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Love of the Night (Luna)

By Holy
Created: 2022-10-06 07:32:42
Updated: 2022-10-08 17:07:54
Expiry: Never

  1.         The cool winter air rolls in from the open balcony. At least five dozen guards and servants line the hallway leading up to it, including you. Your muscles ache from all the work you've put in today. The castle is completely draped in blues and blacks, with a massive feast ready and countless other festivities in the streets of Canterlot. Hopefully in a few short minutes you'd find out if it is all worth it.
  3.         The cheers of the crowd can be heard from your deeper position in the hallway. Everyone gathered outside of the castle to hear Luna's first speech since her return. Today, the day of the winter solstice, Celestia deemed it as the Winter Night Celebration in honor of Luna. Today is supposed to be the happiest day in Luna's life with the entire nation celebrating in her name, but you know exactly how this is going to end up.
  5.         The last light of the shortest day of the year begins to creep down past the horizon, signalling the beginning of the celebration. You peek down the hallway past a few other servants, hoping Luna doesn't skip this one out in her room as usual. You hear the clack of her heels on the marble floor first, then her beauty hits you.
  7.         Every time you look at her she takes your breath away. Her hair sparkles with tremendous magic in a sea of dark blues as it waves in some ethereal wind. Her perfect, pale skin makes your eyes flow across her body smoothly, leading up to the epitome of beauty that is her face. No girl you've ever seen in your life can even compare to her, save for maybe Celestia. Even as she passes you, her scent is enough to send you into bliss. She's been pampered and prepped all day for this, and she couldn't have looked better.
  9.         Unless she had a smile on her face that is.
  11.         Despite her physical perfection, Luna has never let her lips curl upwards to light up her face in joy. Not once since she's returned has she given more than simple commands to her servants. Even Celestia would open up from time to time for you when you were under her employ. You can tell Luna is lonely, or depressed, or something. It always pains you to see her so downtrodden.
  13.         Luna reaches the balcony to give her speech. To the masses, she sounded proud and confident. You know this was only a facade. Her volume shadowed the true inflection of her voice. She sounded tired, agitated, and you knew she'd rather be anywhere but here. You don't focus much on what she says. Something about prosperity and peace, something about the economy, something about the future; none of it really matters to you. All you can hear is the pain in her voice. The kind that no one else could hear because she masks it so well.
  15.         Perhaps you're being too forward. You sigh and straighten your posture, knowing that Luna is about to make her exit. You can't help but glance over at her though. You can practically see her subtle glances of disdain and mistrust towards the audience, perhaps because she thinks they feel the same about her.
  17.         Luna bows to the crowd, signalling the start of the festivities. She turns around and you straighten up, honing in on a spot in the ceiling to look uniform with the rest of the servants. Luna passes you and her aroma passes you yet again, filling you with a strange sense of longing. She's already taking off her decorative necklaces and bracelets, despite the fact that she's supposed to make an appearance in the royal dining room for the feast.
  19.         "You are all dismissed," she says as quickly as she could get out with a wave.
  21.         The rest of the servants and guards file out of the hallway, ready to get into the streets and have fun with their friends and family. You, however, had other things on your mind. Ever since Celestia transferred you over to work with Luna, she's completely shut you and everyone who's tried to care for her out. All she needs is someone to reach out to her, to show her that not everyone is out to get her. Or so you think.
  23.         Instead of heading back to the servant's quarters to put your things away and go with the rest of the castle employees, you take another hallway down to Luna's room. As stupid and out of place as it is, part of you couldn't live with yourself knowing that she was shutting herself in being miserable while everyone else was having the time of their lives.
  25.         You walk right up to her massive blue doors and raise your fist to knock, but stop as the thought of what you're doing actually hits you. Celestia would brush something like this off with a motherly smile and an actual discussion; Luna may not be so forgiving. The thought of her banishing you or having you executed crossed your mind, but you quickly dashed the thought.
  27.         You take a deep breath and knock on the door three times. You look down at your attire and make sure everything is proper, then correct your posture enough to look presentable.
  29.         When no answer came, you decide to speak up. "Princess Luna, are you in there?"
  31.         After a few seconds, you think she may have actually attended the feast, but the click of her door told you otherwise. She opened the large door just enough to where you could see her, but not enough to give you a full view into her room.        "I don't recall sending for a servant," Luna says in an impatient tone, not caring to look you in the eye.
  33.         "You didn't your majesty. I am here of my own accord."
  35.         Luna begins to take out her earrings, still not giving you much attention. "Might I ask why you chose to bother me then?"
  37.         You clear your throat. "I was here to ask you why you chose to skip the royal feast. I'm sure your sister and the nobles would love to see you make an appearance. I know Celestia would be happy to really talk with you," you say with a hopeful smile.
  39.         "Yes, I'm sure those aristocrats would love to be seen with the newly reformed Princess of the Night, it would do wonders for their image. I care not for their desires," Luna says, finally looking you in the eye. Her gaze is as cold as ice, even if her tone is apathetic.
  41.         "Please your highness, you haven't made a public appearance before your speech in months. I'm sure your sister is worried about you."
  43.         Luna looks you in the eye again, this time the agitation was apparent on her face. "If Celestia has a concern, she may take it up with me personally. Now begone, servant, I have already dismissed you for the night." Luna tries to shut the door on you, but you place a hand on the decorated wood, stopping her. Agitation turns to anger at this action, making your heart sink. You're determined to at least try though.
  45.         "Princess Luna, I know you might still think everyone dislikes you, but if you would just give it a chance you might find out that the citizens have welcomed you back into their lives! Please, princess."
  47.         Luna turns around and walks back towards you, disgust plain on her face. "Do you think you know anything about how this country views me? You have no right to offer such insight to your princess," Luna says to you with fire in her eyes.
  49.         You drop to one knee in a respectful bow, keeping your face down and eyes closed. "I apologize, Princess Luna. Please forgive me," you say, trying not to let the frustration show in your voice.
  51.         Luna is silent for a few moments. You can almost feel her eyes looking over you. "I do not take orders from servants. Know your place or I shall have you fired."
  53.         "Yes, your majesty," you say, keeping your head down.
  55.         "Good, now leave me be and enjoy your night." Luna turns back into her room and shuts the door, locking you out with a quiet click.
  57.         You look up at her doorway sadly. You sigh and say, "I wish you would enjoy yours."
  59. [center]__________________________________________________________________[/center]
  61.         The night passes without any more issues. Celestia and the nobles attending the feast had their usual round of questions and the press capitalized on her absence. Even though you slept through most of the next day, you saw the morning paper in time to see it was nothing good. Speculation and accusations all around Canterlot castle, exploring every possibility for Luna's lack of public relations. None of it would be any help to Luna. None of it focused on her in a very bright light, and that was only going to push her further away.
  63.         Someone has to do something. Not a day goes by where you don't see Luna's despondent face and sigh inwardly. Even after her scolding you for trying last night, you're determined to show her at least one person cares.
  65.         You go through your nightly duties, biding time until the right opportunity arose. Tonight however, Luna wouldn't even come out of her room to eat. You grow worried as you oversee some of the maids and make sure everything in this ring of the castle is up to shape.
  67.         Around the fourth or fifth hour of your usual shift, you make your way back to Luna's quarters, formulating a plan to try to get her to loosen up somehow. The plush carpet and soothing blue and white walls bring you no comfort on this endeavor, as it could very well cost you your job.
  69.         You close your eyes as you near her chambers. You don't know how this will play out, but you focus on what to say and pray that Luna is somehow more amiable tonight.
  71.         A familiar voice calls out your name. Before you make it to Luna's door, the familiar touch of the sun princess falls upon your shoulder.
  73.         You immediately fall to your knee in a bow out of respect. "Your majesty..."
  75.         She gives you a motherly laugh, soothing any nervousness you may have had right out. "Please rise. There's no need to be so formal after all these years."
