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One of those Nights (Gilda)

By Holy
Created: 2022-10-06 07:34:26
Updated: 2022-10-08 17:07:29
Expiry: Never

  1. You pulled into the gas station and cringed at the groan of your breaks. Something was definitely messed up down there. You sighed and pulled in next to the gas pump. You'd just filled it up yesterday too; now you were running on your last couple of bucks. You step out of your truck and you try to keep the jagged stump that used to be your mirror out of sight. Anywhere you looked on your truck you could see a jagged scratch, so there wasn't any getting away from it. You resigned to set the handle in and start pumping the gas, trying to get the damage out of your mind.
  3.         While your truck filled up, you checked underneath to make sure it wasn't leaking anywhere. You let out a breath of relief at the lack of dripping, but frown when your eyes come across a long green stalk jutting out near the fender-well. You yanked it out to see nothing other than a fresh corn stalk, or what was left of it anyway. You threw it in the nearby can. You leaned up against the pump, going over the events of last night. Some part of you yelled to get out while you could, and that nothing good was going to come of staying here.
  5.         You couldn't help but smile. A glance at the pair of purple panties sitting in the passenger seat, and all your worries melt away with the memory.
  7. [center][i]Two days earlier...[/i][/center]
  8. [center]____________________________________________________________________[/center]
  9. [center][/center]
  10.         You spun a quarter on the counter and stared down at the empty shot glass. A year ago this small town shithole of a bar wouldn't have even been worth your time. Now, you were spending what little you had on a couple shots of whiskey just to get through the night.
  12.         The entire place was made out of old, dark wood and stunk of cigarettes, but the liquor was cheap. A few rednecks talked about nothing along the back tables, and the bar counter you sat at was empty. Someone was playing pool on the other side of the bar, and some old country music ran out of a forty year old radio.
  14.         You weren't here to make friends. The most you've said to anyone was ordering your drink when you came in. The people behind you must've figured you weren't much of a talker, since they hadn't bothered you yet. What you were really here for was work. You'd gotten a hint that there was a little money to be made in these backwoods, so you put in an application and hoped for the best. You knew it probably wasn't much use; you were sleeping in your truck tonight, and it would stay that way for quite a while as far as you could tell.
  16.         "Hey, loser. Buy me a drink?" you heard from your left. That rough voice couldn't possibly be talking to you.
  18.         You looked over to see her. Gorgeous little thing with short white hair and a cocky grin that promised you a good time. She had a couple of scars around her face and neck that told you she’d seen a couple of bad nights, but that didn't keep her face from being the prettiest thing you'd seen in a hell of a long time. Her purple eye-shadow and golden eyes looked right at you, expecting an answer; you just let out a low laugh and looked back to your glass.
  20.         "Didn't your daddy teach you any manners?" you let out.
  22.         She didn't take her eyes off of you; she didn't lose that grin either. "If he did they didn't stick. What about you? No one teach you to buy a girl a drink when she asks?"
  24.         "Got me there." The bartender looked at you expectantly. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he'd seen this happen before. You raise up two fingers and he breaks out the bottle.
  26.         "I think you and me will get along just fine," she said as he slid her a glass. She downed it in one shot, then looked back to you, her smile a little wider.
  28.         You looked her over once or twice. She didn't seem to mind it. Her tight, white tank-top and torn up blue jeans showed off her athletic figure nicely. She must've run track in high school, if she was even out of it yet. You definitely wouldn't mind going home with her, though, or going back to the truck anyway.
  30.         "So tell me, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?" you asked her.
  32.         She leaned in a little closer and looked into your eyes. "Looking for a good time. Think you can help me out?"
  34.         "Depends. How old are you?"
  36.         "Would you believe me if I told you twenty-one?"
  38.         This girl couldn't have been a day over nineteen. You really didn't care though. "Probably not, but I guess it doesn't matter, now does it?"
  40.         "That's what I like to hear." She scooted the seat a little closer to you again. You could smell the start of alcohol on her breath. Having her that close made your lips curl up too. "Keep those drinks coming and you might just get lucky."
  42.         You hated having to turn away from her to wave the barkeep down for a couple more drinks, but missing her was short-lived once he passed two more shots your way.
