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Not Like Back Home (Sunset)

By Holy
Created: 2022-10-06 07:52:46
Updated: 2022-10-08 17:11:14
Expiry: Never

  1. Sunset wiped the sweat off of her forehead, silently cursing Applejack for being able to do this without showing any signs of exhaustion. With a heave, she set her load of apples into the dirt of the barn. She leaned over her big bucket of apples, her arms and legs burning from the exertion. Sunset tried to seem like she wasn't exhausted, but her body forced her to suck in air loud enough that Applejack could notice. The cool, afternoon air flowing through the open barn door helped, but she hadn't actually done much physical labor since she came through the portal, and even quite a years before that too.
  3. "I think that ought'a do us for the day," Applejack said, lifting her bucket onto a shelf like it weighed nothing.
  5. "Good," Sunset said between breaths, "I don't know how much more of that I could do without passing out."
  7. Applejack gave her a smile and patted her on the back as she hunched over, trying to regain her breath. "Oh, don't sweat it, Sunset. You did a fine job today s'far as I'm concerned."
  9. Sunset attempted to give her a smile back, but when she tried she just ended up hunched over again sucking air, too exhausted for it.
  11. "Uhh, how about we go outside for a spell. You look like you could use the fresh air, sugarcube," Applejack said, helping her stand back up straight.
  13. "Sounds good to me," Sunset said as her breathing finally fell back to somewhat normal levels. After a few more steps, Applejack led Sunset to a nearby fence and propped her up against it.
  15. Sunset fell forward, letting her hair fall over her face without a care for how it looked. She could see Applejack snickering through all that red and yellow, but Sunset was more concerned with not suffocating as she tried to ease the burning in her lungs.
  17. "I'm guessing you weren't much for farm work back in Equestria neither, huh?" Applejack asked as she hopped up onto the fence beside her.
  19. "Was it that obvious?"
  21. "Only to anyone lookin'," Applejack said, looking across the fields behind her with a smile. "Thank you for takin' the time to help, anyway. Most of the girls help out once then call it quits."
  23. Sunset finally brushed the hair out of her face to get the sweat off her forehead again. If she was as truthful as Applejack she might've told her she was playing with the idea of never doing this again too. "Always happy to help a... friend in need," she said between breaths.
  25. Once Sunset's vision was clear, and the haze of exhaustion faded, she noticed the horses out in the field. What may have been an everyday sight for Applejack especially caught her eye. Sunset tracked one across the field, a stallion with a dark shade of black in his coat, a massive build that dwarfed most of the other horses in the field, and a gait that told her he had places to be.
  27. "That horse is huge," Sunset said, her earlier exhaustion forgotten as her gaze transfixed on him.
  29. "Oh yeah?" Applejack turned around on the fence to trace Sunset's gaze out to the field. "That there's Thunder. He's our best workhorse out here, though he gives us trouble every now and then when we--" Applejack stopped for a moment as she looked out to the field, her vision narrowed on Thunder, but not for the same reason Sunset was looking.
  31. Before Sunset could go into a drawn-out session of introspection about the juxtaposition of the two worlds, something caught her eye between that stallion's legs. At first, she thought he was just walking towards one of the other horses awkwardly, but after a few seconds of watching it bounce--despite the impressive size--she realized that definitely wasn't a leg. The blood ran out of her face and her eyes transfixed on it. It was massive. Sunset had never seen anything like it in either world she'd lived in. As the stallion honed in on his target, Sunset could feel her body start to warm up again at the sight. After a little hop, the stallion grabbed a nearby mare by the hips and yanked her backwards, lining up that massive member for the deed. Sunset couldn't pull her gaze away, and felt her knees start to fidget at the sight. A myriad of ideas ran through her head, making the situation more uncomfortable by the second.
  33. "Oh, dagnabit," Applejack said, hopping off the fence and into the field. "Thunder! Get off'a her! Who left you in the same field with the mare's again?" Applejack ran into the field after the pair, quickly scaring the horse off of his partner as Applejack approached.
  35. With another uncomfortable fidget, Sunset discovered something that made her blush darken. Her panties were uncomfortably wet. Every odd movement of her hips reminded her of it and made the entire situation even worse.
  37. For fear having to face Applejack while being horribly turned on by two horses fucking, Sunset turned tail and headed for her car, ashamed of herself beyond belief. She left Applejack without a word, hoping to head home and forget the ideas that just ran through her head.
