over to Rainbow Dash and sits herself in her lap.
  936. >PP:"So, what's it going to take to make you drink the kool-aid?"
  937. >Rainbow Dash cocks her eyebrow as she tries to rationalize the odd statement from Pinkie.
  938. >RD:"You know that doesn't make your case any better, right?"
  939. >Taking firm hold of her friend's chin, Pinkie brings her face closer to Dash's.
  940. >She stares firmly into Dash's eyes as she bulges her eyes once again.
  941. >All eyes are on the two of them as Rainbow Dash is subjected to the whims of Pinkie Pie.
  942. >RD:"Pinkie, what the hell are you doing?"
  943. >PP:"Focusing."
  944. >Uncomfortable with the closeness, Rainbow backs away slightly before Pinkie cradles her head back with her free arm.
  945. >PP:"Why must you resist me, Dash?"
  946. >RD:"Because Anon's diddling Rarity's sister! How would you feel if your little sister got molested by someone way older than them."
  947. >Applebloom goes slackjawed as she drools slightly.
  948. >AB:"Ah don't think ah would mind gettin' molested."
  949. >AJ:"Applebloom! Ah ought to ground ya for that!"
  950. >Applebloom frowns as Applejack pushes her mouth back into place.
  951. >PP:"Rainbow, this isn't a homosexual relationship. Why are you so against this?"
  952. >Indignant at the stealth insult, Rainbow Dash slides Pinkie to the floor.
  953. >She then stands up and makes for the door.
  954. >RD:"I don't have time for this. I'm leaving this weird brainwashing session."
  955. >As if waking from a coma, Pinkie gasps in awed epiphany.
  957. >Like something from a horror movie, Pinkie slithers around Rainbow Dash and turns both of their heads towards you and Sweetie.
  958. >PP:"You're jealous of Sweetie Belle, aren't you, Dashie?"
  959. >Dash blushes purple at Pinkie's insinuation.
  960. >RD:"D-don't be ridiculous, Pinkie! Why would I be jealous of her?"
  961. >Pinkie boops Dash in her nose as she puts on a shit-eating grin.
  962. >PP:"Sweetie Belle took your man~"
  963. >Flustered, Rainbow Dash gets in Pinkie's face.
  964. >RD:"It was ages ago, I could not care less about...Sweetie Belle and Anon."
  965. >PP:"Is that so?"
  966. >Pinkie winks at you and Sweetie, and puckers her lips.
  967. >Oh hell no.
  968. >As you're about to open your mouth to protest, Sweetie Belle pushes her lips onto yours finally.
  969. >Everyone gasps as the small girl has her first kiss in front of them.
  970. >AJ:"Even if it don't sound too bad in theory, that execution is goin' to take some gettin' used to."
  971. >Rainbow Dash does not look pleased with the course of events.
  972. >RD:"Pinkie, this is disgusting, how do you not see that!?"
  973. >PP:"All I see is your fomenting rage."
  974. >The smooching continues, and with each passing second you can see the disposition on Dash's face sour quickly.
  975. >Pinkie does nothing but smile as she watches Dash make her point.
  976. >Soon the tipping point is reached, and Rainbow Dash lets loose.
  978. >All eyes on Dash, Pinkie Pie laughs as she watches her squirm.
  979. >PP:"I told you, Dashie! Jealousy!"
  980. >Humiliated, Rainbow Dash kicks at the ground.
  981. >Who'd have thunk she actually harbored feelings for you still?
  982. >RD:"W-wait, I didn't-"
  983. >AJ:"Just let it go, Dash. We all heard that. Neighbors probably heard it, too."
  984. "Are you serious, Dash? You're the one who broke up with me."
  985. >Rainbow Dash holds her head low, crushed that her secret is now exposed.
  986. >RD:"It's not like it was that bad."
  987. "You said you wanted to take things to the next level, chickened out of it, broke up with me, and then avoided me like a leper."
  988. >RD:"I know, but I thought I could give it a second shot sometime."
  989. >And you thought Pinkie lived in a world of delusions.
  990. >Speaking of, she has put Dash back in her seat and stands in the center of the group once more.
  991. >PP:"So, have you accepted that their love is real and are ready to help us now?"
  992. >RD:"Nothing about this situation is natural, Pinkie. I'm not being bitter, just realistic."
  993. >PP:"Dashie..."
  994. >Rainbow Dash sighs heavily, finally relenting in her admittedly justified argument.
  995. >RD:"Fine, I'll stay, but for the record none of this is really normal and if it wasn't us you were talking to, Anon would be getting cuffed and thrown in the back of an FBI van."
  996. >PP:"Noted."
  997. >Having succeeded with her first objective, she claps with her bound hands.
  998. >PP:"Now that we've gotten everyone together on this, it's time to discuss the second matter: Convincing Rarity that Sweetie Belle should be able to go out with Anon."
  999. >The girls stare at Pinkie in silence.
  1000. >FS:"Pinkie, Rarity won't go for that at all."
  1001. >PP:"I know it's possible, if we can all convince her that we are alright with it. Rarity loves fashion, and fashion is extremely susceptible to social pressure. Think about how many women starve themselves daily."
  1002. >Uncomfortably, the other girls nod.
  1003. >PP:"Right, and that is exactly how we're going to get Rarity to look the other way."
  1004. >Fluttershy raises her hand and meekly posits a question.
  1005. >FS:"When are we going to do this?"
  1006. >Pinkie Pie turns her head and stares at her watch behind her.
  1007. >PP:"Eh, I'd say we'll probably do it in about five minutes, give or take."
  1008. >The group responds with a resounding disapproval.
  1009. >PP:"I know it's short notice, but we wouldn't want this to sound rehearsed. The best arguments made are raw and emotionally charged, like the drunken ramblings of a Vietnam war veteran."
  1010. >Man, Pinkie Pie's just throwing it out there.
  1011. >It seems that the group is behind you now.
  1012. >At this rate, you may be able to convince Rarity yet.
  1013. >Who knows where you would be if Rarity's friends weren't a bunch of neurotic weirdos and Applejack.
  1014. >Rarity will be here, any minute now.
  1015. >The clock ticks slowly as everyone waits with bated breath.
  1016. >Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie are next to you, as anxious for her arrival as you are.
  1017. >With the backing of the group, you know that at least one of your plans will succeed.
  1018. >Rainbow Dash is silently brooding on her own, still apparently jealous of an underage freshman.
  1019. >At least she decided to stay, though.
  1020. >Loyalty is the one trait you can say you still find pleasant in her.
  1021. >Engine noises notify all of you to the fashionista's arrival.
  1022. >The door bursts open as she assumes the worst when she finds the congregation of cars outside of her home.
  1023. >Her countenance settles when she sees the measure of calm all of you are exhibiting.
  1024. >"I see that you've all settled yourselves nicely into the furniture. I presume that you're here to stage another 'intervention' again? I'll have you know that I haven't touched a drop of wine in months."
  1025. >Standing up, you catch her attention.
  1026. "Rarity, this is not an intervention."
  1027. >Taken aback, she cocks her brow and crosses her arm.
  1028. >"Is that so, Anonymous? Then why exactly are you all gathered here like this."
  1029. >Sweetie Belle fidgets nervously in her seat as you prepare to relay the truth.
  1030. "Rarity, you may want to sit down for this. I promise that it's not going to be easy to hear."
  1031. >Beginning to show signs of worry, she sits herself down on the last open seat.
  1032. "...Rarity, there's something that I have to tell you. Today, I found something inside of myself I didn't know was there until today. The group is here to support me."
  1033. >She gasps and covers her mouth.
  1034. >"Anonymous, you have cancer?!"
  1035. "...It's a metaphor, Rarity."
  1036. >"Do you mean that you're...a little light in the loafers?"
  1037. >Why is she not letting you finish?
  1038. "Rarity, no, just let me finish."
  1039. >She returns to a neutral state of expression.
  1040. >"Alright then, darling. Go on."
  1041. "...Wew, lad, this is harder than I thought."
  1042. >Sweetie Belle tugs on your shirt sleeve.
  1043. >That adorable cinnamon roll gives you a look that implores you to abandon the process while you still can.
  1044. >But you have to do this.
  1045. "Alright, I'm just going to come out and say it. I have found a feeling of love in my heart, Rarity. That's why I am here today."
  1046. >Rarara sits in stunned silence.
  1047. >Her face turns red once more.
  1048. >" this your way of making a confession?"
  1049. >Looks like she might be getting it after all.
  1050. >"You brought everyone together to confess your love for me?"
  1051. >Swing and a miss.
  1052. >"Why, I had no idea that you actually had feelings for me. I always figured that as a man you carried some infatuation with my looks as they are, but to go to this length is more than I thought possible."
  1053. >You'd try to stop her, but you know she's just going to ramble.
  1054. >"It's not that I thought you incapable of such feelings, but rather that you went out with someone like Rainbow Dash and I figured you enjoyed sporty girls with petite bosoms."
  1055. >"Hey!"
  1056. >"I apologize, Rainbow Dash, but the only one who is smaller than you is Anonymous. Back to the subject at hand, I don't quite know how to respond to your advances. To be blunt with you, while you do have a few boyish mannerisms, you are fairly attractive. However, such a thing might complicate your standing with Sweetie Belle, and I'm not sure that it would be a good thing for her development."
  1057. >...
  1058. >You should have pussed out when you had the chance.
  1059. >Swallowing back your fear, you assume a straight posture.
  1060. "Rarity, I'm not in love with you."
  1061. >That cuts her as you see her smile fade.
  1062. >Whether that's from you shooting her down, or the fact that she embarrassed herself is still up for debate.
  1063. >"Well, I don't understand quite what this is all about, Anonymous."
  1064. "Rarity, I do love someone here, but it's definitely not who you think."
  1065. >"...Is it Sunset?"
  1066. "No."
  1067. >"Pinkie Pie?"
  1068. "Nyet."
  1069. >"Fluttershy?"
  1070. "Nein."
  1071. >"Applejack?"
  1072. "Nope."
  1073. >"Well, who's left in here, darling?"
  1074. >Fucking hell, this was never going to be easy.
  1075. >Before you can open your mouth, Sweetie Belle stands up.
  1076. >Rarity watches her sister stand, presuming she's going to go somewhere.
  1077. >Sweetie Belle merely stands by your side, constant as Fluttershy's drug intake.
  1078. >A sharp inhalation sunders the air as she finally seems to get the hint.
  1079. >"You're in love with APPLEBLOOM!?"
  1080. >You and Applebloom respond with a very deadpan what.
  1081. >"Anonymous, I can understand her prodigious endowments make her seem older than she is, but she's still a child inside of her developing body. I realize the reputation that farm-raised women have for their...prowess in relation to marital matters, no offense."
  1082. >"None taken."
  1083. >"But that is still no excuse for abusing your position as a Senior to play the heartstrings of a young maiden. If you must have your urges satisfied, please consider Applejack as an alternative."
  1084. >You and Applejack look at each other for a moment before shaking your heads loose of that idea.
  1085. "Rarity, you still don't get it!”
  1086. >”Anonymous, I'm sorry, but there's not a single soul left. What is it that you're trying to tell me?”
  1087. >”Rarity?”
  1088. >Your small compatriot garners the attention of Rarity for a moment.
  1089. >”Is something the matter, Sweetie Belle?”
  1090. >”It's us.”
  1091. >Still not getting it, she stares in confusion at Sweetie.
  1092. >”Come again?”
  1093. >Not knowing how else to convey it, she takes her hand and intertwines it with yours.
  1094. >Rarity looks as clueless as she has been since the beginning.
  1095. >Then her eyes bulge.
  1096. >"Y-you mean that you and...Anonymous?"
  1097. >Holy shit, you can see the color draining from her face.
  1098. >The fact that she can turn whiter disturbs you.
  1099. >Sweetie Belle rests her head on you and clings to your arm.
  1100. >”I love Anon, Rarity. He loves me.”
  1101. >Still trembling from the revelation, she struggles to speak.
  1102. >”How long has this been going on.”
  1103. >”It's not what you think, this only happened a little while ago! Anon didn't even want to do this at first, but Pinkie Pie helped me to change his mind.”
  1104. >”I left you in his care, multiple times. I left you with him unattended for hours. I left him with you in this house.”
  1105. >”Rarity, please, Anon never touched me or did anything inappropriate! He even defended my honor against that creepy Button Mash on two separate occasions!”
  1106. >Nothing reaches her as she delves further into a madness mantra.
  1107. >”I changed my mind, let him back into your life. I said I was wrong about him. I trusted him.”
  1108. >”Rarity, please, listen to me for once!”
  1109. >The smallest of changes hits her face, as she stares you both down
  1110. >”Anon didn't do anything. He is a nice person. He is a gentleman. He'd be willing to sacrifice his life for me!”
  1111. >Damn, Sweetie Belle really does have a high opinion of you.
  1112. >”Everyone's here because they all came to support us and help you understand that this isn't stranger danger or anything like that. Except for Applebloom. She's here because Applejack can't really drive at the moment.”
  1113. >Rarity's eyes scan the room, and watches as everyone nods their heads in affirmation.
  1114. >Aside from Rainbow Dash.
  1115. >Still not ready to let you go.
  1116. >”I see. You all support this. Very well.”
  1117. >Huh.
  1118. >Rarity has actually taken this in better stride than you thought.
  1119. “I promise, Rare, I really do love her. Please, understand.”
  1120. >Rarity stands up, and looks at you both.
  1121. >Then like a banshee from hell, she screams and lunges at you from half a room away.
  1122. >You've played enough L4D to know what comes next.
  1123. >Apparently diplomacy has failed.
  1124. >There was a contingency plan, however.
  1125. >Grabbing hold of Pinkie, you shield yourself from the maelstrom of fury heading your way.
  1126. >Sorry, Ponka, but this sacrifice had to be made.
  1127. >Once Rarity has collided with Pinkie Pie, you rush out the still open door.
  1128. >Looking back, you see that Rarity has shrugged off your shield and is running after you, with most of the group behind her.
  1129. >No way in hell are you letting her catch up to you.
  1130. >Unless you were completely mistaken, there's nothing but bloodlust in her heart right now.
  1131. >Running faster than you thought you possibly could, you manage to make it across a couple yards and put a few fences between the two of you.
  1132. >Creaking wood however tells you that it won't hold her back for long.
  1133. >Voices belonging to the others are pleading with her to not murder you right now.
  1134. >Quite a slim chance any of that's going to work.
  1135. >It doesn't take long for you to hear the hard clatter of her shoes once more, but you've got about a block between the two of you.
  1136. >Scantly you can make out some blurs behind you as you run, the closest one being blue.
  1137. >Dash is actually trying to save your ass.
  1138. >Maybe she's not so bad after all.
  1139. >While lost in your introspection, your movements come to a halt as you collide with someone on skates.
  1140. >You eat pavement as the roadburn gets through your clothes, and a bit of blood gets through your pants.
  1141. >The collision has cost you the lead, as Rarity is barely behind you now.
  1142. >”Oh my goodness, are you alright?”
  1143. >The gray girl stumbled to her feet and attempts to help you up.
  1144. >Once you're able to, you try to move on your feet, but you only make a couple steps before you fall.
  1145. >You sprained your left foot.
  1146. >There's no time for you to try again.
  1147. >Rarity descends on you quickly.
  1148. >Your windpipe constricts.
  1149. >It's hard to breath.
  1150. >Rainbow Dash and Applebloom are trying to pry her from you.
  1151. >Everything goes dark before they can free you.
  1152. >You pray that you don't die.
  1153. >"...Is he going to be okay?"
  1154. >"Rarity got him pretty bad, so Ah don't know. Ah don't feel his heart beating."
  1155. >Huh?
  1156. >Voices?
  1157. >Are you not dead?
  1158. >It feels like you are.
  1159. >Maybe it's just taken a little while for your brain to catch up with the rest of you.
  1160. >"Anon, please wake up. I don't want to think about losing you again."
  1161. >Sweetie Belle?
  1162. >Heh, here you were joking about getting killed and now she's staring at your lifeless body.
  1163. >Fucked up, isn't it?
  1164. >Just a little while ago, you had been trying to stay alive to be with Sweetie Belle.
  1165. >Probably would have made it if you didn't sprain your ankle.
  1166. >Rarity was faster than you thought, but even on a bad day you could still keep up with Rainbow Dash herself.
  1167. >A quiet thump lands near you, followed by a sound you didn't want to hear.
  1168. >"Please, Anon, don't die. Rarity didn't really mean to hurt you this badly, she was just upset."
  1169. >Sweetie Belle's crying again.
  1170. >You hate that sound.
  1171. >A cute ragamuffin like her should be happy.
  1172. >...
  1173. >Maybe you don't need to die just yet.
  1174. >Sweetie's been through enough for now.
  1175. >Wake up, you sleepy bastard.
  1176. >She's waiting for you, so go on and get up.
  1177. >It's rude to keep a lady waiting, you know.
  1178. >First thing to start up again is your heart.
  1179. >Need to get that blood flowing again.
  1180. >After that, your lungs slowly start to fill with air again.
  1181. >Hope Rarity didn't collapse it too badly.
  1182. >With those two parts back in working order, the rest of you soon kicks right back into gear.
  1183. >Light once again enters into your eyes, and you see the beauty you kickstarted this thing for weeping on your chest.
  1184. >Moving an arm, you bring her in closer to you.
  1185. >She didn't expect it, you can tell.
  1186. >”Anon! You're okay!”
  1187. >Weak as you are, you force a smile on your face.
  1188. “Of course I am, Sweetie. I can't ditch you like that after one little problem.”
  1189. >The adorable marshmallow hugs you tightly and soaks your clothes with tears of joy.
  1190. >She's glad you're back.
  1191. >And so are you.
  1192. >It's been a few days since the incident.
  1193. >Not much has happened since you came to, aside from getting taken to a hospital.
  1194. >Rarity got you pretty good, but you're able to go home tomorrow.
  1195. >You didn't miss much, seeing as how you've been able to get your homework delivered to you by Rainbow Dash.
  1196. >Ever since that day, she's really come around.
  1197. >The two of you are almost back to the level of familiarity before the dating.
  1198. >Rainbow Dash might not have been the best girlfriend, but she can be a real bro when she wants to.
  1199. >You hear the sound of the door opening once again.
  1200. >Speak of the devil.
  1201. >Looking towards the door, you're prepared for your usual guest to enter.
  1202. >"Hey, Anon."
  1203. >...That's not Rainbow Dash.
  1204. "Scootaloo? Why are you here?"
  1205. >"I'm here to bring you your homework, silly."
  1206. >Just what you needed.
  1207. "What happened to Rainbow Dash?"
  1208. >Scootaloo looks down in embarrassment.
  1209. >"Uh...we were playing soccer, and I kind of...kicked her in the crotch."
  1210. >Brutal.
  1211. "That's why she sent you to bring me my homework?"
  1212. >Scootaloo looks at every part of the room but the bed you're on.
  1213. >"Well, not exactly. I just thought it would be a way to make it up to her."
  1214. >Part of you is willing to accept that, but the other part of you knows she has an ulterior motive for being here.
  1215. "Well, thanks for bringing it for me, Scootaloo. Just leave it on the bed and I'll get it later."
  1216. >Eagerly, she follows your request, but lingers over your bed.
  1217. >Fucking hell, you knew it.
  1218. >"S-so, Anon, I heard recently that you're not dating Rainbow Dash anymore?"
  1219. >Crap, you know where this is going.
  1220. "We haven't been together for over a year, Scootaloo."
  1221. >"W-well, I didn't know until today. Must be pretty sad, huh?"
  1222. "Not really, after a year the feeling kind of went away."
  1223. >Her posture straightens and her mouth turns into an awkward smile.
  1224. >"Is that so? Well, maybe it'd be time to try dating someone else now?"
  1225. "Scootaloo, no."
  1226. >The abruptness of your answer takes her off guard.
  1227. >"B-but I didn't even ask you yet!"
  1228. "Scootaloo, you've asked me thrice before. The answer has always been no, and it will remain no for the conceivable rest of eternity. Besides, you're a year too late to ever consider being my rebound."
  1229. >"But-"
  1230. "Did you not get it the last time you asked me, back when I was still dating Dash, that I have no intention of being with you because you consider me her sloppy seconds?"
  1231. >Reminded once again, the desperate freshman backs off of her pursuit.
  1232. >"S-sorry, I just thought you might have changed your mind."
  1233. "No, I didn't. Besides, I already have a new girlfriend."
  1234. >"Already?!"
  1235. "Even if I didn't, you still wouldn't have a chance in hell of getting together with me."
  1236. >Her spirit crushed, she accepts defeat and shuffles off.
  1237. >She stops just before she actually leaves the room.
  1238. >"Oh, Sweetie Belle says hello, and that she'll be glad to have you back soon."
  1239. >Unaware of the situation, she simply leaves after relaying the message.
  1240. >Once she's out of the room, you give a sigh of relief that Sweetie Belle seems to be okay.
  1241. >Very little was actually given to you on how Sweetie and Rarity were holding up.
  1242. >If she said that, at least Rarity hasn't said anything after what happened.
  1243. >Strange that no one has really relayed anything to you after Saturday.
  1244. >But you're not going to actually question the situation unless you really see something out of the ordinary.
  1245. >As surreal as this whole situation has gotten, you're just going to try to take the proceedings one day at a time.
  1246. >Since there's nothing else to really do now, you may as well work on that homework.
  1247. >You crack open the pile of assignments and get to work.
  1248. >No sense in worrying about stuff now, just get to tomorrow and it'll all work out.
  1249. >Finally, the time has come.
  1250. >Out of that gown and back into your normal attire.
  1251. >Waving goodbye to the receptionist, you make for the door.
  1252. >Your ride should be waiting for you outside.
  1253. >Scanning over the sparsely populated lot, you spot Rainbow Dash.
  1254. >Leaning on your car.
  1255. >...
  1256. >Hold on, how did it get here?
  1257. >”Bet you're glad to be out of that place, huh?”
  1258. >You stay silent as you walk towards her.
  1259. >Examining it, it totally is actually your Aztec.
  1260. “Dash, how the hell did you get this here?”
  1261. >”Oh, you left it at Rarity's house and we figured that it was best to not leave it there.”
  1262. “Well, I understand that, but I was more referring to how did you actually drive it over here. You didn't hotwire it, did you?”
  1263. >”Wha- No! I haven't hotwired a car since the last time I hung out with Gilda.”
  1264. >How the hell did she get the car here, then?
  1265. “Just how did you manage to actually get it here?”
  1266. >”Like any other car, duh. I put the keys in the ignition.”
  1267. >Keys?
  1268. “Where did you get my keys?”
  1269. >”Did you not notice when they fell out of your pocket when you got hit by Derpy?”
  1270. “I was a bit busy RUNNING AWAY.”
  1271. >Rainbow Dash runs that thought through her head a couple times before she realizes how stupid her question was.
  1272. >”Oh, yeah.”
  1273. >Opening the door, you slide into the passenger seat and recline.
  1274. >Damn, that feels good.
  1275. >Your chauffeur starts up the engine and pulls out of the hospital lot.
  1276. >Can't wait to get home soon.
  1277. “Hey, Rainbow, how's your injury?”
  1278. >”My injury?”
  1279. “When Scootaloo took your place yesterday, she said she'd kicked you right in the babymaker.”
  1280. >Rainbow winces when you mention that.
  1281. >”Yeah, that happened. It was a good goal, and it wasn't that bad of a kick, so I didn't really care too much. Wait, Scootaloo came over yesterday?”
  1282. “That she did. She also mentioned that Sweetie Belle was going to be glad to see me when I got out. Speaking of, how are she and Rarity doing?”
  1283. >Dash says nothing.
  1284. “Dash, how are they doing?”
  1285. >Still not a word.
  1286. >Oh, fuck, something must have happened.
  1287. "Dash, seriously, tell me what's been going on while I was in there."
  1288. >Glancing over at her, you can see she's got that look on her face.
  1289. "Seriously, I know you can hear me and I see that grimace."
  1290. >After a while, she sighs and responds.
  1291. >"Anon, we haven't really seen much of either of them."
  1292. >Haven't seen much of them?
  1293. "What are you saying, did they leave town?"
  1294. >"N-no, we just haven't really talked to Rarity all week and Scootaloo hasn't really hung out with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. We don't have any real idea of what's been going on. The others told me not to mention anything because they didn't want you to worry, and because I have a terrible pokerface."
  1295. >That sounds like something they'd do.
  1296. "Were you just not going to tell me?"
  1297. >"We were, but when you got back home safely."
  1298. "Gee, thanks."
  1299. >"Oh come on, it's not like we were doing it to hurt you."
  1300. >Doesn't make you any less upset.
  1301. “Well, at least you guys had your hearts in the right place.”
  1302. >The car comes to a stop, and you realize you've made it to your house already.
  1303. >All the girls are outside of your house, holding balloons and a cake.
  1304. >Rainbow Dash comes out of the car before you and cups her hands.
  1305. >”He knows already.”
  1306. >The girls bemoan their situation.
  1307. >Secret exposed, they hand over the cake and balloons and are on their way.
  1308. >What are gonna do with this?
  1309. >Fuck it, you'll just head to your room.
  1310. >No one's in, so you just shove it into your room.
  1311. >Cake looks good.
  1312. >And since Rarity wasn't there, you don't have to worry about it being poisoned.
  1313. >...Rarity.
  1314. >You look around your room and find your phone.
  1315. >Fucker is old, but it works.
  1316. >After you fire up your faithful companion, you scroll through your contacts until you reach her.
  1317. >No way you're going to stay in the dark about this, it's time to find out why everyone's been reluctant to tell you.
  1318. >You send out a simple message, since you're not even sure if Rarity has confiscated her phone.
  1319. “Sweetie, you there?”
  1320. >There's not even enough time for you to look away from the screen before she replies.
  1321. >”Anon, you're back!”
  1322. >Well, Sweetie definitely is glad to see you're well.
  1323. “Yeah, got out of the hospital today. How have you been?”
  1324. >“Not good, Anon.”
  1325. >Sweetie Belle is a faster texter than you anticipated.
  1326. >More important than that, it seems that you were right to be worried about Sweetie.
  1327. >But at least you're going to know exactly what has been going on.
  1328. “Did something happen?”
  1329. >Your heart drops when you receive the message.
  1330. >”Rarity's drinking again, but it's worse than last time.”
  1331. >Last time was when she was using her drunkenness for inspiration, and the girls had to stop her before she got addicted.
  1332. “How many glasses has she had?”
  1333. >”She skipped the glasses and started taking whole bottles. The wine cellar was full a couple of days ago. Now there is no wine cellar.”
  1334. >Shit.
  1335. >None of that is what you wanted to hear.
  1336. >Rarity's going to really become addicted this time if something's not done.
  1337. >In your surprise, you only manage to type out a single word in response.
  1338. “Oh.”
  1339. >Probably should have gone with something more substantial than that.
  1340. >”I'm really starting to worry about her, Anon.”
  1341. >She's not the only one.
  1342. >Rarity really got thrown for a loop in this whole situation.
  1343. >You know that you should be angry at her, but you can't really blame her for her actions.
  1344. >Given the situation, it really must not look good from her position.
  1345. >In a cosmic way, this whole thing's sort of funny though.
  1346. >All this time that Rarity was worrying that you'd be a bad influence on Sweetie Belle and mess up her mind and you ended up being a worse influence on her.
  1347. >...Now you just made yourself feel awful with that thought.
  1348. >Feeling the way you are now, you understand the reason no one told you anything.
  1349. >There's no sense in letting Sweetie Belle get worked up about this, though.
  1350. >Rarity might be on a collision with rock bottom, but you know that Sweetie stressing herself out won't be able to resolve anything.
  1351. “Don't worry, I'm sure that she'll calm down.”
  1352. >As much of a lie as it is, you'd rather both of you believe this than have her see her downward spiral.
  1353. >”But she's locked herself in the study every time she has come home.”
  1354. >Well, that really doesn't sound good.
  1355. >It's just as likely that she's avoiding Sweetie Belle seeing her get drunk as it is that she's plotting another attempt on your life.
  1356. “At least she's not going to hurt herself in there.”
  1357. >Having seen her drunk before, she's just as graceful and precise even when inebriated.
  1358. >She's something just slightly below an enigma.
  1359. >”I don't know.”
  1360. >...Looks like you have to bring out the big guns.
  1361. >Sappy reassurance mode: activate!
  1362. “Just have a little faith, Sweetie, and everything will work out.”
  1363. >You can feel the back of your mind screaming at you for having typed that out.
  1364. >”Okay. Thanks for making sure I was alright, babe.”
  1365. >A smile inches across your face, now that you-
  1366. >Wait a fucking second, did she just really type that out?
  1367. “Babe?”
  1368. >”Isn't that what you're supposed to do? Give each other pet names?”
  1369. >God, you really can't believe that those words just came from Sweetie Belle.
  1370. >Part of you is confused, but most of you is enjoying the sincerity of her words.
  1371. >Too damn cute for her own good.
  1372. “Sweetie Belle, why must you be so adorable?”
  1373. >”I dunno, I just am.”
  1374. >Ever deeper, you sink into the pit of adorableness.
  1375. >Really, you're just a sucker for her charm.
  1376. >No, get a hold of yourself, you still have gaps you need filled in.
  1377. >You still haven't gotten to know the extent of Rarity's situation.
  1378. >Before anything else, you have to know what happened after you temporarily bit the dust.
  1379. >You eke out a small message.
  1380. >It's blunt, but beating around the bush isn't going to help you out.
  1381. “Sweetie, I have to know: what actually happened when I went down.”
  1382. >It takes longer than you expected for her to reply.
  1383. >”I only saw a little bit of what happened.”
  1384. >Figures that the girls would try to keep her sheltered from the worst parts of this.
  1385. “Anything will be helpful, anything at all.”
  1386. >Once again, there's more of a delay than usual.
  1387. >It's nearly 30 seconds before she responds.
  1388. >Can't imagine that it's easy to recount seeing your sister strangling your boyfriend until he stops moving.
  1389. >”Well, when I got there, I was was watching Rarity get punched off of you by Rainbow Dash.”
  1390. “Dash?”
  1391. >”Yeah, then Applebloom was trying to pull her off.
  1392. “How did that go?”
  1393. >”By the end, Rarity was covered in welts and passed out from being smothered by Applebloom.”
  1394. >Holy shit.
  1395. >No wonder Rarity hasn't been speaking to anyone.
  1396. >She's probably pissed as hell they stopped her from making sure you were dead.
  1397. “...Wasn't expecting that.”
  1398. >Not much else comes to mind, aside from sending Rainbow Dash a fruit bouquet.
  1399. >The chime comes from your phone again, and you're a bit worried with this last message.
  1400. >”Oh no, I heard the study opening up. I have to go, ttyl.”
  1401. >Sweetie Belle's probably hiding from Rarity so she can't take her phone.
  1402. >Picturing her hiding like Anne Frank in a German pizzeria displeases you greatly.
  1403. >As does her use of improper English in texting, but you have better things to worry about with her right now.
  1404. >Like the fact that you're going to find it far harder than before to actually see her.
  1405. >Or that it's your fault that Rarity has put herself through the wringer because of your blossoming relationship with her underage sister.
  1406. >The weight of this all forces you to step back and fall on your bed.
  1407. >Bed.
  1408. >Probably could do with a nap now.
  1409. >Everything's always been clearer after you've slept on it.
  1410. >Your rest is not long, as the chime from your phone wakes you once more.
  1411. >A new text message from Sweetie at...8:47.
  1412. >Rested for longer than you thought.
  1413. >"Anon, meet me at the school."
  1414. >School?
  1415. >This late at night?
  1416. >Not that you haven't kept her out long before, but given that she's likely by herself it isn't a safe idea.
  1417. >Well, looks like you're going on a trip.
  1418. >You grab a piece of the pre-sliced cake and head out the door.
  1419. >Mom and Pop are home, but nothing reaches them when
  1420. NCIS is on.
  1421. >As easily as you slid out of the house, you slide into your car and drive off.
  1422. >While you are kind of happy about meeting up with Sweetie, you know you're going to have to get on her case for going out this late.
  1423. >Town isn't that dangerous in general, but freaky things can happen in the night around here.
  1424. >Preferably Sweetie would be nowhere near that.
  1425. >After a good 15 minutes, you arrive at the schoolgrounds.
  1426. >No other cars are here, not even the janitor's.
  1427. >She really is here alone.
  1428. "Sweetie Belle, where are you?"
  1429. >No response, but you hear the sound of the door closing.
  1430. >Janitor must have left it open.
  1431. >You're going to have a talk with her about proper safety.
  1432. >Making your way through the door, you see a shadow run a corner.
  1433. >The process repeats for a while until you come to the door to Principal Celestia's office.
  1434. >Been here a few times, that's for sure.
  1435. >As you enter, you flick on the lights and finally come face to face with your elusive target.
  1436. “Sweetie Belle, what are you doing in...Rarity?”
  1437. >”Hello, Anonymous. How are you faring this week, darling?”
  1438. >Your mind is racing with questions right now.
  1439. >Where's Sweetie Belle, why did she break into the school, what the hell is with her drinking problem?
  1440. >But the most important question of all still eludes you.
  1441. >Why is she dressed as Jareth?
  1442. >”Anonymous, I'm sure there must be quite a few things you'd like to say to me, but before anything else I would like to tell you something.”
  1443. >Rarity, from somewhere you do not know, produces a few crystal balls.
  1444. >She begins to cycle them, but never takes her eyes off of you to focus on them.
  1445. >”I understand you are something of a David Bowie fan, Anonymous. It might surprise you to know that I'm a bit of a fan myself.”
  1446. >Wait, seriously?
  1447. >This is the first you're hearing of this.
  1448. >”I'm not like you however. I didn't care for his music like you do, but rather his style and commitment to innovation. Like many others in this world of ours, that man was a large inspiration to who I had come to be.”
  1449. >On a dime, Rarity ceases her movements and looks you straight in the eye.
  1450. >”I'm sure you recognize the costume and the hair, don't you? Labyrinth was a fine piece of cinema, and showed that there was more than just image and sound that comprised Bowie.”
  1451. >More spheres find their way into Rarity's hands as she resumes her mimicry.
  1452. >”Bowie never actually did this himself. There was actually a juggler who did this for him.”
  1453. >As enlightening as this is, you interject to get to the bottom of her insanity.
  1454. “Rarity, what the hell are you going on about this for?”
  1455. >Her face sours into a scowl.
  1456. >”Because Bowie was something the both of us were interested in. There's somewhere else where we intersect, however. Sweetie Belle.”
  1457. >You prepare to open your mouth, but a loud shattering and a breeze distract you.
  1458. >Looking at the wall behind you, you see a dent where Rarity has chucked one of her crystal balls.
  1459. >”Tonight is going to be the last night you see any trace of either of them, Anonymous.”
  1460. >Holy shit.
  1461. >Beforehand, it was a spur of the moment.
  1462. >Now, though, this is premeditated homicide.
  1463. >With no other option except having your skull cave in, you slam the door and run.
  1464. >The hunt is on, and you're the prey.
  1465. >Adrenaline pumping, you make a break down the corridor, opposite the way you came.
  1466. >You don't intend to walk into a trap she may have set for you.
  1467. >It's not like you lose her, however.
  1468. >Linoleum floors and an empty school give away your position quite easily.
  1469. >Rarity tails you without fail, and two more balls whir past you.
  1470. >The shattered remnants create a proverbial minefield, but you don't dare to stop.
  1471. >A couple shards embed themselves in your shoe, but nothing hurts enough to make you stop.
  1472. >The stairs come into view, and you make a break for them.
  1473. >You've got a plan.
  1474. >A few more balls fly past you on your way up, and your shoulder is grazed.
  1475. >Even on the stairwell, Rarity maintains her speed.
  1476. >Regardless of the closing distance between you two, you know you can get out of this.
  1477. >The door to your sanctuary stands before you.
  1478. >You burst through the door into the library.
  1479. >Grabbing the nearest book you can, you crouch below the doors.
  1480. >Rarity walks through the right door, unaware of your position.
  1481. >With you right in her blindspot, you strike her with the book in the back of her skull as hard as you can.
  1482. >The blow knocks her down, but not out.
  1483. >Crystal balls run out of her sleeves, and she tries to grab one.
  1484. >Not knowing what else to do, you grab her legs and drag her from them by force.
  1485. >Predictably, she kicks at you in an attempt to get free.
  1486. >Your grip comes loose on one, and you lose the other when she kicks your hand.
  1487. >Before she can regain her sense of balance, you jump down onto her and pin her.
  1488. >She tries to claw at you, but with the leverage you hold down her arms.
  1489. >Impotent rage flies from her mouth as she screams at you to let her go.
  1490. >No fucking way you're going to do that.
  1491. >Until she begins to stop flailing around, you keep on her.
  1492. >After a few minutes, she wears herself out.
  1493. >Rarity has run out of her rage, and has given in to crying.
  1494. >Her mascara runs as she lies beneath you.
  1495. >Maybe you can talk some sense into her now.
  1496. "Rarity, what the FUCK do you think you're doing?!"
  1497. >The fire in her eyes comes back.
  1498. >"I'm saving Sweetie Belle from you, you disgusting monster!"
  1499. >A sickening myriad of wine smells burn your nose through her rant.
  1500. >"You've pulled the wool over my friends, but I'm not going to be led astray a second time, you insane pedophile!”
  1501. >Insane?
  1502. >Rich, coming from the drunken, homicidal Jareth clone.
  1503. >”I'm not going to just stand by and watch you steal her purity!”
  1504. “I'm not stealing her purity!”
  1505. >The look in her eyes says she'd strangle you again if she could.
  1506. >”So, you just came to the school with the intention of being alone with my sister, and I am to believe you had no ill intent?”
  1507. “I came to make sure she was not going to get abducted in the night!”
  1508. >You bear down closer to her, barely above her face.
  1509. “What is it going to take to make you understand!?”
  1510. >Her indignant glare fades as she comes back down from her murder high.
  1511. >”Let me up.”
  1512. “What?”
  1513. >”You're crushing me, and it's hard to breathe.”
  1514. >Not willing to take the chance that you actually are hurting her, you get off of her.
  1515. >With her so close, and her balls spread around, it's nearly impossible to make a move before you catch her.
  1516. >”Why, Anonymous?”
  1517. “Why what?”
  1518. >”Why can't you just leave Sweetie Belle alone?”
  1519. >Rarity's fire is gone once again, too exhausted to keep up her wrath any longer.
  1520. “Because I love Sweetie.”
  1521. >”Sweetie Belle doesn't need your sort of sick love.”
  1522. “Then what love does she need, Rarity? The love of her absent parents? Or how about the love of her drunk sister, who left her back home to come kill me?”
  1523. >Your words cut into her, as she starts to realize what she has been doing.
  1524. “What kind of love is it to put yourself at risk of going to jail, taking away the both of us? Did you even think about what she's going to do without you around?”
  1525. >Rarity looks down to the floor, aware of just what she's been putting Sweetie Belle through.
  1526. "Rare, this can't keep up. Sweetie Belle needs you."
  1527. >You step closer towards Rarity.
  1528. "Do you know why I didn't tell anyone about who nearly collapsed my windpipe? Because I am not going to let you leave Sweetie Belle's life. Even if she doesn't say it, she does love you."
  1529. >Rarity tries to back away, but you keep her close to you.
  1530. "We both love you, Rarity. You're her sister and you're my friend. I care deeply for you both. When you hurt, she hurts. When either of you hurt, I hurt. The both of you look terrible when you cry."
  1531. >The fight leaves her body, as she begins to rest on you.
  1532. >"I just wanted to keep her safe."
  1533. "Damn it, Rarity, I know where you're coming from. I know none of this looks good, but you're only hurting everyone around you when you get like this."
  1534. >She's begun crying onto your shirt, just like Sweetie.
  1535. >"Anon, I just can't bear the thought of losing my sister like that. Not this soon."
  1536. >Niagra Falls takes residence on your chest, Rarity's leaking face staining you.
  1537. "Rarity, everyone grows up sometime. Sweetie's just ahead of the curve, like she's always been."
  1538. >"Why can't you just love one of the others instead? Why can't you just love me in her place?"
  1539. >Carefully, you embrace Rarity in a hug.
  1540. “You are a great person, Rarity. If any of this went differently, maybe it would have been you I fell for. But as similar as you are, there's no way to get one from the other. My heart belongs to Sweetie Belle, and that's just how it will be.”
  1541. >Waiting for a response, you notice that she's stopped moving.
  1542. >Rarity has cried herself to sleep.
  1543. >The situation makes you chuckle, as you carry her out of the library.
  1544. >All you have left to do is get her home.
  1545. >Sweetie will be glad to have both of you back in one piece, and you've no intent of denying her that.
  1546. >Here you are again, at Rarity's.
  1547. >You've seen more of this place than you have in the last few days than the last few months.
  1548. >Not that you aren't going to be seeing more of it.
  1549. >Opening the passenger door, you manage to wiggle Rarity out of the car.
  1550. >A short jaunt later, you carry her over your shoulder and knock on the door.
  1551. >Sure enough, Sweetie opens up.
  1552. >Her eyes light up as she sees you towering over her in the doorway.
  1553. >”Anon, you're okay!”
  1554. >The smile on her face diminishes when she sees your parcel slung over your shoulder.
  1555. >”Oh no, did Rarity-”
  1556. “It's fine, Sweetie, just help me set her on the couch.”
  1557. >Between the two of you, it's an easy enough task.
  1558. >Lying there, Rarity looks relatively peace.
  1559. >Makes it hard to believe that she was actively trying to murder you just a few minutes ago.
  1560. >Equally as hard to believe that she coordinated this all while more intoxicated than the whole of Ireland.
  1561. >Rarity is as skilled as she is terrifying.
  1562. >”Anon, I'm sorry.”
  1563. >Sweetie Belle looks at you crestfallen.
  1564. >”Rarity saw me before I left and-”
  1565. >You put your hand on Sweetie's head and tussle her hair.
  1566. “I'm not worried about any of that. I'm just glad you're safe and sound.”
  1567. >The bundle of cute hugs you harder than she has before.
  1568. >Feels good.
  1569. “Also, don't try to arrange clandestine meetings in the future. That's bad.”
  1570. >Sweetie looks at you with her usual baleful eyes.
