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Four Purple Mares Try to Solve the Worlds Problems 1.0

By Shroooomy
Created: 2022-12-09 22:55:20
Expiry: Never

  1. Luna:
  2. >Day 3 of the Equestrian winter cycle
  3. > 3:30 AM
  4. >Canterlot Castle
  5. >Current weight: 222 lbs
  7. >I paced outside the shattered doorway of the Archive of Accursed Items.
  8. >At my hooves lay broken glass and wooden shrapnel that had splintered off the old wooden door during the break-in.
  9. >My mind raced with increasingly worse thoughts while I fretted with bated breath for the bookkeeper to return with the report on the stolen items.
  10. >The Archive housed the largest collection of dangerous artifacts in Equestria,
  11. >Blighted scripts were written by Equestria's most magically proficient and dangerous minds.
  12. > The collection was brimming with Transformation spells, mind-altering tomes, and recipes for destructive potions that could lead to incalculable damage.
  14. >The archive itself was tucked deep below the castle and at the heart of a twisting labyrinth.
  15. >The public knows nothing of its existence.
  16. >As bad as it may sound I was drawn to this morbid collection, even as a filly.
  17. >I enjoyed perusing the annals of these forbidden fruits on quiet nights while ponies dreamed pleasantly.
  18. >Upon my return from the moon, I discovered many new items which had been added to the collection during my banishment.
  19. >I was fascinated by these new spells because I never had the opportunity to experiment with them during the early days of the collection.
  21. >The most interesting scrolls lie in the furthest corners of the vault, where many of the unnamed spells were stored.
  22. >Tia told me that they were found in the remains of an old ruin deep within the Everfree.
  23. >It’s believed that these spells were written by the Pillars themselves days before their disappearance.
  24. >Upon my return, Tia had spoken of this section but informed me that these scripts were docile and she was unable to make any use of them.
  26. >When I began my study into these cryptic scrolls I was able to put them to proper use.
  27. >Tia and I discovered that they could only be activated by my voice.
  28. >I would read from the scrolls aloud and trigger the spell into revealing itself.
  29. >We found it curious that these particular spells needed my blessing, but regardless, the two of us had become intoxicated with these new magics and had spent many afternoons experimenting with them. Both on each other and on the unfortunate ponies of the dungeons.
  32. >We were on the cusp of a dark magic renaissance and had grown closer than ever before. Bonding over our discoveries and becoming entwined in a sinful lust.
  33. >It transformed our relationship from sisters to lovers.
  34. >I started seeing my sister in ways I had never considered. The intimacy between us was like a passionate flame.
  36. >I uncovered parts of her personality that only the lovers of her youth were blessed with.
  37. >She may have given up on love long ago but her company was still warm.
  38. >I discovered Tias' playful side.
  39. >Despite ruling Equestria for thousands of years deep down she was still the excitable and fun-loving pony I grew up with.
  40. >I thought this side of her was lost after our feud. It was a strange return to how things used to be.
  41. >She had an affectionate side.
  42. >She could be childlike and silly like I remember and burning with lust.
  43. >We were both degenerates, and this temple to the dark arts in which ponies feared to tread became our playhouse.
  45. >But now our newfound love was at risk.
  46. >As I stared into the broken glass beneath my hooves I saw an anxious pony.
  47. >A pony whose mind was racing with the most disturbing of thoughts.
  48. >I was in charge of casting an un-breaking spell on the door to the archives last time we exited.
  49. >At the time I was confident I had done so, but as I stood over the shattered glass fragments of the crippled doorway which acted as the only barrier containing our sins I was beginning to question myself.
  50. >I had many scenarios running through my mind, each presenting either an eternity on the moon or the end of Equestria as we know it.
  52. >The bookkeeper had informed me that three scrolls were stolen and I was awaiting anxiously for the mare to return with a list of the missing inventory.
  53. >I was on the brink of collapsing for fearful and anticipation.
  54. >There are spells in these chambers beyond the power of any mortal and should only be left for gods to toy with.