  77.         You stand back up and straighten out your uniform, looking up to Celestia. "Forgive me, your h-- Celestia." You still can't get calling her just Celestia down. Even though you'd been working for her for quite a while before Luna ever returned, you can't help but to be respectful to the ruler of Equestria.
  79.         "Think nothing of it," Celestia says, looking down the hallway towards Luna's quarters, "I understand that you spoke with my sister last night."
  81.         "Yes, Celestia. I was only seeing if she would join you in the royal dining room," you say, a little fearful of what Celestia might say for disturbing her sister and stepping out of line like that.
  83.         Despite your fear, the smile never left Celestia's face. She carried joy and radiance wherever she stepped. "Is that all you said to her?"
  85.         You don't know how she knew, maybe she didn't, but you aren't about to lie to her. "No, your majesty. I... may have asked her why she's acting this way and suggested that she try to come out. Princess Luna didn't appreciate that," you say. Celestia looked no more cross with you than the moment she greeted you. That gave you a bit of hope.
  87.         "I can't imagine she did."
  89.         You lean over in a bow again. "Please forgive me, Princess. I know it was not my place to do such a thing."
  91.         "Please, rise. You have nothing to apologize for."
  93.         You lean up, giving Celestia a questioning eyebrow. Celestia sighs and glances over to her sister's room, the smile leaving her face. "I know how you're feeling. Seeing my sister like this is frustrating. I wish I could help her, but she won't speak to me like she used to."
  95.         Celestia looks you in the eye and puts a hand on your shoulder. "I need to ask something from you." Her expression softened into one of almost sadness.
  97.         "Anything for you, your highness," you say absolutely.
  99.         Celestia's smile returns and she leans back up. It was strange how much taller she was than you, and how it didn't subtract from her beauty in the least. "Good. But first I must speak with my sister."
  101.         You give Celestia a nod, and she gives you one last smile before she ventures off to do what you were set out to do from the beginning. Like any nosey older sister, Celestia walks right into Luna's room without even knocking. You wait patiently outside of the door, resisting the urge to eavesdrop on the two royal sisters.
  103.         At first everything seems fine. You can hear the soft murmurs of voices from the other side of the door, politely discussing something. As the minutes pass, Luna's voice becomes more prominent, until she's finally yelling at her sister. You can't tell what she's saying, but her volume speaks for herself. Celestia's voice remains docile, even through the assault. What could Luna possibly be so upset about? Just the fact that she has to raise her voice to her own sister in anger saddens you. How could you have ever hoped to break through to her if Celestia can't even talk to Luna without getting into a yelling match?
  105.         Finally Luna's voice dies down to a murmur again. More time passes, and curiosity starts nagging at you. You desperately wish to hear what they're saying, but you keep your position out of professionalism more than anything else.
  107.         Celestia opens Luna's door and slowly shuts it back, careful not to make any more noise than she has to. Rather than waiting for her, you walk towards her. "How did it go, Princess?"
  109.         Her downtrodden look tells you all you need to know. "Not well, but I still have hope for her. Now, for that favor I wish to ask of you."
  111.         "As I said, anything for you, Celestia."
  113.         A small smile crosses her face at that. She glances back towards Luna's room again, then back to you. "I want you to talk to her. Try to get her to open up. She needs someone to tell her that they care. I think it should be you."
  115.         You sigh. You want to tell Celestia that you've already tried, and that you doubt it would be of any use, but thinking like that has never gotten anything done. You stand straight up and nod to Celestia. "I will do everything in my power to see that she's happy."
  117.         Celestia pulls you in by the shoulders and presses you up against her in an embrace. In all the years you've worked at Canterlot Castle, never once have you been this close to either of the princesses. The softness of her white dress and tanned skin make you melt into her hug on contact. You struggle to hold in a content sigh at the wonderful feeling. "Thank you. I knew I could trust you with this."
  119.         She lets you go and you attempt to push down your blush. You clear your throat and straighten out your uniform, trying not to look Celestia directly in the eye. "Th-Thank you for giving me the opportunity, your majesty."
  121.         "I hope you two have a good evening. She's expecting you," Celestia says with a wink, disappearing down a corner to another hallway.
  123.         Now it's all up to you. You don't know what Celestia said to Luna, but she was obviously confident enough to send you in after her. Part of you doubts yourself, and says that it's a lost cause; she'll never come around. Celestia gave you a specific task to make her happy, and you'll be damned before you don't at at least try.
  125.         You close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now that Celestia made you wait, you had no idea what to say to Luna. You bite the bullet and walk up to her room anyway, pushing it in without knocking.
  127.         Luna stands on the opposite side of the room, looking out of her open balcony. Her eyes traced across the constellations, counting up her collection of stars she must've added up thousands of times. She knows you're in the room, yet you have no idea what to say to her.
  129.         "Your sister said you wished to see me," you finally get out after a few tense moments of silence.
  131.         "I believe it's the other way around. Celestia wanted me to see you," Luna says, still not giving you much attention. You could tell she just wanted to get this overwith.
  133.         "Please, Luna, just tell me what's troubling you."
  135.         "As if you care to know."
  137.         "Luna, I do care. I truly want to help you, but if you keep pushing everyone who does so away then--"
  139.         Luna turns to you, agitation growing in her eyes. You stop mid-sentence as her glare penetrates you yet again. You take a deep breath and continue. "--Then no one will be able to."
  141.         Luna scoffs and turns back, looking at a point on the wall this time. You look back to her, seeing that she wants to say something, but struggles to find the right words to say it in. She opens her mouth to speak a few times, then finally decides on something. "Please, just leave. I'll tell Celestia that you tried your hardest."
  143.         "No," you say, adamant about your decision.
  145.         The word strikes a nerve somewhere in the princess. Shock crosses her face for a quick moment before she turns to you with her all-too-familiar anger. You doubt there are many people in this era or the last that would dare defy a princess. "I will not tell you again, servant. Leave or I will have you fired," Luna says, looking you over with that familiar fire in her eyes, "I will not allow such disrespect within this castle."
  147.         Something inside of you snaps. Luna needs someone to reach out to her, and Celestia chose you. You're going to do your duty or die trying, and in this case it's very much a possibility. "Stop acting like such a spoiled teenager!" you shout at Luna. She's immediately taken aback. "Your sister cares about you, your nation cares about you, I care about you, Luna. Seeing you like this makes your sister sadder than I've ever seen her! Every time you pass by me in the halls and I see that despondent look on your face it tears me up inside, and I know I'm not the only one.
  149.         "Please, Luna. All you have to do is talk to us. Talk to me. Tell me what has you upset and I can promise you that it will make you feel better. I know you don't think I care, but please just try, so I can prove to you that I do."
  151.          Luna is a flurry of emotions in front of you; she can't decide whether to be furious, confused, or just upset. Finally, she simply sighs and crosses her arms, letting you see the first smile you've ever seen on her cross her lips as she dropped her head. It's one of those sad smiles that comes before the tears. Somehow that hurt you worse than any frown could have.
  153.         "Do you really wish to know?" she asks, her voice breaking slightly. She looks up at you and shakes her head.
  155.         "Yes, Luna. Please tell me."
  157.         "Well what do you think is bothering me?" Luna asks, her volume beginning to rise, "After one thousand years of banishment I come back to a nation that doesn't even know my name! I was just a forgotten legend to them, and now that I'm back, these people are just waiting to see what sets me off!" Luna says, motioning towards a stack of newspapers in the corner of her room. You wince at the sight of them. You know exactly what they say, and none of it was particularly good. "I'm nothing but a ticking time bomb to them. Another disaster waiting to happen."
  159.         Luna's tone drops and she looks away from you. She walks over to a dresser beside her bed and picks up a necklace in one hand and looks it over, that same sad smile on her face. "It's childish of me to want love and affection. These people know me as dark and sinister, and there's no changing that. The best I can do is make my necessary appearances and slowly learn to accept what I cannot change."
