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Only the Daring - Act I

By Holy
Created: 2022-10-06 07:20:59
Expiry: Never

  1.         The cold, stone walls gave way only to segments of hard iron bars. Moonlight poured into the poorly maintained jail where the bars allowed, giving the prisoners only a small glimpse at what they'd lost. A constant drip echoed throughout the unforgiving hallways, and the smell of blood and concrete was strong throughout.
  3.         A burly Empire soldier leaned against a wall at the end of a dark row of cells. He pushed his assault rifle to the side of his black and red uniform with a tired sigh. He fished between his ammo belts to find a single cigarette and put it up to his mouth. Just as he brought the lighter in his other hand to his mouth, a pair of tanned arms shot around his throat, quickly cutting off his airway. It wasn't long before the soldier stopped his struggling and went limp in between the girl's arms.
  5.         Daring Do jerked back around a corner as fast as her legs could take her, dragging the unconscious guard around with her. She pressed her body up against the wall and peeked out of the corner she just escaped from. A guard twirled a set of keys around his finger and whistled as he walked on the opposite side. The cold wall made her flinch away when her midriff brushed against it; the rags they’d given her left Daring more exposed than she would have liked. She waited until he was out of sight, then darted past the hallway and up the stairs at the end.
  7.         [i]It's got to be around here somewhere![/i] She frantically searched the corridors for somewhere that might be considered the warden's office. She wasn't about to let her latest find fall into the hands of the Empire military. A mistake like that could spell the end for Equestria.
  9.         She darted around another corner only to jerk back when she saw two guards jogging past the next hallway.
  11.         "Her cell is empty! Find her before she escapes!" One of the soldiers called out, stopping to direct the others to where she had been kept.
  13.         "Shit..." she muttered under her breath. Daring knew she didn't have much time now. She ran down the hallway, her bare feet creating soft pats as they hit the concrete. A soft electric glow at the end of the hallway revealed a set of stairs. It was her best shot.
  15.         She ran to the end of the hallway and up the stairs, only stopping just before the doorway to make sure the room in front of her was empty. The room held a single, large desk that sat in front of a barred opening that looked over the main cell block. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for the one thing that she couldn't leave without.
  17.         Her eyes locked onto a golden idol of a dragon sitting on the desk. She ran over to the shimmering statue and reached out for it. The heavy metal door of the office slammed behind her, she spun around and took a defensive stance.
  19.         "Well, well, well," a rough, gravelly, female voice let out. Once Daring's eyes locked on her captor, she recognized her as the same officer that had locked her up in the first placed. Her snow-white hair hung sharply over her piercing, golden eyes. She radiated power, and wore a sadistic smile as she stared at Daring.
  21.         The silver gleam of a revolver crossed her eye. She looked at the gun in the officer's hand and grinded her teeth. [i]So close...[/i]
  23.         "Gilda..." Daring said, her voice laced with anger and frustration.
  25.         "The one and only." Gilda walked closer to Daring, her smile growing with every step. "I knew this shithole wouldn't give you much trouble." Gilda stopped mere inches away from Daring. She dragged the revolver across Daring's neck, making her gulp as she was pressed against the desk. "That's why I'm here."
  27.         "I'm not letting you take that idol, you bitch," Daring said. Gilda only smiled at her malicious tone.
  29.         "Oh? And what do you plan to do to sto--"
  31.         Daring Do's hand shot forward in a flash towards the revolver, grabbing the barrel and swinging it out of her path. She lunged towards Gilda for a takedown, but Gilda was faster.
  33.         With all the skill of a trained military officer, Gilda pulled Daring across her with her own momentum. She quickly grabbed one of her wrists before she hit the ground and slung her around towards the wall. Daring slammed into the wall with enough force to leave stars in her vision. Before she could fall towards the ground again, Gilda was back on her. She grabbed both of Daring's hands and pinned them above her head.
  35.         "A nice try, but you don't stand a chance." Gilda holstered her revolver. "Now, there's something else I want from you, Doctor Do." Gilda tightened her hands around Daring's wrists, making her wince at the strength of her grip. Gilda's other hand slowly snaked down Daring's navel, and entered the waistband of her pants.
  37.         "I don't think I could live with myself if I let a chance with the great Daring Do..." Gilda's hand found its way between her legs, teasing her entrance with all the subtlety of a gunshot. Gilda forcefully jammed her fingers into Daring making her cry out. "...Slip through my fingers!"
  39.         "Ah!" Daring squirmed under the unwanted assault. "G-Gilda, s-stop!"
  41.         Gilda shot her a cocky grin and pushed her fingers in even deeper. "Doctor Yearling?"
  43.         Daring gave her a puzzled look. She shouldn't have known that name.
  45.         "Doctor Yearling?" Gilda's expression softened and the pressure of her fingers inside of her faded away.
  47. [center]_______________________________________________________________[/center]
  49.         "Doctor Yearling!" A voice boomed throughout her office.
  51.         "Gah!" Daring tried to jerk forward out of her position with her feet up on her desk. The end result was her splayed out on the floor and an overturned chair.
  53.         "I take it you slept well?" The well-dressed man said with a teasing grin.
  55.         Daring glared at the man, unamused. She immediately recognized his spiky, brown hair and glasses, but didn't care much for pleasantries at the moment.
  57.         "Can't you just let a girl sleep, Whooves?" Daring rubbed the back of her head, and spared a quick glance to the wet spot between her legs. She was enjoying that one, as odd as it seemed. Daring grabbed the edge of the desk and brought herself up to her feet.
  59.         "Not at a time like this, my friend," Doctor Whooves said with a prideful smile. He pulled his bag off of his shoulder and set it down onto her desk.
  61.         Daring put her hands on the desk with an excited grin. "You found it?!" She looked at his bag eagerly. He had been gone for months on this latest errand.
