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Anon introduced to Pinkie (Oneshot) [SFW]

By Guest
Created: 2022-11-01 04:24:25
Expiry: Never

  1. (This story was inspired by a dream I had.)
  2. (Disclaimer One: I apologize for the very low quality, I am not an avid writer. Nonetheless, I at least hope this is not a waste of your time fellow traveler of the web.)
  3. (Disclaimer two: This is a story without a very engaging climax. So leave if chill is not what ya looking for.)
  5. >It's a school day.
  6. >It's ending.
  7. >And it's not Friday :(
  8. >You may or may not be Anon.
  9. >Right now you're about to walk out of class when you hear on the intercom:
  10. >"Anon E. Mous to the office please."
  11. Damn, it... What is it now?
  12. >You step out into the hallway and head towards the office.
  13. >Two guys tag along behind you.
  14. >Your two universally different friends.
  15. >One short, weird, and oblivious.
  16. >One tall skater dude.
  17. >You don't even know how you became friends with these guys.
  18. >Let's call short guy Zim and tall guy Matt.
  19. >"Sooo what's in the slaughterhouse for ya?" asks Zim
  20. "Don't know, but about to find out."
  21. >Strangely you don't care, but at the same time are a little freaked out.
  22. >Matt chimes in, "Let's hope it ain't too bad bro."
  23. >You take a few turns and end up at the office with your convoy of two.
  24. >Let's call the principal Jack.
  25. >Jack is an "average" looking guy with a bit of shoulder girth.
  26. >Sort of like a smaller Giga Chad
  27. >Voice deep and affirmative
  28. >"So, Anon. I've called you here because a friend of yours says this is an emergency. "
  29. >"Considering the things she said, I don't think it really is, but what would I be if I left her hanging?"
  30. >You only have two friends, and these two guys would have said some- wait... "She?"
  31. Excuse me, who are we talking about?
  32. >"The new transfer." Speaks the man with a booming voice. "Pinkamena Diane Pie. She calls herself 'Pinkie' if that rings any bells."
  33. No, it doesn't...
  34. >"Well, amnesia or not, you have someone to attend to."
  35. >Why would a random student you have no idea of even call you a friend?
  36. >That is the first red flag of the race.
  37. Okayyyy... Where is she?
  38. >"In the cafeteria."
  39. Alright then. Have a good day.
  40. Em- Sir.
  42. >You and your buds move out to the hallway, and into your trek to the lunchroom.
  43. >Jack is rather unnerving...
  44. >"Soooo dude, you got a girl on you? Hahaaaa."
  45. Matt, I don't even know her.
  46. >"Then get to. You might be missing out!" squeals the shorty.
  47. Look, I'm gonna make this quick and forget about it tomorrow, okay guys?
  48. "We'll be recording bro."
  49. Just shut up, both of you, please.
  50. >You all arrive at the doors of the cafeteria
  51. >You feel that it would be best if you went in alone, so...
  52. Zim, Matt, wait here.
  53. >"Bro why?"
  54. >"Yeah c'mon, this could be huge!"
  55. SHHHH... Jack said she only called for me. I don't wanna put any more stress on her than she's already dealing with.
  56. >"Pshhaaw, fine man."
  57. >"I can't promise I won't come in..."
  58. Don't.
  59. >"Fine whatever, get your freak on without us huh?"
  60. >You don't have time for this, so you just head on in.
  61. >To your slight and forward right, you see a pink-haired girl, which the hair looks like thick cotton candy.
  62. >How can it be that thick?
  63. >Doesn't matter.
  64. >It looks like she's crying...
  65. >As you get closer, you can make out the sounds that she is indeed crying.
  66. >After passing a handful of table rows, you're standing at the far end of the one she's on.
  67. >You make your approach casual, not meaning to disturb her.
  68. >Getting closer, you speak up.
  69. Hey there.
  70. >She pauses sobbing and turns her head to you.
  71. >Her eyes seem to have gone through a hearty session of crying, jeez.
  72. >"Oh... Hey..."
  73. >You take your final steps, then proceed to sit down on her right.
  74. >And with the flip of a script, she hugs the life out of you.
  75. >"Oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my you're hereeee!"
  76. >She nuzzles your shoulder a little bit
  77. >This feels super awkward, but she's suffering you'll let it pass for now.
  78. >Expiration date incoming.
  79. >Ok, you hope this isn't rude...
  80. Ummm, Pinkie? I hate to be rude, but do you mind letting me go, please?
  81. >She lets go and quickly returns to her previous state, but then the conveyed emotions ricocheted into her now smiling expression.
  82. >So she's bipolar huh?
  83. >This is gonna be a journey and a half.