  161.         "L-Luna, that's not necessary," you say, walking over to her position at the bedside. You stand behind her, but she seems more concerned with trinkets on her dresser than you, or she just didn't want to face you. "The people of Equestria aren't the same as they were a millennium ago. They're just waiting to see you for who you are, and none of us can help you do that if you shut us out."
  163.         "And what would you know about public relations? How could you possibly think they'd accept me after all I tried to do to this land?" Luna asks, dropping whatever was in her hands and crossing her arms over her chest.
  165.         "I know that you'd be better off trying rather than avoiding this. I know there are plenty of people who are willing to help you, if you'll just give us... me, a chance."
  167.         The room is silent for a moment. Luna doesn't move, and you don't dare break it. She needs time to think, and you would welcome giving it to her. You feel like you made a huge breakthrough by getting her to open up like that, but her damaged psyche isn't something you feel like you can fix in one conversation. She needs someone to really show her that they truly care.
  169.         You place a hand on Luna's shoulder, noting how cold she was. Her pale skin was almost like ice above her dress. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" you ask Luna with a hopeful smile.
  171.         She slowly wipes a tear out of her eye and looks back at you, her usual hard, annoyed expression softened. She looks almost... vulnerable.
  173.         "I suppose."
  175.         You give her a smile. "Follow me, I know the perfect place." You walk out of her room, careful to keep pace with Luna. She looks reluctant to follow you, and almost regretful in a way. You know she's not sure about sharing so much with you. Just yesterday you were merely a servant who stepped out of place, and now you're the only one who knows what she's really thinking. You know you only scratched the surface of her pain, but it's a start.
  177.         You walk with her silently. Most of the servants are either in other parts of the castle, or not within the particular hallways that you walk down. Some of them see you, and a futile attempt to hide their shock soon follows. You would have to save that for another day. Right now, you had a destination to get to.
  179.         After a flight of stairs you push open a door. The night air pours into the corridor, flowing past both you and Luna in a soft breeze. Despite it being the middle of winter, it wasn't that cold outside, surprisingly. Just the kind of night to take a stroll through the castle garden.
  181.         You usher Luna out the door and shut it behind her, doing a quick once over of the garden to make sure you wouldn't be disturbed. The garden was empty as it always was this time of night.
  183.         "I can't say I've been here in quite a while," Luna says, brushing her hand across a tree in one corner.
  185.         "Not many visit in the winter. As hard as the royal gardeners try, none can overcome the power of the seasons," you say, watching Luna scan the gardens. You fold your arms behind your back and take up a presentable posture. "Even in its decayed state, the plants have a sort of serene beauty about them."
  187.         "I suppose so." Luna still seems disinterested, but moves deeper into the gardens anyway, pulled forward by some mild curiosity. You hoped she'd move closer to the center, but the gardens were way too expansive to make sure of it.
  189.         You follow Luna as she explores the outskirts of the garden. The colors range from dark blues and blacks to dull greens and browns. While not at its prettiest, the garden itself wasn't exactly what you wanted Luna to see. She studies an errant flower bush, picking up one of the wilted leaves and looking it over before dropping it. She looks back up to you with a questioning expression. "A chance to get some fresh air certainly is refreshing, but why would you say 'the perfect place'?"
  191.         You were hoping she'd ask that. You give her a smile. "Let me show you," you say, turning to head towards the center of the gardens. You look back to check if she's following you. She still has an unsure look on her face as she inspects all of the wilting trees and bushes, as if you're leading her into some sort of trap. Maybe someday she'll trust you.
  193.         You lead her around a few corners into a section that seems to have been mostly forgotten about. The walls still held soil, but the grass around them had overgrown. Perhaps the gardeners knew that most patrons would never venture this far. You press on despite the neglected features. The thatched wooden fences here were thick with overgrown vines, most dried out and losing their color in the cold. As the fences came together overhead, the thick foliage covered the square openings, leaving the path ahead of you without any moonlight to illuminate your way.
  195.         You brush a few errant vines out of the way, even making some snap off at the roof. You look back and make sure none of them hit Luna, keeping your eye on her to watch her expression as well. You could hardly see her in the darkness anyway, but at least she was still following you.
  197.         You finally reach your destination. Moonlight brightens up your face and Luna's as well, letting you see her reaction as she stops beside you. Her mouth is hanging open slightly at the sight. You let out a slight laugh at her reaction, but not enough to snap her out of her reverie.
  199.         You look up as well. The sight is as familiar to you as the inside of the castle, but it never lost its appeal. The walls around you had overgrown so much that it was hard to tell there was even wood there any more. Where there used to be openings to the rest of the garden now stood walls that held flowers on the other sides, but only vines grew on the inside. A marble fountain stood in the middle of the tuft of overgrown grass, off-white with all manner of flowers and weeds growing within it from years of neglect. Some might have turned away from it in disgust, but you thought it had it's own special kind of natural beauty.
  201.         That isn't really why you brought her here though. Above the old walls and overgrown vines, the dark greens and browns framed the night sky perfectly. It almost looks like a painting from where you're standing, with the stars and the moon held in by the natural colors of the earth. No other place in Equestria made you appreciate the moon and stars more than right here.
  203.         "I've always been a night owl," you say to break the silence, "Ever since I was a boy I'd stay up just to watch the moon make its way across the sky. I would always lose myself in thought counting the stars. On a clear evening like this, I could just stay up all night looking at it."
  205.         Luna turns to look at you. You keep your gaze up at the stars though, just focusing on them. "I can appreciate the day and all its value, but my heart will always belong in the time after the sun sets. The moon and stars has a much more... humble beauty than that of the sun. Sometimes I wish I could look up and see the stars any time of the day."
  207.         You turn to Luna with a sly grin. "Don't tell Celestia though."
  209.         It's the strangest thing. Luna actually gave you a laugh. A genuine laugh at that. It warmed your heart to see her smile. Luna lets out a content sigh and looks back up to the moon again.
  211.         "It's... strange." You turn to Luna this time, watching her look up at the stars as she speaks. "I've been all over Equestria, and looked up at my sky millions of times, but never like this.
  213.         "It's a... unique experience. Maybe looking at something from a different perspective helps to see what something truly can be."
  215.         You watch as Luna's eyes trace across the night sky. Her teal eyes sparkle in the moonlight, and you get lost in the beauty of her face, unable to come up with any more words at the sight.
  217.         A few moments pass, and you tear yourself away from her. If you look any longer you would probably have to profess undying love on the spot. Instead, you resolved to stare up at the sky with her in silence, simply enjoying the moment.
  219.         "You know, you don't have to be alone, Luna."
  221.         You reach over and take her hand in yours as you both still focus on the night sky. She makes no motion to resist, and actually wraps her fingers around yours.
  223.         It may just be you, but Luna doesn't seem quite as cold anymore.
  225. [center]______________________________________________________________[/center]
  227.         You wake up before your alarm goes off. You let a smile cross your face knowing you get to go back to the castle today. Normally you're apathetic about your job, and there are always days when you really just don't feel like getting out of bed, but today isn't one of them. You wrestle your sheets off of you and go through your evening routine, thinking about the night before.
  229.         When you walked Luna back to her room last night, she actually gave you a hug and thanked you. She shut the door in your face immediately afterwards, but you could see the beginning of a smile on her face at the very last glance of her. It was no kiss, and last night was certainly no date, but you feel ecstatic to know how much progress you made after just one night. More than anything, you want to see Luna again.
  231.         Strange feelings build up in your chest at the thought of her. You've always been curious about her, and there was no denying she was one of the most beautiful individuals in the world, but after last night, something is different. You can't tell for sure, but you're almost nervous about seeing her again. You laugh at the ridiculous feelings and put on your uniform to get ready for work.
  233.         You smile at the thought of seeing her again. Something about having physical contact with her stirred something up inside of you. Ever since then, Luna has absorbed your every other thought. You brush the feelings out of your mind for now as you leave your apartment and head towards the castle.