  44.         "Name’s Gilda, by the way," she said after putting the next shot down.
  46.         You told her your name. The next few hours flew by in a haze. The two of you talked about nothing until everyone else left. She talked about all the shit she's gotten into over the years. You had to think half of them were lies--no girl could get away with as much as she let on--but it didn't much matter to you anyway. You both laughed at the bartender eyeing you, wishing you'd leave. You just kept ordering drinks and running that tab up. With every sip Gilda made her way closer and closer to you, until the two of you were sitting in a booth and she settled into your lap with her arms around your neck.
  48.         All you remembered next was ordering that one last drink, then nothing.
  50.         The sun woke you up through your tinted windows. You painfully opened your eyes to one hell of a hangover, and, sadly, an empty backseat. You don't remember where last night went, but you knew you were disappointed. Spent god knows how much and got nothing but a few smiles and some company. It was about your luck. Your stomach started acting up with all that booze churning in it. You cut off your pity-party and crawled out the door to purge some demons in the woods beside the parking lot.
  52.         You wiped your mouth then leaned up on the tailgate, still trying to wake up. You had no idea what to do with yourself now; you weren't going to hear back about a job for another three days. You stared out onto that two-lane country road and wondered just what happened. Nothing but the occasional car passed by, even the bar's dirt parking lot was completely empty this time of morning.
  54.         With nothing better to do, you checked your pockets to make sure she didn't steal anything. Still had your phone, keys, and wallet. You opened your wallet to see if you still had a few bucks and found a shred of napkin stuffed into it. You pulled it out and held it in the light.
  56.         [i]Pick me up tonight. We'll see if can't have a little more fun. I'll be out by the gate.[/i]
  57. [i][/i]
  58. [i]        -G[/i]
  60.         On the other side was an address. Maybe last night wasn't such a waste.
  62. [center]__________________________________________________________________[/center]
  63. [center][/center]
  64.         The sun finally fell past the horizon, so you decided to check out the address on the napkin. After about half an hour of riding around the country back-roads, you find the gate to what you guess would be her house. You had no idea, really. There wasn't another house for a mile or so in either direction, and the only other thing around were trees hanging over the old asphalt road. You rolled the windows down and looked down the driveway for her. Nothing but the sound of crickets and the evening breeze met you. You were almost sure you were at the wrong place, and decided to leave when you saw her out of your rear-view mirror.
  66.         Gilda hopped over the barbed-wire fence a couple yards away from the gate, then walked towards your truck. She brushed a few leaves and sticks off of her flight-jacket then opened the door to your truck and sat down. She leaned over in the seat and looked out the window towards the driveway. You got a good view as her shirt pulled up and her panties peaked out above her jeans. She turned around to face you and you jerked your eyes back up.
  68.         "Took you long enough. I didn't think you'd ever show," she said, slightly annoyed.
  70.         "Couldn't hardly find the place." Gilda took her eyes off of you and looked back towards the driveway again. You raised an eyebrow. "So, got anything in mind?"
  72.         Gilda let out a laugh. You leaned over to get a look at her face. A "here we go" smile played across her lips. "You probably want to drive."
  74.         "What?"
  76.         "Like, now," Gilda said, pulling herself back into the truck and rolling up the window. You looked at her, perplexed, then saw what she was looking for.
  78.         A man in a white tank-top was marching towards your truck, shotgun in hand. Before you could even think to ask her about it, he brought the gun up to his shoulder and fired it right into the side of your truck. A loud, metallic bang echoed from your tailgate and you hit the gas as hard as you could, spinning out and speeding back down the country road.
  80.         "Holy fuck!" you shouted, heart racing as you sped at about ninety down the road.
  82.         Gilda only laughed at you. "You probably should've came a little earlier."
  84.         "Who was that!? Why did he shoot us!?" you asked frantically. You were surprised he didn't take the back windshield out.
  86.         "Calm down, dude. It was just my Dad. He doesn't really like me sneaking out."
  88.         "So he shoots at us?!"
  90.         Gilda seemed oblivious to your panic. She couldn't help but keep laughing at you. "Yeah, he's an asshole. But whatever, we've got shit to do tonight."