  63.         "Er, not quite. But I have found where it might be," Whooves said, holding out a hand so that Daring wouldn't start berating him just yet. The Doctor pulled out a decrepit map and carefully unrolled it onto the table. The tattered paper showed a large portion of the eastern continent, with a red circle surrounding a group in the southern area.
  65.         Daring's eyes flicked over the map in disbelief. "Are you kidding? That's almost half of the Southern Basin!" Daring glared at him again with frustration.
  67.         Whooves took a defensive step back. Daring wasn't much fun to deal with upset. "Believe me, Daring. I went through quite an ordeal just to narrow it down to this. The Nabinazzi weren't exactly well-documented."
  69.         Daring sighed. "I know that, Whooves, but you were out there for months! This is going to take us weeks to explore." Daring dropped her eyes back to the map, starting to formulate a plan to get to find their newest destination without wasting time.
  71.         "Perhaps not." Daring looked back up. She focused completely on the Doctor. "I've gotten word about a village that may know about the ancient civilization." Whooves pointed to a specific spot in the red circle with a small blot of blue next to it. "Here, there's an indigenous village that I've heard has ties to the Nabinazzi. I've yet to confirm anything, but I think they're our best bet at finding whatever temple or shrine you're looking for. We'll have to fly in by plane and land at this lake if we don't want to risk going through miles of jungle."
  73.         "You have the plane set up?" Daring asked.
  75.         "As always."
  77.         Daring opened one of the drawers on her desk and pulled out a bag, already prepped for this moment. "Then what are we waiting for?"
  79.         "There is one minor setback..." Whooves said sheepishly.
  81.         Daring groaned and gave a weary look to Whooves. The last thing she needed right now was another holdup. "What now?"
  83.         "The village is currently occupied by a large force of Empire military. It could be a problem trying to get past them."
  85.         Daring shrugged, then slung the backpack over her shoulder. "Nothing we haven't dealt with before. We shouldn't waste any time. Let's get a move on." Daring walked past the Doctor and right out the door, leaving him scrambling to pick up the map to follow.
  87.         They started down the halls of the empty university, Whooves still struggling to fit the map into his pack as he walked beside Daring. Daring Do thought back to the dream she had before she was so rudely interrupted. [i]Gilda... I know I've heard that name before.[/i]
  89.         "Whooves?" Daring asked, not looking away from the path in front of her.
  91.         "Yes, Daring?"
  93.         "Does the name "Gilda" mean anything to you?"
  95.         Doctor Whooves looked up thoughtfully. "Hmm. Gilda is a fairly common eastern name. Though there is one girl I've read about recently." Daring leaned in, interested. "Lieutenant Gilda Fwight. She's an officer famed for her more... sadistic methods during the southern colonization. Though I haven't seen her name in quite a while. I've read about her somewhere. If you've heard it recently, she's probably the one you're talking about." Whooves looked over at Daring questioningly. "Why do you ask?"
  97.         "N-No reason."
  98. [center][/center]
  99. [center]_________________________________________________________[/center]
  102.         The engine of the plane was the only thing Daring could hear. The great expanse of the jungle passed by below them, holding untold dangers and all the adventure Daring was looking for. Doctor Whooves sat in the front seat with the pilot, leaving Daring to her thoughts in the back.
  104.         Judging by the Doctor's occasional glances back at her, he was wondering just what she was planning, and whether or not she would let him come with her this time. That answer, yet again, would be no. She didn't need anyone holding her back; and Whooves definitely wasn't cut out to be an adventurer. She knew exactly how that conversation would go. Just so long as he got back on the plane, there wouldn't be any problems.
  106.         The jungle beneath them gave way to a massive lake, spanning miles in either direction. This could only mean they were getting closer to their destination. A smile crossed Daring's face. She started her routine of making sure she had everything: She checked her belt for her knife and rope, then started digging in her backpack to double check everything else.
  108.         The plane skidded forward as it touched against the water. They slowed down and Daring could see a village edging closer and closer by the second. Wooden huts mixed in with taller stone buildings that she could tell were a recent addition. The village covered most of the shoreline and cut a decent chunk out of the jungle. She could also see groups of men in black uniforms patrolling around the city.
  110.         Finally they came to a stop at a worn wooden dock at the edge of town. Daring was the first to open the door and step out onto the dock. The door gave a rusty groan as she leaned against it to make sure she didn't fall through the slats in the wood. She grabbed her backpack out of the plane and started off, but Whooves wasn't having any of that.
  112.         "Daring," he said, stepping out of the plane behind her. He wobbled a bit as he tried to recover his ability to stand after such a long flight. Daring opened her mouth to object, but the Doctor beat her to it. "I know what you're going to say, but this time you need me."
  114.         Daring rolled her eyes and turned to walk down the dock away from him. "You're just going to get in the way."
  116.         "And you aren't going to get anywhere without me."
  118.         Daring Do waited until her boots were on the sand before she turned to address the Doctor following her. "Turner.” Daring sighed. “You're just going to get yourself killed," she said. She pointed an unyielding finger back towards the plane. "Get back on the plane and go home. I don't want you dying on my watch, and I really don’t need you right now."
  120.         "Ah, but that's where you're wrong," Whooves said, a prideful smile crossing his face.
  122.         Daring crossed her arms. "And how do you figure that?"
  124.         "Well, how exactly are you planning on finding your destination?"
  126.         Daring smirked. "Easy. You said the villagers knew something about the Nabinazzi. I'll just ask some of the locals."
  128.         "Do you know their language?"
  130.         Daring opened her mouth to make a comeback, but her breath caught in her throat when she realized that it could present a problem. "Er, no. I'm sure one of them spe--"
  132.         Whooves didn't bother to respond. He simply smiled at her attempt at a response and put his hands on his hips.
