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Derpy's Goth BF

By Hugh_Neutron
Created: 2022-12-08 06:12:40
Updated: 2023-07-21 00:51:27
Expiry: Never

  1. Short green
  3. "I'm telling you he's real!"
  4. >You are Derpy. Mailmare, klutz, cross-eyed, and currently having lunch with your triplet of friends.
  5. >Well they were having lunch. You were still waiting for it to arrive.
  6. >"Yeah right. If he's real I'll eat my horseshoe." Says Carrottop
  7. >And trying to convince your stupid friends that you aren't lying your ass off when you say you have a goth bf.
  8. >You're not even exaggerating this time!
  9. >"Come on Derps, you can't blame us for being skeptical. The way you describe it is like a fantasy. I mean, lots of clothes, socks to his knees, dress shirt, suit, freaking suspenders AND shirt stays? Every single day?" Says Minuette.
  10. >Pfff
  11. >You pff'ed so hard just to make sure they knew they're lack of belief wasn't disconcerting, in fact you were 100% concerted.
  12. >You caught a glimpse of something black and tall down the street.
  13. >You smile, that must be Anon.
  14. >You wave and call out.
  15. "Hey Anon over here."
  16. >He beelines over to you and you can tell Carrot and Minuette are looking at you.
  17. >You don't give a shit because there's Anon in all his unnecessarily dressed up and trilby wearing glory.
  18. >He even has the duster coat and dress shoes on.
  19. >"M'Lady. I got your lunch here. Still fresh from the panini press."
  20. "Thanks Anon, I knew I could count on you"
  21. >You're wearing a shit eating grin and you know it.
  22. >You pull him close and give him a big kiss on the cheek and adjust his hat after.
  23. >He stands up straighter and tries to hide a smile and rising blush under his 'stoic facade'.
  24. "Oh, here are my friends. This is Carrottop and Minuette."
  25. >He grabs the brim of his hat and tilts it downwards for a moment.
  26. >"Hi Carrot, Minuette. I'm charmed to meet you."
  27. >Carrot blinks slowly with an unreadable expression.
  28. >Minuette has a laughing smile.
  29. >"Oh it's nice to meet you too. We've heard good things." Minuette giggles.
  30. >Anon likes giggles but you know he won't be swayed by anything like that if his talk about honor is any indication.
  31. "So where are you headed off to next?"
  32. >"I was going to head to that clearing again and practice my study of the blade. I have to be prepared for when destiny comes to ask something of me or to take what I have."
  33. >You nod your head like the sages you've seen.
  34. >Time to go in for the kill.
  35. "Why don't you hit the gym instead? I'm sure knowing the blade is good but getting stronger and more stamina is gotta be important for fighting too right?"
  36. >His eyebrows push together in thought.
  37. >"You know what you're right, I should do that. Thanks Derpy. See you later then."
  38. >Anon turns to leave so you call after him.
  39. "Do the stair climber, and some cardio."
  40. >"Okay" Anon calls back.
  41. >You turn back to your friends with the smuggest expression that can be conveyed with one eye at a time.
  42. >"Oh my Celestia Derps you weren't lying!" Minuette says.
  43. >"Ah shit, I ain't eating my horseshoe that's just a saying alright. Still that is great Derps, congratz." Carrottop says.
  44. >You unwrap you sandwich and finally begin lunch.
  45. "Thanks girls."
  48. >It's dark out by the time you get home.
  49. >Anon is in the kitchen preparing food but something was wrong.
  50. >Anon wasn't wearing his goth outfit.
  51. >He was just wearing khakis and a polo shirt, still sexy but it's not his usual style.
  52. >And he seemed depressed.
  53. >Time to step up and perform your marely duties.
  54. "Hey Anon, uhh trying some new clothes?"
  55. >"Yeah, something like that."
  56. >You see he's staring at a half cut potato.
  57. "Anon is everything alright."
  58. >He slowly looks at you.
  59. "Yeah I'm just thinking of changing my style. More normal stuff like this. More practical."
  60. >That's not normal for Anon.
  61. >You know that his outfit is super important to him, Tartarus, it's important to normal pony stallions and they barely wear anything for Celestia's sake.
  62. "Anon, we both love your normal outfit though."
  63. >"Sorry Derpy. I just don't really want to wear it anymore. And I don't think I actually do love it."
  64. >You don't understand jack.
  65. >Luckily Anon is one of those colts who can actually communicate their feelings with words.
  66. "Can you explain it to me?"
  67. >"When I first started wearing it, I wanted a decoration or something, something to make me feel smarter or better or different or I thought it was cool, I don't remember. I was trying to live an idea. Then people told me how stupid it was and I just wanted to push back, prove them wrong. I didn't really have anyone to talk to back then and I think I got stuck like that. I couldn't process those emotions like emotional constipation or something."
  68. >He has a weird thin smile that actually looks sad and I hear him do a very wet swallow.
  69. >Then he sniffles, oh gosh this is serious.
  70. >"But I think I'm ready to move on now, thanks to you Derpy."
  71. >You had NO IDEA any of this was under the surface but you had heard that goth colts all had issues.
  72. >"Is... Is that alright?"
  73. >You realize that you're staring at him like a fish.
  74. >Come on Derpy, he needs you!
  75. >Immediately you put on your most warm and welcoming smile you have.
  76. "Of course Anon. I'm happy for you."

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