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Sapphire Blues

By NotAWriterAnon
Created: 2022-11-15 07:25:28
Updated: 2022-12-13 10:46:21
Expiry: Never

  2. >Be anon in Equestria
  3. >Standing back stage with your fiance's manager, a unicorn mare named Spotlight
  4. >You are just out of view from the crowd of howling fans and the flurry of camera flashes
  5. >Your fiance however is center stage eating up all the attention with her cheery pop star grin as she poses for the cameras and sings praise for her adoring fans
  6. >You look down at your watch to check the time and sigh
  7. "Just ten more minutes." you mumble to yourself
  8. >Suddenly your wife's agent pipes up
  9. >"So what's it like to be engaged one of Equestria's most talented and famous pop singers Anon!" she exclaims beaming up at you
  10. >A little caught off guard by the question you raise a hand and rub your neck a little
  11. >Not exactly sure how to answer the question you just say something off the top of your head
  12. "Its......pretty amazing I guess. I'm really glad I get to see her happy like this, doing what she loves...." you sheepishly respond
  13. >"I bet! Any pony would love to be in your position! I mean you are going to marry THE Sapphire Shores! Oh I get giddy just thinking about how big the wedding will be! And not to mention all the shows and important ponys in attendance and the costumes and the blah blah blah blah........."
  14. >The words leaving the unicorn ponys mouth cause you to cringe slightly so you decide to try and tune her out
  15. >In search of relief you check your watch again
  16. "still ten more minutes....."
  17. >Christ, time sure is taking its sweet time
  18. >You just cant wait till this is over with and you can go home with the mare you love
  19. >You bring your gaze back to your fiance
  20. >She looks stunning despite all the extra unnecessary accessories she is adorned with
  21. >You feel like all the copious amount of make up, gaudy hair styles, and intricate costumes only work to hide her beauty
  22. >You would take a groggy looking, tired, bed head Sapphy over dazzled up Sapphy any day
  23. >But you suppose getting all dressed up is a requirement for her line of work
  24. >As she stares, smiles, and waves at the crowd of adoring ponys her eye flicks over in your direction and catches your gaze
  25. >She briefly looks in your direction and gives you a heart warming smile and winks as if to tell you there isnt much longer till you both can leave for home together
  26. >She knows these meets with her fans and the press arent really one of your favorite activities
  27. >But seeing her display of affection and reassurance eases your stress somewhat
  28. >You check your watch
  29. "Just a couple more minutes."
  30. >Your brain tunes back in the rambling unicorn agent at your side
  31. "And im sure all the decorations at the wedding will be fabulous and and the even the napkins at the tables will be designed with Sapphire shore's likeness and OH MY GOSH!"
  32. >The unicorn suddenly panics
  33. "The press conference is almost over and Sapphire hasnt even announced her tour yet!"
  34. >The unicorn agent quickly scrambles onto the stage
  35. >She whispers something in Sapphire's ear and Sapphire nods as she turn back to the crowd
  36. >You feel something slightly churn in your stomach
  37. "Tour?"
  41. "Well maybe I could go with you?!"
  42. >"Anon, sugar please..."
  43. "I mean I wont be able to leave right now, but I could catch the next train out and meet up with you as soon as possible."
  44. >"Hun, you are being ridiculous."
  45. "I just gotta let AppleJack know that I wont be able to come into work for a week, im sure she would understand."
  46. >"Anonymous you know you don't need to work right?"
  47. "Here, just let me go get-"
  48. >Before you are able to go anywhere Sapphire stands up on her hind legs and grasps your head with her front hooves, bringing you face to face with each other
  49. >Despite her groggy appearance (likely a result from having just woken up not to long ago) she gives you a wide eyed all serious look with those beautiful amber eyes of hers
  50. >"Anon, listen to me. You are not going on tour with me." Sapphire says flatly
  51. >You feel you chest tighten a little
  52. "What? why not?" you mutter
  53. >Seaming slightly amused, she eases her expression before giving you a quick peck on the cheek letting go of your face and getting back on all four hooves and returning to her packing
  54. >"Because hun, I know you dont really wanna go."
  55. >You are somewhat caught off guard
  56. "Wh-what do you mean?" you stammer
  57. >Sapphire brushes by as she is more focused searching around the room for anything else she might need to pack with her on her trip instead of answering your question
  58. "Of course I wanna go, I wanna be with you!" you say slightly frustrated
  59. >Sapphire lets out a sigh as she shuts one of her many suitcases
  60. >"I know that Anon, and I love ya for it, but I also know touring is just not your scene baby. Dont get me wrong, I would love for you to come with me, but it doesnt work out the way you think it would. Believe me when I say you wouldnt be able to have a good time."
  61. "What makes you think I wouldn't have a good time?" you counter
  62. >Sapphire roles her eyes "Oh my hun, where do I even begin?" Sapphire says starting to sound a little annoyed "Anon, the train ride to Vanhoover takes a days travel alone and you are always talking about how much you hate traveling by train because the seats are to small for you and that you have ride with the luggage. And let me tell you sugar that wont be the only train ride we have to take, and not to mention you barely even fit in carriages so you would end up most likely having to walk along with the carriage all over Vanhoover among all the other cities we would be visiting."
  63. >Well, you guess that might be true but...
  64. >"And then think of all the ponys that have never seen a human before that would be gawking at you Anon, and it will be non-stop. I know how much you dislike having ponys stare at you and it will be even worse for you because you will have the princess of pop right next to you! And dont even get me started on all the paparazzi we would run into, but I think you remember what they can be like after last time."
  65. >You shudder a little after remembering that one time you decided to take out the trash when you the two of you were staying at her vacation home in Canterlot
  66. >You were instantly swarmed after and had barely been able to make it back to the front door and you swear you still sometimes see spots
  67. >A shiver runs down your spine, but despite all the incredible un-comforts you would have to endure that she had mentioned, you still want to go with her
  68. "I don't care about all that stuff Sapphy, as long as I can get to spend time with you I can deal with it."