  56. >I hoofed over the broken glass in circles until the tiny bookkeep emerged from the records hall with two guards at her side.
  57. >“Did you find them? Please tell me you found them.” I pleaded
  58. >“My apologies Princess but it appears whoever broke in escaped with the items.”
  60. >My heart sank
  61. “Starswirls spell?” I whimpered nervously
  62. >“I regret in informing you that it’s nowhere to be found..”
  63. >“Do you know what this means!? The damage these ponies can cause with that kind of power could be irreversible!”
  65. >The ponies trembled and bowed
  66. >“Many apologies your highness!” The ponies pleaded
  67. >I put my hoofs to my face and dragged them over my eyes, frustrated by the incompetence of our royal guard ponies.
  68. >I wanted to explode on them as I would’ve in the old days but I bit my tongue.
  69. >In Celestia's new Equestria, the press was unfortunately everything and another outburst would really hurt my already waning popularity.
  71. >“Princess?” The bespectacled bookkeeper peeped “I have some information on the other missing items.”
  73. “What were they? Tell me at once!”
  74. >“Two scrolls from the lustful potions section, though upon reading them I think the thieves may have grabbed them in a panic because of all the items in the archives…These items…Well…They don’t make sense.” The mare said scratching her mane.
  75. “Cease your stalling and relinquish the information!” I ordered in my royal tone.
  77. >"One was a recipe for a potion by the name of liquid masochist.” She stammered
  78. >“According to the description, it appears to be a highly potent variant of the popular sexual enhancement potion Liquid Lust. I don’t think they stole this recipe intentionally….” She trailed off
  80. “If you’re under the impression that stealing this recipe was a mistake then you know nothing of its power.” I hissed
  81. >“Please forgive me for my ignorance my queen…But the third item is even more perplexing.”
  82. >The delays in this mares presentation is infuriating.
  83. “Speak!” I commanded, “I’m growing tired of your stalling.”
  84. >“My apologies princess but after sifting through the records l was unable to find a proper title or description in the records for this missing scroll.”
  86. >She pulled a scroll from her saddle bag and passed it to me.
  87. >My face dropped and my hooves began to shake.
  88. >“This was all I could find. I’m aware that you and your sister have been doing inventory in the archives but the title is nothing short of a riddle and the description you provided was vague…”
  89. >The mare trailed off again until continuing in a concerned tone
  90. “My sincere apologies for asking, but do you know what “Luna’s Fatty Fun Time Potion” is? My sign-out sheet says that it was last checked out by you and your sister a couple of days ago.”
  92. >I started to sweat
  93. >The archives are home to thousands of items, why did they pick this one?
  94. >....
  95. >How did they know?
  96. >My mind went straight to blackmail.
  97. >How did some pony find out about our fetish? And how did they know how where to find the scroll?
  99. >Whoever stole the scroll must know of its power and what my sister and I have been using it for.
  100. >But who? How did they find out and what will they use it for?
  101. >My mind was filled with questions each more disturbing than the last. If news breaks of our secret love affair it would ruin our reputation! And worst of all, I could be the cause of it! Celestia will send me to the moon again for this if she finds out!
  102. >“Princess? Are you feeling okay?” The bookkeeper asked
  104. >I looked down at my groaning stomach which was tingling pleasantly.
  105. >This was going to be a difficult secret to keep.
  106. >Without the spell I won’t be able to reverse it.
  107. >My stomach will groan and wail until it’s found.
  108. >I will be stuck with an encumbering, endless hunger and my magic will use less. Limited to food-summoning spells.
  109. >The sun will be eclipsed by the moon every day until I find that potion.
  111. >I returned the scroll to the bookkeeper with shaking hooves.
  112. “Listen up!” I shouted turning my attention to the royal guards' ponies
  113. “I want these thieves apprehended immediately. I’m giving you full authority to perform an investigation into this case without impediment. But What’s happened here must stay between us, understood? Not even Celestia can know of what has transpired here.”
  114. >The guards raised their hoofs and saluted “Yes, your highness!”