  134.         Daring frowned. She knew he was right, but the last thing she wanted to do was admit it. If she didn't end up bringing him along, she really would have to comb the jungle for weeks. She let out a frustrated grunt and started walking up towards the village. "Just stay out of trouble."
  136.         Whooves let out a chuckle at his victory and followed her. He waved off the pilot, signaling him to turn on the engine and be on his way.
  138.         Whooves jogged up a couple steps to come side by side with Daring. "Oh, come now. You act like I've never been outside of Canterlot."
  140.         "You've never been with me on one of these expeditions. You could get killed," Daring said with some leftover venom. It didn't seem to phase the Doctor.
  142.         "With a rough-and-tough adventurer like you at my side? Why would I ever be worried?" Whooves said lackadaisically.
  144.         Daring rolled her eyes, still frustrated he was tagging along. "I'm not your babysitter."
  146.         Whooves waved her off. "Oh, quit worrying, Daring. If all goes well you won't even know I'm here."
  148.         "It won't," Daring muttered under her breath.
  150.         The sun was unrelenting this time of year. The humidity of the jungle and the heat of midday made sweat start to form on Daring's body already. She was glad for her choice in headgear; at least the sun wasn't blinding her as well.
  152.         They stepped off of the sandy beach onto the firm soil of the main road. For a village of that size, the streets were quite active. Residents carried carts full of belongings to trade or crops to sell, and vendors shouted for people to come and look at their wares. Empire soldiers patrolled the streets. She knew they were going to pick her out of the crowd; her usual shirt and hat stuck out among the simple rags many of the villagers wore. The last thing she needed was them asking questions. She dipped into the thicker part of the crowd and dragged Whooves with her.
  154.         "I know you usually--hey!--prefer to not tell me the important--excuse you--details until after the fact, but I am tagging along this time," Whooves tried to say between bumping into the locals.
  156.         Daring didn't have a problem with colliding with those around her; she weaved around the townsfolk with unnecessary agility until they came to a less-busy portion of the road.
  158.         "All I know is that the Empire wants something here, and bad. They've been sending more troops to this area than any other colony in the past three months."
  160.         "And why exactly does that concern you? I mean, I know relations between the empire and Equestria aren't exactly friendly at the moment, but what do we have to worry about here?"
  162.         Daring looked around for their first stop. A sign with a bottle at the end of the street caught her eye. The large building it was attached to must've been some sort of bar, judging by the crowd gathered around it. She turned her course towards it.
  164.         "The Nabinazzi," Daring replied.
  166.         "You know, I've read countless textbooks on ancient civilizations, and I have never heard that name until you told me to look for it," Whooves remarked.
  168.         "I know. They're mostly just a legend from what I know; but every story I've heard about them says they were more than just some city in the jungle."
  170.         "How's that?"
  172.         "Certain legends go along the lines of another civilization attempting to conquer them, then after the first attempt, soldiers would either wander into the jungle, never to be seen again, or they would turn against their own men,” Daring said ominously. “Others say that the attacking force lost the will to fight altogether, but I've never heard more than that."
  174.         Whooves raised an eyebrow. "That's... odd. You think they used some sort of mind-control or something?"
  176.         "I have no idea."
  178.         "So we're out here based on some legend and a hunch?"
  180.         "The empire doesn't seem to think it's just a legend. If they want to find them this badly, then we need to get to it first," Daring said seriously.
  182.         "I suppose you're right. I'd hate to think about what they might do with such a power."
  184.         They both finally reached the large stone building Daring deduced as the bar. The chatter of the townspeople inside overpowered the shouting vendors and passersby outside, villagers and soldiers alike sat around tables and exchanged stories. Daring turned away from some of the soldiers that gazed in her direction; she knew how out of place she must’ve looked.
  186.         Daring and Whooves sat at two empty stools against the stone bar, looking around for their first lead. Outside of the occasional picture or decorative piece on the wall, the bar was the standard hard stone and wood. Many of the buildings around a colonized area shared the simple design. Most of the visitors preferred style over function, and the villagers kept to their own traditions.
  188.         Daring's eyes scanned the bar until they fell upon a cheery girl with blue hair. She was talking to a few patrons on the other side as Daring waved her over.
  190.         Her pale skin and bubbly demeanor definitely set her apart from the locals. Daring thought she might actually catch a break with this one. "Hi! What can I get you two?" she said in an excited tone. "The bar may look small, but we've got anything you might want!"
  192.         Daring tipped her hat up and looked the girl in the eye. "I want information."
  194.         Daring's serious expression made the girl's smile falter. "I... okay. What do you want to know?"
  196.         "Nabinazzi. You ever heard that name?" Daring spared a glance over at Whooves, who was scanning the other side of the bar and looking over the soldiers.
  198.         "Once or twice I think. They were just stories I've overheard though."
  200.         Daring leaned in closer on the bar. "What kind of stories?"
  202.         The girl brought a finger to her chin and looked up thoughtfully. "Oh, something about a deranged cult in the jungle north of here. If you ask me, it's probably just their version of ghost stories or something. You know, the usual 'go into the woods and never come back'. I didn't really pay attention when that lady was telling it though."
  204.         "Who was this lady?"
  206.         The girl raised an eyebrow. "You sure ask a lot of questions, ma'am."
  208.         "It's important. Now tell me."
  210.         The girl shrugged. "Alright. I don't know her name, but I'm pretty sure she lives over by the caves in the west. At least, that's always the way I see her come in from."
  212.         This might have been easier than Daring had first thought. She might not even have needed Whooves in the first place. "Caves?"
  214.         The girl opened her mouth to speak, but immediately looked away from Daring and turned her attention to something else sheepishly. She gave her a pensive look, but before she could drag her back, Whooves tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to her left to glare daggers at him for interrupting, but over his shoulder she saw what the problem was.
  216.         A white haired officer with a sharp glare stepped into the bar. Daring knew that face. She'd seen that same self-satisfied grin in a dream. Lieutenant Gilda Fwight stood in the doorway flanked by two larger troopers decked out in the heaviest armor available. It was a stark contrast between the massive soldiers carrying large light machine guns and Gilda's much smaller form with just a pistol at her hip. Despite the difference in firepower, Gilda's gaze struck more fear into Daring than any gun. As Gilda started to look in her direction, Daring turned and faced the bar, looking intently at the wooden surface.
  218.         "What do we do?" The doctor whispered, mirroring Daring's actions.
  220.         Daring cast a nervous glance over at Gilda as she walked into the bar. She looked back over to the bar and hoped they would pass.
  222.         "Keep still and hope she doesn't notice us," Daring whispered back.
  224.         Even the other patrons of the bar went quiet as Gilda strode in. She had obviously built herself quite a reputation. For what reasons Daring hoped she wouldn't find out.
  226.         "What, no standing ovation?" Gilda's gravelly voice let out. "I'm hurt," she said sarcastically.
  228.         A few glasses clinked to break the uncomfortable silence in the building. Gilda adopted a much more serious tone. "A plane I haven't seen before just left the harbor. You all know I don't exactly take kindly to tourists. So if any of you have seen any new faces around here, I would encourage you to be open about it now..." Gilda lunged forward and grabbed a random patron out of his seat and twisted his arm behind his back to the point of almost snapping. "...Before I start to lose my [i]patience[/i]." She accentuated the last word by throwing the poor villager against the table, knocking him out cold.
  230.         Daring looked back to see Gilda standing over him, then immediately regretted it once she turned her gaze back over to the bar. Daring snapped back to look forward and grimaced in frustration; she couldn't tell if Gilda saw her or not.
  232.         "You," Gilda said. "Mina. Any new customers?"
  234.         The girl behind the bar froze in place once her name was called. Daring could see her start to shake as Gilda slowly walked over to the bar.
  236.         "I... uh..." Mina looked over at Daring and Whooves for a moment, contemplating her own safety. Daring scowled at her and she looked away, but the damage had already been done.
  238.         Gilda smiled and continued on her path. Two men at the bar stood up and got out of her war-path as she stepped closer to the bar. In one swift motion Gilda reached over the bar and grabbed one of Mina's hands before she could even react.
  240.         "Work with me here. I wouldn't want to have to cut off any fingers from that pretty hand of yours." Gilda looked over the hand in her grasp with a thoughtful smile. Mina seemed to know better than to resist as she cowered down and looked between Gilda's eyes, terrified.
  242.         "Gilda! Please! I'm sorry!" she begged. She turned her head and shut her eyes, waiting for the worst as Gilda tightened her grip. Before she knew it, Gilda had let her go and backed away from the bar.
  244.         Mina cowered down under the bar and grabbed her wrist. She struggled to catch her breath after the situation. Daring leaned down a little further; she could feel Gilda moving closer to her.
  246.         "Fine, fine. I guess if you want something done right..." Daring felt something jerk her hair back and pull her halfway out of her stool. The force moved her head backwards, and the piercing edge of a knife settled against her throat. "'ve got to do it yourself."
  248.         "Daring!" Whooves shot out of his seat and tried to pull Gilda back, but one of the massive soldiers shoved him back against the bar with a heavy shoulder and pointed his gun at him. The doctor gave the guard a nervous smile and put his hands in the air.
  250.         "Daring? As in Daring Do?" Gilda let out a laugh. Daring's heartbeat doubled as she felt the tip of the knife start to drag across her neck. She closed her eyes and tried to think of a way out of this. "You're a long way from Equestria to be playing dress up. What are you even here for?"
  252.         Daring gulped. "Wouldn't you like to know."
  254.         Gilda yanked on Daring's hair, pulling her down backwards for a moment and letting the knife dig into her throat. Daring yelped as she felt the tip break the skin, but it didn't go any further.
  256.         "Yes. I would." Gilda pulled her even further back to look over her face, but kept the knife close. "Well, you sure look the part, I'll give you that." A smile crossed Gilda's face as Daring nervously studied her. "But I can't let you live. Nothing personal, but having some rogue adventurer running around might get in the way of my orders." Gilda slammed Daring forward into the bar, then turned the blade sideways to slit her throat. "I hope you understand."
  258.         Daring gave a desperate glance over to Whooves. Whooves caught it and lunged forward, pushing the soldier sideways into the one beside him. The roar of the machine guns filled the bar and embedded a couple of rounds into the wood beside him. Gilda paused to look back right before the knife started to drag across her throat. Daring took the opportunity to grab a bottle off of the bar and spin out of Gilda's grip to smash it across the side of her head. The bottle shattered on impact, causing Gilda to kneel down and grab her face.
  260.         Daring pushed the Doctor forward towards the exit. "Run!" she yelled, looking back to see the two soldiers recovering and bringing their guns up to them. They both darted out of the exit just in time to hear the machine guns let off another couple of rounds into the dirt ahead of them.
  262.         "After them!" They could hear Gilda yell as they both ran down the street.
  264.         Daring sprinted out into the street pushing past confused pedestrians with the Doctor in tow. She looked back to see the two soldiers trying to get a good shot at them, but the various people who started running at the sight of the guns trained at their heads made it difficult. One of them fired a couple of rounds into the air, causing the civilian population to start screaming and running wildly out of the way, giving them a good line of fire.
  266.         They had a good fifty yards on them, but Daring knew that wouldn't make much difference to a bullet. As soon as one of the burly soldiers brought his sights on them, she jerked Whooves into a nearby alley, following close behind. They ran past the edge of the building just fast enough to see a cloud of dust kick up from the wall next to them.
  268.         The buildings of the village weren't large or plentiful enough to provide them with enough cover to actually lose Gilda. Daring soon realized this as she stopped at the end of the alley to face the open lake again. Some of the soldiers along the shoreline were becoming interested in the gunfire and were moving towards them at a light jog. She looked around for a way out, but the only possible way out was to try to lose them in the jungle. Daring knew she wouldn't be able to pull that one with Gilda and her guards right behind them.
  270.         "What do we do?!" Whooves yelled, panic edging at his voice. Daring could feel panic start to eat at her when she didn't have a quick answer.
  272.         "S-Split up! Go that way!" Daring said as she pushed Whooves to the right as she cut back to the left. She caught a quick glimpse of an enraged Gilda with blood running down her face as she ran.
  274.         "You! Go after her friend," Daring heard Gilda say.
  276.         Daring looked around desperately for a way out. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and her heart pounded in her chest at the threat of death nipping at her heels. With eager trigger fingers at her back and who knew how many guns trotting up the hill, Daring cut back towards the main road. The alley ahead of her was filled with enough junk to completely block their path. Daring Do gave a pleading look to the boxes and trash to try to find a way through.
  278.         With the boot-falls of her aggressors getting closer by the second, the only sensible direction was up. Without thinking, Daring scaled the crates stacked next to the walls as quickly as she could manage. Gilda and one of her guards rounded the corner before she could make it to the roof and started filling the walls around her with bullets as she made the last step onto the building. One piece of hot lead sliced through Daring's shirt and grazed her lower back. She yelped at the painful heat and jumped forward onto the stone roof.
  280.         Daring scrambled to get back to her feet before any more lead found its way inside of her. She could hear the pair climb up the boxes behind her, so she jumped across one building to the other, then sprinted up to the edge of the next building to see there wasn't another roof to jump to.
  282.         Below her, Whooves backed against a wall as the soldier pointed his machine gun in his face as he inched closer. She assumed he was making some attempt to talk him down by his sheepish smile and disarming hand motions, but she had a better idea.
  284.         "Coming down!" She said with a smug grin as she leapt off the ledge. The trooper only had time enough to look up to see Daring's knees push him to the ground with a sickening thud that left him motionless in the dirt. She rolled off of him and skidded to a stop a couple of feet away.
  286.         She looked back up to the doctor, who wiped a bead of sweat from his brow and gave her a relieved expression. "Thank you for that."
  288.         "I think it's time we made our exit," Daring said as she looked up to the rooftop, waiting for their pursuers to look over it.
  290.         "I couldn't agree more!"
  292.         They couldn't run to the treeline on the other side of the road without being spotted; that path would end with them in a pool of their own blood. Daring looked around and smirked at the glimmer of the light machine gun that Gilda's guard so graciously left behind. Daring snatched it out of the unconscious guards hand and raised it up to the rooftop.
  294.         Gilda and her remaining guard rose over the corner just in time to notice the muzzle flash as Daring sprayed their location with bullets. They both ducked and moved backwards to avoid the barrage, giving Daring enough time to make a break for the forest.
  296.         "Into the treeline! Go!" Daring gave Whooves an encouraging push along towards the woods as she backpedaled and gave the occasional burst of fire to the rooftop, keeping the pair huddled together from fear of being perforated. Daring pushed into the foliage just as the belt on the machine gun ran out of ammo.
  298.         She threw the gun back to the ground and turned to catch up to Whooves. That might not have stopped Gilda from following them, but it bought them a couple minutes of a head-start. With the cover and the trees and the greenery thickening as they moved further in, Daring thought they might finally be able to lose them.         
  300.         They both ducked and dodged through foliage, making sure to put as much distance between themselves and whatever forces Gilda was bringing with her as possible. Once sunlight struggled to peak through the canopy, Daring started to slow down and leaned against a tree to catch her breath. Whooves slowed to a stop near her, much more worn out than his companion.
  302.         "Not used to running for your life?" Daring asked through gradually softer pants. Whooves on the other hand was still gasping for breath.
  304.         Whooves looked up from his bent over position next to her. "Shut... it..." Daring gave a small chuckle at the sight of him actually sweating. She regained her composure and looked around to plan her next move.
  306.         Doctor Whooves leaned up after finally catching his breath. "So what now?"
  308.         "Well, I think we sh--"
  310.         "Oh dear, are you alright?" Whooves gave her a worried expression as he looked below her face. Daring raised an eyebrow.
  312.         "What are you talking about?"
  314.         Whooves raised a hand under Daring's chin, but pulled away, like he didn't want to do anymore damage. "Your neck, it's..."
  316.         Daring brought her hand up to her neck to see what he was talking about. The sting of a fresh wound made her gasp and pull back. She looked down to her hand to see fresh blood staining her fingertips. The cut wasn't deep enough to kill her, but it was enough to let blood slowly run down her neck.
  318.         Daring stood frozen as she looked at her fingertips. She gulped as she realized how close to death she actually was. Just a little bit deeper and she would have bled out on the dirty floor of that bar. If she didn't realize it before, she knew now that Gilda wasn't messing around. If Daring Do wasn't careful, she might actually be the end of her; from what Whooves had told her, and what she had seen today, it wouldn't be fast or painless either.
  320.         "Daring?"
  322.         Whooves' voice snapped her out of her fearful stupor. She shook her head to regain her bearings. She knew they should get moving before Gilda caught up to her.
  324.         She was less shaken up, but she couldn't help but look at the blood on her fingertips. "I... We should get deeper into the jungle. We need to find the caves that the bartender was talking about."