  69. >Sapphires annoyed expression turns becomes glum as she looks at you with her amber eyes
  70. >"Oh Anon love, thats another thing, we wont barely be able to spend anytime together. Im gonna be busy during this whole trip among all the rehearsals, costume fittings, fan meets, press conferences, and even the shows itself! The last time I went on tour was before we met and even then I barely had time to go out and get a meal myself. I had to have my assistants bring me all my food in liquid form in a bottle because I didnt even have enough time to chew! There just wouldnt be any time for us hun. You would essentially be by yourself wherever we went, and I dont want you to be on your own in these big cities!"
  71. >You sigh and and sit down on the bed as you begin to understand her reasoning
  72. >And how she is right about everything she said
  73. You rub the back of your neck and stare down at the ground and contemplate her words "I think I understand what you are saying Sapphy, I....get it.....its just you havent ever been away this long before and......I...really was just hoping we would be able to spend Hearts and Hooves day together this week...."
  74. >Sapphire frowns and looks like she is about to cry, but instead wraps a hoof around your neck and pulls you into a hug
  75. >"Oh love I know and I wanted to spend it with you too.....but I have to do this tour.... I might not ever get another line of gigs as big as these ones for a very long time! Songbird Serenade had canceled all her shows for some unkown reason and that makes this the perfect time for me to move in and take up the reins and reclaim my place at the top! I hate it to my core that it had to be this week, but these hearts and hooves shows are just something I cant pass up!"
  76. >You sink a little, but you understand
  77. >Honestly this is something you should have expected when you proposed to one of Equestria's biggest pop stars
  78. >And the last thing you wanna do is get in the way of her career
  79. "o.....ok." you mumble
  80. >She pulls away from the hug and looks you in the eyes
  81. >"I promise you hun, I will only be gone for a week and when I get back I will make it up to you! So just wait for my return. Ok?"
  82. "Yeah ok, I can do that. I mean its only a week really, so I can wait that long." you say with a reassuring smile.
  83. >Sapphire smiles as well
  84. >"And dont you worry sugar, when I return we will celebrate a late hearts and hooves day and it will be SEEEEN-SA-TION-AL!" she says with equal amounts of excitedness and seductivity
  85. >You like the sound of that
  86. >She leans in for a kiss and you reciprocate, but before you can feel each others lips, a Pegasus suddenly crashes into your's and Sapphire's bedroom
  87. >You both pull away from each other and put your attention on the pony and recognize it as one of Sapphires many assistants
  88. >The pony hands a paper to Sapphire and quickly dashes out of the window as fast as she came in
  89. >"Ah my agent sent me a page." She says studying the paper
  90. >Sapphire suddenly gasps "Oh my Celestia, im gonna miss the train If I dont get my flank in gear right now!"
  91. >Sapphire frantically grabs many articles of clothing and stuffs them into the open suitcases
  92. >As she takes a suitcase in her mouth she asks "Anon can you give me a hoof with getting the rest of these suitcases to the door?"
  93. A little taken back by the earlier events you hesitate, but you answer "Y-yeah lemme grab a few of these."
  94. >grabbing the rest of her suit cases you follow Sapphire down the stairs carrying luggage and take it to the front door
  95. >Before she can even open the door, a frantic knocking comes from the other side
  96. >Sapphire opens the door and you see her agent, Spotlight standing there in a panicked state, as well as the pegasus assistant from earlier
  97. >"Ah Sapphire did you get my page! We gotta get to the train station now or we might not make it in time!"
  98. >"Dont worry darling I had just got it a few minutes ago, me and Anon finished packing all my stuff and im pretty sure im ready to go!" Sapphire responds almost equally frazzled
  99. >"Excellent! Lets get it all packed into the carriage and get on the move!"
  100. >"Of course! Anon hun do you mind helping us load up the carriage?" Sapphire asks
  101. "O-of course not."
  102. >You quickly load up the carriage with Sapphire's many suit cases with help of her assistant
  103. >Seeing that everything is ready to go, Spotlight and the assistant get inside the carriage and Spotlight hurriedly beckons Sapphire to get inside
  104. >"Come on Sapphire! The clocks ticking! Your assistants Gleaming Glitter and Ruby Slippers are waiting at the station for us and will help us unload all your things."
  105. >"Hold your horses Spotlight! Im coming! Im coming!"
  106. >Sapphire starts to get into the carriage, but you motion to get her attention
  107. "Sapphire wait!" You raise your hand up
  108. >She turns back to you with a mournful expression "Im sorry there is no time. I gotta catch this train babe. I promise I will be back in a week. Sorry..."
  109. >With that said, Sapphire gets inside the carriage and the door closes
  110. >The stallion ponys immediately start moving away from the house and to the station
  111. >You watch as the carriage continues to move further and further away from you until you can no longer see it in the distance.
  112. >Defeated you turn around and trudge back into the house
  113. " least its only a week....."
  117. >Sapphire is coming home tomorrow!
  118. >The thought has been racing through your head all day
  119. >You have been quiet giddy and have been making preparations for her return
  120. >Such an occasion calls for a very fancy and delicious homemade spaghetti meal
  121. >Well, your spaghetti is actually pretty mediocre compared to some of the fancier restaurants that Sapphy has taken you to, but you feel like she would enjoy a home cooked meal not in liquid form, and she has always assured you that its delicious
  122. >Its the thought that counts you suppose
  123. >Anyways you have been running all over Ponyville all day getting the preparations for the dinner you are going to make tomorrow for when she returns
  124. >You go over your list to make sure that you have everything that you need
  125. >Candels, CHECK
  126. >Spaghetti ingredients, CHECK
  127. >Pony wine/fruit juice, CHECK
  128. >Flowers, CHECK
  129. >All that is left is your extra fancy suit
  130. >Which Rarity should be just about done fixing up
  131. >You had sent her a letter a few days ago, asking if she could have it cleaned and ready for you today
  132. >It needed fixing up after the incident involving a sea of red wine at the last Grand Galloping Gala
  133. >Which is a story for another time.....