  1571. >”But-”
  1572. “But nothing, Sweetie. I don't want you to possibly get yourself into trouble, legal or otherwise, on my account. Promise me you won't do that again.”
  1573. >Even though you're reprimanding her, she puts on a brave face and nods.
  1574. >”I promise, but you gotta do something for me in return.”
  1575. >Huh, this is new.
  1576. “Uh, I guess. What is it, though?”
  1577. >”Follow me.”
  1578. >Sweetie Belle skips away from you and up the stairs.
  1579. >Unsure of what else to do, you follow her lead.
  1580. >What's the worst that could happen?
  1581. >Once up the stairs, Sweetie Belle slinks into her room and beckons you.
  1582. >As you head into her room, you get the feeling that not everything is alright.
  1583. >Behind you, the door shuts and the lock produces a deafening click.
  1584. >Turning towards Sweetie Belle, you notice she's standing between you and the door.
  1585. >Second time tonight you have been trapped.
  1586. >You really need to be more observant.
  1587. >Clutching your hand, Sweetie leads you to her bed.
  1588. >Upon reaching your destination, she lets your hand go and sits on the edge of her bed.
  1589. >Sweetie Belle teeters back and forth between looking at you and the floor.
  1590. >With the tension in the room, you prepare to say something but are cut off by Sweetie.
  1591. >"O-okay, Anon, I wanted to...”
  1592. >Again, she's shut down.
  1593. “You wanted to what, Sweetie?”
  1594. >Mumbled sounds tickle your eardrums as she squeaks something out from under her breath.
  1595. >Can't make any of that out, though.
  1596. “Sweetie?”
  1597. >The second time is barely better, but you can definitely make out a bit of her last word.
  1598. “I can't hear you, Sweetie. You need to speak up.”
  1599. >”...want to have...”
  1600. >More of it is becoming clear.
  1601. >However, you really hope that she's not saying what you think she is.
  1602. >You request her to repeat herself once more, but you kneel down next to her.
  1603. >Down here, her words come through as clear as crystal.
  1604. >Standing up, you swallow back your apprehension and attempt confirm her statement.
  1605. “Sweetie, did you just say you want to have sex?”
  1606. >The flush of her face tells you that you heard her correctly.
  1607. >A cold sweat overtakes you as you try to think your way through this.
  1608. >In front of you, your 13 year old girlfriend is asking you to have sex with her.
  1609. >Now, you were caught between the eternal struggle that has plagued man since time immemorial.
  1610. >Do you listen to your brain and do the logical thing, or do you follow your heart?
  1611. >Locked in an internal struggle, you stand as a statue in front of Sweetie.
  1612. >Many times in your life you have been torn between two equally important choices, but never has it been this conflicting.
  1613. >Rarity would be completely justified in her view of you as a dastardly kiddy diddler if you actually went through with it.
  1614. >On the other hand, Sweetie Belle herself is asking you to truly cement this relationship in the realest of ways.
  1615. >The former is definitely the one that would hold more weight in a court of law, however.
  1616. >”Anon?”
  1617. >Sweetie Belle's voice pulls you back to reality.
  1618. >Her innocent gaze tugs at your heart.
  1619. >Your will to resist begins to falter.
  1620. >Goddammit, no.
  1621. >Before you completely lose control of your will, you spout out your decision.
  1622. “I'm sorry, Sweetie, but it's not the right time for us to do this.”
  1623. >Sweetie's heart brings back her crestfallen face.
  1624. >Boy, do you remember that feeling.
  1625. >The sexual rejection is not an easy one to handle the first time.
  1626. >”O-oh.”
  1627. >Little marshmallow doesn't sound any amount of pleased with your decision.
  1628. >”I just thought you would want to, because we already kissed.”
  1629. >From kissing to sex?
  1630. >Kids these days are something else.
  1631. “Sweetie, it's not that I don't want to do anything with you, but we should probably wait a little longer before this.”
  1632. >”I don't understand, though. Aren't couples supposed to do this together?”
  1633. >Oh, boy.
  1634. “Yes, Sweetie, but there's more than just how we feel. Rarity would absolutely flip if she caught us. I don't need to find out what she would do if she saw us after seeing what she did when we told her we were dating.”
  1635. >With your deliberation, she seems to accept your view.
  1636. >Until you see her eyes light up with a renewed hope.
  1637. >”If Rarity's the problem, then would everything be alright if we got her permission for it?”
  1638. >There goes a question you didn't expect.
  1639. "Sweetie, you know there's very little I wouldn't do for you, but the impossible is something I cannot do by definition alone."
  1640. >Defiantly, she stands up from her bed.
  1641. >It'd be cute if you didn't know she was serious.
  1642. >"It's not impossible, Anon. You're okay, so you got Rarity to calm down somehow, didn't you?"
  1643. >Somehow being the fact that you beat her with an encyclopedia about two books thick.
  1644. >"If you did that, then you can convince her with this, right?"
  1645. >Unless you knocked a couple of screws loose in her head, that is very unlikely.
  1646. "Sweetie, even if I had a genie, no amount of wishing could get her to go along with that.”
  1647. >Her arms lock around you in a hug, and she activates her puppy-dog eyes.
  1648. >”Even if it won't be easy, you could still try to convince her, right?”
  1649. “Sweetie.”
  1650. >Those eyes of hers don't relent, however.
  1651. >With enough reservations to open 50 casinos, you give a heavy sigh.
  1652. “I suppose that I can at least do that much.”
  1653. >Unsurprisingly, that adorable smile of hers comes back.
  1654. >Never will there be a time that you tire of it.
  1655. >Matter settled, you make for the door until Sweetie grabs onto your sleeve.
  1656. >”Anon, where are you going?”
  1657. >What?
  1658. “I'm going home, Sweetie. It's late and I am beyond tired.”
  1659. >”Why do you need to go home?”
  1660. >You cock your eyebrow at her question.
  1661. “That's where my bed is, Sweetie.”
  1662. >”But there's a bed right here.”
  1663. >Did she just imply what you think she did?
  1664. “Hold on, Sweetie, I-”
  1665. >”There's nothing wrong with sleeping, is there?”
  1666. >She doesn't give you the opportunity to respond before she drags you to the bed.
  1667. >”Please, stay.”
  1668. >Well, it's not like this is really illegal.
  1669. >Is it?
  1670. >The questioning stops when you feel Sweetie nestle into your body.
  1671. >Her small frame feels right as she lies next to you.
  1672. >Closing your eyes, you give in to the demand and cuddle with her.
  1673. >You hate driving at night anyway.
  1674. >Gentle classical rouses you from your slumber.
  1675. >Still groggy, you fumble for the source of the alarm clock producing the cliché music.
  1676. >Flailing around for the better portion of two minutes, you eventually silence it.
  1677. >After the sounds stop, you realize that you're normally awoken by the klaxon of your ancient clock.
  1678. >Realization hits you that you never went home, and spent the night sleeping in Sweetie Belle's bed.
  1679. >Clearing the crust from your eyes, you look down to see her still lost in the throes of sleep.
  1680. >It's a very relaxing scene to behold.
  1681. >Until you realize her ass is nearly glued to your morning wood.
  1682. >Deciding that the best course of action is to remove your boner from her vicinity, you furtively leave her bed and excuse yourself to the washroom.
  1683. >En route, you notice Opal walks out from the door.
  1684. >Surprised by the presence of a previously unknown person in the house, she stares at you.
  1685. “Hey, Opal.”
  1686. >Kneeling, you extend your hand to her in friendship.
  1687. >Opal brushes into your palm, then departs down the hallway.
  1688. >Pretty cool for a cat.
  1689. >With the previous occupant gone, you relieve yourself and wash away the rest of the morning filth from your face.
  1690. >Refreshed, you head down the stairs and turn your attention to the couch.
  1691. >The furniture is empty, barring Rarity's wig.
  1692. >She's likely up and about at the moment.
  1693. >Clinking from the kitchen draws your attention.
  1694. >Peeking your head in, you spot Rarity in a bathrobe with her morning face on.
  1695. >Eating a bowl of bran flakes.
  1696. >No matter how she tries to mask her disdain, you can easily tell she doesn't care for the food.
  1697. >Slipping into the kitchen, you posture yourself upright and clear your throat.
  1698. >The act garners Rarity's attention.
  1699. >Eternity passes as she looks at you without moving her body.
  1700. “Good morning, Rarity. How are you feeling?”
  1701. >Rarity relaxes her tensed muscles and resumes her eating.
  1702. >”My head feels like it was split open by a sledgehammer.”
  1703. >Flashing back to the events of last night, you recall that you solidly nailed her.
  1704. “Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that, Rarity.”
  1705. >Not wanting to stand around awkwardly, you move yourself to the table and have a seat.
  1706. >Rarity stares into her bowl as you sit across from her.
  1707. >”How are you feeling today, Anonymous?”
  1708. >Wow, she's actually talking to you.
  1709. >Continuing the ice-breaking, you put on a smile.
  1710. “I'm feeling well. Throat whistles a bit when I wake up, but the doctor said that it'll go away in about a week or so. All I can think about when I wake up is that the coffee is done.”
  1711. >Her face softens at your meager joke.
  1712. >Progress if there ever was.
  1713. “Um, pleasantries aside, I feel that there's still something to address. Do you remember last night, Rarity? Anything at all?”
  1714. >The spoon falls from Rarity's grasp and into the bowl.
  1715. >”...Anonymous, I must apologize to you for that. My wrath got the better of me for a while. That was truly unladylike of me.”
  1716. >She actually apologized to you.
  1717. “Don't sweat it, Rarity. Besides, I figure that after last night we've kind of evened up.”
  1718. >”I suppose so.”
  1719. >The two of you share a light chuckle, embracing the uneasy peace between the two of you.
  1720. >What you're about to do next is likely going to kill it, though.
  1721. “So, Rarity, now that you're sober and not as likely to fly at me, I have something to talk to you about.”
  1722. >Rarity looks up from her bowl at you.
  1723. >”Go ahead, darling.”
  1724. >You take a deep breath and prepare yourself.
  1725. “Last night, Sweetie Belle propositioned me to engage in sexual intercourse.”
  1726. >Any semblance of cheer has fled from Rarity's face.
  1727. “Which I declined, understanding your likely feelings on the matter. I did however promise her I would ask for your opinion on it.”
  1728. >Cold wraps around your heart from her icy stare.
  1729. “Rare?”
  1730. >”Please, continue.”
  1731. >She hasn't gone for you with the spoon, so that's a good sign.
  1732. “Oh, alright. After that happened, I slept on the matter and decided that it would be best to come out with it straight away.”
  1733. >”Did you sleep well in the guest room?”
  1734. “Actually, I slept in Sweetie's bed...I should not have said that, should I?”
  1735. >”The pain is greatly dulling my rage, I suggest you continue while you have the chance.”
  1736. >Every word from your mouth is driving you closer to your doom.
  1737. “My point is I'm really trying to not make the wrong choices here, Rarity, but having you against me makes all of this quite a trial.”
  1738. >Rarity closes her eyes and breathes heavily through her nose.
  1739. “...So?”
  1740. >”Absolutely not.”
  1741. >Well, you did your best.
  1742. >Her eyes open up to a half-lidded stare, and you feel the tension from before dissipate.
  1743. >”Anonymous, in these past few days I have come to accept the fact that Sweetie Belle has begun the process of making her own choices and there is little I can do to stop that. I understand that for the both of you, this has not been an easy time.”
  1744. >Rarity takes a light sip from her cup of tea as she tries to compose herself.
  1745. >”However, this does not mean that I am in any better position. I have been entrusted with ensuring her well-being, and even if she were legally able to consent, I would still not give you my blessing.”
  1746. >Everything considered, this conversation is going better than you had hoped.
  1747. >”I would not simply give away the virtue of my sister to the first man she laid eyes upon, and I am still not convinced that you should be anywhere near Sweetie Belle.”
  1748. >You understand the intent behind her statement, but you've come too far to just let go of it all.
  1749. >Then, a light goes on in your head.
  1750. “I know you feel that way now, Rarity, but what if I told you that I could guarantee there was a way to change your mind?”
  1751. >Her interest piqued, she raises a brow and crosses her arms.
  1752. >”I'm listening.”
  1753. >You put on your poker face and clasp your hands together.
  1754. "I want you to go on a date with us."
  1755. >Rarity stares at you in bewilderment.
  1756. >"A date?"
  1757. "Yeah, secretly, so you can see how happy Sweetie Belle is with me."
  1758. >"Oh, that's what you meant."
  1759. >Curious, you furrow your brow.
  1760. "Yes. What did-"
  1761. >"Nevermind, that's not important. What is important is how much bologna you are trying to peddle me. Anonymous, do I look like a deli?"
  1762. "Oh, come on, Rarity. You have been so wrapped up in your little fashion world that you haven't seen her happy in weeks. I know you would change your mind if you saw us."
  1763. >Rarity's face returns to her curious expression.
  1764. >"Exactly what guarantee do I have that you aren't going to coach Sweetie Belle on what to do and say? Your kind have a reputation for warping children to their whims."
  1765. "For the last time, I am not a predator. Besides, we both know that Sweetie Belle couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag."
  1766. >She tries to object, but realizes there is nothing she can say to the contrary.
  1767. “Rarity, I promise, you will see that she's actually happy with me.”
  1768. >”Just how do you propose I would observe the two of you on your-”
  1769. >Her tongue struggles to parse out the word.
  1770. >”Date, without being observed?”
  1771. >Amused, you rest your head on your palm.
  1772. “Gee, Rare, I don't quite know. How would the most fashion-oriented girl in town, with a penchant for Noir fiction, possibly have the capability for such a daunting task?”
  1773. >The flattery gets to her, as you see her soured disposition begin to crack.
  1774. “I'll tell you where we'll be going at least 10 minutes in advance. As well, you've got yourself an excuse to not be seen right now, in the midst of your regimen.”
  1775. >Rarity seems to have finally given in to your assault on her reluctance.
  1776. >”Fine, but I'll be watching you like a hawk.”
  1777. >Her arm extends towards you, hand open.
  1778. >Smiling, you put out your arm and shake on it.
  1779. “I know you won't regret this, Rarity.”
  1780. >”That remains to be seen, Anonymous. I'll take my leave now.”
  1781. >Rarity excuses herself from the table and absconds with her bowl.
  1782. “We're going to go to the mall. Keep that in mind.”
  1783. >She slips past the corner, but you're not sure she heard.
  1784. >Regardless, you decide to stand up and excuse yourself from the kitchen as well.
  1785. >As you walk outside the room, you hear the door creaking from upstairs.
  1786. >Sweetie Belle emerges in a new outfit you haven't actually seen before.
  1787. >Great, the fact that she's showered means you can leave straight away.
  1788. >You watch as she descends the stairs, eager smile on her face.
  1789. >When she's down, she comes up to you and hugs you.
  1790. >”Morning, Anon. Did you do it yet?”
  1791. >At present, you're barely tolerated in this household.
  1792. >Massaging your neck with your hand, you look off to the side.
  1793. “Not yet, Sweetie.”
  1794. >”But why, Anon?”
  1795. >Intent on maintaining the charade, you distract her by sweeping her off of her feet.
  1796. >She seems to like the gesture.
  1797. “I figure we should do something else. Something to celebrate. A date.”
  1798. >Her cute gasp of excitement makes its return.
  1799. >”A date?! Like a really real date?!”
  1800. >Putting on your best grin, you give a hearty chuckle.
  1801. “Of course, Sweetie. We're an item now, so it only makes sense that we go on a real date and we have a really fun time.”
  1802. >Cracks begin to appear in her happy expression.
  1803. >”But what about, you know, Rarity?”
  1804. “Rarity's holed up in her room. I figure she won't mind if the two of us slip out if she doesn't get to say no.”
  1805. >Sweetie Belle tries to raise another point, but you cut her off with a kiss.
  1806. >Caught by surprise she gives off a cute squeal and returns the gesture.
  1807. >Like you, she's broken into a blush at the sudden affectionate outburst.
  1808. >”A-alright, then let's go on a date~”
  1809. >Even when she's trying to be sexy, she's still cute as ever.
  1810. >You make a for the car with your lover in tow.
  1811. >If you can keep up the romance and the half-truths, you can do this.
  1812. >Pushing the doors open, the two of you enter the mall.
  1813. >Sweetie Belle is still elated at the fact that she's on a real date
  1814. >Usually, the two of you just have a shake and marvel at the fountain, but you're on a mission today.
  1815. >A mission of romance.
  1816. >With that in mind, you're going to pull out all the possible stops today.
  1817. >”So, Anon, what are we going to do today?”
  1818. >Turning towards Sweetie, you see her expectant self awaiting a response.
  1819. >Question is, what are you going to do?
  1820. >Game plan never really got established beyond the whole 'romancing Sweetie Belle' phase.
  1821. >But you aren't about to let down the marshmallow now.
  1822. “We're gonna do all the things!”
  1823. >”All the things?”
  1824. >She cocks her head as she ponders what that exactly entails.
  1825. >Now secure in the nebulous concept of your date, you begin to walk forward.
  1826. “Yup, all the things. Now, let's get this roller-coaster started.”
  1827. >The two of you make your way through the crowd in the mall.
  1828. >Lot of hustle and bustle today, but that's a good thing this time.
  1829. >Such a large amount of people will definitely be able to hide Rarity well.
  1830. >It'll also make it easier on you to not subconsciously search her out in a sparsely populated part of the mall.
  1831. >The last thing you need is to blow your chance to actually win back Rarity's favor.
  1832. >As you're lost in your internal planning, you are greeted by an old friend.
  1833. >Barely coming to a stop, you narrowly avoid knocking yourself into the directory.
  1834. >What is it with you and collisions, lately?
  1835. >Jostling that aside, it is actually fortuitous that you've run into it.
  1836. >You snag a picture of the directory on your phone and quickly set it as your lock screen.
  1837. >Having this map will make it easier to get along.
  1838. >If you get stuck, you can just whip it out and plan a new course for fun.
  1839. >Actually, something has already caught your eye on the stand.
  1840. “Hey, Sweetie, let's go to the photo booth.”
  1841. >Sweetie looks up at you with a pleased smile.
  1842. >Gotta commemorate the first date with a photo-strip or two, right?
  1843. >Moving through the crowd, the both of you make it towards the booth.
  1844. “Ladies first.”
  1845. >”My, what a gentleman~”
  1846. >She chuckles as she's ushered within the booth.
  1847. >Things a bit small for you, but you manage to squish inside well enough.
  1848. >At least it's just the two of you trying to fit in her.
  1849. >”So, what poses do we make?”
  1850. >Huh, you don't rightly know.
  1851. >Never had a chance to use one of these before.
  1852. “Man, that's a good question.”
  1853. >”How about we just do the first thing that comes to mind, honey?”
  1854. “Honey?”
  1855. >You look at Sweetie Belle, her cheeks puffed out indignantly.
  1856. >”I will find a pet name for you, and it will be good!”
  1857. >Seeing her cuteness, you are given an idea.
  1858. “Wait, Sweetie, don't move from that pose and follow my lead.”
  1859. >Popping in the dollar, you mimic her huff-and-puff stance.
  1860. >The first flash captures the picture.
  1861. >Little time to spare, you adopt a sad pose and shoot a quick look to Sweetie.
  1862. >She responds in kinds, and the two of you look like a commercial for teen Xoloft prescriptions.
  1863. >The second flash is done.
  1864. >Once it's over you adopt an apologetic stance and Sweetie looks as if she's considering it.
  1865. >Third flash over, you scramble to get in the last photo and trap her into a tender hug.
  1866. >Both of you share a genuine smile as the fourth flash goes off.
  1867. >Photo session completed, you both slip out of the booth and take a look at your strips.
  1868. >”Wow, this is great, Anon! I'm going to put this in my scrapbook!”
  1869. “Scrapbook?”
  1870. >Defensive once more, she puffs out her cheeks.
  1871. >”Don't judge me.”
  1872. >Cute as she is, you can't help but let of a laugh and tussle her hair.
  1873. >Taking a look at the photos, you realize that she's right.
  1874. “Yep, these are perfect in every sense of the words.”
  1875. >Aside from the great story behind it, you know Rarity will fall for these.
  1876. >Women love romantic photos.
  1877. >Phase one of however many phases exist done, you glean a bit of info from your phone and sally forth.
  1878. >Heading off through the crowd again, you end up in the pet shop.
  1879. >Wow, this place is quite packed.
  1880. >Sweetie Belle takes in the sight of all the loveable creatures before her.
  1881. >Neither of you were exactly Fluttershy, but you both had an appreciation for them.
  1882. >Walking through the aisles, you gaze into the many synchronized hamster wheels turning, occupied by hamsters, ferrets, mice and a squirrel.
  1883. >Damn, this place is so mesmerizing.
  1884. >After you manage to break the enchanting spell, you walk through to the fish section.
  1885. >The rainbow of aquatic lifeforms before you all gathered into large tanks amazes you both.
  1886. >Horrifying as some things in it are, the ocean still produces some amazingly beautiful organisms.
  1887. >Sweetie Belle tugs on your arm as she drags you toward the avian section of the store.
  1888. >This place is like stepping into a zoo.
  1889. >Feathers of all sorts come together in a beautiful mural accompanied by random squawks and chirps.
  1890. >Out of it all, the songbirds try to harmonize, but are drowned out by the rest of the birds.
  1891. >Leaving your side, Sweetie moves towards the songbirds and begins to harmonize with them.
  1892. >Emboldened by their new ally, they begin to drown out the rest of the cacophony in a beautiful melody.
  1893. >All the other birds and patrons begin to hush as your little buddy brings majestic order out of the chaos.
  1894. >Soon, she realizes exactly what she has done as people begin to clap for her.
  1895. >Now embarrassed, she grabs hold of you and exits the shop.
  1896. >The two of you sit down on a nearby bench and take it easy for a while as Sweetie decompresses.
  1897. >Until you hear a disruptive sound.
  1898. >Both of your stomachs go off, requesting something to fill them.
  1899. “Sounds like it's time to hit up the food court to me, Sweetie.”
  1900. >Nodding in agreement, you both head towards the escalators and embark toward the second floor.
  1901. >Once the both of you reach your ascent, you casually shuffle towards the assorted food venues.
  1902. >Sweetie Belle drifts automatically towards the shake station.
  1903. >Wait, no, you can't.
  1904. >Not today.
  1905. >Grabbing hold of Sweetie, you lead her towards the kosher juice station.
  1906. >Freshly squeezed juice is good for kids, right?
  1907. >”Anon, why are we here?”
  1908. >Your companion is puzzled by the divergence from your usual habits.
  1909. “Oh, well, milkshakes are good for chilling out and being comfortable, but we've got a lot of time ahead of us. Juice will be better for keeping us energetic and awake.”
  1910. >Sweetie turns the thought in her head for a while, ceding to your point.
  1911. >Happy with the ease of the matter, you pay the cashier and watch the jewish juicers juice juice.
  1912. >Eugh, that's a tongue-twister waiting to happen.
  1913. >Once done, you take the cups and walk towards the chinese place.
  1914. >At least you think it's chinese.
  1915. >Whatever it is, it's a healthier choice than the usual burger and fries.
  1916. >Sweetie doesn't seem to mind the change of pace, and loads up her order with fried rice and lo mein.
  1917. >You elect to get the orange chicken and some chow mein.
  1918. >Plates obtained, the two of you find a nice spot near the railing and proceed to indulge yourselves.
  1919. >Wow, this is actually kind of good.
  1920. >It may have been a while since you've seen her, but you know that she's watching the both of you right now.
  1921. >Looking over the railing, you find yourself wondering exactly who she's disguised as this time.
  1922. >Better to not question it, but you know that this will bug you in the back of your mind for a while.
  1923. >”Anon?”
  1924. >The marshmallow grabs your attention from the railing.
  1925. “Yes, Sweetie?”
  1926. >”I'm having a really fun time. Thank you.”
  1927. >Her smile tell you her words are genuine.
  1928. >You smile back at her.
  1929. “It's no trouble Sweetie. I'll always be willing to spend time with you.”
  1930. >Both of you share a tender moment in quiet bliss.
  1931. >”Sweetie Belle?”
  1932. >Or at least you were sharing a moment.
  1933. >The two voices that dragged you two back to reality belong to the rest of Sweetie's entourage.
  1934. >Scootaloo and Applebloom push themselves into the midst of your table, holding their own food.
  1935. >”What are y'all doing here?”
  1936. >Before you can tell the two intruders to fuck off, Sweetie Belle interjects.
  1937. >”Anon and I are hanging out.”
  1938. >Applebloom turns towards Sweetie and nearly knocks over your juice.
  1939. >”When you said you made plans, you meant you had a date?”
  1940. >”Wait, you two are on a date?”
  1941. >”Whoops.”
  1942. >Sweetie Belle begins to panic at the fact that Applebloom spilled the beans to Scootaloo.
  1943. >You stare daggers at Applebloom for her major goof.
  1944. >Scootaloo looks in surprise at the two of you.
  1945. >”Anon, your girlfriend is S-”
  1946. >Not wanting to draw the attention of any passersby, you put a finger to Scootaloo's lips.
  1947. “Scootaloo, I swear that if you even consider finishing that sentence, I will toss you over that railing.”
  1948. >Terrified, she nods her head in acknowledgment of your threat.
  1949. >Looking up from her platter, Sweetie Belle turns towards her friend.
  1950. >”What are you guys even doing here? I thought you were busy today.”
  1951. >”Ah wasn't looking to leave the farm today, but Applejack went into labor and ah can tell ya I didn't need to see that. Scootaloo's mom went after her with a waffle iron because she forgot to lock up the chicken coop, so she's waiting for her to cool down.”
  1952. >Perturbed, Applebloom looks between the two of you.
  1953. >”The most important question is, why didn't ya tell us y'all were going here? That hurts, knowing ya kept something secret like this. We tell each other everything.”
  1954. >”You guys didn't tell me anything!”
  1955. >”We were fixing to, ya big baby.”
  1956. >Sweetie Belle frowns, feeling ashamed at breaking the trust of the group.
  1957. >”I'm sorry, I should've told you.”
  1958. >Applebloom crosses her arms and rolls her eyes upward.
  1959. >”Ah guess we can forgive ya...but ya gotta take us along.”
  1960. >Wait, what?
  1961. >Looking at Applebloom, you can tell she's completely serious.
  1962. >In addition to the huge rack, she's got a large set of balls as well.
  1963. >”Along? Like, with us and stuff?”
  1964. >The head on her shoulders nods hard enough to blur.
  1965. >”Yep. Ya already beat us on the other side of the equation, but ah figure we can enjoy it just as much going along.”
  1966. >Holy shit, Applebloom really is hijacking Sweetie's first date.
  1967. >”W-wait, like, we'd get to go along with Sweetie? I've never done this sort of thing before.”
  1968. >Scootaloo looks like she's about to create a slipping hazard in the food court.
  1969. >Disturbing doesn't begin to describe her face.
  1970. >Having had enough of this, you decide to put your foot down on the matter.
  1971. “What do you two think you're doing? This is-”
  1972. >”Alright, you guys can come.”
  1973. >...Huh?
  1974. >Did Sweetie seriously just agree to this?
  1975. >”But only if it's okay with Anon.”
  1976. >The three girls turn to you, eager to see your response.
  1977. >Part of you knows that it'd look really sketchy from Rarity's perspective, but Sweetie herself actually doesn't seem to mind sharing the experience with her friends.
  1978. >It's admirable, the lengths she's willing to go to extend her friendship with them.
  1979. >Even though she's likely going to cost you a bit with your performance for Rarity, this gesture would likely mean a lot to her.
  1980. >Killing your fun is worth it if it means Sweetie Belle is going to have a fun time.
  1981. >Deep within you, you know that something's going to kill your wallet before the day is out.
  1982. “If it's going to be fun for you, Sweetie, I guess they can come.”
  1983. >Applebloom and Scootaloo squeal in delight at the news.
  1984. >They squish Sweetie in a hug, who seems more or less at peace with the idea.
  1985. >You wish you could share her emotion right now, but you realize that you just made a date with three Freshmen in likely full view of Rarity.
  1986. >Oh boy, isn't this going to be a nightmare.
  1987. >Shambling away from the food court, you gaze around at the second floor's shops.
  1988. >Having to decide on an activity to entertain three rather than one is not going to be easy.
  1989. >Especially with Scootaloo's proximity to you.
  1990. >You can feel the aura of desperation expanding behind you.
  1991. >Applebloom brushes by you as she excitedly points out towards one of the stores.
  1992. >”Oh, we should go in there!”
  1993. >Taking a closer look at the items inside, you realize it's a clothing store.
  1994. >Experience tells you that women and clothes shopping are a mixture for endless torment.
  1995. >As you're about to veto the outburst, the gaggle of girls giddily scuttle toward the shop.
  1996. >Heaven help you.
  1997. >
  1998. >It's only been half an hour, but to you it has been an eternity.
  1999. >Joining the other men on the waiting bench, you observe the broken and soulless look of your comrades in waiting.
  2000. >Likely they have been here for an hour, possibly two.
  2001. >These are braver souls than you.
  2002. >As you hang your head low, a large shadow looms over you.
  2003. >Sweetie Belle and Applebloom have returned from their excursion into the depths of fashion hell.
  2004. >But with significantly less than you expected on them.
  2005. >Sweetie Belle was wearing a new hat, which definitely complemented the rest of her new attire.
  2006. > a green bow instead of a red one.
  2007. “It took you guys that long to actually decide on what kind of head accessories to buy?”
  2008. >The ribbon-clad leech that you know as Applebloom frowns at your statement.
  2009. >”Do ya know how hard it is to find a bow in the exact shade of color as an apple?”
  2010. “I don't know and I don't really care. I've always been more partial to pomegranates than apples, anyway.”
  2011. >Applebloom gasps as if you just shot the Pope.
  2012. >”What a horrible thing to say to an apple farmer. Just for that, y'all are paying for our new clothes.”
  2013. “If it can get me out of here, fine.”
  2014. >Can't be more than eight dollars for all that, right?
  2015. >As you're about to move on to the register, you realize that one of them is missing.
  2016. "Hey, where did Scootaloo go?"
  2017. >Sweetie and Applebloom look behind them.
  2018. >"Oh, for crying out loud. Scootaloo, don't make us come back there."
  2019. >The threat is met with silence.
  2020. >Applebloom fumes at the cold shoulder to her response and grabs hold of the two of you, dragging you to the back of the store.
  2021. >She stops as she hits the door to a dressing room.
  2022. >”Okay, ya got to the count of three to come out, or ah am gonna go in there and get ya myself.”
  2023. >Mumbles come from the room.
  2024. >”One...two...three.”
  2025. >Applebloom makes good on her threat as she scales the door and the sounds of a minor scuffle break out.
  2026. >The door flings open as Applebloom's shoulder rams it.
  2027. >From behind the assertive farmgirl, you see Scootaloo.
  2028. >Dressed in something other than her trademark thrift shop hoodie and shorts.
  2029. >With this new outfit she...almost looks beautiful.
  2030. >”I told you I didn't want to come out.”
  2031. >”And ah told ya to stop being a chicken. Ya look perfectly fine. Isn't that right, Anon?”
  2032. >The two young girls wait for a response.
  2033. >Your attention has wandered to the fact that Scootaloo looks attractive, and has not made it home yet.
  2034. >Fingers snapping in your face bring you back to the present, and you belt out the first thing that comes to your mind.
  2035. “Yeah, you look sexy.”
  2036. >All three girls stare in surprise at your statement.
  2037. >Knowing that she actually look appealing to you, Scootaloo blushes at your comment.
  2038. >You want to vomit.
  2039. >Spaghetti spilled, you herd them to the register and produce your card.
  2040. >The clerk scans the items, and the tags on Scootaloo.
  2041. >Color drains from your face as you see the total.
  2042. >Your card whimpers in pain as the funds are sucked directly out of it.
  2043. >So, this is how your bank account dies.
  2044. >Not from Runescape membership, but on a date with Sweetie hijacked by Scootaloo and Applebloom.
  2045. >Man was not meant to suffer like this.
  2046. >After surrendering your hard-earned finances to the void, you walk out defeated.
  2047. >So much money, gone in the blink of an eye.
  2048. >The girls drag you along toward some other place, not intent on letting you rest.
  2049. >Looking at the sign on the entrance, you can clearly make out the word 'tattoo'.
  2050. >It's not long enough for you to see what the rest of the phrase is, but seeing that word makes your heart drop.
  2051. >As you're about to voice your discontent with the decision of the girls, you realize that there are plenty of other young children in here.
  2052. >Oh, this must be one of those newfangled temporary tattoo parlors.
  2053. >So, this is essentially like advanced face painting.
  2054. >There's nothing wrong with that, right?
  2055. >Glancing at the wall, you check out the price ranges.
  2056. >It's only a couple of dollars for these things.
  2057. >Frugal activities are welcome after the fiasco a few minutes back.
  2058. >”Can I help you, sir?”
  2059. >A woman with feathered hair approaches you, covered in actual tattoos.
  2060. “Uh, just take care of these three for me. I'm gonna go wait on the bench.”
  2061. >”Ya ain't coming with us?”
  2062. >Looking down at Applebloom, she has a wide grin on her face.
  2063. “Please don't let them go wild with the requests.”
  2064. >Applebloom frowns as you likely ruin her plan.
  2065. >The woman herds them toward her station and you sit down with the collection of other people in the waiting area.
  2066. >Looking at the table, you see a very scant selection of magazines.
  2067. >And a tattoo catalog.
  2068. >You observe the contents within.
  2069. >Holy shit, are you glad that you decided to nip the plans of Applebloom in the bud.
  2070. >As beautiful as some of these temporary tattoos are, quite a few of them would be far more than you'd want anyone seeing on any of the girls.
  2071. >The last thing you need for Rarity to see is any of these girls looking like underage asian prostitutes.
  2072. >”Alright, sir, the girls are done. Pay at the counter.”
  2073. >Your attention switches out of the catalog as you watch the woman walk away from you.
  2074. >The girls are giggling at the checkout.
  2075. >Shit, this can't be good.
  2076. >Casually, you walk up to the congregation to assess the damage.
  2077. “Enjoying yourselves?”
  2078. >The trio whips around, giving you the opportunity to view their tattoos.
  2079. >Which are far more subdued than you expected.
  2080. >Unsurprisingly, Applebloom has gotten an apple on both of her cheeks.
  2081. >Sweetie Belle got whiskers.
  2082. >Girl really is quite the kid inside still.
  2083. >This is basically advanced face painting.
  2084. >Looking at Scootaloo, you can only see a blush on her cheeks.
  2085. “Wait, Scootaloo, were you too embarassed to get yourself something?”
  2086. >Before she can respond, Applebloom interjects.
  2087. >”Oh no, she got something. Something pretty great.”
  2088. >Applebloom slaps Scootaloo's arms away from her midriff and reveals her temporary tattoo.
  2089. >...Every part of you refuses to actually believe what you're actually seeing right now.
  2090. >It takes quite a bit of willpower to not burst out in laughter.
  2091. >But you can barely hide that smirk of yours.
  2092. >Now you understand why they were giggling.
  2093. “Scootaloo, I know that there are many things I will never understand about you, but please enlighten me on why that's what you got.”
  2094. >The embarrassed girl fidgets uncomfortably as you all revel in her misery.
  2095. >”I...I think my request was misinterpreted by the staff.”
  2096. >Plopping down the payment and stuffing the tip jar, you huddle the girls together and usher them out of the store.
  2097. >Sweetie Belle and Applebloom are still clutching their sides as Scootaloo makes every effort to hide her shame from the rest of the public's view.
  2098. >And for good reason, too.
  2099. >You don't know what exactly she was thinking, but you know that the artist deserves that tip.
  2100. >Regardless of the initial intent, you know she won't live down that stencil of an overweight chicken.
  2101. >Considering the many things that could have gone wrong, you definitely ended up on the winning side of that episode.
  2102. >Sneaking out your phone, you glance at the time and the directory.
  2103. >You've pretty much seen most of what this floor has to offer.
  2104. >The girls seem content with their current status, however.
  2105. >Scootaloo still won't give up covering that mistake, though.
  2106. >You would pity her if she didn't dig her own grave willingly.
  2107. >As you're slowly shuffling through the dwindling crowd, you feel Applebloom tug on your arm.
  2108. >”Hey, Anon, let's go in there!”
  2109. >Following her finger, you see she's pointing towards a photo booth.
  2110. >It's large enough to accommodate the group you have here.
  2111. >”W-wait, I don't wanna go in there!”
  2112. >Scootaloo objects, but you can already see Applebloom pushing her towards the booth with Sweetie Belle in tow, muttering something as they blaze ahead of you.
  2113. >Applebloom glances back at you and motions you towards them.
  2114. >This'll be easy enough to manage, you suppose.
  2115. >You follow the girls into the booth, and they put you in the middle of the group.
  2116. >Slipping in the fee, you sit back and prepare yourself.
  2117. >Bloom and Sweetie strike a few cute poses, eating up the first three shots.
  2118. >Scootaloo just blushes as she hides her shame.
  2119. >Having them so calm has you relax.
  2120. >When you notice the look on Applebloom, you realize that you have made an error in letting down your guard.
  2121. >As the final flash is about to come, you see Applebloom and Scootaloo grab hold of their shirts, with Applebloom grabbing onto Sweetie Belle's.
  2122. >Your stomach lurches as the fabric lifts away from their bodies and the final light fills the booth.
  2123. >In that flash, a brief glimpse of your future fills you with terror at the thought of anyone seeing that last photo.
  2124. >Rarity would truly be the least of your worries at that point.
  2125. >Fucking hell, why did you relax!?
  2126. >Sweetie Belle pulls her shirt back down, embarrassed at the unexpected exposure.
  2127. >Applebloom and Scootaloo still have them up.
  2128. >Without any time to spare, you grab hold of their clothing and pull them back down.
  2129. >Decency restored, you rush out of the booth and grab hold of the strips before anyone can even have the chance to glimpse at them.
  2130. >Thankfully the majority of the people are migrating away from your section of the floor.
  2131. >Applebloom pops out of the booth, the others trailing behind her.
  2132. >”What's the rush, Anon? They ain't going anywhere.”
  2133. >Every ounce of your willpower is going towards not yelling at Applebloom in full force right now.
  2134. “Applebloom, what the hell was that? That was completely uncool!”
  2135. >”Calm down, Anon. We're just funning around, ya worrywart.”
  2136. >You really want to slap her right now.
  2137. “This isn't a joke! I'd be in serious trouble if anyone saw these!”
  2138. >While flailing around to emphasize your point, your grip loosens slightly and one falls to the ground.
  2139. >Scrambling for it, you look around until you see that behind you, someone is staring directly at it.
  2140. >You know that face.
  2141. >Soarin is staring at you in what you can only imagine to be intent to contact the police.
  2142. “Wait, Soarin, this isn't what you think! I can explain!”
  2143. >”It's alright, bro, I get it.”
  2144. “Please don't call the, wait, what?”
  2145. >Soarin calmly hands you back the photo.
  2146. >Your mind is reeling at the fact that someone's actually not trying to form a lynch mob right now.
  2147. >”Don't worry, bro, I'm not gonna say anything. I know your pain.”
  2148. >As you are about to question his statement, two girls you recognize flock to him.
  2149. >”Soarin, don't run off like that! We still need to go to the fourth floor~”
  2150. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are fawning over him completely.
  2151. >They pull him away before you can respond to him.
  2152. >A burden lifts from your heart knowing someone has the same misfortune as you.
  2153. >”Was that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?”
  2154. >”Ya know, I think that was.”
  2155. >The girls have flocked to your side again.
  2156. >”Did they say something about the fourth floor?”
  2157. >Sweetie Belle posits an innocent enough question.
  2158. >”They did! We should go up there if they are!”
  2159. >Oh hell no.
  2160. >Not only is that the most 'adult' place in the mall, but it is also fucking expensive.
  2161. >You nearly collapsed from merely putting your money into a mediocre fashion exchange.
  2162. >A transaction like those present on the fourth floor would kill you.
  2163. >Grabbing hold of the girls before they can actually march on, you prepare to set your foot down.
  2164. “We aren't going to the fourth floor.”
  2165. >The revelation is met with resistance.
  2166. >”But why not? Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are going up there, and anything they can do, we can do better!”
  2167. >All three nod in affirmation of their superiority towards their rivals.
  2168. >Like hell you're going to let this go on, though.
  2169. “We aren't going to the fourth floor, because we'd be late.”
  2170. >They cock their heads as they look at you.
  2171. >”Late for what?”
  2172. >Shit, you didn't think too far ahead.
  2173. >Make up a lie, damn you!
  2174. “Late for...the movies?”
  2175. >They look at you puzzled for a minute, before they burst out screaming in joy.
  2176. >Your plan has worked, and your wallet is safe for another day.
  2177. >Excited, they run off towards the down escalator and you follow them.
  2178. >Grabbing hold of your phone, you type to Rarity that there has been a slight change in plans, and that you are going to be heading to the movies.
  2179. >The text is met with no response, however.
  2180. >You really hope that she's just preoccupied in getting out of the mall.
  2181. >It's been a few minutes in the car already.
  2182. >Scootaloo and Applebloom have been prattling on in the back for some time.
  2183. >Your real date, however, sits in the front seat.
  2184. >Both of you are content to exchange glances at each other, enjoying the feeling that Scootaloo and Applebloom don't really exist.
  2185. >”Hey, Anon?”
  2186. >For as long as it lasted, anyway.
  2187. >Vexed, you restrain yourself from berating Applebloom for ruining your silent joy.
  2188. “Yes, Applebloom?”
  2189. >”Ah've been thinking for a while...why haven't y'all been doing anything intimate this whole time?”
  2190. >Sweetie Belle shrinks into her seat.
  2191. >You know what kind of 'intimate' she's thinking about.
  2192. “Applebloom, why the hell are you asking this?”
  2193. >She purses her lips into a pout.
  2194. >”Because y'all are supposedly boyfriend and girlfriend, yet ya didn't even try to hold her hand or touch her on her butt once.”
  2195. >Why must your patience be tried?
  2196. “Applebloom, I'm not going to be doing that in public. I don't need to cause hassle for Sweetie and myself.”