  115. “Return the scrolls and you will be rewarded greatly. The future of Equestria rests in your hooves.”
  116. >The guards trotted out of the cave, their hooves sizzling beneath them.
  117. >I on the other hoof dragged mine back to my tower with the weight of Equestria on my shoulders.
  118. >I was worried about this information spreading.
  119. >What would the presses say about us partaking in incestual and fetish driven love?
  121. >It would be the end of the monarchy.
  122. >Tia and I would be exiled possibly even quartered for our sins.
  123. >Thankfully, I had time on my side.
  124. >Equestria is far too occupied with Princess Twilight's exploits at the moment to turn its hateful attention back on me.
  126. >But I’ve got a reputation to maintain! I can’t appear as an angelic being when I’m four hundred pounds overweight!
  127. >When I returned to my room I locked the door and sat on the edge of the bed, nursing my aching stomach.
  128. >I felt like I hadn’t eaten in days, but that was far from reality.
  129. >This spell made the afflicted pony feel an immense hunger at all times. Nothing could soothe my nagging stomach, all I could do is gorge myself endlessly.
  131. >Many ponies of lower culture wouldn’t be able to appreciate or understand this sensation. It’s an acquired fetish of humility, pleasure, and metamorphosis. Becoming something different both physically and mentally.
  132. >using my magic, I summoned a cake with pink icing with frosting swirls dabbed along its perimeter.
  133. >I was unable to raise the moon but at least I could summon the most delicious food in all of Equestria.
  135. >I took a large bite and felt my inside wriggle with delight.
  136. >From the moment it touched my tongue I was in ecstasy and the feeling of starvation slipped away.
  137. >rode this delight even as my throat swelled with frosting as it slid down my throat.
  138. >Clinging to the satisfaction, until the spongy dough landed in my gut.
  139. >My stomach churned as I rode the indescribable bliss.
  140. >Only a mare who knows the pain of hunger can understand the pleasure of a full stomach
  141. > But only a humble mare of true wealth and culture would subject themselves to this feeling voluntarily.
  146. >Twilight:
  147. >Day nine of the Equestrian winter cycle
  148. > Ponyville Express Train heading east
  149. > 5:00 AM
  150. > Current weight: 276 lbs
  153. >I watched the landscape fly across the window and saw miles of flat, uninhabitable land.
  154. >The earth in these mountains is too dry for anything to grow and the temperature was always perched just above 0°.
  155. >It may not be below freezing but it was still too cold for my blood.
  156. >I fell back into my seat and rested my hoof over my embarrassing belly that was peeling between my dress shirt and pants.
  157. >In all my travels down this rickety old track, I had never once seen a clear sky, leaves on the the trees or any animals.
  158. >Dark grey clouds are a staple of this bleak landscape, they poured over the summits of the northern hills off the Crystal Mountains.
  159. >The clouds loom overhead like a thick black smoke and never clears.
  161. >I don’t think this part of Equestria has ever seen the sun regardless of whatever was going on in Canterlot.
  162. > I wonder what was happening between the sisters.
  163. > Even during the day the moon sits in the sky like an entitled filly.
  165. >Either Luna has gone Nightmare Moon again or Celestia had finally had enough of her constant mopping around the castle and is taking control of both the sun and the moon like she ought to.
  166. > My belly grumbled as I nursed it with gentle rubs. The train clicked along the track and the wind howled outside.
  168. >I was beginning to regret saving Starlights village.
  169. >It’s hard admitting to feeling something so callus and selfish, even to yourself. But it’s how I had grown to feel over the matter.
  170. >I’m tired of this town and sick of its weather, the hateful ponies that walk the streets and trouble they cause.
  171. >If it were up to me, I would wipe out the entire town with a ballistic rainbow of friendship and harmony.
  172. >That would teach them that violence doesn’t solve anything.
  173. >Ponies can be can really dumb when they think they have the answer to everyponies needs.
  175. >I’m not sure how long I had been staring out the window, but I was growing weary of staring at the frozen wasteland.