  326.         "But are you alright?" Whooves asked, still concerned at the various wounds Daring had now.
  328.         "I'll live."  Daring couldn't help the tightening of her voice from the lump in her throat. "Let's go." Daring looked around to make sure of their path. She gulped as her mind focused again on the feeling of blood on her fingertips. [i]Why is this getting to me?[/i]
  330.         Whooves gave her a stiff nod and they both turned to walk deeper into the woods. Only a few steps in, Daring stopped in her tracks and held out a hand for the Doctor to do the same. She looked behind her with a worried glance. Once the sound of their own footsteps stopped, the sound of distant shouting and men running through the trees behind them became more apparent.
  332.         Daring looked back to Whooves, who, by his expression, looked like he had heard the same thing. "Hope you don't mind running again," Daring said as she took her first step into a run.
  334.         Whooves let out an exasperated sigh and followed close behind. "As long as my life depends on it!"
  336.         The pair ran at a steady pace through the brush, but Daring feared that might not be enough. They were standing still for too long; they had given Gilda time to gather her men and close in on her. They also had a better pace than she did.
  338.         With the jungle ahead of them getting thicker with every step, successfully running through it became more of a challenge. Their slower speed meant it was only a matter of time before Gilda and her soldiers spotted her.
  340.         Daring grimaced when their speed came to little more than a light jog, having to brush limbs and vines out of the way just to see a couple of feet ahead of them certanly slowed their speed. She grunted in frustration. [i]This is hopeless![/i] she thought. She stopped to look around the thick foliage. [i]Unless..[/i].
  342.         Whooves was looking increasingly worried as the platoon of soldiers closed in behind them. He turned his head frantically back and forth as panic started to well. "Uhh, Daring? Why did you just stop?!"
  344.         Daring knelt down beside the Doctor and looked him right in the eye. "Alright, we're going to have to split up again. Go as far forward as you can, I'm going to try and take out Gilda."
  346.         Whooves looked at her as if she were insane. "What? How is that supposed to help us at all?"
  348.         "Look, they're all following her orders, right?" Whooves nodded. "So if she disappears, then they'll have to find her for orders eventually instead of following us, right?"
  350.         "I don't know, Daring. Do you really think that would work?"
  352.         "Maybe. I don't have any better ideas right now." Daring craned her neck to see how close the soldiers were to their position, then looked back to Whooves. "Now hurry. I'll catch up with you after I lose them."
  354.         "But Daring--"
  356.         Daring stopped him with a quick finger to his lips. "No, don't come back for me. I'll be fine." Daring pushed him along until he was back up and moving through the brush. "Now get out of here," she whispered.
  358.         With him out of the picture, Daring could calculate how to best get out of the situation without having to worry about her friend’s well being.  Her heartbeat increased as she thought about the fight she was about to have. She crouched down and looked through the leaves to see the wave of soldiers coming closer to her. They were close enough to make out their faces now. She scanned the line until Gilda's bloody face came into view. Daring could make out her gritted teeth and seething expression from almost eighty yards away. If she was that mad, she might get reckless, then Daring might have a chance. Beside her walked the heavily armored soldier that wasn't knocked out back in town.
  360.         Daring moved deeper into the jungle and ran over to where she thought Gilda and her guard might enter. The vines and limbs were so thick that she could barely see an arms-length in front of her without having to swat out greenery. That also meant that the soldiers wouldn't see her until she was right on top of them. Daring smiled as her first moves played out in her head. She skidded to a stop and knelt down as heavy boot-falls came closer to her.
  362.         Daring saw the large black boots first. The metal-plated shin-guards gave her a good idea of who was in front of her. A gloved hand brushed a branch out of the way, and Daring saw the soldier's tinted visor look towards her. In a flash, Daring jumped into action. Gunfire illuminated the trees around them and kicked up leaves where Daring once stood. Daring ran to the side and hopped towards a tree, kicking off of it with one foot and spinning around to kick the guard across the face-mask. A satisfying crack filled the air as her strike connected.
  364.         Daring landed back to her feet to find that the kick didn't do much more than stagger the soldier. Adrenaline pumped through her body. She had to find a way to get that gun away from him before he recovered. She rammed a shoulder into him and wrapped both arms around his hand before snapping the machine gun out of his fingers. She spun around once again and unloaded several rounds into his chestplate. The rounds all either bounced off or made shallow indents in his armor, leaving him no worse for wear except for a few bruises. A few more rounds pushed him back, but he took a step forward and reached for Daring. She lifted the machine gun over her head and brought the butt down on the side of his mask before he could touch her. Another crack echoed across the leaves, and this time the soldier fell with a satisfying thud. The crack that ran across his visor told her that had probably done the trick.
  366.         With the cacophony of gunfire she just let out, all of the soldiers around her were coming her way. She could hear the sound of rustling leaves and vines in every direction but behind her. She dropped the gun and turned around to make her escape. With everyone rushing to that position, she could easily shake them if they bunched up. She ran forward with as much speed as the thick foliage would allow. The rustling behind her faded away after a few minutes, so she slowed her pace to catch her breath.
  368.         "Gotcha!"
  370.         Daring's heart skipped a beat. Gilda shot a hand out and grabbed the shoulder of Daring's shirt and jerked her to the side. She panicked and tried to writhe out of her grip. Daring thrust her fist into the leaves the arm was coming out with and connected with something. Gilda’s hand loosened its grip, and Daring pulled out of it just in time to jump away from the gunshot that kicked up dirt at her feet. She fell backwards into the dirt of the forest floor. Gilda sifted through the brush to face Daring. Her face was covered in blood on one side from the bottle and the rest was plastered with rage.
  372.         Daring scrambled to her feet and shot away as Gilda tried to shoot into the leaves after her. She could hear several rounds tear through the jungle around her and whizz past her head. One shot bit into the side of her neck. Daring yelped as the heat of the round caused her to instinctively press a hand to the wound.
