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Anon Hypnotizes Scootaloo

By Subadubdub
Created: 2022-11-23 08:04:11
Updated: 2022-11-23 18:20:59
Expiry: Never

  1. First time attempting a green.
  2. >Be Anon
  3. >Want to spend your day relaxing outside for once.
  4. >That’s a lie, you were evicted from your room because of the shenanigans of a certain trio of fillies
  5. >One of which is currently snapping at your heels, begging for attention.
  6. >”Come on anon. You’ve got to have something interesting going on today?” Scootaloo nagged as she was circling around you while you walked. Kind of like a dog begging for attention now that you thought about it.
  7. “What makes you think that?”
  8. >”Well, you spend all your time holed up in your room. Now that you’re walking around town, you’ve got the chance to see all that ponyville’s got to offer. I don’t think anypony’s seen you since your Welcome to Ponyville party.”
  9. “Well I happen to like staying inside Scootaloo. And I wouldn’t be out here in the first place if my house didn’t happen to have three walls collapse.”
  10. >She had the decency to look embarrassed at that.
  11. >”Okay yes, we did do that. And we’re gonna help fix up your home once Big Mac gets back with the supplies. But until then, you’ve gotta be off doing something interesting. You’re the only human in town.”
  12. >Why won’t she go away? You’ve tried kicking her away, but ponies have a lot more mass behind them than you expected and she thought that meant you wanted to roughhouse.
  13. >Note to self, ponies are still horses, even in this fucking saccharine pastel world. They know how to kick.
  14. >You could try running from her. But ponies are quadrupeds and are definitely faster than your scrawny bipedal ass. Sure in a stamina competition you’d probably win out against everyone but Big Mac.
  15. >But did you really want to spend your day running from children?
  16. >You were either gonna need to lose her somehow, probably through being a dick as was your standard operating procedure, or through some other means.
  17. >Well, there is always plan H.
  18. >You’re not sure if it’ll work, but hey if the intended end result of plan H doesn’t work, you can fall back on the first bit and pretend that was what you meant to do the entire time.
  19. >It was the whole point of Plan H having two parts.
  20. >...
  21. >Fuck it, why not.
  22. “Hey Scootaloo, since you’re clearly not gonna leave me alone, want to see a trick?”
  23. >”A trick?”
  24. “Yeah, it’s a kind of human magic. I’ll show you how to do it, then you can fuck off and go show it to your friends instead of bothering me.”
  25. >”I dunno. I thought you humans didn’t have magic.”
  26. “We don’t have magic like ponies do. But we still have things that are similar. And since you don’t need a horn to do it
  27. >”I guess that sounds interesting.”
  28. “It involves fire.”
  29. >”What are you waiting for?”
  30. >Of course the fire would be what gets her attention.
  32. >You and Scootaloo are now sitting on some bales of hay down a side road.
  33. >If Ponyville had been any bigger of a settlement, it probably would have been an alleyway.
  34. >Then again, if ponyville had been any bigger of a city, you walking alone with a filly down an alleyway would have probably gotten you arrested.
  35. >In your hands sits a lighter, which you show to Scootaloo.
  36. “Alright, so for this to work, we need a lighter like this one.”
  37. >”Just like that one?”
  38. “No, I’m just saying shit to make it sound more important. You just need a small flame that’s not bigger than your hand-well hoof in your case. So lighters are usually my go to for it.”
  39. >”A small fire?” She was sounding disappointed.
  40. “It’s just to start. Grabbing fire with your fingers is the first step to grabbing it with your hand and eating fire.”
  41. >As you say that, you light the lighter in one hand, and your hands flick over the flame in the same motion. Within a small flame is sitting between your thumb and forefinger.
  42. >Scootaloo’s mouth drops in shock.”
  43. >”Whoa! That’s so cool. How’d you do that?”
  44. “Magic~”
  45. >It was a fake thumb with a bit of cotton sticking out from it. A dumb party gag you thought would go over well when you went to college and had dreams of having an actual social life with other humans.
  46. >That definitely went according to plan, right? It definitely wasn’t an unrepentant disaster that turned you into a pariah in the first week of school.
  47. >At least you didn’t have to pay for the fire damage.