  176. >I looked to the seat next to me and saw the stack of newspapers I had brought from Ponyvillie.
  177. >They were all old but still caused me great distress.
  178. >The earliest paper was dated around a year ago, and was placed at the top of the pile. The headline read:
  180. >Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers strange cult in valley, frees inhabitants and overthrows terrorist leader.
  181. "Yeah, the biggest mistake of my life," I grumbled
  183. >I placed the paper aside and picked up the next paper that read:
  185. >Twilight Sparkle awarded medal of bravery in “Our Town” Infiltration mission.
  187. >I began sorting the newspapers, every headline caught my eye causing the pit in my stomach to widen.
  189. >Twilight Sparkle rivals all Princesses in a newly released popularity poll.
  191. >Twilight Sparkle picks new leader for the mysterious village, changes name from "Our Town" to Sugar Mountains.
  193. >Sugar Mountains ranked number one in affordability but unorthodox leadership style leaves investors shy.
  195. >Return to radicalism? Despite its growth, Sugar Mountains is quickly becoming the most dangerous town in Equestria.
  197. > Celestia orders Twilight Sparkle back to Sugar Mountains after reports of starvation and poor living conditions.
  199. >PRA finds over 100 basic rights laws violated upon investigation into “Sugar Mountains.
  201. >Celestia assigns Twilight Sparkle as the royal representative over Sugar Mountains.
  203. >Twilight Sparkle caught gorging herself at this year's Grand Galloping Gala while Sugar Mountains continues to battle violence and hunger.
  205. >Riot in Sugar Mountains! 34 Injured and 24 fires building stared in all out street brawl
  207. >Princess of cake: Twilight Sparkle returning to Sugar Mountains to curb inflation.
  209. >These headlines made my head spin.
  210. >No matter how hard I tried to escape this cursed village it seemed to always pull me back.
  211. > My victory in Our Town had caused my fame to rise beyond that of my own mentor.
  212. >But at what cost?
  213. >To half of Equestria I’m a hero, but to the other half, I’m the most evil Pony to ever take the position of princess.
  214. >And Luna tried to block the sun for a thousand years.
  215. >I was starting to miss Ponyville and all my friends and my stress was manifesting in the most cruel and self destructive ways.
  217. >Thankfully, the real reason I’m here hasn’t been publicized yet.
  218. >Part of this trip is to help sooth the economic problems.
  219. >But the real reason I was summoned is far more disturbing and made my skin crawl, just thinking about it made me feel ill.
  221. >Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before the press finds out what happened, and when the story surfaces, it could be the straw that breaks the camels back and destroys my reputation beyond repair.
  222. >I didn’t have the guts to ever say it, but Sugar Mountains may be beyond hope.
  224. >Despite running Starlight out of town and doing all I could to lead them down a better path these stubborn ponies refuse to listen to reason.
  225. >And whenever something goes wrong I’m the one to blame!
  226. >I’m usually the last pony to find out too, my notice is seeing Spike running towards me with a holding a scroll over his head instructing me to take the first train two hundred miles east of Ponyville to the middle of nowhere to put out another fire in this matchbox of a town.
  230. >No matter how hard I tried to do things by the book and be the best Princess the world allowed me it was fruitless.
  231. >Every time I Returned to Sugar Mountains I would find things worse than I had left them. And I’m growing weary of this routine.
  233. >Is this what being a princess is all about?
  234. >Is this how Equestria treats its heroes?
  235. >I'm disappointed by the ponies of this nation.
  236. >I was under the impression I would be spending my days in the castle feasting while ponies danced for my amusement.
  237. >The Princesses and I would enjoy conversations about current events, philosophy, and magic.
  238. And I would be respected! Ponies would care about what I had to say maybe some real change could be enacted!
  240. >Instead, every pony makes fun of my weight.
  241. >Every morning I wake up to new and seemingly unending series of unflattering photo of my gut or my face covered in sauce plastered across the front pages.
  242. >The papers would always write something like:
  243. >“Princess Tubby is at it again!”