  92.         "Did he take a tire out? Jesus Christ he just shot my truck."
  94.         Gilda puts a finger under your chin and pulls your head over to look at her. Her easy-going grin and promising eyes sooth the worry right out of you. "Relax, dude. Give me a couple of hours and I can make sure you won't worry about it anymore," she said with a sultry smile. "Now up here on the right there's a red building. It's usually a biker bar, but this late the local gang should probably be out of it."
  96.         "Local gang?" you asked. This girl was starting to look dangerous.
  98.         Gilda rolled her eyes. "Just a bunch of old deadbeats with nothing else to do with their time. You could totally take 'em."
  100.         Before you could argue, the building she was talking about came into view. You pulled into the parking lot to see a couple dozen motorcycles sitting around the front. You park and get out with a concerned look.
  102.         "Huh, I guess they're still here," Gilda said as the two of you stepped onto the wooden porch leading to the main entrance.
  104.         "Is that a problem?"
  106.         Gilda looked up in thought as she put a hand on the wooden door. "Hmmm... Nah," she said as she waved off the thought.
  108.         You had your doubts. You attempted to spare a glance back at your injured vehicle, but Gilda grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you towards the door. "Come on already, I want a drink."
  110.         Gilda opened the door and the first thing that hit you was the noise. You felt the thump from outside, but the volume of the heavy metal playing in the bar was enough to make sure any small animals inside died immediately. The next thing you noticed was that it was absolutely full of guys in leather jackets who were way too ripped for their own good. They all had the same insignia on their backs. Something told you everything was going to go wrong.
  112.         "Me and this bartender are tight, so he can hook us up on my tab. No need to worry about it this time," Gilda said as she continued pulling you by the hand towards the bar. You didn't know how she could stand it in here; with the yelling and music, you could hardly hear yourself think.
  114.         Just before the two of you made it to the bar, what felt like the sweaty palm of an eight-hundred pound gorilla laid itself on your shoulder and turned you around, making Gilda jerk back. What met your eyes was not far from your first gorilla assumption. He wore a sleeveless leather vest, was covered in tattoos--one of which you were sure said "born-to-kill", which was always reassuring--and was at least seven foot tall give or take. Not to mention it looked like he bench-pressed freight trains in his free time.
  116.         "What the hell are you doing with my girl, asshole?" the man said in a gravelly voice. You opened your mouth to stutter an incoherent response, but Gilda stepped in between you two, a cocky smile on her face.
  118.         "Your girl? I broke up with your sorry ass months ago, Iron."
  120.         A twinge of anger crossed this behemoths face, most of it directed at you. "That's bullshit and you know it. Now get this sorry piece of shit out of here." He said, pointing over Gilda at you.
  122.         Gilda slapped his hand out of the way. "Why are you so pissy, Iron? Are you afraid I might tell your friends about your two inches of terror?" His expression snapped from anger to humiliation in an instant. He looked around to see if anyone actually heard that. You looked around to see several bikers snickering. "Or maybe that time you got caught with your tiny cock inside Old Man Murray's horse?"
  124.         Something integral inside the beast snapped, and you could see his face start to turn red. "You want pissy?! You're about to get it!"
  126.         Iron reached out to grab Gilda, but she side-stepped him and put an arm around you, bringing her lips close to yours. "’Iron Will’ my ass,” she said, rolling her eyes, “Don't be mad that I've found someone who can actually get it in. But really, I can't believe how much better he is than you," Gilda said, giving you a long, deep kiss, and making sure Iron could see her grope your jeans. If you weren't trying to straighten things out with God, you might've found the look of pure rage on his reddened face amusing.
  128.         Gilda broke the kiss and looked back to him. "And he's a star mma fighter too. There's no way you could even lay a hand on him without getting your ass kicked into the next state."
  130.         "Now hold on a minute--" you tried to say, but Iron was already getting ready to tear you in two.
  132.         "That tears it!" the bull of a man yelled. He took a menacing step towards you, and Gilda ducked underneath you and took a step towards the bar.
  134.         "Good luck!" she said with a wink before she vaulted over the counter onto the other side.