  39. [hr]
  41. With the moon high in the sky, Sunset grimaced as she put her car into park at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. [i]What am I doing?[/i], Sunset asked herself, really not wanting to think about the series of events that lead her here.
  43. After a few awkward texts with Applejack telling her that she was alright and just needed a shower after working so long, Sunset spent a good hour reflecting on what happened out there. She couldn't manage to get the scene out of her head. Everything she did just lead her back to thinking about that massive [i]thing[/i] hanging between that stallion's legs. She laid in bed for two hours beforehand, not being able to sleep as she thought about it, the whole time being so wet she couldn't lay down comfortably. Even giving into the urge and fingering herself over it wasn't enough for her. All of her ignored lusts and desires from her time as a student in Canterlot were coming to a head for her. The thought of it just kept circulating through her head, finally bringing her back to Sweet Apple Acres in the middle of the night.
  45. Sunset battled with herself over just putting the keys back in the ignition and leaving. [i]What would my friends think... what if they found out?[/i] Sunset mused, but the potential embarrassment was far overshadowed by the urge under her skirt that drove her to this point in the first place. Sunset finally got out of the car and started down that long dirt road, hoping to whatever gods there might be no one saw her.
  47. She had to see it, just one more time. She reasoned with herself that she just needed to look at it, and be sure that it was just her hormones acting weird, and she wasn't [i]really[/i] attracted to horses. It would be silly to think any biological urges would transfer through the portal like that anyway. [i]Just a glance to see how nasty it is and I can go back home knowing I'm not... that weird[/i], Sunset thought hopefully as she got out of her car and headed down the dirt driveway.
  49. Her rationalization didn't quell the audible thumping of her nervous heart as she walked up to the barn. She could feel sweat dripping down her skin despite the cold air, and that familiar feeling of the blood running from her face returned. Sunset took a deep breath and pulled open the barn door.
  51. A dim light remained on near the pens, and Sunset looked across them to find her stallion. She kept her hand on the handle of the large, wooden door, part of her hoping she wouldn't find him here, that he would be out in the field somewhere and she could call off this stupid little journey.
  53. Sunset's eyes settled on that dark black fur again, her heart jumping into her throat. That was him... "Thunder", Applejack called him.
  55. Sunset gulped, walking slowly towards his pen, her heartbeat thumping audibly in her chest. Once she was face to face with him, Sunset tried to look over the door, but to no avail. She grimaced as she realized she'd actually have to be in the pen with him to get what she came for. All the strange fantasies that shot through her head only hours before came rushing back, and now that she was actually in front of the stallion, the feelings only got worse.
  57. Sunset opened the latch on the pen's door, careful to slip in quickly so the massive horse didn't get out. Sunset's breath caught in her throat once she put the latch back. Being so close to the stallion was an entirely different beast than watching him mount a mare from the side of the field. He was easily about her height up to his shoulder and towered over her at his head. Sunset glanced between his legs, hoping to assuage her curiosity and get out of there, but the stallion's member was nowhere to be seen.
  59. She knelt down in the hay, a curious expression on her face as she surveyed between the stallion's legs. Her blush darkened once she saw his sheath. She could hardly believe something so massive came out of that. Sunset let out a tiny whine along with a wince once she realized what she'd have to do to get what she came for.
  61. Sunset closed her eyes tightly and bit her lip, raising her hand up between the stallion's legs. Once she felt the warm touch of the horse's skin, she jerked back reflexively, before going back in and resting her hand on it. Sunset gasped when she opened her eyes to actually see her hand around his cock. Her heart was pounding in her chest like she just ran a marathon, and the uncomfortable wetness growing against her panties was all too noticeable now.
  63. Once her eyes looked towards what she was doing, Sunset was transfixed. Once she started stroking the sheath, Thunder let out a whinny and shifted his weight. Sunset stopped for a moment, thinking she did something wrong.
  65. She took her eyes away from Thunder's length for a moment, and once she looked back, she saw the rewards of her actions. Thunder's length was already growing hard under her touch and the head of his cock already poking out and slowly extending.
  67. Sunset's breathing quickened at the sight. She moved her hand forward onto the warm, wet flesh of Thunder's exposed cock. Sunset had long forgotten her original goal of just getting a look at it. The culmination of sexual frustration of the last few hours finally came to a head, and Sunset had no intention of just stopping at a glance.