  134. >You shove the list back into your pocket and head over to Rarity's boutique
  135. >After a brief amount of walking, you come upon carousel styled building and open the front door letting yourself in
  136. >A bell at the top of the door jingles, alerting the seamstress to your presence
  137. >Her voices echos from the other room "Oh welcome to Carousel Boutique darling! I will be with you in just one moment!"
  138. You call out "Hey Rarity, Its Anon! Im here to pick up my suit!"
  139. >Rarity, hearing your voices comes trotting in from the other room "Oh my, Anonymous! Its so good to see you again! How are you dear? I assume you are hear to pick up your suit like you had mentioned in your letter?"
  140. "Yeah, its good to see you too Rarity, and im doing fine, just running a few errands is all, picking up my suit being one of them. Sorry that I didnt talk to you about it in person, AJ has been having me work quiet a few extra hours with cider season being upon us you know."
  141. You look away slightly embarrassed "The work days have been getting me so exhausted that all I can think of after work is going home taking a load off. Sending a letter just seemed a little easier at the time."
  142. >Rarity pouts "Well it doesnt hurt to take time off to visit ones friends Anonymous."
  143. >But then quickly smiles and looks at you "But also I completely understand Darling. Even I get exhausted from work from time to time. Just make sure not to overexert yourself."
  144. You smile nervously "Im glad you understand Rarity, and I'll try not to."
  145. >she nods "I'm relieved to hear that Darling."
  146. "Well anyways, were you able to get my suit fixed up?"
  147. >"Oh course dear, its just upstairs."
  148. "Oh cool! How much do I owe you?" You ask reaching into your bit bag
  149. >"Oh do not worry about it Anonymous! As a good friend as well as the Coltfriend of one of my most valued clients, I wont have you pay a single bit!"
  150. "Really? Thats awesome! You are the best Rarity! I'm really grateful!"
  151. >Rarity's cheeks turn a shade of crimson as she looks away
  152. >"Oh it was nothing, really, Darling."
  153. "Are you sure there isnt anything I can give you in return Rarity?"
  154. >A light flashes in Rarity's eyes
  155. >"Welllllllll if you wouldnt mind..........." Rarity hesitates but quickly squeaks out "...........mentioning to Sapphire Shores that I have a set of newly designed dresses that I think she would look just fabulous in!?......."
  156. "Yeah, of course. I'll let her know as soon as I see her again."
  157. >"Oh thank you Anon! You dont know how happy I am to hear that! Let me go fetch your suit right away! I will just be a few minutes so go ahead and take a seat and make yourself comfortable~!"
  158. "Yeah sure, take your time."
  159. >You take a seat on one of the chairs Rarity has positioned near the door
  160. >You twiddle your thumbs waiting for the fashionista ponys return until you spot a few magazines laying on a nearby desk
  161. >A familiar mare is eyeballing you on the cover of one the magazines
  162. >You walk over and pick up the magazine, inspecting its cover
  163. >Its one of those celebrity gossip magazine and this one just happens to have a picture of your fiance staring at the camera doing a fancy pose in one of her elaborate costumes
  164. >The title reads "PONYS" (like PEOPLE magazine, but with horses) as well as a few blurbs on the side saying "Sapphire Shores Hearts and Hooves day concert a MASSIVE HIT, leaves many ponys wanting more!" and "Sapphire Shores to make a big announcement and we have the inside scoop!" as well as a few more blurbs about other unrelated celeb ponys
  165. >Hoping that Rarity wont mind, you take the magazine back to your chair and begin the to skim through the articles
  166. >You really arent one to read one of these types of magazines for a multitude of reasons
  167. >The main one being that Sapphire despises them because of how they "Never publish anything with a lick of truth."
  168. >And really you gotta take her side on that one
  169. >It's because of an article written in one of these types of magazines that most ponys still think that you are Sapphires exotic house keeper that she rescued from the circus after your space ship had crash landed in the Everfree forest.
  170. >Not even close to how you two met
  171. >You had actually met her at a blues club in Manehattan.........but thats also a story for another time
  172. >Your eye catches the main article of the issue, that being the one about your fiance and her performance and apparently some big announcement she is going to make
  173. >"We have been asking fans in attendance of Sapphire's show and have been hearing the same thing over and over again! That being that Sapphire Shores's series of Hearts and hooves day shows have been some of her best performances of all time!"
  174. >You smile a bit knowing that things are seem to be going well for her
  175. >You dont really have a good way to communicate with Sapphire being that phones are still pretty primitive by human standards and that writing her isnt really good option either being that your letter is usually buried under a pile of letters from all her fans
  176. >Its part of what makes being apart from her so hard, you dont get to know how she is doing or how she is feeling
  177. >You cant talk to each other or hear each others voice (well you can hear her voice from the music on the radio, but its not the same)
  178. >You sometime wonder if she misses you as much as you miss her...
  179. >But hearing that her tour is a massive success must mean she is doing well wich brings you a mild amount of comfort
  180. >You really cant wait to see her again tomorrow
  181. >You snap your attention back to the magazine and continue to read the article "Ponys from cities all over Equestria are pleading for the Pop star princess to come to there town and perform one of her amazing Hearts and Hooves shows, but alas! Sadly her tour is set to conclude in a few days!"
  182. >Sorry, ponys from cities all over Equestria, but soon Sapphire will be all yours! Maybe next year on Hearts and Hooves day! (You really hope not though)
  183. >"But worry not Sapphire Shores fans! Apparently Sapphire is making a big announcement the night before her tour is set to end on Equestria Pop Radio and our pony on the inside has the juicy details on this announcement!"