  136.         Before you could say anything, Iron shoved you hard into the table behind you. The wood dug into your back so hard you were surprised nothing broke. The sound of a beer spilling and more inarticulate yelling filled the bar, followed by the sound of a fist hitting a face and a few bottles cracking over heads.
  138.         With Iron coming in for another hit, you reflexively jumped back up and struck him across the face as hard as you could.
  140.         His head didn't even move as your hit buried itself into his cheek. You brought back your hand and winced at the pain surging through it. Suddenly, Iron sounded like a pretty fitting name. His glare of death pierced into your soul, promising a world of hurt if you didn't get out of his warpath.
  142.         As much as you would've liked to, you had nowhere to go. Iron grabbed you by the leg and neck and hoisted you into the air effortlessly. The world seemed to slow down as you ascended in his grasp. The entire bar was engaged in a drunken brawl now. There wasn't a single patron that wasn't taking turns between beating someone and chugging the last of their beer. Iron finally lifted you up all the way over his head. You could only helplessly wait as you felt his arms tense.
  144.         That night, you learned how to fly.
  146.         You soared through the air with all the grace of a dead cat, landing on your back against a table across the bar. The table snapped under the pressure and you ended up sliding down the the floor, upside down with your legs hanging on the broken furniture. Iron, still furious and looking for something to murder, marched in your direction. You wanted to get up, but stars still swam in your vision and you weren't entirely sure if you'd ever walk again. Somehow, adrenaline pumped through your veins and your muscles kicked into overdrive at the sight of men bouncing off the behemoth walking towards you.
  148.         You scrambled to get up and run over to the bar, where Gilda is happily watching the chaos and drinking out of a bottle of whiskey. Once you hit the counter, Gilda slid an open beer over to you and nonchalantly asked, "How's it going?"
  150.         "Your fucking ex is about to kill me, that's how it's going!" you yelled. You look back to see him still steadily marching towards you, a look of unmitigated rage plain on his reddened face. You looked down to the beer to see every step from him causing the liquid inside it to shake. No matter where you looked, this bar was way too small to get away from the massive soon-to-be murderer.
  152.         Gilda brought a finger up to her chin. "I think there's something for that in here," she said plainly. She then disappeared below the counter, digging for something.
  154.         Iron closed the gap between you two, and swung one of the giant chunks of meat he called a fist at you. You ducked out of the way just quick enough to see it splinter the wood behind you.
  156.         "Would you two play nice? I'm trying to concentrate," Gilda's muffled voice yelled from under the counter.
  158.         You ducked under another blow and ran to the other side of the bar, throwing as many chairs, tables, and patrons between you and the monster chasing you.
  160.         "You think you could hurry up?!" you cried out to Gilda. You hit the corner and turned around; you had nowhere else to turn. To your right was battling bodies and broken tables, and to your left was a wall. Iron pushed through every obstacle you threw in his way without a second thought. He tossed aside members of his own gang with a single hand and stepped right through the tables or chairs in his way. It looked like this might be it. You lived a good life.
  162.         "This ought'a do the trick! Catch!" Gilda slid what looked like a black piece of metal down the bar towards you. You reached out and caught it as it slipped off. You fumbled around with it as Iron got even closer. The two silver prongs at the end told you it was just what you needed: a taser.
  164.         Before Iron knew what hit him, you charged the beast and planted the prongs right into his chest and pushed the button. The sound that came out of the seven-foot abomination sounded like it came from a pre-teen girl. He shrieked and began to fall to the side as the electricity flowed through him. He landed on another gang member and the current flowed through him too, creating an orchestra of little-girl noises emanating from two grown men.
  166.         Once you figured he'd been incapacitated, you took the taser away from his chest and let him fall to the floor and a pool of his own urine and drool. He twitched a few times when he tried to move. That seemed to do the trick.
  168.         Gilda jumped over the bar and landed next to you, marveling at your handy-work. She snickered as her eyes wandered down towards Iron's crotch.
  170.         "Heh, looks like someone pissed your pants, Iron," Gilda said with a quick laugh before turning back to you. She took a swig out of the whiskey bottle in her hand then wrapped an arm around you. " We should probably get out of here before the cops show up."