  244. >Or “Twilight, her never ending gut and other benefits of being an alicorn!”
  245. >I don’t even know where they were getting this photos
  246. >But as much as it sounded like a cope I always had food to keep me happy.
  247. >Because food never judges.
  249. >"Would you like any treats before we reach your destination?"
  250. >I dropped the papers and saw the stallion with the candy cart in the lane.
  251. “Oh, it’s you.” I grumbled while rolling my eyes
  252. >The two of us had become frenemies over the past year but I tried to stay on his good side.
  253. >He’s the only vendor that took the time to serve me in my private car and I didn’t want to offend too much, despite how grating he was.
  254. >He sold everything from chocolates, nuts, chips, and chewy candy.
  255. “I’ll just have a bag of peanuts….I’m on a diet..”
  257. >“Oh please Twilight, we’ve all seen the pictures.” He chuckled in his posh, Canterlot accent.
  258. >I tucked my suit over my protruding belly and blushed.
  259. >“That’ll be four Bits.”
  261. >I reached into my purse and looked for the money
  262. >“I heard that you had eaten so much at the Gala last week that they had to call chefs from local restaurants to refill the dining hall. Is that true Princess?” He teased gibed
  263. “Thats just ridiculous! Do you believe everything you read?” I snapped back
  264. >“Well…Is it true?”
  265. “No!...Well…Maybe…But you don’t understand the stress I’m under! I was in a bad way, I don’t judge you for your bad habits do I?!”
  266. >“But I’m not a princess.” She said matter-of-factly “What I do has is of no consequence to the fate of our nation or the impressionable fillies who look up to you.”
  267. “Yeah, whatever, just take your Bits.”
  268. >I gave the pony three bits and I was met a strange look.
  270. >"Twilight.” He grumbled, “Just give me the four bits.” He sighed “I don’t have time to go through this again.”
  272. "You really want me to pay myself don’t you?" I asked prodded
  273. >“Here we go again.” He grumbled with rolling eyes
  275. "I explained this a million times! Half of all taxes go to the princesses. I’m keeping the change to cut out the middle pony. Celestia knows we have enough bureaucracy in this country as it is! All these lawyers and alphabet soup organizations are just making the system sluggish! I would defund half of them! The JHA, PRC, PRA, MCM are all worthless expenditures.”
  277. >He threw his hooves up in defeat “Just forget I asked Princess. For a pony with a car all to herself and all the food her fat tummy can eat she sure has a lot to complain about. I’ll be sending a letter to the EBF with all the money you owe me and you can explain everything to them.”
  278. >He started to push the cart down the aisle again.
  279. >Stupid waiter pony.
  281. >Before he passed a question jumped to mind.
  282. >I grabbed the side of his cart and halted him
  283. "Have you seen my friend the Pony I came in with? Purple unicorn, dark blue suit, red tie? Very organized? PRA agent?”
  284. >"I believe she's in the bar car." He replied dryly
  286. >I got up and made my way to the bar car.
  287. >Celestia had requested two private cars for me because I tend to pace when I got stressed and she believed that it was a healthier alternative to eating myself into a coma.
  288. >When I opened the door to the bar car there she was, sitting at the bar scribbling in her notes surrounded by neatly stacked papers that she had placed (with no doubt with great intention) across the counter.
  290. >This mare was already getting under my skin.
  291. >I don’t know why Celestia feels the need to send one of her silly PRA (Pony Rights Administration) agents to accompany me, she’s probably just going to get in the way.
  292. >I took a seat next to her "Avoiding me?" I joked
  294. >"No, I just had some paperwork to fill out.” She giggled “ The bureau wants me to document everything for this trip."
  295. “How exciting. Maybe they’ll give you an employee of the month stapler if you do a good job.”
  296. >“It’s not that bad!” She giggled “Call us pencil pushers but we get three weeks of paid vacation and benefits! What more could a pony ask for?”
  297. >A life.” I replied bluntly
  299. >She started to laugh again
  300. >Sweet Celestia was her laugh annoying
  301. >“You’re funny Twilight!”