  48. >She’d find out for herself in a bit, after she either had fun playing with fire, or part 2 of plan H went into effect.
  49. >”Wait. Humans can eat fire?”
  50. “Well yes, but I can’t. Never trained that much.”
  51. >You also didn’t know how and weren’t about to start giving her ideas.
  52. “Anyways, you saw me do it. Now you try.”
  53. >You hand Scootaloo the lighter. She fumbles with it for a minute, trying to work the flint with her hooves. She lets out a small cheer when she finally gets it to work. Then she tries touching her hoof to the flame.
  54. >”Yeowch!” She squeaks, dropping the lighter and waving her hoof back and forth before sticking it in her mouth.
  55. “Fire is hot Scoots. You gotta be more careful with it.”
  56. >You chide her while picking up the lighter before it can set the hay on fire.
  57. >”Are you tricking me?” She asks defensively as she stares at the lighter. “Are humans like dragons and fireproof.”
  58. “Quite the opposite actually, we tend to burn much too easily for our own good. There’s just a trick to grabbing the flame.”
  59. >With that you flick back on the lighter and hold it in front of Scootaloo’s eyes. You can see the small light dancing in the reflection of her eyes as she focuses on the flame.
  60. “Fire is hot, but the pain you feel is entirely your body’s response to the heat.”
  61. >You start letting the lighter drift to the left and right of Scootaloo’s head. Her eyes are still focusing on it as you explain, helped in no small part by you using your free hand to continually indicate towards the flame as an accessory to your speech.
  62. “But you can train your body to ignore pain like a muscle. You’re an athletic kid right? I see you riding that scooter everywhere.”
  63. >”Well, yeah. My wings are still growing, so I’m working them out every day until they fully develop and I can fly properly. Until then, I can get more practice with them using my scooter.”
  64. “This trick is kind of like that, only quicker and easier than falling asleep. The main trick is just telling your mind you’re not feeling any pain when you grab the flame.”
  65. >You’re speaking out of your ass at this point. You’re not even sure if half of what you said is true in Equestria, much less back on Earth.
  66. >But it does the job as Scootaloo’s eyes are still fixed on your lighter as you wave it back and forth in front of her eyes.
  67. “So to do that, you have to let yourself relax. Don’t let your body tense up in anticipation of touching the flame. Just unwind as your hand-well hoof- approaches the flame.”
  68. >You move your hand closer to the again, fingers hovering inches from the flame.
  69. “Don’t reach out to touch the flame immediately, just let yourself bask in its warmth for a moment while you tell your body and mind over and over again that ‘this is fine.’ ‘this is comfortable.’ ‘I’ll be safe if I follow Anon’s instructions.’ You need to trust the process for this trick to work. You get that Scootaloo.”
  70. >”Y-yeah.” She replies in a slightly tired tone, her eyes still fixated on the lighter as it moves.
  71. “As you let yourself get more comfortable around the heat of the flame, you can get closer to the flames, get closer to the warmth and the edge of the fire.”
  72. >You slowly start moving the lighter closer and closer to Scootaloo’s face. Her gaze is unbroken as she watches the lighter start encompassing her vision more and more.
  73. “You need to relax more and more the closer you get to the flame. Any amount of tension is inviting the fire to snap at you. You need to feel like you’re about to fall asleep when you’re doing this. That’s when you’re the most calm. The most relaxed. The most comfortable.”
  74. >Scootaloo’s eyelids are fluttering, wanting to snap shut and fall asleep, but her gaze remains fixed on the lighter through all of this.
  75. “And once you feel like you’re about to fall asleep on the spot, fall asleep and not wake up from there for eternity, that’s when you can finally reach out and…“SLEEP!”
  76. >You say, snapping the lighter shut.
  77. >Instantly, Scootaloo’s body slumps over falling headfirst into the hay.
  78. >You quickly roll her onto her back so she doesn’t suffocate herself on a bale of hay. If that was even possible.
  79. >As the pegasus filly lies sleepily on the hay, your hand starts drifting down towards her belly.
  80. >Why did pony bellies, hell, even just pegasi bellies, look so fluffy and soft? Was chest floof how it grew naturally, or was it some fashion style that was in vogue at the moment.