  172.         "Good idea," you replied. You didn't particularly want to be in this mess any longer, and it looked like Iron was starting to recover. You and Gilda jogged through the chaos towards the door.
  174.         "G-Get Th-Them!" you heard Iron say between twitches.
  176.         You ran to the truck and jumped over the hood dukes-of-hazard style to the other side and quickly jumped in and turned it on. A couple of the bikers ran out of the front door of the bar and ran towards your truck, but you tore out of the lot before any of them could touch you. Some of them scrambled for their bikes, but you were already out on the road before you could see what they were doing.
  178.         Gilda laughed maniacally in the passenger seat between taking drinks out of the bottle. "That was fucking awesome!"
  180.         "That dude almost killed me!" you yell back, severely disagreeing with her.
  182.         "Oh, lighten up. You had fun and you know it."
  184.         You grumbled something incoherently, then Gilda tapped the bottle on your shoulder. You considered it for a second, then grabbed it out of her hand and took a nice, long drink. The whiskey lit up your insides with heat, and made you cough once it all finally goes down. You handed the bottle back to her then put your attention back on the road. Once it settled into your stomach, you had to admit some part of you enjoyed that.
  186.         "So, what's--" you started to say.
  188.         "Uh, dude? You might want to speed up," Gilda said, cutting you off. You looked over to her in confusion again, only to see her leaned around in the seat, looking out the back windshield. You looked into your left mirror to see several motorcycle headlights and a  set of truck lights that were quickly gaining on you.
  190.         You heard a crack and a split second later your mirror was gone in a shower of sparks, leaving a jagged stump. "Jesus Christ!" you yell.
  192.         Gilda looked over to see what your distress is about. She gave a surprised chuckle and leaned over to get a closer look. "Holy shit, these guys aren't fucking around," she said with an inappropriate smile. Why she didn't take any of this seriously you would never know.
  194.         "No shit!"
  196.         You struggled to keep on the road as the bikes behind you got even closer. A couple more pops rang out and hit the road around your tires. It looked like that night was going to end on a bad note; and you didn't even get any.
  198.         Gilda let out a tiny hiccup, then pointed off to your left. "You probably want to lose them. Try going through that cornfield."
  200.         You really didn't want to tear through some poor farmers hard work, but you were running out of options. You jerked the wheel to the side, skidding off the road and running right over a section of fence. You couldn't see shit in front of you, so you drove blindly forward, hoping you didn't hit anything important. Gilda yelled like she was riding a roller-coaster as she was tossed around in the seat next to you. You looked back to see the truck tearing into the field as well, but several of the bikes went off the road in a shower of sparks with their riders sliding a few feet behind them.
  202.         The truck followed your trail pretty closely, letting off a few blind shots into the field around you. You could see the treeline coming up quickly in the distance. Not wanting to end up wrapped around one, you hit the break and slid over when it seemed like it was close. The truck behind you didn't get the memo, and kept going at full speed trying to follow you. Once your truck turned completely to the left, you hit a ditch and then fell back onto a dirt road next to the field. The truck behind you wasn't as lucky, and ran right out of the field and into a tree at full-speed.
  204.         You winced as you glanced at the mangled vehicle in your rear-view. At least they wouldn't be trying to kill you anymore. Gilda rolled down the window and leaned out of the car. "Hell yeah! Fuck you, you sorry poser sacks of shit!" she yelled back. Once she was satisfied, she sat back down into the car and rolled the window back up.
  206.         "Whew. I think we're good now."
  208.         "Are we? Or does someone else want to try to kill us?" you shoot back. She rolled her eyes and set the half-empty bottle on the floorboard.
  210.         "Oh, quit being a pussy. You're alive aren't you?"
  212.         You looked over at her incredulously. "Are you serious?" She almost got you killed on three separate occasions within the last two hours; needless to say you weren't exactly happy about it.
  214.         Her usual jovial and carefree smile dropped for a moment when she saw your face. She looked almost hurt that you would give her that expression, but she quickly tried to hide it behind a mask of apathy. "Whatever, man," she said. Her harsh tone made you regret lashing back at her, even if she was one of the most dangerous people you've ever met.