  302. >I rolled my eyes,
  303. >This pony has spent way too much time surrounded by books
  304. >And that's coming from me!
  306. >I guess there wasn’t much a pony with her…bust could do anyways.
  307. >She has massive breasts, and I bet if she wasn’t wearing such a tight bra they would be touching the floor whenever she walked.
  308. >Her suit was incredibly clean, she wore two ziplock bags over her hooves held in place by elastic bands, a white hair net, a pair of safety glasses and three face mask layered over top of one another over her mouth.
  310. >I may be rude to think like this, but I’ve already diagnosed this mare.
  311. >From the moment she dumped half a bottle of sanitizer over her dry, cracking hooves following our hoofshake, I knew what I was dealing with a certified wackjob.
  312. >I know what kind of pony she is because at one point I was just like her.
  313. >But definitely not as severe.
  315. > “I want to let you know what an honour it is working with you. It means a lot.” She beamed
  316. >Her voice was muffled over the layers of cloth and you had to listen very carefully if you wanted to understand what she was saying.
  317. >"Sure." I replied opening my peanuts
  318. “You want one?”
  319. >“Ummm..No…”
  320. “Suit yourself.” I replied shoving a hooful of nuts in my mouth.
  322. >She scooted to the edge of her stool and kept a nervous eye on me as I ate.
  323. >“You know Princess, we’ve actually met before.”
  324. “We have?” I replied between chewing
  325. >“Don’t you remember? Winter Wrap up? It was a couple of years ago. This was way before before you were a princess.”
  327. >I stared at her in confusion
  328. >I’ve probably met well over a thousand ponies since I moved to Ponyville. Does she really expect me to remember everypony I meet?
  329. “Umm….”
  330. >“It’s fine…” She chuckled nervously “I just thought you’d remember is all.”
  332. >The train jumped and sent her pencils rolling across the counter but she was quick to adjust them and align them in a perfect row.
  333. >When she was finished she sighed and placed her hoof over her heart.
  334. >"So what's it like in this town?" She asked in an overly cheerful tone.
  335. "You're a bureaucrat, so I'll put it in words you'll understand."
  336. >“Oh…Okay…”
  337. “It’s a dumpster fire.”
  338. >She started to laugh “I'm sure it isn't that bad!”
  340. >If she only knew
  341. >It’s impossible to really understand how bad Sugar Mountains was without going there yourself.
  343. >"I've been putting out fires for this town twice a month for the past year. No matter how hard I try it doesn't get any better. It's hopeless.”
  345. >“Come on Twilight! You’re the Princess of Friendship! Where’s that can-do attitude?”
  347. “No offense, but you have no clue what you’re getting into.”
  348. >“We’ll do fine! Positive thinking Twilight!” She stressed “All that's important is that we always think positive!”
  349. "You were briefed right? This isn't going to be a walk in the park."
  351. >She sunk her head back down into her work.
  352. >"Positive thinking Twilight. Positive thinking."
  353. >By Celestia's name this pony is annoying.
  354. >Of all the ponies in the bureau why did they send the hypochondriac nutjob?"
  356. >Her workspace was unbelievably tidy, not a corner was out of place in her paper stacks and her pencils were aligned studiously.
  357. >She’s neater than me!
  358. > ….
  359. >I wonder if she’s hiding something…
  361. >I looked down at her notes and saw everything she had recorded so far.
  362. >Trip time: three hours
  363. >Bits spent: fourteen
  364. >Number of sandwiches eaten by Twilight: six
  366. “Are you really recording how much I’m eating?”
  367. >She stopped writing and tilted her head towards me but her eyes were glued to the page looking like a guilty puppy.
  368. >“I was told me to write everything down so I’ve been….”
  369. “Erase it.”
  370. >“What?”
  371. “I don’t want a record of how much I’m stress eating! The papers already call me fat and it’s no pony's business. Erase it.”
  372. >“You know that goes against why I’m here….Maybe just don’t have a sandwich every half hour?” She asked nervously
  373. “Listen Amethyst . We all have to cope somehow.”