  374.         Darning ran as fast as she could to get away. Branches swatted her across the face and she bumped into several trees, but it was a small price to pay to get away from Gilda.
  376.         Daring kept running into the woods as far as her legs would take her. She wouldn't be able to take down Gilda head on. Her best bet was to either surprise her or let her run around in circles in the jungle until she gave up. Daring opted more for the latter as she started to feel the pain of the increasing amount of wounds on her.
  378.         Daring slowed to a stop as the jungle started to open up around her. Her heart pounded in her chest and sweat poured off down her body as she bent over and struggled to catch her breath in the humid air. She didn't know how far she ran, but the waning light around her told her that the day was nearing its end. Daring put her back to a nearby tree and slid down to its base.
  380.         As soon as the weight left her feet she felt relieved. The day was hardly over, yet she already felt exhausted. She looked around to see nothing but the jungle settling into its night; not even the distant shouts or footsteps of those following her could be heard anymore. With her mind at ease, Daring sighed in relief and closed her eyes for a moment.
  382.         Before she could get another breath, a hand gripped around her throat. Her eyes shot open to see Gilda's sadistic smile and the dark grooves of the inside of her pistol. Gilda pulled Daring to her feet and pressed the gun to her forehead. [i]I didn't even hear her come up... How is she that fast?[/i]
  384.         "You're not getting away this time," Gilda said with a vicious glee that promised pain. Gilda looked between Daring's eyes as she struggled for breath. Daring wrapped both hands around Gilda's wrist, but couldn't conjure the strength to break it away. Daring grimaced and kicked around in a desperate attempt to get away. Gilda laughed at her attempts. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this..." Gilda looked across Daring's body with barely contained excitement. Daring didn't even want to imagine what she was planning.
  386.         Dark spots formed at the edges of Daring's vision. She knew if she passed out she'd only wake up in a worse situation, or perhaps not at all, but it didn't look like she had a choice. Gilda tightened her grip and Daring's hands fell away from her wrist as her vision started to fade.
  388.         Just before she passed out, Gilda's hand fell away from her throat and a dull thud resounded in her fading senses. Daring fell to her hands and knees and gasped for breath. She could already feel bruises forming on her throat.
  390.         As Daring's vision returned, she saw Gilda slump to the ground next to her, unconscious. Daring looked around for her savior to find Doctor Whooves to her right. He dropped the large, dead branch he was holding in one hand and knelt down next to her. He put a hand on her back and gave her a concerned look.
  392.         "Are you alright?"
  394.         Daring struggled to choke out a response. The dull pain in her throat barely allowed her to breath. Daring crawled forward and reached a hand out to Gilda's unconscious figure.
  396.         "Daring, what are you--"
  398.         Daring answered his question by reaching out to grab Gilda's pistol. It slid out of her hand without much effort. Daring strained to bring herself to her feet. Once she was upright, she aimed the gun right at Gilda's head.
  400.         "Stop!" Whooves said with a harsh whisper. Just before she could pull the trigger, Whooves grabbed it out of her hand. The jerk of his action caused her weak body to fall back to its knees.
  402.         Whooves knelt back down to her level and looked her in the eye. "You can't do that, Daring."
  404.         "Why... not..." Daring said between gasps.
  406.         "Because then every soldier in this jungle will know where we are." Whooves looked between Gilda, then back to Daring with a hint of disappointment. "And you aren't a killer, Daring."
  408.         Daring wanted to argue. She wanted to tell him that sparing her was a mistake and that they would regret it later. She wanted to say that killing Gilda would be doing this entire region a favor. She wanted to tell him to give her back the gun and let her make this easier for both of them. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't; her ragged breathing was already painful enough.
  410.         "Come on." Whooves wrapped one of Daring's arms around his shoulder and lifted her to her feet. "Let's get out of here."
  412.         Whooves dragged her along as the jungle opened up. Daring struggled to keep up with his pace as her vision continued to fade.
  414.          Daring looked up to Whooves. He had a determined look on his face. "I thought I told you... to not come back for me..." Daring said. Her voice returned to her slowly, albeit strained and raspy.
  416.         Whooves looked down to her with a smile. "And I thought you said you would catch up to me." The Doctor rolled his eyes. "What would you do without me."
  418.         Daring's wisecrack caught in her sore throat. She resigned to just limping to wherever Whooves was taking her.
  420. [center]        ___________________________________________________________[/center]
  422.         The sound of rushing water was the first thing Daring noticed when her senses came back to her. She opened her eyes to see a small pool at the base of a waterfall leading through the trees. Night was creeping up behind them as the last glimpses of the sun faded at the horizon. The Doctor led her through a small path at the side of the waterfall, then through it to a cave behind it.
  424.         Whooves let Daring down to lay down against the wall. With the fading day, the inside of the cave was almost completely dark. Daring could barely see the contours of The Doctor's face, but trained her eyes on him anyway.
  426.         "Are you going to be alright?" Whooves said.
  428.         "I'm alive aren't I?" Daring stretched out and let her bag slide off of her shoulders. A couple of her movements caused twinges of pain she showed through a grimace. Whooves knelt down to her to try and help, but Daring brushed him off. With him that close, she could see the concern etched into his features He could still hear the occasional rasp and see the bruises start to form on her throat.
  430.         "Barely. How many times were you within inches of your life?" Whooves asked with a raised eyebrow.
  432.         Daring mentally went over her fresh wounds. "Uh, two?" Whooves looked pointedly to the cut on Daring's neck. Daring huffed and rolled her eyes. "Alright, three."
  434.         "Exactly. I don't think any of your books have you getting this roughed up in such a short amount of time."