  84. >"So umm, since you're here, I can finally express myself!"
  85. Wa-wa-wait-wa-wait. I'm sorry but, why exactly me? We don't know each other.
  86. >"But I know you! Know that you're a great guy! I don't think I can trust the teachers..."
  87. >Her tone and facial expressions change from happy to sad and back like a ping-pong game.
  88. >You don't see how you can weave through this one
  89. Alright then, tell me what's wrong.
  90. >"So in my last period class, some guys stole my study supplies and slapped me-e-e-e-e!"
  91. >She begins shaking you like a maraca.
  92. >You could've sworn you heard them actually shaking.
  93. Okay! Okay! Okay, calm down, please!
  94. >"Oh my, i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry..."
  95. >It looks like she's about to cry again.
  96. It's okay. shhh shhh, you did nothing wrong...
  97. >"Oh... okay..."
  98. Just breathe, okay?
  99. >You aren't a therapist, but if general knowledge taught you anything, it's to take things slowly.
  100. >She takes a few deep breaths.
  101. >Now she's seemingly collected.
  102. >"Okay... Phuuuummmm... Sugar plums and sugar plums..."
  103. Ready?
  104. >You keep a soft tone, trying your hardest to not make matters worse.
  105. >"Yes, yes I am."
  106. >She has her eyes on you, ready at attention.
  107. What happened?
  108. >"So I-I-I was gonna leave my class until some meanies took my stuff and s-slapped me..."
  109. Stay with me here. Keep going.
  110. >Is she blushing?
  111. Alright, what did you do afterward?
  112. "I ran... and cried... and told the principal... and I'm here..."
  113. >Okay, we have the groundwork laid.
  114. >Now what do I do with the plans?
  115. >Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  116. >"I can tell you're lost. Hahaha... I am too..."
  117. >Mission failed.
  118. >Now the mood's all somber and stuff.
  119. I am so sorry, I don't know what to do except say a few things, but don't get me wrong. I feel bad for you. So here goes.
  120. If they try you again, just hurt them back. You don't seem like the type of person to do that, but in this case, do that. That will teach them to back off.
  121. >"Huh? Hurt them? I-I... I'll... try..."
  122. >She sighs and slumps over, probably accepting the inevitable.
  123. Well, I guess that's that?
  124. >This is so awkwarrrrrddddddd.
  125. >"Yeah..."
  126. >Time to pull a power move I guess.
  127. Do you want me to walk you out maybe?
  128. >"Oh my yes please!"
  129. >Quick mood change...
  130. >You two get up and proceed to the cafeteria door
  131. >"... like dude what? Then she went off bro."
  132. >Now you gotta deal with these fools.
  133. >Right before you open the door, Pinkie dashes through it
  134. >You take a couple steps forward to see her gaining distance and exiting the school
  135. >"It took her that long to find out how short you are?"
  136. >You don't respond, flabbergasted at what happened
  137. >"That's real sad my man."
  138. Just shut up, please!
  139. >You storm off, leaving your so-called friends behind, and heading for the exit without the intention of catching the pink girl.
  141. >The walk home was in a bewildered mindset, why did she do that?
  142. >You arrive at your house, and you use your spare key to get in.
  143. >Your mom greets you and you two make quick small talk.
  144. >You march for your room, ready to take on the grueling task of homework.
  145. >You dump your backpack's contents onto your bed.
  146. >As you turn around, you catch a glimpse to your right.
  147. >Your vision is aimed at your bed, where a tray of cupcakes and a stray sheet of paper reside, coincidentally placed together perfectly.
  148. >You grab the paper and read it.
  149. >"This is Pinkie here, I'm sorry for making our interaction so awkward. I wanted to say that you are such a great friend for even caring to listen. You didn't know me but you chose to come. I thank you so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!! Hehe sorry. Enjoy the cupcakes, I made them myself.
  150. >It ends with a smiley face.
  151. >You put the note down to look at the tray.
  152. How did that even fit!? Something new every day huh?
  153. >You grab the tray, walk to the kitchen, and present it to your mom.
  154. So a friend of mine gave me this.
  155. >You set it down.
  156. >"Oh honey that's great! Let's eat first before you do your work huh?"
  160. (This was super underwhelming huh? I made this on the spot with the inspiration I had then because I feared I would lose it later. I bet it was a waste of your time if you read all the way through. Alright, have a good day whoever you are.)

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