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Four Purple Mares Try and Solve the Worlds Problems 1.1

By Shroooomy
Created: 2022-12-17 00:11:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Night glider:
  2. Location: Starlights Cave
  3. Race: Pegasi (Flightless)
  4. Individuality: 51/100
  5. Cutie Mark: =
  6. Mane style: =
  7. Faction: =
  9. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  11. >I woke up on my backside over the damp cave floor.
  12. >Joints, aching.
  13. >Headache, splitting
  14. >Thighs, sticking
  16. >I rubbed my eyes and yawned.
  17. >My front legs cracked as I raised them into the air and stretched them as far as I could.
  18. >Whatever Starlight and I were up to last night must have been great!
  20. >You can always tell that you had an amazing night by how sore and sticky you are.
  21. >I’m feeling the aches of our intimacy in my back, neck and my hind legs which are stuck to my crotch with so much fluid it feels like they were glued together while I slept.
  23. >I pulled my back legs apart and saw the thick cum drenching my crotch.
  24. >Long threads of the stuff hung from each leg between my thighs like spiderwebs.
  25. >I started to pick myself up but was greeted by a hoof over my chest that shoved me back to the ground.
  26. >Starlight popped her head over me smiling ear to ear.
  27. > “Good morning Nighty!” She sang
  28. >I couldn’t help but laugh. It was always a pleasure waking up to her smiling face.
  29. “Morning Starlight, How are you feeling?” I chuckled
  31. >“The best I have in months!” She beamed
  32. “The sex was that good?” I yawned
  33. >“Better than you could imagine.” She hummed playfully
  34. >I pulled myself off the ground and stared at Starlight.
  36. >My vision is still blurry but I could tell that something wasn't right when my eyes met her face under proper lighting.
  37. >She was badly bruised and covered in scratches running red across her cheeks.
  38. >Her neck had been painted purple bruises and her eyes were encircled by black blotches.
  39. >She looked like she got into a fight with a manticore
  40. >And lost.
  42. >I latched onto her shoulders and shook her frantically “What happened to you!?” I cried in panic
  43. >Starlight began to laugh before shoving my hooves away
  44. >“We tried the Liquid Masochist last night, silly! And it worked just as I said it would by the way.”
  45. >My stomach began to swirl and was starting to feel sick
  46. >How could she betray me like that?
  47. >Again….
  49. “I told you I didn’t feel comfortable messing around with that stuff!" I cried
  50. >Her gaze wandered down to my neck.
  51. >She wore a smug little grin across her face and with her hoof swept away the dirt clinging to the tuft of fur beneath my chin.
  52. >“That's why we threw the party Nighty. You never say no to anything after a couple of drinks. Don’t feel embarrassed. Everypony knows It’s your weakness, and theirs nothing to be ashamed of.”
  53. >She removed her hoof from my chest and shot me a nervous smile
  54. >“You aren’t mad at me…Are you?” she asked raising her lower lip and narrowing her eyelids over her dilated, sickly pupils.
  56. >Of course, I was mad! She went behind my back and did something crazy! And I’m the one stuck feeling the weight of her bad decisions,
  57. >I should be used to this by now but her selfishness is one of her toxic traits I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over.
  58. >I really can’t believe her sometimes.
  60. “Have you lost your mind?” I asked bluntly
  61. >“You’re so predictable Nighty! You’ve been asking that since we met.” She giggled “My mind is as sharp as ever! Have I ever led you astray?”
  62. >I found nothing funny about this situation
  63. “For the love of equality Starlight! You look like you got in a wagon accident!"
  64. >“Oh, quit bragging! You aren’t that strong. Even if you like to pretend you are.” She laughed
  65. “Hey! I’m tough!”
  66. >“Oh Nighty, You don’t need to act tough around me. I know you can throw a punch.” She said pointing to the black circle under her left eye.
  68. >Was she doing this just to get under my skin or did she really enjoy getting beat up?
  69. >Starlight has gone so far off the rails recently that I don’t even know anymore!
  70. >She grabbed my mane and began twirling the ends into braids.
  71. >“Don’t worry so much Nighty. You’re my, little sweetheart, you can never hurt me.” She cooed
  73. “Well I!… Ummmm….You should….Hmmmmm…..”
  74. >As bad as it sounds I wasn’t sure if I was mad at her anymore.
  75. >Starlight always pushes my buttons and I can’t help but feel like a fool for not remembering that if she wants something she’ll go to any length to get it. It’s one of her best traits that I look up to most and led to all our success throughout our revolution.