  436.         Daring averted her attention to her bag, then started digging through it. "I always play down the more drastic details. Most of them need to be somewhat kid friendly."
  438.         Whooves sighed. "I realize that, but... I just don't want to have to carry your carcass back to Canterlot."
  440.         "What, am I too heavy for you?" Daring said without looking up from her bag.
  442.         "You know that isn't what I mean."
  444.         Daring stopped and looked over to Whooves. "Look, I know you're concerned, but there's no need to be. I get all kinds of cuts and scrapes on every expedition. I'll be alright."
  446.         Whooves looked her over, his eyes lingering on the blood running down her neck and staining her shirt. "Just... It's not too late to turn back and go home if it gets to be too much."
  448.         Daring's gaze sharpened, as if he had just questioned her resolve. "What?"
  450.         Whooves eased back when he felt Daring's intensity. "I'm not saying you can't take it, no way." He gave her a few strained laughs and rubbed the back of his neck. "Just that... what if it is just some legend? You'll have almost died for nothing." Whooves looked off to the side. "God knows what Gilda might do if she actually got to you. I just don't want to see you die over some fairy tale."
  452.         Daring didn't back down. Her voice edged on anger when she spoke. "I don't need you to babysit me, you know. I'd be perfectly fine out here on my own. I don't need you out here weighing me down, and I [i]definitely[/i] don't need you questioning my abilities and telling me to give up." Daring crossed her arms defiantly and looked off to the side. "I haven't even needed you to translate for me once."
  454.         "Well, I did save your life twice today. That's got to count for something."
  456.         Daring eased her expression. He was right; if it wasn't for him she would have died, or worse. Her lone wolf tendencies weren't always the best solution, but just like Whooves, she didn't want to see him die following her.
  458.         Daring sighed and uncrossed her arms. "You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you for that. Letting you come along was a good decision." Whooves beamed at her finally admitting it. "Just don't make me regret it."
  460.         Whooves nodded. "I'll do my best." Whooves leaned forward and put a reassuring hand on Daring's thigh.
  462.         With the mood lightened, Daring stretched out and went back to searching through her bag. "Well, if you're going to baby me, you might as well go get some firewood; I can hardly see my hands in front of my face."
  464.         Whooves only smiled. Daring raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you waiting for, a kiss? I don't have all night, Romeo."
  466.         Whooves rolled his eyes and stood back up. "If you insist, your highness. I'll be back momentarily."
  468.         "Whatever, Turner." Whooves shot a glare back at the use of his first name, and Daring blew a raspberry at him.
  470.         Whooves rolled his eyes again and waved her off, moving back over to the waterfall. The Doctor left back into the stream, so that the only sound remaining was the rushing water.
  472.         The cave had gotten even darker since they'd first entered. If they didn't get a fire going soon, they might have to go blind for the night. Even with the jungle's high humidity, she felt herself start to get cold as well.
  474.         Daring finally fished the package of antiseptic out of her bag and bit it open. She made sure to wipe down every wound she could find. While the graze on her back and the cuts on her thighs from running through the jungle only gave her minor stings, once she got to her neck, she had to bite her lip just to keep from whimpering. By the time she was done, the antiseptic pads were almost completely covered in blood, and the stinging as it cleaned the wounds out lingered for much longer than she would have liked.
  476.         Once she was done, she laid back against the rock, the bloody cloth in her hand. She stared down at it, and the feeling returned again; it was the same feeling she had once she felt her own blood in her fingers. A lump formed in her stomach and her heartbeat increased. She started to wonder if she really was alright. The voice in the back of her mind that told her leaving was an option became louder with each passing second.
  478.         She dropped the pad beside her and took a few deep breaths to try to push the feeling away. A dull pain still lingered in her throat, reminding her of what was causing all this in the first place. Thinking about Gilda and what she did and would do to her brought that feeling back. It put her on the edge. She was wary at the mere thought of her. Then it hit her: she was afraid.
  480.         That lump in her throat when she looked at the blood from her neck was fear. It ate at her every time she thought about it. No one else had tried to kill her so quickly, and left such a harsh impression. As much as Daring hated to admit it, she was afraid of Gilda.
  482.         Daring resolved not to let it get the best of her. As terrifying as the prospects of being alone with her might be, she couldn't let it stop her from finding out what lied ahead. She had to find out what the Nabinazzi were, and why the empire wanted to find them so badly.
  484.         Daring sighed and tried to let go of her worries for the time being. After some sleep, she knew she would be better equipped to deal with these things in the morning.
  486.         She pulled a lighter and her knife out of her belt and set them at either side of her. She fidgeted around the rough rock at her back to get as comfortable as possible to at least try to get some sleep.
  488.         Daring closed her eyes and felt herself drift off. She couldn't tell for how long, but any sleep was good enough for her.
  490.         A footstep shook her out of her sleep. She could feel the presence of another person in the cave. She immediately reached for the knife, but realized it was probably only Whooves with the firewood. Daring reached for the lighter instead and brought it up to bear.
  492.         "Whooves? Is that you?" Daring flicked the lighter a couple of times before it finally came to life.
  494.         When the light illuminated the cave, the woman who stood in front of her was far from her companion. She wore a hood over her head and had tribal markings etched across her entire body. Her eyes looked down at Daring with an eerie glare.
  496.         Daring reached for the knife at her side and attempted to get to her feet for a fight. Before she could even gain forward momentum, the woman calmly blew a strange green powder into her face. Her vision immediately went dark, and she could feel the strength draining out of her. Daring crawled for a moment until the substance finally took hold, and she collapsed to the cold, rocky floor.

Only the Daring - Act I

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act II

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act III

by Holy

A Little Fun With Luna

by Holy

Love of the Night (Luna)

by Holy