  81. >Maybe you could ask Rarity about that next time you needed to buy clothes.
  82. >Then again, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash didn’t seem the type to care about style or fashion or anything like that.”
  83. >Either way, as your hand begins rubbing into the filly’s soft chest floof, you begin speaking again.
  84. “How are you feeling Scootaloo?”
  85. >”Tired, warm, sleepy. Like I’m lying on a cloud but it’s warmer.” Her voice drifts out lazily.
  86. >How does a cloud feel? Pegasi have the ability to control the weather here and part of that includes walking on clouds. Hell, they use it in their own architecture. Rainbow Dash has an entire mansion made of clouds on the outskirts of town.
  87. >If clouds are like pillows or beds, does that make her house made of bed? Like a cutesy version of an asylum cell?
  88. >You’re getting sidetracked. You need to make sure Scootaloo goes from this lite trance into being properly hypnotized.
  90. “Scootaloo, I need you to picture a bubble for me. Could you do that?”
  91. >”A…bubble?” She sounds confused.
  92. “Yes, picture it floating in the air in front of you. Just do that for me would you.”
  93. >”Alright.” She breathes out, eyelids fluttering half open.
  94. “Look at how small it is, how it floats untethered by earthly concerns. It doesn’t need to worry about what’s for dinner, what homework it’s got due tomorrow, what it’s cutie mark is. Isn’t that nice.”
  95. >”So nice.”
  96. “I’m sure that with all the worrying and crusading you and your friends go through looking for your Cutie Marks, you’d like a small bit of respite where you can just exist. Not have to worry about anything. Just vibing and living in the moment.”
  97. >”Sounds…nice.”
  98. “Do you want me to help you just forget all your worries for a moment. Just get lost in the now and not worry or think about things for a while.”
  99. >”Sounds…really…nice…Anon. Please…” She breathed out.
  100. “Alright, keep picturing the bubble, but beneath it picture a small body of water. In the water you can see things floating there. Your thoughts, any worries you have floating around in your mind, any dreams for the future. You see them all floating out there in the water. Can you tell me a few of them.”
  101. >Scootaloo scrunches up her mouth again before answering. “There’s…I see mom and dad, we’re having a nice dinner together for the first time. They’re actually here to stay for a while. There’s…Rainbow Dash taking me under her wing. I can see…Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and me. We’re all grown up, but we never got our cutie marks. We’re still blank flanks and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are still laughing at us as we-”
  102. >Her voice is slowly getting more hysterical as her eyes start to flutter open more and more.
  103. >Quickly you start shushing her putting a finger to her lips as you start rubbing her tummy again.
  104. >This seems to help calm her down for the moment. Though her breathing is much more elevated than it was before.
  105. “Such a bad thought. We should get that thought out of your head. Stop it from bothering you ever again.”
  106. >”Please.” She repeats. A faint hint of desperation in her tired voice.
  107. “Okay, picture the bubble slowly sinking into the water. Once it touches the water, all those thoughts, worries, everything just starts flowing into the bubble. The bubble’s starting to grow bigger as it takes in everything in your mind, leaving nothing behind but blissful emptiness. Everything that goes into the bubble will never return. All of it flows into the bubble as it grows bigger and bigger, trapping every single thought behind it.”
  108. “At this point, I would be surprised if there was anything left in the waters of your mind. But still the bubble grows and grows. Bigger and bigger, encompassing your entire vision. You couldn’t see the edge of it if you wanted to. But still it grows and grows…until it Pops!”
  109. >You emphasize the plosive with a clap, and the entranced Scootaloo takes in a sharp breath
  110. “It pops and takes all those thoughts and feelings with it. Leaving you nice and relaxed.”
  111. >Scootaloo’s eyes roll back into her head before she relaxes on the hay bale. Her chest rising and falling softly says that you succeeded in not completely fucking up.
  112. “Scootaloo. How do you feel?”
  113. >”Blank, empty, relaxed.” She droned. If nothing else, she sounded like she was hypnotized properly.
  114. >Curious, you reached out and peeled back one of her eyelids slightly. While it reacted to the sudden influx of light by dilating, for all intents and purposes, Scootaloo looked dead to the world.