  76. >I just wish she considered our relationship before involving me in her rash decisions.
  78. >“Just think of it like this. Even without any of your power, you were still able to leave a mark. And that's a big compliment because I’m more you than even you are now…So don’t feel too bad. And once we get rid of those wings and you you give yourself to me entirely, you’ll be all mine.”
  79. “Yeah, About that…I’m still not sure if I’m comfortable giving you…All of me.”
  81. >“Nighty, I love you more than the sun and moon.”
  82. “I know how fondly you feel about the sun and the moon.” I scoffed
  83. >Her eyes widened and she looked impressed “Touché .” she said with a smile
  84. >I pressed my hoof into her chest “You can’t play those word games on me Glimmer.” I warned
  86. >She raised her hoof innocently and smiled
  87. >“All I’m saying is that you’re the only pony who stuck with me through everything. You’re the most loyal pony I’ve ever met and I’ll never forget you or our love. And when we’re one I promise that it’ll be just like this forever…Only much more intimate.” She breathed
  89. >The worry washed over me again
  90. >I still wasn’t sure how I felt about being one with Starlight. I had already given her more than half of myself and I wasn’t feeling great about it.
  91. >Being half of yourself is a cold and gutting feeling. And I was concerned about what would be left of me after I’d given her everything.
  92. >I rested my hoof over her shoulder and smiled “How about I get you cleaned up and we can talk about this some other time.”
  93. >I grabbed her hoof and then pulled her across the cave into the potion room where I started looking for healing potions.
  95. >Our potion room was a small hollowed-out crevasse in the cave where we spent most of our days brewing potions and devising plans.
  96. >Being a Pegasi, magic has always been an alien concept to me but I helped in any way I could.
  97. >My job is usually acting as an assistant to Starlight by fetching ingredients from the shelves and running into town for food and additives for her elixirs.
  99. >When we entered the potion room she sat beside the large, bubbling cauldron in the center of the room while I scanned every shelf for something to clean her face with.
  100. >Unfortunately, I was only able to find an old cloth that was hanging over the edge of the cauldron.
  101. >I dipped it into a small puddle of water that had pooled with the springs of the mountains.
  102. >These tiny craters littered the cave floor and were our main source of hydration.
  103. >The water from the cave was saccharine because of the type of rock the mountains are made of.
  104. >Starlight discovered that the rocks here are similar in chemical makeup to rock candy and if broken down were edible.
  106. >I made my way back to Starlight who was casually picking at her hoof.
  107. “So what exactly happened last night?” I asked, dabbing the cloth beneath her eye.
  108. >“Well, you got pretty drunk and I downed six Liquid Lust potions on top of half a bottle of liquid Masochist.”
  109. “And how was it?”
  110. >“Better than you could ever imagine.” She gushed
  111. “I bet it was.” I exhaled dreamily
  113. >Starlight had a obsessive infatuation with Lust potions.
  114. >Back when we first met she was always inclined to use them before we had sex, but after the incident at Our Town that led to her banishment her traditional Liquid Lust nightcap turned into an unflattering hourly habit.
  115. >I’ve known Starlight for a very long time and could tell that the potions were fogging her mind and was making her impulsive.
  116. >Not that this was entirely bad. She had been more productive over the past year than she was during her entire reign over Our Town.
  117. >Well…When we weren’t having sex that is…
  119. >She spends her days making plans against the princesses and her sleepless nights are occupied by lots of magic practice and potion brewing.
  120. >While Lust potion addiction is rare addiction it was far from the worst habit a pony could have.
  121. >At least she’s been keeping busy and wasn’t mopping around all day like she was during the first months after Our Town was stolen from under us.
  122. >She may be high out of her mind 24/7 but at least she’s not wallowing in sadness anymore.
  124. >I see it as her way of coping with losing her legacy which she considered the biggest blow to her personality after Twilight's insurrection.
  125. >Some ponies booze, others smoke or drink coffee….
  126. >Even Princess Twilight stuffs herself like a pig.
  127. >Celestia herself probably wasn’t in the most sober mind when she thought that letting an antisocial and neurotic bookworm become the princess of friendship was a good idea.
  128. >I pity Twilight, but I will enjoy destroying her when the time comes.
  130. >Everypony handles stress differently and as far as I know, no pony has ever died from Lust Potions.
  131. >Who was I to ruin her fun?
  132. >The worst thing about them is the crash, which Starlight avoided by never allowing the potion to completely flush from her system.