  184. >You wonder what this big announcement could possibly be about. Maybe she is announcing her new album or maybe the date for another one of her shows
  185. >You continue to read the article, but for some reason you can feel a small bead of sweat roll down your forehead and your grip harshly tighten on the magazine
  186. >What are you nervous about? Calm down...
  187. >"According to our undercover source, Sapphire Shores is going to be announcing that she is postponing the end of her tour as she goes on to perform in many more of Equestria's cities! We could see her performing for up to an additional 3-6 weeks! Maybe even an additional 2 months if we are lucky!"
  188. >What?
  189. >You re-read the passage again and again trying to make sense of it
  190. >There isnt anyway......she would do that
  191. >You refuse to believe the words that you have read
  192. >She said she would be back tomorrow
  193. >You feel a hefty weight sit in your stomach as a wave of dread washes over you
  194. >You refuse to believe it though!
  195. >Sapphire said it herself, these magazines are full of shit
  196. >There way....she would......
  197. >"Anonymous Darling, are you alright? You look somewhat flushed."
  198. >Oh shit
  199. >You were to busy reading bullshit that you didnt hear Rarity comeback down the stairs
  200. "Huh? What? Oh! Yeah im fine, just a little tired from all the running around today you know haha......" You say unconvincingly
  201. >Rarity looks at you uncertainly
  202. >"Well......okay then darling, if you are certain. Just make sure not to over exert yourself."
  203. >Thank god she isnt the element of honesty
  204. >"Here is your suit Darling."
  205. >Rarity levitates the suit over to you and you take hold of it
  206. "Ah thanks again Rarity, I appreciate it."
  207. >"Not a problem dear." She says with a smile
  208. "Oh, and by the way, do you mind if I borrow this copy of "PONYS" magazine?"
  209. >"Hmmm of course not Anonymous, but I didnt take you for one for being interested in that type of reading material. Oh well I suppose they do mention Sapphire from time to time if you are interested about what they publish about her, but if your really interested there is an article in there about Trotty Depp that I found quiet intere-" Rarity is interrupted by a sudden jingling of the door bell as you quickly rush out the door
  210. >You didnt waste anytime leaving the boutique
  211. >You had to get home to hear this supposed announcement that Sapphire is apparently going to make tonight
  212. >You know the magazine was full of shit so you try not to worry to much, but you something in the back of your mind is worried it could be true....
  215. >You sit on the couch at home with an air of dreadful anticipation plaguing your thoughts
  216. >You have been sitting next to this radio for the last forty five minutes waiting for when Sapphire comes on to make her big announcement
  217. >The gossip magazine didnt give you an exact time as to when she will come on
  218. >You were almost afraid that you might have missed it, but the DJ pony running the station said that "Sapphire would coming to give her fans big news very soon, so keep on listening and dont touch that dial!"
  219. >Its almost like he is torturing you, instilling you with more feelings of agonizing anticipation
  220. >Forcing you to listen to these pop songs that make you wanna bang your head against the wall
  221. >You do anything that you can think of to pass the time that doesnt involve you straying to far from the radio
  222. >You find yourself inspecting the radio itself for that matter as you take it into your hands and start looking it over
  223. >Despite currently being the object of your torture, you are actually quite fond of the little thing
  224. >Its an older looking, wooden radio that Granny Smith had given you for one of your first birthdays here in Equestria
  225. >This was actually even before you had met Sapphire
  226. >You never thought you would get much use out of it when she had initially given it to you
  227. >You kind of just wrote it off as a quick junk gift that she got you last minute
  228. >Likely being that she probably didnt know what to get a human and old people have lots of radios
  229. >But to your surprise it has actually been quite useful to you, especially after you and Sapphire had begun dating
  230. >You found yourself using it a lot to tune into her shows and listen to her interviews on radio stations while she was away from home
  231. >Though you arent really a big fan of the equestrian pop music genre or a majority of equestrian music for that instance (A lot of Equestrian music sounds like it came right out of a kids cartoon)
  232. >You found comfort in being able to listen to your wife sing as well as hear her talk
  233. >You dont want to seem biased, but you believe that she is the best singer in all of Equestria
  234. >Especially when you heard her sing that one song that night you two first met
  235. >Maybe she will be willing to sing it when she gets ho-
  236. >"AND WE ARE BACK LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS! THIS IS YOUR PERSONAL EQUESTRIAN POP RADIO DJ, LYRICAL GENIUS HERE WITH A VERY SPECIAL GUEST FOR YOU ALL! TAKE IT AWAY SAPPHIRE SHORES!" your train of thought is suddenly interrupted as the Dj on the radio loudly shouts into the microphone and you hear the name of your fiance
  237. >You suddenly realize this is the big announcement!
  238. >You hold the radio close to you as you listen intently to the words your wife is about to say
  239. >"Hello to all my wonderful fans out there tuning in to hear the big news! This is the one and only Seeeeeeeeeeensational princess of pop! Sapphire Shores! Here to give you an announcement that will knock your horseshoes off!
  240. >Shit shit shit here it comes
  241. >You can feel your heart pounding through your chest
  242. >"Following the massive success of all of my Hearts and Hooves day shows, as well as the outcry from all my fans across Equestria in all those poor cites that I havnt been able to visit, Team Sapphire and I have come to a decision that will BLOW YOU ALL AWAY!"
  243. >Sweat rolls down your forehead and you can feel a small pit form in your stomach
  244. >You notice how stuffy and hot the room seems to be getting
  245. >You fear what she is going to say next and briefly consider turning off the radio and getting some fresh air, but you force yourself to stay and listen more
  246. >"I am excited to announce that...."
  247. >crrrrrrrkkkkk
  248. >"we will be delaying...."
  249. >criiiiiiiik
  250. >"the end of my tour and I......"
  251. >rrrrrcccckkkk
  252. >"will be performing in every major city in..."
  253. >crrrriiiuunnnk
  254. >"Equestria!"
