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Red Satin Sheets (Sunset)

By Holy
Created: 2022-10-08 17:15:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath as the feeling of being in her old room washed over her. It had been so long since she first left that she didn't even think about how much she missed this place. She pulled a match off of her desk with her magic and lit up a few of her old candles as she took her first few steps in. Her eyes drifted around the room once she kicked the door closed around her. The spacious lower floor was filled with bookshelves full of scrolls and tomes of her old studies. Sunset trotted around the shelves and looked across her old desk, not entirely sure what she might find, as the memories of her projects had long since faded away.
  3. Even after how everything turned out, Princess Celestia kept her room exactly like she left it all those years ago. Well, maybe not exactly; Sunset could see a few of the papers on her desk had been rearranged slightly, possibly by the servants coming through to dust, or maybe Celestia reading through them. Sunset trotted up to her desk and flipped her old diary closed--all those angry scribblings weren't something she wanted to think about right now; all those malignant emotions weighed so heavy on her heart that she wanted to avoid their memory as much as she could. Sunset was a different person now, a better person, and she wanted to keep feeling that way instead of cringing at her former ways.
  5. With a quick flash of her magic, she shut the diary away in one of the desk drawers, saving it for a day when she might be able to laugh at it instead of dealing with the waves of regret. Sunset poured over the other various bits of paper still laying on her desk instead: old spells she'd been studying or working on, letters she'd been meaning to send--mostly notes of her agitated or angry complaints with the librarians or castle servants that she was sure to let a higher authority know about--and various assortments of quills and pencils. Sunset crumpled up all those old, nasty, half-written letters and threw them into her trash bin. Try as she might to avoid them, those pangs of regret were going to hit her anyway. As Sunset balled up the last one and tossed it away, she made that same old promise to herself that she'd never be like that again; she wanted kindness and caring to be her new virtues and never let the old desires of careless ambition manifest again.
  7. Sunset let out a long sigh and sat down at her desk. The smell of her candles finally caught her senses, washing away some of her remorse. The box they came in said summer breeze and they reminded Sunset of simpler days spent playing in the open fields outside of Canterlot, before she cast aside all of her friends and family for ruthless ambition. She took in a deep breath, smiling as that rich scent entered her lungs. She made a mental note to try and find something like this back on Earth.
  9. A yawn took hold of Sunset as her mind strayed to those younger days. After such a long day of heartfelt apologies and passionate reunions, Sunset was more than ready to sleep in her old bed. She pulled the saddlebags off of her back and set them by her desk; she'd worry about unpacking later. Sunset made her way to the upper floor of her massive room and bit her lip once she saw her old bed there waiting for her. Those red sheets flowed across her bed in an absolute mess of plush fabric and fluffy pillows. If there was only one thing she could do in this castle from now on, it'd be to come back and sleep in that bed.
  11. Sunset sauntered over to her bed, pulling back the satin sheets with a longing smile on her face. She slowly eased herself into her old bed and let out a long, wistful sigh as the softness of the blankets enveloped her. She so missed being the Princess' prized pupil sometimes. Not because of the promise of being a princess anymore, but just being treated like royalty. On Earth she was just another teenage girl trying to get by, but here... here she was somebody. Or was anyway. Sunset so missed being waited on all hours of the day, having fresh meals cooked by master chefs whenever she desired, full servant detail ready to grant her every whim, and the finest things that bits could buy all around her. As much as she didn't want to think about her old, spoiled, awful self, the extravagant lifestyle she used to live was definitely something she could get used to again.
  13. Being treated like royalty was all in the past now, but those plush blankets and luxury sheets adorning her bed brought her instantly back to that feeling. Sunset sank into the sea of soft red fabric around her, taking in a deep breath and brushing her fur across the bedding as her head sank into those lush pillows. Sunset wished she could've felt this as a human with her bare skin, but she reveled in the feeling all the same anyway. With the comforting embrace of her old sheets surrounding her, Sunset closed her eyes and let a content smile cross her face. She could fall asleep in an instant if she really wanted to, but the thought of how she really used to enjoy her bed crossed her mind, and she decided sleeping could wait. Her heart fluttered as her eyes drifted towards the drawer on her nightstand. She cracked it open to make sure her old friend was still in there, and once she saw it she bit her lip yet again, anticipation building up in her chest at the thought. Sunset shut the drawer and laid back into her sheets. She wanted to warm herself up before moving to the main course.
  15. Sunset took another deep breath and let her body fidget in the sheets. She looked down across herself as the pale moonlight pouring through her window and the soft candlelight around her poured over her soft orange fur. Sunset tossed and turned like a puppy rolling around, just enjoying the feeling of being in her old bed again after so many years of sleeping on a cheap mattress and low-quality sheets. All those years of ambition and self-inflicted isolation weighed so heavy on her, she really had no way of truly enjoying herself, but now... now Sunset could just let go and give herself to the sensations running across her body. Just the softness running across her fur made Sunset let out a soft coo of delight and made a dumb smile cross her face. She almost didn't know what to do with herself to really make the most of her wonderful bed... almost.
