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Schooling the Ending
By IsakeiAnonCreated: 2022-10-31 03:26:42
Updated: 2022-11-06 21:32:58
Expiry: Never
>be Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship
>You've just become Headmare of the reopened School of Friendship
>No EEA approval because BUCK having proper credentials, you're the Princess and what you say goes!
>wow, okay
>That was a very different mindset from when you first ascended to Princesshood
>You didn't even have much to do at first
>You still worked as the town's sole librarian in a humble little tree
>Fucking Tirek.
>Still missed it, but hey, you ran a school now!
>As a mare of education, it was a dream come true
>And you got to do it with your best friends, in the name of sharing friendship with everypony
>Well, everycreature
>Between the reformation of the Changelings and reconciliations with the Dragon, Griffin, Yak, and Hippogriff kingdoms
>More and more friendships were being formed between all kinds of different cultures and beings
>And everycreature needed to learn just how magical those friendships could be
>That was why you published the Journal of Friendship, after all
>Even if that incident didn't turn out so well at first
>Hay, you couldn't win over everycreature with the school at first
>You really bucked up actually running a school
>Nearly drove away your closest friends with that one
>You actually drove away all of the students, at first
>Even with your promise not to make the same mistakes, a few students chose not to come back
>Which, well, that was fine. Really!
>Plenty of others were interested
>In fact, a bunch of those new applicants had taken initiative and came to the school beforehand to make their case for attending
>Most had a genuine interest in friendship
>A couple, sadly, only really seemed to be in it for meeting one of Equestria's princesses
>But the standouts for applying? Both of them were two young fillies
>Both seemed to already be on the cusp of what true friendship really means
>They just needed that little extra push
>And both were young enough that when they got that final push, this school would let them forge friendships that would last a lifetime
>Perhaps they could even become friends with each other?
>Those interviews couldn't have gone better!
>First was the interview with a little green Earth Pony by the name of Anonymous
"Anonymous? You can come in now!"
>The door opened, the little filly trotted into her office with some sort of steely determination in her eyes
>Clearly the brave little filly was trying very hard to hide how nervous she was
>Interestingly, she was also one of the many ponies interviewed today with a copy of the previously mentioned Journal of Friendship
>The last pony who did that just wanted an autograph, but you could see that Anonymous would be different
>Her copy had several color coded sticky notes peeking outside the pages, even more so than when Discord did so to the original Journal of Friendship
"Welcome Anonymous, please take a seat."
>You gestured to the stools in front of you
>"Thank you, Princess." Anonymous replies, as she the middle stool
"No need for that, Anonymous, just call me Twilight for now."
>"In that case Twilight, just call me Anon. Everyone does."
>A nickname? Well then
"So Anon, I understand from your application you had a lot of questions about friendships?
>"A few. But I actually came here because I wanted to ask you a big one before committing to this whole Friendship School deal."
"You're on the fence about attending then? Fire away Anon, we here at the School of Friendship are an open learning environment. I can assure you, there are no wrong questions!"
>That ought to reassure Anonymous
>The filly still seemed hesitant, looking away for a bit
>You only gave her a patient smile, feeling oddly nostalgic
>You felt that intimidated by Princess Celestia when you were that little filly, but she was more than patient with you
>Like you with Princess Celestia, there was nothing Anon could do that would throw you off
>Sure enough, Anonymous looked at you directly in the eyes
>"Why did you forgive Tempest Shadow?"
>Was not the friendship question you were expecting
>"I mean, she was in the Storm King's army, attacking everything and everyone, everypony, I mean everything in sight." Anonymous pointed right at you. "Including you. A lot. Why did you just," A wave of the hoof, "let her go?"
>Not the first time you heard that question, admittedly, but from a filly? That serious look on her suddenly wasn't quite as fitting on her either. It was the look of someone, uh, somecreature. Somebody? Regardless, Anonymous clearly wanted an serious answer. Well, it was still a friendship question, after all. Taking a moment to collect yourself, you had your answer.
"Well, Tempest rejected friendship when it failed her in the past.That led her down a dark path. When I attempted to show her the error of her ways, she showed remorse for her actions and made a serious effort to make up for it. I'm being very honest when I say that if it weren't for Tempest, my friends and I wouldn't be here right now."
>Anonymous blinked, then raised an eyebrow.
>"So friendship is about risking your life when you mess up?"
"It's about forgiveness. Giving others a second chance to be a better pony. Their best self that they can be. Tempest is not the first I've had to forgive, and she's not the first enemy to since become a true friend."
>"You mean Discord, right? You gave him more than a second chance."
>This conversation was getting heavier than expected. You held off on a reply, however, since Anonymous was flipping through her copy of the Friendship Journal.
>"Okay, here. The day you fought Tirek. Quote, 'Discord betrayed us all', yadda yadda 'Tirek was going to destroy us all', blah blah blah 'I chose being a friend when it wasn't easy and Discord gave me a friendship medallion and we saved Equestira.' End quote. Why?"
"I told Discord once that friendship isn't easy. But it's always worth fighting for. I will never put power above my friendships, and on that day, I chose my friends."
"Yes, what Discord did that day betrayed our trust. But we gave him a chance before, and we stand by it now.”
>”About that first chance, hold on a sec…” Flipping through the Friendship Journal pages again, Anon pointed to an earlier chapter.
>”Okay, here’s one from Fluttershy. She became friends with Discord first, but that was apparently ordered to by Princess Celestia for some reason. What’s up with that?”
>Huh. You recall that, at the time, she only said she had plans for Discord.
“Well, why not? At the time, we knew from Princess Luna that sometimes you just need to reach out and let others know you’re willing to take that first step in hearing them out. It encourages them to do the same for others they meet.”
>Memories of Sunset and Starlight came to mind. After all you first went through with the formerly-villainous unicorns, giving them opportunities to redeem themselves came in handy in the future. Your own counterpart in the mirror world, the many magical mishaps Sunset dealt with, Trixie, the Changelings, Stygian!
The Changelings! Spike was the one who reached out to Thorax to begin with and gave him a chance at friendship. Even when no one else would, he stuck up for his friend.
…even you hadn’t been on board with that at first. It shouldn’t have been surprising, Spike was always around when you learned about friendship. Some days you thought that maybe your friends understood just a bit more about friendship than you did.
“Giving others a second chance lets you spread the Magic of Friendship to them, and they in turn spread friendship with others who haven’t had a second chance before. The magic of friendship isn’t supposed to be limited to any creature for any reason, after all. It’s why I founded this School. Because at the end of the day, everyone deserves friendship.”
>”Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
>”…so, the next time some big bad comes along with big threatening plans, you’ll offer friendship to them?”
“Yes. However, I can’t say that everyone willingly accepts that offer, not at first.” Again, Starlight came to mind. She had first rejected that offer of friendship back at Our Town, then again during the time travel until finally accepting friendship at the very end. When Starlight attempted to offer friendship to Chrysalis after defeating her, however…
“You can only hope they’re as willing to accept redemption as you are, but even when it doesn’t work out, I can proudly say that it’s always worth taking that first step. All you need is someone willing to do it.”
>Anonymous simply thought it over, then pulled out a pencil before turning to a blank page at the very end of the Journal.
>”Friendship is…for everyone.” Anon wrote. “Even if they don’t accept…it’s worth trying to share, no matter what. There. Is that what you meant, Twilight?”
“Headmare Twilight. You’re in, Anonymous.”
>She blinked. "Really, Headmare Twilight?"
>You smiled
"You can still just call me Twilight, though."
>”Thanks Twilight. It’s an honor."
"The honor is all mine, Anonymous. Counselor Starlight should have your schedule and dorm arrangements for the rest of the semester."
>"Where's the Counselor?"
>After giving the Anonymous some directions, you waved her off
>What a bright filly
>She was going to go very far in her friendship studies, you just knew it
"Okay, next applicant! The Headmare will see you now!"
>Well, that made you feel suspicious as hell
>Thankfully the Storm King incident was still on everyone's minds, even several months later.
>You pulled the Friendship Journal back into your saddlebag
>Looking around, the hallways were emptier now that you walked away from the line at Twilight's office
>You hid inside an empty closet
>You pulled out a checklist from a secret pocket inside the saddlebag
>'Step One:' Rick Astley'
>You crossed that one off
>You skipped ahead to Step Three: Poochie
>This was probably the best chance you'd get to talk to Starlight, anyhow
>Hiding the list and sneaking back out, you walked to Starlight's office
>Your name is Anonymous, a simple Earth Pony filly
>That's all anyone will ever suspect
>This line sure was long
>And yet it was full of nothing but fools
>Nopony would ever suspect a cute little filly
>"Okay, will Cozy Glow please come in? It's your turn for the interview!"
"Golly, thanks Princess!" You fluttered your cute little Pegasus wings into Twilight's office
>You had your entire backstory planned out to appeal to her
>Then, you'd be able to infiltrate the school and learn exactly what you'll need for your plans with Tirek.
>Soon, everypony would be lining up to be friends with you.
>Be Starlight Glimmer
>Former cult leader, to former enemy of the Elements of Harmony
>To student of the Princess of Friendship
>And now, student counselor of the School of Friendship
>Not the life you expected, but obvious regrets aside, you're pretty comfy with how things are going
>Too bad things have gotten really boring since Twilight reopened the school
>Before, the students were more open to any kind of help at all
>Twilight's insistence on following the EEA rule book was really sending the school's reputation down the drain, for both the students and even the teachers
>Even reopened, that reputation hadn't quite gone away
>A lot of returning students came to you for help, because they were on the fence when it came to attending, and you couldn't convince all of them to give the school a second chance
>The ones that stayed didn't actually need guidance counseling anymore
>The whole point of a school about Friendship was guidance!
>Who the heck was going to need help from a guidance counselor?
>"Hello? Counselor Starlight?"
>Oh buck, someone needed help from a guidance counselor!
"Oh, hello there! Feel free to come in! You must be one of the new students!"
>Reputation or not, lots of creatures still wanted to be near one of the four Princesses of Equestria
>So naturally, when some students left? A lot more wanted to fill in those gaps, even showing up uninvited
>Twilight had been ecstatic, but you couldn't fit everycreature in the classrooms
>So your teacher and friend decided to flub the process a little bit, planning on eventually accepting any who she thought at least had genuine interest in friendship
>Anycreature Twilight accepted on the spot, however?
>She would send them over straight to you
>This little filly was going to be one to keep your eyes on
>"Uh, yeah, I'm Anonymous. I'm here to pick up my schedule and stuff?"
"Well, let me be the first to say congratulations Anonymous! You're going to go far in learning the Magic of Friendship, I just know it! If you ever have any questions or concerns over it, my door is always open! Surely you must some questions over what becoming a Student of Friendship means?"
>"Well, um, I'm not really sure why I managed to get in. All I really did was ask a question."
"I'd say it was a pretty good question to ask. Knowing Twilight, you two had a good talk about it, didn't you?
>Anonymous nodded
>"Yeah, I think she made some good points! We, uh, talked about Tempest Shadow. And Discord. And why she's friends with those two."
>Hooooo boy.