  375. >I began to disrupt the uniform row of her pencils with my hoof.
  376. >I could see the agitation in her dilated eyes
  377. “Understand?”
  378. >She pushed my hoof away and reorganized the pens in a panic
  379. >“I think you made your point clear, Princess. But just this one time, I don’t think any pony would believe you have the diet of a normal pony.”
  380. “Whats that supposed to mean!?”
  381. >“You know what I mean.” She replied darting her panicked eyes between my stomach and my eyes
  382. >How immature.
  384. >When the train rolled into Sugar Mountains we grabbed our luggage and stepped onto the platform of the train station.
  385. >The platform was busy but as we walked across the platform every pony began to freeze and gawk.
  386. >Every pony's eyes were on me and it was unnerving.
  388. >Unfortunately, this had become the new normal whenever I came into town.
  389. >Sugar Mountains had garnered a reputation because of the presses declaring it “The worst place in Equestria.”
  390. > Being the pony in charge of this catastrophe made me infamous in these parts, I had become something of a tourist attraction just as much as the town itself.
  391. >The crowd parted and created a path as we made our way toward the station.
  392. >They all stared with their their mouths agape and eyes wide.
  394. >Amethyst leaned into my ear and whispered “Is it always like this?”
  395. “Welcome to my life.” I replied
  396. >I lead her through the train station and when we entered the doors of the station I moved quickly and ducked into the corner of the building where a small sandwich shop was nestled away in a quiet corner of the station.
  398. >I threw open the doors and pulled the blinds to cover the windows
  399. >“What was that all about?” She asked
  400. >I grabbed a stool by the counter and rested my luggage by my side.
  401. >Amethyst did the same only she doused her seat in sanitizer before sitting.
  402. “Reporters, tourists, reporters pretending to be tourists…Just don’t speak to any pony about anything. Remember, they’re here for a story.”
  404. >“Twilight, welcome back!” The pony behind the counter cheered
  405. “Hello Blaze, I’ll have…”
  406. >“The usual?” She chuckled
  407. I glanced at Amethyst who shoved her notebook into her bag.
  408. “Yes, the usual.”
  409. >“Get the industrial-grade hay shredder!” He shouted into the kitchen “Twilight’s back!”
  410. >I slammed my hoof into my face in embarrassment.
  412. >“So who’s your lovely friend? Is she a doctor or something?” He asked leaning in close to her.
  413. >Amethyst adjusted her face masks then leaned back and away from the greasy cook.
  414. “This is Amethyst, she’s helping me on this trip.”
  415. >“P..Pleased to meet you.” she stuttered nervously, can you maybe…Take a couple steps back please?” She begged while trying to shoo him with nervous flicks of her hoof.
  416. >Blaze wore a questioning expression before pulling himself away and turning back to me.
  418. >“Well, You need all the help you can get I suppose....Things have gotten pretty rotten back in town. Have you heard the news?”
  419. “Yes, thats why I’m here.” I replied faltered
  420. >He put his hoof over mine “You think you’re ready for this?”
  421. >Amethyst pulled out her notebook again and waited with anticipation.
  422. “I don’t know anymore. Sometimes I feel like I can’t do anything for this town….And if I can’t even do that how am I supposed rule Equestria?”
  423. >I could feel my breath start to rise.
  424. >These thoughts always brought the most anxious sensations.
  426. >“What do you think is the problem?” Amethyst asked with a pencil in hoof.
  427. >"The problem is ponies don’t want to move on.” Blaze started “Tourism has made the town lots of money but no pony knows what to do with it. Some ponies still refuse to switch to the Bit currency and Sugar Belle’s been printing so many Sugarbucks that they’re practically worthless.”
  428. >“So she’s inflated the market?” Amethyst asked with begging curiosity
  430. >“You got it kid.”
  431. >Amethyst sunk her head into her notebook as the chef emerged from the backroom with a platter stacked high over my head with hay, oats, and bread.
