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Going Native pt 1

By Ebonlocke
Created: 2022-12-19 21:48:59
Expiry: Never

  1. >be Shining Armor
  2. >get assigned to train recruits in outpost out in Zebrica
  3. >you're not racist
  4. >really, you're not
  5. >...okay maybe you're slightly racist
  6. >but who isn't?
  7. >at least you're brave enough to admit it
  8. >besides, it's not like you HATE zebras
  9. >it's not like you can't stand to see their voluptuous flanks shake back and forth as they saunter
  10. >it's not like you can't keep your eyes off their mesmerizing stripes
  11. >it's not like you crane your neck ever-so-slightly to peek under their
  12. >it's not like you're driven wild by the heady musk of zebra balls
  13. >or intoxicated by the mouth-watering aroma of a zebra mare's heat hanging thick in the air
  14. >no, you're a perfectly normal unicorn stallion who is doing his perfectly normal job of training guards for the nearby Equestrian Embassy
  15. >besides, you've got a wife and child back home
  16. >you would NEVER even DREAM of burying your muzzle in zebra pussy while your back got blown out by a cock as thick as your leg
  17. "I'm not gay!"
  18. >the recruit nearest to you turns and frowns
  19. >fuck, did you say that out loud?
  20. >you and the recruit make eye contact for an uncomfortable number of seemingly endless moments
  21. "Y-You heard me."
  22. >more uncomfortable silence
  23. >the recruit coughs
  24. "Go scrub the latrine."
  25. >the recruit slinks off, grumbling
  26. >damn, that was close
  27. >all the recruits are ponies on the base, but you've heard whispers about some locals expressing interest in recruitment
  28. >since you're near a fairly large city, you do occasionally hear a smattering of ponish being spoken when you venter outside the outpost
  29. >still though, the language barrier would be difficult to surmount
  30. >mmm, yes... mount...
  31. >you wipe a bit of drool off your mouth and shake your head violently to clear it of any zebra-shaped thoughts
  32. >yes. language barrier. that is definitely the reason you're adverse to letting locals into the recruits.
  34. >bright and early one morning you head to the city bazaar
  35. >there's some sort of primitive root vegetable that you simply cannot get enough of and they sell it by the bushel
  36. >you'll definitely have to see about transporting some back to Equestria
  37. >you can see it in your mind's eye
  38. >the thick, rough tuber
  39. >roughly cylindrical, getting slightly plumped in the middle
  40. >the brown skin almost bark-like
  41. >but once you got through, the soft meat within was like a potato and a mango fucked and had the most delicious child possible
  42. >you finally reach the stall
  43. >you lick your lips, eyes darting around those succulent roots
  44. >their shape and size almost... reminds you of something
  45. "I'm not gay!"
  46. >the zebra behind the stall raises her eyebrow at you
  47. >"Nastrama?"
  48. >the two of you make eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time
  49. >you don't speak zebra, but you have a pretty good idea of what she said regardless
  50. >your cheeks burning, you drop a small pouch of bits on the stall and shovel a decent of the fattest, definitely-not-phallic roots into your saddlebag
  51. >you spin around, ready to make a mad dash back to the outpost
  52. >you immediately slam headlong into a wall
  53. >a fuzzy, warm wall
  54. >a fuzzy, warm, black and white wall
  56. >groaning, you lay splayed on the dirt
  57. >your head is swimming
  58. >penis-tubers scattered about you
  59. >"Da'ar!" you hear a deep voice grunt
  60. >you blink, still seeing double from the impact of your collision
  61. >as your eyes focus, you see the hulking figure of a massive zebra stallion looming over you
  62. >you shiver and shake on the ground, all soldierly courage and composure vacating you
  63. >your balls draw up close to your body in fear as a huge hoof descends down towards you
  64. "K-Keep your hooves off me, zi—!"
  65. >the hoof gently scoops up under your chest
  66. >lifts you up to straighten you up and set you on your shaking hooves
  67. >you stare up at the zebra, mouth open and wordless
  68. >your cheeks are burning
  69. >your coat as white as it is, you've always had the misfortunate of being unable to hide your embarrassment (or arousal, which this certainly is NOT) when it flushes your cheeks
  70. >the stallion is at least a head and a half, if not two, taller than you
  71. >you have to crane your neck slightly to meet his gaze
  72. >his large, emerald eyes sparkle heterosexually in the sunlight
  73. >words continue to fail you
  74. >you unclench yourself, the family jewels descending bravely once more
  75. >"Pikdesh?" the zebra cocks his head
  76. >fuck
  77. >maybe you're more than just a 'little' racist
  78. >you feel a sinking sense of shame rwist your gut
  79. >not like he can understand you, you suppose, but
  80. "Th-thanks."