>It was a popular question after the Storm King's initial invasion
>Was kind of hard to hide when every pony in Equestria was in one spot
>Not to mention things got tense with the Hippogriphs for a second there
>Apparently Tempest was key to them having to hide in the ocean to begin with
>Twilight stealing their pearl didn't help
>Frankly it's a bit of a miracle that Queen Novo allowed a hippogrif to attend Twilight's School
>And Discord was, well, Discord
>And that's just the incidents ponies are aware of
>Your own attempts at fighting Twilight were largely swept under the rug, only really known by your friends, and the princesses
>Even the cult was largely considered an isolated incident, since all of Our Town unanimously stayed there, rebuilt the town to make it work for all of them, and forgave you
>Your crimes weren't as visible as Tempest's were
>Didn't make the guilt easier, but it did help out with getting a bit more of a fresh start
>Granted, you were also a bit biased to being okay with Tempest getting forgiven, but why not give somepony else the same chance you got?
"I see. I suppose you weren't fully comfortable with that idea?"
>"I just didn't get why she'd do that, but the Princess of Friendship did say that everyone deserves friendship. Counselor Starlight, what would you do someone like that doesn't want to accept friendship?"
>Hoooo boy
"You might want to sit down Anonymous, this is going to be one heck of an explanation."
>Man, what were the odds this sort of question would come up from a student at the School of Friendship?
>Luckily, you've put a lot of thought into this question ever since you became Twilight's student
>...ever since Chrysalis rejected your offer of friendship.
>Working your magic, you levitated a cup of delicious hot cocoa towards Anonymous
"Empathy Cocoa?"
>Anonymous blinked, then sniffed the cocoa
>Before you could de-levitate the cup, Anonymous already began to enjoy the tasty treat
>"Mmmm. That's good shi-stuff, Starlight."
>You raised a brow at the language, but at least Anonymous tried to corrected herself. You were required to warn Twilight about that, though.
"Yup, Empathy Cocoa. Sharing's a way of showing you care. It's a way of showing empathy for others."
>You nodded
"Right, empathy. That means you put yourself in somepony else's horseshoes, so to speak."
>"I probably won't be nailing anything to me anytime soon."
>A smart aleck, too.
"Not quite, no. What that means is trying to see things from somepony else's point of view."
>You take a swig from your own cup of cocoa.
>Man, Sugar Belle really can come up with great recipes when you let her.
"Everycreature in the world thinks about things a little differently from each other. Some may think those differences can tear friendships apart."
>Once, it very much did that. Though the memory was somber, you couldn't stop the smile that grew on your face. Besides, you got to reconnect that particular friendship anyhow.
"But sometimes, those same differences can bring those very friendships closer together instead. Everypony has something different that they can do that others can't, and there's things they can't do that others can. That means those ponies will see the same things a little differently from each other, and that's okay. It just means you can do so much more together than apart."
>You frowned
"Sorry, I'm talking a lot here. You following along so far?"
>Anonymous nodded. You figured somepony Twilight thoroughly approved of would be able to, but it doesn't hurt to be sure.
"Some ponies aren't okay with doing things differently than they're used to, however. They might try to force things to stay the same. Some changes may be too much for those ponies to handle right away, and they don't want friendship at that moment."
>Okay, now to actually address what Anonymous' question was.
"You wondered what to do when others don't accept friendship, right? Well, some ponies don't accept friendship because they don't want things to change at all. They don't want to look at things from somepony else's point of view. And when you don't care at all what others think, you'd be willing to do some really bad stuff."
>Were you talking about Chrysalis or yourself at this point? Oh, whatever.
"That's why it's so important to see what things are like in somepony else's life. You never really know what they're going through unless you're willing to reach out to them. To have more empathy for others. Maybe once those ponies understand someone else a little bit better, they'll really get the chance to grow into a happier pony. All you can really do, sometimes, is continue to reach out, and hope things will work out better than before. Does that answer your question?"
>"So...just have empathy and hope for the best?"
"Something like that. Anything else you want to ask?
>"Just one. What's the recipe on this cocoa?"
"Oh, just one an old friend of mine gave me. Hold on, I'll write down a copy and put it with the rest of your things, okay?"
>Without fanfare, you gave Anonymous her map and schedule.
"If you'll just follow me to the dorms, you can get better acquainted with some of the students already attending! Won't that be fun?”
by IsakeiAnon
by IsakeiAnon