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Sunshine and Whiskey (Sunset)

By Holy
Created: 2022-10-06 07:50:33
Updated: 2022-10-08 17:08:59
Expiry: Never

  1. You tap your foot impatiently on the sidewalk. The flood of kids outside Canterlot High School is where your eyes wander, but you can't seem to find the one girl you're looking for. The colorful crowd headed through the parking lot to the buses, or to their own cars, but none of them towards you. You looked down and pull your phone out of your pocket to check the time. She definitely should be coming out right about now.
  3. You lean against the concrete wall of the building and cross your arms. While you're here you might as well do something useful. You close your eyes, checking off everything you could remember. You nod as you remember each little item you placed in your truck this morning, as you wanted tonight to be perfect.
  5. You open your eyes back up and see just about what you expected. Sunset's usual beautiful, wavy hair and vibrant eyes lack their usual shine. She looks towards the ground, trying to hide the extent of her emotions from you.
  7. You walk towards her, and she lets her backpack slide down one of her arms and falls forward into your grasp. She lets out a long sigh as she brings her arms up to your chest, letting you wrap your hands around her completely.
  9. "You alright?" you ask, running a comforting hand through her hair.
  11. "No..." she grips your shirt tighter, "Let's run away and never come back to this school again," she says in a defeated tone.
  13. "That bad, huh?"
  15. "You have no idea," she says, slumping into you even more. "You wouldn't believe how mean these girls can be when my friends aren't around. Mrs. Cheerilee wanted to put us in groups today for English and..."
  17. Sunset lets out another long sigh. "I... I don't think I even want to talk about it. Can you take me home? I just want this day to be over already."
  19. "I'm afraid I can't do that," you say, a smile growing on your face.
  21. "What?" Sunset asks, lifting her head off your chest to give you a questioning look.
  23. "I've got a surprise for you," you say with a smile. "I knew this day was probably gonna suck, so I had something special planned for tonight."
  25. A little bit of wonder sneaks into Sunset's eyes, and a tiny smile crosses her otherwise gloomy face. "Oh? What is it?"
  27. "Nice try. Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you right off the bat, now would it?" you say with a grin.
  29. Sunset's demeanor brightens at your playfulness. She looks down at your shirt and plays around with one of the buttons. "No I guess not..." she says with a little quiet excitement.
  31. "You ready to go then?"
  33. Sunset looks back to the school and gives another sigh. "The sooner we can get away from here the better."
  35. "Just what I wanted to hear. Come on; you're gonna love this," you say as you grab her hand and drag her towards your truck with some excitement. Sunset gives a little yelp as you yank her behind you.
  37. Once the two of you get into your truck and out on the road, you spot Sunset's eyes wander into the backseat. You can tell she sees the guitar and bag in the backseat by the raised eyebrow. She turns over to you with a questioning look.
  39. "So what's in the bag... and why did you bring your guitar?"
  41. You look over and give her a sly smile. "Now why would I be any more inclined to give away the surprise five minutes after you just tried."
  43. Sunset throws her hands up innocently and looks away from you. "Hey, I was just wondering."
  45. You nudge her with your elbow and give her a wink. "We'll be there in like an hour. You won't have to wait much longer, alright?"
  47. Sunset smile fades, and she looks towards the window. "Okay..."
  49. You turn up the radio as you head out onto the highway, hoping that maybe some time to think would help Sunset distance herself from the abuse today. You look over to her and see her stare longingly out the window, one hand on her cheek and the other in her lap. She doesn't look particularly thrilled, but you're hoping that would change once you arrived.
  51. It hurts seeing your girlfriend like this. You almost want to scorn all of her friends for leaving to go to a soccer game out of town with Rainbow Dash, but in the end, you really can't blame them. You could blame some of the more shallow girls around the school though. Sure, she might've enslaved them and threatened to take over an alternate universe, but the girl sitting beside you now was infinitely better than anyone who'd ever even think about doing that.
  53. You smile as a little more time goes by. The idea of spending the night with her brightens your mood more and more by the second. Sunset, however, doesn't seem quite as enthralled as you.
  55. You feel a sudden stab in your heart when you hear that little sniff. You know that sound. It never means anything good.
  57. You look over with a concerned expression, putting your hand on her thigh to get her attention.
  59. "Hey, come on. Don't be like that," you say gently.
  61. Sunset looks over to you, a few tears running down her cheek. She quickly runs the sleeve of her jacket across her face to try and wipe it away.
  63. "Sorry. I just..." Sunset lets out a little whine and wipes her eyes on her leather sleeves again.
  65. You move your hand from her thigh to grab her hand, locking your fingers together and giving her a comforting smile. "Tell me what's on your mind. It'll feel better to get it off your chest."
  67. Sunset gives you a weak smile and then shakes her head. "It's dumb; you wouldn't want to--"
  69. "I want to hear it," you say sternly. "If it's making you feel this bad, then let it out. I don't want you getting hung up on this once we get there, alright? So please, talk to me."
  71. Sunset wipes her eyes one last time before looking over at you. "Alright... It is dumb. This totally shouldn't have gotten to me. It's just," Sunset sighs and droops her shoulders, "Cheerilee put us in groups for an assignment today, and with all the girls gone no one else wanted me in their group." You could see some sadness return to Sunset's eyes at the thought. "When Mrs. Cheerilee had to pick a group for me, the girls just..." Sunset sighs again, you rub your thumb across the top of her hand to try to comfort her. "They said the most awful things about me. They said... God, I don't even want to think about it," Sunset says, letting a few more tears roll down her cheeks again. "I had to ask to leave just so I could cry in the bathroom." Sunset gave a little strained laugh at her own actions and shook her head, tears still running down her cheeks.
  73. The thought of some girls insulting her to the point of tears made you furious, but there isn't anything you can do now but try to console Sunset.
  75. You open your mouth to say something, but Sunset cuts you off. "After the way I treated them before the Fall Formal... I probably deserved it," Sunset says, looking away from you.
  77. "Hey," you say in a slightly angry tone, getting Sunset's attention. She slowly looks up at you from under her hair timidly. "Don't you ever think you deserve that kind of thing. You're ten times the person they ever will be, you hear me? You're the sweetest, most kind-hearted person I've ever met. Don't think for a second you deserve anything but the best, alright?"
  79. Sunset gives you a tiny smile, but this time it's genuine. Her eyes lighten up from their sadness, and a little bit of sunshine comes through.
  81. "Plus you're the prettiest girl in the whole school, so they're probably just jealous," you say playfully.
  83. Sunset gives a little laugh and rolls her eyes. The grin on her face widens at you.
  85. "Oh shut up. My ego does not need all those compliments," Sunset says, squeezing your hand.
  87. "Doesn't mean I'm not still gonna give 'em."
  89. "Come here, you," Sunset says, lifting up the middle console and unbuckling her seatbelt. She scoots over to you and pulls your arm around her, nuzzling into your chest after giving you a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you," she says quietly as she curls up next to you.
  91. You lean down and kiss the top of her head, pulling her close to you. "Anytime, baby."
  93. Half an hour flies by, with Sunset gradually drifting lower and lower down your chest, until her head is laying in your lap. You smirk when you look down and see her. Underneath her mess of hair, her eyes are closed and a tiny smile is on her face. She had curled up completely onto the seat beside you by this point, and fell asleep under your arm.
  95. You hate to wake her up, but once you turn on that old dirt road, you know you'll have to in a few minutes.
  97. The world around you changes from the four-lane highway to nothing but trees and dirt ahead of you. You're surprised the sudden change from the smooth highway to the bumpy unpaved road doesn't wake Sunset up.
  99. After a few more minutes down the road, you reach your destination and throw your truck in park. Sunset can feel you reaching over into the backseat to grab your things, and slowly opens her eyes.
  101. She sits up in the seat beside you, rubbing her groggy eyes as she takes in the new environment. "Is this the place?" she says, her voice soft as she tries to completely wake up.
  103. "Sure is," you say with a smile as you open the door. You lead her out of your truck, and she raises an eyebrow as she takes a look at the woods around her.
  105. "The middle of the woods?" Sunset says a little incredulously, before realizing she doesn't want to be rude about it. She clears her throat and tries to throw on a thankful smile. "It's, uh... nice."
  107. You give her a little laugh and point in the opposite direction of where she's looking. "I didn't bring you here to stare at a dirt road. Real surprise is behind you."
  109. Sunset turns around to look over the bed of your truck. Her eyes widen at the sight, and a genuine smile comes over her face.
  111. You take a deep breath as you enjoy the sight yourself. You have a lot of fond memories of this place. The rickety old wooden dock on the lake, the old log cabin your grandpa built himself, and the little circle of rocks you and your dad would sit around during the night after a day of fishing. The lake stretched out over at least a mile, letting the setting sun shine across it all the way down, and at the angle the dock is facing you could watch every second of it.
  113. "With your friends out of town, I kinda figured you could use a break from things. Better than sitting at home sulking anyway. I managed to convince my parents to let me borrow it for the weekend, so we can stay as long as you-- oof!"
  115. Sunset takes you by surprise by quickly lunging at you and throwing her arms around you. The force of the sudden hug drives the air out of your lungs. You gently lay your hands across her back, but have to wince at the pressure she's putting on your ribs.
  117. "Sunset... I can't--"
  119. Sunset let's off the pressure around your rib cage, instead moving her hands around your neck to pull you into a long, deep kiss. You can feel her joy and energy returning to her just through her touch. You close your eyes and hold her close, savoring the moment.
  121. Sunset finally pulls away, a genuine smile on her face as she looks you in the eyes. "It's perfect," She says softly, laying her head on your chest again as she moves her arms back down and around you.
  123. "Good," you say as you give her another kiss on the top of the head. "Now come on. You've gotta see the view across the lake before anything."
  125. Sunset nods, happily following you as you grab your bag and guitar and head down to the dock.
  127. Once you set your guitar down by the old campfire, you take a deep breath and enjoy the sight as you stare out across the lake. You arrived just in time. The sun is just starting to make it's way towards the horizon, sending its orange rays bouncing across the water in a beautiful display as the sky behind you darkens. A few distant crickets are already starting their evening chirping, adding a mundane tone to the otherwise silent woods.
  129. You lay your bag down in the middle of the dock, trying to put it somewhere it doesn't have a chance of falling in. You sit down on the edge, letting your shoes grace the surface of the water. You lean back and look over to Sunset, who's busy making sure she's comfortable as possible.
  131. She already let her leather jacket fall off her shoulders over by the campfire, and now she's taking off her socks and boots by your bag.
  133. "Really letting loose, huh?" you say with a playful smile.
  135. Sunset pulls her last sock off, letting out a satisfied sigh as she walks over and sits beside you. "As much as I can."
  137. "Hey, you can get completely naked if you want to. You'll get no complaints from me," you say giving her a little nudge as she settles into the dock on your left.
  139. She rolls her eyes and gives you a nudge right back. "Oh, shut up."
  141. "Maybe later, huh?" you say with a sly grin.
  143. Sunset shoots you the same expression back. "If you play your cards right."
  145. A little jolt of excitement shoots through you at the thought. You can actually feel your cheeks heat up under her gaze. You clear your throat to try to hide sudden surge of emotion. "Guess I'll have to be extra sweet tonight then."
  147. Sunset lets out a satisfied sigh and nuzzles up against you. Like a puppy wanting to be pet, she pushes herself up underneath your arm and gets as close as she can to you. "That sounds good to me."
  149. Her bare feet swing happily off the dock as the two of you look out across the water.
  151. "It's a nice change from being in the middle of Canterlot all the time," Sunset says softly.
  153. "You're telling me. I think this is the first time I've heard something other than car horns or sirens in months. Must be even worse for you, having to deal with five other girls cackling every time you meet up."
  155. Sunset stifles a little giggle. "They do not cackle."
  157. "You kidding me? You get AJ and Rarity in the same room, or, hell, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash in there, and it's like a gaggle of geese."
  159. Sunset can't hold back her laughter anymore, bringing her hand up to her mouth as she lets it out.
  161. You clear your throat and put a hand on your chest as haughtily as possible. "Darling, those boots do not go with that top. What were you thinking this morning when you put those on?" you say in your best Rarity impression.
  163. "What d'ya mean they don't go together? They look fahne," you say, really laying the accent on thick.
  165. "Ahahaha," Sunset laughs, holding one arm across her sides and the other hand up to her mouth to try to stifle it. "Stop! Too much!"
  167. You smile at the sweet sound of her laughter. The sound brought a sense of fulfillment to you after seeing her cry in your truck earlier. Hopefully now she could forget about all that enjoy herself a little bit. She definitely deserves it after all she's been through.
  169. Sunset's laughter dies down after a few moments. "Okay, so maybe they do cackle a little."
  171. "A little?" you say skeptically.
  173. "Okay, they cackle a lot," Sunset says, letting out another little giggle afterwards. "You've got to show the girls that Rarity impression."
  175. "Heh, I can see Rarity's reaction now. Nose turned up, a little ladylike humph and of course a 'I do not sound like that'."
  177. "Yeah that sounds about right. She might actually try to correct you and teach you the proper speaking etiquette."
  179. You let out a little chuckle on that one. "God help me."
  181. You look back out to the Sunset again, letting the silence take over the moment. It doesn't feel uncomfortable. You're so used to being with Sunset now little lulls in the conversation are probably some of the best moments with her; just enjoying each other's presence in the purist form.
  183. You can feel not everything is entirely sound on her end though. You can definitely tell when she finally breaks the silence again.
  185. "You don't think it will happen again, do you?" Sunset says quietly, a tiny amount fear showing through her voice.
  187. "What?" you ask, confused.
  189. "Those girls today... they called me a monster. They said it was only a matter of time before it... happened again," Sunset says, not wanting to even bring it up.
  191. "Sunset, look at me," you say sternly.
  193. She looks up from her position under your arm. You can see the sadness returning to her face. "Don't you ever think about yourself like that. You're the greatest person I've ever met. I know for a fact a girl as sweet as you would never do something like that."
  195. Sunset sighs and looks away. "But I did..."
  197. "And not a day goes by where I don't see you regret it, baby," you say, grabbing her legs and pulling her up onto your lap and then putting a finger on her cheek to make her look at you. "I know you'd never do something like that again. We can't look at ourselves as the sum of our mistakes. You've changed. You've gotta believe me."
  199. Sunset gives a soft smile and wraps her arms around you. "I do. Some days are just... hard sometimes."
  201. "I know it. That's what I'm here for," you say, giving her a quick peck on the lips. You take a moment to wipe away some smeared mascara off of her cheeks from earlier. The two of you look into each others eyes, Sunset's sadness slowly melting away as you give her that easy smile.
  203. "Also, I've got something else that might help with that," you say, reaching back behind you and unzipping your bag. You push around some clothes and supplies for the weekend until you find what you're looking for. Sunset looks curiously over your shoulder until you pull out a good-sized bottle of Jack Daniels with a smile on your face.
  205. Sunset lets out a little gasp and looks at you with a little surprise. "We're not old enough to--"
  207. "Honey, I think eighteen is old enough to enjoy this side of life. Besides, what cop is gonna find us out here?"
  209. "Still, I've never..."
  211. "What, you've never gone through a partying phase? Being around Pinkie Pie this long?"
  213. Sunset rolls her eyes playfully. "Pinkie doesn't party like that. Her parties have cakes, sweets, and streamers. Alcohol is just..."
  215. "Y'all are missing out then," you say as you twist the cap off and take a whiff of the fiery liquid. "First time for everything, right?"
  217. "You are such a bad influence," Sunset says, looking at the bottle apprehensively.
  219. "Here, just take a sip and see what you think," you say as you pour a little bit into the cap and hand it to Sunset. She takes it out of your hand and swirls it around for a moment. She brings it up to her nose and sniffs, scrunching her face up a little bit at the smell.
  221. "Where did you even get this anyway?" Sunset asks, her eyes still trained on the orange liquid.
  223. "I may or may not have swiped it from my dad when he was out," you say with a sheepish smile.
  225. Sunset opens her mouth in surprise at you. You look at her a little defensively. "Hey, my dad was ten times as bad when he was my age. Didn't have a good girl to keep him straight."
  227. Sunset rolls her eyes, then looks back down to the cap apprehensively. "Come on, girl. Knock it back," you say, pushing her hand up to her mouth. Sunset's eyes widen with shock as soon as the alcohol touches her lips.
  229. She drops the cap, letting it bounce off her leg and into the water. Both of her hands shoot to her throat as she coughs up a little bit of whiskey on you, then sticks her tongue out in disgust.
  231. "That was awful!" Sunset says, seemingly in pain, "My throat is on fire!"
  233. You let out a hearty laugh at Sunset's little outburst as you wipe off some of the whiskey on your cheek. "Well, honey, looks like we've gotta finish it now."
  235. "What? Why?" Sunset says, looking like a kid you just told had to eat the rest of her vegetables before dessert.
  237. "Well you did just lose the cap." You look down towards the water, seeing nothing but the ripples across the lake from her dropping it.
  239. "Whoops," Sunset says, looking back up to you. "Oh, I just spit up all over you too, didn't I?" She reaches forward to try to wipe the rest of the little drops off of your cheek. You just smile at her little indignant stare. "Well that's what you get for giving me that stuff. How would anyone enjoy that?"
  241. "Beats me," you say, taking a long swig off the bottle. The sudden heat in your mouth settles down to a slow, burning warmth in your stomach that feels relaxing right now.
  243. Sunset looks at you incredulously as you set the bottle back on the dock beside you. "How?"
  245. "Hey, give it a little more of a chance and you might like it." You stretch out and fall backwards, taking a deep breath of that fresh air. "Sure takes the edge off..."
  247. Sunset spins around on your lap so that she's straddling you, then falls forward and puts her hands on either side of your face. "Maybe just a taste..." she says as she leans down and kisses you.
  249. You put your hands on her sides and close your eyes, losing yourself in her kiss. The sweet sensation of her lips against yours and the warmth spreading through you from her is better than any bottle of whiskey could manage. Sunset went a step further and let her tongue play with yours, gently brushing against it and making the sensation even better.
  251. Sunset breaks away from the kiss and sits back on you, a gentle smile on her face. You put your hands on her hips and grin up at her, still feeling blissful after that long, slow kiss.
  253. Sunset lets out a long, satisfied sigh, then slowly pulls her hair behind her shoulders. If you didn't know any better, you'd think she's teasing you.
  255. "I guess it's not that bad," Sunset says, grabbing the bottle off of the dock and taking another drink. She closes her eyes tightly to try and manage the first taste. She lets some of it spill down her low-cut shirt between her breasts. The sun is just starting to make its way below the horizon, and its bright rays illuminate Sunset in the most perfect light. She looks like an angel with that soft glow around her. You shake your head with a massive grin on your face.
  257. "You did that one on purpose."
  259. Sunset sets the bottle down and slinks down to your level again, a sultry smile on her face. "Is it working?" she says seductively.
  261. "Like you have no idea..."
  263. You pull her back down to you to share another kiss. As your lips meet, your hands wander down her sides again, lifting up her shirt to get a feeling of the softness of her skin. She shudders at the feeling and kisses you even more deeply. Before you know it, the warmth of the sun leaves your skin and you can feel a little bit of cold creep in.
  265. You break the kiss and look across the lake. You must've been making out for a lot longer than you thought, since the sun is already mostly hiding beside the horizon.
  267. Sunset draws circles in your shirt and looks at you lovingly, biting her lip. "Done already?"
  269. You give her another kick peck. "Not by a long shot. We might move off the dock and start a fire though; I imagine with the sun gone it's gonna get cold real quick."
  271. Sunset gives a little sigh at the thought of having to stop, but she gets off of you anyway and grabs the bottle.
  273. As you get to your feet, you see Sunset attempt to take another swig. She keeps it all down this time, but not without a stark grimace that lasts a few seconds.
  275. "Starting to like it?" you ask with a smile.
  277. "Bleh," she says, sticking her tongue out. "Not really, but you were right; it does take the edge off," she says with a lackadaisical smile, letting the bottle swing at her side as she walks, not really caring about the little bit she kept spilling. By the blush on her cheeks, you felt that whiskey might be getting to her.
  279. You grab your bag and walk back up to the little pile of rocks where you set your guitar. A few logs, sticks, and a lighter later, you and Sunset take your place on a few old logs that are way too thick to put in the fire, but just perfect to sit on.
  281. You look over at Sunset and laugh. In the small time it took to make that fire, she's already had more than she needed of that whiskey. The goofy smile on her face has widened and the blush on her cheeks is darker than ever. You swipe the bottle out of her hand and take a swig of it yourself.
  283. "I think you're gettin' a little too used to that stuff, hun," you say with an amused smile.
  285. Sunset leans forward and puts an elbow on her knee to rest her head in her hand. Her grin is infectious and you can't help but share it. "Hey, you brought me out here to let loose; I don't want to hear any complaints from you," she says, still surprisingly articulate for how intoxicated she seems.
  287. "Not complaining, just don't want you to have all the fun." You grab your guitar and lean it over to her side of the log. "Here, play me something pretty."
  289. Sunset looks down at your acoustic guitar with an unsure expression. "I-I've never played acoustic though..."
  291. "Not like it's a whole other instrument. Play something you know and go from there."
  293. You flick her a pick out of your pocket, which she struggles not to drop as it flies at her. Once she gets it in her hand, she pulls the guitar up into her lap. She strums a couple of chords and lets them ring out for a few moments, trying to get used to the sound.
  295. Soon enough she starts playing one of her favorite songs, letting the rhythm take over her. The sweet sound of her music fills the air with an upbeat tone and the smile returns to her face. Her little, bare feet tap to the beat in the dirt and her body sways back and forth to her own little melody. After a few minutes you stop recognizing the songs she's playing, but it doesn't matter.
  297. You can feel her through her music. That sweet, upbeat tone told you all you need to know coupled with that bright smile on her face. She tries to sing a couple of times, but either forgets the words, loses the beat, or just resorts to humming. In reality the words stopped mattering as soon as you handed her that guitar.
  299. You sip on that old glass bottle, watching the orange liquid slowly drain. You can't tell what's intoxicating you more; the whiskey or that sweet sound of Sunset's voice and the melody emanating from the guitar.
  301. After a while you trade places, passing her the bottle and taking the guitar. You sing a couple of cheesy country love songs just to get her smiling, and strum the night away as you glance at her after every couple of lines.
  303. After every song she scoots closer to you on that old log, until the two of you are practically touching. Once you feel her heat next to you, you set the guitar down and focus on her.
  305. The two of you slide down the log together, resting in the dirt by the fire. She swings her legs over your lap and you wrap an arm around her shoulders. The whiskey pulls out the strangest conversations in both of you, but the words stopped mattering a long time ago. You just talk to hear each other talk, looking up at the bright, night stars. You pull her closer until her head is resting on your chest again, and her hair tickles your neck. The sound of her voice resonates through your body every time she opens her mouth, and you can tell she's enjoying hearing yours too.
  307. The conversation lulls for a moment, and you close your eyes as the fire dies down. You could fall asleep like this; in a tangle of limbs with Sunset, sharing a little warmth by the fireside.
  309. Sunset has other plans however. The sudden movement makes you open your eyes back up to see that she's putting her legs on either side of your lap again, and her eyes look down on yours, desperately wanting another kiss. You oblige her as you wrap your hands around her back and pull her tight against you.
  311. Her hips instinctively sway on your lap, and tiny moans escape her mouth as she kisses you. The attention makes your pants a little tighter and your cheeks a little hotter. You imagine after all that alcohol Sunset is feeling the same way.
  313. You break the kiss and look up at her with a dumb grin. "You know, that cabin does have a bedroom."
  315. She traces a finger down your chest, biting her lip as she looks down at you. "Are you saying we should use it?"
  317. "I'm sure as hell not saying we shouldn't."
  319. Sunset smiles and gives you a little giggle. You look up at her with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an answer. Her tiny nod is all the answer you need.
  321. You shoot up off the ground, Sunset still on top of you. She gives a little yelp as you wrap your hands under her to support her. Sunset crosses her legs around your waist and her arms around your shoulders.
  323. You lean down and sling your bag around your forearm before making a bee-line towards the cabin in the dark. You can barely see with Sunset assaulting your face with kisses, but with a careful combination of walking sideways and your peripheral vision, you manage to find the door before the two of you give up and settle for the dirt.
  325. After a clumsy attempt to fish the keys out of your pocket, you get the door open, your left arm burning from having to hold Sunset up on its own. With a kick of the front door behind you, you navigate through the hallways until you find your destination: a humble little bedroom with a full-sized bed on an old, wooden frame. It isn't the most glamorous thing in the world, but it's not like either of you really care right now.
  327. You let Sunset fall into the sheets with a little bounce, moving your hands from underneath her to across her hips, until your fingers slip under the seam of her shirt. Her hands do the same, slipping under your arms and down your stomach until she finds a place to pull your shirt up off of you.
  329. You reach behind her back and unclasp her bra, not bothering to pull everything up over her head. You just pull her clothes up over her breasts, exposing them to your lustful gaze.
  331. You give Sunset a single, deep kiss before you start descending down her body. Starting with a soft peck on the cheek, then her neck, and slowly descending as you slowly work her pants down her thighs. Once you had her panties and jeans in a heap on the floor, you kiss the top of her mound and run your hands across her sides.
  333. Sunset lets out a soft sigh and bites her lip at the feeling. You run your hands up her soft sides as she fidgets under your touch, her hips swaying towards you, begging for you to touch her. You let your tongue rest on her clit, and she gives you a tiny whimper in anticipation. You can tell the teasing is killing her. She gently crosses her feet behind your back, urging you forward. The smell of her excitement quickly fills your senses and blinds your thoughts with lust.
  335. You give her a few gentle passes with your tongue, and her body goes crazy. She lets a long, drawn out moan into the room with every touch, and her torso sways of its own accord, making sure to stay as close to you as possible. She reaches down and grabs your hands tightly, trying to brace herself as she loses her own senses in the pleasure.
  337. The heat emanating from her is intoxicating. You want nothing more than to strip off your pants and tear into her, but you wait, wanting her to enjoy the moment when you finally do even more. Sunset arches her back as you send pleasure shooting through her. The loving licks drive her crazy with every single pass. Finally, when you can see she's almost reached her tipping point, you stop.
  339. As your lips leave her folds, Sunset lets out a little hum of satisfaction as she sits up in bed. She pulls her shirt and bra up over her head, letting her long, wavy hair fall back down across her bare form in the soft moonlight. You can feel your heartbeat increase at the sight of her smooth body completely revealed to you. Her sultry gaze travels across your body for a moment before she pulls you towards her, grabbing another kiss, not even caring that your mouth is covered in her own fluids.
  341. She spins you around and pushes you up against the bed, dropping to her knees on the wooden floorboards in front of you. She hungrily jerks your pants down to your ankles, not even bothering to try to be sensual about it. She grabs your shaft and plants a few kisses at the base, much slower than you would've ever liked.
  343. You let your head fall back, an almost frustrated grunt leaving your lips. Once she reaches the tip, you clench the sheets behind you as you feel yourself slip into her mouth. The warm, wet feeling of her attention makes you let out a sigh of your own, as that's all you can focus on anymore. You look down to see her blue, diamond eyes staring up at you lovingly, trying to gauge if she's doing well. You place your hand in her soft hair to encourage her as she goes.
  345. She goes as deep as she can with each stroke, one hand on the end of your length and the other on the bed to keep herself steady. The cold feeling of her saliva outside of her mouth on your shaft makes you push your hips against her, hoping for more. Sunset gives a little moan as she closes her eyes and slides her tongue across the bottom of your length. You let out a groan at the feeling, the sight of your manhood disappearing into her mouth driving you wild.
  347. Sunset pushes her limits, moving her hand and taking your entire length into her mouth with a little lurch forward. Your head falls back and you give a moan of your own at the feeling of being completely enveloped like that. Once you look back down you see her beautiful face in the soft moonlight looking up to you. You have to bite your lip and grip the sheets behind you to keep yourself from cumming inside her mouth. Sunset seems to sense your sudden peak, and lets you slide out of her mouth completely, gasping a little bit from the lack of air. She gives the tip a tiny kiss before looking back up to you.
  349. "How's that?" she asks gently, a hopeful smile on her face as she kneels there in front of you.
  351. In response you pull her up to her feet and kiss her deeply, pulling her as close to you as possible as your tongues dance with each other. The feeling of her soft skin rubbing up against yours is heavenly, and you never want to let her go.
  353. Sunset sneaks a hand between your bodies and strokes your member gently, rocking her body against yours with a deep yearning for you to finally give her what she really wants. You slip one leg out of your pants and awkwardly try to reach back while keeping the kiss with her. You pull the condom out of your back pocket before pushing Sunset down onto the bed.
  355. A quick tear of the wrapper and a roll on later, you spread Sunset's legs apart, positioning yourself against the bed to take her. Sunset's breathing becomes short and rapid when you pull her across the bed to you and lay your member onto her folds, tracing it across them to enjoy the warmth and tease her a little more. Sunset lets out a little whimper and sways her hips, trying to get you closer to your mark.
  357. Finally, you push into her, eliciting Sunset to open her mouth and let out a long, strained coo of delight as you slowly slide every inch into her. She wraps her legs around you, trying to pull you in closer. Once you're completely inside her, Sunset wraps her hands around your neck, wanting a kiss.
  359. The soft, velvety embrace of her inner walls makes you let out a sigh to match her own as you lean down and kiss her again. The feeling of her soft skin, and the warmth emanating from her being so close fills you with lust. You pick up your pace, wanting to see Sunset's beautiful face devolve into bliss.
  361. Every little clench inside her you can feel as you drive into her as deep as her body would let you. Sunset plants little loving kisses across your face between moans until you place your own across her neck, making her let her head fall back in the sudden, overwhelming sensation. Your hands explore her body as it flows to your touch, every thrust into her sending a wave of pleasure through her. Her soft skin welcomes your fingers with its warmth, and you enjoy every inch of it.
  363. Her moans grow louder every second you're inside of her, and you can feel yourself starting to wear down at the wonderful feeling. Sunset clenches her hands behind you back, her nails digging into your skin. You can feel her rapid heartbeat through her skin as her back arches and her breasts rub against you. Sunset holds you tightly as your strokes become harder and faster, her resolve slowly wearing down as you pump into her. She rests her chin on your shoulder, little whimpers escaping her as she can't properly contain the feelings barraging her any longer.
  365. Wanting to feel her every little move up against you, you pull out of her and turn her around, making her stand on the floor in front of you. You wrap your hands around her, pulling her close as you slip back inside Sunset. She gives a little gasp as you enter her again, putting her hands on top of yours as they travel across her bare skin. One hand snakes down between Sunset's legs, slipping a finger across her clit and eliciting a strained moan at the combination of pleasure assaulting her. You wrap the other around her torso, holding her tightly again you. As your hips quietly smack against her, she lays her head back against your shoulder, moaning into your ear.
  367. "Please... don't stop," she whispers into your ear between thrusts.
  369. You oblige her with another kiss on the neck, enjoying the feeling of her soft hair bouncing against your shoulder and down your back. Her entire body is pressed up against you, and you can feel every little twitch and moan that emanates from her as you push yourself deeper into Sunset.
  371. Her hands grip tightly around your wrists as her body rocks in ecstasy. She can hardly contain herself any longer as she sings her pleasure into the room underneath you. Her moans become increasingly strained until she reaches the very limits of what her body can take.
  373. The feeling of her soft skin swaying against yours, and the warm embrace of her inner walls drew you closer to climax as well. Her body radiates with energy, filling you further with desire and pushing you even deeper inside of her.
  375. Finally, Sunset throws her head back onto your shoulder, quick, tiny gasps escaping her as her body twitches under your touch. Her entire lower body fidgets in your tight grasp as the muscles inside of her gently grasp at you.
  377. You let out a grunt of your own at the feeling. The massage of her velvety insides quickly throws you over the edge, your member convulsing inside of her. The feeling only sends Sunset into a deeper bliss, as her orgasm reaches its peak. Her entire body tenses against you as you hold her against you, until finally she goes limp, panting from the exertion. You let her slide out of your arms and onto the bed as you roll off the condom, throwing it in a nearby trash can.
  379. You slide into bed beside Sunset's tired form. She gives a soft, little moan, reaching out in the darkness for you, too tired to actually say anything. You crawl into bed, throwing the blanket over both of you as you snuggle up next to her, letting Sunset's arm wrap around you. She pulls herself close to you, resting her head against your chest and one leg around you. She gives a quiet, satisfied coo as you reciprocate the embrace, and leans up to kiss you on the cheek before settling back into your chest.
  381. "I love you," she says in a tired whisper, already drifting off.
  383. You give her a kiss on the forehead and hold her close. "I love you too."

Only the Daring - Act I

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act II

by Holy

Only the Daring - Act III

by Holy

A Little Fun With Luna

by Holy

Love of the Night (Luna)

by Holy