  255. >CRACK
  256. >You jam your eyes shut and grit your teeth as a sudden burst of pain engulfs your hands
  257. >Your not sure what happened as all you can see is blackness and you no longer hear Sapphires voice on the radio as it is replaced with silence
  258. >Your not sure what to think
  259. >You just feel like you shouldnt try to think
  260. >Hell, honestly you can barely think as you have suddenly got a bad headache
  261. >You feel something moist try escape your eyes, but you try to hold it in
  262. >God its hard
  263. >All you can think about is pain right now
  264. >You feel a sharp stinging pain in your hands as well as a sharp stinging pain in your heart
  265. >After what feels like an eternity you open your eyes and inspect the damage to your hands
  266. >You unintentionally crushed the radio with your hands
  267. >Your hands are covered with blood and the remains of your radio
  268. >Many wooden splinters are embedded into your skin as well as a few large cuts that you received from metal pieces inside the radio
  269. >Your head is pounding, you feel like you wanna barf and your hands hurt like hell
  270. >You feel something moist escape your eye and roll down your cheek
  271. >Only one word comes to mind
  272. "Fuck...."
  274. >You are slowly trudging along the path to Sweet Apple Acres
  275. >Somehow you managed to pull yourself out of bed despite every fiber of your being protesting against it
  276. >But you needed to get out of bed so you can go to work
  277. >You figure work is probably the best thing for you right now
  278. >You badly need something to distract you
  279. >You wont have to think about things at work
  280. >You dont wanna think about things right now really
  281. >You dont want to think about what Sapphire said
  282. >or broken promises
  283. >or even about how you might not see her for a long time
  284. >you especially dont wanna think about how she has probably forgotten about you already
  285. >You feel your head starting to pound again
  286. >You catch yourself thinking about bad shit and slowly rub your temples try to relieve this self induced stress headache
  287. >You tell yourself you are just overreacting
  288. >Everything will be fine
  289. >Just get in touch with Sapphire and sort things out
  290. >You are certain she will clear things up
  291. >Its not like she is breaking up with you or anything (you hope)
  292. >But then again you have virtually no way to get in touch with her
  293. >Letters are out of the question and you highly doubt you can get a phone call through to her
  294. >But hell you at least gotta try even if it wont work
  295. >Anything that might you get in touch with her
  296. >Because its not like she has tried to write you or call yo.......
  297. >You feel a knot twist in your stomach as your head continues to pound
  298. >Shit just dont think about it anymore because it will kill you
  299. >just go into work and work like normal
  300. >sort it all out later
  301. >"Howdy there Anon! Where ya been? I was expectin ya about twenty minutes ago." A familiar southern pony voice calls out to you
  302. >You look up to the source of the voice, but do your best to avoid eye contact
  303. "Sorry about that AppleJack, had a bit of a late start this morning, but im ready to go now. Which field do you want me working in?" you say trying to sound normal as usual
  304. >You can see out the corner of your eye, Applejack looking at you with a concerned expression
  305. >"Well it's fine Anon, jus surprised is all, you are usually always on time. Is everything all right? You dont look so good."
  306. >You were a fool to even think for a second you could get by Applejack without her noticing something
  307. >"And also if you dont mind me askin, what exactly happened to your hands???"
  308. >Applejack sticks out a hoof, pointing out your hands covered in white bandages
  309. >You instinctively put them in your pockets away from view
  310. "Im fine......n-nothings wrong.......just an accident is all, nothing serious..."
  311. >"Is that right?" she says doubtfully
  312. "Y-yeah....."
  313. >Applejack glares at you with suspicion "Now Anon, I dont think it would take somepony to be the element of honesty to be able ta see that that there is something wrong. What's goin on Sugarcube? Did somethin happen with Sapphire?"
  314. >Ugh, the one name you really dont wanna think about
  315. >You really dont wanna get into this right now
  316. >Why does Applejack have to care so much? (probably because she is a good and honest pony)
  317. "Yeah......something did happen......"
  318. >"Listen Anon, why dont you take the day off and we can ta-"
  319. "No!......No its fine Applejack. You know its the truth when I say that a good days work is really what I feel like I need right now. I would honestly appreciate it if I could just do that right now and deal with this later"
  320. >Applejack looks at you concerned but nods her head "Well if your certain that's what ya want Anon, then I'll let ya work today and I wont bug ya about it during your shift."
  321. "Thanks Applejack, I appreciate it."
  322. >"But, we will be discussin this after work over cider." Applejack says sternly
  323. >You would try to protest, but you are really just too emotionally exhausted to even try, and you wouldnt be able change her mind anyways, she is too stubborn
  324. >Damn you for being a good friend Applejack
  325. "Alright, thats fair enough I guess."
  326. >You ended up working most of the day like you wanted.....
  327. >And then afterwards you poured your heart out to the Apple pony after work while drowning your sorrows in the hardest cider she had available
  332. >Its been a rough three weeks since Sapphire was supposed to come home
  333. >And you arent doing so well
  334. >You are currently in Canterlot
  335. >Hunched over the bar at Donut Joes drowning your sorrows in delicious jelly filled pastries and rich aromatic coffee
  336. >But your coffee and donut bender has come to sudden halt as your sorrow has caught up with you
  337. >Your head is currently resting upon your arms as you mournfully glare at your doughnut
  338. >Its filled with a buttercream filling and is topped with a wavy blue frosting
  339. >It kind of reminds you of her
  340. >You are seeing her in doughnuts now, god your pathetic
  341. >You wistfully poke your finger at the doughnut and watch as filling oozes out the side
  342. >Spike was right when he said this place had the best coffee and doughnuts in Equestria, but he was wrong when said it would help you feel better
  343. >Despite eating a bunch of tasty doughnuts and drinking some pretty damn good coffee, you still feel hollow inside
  344. >Really wasnt worth the 2 hour train ride that you spent crammed in the luggage cart
  345. >But oh well, it was worth a shot
  346. >Whatever, it got your mind off of her at least, if not for a little while
  347. >You cringe knowing that she is back in your head for the millionth time today
  348. >You do your best to not think about her because your heart aches and your mood goes to shit whenever you do
  349. >Who are you kidding your mood has been shit all day, all week really, maybe even the entire month.....