  235.         The Canterlot streets are dying down as you leave for the castle. Even though it was only early evening, shops were already closing, people were heading home, and the city was generally shutting down for the night. You can name off a few places that were openening right about now, but none of them are particularly high-class establishments.
  237.         You sigh as you scan the emptying streets. No wonder Luna felt unappreciated.
  239.         You could see the castle now. You only live a few blocks away from it. With nothing else to spend your money on, you decided to get a high-end apartment in upper Canterlot. It's far prettier than what you need it for. Most mornings you come home and simply go to bed if you don't have errands to run.
  241.         With the meager walk out of the way, and the sun making it's way below the horizon, you mentally prepare yourself for what you have to do tonight. A few decorative, guarded gates and a cut through the servants quarters later, you're patrolling the halls of Canterlot castle, making sure all the lower-level servants were on task and had something to do. You have something much more important to do.
  243.         You head directly to Luna's bedchambers and give the door a knock. You straighten up your posture and press out any folds in your uniform, making sure you looked proper to greet Princess Luna.
  245.         After almost a full minute without an answer, you try again, this time louder. "Princess Luna, are you in there?"
  247.         The door opens this time, and Luna looks quite agitated. "Yes. What is it?" she says curtly. Her expression says she's less than happy to see you, and her posture tells you she'd rather not even give you the time of day. You ignore the stab of pain in your chest at the sight, swallowing your pride to do your duty. "I just came by to ask if you'd like to talk."
  249.         "No," she says, turning around to close the door on you.
  251.         "Wait!"
  253.         You go to put a hand on the door to stop her, but think better of it. You awkwardly bring your hand back down to your side as Luna looks over her shoulder at you with an annoyed glance.
  255.         "For what?"
  257.         You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out at first. You glance around the floor, as if looking for something to say. "I-I just... after last night..."
  259.         "You should be lucky I haven't counted you a traitor after last night. Speaking to a princess with such disrespect would have you executed a thousand years ago."
  261.         Her voice is cold as ice, and it cuts through you even deeper than the initial hurt. You don't even know what to say to her. It's like last night didn't even happen to her.
  263.         "Luna, please," you say, trying to hide the pain in your voice.
  265.         "You are to address your ruler as princess, servant." Luna turns around to face you, her expression close to anger. For the second time that week, you drop to one knee in an apologetic bow.
  267.         "P-Please forgive me, your majesty," you say, trying to hide your own emotions. You want to yell at her to snap out of it, tell her that she's never going to get better if she keeps doing this, but a lump forms up in your throat, and you know you'd never get it all out.
  269.         "Tell the servants that I do not wish to be disturbed any longer. That applies especially to you."
  271.         You shut your eyes tightly and try to swallow your feelings. What did you do to set her off like this? You were making such good progress with her too. "Yes, your highness."
  273.         "Good. Now get out of my sight."
  275.         Luna turns around and shuts the door behind her. The slam echoes through your head ten times as long as it does through the hallway. Despite every bit of etiquette training you had to go through to get to this point, you fall back onto your ass and sit there in front of her room, perplexed.
  277.         You can't even think straight anymore. You want to be mad, or sad, or some sort of upset, but the only thing you can do is sit there more confused than ever.
  279.         You don't know how long you ended up sitting there, or how many people ended up seeing you, but one voice finally snaps you out of your stupor.
  281.         "Are you alright?" Celestia asks in her gentle tone.
  283.         You snap back to attention and get up as quickly as your stunned body can manage. Celestia watches you with a raised eyebrow, awaiting an answer.
  285.         "Yes, your majesty. I'm fine," you lie.
  287.         Celestia lets out a sigh and looks towards Luna's door. She could always see right through you.
  289.         "I'll go talk to her. Perhaps she'll be more open with me tonight," Celestia says, putting a hand on the door. She looks back to you for a moment. "Stay here for now."
  291.         "Yes, your highness."
  293.         You take your usual position against the wall, trying to look official. Even though you aren't right up against the door, you can still hear their voices through it, albeit not very clearly. Celestia starts out in a pleading tone, but Luna gives her nothing but curt answers. Just as last night, it ends up with Luna getting louder and louder as Celestia tries to talk to her.
  295.         The conversation seems to go quite the same as it did last night. Hopefully the entire night would be the same. Somehow you know that'd be too much to ask for.
  297.         After what seems like an eternity, Celestia walks out of Luna's room, looking more downtrodden than ever. You walk up to her, unable to hide the concern on your face.
  299.         "I take it that didn't go well."
  301.         Celestia sighs and gives you an apologetic look. "I'm afraid not. She doesn't want you on her staff any longer."
  303.         You want to sit back down at that one. For the third time tonight an icy spike of emotional pain hits you right in the chest. You look up to Celestia questioningly, hoping she's kidding. "W-What?"
  305.         Celestia crosses her arms and closes her eyes. She looks almost upset at Luna, an emotion you haven't ever seen on her face. "She wouldn't budge on your termination. I have no idea why." Celestia looks back to you, seeing the hurt plain on your face. She tries to adopt a gentle smile while placing a hand on your shoulder. You hardly feel it. "I'm truly sorry. I'll make sure to put you back under the day shift in a few days. I don't think it would be wise to keep you here if Luna feels this way."
  307.         "But why?" you ask, more to yourself than to Celestia. You wrack your brain trying to find a reason, but nothing solid comes up.
  309.         "I'm just as confused as you are," Celestia says sadly, "When you were with Luna, I saw her smile for the first time in over a thousand years. Why she would be so quick to push you away is beyond me."
  311.         You don't answer. You simply stare off into space, looking past Celestia, trying to find something to say to Luna to change her mind, or at least to ask her why she feels this way. Celestia sees the pain on your face, and tries to be as calming as possible.
  313.         "I know this is confusing after all you did yesterday, but please don't give up so soon. I believe my sister just needs time. Perhaps letting her think about things with you away will help us to help her."
  315.         You take a deep breath, considering her words. Part of you thinks that she just said that to make you feel better. You need something to. You swallow the lump in your throat in an attempt to calm yourself. "Perhaps."
  317.         "I think you should go home for the night. Being here might only make things wose for both of you," Celestia says, looking between both of your eyes, trying to put on a reassuring smile.
  319.         "Do not look so saddened, my friend, all we need is time. No one can be expected to change overnight."
  321.         "I suppose not," you say, trying to fight back another sigh.
  323.         "Please enjoy your time off. You deserve it."
  325.         As genuine as Celestia always was, you know it's just an empty sentiment. She gives you another forced smile, then drops her hand off your shoulder and leaves you alone in the hallway yet again.
  327.         You stare at the floor for what seems like an hour, not really knowing what to do. You know it was foolish to think Luna would be changed much at all in one night, but something about the way she talked to you hurt more than anything else. You can't explain it. Something tells you that you'd be better off thinking about it somewhere else other than the hallway outside of her room.
  329.         You take your leave for the night, much to the confusion of the other servants and guards. There were other servants in higher positions such as yours that would fill your role without skipping a beat, so there was nothing to worry about on that front. You have very different matters on your mind, however.
  331.         As you make it out of the last castle gate to the Canterlot streets again, you look back up to the walls of Canterlot Castle. You can see Luna in her usual spot on her balcony, brooding. You look up at her for much longer than you feel appropriate, hoping that in some odd love story logic, she'd yell down her apologies and confess her true love from that balcony.
  333.         Life never turned out like that. You know she sees you. Her head turns towards you for a brief moment, before turning back up towards the night sky. You take that as reason enough to head back to your apartment for the night, and maybe go back to sleep. All of the sudden you feel too tired to care anymore.
