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Wallflower Hypnosis

By Hugh_Neutron
Created: 2022-12-09 05:02:41
Updated: 2022-12-09 05:04:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Wallflower tries hypnosis.
  2. Green by anonymous author. Saving for posterity because I thought it was hot and funny.
  3. Original posts (2 different threads)
  6. I was thinking this, but it could also be Wow Nelly, I guess. Ugly Fat Bastard is pretty common, after all.
  7. I also thought of a fun one for RGREquestria girls.
  9. >Anon is putting away sports equipment after gym class, having volunteered.
  10. >The next class is calculus, which he hates, so he'll take the excuse to be a few minutes late.
  11. >He suddenly hears the door to the storage room open and shut, and he turns to see a sweating Wallflower.
  12. >He's pretty sure that's her name, anyway.
  13. >She's been hanging with the Rainbooms lately.
  14. >"H-hey, Anon."
  15. "Um, hey. You need something? I'm good putting this stuff away myself if you wanted to help."
  16. >"N-no, I just wanted to show you something. Here, let me just..."
  17. >She starts fiddling with her phone, then turns the screen towards him.
  18. >It's a swirling black and white spiral which periodically flashes.
  19. >"Listen to the sound of my voice..." Wallflower says slowly, adding a slight waver to her tone. "You are relaxed, you will do what I tell you, because it makes you feel protected. I'm a big strong woman, and doing what I say will keep you safe."
  20. "Right..." Anon says slowly, wondering if this girl is serious right now.
  21. >Apparently she missed the sarcasm as her eyes go wide and she whispers, "Holy crap, it's working. Okay, keep it together, Wallflower, just start slow."
  22. >Standing straighter, she continues.
  23. >"Look at my chest, see how big my breasts are? They're perfect for feeding babies."
  24. >Anon does look, and does have to admit she has a pretty nice rack.
  25. >It's easier to notice while she's still in her T-shirt as opposed to that sweater she usually wears.
  26. "They are pretty big," he acknowledges, getting her to thrust her chest out a little more.
  27. >"Yes, they are. You are now going to reach up, and touch m-my breasts. Feel them, Anon."
  28. >Anon really should be smacking this girl upside the head for being such an idiot.
  29. >Really, he wonders how much money she wasted on this bogus app, thinking it would actually work.
  30. >On the other hand, however, titties.
  31. >A very strong argument for playing along.
  32. >And so Anon reaches up, and grabs a handful of pillowy flesh, giving her left tit a squeeze.
  33. >She gasps and shudders.
  34. >"B-both hands," she breathes. "Use both."
  35. "You're the boss," he says, and brings his other hand to fondle her chest.
  36. >Dang, he's getting a stiffy, and judging by how her legs start rubbing together, she's getting pretty horny too.
  37. >Anon wonders how far this dork is willing to take things, but the second bell rings and the sound of the next gym class entering has her step back.
  38. >"Crap, U-um, you're going to forget everything that just happened," she tells him, holding the phone closer to his face. "B-but today, after school, you're going to wait in the parking lot for me, alright?"
  39. "Sure, I'll meet you in the parking lot after school."
  40. >Why wouldn't he?
  41. >Now that he's really looking at her, Wallflower is a cutie, and it sounds like if he plays along long enough, he'll get laid.
  42. >"Good! See you later!"
  45. >Fast forward to later, and Anon is sitting in the parking lot, looking around for a head of green hair.
  46. >Is that?
  47. >Wait, no, that's just Carrot Top really needing to re-dye her hair.
  48. >Her green roots are showing quite a lot.
  49. >"H-hey, Anon."
  50. "Jeebus!" Anon spins around to see Wallflower standing there, looking around nervously. "Need to put a bell on you."
  51. >"Right, sure, bell," she says, distracted as she fiddles with her phone. "Hey, you want to see a funny video?"
  52. "Ah, what-?"
  53. >Before he can ask further she spins the phone around, face red and biting her lip.
  54. "Oh," he says, seeing the familiar swirly mind control app.
  55. >"F-follow me to my car, okay?"
  56. "Sure," he answers with a shrug.
  57. >He could put a little more effort into the act, but this girl seems pretty oblivious to the fact that he's not under hypnosis, so why bother?
  58. >She grabs his hand and pulls him towards an old, beat-up, shit-brown sedan, quickly opening the door for him on the passenger side while looking around to see if anyone is paying attention to them.
  59. >Luckily her namesake holds true and she's being ignore by the few remaining students going home for the day.
  60. >Anon slides in and she shuts the door behind him, then moves to the other side and gets in.
  61. >For being so nervous and in a hurry, Anon is surprised she takes her time to be safe, adjusting the mirrors, buckling up, telling him to do the same, all before even turning the ignition.
  62. >Hands at ten and two, she pulls out carefully and is driving a couple miles under the speed limit, eyes focused intently on the road ahead.
  63. >After a couple of minutes of silence, Anon opens his mouth.
  64. So, where are we going?"
  65. >She jolts and looks at him in surprise, then remembers she's driving and focuses back on the road.
  66. >She slows down even further once she glances in the rear view mirror to make sure there's no other cars on this road, then grabs her phone from the cup holster, to hold towards Anon.
  67. >"You're letting me take you on a date, a-and you're very happy about that, too, because you really like me."
  68. >Anon blinks.
  69. "And the date is, like, at your house, or a motel?"
  70. >"W-what?! No! We're going to the park!"
  71. "Oh," Anon says, feeling a little disappointed, but cheers himself up with the reminder that she might be an exhibitionist or something. "Alight."
  72. >"Good... And you are feeling happy, right?"
  73. >Anon shrugs.
  74. "I guess."
  75. >"Good," she repeats, hands tightening on the wheel. "That's good."
  76. Once they arrive at the park, she again rushes around the car, this time to open his door and help him out.
  77. >Even after so many years, it's still strange to be treated like some dainty flower, but whatever.
  78. >He takes her hand, which she doesn't let go of even after shutting the door behind him.
  79. >The phone is in her other hand, and she looks at it for a moment before looking up at him.
  80. >"Are you... okay with holding hands?"
  81. "We're on a date, right? So sure."
  82. >"Yeah, that's right, we are on a date," she says with a little confidence.

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