  350. >You just wanna not be sad anymore
  351. >And when you think of Sapphy you feel sad
  352. >Especially when you consider that things might be over.....
  353. >But you do your best to hold on to what little faith you have left that says she might come back to you
  354. >Just do your best not think about her at all, but still pray that she comes back
  355. >A brilliant strategy
  356. >You find yourself avoiding anything that would bring her to mind
  357. >You dont listen to her music despite having bought a new radio
  358. >You avoid those gossip magazines that have her face plastered all over them
  359. >You feel somewhat guilty, but you dont even really talk to Rarity that much anymore because you know she will ask you about Sapphy
  360. >Its a shitty thing to do, but you have to do it for your sanity
  361. >Sorry Rarity
  362. >When Sapphy comes back and things are good again you will make it up to Rarity
  363. >And if Sapphy never comes back then you will.........
  364. >"More coffee Anon?" Pony Joe asks
  365. Without lifting your head from your arm you mutter "Yeah......sure.....whatever."
  366. >Joe levitates a metal pot of coffee over to you and slowly fills your half empty cup
  367. >"You know, you seemed a lot happier earlier when you were chowing down on those donuts then when you were just pokin at them."
  368. "Is that right....."
  369. >Coming here was just a temporary distraction
  370. >It helped get your mind off of Sapphire, but really its a stinging pain that you cant ignore for long as it just keeps worming its way back into your head
  371. >"Mind if I ask you whats got you so down in the dumps?
  372. >Oh good, another Applejack
  373. >Thats one thing you are starting to dislike about Equestria
  374. >Everybody cares to much
  375. >You kind of wish people would just stop prying into your business and let you be miserable in peace
  376. >You Sigh, sit up in your chair, and glare down into your coffee as you consider talking about IT again
  377. >Nah fuck it, you dont feel like it
  378. "Its nothing really worth talking about. Im about to head out soon anyways, how much do I owe you?"
  379. >Pony Joe looks at you inquisitively "I wouldn't feel right charging someone as sad looking as you any bits, so its on the house pal."
  380. "Thanks....I think.
  381. >"Still though, I wouldn't mind knowing whats got you so gloomy, might help you feel better if you talk about it with somepony."
  382. >He magics a broom over and begins sweeping behind the bar
  383. "Really its nothing, just something going on with this pony I know, nothing much really to say about it, and I have talked about HER with somepony already and I can't say that it really made me feel any better."
  384. >Pony Joe stops sweeping and whistles briefly "HER huh.....?" Ah! I see how it is, your having trouble with your mare. Boy, let me tell you have I been there before." He chuckles recalling his past experinces "Whats her name? Any pony from around here? Is she cute?" He asks with interest
  385. >You slump back into your arms
  386. "Her name is Sapphire Shores." You huff
  387. >Pony Joe briefly stares at you in disbelief, but then lets out a brief chuckle and returns to sweeping
  388. >"Ha that's a good one Anon! Your really pulling my leg! Are you a fan of hers to? No, but really I guess its none of my business who she is and you really dont seem like you want to talk about it so I'll stop pushing the envelop buddy." he says as he returns to his cleaning
  389. >He thinks your joking.......
  390. >"You know, now that you mention her, I actually got one of her hit new songs on the Jukebox! Just got the record in yesterday, signed and everything. Let me see if I can get it started up. Might help cheer ya up!" Joe says as he moves over to the jukebox
  391. >Oh no, you are really not in the mood to listen to her sing right now
  392. "You really dont have to do th-"
  393. >But it was to late because he already got the jukebox blaring the song out all throughout the shop
  394. >Hearing her familiar voice once again makes your heart ache with refreshed feelings of longing and betrayal
  395. >God.......damn it......
  396. >Why did she have to leave? Did she even really have to?
  397. >Did she even stop to consider your feelings when she extended her tour
  398. >Your surprised but the achiness in your heart feels like it is accompanied by something new
  399. >Something you haven't really felt towards Sapphire till now
  400. >Like a small fire inside you that is steadily growing
  401. >Your angry
  402. >Not at yourself, but towards her
  403. >Till now you have been stuck in an endless cycle of self pity
  404. >Blaming yourself and your actions for her not returning
  405. >She left because she is too good for you
  406. >Your worthless
  407. >You should have tried harder to go with her
  408. >Your selfish
  409. >You didnt support her enough
  410. >You are the reason she is never coming back
  411. >Or maybe she lied to you and broke her promise because she is a selfish piece of shit
  412. >Such a harsh thought hadnt crossed your mind till now
  413. >You try to push the idea out of your head, you shouldnt think such things about the pony
  414. >But as you listen to more of the lyrics from her song you only seem to get more worked up
  415. >Its almost like the song is taunting you by having her sing such lyrics as "I will always be there for you." and "Our love is forever."
  416. >Did she write this garbage just to poke fun at you?
  417. >No thats crazy, but your irrational thoughts are telling you its the truth
  418. >God you cant listen to this garbage anymore
  419. "Joe, can you please turn that music off." You say sternly
  420. >Pony Joe stops playing air guitar with his broom and looks at you with surprise
  421. >"Turn it off? Why? It's great! I heard this is the top song in Equestria right now!" He says matter of factly
  422. >Ugh
  423. "That doesn't mean its not trash..." you retort
  424. >He smugly shrugs at your response and continues to rock out with his broom
  425. >God, fuck this, you were leaving anyways.
  426. >You got a train to catch
  427. >You take a hand full of bits and slap them on the counter and quickly make your way out of the shop
  428. >Your head is hot with anger as you stomp towards the train station
  429. >You try to maintain your composure and sort your thoughts but only one thing keeps coming up in your head
  430. >Sapphire is a fucking bitch
  434. >Sapphire has been gone for almost a month and half....