  2197. >Certainly not with Rarity looking at the both of you from the shadows.
  2198. >”So do you guys even, like, do that alone?”
  2199. >Fucking dammit, Scootaloo.
  2200. “Scoots, that's none of your business.”
  2201. >”Did ya stick it in her yet?”
  2202. >Both you and Sweetie Belle turn cherry red.
  2203. >You try to focus on driving so you don't crash into something in your flustered state.
  2204. >”Y'all ain't even done the deed yet?!”
  2205. >”Anon says we can't until Rarity says it's okay.”
  2206. >Sweetie Belle, still sunk into her seat, manages to squeak out her version of the story.
  2207. >Of course, that's not exactly how the progression of events is going to go.
  2208. >”The hell kinda system is that? Ya can't have a relationship without the good stuff.”
  2209. >What's Applebloom's deal today?
  2210. >Did someone slip something in her oatmeal?
  2211. >”Sweetie, have ya even tried getting him hard yet?”
  2212. >There must be an off-switch on her, somewhere.
  2213. “Applebloom, please stop.”
  2214. >”But don't y'all want to do it?”
  2215. >Everything about this conversation has spiraled out of control.
  2216. >”B-but we can't right now, Applebloom.”
  2217. >Poor Sweetie, taking the brunt of the suffering in this car.
  2218. >Looking in the rearview, you notice Applebloom gets a smile onto her face.
  2219. >”Well, if y'all don't plan to be doing that anytime soon, how do ya feel about someone else?”
  2220. >...
  2221. >This has gotten too real, and too fast.
  2222. >”Someone else?”
  2223. >”Yeah, Sweetie Belle. If y'all can't have each other right now, ah would be willing to get molested on your behalf as your friend.”
  2224. >Precociousness abounds in that girl.
  2225. >Scootaloo looks over toward Applebloom in jealous frustation.
  2226. >”H-hey! Don't go leaving me out! I could be molested for Sweetie Belle, too!”
  2227. >”Scootaloo, ah love ya like a sister, but that's just not possible. Ya have to be underage to get molested, and ya had your 15th birthday a few months ago. That's the legal age in the state of Equestria.”
  2228. >Crestfallen at the news, Scootaloo slinks dejectedly back into her chair, realizing her dreams of being molested are now impossible.
  2229. >You however revile at the fact that Applebloom has taken the time to understand the Age of Consent laws and that she's essentially soliciting you for sex.
  2230. >In front of Sweetie Belle.
  2231. >”So, what do ya say, Sweetie?”
  2232. >As you're about to lay down the law with her, Sweetie Belle looks between the two of you.
  2233. >”I-I guess that it would be unfair to Anon to have him wait for me.”
  2234. >Sweetie Belle, don't do this.
  2235. >”And we are really good friends.”
  2236. >End this farce while you have the chance!
  2237. >”So I guess it's alright for you to take care of Anon for me. B-but only if he wants to!”
  2238. >Out in the vastness of the infinite universe, there likely floats a mass of marbles grander than the entirety of the Andromeda Galaxy.
  2239. >For in this car, it seems that they have been lost to the eternal abyss of outer space.
  2240. >"Alright then. We're all settled on the matter. If Anon needs to satisfy his manly urges, I shall take it upon myself until Rarity gives y'all the go ahead."
  2241. >The succubus known as Applebloom extends her hand out to Sweetie Belle, who shakes her hand in kind.
  2242. >Applebloom's grin unnerves you in a way that goes far beyond anything even Scootaloo has given you before.
  2243. >Soon, the full weight of the situation dawns on you.
  2244. >Your sexual fate has been decided without your input.
  2245. >By three girls in your own car.
  2246. >In any other circumstance, this would be extremely hot.
  2247. >Despite your unwillingness to agree to this deal, nothing in your life has ever prepared you for something like this.
  2248. >Back during sex ed, you were taught that if someone was trying to touch you in a way or place that made you uncomfortable, that you got an adult.
  2249. >This information is of no help when the role has been reversed.
  2250. >Unsure of whatever else to do, you quietly accept the reality of the situation before you.
  2251. >Happily, the lot of the theater comes into view, and you pull in.
  2252. >Anything to get away from the horrible situation befalling you.
  2253. >You step out of the car and walk towards the ticket booth.
  2254. >Regardless of what it is, in your zombified state all you can do is ask for 4 tickets to the nearest airing movie.
  2255. >It's not until you feel the cold air rushing onto your face in the entrance of the theater that you come back to the waking world.
  2256. >The girls fall in behind you, Sweetie Belle holding onto your arm for comfort after the onslaught of lust from Applebloom.
  2257. >Scootaloo and Applebloom head towards the concession stand without the two of you.
  2258. >Applebloom looks back surreptitiously at you and winks as she laughs.
  2259. >Sweetie Belle grips onto your arm tighter.
  2260. >Unclean sensations of being violated fill your mind as her hips sway in an unnaturally seductive walk.
  2261. >May God have mercy on your soul today.
  2262. >How long has this movie been going for?
  2263. >Fifty minutes?
  2264. >It sounds innocent enough, if you didn't accidentally purchase tickets to the newest chick flick that has been thrown into theaters.
  2265. >Every scene has been excruciatingly boring.
  2266. >You take the opportunity to blink for the first time in minutes.
  2267. >The air stings your eyes as you remove yourself from the haze of terrible cinema.
  2268. >Looking around in the movie theater, you realize that you aren't the only one suffering.
  2269. >It might not be packed due to being an early screening, but there's still a substantial presence in the audience.
  2270. >Which is why you've taken the liberty to make sure no incidents arise in the theater.
  2271. >Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sit to your side, providing a buffer zone from Applebloom.
  2272. >During your execution of the marvelous cockblock maneuver, Applebloom seemed quite ready to balk.
  2273. >Thankfully, the movie started soon enough that she couldn't strong-arm her way near you.
  2274. >No one's getting your Lucky Charms today if you can help it.
  2275. >”Ugh, this is so gross. Why did you drag us into here, Anon?”
  2276. >Silent as her words were, in the absence of cellphones it was easy enough to hear her statement.
  2277. >The other two girls shush the heretical Scootaloo.
  2278. >Her disappointment isn't stifled by the peer pressure, and Scootaloo buries her head into the bucket of popcorn resting on her lap.
  2279. >Guess that even if her shorts come off, she's still as tomboyish as Dash.
  2280. >Wait, that came out wrong.
  2281. >Fuck it, it's not like anyone can hear your thoughts anyway.
  2282. >Otherwise you'd have probably been lynched by the raging monsoon of estrogen in the theater for daring to complain about the movie.
  2283. >You don't even really know what's going on at the moment.
  2284. >All of your attention has fluttered back and forth between boredom and the movie.
  2285. >Dude has a brain tumor or something, but you haven't really been able to comprehend the plot since the first few minutes.
  2286. >Regardless of the date or not, you're about to walk out of the theater if only to stave off the sleep your brain is crying out for.
  2287. >As you feel your legs wanting to wind up and go, something in the movie actually catches your attention.
  2288. >Both the male and female lead have apparently said something so emotionally charged that the theater is filling with the sound of stifled emotional outburts.
  2289. >Even Applebloom has her eyes starting to tear up.
  2290. >It's grand to see an emotion aside from lust on her.
  2291. >Curious at how Scootaloo is holding up, you look over to where she had been sitting.
  2292. >Only to find her missing, with her popcorn bucket occupying the seat in her stead
  2293. >...
  2294. >That can't be good.
  2295. >Sweetie and Applebloom haven't seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary yet.
  2296. >A quick beat stirs in your heart as your eyes dart across the room, wondering where she has gone off to.
  2297. >Light crunching draws your attention to the floor below you, and you see Scootaloo on her knees staring at you.
  2298. >Due to the layer of nearly fossilized snack remnants, the sound is fairly muffled.
  2299. >Everyone else is too distracted elsewhere to notice her.
  2300. >As you're about to ask Scootaloo what the hell she's doing down there, she places her head on your lap.
  2301. >The sensation of someone near your dick stirs an instinctual reaction.
  2302. >Scootaloo looks in surprise as the bulge forms right under her nose.
  2303. >You don't know what game she's playing at, but you know that she does not have any good intentions being here.
  2304. >Every fear you have is verified as Scootaloo looks you in the eye, while she plants her face right into your crotch like a mutt looking for pants crumbs.
  2305. >Her determination for molestation appears to have not been abated by Applebloom's dissertation.
  2306. >While you certainly have the drive and the strength to strangle her right then and there, everyone's going to notice the sounds of you killing Scootaloo.
  2307. >You elect to control yourself for the time being and merely grab hold of her shoulders.
  2308. >Scootaloo shudders a bit as she doesn't quite know what you're going to do next.
  2309. >Truly, you didn't know what exactly you were going to do either, but you just go with the feeling in your heart.
  2310. >And shove Scootaloo under your seat.
  2311. >She tries to let out a few cries of agony, no doubt horrified at the roaches and living piles of rotten food fighting for dominance of the underside of the aisles.
  2312. >But not a sound escapes her sticky prison thanks to the nasty insulation.
  2313. >Well, that's one problem solved.
  2314. >You decide to take care of the other and walk out of the room.
  2315. >The feeling of cold air is pleasant as you walk through the corridor and towards the bathroom.
  2316. >Once you reach the door, you push past it and hit up the sink.
  2317. >Grabbing a heaping handful of soap, you get to work and scrub away like the madman you've turned into.
  2318. >Even touching Scootaloo is enough to make you feel dirty.
  2319. >Looks like you have to now watch out for the admittedly cleaned-up, yet still desperate and slightly creepy girl.
  2320. >It does feel good to be away from the other two girls right now, though.
  2321. >Annoying as they are, you do still enjoy being with Sweetie again.
  2322. >Rarity's is still probably questioning why the girls tagged along with you, though.
  2323. >You really wish Sweetie Belle hadn't actually given the go ahead for them to tag along.
  2324. >But it really is just her well-meaning nature and kind heart that the two of them took advantage of.
  2325. >Well, mostly Applebloom.
  2326. >She's certainly the leader of the group, that's for sure.
  2327. >How that girl is the sister of Applejack, you will never know.
  2328. >While you are caught up in your scrubbing, a hand finds itself on your back.
  2329. >You really hope that hand is Rarity's.
  2330. >Turning slowly around, you realize the skin on that hand is not the white you expected.
  2331. >Instead, it belongs to the bow-clad devil you've come to know as Applebloom.
  2332. >”Why did ya run off like that, Anon?”
  2333. >Many things come to mind right now, but your mind only has one really pressing thought.
  2334. “Applebloom, what are you doing in the men's room!?”
  2335. >She giggles at your flustered state.
  2336. >”Quit being silly, Anon. Ya know that the theater made the bathrooms gender neutral.”
  2337. >In your haste to get Applebloom the fuck away from you, you forgot that fact.
  2338. >The little succubus inches her way closer to you.
  2339. >”Something bothering ya, Anon?”
  2340. >Cold fear runs over your body, as you feel Applebloom's hand land on Anon Jr.
  2341. “Applebloom, what the fuck are you doing!”
  2342. >Feeling you up, she looks at you in surprise as she feels your already hardening member.
  2343. >”Huh? Did ya get a boner from watching the movie?”
  2344. >Embarrassment floods your face.
  2345. “N-no! It wasn't the movie, it was Scootaloo!”
  2346. >”Scootaloo?”
  2347. >Fucking hell, you need to stop doing that.
  2348. >”Is she still trying? Poor girl just doesn't know when to quit.”
  2349. >Neither does Applebloom, apparently.
  2350. >Trying to regain a grip on the situation, you back away from her and put out your palm.
  2351. “Applebloom, no, whatever thought you've go going on in your head has to stop.”
  2352. >She looks at you with a crooked head and a raised brow.
  2353. >”Ah don't know what y'all are going on about.”
  2354. “Don't give me that! You weren't even her 10 seconds, and you're already trying to purloin my dick!”
  2355. >”My, what words. Ah don't rightly think that's the proper way to talk to a young girl like me, Anon.”
  2356. >You are so done with this situation.
  2357. >The spine in your body finally comes back into reality.
  2358. “Applebloom, regardless of what you and Sweetie agreed to in the car, I have no intention of letting you anywhere near my man jewels!”
  2359. >Your show of strength makes her look at you in shock, until that grin comes back.
  2360. >”Do ya wanna know something, Anon? Y'all are cute thinking this had anything to do with that.”
  2361. >She steps forward toward you.
  2362. >You shrink back and attempt to keep her at arm's length.
  2363. >”Ah just didn't feel right about making moves on Sweetie's boyfriend without getting the go ahead. Ah have that kind of integrity.”
  2364. >Hard tile hits your back as you run out of area to move into.
  2365. >Applebloom grabs onto your hand with her as she looks at you with that awful grin.
  2366. >”Y'all have a habit of making this more difficult than it needs to be.”
  2367. >With your hand firmly in her grasp, she takes a digit and suckles on it like a nursing calf.
  2368. >Disgusted, you pull back your hand and revile at the implication.
  2369. >Applebloom only giggles as she further advances on you and lifts her shirt again.
  2370. “S-stop, Applebloom! I already told you I'm not going to do it!”
  2371. >”Oh, ya said that, but ah think ya need to just let me have some fun before someone sees us in here.”
  2372. >Your heart races as you realize anyone could come in here and see what's going on any second.
  2373. >”Now, ah don't intend to get in your way with Sweetie, but someone might see us and get the wrong idea. Ah know ya wouldn't harm a poor little thing like me, but that don't mean others won't try to arrest ya.”
  2374. >Applebloom has been planning this all from the start.
  2375. >What the actual fuck is wrong with the Apple family?
  2376. >”There ain't much ah'm asking for, just a little sample.”
  2377. >Applebloom pushes her arms onto both sides of the wall behind you, and presses her breasts up against you.
  2378. >Her nipples are rock hard and dig into your abdomen.
  2379. >”Do ya have any idea what it is like on that farm? Everything there is getting some but me. Even Applejack finally got herself something, but ah ain't had squat!”
  2380. >Applebloom grinds herself into your crotch, breathing heavily onto you.
  2381. >Every part of your body seizes up as you realize that she intends wholly to rustle your jimmies.
  2382. >As Applebloom is about to work her way down to your zipper, the creaking of the door forces the both of you to look behind you.
  2383. >With her attention shifted, you find it easily within your power to escape now.
  2384. >But they'll still see a half-nude Applebloom here with you.
  2385. >Not much is available to you as a measure to actually prevent yourself from being branded a pedophile.
  2386. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see that the stall nearest the handicap is slightly open.
  2387. >You grab Applebloom however you can and force the two of you in there.
  2388. >Hopefully whoever was out at the door didn't actually see the both of you trying to crowd into the stall.
  2389. >Locking the door, you try to remain absolutely still as Applebloom is suspended on top of you.
  2390. >Clacking heels fill the room with sound, and you hear the footsteps reach towards the stall next to you.
  2391. >Sound begins to lose meaning to you as your eardrums are drowning out with your own heartbeat.
  2392. >Applebloom has pushed your non-clasped hand onto her breast.
  2393. >Even with someone next to you, she still won't stop.
  2394. >Soon, the clacking returns again.
  2395. >It walks closer towards your stall.
  2396. >Before long, you can see a pair of fancy shoes under the stall with what little light comes through.
  2397. >They aren't Rarity's, but they're high-quality enough to make you wonder who could possibly afford those.
  2398. >Minutes go by as the person stands in front of your stall door, likely wondering what is going on in there.
  2399. >You're still occupied with stifling the moans coming from Applebloom as she forces your hand to massage her breast, and your pants start to feel damp.
  2400. >Fleeting thoughts of boiling your hands fill your mind as Applebloom rubs herself into you.
  2401. >Relief hits when you see the shoes vanish from your sight and the sound of the door graces your ears.
  2402. >Until Applebloom takes this opportunity to twist out from under your thumb and wrap around you.
  2403. >She's as determined as she is sex-starved.
  2404. >You try to pry her off of your body, but she's apparently gotten onto you too well to simply scrape off.
  2405. >Her legs are like a damn vise.
  2406. >Damn the physically demanding life of farm management for giving her the strength she has.
  2407. >To make matters worse, you feel a slick sensation on your slightly exposed skin.
  2408. >Looking down, you see she managed to slip out of her pants during your attempt at concealment.
  2409. >While still somehow wearing those boots of hers.
  2410. >You'd be impressed if you weren't trying to kick her off of you right now.
  2411. “Applebloom, get off!”
  2412. >”What do ya think ah'm trying to do!”
  2413. >Your blood pumps hard as you hear the sounds of your zipper coming undone.
  2414. >Applebloom's legs still haven't loosened their grip, and she's moving ever closer to getting your dick out of your pants.
  2415. >Making every effort to get her off of you, you try to reach for your zipper in order to close up your jeans again.
  2416. >She's not having any of it however, as she positions her body to keep you from getting through to her objective.
  2417. >This situation has become grimmer by the second for you.
  2418. >You make an attempt to appeal to her more rational side, as futile as it may be.
  2419. “Applebloom, stop this right now; how would Applejack react to all of this?!”
  2420. >She only delves deeper into that manic grin of hers.
  2421. >You shouldn't have anything to fear from a young girl like her, but you can't help it now.
  2422. >”My sister only cares about apples! Apples and nothing else! Ain't no other fruit or subject matters.”
  2423. >Applebloom gets further into your face as she frees your willy from its cloth prison.
  2424. >This is leagues worse than your horrendously scarring ordeal with Jarity.
  2425. >”So I don't think she'll care much about this little episode; after all...”
  2426. >Your heart skips a beat as you feel her warm nethers stimulating your own.
  2427. >”Apple farmers have no real need for cherries anyway~”
  2428. >It's not long before blood begins to rush down to your penis.
  2429. >Her movements have brought your boner to its fullest potential.
  2430. >A pit forms in your stomach as you feel disgusted with yourself for enjoying the sensation.
  2431. >You're about to try once more to buck Applebloom off of you, but then you realize that she's locked her arms about you.
  2432. >She raises herself until you can feel the pressure on your head.
  2433. >”Finally, ah'm gonna get what ah deserve...”
  2434. >It seems that this is really going to happen.
  2435. >You're going to be raped in the theater bathroom by a teenage girl.
  2436. >When did your life become such a mess?
  2437. >Feeling the sudden stop, you realize that she's pointed herself right onto the target.
  2438. >Even as the imminent rape looms over you, you can't help but feel that this is going to be horrible for Sweetie Belle.
  2439. >As accepting as she seemed of it, you know that this would hurt her.
  2440. >This is beyond moot now, as you're already past the point of no return.
  2441. >You give into the hopelessness, since there really is not anything you can do to stop this short of beating her off of you.
  2442. >Resigned as you are, Applebloom merely continues her assault and you wait for the inevitable.
  2443. >The force of Applebloom's hips hits your member.
  2444. >...But not much else of not happens.
  2445. >”W-what the...what the hell is this?”
  2446. >Applebloom repeatedly tries to slam herself onto your expanded dong, but nothing happens.
  2447. >It actually starts to hurt, like punching a side of ham with your dick.
  2448. >”Why won't it go in?!”
  2449. >...Holy shit.
  2450. >It's finally dawned on you.
  2451. “Applebloom, does it not fit?”
  2452. >She looks at you with tears in her eyes, crushed at the reality that her love tunnel is too small to actually penetrate.
  2453. >Who knew?
  2454. >Having gone through so much so quickly, Applebloom begins to loosen that iron grip of hers.
  2455. >You don't know whether it was the physical exhaustion from fighting you for the dicking, or the mental exhaustion due to her inability to seal the deal.
  2456. >Whichever, you watch happily as she slumps off of you and onto the floor.
  2457. >She looks like she's about to break down crying, but you feel nothing for her.
  2458. >”Why? All I wanted was to finally have sex. Is that so much to ask for from this world?”
  2459. >The imminent rape having been thwarted, your erection subsides again.
  2460. >You put your limp member back into your pants where it belongs, and breathe deeply.
  2461. >Looking down at Applebloom, she's still trying to cope.
  2462. >Tired of being locked up in this place, you push the stall open and right Applebloom.
  2463. >You pull her shirt back over her breasts and hand her the pants she somehow slipped out of.
  2464. >With the situation having been resolved, you walk out of the stall and push open the door.
  2465. >Boy, are you glad that's over w-
  2466. >”Anon?”
  2467. >You make a dead stop as you stare at the young girl before you.
  2468. >Scootaloo is standing behind her, covered in bits of popcorn.
  2469. “O-oh, hey, Sweetie.”
  2470. >”How long have you been in here?”
  2471. >As you're about to answer, Applebloom comes out from behind you, clothed and depressed.
  2472. >Sweetie frowns as she puts two and two together in her head.
  2473. >Behind her, Scootaloo looks like she's extremely jealous.
  2474. >You scramble to find words, but Sweetie just drops her head and walks off towards the lobby.
  2475. >”I'm going to go sit in the car.”
  2476. >Your heart hurts as you watch her walk off.
  2477. >The other two seem to share in the feeling as they see Sweetie's gloom.
  2478. >Fuck the rest of the movie.
  2479. >You grab the other two and follow behind her.
  2480. >Didn't want to have to use this yet, but you're not letting Sweetie Belle wallow in grief like that.
  2481. >It's been a solid 15 minutes by now.
  2482. >Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom have shown no inherent change in their mood.
  2483. >Scootaloo looks uncomfortable with the sadness, but you don't give a rat's ass about how she feels.
  2484. >You hate to use this trump card so early on in your relationship with Sweetie Belle, but it needs to be done.
  2485. >Rarity actually responded when you told her where it was you were going to be, asking if she had given you brain damage.
  2486. >Seems like she didn't catch any of what went on, thankfully.
  2487. >But you're getting ahead of yourself.
  2488. >What matters is your plan.
  2489. >Pulling into the lot, you see no one else is around.
  2490. >That's not really surprising, since it isn't a school day.
  2491. >”Wait, why are we here? I thought this was a date, not a field trip.”
  2492. >Scootaloo, as usual, won't shut her mouth.
  2493. >But there's not time for beatings right now.
  2494. >It's going to work.
  2495. >Parking in the nearest spot you can, you assist the girls out of the car.
  2496. >Sweetie might be sad, but Applebloom seems to have lost all will to live.
  2497. >Part of you wants to sympathize with her, but she tried to rape you and that is not okay.
  2498. >You keep an eye on Sweetie as you ascend the steps.
  2499. >Poor girl is so shaken.
  2500. >With a steady heart, you soldier on past the admittance booth.
  2501. >Free Saturday is a blessing.
  2502. >The doors part and reveal to you the promised land.
  2503. >As empty as you could have hoped for.
  2504. >You don't know how this place stays open, but it's likely government funding.
  2505. >Scootaloo breaks away from the pack and looks around in front of you.
  2506. >”...This place is kind of boring.”
  2507. >Fuck you, Scoots.
  2508. >Ignoring the detractor, you prod Sweetie and the others forth.
  2509. >The few staff members who are there seem pretty disinterested in your small group.
  2510. >Less attention, the better.
  2511. >As you look back at the girls, you can't help but drift towards Sweetie.
  2512. >She's still fairly crestfallen.
  2513. >You swear you will bring back that smile with the advent of science.
  2514. >Walking past the multiple other exhibits, you can hear the sad sighs of Applebloom.
  2515. >Even as bad as she wronged you, you hope that she'll cheer up when you take them in.
  2516. >No one seems to be around this portion of the museum, and you couldn't be happier about that.
  2517. >Fossils and artifacts go by as you catch sight of your goal: the science wing.
  2518. >The large doors before you to the best exhibit give way as you enter the dimly lit zone.
  2519. >With the group gathered inside, you walk up towards the button located in the middle.
  2520. >Every single one of your hopes are pinned on this one moment.
  2521. >But you know that this is the best way to take care of it.
  2522. >As the little light within the room fades, the girls begin to huddle closer to you, unsure of exactly what is commencing.
  2523. >Won't be too long now.
  2524. >Music softly enters the room as a single point of light emerges from the top of the dome you reside in.
  2525. >Soon, the light bursts everywhere, as it expands over the rest of the dome.
  2526. >The girls look on in awe as the world above them goes completely white.
  2527. >It fades soon as the light gives way to the void of darkness.
  2528. >However, it is not the end.
  2529. >More light begins to fill the rest of the abyss above you, clearing away the darkness previously there.
  2530. >The girls then realize that they are watching a rendition of the universe coming into the reality you live in now, set to Chopin.
  2531. >Despite how much this move was important to save for later, you know it will work swimmingly.
  2532. >Rainbow Dash herself fell completely for you with this place.
  2533. >Enough with words, though.
  2534. >Action is required here.
  2535. >Stepping away from the girls, you take a deep breath and turn towards your marshmallow beauty.
  2536. >Extending your hand, she stares at you in confusion at your now less than usual mood.
  2537. >Zeal in your soul, you put on your softest smile and bow slightly.
  2538. “Sweetie, would it be possible for me to interest you in a dance?”
  2539. >You know that she's still not sure about this, but you keep on.
  2540. >Happily enough, she relents in her demeanor.
  2541. >Sweetie put her hand in yours, and you watch her step away from the others.
  2542. >Extending out your arms, you come together seamlessly in the perfect stance.
  2543. >Already, you begin to see the cracks in her sadness.
  2544. >By no measure is this enough, though.
  2545. >Unwilling to falter, you keep yourself from falling with your terrible coordination.
  2546. >Everything begins to melt away from the two of you, as you bask in the splendor of your embrace.
  2547. >Deftly, you begin to glide across the room as the galaxies comprising existence coalesce around you.
  2548. >”A-Anon-”
  2549. >Sweetie tries to say something, but you merely shush her gently and proceed about the room.
  2550. >The stars begin to form as the waltz you have made pick up in intensity.
  2551. >Sweetie becomes enthralled at the show before her.
  2552. >Creation and its majesty serves as the perfect backdrop for your expression of love.
  2553. “Sweetie, do you see the way everything has become?”
  2554. >Her face contorts into an inquisitive gaze.
  2555. “The stars and the planets had a truly rough start, but eventually they all came together to create an object of beauty beyond measure.”
  2556. >You pull Sweetie in closer and tighten your movements.
  2557. “Just like us, a great thing came from such unsuspecting components. The stars above us, like our love, had to become polished through time to see their full grandeur.”
  2558. >She begins to blush as you wax poetic.
  2559. >Your little buddy smiles as you validate her hopes again.
  2560. >Time to bring it home.
  2561. “Grand as it all is, the beauty of the stars will never capture my attention like you have. No star will shine as brightly for me as you have.”
  2562. >”R-really?”
  2563. >Her breathing deepens as you move closer to her.
  2564. >Earth itself begins to finally show, as you lean into her.
  2565. >The room is lush in the greenery of the world.
  2566. >As your faces near, flowers bloom.
  2567. “I promise.”
  2568. >With those words, you seal the promise with a kiss.
  2569. >Sweetie Belle accepts your gesture and kisses back.
  2570. >The lights shut off, and the show is over.
  2571. >Both of you stand in your embrace for a while after the lights come back on.
  2572. >She breaks off from the kissing, and hugs you tightly.
  2573. >It seems that everything is right once more.
  2574. >From behind you, you hear sounds of admiration from the two freeloaders.
  2575. >Looking back, you can see they're cheering for you as if nothing was wrong.
  2576. >Applebloom even looks happy at seeing your display of affection.
  2577. >You bask in the positivity, until you notice someone else behind the girls.
  2578. >Upon spotting her, she slips out from the exhibit before you can clearly make out her features.
  2579. >God help you if that wasn't Rarity.
  2580. >
  2581. >Riding back in the car has been the most peaceful it has in the entire day.
  2582. >It seems that all that happened today has gone out the window.
  2583. >Except for Soarin.
  2584. >You're not really sure what the hell's going on with him, but you know he'll work through it like you.
  2585. >”Anon?”
  2586. >The saccharine passenger to your right catches your attention.
  2587. “Yeah, Sweetie?”
  2588. >”Thank you for today. We all appreciated it.”
  2589. >Behind her, the other two girls chime in with their piece.
  2590. >At least you know that Sweetie had a fun enough time there, that's all that matters.
  2591. >Your eyes shift back to the road and you realize that you're about to ram into a fencepost.
  2592. >You slam on the brakes to avoid totaling your Aztek.
  2593. >Everything seems fine until Scoots flings forward into the dash.
  2594. “Goddammit, wear the seatbelt, Scootaloo.”
  2595. >As you're about to berate her further, Applejack comes to your door and knocks on it.
  2596. >You roll down your window and are greeted with her trademark frown.
  2597. >”Anon, what do ya think y'all are doin?! Ah can't be addin' more to my busy workload.”
  2598. >Emphasizing her point, Applejack thrusts a sapling and a shovel into your face.
  2599. >You know she's trying to tell you not to wreck her shit, but you can't help but wonder if she got splinters.
  2600. >"Anon!"
  2601. >Her forceful tone of voice reminds you that you're being berated for almost causing property damage.
  2602. “S-sorry, AJ, I was distracted by know.”
  2603. >You give a slight gesture to the plant she's cradling in her arms.
  2604. >Applejack frowns at you.
  2605. >”He has a name.”
  2606. >Wait, what?
  2607. “He?”
  2608. >”Yes, he. His name is Percy.”
  2609. “...Percy?”
  2610. >”Anon, Ah don't need to explain my namin' preferences.”
  2611. >You really want to question her, but you know it's better if you just drop it.
  2612. >Conveniently, Applebloom decides to exit the car at that moment.
  2613. >”Applebloom? Ya hitched a ride with Anon?”
  2614. >Bloom looks at Applejack with that defeated gaze of hers.
  2615. >Guess she still isn't completely over it all.
  2616. >”Ya look like someone hit ya with the disappointment stick.”
  2617. >Applebloom sighs and gives her sister a hug.
  2618. >”Ah just had a hard day, that's all. Now, ah'm gonna go take a shower and rethink my life for a while.”
  2619. >Everyone watches her shuffle towards the farm, half-expecting her to just collapse.
  2620. >”Anon, what's up with my sister?”
  2621. >You look up at Applejack and shrug.
  2622. “I barely know how older women work. Don't ask me.”
  2623. >Applejack seems less than convinced with your answer, but she decides to leave it be.
  2624. >”Well, thanks for bringin' Bloom back here safe and sound. Just try to keep from wreckin' the place next time ya decide to drop by, alright?”
  2625. “Noted.”
  2626. >Applejack nods her head at you and begins to walk off as well.
  2627. >During her departure, you swear that you can see Percy's branches moving, like they're waving at you.
  2628. >You want to question what the hell is going on in the Apple orchard, but you'd rather not stick around to see whatever sort of things are going to come from Applejack's hellspawn tree child right now.
  2629. >After driving off of Applejack's property, your mind wanders towards thoughts of Sweetie Belle's drop-off.
  2630. >Here's to hoping that perhaps Rarity has been pleased with the show you put on for her today.
  2631. >Traffic is pleasantly sparse today.
  2632. >You're going to make good time heading back to Rarity's.
  2633. >Boy, what a trial that this has been today.
  2634. >Still have to burn that picture though.
  2635. >”...Anon?”
  2636. >Seems Sweetie has something more on her mind.
  2637. “What's up?”
  2638. >”...I'm sorry.”
  2639. “Sorry?”
  2640. >Her small body shifts uncomfortably in the seat next to you.
  2641. >”About...everything going less like you wanted it to.”
  2642. >Oh.
  2643. “It's fine, Sweetie.”
  2644. >”No, it's not.”
  2645. >She stares down at the mat as she parses her thoughts together.
  2646. >”I ruined what was supposed to be our first date together.”
  2647. >Poor kid.
  2648. “Sweetie, I'm not upset or anything. Today wasn't the most normal of days, but it wasn't horrible.”
  2649. >”But I got all moody after you and Applebloom went and-”
  2650. >You inhale sharply and cut her off right there.
  2651. “We didn't have sex, Sweetie.”
  2652. >She looks at you in complete shock.
  2653. >”Y-you didn't?”
  2654. “No. That's what you were so concerned about, but I promise we didn't.”
  2655. >Sweetie gets a strange expression on her face.
  2656. >You aren't quite sure what it's supposed to mean.
  2657. >But it doesn't really matter.
  2658. >You're just glad that she's gotten that out of her head.
  2659. >”Hey, is that Fluttershy?”
  2660. >Bringing yourself back to the road, you realize that it is Fluttershy in the driveway.
  2661. >Why is she there, though?
  2662. >You pull up into the driveway and roll down the passenger window.
  2663. >Fluttershy sticks her head in and greets everyone with a smile.
  2664. >”Good evening everyone.”
  2665. “Shy, what are you doing here?”
  2666. >”O-oh, Rarity asked me to look after Sweetie for a little bit. She had to attend to some business in town.”
  2667. >Guess that Rarity's making it seem less suspicious that she was out today.
  2668. >”Really? So Rarity's finally feeling better?”
  2669. >”She looked like her old self when I saw her.”
  2670. >The look Sweetie has makes you feel good.
  2671. >It finally seems like her life is normal again.
  2672. >You sit in the car and wave goodbye as the two of them vanish into the house.
  2673. >Now you can finally head home and relax.
  2674. >Take a nice hot shower.
  2675. >Figure out what you're going to do with the rest of that cake.
  2676. >Incinerate the evidence.
  2677. >Everything's coming along nicely now-
  2678. >”Anon?”
  2679. >Wait, you forgot about Scootaloo.
  2680. >Fucking hell.
  2681. >You look back at the awkward girl and resign yourself to having to continue playing taxi.
  2682. “Don't worry, Scootaloo, I'm gonna drive you home.”
  2683. >”W-wait, that's not what I was going to say!”
  2684. >Huh?
  2685. >”A-actually, I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor?”
  2686. >...Did she just ask you that?
  2687. >”A favor?”
  2688. >Scootaloo nods her head in affirmation.
  2689. >”I know that I might not be your favorite person in the world, but-”
  2690. “After what you and Applebloom did today, you expect me to do you a favor?”
  2691. >She sheepishly looks down at the floor.
  2692. >”I know that Applebloom and I were kinda pushy, but I really do need a favor!”
  2693. >At least she recognizes that she's fucked up today.
  2694. “If I was inclined to do you a favor, not that I am, what would you need?”
  2695. >”...C-could I crash at your house for tonight?”
  2696. >...
  2697. “....”
  2698. >”Anon?”
  2699. “Get the fuck out of my car, Scootaloo.”
  2700. >”I'm serious! I can't go home today. My mom will beat me with a sack of oranges!”
  2701. “How is that my problem?”
  2702. >Scootaloo looks at you with pleading eyes.
  2703. >”Please, just until my dad gets home! My mom'll forget all about beating me and make him a romantic dinner, but I can't go home until then!”
  2704. “Why don't you ask someone else?”
  2705. >”I was going to ask Applebloom, but then she got all weird.”
  2706. >Scootaloo starts to cry legitimate tears.
  2707. >”Please, I promise I'll behave!”
  2708. >An odd feeling wells inside of your chest.
  2709. >You think it's...sympathy.
  2710. >For Scootaloo.
  2711. >Oh fucking hell no.
  2712. >It's none of your business what happens to her.
  2713. >No matter how much she cries and begs.
  2714. >Just don't do it.
  2715. >Don't!
  2716. >
  2717. >Before you know it, you're back at your house.
  2718. >With Scootaloo hanging on your arm.
  2719. >Damn you, conscience.
  2720. >”Thank you so much, Anon!”
  2721. >You groan as you head to your door.
  2722. >A note distracts you for a moment.
  2723. >Grabbing it from the tape holding it there, you read it out loud.
  2724. “Annie, went to help your aunt move in. Your father went on a hunting trip with the guys. I left you a pot of spaghetti in the fridge. Love, Mom.”
  2725. >Well, at least you won't have your parents asking you if she's your new girlfriend.
  2726. >”She left you spaghetti?”
  2727. >You look at the waif on your arm, and see she's looking pretty peckish.
  2728. >Come to think of it, you're pretty hungry as well.
  2729. >After opening the door, you make a beeline for the fridge.
  2730. >You fish out the pot and fire up the stove.
  2731. >Maybe having someone along will finally allow you to finish all the fucking spaghetti your mom leaves you.
  2732. >In the meantime, you fish out tomato sauce, garlic, olive oil and a couple loaves of sourdough from the pantry.
  2733. >Can't very well have pasta without some nice bruschetta to go along.
  2734. >Scootaloo looks at you in equal parts hunger and awe as you whip up a storm in the kitchen.
  2735. >It thankfully doesn't take too long to get everything ready.
  2736. >You set the pot on the table and accompany it with plates and cutlery.
  2737. >From the look on her face, you'd say Scootaloo is about two minutes from breaking down and scarfing the whole pot.
  2738. >Oh, you almost forgot.
  2739. >Heading back to the pantry, you grab a bottle and a couple of glasses.
  2740. >Plopping the glasses onto the table, you lightly serve the both of you some wine.
  2741. >Scootaloo looks at you in confusion, until she realizes what is in the glass.
  2742. >”A-Anon, that's alcohol!”
  2743. “Your point?”
  2744. >”We're not supposed to drink this!”
  2745. “Scootaloo, are you questioning the host?”
  2746. >Her face turns bright red after thinking she's offended you.
  2747. >”No, I just-”
  2748. “Then don't be a little bitch and enjoy the wine. Rainbow Dash enjoyed this with less reservations than you.”
  2749. >Upon hearing her trigger word, you see her do a complete 180.
  2750. >Knew that would calm her down.
  2751. >Managing Scootaloo pretty much just boiled down to knowing what buttons to press.
  2752. >This job was incredibly easy knowing her fixation with Dash.
  2753. >Lacking the constant threat of Applebloom made this a much easier task.
  2754. >You don't know much about their social hierarchy, but it was clear that Applebloom was the definite Alpha.
  2755. >Dinner passed easily enough with that out of the way.
  2756. >It surprises you that Scootaloo can actually manage to be somewhat pleasant.
  2757. >Eventually you find yourself sated, and realize it's time to give up the pasta.
  2758. >Scootaloo actually doesn't make a move for you at any time.
  2759. >...You're probably going to regret those words soon enough.
  2760. >But you're too tired to really care.
  2761. >Now comes the actual part where you go the fuck to sleep.
  2762. >With everything else done, you decide that Scootaloo is going to need some blankets.
  2763. >All you have are a couple of comforters in the closet, but they'll more than suffice.
  2764. >Pushing them onto your guest, you make for the little haven you call your room.
  2765. >Little time passes between you kicking the door open and plopping down.
  2766. >It feels good to-
  2767. >Knocks hit your oak door and pulls you out of your pleasant state.
  2768. >Shambling over, you open it and see Scootaloo standing there.
  2769. “What is it?”
  2770. >”...Do you have any pajamas?”
  2771. “Are you fucking serious?”
  2772. >”I don't want to ruin these clothes. They're really nice.”
  2773. >You mull it over in your brain for a while and realize she has a point.
  2774. >Spent more than you wanted to on that.
  2775. >Rooting around in your drawer, you reach for a shirt you never thought you'd find a use for.
  2776. >You toss it to Scootaloo.
  2777. >Well, it lands on her at least.
  2778. >”This is it?”
  2779. “I'm not a department store.”
  2780. >”But don't you have anything else?”
  2781. “I don't sleep in much.”
  2782. >”...”
  2783. “Get that thought out of your head now.”
  2784. >”I can't just sleep in this, though!”
  2785. “Would it help if I told you that was my anniversary gift from Rainbow Dash.”
  2786. >She fucking skips off with it after she hears those words.
  2787. >Maybe fixation was the wrong word.
  2788. >Anyway, back to sleep time.
  2789. >Kicking off your clothes into the hamper, you make your way into the bed comfortably.
  2790. >Light pattering starts to come through your room.
  2791. >The fuck is that?
  2792. >You take a look toward your window and find that it has started pouring down.
  2793. >Well, this'll certainly make sleeping easier.
  2794. >A brief flash and a rumble hit the air around you.
  2795. >Ah, nature.
  2796. >This must be what Applejack feels like.
  2797. >It's a nice sensation.
  2798. >Amid the sounds of rain, you begin to drift off.
  2799. >Until more rapping happens at your door.
  2800. >You get up once more, aggravated, and open it.
  2801. >She's wearing the shirt and holding the blankets.
  2802. >”A-Anon, do you hear that storm outside!?”
  2803. >...Is she serious?
  2804. “Just water and friction, go back to bed.”
  2805. >You're about to close the door on her, when she jams her blankets in to prevent it from closing.
  2806. >Clever girl.
  2807. >”I-I k-know it's not something you want to hear, but do you mind if I sleep in here?”
  2808. >Fucking hell.
  2809. “Don't think because it's raining, I won't throw your ass out.”
  2810. >”P-please!”
  2811. >Every logical part of your brain is screaming at you to not do this, but you can't help relenting.
  2812. >You were once a little bitch that had to crawl into your parents bed when the wind started howling.
  2813. >Opening up your door, she quickly scrambles inside and looks around for a moment.
  2814. >She is appalled at the floor.
  2815. >You hop back onto the bed and begin to saw logs.
  2816. >”Anon, where am I supposed to sleep?”
  2817. >Will it ever end?
  2818. “The floor.”
  2819. >”...But it's dirty...”
  2820. “There's also the tub if you want.”
  2821. >It's silent for a little while after your statement.
  2822. >”...That's a queen, right? Big bed? Plenty of space? Enough for two people?”
  2823. >You shoot up from the bed like a man possessed.
  2824. >Scootaloo jumps back in surprise.
  2825. “I hope you realize you're out of your fucking mind if you think I am going to let your fucking body into my bed.”
  2826. >She shirks back, but doesn't immediately collapse onto the floor.
  2827. >”I won't take up much space.”
  2828. >Despite your insistence that she stays the fuck away from your bed, she doesn't shy away from the request.
  2829. >”The floor is so filthy.”
  2830. >You really, really want to just lock her in your bathroom, but you know she'd complain for at least an hour.
  2831. >Fucking hell, all you wanted was to go to sleep.
  2832. >If only because you are tired, you tug the blanket off of the bottom right corner and turn from it.
  2833. “So help me, Scootaloo, if I find you off of that patch of bed, there will be consequences.”
