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Amber and Bijou

By xcpony
Created: 2022-09-15 09:00:06
Expiry: Never

  1. // First half written by Bijou Anon.
  3. >"Listen, Amber", the pink mare starts out as she sits down next to the sulking yellow unicorn
  4. >Putting down the two cups of coffee she has picked up for her friend and herself, Bijou pushes one of them towards Amber Fossil
  5. >The unicorn mare picks up the cup in her telekinesis and brings it up to her face to take a sip before stopping
  6. >Intensely glaring at the cup, especially the logo on it, she puts the cup back down on the park's picnic table
  7. >Half a second later, her head meets the table with a "thud" and she buries her face in her hoof
  8. >Bijou winces as she realizes that Chilled Cups MIGHT be a little bit of a sore spot for her friend right now
  9. >The earth pony mare gently rubs Amber's back as the yellow unicorn occasionally sobs
  10. >"I'm screwed, it's all over", her muffled voice comes from the bundle of legs and head that is lying before Bijou
  11. >Poor girl had a really bad week
  12. >A couple hours ago you got the news that her boss had promoted her friend to a customer effectively immediately
  13. >Amber was a very capable Barista and the way she managed to always draw these little hearts in your coffee was quite simply marvelous
  14. >Not that the old bits pincher running the shop cared much for talent or art and only about how many orders the already overworked unicorn could get out in a minute
  15. >And without bits, she couldn't even travel down to that dig job she was accepted for during the upcoming summer break
  16. >In just a matter of hours, Bijou has seen what feels like a world shattering for Amber and you kind of botched this little attempt at cheering her up
  17. >"We'll figure something out, alright? L-listen, I still work at that grocery store down the road from here, maybe I can get you a place there?"
  18. >Amber's head rises ever so slightly and turns towards Bijou, giving her the meanest of death glares
  19. >Right, retail also kind of a sore subject after the unicorn's adventure at Ponemart two years ago
  20. >Putting a hoof to her face the butterfly loving mare seems to have an idea as her smile grows wide
  21. >"You still have that small apartment all to yourself, right? The one that you spent most of your university grant on?", she asks curiously
  22. >Not entirely following, Amber gives her a careful nod, not entirely sure where her friend is going with this
  23. >"Move out!", Bijou suggests with a clap of her hooves and an excited smile
  24. >Amber, on the other hand, can only give her an incredulous look and a confused "what?"
  25. >"Move out of your old place! That's gonna cut on costs!", the cheery mare replies with a smile
  26. >Amber shakes her head in disbelief, "and live on the street? Nice try, but no thanks", she frowns and puts her head back in between her hooves with a groan of frustration
  27. >Head, meet table. Again.
  28. >Bijou pulls Amber up, turning the unicorn to face the earthpony: "No, silly. Move in with me! We'll split the costs and you can start saving for your trip!"
  29. >Amber knows Bijou to be a bundle of sunshine and happiness, but the smile she is currently carrying is going beyond what even she believed possible
  30. >And it is positively contagious as an, albeit much smaller, smile begins to form on the yellow mare's muzzle while she mulls the idea over
  31. >"Will you be braiding my mane?"
  33. >The air loosens with each twirl and strand of orange mane that passes through nimble, graceful hooves. So thin does the atmosphere get, that the one watchful pony in company soon forgoes her original intent.
  34. >Bijou lowers her binoculars, and peeks over at Amber: the latter is entangled in the pull of Mare Somnia, daydreaming in totally ignorant bliss.
  35. >"You're /absolutely/ sure your room is fine?"
  36. >The dreamer cracks her eyes open, sitting up a little straighter. A low frown creeps into her visage as she whines out a soft reply.
  37. >"Bijou... I already told you, you've done so much. And I haven't done a single thing in return. Anything more and I'll feel even worse about taking advantage of you."
  38. >"Taking advantage of me? Not in the slightest, girl! And I would never do the same to you. Isn't that right, Bulky?"
  39. >"YEAH!"
  40. >Amber's ears twitch as her private attendant's hooves descend from the explosive gesture. They settle back snugly in her mane, but as the rest of her stiff body portrays, she is far from that level of comfort.
  41. >"But you... I just..."
  42. >"Amber. I don't want anything from you, just your company. I know you hate being treated like a filly, but you need to believe me when I say I only want what's best for you."
  43. >Turning back to the butterflies, Bijou recaptures them in her seeing circle. She goes on, even with the heavy feeling of Amber's eyes on her. It makes her stomach soar, like the very butterflies before them.
  44. >"I-I can't stand seeing you so hard on yourself."
  45. >The response takes a long moment.
  46. >"I'm not."
  47. >And almost immediately, that anxiety washes away.
  48. >Bijou can't help herself; she giggles at the flat reply.
  49. >Amber only pouts some more.
  50. >"I'm not!"
  51. >Bijou gives off a little sigh, and hones in on the gorgeous creature of the season. Her voice falls soft, and as genuine as ever.
  52. >"All that stress is going to keep building up as long as you're feeding it. Just relax, and let our sweetheart wrap you up."
  53. >Bijou wanted some of that big pegasus touch, too. She almost wished she could convince him to come live with them... it wasn't nearly as easy as convincing him to work his magic off-hours.
  54. >"I don't want to run away from my problems. I have to deal with them, Bijou... And coming to Ponyville for the weekend means... well... that I'm not."
  55. >"The apartment is still going to be there. The university is still going to be there. And you /know/ that job application is still going to be there."
  56. >The final butterfly, having completed its survey of the Ponyville Park, lifts off, ascending up and over the trees.
  57. >Lowering her optics, Bijou leans over to Amber. Their eyes meet, and she lifts a smile for her.
  58. >"You're okay, Amber. You're going to do great things. And I'm going to make sure you never feel alone again."
  59. >She pauses thoughtfully, then grins.
  60. >"Some days, we just shine a little less. But we never lose our luster."
  61. >Amber snorts, and stops shy of shaking her head while her mane is being held.
  62. >"Very funny. I'm not a geologist."
  63. >"What's the difference~?"
  64. >As Bijou sing-songs back, Amber finally smiles again.
  65. >"Thank you."

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