  216.         You slowed the speed of your truck to an acceptable level and kept on the dirt roads for a few minutes. Gilda looked out the window and kicked at the bottle in the floorboard. The last thing you wanted was to get on her bad side, and you were starting to like her. You looked over to her and nudged her with an elbow.
  218.         "I'm just not used to this kind of... uh... fun. Not every day I meet a girl as exciting as you."
  220.         A small smile crossed her face at that. It had to be boring as fuck out here for her to want to do shit like this. It's not like you had anything to lose anyway.
  222.         "Anywhere you want to go next?" you asked. She pulled up the center console and scooted over beside you. She tugged your shirt up and began messing with the button on your pants with one hand.
  224.         "Take the next right and head down to the river bank. No one's going to bother us down there," she whispered in your ear.
  226.         You liked the sound of that. She wordlessly leaned down under your arm and finished unbuttoning your pants. She slid your jeans down your thighs a little ways until she had enough room to work. Your dick was already hard as it'd ever been in anticipation. The cool air brushed past you and you fidgeted your hips in anticipation. Gilda wrapped one hand around the base, making your cock twitch with excitement. You bit your lip as you watched her white-hair slowly travel down until you could feel her lips make contact with the head.
  228.         You let out a groan when she took you into her mouth. The warm, wet feeling once she let you past her lips made it hard to focus on the road. Gilda tested how far down she could go on you. You could feel your head hit the back of her throat as she let out a quiet gag. Her head came back up and began to bob in your lap. The feeling of her soft lips brushing up and down against your shaft made your vision haze with pleasure.
  230.         She stroked the base with her hand in tandem to the motions of her mouth. Her tongue caressed your length to make a wonderful barrage of pleasure. You almost missed the road she told you to take a right on, making you take a hard turn and push her down deeper onto you.
  232.         Once you saw the water of the river, you came to a stop and put it in park, quickly taking the keys out so you could focus on the girl in your lap. You placed a hand on the back of her neck and braced yourself against the armrest. She knew what she was doing, and if you weren't careful, you might end up finishing before the fun even started. Gilda must've felt you getting close, because she leaned up and let you out of her mouth.
  234.         You instantly missed the feeling of being inside her once your wet skin felt the cold air. A strand of saliva hung between her mouth and the head. She looked up to you and adopted a cocky smile. "How's that?" she asked.
  236.         "Amazing."
  238.         "And don't you forget it." Gilda leaned back into her seat and grabbed the bottle of whiskey with one hand while she undid her belt with the other. She crawled over the console into the backseat, beckoning you to do the same. You shed your pants into the floorboard, not particularly caring where they ended up and followed her. You silently commended yourself for choosing the crew cab; now you had plenty of room to work, and watch her undress.
  240.         Gilda pulled her jacket and shirt off, revealing her athletic, toned body in its entirety. You couldn't help but stare at her lovely features. You could see her glistening vulva in the soft moonlight already, just waiting to be attended to. Your cock twitched at the thought, as well as at the beautiful sight in front of you.
  242.         She waited for a moment to see if you would make the first move. She took it into her own hands to start, and pulled your shirt up over your head and threw it into the front seat as well. She yanked you down by your arm to lay on your back. With a wicked smile, she crawled onto you and placed her thighs on either side of your head, giving you no choice but to give her what she wanted. You put your hands on her hips and pressed your lips to hers, happy to oblige.
  244.         It was odd to hear her usual, hard voice soften into a moan. You could feel her getting wetter with every stroke of your tongue. The scent of her excitement filled your senses. She fell forward and had to brace herself against the armrest in front of her. Her eyes rolled back and she let out a soft coo as you lap at her folds.
  246.         You caress her sides with your hands. The feeling of her soft skin under your hands and brushing against your cheeks made your own hips fidget, yearning for some attention of your own. Gilda takes notice and leans back, wrapping a hand around your wet member and strokes it lightly. You groan into her, and she lets out a few sighs of pleasure of her own.