  115. >Damn, that’s hot.
  116. “So you’re empty, but nothing wants to stay empty forever. Do you want to be filled Scootaloo? Do you want someone to fill that empty mind of yours?”
  117. >”Yessss.” She managed to turn a single word into a slightly desperate moan. “Fill me Anon.”
  118. >Unf.
  119. “Well, I can do that for you. I can do all the thinking you could ever want or need to do. All I need you to do is obey. Obey whatever I tell you without hesitation or complaint.”
  120. >You can see Scootaloo’s mouth scrunch up cutely for a second before she replies
  121. >”Okay, please think for me Anon.”
  122. “Good.”
  123. >You say, softly stroking her mane.
  124. >Well, you managed to hypnotize a pegasus filly. One that helped accidentally destroy your home. That passed a few minutes of your time. Now what?
  125. >Well, putting the mandatory induction trigger in her is probably a good start.
  126. “Now Scootaloo, whenever I, and only I, tell you the phrase ‘Brainpop’, you’ll find all your thoughts gathering up in another bubble then pops. Leaving you in this blissful, blank, and obedient trance for me. Ready to obey any command I give you. Do you understand?”
  127. >”Okay Anon.”
  128. “And when you’re in a trance, call me Master.”
  129. >”Yes Master.”
  131. >Be Empty
  132. >Be Blank
  133. >Be Mindless
  134. >You have no thoughts flowing through your head.
  135. >You have nothing going through your head at all.
  136. >You feel like you’re resting on a cloud. It’s warm and cozy and you don’t need to do anything at all.
  137. >Your body feels heavy but at the same time weightless. You couldn’t move if you wanted to but it’s not uncomfortable at all.
  138. >You don’t really focus on anything else outside of that.
  139. >Whatever’s out there doesn’t matter.
  140. >Nothing matters besides Master’s voice.
  141. >It’s perfect. A perfect bliss.
  142. >Being Empty is blissful and perfect, but also you can’t stay Empty forever. You have to fill your mind at some point with something.
  143. >Thankfully Master is happy to do the thinking for you.
  144. >He’s doing so right now. Master speaks to you, filling your emptiness with words and ideas. Memories and thoughts.
  145. >Suddenly being filled with thoughts isn’t uncomfortable since it’s Master filling you, and he could give you that blissful emptiness once again.
  146. >With every word you know more about who you are and how you should act.
  147. >You can’t think, master does that for you, but even if you could, you wouldn’t hesitate to accept everything he says as fact.
  148. >Why would you question him at all?
  149. >He’s never let you down before.
  150. >All you have to do is listen and obey and he’ll do everything else.
  151. >Just listen and obey.
  152. >Listen and obey
  153. >Obey.
  154. >...
  155. >”Wake up”
  157. >Blink
  158. >Be Scootaloo
  159. >Why are you lying on a hay bale?
  160. >Weren’t you just listening to Anon try to show you his trick?
  161. >Pushing yourself up, you spot Anon looking down at you with a slight frown.
  162. >Was he worried that you fell asleep on him? Or was he just judging you for doing that?
  163. “Um, sorry about that. I guess today’s crusading took a lot more out of me than I thought.”
  164. >He raises a brow but nods.
  165. >”That’s fair, it was certainly a…busy day today.”
  166. >You rub the back of your neck sheepishly.
  167. “Yeah, it was. Well…let’s get back to-”
  168. >You trail off as you think back to the day’s events.
  169. >Meeting with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle
  170. >You had a cool idea for a new way for you all to try and get your Cutie Marks.
  171. >It didn’t go over well
  172. >Apparently, giant ants can chew through wood really quickly.
  173. >Anon’s home was filled with holes faster than you could flap your wings.
  174. >And you could flap those wings fast. Hummingbirds had nothing on you.
  175. >It’s really impressive how the house was able to stand with only one wall and a few posts.
  176. >But there was something you did forget in all the chaos of the morning.
  177. >You didn’t properly apologize to Anon for what you did now didn’t you.
  178. >Yes, you and your friends said you were sorry and promised to fix everything with Big Mac’s help.
  179. >But that wasn’t apologizing properly.
  180. >You take a breath.
  181. >Why did this feel harder than it should be?