  2834. >You don't hear any sounds from Scootaloo, but you feel the bed shift as she settles herself into the DMZ you established.
  2835. >Hitting the switch next to your bed, darkness consumes your room save for your lava lamp
  2836. >Finally, you can catch up on the sleep you've been looking forward to.
  2837. >Just drifting off, peacefully...
  2838. >...
  2839. >Wait, what the hell is this?
  2840. >You look around the darkened room illuminated by your lava lamp and see some branches scratching on your window.
  2841. >Dammit, you were actually asleep.
  2842. >Looks like you're going to have to take care of that in the morning.
  2843. >Fucking debris.
  2844. >Well, this is a good a time as any to make a bathroom trip.
  2845. >You slip out of the bed carefully as to not disturb Scootaloo.
  2846. >Speaking of which, you look back to the bed at the door, and see she's still where you left her when she slept.
  2847. >Huh.
  2848. >Afterward, you try to flip the switch, but the lights don't go on.
  2849. >Faulty wiring.
  2850. >Whatever, you have an easy enough time pissing from memory.
  2851. >That taken care of, you walk back in to your room.
  2852. >And see Scootaloo sprawled on a lot more bed than you remember.
  2853. >Why does she test your patience so?
  2854. >You aren't quite sure what you want to do.
  2855. >On one hand, you promised consequences.
  2856. >On the other hand, you want to sleep.
  2857. >...Eh, you can sleep first, then enact your justified revenge for her violation of the DMZ.
  2858. >Your plan of action decided, you walk back to the bed.
  2859. >And notice that she's splayed on the bed.
  2860. >Sans panties.
  2861. >It's not like you want to look, but it's staring you right in the face.
  2862. >So much fur.
  2863. >Just like Rainbow Dash.
  2864. >Briefly you wonder if this is more Rainbow Dash nonsense, or if this is something endemic to greek women.
  2865. >Either way, you don't need to be witnessing this, and you slip back into the bed.
  2866. >Gotta get back to those dreams of yours.
  2867. >All the gumdrops and chocolate will be yours as you pillage Candyland, by right of conquest.
  2868. >Or it would be if you weren't interrupted by this odd feeling.
  2869. >It's the weirdest thing.
  2870. >You pull up the blankets lightly to make sure it isn't another squirrel in the house.
  2871. >Then you discover that it's not a squirrel.
  2872. >Definitely not a squirrel.
  2873. >However, this beast does seem to be helping itself to your nuts.
  2874. >It's not until you clear your throat does the beast cease its activities.
  2875. >As you do, it stares at you in terror.
  2876. >Rightly so as you stare back at it in what you presume to be fury.
  2877. >Or is this unbridled rage?
  2878. >Hard to tell, what with your lack of reference.
  2879. >In this moment, you do know one thing.
  2880. >None of what has just transpired is going to continue.
  2881. >As you sit up, Scootaloo's head coils back in fear and your raging erection makes a pop as it exits her mouth.
  2882. >For a few seconds, you ponder exactly what is the appropriate reaction in a situation like this.
  2883. >Only for a few seconds, before the Warp overtakes you and you lunge at her.
  2884. >This isn't like when you were trying to not get killed by Rarity twice, though.
  2885. >No, no, no.
  2886. >What this is now is revenge.
  2887. >Scootaloo is right now completely worried.
  2888. >You can't blame her, even you don't know what you'll do next.
  2889. >Her eyes tear up as she feels your fury.
  2890. >Part of you is pleased.
  2891. >Her mouth begins to tremble, and she tries to say something.
  2892. “A-Anon, I didn't-”
  2893. >You cut her off with a hard slap.
  2894. >She looks at you in shock as her eyes tear up.
  2895. >Now she is truly terrified.
  2896. “Scootaloo, did I tell you that you could speak.”
  2897. >Her dumbstruck face merely looks at you in awe.
  2898. >Again you strike her.
  2899. “What did I just ask you.”
  2900. >She's begun crying in earnest.
  2901. >”Y-you asked me if you told me to sp-speak!”
  2902. “What's the answer.”
  2903. >Scootaloo trembles as your grip tightens on her body.
  2904. >”You didn't!”
  2905. “Here's question two: What in the fuck were you doing to me.”
  2906. >”I'm so-sorry-”
  2907. >You slap her for a third time.
  2908. “That wasn't the question.”
  2909. >Her cheek has begun to bruise.
  2910. >”I was sucking y-your dick!”
  2911. “Did I say you could do that.”
  2912. >”No!”
  2913. >Scootaloo is too terrified to give you anything other than what you want to hear.
  2914. “Do you know what it's called when you have sex with someone without their consent.”
  2915. >Her face runs rampant with mucus and tears.
  2916. >You strike her again when she takes too long to answer.
  2917. >Now blood has joined the mix
  2918. >”It's r-r-rape!”
  2919. “Bingo, genius.”
  2920. >”I'm so sorry!”
  2921. >Again, you hit her.
  2922. >Closed fist, left eye.
  2923. “Yes, you are sorry. A sorry piece of shit.”
  2924. >You bring your face closer to hers.
  2925. “All fucking day, I had to endure bullshit from you shitheaps. All I wanted was some peace with Sweetie.”
  2926. >Closed fist, right eye.
  2927. “Despite that, I still found it in my heart to take you in when you came to me with need.”
  2928. >Left cheek, open palm.
  2929. “I fed you, gave you shelter, offered you my bed. Then you repay my kindness with disrespect.”
  2930. >Your carpet is stained.
  2931. “Consequences were promised, and I will keep my promises unlike you.”
  2932. >She shields her face with her frail arms.
  2933. >How fucking dare she.
  2934. >You pull her arms back down and hold them in place.
  2935. “Are you trying to weasel out of your punishment.”
  2936. >She looks at you with pleading eyes.
  2937. >You move one hand and backhand her in the breast.
  2938. “Answer.”
  2939. >”Please, no m-m-more!”
  2940. “Answer.”
  2941. >You rear back your fist.
  2942. >”Y-yes! I'm sorry!”
  2943. >Her face is a mess.
  2944. >You then make a truly hasty decision.
  2945. “All that you two saw me as was a walking dick. Neither of you cared about anything else. All I was to you was meat.”
  2946. >You grab your loaned shirt and she begins to cry harder.
  2947. >Without care, you toss it to the side.
  2948. >Her bare body is now completely open to you.
  2949. “Do you know how that made me feel. Made Sweetie feel. No, you don't.”
  2950. >You firmly clasp both of her shoulders.
  2951. “Neither of you seemed to understand empathy. So, I'm going to be nice one last time and share that with you.”
  2952. >Scootaloo's body tenses up as she feels you trail along her body.
  2953. >Your erection hardens as you reach your target.
  2954. >Her maidenhood feels tight, but you aren't going to be deterred.
  2955. >With determined vigor, you begin to push through.
  2956. >Scootaloo is speechless as you begin to force your way into her.
  2957. >It's not easy, but you inch your way into her.
  2958. >You reach an obstruction soon.
  2959. >Good.
  2960. >With a solid effort, you push yourself through it and watch her softly mewl in pain.
  2961. >Not long after, you begin to bottom out.
  2962. >Your dick punches against her cervix in a display of true dominance.
  2963. >She cries again, in some mixture of pain and sadness.
  2964. >But this isn't enough.
  2965. >You know you aren't going to get through to her with just this.
  2966. >So, there's only one avenue left to you.
  2967. >As you pull back, she seems to gain some measure of relief.
  2968. >Then you push back in.
  2969. >She feels you at her cervix again.
  2970. >But this time you don't stop.
  2971. >You continue on until you feel the tightness give way.
  2972. >It takes 27 seconds.
  2973. >27 seconds to push your way in.
  2974. >But you do it.
  2975. >She squirms in pure agony as you finally reach her womb.
  2976. >”Anon, stop! Take it out!”
  2977. >Her body makes every effort to stop you, but you merely continue the process.
  2978. >In and out.
  2979. >Every penetration is hell for her.
  2980. >Like it should be.
  2981. “Scootaloo, do you get it now? Do you get what suffering is like now?”
  2982. >Your rapist-turned-rapee merely thrashes her head in an attempt to nod.
  2983. >Looks like she'll do anything to stop the pain.
  2984. >All you do is increase your speed.
  2985. >Her crying intensifies.
  2986. >This doesn't arouse you in the slightest, but you are going to see this through.
  2987. >Before long, you feel the last bit of it all approaching.
  2988. “So, this is what you wanted. I hope you're enjoying every bit of this.”
  2989. >With that, you stop and unload every bit of hatred you can into her.
  2990. >All she can do is lay there weakly and cry as whatever dignity she had left vanishes.
  2991. >You slowly pull yourself out.
  2992. >Once you do, Scootaloo curls into a ball.
  2993. >Not one orifice on her body is dry.
  2994. >She's completely been thrashed at this point.
  2995. >You know that you should feel remorse for what you've done.
  2996. >But this is what she asked for.
  2997. >Every part of you agrees that she deserved this.
  2998. >”So, this is what you really are then?”
  2999. >That voice.
  3000. >It sends a shiver down your spine.
  3001. >Looking back, there's Rarity once more in her outlandish outfit.
  3002. >”This is what you decided was the right thing to do?”
  3003. >All you can do is stare as an enormous crystal ball is gripped between her two hands.
  3004. >From your position, you can't defend yourself.
  3005. >”I knew I was right all along. You truly are scum.”
  3006. >Before you know it, the ball is upon you.
  3007. >”Die.”
  3008. >You feel all the layers in your body give way under it.
  3009. >Wet crunching and dull squishes fill your head as you feel it begin to cave in.
  3010. >The last thought you have in your mind before everything goes dark is Sweetie Belle's face of horror.
  3011. >Not at Rarity, but at you.
  3012. >You and your monstrous tendencies.
  3013. >Then your eyes open.
  3014. >You spring up from the bed.
  3015. >Looking over towards the right of you, you see Scootaloo still in her small corner.
  3016. >It wasn't real.
  3017. >Oh, thank God.
  3018. >Never in your life have you been this happy to see Scootaloo unharmed.
  3019. >And never in your life has your stomach felt this upset.
  3020. >Nearly tripping over yourself, you rush to the bathroom and turn on the lights for real this time.
  3021. >You vomit profusely.
  3022. >In disgust of the fact that you dreamed of something so horrible.
  3023. >And with Scootaloo.
  3024. >The events are fresh in your mind.
  3025. >You feel repulsed utterly.
  3026. >Dream Rarity may have had a point.
  3027. >Why the fuck did you ever even have a thought like that come into existence.
  3028. >You might really be evil.
  3029. >...No.
  3030. >No, you aren't.
  3031. >That was fake.
  3032. >This now, this whole understanding of the wrongness of it all is real.
  3033. >You're still not a complete bastard.
  3034. >It wasn't your fault, it was the spaghetti's.
  3035. >Steadying yourself on your own to legs again, you clean the rest of the vomit off of your face and dry it off.
  3036. >It's been sobering to say the least.
  3037. >You go back to your room again, and see Scootaloo is still tucked into her corner.
  3038. >...
  3039. >Grabbing hold of her gently, you move her from the prison you've kept her in the last few hours and place her next to you.
  3040. >She looks at peace right now.
  3041. >Brief images of her from that nightmare enter your mind.
  3042. >You beat them back.
  3043. >Doubt gets the better of you, though, and you examine her just to make sure.
  3044. >She looks completely fine, and she's wearing panties.
  3045. >Still has major fur, though.
  3046. >You fall onto your bed, safe in the knowledge that you didn't actually do anything wrong.
  3047. >It's still going to be hard to fall asleep now.
  3048. >Flinging the blanket onto the both of you, you prepare yourself for the restless night.
  3049. >Until Scootaloo puts an arm around you.
  3050. >Then, the rest of her scoots closer to you and embraces you.
  3051. >Were this earlier, you'd push her away.
  3052. >But think you'll try to be nicer to Scoots.
  3053. >The light of day slowly creeps into the room, and hits your face.
  3054. >It rouses you from your slumber and throws you back into the terrible life of being Scootaloo.
  3055. >As you open your eyes, you realize something horrible.
  3056. >You've moved from the corner.
  3057. >The one thing keeping Anon from throwing your butt on the street like trash.
  3058. >And you're clinging onto him.
  3059. >Oh sweet merciful Jesus, he's going to strangle you if he wakes up.
  3060. >But you can't just let go.
  3061. >He might wake up again.
  3062. >Not that you aren't feeling incredibly tempted to hold onto him, but you would still like to make it through a day without being hurt.
  3063. >Yet he feels so warm, and he smells so good to you right now.
  3064. >Maybe if you just-
  3065. >Terror makes you tremble as you feel Anon shoot up from the bed, with your arms still clinging onto him.
  3066. >Anon stretches and yawns before looking back to you.
  3067. >You'd pee yourself if it wasn't for the fact that he'd only punish you worse for ruining his bed.
  3068. >Maybe you should have just gone back home.
  3069. >”Oh, morning.”
  3070. >Anon slips from your arms and walks towards the door.
  3071. >You watch as he leaves your view with bated breath.
  3072. >He didn't actually strike you or anything.
  3073. >...Oh God.
  3074. >Anon probably went into the bathroom to get something to beat you with.
  3075. >Like a plunger or a curling iron!
  3076. >...Well, Anon's a guy so he probably doesn't have a curling iron.
  3077. >But you know he's going to come back with something, and that spurs you to slowly make your way out of the bed.
  3078. >He can't give you a wallop if you make it out of his room.
  3079. >Cautiously, you tiptoe from the right side of the bed to the door.
  3080. >Might actually make it out of here.
  3081. >Your hand reaches the doorknob and your heart flutters at the prospect of freedom.
  3082. >”Scootaloo, where are you going?”
  3083. >Oh no.
  3084. >Here it comes.
  3085. >You might as well just face the music.
  3086. >With a terrified resolve, you turn around to receive whatever punishment he's going to give you for your transgression.
  3087. “Anon, I'm-”
  3088. >”The main bathroom's being renovated. Just use mine.”
  3089. >He's entirely sincere with his words.
  3090. >There's not a hint of anger in them.
  3091. >Nothing in his hands either.
  3092. >You don't know what to think, but after all of thi you really do need to pee.
  3093. >Slipping behind Anon and into the bathroom, you start your morning ride on the golden express.
  3094. >Relief comes to you emotionally and physically after the fact.
  3095. >It's strange though, you expected to be beaten within an inch of your life by whatever object Anon decided was best.
  3096. >But nothing happened.
  3097. >No screaming, no strange looks and no rage.
  3098. >All of this is beyond what you're used to.
  3099. >The uncertainty frightens you more than anything.
  3100. >It then dawns on you that maybe he already did something to you, but you just haven't seen it yet.
  3101. >With the stream dying down, you take the opportunity to dry off and check your lower half for signs of anything.
  3102. >All you see is your normal scrapes and bruises from soccer and your thicket of jungle.
  3103. >Kinda wanna get rid of it, but Rainbow Dash said it was a sign of proud Greek heritage to be grateful for.
  3104. >Bit uncomfortable, though.
  3105. >You remove the amazing oversized shirt you're wearing and examine the rest of your body.
  3106. >Again, nothing out of the usual there.
  3107. >Huh.
  3108. >Distracting you from your examination, a scent wafts into the bathroom.
  3109. >Sticking your head warily out of the door, you see Anon is gone and you see the entrance is open.
  3110. >Creeping through to the source, you hear sounds from the kitchen.
  3111. >Taking a peek at the scene, you see pancakes with fixings on two plates.
  3112. >It smells really good.
  3113. >You emerge from the shadows and admire the sight before you.
  3114. >Then Anon sees you and seizes up with both plates in his hands.
  3115. >Did you do something wrong?
  3116. >You stand in befuddlement at what it is you've done until Anon clears his throat.
  3117. >”Scootaloo, please get dressed.”
  3118. >Looking down, you see you are in fact stark naked.
  3119. >Whoops.
  3120. >Having redressed in your comfortable shirt, you join Anon at the table.
  3121. >Before you lies a stack of pancakes with drizzled syrup, whipped cream and strawberries.
  3122. >Poking at the food, you see there's not a razor blade or toothpick lodged in it.
  3123. >Taking a bite of the fluffy discs before you, you see they are made with buttermilk and love instead of arsenic.
  3124. >It makes you happy.
  3125. >Yet, it confounds you inside of your mind to no end.
  3126. >Looking at Anon, you see he's reading flipping through a newspaper while eating his pancakes.
  3127. >Really, it seems that he's not planning on doing anything to hurt you.
  3128. >And that really does not make any sense whatsoever.
  3129. >With most of the pancakes downed by the both of you, you reach for some of that courage you have locked away.
  3130. >Though, he might have been waiting for you to ask to do something, but you know that you can't move forward without getting past the suspense.
  3131. “Anon?”
  3132. >He looks up from his paper at you.
  3133. >”What is it, Scootaloo?”
  3134. >You swallow down your apprehension and proceed.
  3135. “W-why haven't you done anything to hurt me yet?”
  3136. >Anon looks at you, and sighs heavily.
  3137. >You must have fucked up.
  3138. >”Scootaloo, I'm not going to hurt you for the bed.”
  3139. >What?
  3140. “But I moved!”
  3141. >”No, I moved you.”
  3142. >Double what?
  3143. >”I had a thought last night, and I pondered exactly why it was that I was so angry at you. Then I realized it wasn't just you who I was angry at.”
  3144. >Your warped mind is struggling to comprehend this.
  3145. >”I was pretty angry at multiple people, myself included, and I put that on you. That wasn't fair of me, nor was it healthy for me to keep hold of that rage.”
  3146. “...So, I'm not going to be beaten with a ladle?”
  3147. >”No.”
  3148. “I'm not going to be locked in the shed for hours?”
  3149. >”We don't have a shed.”
  3150. “I'm not going to be forced into the tub and pelted with eggs?”
  3151. >”Scoots, what the fuck is wrong with your family?”
  3152. “Mom says its my fault for not being the son she wanted.”
  3153. >Anon merely shakes his head and stares at his food.
  3154. >”Regardless, I meant what I said. I'm not going to do anything to you.”
  3155. >You want to believe what he's saying.
  3156. >But with your experience you know better than to blindly assume this is true.
  3157. >Mom once said she wasn't going to hit you for breaking a glass.
  3158. >Soon as you opened the door, she pushed you onto the ground and made you pick it up barehanded.
  3159. >You swear you sometimes feel slivers of glass in your hand.
  3160. >”What's with that look on your face, Scoots?”
  3161. >Dragged back to the real world, you realize you were vividly remembering it all.
  3162. >You shake your head and put on a strained smile.
  3163. “It's nothing.”
  3164. >Anon looks at you with an appraising gaze.
  3165. >Then shakes his head and continues to eat his pancakes.
  3166. >Well, it seems that you're in the clear for the rest of the day at least.
  3167. >”So, when do you think you'll be heading out?”
  3168. >...That's a good question.
  3169. >You know Dad's coming home late, but not when.
  3170. >Without a solid answer, you merely shrug.
  3171. >Anon doesn't seem very pleased with your lack of a time frame.
  3172. >But it's not like you can do much about this.
  3173. >He's about to say something, but the ringtone on his phone goes off.
  3174. >You stay silent as he answers his phone.
  3175. >”Hey, I was just thinking want to meet up now? Where? Do you mean the one near the overpass or the one near the mall?”
  3176. >Who's he talking to?
  3177. >”Alright got it. I'll be there soon. Hey, Scoots?”
  3178. >You give him back your full attention.
  3179. >”I need to head off somewhere. Feel free to stay, just don't make a mess of the place.”
  3180. >Before you can ask anything, he grabs his keys and makes for the door.
  3181. >...Well, now what?
  3182. >You're all alone in his house, and you're not quite sure what to do with yourself.
  3183. >Then you realize that the kitchen is fairly dirty.
  3184. >Maybe that can be your way of paying him back for being nice to you after your actions.
  3185. >Perhaps today will turn out alright after all.
  3186. >You are now Anon again.
  3187. >And you're finally about to see how well your plan paid off.
  3188. >Pushing open the door, you head in to the honky-tonk diner.
  3189. >Well, at least no one will ever believe Rarity set foot in here.
  3190. >Not that you had any intention of mentioning it to anyone.
  3191. >Can't make her out anywhere, though.
  3192. >Whatever, you'll just grab a booth by the window.
  3193. >An elderly man vacates his booth and you go for it.
  3194. >You slide into the booth and look out over the restaurant.
  3195. >Still no sign of her.
  3196. >Looking to kill time, you pick up the dessert menu and give it a once over.
  3197. >There are far too many apple-based desserts on it.
  3198. >What is this, a diner for Applejacks?
  3199. >”Hello.”
  3200. >Looking away from the menu, you see a woman you don't recognize.
  3201. “Um, I know you?”
  3202. >She sits down and clears her throat.
  3203. >”Recognize me now, darling?”
  3204. >Oh shit, it's Rarity.
  3205. “Wait, that's what you sound like without that fake accent?”
  3206. >”Firstly, it is not fake. Secondly, rude.”
  3207. “Sorry, I was just surprised.”
  3208. >Before Rarity can chime back in, a waitress gets in between the two of you.
  3209. >”Hi guys!”
  3210. >Wait a moment, you recognize that voice.
  3211. “Pinkie, what are you doing here?”
  3212. >”Oh, I used to work here and the manager asked me if I could fill in for someone today.”
  3213. >Far more mundane than you expected from Pinkie.
  3214. >”Better question is what are you and Rarity doing here?”
  3215. >Rarity looks at Pinkie in disbelief.
  3216. >”How did you-”
  3217. >”Rarity, I knew it was you the moment you walked in. Love the pants.”
  3218. >Knowing she's not going to get anywhere with asking questions, she rolls her eyes and focuses back to you.
  3219. >”Can I get you something to drink?”
  3220. >Pinkie once again interrupts you.
  3221. >Eh, you're using their space, might as well buy something.
  3222. “You guys got cream soda?”
  3223. >”Yup! Rarity?”
  3224. >”Chamomile.”
  3225. >”Okey Dokey Lokey, I'll be back soon.”
  3226. >Pinkie heads off to attend to the rest of the crowd.
  3227. >”Now then, Anonymous, let's talk.”
  3228. “Well, I'm ready for your criticisms. Lay it on me.”
  3229. >Rarity folds her arms and tries to maintain as neutral an expression as she can.
  3230. >”Anonymous, do you know how much of a hassle it was to follow you around in disguise all day?”
  3231. “Not really, but I assume a lot.”
  3232. >”I had an easier time escaping from the tree cultists. That said, what was your angle, bringing in Applebloom and Scootaloo?”
  3233. >Huh, not the first thing you'd expect her to ask.
  3234. >You must be in the clear.
  3235. “To be frank with you, I didn't expect them. They just popped into existence and proceeded to throw a wrench in my plans and my wallet.”
  3236. >”Why did you not just explain to them what you were doing?”
  3237. “They invited themselves along and Sweetie Belle was too nice to say no.”
  3238. >She gives an exasperated look, obviously knowing how much of a pushover Sweetie can be.
  3239. >”That makes sense. Now, explain why you took them to a tattoo parlor.”
  3240. “It was a temporary tattoo parlor. Basically, just advanced face painting. Are you going to tell me that's not an age appropriate activity?”
  3241. >Rarity's just waiting for you to leave an opening.
  3242. >”Well, what about your little escapade in the theater?”
  3243. >...Maybe you aren't in the clear.
  3244. “Uh, you're going to need to be a bit more precise than that.”
  3245. >”That film was not age appropriate at all, regardless of how critically acclaimed it was.”
  3246. >Phew, you thought your goose was cooked for a moment there.
  3247. “I promised them a movie, it was available and it kept them entertained. Besides, Sweetie Belle is perfectly capable of handling something more adult than that.”
  3248. >”And what gives you that impression?”
  3249. >You gesture to your neck and run your fingers over the fading bruises she left on you.
  3250. >She blushes slightly and realizes she walked right into it.
  3251. >Just keep on, and you know that you can win this.
  3252. >”F-fine, I'll give you that, but that still doesn't excuse what you did after.”
  3253. >After?
  3254. >”Putting your hands all over Sweetie Belle, in a museum of all places!”
  3255. >Okay, you actually did do that.
  3256. “Granted it wasn't necessarily the most appropriate place to smooch, but let me ask you this, Rarity: how happy was Sweetie Belle when you saw her and have you ever seen her that happy before?”
  3257. >Rarity puffs out her cheeks as she struggles to find a retort.
  3258. >She finds none.
  3259. >”I admit, she hasn't been that happy since I brought Opal home.”
  3260. >Damn right she hasn't.
  3261. >”Yet that's still no excuse to invite my sister to such degenerate behavior in public.”
  3262. >Is she serious now?
  3263. “Rarity, are you implying there's something wrong with waltzes?”
  3264. >”You know what I mean, Anonymous.”
  3265. >Before you can continue on, Pinkie comes back with your refreshments.
  3266. >”Got your drinks!”
  3267. >Rarity glares at Pinkie before accepting her chamomile.
  3268. >”Anything else?”
  3269. >Nodding no, Pinkie skips off to some other part of the restaurant.
  3270. >You take a small sip of your soda and bask in your satisfaction.
  3271. “Admit it, Rare; I've shown just how gentlemanly I can be.”
  3272. >Rarity tries to interject, but you raise a finger and stand your ground.
  3273. “Let me remind you that you have previously said and believed me a gentleman.”
  3274. >”...”
  3275. >She's actually at a loss.
  3276. >Great.
  3277. “Now, Rare, I want you to tell me what it was that you saw yesterday that I did wrong.”
  3278. >Looking into her eyes, you know.
  3279. >If she had any reason right now, she'd have jumped on you like a raptor.
  3280. >Finally, Rarity let's go completely and hangs her head low.
  3281. >”Oh, I give up. There was not a single thing you did wrong.”
  3282. >As far as she knows.
  3283. >”Even with the other two, you handled them gently and with restraint.”
  3284. >Oh, she really didn't see any of the other shit.
  3285. >Thank you, Jesus.
  3286. >You aren't sure how you could take it if she knew any of what went down yesterday.
  3287. >Luckily you don't have to find out.
  3288. > “Anonymous, why must you make this so difficult?”
  3289. >You shrug.
  3290. “I just want to love Sweetie, Rare. That's all.”
  3291. >Hey, it's the truth.
  3292. >”So you've said, many times.”
  3293. “They aren't just words, Rarity. I went through all of that yesterday just for her sake. If I only wanted to get in her pants, I wouldn't go this far. I'm not Flash Sentry.”
  3294. >Rarity mulls over your sentiments in her head for a bit, and sighs.
  3295. >”Anonymous, Sweetie is a good girl. She's as innocent as one can get in this age. I wouldn't give up her innocence to any man who wasn't willing to do anything for her.”
  3296. >Is this it? Is Rarity going to give you the okay?
  3297. >”Were I to ever bless a relationship for Sweetie, I'd have to have every reason to believe she would be married and in capable hands.”
  3298. >...Married?
  3299. >Is Rarity really going to tell you that it's not happening after all the effort you've thrown in?
  3300. >After all the possible chicken tenders you threw away to bring Sweetie happiness?
  3301. >Before you can begin to protest, Pinkie Pie has come back to your table again.
  3302. >Carrying two muffins.
  3303. >”Hey, I brought you guys muffins!”
  3304. “...We didn't order these, Pinkie.”
  3305. >”I know, they're from table 8.”
  3306. >Pinkie points to the gray girl sitting there, meekly waving to you.
  3307. >She then pushes a muffin in front of you.
  3308. >It says 'Sorry' in raisins.
  3309. >After what happened, she probably blamed herself for her part in it.
  3310. >You accept the muffin and begin to munch at it.
  3311. >”So, what's going on over here, friends?”
  3312. >Rarity's about to explain, but you beat her to the punch.
  3313. “Apparently, Rarity says that if I want to go any further with Sweetie, I'd need to marry her.”
  3314. >Pinkie turns the gears in her head, before she gets a massive grin.
  3315. >”Oh, that's wonderful! When's the wedding, is it soon?!”
  3316. >Her mouth stops talking long enough for her to gasp.
  3317. >”Can I be the maid of honor!?”
  3318. “....Reality has never really clicked with you, has it?”
  3319. >Pinkie looks at you like you said something stupid.
  3320. “Come on, Pinkie, this is beyond serious right here.”
  3321. >”Well, duh! You getting married is very serious. It's not a lifelong commitment for nothing.”
  3322. >Does she still not get it?
  3323. “Pinkie, do you know how long I will be waiting for that opportunity?”
  3324. >”...Waiting?”
  3325. “To marry Sweetie.”
  3326. >”But why?”
  3327. “For the love of-you know how old you have to be to get married, right?”
  3328. >”13.”
  3329. “That's right, th...wait, what?”
  3330. >”Yeah, you can get married at 13.”
  3331. >Rarity's eyes have snapped wide open.
  3332. >”Come again?”
  3333. >”Did you guys not know? In the state of Equestria, any minor above the age of 13 can be married off with the consent of the parents or a guardian, but only on an odd Monday. Gotta love colonial laws.”
  3334. >Both you and Rarity look at Pinkie in surprise.
  3335. >Then the true realization sets in.
  3336. >Rarity's mouth gapes open as she realizes what she's just done.
  3337. >Your mouth stretches into a shit-eating grin.
  3338. >As you look at Rarity, her look tells you everything.
  3339. “So, Rare, I can't do anything unless I marry Sweetie Belle, huh?”
  3340. >”A-Anonymous, you can't be serious!”
  3341. >Taking the chance to make Rarity squirm, you put your hands on hers and look her in the eyes.
  3342. “Rarity, I would like to get your blessing to marry Sweetie Belle.”
  3343. >With those words, Rarity begins to shake violently.
  3344. >Her eyes have begun twitching in earnest.
  3345. >”Rarity, are you alright?”
  3346. >Before she begins to convulse on the floor, something comes back to Rarity.
  3347. >It ain't her sanity, though.
  3348. >”N-no no no, Anonymous! I s-said that Sweetie needs a capable man! Capable! That means well-groomed and gainfully employed!”
  3349. “I do have a job, you know.”
  3350. >Rarity slams her arms onto the table, as if she has you in checkmate.
  3351. >”You think that freelance work is enough? No, you need a future! A career! A respectable job! Th-then I might consider the possibility of letting you marry Sweetie Belle!”
  3352. "So, all I need is a career? Consider it done."
  3353. >”What?”
  3354. “I accept your challenge. I will make myself a presentable man and win your favor for Sweetie Belle's sake.”
  3355. >Rarity stares at you for a moment, unaware of how exactly she's supposed to respond.
  3356. >On one hand, you basically said the response she longed to hear for herself and pushed it into reality, confirming her delusions of chivalry in the modern era.
  3357. >Yet on the other, she knows you are full of shit and are just saying what she wants to hear.
  3358. >Calling you out on that wouldn't be proper, though.
  3359. >Both of you wait for the other to say something, but Pinkie breaks the ice between you.
  3360. >”Well, I have to get back to my shift; you two let me know when the wedding is!”
  3361. >Pinkie skips off without a care in the world.
  3362. >Lucky girl.
  3363. >You finish the rest of your soda and toss down the last bit of muffin.
  3364. “Well, as fun as this was, I need to get back home.”
  3365. >Rarity looks at you with a puzzled stare.
  3366. >”Already?”
  3367. “Well, yeah, Rare. I have things to do around the house.”
  3368. >Fishing out the appropriate amount for the bill, you plop down the money and get up.
  3369. “Plus, I gotta get cracking on finding that career, you know.”
  3370. >You hear Rarity swear just a bit under her breath.
  3371. >It's kind of fun to mess with her like this after everything, but in all seriousness you need to make sure Scootaloo didn't burn down the house.
  3372. >After waving goodbye to the muffin girl, you make for your car.
  3373. >
  3374. >Well, it's been almost the entire ride without seeing a single fire engine or ambulance.
  3375. >That's a good sign right?
  3376. >Gingerly, you make the turn and head towards your house.
  3377. >No one's still there.
  3378. >At least you don't need to explain yourself to your folks.
  3379. >Once parked, you open the key and prepare for whatever nightmare Scootaloo has for you.
  3380. >On opening the door, you see that something's wrong.
  3381. >The house isn't like normal.
  3382. >For once in your life, the house is actually really clean!
  3383. >”Yo, Anon!”
  3384. >After hearing those words, you find yourself assaulted by a hug.
  3385. >From Scootaloo.
  3386. >Who is even less clothed than the last time you saw her.
  3387. >”Do you like it?”
  3388. “...Scootaloo, why are you so close to being nude?”
  3389. >”I didn't want to get cleaner on the shirt.”
  3390. >Makes enough sense.
  3391. “And the underwear?”
  3392. >Your houseguest gives you a look like she swallowed a lemon.
  3393. >”Uh, there's an explanation for that!”
  3394. “Alright.”
  3395. >Scootaloo awkwardly holds onto you while frozen in thought, unsure of what to say.
  3396. >Dammit, Scoots.
  3397. “When you come back from thinking too hard, you let me know what it is.”
  3398. >You slip out of the hug and watch Scootaloo stand there for a bit.
  3399. >Pinkie Pie's weirdness has begun affecting other people it seems.
  3400. >Eh, it was bound to happen eventually.
  3401. >Looking over the rest of the house, you can't believe she accomplished all of this in the span of about an hour.
  3402. >The carpets are bone white, the walls are cream colored, and the floor is two buffs from being chrome.
  3403. >Even Gumm, the Eternal Taffy Stain, has been removed from his spot on the sofa.
  3404. >But he'll be back.
  3405. >He always comes back.
  3406. >Taking a look over at Scootaloo again, she's still frozen.
  3407. >And bare-assed aside from the apron strings.
  3408. >Upon closer observation, her body is covered in minor scrapes and bruises.
  3409. >Aside from her ass, which is surprisingly untouched.
  3410. >It's still not as good as Sweetie Belle's though.
  3411. >...
  3412. >Note to self, do not compare your underaged girlfriend's ass to her friend's ass.
  3413. >Shit's odd no matter how you rationalize it.
  3414. >What the everloving fuck is that?
  3415. >Scootaloo unfreezes and you swear she almost clucks as she scrambles for the pile of clothes on the floor.
  3416. >Her face is red as she sheepishly chuckles and answers her cell.
  3417. >You know it's a mean thing to laugh at the chicken girl thing, but that was kinda funny.
  3418. >”H-hey! I was just thinking about you, Dad!”
  3419. >Oh, it's her father.
  3420. >Dear old Dad probably put that ringtone on there just to embarrass her.
  3421. >You remember when your own mother did that to you.
  3422. >First grade was a bitch.
  3423. >”Uh-huh. At midnight? Oh.”
  3424. >Scootaloo's elated expression has started to fade.
  3425. >”W-well that's okay! I'll just be here...waiting...”
  3426. >Now Scootaloo is outright dropping right into a frown.
  3427. >”Y-yeah, I love you too, Dad. Tell the guys I said hello.”
  3428. >Scootaloo hangs up, and drops to her knees.
  3429. “Uh, Scootaloo, what's going on?”
  3430. >”Dad's flight was canceled due to a thwarted terrorist attack at the airport. He's not coming back until tomorrow afternoon.”
  3431. >Oh shit.
  3432. “Is he okay?”
  3433. >”He's fine...but now I have to go home and Mom is going to be super pissed at me for not coming home.”
  3434. >Scootaloo is about to break down right now.
  3435. >Damn you, newly found sympathy.
  3436. >You sigh and walk towards Scootaloo.
  3437. >Picking her up from the ground, you right her and wipe away the forming tears.
  3438. “I can't in good conscience let you go home and get beaten.”
  3439. >Scootaloo's face beams as she hears the good news.
  3440. >”You mean I can stay!?”
  3441. “For one more night, I guess it couldn't hurt.”
  3442. >Both of your sides are gripped in a bear hug.
  3443. >Scootaloo seems happy at the fact that she doesn't have to get beaten.
  3444. >Who'd have thunk it?
  3445. >”Oh, thank you so much, Anon!”
  3446. >The gesture makes you feel somewhat wholesome inside.
  3447. >Until you feel something poking into you from beneath the apron.
  3448. “Scoots, turn off the highbeams.”
  3449. >It takes a while for her to stop looking at you in confusion and figure out what you meant.
  3450. >Then she releases you and tries to laugh it off with her awkward smile.
  3451. >”B-b-boy, it sure is cold in here! I'm gonna go put on that shirt again.”
  3452. >And she's off before you can even retort.
  3453. >Without much else left, you turn on your phone and sit on the sofa.
  3454. >It's going to be a long night.
  3455. >It's been a solid 20 minutes since Scootaloo retreated from her faux pas.
  3456. >All the better for you, though.
  3457. >You get to finish your main objective.
  3458. >But there's been no luck so far.
  3459. >All these job listings you've been scrambling through have had a fucking ton of experience requirements.
  3460. >You might be able to bullshit your way into one of them, worst case scenario, but that would be playing with fire.
  3461. >Don't need to be doing that right now.
  3462. >But, you're at enough peace now with Discovery Channel going on in the background.
  3463. >The animal documentaries always manage to center you.
  3464. >”H-hey, what'cha watching?”
  3465. >Speaking of animals, Scootaloo is back.
  3466. >Wearing the shirt now.
  3467. “Just enjoying some nature shows.”
  3468. >”Can I watch?”
  3469. >You merely shrug your shoulders.
  3470. >She takes the gesture as acceptance and sidles in next to you.
  3471. >Disregarding her entirely, you go back to flitting through job openings.
  3472. >It might take a while, but you know that you'll get a job.
  3473. >...Eventually.
  3474. >...Possibly.
  3475. >...Maybe you just weren't looking in the right sections.
  3476. >”Anon, what's on your mind?”
  3477. >You come out of the trance you locked yourself into.
  3478. >Scootaloo is looking at you with concern.
  3479. >”It's been almost two hours and you've just been looking at your phone really intensely.”
  3480. >Two hours?
  3481. >You didn't even realize it had been that long.
  3482. >Fucking hell, this job search is going to kill you.
  3483. >Having had enough for now, you put down your phone and take the opportunity to blink for once.
  3484. >You can resume worrying about the job search after school.
  3485. >Last thing you need is a stressful Monday morning.
  3486. >Before another thought comes to mind, you feel yourself having hunger pangs.
  3487. >That muffin didn't last very long in there.
  3488. >Scootaloo pats you on the arm and looks at you inquisitively.
  3489. >”Lunch?”
  3490. >You stomach rumbles affirmatively to Scootaloo's statement.
  3491. “Guess so.”
  3492. >The rest of the day blew by rather peacefully.
  3493. >Lunch and dinner were easy enough.
  3494. >Scootaloo helped you to finally get through that cake, and you finished up your spaghetti surplus.
  3495. >Discovery Channel ran through a series of rather good documentaries.
  3496. >Then the reality shows started popping up and you turned that shit off immediately.
  3497. >You don't need to exacerbate any potential brain damage any further.
  3498. >Rain started up again.
  3499. >Apparently there's going to be a major storm blowing through for two weeks.
  3500. >There's already flash-flood warnings being thrown out.
  3501. >Getting to school is going to be a fun time tomorrow.
  3502. >All that aside, the day has worn you down too much and you need your rest.
  3503. >Time to check out early.
  3504. >Without another thought, you prepare yourself for the night.
  3505. >You get clean and comfortable as usual.
  3506. >Scootaloo damn near jumps through the roof when the thunder comes back.
  3507. >Giving a chuckle, you resign yourself to another night sharing your bed with Scootaloo.
  3508. >There's nothing honestly too pleasing about the situation.
  3509. >But you've already pretty much committed yourself to it after the first time.
  3510. >Scootaloo isn't even all that bad, as frightened as she is.
  3511. >Plus, the bed really is big enough for two.
  3512. >Not even a single move was made after the both of you settled in.
  3513. >Sure, she's extremely clingy in her sleep, but it's nothing you have to concern yourself with.
  3514. >Kinda nice, really.
  3515. >Feeling someone with you in your bed.
  3516. >Of course, your mind lingers to it being Sweetie's body here with you.
  3517. >Sweetie...
  3518. >Wonder how she's going to react to the news.
  3519. >Probably won't know what to do with herself when you tell her.
  3520. >But you'll still have to find a job before you can consider doing anything else.
  3521. >Soon, your mind tires from thinking, and you feel yourself drifting off.
  3522. >Things will fall into place tomorrow, you're sure.
  3523. >A sudden thud awakens you from your slumber.
  3524. >Groggy, you begin to rub the sleep from your eyes.
  3525. >Wait a second...
  3526. >It takes a bit for your brain to adjust to your dark surroundings, but you realize that this isn't the side you fell asleep facing.
  3527. >Looking over your immediate surroundings, you see that you're face-to-face with Scootaloo.
  3528. >Who happens to be clung onto you completely.
  3529. >At least no one's around to see you in this compromising position.
  3530. “Scootaloo, I have to get up.”
  3531. >Your attempts to wake her up are unsuccessful, she just sleeps right through it.
  3532. >”No, Sweetie....raspberry...”
  3533. >She's sleeping like a log and talking in her sleep.
  3534. >This is Dash all over again.
  3535. >Except you're not even going out with Scootaloo.
  3536. “Dammit, Scoots, I have to go see what that was, let me go!”
  3537. >Scootaloo merely continues to mumble and cling onto you.
  3538. >You try to slip out of her grip, but she won't let you go.
  3539. >” it...”
  3540. >Now she's dreaming about Rainbow Dash.
  3541. >You don't think she'll be waking up soon.
  3542. >Left with no other option, you get up and Scootaloo comes with you, as clingy as she is.
  3543. >She's light as a feather, thankfully.
  3544. >Unlike Applebloom.
  3545. >Though you think that might be from neglect and abuse.
  3546. >Regardless, you open up the door and walk out with your passenger.
  3547. >From what you can tell in the dimly lit room, there are no intruders.
  3548. >You flick on the lights and see nothing is out of place.
  3549. >Then you go to the window to see if something fell in the yard, and are shocked to see a Stu pinned to your window.
  3550. >Oh shit, it's windy out there!
  3551. >Random scraps of paper, small animals and a mop go sailing through the sky outside of your barely illuminated window.
  3552. >Under these conditions, you're not sure how easy driving will be.
  3553. >It's a good thing you woke up early.
  3554. >The thought of getting to school makes you think about waking Scoots up finally.
  3555. >But you aren't going to wake her by conventional methods.
  3556. >No, not like you did with Dash.
  3557. >You're going to employ one of the strongest wake-up calls you can think of.
  3558. >Heading back into your room, you make for the medicine cabinet.
  3559. >Looks like you may get use out of all the things Dash has given you.
  3560. >After retrieving your tube and a cotton swab, you position it just so.
  3561. >This isn't going to be fun for Scoots, but you know it must be done.
  3562. >After conservatively applying some Icy Hot, you tilt her head up slightly.
  3563. >Wanting to get it over with quickly, you move towards the bed and begin the application.
  3564. >Nothing happens for about 10 seconds, but then Scootaloo drops off of you like a tick.
  3565. >She clutches at her nose in desperation as she flails around on the bed.
  3566. >Not wanting to make her suffer any more than that, you get the removal supplies out of the bathroom and stop Scoots from moving.
  3567. >While she whimpers a bit, she doesn't fight you.
  3568. >The process is over in about a minute, and she's calmed down from the episode.
  3569. >At least you didn't apply as much as you did to yourself the first time.
  3570. >Shit burned.
  3571. >”Anon, wh-what was that for?”
  3572. “You weren't waking up and I had no choice. It's like armageddon out there and we have to get to school.”
  3573. >She looks at you with an abashed face.
  3574. >”S-sorry, it's just so relaxing sleeping here.”
  3575. >You shrug and walk to put away the supplies you took out.
  3576. “It's fine, just go take a shower and I'll go get out the rain coats.”
  3577. >She looks at you confused.
  3578. >”Raincoats?”
  3579. “Yeah, we're walking. I can't drive in these conditions without crashing.”
  3580. >Scootaloo doesn't give it a second thought and nods her head as she absconds to the bathroom.
  3581. >On the other hand, you know walking to school's going to be a bitch.
  3582. >The things you do for an education.
  3583. >After an hour of prep time, you are now ready to go.
  3584. >You're geared up in your rainwear, and you're only waiting on Scootaloo.
  3585. >She's still struggling to close her jacket, but your mind is on other things.
  3586. >”Anon, I'm ready!”
  3587. >Looking towards her, you see she has indeed figured it out.
  3588. >Without another moment to spare, you push out into the world and are immediately pushed back into Scootaloo by the winds.
  3589. >Looking down, you see the small girl below you has the wind knocked out of her.
  3590. >You decide to pick her up and foster her on you until she can walk normally again.
  3591. >But that's where the normal ends.
  3592. >The waters and winds are fierce as you trudge on through.
  3593. >Many more relatives of Stu go by you as you try to dodge the rest of the debris.
  3594. >Shit's bad.
  3595. >In order to keep from being blown away, Scoots holds onto you for her life.
  3596. >The trudge isn't any easier for either of you, though.
  3597. >Bits and pieces of various things occasionally ram you, and you nearly lose your footing in the rushing water.
  3598. >On your way through, you see the car of one of those Crystal Prep kids flipped over.
  3599. >Fucking hell.
  3600. >Glad you didn't take the car.
  3601. >Walking past the scraps of metal, you can see the school in the distance.
  3602. >Pressing on, you fight the forces of the storm as best you can.
  3603. >Until you feel a bit lighter than you used to.
  3604. >”ANON!”
  3605. >Oh fuck.
  3606. >Looking behind you, you see Scoots is fighting being thrown into the air by holding onto a lamppost.
  3607. >Running back to her, you grip onto her as tightly as you can to keep her from going off.
  3608. >The school inches ever closer.
  3609. >Grass crunches beneath your shoes as you and Scoots begin to reach the entrance.
  3610. >Relief hits you like a gentle ocean breeze when you enter into the doors
  3611. >You and Scootaloo collapse in the interior, holding onto each other stuck in your previous survival mode.
  3612. >Fuck what anyone thinks, both of you could have died out there.
  3613. >Both of you need this hug right now.
  3614. >It's not long before you hear clacking on the floor as Principal Celestia comes into view.
  3615. >She looks at the both of you in worry and rushes to you.
  3616. >”Oh goodness, did the two of you just come in from the storm?”
  3617. >Teeth chattering from the major cold, you nod your head in response.
  3618. >”Well, you weren't the only ones who managed to miraculously make it in today. Come, let's get you warmed up.”
  3619. >Following Celestia, you and Scootaloo eventually come into the cafeteria.
  3620. >You recognize a few of the faces here, but not all of them.
  3621. >Soon after you take off your coat, Vice Principal Luna appears with a couple of blankets for both you and Scootaloo.
  3622. >Pre-warmed, sweet.
  3623. >Celestia ushers the both of you to a table and you find yourselves soon greeted with a warm cup of green tea.
  3624. >”How did the two of you even manage to get through that? The storm has only gotten progressively worse.”
  3625. >Putting on a warmed smile, you sip at your tea.
  3626. “Guess we really wanted an education.”
  3627. >Celestia laughs at your attempt at a joke.
  3628. >”While I appreciate the thought, I don't think we'll be having a normal school session with the weather this bad. Only a few students made it here before you, and I don't think we'll be seeing any others.”
  3629. >You nod in agreement.
  3630. >Someone would need to be a bigger lunatic than you to get through that.
  3631. >But you already see Rarity in here, so that's out.
  3632. >Then a thought occurs to you.
  3633. “Why are you here, Principal C? Don't you live halfway across town?”
  3634. >She chuckles at your question.
  3635. >”Funny you should ask that. Some of the faculty got together last night to discuss the possibility of canceling classes if the storm got bad enough, and then we got trapped when the storm picked up.”
  3636. >Celestia laughs at the irony she's endured.
  3637. “Blessing in disguise, seeing how many showed up.”
  3638. >”That you are correct about, Anonymous. I'd hate to see any of my students get hurt in the rain.”
  3639. >...Good thing she doesn't work at Crystal Prep.
  3640. >”Well, I'm glad the two of you are alright, but I have to attend to managing our current situation. If you need anything, feel free to talk to the vice principal if I'm not around.”
  3641. >And with that, Celestia walks off.
  3642. >You continue to sip at the tea and feel the cold slip from your bones.
  3643. >This is some bomb ass tea.
  3644. >Looking over the rest of the cafeteria, you begin to compose a clear list of who is and isn't here.
  3645. >At current, you can see that aside from Rainbow and Pinkie, Sunset's gang is here.
  3646. >The Apple family comes in a bunch, so you know Mac and Applebloom are here if AJ is.
  3647. >Some of the Wonderbolts made it in to the cafeteria, but knowing them they're probably off training.
  3648. >There's the gray girl from yesterday, sitting with some friends.
  3649. >Rest of them, you can't place a name to.
  3650. >Plenty of people to interact with, though.
  3651. >”Hey, Anon?”
  3652. >Scootaloo catches your attention as she looks at you with those big eyes.
  3653. >”T-thanks for not letting me blow away in the storm.”
  3654. “It's not a problem, Scootaloo.”
  3655. >”And the other stuff. It felt nice not having to worry about being yelled at or hit.”
  3656. “Like I said, it's fine.”
  3657. >Scootaloo blushes as she gives you that awkward laugh again.
  3658. >”I know I was probably a big burden, but it was still nice of you to stick your neck out for me.”
  3659. >Does she know that you can stop thanking people after a while?
  3660. >Scootaloo seems ready to start up again, when she suddenly clutches at her stomach.
  3661. “Uh, Scoots, are you okay?”
  3662. >”Y-yeah, I'm fine! I'm just, like, gonna go somewhere really quickly!”
  3663. >Before you can get in another word, Scootaloo has zoomed out of the room and leaving her blanket in the wake.
  3664. >Well, that's the end of that.
  3665. >Still, it was odd.
  3666. >You don't decide to question Scootaloo and just roll with it.
  3667. >Rather than anything else, you start to think about who you should go talk to with Scootaloo gone.
  3668. >Guess you'll go talk to Applejack.
  3669. >After the whole Applebloom incident, it would be good to know what happened.
  3670. >Determined to get off of your ass and talk to her, you gently set down your mug.
  3671. >After scrunching up the blanket into a scarf, you walk towards Applejack.
  3672. >Currently, she's apparently being consoled by Sunset.
  3673. >And only Sunset.
  3674. >So, guess that Fluttershy and AJ aren't still on speaking terms after the whole cult fiasco went down.
  3675. >”I'm sure everything's fine, Applejack.”
  3676. >”But the storm!”
  3677. “What's going on here?”
  3678. >Applejack looks at you with a wistful gaze.
  3679. >”Y'all see that storm out there right? What if the farm gets hit by it? All the animals and the trees gone.”
  3680. >Oh, she's worried about the farm.
  3681. >Should have known that a farmer would be concerned about their livelihood in a storm.
  3682. >”Don't worry, the storm probably hasn't even hit your place that hard.”
  3683. >Sunset pulls Applejack into a reassuring hug.
  3684. >”There's nothing that anyone can do at this point with the storm raging this badly. We just have to hunker down in here until everything clears up and hope.”
  3685. >”Even so, I can't wait to get home and make sure everything really is alright.”
  3686. >Applejack wraps her arms tightly around Sunset and loves
  3687. >Then Applejack pulls out her phone and stares at it.
  3688. >Curious tendencies get the better of you and you decide to be a nosy Nonny.
  3689. >You get next to her and observe the thing she's looking at on her phone.
  3690. >It's a photo of Percy.
  3691. >Wearing what you assume is some sort of weird sweater.
  3692. >Applejack's worry seems to be more for her rape baby than the rest of the farm.
  3693. >You don't understand those maternal feelings, and you have no need to know the love a mother has for a tree.
  3694. >Well, you're not actually likely to get much more out of her like this.
  3695. >She probably doesn't even remember Applebloom exists at this time.
  3696. >Guess you'll go pester someone else now.
  3697. >You look over towards Rarity.
  3698. >She's currently holding onto Fluttershy.
  3699. >While you consider going to ask what is up and where you can find your marshmallow companion, you notice that Flutters is looking off.
  3700. >Deciding not to get involved in watching over Shy during a bad trip, you decide that maybe you should actually take a bit of a breather from the cafeteria.
  3701. >You walk out as stealthily as you can and head throughout the halls.
  3702. >There's actually more people out here, but not too many more.
  3703. >Walking around, you realize how creepy the school looks when underpopulated.
  3704. >In the middle of your thoughts, you run into someone and they fall to the floor.
  3705. >Looking down, you see it's Scootaloo.
  3706. >She looks up at you and laughs off her collision.
  3707. >”I guess I need to look out a bit better, huh?”
  3708. >Most of it was your fault, but you let that thought go by as you help Scootaloo up.
  3709. >”Sorry about earlier, but I had to...clean out my locker.”
  3710. >Clean out her locker?
  3711. >Is that really what she's going to go with?
  3712. >She could at least try to make something more convincing up, whatever her reason was.
  3713. “Alright, I'm just glad you didn't get hurt in that spill.”
  3714. >You're about to walk away, when she grabs onto your arm.
  3715. >”B-before you go, I just wanted to say I really did appreciate all that you did for me, and that if you ever need something from me, I'm more than happy to help you out.”
  3716. >Scootaloo fidgets as she says this.
  3717. >You're uncertain if this is just Scootaloo being Scootaloo, or if she's implying something.
  3718. >Either way, you decide that you should take her up on that offer.
  3719. “Scoots, there is something I need from you. Could you go find Sweetie for me?”
  3720. >”What?”
  3721. “I want to find Sweetie. Applebloom as well, if possible.”
  3722. >Scootaloo seems curious about the last part, but she merely nods her head and walks off to get the girls.
  3723. >After watching her walk off, you go to the stairs and take a seat.
  3724. >Sitting in solistude, you let thoughts run through your mind of finding employment.
  3725. >So many of the opportunities you looked through required qualifications.
  3726. >Ones that you do not meet.
  3727. >But you need to find something sooner or later.
  3728. >Sweetie Belle's depending on you to do that and salvage your relationship from the cold depths of Rarity's drama ocean.
  3729. >Well, maybe not that dramatic, but you do want to make Sweetie happy.
  3730. >Truly, that's the only reason you ever needed to justify your actions.
  3731. >”Hey.”
  3732. >Looking up from your ponderings, you see a familiar face.
  3733. >Soarin stands over you, with a look on his face you can't quite place.
  3734. >You don't know what to think of him exactly.
  3735. >All you have to go on is the encounter in the mall, and that's about it.
  3736. >”Do you mind if I sit down?”
  3737. >You slide over to the right and watch him take a place next to you.
  3738. >Soarin then looks off to the sides of the two of you, and belts a deep sigh.
  3739. >Deciding to take the initiative, you look towards Soarin and engage a conversation.
  3740. “What's up, Soarin?”
  3741. >He looks to you out of the corner of his eye.
  3742. >”Anon, do you remember when we ran into each other at the mall?”
  3743. >Who could forget something like that?
  3744. “Uh-huh.”
  3745. >”So, from what I gathered, we're both in a similar situation, aren't we?”
  3746. “...Circumstances might be different, but it may be similar enough.”
  3747. >He looks down to his clasped hands and focuses heavily on them.
  3748. >”Anon, I have some questions that I'd like to hear some answers for.”
  3749. >Questions?
  3750. >Well, it's not like you didn't see some sort of meeting coming with someone seeing your...escapade.
  3751. >You resign yourself to the situation that you've found yourself in, and prepare to satisfy Soarin's curiousity.
  3752. >...Wait, no, that sounds weird.
  3753. >Bah, it's not like anyone can hear your thoughts in here, anyway.
  3754. “Alright. What's on your mind, Soarin?”
  3755. >Soarin twiddles his thumbs as his thoughts begin to take form.
  3756. >”Back at the mall, I saw you with the three girls.”
  3757. >His look degenerates to something you even less recognizable as an emotion.
  3758. >”Are you, you know, involved with all of them?”
  3759. >Involved?
  3760. >The thought wheels around in your head and you soon understand.
  3761. “Not really.”
  3762. >”...So then, is it just Sweetie Belle?”
  3763. “Yes. And no.”
  3764. >He looks up from his hands and back to you.
  3765. >”How so?”
  3766. “Well, yes, I guess you could say Sweetie and I are a thing now. But I haven't even laid a hand on her that way.”
  3767. >”...”
  3768. “Did you think I was going for all of them?”
  3769. >”I didn't know what to think when I saw that.”
  3770. “Okay, that wasn't my fault. It was Applebloom's.”
  3771. >His look softens into something resembling a smile.
  3772. >”I guess the Apple rumor is true.”
  3773. >You don't know what the rumors are exactly, but it likely relates to sex and Applebloom definitely tried to live up to it.
  3774. “Girl has an appetite like a goat.”
  3775. >”What about Scootaloo?”
  3776. >You could tell him about the awkward time where Scootaloo lived at your house, but you know he doesn't need to know that.
  3777. “She's an awkward one.”
  3778. >”The way she always acts around Rainbow Dash, I thought she might've been a second Spitfire.”
  3779. >If only he knew how far her obsession went.
  3780. “Reasonable assumption. But no, she's got a craving for dick like a normal chick.”
  3781. >”Did she try for yours?”
  3782. “Key word there is 'try'.”
  3783. >Soarin chuckles at your joke.
  3784. >”Guess that means you really were just after Sweetie Belle.”
  3785. “I told you.”
  3786. >”Just had to know. It's been gnawing at me for weeks.”
  3787. >Hold on, weeks?
  3788. “We went to the mall a couple days back.”
  3789. >”I meant the whole Sweetie Belle thing. I saw the two of you back at Flash's party.”
  3790. >Oh.
  3791. “I can't dance.”
  3792. >”Well it showed.”
  3793. >The two of you share a laugh at your ineptitude.
  3794. >At least he didn't see her get drunk.
  3795. >”I didn't know what you were doing with her back then, though. I thought worst case scenario, but I guess nothing bad happened between you.”
  3796. >You rub your hand over the bruise on your right side.
  3797. “Heh. I guess.”
  3798. >”So, how did it even start?”
  3799. “...Why exactly are you interested in this?”
  3800. >”Like I said, bro, I'm looking for answers.”
  3801. >Don't know what he's looking for, but with the boat you share nothing is going to come badly from this.
  3802. “Just really happened. I was doing a favor for Rarity and watching Sweetie, then I fell in love with the task. Then I guess that Sweetie eventually fell in love with me.”
  3803. >”She chose you, then?”
  3804. “Yeah, she did. I didn't expect it.”
  3805. >”No doubt.”
  3806. “But Pinkie Pie got involved and things happened. Now I'm in love with her.”
  3807. >Soarin looks at you puzzled.
  3808. >”Pinkie Pie?”
  3809. “She enjoys being a matchmaker.”
  3810. >”Well, shit.”
  3811. “I know, right?”
  3812. >The two of you share a moment of contemplation over her bizarre tendencies.
  3813. >”Did you want to do anything, I mean, before it all began?”
  3814. “...I'm not a creep.”
  3815. >”Neither am I.”
  3816. >It's true then.
  3817. >The two of you truly are in the same boat.
  3818. >”Would you ever consider going back on it?”
  3819. “Not if it meant I had to leave behind Sweetie.”
  3820. >”You're committed to seeing this through, then?”
  3821. >If for nothing else than to piss off Rarity and embrace Sweetie, you wish to finish it.
  3822. “Completely.”
  3823. >Soarin looks out at the wall of the hallway and crosses his arms.
  3824. >Dude's really got something going on.
  3825. >Having let Opal out of the bag on your end, you figure that it'd be appropriate for you to ask him something in return.
  3826. >Conversations are a two-way exchange, after all.
  3827. >Readying your throat, you look calmly towards Soarin.
  3828. “Mind if I ask you something?”
  3829. >Soarin looks at you for a second, some thought process unknown to you taking place.
  3830. >”Go ahead.”
  3831. >He said yes?
  3832. >Not what you expected, but you're not one to deny an opening.
  3833. “Okay. So, when I saw you at the mall, you were with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, right?”
  3834. >”Yep.”
  3835. “As in the two richest students attending?”
  3836. >”You got it.”
  3837. >Soarin's being completely forthcoming with it all.
  3838. >As if he's just saying hello to someone.
  3839. “Back then, you said you knew what it was like when you thought...well, we both know what you meant.”
  3840. >”That I did.”
  3841. “So, you're involved with them?”
  3842. >”...Involved might be too weak a word at this point.”
  3843. >You rub the back of your neck and look up at the ceiling.
  3844. “Do you mean that you went out and-”
  3845. >”Yes.”
  3846. >The abruptness of the answer cuts you off and you look at him surprised.
  3847. >He just readily confessed to his indiscretion.
  3848. >You haven't even gotten that far.
  3849. >”I know, you're shocked, right? But at this point, it doesn't even feel weird to say.”
  3850. >At least you're not that far gone.
  3851. >It's still weird thinking Sweetie is sexually inclined.
  3852. “...Was the reason you asked how far I had gone because you actually went ahead with it?”
  3853. >Soarin looks at you out of the corner of his eye.
  3854. “Did it happen with both of them?”
  3855. >He turns his eyes and looks towards the ceiling.
  3856. >What little indifference was left on his face morphs into a frown.
  3857. >Holy shit.
  3858. >That is why he asked.
  3859. >Both Diamond Tiara AND Silver Spoon.
  3860. >Soarin fucked both of them, the absolute madman!
  3861. >Although, you aren't surprised.
  3862. >They seem to do everything together.
  3863. >Plus, they could have done far worse than Soarin.
  3864. >You were never really friends or anything, but you've seen the dude in action enough to know he's noble soul.
  3865. >Doubt that you'd have the patience to endure Spitfire's forceful ways.
  3866. >Or resist ogling her.
  3867. >Dash almost clocked you when she caught you staring at her ass.
  3868. >Twice.
  3869. >”Uh, you alright there, bro?”
  3870. >You need to stop getting so into analysis, or people will start to think you're weird.
  3871. “Yeah, I just...thoughts.”
  3872. >Soarin returns to his neutral countenance and looks back at his hands.
  3873. >”What do you think?”
  3874. “What do you mean by that?”
  3875. >”About everything.”
  3876. >Fuck, you're not in a position to judge anyone.
  3877. >You made Sweetie fall for you, sent Applebloom into a depressive episode, and dreamed of raping Scootaloo.
  3878. >None of what you did was a very paragon.
  3879. >But Soarin seems in a bad way, and you need to answer his plea for help.
  3880. “Did you hurt anyone?”
  3881. >Soarin merely shakes his head after he lets your words sink in.
  3882. “Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon went along with it, right?”
  3883. >”...Silver did.”
  3884. “...How about Diamond?”
  3885. >”I don't know what to think of her thoughts anymore.”
  3886. >That didn't sound too solid, but it doesn't sound like he ruined anyone's life.
  3887. >You think.
  3888. “Well, if they were fine with doing the deed, then you shouldn't be beating yourself up about it.”
  3889. >Soarin looks at you with a new look on his face.
  3890. >It's too soon to understand what it is, though.
  3891. “Had they really been against it, you wouldn't be here, right? You'd be in jail or buried in Filthy Rich's secret corpse patch.”
  3892. >Soarin takes a moment to consider his status.
  3893. >His expression lightens further.
  3894. “Doubt's only for those with something to fear. What is it you have to be afraid of now?”
  3895. >Soarin enters into a state you know all too well: epiphany.
  3896. >Here's to hoping it's not about a mistake.
  3897. “If you care about their best interests, and are doing things for their sake, then move forward with it. I know enough about you to tell you aren't evil. You'll figure things well enough on your own.”
  3898. >You extend your hand to him after your speech.
  3899. >He takes it.
  3900. >That hopeful look says it all.
  3901. >He's found an answer.
  3902. >You choose to believe that he's found a measure of light with it.
  3903. >”Thanks, Anon. I think I've got some things figured out now.”
  3904. >You grip him in a firm shake.
  3905. >From his touch, you can feel the resolve in his heart.
  3906. >Whether this is a good one, or a bad one, only time will tell.
  3907. >But you can only do so much.
  3908. >Soarin's choices are his own.
  3909. >”Hey, Anon.”
  3910. >Behind you, Scootaloo appears with a smile on her face.
  3911. >”I found some people you might want to see.”
  3912. >Good job, Scoots.
  3913. >”Well, it looks like you're busy. I guess this is where I take my exit.”
  3914. >You look back towards Soarin as he lets go of your hand and takes out his phone.
  3915. >He walks away from you and waves goodbye.
  3916. >Part of you feels conflicted about letting him go still.
  3917. >”Anon, come on! Sweetie's dying to see you!”
  3918. >Scootaloo takes you by the hand and you begin to lose sight of Soarin.
  3919. >There's still your own story you have to see through before you can think to help someone else.
  3920. >Maybe you'll run into him again, with a happy duo behind him.
  3921. >But in truth, you know you won't see him anytime soon.
  3922. >Scootaloo doesn't give you the time to think twice about it before you and her make it to an empty classroom.
  3923. >Well, save for someone wearing a green bow.
  3924. >And Sweetie.
  3925. >”Look who I found.”
  3926. >Scootaloo pushes you towards your object of affection.
  3927. >Her grip around you fills you with a warmth that you've longed to feel these last two days separated from her.
  3928. >”I'm so glad you're here.”
  3929. >Sweetie tightens her hug on you, and you return her affection with a gentle touch of your own.
  3930. >That smile you sought out is finally in front of you again.
  3931. >”Crazy rain, right?”
  3932. >You can't help but laugh.
  3933. >Not because it was really funny.
  3934. >But because it's her humor.
  3935. >It stands to reason that you cannot turn down an opportunity to engage her happiness.
  3936. >Still, you've got something to tell her.
  3937. >And you're ecstatic about it inside.
  3938. >As you're about to begin telling Sweetie, you hear a groan coming from somewhere at the back of the room.
  3939. “What the hell was that?”
  3940. >”That's Applebloom.”
  3941. >Applebloom?
  3942. >Sweetie lets go of you long enough to point out her position.
  3943. >Yep, that's Applebloom alright.
  3944. >Curled up in a ball.
  3945. “What's all that about? Did you try to bake with baking soda again?”
  3946. >Sweetie Belle frowns in annoyance at your statement.
  3947. >”H-hey, that only happened the one time! And I got better at making food!”
  3948. “Sweetie, I love you, but we both know you can't make a bowl of cereal without it combusting.”
  3949. >”Only for a few seconds!”
  3950. >Applebloom's zombie-like noises permeate the room once more.
  3951. “If you didn't make her eat your food, why's she like that?”
  3952. >”She says she's depressed.”
  3953. >Depressed?
  3954. “Is she still going on about that?”
  3955. >”She's been like this since I visited her yesterday.”
  3956. >Well, looks like you'll have to fix that situation in a bit.
  3957. >”Hold on, Anon, why didn't you call me yesterday?”
  3958. “Call you?”
  3959. >”Yeah! You didn't call me to see how I was doing with the storm.”
  3960. >Sweetie looks at you with those big eyes of hers.
  3961. >Now you feel bad, because you didn't actually go out of your way to contact her for two days.
  3962. >But you had good reason.
  3963. >As you're about to finally deliver your heartfelt confession, Scootaloo pipes up.
  3964. >”Sorry, that was my fault.”
  3965. >The statement makes Sweetie turn toward Scootaloo.
  3966. >”What was that, Scootaloo?”
  3967. >”It was my fault. Anon was kind enough to let me stay at his place before we came here, and I took up his time.”
  3968. >Sweetie Belle looks back to you.
  3969. >Oh no, she's going to flip out like last time and assume the worst.
  3970. “Sweetie, I-”
  3971. >”You did that for one of my friends?”
  3972. >The hug returns with a vengeance.
  3973. >”It was so nice of you to help Scootaloo like that, Anon.”
  3974. >Guess she still thinks you're completely repulsed by Scootaloo.
  3975. >Lucky you.
  3976. >Putting that aside, you return to your thought of proposing.
  3977. >You decided long ago to stop being indecisive and that still stands.
  3978. >Resting your hands on Sweetie's shoulders, she looks up to you.
  3979. “Sweetie, I didn't come in here just to visit you. I had a reason for having Scootaloo find you.”
  3980. >Her eyes expand like dinner plates.
  3981. >”Did you finally get Rarity to say yes?!”
  3982. “Um...well, not exactly. But I have something almost as important to tell you.”
  3983. >”What would that be?”
  3984. >Putting your head down closer, you maintain a steady eye contact.
  3985. “Rarity put herself in a position that she didn't fully think through, so I got us a tiny bit of a loophole in her logic. In short, provided I find a means of gainful employment-”
  3986. >”Employment?”
  3987. “Like a manager or something.”
  3988. >”Oh.”
  3989. “Anyway, she said that the only way I'd ever get closer to you would be to marry you.”
  3990. >”W-what? But that's-”
  3991. >Holding a finger to her lips, you pause her thoughts gently.
  3992. “Due to your sister's inability to comprehend the scope of her words, I figured out exactly what I need to do.”
  3993. >Taking her hands in yours and kneeling down, you look at her adorably puzzled face.
  3994. “Sweetie, I want to marry you, and I hope you say yes.”
  3995. >Your little buddy stares at you in shock for a moment.
  3996. >Then her eyes bulge.
  3997. >”M-m-m-m-m-marry!?”
  3998. >Nodding your head, you watch her blush profusely.
  3999. >Sweetie's trying to stammer out something resembling words, but too much is going through her head.
  4000. >Her body starts to slightly shift to the left.
  4001. >Gravity soon begins taking over as she starts falling toward the floor.
  4002. >Obviously you're not about to let your girlfriend hit the linoleum and you catch her right before her body makes contact with the floor.
  4003. >Then you hear a new odd noise as you witness Scootaloo drop to the ground.
  4004. >Couldn't save the both of them.
  4005. >Whoops.
  4006. >Well, this is bad.
  4007. >Two unconscious girls and a likely suicidal Applebloom in the corner.
  4008. >Setting Sweetie down gently, you think about what your next course of action is.
  4009. >Hold on, the closet!
  4010. >Yeah, all the classroom closets have a first aid kit in them!
  4011. >Smelling salts are sure to be in there.
  4012. >A few strides later, you latch onto the handle and make it give way.
  4013. >Inside, you see the item you're looking for.
  4014. >Alongside Big Mac and Ms. Cheerilee.
  4015. >You pause as the two of them stare at you.
  4016. >Then out to the two fainted girls behind you.
  4017. “....Uh, I'll keep quiet about this if you guys do.”
  4018. >Both of them look to each other, and then nod in agreement.
  4019. “Cool. Sorry, just have to get this and I'll be out of your way.”
  4020. >You grasp the kit and close the door, leaving Cheerilee to her business.
  4021. >Never again shall you speak of witnessing it.
  4022. >Fishing around for your prize, you find it nestled in the bottom snugly.
  4023. >At least it's here.
  4024. >You bring it out and test it on Scootaloo first.
  4025. >It takes a bit, but she comes to.
  4026. >Good, they work.
  4027. >That out of the way, you bring Sweetie back to the waking world.
  4028. >She struggles a bit getting out of it, but her eyes lock back onto you when she comes to.
  4029. >A far lighter blush creeps onto her face.
  4030. “Sorry about that, Sweetie. I didn't know that fainting ran in the family.”
  4031. >Sweetie giggles at your small dig.
  4032. >”D-did you really mean that, Anon?”
  4033. >Looking over towards Scoots, she's finally regained her stance.
  4034. >”Y-you're gonna marry Sweetie Belle?”
  4035. >Seems she's not processing it well.
  4036. >It's not like you can blame her, no one expects to see their friend being proposed to at 13.
  4037. >At least in a country that matters.
  4038. “I kind of have to at this point.”
  4039. >Scootaloo makes...some sort of face.
  4040. >Looks like a mix of smiling and trying to hold back a sneeze.
  4041. >”That's great. For you and...Sweetie.”
  4042. >Scootaloo is many things, but an actress is not one of them.
  4043. >Sweetie Belle can obviously tell through Scootaloo's grimace that she's a bit taken aback by the news.
  4044. >Pulling you down to her level she whispers something into your ear.
  4045. >But you didn't expect what you heard from her.
  4046. >You lean in to whisper to her yourself.
  4047. “what did you just say?”
  4048. >”i said that you should go give scootaloo a kiss.”
  4049. “that question was rhetorical, sweetie.”
  4050. >”i know, but she looks so sad.”
  4051. “didn't we just go through something because you merely thought applebloom had sex with me?”
  4052. >”well, yeah, but that was only because you didn't have sex with me yet.”
  4053. “...huh?”
  4054. >”well, you already kissed me first so it won't make me jealous or anything.”
  4055. >What little logic goes on in her head at this moment you cannot fathom.
  4056. >”i know that this is a lot to ask for, because you don't like her that much, but please do it for me.”
  4057. “you cannot be serious right now.”
  4058. >”she just needs something until she finds someone to actually have a healthy romantic interest in.”
  4059. >Doubt that will ever happen.
  4060. “sweetie...”
  4061. >”pleeeeease?”
  4062. >”What are you guys doing?”
  4063. >You look up from your partner to Scootaloo.
  4064. >Even if she doesn't vex you like she did earlier, you're still not too keen on the prospect of making out with her.
  4065. >She's already obsessed with Dash, and you don't really wish to have that extended to you.
  4066. >But Sweetie's puppy dog eyes are hard to deny, and she has shown progress with respecting your personal space.
  4067. >....Dammit.
  4068. >Well, at least you know she used mouthwash today.
  4069. >Breaking off from Sweetie, you walk towards the still conflicted Scootaloo.
  4070. >”Anon, what-”
  4071. >You cut her off with a finger and then place your hand firmly on her chin
  4072. >Scootaloo has no true reason to fear you now, but you can tell she's not completely sure what the hell you plan to do.
  4073. >Boy, do you wish you weren't sure of what you were planning to do.
  4074. >Moving in closer to Scootaloo, you begin to feel the heat radiating from her.
  4075. >Your mouth really doesn't want to go through with this.
  4076. >But the brain tells your mouth to stop being a bitch.
  4077. >Tilting her head upward towards you, a look of curiosity replaces the one of fear.
  4078. >...Damn, this is hard.
  4079. >Fuck, you just need to get this over with.
  4080. >Like ripping off a piece of tape.
  4081. >Pushing yourself forward, you set your lips onto Scootaloo's.
  4082. >At first, she doesn't move an inch.
  4083. >Then she looks up at you after having recovered from the shock.
  4084. >Soon after, you break off from her.
  4085. >Her eyes are still fixated on you.
  4086. >You don't know what to think about that.
  4087. >As you're about to question Scootaloo, you are quickly taken to the floor and are beset with a vicious assault on your lips.
  4088. >Scootaloo gives you no quarter as she manages to violate nearly every inch of your poor mouth.
  4089. >Her tongue is everywhere.
  4090. >Dear Lord, where did she learn this from?
  4091. >Looking back to Sweetie from your vantage point below, you see she's kept true to her word.
  4092. >She's not jealous.
  4093. >Instead, you see that she is intently watching your battle for tongue supremacy.
  4094. >This better not be turning her on.
  4095. >Because this is definitely not your fetish.
  4096. >Really, though, Scootaloo is savage.
  4097. >With her desperate cries for physical affection finally answered, she fully intends to milk this for all it is worth.
  4098. >This is completely at odds with your experience with both Sweetie and Dash.
  4099. >Dash was fairly aggressive at making out, but you weren't unable to even mount a counterattack.
  4100. >”...told you to get it twenty minutes ago!”
  4101. >”I'm thorry, Trixie.”
  4102. >Wait, those are voices.
  4103. >Voices of people looking to get into the room.
  4104. >Your mind kicks into overdrive as you try to separate yourself from Scoots, but she clings to you.
  4105. >It's too late.
  4106. >The door jiggles open.
  4107. >And Scootaloo is blind to everything but her lust.
  4108. >Oh, bother.
  4109. >”If Trixie goes without her snack to keep up her blood sugar, she will pass out!”
  4110. >As the door swings fully open, you're still buried under Scoots.
  4111. >There is no escape.
  4112. >Both of the outsiders walk into the room and are unaware of your presence.
  4113. >Until Trixie trips over the both of you and falls to the ground.
  4114. >The sudden movement frightens Scootaloo and she reflexively clings harder onto you.
  4115. >Okay, this is actually painful now.
  4116. >”What in the world did I...”
  4117. >Trixie's mouth goes silent as she looks at you being embraced by Scootaloo.
  4118. >”Thcootaloo?”
  4119. >Your eyes dart over to the other girl.
  4120. >Unsurprisingly, it's Twist.
  4121. >She raises a cast-covered arm to her face as she realizes what she's witnessed.
  4122. >Looking between the two of them, you try to gather your thoughts.
  4123. “Uh, hey guys. How is it going?”
  4124. >Both of them stare at you in shock.
  4125. “So, uh, I know you're probably going to think something has transpired here of a different nature than what actually occurred.”
  4126. >Neither of them move a muscle as you try to weasel your way out of this.
  4127. “Yeah, so, just know that nothing of any romantic or sexual nature is occuring here, despite what this situation might seem to be otherwise.”
  4128. >Putting on your best smile, you hope to make them take your lie at face value.
  4129. >The two of them look to each other and share a moment of contemplation.
  4130. >Then they pull out their phones and snap a photo of what's before them.
  4131. >
  4132. >Well, it's not been long.
  4133. >A few minutes since Twist and Trixie came in.
  4134. >But that was all the time needed to make everyone in the school think you're going out with Scootaloo.
  4135. >Being a possible pedophile was something you were ready for, but not this.
  4136. >You join Applebloom in the suicide corner and wonder why you must suffer so.
  4137. >Applebloom groans alongside you in a ball.
  4138. >Feeling low as you are, you groan as well.
  4139. >The groaning begins to harmonize.
  4140. >Before long, both of you resemble the cadences of frogs in the night.
  4141. >”Okay, that's enough of that.”
  4142. >You slip out of your daze long enough to see Cheerilee and Big Mac fixing their clothing as they burst from the closet.
  4143. >Mac opens the door and lets his love companion out first before slamming it behind him.
  4144. >Guess you killed the mood.
  4145. >You begin to smirk.
  4146. >Then you give a slight chuckle.
  4147. >Soon after, you rub your eyes and hold your head in your hands.
  4148. >A pair of hands comes towards you, and move your own from your head.
  4149. >Hold on.
  4150. >These hands are not pale like snow, nor are they free of bruises and scrapes..
  4151. >And unless you are mistaken, Applejack is still sulking internally over Percy.
  4152. >By process of elimination, this is definitely Scootaloo.
  4153. >”Anon...”
  4154. “Scootaloo.”
  4155. >”I, uh, I'm sorry that I made a mess of things.”
  4156. >Looking behind you, you see Scootaloo with a genuine repentant look.
  4157. >”Y-you're not mad at me, are you?”
  4158. >Giving a heavy sigh, you shake your head and stare at the ceiling.
  4159. “No, I'm not mad at you. It's not your fault.”
  4160. >”It's Rarity's?”
  4161. “No, Sweetie, Trixie. It's Trixie's fault now. Not everything can be Rarity's fault.”
  4162. >Scootaloo grabs your hands and pulls them into a hug from behind you.
  4163. >This position is very awkward.
  4164. >”I know you're just trying to say that to spare my feelings. But I keep making things harder on you.”
  4165. >Soon, a pair of white arms joins the awkwardly oriented hug.
  4166. >”No, it's my fault. I told Anon to do it.”
  4167. >You sort of expect another pair of hands to join up with the current collection, but Applebloom just lies there.
  4168. >Not that it really is a great loss, because this is only getting more uncomfortable by the minute with this angle.
  4169. >Having had enough of being constricted to this odd angle, you get up and crack your back.
  4170. >Sweetie and Scoots are a bit sad to let go of you, but you need to just take a moment and think about what you are going to do.
  4171. >You don't hate Scootaloo.
  4172. >Or at least not anymore.
  4173. >But you can't let people going around and assuming you guys are in a relationship of any non-platonic nature.
  4174. >Sweetie is the only one you're looking to for that.
  4175. >Your phone rumbles around in your pocket as you fumble around with your thought.
  4176. >Absentmindedly, you grab it and look at your most recent message.
  4177. >It's from Dash.
  4178. >Oh.
  4179. >Well, she doesn't seem too pleased with the current falsehood going around.
  4180. >Uh, yeah, you have no real desire to grapple with that one at the moment.
  4181. >Sliding back your phone, you turn fully towards the girls and push the thoughts of Dash's rage away.
  4182. “Okay. There are now two things I have to tell the both of you.”
  4183. >Both girls give you their full attention as you lean back on the wall.
  4184. “Firstly, we need to get rid of this whole misunderstanding with the school. I am not going around with people thinking Scootaloo is my girlfriend.”
  4185. >”A-am I really that bad?”
  4186. “Come on, Scootaloo, you know I'm with Sweetie. It wouldn't be proper.”
  4187. >”But no one knows that you two are together.”
  4188. >You shake your head and rest a hand on your face.
  4189. “No, Scoots, I am not going to let people think we're in a relationship.”
  4190. >Scootaloo frowns at your commitment to rejecting her love.
  4191. “Anyway, second thing to do is fix Applebloom.”
  4192. >”I don't think Applejack would like that.”
  4193. ”Not that kind of fixing, Sweetie. I mean get her out of that funk.”
  4194. >Sweetie tilts her head at your statement.
  4195. >”But how are we going to do that?”
  4196. >...
  4197. >Shit, that is a good question right there.
  4198. >How are you actually going to do either of those things you have on your mind right now?
  4199. >As your mind begins to spin its wheels, you hear a loud thwack on the window next to you.
  4200. >Moving to the front of the window, you see Pinkie plastered onto it like a large, pink pigeon.
  4201. >With her being more nuts than you or Rarity, it figures that she'd show up eventually.
  4202. >She gives you a sad look and paws at the window with her hand that isn't sandwiched between her and the glass.
  4203. >You roll your eyes as you open up the window and soon bowl over as she comes inside the room.
  4204. >Opening your eyes, you can only see pink.
  4205. >And not the kind you expect to see from her.
  4206. >Pinkie quickly pulls herself off of you and stands above your head.
  4207. >”Wow, that was not as much fun as I had expected it to be. Sorry about that, Nonny.”
  4208. >She looks down to you expecting a response, but you merely stare up her skirt.
  4209. >”Nonny, did I hit you a bit too hard?”
  4210. “...Oh, sorry, I just didn't expect you to be going commando today.”
  4211. >Ponka stares at you for a while until it clicks in her head and she rushes to cover her shame.
  4212. >”Guess Stu isn't the only thing I need to search for now.”
  4213. >As Ponka moves herself away from you, you right yourself and remove the debris she shunted onto you.
  4214. “Pinkie, as good as it is to see you're safe, we were sort of in the middle of discussing some serious matters.”
  4215. >”What kind of matters?”
  4216. “...Private matters.”
  4217. >”Oh, those are always juicy! Tell me.”
  4218. “Pinkie.”
  4219. >”Oh, come on, Nonny. I always find out in the end.”
  4220. >You raise your finger to counter her point, but she's right.
  4221. >If something happens, Pinkie is usually the first to find it out no matter how it is concealed.
  4222. >Groaning silently, you sit on your desk and motion for her to sit next to you.
  4223. >Considering the involvement she's had with you and Sweetie, it isn't unreasonable to be here.
  4224. >Who knows, maybe she's what you needed.
  4225. >Just prior to you taking a full breath, she pulls a bag of popcorn from within her hair and sets her eyes on you.
  4226. >”Okay, now I'm ready.”
  4227. >You look back towards the girls and consider your actions for just a moment longer.
  4228. >But yeah, you are pretty much going to just tell her at this point.
  4229. >It's not like she can make this worse.
  4230. “...Alright, Pinkie, I have to preface this with the fact that what is currently being peddled around school is false.”
  4231. >”False?”
  4232. “Give me a bit, Pinkie. Anyway, Trixie is a bitch and Twist is a spineless ginger and because of them I am now dating Scootaloo.”
  4233. >Pinkie looks at you for a moment, in confusion, then epiphany, and culminates in sadness.
  4234. >”W-what?! But you're going out with Sweetie Belle! They can't ruin my ships like that!”
  4235. >Rolling your eyes at Pinkie, you try to bring back the conversation to where you wanted it.
  4236. “Disregarding that, the issue is that I am definitely not going out with Scootaloo.”
  4237. >”Are you-”
  4238. “It ain't happening.”
  4239. >Pinkie pulls you in close to her.
  4240. >”Well, Nonny, it seems you've gotten yourself into a fine predicament here. Luckily, your Auntie Pinkie Pie is here to help.”
  4241. >You raise an eyebrow at Pinkie.
  4242. “Pinkie, you're the same age as Rarity.”
  4243. >She puts a finger to your lips and shakes her cotton candy hair until a book falls out.
  4244. >”Oh, Nonny, age is just a number.”
  4245. >She begins flipping through the book with blazing speed, an arm still cradled around you.
  4246. “Pinkie, what are you doing?”
  4247. >”Checking compatability!”
  4248. “...You're not suggesting-”
  4249. >”No, Nonny, I'm not putting you and Scootaloo together. I will never stoop to the laziness of those Mormons and their multiple wives!”
  4250. >Her pace quickens as her bubbly disposition sours at the mention of Mormons.
  4251. “I admit they are weird, but why do you hate them so much?”
  4252. >”It's a long and dark story I am not yet ready to share with the world yet, Anon.”
  4253. >Watching Ponka be serious and call you by your actual name is jarring.
  4254. >Then she perks up like nothing was wrong once she stops flipping.
  4255. >”Aha! The 'Scootaloo is for sexual' section of my ship book!”
  4256. >Sweetie, Scoots and you give Pinkie an odd stare.
  4257. >”Oh, come on, I did this for everybody.”
  4258. >That doesn't really make it any better.
  4259. >”Before we get sidetracked on anything else, I have composed the perfect shipping avenues for everyone based on height, weight, pie preference and genital size.”
  4260. >”Pie preference?”
  4261. >”Do you mean, like, apple and pumpkin kinds of pie?”
  4262. >”Of course! I can't do that with meat pies, that would be weird.”
  4263. “...”
  4264. >”...”
  4265. >”...”
  4266. >”You can tell a lot about people's taste in lovers from pies!”
  4267. >”Hold on, wasn't the last measurement based on genital size?”
  4268. >Pinkie pouts in disappointment at Scootaloo.
  4269. >”I can't just ship people together if they're too small to properly hide the salami. That's irresponsible.”
  4270. >”Wait, did you put Anon and me together because of his penis?”
  4271. >Pinkie recoils in horror at the accusation.
  4272. >”No, Sweetie, how could you say that? Based on that, my ship would have sunk at sea long ago.”
  4273. >Well shit, now you're actually curious about this.
  4274. “So, why did you want us to get together?”
  4275. >”Oh, that's because you two are perfect for spooning and you both like pecan pie.”
  4276. “...That's it?”
  4277. >”Look, this makes sense when you consider everything together, I promise.”
  4278. >Considering the nature of Pinkie's mind, you're pretty sure that's bullshit.
  4279. >But you'll give her the benefit of the doubt and believe it for now.
  4280. >”So, back to the book, this will offer up the solution to your Scootaloo issue.”
  4281. >Curious about her book, Sweetie walks over and peeks at the open pages.
  4282. >”Wow, there's a lot of people in here. Wait, is that Anon?”
  4283. >Spurred on by her words, you look yourself.
  4284. >Yup, there you are.
  4285. >”Hey, it isn't easy to find people who like rhubarb.”
  4286. >Discarding that comment, you skim over the section as you watch Pinkie nearly rub her eyes on it.
  4287. >There's quite a few names of people who are definitely out of her league.
  4288. >Big Mac, Flash, Thunderbass, Brawly, Heath, Nolan, Bright...and Soarin.
  4289. “Pinkie, I don't think this chart is-”
  4290. >”SHUSH!”
  4291. >Ponka plops her finger onto someone, but her finger obscures their name.
  4292. >”I have found the perfect person to put together with Scootaloo!”
  4293. “Because they aren't already in a relationship with someone else?”
  4294. >Pinkie looks at you with a bit of disappointment.
  4295. >”No, it's just the only ship on this page that isn't a crack ship.”
  4296. >You all turn your heads to the suicide corner again as Applebloom is joined by Scootaloo.
  4297. >”But yeah, all we need to do is get him to say yes and all will be well.”
  4298. “Who do you mean?”
  4299. >”The person I'm pointing to, silly.”
  4300. >Putting your hand to your cheek, you sigh lightly.
  4301. “Your finger is covering his name.”
  4302. >Pinkie looks to the book, then chuckles out of embarrassment.
  4303. >Once she moves her finger out of the way, you see the name that was obscured.
  4304. “Huh. Okay.”
  4305. >”What's wrong?”
  4306. “Nothing.”
  4307. >Sweetie, curious, leans further in.
  4308. >Then she frowns.
  4309. >”That's a bit mean, don't you think?”
  4310. >”Hey, I can't help it if Scootaloo only properly links up with one person in this school. Ships are only as strong as the shipees.”
  4311. “But why him?”
  4312. >Pinkie rests her head on an open palm as she stares off into space.
  4313. >”You know when you want to eat a sandwich,but then you only have single slices of two breads that don't really mix?”
  4314. “...For the sake of your point, sure.”
  4315. >”This is a sourdough and pumpernickel sandwich. It was born of desperation and compromise.”
  4316. >Scootaloo softly whines in the corner as Pinkie further destroys her self-esteem.
  4317. >”Come on, Scootaloo, he has many...qualities. I'm sure you'll come to like Caramel in time.”
  4318. >"CARAMEL!?"
  4319. "See, even she knows that ship is bullshit."
  4320. >In a few seconds, Scootaloo goes from the corner to gripping onto your leg for dear life.
  4321. >”P-please, Anon, let me be your fake girlfriend! I'll cook and clean and anything else you want!”
  4322. >She looks at you with the intensity of ten thousand ASPCA commercials.
  4323. >No heart in this world would be hard enough to not be moved by it.
  4324. >But a pink arm whisks her from you.
  4325. >”I know that you're a bit apprehensive, but we just gotta talk to him and you'll see!”
  4326. >Scootaloo scrambles to get free from Pinkie's iron grasp.
  4327. >Many desks and chunks of floor are displaced as she struggles to not be cast into a dark future.
  4328. >Pinkie is not deterred, though, and soon the both of them disappear into the void behind the door.
  4329. >Well, that happened.
  4330. >You look to Sweetie and she looks to you.
  4331. >”Should we go help Scootaloo?”
  4332. >Mulling the thought around in your head, you realize there is only really two sort of conclusions to this situation.
  4333. >Having Scootaloo become the most awkward third wheel ever as she becomes some odd accessory to your already odd situation.
  4334. >Or you let Pinkie shunt her into a relationship with Caramel.
  4335. >...
  4336. >Maybe you've been nice enough to Scootaloo lately.
  4337. “Nah. Pinkie knows what she's doing. I'm sure Caramel will be a better match for her than me.”
  4338. >Sweetie crosses her arms and pouts at you.
  4339. “Not buying it?”
  4340. >”What do you think?”
  4341. “Yeah, I can't lie. I just don't think I can deal with it. Sorry, Sweetie.”
  4342. >Sweetie gives you a light sigh in response.
  4343. >”I guess. I don't think Rarity would really like seeing you acquiring a flock of women around you.”
  4344. “Or Dash.”
  4345. >”Didn't she get over that already?”
  4346. >A chill runs down your back as you feel your phone vibrating furiously.
  4347. “That's something I'd rather not test. Anyway, I think it's too late for Scoots. We just have to let nature run its course.”
  4348. >Getting off of the desk, you walk to the corner and grab hold of Applebloom.
  4349. “Also, we still need to deal with this.”
  4350. >Having slumped her over your shoulder, you walk out the door as Sweetie trails behind you.
  4351. >Goodness, she's so much heavier weighed down by sadness.
  4352. >You need to be careful that you don't drop her by accident.
  4353. >”Anon, what are we doing?”
  4354. >Sweetie pops up in your peripheral vision, legitimately concerned.
  4355. “We're just going to somewhere first.”
  4356. >”Where?”
  4357. “Somewhere more private than a classroom, hopefully. I don't need to be barged in on anymore than recently.”
  4358. >Your companion nods in agreement, having seen what a terrible idea classrooms are.
  4359. >Slowly, you make your way past the hallways and back to the stairs.
  4360. >Both of you ascend them and make a beeline for the library.
  4361. >You notice a few shards of glass still litter the hallway.
  4362. >Damn janitors.
  4363. >Making sure not to step on any of the remaining bits of insanity littering the corridor, you walk through the doorway and into the library proper.
  4364. >If there really was a place to be alone during this storm, this is it.
  4365. >Walking through, you don't see a single soul in here.
  4366. >Save for Cheerilee, who looks rather content right now.
  4367. >You try to block out the fact that she's right in front of you in light of recent events.
  4368. >Then she tries to stammer something out.
  4369. >Only the word 'ball' hits you ears before Sweetie Belle faceplants into the ground.
  4370. >Upon closer observation, the area here is still rife with crystal balls.
  4371. >What do those janitors even do here?
  4372. >”Oh goodness, are you alright, Sweetie Belle?”
  4373. >Sweetie weakly gives a thumbs up to Cheerilee as she lies on the ground.
  4374. >You use your free arm to right her, and tentatively keep hold of her as she finds her equilibrium again.
  4375. >Cheerilee looks off to the side, secure in the knowledge that you're there to help Sweetie.
  4376. >At least she's not going to ask any questions while you're in here.
  4377. >Guiding the two girls to a wall, you set them both down and settle next to them.
  4378. >Time to get down to the heart of Applebloom's issue.
  4379. >You and Sweetie look to Applebloom, who is sandwiched between you both.
  4380. >Applebloom merely sits there as despondent as before.
  4381. >Waving a hand in front of her face, you see her shift slightly in response.
  4382. >At least she reacts to something.
  4383. >Maybe you can actually get enough out of her to fix her.
  4384. >Or at least get her to not respond like a lethargic mummy.
  4385. “Applebloom, I understand you've been a bit...unhappy lately?”
  4386. >She doesn't respond at all.
  4387. >Beside her, Sweetie takes the initiative and lifts her bangs out of her face.
  4388. >Taking a closer look at her, you can see that she's gotten a bit too dull in the face to stomach looking at.
  4389. >It's like staring into the face of a corpse.
  4390. >”A-Applebloom?”
  4391. >You and Sweetie gaze at her for a while, until she blinks and you both sigh in relief.
  4392. “What the hell happened to you, Applebloom? You weren't this bad after I dropped you off.”
  4393. >All your words are like water washing over a stone.
  4394. >If it weren't for the fact that she blinked, you'd have assumed she finally died of depression.
  4395. >You gotta snap her out of it somehow, though.
  4396. >Staying like this helps no one, so you resign yourself to the only trick you've got left to reach her.
  4397. >Taking your right index finger, you pop it into your mouth.
  4398. >Sweetie Belle knows where you're going with that, and squirms as you continue.
  4399. >In one swift motion, you plunge your finger right into her right ear.
  4400. >Sweetie nearly faints when you finally do it.
  4401. >Nothing happens for a solid minute.
  4402. >Then her body shudders from the horrible sensation.
  4403. >Even her eyes move towards you.
  4404. >”A-Anon, that's gross...”
  4405. >You are happy with the result of your actions.
  4406. >Finally, something other than silence.
  4407. >...Quickly, you withdraw your finger and wipe it on the shelf.
  4408. >As successful as that plan was, you don't know where the hell Applebloom's ears have been and you don't intend to find out anytime soon.
  4409. >”Anon, that was horrible. The sound and bad.”
  4410. “I know, Sweetie, but you can't argue with results.”
  4411. >Seizing the moment you have to actually interact with Applebloom, you prepare to bombard the shit out of her with questions.
  4412. “Applebloom, do you feel like talking now?”
  4413. >Unsurprisingly, she merely hugs onto her knees instead of answering you.
  4414. “How about another one, then?”
  4415. >”Please, no.”
  4416. >At least she seems to still fear the willy.
  4417. >”I don't want to talk about it.”
  4418. “Well, too bad.”
  4419. >Applebloom sways her hair back into place before you can ask her something else.
  4420. >”...Why do ah have to be bothered?”
  4421. “Because I'm probably somewhat involved in this and I don't want to make you feel awful.”
  4422. >She shuffles a tad closer to Sweetie, likely in preparation against a new aural assault.
  4423. >Probably a good idea, given that you're probably going to fuck with her a bit more before the day is out.
  4424. “I take it this is probably a bit connected with the incident in the theater.”
  4425. >”...”
  4426. “I'll take that as a yes. So, what exactly about that situation has caused you such a bout of inner turmoil?”
  4427. >Applebloom is non-responsive, until you hear her mutter something under her breath.
  4428. “I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that.”
  4429. >””
  4430. >Okay, you made out one word.
  4431. >One, singular word.
  4432. >But it's better than nothing.
  4433. “What about your family, Applebloom?”
  4434. >”...”
  4435. >Sweetie gets a handle on one of Applebloom's hands.
  4436. >Applebloom turns to Sweetie slightly, then to you.
  4437. >”...ah am a disappointment to the family...”
  4438. >...
  4439. >What?
  4440. >Now hold on a moment, this needs a bit more context behind it.
  4441. “Disappointment? Where the hell did that come from?”
  4442. >Applebloom relaxes her legs and her sheltered stance is broken as she begins to open up.
  4443. >”no one ever told you about the Apples, ah guess.”
  4444. >Very calmly, she looks up towards ceiling.
  4445. >”You know what the Apples do, right?”
  4446. >Briefly you flash back to the conversation with Soarin, and the Apple family implications.
  4447. >You want to brush aside the obvious, at least for the moment.
  4448. “Farming. Predominantly apples, hence why you guys are all named after things relating to apples.”
  4449. >Applebloom sighs wistfully as you try to play dumb.
  4450. >”You really don't know, then.”
  4451. >She points to herself with a finger, still locked on the ceiling.
  4452. >”Fifteen.”
  4453. “...What?”
  4454. >”Ah did the math, and the average age of the first child born to an Apple is by the fifteenth birthday. One year older than I am.”
  4455. “That's...interesting.”
  4456. >”Do you know what that means? On average, an Apple family member has their first child while they're in their first couple years of high school.”
  4457. >You really don't believe you like where this is going.
  4458. >”Ma and Pa had Big Mac when they were sixteen, Applejack when they were seventeen, and me at twenty.”
  4459. >Applebloom turns fully to you, with a full on stare.
  4460. >”Do you get what ah mean now?”
  4461. >You wish you didn't, but you do.
  4462. “...So, you got the cold shoulder from your family?”
  4463. >Applebloom lightly shakes her head from side to side.
  4464. >”No. It's not like that.”
  4465. >...Well fuck, now you're really not getting it now.
  4466. >”Ah haven't said a word. About anything.”
  4467. “If you haven't said anything, then-”
  4468. >”Because ah can't, Anon. Ah can't say anything about any of this. Nothing.”
  4469. >”Wait, I'm confused.”
  4470. >Sweetie is confusedly looking at the both of you.
  4471. >Applebloom doesn't even acknowledge Sweetie exists.
  4472. >”Ah'm saying that ah can't tell my family anything about what's happened. Not about Anon, not about the theater, and not about...”
  4473. >Looking away from you, she places a hand on her abdomen, and you can see her start to slip back into that mood.
  4474. >”Apples don't fall far from the tree. Not much of an apple tree if there aren't any apples, right?”
  4475. “So you're telling me that you're worried because you aren't satisfying your family's weird traditions?”
  4476. >Applebloom sits frozen in the position she was before.
  4477. “Well, I'm not really understanding of all the Apple family traditions and their significance, but is this really something to get worked up over?”
  4478. >Applebloom turns to you with a sad visage.
  4479. >”Didn't you hear what I said? Every single member of the Apple family, before they left high school. Every single one. Except me.”
  4480. “Well, what about Applejack? She hasn't...”
  4481. >Applebloom shoots you a look telling you just how dumb that statement was going to be had you finished it.
  4482. “Okay, Percy aside, how about Big Mac? He's never even had a girlfriend before.”
  4483. >Applebloom slides the hand off her abdomen and points outward.
  4484. >Following her arm, you lock eyes with Cheerilee, who quickly buries her face in paperwork to avoid being dragged into...whatever this is.
  4485. >”Even at Miss Cheerilee's age, you get involved with an Apple and you're gonna get pregnant.”
  4486. >Alright, you didn't really want to think about that.
  4487. >”Now do you see? I'm gonna be the only one. Do you know what everyone's gonna think at the family reunion if I don't show up with a kid of my own?”
  4488. >...
  4489. >You really don't nor do you care to, but you've come too far with Applebloom to stop now.
  4490. “Appplebloom, I really don't understand the whole Apple family thing, but I don't think they're gonna care too much if you just explained it to them.”
  4491. >”You know what a farmer has to do when one of their horses breaks a leg? They have to put them down.”
  4492. “Are you saying that your family's going to kill you?”
  4493. >”No, they're not going to kill me.”
  4494. “Okay, because I was getting a bit worried there.”
  4495. >”I'd wish I was dead after what they'll do to me.”
  4496. “...I know I don't really have the right to say this, but should I be calling Child Protective Services now?”
  4497. >Applebloom is not amused at your statement.
  4498. >”This is serious, Anon. They'll disown me.”
  4499. >Disown?
  4500. “You've been worried about that? I can't imagine your family doing that. They love you, Applebloom.”
  4501. >”...Did you know ah have an aunt named Apple Streusel?”
  4502. “No.”
  4503. >”Ah didn't either.”
  4504. >...
  4505. >Oh.
  4506. >OH!
  4507. >”Yeah, ah think it's safe to say ah ain't safe.”
  4508. >Well, fuck, that's actually really harsh.
  4509. >And weird.
  4510. >Is no one's family in this town normal?
  4511. “No wonder you've been so sad.”
  4512. >Applebloom's body relaxes back into the bookshelf.
  4513. >”Once ah found out about-”
  4514. >She stares back at her midsection intently.
  4515. >”-that, ah didn't know what to do.”
  4516. >All of this is legitimate reason for her to be worried.
  4517. >You'd probably be up shit creek if your family ever kicked your butt on the streets.
  4518. >”And that's why ah feel like trash.”
  4519. >Part of you wants to comfort her and reassure her.
  4520. >But the other parts of you remember that touching Applebloom is a bad idea.
  4521. >A small light goes on in your head, however.
  4522. >You now know what to do to get Applebloom out of her funk.
  4523. “If that's the only thing you have to worry about, then I'm sure I can help you.”
  4524. >Applebloom looks at you with a puzzled stare.
  4525. “Since you need to do...that, I'll find you someone.”
  4526. >”But-”
  4527. “But nothing. I think I know someone who would be complementary to your situation.”
  4528. >Applebloom's face begins to regain some of her former color.
  4529. >”Complementary?”
  4530. “As in a guy who is...appropriately sized for you?”
  4531. >Her face begins to return to the usual girl you know her as.
  4532. >”D-do ya mean it?”
  4533. >You nod and soon after hear the sound of your ribs creaking as Applebloom nearly breaks them.
  4534. >”Ah can actually have sex with someone!?”
  4535. “Applebloom, this hurts!”
  4536. >She fails to hear your cries of pain and calls for mercy over her ramblings of joy.
  4537. >Her attitude went from zero to sixty in no time.
  4538. >Why is Sweetie Belle's friend group as bad as Rarity's?
  4539. >In the midst of her jubilant display, Applebloom shudders and groans again.
  4540. >”Sweetie Belle, how could ya do that to your friend?”
  4541. >Your girlfriend merely shrugs as Applebloom releases you and tries to fish the saliva from her ears.
  4542. >”Darn it all, now ah gotta go wash this outta my ears.”
  4543. >Applebloom shuffles off, heading for the nearest bathroom.
  4544. >Sweetie Belle giggles next to you, trying her best to suppress a smile.
  4545. “Can't believe you did that to get her to leave.”
  4546. >Letting go of her balance, Sweetie Belle slumps over into your lap.
  4547. >”I think I shared you enough for today.”
  4548. >Sweetie shifts herself over and settles into your lap like a worn-out puppy.
  4549. “We shouldn't be doing this in school, Sweetie. I already cut it pretty close with the whole Trixie incident today. I don't think I need another incident today.”
  4550. >Your words fall on deaf ears, as Sweetie gives you a big grin and stares the reservations right out of your mind.
  4551. >Just had to fall in love with the world's cutest marshmallow, didn't you?
  4552. “Oh fine. I guess there's no harm in staying here...if we've got Miss Cheerilee to watch out for us.”
  4553. >Cheerilee's face appears from the papers as soon as you finish that sentence.
  4554. >She shoots you a look as if you're crazy.
  4555. >You shoot her one back with an imploring frown.
  4556. >Cheerilee still doesn't seem too keen on assisting you in your snuggling endeavor.
  4557. >Then you form a circle with your right hand and shove your left fist through that hand gesture.
  4558. >She blushes and relents, moving towards the doors with her papers.
  4559. >You're gonna send her such a nice gift for her baby shower after this is all done.
  4560. >Pawing at your chin, Sweetie grabs your attention once again.
  4561. >”We're alone now, you know.”
  4562. >Closing your eyes, you laugh a bit under your breath.
  4563. >”That we are.”
  4564. >Her arms cling onto your neck.
  4565. >What little she weighs doesn't register to you as a burden.
  4566. >”I really wanted to be alone with you.”
  4567. >Sweetie can't help but blush as she stares up at you.
  4568. “Well, so did I.”
  4569. >You can't help but grab hold of her small frame.
  4570. >Holding her so close melts away the rest of the world from your mind.
  4571. >Were the storm to demolish the school, you'd still cling onto her as you are.
  4572. >Every other thought besides the moment you two have right now is gone from both of you.
  4573. >Sweetie comes closer to you.
  4574. >You inch nearer to her in response.
  4575. >The light lavender smell she carries with her grips your attention.
  4576. >Your lips hover next to each other.
  4577. >Sweetie closes her eyes as she readies herself to receive you.
  4578. >But an intrusive thought takes up shop in your head, and you stop yourself from moving any further.
  4579. >Your little buddy is still expectantly waiting for your move.
  4580. >Her eyes open as you continue to hesitate.
  4581. “Sweetie, I know this is probably anticlimactic as hell, but I need to ask you something.”
  4582. >Her eyes fling open in a mixture of confounded awe and frustration, sexual and otherwise.
  4583. >”OH, COME ON!”
  4584. >Her arms fly away from your neck, assuring that you've definitely killed the moment.
  4585. “I'm sorry, Sweetie, but I have to talk to you. You know I would love to hold on to you for as long as I possibly could, so this is really important.”
  4586. >She crosses her arms in a huff, with a small frown of discontent on her face at being blueballed.
  4587. >Even if she doesn't want to admit it, there's a lot of Rarity in her.
  4588. >”Fine. But we better kiss after it!”
  4589. >She regains her smile and playfully nudges you.
  4590. >You smile back at her, and chuckle.
  4591. “I promise.”
  4592. >Setting Sweetie slowly into your lap again, you rub your temples.
  4593. >This isn't going to be as easy as just blurting it out.
  4594. “Well, Sweetie, you know how I mentioned that my plan was to...well, marry you?”
  4595. >Sweetie giggles as she deepens her blush.
  4596. >”Of course I do. I fainted, remember?”
  4597. “Yeah, right. So, I'm just wondering if...”
  4598. >”If what?”
  4599. >Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you brace yourself for the emotional burden you're imposing on yourself.
  4600. “If you want to actually marry me?”
  4601. >Her breathing heats up as she takes in the gravity of your question.
  4602. >”O-of course I will marry you. We're in love, and that's what we should do.”
  4603. >You breath in and out heavily.
  4604. “Sweetie, that's not my question. I know, you would. You probably wouldn't give it a second thought. That's your nature. You're a kind and generous person. You forgo your own well-being just for the sake of those you care about.”
  4605. >Her blush begins to calm as you dig deeper into your mind and get to the heart of your thought.
  4606. “What am I talking about that you would? You've already done that enough in the short time we've been...truly together.”
  4607. >”Anon, I-”
  4608. >You shake your head and cut her off with a stern exhale.
  4609. “I know you probably don't want to think about it. I don't. I mean, I really, REALLY don't. Neither of us do. We just want to be together, and shuck off the consequences of our decisions.”
  4610. >Sweetie Belle has lost her blush fully now.
  4611. >”D-do we have to do this, Anon?”
  4612. “We do, Sweetie. We really do need to do this, especially if we plan to actually be together. Otherwise, I might as well just jump off of a cliff for all of the pain and suffering I would cause us.”
  4613. >”...I don't like it when you get like this, Anon.”
  4614. >You watch the joy flee from her face as you continue.
  4615. >The smile has vanished from your beloved marshmallow and it's not Rarity's fault, but yours.
  4616. >Knowing that you're responsible for harming that smile hurts.
  4617. >You push the thought out of your mind.
  4618. >You need to do this.
  4619. “I know, you don't like my more serious topics. I can't exactly blame you after everything.”
  4620. >Sweetie Belle's expression softens a bit as you put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
  4621. “We both need to treat this seriously, like a real couple would. Just like any other relationship, we both need to be sure about this. I mean, dead serious, Sweetie. I...I do love you. I really love you. Both of us share that quality. I need you to really think this through, though. Marriage is in no way a small thing. This...this is a huge commitment. Not just for me, but for you as well.”
  4622. >You move your hand from her shoulder to her chin, causing her to subconsciously drift into your palm.
  4623. “Sweetie, I need to know that you're actually understanding what you'll be getting into with me. I don't want you to do this just to please me or Rarity; I want you to decide that this is what you really want. We're giving each other something that you can never get back after it's been given to someone.”
  4624. >”Our virginity?”
  4625. >The childishly innocent statement takes you out of your lecture zone for a moment.
  4626. “N-no, I mean time. Huge portions of our lives, together.”
  4627. >”O-oh.”
  4628. >Sweetie blushes a bit out of embarrassment.
  4629. >”I made that a bit lewder than it was supposed to be, didn't I?”
  4630. >Lewd?
  4631. >Rarity's vocabulary rubbed off a bit too much on Sweetie.
  4632. “That's not important now. What is important is that you well and truly want to give me this out of your own heart.”
  4633. >Sweetie Belle closes her eyes for a bit.
  4634. >When she opens them, she speaks without a hint of hesitation.
  4635. >”I still want to marry you.”
  4636. >You move to speak, but Sweetie plants a finger on your lips this time.
  4637. >”I know you want to talk, but it's my turn now, Anon.”
  4638. >Giving a reluctant sigh, you lean back slightly to take a moment to hear Sweetie's thoughts.
  4639. >”Anon, do you remember the first day you met me?”
  4640. >You couldn't forget that day, even if you tried.
  4641. >Rarity almost mauled you when you said you went for ice cream with Sweetie.
  4642. “Of course I do.”
  4643. >”How long ago was that?”
  4644. >...Fuck.
  4645. >You don't remember the actual date.
  4646. “Um...forever ago?”
  4647. >”Exactly!”
  4648. >Phew, you saved that one.
  4649. >”Rarity just kept passing me off to people because she was too busy with her dumb fashion stuff. It never happened more than a few times with anyone. But you've been with me the longest!”
  4650. >Sweetie snuggles closer into you.
  4651. >”Not to mention, you were the most fun to be around. You were nice, and funny, and had the coolest hair.”
  4652. >Her hands clasp together as she gives you her syrupy-sweet stare.
  4653. >”I liked you the most. Then I liked you more and more. I don't really like piano practice, but I liked when it ended because I got to see you.”
  4654. >This girl is going to give the beetus to you, you swear.
  4655. >”I still like you the most, and I still want to be with you. That's why I want to marry you.”
  4656. >Well, that wasn't well thought out, or concise, or much of a mature way of explaining her feelings for you.
  4657. >But that was Sweetie Belle, pure and simple.
  4658. >You're about to say something, when Sweetie Belle pulls herself up towards you.
  4659. >”Now, we kiss.”
  4660. >Indeed you do.
  4661. >She wastes no time in trying to erase the taste of Scootaloo from your lips.
  4662. >It doesn't take long for her to accomplish that.
  4663. >You're glad it doesn't.
  4664. >Sweetie tastes far better, and smells far cleaner.
  4665. >Regrettably, you're sucked into this just enough that it hurts when the P.A. goes off after the utter silence.
  4666. >Even Cheerilee balked a bit at the sudden disturbance.
  4667. >Celestia's voice comes out, loud and clear.
  4668. >”Everyone, I need a moment of your attention.”
  4669. >Sweetie Belle shifts herself into a lean on you as you tune in to the announcement.
  4670. >”It seems that the storm has begun to subside enough to where safe evacuation is possible. If your home is not within walking distance, please report to the auditorium for an escort to the shelter.”
  4671. >”W-what?! Already?!”
  4672. >Sweetie is not pleased with this news.
  4673. >”B-but we barely even got to kiss!”
  4674. >Her waterworks begin to come out.
  4675. >Then an idea begins to take shape within your warped, little mind.
  4676. “You know, Sweetie, my home is walking distance.”
  4677. >It takes her a moment to process what you just said.
  4678. >Once the wheel in her head finally turns, she looks at you in a stupor.
  4679. “What do you think? Should we grab our coats and be on our way?”
  4680. >Sweetie Belle meekly nods and you take hold of her hand and escort her towards the door.
  4681. >”B-but what about Rarity?”
  4682. “What about Rarity? I'm just watching out for her little sister, like I usually do.”
  4683. >Sweetie Belle hugs into you as you walk past Cheerilee resting a hand on her stomach.
  4684. >Looks like both of you are looking forward to something in the near future.
  4685. >
  4686. >Well, it wasn't easy, but you slipped out without anyone catching sight of you.
  4687. >You're nearly halfway home, with your purple-clad pal beside you.
  4688. >Christ Almighty, there's no way that thing was for sale at any major or minor retailer.
  4689. >Rarity needs to learn that not everything needs to be bedazzled or sequined.
  4690. >A stiff breeze blows by the two of you as you berate Rarity's obsessive sparkle tendencies.
  4691. >Looks like that lull isn't going to last for much longer.
  4692. >Grabbing a firmer hand on Sweetie, you pick up the pace.
  4693. >You don't need a repeat of earlier.
  4694. >Chasing flying marshmallows won't be any more pleasant than a chicken.
  4695. >The two of you turn your quickening canter into a full on trot, as the deluge of water begins to resume.
  4696. >At least the wind hasn't gotten that far yet.
  4697. >Sweetie fumbles a bit, but she weighs enough that the momentum carries her forward and stays the course.
  4698. >You catch sight of the halfway mark of your route home.
  4699. >The realization pushes you forward as you try to keep your footing in the rain.
  4700. >Moving further down the road, you see that the crashed car from earlier has been pushed further from its initial crash-site.
  4701. >Sweetie rubbernecks a bit, but you keep on and prevent her from stopping completely.
  4702. >The last thing you need is to get caught in a bad situation because you took pleasure observing other people's misfortune.
  4703. >Down the block, you can see the intersection that leads to your house.
  4704. >There's a tree separating you from the rest of the sidewalk, though.
  4705. >Shit, you guess you'll have to just jump over that log.
  4706. >You didn't realize that the winds had gotten strong enough to uproot mid-sized trees.
  4707. >Moving in closer, you realize that there's more than just a tree in the way.
  4708. >There's something else beneath the tree.
  4709. >Sweetie Belle gasps and rushes ahead of you to the downed tree.
  4710. >Fuck.
  4711. >You try your best to catch up, and when you reach the tree, you can see Sweetie trying to pull whatever is under that tree out.
  4712. >Then you realize that she's grabbing on to an arm from the other side of the tree.
  4713. >A rush of adrenaline kicks in, and you bound over the tree and pull the arm Sweetie has in her grasp.
  4714. >You hear two sounds.
  4715. >One is a sound of relief, as you feel the person is free of the tree.
  4716. >The other nearly causes you to shit yourself, because you're pretty certain that was the sound of a dislocation.
  4717. >Road to hell is paved with good intentions, you guess.
  4718. >Sweetie looks at you nervously, but you move on with the person to your home.
  4719. >Shelter now, consequences of injuring someone during a rescue later.
  4720. >Exhaustion nearly prevents you from opening the door after having to drag along your newly acquired passenger.
  4721. >Starting to regret not taking the car.
  4722. >The keys fumble about before you finally jam them in and collapse inside of your house.
  4723. >You and Sweetie collapse on the floor, gasping for air.
  4724. >If this storm gets any worse, it's going to become a hurricane.
  4725. >As much as you'd like to take some time off from school, you're not too keen on securing the house.
  4726. >Sweetie begins to shamble to her feet as you lie on the floor.
  4727. >You make an effort to get up off the ground and regain hold on your rescuee.
  4728. >Deciding you can't leave them on the floor, you trudge along towards the master bedroom and plop them on the bed.
  4729. >With this weather, your folks aren't likely coming back until this is over.
  4730. >”Anon?”
  4731. >You turn towards Sweetie, standing in the doorway.
  4732. >”Shouldn't we get that coat off?”
  4733. >...
  4734. >Boy, you're just so on the ball today.
  4735. >Gently, you peel off the coat and see that the person that you ma-rescued is a woman.
  4736. >A woman in business attire.
  4737. >...With some shoes that you have a distinct recollection of.
  4738. >Your heart begins to pound like a stampede.
  4739. >Oh fucking fuck, what did you just do?
  4740. >”Anon, is something wrong?”
  4741. >You awkwardly chuckle as you carry out the woman's coat and close the door behind you.
  4742. “We should get out of these coats before we soak the floorboards.”
  4743. >Sweetie tries to protest, but you push on towards the rack and begin hanging up the rainwear.
  4744. >Flopping onto the couch, you try to destress and not worry about the mystery woman in your house.
  4745. >It doesn't work.
  4746. >”Anon, something's wrong and you're not telling me.”
  4747. >You turn your head to see Sweetie worrying over you.
  4748. >Standing there in wet clothes.
  4749. >How the hell did that happen?
  4750. >Then you begin to realize you are also damp.
  4751. >Guess that you really didn't notice the rain picking up.
  4752. >You smile internally as you're given an out to not need to explain the situation to Sweetie Belle.
  4753. “How about that, we're both soaked. Let's fix that, shall we?”
  4754. >Sweetie Belle observes her clothing while you frantically begin to remove your top layers.
  4755. >At least your underwear is mostly dry.
  4756. >The sight of you undressed knocks out whatever forming thought Sweetie had.
  4757. >Sweetie stares at you for a bit, until you grab hold of her arms and try to ask a question as inconspicuously as possible.
  4758. “You mind taking your clothes off, Sweetie? Don't think Rarity would like it if I let her sister catch a cold.”
  4759. >Watching the gears turn in her head is entertaining, but you are even more pleased when she starts to disrobe.
  4760. >Damn, you need to stop letting these loaded phrases into your brain.
  4761. >Once she's finally removed the majority of her clothes, you gather up your laundry and shove it into the laundry room.
  4762. >Sweetie Belle sufficiently confused for you to keep her thoughts occupied.
  4763. >Making a swift motion, you whisk her off to your bedroom in your arms.
  4764. >Her heartbeat is strong enough for you to feel it holding her.
  4765. >Softly, you place her down onto the bed you've still yet to properly make after Scootaloo's stint.
  4766. >Then you begin to dig through your dresser until you retrieve a couple of very large novelty shirts.
  4767. >Thank you, Wisconsin gift shops.
  4768. >You toss her a shirt emblazoned with a stack of flapjacks.
  4769. >Sweetie mumbles disapprovingly at having to put on more clothes, but slips it on over her head.
  4770. >You follow suit and throw on some shorts for good measure.
  4771. >Now the both of you are appropriately clothed for lounging around.
  4772. >Looking back to Sweetie, you see that she's taking in your somewhat messy and oddly decorated room.
  4773. >While she takes in the sight, you begin to think back to your other guest.
  4774. >Just who the hell is she?
  4775. >Really, you know nothing about this woman.
  4776. >For all you know, she could be a law enforcement agent.
  4777. >Yeah, that would go over swimmingly with your underage girlfriend walking around in a shirt and her unmentionables.
  4778. >All of this stress is going to kick your ass.
  4779. >Okay, you just gotta calm down...alright, you're good.
  4780. >Well, now that you've finished being such a worrywart, you should just think this through a bit more.
  4781. >Sweetie is probably going to ask questions once she's done being horrified at your pigsty of a room.
  4782. >Not to mention you injured the person while getting them out from under the log.
  4783. >Holy shit, that's a lawsuit.
  4784. >You didn't even think about that.
  4785. >Before you break down, you slowly and deeply breathe.
  4786. >Flipping out in front of Sweetie Belle is one of the last things you need to have happen.
  4787. >That for sure will make things worse.
  4788. >After a few seconds, you start to completely come off of your misgivings.
  4789. >You'll be able to think of something to solve these situations soon enough.
  4790. >Not at the moment, but soon.
  4791. >At least you hope so.
  4792. >The sound of a drawer shutting instantly captures your attention.
  4793. >Instinctively, your eyes dart toward the source as you see Sweetie Belle putting away your laundry.
  4794. >Giving the room a quick once-over, you realize that she's actually taken the liberty of cleaning most of your room.
  4795. >She seems satisfied with herself.
  4796. >First Scootaloo, now Sweetie.
  4797. >How many people are going to clean your house up for you?
  4798. >”Anon, I can't believe you let your room get so messy.”
  4799. >Now she's setting her sights on your unfinished lego pile from many years past.
  4800. >”How can you leave those out? That's a war crime waiting to happen!”
  4801. >Sweetie turns to you with a flustered look on your favorite face.
  4802. >”Did you really not clean up at all while Scootaloo was here?”
  4803. >Are you actually about to get lectured on cleanliness by your girlfriend?
  4804. >Maybe talking about the mystery woman would be better.
  4805. >You prepare for the oncoming tongue lashing, but the landline rings just in time.
  4806. >Excusing yourself, you walk calmly towards the phone and grab hold of it, regardless of possible telemarketers.
  4807. “Hello, you've reached the Poster household, Anonymous speaking.”
  4808. >You wait for a couple of seconds.
  4809. >No response.
  4810. >Pressing a couple of buttons proves that someone is on the line, but is not talking.
  4811. “Hello?”
  4812. >”...Anonymous.”
  4813. “...”
  4814. >”I believe you know why I might be calling you right now.”
  4815. “...How are you?”
  4816. >”Don't you try to talk to me like everything's fine! I know she's there with you!”
  4817. “...You're going to have to be more specific about which 'she' you mean.”
  4818. >”I know damn well that you have Sweetie Belle over there, and I demand you put her on this instant.”
  4819. “Wait, how do you even know my home number?”
  4820. >”NOW.”
  4821. >Unsure of what exactly to do, you signal Sweetie Belle over to you and hand her the phone.
  4822. >Sweetie Belle cocks her head as you hand off the phone to her.
  4823. >”Hello?”
  4824. >You can hear Rarity's voice clear as day as she tries to burst her sister's eardrum.
  4825. >Boy, she's pissed.
  4826. >Sweetie Belle holds the phone a bit from her face as she tries to understand her sister's angry rant.
  4827. >Eventually, Rarity either runs out of steam or oxygen.
  4828. >”R-Rarity, it's fine. I'm here with Anon, and we're perfectly fine here.”
  4829. >Sweetie's eyes go wide as Rarity says something to her that apparently hit her hard enough to make her seize.
  4830. >”C-calm down, Rarity. There's no need to take the conversation there.”
  4831. >You watch the look on Sweetie's face devolve into a deepeningly concerning grimace.
  4832. >Eventually, you see Sweetie gently place down the phone and unplug the line.
  4833. >Then she stares at you.
  4834. “Is she mad at us?”
  4835. >”Would you believe me if I said anything other than yes?”
  4836. “Not really.”
  4837. >”Well, there you go.”
  4838. “...You wanna cuddle in the bed and get Rarity out of our heads?”
  4839. >”I think that's a good idea.”
  4840. >It's been a good while since you rused Sweetie into snuggling.
  4841. >You look happily to the small body beside you.
  4842. >Sweetie Belle is completely at peace right now.
  4843. >Wish you could be right there with her.
  4844. >But you're not going to relax for a while.
  4845. >Sure, it's not the worst thing in the world to be in this bed with Sweetie, but you're still concerned with too many things to chill out.
  4846. >No sense in pushing any of that towards Sweetie, however.
  4847. >You're better off not making her mind gravitate toward the fine mess you're in the midst of.
  4848. >The things you do for love...
  4849. >In the midst of your thoughts, you hear something.
  4850. >Huh, what an odd sound.
  4851. >Stealing a glance at Sweetie, you see that she's still in her light snooze.
  4852. >If you're going to make a move to get out of here, there's no better chance than right now.
  4853. >Leaving the bed as gently as you can, you slip out of your room to check it out.
  4854. >Looking at the master bedroom as you head down the hall, you see that the woman is not there.
  4855. >Then you bump into something.
  4856. >Turning to the thing you bumped into, you witness something you didn't need to.
  4857. >A sickening noise grates your eardrums as whoever she is pops her arm back into place.
  4858. >You didn't know that arms could make that sound, nor do you think she did that right.
  4859. >”Oh, sooo much better.”
  4860. >The woman seems oblivious to your presence.
  4861. >Guess it wasn't as hard of a bump as you thought.
  4862. >”Now, where could my coat be?”
  4863. >As oblivious as she was before, she spins around and bumps right into you.
  4864. >It takes her a few seconds to notice that she bumped into you.
  4865. >Then she stares at you for a bit.
  4866. >With her jaw dropping.
  4867. >Holy shit, this is uncomfortable.
  4868. >You consider speaking up and ending this awkwardly uncomfortable silence.
  4869. >Until she puts her arms around you.
  4870. >...
  4871. >Didn't actually think it was possible, but the situation has somehow gotten more uncomfortable than it was before.
  4872. >”My word, I can't believe I finally found you! I just wake up and here you are! Oh, this is absolutely perfect. You would not believe what hell these past few weeks have been like.”
  4873. >She just keeps talking.
  4874. >Like, holy shit.
  4875. >Pinkie knows when to shut up more than this lady does.
  4876. >And Pinkie Pie is the last person to shut their mouth.
  4877. >You don't think she's even taken a breath since she started talking.
  4878. >Shit, you need to put a stop to this.
  4879. >Clearing your throat, you gain the mystery woman's attention.
  4880. “Excuse me, but could you please tell me exactly who you are?”
  4881. >The woman stares at you and blinks.
  4882. >”Oh, where are my manner? I'm so sorry, hon. Here I am going off like a rock in a lawnmower, and you don't even know my name.”
  4883. >You cautiously watch her as she reaches within her bosom.
  4884. >”Everyone usually calls me Ms. Peachbottom, but you can just call me Peachbottom if you prefer.”
  4885. >She extends her hand to you with card?
  4886. >You take hold of it and scan it.
  4887. >All you see is a horse standing on a phonograph.
  4888. >This only gives you more questions, not less.
  4889. >”So, I'm not mistaken when I presume you are Anonymous S. Poster, correct?”
  4890. “...You gonna murder me if I say yes?”
  4891. >”Mur-heavens, no! Where'd you ever get that idea in your noggin?”
  4892. “For a variety of reasons, one of which is the fact that I don't know why exactly you're here.”
  4893. >”Ah, I see why that would be an issue. I must have been givin' you a start since you don't know why someone's been lookin' for you for weeks.”
  4894. “...And?”
  4895. >”And what?”
  4896. >You give her a look that questions if she's dense or has a concussion.
  4897. >”Ooooooh, right. Well, I'll be more than happy to discuss that with you once I find a place to sit down. I'm still not feeling quite my old self.”
  4898. >Well, she did get a tree on her.
  4899. >And you kinda pulled out her arm.
  4900. >Finding her a seat is the least that you can do for her.
  4901. >You lead Peachbottom to the dining table and pull out her seat.
  4902. >Adjacent from her, you seat yourself.
  4903. “Okay, we're both sitting now. So, why have you been looking for me?”
  4904. >”Well, it's simple really. I happen to be a representative for one of the most successful companies in Equestria, located in humble Mustangia.”
  4905. “That's great, but what exactly do you want with me?”
  4906. >”Did you not get a look at that card? It is a horse on a phonograph; put two and two together.”
  4907. >You take a look at it again and put your brain to work.
  4908. >It then dawns that you're a complete dumbass.
  4909. “Wait, you work for a record company?”
  4910. >”Indeed I do.”
  4911. “Hold on, I'm still not sure why you're here exactly. You're not here to sue me for piracy, are you?”
  4912. >”Piracy? Hon, I am here to offer you a recording contract.”
  4913. >It takes a moment for you to process the information.
  4914. >Then you give yourself a small pinch.
  4915. >Well, you're not dreaming anything this time.
  4916. “Are you serious right now?”
  4917. >”Serious as a snake in a sock drawer.”
  4918. >Wait, hold up, you've never even been in a band before.
  4919. “On what basis are you offering me a contract? I have no prior musical experience whatsoever.”
  4920. >”Are you kiddin' me? You're one of the biggest Internet sensations of the year!”
  4921. “Internet sensation?”
  4922. >”You were the one who sang that David Bowie song at that arcade, weren't you?”
  4923. >Oh, that.
  4924. >Peachbottom pulls out her phone and passes it to you.
  4925. >You look at the screen and nearly pass out as you look at the zeros on that view count.
  4926. >”Shockin', ain't it? You never know what people will latch onto these days.”
  4927. >Peachbottom positions herself upright as you try to steady yourself.
  4928. >”What I know, is that these things can sometimes become something more. Something people will actually devote their money to. I've been in business long enough to spot real talent when it pops up.”
  4929. >...
  4930. >This can't be real.
  4931. >You must have cracked from stress or something.
  4932. “Peachbottom?”
  4933. >”Yes, Hon?”
  4934. “Exactly how much money are we talking about in this contract?”
  4935. >Peachbottom puts a finger to her chin as she looks to the floor.
  4936. >”You know, I can't really remember how much they're offering you on the advance.”
  4937. “Do you have a rough estimate?”
  4938. >”I know it was more than 250 grand.”
  4939. >...
  4940. >Yeah, you've cracked.
  4941. >There's just not a single way in hell this is happening for real.
  4942. >”You know, I could just show you all the relevant bits if I had my coat. Where might that be?”
  4943. >Still trying to process the information, you point out the direction and stare into the distance.
  4944. >It feels like an eternity passes before she slides a pile of papers under you.
  4945. >You look down.
  4946. >Then you feel your heart skip a beat.
  4947. >An advance of that much money?
  4948. >What?
  4949. >Is this real life, or is this just fantasy?
  4950. >”Guess I was a bit more off than I thought. Still, it seems very generous, right?”
  4951. >You stammer in a mixture of confusion, joy, and pure wumbo.
  4952. >”How about you see how much you're being offered in royalties?”
  4953. >Peachbottom flips the page and underscores the location with her finger.
  4954. >When you see it you're about to pass out.
  4955. >”The best part of all of this, though, is that you'll only need to be with us for a little over a year.”
  4956. >Even if you cracked, would that be such a bad thing?
  4957. >”So, what do you say? Will you join up with us and see where this leads you?”
  4958. >You pick up your jaw from the table and slowly grab hold of the contract.
  4959. “”
  4960. >”Oh, poor dear, you're overwhelmed right now. I should have known that this might have been a bit much for someone so young.”
  4961. >Peachbottom places her hand on your shoulder and offers you a warm smile.
  4962. >"Trust me, you're not the first person I've seen with that look on their face, and you won't be the last."
  4963. " much..."
  4964. >”Don't worry about signing just yet, Hon. I'll still be here for a while, so you don't need to make a decision today. I can just leave it with you here, I've got another few copies laying around at the moment anyhow.”
  4965. >Her look of empathy does nothing to calm the torrent of thought in your mind.
  4966. >Soon, something pierces the storm in your head.
  4967. >Behind you, you hear a small yawn.
  4968. >"Anon, why did you go? I want to cuddle some more~"
  4969. >Sweetie Belle steps out from behind a corner and freezes when she sees you at the table with Peachbottom looming over you.
  4970. >You begin to sweat profusely.
  4971. >The situation went from dream to nightmare in seconds.
  4972. >Looking back to Peachbottom, you see she's stunned.
  4973. >You try to find the words to speak, but silence is all that comes.
  4974. >Then she gasps.
  4975. >”Oh my stars, you're the little girl from the video!”
  4976. >Peachbottom covers her mouth with her hand and as she tries to support herself on the table.
  4977. >Sweetie Belle has begun to sweat as well.
  4978. >You open your mouth and try to force something out.
  4979. “I swear, this isn't what it looks like!”
  4980. >”You're even more darling in person!”
  4981. >Peachbottom almost sprints to Sweetie Belle and wraps her in another hug.
  4982. >Affectionate woman.
  4983. >”Goodness, you're just so sweet!”
  4984. >Did you miss something?
  4985. “P-Peachbottom?”
  4986. >She breaks off of her adoration towards a confused and uncomfortable Sweetie and looks back to you.
  4987. >”Yes, Hon?”
  4988. “Aren't you gonna scream and call the cops?”
  4989. >”Heavens no, that would be awful! I couldn't sign you on if you got arrested!”
  4990. >...
  4991. >What?
  4992. >”This isn't something worth letting the police know about.”
  4993. ”B-but she's so much younger than I am! Doesn't that make you feel like dragging me behind a horse and lynching me?”
  4994. >”Oh, it's not that bad. After some of the stuff I've seen in the entertainment industry, this is nothing.”
  4995. >You're not sure you want to know what could be worse seeing this.
  4996. >”Don't worry, this won't affect the signing at all on our end. Well, provided you keep quiet about it, of course.”
  4997. >You nod in affirmation meekly.
  4998. >It's not like you want to let everyone know.
  4999. >”Well, it's all good if that's the case. At any rate, I'm going to grab my coat and head back to my hotel room. I don't want to get in the way of you two lovebirds.”
  5000. >Head back?
  5001. >In that major storm
  5002. >And did she just call you and Sweetie Belle lovebirds?
  5003. >She makes it sound far more innocent than someone would ever think to.
  5004. >Even Sweetie Belle blinks incredulously at the statement.
  5005. >”But that storm made a tree fall on you! You were unconscious for hours after we found you and who knows how long before then?”
  5006. >”Don't worry about that any! I've been in worse storms than this one before. It's not even the first time this week I've had to put my arm back in place.”
  5007. >What the hell does this woman do with her life?
  5008. >Peachbottom walks from Sweetie and dons her coat again.
  5009. >As she reaches the door, she turns back and waves to the both of you.
  5010. >”I'll be eagerly awaiting your call!”
  5011. >With that, she shuts the door.
  5012. >You slowly lower your head on the table.
  5013. >Feeling the paper against your skin, you wonder about what just happened.
  5014. >Sweetie comes up from behind you and checks to see if you're still awake.
  5015. >Then you feel her hug onto you.
  5016. >”Well, that was a close one. I'm sorry about that, Anon, I should have been more careful.”
  5017. >You make no response to Sweetie.
  5018. >Concerned, she breaks off from the hug and gently pokes around on your face to elicit some reaction.
  5019. >”Anon? Are you okay?”
  5020. >With everything that has gone on, you can only manage to make yourself say five words.
  5021. “I have a job now.”
  5022. >Seven seconds later, you pass out.
  5023. >Very slowly, your eyes flutter open.
  5024. >You push yourself up with your arms.
  5025. >The material below them registers as your couch's upholstery.
  5026. >Looking around, you see Sweetie Belle sitting in your previous spot, pawing through your contract.
  5027. >”...I don't believe it...”
  5028. >Rubbing your eyes lightly, you stand up from the couch and walk towards Sweetie.
  5029. >She turns to meet you as you come up from behind her.
  5030. >”You're getting a contract. A contract from a real record company.”
  5031. >Her eyes veer back to the paper for a moment.
  5032. >”Rarity wouldn't be able to say anything else to you.”
  5033. >You move in closer and put an arm around Sweetie Belle.
  5034. “Great news, isn't it?”
  5035. >”It is.”
  5036. “Guess this situation turned out happy for the both of us.”
  5037. >”No.”
  5038. >Your head crooks in to look at Sweetie Belle's face.
  5039. >She's...frowning.
  5040. “Wait, what's wrong about that? I've got a job now! Rarity won't-”
  5041. >”This isn't about Rarity.”
  5042. “...It's not?”
  5043. >”No.”
  5044. “Then what is it about?”
  5045. >Sweetie Belle locks her arms together and puts her head to the table.
  5046. >”For such a long time, the girls and I have tried to get famous online. Now something that actually involves me happens, and I'm not even the star.”
  5047. >...
  5048. “Oh, Sweetie.”
  5049. >”Anon, you can't understand my pain.”
  5050. “You know what's good for pain?”
  5051. >Sweetie Belle picks her head up and looks at you with her sad face.
  5052. >”Aspirin?”
  5053. “No, this.”
  5054. >You take a moment to plant a small kiss on her forehead.
  5055. >Sweetie Belle takes a moment to understand what you've done.
  5056. >A new blush comes as she laughs and playfully pushes at you.
  5057. >”What won't you do that's lovey-dovey to cheer me up?”
  5058. “I'll let you know when I think about it.”
  5059. >Sweetie Belle hugs you as you laugh at your own bad joke.
  5060. >”We're both too sappy, aren't we?”
  5061. “At least we're being sappy together.”
  5062. >You give a light chuckle in unison.
  5063. >Moments like this make you glad that you accepted Rarity's request.
  5064. >A rapid knocking at the door knocks you right out of your idyllic tenderness.
  5065. >Guess Peachbottom finally came to her senses and wants back in.
  5066. >You break off from Sweetie to head to the door.
  5067. >As the door swings open, you notice something strange about Peachbottom.
  5068. >She's no longer wearing her coat.
  5069. >And she's shorter.
  5070. >”It took me nearly eighty minutes to get here in this weather.”
  5071. >Oh fuck.
  5072. >”Anonymous.”
  5073. >”Rarity!?”
  5074. >The bone-white hand of Rarity's grips onto your shoulder, as if Death himself were about to take your soul.
  5075. >All the muscles in your throat tense up reflexively.
  5076. >Mere seconds later, her grip goes from one of intimidation to one of necessity.
  5077. >Rarity nearly collapses onto the floor as she uses you for support.
  5078. >You grapple with the rainwear on her body as you try to find a proper way to hold her.
  5079. >Boy, is that a trial and a half.
  5080. >Eventually, you manage to grab enough of a dry spot to ferry her to your couch.
  5081. >You can't believe that she actually came out in the rain to get to you.
  5082. >This is something you expect from Pinkie Pie, the town kook.
  5083. >Not from the school's fashionista.
  5084. >You waste no time in digging Rarity out of her gear and putting it to the rack.
  5085. >As you do, you make fleeting contact with Rarity's skin.
  5086. >She's as cold as ice.
  5087. >Putting your hands back on her, you check again.
  5088. >Holy shit.
  5089. >You immediately move to the closet and pull out the heaviest blanket you have.
  5090. >Rarity's not dying on your watch.
  5091. “Sweetie, she's almost frozen! Come keep her warm while I head into the kitchen!”
  5092. >Your instructions are heeded as she runs to her sister and holds her close.
  5093. >Blanket in hand, you cover the both of them and hope that Sweetie will be enough to start warming her up.
  5094. >After setting up your impromptu heater, you make for the kitchen.
  5095. >You hope that old kettle still works.
  5096. >No time is spared in your mad dash for hot water.
  5097. >Digging through the cupboards is a pain, but you grab hold of it.
  5098. >You're not sure how old this is, but it has been in this house longer than you have.
  5099. >Taking it to the sink, you fill up the kettle a quarter way and then set about for your stove.
  5100. >Cranking up the heat to max, you watch as the propane does its magic.
  5101. >You watch the kettle and agonizingly anticipate the eventual whistle.
  5102. >That old adage only applies to pots boiling, right?
  5103. >Moaning comes from the living room as you hear Rarity try to cling to consciousness.
  5104. >Dammit, kettle, go!
  5105. >Your prayers are soon answered.
  5106. >The beautiful sound of the boiling water forcing the steam through the spout fills you with relief.
  5107. >Before you take it off of your stove, you take a moment to appreciate the majesty of propane.
  5108. >Hank Hill would be proud.
  5109. >A moment spent observing, you resume your duty and pull out a mug.
  5110. >You put in enough to fill the mug halfway.
  5111. >Hopefully this will be able to suffice.
  5112. >Slowly, you shuffle back to the living room and see Rarity shivering.
  5113. >Rarity's teeth are even chattering.
  5114. >Without any second thought, you take one of Rarity's hands and pass over the mug to her.
  5115. >You guide in her quaking palms to her mouth.
  5116. >She almost drops it, but you make sure that she keeps hold of it until the water is going into her throat.
  5117. >Near instantly, you see her shaking subside.
  5118. “Sorry that I don't have any tea in the house at the moment. But this will help you not get turned into a popsicle.”
  5119. >Rarity doesn't even pay attention to you.
  5120. >Her only thoughts are of consuming as much of the water as she can.
  5121. >Sweetie Belle slowly backs off of Rarity.
  5122. >Guess the heat is actually returning to her now.
  5123. >The next fifteen minutes are spent going back and forth for the rest of the water.
  5124. >Rarity seems to have almost returned to normal with the amount water you've forced her to ingest.
  5125. >You put another hand on Rarity's exposed skin.
  5126. >She rebuffs you as soon as she recognizes that it's yours.
  5127. >Ha, that's the usual Rarity alright.
  5128. >”I would appreciate it greatly if you refrained from putting your hands on me any more than is necessary.”
  5129. “Sorry, Rare, I just had to make sure that you were fully thawed.”
  5130. >”While I appreciate your concern, I can tell you without a doubt that I am not in any danger of freezing right now.”
  5131. >Rarity fumbles with the blanket as she struggles to stand up.
  5132. >It almost looks like she's going to beef it a couple of times.
  5133. >To her credit, she actually manages to get on both legs.
  5134. >For all of three seconds.
  5135. >She falls back down to the couch as she tries to refocus her gaze on you.
  5136. >”Anonymous, may I ask what you think you were doing?”
  5137. “You mean unfreezing you?”
  5138. >”I mean taking Sweetie Belle into your home without even bothering to consult me on the matter.”
  5139. “Oh, that.”
  5140. >”Don't you act so casual about this. You know that what you did was not right.”
  5141. “If I asked you, would you have said yes?”
  5142. >”Of course not.”
  5143. “Well, it's a good thing that I didn't ask you, then.”
  5144. >Rarity is completely unamused with your attempt at a joke.
  5145. >She puts her hands up to her temples and rubs them.
  5146. >Looks like there's one part of her that's still frozen.
  5147. >”Back to the original point I was making, this is completely unacceptable on your part, not to mention the irresponsible nature of this act.”
  5148. >Rarity tries to get up from the couch again by using her legs as a launch point.
  5149. >Again she fails.
  5150. >That walk must have been hell.
  5151. >Before she can try again, you sweep her arms out from under her.
  5152. >Rarity attempts to balk, but you lay her back onto the couch.
  5153. >She sighs as she gives up the fight, realizing that she's in no condition to try again.
  5154. >”While I may not be in the proper condition to leave at the moment, I will make every effort to leave as soon as I am able.”
  5155. >You raise an eyebrow at Rarity.
  5156. ”In this weather?”
  5157. >”I'm completely serious. Sweetie Belle and I will not stay in this place any longer than we have to.”
  5158. >”Wait, why do I have to leave?”
  5159. >Sweetie Belle nearly cracks her voice from her statement of surprise.
  5160. >”Because I am your elder sister. As such, I am in charge of you while our parents are away.”
  5161. >”I came here to be with Anon!”
  5162. >”Irrelevant. Why you came has no bearing on why we are leaving.”
  5163. >Sweetie hangs her head low.
  5164. >Then you hear her say something under her breath.
  5165. >”Sweetie Belle, did you have something to say?”
  5166. >””
  5167. >”I heard you muttering.”
  5168. >”No.”
  5169. >”Don't try to-”
  5170. >”What I said was 'no'.”
  5171. >Rarity stares at her sister in confusion, until she realizes what she just heard.
  5172. >”Excuse me?”
  5173. >”I'm not going home with you.”
  5174. >Rarity's mouth gapes open as she gasps in shock.
  5175. >”Sweetie Belle, I don't know where you got the notion of telling me that, but-”
  5176. >”I mean it, Rarity.”
  5177. >Your girlfriend's head rises in defiance.
  5178. >The sudden change of mood from Sweetie renders you dumbstruck.
  5179. >”'re not that much older than I am, and you act like you know everything that's good for me.”
  5180. >Rarity puts a hand over her mouth as Sweetie continues.
  5181. >”I really am grateful for everything you've done, Rarity, but I'm not going to let you make every decision for me. I want to make start making my own choices, and I'm choosing to stay at Anon's house.”
  5182. >Sweat rolls down your face as you watch Sweetie Belle mouth off to her sister.
  5183. >All of this is not new, she's told you that stuff before.
  5184. >But she's never defied Rarity like this to her face.
  5185. >”I love Anon, and he loves me, and we're going to cuddle and sleep in the same bed here!”
  5186. >Rarity's look has gone from shock to frustration.
  5187. >”N-no! I refuse to let you sleep anywhere near a man!”
  5188. >”Well, that's tough! I'm gonna sleep with Anon, and feel his warmth and....and walk around naked!”
  5189. >...That's not the escalation you expected.
  5190. >”A-absolutely not! We had an understanding about this; only at our house!”
  5191. >Defiance takes hold of Sweetie's face, and you watch her reach for the hem of her shirt.
  5192. >”What do you think you are doing?!”
  5193. >”Undressing.”
  5194. >The sass is real.
  5195. >As a matter of fact, so is the disrobing.
  5196. >Sweetie's down to her underwear as soon as she tosses off your shirt.
  5197. >Rarity tries to get up again at the sight of her sister being two steps from nude.
  5198. >”Put that back on immediately!”
  5199. >In response to Rarity's command, Sweetie removes her training bra.
  5200. >Rarity lunges off of the couch to grab it and put it back on her.
  5201. >She doesn't manage to be two seconds on her legs, and fares only slightly better on her fatigued arms.
  5202. >”I swear to God, Sweetie Belle, if you don't put your clothes back on THIS INSTANT, I am going to punish you like never before!”
  5203. >As Rarity fumes beneath her, you watch Sweetie dig her thumbs into her panties.
  5204. >They slide down her thighs slowly, until they reach the floor.
  5205. >Rarity yelps as she sees her sister's panties sitting atop the carpet.
  5206. >For emphasis, Sweetie picks up her panties and holds them up to her navel.
  5207. >You're not sure, but you think Rarity might be having an aneurysm right now.
  5208. >” dare you! Do you think you can just disobey me and not expect any consequences!?”
  5209. >Sweetie Belle casually drops the undergarments onto Rarity's face as she walks off in a huff towards your room.
  5210. >Your eyes trail her as she saunters past you.
  5211. >What the hell is going on?
  5212. >As soon as you hear your door shut, you turn your eyes back to Rarity.
  5213. >She hasn't said a word nor moved since Sweetie's undergarments fluttered onto her face.
  5214. >You peel them off of her, and see that she has gone comatose.
  5215. >What is it with people turning into statues in this town?
  5216. >Carefully, you put Rarity back onto the couch.
  5217. >Once she's settled in, you grab the remainder of Sweetie's clothes from the floor and move after Sweetie Belle.
  5218. >When you reach the door, you slowly open it and see Sweetie Belle lying on her side.
  5219. >Setting down her clothes, you walk over to the foot of the bed and sit at her feet.
  5220. “Uh, Sweetie?”
  5221. >”Yes?”
  5222. “What...what was all of that?”
  5223. >”I finally told Rarity to go f-find someone else to boss around.”
  5224. “Yeah, I saw that; but to her face?”
  5225. >Sweetie shifts on your bed until she's staring at the ceiling.
  5226. >”For once, I told her how I really felt. I didn't bottle any of my emotions up.”
  5227. “And how are you feeling right now?”
  5228. >Sweetie scrunches up and grabs hold of her knees, placing her chin above them.
  5229. >”I...I thought that telling her off would feel good, but for some reason...I feel a little bad about what I did.”
  5230. >You scoot back a bit onto your bed until you come parallel to Sweetie.
  5231. >She looks over to you with a troubled expression.
  5232. >”Do you think I...maybe went a bit far?”
  5233. “I couldn't tell you; I don't know what normal is anymore.”
  5234. >Sweetie Belle plops onto your lap again, and stares at you with her emerald peepers.
  5235. >”I love Rarity, she's my sister after all, but when she started barking orders at me and wanted to take me home...I didn't want to go.”
  5236. “Understandable, what with the storm.”
  5237. >”No, I mean...she still doesn't want to stop trying to control my life.”
  5238. “You're her kid sister. She's just looking out for you, albeit in her own psychotic way.”
  5239. >”That's the problem, Anon. It's like all Rarity wants is for me to live the perfect life she planned out for me instead of letting me live my own life.”
  5240. “I'm not denying that, but you know she's only doing what she is because she cares about you. One might even go so far as to say that she cares about you more than I do.”
  5241. >Sweetie Belle sticks her tongue out as she lightly shoves you.
  5242. >”Let's not go too far there.”
  5243. “Come on, you can't deny that she's at least as concerned for you as I am.”
  5244. >”You put up with Applebloom and Scootaloo for me. You're signing a recording contract just so you can marry me.”
  5245. “She was so scared for you that she tried to kill me twice.”
  5246. >”...Was that supposed to be a good thing?”
  5247. “It wasn't good, but it was her way of trying to show she cares.
  5248. >”Some care.”
  5249. “Had she succeeded, she could have gone to jail. She would have thrown away her entire future just for you. Think about that for a moment.”
  5250. >Those gems of Sweetie's roll around the room as she ponders the case you've presented to her.
  5251. >What little remains of her sassy disposition fades into true remorse.
  5252. >“You're right. She does care about my well-being. But she still smothers me.”
  5253. “Just be glad it's not Applebloom smothering you.”
  5254. >Sweetie can't help but snicker slightly as she remembers that Applebloom has indeed smothered someone with those honkers of hers.
  5255. >”Fine, I get it; things could always be worse.”
  5256. “Indeed, they could. So, no more antagonizing Rarity, okay?”
  5257. >”Okay.”
  5258. >Sweetie uses your shoulders to pick herself up and put herself in a position to hug you.
  5259. >You eagerly return her affections.
  5260. >Then you realize that you're hugging a nude Sweetie Belle.
  5261. >Slowly, you remove your arms and break off the hug.
  5262. “Uh, Sweetie, maybe you should put your clothes back on.”
  5263. >Her eyes shoot open and she seems quite baffled at you.
  5264. >”Anon, what are you saying?”
  5265. “I just, you know, think you should put your clothes back on.”
  5266. >”But why?!”
  5267. “Rarity's already having a hard enough time without me being alone with a naked sister.”
  5268. >”Are you saying you don't want to see me naked?”
  5269. “...That's not a fair question to ask a man, Sweetie Belle.”
  5270. .>”I'm already comfortable, though~”
  5271. >Sweetie collapses onto your bed and stretches out...all her...
  5272. >Yeah, you need to get out before your boner assumes direct control.
  5273. >Moving off of the bed, you make a dash for the door.
  5274. “We probably shouldn't leave Rarity out there alone, so I'm just gonna go check on her and make sure she's not dying, okay? Alright, be back in a bit.”
  5275. >You slip out of the room and try to calm down.
  5276. >Really, this is getting out of hand.
  5277. >You're gonna be having gray hair by the time this storm is over.
  5278. >How much longer shall your fortitude be tested?
  5279. >Thinking about as many unappealing thoughts as you can, you walk down the hall and see Rarity is still where you left her.
  5280. >You walk cautiously to the side of the couch and keep mind of where her arms are.
  5281. “Rare?”
  5282. >Watching her, you don't see a single movement.
  5283. >Until she blinks.
  5284. >As her eyes open, her entire head shifts to look at you.
  5285. >”Does this please you, Anonymous?”
  5286. “Please?”
  5287. >”There's no need for you to play the fool. All this time, you've been poisoning Sweetie's mind behind my back. I had no idea you could be so nefarious.”
  5288. >Wow; what a way to start the conversation.
  5289. “Now come on, Rarity, you know that's not true.”
  5290. >”Is that so?”
  5291. “What would I have to gain from that?”
  5292. >”Since this is your plan, why don't you tell me?”
  5293. >You don't like this look she's giving you.
  5294. >Having seen it before, you know what that means.
  5295. >Instinctively, you back away out of any possible reach.
  5296. “Rarity, I swear that I haven't been putting any thoughts of any sort into Sweetie Belle's head about you!”
  5297. >”Please forgive me if I find that hard to believe.”
  5298. “It's the tru-”
  5299. >”Never before has she spoken to me like that. Not once in her entire life. We may have had a spat or two when it came to something innocuous, like which kind of pasta to have for dinner, but that...that was not something the child I know would ever say to me.”
  5300. “Rare, you need to just calm down a bit. It's not that bad.”
  5301. >”Anonymous, I've been seeing to Sweetie Belle's needs since I was ten years old. For six long years I have practically raised her, on my own. She is the closest thing in my life at this moment to a daughter. So, no, Anonymous, you've got no legitimacy in telling me that the most important person to me in the world speaking to me like that is anything but bad.”
  5302. >...
  5303. >As melodramatic as she can be, this isn't one of those times.
  5304. >You weren't prepared for this, but it's too late to retreat now.
  5305. “I understand how you feel, Rarity, but she's not going to try and cut you out of her life. I've already spoken with her about the whole thing, and she actually feels bad that she exploded at you.”
  5306. >”That's why she's currently waiting for you in your bedroom, as naked as the day she was born, for whatever manner of horrible thing you plan to do to her and eliminate any remaining shred of chastity and innocence she possesses?”
  5307. >Must every word out of her mouth paint you as a villain?
  5308. “I already told her to put on some clothes, Rarity. I don't plan on doing anything to her or with her in my bed.”
  5309. >Rarity locks eyes with you, as if she were watching an errant rat she was about to pounce on.
  5310. >Were it not for her weakened constitution, you'd have already grabbed the dictionary from the bookshelf below the television.
  5311. >She slowly turns her gaze upward as she realigns her head, ending your staring contest.
  5312. >”Nearly every day that she comes home, the first thing she does is take off her clothes and neatly fold them into a pile to be sent to the laundry hamper. Do you know why she does that?”
  5313. >...You gathered there was a story behind it since the kitchen incident, but you never gave it much thought after that.
  5314. >”Back during my earlier days as a designer, I would create smaller versions of my clothing lines and put them onto Sweetie Belle, to see how they would look when actually in motion. Needless to say, a child doesn't like to be turned into a dress-up doll.”
  5315. >It's subtle, but you can tell that there's a tinge of sadness to her words now.
  5316. >“Sweetie Belle already fussed about with her clothing beforehand, and I decided to propose something that would work out for the both of us: For agreeing to allow me the right to study my clothing on her, I would allow Sweetie Belle the freedom of complete and unending nudity within our household. The reason that I did that wasn't because I really felt she would stop if I didn't, but because I wanted to show her I was willing to give and take in this agreement. To show that I would allow her to a choice.”
  5317. >Rarity drapes arm over her face, obscuring her eyes.
  5318. >”What she did today not only discarded her clothing, but that small gesture which we had bonded over. Do you know what it feels like to see someone you care for break your heart in such a way?”
  5319. >No, you don't.
  5320. >Your family doesn't endorse nudism.
  5321. “Rarity, Sweetie Belle still loves you. She's just been going through a lot of emotional consideration today. Marriage, love, friendship; all of those things have been going through her mind today.”
  5322. >”Marriage?”
  5323. “Yes, I told her I was going to marry her.”
  5324. >”You did what.”
  5325. “...Did you not think I was going to?”
  5326. >Rarity's hand slips from her face as she glares at you again.
  5327. >”Irrespective of my...proposition, you've got some nerve to put such a notion in her head, especially when you're without employ.”
  5328. >As she continues to stare you down, you feel a conflicting batch of emotions.
  5329. >You've really got no idea what to say.
  5330. >Instead, you go to grab the stack of papers from the table and gather them in your hands.
  5331. >Risking the attack of opportunity, you place them squarely on Rarity's stomach.
  5332. >Unsure of what you've just given her, she reaches out for them and looks them over.
  5333. >When she sees exactly what you've procured she drops them to the floor in utter disbelief.
  5334. >”No. This isn't real. Whatever you thought you could do with that fake contract is not going to work.”
  5335. >Rarity has taken both of her temples into her hands.
  5336. >This day has been one big trip of deja vu, so far.
  5337. >”J-just stop! Whatever game you're trying to play here, I'm not going along with it!”
  5338. “Rare, this isn't a game. I got a job.”
  5339. >”I refuse to believe that a high-school student has gotten a two-million dollar contract and seventeen percent on royalties!”
  5340. >You thought that this might be a harder sell than everything else.
  5341. >Hell, you barely believe it.
  5342. >But, you have one more thing for Rarity.
  5343. >From the pocket of your shorts, you produce Peachbottom's card and hand it to her.
  5344. >Rarity trembles as she looks it over.
  5345. >”N-no. There's no possibility that you're telling the truth. This has to be a trick. There's no way, there's no way, there's no way.”
  5346. >She's turned into a broken record.
  5347. >You can't stomach seeing her like this.
  5348. >Reaching out slowly, you grab her arm within reach.
  5349. >She slowly starts to come back to her senses as you set her arm down.
  5350. >Her eyes stare at you, not with malice, but confusion.
  5351. >Akin to a lost puppy.
  5352. >You take a moment to center yourself and figure out what to finally say.
  5353. “Give that number a call, and you'll see this is real.”
  5354. >There's no shortage of hesitation on her part.
  5355. >Deep down, she knows that this is real.
  5356. >But she can't accept it.
  5357. >She really doesn't want to.
  5358. >You put your hands in your pockets and wait expectantly for her to produce her phone.
  5359. >Without a second thought, she unlocks her phone and begins the call.
  5360. >Every tone produced is like nails on a chalkboard to her.
  5361. >It almost pains you to see her go through this.
  5362. >As Rarity finishes dialing the number, she holds it up to her ear.
  5363. >The ringing is loud enough that you can register its presence.
  5364. >You see Rarity's breath become more ragged.
  5365. >Exasperated.
  5366. >The phone drops out of her hand, and bounces down to the ground.
  5367. >She's stunned.
  5368. >With her frozen, you move in to grab the phone.
  5369. >Call's still going.
  5370. >Putting it up to your ear, you hear the expected voice.
  5371. >”Hello? Can you hear me?”
  5372. “Peachbottom.”
  5373. >”Oh, it's you! Goodness, I thought that you might have been a telemarketer.”
  5374. >You stifle a laugh and clear your throat.
  5375. “No, just me. Sorry about the lack of response, storm messes with the signal.”
  5376. >”Don't worry about that, Hon. I take it that you're calling because you've come to a decision about the contract?”
  5377. “Oh, no. Just had to see if the number on the card worked. Besides, I've got to make sure I completely understand what's in the contract before I go any further.”
  5378. >”I understand. Well, you've got until I leave town to sign. Just let me know whatever you decide to do.”
  5379. >”Will do.”
  5380. >You exchange a swift goodbye and hang up the phone.
  5381. >Rarity looks like she's about to vomit.
  5382. >Not that it would ruin the couch any further, but you rouse her from her state of worry with a light nudge.
  5383. “Do you believe me now?”
  5384. >Her eyes drift about the room, her mind still reeling.
  5385. >” could that have happened. How could any of this have happened.”
  5386. >You place the phone gently into Rarity's possession and lean in closely.
  5387. “Love, luck, and a pinch of Stardust.”
  5388. >Rarity is getting more confused by the moment, you can tell.
  5389. >You lightly tussle her as you would Sweetie's.
  5390. >”What?”
  5391. “Doesn't make sense?”
  5392. >You back away from Rarity and decide that it's best to let her de-stress a bit more.
  5393. >Rounding the corner, you wave to her as you toss out the last thought in your head.
  5394. “Music and love are alike in that way.”
  5395. >You are now Rarity, and you're beyond the point where you're merely in the dark.
  5396. > don't know anything.
  5397. >Completely and utterly bereft of any knowledge on the situation.
  5398. >But, that's not really much different from earlier, is it?
  5399. >During that initial chase, you ran on rage and instinct.
  5400. >As you tried to take his life, the sensation that took hold of you was a determined lunacy.
  5401. >Recently, the only thing that kept you going was delusion and misplaced hopes.
  5402. >Even having gone through all the strife, caught between Anonymous and Sweetie Belle, you've made no progress.
  5403. >When you tried to curtail the effect of his mannerisms on Sweetie Belle, he twisted your thoughts.
  5404. >He persuaded your friends to enable him.
  5405. >Not even your attempts to catch him slip up were enough.
  5406. >You tracked him like a bloodhound every step of the way.
  5407. >All that it resulted in was your own faux-pas, which even now he has exploited.
  5408. >Despite every ounce of your effort, you've been matched at every turn by him.
  5409. >He's somehow even managed to sweet-talk his way into a small fortune.
  5410. >All to spite you as he steals away Sweetie Belle.
  5411. >The one thing in life besides fashion that you live for.
  5412. >Bound by the situation as you are, you couldn't stop anything going on.
  5413. >Should you forbid Sweetie Belle to see him, all you'll do is drive her to resent and rebel against your actions.
  5414. >Remaining true to your word would also mean losing her.
  5415. >Married to Anonymous.
  5416. >What's a girl to do?
  5417. >...
  5418. >How long have you been on this couch, anyway?
  5419. >It seems like an age has passed since Anonymous left the room.
  5420. >Whatever measure of time it has been, you know he's been spending it with Sweetie Belle.
  5421. >God knows you don't have any idea what is currently transpiring there.
  5422. >Nor do you know what has transpired before you came here.
  5423. >This all tears at your mind.
  5424. >It hurts.
  5425. >You want it to stop.
  5426. >Before your mind can slip once more into a skip, you hear the sound of a door opening.
  5427. >Footsteps shuffle along the carpet until you see Anonymous has brought out a shirt with him.
  5428. >It has a picture of french toast emblazoned upon it.
  5429. >Anonymous comes closer to you with the shirt and offers it to you.
  5430. >Presumably as something to wear besides your usual ensemble.
  5431. >French toast is traditionally a breakfast food.
  5432. >Hence, you assumee that this was a souvenir from a restaurant of some sort.
  5433. >Possibly a diner.
  5434. >And in no way fit for you to wear.
  5435. >”Rare, you okay?”
  5436. “I am not in any measure of the word. Is this your idea of a joke? Is this some sort of act of petty vengeance against me?”
  5437. >”Look, I knew you wouldn't like it, but I've not exactly got a lot to wear in the way of women's clothing.”
  5438. >Anonymous comes closer to you once more, and pushes the shirt further into your view.
  5439. >You scowl in reply.
  5440. >”Do you really want to sleep in your school clothes?”
  5441. “...”
  5442. >”Guess that means you don't.”
  5443. >Begrudgingly, you take hold of the shirt.
  5444. >Even the fabric feels cheap.
  5445. >Having given you the shirt, you watch as he walks off again.
  5446. >As he leaves, you catch sight of a familiar bit of hair.
  5447. >It disappears along with him.
  5448. >Your heart beats just a bit slower.
  5449. >Why didn't she come out?
  5450. >Did she not wish to see you?
  5451. >Perhaps she was still in a state of undress and didn't wish to reignite your argument.
  5452. >Whatever her excuse may be, the totality of the matter is that she didn't even give you the courtesy to know.
  5453. >Likely, you're just letting the situation fester within your mind.
  5454. >You're not above admitting that you allow your mind to wander outside of the true reality from a situation.
  5455. >It does not dull the sting of the possibility, however.
  5456. >At this time, you cannot help it.
  5457. >Uncertainty plagues you wholly.
  5458. >Something in you wants to blame Anonymous for this.
  5459. > know that this is no one's fault but your own.
  5460. >All this time, you've merely been a reactionary bystander.
  5461. >Someone being carried along in another's far more powerful story.
  5462. >Denying it won't make it any less true.
  5463. >You've been watching everyone else make their own choices, and yet you've neglected to make your own.
  5464. >Not once in this farce have you forced someone else into the position you've desired.
  5465. >Can you truly lay any blame with Anonymous over this all if your own passivity has brought this about?
  5466. >...
  5467. >You once again test the stability of your legs.
  5468. >Swiveling towards the floor, you plant your feet firmly onto the carpet.
  5469. >Great effort is made to move your arms and push yourself into a stance.
  5470. >Your efforts are rewarded as you unsoundly shuffle along with your fatigued muscles.
  5471. >Looking back to the launch point for your endeavor, you see that the shirt still rests there.
  5472. >For a reason unknown to you, you take it.
  5473. >Guiding yourself with the wall, you walk off to the slightly ajar door near you.
  5474. >Inside, you can see that this is where Anonymous has left Sweetie Belle's clothes.
  5475. >Crumpled into a crude pile.
  5476. >You can't leave them this way.
  5477. >Next to the pile, you can see a washer alongside a dryer.
  5478. >This is the laundry room, then.
  5479. >It makes sense to do the laundry, then.
  5480. >Even as tired as you are, muscle memory takes hold of your usual routine.
  5481. >The process is nearly automatic.
  5482. >Your own clothes come off sometime in the midst of it.
  5483. >Not wanting to be exposed in your stylish, albeit a tad racy, undergarments, you begrudgingly wear that cheap shirt.
  5484. >It itches.
  5485. >It chafes.
  5486. >It clashes with your hopefully non-visible tanga.
  5487. >But it is all you have.
  5488. >You try not to dwell too hard on the shirt.
  5489. >Instead, you focus on doing the task you've set out for yourself.
  5490. >At least his machines are not dissimilar in function.
  5491. >Without missing a beat, you breeze through every step and watch as the spin cycle begins.
  5492. >Looking at the machine rumble slightly calms you down, somehow.
  5493. >It's cathartic, observing it.
  5494. >Watching Sweetie Belle's clothes dance in the dryer reminds you of a simpler time.
  5495. >She'd sit with you and watch the clothes spin around until she got dizzy.
  5496. >It seems like such a long time ago, even though it's only been a few years.
  5497. >You remember every time that you both watched the laundry together.
  5498. >Nowadays, you attend to the chore alone.
  5499. >Just another reminder of her drifting away from you.
  5500. >Leaving you.
  5501. >Deserting you.
  5502. >Abandoning you.
  5503. >Like your parents.
  5504. >How long has it been since you've seen them?
  5505. >They promised to come by on Thanksgiving.
  5506. >Christmas.
  5507. >New Year's Eve.
  5508. >The list could go on about the months that have passed.
  5509. >But you didn't mind.
  5510. >Not with Sweetie Belle.
  5511. >She was the only family that you ever needed in your life.
  5512. >You were the only family that she needed.
  5513. >All the love that she ever needed.
  5514. >...
  5515. >Oh dear.
  5516. >When did you start to tear up?
  5517. >You reflexively dry the slight tears away from your eyes.
  5518. >There's no need for these right now.
  5519. >All that they'll do is get in your way.
  5520. >You still need to get through the dryer cycle and fold the laundry into a neat stack.
  5521. >That's all that you need to do.
  5522. >Just...just push yourself through this cycle.
  5523. >Finally, it's finished.
  5524. >Cleaned, folded and organized.
  5525. >Orderly.
  5526. >The laundry is finally done.
  5527. >It's how it should be.
  5528. >How you want it to be.
  5529. >Yet, there is no satisfaction in what you've done.
  5530. >Though you did what you thought it was that needed to be done, you feel nothing.
  5531. >Not sadness, nor dissatisfaction, but nothing.
  5532. >Is this what true depression is like?
  5533. >A hollow feeling, where you've nothing left to feel?
  5534. >Unwilling to accept this void, you walk out of the room.
  5535. >Looking around, you see the room is the same.
  5536. >Nothing has changed, your emotional state included.
  5537. >You feel your heartbeat begin to race.
  5538. >Chill grips your body.
  5539. >Dryness overtakes your mouth.
  5540. >Water.