  133. >She always had a fresh bottle bubbling in her shaking hoof, staying one step ahead of the crash as she liked to call it.
  135. >But what I never considered was the water weight she was developing in her tummy.
  136. >Upon further study I learned that Liquid Lust has a reputation for causing bloating even in conservative doses.
  137. >Starlight drinks fifteen a day and was beginning to look like a water balloon.
  138. >The potions sloshed in her stomach like waves thrashing along a shore and whenever she walked the sound of the liquid pounding against the walls of her stomach echoed across the cave.
  139. >The ocean inside her is angry and lashed throughout her gut in waves that curl along her stomach which groaned loudly and brought upon images of a steel ship swollen with water, teetering and on the edge of sinking.
  141. >As her stomach howled while she teased my pigtails.
  142. > “You hear that dear? Sounds like I’m ready for another drink.” She beamed
  143. “I think you’ve had enough for today.”
  144. >She slapped her belly and it jiggled erratically.
  145. “You sure? I think I can fit a little more riiigggghhhttttt here!” She giggled while poking the tip of her hoof into her gut.
  146. >I couldn’t help but laugh “You are such an endearing pain in the rump.”
  149. >The echoing of her tummy grew louder and we both looked down and watched her belly fat dance to the sound of needy grumbling.
  150. >My eyes were hooked on this sight. I never saw Starlight with a belly.... kinda liked it.
  151. >She rested her hoof over my cheek and withdrew my gaze from her stomach
  152. >“It’s speaking to us Nighty. Have we ever been led astray by Liquid Lust?”
  153. >Despite her hushed voice, the all too familiar delirious tone was still ruminating inside her voice.
  154. >She adopted an unhinged, shaky way of speaking since becoming a potion fiend.
  156. >My eyes darted back to her rumbling stomach. A sight I couldn’t help but admire
  157. “I think you’re really beautiful Starlight. If Lust potions make you happy then I support it one hundred percent."
  159. > “Well…I think the same about you.” She said tapping my nose with her hoof
  160. “Starlight....If this plan doesn’t work…I wouldn’t mind just doing this for the rest of our lives.”
  161. > "Keep going into town for me and we can do whatever you like.”
  162. “Promise?”
  163. >“Welll.....Promise you’ll let me keep your cutie mark?”
  164. “Of course, Starlight. It’s yours forever.”
  166. >“And you won’t question me?”
  167. “I promise.”
  168. > “I don’t believe you.” She sneered "You argued with me during our break in at Canterlot Castle.”
  169. >I really wish that she would drop this argument.
  170. “We got lucky. Getting that Liquid Masochist almost cost us our freedom. And don’t forget I went back inside the castle to grab it for you even when I didn’t want to.”
  171. >I reached for the rubbing alcohol off the shelf above us.
  172. >As I started to open it she put her hoof over the lid and stopped me.
  173. “What are you doing? Doesn’t it hurt?”
  174. > She smiled and shook her head disagreeably “No.” She whispered
  176. >“I told you that this potion would work as I said it would. I feel no pain."
  177. “You don’t feel any pain at all?”
  178. >I was both concerned and amazed, I thought she was only acting tough.
  179. >But if she really didn't feel pain from her beating than maybe she was right.
  180. > “Well, maybe a little…But that was only half a bottle. Once we start making our own I’ll be invincible. And when you finally decide to become one with me. We’ll both be invincible.”
  181. > I rolled my eyes and laughed
  183. >Starlight always had an obsession with being powerful by any means.
  184. >And I was growing anxious.
  185. >If she drinks enough of that potion, she might become what she’s wanted more than anything.
  186. >Unkillable.
  188. >Starlight’s quest at achieving permanence has always been her ultimate goal.
  189. >Whether it was through her ideas or her writings she constantly worried about her legacy.
  190. >If she can use this potion to make herself immortal then this was like achieving ultimate permanence.
  191. >Literal immortality is was far better than being a well-known philosopher or cultural influencer.
  192. >She was flirting with godhood now, and I don’t know if this new pursuit is ethical.
  194. >Her plan to return to Our Town was drastic and very involved.
  195. >But the wheels are in motion for an epic return and everypony will praise her name when she liberates what was stolen from us.
  197. > I should have learned never to question Starlight, even though I love her more than anything, I don’t want to see her get into any more trouble than she’s already in.
  198. >The robbery at the castle last week was way too risky for my liking and our escape would have been much smoother if she hadn’t forced me back into the archives to find the masochist spell.