  182. “No. Before we get to that trick of yours…I…I need to ask you something.”
  183. >Oh Celestia, why did you have to do this?
  184. >No, no, don’t question it. Just let it happen, Scootaloo. It’s normal, even if it’s embarrassing.
  185. >Once it’s over it’s over, just get it out there.
  186. >You take a deep breath and squeeze your eyes shut as you blurt out.
  187. “I’m sorry for what we did to your home Anon. Please punish me for being a bad filly so that I can learn my lesson.”
  188. >Your face is red. No, your everything is red.
  189. >Hopefully whatever Anon has in mind is over quickly.
  191. >Be Anon
  192. >Your programming worked perfectly.
  193. >Every time Scootaloo does something bad or gets into trouble, she’ll come to you to punish her until she learns her lesson.
  194. >If nothing else, it’s at least some nice payback for her and her friends ruining your home and bothering you all day.
  195. >Seriously, she just broke your house, why would she think you would want to hang out with her after that?
  196. >At least give it a day, girl. Seriously.
  197. >Still, there was an immense feeling of satisfaction, amongst other feelings, at hearing Scootaloo ask you to punish her.
  198. >Oh the ideas you had. Where would you begin?
  199. >Spanking was a traditional option, nice, simple, and straightforward.
  200. >You could embarrass her with the more classic approach like making her act like a chicken or a baby for hours while still being aware of what she’s doing.
  201. >Or maybe you could clean up her tomboy act and give her the full maid treatment.
  202. >That costume store in town sold outfits like that right?
  203. >There was also more erotic stuff like forcing her to masturbate for hours without being able to cum.
  204. >You had too many options to go for. You couldn’t even decide where to begin.
  205. >But before all that, you had to at least answer her first.
  206. “You’re sure? You did say sorry earlier?”
  207. >You ask, playing dumb. Despite yourself, a smile was growing slightly on your face.
  208. >”Y-yes. Saying sorry is one thing, but, well, how will I learn if I’m not punished for being a bad girl?”
  209. >Her voice was shaky and uncertain as she responded. Possibly because of nerves, or maybe because the thoughts, while they felt normal to her, were still new and she was trying to process them.
  210. >Either way, it looked like everything was working properly. Now you just needed to be alone.
  211. “Alright, then why don’t we go somewhere private for your punishment. No need to be needlessly mean spirited about it by doing it in public.”
  212. >Scootaloo nodded her head as fast as she flapped her wings.
  213. >”Yes yes. Let’s do that. No need to hang around out here in the middle of town for this. We could just head off to your place and-oh.”
  214. >She trailed off and looked at you embarrassed.
  215. >Damn girl, how the fuck did you forget about my house in the same conversation where you’re trying to apologize for it?
  216. >”Um, actually I think I know somewhere else that could work.”
  218. >Be Anon
  219. >You learned a fair bit while you followed Scootaloo through Ponyville.
  220. >Firstly, her parents are actually kind of cool.
  221. >Like, they’re some fucking Steve Irwin/Crocodile Dundee people who just ditch her to go off and find new animals.
  222. >What the fuck?
  223. >That’s a kind of career path that actually works out in Equestria?
  224. >One that doesn’t end in closed casket funerals or them going ape shit over finding a new kind of snail?
  225. >For a moment, you actually felt inclined to go outside more often willingly.
  226. >”We’re here.” Scootaloo says as she opens the door to a small house on the outskirts of Ponyville.
  227. >If you had been asked to tell it apart from the other houses in town, you probably wouldn’t be able to in a timely manner. Seriously, they all had this old fantasy medieval village look to them.
  228. >Only that gaudy crystal castle and a few other buildings stood out notably from the many identical feeling homes.
  229. >You followed Scootaloo into her home and took a look around.
  230. >The inside felt a lot like a grandmother's home. Very cozy and sort of neat, with antiques and sewing machines lying on a few tables.
  231. >7/10, not a bad home but you’ve seen better. Comfortable at least.
  232. >“Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are gonna be out of town for the next day or so. So we shouldn’t be interrupted.” Scootaloo said as she guided you over to the couch to sit down on, and she went around closing the curtains.
