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Hypnohand Gren

By Subadubdub
Created: 2022-11-23 08:02:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  2. >Magic horse extraordinaire
  3. >Getting the chance to witness the magic of another species first hand!
  4. >You’re very excited.
  5. >You have plenty of paper to take notes!
  6. “So, what do you have to show me Anon?!”
  7. >You ask excitedly, staring up that the human before you.
  8. >He rubs his hands together, before chanting something in another language you didn’t understand.
  9. >Human magic required a verbal component? How fascinating!
  10. >Was it simply as a way to focus the energy and mindset of the caster? Or did the words themselves hold specific powers?
  11. >Oh you had so many questions to ask once he was done casting his spell.
  12. >As he chanted, you tried to write down every word he said.
  13. >It was somewhat difficult, considering that human written language and pony written language was vastly different despite sounding very similar when spoken aloud.
  14. >A basic phonetic transcription would do for now, and Anon could do his best to correct you later.
  15. >As Anon chanted, a blueish glow surrounded his hands. He clapped them together as his chant reached its peak, and when he pulled them apart, several smaller phantasmal hands were floating in front of him.
  16. “Fascinating Anon! So you’re able to manifest extra hands in the air. And there doesn’t seem to be any direct connection between you and them. How interesting. What’s the purpose of this spell?
  17. >”It’s a spell us humans use to interact with magical energy or creatures whose body are imbued with magic more safely than with our bare hands.” He explains, demonstrating by one of his hands reaching out and grabbing the telekinetic hold you have on your clipboard, and moving it back and forth.
  18. >How interesting. So humans
  19. >But if that was the case.
  20. “Why didn’t you use that spell when you first arrived in Equestria.”
  21. >”I did, but…well it didn’t quite work on ponies like I expected it to.
  22. “What do you mean by that?”
  23. >”Well, when I try using it on a pony, something like this happens.”
  24. >With his words, the hand that was grabbing your clipboard let go. It began drifting towards your head. You watched its progress with interest as it reached your mane - and you could feel the sensation of your mane getting touched and moved despite there being no physicality to the hands.
  25. >Then the hand sank into your head.
  26. >The feeling was indescribable. Like sticking your hoof in a bowl of gelatin, or a cake. But the cake was your head.
  27. >Your mind was being pushed
  28. “Anon, please stop and get this-“
  29. >There was a shifting in your thoughts. That entire progression of thoughts you were trying to voice just stopped, and you along with it.
  30. > It was like when Anon had gripped your ear one time while he was rubbing your mane. Something he liked to do to ponies often.
  31. >Humans were just very affectionate creatures, you guessed.
  32. >But the sensation was still similar. It was like that phantasmal hand grabbed your thoughts of protest right as they were forming in your head.
  33. >It was fascinating.
  34. >It was horrifying.
  35. >Then there was a tugging sensation. Something was pulling on your thoughts harder and harder. The closest feeling you could think of was like when you were numbed up at a dentist and they started to pull on your teeth.
  36. >You could feel the tugging, could feel the resistance, but there was no pain.
  37. >You tried to protest, to pull back on those thoughts from whatever was tugging on them, until a second hand pushed its way into your head and those thoughts of resistance stopped as well.
  38. >Then the tugging began again, and you couldn’t do anything to stop it. You knew it was happening, you knew you didn’t want it, but any thoughts of resistance just refused to manifest.
  39. >It just tugged and tugged, more and more harder and harder until
  40. >Pop!
  41. >The phantasmal hand was floating outside of your head again.
  42. >There was something between its fingers. A small glowing mass that dissipated the moment the hand dropped it.
  43. >What was that? It came out of your head attached to Anon’s magic hand things.
  44. >When the hand floated its way back into your head, you watched with interest as you felt the fingers rifling through your mind again.
  45. >Anon was right, this is different from how he described the spell working before.
  46. “I see what you mean. I can feel your spell digging around in my mind. Are ponies made of more magic than the creatures back home for you Anon?”
  47. >You ask while you feel the fingers brush past something in your head. Suddenly you feel the taste of the hayburger you had for lunch three days ago on your tongue.
  48. “That spell of your is able to trigger certain responses from my body, it seems. I can taste my old lunch on my tongue as though it was just there.”
  49. >”Is that so?”
  50. >You easily noticed when the hand stopped moving again. This time, it looked like the hand wasn’t going to pull out something this time. Instead you felt the phantasmal fingers poking and prodding around in your brain.
  51. >You felt yourself blink over and over as one part of your mind was prodded.
  52. >Then you felt yourself begin to drool with another. Something a quick hoof to your mouth helped with.
  53. >The second hand floated from your mind to your hoof as you felt the phantasmal fingers pull your hoof away and let your drool spill out onto the floor.
  54. >Another prod, then you began to shudder and gasp. A wave of pleasure flooded your entire body. You couldn’t help but let out a groan as you felt yourself orgasm, squirting all over the floor behind you.
  55. >You felt the second hand move from your hoof to your mouth as you breathed heavily in the afterglow of the orgasm.
  56. “Thank you Master Anon.”
  57. >You heard yourself say. The fingers moving your mouth and making you speak those words.
  58. >Then it made you smile up at him.

Hypnohand Gren

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