  435. >Your just not sure what to think anymore
  436. >You sit in the living room at Sapphire's house
  437. >Trying to figure out what you are going to do as you gaze at the two small metal keys in your hands
  438. >You have been deeply conflicted all week
  439. >Part of you wants to believe that Sapphire will come back
  440. >You want to believe that if you see her again everything will be better
  441. >She will have an explanation as to why she has been gone for so long
  442. >She will tell you that she still loves you and will never abandon you again
  443. >You just gotta hold out a little bit longer and surely she will come home......but......
  444. >Another part of you has been telling you something else
  445. >Telling you that its over.....
  446. >She is never coming back
  447. >She doesnt love you anymore
  448. >Maybe she never loved you
  449. >And if thats the case, then you need to get on with your life
  450. >You cant stay this way forever
  451. >You will break eventually if you continue to linger here, surrounded by memories of better times
  452. >It......might be time to move on.....
  453. >You squeeze the familiar keys in your hands
  454. >They both hold a lot of meaning to you
  455. >One is the key to the building you are in now, Sapphire's home
  456. >You have held on to it ever since the day Sapphire gave it to you
  457. >Moving into together was such a big step for you two
  458. >You were nervous about living with each other at first, you weren't really used to sharing such close living quarters with anyone let alone a pony
  459. >You had plenty of doubts and were worried about moving to fast and messing up your relationship with her
  460. >But Sapphire took charge like she usually would and insisted on it
  461. >She seemed as excited as you were worried about the whole situation
  462. >But honestly things turned out really well
  463. >You had actually cherished being able to be so close to her, and you like to think she felt the same way with you.....until now
  464. >Maybe she never liked living with you
  465. >Maybe she regretted the decision as soon as she had made it
  466. >Maybe it really was a mistake
  467. >Maybe it really is time to leave
  468. >You let out a sigh as you look to the other key in your hand
  469. >It belongs to the house you first started living in when you came to Equestria
  470. >Its a small studio style house that lays just outside of Ponyville on Sweet Apple Acres
  471. >AppleJack and her family had built it for you as a welcome to Equestria gift
  472. >It's a lot smaller than Sapphire's home but you are still extremely grateful to Applejack and her kin for building it, seeing as how it was practically free and it beat the hell out of sleeping on a pile of hay in a barn
  473. >Its been so long since you last went in there
  474. >Everything is still probably the way you left it
  475. >You look around the room
  476. >You honestly dont have much here
  477. >It really wouldnt take long to pack all your stuff
  478. >But........
  479. >What if Sapphire returns and finds that you have left
  480. >She might think that its over between you two
  481. >But isnt that the point of leaving this place?
  482. >Maybe if you wait just a few more days
  483. >She never said you had to leave
  484. >Nobody, not even any of her agents have come to tell you to hit the road
  485. >Just wait a little bit longer perhaps...
  486. >But just how much longer are you gonna keep waiting?
  487. >*Knock* *knock* *knock*
  488. >You are caught off guard by a sudden knocking on the front door
  489. >Surprised, you accidentally drop Sapphires key and it hits the floor with a small *clank*
  490. >You stand up and make your way to the door, you decide to pick it up later
  491. >You wonder who could possibly be knocking at the door
  492. >You arent expecting any company, and you didnt order anything
  493. >For a second your heart begins to race
  494. >But what if.......its Sapphire!
  495. >Just the thought of it possibly being her has you quickly race over to answer the knocking
  496. >You quickly reach for the handle and twist it eagerly opening the door
  497. >You frantically search the surroundings for the source of the knocking
  498. "Sapphi-...." you begin to shout, but quickly pause as you get a glance at the perpetrator of the knocks
  499. >Perpetrators
  500. >Below you on the door step stand two wide eyed young fillys staring at you with wonder, curiosity, and confusion
  501. >One has a bright pink mane and a blue coat while the other has a green mane with a purple coat and is wearing glasses, she also seems to be holding a magazine in her hoof
  502. >"Wow! Who are you!? Your not Sapphire shores!" the pink main filly shouts
  503. >Oh great fans
  504. >Fantastic
  505. Seeing that its not Sapphire you let out a sigh and mumble"Uhhhh no im Anon.......Can I help you?"
  506. >The pink maned filly turns to the green maned filly
  507. >"Gumdrop, I thought you said this is where she lived!"
  508. >The green maned pony quickly shuffles through the magazine
  509. >"This is the right address according to the article minty, she should live here!"
  510. >"But then who is the giant ape thingy and where is Sapphire?"
  511. >The green maned pony flips through the magazine some mores
  512. >"Uuuuuuuuuuuuh I think thats her monkey butler that she rescued from the uhhhh circus and he takes care of her house or something."
  513. >Monkey butler?
  514. >What?
  515. >"Oooooooohhhhh I see now! Mr. Monkey butler, I dont have any bananas for you, but can you go find Sapphire shores for us anyways? Im her biggest fan and my daddy helps make her records and he said I was gonna get to meet her, and I wanna meet her now so please go get her!"
  516. >Good grief
  517. "Listen kid, im not a monkey nor am I a butler, and I am not Sapphires monkey butler. Also she isnt he-"
  518. >"Than what are you?" The green maned filly interrupts rudely
  519. "My name is Anon, and I am human. Humans are a more evolved version of monkeys I suppose, but im not a monkey!"
  520. >The pink manned filly tilted her head in confusion
  521. >"If your not a butler, than why are you in Sapphire shore's house?"
  522. >Why are you still here honestly?
  523. >Thats a question you have been really starting to ponder
  524. " see im her.............."
  525. >Her what?
  526. >Do you even know for sure what you are to her?
  527. >You.......
  528. >You hope you know
  529. "Im her.....fiance. We are gonna get married eventually.......I hope."