  233. >She really didn’t want anyone to see herself getting punished did she?
  234. >You didn’t even need to program that yourself.
  235. >It’s nice when things just work out like that.
  237. >”So…umm, what’s my punishment gonna be?” Scootaloo asked nervously as she sat down on the couch next to you.
  238. >Oh right, this.
  239. >You got a bit sidetracked learning about the wild shit about Scootaloo’s family.
  240. >You hadn’t actually settled on what you would do for her punishment.
  241. >Really, you didn’t even think you’d get this far.
  242. >Your stomach growling answered the question for you.
  243. “Scootaloo, can you cook?”
  244. >”Kind of?” She answered uncertainly as she looked up with a confused look on her face. “I’ve got some ready made meals from Auntie Lofty, and I’ve eaten cereal and sandwiches when nopony else is around to cook for me.”
  245. >Simple, but it works well enough.
  246. “Alright, your punishment is going to have two parts to it. Firstly, go make us both some lunch.”
  247. >She looks at you expectantly. Probably waiting for you to elaborate on the second part of her punishment. When you refused to answer, she got up and trotted over to the kitchen.
  248. >Remembering the first time ponies tried to feed you some of their local cuisine, you make sure to call out.
  249. “I can’t eat hay or flowers, so remember that while you’re cooking.”
  250. >You hear an affirmation from the pegasus and then lie back on the couch.
  251. >It’s a bit shorter than you, but you were still able to nestle into a comfortable position on it and take a quick catnap while your unaware slave worked.
  252. >It wasn’t that long of a nap, but from the hecticness of the day, it was nice to just unwind for a few minutes.
  253. >”Food’s ready.” Scootaloo said as she nudged you away
  254. >When she led you to the kitchen table, you saw the fruits of her labor.
  255. >Funnily enough, there weren’t any fruits there at all.
  256. >She had made you a sandwich with some lettuce and other plant stuff and seemingly prepared herself a salad.
  257. >Probably was premade but you weren’t the one eating it so why say anything.
  258. >She sat down at the table and leaned in to eat her salad.
  259. “Before you start eating. Here’s the second part of your punishment.”
  260. >You interrupt Scootaloo’s eager smile by dropping your pants.
  262. >You began rubbing your cock while pictures of Applebloom and Sweetie Belle standing alongside Scootaloo flooded your mind. All of them asking to be punished for being bad fillies.
  263. >And there you were disciplining them.
  264. >Sweetie Belle being turned into a squeaky little sex toy you share with her friends without a will of her own
  265. >Applebloom tied down and moaning as you edge her over and over, never letting her cum while her friends lie blank and open mouthed below, letting her juices drop into their mouths
  266. >Scootaloo having to proclaim your greatness over Rainbow Dash and other ponies who she worshiped while servicing your dick.
  267. >The three of them having to bathe you with their tongues and bodies
  268. >The fantasies flew through your mind at greater speed as your arm’s pace increased.
  269. >All three of them, believing they have collar cutie marks, and are destined to be your slaves forever.
  270. >You cum.
  271. >Thick white ropes of cum splurt out from your dick and onto Scootaloo’s salad. Some even landing on her face and mane.
  272. >You smile at the sight and pulled up your pants.
  273. “Now. Eat up.”
  275. >Scootaloo didn’t obey immediately. Firstly just staring with shock at you, then down at her cum covered food and face.
  276. >”W-what?”
  277. “Eat up, that’s the second part of your punishment. After cooking for us, you have to eat your food covered in my cum? Is there a problem?”
  278. >”I don’t want to eat your strange human goo!” She protested, pushing the plate back and trying to wipe off the strands that had landed on herself.
  279. >Huh, despite the hypnosis, there’s still resistance. Interesting. Let’s see if her triggers still work through it, or if she’s gonna break out completely.
  280. “Scootaloo, are you being a Bad Filly.”
  281. >Like magic, her eyes widened and her ears went down.
  282. >”N-no Anon. I’m not being a bad filly. I just-”
  283. “You’re refusing your punishment. One you begged me to give you.”
  284. >”Well, yes I asked you to punish me but, I didn’t want-”
  285. “You didn’t want what? You asked me to punish you so that you could learn your lesson did you not?”
