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Babysitter Trixie and Filly Starlight Part 3

By Guest
Created: 2022-12-07 07:20:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Yes sister, right there!"
  2. >Princess Celestia arches her back-
  3. >"clop clop clop! Anypony home?"
  4. >absolute silence
  5. >The door is opened by yellow magic and a voice calls forth from the dark
  6. >"Twilight, my faithful student, what have I told you about going into our private bedchambers?"
  7. >"You told me to knock, so I did. It's been over a day since I've seen my friendship student Starlight, and no pupil of mine is tardy for their lessons!"
  8. >Another voice joins the room
  9. >"We see. Tis most unfortunate, Twilight. Doth thou seeketh thine pupil posthaste?"
  10. >"Princess Luna? What are you doing in Celestia's bedchambers? And what's that smell?"
  11. >Twilight lights the room with her horn magic aura
  12. >"Ah!"
  13. >Both voices cry out in harmony as the two princesses pull the covers over themselves
  14. >"Why do you two have makeup all over your faces?"
  15. >"Twilight, please afford your princesses some...privacy."
  16. >"Well, privacy or not, I can't find my student! Her magic signature is completely gone!"
  17. >Celestia peeks her head out of the covers
  18. >"Twilight, my star pupil, do you mean to say that you fear something has happened to Starlight Glimmer?"
  19. >"Yes! and it's about to get a whole hay of a lot worse if she doesn't complete her friendship lesson today!"
  20. >"I see. Allow me to- Twilight. Have you checked her house?"
  21. >"No."
  22. >"How could you ask for our aid to find her before checking her house?"
  23. >"Thine student is a blithering fool, Tia."
  24. >"Luna, how dare you! You! You-"
  25. >Celestia aggressively plants kisses on Luna's lips
  26. >"Mmhh! Smooch! Mhm!"
  27. >"Uh, Princess Celestia?"
  28. >"Go now, Twilight. I trust in your judgement to ask for our help. Our aid will be given after royal punishment is given for-"
  29. >"smack!"
  30. >"Ah!"
  31. >"-insubordination."
  32. >Twilight gallops off into the night through the royal castle
  33. >"I thought I remembered seeing rarity wear that kind of sultry makup before..."
  34. >It is a dark and stormy night in equestria
  35. >Twilight thought of a punishment as she teleported off of the castle balcony to Starlight's house
  36. >"clop clop clop! Starlight? Are you in there?"
  37. >"Mfhh! Rmmff!"
  38. >Twilight rears back and breaks down the door
  39. >"Where are you Starlight! What?"
  40. >Twilight cannot believe her eyes
  41. >Before Twilight is Trixie in the living room, savagely fucking filly Glimmer bound in a rear spreader bar, ball gag, and latex
  42. >"What the hay is going on here? Is that you, Glimmer? And Trixie? You have a penis?"
  43. >"Well, well, well. If it isn't Twilight Sparkle! So kind of you to join us... Take it you slut!"
  44. >"splap! splop! splap! mffrgh!"
  45. >Twilight rips out the ball gag from Glimmer's snoot with her magic
  46. >"I've come to save you!"
  47. >"Twih!...Ligh!... Don't ahhh! Don't sto-o-o-p this. Oh! I di-i-i-i-d this to ah! myself..."
  48. >Twilight's eyes furrow in rage
  49. >"So you willingly missed your friendship lesson?"
  50. >Trixie looks towards Twilight
  51. >"Yes, Glimmer here ah! Won't be having ooh, so tight! Any more friendship lessons ahh! Anytime soon."
  52. >"shlop! splop! shlop!"
  53. >"Twili-i-i-ight! You have to go-o-o-o! It's almost too la-a-a-ate!"
  54. >Glimmer grabs the ball gag and puts it back into her mouth
  55. >The darkness of night in the room is suddenly broken by a magical aura enveloping Trixie
  56. >The light shines outwards from the windows as if the aurora borealis was located entirely in the living room
  57. >Trixie's horn lengthens and sharpens, and powerful wings sprout outwards from her back
  58. >"Yes! Trixie can feel her Power rising! It's overflowing!"
  59. >Glimmer's rear legs are lifted up from Trixie rising off of the ground
  60. >"Trixie will truly be the Greatest and most Powerful!"
  61. >Twilight looks on in utter shock
  62. >"Trixie..."
  63. >Trixie grows in size, her proportions becoming more slender and horselike
  64. >The aura dissipates and Trixie glides gently towards the ground, wings outstretched
  65. >"How do you like Trixie's new wings, Twilight? All Trixie had to do was not cum for a whole day. Only a fool would bow down to Celestia for power."
  66. >Twilight crouches down, snoofing and pawing at the ground
  67. >"And now for my last trick!"
  68. >Trixie shoves her larger, longer cock as far as it will go inside Glimmer's stretchy horse pussy
  69. >"Ta-da-ah! It's gone! Oh! Trixie is-"
  70. >Trixie's newly sized enhanced cock flares inside of Glimmer, locking it against her cervix
  71. >"Aaaaah!"
  72. >Trixie and Glimmer moan together in ecstasy as Trixie's pre and cum are pumped into Glimmer's filly womb
  73. >"sqk! sqrrk! sqik! squrrrrk! squrrk!"
  74. >Each shot becomes slower and more viscous than the last as Trixie drains herself into Glimmer's sex
  75. >"Oh sweet Celestia! Yes!"
  76. >Glimmer's abdomen distends down almost touching the floor
  77. >Glimmer winks desperately around the massive horse cock, squirting slimy filly jizz onto the floor
  78. >"mmfhhh! MMMfhh!"
  79. >Twilight starts leaking at the sight
  80. >"T-Trixie, I will not let you defy the equestrian matriarchy with your forbidden alicorn magic! Prepare to draw your last breath!"
  81. >"Muhahaha-aaaah! It's too late Twilight! Trixie is Greater and Powerfuller than even a fledgling alicorn such as yourself!"
  82. >"The magic of friendship is the strongest magic there is! It won't be undone by your cheap tricks!"
  83. >Trixie turns towards twilight, sliding out of Glimmer while still leaking
  84. >"Never call Trixie's acts a cheap trick!"
  85. >Glimmer spouts a small cum fountain onto the floor and her belly shrinks down a bit
  86. >"Trixie will show you true terror, Sparkle! This will be our last magic duel!"

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