  432. >I immediately dug in, I hadn’t even gotten into town yet and I was already fearing the worst and shoving food down my throat.
  434. >“Why do you think the town ponies don’t want to switch to the Bit? Wouldn’t it solve all their problems?”
  436. >“Well…After Twilight and her friends chased Starlight out of town you’d think we’d be done with it. But the truth is that it was never Starlight that kept us together. We truly believed in the message of equality that she preached. Her lessons were the reason we joined her community after all, and you can’t stomp out an ideology just by getting rid of one pony. You need to win the hearts and minds of the ponies you’re trying to save.”
  438. >“And where do you stand?” Amethyst asked
  440. >Fortunately, after Twilight pushed Starlight away I woke up and came to the conclusion that it was all silly. They ostracized me when I tried to change their minds and In a way it was the healthiest thing that could have happened because I needed to get away from them to realize just how crazy we were all acting. Nowadays when I read the papers all I read about is the violence down there. It’s sad because I once saw these ponies as my friends and allies…Now, I just see them as lost souls gripping to a failed dream.”
  442. >Amethyst was writing down his every word frantically into her notebook.
  443. >I was still hung up on what he had said about the Sugarbucks. I warned Sugar Belle that if she kept printing Sugarbucks she would inflate the economy.
  444. >Does no pony listen? This should be the least of my worries on this trip!
  445. >I can’t believe I’m entertaining this circus again. If it were up to me I would’ve forced them to switch to the Bit long ago. At least ponies wouldn’t be starving in the streets and they could use actual money to compete in the economy instead of playing pretend money and dying.
  447. >But, that wasn’t my job and was ultimately out of my control.
  448. >In my position I can’t force any pony to do anything. Just advise, teach, and help the best I can.
  449. > After about fifteen minutes I finished off my hay platter and we made our way out of the train station and down the cliffside towards town.
  451. >The brown had expanded far beyond the ten cabins that it started as.
  452. >It was now a fully-fledged town the size of Ponyville, but looked like something out of an apocalypse.
  453. >The appeal of this place was simple.
  454. >The citizens of Sugar Mountains chose not to bind themselves by any of Celestia’s laws and believed they were creating a new society.
  456. >Never has such a place existed in Equestria and the town had grown to a worrying degree because of this reputation.
  457. > Ponies who related to the concept of a purely free and equal Equestria flocked here by the thousands.
  458. >Activists and unsavoury “free thinkers” of every shape and size had quickly settled into Sugar Mountains.
  459. >They polluted the town with bad ideas regarding the economy, social issues, The monarchy and everything in between.
  460. >It was long until the streets were a political battleground. Anypony with an ill informed idea had their own following and operated under the “act before asking questions” adage.
  461. >Some had even adopted Starlight's teachings, the most radical of these ponies called themselves “Blank Slates.”
  462. >They’re an abrasive sect who use Starlight’s teaching as an excuse to commit acts of violence.
  463. >Some have even gone so far as to have their cutie marks removed and replaced with that sickening equals sign.
  464. >A symbol I’ve grown sick of seeing over the past year.
  466. >The population of Sugar Mountains is largely young, confused, and most concerningly, dangerous ponies who had fallen for Starlight's ill teachings.
  467. >The locals were more than happy to accept these ponies. They were the most inclined to do so after all, being the original recruits of Starlight’s ideology which had permeated the culture to a disturbing degree.
  468. >The presses were a godsend to spreading Starlight’s message.
  470. >The locals who I had helped free continued to hold onto the belief that equality was the only avenue to happiness and in following Starlight's teachings they would reach utopia.
  471. >The only problem they saw with the philosophy was Starlight herself.
  472. >Her own idea had outgrown her but unfortunately, she was not forgotten.
  474. >While the mare hadn’t been seen since she went into hiding many ponies still speak pf her like a prophet and await her return.
  475. >It was troubling how the press and by extension, I helped perpetuate Starlight's ideas in a way that was far better than she ever could.
  476. >Amongst all this madness one question still remained.
  477. >Where is Starlight Glimmer?

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy