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Babysitter Trixie and Filly Starlight Part 5

By Guest
Created: 2022-12-10 07:35:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >The three alicorns begin to approach filler glimmer
  2. >"We are pleased to consummate with your filly form, Starlight. We have been locked away for one thousand years...with only rocks. We shall treat your filly ponut as we would a real-"
  3. >"Luna, it is not the time for you to talk about your preferences. Now is the time for helping Glimmer find which friendship mentor she would be most faithful to. Glimmer, I will train your mouth to be loyal to me alone."
  4. >"Trixie will earn the company of her lover in the Greatest and most Powerful way possible: By our most tender parts caressing each other. No other pony loves and understands Glimmer like Trixie."
  5. >Glimmer blushes and starts shaking as the three large alicorns walk towards her
  6. >Each pony's erection nods left to right with their steps
  7. >As the alicorns come closer, Glimmer realizes she is at least two times smaller than even Luna, the smallest of the three
  8. >"Now it's time for the oral part of this test, my budding student. I know that you will do well."
  9. >Her cock is over half Glimmer's body length
  10. >Luna lovingly strokes Glimmer's thigh from behind with her hoof
  11. >"Thine filly body is sweet, and we know thy filly plot passage is sweetest. As Princess of the Night, we shall make all your dreams come true."
  12. >Glimmer is levitated off the ground by a pink aura
  13. >"And now, for the final act! Trixie earns the love of filly friend for the first time as an alicorn!"
  14. >Trixie's lies down under glimmer, her cock the same length as Glimmer's vagina to her neck
  15. >"gulp"
  16. >Glimmer wonders how she will survive the onslaught
  17. >"Worry not, little one."
  18. >Luna kisses her pink ponut
  19. >"Luna will use her protective spell that she uses on all the fillies and colts who may dream of her..."
  20. >Celestia grins sheepishly at Trixie, who looks inquisitively at Celestia
  21. >"Well, this would explain a lot about the dreams Trixie had the other day."
  22. >Glimmer remembers the dream she had recently that urged her to use the age spell in the first place
  23. >"Please forgive my sister, the tributes to royalty one thousand years ago were... much different."
  24. >Luna strokes Glimmer's flank up and down
  25. >"We hath never accommodated an unsatisfied guest, dearest sister."
  26. >"Please, Princess Luna, whatever you would do to a filly, do to me! I want to be a good filly!"
  27. >Luna's cock throbs hard and she steps forward, mounting her from behind
  28. >Trixie stroke's fillyglimmy's belly
  29. >"You're a good filly for Trixie first. Trixie will perform an act most pleasing to your needy nethers."
  30. >Trixie lines up her cock, with it teasing Glimmer up and down with the throbbing motion
  31. >Celestia strokes her hair and gently kisses glimmer on the snoot while whispering
  32. >"You will be my best student, with even more potential than even twilight herself."
  33. >Celestia steps forwards and lays her forelegs onto her sister's back in an embrace
  34. >The solar flare boops glimmy on the lips, which start to work on her leaking head
  35. >"Oh, how I long for these lips to speak the lessons of friendship..."
  36. >Celestia starts to kiss Luna on the lips
  37. >Trixie's cock throbs against Glimmer's fillyhole and starts to slide in
  38. >"At last, Trixie will show you the Great extent of her newly expanded love!"
  39. >Celestia steps forward, pressing her cock into Glimmer's throat and Glimmer onto Trixie and Luna's shafts
  40. >it takes a few steps for half of each pony's length to slide in
  41. >Glimmer starts to feel her holes filled in a way she never had before and communicates to each pony's mind with magic
  42. >"Am-Am I doing alright? Does this feel good for you too?"
  43. >Luna starts to hump in and out of her ponut
  44. >"Ohh, we are most certain in our pleasure, Thine filly bottom is worthy of gobbling whole."
  45. >"Trixie is loving every moment of this, babe. Ah, you make mommy feel so good..."
  46. >Trixie excitedly pushes off the ground into Glimmer, still levitated in the air
  47. >"Hng, oh my royal cock has needed this for so long! Please, lend your mentor your throat!"
  48. >Each pony pistons in and out of Glimmer, using her like a fleshlight
  49. >"slohsp! splap! shlop!"
  50. >Glimmer feels the warmth start to rise through her belly
  51. >Celestia walks closer again, driving the shafts deeper inside
  52. >Trixie stops her legs and moves Glimmer back and forth with magic on all ponies' shafts
  53. >"You're such a good filly, Glimmer. Now keep letting our cocks slide inside of you until we cum."
  54. >Glim's clit starts to wink furiously
  55. >"Mhhrm!"
  56. >The alicorn princesses speed up, thrusting quickly and deeply
  57. >Glimmer's mind blanks feeling Celestia's cock pressing onto Trixie's and Luna's cock on her other end
  58. >"Oh, my lunar dust! The filly's bottom is-is!"
  59. >"And now, f-for the Grand finale!"
  60. >"Starlight, m-my budding blossom! I'll give you all of-"
  61. >Trixie wraps her legs around Luna's back, pressing into Glimmer and Glimmer onto Luna
  62. >Celestia hilts deep into Starlight, with Celestia and Luna filling her completely
  63. >The princesses' wings splay out in orgasm
  64. >"Aaaaah!"
  65. >The three alicorns cry out in pleasure, each shooting viscous loads of cum into the overfilled filly
  66. >Each member throbs out so much mare jizz that starlight's abdomen begins to expand
  67. >"splch! spkoooirk! splosh!"
  68. >Glimmer's head feels like it's going to explode from the pressure as she orgasms
  69. >She would have certainly died by now without the protection spell
  70. >"Ooohh! Ah! Nnggghhh!"
  71. >The mares moan in harmony and empty their semen into the now rounder pink filly
  72. >"Ahh..."
  73. >The princesses relax, and Celestia starts to stride back
  74. >Celestia slides all the way out, and Glimmer is pushed forward from the cum ejecting out of her rear holes onto Trixie and Luna
  75. >"gasp! gasp! cough! "
  76. >Cum leaks out of every mare's dick and every hole Glimmer has
  77. >"smooch! That's my Glimmer."
  78. >"cough! I... I want..."
  79. >Every pony leans in to listen
  80. >"I want you all to be my teachers... We can take turns right? Or we could do this again together?"
  81. >"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew it! She needed my help all along!"
  82. >Twilight comes out behind the house, hoof and crotch soaked in her own mare cum
  83. >Glimmer turns towards Twilight
  84. >"You were watching us, Twilight?"
  85. >Twilight blushes and folds her wings back
  86. >"Oh, um. Yes. And, I would like to watch you all more, too. Heh, heh."
  87. >"Hahahahah!"
  88. >Everypony laughs at Twilight
  89. 5/5

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