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Forgotten Friendship Catfight (Sunset/Trixie)

By Holy
Created: 2022-10-18 19:04:21
Expiry: Never

  1. "You really want to do this here? In the hallway? In front of everyone?" Trixie asked, her eyes narrowed in on Sunset as she settled in to her best fighting stance.
  3. "Up to you," Sunset growled through gritted teeth, clenching her fists and narrowing her eyes right back at her rival.
  5. In as swift a motion as she could manage, Trixie's arm shot into her locker and threw down a dazzling array of sparkling lights at the ground and reached back in for something else. A cheap trick to disorient her, Sunset thought as she lunged forward and threw her body weight into Trixie's torso before she could yank out whatever she was reaching for. Trixie quickly stumbled backwards onto the tile but refused to give up her ground entirely, shoving a hand into Sunset's face. Sunset winced at the fingernails digging into her skin as she threw a blind punch ahead of her.
  7. Hands flew in a flurry between the girls, with Trixie scratching and hair-pulling at any chance she got and Sunset balling up her fists and trying to mess up that "powerfulest" face with every swing. Sunset had to keep her head back, unable to fully commit to each swing so she could avoid the little tears showing up on her cheeks from Trixie's pathetic fighting style. After a few grazing blows on those light-blue temples, Sunset finally landed a solid hit to Trixie's obnoxious jaw. Sunset could see the consciousness leave her eye for a split second as she crumpled backwards, but she wasn't about to let it end that easily.
  9. >Trixie's shirt collar gave off a crackling rip as Sunset grabbed it and kept her opponent from hitting the tile with it. Her other hand raised into the air and fury overtook her as she imagined completely pummeling the girl that took her life away from her. As much as she'd like to bloodstain her knuckles even further, Sunset needed answers.
  11. "Where's the Memory Stone!" Sunset yelled down at her, shaking her victim and causing Trixie to cover her face in fear of another strike.
  13. "W-what?" She timidly let out between her forearms with a raised eyebrow.
  15. Sunset shook her violently again. "You heard me! Where did you put the Memory Stone! I know you were the one that erased everyone's memories."
  17. Trixie looked around the room at the frightened bystanders, before letting out a frustrated grunt. "Trixie..." she said before bringing up her shin with as much force as her scrawny legs could muster. "...doesn't know what you're talking about!"
  19. >Sunset let out a sharp yelp at the feeling of the shin making harsh contact with her pubic bone. She may have been saved the pain of shattered jewels but a kick like that still sent a searing pain up through her body that caused her to drop Trixie and lean forward. The pitiful magician seized the opportunity and jerked Sunset down to the floor with her. The air rushed out of Sunset's lungs at the sudden fall onto the cold, uncaring floor and Trixie was quick to mount her and resume the infernal scratching.
  21. "You'll soon regret tangling with me, the great and—woooAah," she managed to get out before Sunset jerked her back down to the ground with her.
  23. A tangle of limbs threw them around the floor, constantly rolling over one another until one of them hit their head on a locker or momentarily got the upper hand. A flurry of scratches, kicks, and punches drew out the occasional "oof" or "ow" between grunts. Sunset finally let her rage take control fully and wrapped both hands around Trixie's scrawny neck in one last roll to pin her down against the floor. She glared down at her as she kicked and slapped up at her face, but to no avail.
  25. Before Sunset could see her pass out, a harsh jerk on her leather jacket's collar pulled her up to her feet, and with a surprising amount of strength too.
  27. "That is enough!" The voice of Vice Principal Luna boomed throughout the halls. "All of you, get to class," she said, waving away the crowd that had formed around the catfight. "And you two." Luna leaned down to grab Trixie's collar as well, ignoring the fact that she was rubbing her neck before lurching her up to her feet. "Are coming with me to the principal's office," Luna said, looking down at the pair with as stern a voice as she could manage. Neither of them could respond, besides glaring daggers at the other from across Luna's chest. Before anything could heat up, Luna pushed both girls down the hallway for the walk of shame to the principal's office.

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Only the Daring - Act II

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Only the Daring - Act III

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