  530. >Both the fillys stare at you for a moment than back at each other
  531. >They then burst out laughing falling to the floor as if you had just told the funniest joke they have ever heard
  532. "What? Whats so funny?" you ask somewhat confused
  533. >They try to compose themselves, but they just cant stop snickering and laughing
  534. >The pink maned pony finally fights off enough laughter and speaks up "You really are a funny monkey butler! I see why Sapphire rescued you from the circus! You tell really funny jokes!"
  535. >You feel yourself beginning to get slightly irritated at these fillys
  536. >You have much better things to do than get laughed at by children
  537. >And your not a fucking monkey butler
  538. "Listen here, im not joking! I dont know what you read in those dumb magazines, but im not a monkey butler, im not from the circus, and Sapphire and I are.......w-we are in a relationship last time I checked!" you try to say sternly
  539. >The filly's laughter quickly dies down as they look at you as if you had said something truly absurd
  540. >The pink manned filly looks at her friend and whispers "I think he is being serious, what do you think Gumdrop?"
  541. >Gumdrop rolls her eyes "Well he is obviously lying Minty!"
  542. >Gumdrop flicks through her magazine scanning the articles "There is no mention of Sapphire or the monkey butler being in a relationship in my copy of "PONYS" magazine: Sapphire Shore's biography edition."
  543. >Minty nods her head with understanding
  544. >Gumdrop continues "It does say in here that he is an assistant to Sapphire Shores, but he is a secondary tier assistant and isnt apart of Sapphires main group of assistants."
  545. >Secondary? Main group of assistants? What the fuck is she talking about?
  546. >You know Sapphire has a few assistants that help her with grunt work, but she doesnt sort them into tiers......does she?
  547. >"It also says that he acts as the housekeeper for when Sapphire is away from her home doing shows out of town, minus a few select occasions when he had been spotted with her in Canterlot." Gumdrop dictates factually
  548. >"Ohhhhh I see!" Minty replies
  549. >You have about had about enough of these two little fillys
  550. "Listen, I dont know what bullshit is printed in your dumb magazine, but Im gonna tell you two things truthfully. One, Sapphire and I are engaged, and two, she is not here right now. She is most likely in some big city halfway across Equestria right now, but now that I think about it, I honestly dont really care anymore what you believe, so just go away and leave me be please." You say as you very slowly motion to close the door
  551. >The fillys still gaze at you with uncertainty
  552. >"I still think he is lying Gumdrop."
  553. >"He is Minty. I mean he is probably right about Sapphire not being here. Really it was a strectch that she would be home, BUT there is just no way they are in a relationship!"
  554. >Minty poofs out a new magazine out of nowhere with unicorn magic and shows the cover to Gumdrop "Especially when you consider the new copy of "PONYS" magazine show Sapphire Shores and Trotty Depp together!"
  555. >Who the hell is Trotty Depp
  556. >Wait.....
  557. >What?
  558. >Together?!
  559. >You stop slowly closing the door after hearing what the filly just said
  560. >"Oh my gosh Gumdrop, no way! Trotty Depp! Lemme see! I wanna read it!"
  561. >As the magazine makes its away via magic levitation to the pink maned filly, you reach out and pluck it out of midair right from the unicorns magical grip
  562. >They both flinch, but then glare at you in annoyance
  563. >"Hey!" They say in unison
  564. >You dont care
  565. >You are to focused on the magazine cover
  566. >The cover of the magazine shows a picture of Sapphire shores sitting at an outside cafe with a scraggly looking stallion wearing sunglasses sitting across from her
  567. >Sapphire is hunched over with one side of a piece of paper in her mouth while the stallion has the other end in his mouth
  568. >There muzzles are dangerously close to each other because of there hold on the paper
  569. >The headline on the cover of "PONYS" magazine reads "Sapphire shore's secret relationship revealed?!?"
  570. >There is a smaller blurb lower on the cover that reads "Sapphire shores spotted having lunch with famous super star actor Trotty Depp! Could this be the beginning of a super celebrity power couple about to rock Equestria?!"
  571. >You dont know what you are feeling right now
  572. >You feel a surge of different emotions overtake you all at once
  573. >Your mind tries to come up with so many rationalizations and explanations to what you have just saw and read, but nothing makes sense
  574. >You head feels as if a train had just hit you
  575. >But then after a feel nothing
  576. >Something broke
  577. >"Hey stupid monkey thing! Give me back the magazine or I'll tell my daddy you were being mean to me and he will tell Sapphire and you will get in trouble!" The pink maned filly demands
  578. >You reach into your pocket and grab a hand full of bits and drop them on the ground in front of her
  579. "Fuck off and go buy a new one. Sapphire isnt here so dont bother coming back either." you say coldly
  580. >Both filly's jaws drop as they process what you had just said
  581. >"Your a really mean monkey! I am gonna tell my daddy on you and Sapphire is gonna get really angry at you!" The pink maned filly shouts
  582. >You look down at her with cold uncaring eyes
  583. >She catches your gaze and both her and her friend back up warily
  584. "I honestly dont care anymore. Sapphire Shores is a piece of shit and I am done with her."
  585. >You slam the door in their faces
  586. >You throw the magazine to the floor next to the key that you had dropped earlier and sit back down on the couch in the living room
  587. >You feel like you should be mad
  588. >Or sad really
  589. >Or anything honestly
  590. >No, your just tired of this shit
  591. >Its fucking over
  592. >You take your old house key out of your pocket and stare at it
  593. >Its time you leave
  594. >You stand up and begin packing up the small amount of items you actually value in this house

"ADateWithRarity" [Complete]

by NotAWriterAnon

A date with Dash [Kinderquestria/hiatus]

by NotAWriterAnon

Anon gets mistaken for Santa Clause/Kinderquestria (Short)

by NotAWriterAnon

Kinderquestria: Toast Synthesizer! [Complete]

by NotAWriterAnon

Solar Flare (A Sci-Fi story)

by NotAWriterAnon