  286. >”Yes I did, but.”
  287. “Despite me complying with your wishes, you’re still being a Bad Filly and refusing to learn anything.”
  288. >Her ears went back further and her eyes became more scared.
  289. >”I’m not a bad filly. I don’t want to be a bad filly.” Her voice was desperate as it spoke up.
  290. “Then eat. And be sure to lick up any that landed on your face and mane too.”
  291. >Slowly, she obeyed. Reaching out cautiously to pick up an off-yellow stained leaf with her lips and began to chew.
  292. >She shuddered as the taste hit her lips, but didn’t stop. She ate every bite of her cum salad while you watched, munching on your own sandwich.
  293. >About halfway through her salad, and all the way through your own sandwich, she began to start licking off the cum that had been on her face and mane with some help from her hoof.
  294. >Seeing the pegasus filly licking her hoof as it was covered in your cum was doing wonders to get you hard again.
  295. >But you didn’t act yet. Just watched as she cleaned herself off and kept eating.
  296. >“Than-thank you Anon.” Scootaloo said as she swallowed the last cum covered leaf and looked up at you apologetically. “I’m sorry for being a Bad Filly. Thank you for punishing me and teaching me how to be a Good Filly!”
  298. “We’re not done yet.”
  299. >You say, causing her apologetic expression to freeze.
  300. >”We’re not?!”
  301. “You were being a Bad Filly when you tried to get out of your punishment earlier.”
  302. >Once again, her eyes widened and her ears fell back. She nodded solemnly as she looked at the floor.
  303. “You’re right Anon. I’m sorry for not listening to you and trying to escape my punishment. Please punish me again for being a bad filly so that I can learn my lesson.”
  304. >You nod and slide out your chair from the table.
  305. “Lie down across my lap.”
  306. >You say, patting your thighs invitingly.
  307. >Scootaloo nods and walks over to you, slowly climbing onto you until her belly is comfortably across your thighs.
  308. >Her belly had looked fluffy and soft before when you were hypnotizing her. And it had felt nice when you had been petting her like a dog. But now that you got to feel it more closely, it was amazing.
  309. >It was like a nice warm blanket over your legs.
  310. >”What’s next Anon?” Scootaloo asked uncertainly.
  311. “I’m going to spank you, and you’re going to count each slap and thank me for them.”
  312. >You didn’t give her a chance to
  313. >SLAP!
  314. >The crack of your hand across Scootaloo’s flanks caused her to jerk and let out a small yelp. Her wings fluttered and she instinctively tried to escape your lap.
  315. >A hand quickly went to the filly’s back, holding her in place as she struggled in your lap.
  316. “Scootaloo.”
  317. >You said warningly with a glare.
  318. >”I. I didn’t mean…”
  319. >She swallowed.
  320. >”O-one! Thank you Anon!”
  321. >SLAP!
  322. >”Twooooo! Thank you Anon!”
  323. >SLAP!
  324. >”Three! Than-thank you Anon!”
  325. >And on and on it went.
  326. >You abused Scootaloo’s ass
  327. >It was good that ponies had fur covering their bodies, because you were sure you left handprints on both cheeks with how hard you were going.
  328. >”TWENTY FOUR!”
  329. >That had been a particularly hard spank, one that sent ripples through the pegasus’ entire body.
  330. >”Thank. You. Anon.” She said with heavy breaths
  331. >There had been tears in her eyes since she had reached seven. And yet you continued until now.
  332. >With one, final reverberating spank, you rested your hand on Scootaloo’s flank and began to rub it softly, comfortingly.
  333. >”Twen…twenty five. Thank you Anon!”
  334. >She still tensed up, waiting for your next spanking. When it didn’t come, she looked at you with hopeful eyes.
  335. “Now, what do you say Scootaloo?”
  336. >She looked at you with tears still running down her cheeks but a grateful smile across her muzzle. She sniffed, and answered.
  337. >”Thank you Anon, for punishing me and teaching me how to be a Good Filly!”

Hypnohand Gren

by Subadubdub

Anon Hypnotizes Scootaloo

by Subadubdub

Gaffer and the Watch

by Subadubdub

Morning Routine

by Subadubdub