  248.         Once she's gotten her fill, she crawls backwards down you until her hips are aligned over your cock. She teased you by rubbing herself up and down your length. The warm feeling of her up against you made your eyes roll back now. She let out a sadistic giggle as she grabbed the bottle on the floorboard and took another drink. She rested herself against you, trapping your dick between her wet folds and your groin. You grinded your hips into her in response, making both of you let out a content sigh.
  250.         She handed you the bottle and you took it happily. You wiped your mouth off and put the whiskey to your lips and took a big drink, letting the fire course through you. Once both of you had your fill of it, Gilda decided she didn't want to wait any longer. She leaned up and grabbed your dick and positioned it into her entrance.
  252.         She pushed herself down with a long, quiet moan. The feeling of her lips enveloping your shaft made you groan as well. Her soft insides massaged your member and made you push your own hips deeper into her. Once your entire length was inside of her, she fell forward and put her hands on your chest. Her cheeks were red and a content smile crossed her face.
  254.         She grinded her hips into you, moving your dick around inside her. Her moans filled the cab as she stretched out and ran her hands behind her own head, arching her back forward and giving you a wonderful view of her body. You reached your hands out and felt her soft skin yet again, this time cupping her breasts in your hands and gently massaging them. She kept bucking against you with your dick hilted inside of her.
  256.         With what little room you had, you pushed yourself up into Gilda, making her coo every time you hit just the right spot as she moved. This wasn't enough for you though, and you got the feeling she wanted more too. You grabbed her and positioned yourself upright against the seat, with her still in your lap.
  258.         With her so close, you finally leaned forward and met lips, letting your tongue explore the inside of her mouth. Once she realized what you were doing, she wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you in tightly, battling your tongue with hers. You grabbed her by the hips and thrusted up into her. With you taking the lead now, Gilda broke the kiss and let her head fall back from the pleasure. She let out a soft moan and dropped one hand down and began massaging her own clit. You brought your lips to her neck and gave it a few kisses, making her gradually increase the volume of her ecstasy.
  260.         You made your way down until you had your lips over one of her breasts. You still managed to drive into her at a steady pace as you kissed around her nipple. She laid a hand across your neck and arched her back as the constant pump of your cock into her was finally starting to mount up. You took the chance and bit down on her tender flesh, eliciting almost a whimper from her, followed by a satisfied groan.
  262.         Her hand moved quickly back and forth between her legs. She was desperate to get as much pleasure out of this as she could manage. Once you finished biting down on her, you leaned back up to face Gilda. She bit her lip as you continued thrusting into her. She looked into your eyes, and that golden glint in hers made you yearn for more.
  264.         You grabbed her again, and spun her so that she fell onto her back on the seats with a bounce. She let out a quick "woah" at your sudden force. You grabbed one of her legs and used it as leverage to drive yourself deep inside of her. Gilda gave you a lustful look, not satisfied just yet.
  266.         "Harder," she whispered. You answered her request by slamming your groin into her harshly a few times in succession, but she still wanted more.
  268.         "Harder," she said again louder. You pulled on her leg and made a wet slap with every stroke, forcing yourself inside of Gilda with as much power as you thought she could take.
  270.         "Harder!" she yelled this time. You gave into her desire and drove your hips into her as hard as you possibly could. Gilda threw her head back and moaned loudly, finally getting what she wanted.
  272.         A loud, wet smack emanated through the cab every time you pumped yourself into her. With how hard you were going, you figured both of you were going to have bruises. For the time being, you didn't care. You increased your speed and didn't give Gilda a break. By the way she was thrashing around below you, it seemed like she was getting close.
  274.         You had stretched her out so much that you no longer felt the soft push of her lips against you, only the warm, wet feeling of being inside of her. Wanting to get the same pleasure out of it that she was, you increased your tempo and slammed your entire length into her every time. She cried out in ecstasy when you did, unable to control herself any longer.
  276.         Gilda wrapped her legs around your waist and shot one of her hands down to her groin as she came. Her hips twitched and her inner walls convulsed around you. She gripped you tightly with her legs and her insides until her orgasm finally died down. Once the waves of her pleasure stopped flowing, she went limp underneath you. You pumped into her a few more times to bring yourself closer, but she had already had her fill.
  278.         Once she relaxed, you slowed down your pace and enjoyed the feeling of being inside her warm passage even more. At the sight of her sleek body and your dick sliding in and out of her, you finally felt yourself go over the edge as well.
  280.         You pulled out of Gilda and let your cum fall onto her navel in thick strings. Some of it dripped down her sides and the last of your seed fell onto her mound. Gilda smiled down at you as she felt the warm liquid coat her.
  282.         With a burst of energy, she shot up and grabbed your dick at the base with one hand, and cupped your balls with the other. She brought her mouth up to your dick, then hungrily sucked out whatever you had left in you. You groaned and fell back into the seat as she worked you over. The pleasure from her lips sliding up and down your shaft after you'd already came was almost too much, and she knew it.
  284.         Once you were thoroughly exhausted, Gilda gave you a break, leaving your wet boner to start to go down. She grabbed the bottle off of the floor again, and took another long drink. Gilda passed the rest to you, which you downed and dropped to the floor again, then promptly laid out on the length of the seat.
  286.         You were both pretty drunk, pretty tired, and pretty sexed up, so there wasn't much else to do but sleep it off. Gilda fell on top of you and wrapped her hands around your neck, settling into the crook of your shoulder.
  288.          "Thanks for staying with me.” She said quietly. You almost wanted to laugh, but the tone she said it with told you this was the first time in a while anyone's given her this much of a chance. You wrap your arms around her in response, and fall asleep with her soft skin as a blanket.
  290. ___________________________________________________________________
  292.         Harsh banging woke you out of your peaceful sleep. You try to jerk upright, only to run into Gilda still sleeping naked on top of you. She groaned and stirred a bit when you bumped against her. Daylight poured in from the windows, and your head pounded when you tried to focus in on the light.
  294.         The loud pounding against the door resounded again. You looked past Gilda to see Iron standing outside the window, the rage still plain on his face. He yanked on the door handle, but it refused to yield to him.
  296.         Gilda grumbled something and grabbed the empty bottle off of the floorboard. "Fucking Iron Will," she said under her breath. She pressed the button to roll the window down, a look of minor annoyance on her face. The window rolled down all the way, and Iron looked between you and Gilda's naked forms and his anger only increased.
  298.         "YOU'RE IN FOR A WORL--" the sound of glass breaking echoed through the cab, followed by the sound of Iron hitting the dirt like a sack of bricks. Gilda tossed the remainder of the broken bottle into the woods, and looked back to you.
  300.         She yawned and stretched out, trying to blink the hangover away, but to no avail. She groaned again and crawled into the front seat to put her clothes on. "My dad's probably at work by now. Mind taking me home?"
  302.         "Sure." You had no idea how much whiskey you actually downed last night, but it was way too much. Your head felt three sizes too small for your brain, and your stomach felt like it might reintroduce you to some cheap take-out you had yesterday.
  304.         You put your clothes back on and turn the truck on to back out, careful not to run over the massive body next to it. You get back on the road to Gilda's house, just waiting for something else to go wrong.
  306.         The two of you sat in silence, more out of trying to overcome the hangover than anything else. Despite the damage to your truck, and the several attempts on your life, you were actually sad that your time with her had to end. The feeling only intensified as you came to a stop in front of her driveway.
  308.         "Look, dude. I'm sorry about your truck," Gilda said flatly, trying to get it out of the way as fast as possible. "I know a guy down at the scrapyard who can hook you up."
  310.         "That'd be nice," you said, trying not to sound too agitated about it.
  312.         A moment of silence hung in the air. If you didn't know any better you'd think Gilda didn't want to go. "So, last night was pretty awesome anyway."
  314.         "It was... different. First time I've ever been shot at."
  316.         You turned to look at her. She was nervously fidgeting with her zipper and looking down her driveway. A couple moments passed before she looked you in the eyes and gave you a hopeful expression. "You wanna do this again sometime?"
  318.         Without skipping a beat, you said, "Yes."

Only the Daring - Act I

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act II

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act III

by Holy

A Little Fun With Luna

by Holy

Love of the Night (Luna)

by Holy