  69. Sunset's other hand snaked its way up her own thigh, pushing up her skirt and pulling aside her panties. Instinctively, she slid a few fingers inside her already damp folds.
  71. Sunset fell forward onto her knees, trying to get a better angle as her hand pushed aside her skirt. This inadvertently brought her closer to the massive cock in her hand. Sunset closed her eyes as the smell of the wet flesh hit her. The scent was intoxicating to her and made her push her fingers in even deeper. She let out a soft sigh as she continued to stroke the length. Eventually, her instincts took over, and she pressed her lips up against the warm member.
  73. Sunset's breath caught in her throat when she realized what she was doing. The strong taste of the stallion's cock quickly filled her senses, and she couldn't help but continue, drawing her tongue across the length as she continued to stroke it with one hand. Her other hand between her legs quickly became soaked from Sunset's eagerness, her own arousal already sticking to the inside of her thighs.
  75. Sunset was careful not to let herself get too carried away. With every movement of her fingers, she could feel a soft moan escape her lips, every time getting louder. She muffled herself against the stallion's hard length, pressing her mouth against the skin every time she felt another sound coming. The taste drove Sunset wild; her tongue lapped away at the massive length, and the warmth radiating onto her tongue only pushed her fingers further.
  77. Sunset opened her eyes for a moment, taking in the massive shape in her grasp. The feeling reminded her of the suppressed desires of going through puberty in Equestria. All those ignored desires were coming to a head now, and Sunset had never been more turned on in her life.
  79. Once Thunder's length had become completely stiff under Sunset's soft grip, she realized that just tasting it wasn't going to be enough for her. Letting go of any inhibition she had left, Sunset brought her hands away from herself and the horse, bringing them around her hips. She leaned forward and slipped her fingers into the waistband of her skirt and panties, slowly sliding them down her thighs, and then situating them around her knees. She left her skirt around her ankles, too eager to bother with taking it off completely.
  81. Sunset crawled under the massive stallion, letting his thick cock rest across her bare lower back, sliding up her shirt and radiating warmth through Sunsets body. Sunset snaked her hand between her legs, grabbing Thunder's member and lining it up against herself. She knew the head would be way too big to fit inside her, but just the feeling of the warm flesh against her slit sent Sunset into a world of bliss.
  83. Sunset used her free hand to cover her mouth, feeling a moan involuntarily erupt from inside her. With her mouth covered she allowed herself to let loose, her hand muffling the cries of her ecstasy as Thunder's warm flesh rubbed against her own.
  85. Each lump of his that passed over Sunset's folds made her quiver at the touch. Her entire body shifted towards him, pressing his cock as tightly against her folds as Sunset could bear. She could feel herself spreading against his touch, though every so often she'd have to bite her lip at the sting of going a little too far.
  87. Sunset's hand was soaked to the wrist with her own arousal; every subtle touch as she pressed Thunder against herself made her squirm as pleasure coursed through her body. Sunset could hardly bear to take any more; even just rubbing him against herself was sending her closer and closer to the edge.
  89. Thunder shifted his weight behind her, forcing his massive length into Sunset, ignoring any objections her tender folds had. Sunset's eyes opened wide as she felt the warm flesh fill her to the brim. She jerked upright and let out a loud, drawn-out coo of pleasure as the wonderful feeling of having Thunder inside of her drowned out any pain she had accommodating him.
  91. Sunset covered her mouth again as she felt something even warmer fill her insides. Thunder let out a whinny as his cock convulsed inside Sunset, shooting a torrential amount of seed into her. Sunset's velvety insides couldn't even hold the entirety of his load, as the pressure inside her forced Thunder back out, letting his seed spill out of her onto her thighs. Thunder's cock convulsed again, laying itself onto Sunset's lower back as the rest of his orgasm spilled hot fluids across her entire body.
  93. Sunset herself collapsed into a trembling mess beneath him. Her body rocked violently as her inner walls contracted with the force of her orgasm. The feeling of the warm seed settling inside her made her pleasure even greater, with the hot embrace of the fluid being a stark contrast from the cold air of the barn. Sunset slumped down into the dirty barn floor, letting her orgasm control her as it sent tiny spasms throughout her body. She held her hand tightly over her mouth as her body lost control, letting out a series of loud moans she could barely muffle any longer.
  95. As her orgasm finally died down, Sunset could feel her vision fade. With her desire finally satiated after hours of frustration, she felt exhausted. A tiny smile formed on her face as she slipped away, not even caring about any embarrassment she might've felt anymore.
  97. "Hands up, you darn--!" A voice yelled, snapping Sunset out of her reverie. Sunset let out a frightened yelp, causing Thunder to stomp around and let out a neigh of his own.
  99. Sunset scrambled out from under him, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest again and adrenaline pumping through her. She backed up to the wooden walls, her eyes meeting Applejack's as her friend stood in the pen's doorway.
  101. "Easy, easy now," Applejack said to Thunder, putting a comforting hand on his neck to try and calm him down. Sunset spotted the shine of a double-barreled shotgun in her other hand. There was no way to hide this situation from Applejack now; her skirt and panties were around her ankles and her thighs were covered in Thunder's cum.
  103. Sunset winced and felt tears start to form in her vision. Her earlier abandonment of her shame was long gone, and she felt her cheeks burn brightly at the gaze of her friend. Part of her wished Applejack would just shoot her so she didn't have to go through any of this.
  105. "I-I'm sorry, Applejack... I... I... I don't know what..." Sunset stammered through a sob forming in her throat. She couldn't even bring herself to look Applejack in the eye, as she was so ashamed.
  107. "Shhh, it's alright, sugarcube," Applejack said, resting her shotgun against the wall as she closed the pen behind her. She grabbed a dirty towel off of one of the racks in the stall, handing it to Sunset.
  109. "W-what? Aren't you mad I..." Sunset stopped, not being able to say it. She grabbed the towel from Applejack, placing it over herself out of embarrassment.
  111. "Well, I kinda wish you would've at least told me so I didn't have to storm in here at three in the morning," Applejack said with an almost joking smile.
  113. "Huh?" Sunset said in confusion as a few tears rolled down her cheek.
  115. "Truth be told you're not exactly the first one I've caught doin' this."
  117. Sunset's embarrassment turned even further into confusion. Applejack turned around, letting Sunset have a little bit of privacy.
  119. Applejack continued, "Not gonna name anyone, but another girl from our class has been out here a few times too."
  121. Sunset wiped herself off enough to be able to pull her skirt back up without much trouble. She could still feel the sticky leftovers across her lower back and thighs as she pulled down her shirt, though.
  123. Sunset took a deep breath to try and talk through her embarrassment. "Applejack, please don't tell--"
  125. "Don't you worry none about it, Sunset. Comin' from where you... uh, came from, I can kinda understand it. Just let me know next time you, uh, get the urge? I'd hate to come in the barn the next morning to find out you got stepped on or somethin'."
  127. Sunset rose back up to her feet, feeling quite dizzy after the monster of an orgasm that she went through. Sunset really didn't know what to say; she grabbed her arm awkwardly and avoided eye contact with Applejack. Even though the situation could've gone much worse, she had still never been this embarrassed in her entire life.
  129. "Really, sugarcube, I'm not mad or anything, and it stays between us."
  131. "You promise?" Sunset almost blurted out, the idea of her other friends finding out making her cheeks turn even redder.
  133. "Promise." Applejack turned back around, giving Sunset a once over. She raised an eyebrow as she noticed Sunset being slightly uneasy. "You gonna make it home?"
  135. "I, um, should be fine," she said, adjusting herself as she felt some cum seep out of her again. "I'm just... gonna go."
  137. Sunset squirmed past Applejack and out of the pen. "I'll see you at school on Monday then, I suppose."
  139. Sunset didn't bother to respond. Before Applejack knew it, Sunset was already out of the barn and running back towards her car, not wanting to spend much longer in that awkward conversation. Besides, she had something else on her mind as her thoughts drifted away from shame and back towards what happened before Applejack showed up.
  141. Once she was a good distance away from the barn, and her inner chastising and embarrassment had died down, Sunset really began to notice the seed spilling out of her. With a quick glance back towards Sweet Apple Acres, Sunset slipped her hand into the waistband of her skirt, lightly gracing her own folds that were still spread open. She dabbed her fingers into herself, and as she pulled them out of her skirt, they were absolutely covered in the warm, white liquid. With a loving coo, she slipped her fingers into her mouth, wanting to remember that taste for a long time to come.

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Only the Daring - Act II

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