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G% fats double feature

By BigPone
Created: 2022-10-14 03:26:45
Updated: 2023-09-22 16:14:04
Expiry: Never

  1. Sunny’s Smoothies
  2. “Everypony, quick! I have an important announcement to make!” Sunny shouted, racing to the gazebo in the town square. The click clacks of her rollerblades echoed through the empty streets. A few nearby ponies lumbered up near the gazebo, sighing at the prospect yet another Sunny speech. “We’re all eating too much junk food!” Groans could be heard from the outskirts of Maretime bay. Sunny wasn’t exactly wrong. She looked normal as can be, but everypony around her, including her friends at the crystal brighthouse, were anywhere from chubby to downright enormous. As Sunny prattled on about fruits and vegetables, a particularly portly businesspony chowed down on a pink frosted donut next to his equally large, pink business partner.
  3. Sunny’s Alicorn powers kicked in partway through the speech, and everypony suddenly tuned in. Of course, it was of no surprise that her speech culminated in creating a community garden- and having ponies buy smoothies from her shack. Well, ‘her’ smoothie shack. Nopony knows what happened to the original owner, he disappeared at some point during the tribal reuniting event. Satisfied with the response, Sunny returned to her smoothie shack to prepare for the usual influx of customers.
  4. Sprout was pacing around the shack when Sunny arrived. “It’s about time, Sunny! Secret-keeping isn’t a charity you know.” Sprout and his mother had been largely forgiven for their actions during the incident months prior. They were just as caught up in the hysteria as the rest, just with more money and resources. He wasn’t going to be on the police force any time soon, but he wasn’t completely ostracized. Getting free smoothies for life was enough to buy his silence. Silence for what? Well, Sunny isn’t nearly as health-conscious and innocent as she seems. Sprout, trying to relive his deputy days, snuck in and watched Sunny make her smoothies one day. Sure, they’re made with real fruits and vegetables, but that’s the only part of the advertising that is true. She sneaks in an undetectable amount of powdered nicotine to give the smoothies a mild addictive effect. Then, she puts up to five cups of sugar in the bowl. Instead of ice, she uses a calorie dense liquid ice cream mix. How fattening she makes the mix depends on her feelings for the pony. Then there was this powder. She didn’t know what it was, but she found it in a vault somewhere out in the wilderness. Whatever it was, any pony she fed her spiked shakes to became very nonchalant about their expanding figures, if not outright proud of them.
  5. Sprout patted his belly. It was round enough to nearly touch the ground on an empty stomach, and got in the way of his job. Not that he minded. “The usual, Sunny. Three- make that four, extra large strawberry-banana smoothies.” “Comin’ right up, Sprout!” Sunny beamed, louder than necessary. It caught the attention of some nearby ponies, who were sure to give Sprout a hard time despite their own out of shape bodies, then pay up for some big orders. Sprout managed to be a number of things- a great advertisement, an annoyance, a guinea pig, all depending on the day. Sunny liked to experiment with mixes when he was involved. If Sprout got too fat to get around, would he still try to demand his free shakes in exchange for silence? Sprout’s usual had recently been upgraded to levels Sunny herself considered dangerous: each smoothie was a full gallon in size, filled with so much fruit it masked perfectly how much of each was actually pounds of sugar, liquid ice cream, and that special powder. The caloric count of a single smoothie was off the charts, potentially 10,000 or more. And each one clung to Sprout’s body like nopony’s business. He was visibly rounder and more sluggish by the day. If that wasn’t enough, the big red janitor seemed to be fully enjoying it.
  6. Other ponies’ smoothies were only healthier by comparison. Sunny used a smaller amount of the mystery powder in them. The amount of sugar, liquefied ice cream, and mystery powder always depended on the pony, how much Sunny liked them, and how much she wanted to fatten them up. These feelings all but made portion size obsolete: a small, medium, or large smoothie (extra large was currently exclusive to Sprout) could be as little as 950 calories or as much as 6800 calories.
  7. What Sprout didn’t know, was that Sunny’s secret was not all that secret. The supply of mystery powder in that vault was so large it would be impossible for her to use up in a thousand moons. It was a veritable city-sized vault, entirely filled with that powder. Some of the other food vendors, all of which were patrons of the smoothie cart, were sold stocks of that powder as a food additive. Of course, the places Sunny visited for her own meals were exempt, allowing her to maintain her fit and active figure. Whatever compelled her to turn nearly everypony in town into an elephantine representation of themselves, Sunny felt no desire to join them. Rather, she desired to reign over them.
  9. Misty’s Initiation
  10. Izzy was feeling real down. She thought she finally found a fellow friend from Bridlewood in Misty, but she didn’t seem to know anything about the town or its traditions at all. After everypony went to bed, Misty tried to steal the lantern and sneak out, but was caught by Sunny. Sunny pretended not to notice the lantern, and shifted the conversation. “You’re up for a midnight snack too, Misty?” She smirked, chewing on a stick of celery.
