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/ptfg/ prompts

By Guest
Created: 2022-11-07 11:38:34
Expiry: Never

  1. 1. While struggling to get to sleep one night you find yourself receiving a surprise visit by beings from another world. After a routine probing and traumatisation you wake up in a wheat field with hooves where your hands should be.
  3. 2. A cereal box toy you dismissed as a dollar store water pistol is in fact a ponification ray. After unbenowingly transforming your co-worker you attempt to damage control the situation as he ventures to ruin your life in exchange for ruining his.
  5. 3. Your parents from out of town come to visit for the first time since your transformation. They worry that you can’t take care of yourself as a pony but you take the opportunity to show them just how independent you are. You’ve devised several unique solutions to your new “disability” such as your driving harness and stationary-equipped horse shoes.
  7. 4. After falling down a well you find yourself hooved in the middle of sweet apple acres. Big Mac finds you distraught and barely able to walk when he goes to get help from Applejack who offers you a place to stay. A few months after your recovery, Applejack demands you earn your keep.
  9. 5. After binge watching a few seasons of your favourite horse show you begin to find some scenes going differently than usual. And then a lot different than usual as the pony of your dreams begins gesturing to you to climb inside the screen. Eventually, they manage to snatch you from your reality, replacing your human form with one that can survive in 2D land. Each consecutive visit to 2D land makes it harder and harder to go back.
  11. 6. Anon gets on Discord’s bad side for the last time and ends up zapped into the body of Derpy without his memories. Derpy then must remember who she is, where she lives and where she was taking this package.
  13. 7. You and Twilight team up to unlock the secret of transferring consciousness. After years of study and experimentation you finally swap consciousness with Rainbow Dash who runs off with your body causing pandemonium in your name. You and Twilight attempt to stop the excitable tomboy but as it turns out, she’s gleamed a thing or two from Daring Do.
  15. 8. You were working at a pet store paying off your university debt when you refused to sell a frog to a women who failed to present ID. One obvious witch plot device later and you end up catalogued as the “new and exotic pet.”
  17. 9. Your best friend wakes up a pony and looks to you for help. The media catches wind of his existence and your duty as a friend becomes the challenge of a lifetime. The paparazzi and horsefuckers relentlessly hunt the two of you down to every roadside motel and distant relative’s attic but you aren’t going to let them take you alive!
  19. 10. In a dreary consumerist future, the elite spend their days buying and selling on computer screens and lounging around as ponies. But one day an unlucky entrepreneur gets separated from her servants and falls into your hands. Will you exact
  20. >revenge
  21. on this helpless equine or will you help her get home?

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