  17. Sunset let her hooves trace down herself, feeling the soft fur of her pony form and letting the warmth of her hooves radiate through her body. She so wished she could use her hands to feel her fur, but the underside of her hooves was just going to have to do. She shivered at her own touch, the combination of the heavenly sheets around her and her own gentle caressing almost overwhelming as she kept stirring around her sheets. Her hooves found their way down her navel until the brushed over her mound, making her gasp at the sudden jolt going through her system. Her heart fluttered at the thought of what she was going to do to herself, her yearning and desire tightening her chest and creating a wetness between her legs.
  19. Sunset dabbed her hoof between her thighs and looked over her body to see the end of her hoof glossy and wet in the dim candlelight. She brought it up to her mouth, letting the scent of her own musk entice her to go further and a quick lick giving her a taste of her own excitement. It tasted so much sweeter in this form for some reason. Sunset's horn lit up and she pulled a few more of her pillows behind her head. She smiled as her head slowly sank down into them, pushing her already messy hair all around her face as the soft pillow cases caressed her. She descended so far into them that the satin touched against her cheeks. Sunset looked down her body, her head at a comfortable place to look at all the action, though all the rolling around had messed up her mane so much that strands were completely covering her face. She blew some of her hair out of the way but was so distracted at that point she didn't even care unless it covered her eyes.
  21. Sunset let one of her hooves drift all the way down until it brushed lightly against her lips, making her legs twitch in anticipation. Just the lightest touch forced a coo from her lips and her body writhed at the sudden attention. Her heart sped up in her chest as she looked over at her nightstand, thinking about what she would do after she graduated from just her hoof. For now she teased herself until her folds grew completely damp, drawing little circles in herself until her body demanded something else. Every now and then her body would let a shudder take over it, making Sunset squirm in her sheets and let out another soft moan as pleasure coursed through her. Every little movement made her satin sheets brush up against her, making Sunset push and stretch her limbs out restlessly against them, wanting to be completely enveloped in the feeling. Her mind clouded with all those wonderful sensations, washing away the distant pangs of residual regret and worry and allowing her to just love herself in that moment. Sunset bit her lip again to try to keep herself quiet, but the soft coos and heavy sighs were already getting louder with every circle her hoof made into her slit.
  23. Sunset let her hoof play with her even harder, getting closer to that perfect spot against her clit with every circle she drew. Every touch made her let out a whimper as her eyes closed, her mind drifting further away. Her hoof acted of its own accord, playing with her entire body through her folds as if she was just its sexual marionette, teasing her and brushing her across the wondrous softness that was her bedding. Sunset's legs twitched and squirmed under the intense touch, her back hooves clenching with pleasure like her human toes might have at the same feeling. All of the feelings coursing through her demanded more; they needed something besides just her hoof teasing at the surface. She stopped for a moment, finding herself lightly panting. She took the moment to lick that sweet arousal from her hoof, then her eyes shifted towards her nightstand.
  25. Sunset couldn't wait any longer. Her body yearned for the release her hoof just couldn't give her. The light over her horn overpowered the dim candles as she opened up her nightstand drawer and brought out her favorite toy along with a little bottle to help with the fun. Sunset held the bottle over the tiny flame of a candle like she'd done a thousand times before. Even after all these years she hardly had to think about how to hold it to get it nice and warm. She shifted her gaze back to her old friend as it hung in the air. As the magic holding open the drawer disappeared, she could see every little vein and bump across its length as it floated in front of her.
  27. Sunset's breath caught in her throat at the sight. The memories of using it ran through her clouded mind, promising to whisk her off to another world as it distracted her from her own. Sunset licked her lips as she floated it closer to her. It was always just long enough to completely fill her, but not so much that it was ever uncomfortable. Her memory told her tales of those lovely occasions where it completely exhausted her, as if every little detail about her toy was made specifically for her. Remembering the feeling of every little vein and crease inside of her elicited another soft moan from her as her hoof drew excited circles into her with anticipation. Sunset moved her hoof out of the way and laid her old friend across her body, letting the rubbery balls rest on her clit. The weight of the toy against her made her shiver in excitement as Sunset thought about the length disappearing all the way inside her, giving her that happy little bump on her tummy from being filled to the brim.
  29. The bottle floated above Sunset as she twisted out the cork, letting the now-warm liquid pour over herself and the dildo. The soft teal glow made the liquid glisten as she watched it fall onto her. Sunset couldn't help but let out a drawn-out moan as the oil spread across her navel, the warmth comforting her like the soft embrace of a former lover. Her folds quivered in excitement as she slowly drew her toy down her body with her magic until the tip fell between her legs, sliding down her lips until it reached her entrance. She circled her magical grasp across the length, making sure every inch was drenched with the oil and ready for her. Sunset spread her legs and gently pushed it forward into her welcoming folds, the warm liquid letting it easily slide inside of her. Sunset arched her back and let out a quick, loud moan as the toy filled her to the brim. Sunset's breath faltered and she grit her teeth with the familiar feeling of her inner walls squeezing against her toy. It had been so long that she could hardly handle a dildo she used to use almost every night. Every little bump and groove sent waves of pleasure through her body and Sunset bit her lip until she thought it might bleed as she tried to get used to it. They didn't make anything like this on Earth, and Sunset didn't know how long she could last like this without giving in and letting herself scream.
  31. Slowly, she pulled her dildo out, letting out the massive breath she didn't realize she was holding. Her body relaxed for a moment, thanking her for the respite. One part of her still demanded more, and now it was the only part she was listening to. Sunset pushed her toy back inside of her, making her muscles tense with the overwhelming feeling. Sunset knew she couldn't handle this the way she used to, her body letting out a slow whine as she filled herself yet again. She tried to be gentle with herself, easing the dildo in and out at a slow, steady pace so she wouldn't go over the edge just yet, but her slit demanded something more. The memory of filling her room with the sound of loud, wet slaps alongside the feeling of her friend slamming inside her filled her head, making promises she didn't think her body could handle right now. With another tentative push of her magic, Sunset filled herself again and tried to work up to a decent pace without pushing her body too hard. At the end of every gentle stroke, Sunset felt the warm oil drizzled over the rubbery balls push against her clit, making the sensation even more overwhelming.
  33. Sunset grabbed the sheets in her fetlocks as her horn took on a mind of its own, instinctively pushing her dildo into her like she used to. She tried to slow her pace, but the allure of intense pleasure in the moment was too much for her to overcome. Sunset let her horn speed up, each thrust pushing into her harder than the last, squishing her clit and rubbing her inner walls raw. Sunset quickly devolved into a moaning mess as her body thrashed in the sheets at the sensations. The quick, wet slaps echoed throughout her tiny room as she let go of any pretense she had of being quiet or holding back anymore. Her mind lost the ability to form any discernable thought as the hard thrusts whisked her away to a world of nothing but ecstasy. Her entire world melted and her body felt like it was completely wrapped in the warm embrace of constant pleasure. The fur across her inner thighs was quickly drenched in her own arousal, but Sunset could hardly bring herself to care. All she could focus on was giving energy to her magic, and giving herself away to the intense euphoria overtaking every one of her senses.
  35. With each thrust Sunset tensed and twitched with fervor, unable to control her muscles as the dildo made her dance around in the sheets. Every single sensation from the cock filling her to the heavenly sheets brushing against her pushed her that much closer to the edge. Pressure filled Sunset's body, promising to melt all of her worries away in a single, ecstatic moment of pure orgasmic pleasure. Sunset funneled more effort into her horn, slamming her dildo into herself so hard she was sure to give herself bruises; all to push herself closer to that goal, and finally give herself something she hadn't felt in years, or maybe never felt. The feelings shooting through her wear so much more real than she remembered. Every jolt of pleasure at the cock inside of her hitting its apex made her feel so entranced, so alive. It was never like this; it was so much better. Sunset's magic faltered as her body finally gave in to her efforts. Her head fell back, following the example of her arched back as she fell into the loving arms of her orgasm. She used every bit of her shaky focus to try and keep the length as deep inside of her as possible as her folds clenched around the toy inside of her. Her entire body quivered in the sheets as she sang that long note of ecstasy into her room so loud she was sure every bird, mouse, and pony could have heard it all across Canterlot. Her orgasm rocked her body, making every muscle near her folds twitch and convulse, multiplying the feeling of her toy tenfold. The sensations grew so intense Sunset's horn finally lost its battle to them, the magic fading away and letting the toy slip out of her with a wet plop against her sheets.
  37. Another few moments of bliss led Sunset to finally begin relaxing again, as the intense convulsions of her wondrous orgasm left her muscles exhausted. Sunset panted deeply as her orgasm faded away, leaving her entire body warm to the touch, and beads of sweat already finding their way around her fur. A contented smile crossed her face as her eyes refused to open, her body telling her there was nothing else for her to do now but sleep. The luxury bedding enticed her even further into her dreams, as the warm, happy afterglow enveloped Sunset in a feeling of bliss she had never actually felt before. She lethargically lifted the toy out from between her legs with her magic, setting it on the floor as she used the last little bit of her energy to pull the red satin sheets over her body, finally completely enveloping her in a feeling only most pegasi could truly revel in.
  39. With no more hate, no more anger, no more careless ambition, Sunset let herself be taken away by her own afterglow and the heavenly embrace of her bed. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity for her as a pony, she went to sleep truly happy.

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