  335. [center]_____________________________________________________________________[/center]
  337.         All you hear is the foreign sound of crickets chirping and the occasional croak of a distant frog. The air smells different. Dirt and mountain air replace the asphalt and bustling citizens of Canterlot. You're nowhere near home. You can hardly see your own hand in front of your face due to the thick canopy off whatever kinds of trees that are above you. Little bits of moonlight illuminate the path ahead of you through the trees, guiding you somewhere.
  339.         With nothing else to do, you follow the brightest way. Your eyes slowly get used to the dark, making the dim moonlight even brighter by comparison. Eventually you find a clearing in the massive forest around you, opening up to a large patch of overgrown grass, lightly waving in the midnight wind.
  341.         You take your time walking into the middle of it, enjoying the breeze as it rolls over your skin and hair. The grass feels soft against you, instead of the expected sharp and uncomfortable feeling. You let yourself fall into it and stare up at the night sky.
  343.         Everything fades out except the sky. In Canterlot you couldn't get a sky like this. There was too much light on from the various businesses and streets that everything was always a little muddled. Not now though. The sky was alight with millions of bright, white dots in crystal clarity, almost as if you could reach out and pluck them right from the sky.
  345.         The moon has to be the best part though. Every little crack or crevice on it is lit up and it shines brightly, bathing you in a soft light. You let yourself smile at the sight. You don't want to do anything else but stare at it tonight.
  347.         "Beautiful," you say as you let out a long, relaxed breath.
  349.         "You really think so?" you hear a familiar voice say to your left. You look over to see none other than Princess Luna, laying in the grass beside you. You lean up on your elbow and look over to her, trying to keep a confident smile.
  351.         "We must be days away from Canterlot. What are you doing here?"
  353.         "I could ask you the same thing."
  355.         You lay back down into the grass and look back up to the sky. "I have no idea."
  357.         "I don't think we really need a reason to be together," she says softly.
  359.         You close your eyes. "And after everything you said? I thought I was the last person you'd want to see right now."
  361.         "Not everything is as it might seem at first glance," Luna says, raising her hand into the air and spinning the stars around the moon, making the entirety of the sky dance at her whim. A beautiful performance of swirls and shines make the sky even more enticing than it already was.
  363.         "I just didn't want anyone knowing my feelings. About myself and you, so I cast you away until we could truly be together."
  365.         You lean back over to her, closer this time, a gentle smile on your face. Something is different about Luna tonight. "Do you really mean that?"
  367.         Luna leans up on her elbow, her face mere inches from yours. She smiles that coy smile, and her eyes twinkle like two stars in her own sky. "What would you say if I told you I loved you?" She asks.
  369.         "What would you say if I said I love you too?"
  371.         Both of you close your eyes and lean forward into each other, waiting for that beautiful moment when you finally touch lips.
  373.         You fall forward into the grass. Where Luna once was, a thousand tiny stars fade away into the night sky. You look around where she left an imprint on the grass, confused.
  375.         "A sweet gesture, I suppose," Luna says from behind you. You spin around to look at her. Now you can tell what was different. The night sky stops spinning and Luna is dressed in her usual regal attire again, crown, jewelry and all. Her expression isn't as loving, but she certainly isn't angry at you like back in the castle.
  377.         "What's going on?" you ask, perplexed by the oddness around you.
  379.         "You're dreaming, if it wasn't already obvious."
  381.         You look down at your hands, seeing them blur into a mess you couldn't entirely focus on. You lay your arms across your knees and sigh as your head falls forward. The perfect, cheesy, love story with Luna. Only in your dreams. "I guess that makes sense. Even in my dreams Luna still won't really give me the time of day."
  383.         "I'm giving it to you right now. As the Princess of the Night I have the ability to speak to anyone through their dreams," Luna says, lifting up her dress and taking her seat beside you.
  385.         "Wait, so you're the real Luna?"
  387.         "That is Princess Luna, servant," Luna says in an almost mocking tone. You roll your eyes. It's definitely her.
  389.         "So why then? Last time we saw each other you were less than thrilled to have me in your company."
  391.         Luna looks up into the sky, watching your mental version of it and recounting the stars as they show up in different places. You watch her eyes in wonder.
  393.         "Because you won't wholly remember this, yet I still feel the need to talk to you about it."
  395.         A little put down by the statement, you look down towards the grass. "Oh..."
  397.         "You must understand, coming into a new world is difficult. After a thousand years, the only constant element I have in my life coming back is my sister that had banished me a millennium before."
  399.         Luna sighs, her eyes breaking away from the night sky and closing in a frustrated expression. "I haven't felt happiness or love for longer than I can even remember, and when you showed me compassion and stirred up these foreign emotions last night... it was a lot to take in."
  401.         "Was that a bad thing?" you ask, confused that she would push away enjoyment like she had.
  403.         "I don't think so. It was just... strange. I had resigned to being the outcast long ago. Being accepted in the public eye was a strange dream that I had written off, but now you come into my life and tell me it's only a few changes away?
  405.         "Don't confuse my statements. I've been around long enough to know how the public works; an ever changing entity that could reverse at a moments notice. Yet I also know that certain things are solidified. Hundreds of years before my banishment, I was not appreciated. Even back then, being anyone's favorite was just a hopeful illusion.
  407.         "Some things just don't change. After being immortalized as an evil legend and coming back to try and exact revenge on the world, who would care to change their mind?" Luna says, letting her head drop with a sad expression.
  409.         You're finally starting to understand her. She doesn't know how to feel anymore. You're tearing away what she thought was the norm for so long, and the very concept of change to her at this point is a foreign entity.
  411.         "I think I understand. You just need time to think about it all. Me being around the very next day only made you more confused."
  413.         She leans back up and looks at you, the beginnings of a gentle smile on her face. "Something like that."
  415.         Nothing but the sound of the wind rolling through the trees is present for a few moments, leaving you and Luna to think about everything.
  417.         Luna breaks the silence first. "Though seeing that you legitimately care does bring a certain light into my life. It makes me happy to see someone truly appreciates me."
  419.         You take a risk and place your hand on Luna's laying beside you in the grass. She does nothing to take it away, and even curls her fingers around yours again. "Please don't ever forget that, Luna. No matter what anyone else thinks, I still care about you."
  421.         She closes her eyes in a content smile. "Thank you."
  423.         Luna opens her eyes and her expression changes to playful in an instant. "That earlier display was a bit... what's the word... creepy."
  425.         You put on a sheepish smile and rub the back of your neck with your free hand. "I, uh... heheh... Sorry about that."
  427.         Luna squeezes your hand. "I still thought it was sweet."
  429. [center]__________________________________________________________________[/center]
  431.         You wake up sometime in midday. The sun peeking through your curtains was a strange thing to wake up to after being on a night shift for so long. The memory of why you're waking up now floods back to you, and you sit up in bed and sigh. You don't remember what you were dreaming about moments ago, but you know that it felt so much better than the reality you're living in now.
  433.         Days go by without any more word on what's going on with Luna. Eventually you're put back to work on the day shift looking after Celestia's side again. It's a welcome change, but your heart was still in a different place. More than just the schedule change had you constantly exhausted. Some nights you'd sit and just stare out your window at the tiny sliver of night sky you could make out from between the buildings. Down the street you could see the castle as well, but only enough to remind you.
  435.         The speed at which Luna completely shot you down and pushed you away still eats at you. You think about every second you spent with her, trying to find something you did wrong or something you said to make her completely turn on you like she did. While you can see some of the things you said were out of line, nothing more could come out of it that something a quick conversation couldn't fix, but you know that wouldn't happen.
  437.         You just wish you knew for sure how Luna really felt. Not knowing was the worst part, especially when you thought about her smiling with you in the first time in a thousand years. You can do nothing but trust that giving her time like Celestia said would make things better, but the longer you have to think about it the worse you feel. Yet, there's nothing in your power you could do that wouldn't land you right back on Luna's bad side, or in the castle dungeon.
  439.         All you can do is hope, and sleep. When your body finally forces you to sleep for the night, you always wake up feeling better, if only for a brief moment before you remember reality. It ends up almost being a hobby for you; spending the night in your forgetful bliss if even for a few seconds.