  199. >Sometimes I feel like she prioritizes the wrong things…
  201. > Starlight slammed her hoof over my crotch and shoved my back into the cauldron.
  202. > “So where were we?” She moaned
  203. “Oh…I think we were right about here.”
  204. >I pressed my lips over her mouth and the two of us sucked tongues while embracing each other in our fumbling hooves.
  205. >Starlight had become a total sex freak since she started abusing lust potions.
  206. >And I loved it.
  208. >As she wrapped her hooves around my shoulder we continued to press our tongues along the insides of our cheeks.
  209. >She pulled away and smiled.
  210. >But she looked so damaged
  211. >I didn't like seeing her bruised and beat like this, even if she wasn't hurting.
  213. >When we met in college no pony would be able to guess how much our lives would influence each other.
  214. >During this short stint of college life the two of us were everything from friends, to partners, and lovers. And throughout the several years, she ran Our Town we were passionate, secret fuck buddies.
  215. > At the time, it was our deepest secret because everypony was supposed to be either single or monogamous.
  217. > Of course, like most ponies in Our Town I had a family.
  218. >I established myself with my then-mare friend Ivy. Who had been stuck raising a bastard after her stallion friend knocked her up and abandoned her after he graduated.
  219. >The two of us were the best of friends.
  220. >She’s the only other pony I loved as much as Starlight.
  222. >Sadly, it’s been a year since I last saw her and I probably won’t ever see her again.
  223. >After Starlight was banished, the town fractured and chaos ensued.
  224. >Ivy wanted me to leave with her as quickly as possible but I was torn.
  226. >A part of me wanted me to escape with her and live a pedestrian life like a normal pony.
  227. >But the truth is that doing something like that would be impossible for me.
  228. >I put too much time into the cause and I can't stand the bureaucracy of modern Equestria.
  229. >But most importantly, I worried about being the kind of friend who abandons the ponies she cares about when they're at their lowest moment.
  230. >My last memory of Ivy was when I decided to help Starlight.
  231. >I emptied my sack of every Bit I had saved and gave it to her before going into the mountains and looking for my best friend
  233. “Starlight, if this doesn’t work…Do you think that maybe the two of us could settle down together?”
  234. > “The hardest part of doing anything is having the nerve to do it consistently, even when the world tells you to stop, you keep going.” She lectured
  235. >Starlight has been saying this since I met her. I’m not sure where she picked up this nugget of wisdom but she was keen on repeating it every chance she got.
  236. >It was never appropriate and I think she only said it to get out of answering my questions.
  238. > “Ready to get to work?” She whispered
  239. “Always,” I replied fluttering my lashes
  240. “I can’t wait to get all sore and sweaty all over again. For you I would….”
  241. >“Perfect!”
  242. > She shoved me aside and started trotting to the desk in the corner of the room
  245. > “I’m going to top myself off with some liquid lust then start making some Liquid Masochist.”
  246. “Oh, I thought that you wanted to make out.”
  247. >I felt a little awkward, I was getting heated from her teasing.
  248. >“Nighty you horny thing! I’ve been orgasming non-stop since I woke up! When you get back from your chore the two of us will have all day to rut.” She replied in a motherly tone.
  249. >She grabbed an envelope off the table and put it to my hoof.
  250. >“I need you to deliver the message to Twilight.”
  252. > “Is it THE message?” I asked tapping my hooves in excitement
  253. > “You bet your sexy flank it is. If Equestria thinks Twilight’s fat now, just wait until she reads this feeder potion.”
  254. > I loved the way Starlight thought, she was very clever.
  255. >I was waiting to give Twilight this spell since we swiped it from the archives, but Starlight wanted to run some tests before-hoof.
  257. > Unfortunately, the testing involved me going into town and kidnapping an innocent monarch supporting unicorn and forcing her to read the spell.
  258. > We kept her locked up for a couple of days and watched the spell consume her.
  259. >once we were certain that the spell was functional we wiped her memory and sent them back into town.
  260. >This was another plan I wasn’t keen on be begrudgingly went along with.
  262. >Surprisingly, Starlight handled our captor with far more dignity than I thought she would.
  263. >Though I still worried about that pony.
  264. >Starlight said she was in good condition when she was released but I had grown proficient at reading her.
  265. >I could always tell when she was hiding something.
  267. >I just hope that she’s okay, wherever she is.
  268. >No pony needs to get hurt during the revolution.
  269. >The only blood that needs to be spilled is the blood of princesses and those who stand in our way....
  271. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

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The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

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The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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