  5541. >Forcing your body to move, you tremble as you bounce from wall to wall.
  5542. >Your stumbling leads you to Anon's kitchen.
  5543. >Grasping onto the sink, you turn on the faucet and lap at it like a wild beast.
  5544. >It nearly scalds with how hot it is.
  5545. >But you don't care.
  5546. >You need it.
  5547. >You need to feel something.
  5548. > a bottle a few feet from you.
  5549. >Full of wine.
  5550. >Just from looking at the bottle, you can tell it's cheap swill.
  5551. >Yet it is still wine.
  5552. >Urges come flooding into your mind.
  5553. >It calls to you.
  5554. >Reaching your arm out, you can almost feel it on your lips.
  5555. >You grab onto the bottle, feeling the smoothness of the glass.
  5556. >A tactile sensation you're all too familiar with.
  5557. >Even just holding onto it has settled your mind.
  5558. >You want to pull it in close to you.
  5559. >Hold it.
  5560. >Nurse from it like a calf.
  5561. >Then, surprisingly, you let your fingers slip from it.
  5562. >You want it, so badly.
  5563. >But you don't need it.
  5564. >Even as low as you are now, you can't bring yourself to consume it.
  5565. >Partaking of this wine, a wine that you don't even own, is not what you should do.
  5566. >Surrendering to it means that you'll once more be adrift in life.
  5567. >Influenced from something else.
  5568. >Passive.
  5569. >You absolutely refuse to be jostled around by fate.
  5570. >Or Anonymous.
  5571. >Especially by Anonymous.
  5572. >His tomfoolery has given you enough grief.
  5573. >All because of Sweetie Belle.
  5574. >Sweetie Belle...
  5575. >You stand steady as you push yourself away from the sink.
  5576. >A slow walk builds into a determined march.
  5577. >What ailments befell you in your moment of weakness vanish.
  5578. >Your heart and mind are once more synchronized.
  5579. >All your mental faculties return to you, unclouded by your emotions.
  5580. >Footfall muffled by the carpet, you slow as you near the door.
  5581. >Well, would you look at that.
  5582. >The door is slightly ajar.
  5583. >Lucky you.
  5584. >Peeking into the room, you see that it's cleaner than you thought it would be.
  5585. >Aside from the pile of underclothing on the floor.
  5586. >Sweetie's underclothing.
  5587. >Peering further into the room, you see Anonymous and your sister together on his bed.
  5588. >They seem to be sleeping.
  5589. >It must be late if they've both fallen asleep.
  5590. >Gazing at the window, you see it is indeed dark.
  5591. >Stealing away into the room as quietly as possible, you look over the both of them.
  5592. >The sight vexes you to no end.
  5593. >How dare he be so close to Sweetie Belle; as if you were nowhere near enough to know about this.
  5594. >At the very least, she seems to have put back on the shirt she had.
  5595. >It seems that Anonymous was telling the truth when he said he told her to redress.
  5596. >However minimal the effort was.
  5597. >Anonymous himself is dressed, at the very least.
  5598. >Not that it pleases you any more.
  5599. >The very fact that he's sharing a bed with your sister, however innocent it may be, does not sit well with you.
  5600. >You won't allow him to just sleep with your sister, regardless of either meaning of the double entendre.
  5601. >No, he's not going to be alone with her.
  5602. >Scanning the bed, you see that a large zone behind them is currently unoccupied.
  5603. >How perfect.
  5604. >Gently, you set a leg and an arm onto the bed.
  5605. >Being as light as you are, you barely make a sound as you shift the rest of your body in.
  5606. >It may not be your own bed, but it's serviceable enough.
  5607. >You practically swim through the bed as you move yourself closer to the two of them.
  5608. >Before long, you're just where you wish to be.
  5609. >Just behind Sweetie Belle.
  5610. >Even being in this position is not ideal.
  5611. >But you won't back down from this.
  5612. >You will take the initiative in your actions.
  5613. >Softly, you trace your fingers along Sweetie Belle's sleeping form.
  5614. >Her body is small, sandwiched betwixt you and him.
  5615. >You remember when she was even smaller.
  5616. >Constantly having to console her when she had a nightmare.
  5617. >Sharing your bed with her.
  5618. >Protecting her, if only from her imagination.
  5619. >You trail your hand in broader strokes, feeling more of her body.
  5620. >It's so funny; she's just like you.
  5621. >Almost every area she's filling in is further along than it was for you at her age.
  5622. >Pubescence has already sprung up for her, and in such a short time.
  5623. >Hard as it is for you to admit, Anonymous was correct.
  5624. >She's ahead of the curve.
  5625. >At this rate, she may even be more beautiful than yourself.
  5626. >You wouldn't mind that.
  5627. >Sweetie Belle deserves to be a beautiful woman.
  5628. >All you wanted for her was a peaceful life.
  5629. >Perhaps even a wonderful one.
  5630. >One where she would have a gallant and faithful gentleman to guide her through the rigors of life.
  5631. >Instead, she's been beguiled by him.
  5632. >Your hand finds hers, and interlocks with it.
  5633. >The familiarity sends you again into the throngs of nostalgia.
  5634. >Being here with her, you can't help but think of her as the little girl you cared for.
  5635. >Whom you would sacrifice anything for to keep her safe.
  5636. >As you let your mind wander down memory lane, you are pulled from it as you feel another hand come across your own.
  5637. >It's not Sweetie Belle's.
  5638. >Looking slightly above her, you see that Anon has taken hold of your hand.
  5639. >He flits over your hand a few more times, confused about the difference between yours and Sweetie Belle's.
  5640. >As you gaze at him, his eyes slowly open up.
  5641. >When he finally realizes what's going on, his eyes lock to yours in shock.
  5642. >Raising a finger to your lips, you shush him.
  5643. “don't disturb her.”
  5644. >You run your hand along Sweetie's hair and gently stroke it.
  5645. “she's still growing, so she needs to have as much rest as she possibly can.”
  5646. >”what are you doing in here?!”
  5647. “watching over my sister.”
  5648. >”in my bed?!”
  5649. >Returning the gaze to Anonymous, you withdraw your hand and wag a finger at him.
  5650. “there shall be no unsupervised sleep between you while you are in my presence.”
  5651. >”rare, this is really weird.”
  5652. “as weird as a grown man sharing a bed with a schoolgirl?”
  5653. >”uh...”
  5654. “no witty remark, anonymous?”
  5655. >He seems as if he's about to speak, but you duck back down to the bed.
  5656. “we can exchange verbal blows in the morning, so let's retire for now.”
  5657. >You smirk in smug satisfaction at your percieved victory.
  5658. >Until Anonymous gives your hand a light squeeze.
  5659. >”sleep tight, rarity.”
  5660. >...
  5661. >Oh, it is on.
  5662. >Opening your eyes to the dimly lit room around you, you realize that you are once more Anon.
  5663. >Shifting slightly, you can see that Sweetie Belle's body is no longer overshadowed by the presence of Rarity.
  5664. >All you see is a slightly displaced blanket.
  5665. >Rarity's too good at getting into and out of places stealthily.
  5666. >Below you, you see Sweetie Belle is still fast asleep.
  5667. >Giving the young girl a peck on her forehead, you make with your best Rarity impersonation and slink out of the room silently.
  5668. >Once outside of your room, the smell of food grabs your attention.
  5669. >As you get closer to the source of it, you can hear the sounds of the kitchen coming through.
  5670. >Is...Is Rarity making breakfast?
  5671. >Shuffling slowly along the carpet, you turn a corner to see that your hunch was actually correct.
  5672. >As you set foot in the kitchen, Rarity's gaze zeroes in on you.
  5673. >”Good morning, Anonymous. I slept very comfortably last night, and I trust the same is true for you?”
  5674. >You blink rapidly as the air around your kitchen almost makes you want to cry.
  5675. “Rarity, what are you making?”
  5676. >”Oh, just a dish that I used to make for Sweetie Belle from time to time. She just adores the flavor.”
  5677. >You really want to get closer to see what the hell she's actually doing, but if you get any closer you're probably going to keel over.
  5678. >Instead, you elect to sit at the table and try to rub some of the excess saline from your eyes.
  5679. >Once they clear up, you find yourself looking at a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
  5680. >With an unnervingly cheerful Rarity next to it.
  5681. >”You take your coffee black, correct?”
  5682. >Her grin gives you an unpleasant flashback to the time you accidentally wandered into the mormon part of town.
  5683. >”It's been a long time since we've had coffee together, but I do recall that you never seemed too fond of it being overly sweet.”
  5684. >Rarity flounces back towards the stove as you stare at the cup and wonder exactly how much poison is in here.
  5685. >”Don't worry, I've not touched your drink. Such a thing is beneath a proper lady. Enjoy it.”
  5686. >Somehow, you're not quite so sure of that.
  5687. >You've never known Rarity to ever lie to anyone, though.
  5688. >If she were any more honest, she'd be Applejack.
  5689. >Taking a cautious sip, you don't believe that there's anything harmful about the coffee aside from the temperature.
  5690. >Wow, that's bad.
  5691. >You fan your mouth as you reel from the temperature.
  5692. >Out of the corner of your eye, you swear you can see Rarity smirk.
  5693. >”Breakfast is ready. I hope you're hungry.”
  5694. >Rarity comes back with plates in tow, elegantly balancing the three dishes at once.
  5695. >Looking at the plate, you can see that there's heart-shaped french toast, an orange half, and...
  5696. >And...
  5697. “What the hell is that thing?”
  5698. >”Flæskeæggekage.”
  5699. >...
  5700. >Fla...flaskgg....fl-oh, fuck it, you'll learn how to pronounce that some other time.
  5701. “What exactly is it?”
  5702. >”It's essentially a Danish-style omelet.”
  5703. “Okay, but why do you even know how to make this?”
  5704. >”Mother used to make it for us as children, when she wasn't so far from home.”
  5705. “Your mother made this?”
  5706. >”It was her favorite as a girl. It reminded her of when she went to visit family back in Europe, and she wished to share those memories with us.”
  5707. >Looking down at the...omelet, you don't know what exactly to make of it.
  5708. >While it certainly looks edible, you don't think that eating something that made your eyes water while it cooked is a good idea.
  5709. >Just wondering what exactly she put in there makes you hesitate.
  5710. >You don't know what game Rarity is playing, but you know that there is one afoot.
  5711. >Letting her get under your skin with food something you can't abide.
  5712. >Just to make sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot, you decide to start on the heart first.
  5713. >If you bite off more than you can chew, you'll have an excuse to not finish the whole thing there.
  5714. >Picking up your fork, you carve out a bit of the toast and mix it in with the honey drizzled in the center.
  5715. >It's not like she could really ruin a piece of toast, right?
  5716. >As the food hits your tongue, you then realize that this isn't the ordinary toast you're used to your mom making.
  5717. >This is...delicious.
  5718. >Your tastebuds feel like they're dancing in your mouth.
  5719. >How do you even get french toast to taste like oranges?
  5720. >Looking up from the toast, you see Rarity set on the other end of the table.
  5721. >She's been watching you eat the toast.
  5722. >”Enjoying yourself, Anonymous?”
  5723. >Nodding your head in agreement, you watch her stifle a giggle under her breath.
  5724. >”I'm glad that you are. It's always a delight to see someone enjoying my dishes.”
  5725. >Okay, there's definitely something really off about this.
  5726. >But you don't know what.
  5727. >Electing to finish up the toast, you slowly work your way through until it's almost gone.
  5728. >Gazing at her through your peripheral vision, you see Rarity's still watching you eat.
  5729. >She's masking it under her own eating.
  5730. >Unlike you, she's begun with the orange.
  5731. >Both of you have avoided the main dish.
  5732. >So you know that there's something relating to the omelet.
  5733. >It's in there that she's laid her trap, you're sure.
  5734. >You're not going to call it just yet.
  5735. >As the last of the toast enters your mouth, you slowly chew it and then take a sip of your coffee to accompany it.
  5736. >Thankfully it isn't as scalding as it was earlier.
  5737. >You see Rarity pretending to not take notice.
  5738. >She's just sipping at her own mug as you wipe your mouth with a napkin.
  5739. >What is it that she's working up to?
  5740. >”Anonymous, though it might seem like something that Applejack would state, I must say that there is nothing that quite touches the heart like a meal that's been cooked at home with love.”
  5741. >Lifting her gaze from the mug to you, you see that her grin has gone from mormon to predator.
  5742. >”I'll always remember when I first learned to cook this dish. When my mother decided to show me how this was prepared, she was elated when I got it correct on my first try.”
  5743. >Rarity moves her hand from her mug, picking up her spoon.
  5744. >You see that she's begun working on her toast after finishing her orange.
  5745. >Absentmindedly, you've begun eating your own orange as she works on her toast.
  5746. >”She taught me her other recipes, but was never quite as pleased as when she saw me prepare this, aside from her signature cookies.”
  5747. >The further along you both progress, the wider you see her grin getting.
  5748. >”As she gave me increasing instruction, my knowledge of fine cooking had gotten to the point where I was able to make quality dishes without even needing measuring instruments.”
  5749. >Her grin has softened somewhat as you see her continue to nibble on her toast.
  5750. “Sounds like your mom really enjoyed cooking with you.”
  5751. >”It was the most time she ever spent with me.”
  5752. >Before Rarity can continue, your spoon doesn't move up as you expected.
  5753. >Looking down, you see that you fully ate the orange.
  5754. >Stealing a glance at Rarity's plate you see that she's got her last bite of toast already in her possesion.
  5755. >Oh crap.
  5756. >Trailing down to the plate again, you begin to sweat slightly.
  5757. >Your apprehension begins to gnaw at your mind as you stare at the omelet.
  5758. >What the hell did she do to this thing?
  5759. >”Is something the matter, Anonymous?”
  5760. >Rarity gains your attention, and you see that she's dropped her grin.
  5761. >But you know she's still grinning inside.
  5762. “No. Everything's fine.”
  5763. >Unwilling to stay in the bind she's put you in any longer, you take a fork-full and put it in your mouth without thinking.
  5764. >For just a moment, you can taste the beautiful harmony of the Scandinavian delight.
  5765. >Its unique flavor and familiar texture makes you think that you'd been a fool the entire time.
  5766. >Then the second of reprieve you had abruptly ends and is replaced by the vast expanse of hellfire that has consumed your mouth.
  5767. >You knew that there was going to be something wrong the whole time, but you didn't expect this.
  5768. >In response to the excruciatingly searing pain in your mouth and throat, your eyes begin to water as if they were melting right out of their sockets.
  5769. >Every pore in your body begins to displace all the water inside of you, embracing the chaos this omelet from hell has wrought.
  5770. >You reach out for your trusty coffee mug.
  5771. >Maybe if you swallow the whole mug, the pain will stop.
  5772. >As you reach out for it as fast as your rebelling body will allow you, the mug moves slightly out of your reach.
  5773. >The hand that moves it away from you appears as an extension of the glassware that eludes you.
  5774. >”Oh, Anonymous, that's already gone cold by now. Allow me to fetch you a warmer cup.”
  5775. >No.
  5776. >That porcelain demon has every intention to let you ride this out.
  5777. >All you can hold onto is your will to not die in this way.
  5778. >What little will is left, anyway.
  5779. >You thought that such a horrible concoction was beyond Rarity.
  5780. >You thought wrong.
  5781. >So very, very wrong.
  5782. >Letting your head down to the table, you close your eyes tightly and count out every agonizing moment.
  5783. >It does not help you in the slightest.
  5784. >Somewhere in the middle of your complete breakdown, Rarity returns and sets the mug down on your plate once more.
  5785. >You feel the raging inferno within begin to subside ever so slightly at the prospect of your ability to cleanse yourself of the suffering through the power of the almighty bean.
  5786. >As you open your eyes to the light once more, you see the mug is close at hand.
  5787. >Waiting no longer than necessary, your pained muscles move to grab hold of the only means of salvation you have.
  5788. >You begin to ferry it closer to you, dreading the possibility of it not helping.
  5789. >Hesitating only for a second, you imbibe the scaling liquid with no regard for the potential consequences of your actions.
  5790. >The pain subsides nearly instantly, but is not replaced with the painful sensation you expected to follow it.
  5791. >You take a closer look into the mug and see it's filled with just creamer.
  5792. >What?
  5793. >”How was it, Anonymous?”
  5794. >Splitting your focus from the mug, you direct your gaze to Rarity instantly.
  5795. >”Please, be completely honest.”
  5796. >Is she serious right now?
  5797. “Rarity, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”
  5798. >”Oh, goodness, you didn't like it?”
  5799. “No! What kind of question is that!”
  5800. >”Your words wound me, Anonymous. It's the recipe that I hold nearest to my heart, and yet you've not a single positive thing to say about it.”
  5801. “What positive thing is there to say; that my throat didn't shut itself and suffocate me? Because that's the only good bit about this food I can think of!”
  5802. >As you're about to continue your tirade, you watch Rarity take a bite of the dish.
  5803. >Much to your surprise, you actually see...pain.
  5804. >Rarity's normally alabaster complexion is blemished by her reddening face.
  5805. >Did...did she do this to all three of those things?!
  5806. >As she swallows down the bite, you can actually see that she's barely holding back some tears from the searing pain of it.
  5807. >You stare in amazement that Rarity actually committed to the food.
  5808. >She breathes heavily, her reddening subsiding with each exhale.
  5809. >”Anonymous, do you wish to know something?”
  5810. >Rarity scoops up another bite, and gingerly chews on it, her face showing the pained determination that such an action requires.
  5811. >Again, she chokes down the fiery morsel and breaks into a hard pant.
  5812. >”I've made this dish for you to see something important. Something that I never have, and never will make for anyone outside of my family again. This is not the correct way to prepare this dish. It is meant to simply lightly tickle the tongue with the undertaste, not force you to hope that you do not perish with each bite. Yet, there is a reason for why this tastes the way it does.”
  5813. >Rarity takes the time to produce a handkerchief from her lap, slowly dabbing away the sweat collecting on her brow.
  5814. >”Opal had knocked down the spice jar by complete accident, and I had no knowledge of it until Sweetie Belle and I had already sat down to eat. I couldn't begin to stomach it when I saw what was on it, but Sweetie Belle loved it. She said it was the best thing that she had ever eaten. I offered her my plate, saying that I would simply make a second one and that a growing girl like her needed it more than me. Ever since that day, whenever the special occasion comes up for me to make it, I grin and bear eating one of these. I even make one in between these instances, just so that I remain aware of how much I need to add to make it taste the exact same way that it did when she first tasted it.”
  5815. >Throwing down her handkerchief, Rarity continues with another forkful.
  5816. >She's more insane than you realized.
  5817. >”If it brings her happiness, I don't care what I need to do to preserve her smile.”
  5818. >You stare at Rarity for a while.
  5819. >No idea how long, but it was definitely not short.
  5820. >Watching her eat that entire plate in front of you is a horrifyingly entrancing sight.
  5821. >It's like a trainwreck but with someone's mouth instead of another train.
  5822. >Okay, that was a poor similie, but you don't have the wherewithal to make a proper one right now.
  5823. >Who would?
  5824. >Rarity's face alone would stop someone in their tracks.
  5825. >That's not a face someone who is okay makes.
  5826. >That is the face of slowly dying internally.
  5827. >By the time she's actually done, you're considering calling poison control.
  5828. >Her collapsed on the table, barely breathing, would be a good enough reason to.
  5829. >Then you remember that there's still a storm outside.
  5830. >They wouldn't likely get to you even if you did have an emergency.
  5831. >Plus you'd rather not have the dispatched become the deceased if that car crash from earlier was anything to go by.
  5832. >You've already got enough blood on your hands from letting Pinkie Pie set up Scootaloo with Caramel.
  5833. >That relationship has disaster spelled all over it.
  5834. >As Rarity comes back to the world of the living, you take the time to calmly head to the kitchen and pour her a cup of chocolate milk.
  5835. >Rarity readily accepts it, washing down her suffering with liquid perfection.
  5836. >As she catches her breath, you hear the sound of your door opening and-
  5837. >Oh shit.
  5838. >Well, there's Sweetie Belle.
  5839. >Wearing your extremely oversized boxers.
  5840. >She's got them fastened to her hips with a belt.
  5841. >You clasp your hands over your mouth as you begin to laugh, holding in the outburst as long as you can.
  5842. >”Hey, what's that smell?”
  5843. >Her eyes go wide when she actually sees what you have on your plate.
  5844. >”Flæskeæggekage!”
  5845. >You've never seen her jump that far in your life before.
  5846. >She's directly under your chin, practically drooling over it.
  5847. >”When?! How?! I need answers!”
  5848. >Rarity tries to mumble out something, but neither of you can really hear her.
  5849. >In her stead, you simply fiddle with your mug and tell her what has happened.
  5850. “Rarity made it. She felt bad about being a drama queen and wanted to make up for it by way of breakfast, the best way for someone to atone for their crimes from prior days.”
  5851. >Even in her state, Rarity shoots you a dirty glare for trying to twist the action against her.
  5852. >You don't care, though.
  5853. >If she wanted to stop you, she shouldn't have gotten so gung-ho about trying to one up you for Sweetie Belle's affection.
  5854. >Not your fault you play the game better than her.
  5855. >”Rarity, is that true?”
  5856. >The porcelain diva tries to get something out with her numb tongue, but gives up halfway through and simply sighs on the table.
  5857. “I think that was a yes.”
  5858. >Marshmallow #2 ducks out from under you and makes her way towards Rarity.
  5859. >You've seen some adorable things, but Sweetie Belle hugging her well-meaning but crazy sister is one of the most adorable.
  5860. >”Thank you, Rarity! I'm so sorry I exploded yesterday, but I still love you and I know you love me too.”
  5861. >Rarity looks at you and then proceeds to roll her eyes, settling on weakly lifting her arm onto Sweetie Belle and reciprocating her hug as best she can.
  5862. >However, the scene before you is cut short as Sweetie Belle's stomach begins roaring with demands for tribute.
  5863. >She breaks off from Rarity and takes her seat at the table, ready to dig into the food.
  5864. >You watch in astonishment as she wolfs it down.
  5865. >Pinkie Pie would be proud of Sweetie Belle for her skill.
  5866. >Beholding the spectacle that is currently going on makes you wonder how Sweetie can even handle that.
  5867. >Then you slowly slide the rest of what was on your plate to Sweetie's side.
  5868. “Why don't you take mine, too? I'm already stuffed from Rarity's great meal, but it shouldn't go to waste.”
  5869. >Sweetie has no objections and digs into your former plate as well.
  5870. >After the escapade that was breakfast, you and the two sisters spent quite a lot of time finding a middleground on how to survive the storm without going insane.
  5871. >Some went well, some not so well.
  5872. >The jenga match ended particularly badly, with Rarity having a mental breakdown as she struggled to not lose.
  5873. >To her credit, she stayed composed longer than you or Sweetie Belle did.
  5874. >You've never seen Sweetie Belle look so ready to start setting things on fire before.
  5875. >After that, you all decided it was for the best to put that back in the box.
  5876. >There were a few more attempts, but they all fell short no matter the activity.
  5877. >You could tell Rarity, even though she was trying her best to not flip out, was still not happy being trapped in your home.
  5878. >It's not like you could solve it.
  5879. >Storm would pass when it would pass.
  5880. >Not like you've got the power to change the weather or anything.
  5881. >Still, it only ended up pushing you three to the point where you had all but found yourselves incapable of finding anything to do or say that was pleasant.
  5882. >As you sat in your boredom, hearing the rain coming down from the sky and pelting your roof, the silence was soon broken by the last outburst you had expected.
  5883. >”Rarity, why do you hate Anon so much?”
  5884. >Both you and Rarity snap your attention to Sweetie Belle, unsure of if you heard her correctly.
  5885. >She looks to you, and then looks over to Rarity, as if she's waiting for an answer.
  5886. >You didn't quite expect that, and as far as you can tell Rarity wasn't expecting it either.
  5887. >”I'm not dumb. I know no one's really happy right now, and that's the whole reason why.”
  5888. >Rarity looks towards your direction, and then to Sweetie Belle.
  5889. >She's just as lost for words as you are.
  5890. >”I can't understand it. He's so nice to me, and he's been there for me and you for a long time.”
  5891. >”Sweetie, where on Earth did that come from?”
  5892. >”I want an answer, Rarity. A real one. Not one of those answers where you pretend to be telling me something, but then you just segue into a story about dresses or fashion or how Opal was watching daytime television again.”
  5893. >”But she does! It's the most adorable th-”
  5894. >”That's exactly what I'm talking about, Rarity. I didn't even get through more than three sentences before you tried to trick me into talking about something I didn't want to talk about in the first place until I get bored and walk away. It won't work this time, there's nowhere to walk to.”
  5895. >Letting out a sigh, Rarity stares her sister square in the eyes.
  5896. >”Sweetie Belle, I don't.”
  5897. >”You don't.”
  5898. >”Yes.”
  5899. >”So you're saying, all the time you've been acting so nutty that you didn't do it because you hated Anon?”
  5900. >”Yes.”
  5901. >Sweetie's arms cross her chest as she furrows her brow.
  5902. >”Do you really expect me to believe that? You're just saying that because you don't want to tell me the truth.”
  5903. >”Sweetie Belle, I am not a liar and I will not have you accuse me of being one.”
  5904. >”Then tell me exactly why you've done everything you've done if you didn't hate Anon.”
  5905. >Curling her knees up to her chest, Rarity takes the time to breathe in and out slowly.
  5906. >”I love you, Sweetie Belle.”
  5907. >”Rarity-”
  5908. >”Let me finish.”
  5909. >Sweetie Belle pauses for a moment before lowering down her arms to her hips again.
  5910. >”Ever since you were born, I had only one desire for you, Sweetie Belle. I wanted you to have a good life. That I'd protect you from anything that could hurt you.”
  5911. >Letting go of her knees, Rarity points to you.
  5912. >”Anyone could be in that spot right now, Sweetie Belle. It could be one man, two men, three ducks in an overcoat, or heaven forbid another woman, and I would not even think to let them have the slightest chance of hurting my beloved sister.”
  5913. >Sweetie's expression softens as she hears Rarity call her beloved.
  5914. >No longer is it the accusatory little girl you've seen trying to find any way to lash back at her overbearing sister.
  5915. >That's not her right now.
  5916. >”Anonymous.”
  5917. >Rarity stares directly at you, still holding her pale finger outward.
  5918. >”I want you to understand this as well. All I've ever done has never been born of malice for anyone, but out the love in my heart. What you see as a woman who has been running herself ragged trying to lash out at you in anger could not be further from the truth. I love Sweetie. I love her more than anyone else in the world. Every piano lesson, every home-cooked meal, every scrape or cut or bruise that I have mended and soothed has been the product of my love. My undying and steadfast love for the one I cherish the most in this world.”
  5919. >Rarity turns from you, and back to Sweetie Belle.
  5920. >Sweetie Belle herself doesn't quite seem to know what to do with Rarity's statement.
  5921. >She seems like she wants to believe her, to let her sister be telling the truth.
  5922. >But then that would mean she would have to believe that she's right about you.
  5923. >Your marshmallow wouldn't ever believe that.
  5924. >As far as Sweetie is concerned, you can do nothing wrong.
  5925. >Which must mean that Rarity's wrong.
  5926. >In the end, she simply falls onto her butt and gets lost in contemplation.
  5927. >You'd like to be able to do that.
  5928. >To just think for a while.
  5929. >You're really just playing it by ear right now.
  5930. >And that's not a strong position to be stuck in.
  5931. “Rarity?”
  5932. >Your would-be opponent for Sweetie's love gives her focus to you, wondering what sort of nefarious scheme you're plotting.
  5933. >That's what she's wondering.
  5934. >Not what you're doing.
  5935. >You're not competent enough to be the chess grandmaster planning his strategy to steal away her sister at least seventy steps in advance that she believes you to be.
  5936. >You've proven that enough by your only success being through luck or force of will you're pretty damn sure is actually just stubbornness.
  5937. >You just want to make everyone happy.
  5938. >Shit.
  5939. >You're running out of time to respond.
  5940. >Gotta say something.
  5941. >”Anony-”
  5942. “Thank you.”
  5943. >Rarity and Sweetie Belle stare at you in a stunned silence.
  5944. >Why did you say that.
  5945. >Fucking shit.
  5946. >Just play it out.
  5947. >That's what you're good at.
  5948. “I understand you. At least I think I do.”
  5949. >You move closer to Rarity.
  5950. >She understandably backs away from you.
  5951. >If you were being approached by you, you'd back the hell up too.
  5952. >But you can't let her just walk away from it.
  5953. “I...I believe you. Everything. The chase, the library, even now. You really do love her, you're doing it all for her.”
  5954. >”Are you trying to mock me?”
  5955. >No.
  5956. >Dammit, what are you trying to do here?
  5957. >Bringing this all up.
  5958. >Out into the open.
  5959. >Like you have somewhere to go with it.
  5960. >You all have nowhere to go.
  5961. >You're just stuck in here, separated from the world.
  5962. >You're...stuck.
  5963. >Alone.
  5964. >Holy shit.
  5965. >You...don't quite know what to say.
  5966. >It all makes sense now.
  5967. >Even though you didn't know it, she's been putting it in front of you.
  5968. >All this time.
  5969. >You'll admit for once in your life that Sunset Shimmer had a point about you way back when she was still a super bitch.
  5970. >You're horrendously thick.
  5971. “No, I understand it. You love her. Like I do. You'd sacrifice everything for her. Because...”
  5972. >Rarity looks just about fed up with your attempts to stall until you can have the pieces all fall into place.
  5973. >”Why are you just repeating everything I'm saying? Is this what you want, to just make me a noose from my own thoughts?”
  5974. “Rare.”
  5975. >”I told you not to call me th-”
  5976. “You're lonely.”
  5977. >She blinks.
  5978. >Sweetie blinks too.
  5979. >You don't.
  5980. >You're too busy to blink.
  5981. >Too busy to be surprised.
  5982. >“Excuse me?”
  5983. “You have friends. Lots of friends. Acquaintances. Business partners. Boys you've given blowjobs to.”
  5984. >Rarity and Sweetie both light up like Christmas trees.
  5985. >”H-how dare you!”
  5986. “Hey, that's just what Pinkie Pie told me.”
  5987. >”She what!?”
  5988. “Dammit, you're missing the point. I understand you now. I understand it all now. Sweetie Belle's the one thing you have only one of. She's family.”
  5989. >You act before your mind catches up with your body.
  5990. >When it comes back to you, you see your arms around Rarity.
  5991. >She's blushing even harder than before.
  5992. “That's what you're fighting for, Rarity. Your family. Your folks aren't family to you. They're gone. Not in reality, but in spirit. They want you to be happy, but they can't give it to you. That's Sweetie's job. She's the only one you feel you can hold onto. Not like everyone else. She's special to you.”
  5993. >Rarity's staring at you right now.
  5994. >You don't know what to make of it.
  5995. “She's your family, and you don't want anyone to take that away from you. And I need to be thankful to you for that. You really did so much for her. And that's why we're here. Because you didn't want to lose her. You never wanted to lose your family.”
  5996. >She starts trying to push you off, but you only hug tighter.
  5997. >You didn't know where to go with any of this.
  5998. >You're not a planner.
  5999. >But you've gotten here.
  6000. >So close to the end of the tunnel this train you call your life has driven you towards.
  6001. >Where you need to be the hero.
  6002. >You want to be the hero.
  6003. >Not this coward who went along with the ride.
  6004. >But the one who finally chose the right path.
  6005. “Rarity, we don't have to be enemies. You want me to be your enemy so I can hurt you. So you can hurt me and I won't take everything away from you. But I won't. I won't be your enemy, because I love you, Rarity. We both love you. We...we're both your family!”
  6006. >Rarity looks at you like you just punched her in the gut.
  6007. >”Anonymous, get off of me!”
  6008. “I can't. I won't let you go, Rarity. I love you. I will always love you. Because you're going to be family, and you always will be.”
  6009. >”I said get away from me!”
  6010. >She's begun to strike at your back.
  6011. >But it doesn't hurt.
  6012. >She hasn't put any strength behind it.
  6013. “You want me to push away, because you're still afraid. Afraid of losing it all. Rarity, I can't do that to you. I won't let you. You're the most generous person I know. Well, today you can't be generous! I'm going to give you something instead!”
  6014. >”Anonymous, no...let go of meeee.
  6015. “I'm going to give you my promise, we will never abandon you. Now and forever.”
  6016. >”S-stop. Please.”
  6017. >You can hear the stifled cries.
  6018. >You can feel her shaking in your arms.
  6019. >Then another pair of arms wrap around your body.
  6020. >You can feel the warmth of Sweetie Belle here.
  6021. >And it's finally happened.
  6022. >You hear Rarity crying.
  6023. >Her tears flow onto your chest without restraint.
  6024. >”No. You can't do this to me, Anonymous. You can't.”
  6025. ”Rarity, stop. You're not supposed to cry, remember? It hurts to see either of you sad. You look awful when you cry.”
  6026. >”No, it's not fair! It's not fair, Anonymous! You're a cheater! A damned cheater!”
  6027. >Well, that's a first.
  6028. >Hearing a sober Rarity swear.
  6029. >”I'm not supposed to lose! This is where I'm supposed to win! You're not allowed to just keep winning! It's not right! I...I-”
  6030. “You won't lose. This wasn't ever a contest. No one was ever going to win.”
  6031. >”No, stop lying to me!”
  6032. >”Rarity.”
  6033. >Sweetie Belle herself finally chimes in.
  6034. >You see her also on the verge of tears.
  6035. >”Please, you don't have to worry. I won't leave you. I'm sorry I made you think I was going to go away.”
  6036. >”Sweetie...”
  6037. “Rarity, please. We don't want you to feel like you need to fight anymore.”
  6038. >”No...I can't let you do this. I can't let you just pretend everything like it's all going to be okay. I can't just believe that.”
  6039. “You're only three years older than her, Rarity.”
  6040. >”Wh-what?”
  6041. “You said you wanted a caring individual to look after you before. You never had it. But I'll look after you. Because family looks out for each other.”
  6042. >Rarity sinks her head down, as if she's admitted defeat.
  6043. >”How can you be so sure of this all? Why should I let you convince me that this is all not some trick? Who among us can possibly see that future?”
  6044. >You laugh to yourself.
  6045. >It seems so silly right now.
  6046. >But you just can't resist.
  6047. “Who knows? Not me.”
  6048. >”We never lost control.”
  6049. >Sweetie Belle knows exactly where you're going.
  6050. “You're face-”
  6051. >It's funny.
  6052. >”-to face-”
  6053. >She's really the only one who knew what she wanted all along.
  6054. “With the man who sold the world.”
  6055. >At the end of your improvised duet, you both give Rarity a peck on her cheeks.
  6056. >It feels weird, her clutching at your bodies with her arms.
  6057. >But it's not weird.
  6058. >It's right.
  6059. >She deserves to feel loved, too.
  6060. >You don't know how long exactly it's been.
  6061. >But you do know that it's been long enough.
  6062. >That's why you're all together in your bed.
  6063. >Why instead of sleeping next to Sweetie Belle, you're sleeping next to Rarity.
  6064. >You both are.
  6065. >Rarity's the only one actually sleeping.
  6066. >Her crying seems to be quite tiring for her.
  6067. >”Anon?”
  6068. >Your precious partner in snakes her hand over Rarity's body.
  6069. >You reach out and meet it, letting her know you're awake.
  6070. >”I didn't realize that she was going through any of this.”
  6071. “It's okay. I was so dumb I didn't either.”
  6072. >”I really want to help her.”
  6073. “You want to help everyone.”
  6074. >”It's different than Scootaloo or Applebloom.”
  6075. “Is that so?”
  6076. >”She's my sister. Scootaloo and Applebloom are like my sisters, but they're not. They've got their own lives to live.”
  6077. >Well, that's not wrong, but Rarity should have her own life too.
  6078. “So, what are we supposed to do?”
  6079. >”I don't know.”
  6080. “I don't know either.”
  6081. >”That's not right.”
  6082. “What do you mean?”
  6083. >”You're the adult. You're supposed to know things.”
  6084. “Sweetie, don't say it like that, it sounds weird.”
  6085. >”But it's true.”
  6086. >She raises a good point.
  6087. >You'll need to do something about Rarity to make good on your promise.
  6088. >You've made a lot of promises, but you need to know how to keep that one in particular.
  6089. “Wanna be Mormon? That'd solve it.”
  6090. >”Ew, no.”
  6091. “Yeah, that's a stupid plan.”
  6092. >”Well what are we going to do, then? We can't just leave Rarity all alone.”
  6093. >You think for a moment.
  6094. >You can't leave her alone.
  6095. >But that's the only problem.
  6096. >You can't leave her alone.
  6097. “Oh.”
  6098. >”Huh?”
  6099. “We're gonna need to get a place to live, you know.”
  6100. >”I guess.”
  6101. “It'd be pretty big for just the two of us if we got one of those really nice homes, and with such a big place it'd be kinda lonely if it were just the two of us. Don't you think?”
  6102. >”You mean-”
  6103. “Let's leave that until morning.”
  6104. >”I'm still not sure about this all.”
  6105. >You set down your current box and turn to the fashionista voicing her doubts for the umpteenth time.
  6106. >”Are ya still going on about that?”
  6107. >”Yes, yes, I'm a broken record, but I still can't feel quite right about this.”
  6108. “Rarity, I told you this was fine. It was my idea in the first place.”
  6109. >”But I feel like I'm an imposition.”
  6110. “I'm fairly certain there were more worthy circumstances deserving of that word.”
  6111. >”Very funny, Anonymous.”
  6112. >”Come on, you gotta lighten up, Rarity. Did you ever see yourself here in a million years?”
  6113. >”Not necessarily this house, but one similar to it.”
  6114. “Were you this witty before?”
  6115. >Rarity covers her mouth and gives you a small chuckle.
  6116. >”I suppose the goings-on we had somewhat stifled the potential for humor between us.”
  6117. >“'Cept when ya freaked out after Percy gave ya that hug.”
  6118. >”That tree is the spawn of pagan magic and I will have nothing to do with it. And for goodness' sake, you shouldn't be lifting boxes in your condition, Applebloom.”
  6119. >”That silly bologna about not doing anything when ya got a bun in the oven is just superstition. Granny Smith was working up until she gave birth and got back to working two days after.”
  6120. >”I dunno, maybe she's right, Applebloom. Chips was pretty concerned about you taking it easy.”
  6121. >”He's been concerned ever since we started going out. Anon saw to that.”
  6122. “Hey, I'm not to blame for that. It's not my fault you started going off about the size of his penis on your first date.”
  6123. >”You're the one who said you knew someone who had a small penis in the first place.”
  6124. >”I don't quite believe the Chips really thought through naming their son Micro.”
  6125. >”Like you're one to talk, Scoots. Caramel must have constant dreams about sleeping on the floor with your flat chest on his back.”
  6126. >”That's not fair, you have cow tits!”
  6127. “She's got a point, Applebloom.”
  6128. >”You guys really got sidetracked in your conversation.”
  6129. >Sweetie Belle plops down onto the couch after laying down the throw blanket, staring at all of you with her trademark puzzled face.
  6130. >”Weren't you all talking about Rarity beforehand?”
  6131. >”I suppose we did get lost in the middle of it.”
  6132. >Hopping off the stool, Rarity dusts off her skirt before turning her attention to you.
  6133. >”As I said earlier, I still feel wrong being here, especially how I treated you not so long ago.”
  6134. “Water under the bridge. What was then is not what's now. And we both agreed, we'll always make room in our lives for you, Rarity.”
  6135. >Grabbing the box Scootaloo is carrying, you sling it onto your shoulder and tussle her hair.
  6136. “Besides, if we're keeping Scootaloo, we can't say no to you.”
  6137. >”H-hey! I am not a pet!”
  6138. “No, but you and Caramel are staying here free of charge until you get on your feet.”
  6139. >”I said we'd be fine, though.”
  6140. >Unbeknownst to her, Sweetie Belle comes up from behind Scootaloo and locks her flustered friend into a hug around her waist.
  6141. >”And I said I wouldn't have my friends staying out on the streets when I had warm beds to give them, whether that's you or Applebloom visiting her Orange relatives.”
  6142. >”Sweetie, stop, you're embarrassing me.”
  6143. “We can't help it, Scoots. You're too cute.”
  6144. >You accentuate your point by pinching her cheek and watching her try to suppress her smile.
  6145. >”Y-you guys don't fight fair.”
  6146. >”'Course we don't, ya always cheat when messing with family.”
  6147. >Applebloom suddenly comes into the fray and joins Sweetie Belle's hug prison.
  6148. >Scootaloo is none too happy about her current situation going off of her blushing.
  6149. >”Guys, this is mushy as hell.”
  6150. >”We know.”
  6151. >All of you share a laugh as you relish in the Hallmark-esque situation unfolding before you.
  6152. >Especially since Christmas is just around the corner.
  6153. >Fuck, you really don't know what to get them all for presents.
  6154. >But you still have a few weeks to consider that.
  6155. >For now, you just laugh and savor the moment of tranquility between you and your unusual group you like to call a family.
  6156. >As you do, you hear the doorbell go off.
  6157. >Speak of the devil.
  6158. >That's probably your folks right there.
  6159. >While it took some convincing that you were in fact not a child molester but just a man who fell for Sweetie Belle, they came around in the end.
  6160. >Though you thought their train ride would've taken a little longer.
  6161. >Shit's still not all unpacked.
  6162. >But they're your folks.
  6163. >They know you try.
  6164. “I'll get it.”
  6165. >After dropping the rug onto the floor from the box and flattening it out, you make your way to the front door and open it.
  6166. “Mom, Dad, I thought you guys weren't going to be here until-”
  6167. >As you look to the people facing you, you notice they are not in fact your parents.
  6168. >They're parents, though.
  6169. >Just not yours.
  6170. >”Hello, 'son'.”
  6171. >As you're staring at the only man you've known in your life to give your height a run for it's money besides Bulk and Big Mac, you can't help but laugh nervously.
  6172. “It's, uh, nice to see you too, Mr. and Mrs. Flanks.”
  6173. >You nervously smile and extend your hand to them.
  6174. >A vise tightens around your hand as you hear a laugh you've not heard in years.
  6175. >”Oh please, call me, Cookie.”

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