  441.         Almost two weeks go by with you not even seeing Luna's face once. You're almost settled into your new life as a day servant, and have actually reconnected with Celestia in some ways. Her kind and gentle mannerism always brings a smile to your face when you're feeling down, but there was always that memory resting in the back of your mind. Always the thought of Luna sitting in her bedroom looking out at the stars, hoping that someone would just reach out to her, or at least show her that they cared. As much as you wanted to be that person, Luna wouldn't have it.
  443.         You lay down for bed on that night, two weeks after Luna cast you out of her life, thinking of the same problems that have plagued you ever since. Somehow, you skip dwelling on it and fall asleep much faster than you usually ever do.
  445. [center]_________________________________________________________________[/center]
  447.         Something is strange. You're in a grassy field sometime around midnight, if the position of the moon is any indication. The soft blades settle around your body as you sit and look up at the sky. This place seems oddly familiar, but you know you've never lived near any forest like this. It was peaceful though, so you don't much care for how you got here, as long as you can enjoy the moment.
  449.         "Greetings," a familiar voice says beside you. You snap your gaze away from the sky and look towards Luna, sitting beside you in the grass, running her hands down her regal attire.
  451.         "Huh, I guess I must be dreaming." You shake your head and look back up to the sky.
  453.         "You aren't wrong."
  455.         That throws you for a trip. Since when do the characters in your dreams know what they are? You look over to her with a raised eyebrow.
  457.         "I grow tired of explaining myself," Luna says, brushing the hair out of her face and looking back up at the sky, "With the power over the night, comes the power to see into people's dreams. I am the real Luna."
  459.         Your confusion turns into shock. "What are you doing here?"
  461.         "I've visited you every night since our... encounter. As not to confuse you with the complexities of the human mind during sleep, I'll simply tell you that I did it in a way that you wouldn't remember," Luna said, still looking at the stars.
  463.         "But why? Why wouldn't you want me to remember? I've been dying to talk to you ever since then."
  465.         Luna looks back towards you, a caring smile actually on her face. The sight warms your heart and makes you want to hug her, but you restrain yourself. "You have talked to me, and I've listened." Luna places a hand on yours, stunning you more than the day she cast you out. You look down to her hand on yours and take it within your fingers. You can hardly believe she would show such affection willingly. "I needed time to think. Time to know if you truly meant what you said that night. If you really cared."
  467.         "I do," you answer sternly.
  469.         "I know."
  471.         Luna reaches over and places a hand on your cheek, inviting you close to her. Your eyelids begin to fall as your faces near each other. Your heart races inside your chest as the thought of meeting her lips with yours slowly becomes a reality. As much as it can inside a dream anyway.
  473.         "Meet me in the gardens tomorrow night. I'm sure you know where," Luna says as her hand drops from your cheek. You open your eyes just in time to see her fade off into a million tiny stars, swirling back into the night sky.
  475.         Even though your lips never connected, the feeling of her soft skin and warm touch on you is enough to make you smile through the rest of your slumber.
  477. [center]__________________________________________________________________[/center]
  480.         You wake up almost immediately after your last thought in the dream. You remember every second that passed: Luna's confession, and that moment of bliss where you thought she might've actually kissed you.
  482.         The slump you've been in for the last few weeks washed away in an instant, with a bright smile adorning your face. You couldn't have asked for a better start to your day, and with a hopefully wonderful night to follow.
  484.         Right before you go into work, you grab the most beautiful blue rose you could find from the local flower shop, setting it in the royal gardens before your shift. You imagined Luna's face lighting up with that rare smile of hers and it made your heart melt without even having to see it.
  486.         As the day progresses however, you begin to let your doubts sink back in. Besides the tease of a kiss she almost gave you, she barely gave any indication of returning your affection. What if it was just a dream, too? What if Luna didn't actually speak to you, and you just imagined all of it? The realization hits you in the stomach like a sledge hammer. You can already feel the embarrassment of sitting there alone through the hours of the night. You almost decide to just go home, brushing it off as some sort of daydream. You know you couldn't live with yourself if it ended up being true somehow, though.
  488.         The day passes like most others, without any incident, or any sign of Luna. The sun sets and you make your way to the castle gardens, and wait where you always have. The cold marble of the fountain gave you chills through your pants, and the declining temperature of the night air made the wait even more uncomfortable than it already had been.
  490.         You look up to the stars, cradling the blue rose in your hand, careful to keep its shape intact. You want it to stay just as beautiful as the moment you bought it if Luna actually shows up.
  492.         The minutes pass through what seems like hours, as you count the stars and listen to the wind rustle the leaves around you. You roll the rose around in your hand, your previous carefulness fading with time as you begin to think that maybe it was just all in your head. The further the moon rises in the sky, the more it becomes reality to you.
  494.         The chill finally catches you through your clothes, and you know waiting around here isn't any use anymore. It has to have been at least an hour since you sat down. You lay the rose on the fountain, taking on last disappointed look at it before you rise to your feet and turn to leave, hoping to get some sleep before you have to return to your work tomorrow. You sigh and hang your head, turning towards the leaf-covered entrance.
  496.         "Leaving so soon?" Luna asks, walking out of the covered entrance into the soft moonlight. She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow, but has the start of a smile forming at the edge of her lips.
  498.         "W-what? No, I--" you catch yourself stammering when you meet eyes with her. Your heart begins to flutter in her presence, and you find it rather difficult to keep your composure professional. You clear your throat and try to give her a warm smile. "I didn't know if you'd actually come."
  500.         Luna looks suddenly downtrodden at that statement, the smile falling from her face. "I suppose I can't hold that against you," Luna says, walking by you towards your former spot on the fountain, "I have been rather avoidant lately."
  502.         You allow yourself a small laugh. "You can say that again," you say almost unintentionally, just loud enough for Luna to be able to hear. You flinch as soon as it comes out of your mouth. It doesn't seem to phase Luna in the slightest, though.
  504.         She sits down next to the rose you bought, picking it up with one hand. She rolls it over in her fingers, glancing across each petal. You can hardly tell the emotion on her face, but after a moment she gives you a questioning look.
  506.         "For me?"
  508.         "Of course, your majesty."
  510.         Her expression sours for a moment as she glances back towards the rose. Her face makes your stomach sink. You can't think of any reason she wouldn't like it.
  512.         "Please, just Luna if you would," Luna says, bringing the rose up to her nose and closing her eyes as she enjoys its fragrance.
  514.         "Yes, your--" you catch yourself, clearing your throat again, "Luna."
  516.         An awkward silence hangs in the air for a moment as Luna looks over the flower. You open your mouth a few times, not knowing what to say at first.
  518.         "It was the most beautiful thing I could find in the city. It reminded me of you."
  520.         You finally get a full smile out of Luna for that one. "You certainly know your way around flattery."
  522.         "I try my best."
  524.         Luna lets the rose out of her hand, floating it mid-air in a soft blue aura that could only be her magic. The rose freezes over right in front of your eyes in a perfectly even coat, making it look like glass. Luna places the crystallized rose on top of the fountain behind her, making your little getaway that much more beautiful.
  526.         You sit down next to Luna, your eyes still trained on the rose in amazement.
  528.         "How did you do that?" you ask. You've seen people with such talents before, but usually only to the extent of levitation, and never something so complex so quickly. The way the rose was now looked like a precisely cut jewel.
  530.         "Something that comes along with a few thousand years of practice," Luna says, flipping her hair over her shoulder nonchalantly.
  532.         "Anything else you'd be willing to share?"
  534.         Luna puts her hand to her chest, playfully offended. "Was that not enough for you?"
  536.         Even though you can tell she isn't serious, those words coming out of her mouth make your breath catch in your throat and your back straighten up. "O-Of course, your majesty..." Luna sighs and looks away from you slowly. You wince as you realize how hard you just ruined the mood. As much as you want to avoid it, you still see her as your ruler instead of a friend, something you know she desperately wants, even if she doesn't want to admit it. "...Luna," you correct yourself, trying to drop your formal tone.
  538.         "I mean, who wouldn't want to see more of that," you say, gesturing back to the crystalline rose, "I know I would die for another one of those displays."
  540.         Luna's face relaxes and her smile returns. She looks at you out of the corner of her eye. "If you say so." Her eyes flick up towards the sky, then back down to you, and her face brightens up with a thought. "I think I know of something you of all people will be able to appreciate."
  542.         "And what might that--" without saying anything, Luna put a gloved hand underneath your chin and gently pushed your face skyward. You try to maintain your composure at the feeling of her touching you with a loud gulp, but the butterflies tingling inside of you don't seem to stop. Luna herself has her eyes closed in intense concentration. Her hand leaves you and she begins to gently wave her arms around the night sky in some sort of incantation. You take your eyes off her to see what it is.
  544.         As soon as your eyes look up towards the sky the entire universe seems to flip on its side for you. You don't feel like you're in your body anymore, instead, you're hundreds of feet in the air watching the stars pass through the sky and seeing comets and meteors zip around the vast emptiness of space. The colors blend into each other and swirl into a magical combination of the bright whites of the stars and blues of the night sky. It almost looks like a moving painting with everything so close to you. You want to reach out and touch it, but you don't feel your body around you. Something else washes over your senses, a feeling of contentedness and relaxation knowing that whatever happens this will still be here. Before you completely lose yourself floating in the night sky, the spell ends.
  546.         You come back to your body with a jolt. You put your hand to your chest to try to slow your breathing, but it wasn't a distressed kind of feeling. You look over to Luna, who is smiling hopefully in your direction. "That was incredible."
  548.         "I thought you might like it."
  550.         After going through that, some strange sense of boldness came over you, and you placed your hand over where Luna had just put hers onto the fountain. "I loved it," you say with a gentle smile, "and I think I love you too, Luna."
  552.         Your breath catches in your throat again as you realize what you just said. You know you meant it, but you never thought you'd be able to actually say it, let alone to Luna herself. After so many weeks in a depression without her, you couldn't deny the infatuation you developed for the princess of the night. Now it's up to her to say something to you.
  554.         Luna looks almost confused as she glances down towards her hand and back up to you. For a split second, you think Luna might actually turn her hand over and interlock her fingers with yours. Instead, it looks as if her face flushes and she pulls her hand away, holding it with the other and rubbing it as if you'd injured her somehow. She looks away from you after that, and you can almost hear your heart shattering.
  556.         You chastise yourself for being so stupid. Of course saying that your first time seeing her wouldn't end well. You turn back to her to see if you can somehow salvage the situation.
  558.         "Luna, I--"
  560.         Luna promptly gets up off of the fountain and tries to look at you, but fails, her mouth hanging open in an unfinished response. Something is different though; Luna isn't the harsh ruler that sent you away that night. Her nervous grazing of the hand you just held and the inability to look at you told you something different. She isn't mad at you, but just doesn't know what to say.
  562.         You don't really know what to do either. You get up with her and wait for her to say something with an uneasy expression.
  564.         "I... I have to go."
  566.         Luna turns towards the exit to walk away. You almost let her, too. After all that time, something inside you refused to let her throw this moment away. You know she needs someone, even if she doesn't know how to say it. It's time to stop treating her like a princess and to start treating her as someone who just needs somebody to be there for them. You grab Luna by the arm and spin her around, pulling her to you by the waist and planting your lips directly on hers. Having her up against you makes you never want to let her go. She's so soft and her lips send sparks of passion throughout your entire body. For weeks you've yearned for this moment, but you know it might be a mistake from her tense posture, and refusal to kiss you back.
  568.         You knew if you let her go then it would've been the end of it. She would've walked away and avoided you, continuously confused about what she really wanted. Now that you finally took the chance, you could make her feel what her heart truly desired, whether it be to shun you or not.
  570.         You back off for a moment, letting her lips fall away from yours. It almost hurt having to break the kiss, but a few seconds was all that was necessary. Your hands drop from her sides, and you resist the urge to look away and act apologetic. She looks directly into your eyes, switching back and forth between them. You expect her to look furious with you, and send you to some other dimension for crossing that line. Instead, you can hardly read her expression at all as she stares at you.
  572.         She opens her mouth to say something and you instinctively wince at the verbal barrage you're expecting, but it never comes. Instead, Luna wraps her arms around you and pushes her lips against yours again, this time with her own unbridled passion. You wrap your hands around her waist and lose yourself in the feeling of being so connected after having to only watch her through your apartment window for the past few weeks.
  574.         There in the soft moonlight, the two of you shared the most beautiful moment, and you hoped it would never end. Until she broke the kiss to look up to you.
  576.         "I think I love you too," she said quietly, just above a whisper.
  578. [center]__________________________________________________________________[/center]
  581.         Several months pass by after that night. Luna becomes much more comfortable with you, and the usual dismissal at seeing you became a smile and a hug. For such a cold, calculating ruler, she truly enjoyed the time the two of you shared at the end of the day. She still had reservations about making your relationship public, or even letting Celestia know, but it didn't matter much to you.
  583.         As long as you got to spend time with her, you were happy, and so was she. Even Celestia gave you that thankful smile from time to time after she had seen or spoke to her sister.
  585.         After a long shift on Celestia's side of the castle, you make your way over to Luna's quarters after the sun begins to set, hopefully to spend some time with her if she isn't too busy.
  587.         You walk up to her door, and go through your usual routine of straightening your uniform and clearing your throat before knocking. After three soft hits on the door, you make sure to stand up straight with the most professional expression you can muster.
  589.         Luna answers the door and looks across you with a stern expression. She crosses her arms over her chest and puts on a haughty tone. "And what might you want, servant?"
  591.         You give her a slight bow and close your eyes. "I was simply wondering if her majesty might have time for a quick word."
  593.         "Oh I suppose," she says, grabbing you by the sleeve and pulling you into the room. "Get in here."
  595.         She yanks you into the room, closing the door behind her and pulls you into a tight hug. Your lips meet and you share a beautiful warmth for a moment in each other's embrace as you kiss. Once she breaks away, she looks up to you with an excited smile.
  597.         You raise an eyebrow at her elation. "Have a good day?"
  599.         Luna lets you go and walks over to her bed. "Oh heavens no. I had to deal with nobles all day. It was horrible."
  601.         "Shall we go through your usual rant about their unpleasantness or humiliating dreams?" you say with a faked formal tone.
  603.         She giggles at you, then sits down on the bed. "No, I think I'd rather do something else."
  605.         "And what might that be?" you ask. Luna was always wanting to try out some strange new thing that popped up in the last thousand years, with mixed results. You shudder at the thought of trying eastern-style fried bugs with her, though the memory of seeing her try to wear a baseball cap and t-shirt to go incognito in that side of town made you smile.
  607.         "Well there's something that isn't quite as taboo as it was a thousand years ago that I've always wanted to try," Luna says with a sly smile.
  609.         You gulp at the implications. Knowing the kind of thing she typically wants to try, you think you aren't going to like it.
  611.         That is until she flicks your zipper down and unbuttons your pants with a wave of her magic. You gulp as your face burns brightly at the prospect. Never in a thousand years would you have guessed that Luna might do something like that. Yet here you are with your pants sliding down your legs and Luna sauntering over to you.
  613.         "Would you like to?" Luna asks, a bit of nervousness in her voice as well.
  615.         Like you would ever say no. Unable to fully put together a coherent sentence, you nod in response.
  617.         Luna takes the cue to go ahead, and falls to her knees in front of you. I pit grows in your stomach as you realize what she's about to do, and something else below that instantly grows as well. Luna pulls down your underwear to reveal your member with a sudden bounce. She looks at it wide-eyed for a moment before gingerly wrapping one hand around it.