  11. “Oh, um, y-yeah. That ponycorn from earlier, it was just so good…” A devious smirk shone on Sunny’s face for a split second, just long enough for Misty to notice. Not even Opaline looked that evil. “We’ve got plenty of it. Feel free to eat as much as you want!” With that, Sunny pushed a bowl to Misty. Not wanting to break her cover, Misty started nervously eating the ponycorn. Sunny stood by with a menacingly large bag, pouring extra into the bowl when any amount of space was freed up. Misty opened her mouth to question what was going on, but found herself burying her muzzle in the bowl to gobble down another mouthful, then another, then another.
  12. Something was compelling Misty to devour the entire bowl of ponycorn, and lick it clean. “Wow, you must really like this stuff,” Sunny chuckled. “Don’t worry, there’s plenty more.” She refilled the bowl until it was overflowing. The bowl was emptied in less than a minute. Misty panted, catching her breath. Her belly bulged out like she ate a basketball. Normally, she would have stopped eating anything before getting even a quarter of this full. Sunny looked at the bag, tore a little air hole at the top, and put it around Misty’s muzzle like a feedback. “I’ll be back in a bit with a few more bags. Feel free to clean this one out.”
  13. Misty’s mind and body screamed to stop, but she kept eating mouthful after mouthful, only rarely pausing to breathe. Her stomach swelled to the size of a beachball, and her hind legs spread outward to lessen the pressure. Her mind raced, trying to outpace the ludicrous speed of her eating. ‘Stop! Why can’t I stop! It’s so good, but I’ve had too much! Way too… much? Stop? Why would I?’ Her eyes glazed over for a brief moment, then snapped back to life with an unhinged look of insanity. She wanted more. She would eat more. She wouldn’t stop until there was no more.
  14. Sunny stepped back into the living room, carrying a wagon full of ponycorn bags, all freshly seasoned with a suspicious white powder. Misty was stood there panting, having emptied the first bag completely. Her belly resembled a beanbag chair now, taut as an overfilled balloon and spreading across the ground. “C-can I have more? S-something to drink, too…” Misty gasped, looking no less insane than she was moments ago. Sunny poked at Misty’s body. Her face, her cheeks, her chin, her thighs, her rear. Each of them was considerably softer than they were less than half an hour ago. It was like her body was digesting the ponycorn as quickly as possible, desperately converting everything into body fat in a last ditch attempt to keep up with the sheer volume of intake. “Interesting. I haven’t seen this stuff cause this behavior before, not even in Sprout. I wonder if it’s the mixture.” Sunny stepped over to a fridge labeled “Sunny’s Experiments: Do not open!” and dragged over a few large jugs to Misty. They were flavor variants of Sprout’s extra-large orders, intended to test introducing the new size to the market at large. “I’m feeling extra generous tonight, Misty. These were meant for Sprout, but he only likes strawberry-banana. I think you’ll love them. Don’t drink too fast. These have to last you the rest of this ponycorn, and you might get brain freeze.”
  15. A few hours had passed. Misty was moved over to the couch and sat on it, her engorged belly stretching farther than her hooves could possibly reach. Whatever allowed her to stuff her belly larger than a crane’s wrecking ball, it wasn’t enough to make putting pressure on that belly comfortable. Three bags of ponycorn and two gallons of smoothie were still waiting to be eaten, and Misty couldn’t stop if she wanted to. Her belly appeared to have stopped growing at this size except for every few moments, where it would push out a couple millimeters further. This coincided with the rest of her body expanding by the same amount. Sunny was beside herself, using the entranced unicorn as a comfortable, if inflated and very noisy, body pillow. When Misty was all done and passed out in a food coma long enough to digest everything, she would probably be even bigger than Sprout. Her entire body was easily twice as thick as it originally was, and growing fatter by the minute. So this is what an extreme overdose of that powder does.
  16. Morning came and went. The rest of the house went about their day as usual after Sunny explained what happened. Misty woke up in the afternoon, having finally slept off her less than voluntary gluttony. Her belly rumbled with hunger. She wouldn’t be able to eat nearly as much as she had the previous night without an equally absurd dose of the mystery powder, but sating that appetite would be a very tall order. Her belly reached the floor and spread out in all directions. Her hooves could still reach the floor, but with her legs spread further apart and digging into her torso. Her forelegs looked like two overfilled balloons sitting on top of hooves, while her rear legs were the only things that stuck out wider and further than her tremendous gut. Her face and prominent double chin merged into her fat neck so well they weren’t even visibly separated. “Sunny, what the fu-“ Her terrified protests were halted at the lips by another pair of lips, followed by a tongue. After what seemed like an eternity, Sunny withdrew, a look on her face more terrifying than anything the orphaned unicorn had ever experienced before. “You’re mine.”

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