  619.         You immediately let out a groan at the feeling. Her hand is the softest thing you've ever felt, and having it wrapped around you like that felt infinitely better than just holding hands with her. You feel yourself throb as she slowly makes her way along the shaft, exploring every vein that rubs across her hand with a curious look on her face. You take one look down at her blushing face as she inspects it before you bite your lip in anticipation. You could feel a well building up inside you already, and an irresistible urge to grab her and throw her onto the bed right then.
  621.         You hold your animalistic instincts at bay as Luna continues. After a few more gentle strokes, and you coating her hand in pre-cum, Luna opens her mouth to make the first advance.
  623.         As soon as her tongue touches your head, you practically bite a hole in your lip to keep yourself from going off immediately. You can tell she's never done this before, but the thought of who was doing it is enough to almost send you over the edge.
  625.         She closes her lips around your shaft and tries to bob her head back and forth to varying effects. The cold air against the fresh saliva on the skin of your manhood makes you yearn for her to go faster, but the feeling of her warm, wet mouth was enough to make you lightly move your hips with her sway.
  627.         You place your hands along the side of Luna's head as she continues. She looks up to you with her bright blue eyes to see your reaction, which is of course complete bliss. You can hardly handle the feeling of being inside Luna's mouth, and any longer you might lose yourself in the feeling completely.
  629.         Luna pulls back to catch her breath, looking at the strand of saliva hanging between her mouth and you with an uneasy expression. She looks up to you for some sign of approval. "Did you like that?"
  631.         You take a deep breath to try to regain your composure. It almost hurt to leave her mouth in the middle of it, but you doubt that would be the end. You look down to her with a satisfied smile. "That was amazing."
  633.         Luna gives you a grin, and you take it upon yourself to return the favor. Letting your animalistic instincts take over, you lift Luna up off of the floor and heave her onto the bed behind the two of you. She lets out a quick yelp at the sudden force, then looks at you with a raised eyebrow and a playful smile as she bounces a few times on her massive bed. "And what do you think you're doing?"
  635.         "You're about to find out," you say as you put your hands on her shoulders to make her lay down completely on the bed. She wordlessly looks down on you with apprehension as you kneel between her legs. You drag your hands down her soft, blue dress to its end, pulling it up her legs as you enjoy the sight of her pale skin along the way. Once her short dress is resting on her navel, you look down on her bare slit with surprise. She isn't wearing any underwear.
  637.         You look up to her momentarily to give her a "really?" look. She only gives a coy smile in response through her suddenly dark blush. She was definitely looking forward to this. When you glance back down you see just how excited she is in the moment as well. Putting your hands against her thighs, you can feel the warmth radiating off of her, and see just how wet her smooth lips were without any contact at all.
  639.         You lean down and kiss around Luna's desire, making her hips sway, trying to get you to hit your mark sooner. You smile as she squirms under your touch. You can already taste the sweetness of her excitement before you even let your tongue touch her. Finally, you plant your lips directly where she wanted you to, eliciting a quick coo from her.
  641.         With you as the player and Luna as the instrument, you fill her bedroom with the sweet music of her pleasured voice. As your tongue works its way across her delicate folds, Luna grabs the sheets of her bed tightly and whimpers as desire courses through every inch of her body. When she wasn't holding onto the sheets for her life, she'd run her fingers through your hair and make sure you wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
  643.         Every lick and twirl of your tongue against you made you want her even more as well. Open to the cold air, your member screamed at you for attention as you satisfied Luna. You try to hold out on the thought that you would be a lot more familiar with her soon enough, but that only made you want to hurry the process even further.
  645.         With a few final, long licks across her, you stop and pull away from between her legs. Luna lets you go reluctantly, looking up to you with disappointment. You wipe your mouth and begin unbuttoning your shirt quickly, trying to get it off as fast as your fingers will allow it.
  647.         Luna sees the look of unbridled lust in your eyes and looks down your shirt towards your manhood. Her blush darkens almost immediately as she follows suit, pulling her dress off of herself and kicking her shoes off before laying back down onto the bed for you.
  649.         You stare at her in awe for a moment. The sight of her smooth, bare, pale skin only being interrupted by her dark blue stockings and evening gloves was the most beautiful sight you've ever laid eyes on. You let your shirt slide off of you without much effort as you stand there in amazement at the sight. From the silky texture of her thighs all the way up to her supple breasts, she looks like she was sculpted out of marble by the most amazing sculptor in the land. It is no small wonder she is a goddess.
  651.         "Umm," Luna says, looking around awkwardly as she waits for you to do something. She wiggles herself on the bed as being absent from your touch starts to ache. The sight almost makes you lose yourself looking at her again.
  653.         "Right." You take control of yourself again, and step up to the bed. Luna's earlier confidence is fading fast. Her blush covers most of her face now, as she watches you position yourself to finally enter her. Her breathing rate quickens and you can feel her pulse skyrocket as you place your hands on her thighs and pull her towards you.
  655.         She bites her lip in apprehension as you look down to make the final move. You rub the head across her folds until you finally find what you're looking for. With a slow push of your hips, Luna's head falls back onto the bed as she opens her mouth and lets out tiny gasps with every inch. You can't help but close your eyes and grit your teeth in a show of pleasure as well. Her inner walls envelope you with a firm grasp in their velvety texture, goading you in further and further, until you have nothing left to give her.
  657.         Once you pull yourself out and pick up a steady tempo, Luna goes absolutely crazy. She wraps her arms around your neck to pull you in close and looks you directly in the eye as she moans madly. She has a hard time keeping eye contact with each thrust inside of her. You lean down to to kiss her, and she holds you even tighter in the embrace. The vibrations of her shouts reverberate through your mouth as your tongues mingle together. You trace your hands around her sides, taking time to enjoy the softness of her skin and even give her breasts the attention they deserve. Luna throws her legs around your waist, making sure you wouldn't be stopping any time soon. You definitely didn't have any plans to.
  659.         You break the kiss to look her in the eye as you pleasure her. If her erratic breathing and the drenched area between her legs was any indication, she was close. You could feel the well building up inside yourself as well. Every slight twitch of her under you, and the feeling of her in your hands pushes you closer and closer to that edge.
  661.         You're slamming into Luna with almost all your might before you even realize it. You almost stop being so rough with her before you realize how much she's liking it. Every time you hilt yourself inside of her, she tries to pull you closer with her legs and gives you a deep kiss around trying to catch her breath and moaning.
  663.         Luna arches her back, making your abdomens caress each other as her moans become strained. She hugs you tightly with both her arms and her legs as her inner walls begin to convulse around you, pulling you closer and closer to the same end. Before you know it, your manhood begins to twitch inside of her, spilling your warm seed into her. The connection between you two in that moment is indescribable. In the afterglow of your orgasms, you want to make as much contact with her as possible. Every little happy sigh or squirm of her hips is your own, and every heavy breath and light kiss from you was hers.
  665.         As her grip on you begins to fade, you fall next to her on her amazingly comfortable bed. You brush her hair across her face and look into her eyes, and she puts a hand on your arm and gives you a content smile. "I think we may have to revisit this activity," she says.
  667.         "I couldn't agree more." You pull her close to give her another deep kiss. Luna wraps her arm around you again, snuggling up into the crook of your neck as her other hand pulls the sheets over the both of you. Her warm embrace was the most amazing place to be at that moment, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
  669.         You wrap your arms around her middle and pull her close, closing your eyes and taking in all the little details of her scent and the contours of her body.
  671.         "I love you," you hear, barely above a whisper from beside your head.
  673.         You kiss Luna on the cheek before settling back into her, preparing to stay like this for a long time. "I love you too, Luna."

Only the Daring - Act I

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act II

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act III

by Holy

A Little Fun With Luna

by Holy

Love of the Night (Luna)

by Holy