  81. >you mutter this, averting your gaze from those gorgeous green eyes
  82. >you hear a delicate, musical tinkling, like gems against glass
  83. >you whip your head, and see the mare who runs the cock-tuber stall giggling behind her hoof
  84. >her dreadlocked mane bobbing up and down as she tries to restrain herself and fails
  85. >your blush burns with an intensity to rival the sun
  87. >the two zebras share a laugh between one another
  88. >you stand there, cheeks burning, your legs wobbling slightly
  89. >while they’re distracted you figure you’ll take your cue and leave
  90. >gather your not-homoerotic tubers and scuttle back to the outpost with your tail between your legs
  91. >before you can so much as move both the zebras turn their heads to look at you
  92. >the zebra stallion nickers softly
  93. >it’s the kind of nicker a stallion makes towards his mare
  94. >you feel your heart flutter at the sound
  95. >what the fuck why
  96. >you’re not gay
  97. >honest to Celestia you’re not
  98. >it is a completely normal straight thing to feel excited after a much-larger male makes a pass at you like that
  99. >it is completely hetero to fleetingly imagine yourself as a mare, getting stuffed by--
  100. >WOAH
  102. >cut that out
  103. >gather your roots and get the fuck out of here
  104. >the zebra stallion nickers again, and you feel a swooping sensation in your gut very similar to the first time you asked Cadance out
  105. >"Terahk da kuro," the zebra drawls
  106. >his smooth, rich, deep, velvety voice filling your head through your ears
  107. >he takes another step closer to you
  108. >smiles down at you, the look on his face serene, playful, and knowing
  109. >the mare's beautiful laugh rings out again, and there is no malice
  110. >you still feel embarrassed, but it is not the deadening, gut-twisting embarrassment of shame
  112. >no, this is a light embarrassment, one that comes not at your expense but because both zebras are genuinely glad to have you here
  113. >you don't understand any of the words coming from their mouths, but the tone they carry is unmistakable in its softness
  114. >carefree and bemused
  115. >you suddenly feel silly for ever being ashamed to begin with
  116. >the mare paces closer to you, and sets a hoof on your back
  117. >"Pikdesh naraso fum bi'ili da," she says, stroking her hoof up and along your spine
  118. >a powerful shiver courses through you
  119. >your tail flicks back and forth and your ears fall flat to your mane, the left one flicking and twitching
  120. >you hadn't bothered to put your armor on this morning, not expecting this shopping trip to turn into anything more than that
  121. >and now you're very thankful you hadn't
  122. >far less intimating
  123. >and you, with your body once toned but clearly showing the curves and subtle softness of a prince
  124. >you must look like quite the treat
  125. >the stallion raises his hoof and gently strokes the side of your cheek
  126. >you shiver again, your heart hammering in your chest
  127. "I-I'm not gay..."
  128. >as the mare continues to pet your back, the stallion leans down, his muzzle inches from your face
  129. >your lips tremble as he comes closer and closer
  130. >you close your eyes
  131. >...and feel his cheek brush against yours
  132. >you realize your lips had formed halfway to a pucker
  133. >were you...?
  134. >...
  135. >bro.
  136. >you might be at least a little gay.
  138. “No! I’m n-n-naaahh~”
  139. >the stallion grinds his cheek against yours
  140. >his fur soft and fuzzy
  141. >and WARM
  142. >oh fuck he’s so *warm*
  143. >you raise one of your hooves
  144. >trembling
  145. >gently rest it on his muscular chest
  146. >you trace a small circle in his fur
  147. >your hood moving slow
  148. >the zebra snorts, then giggles
  149. >the sound is strange from an equine so large and masculine
  150. >strange, and oddly
  151. >comforting
  152. >he doesn’t seem so monolithic anymore
  153. >you feel a twinge in your gut
  154. >then a twinge *below* your gut
  155. >ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck
  156. >your eyes go wide
  157. >your breath catches in your throat
  158. >you hear the zebra mare gasp in delight
  159. >”Kuro!”
  160. >you whip your head around, libido screaming in protest as you break cheek-to-cheek contact with the stallion
  161. >the stall mare still has her hoof on your back, but she’s dropped down non
  162. >checking under your belly
  163. >her gleeful and musical laugh greets your ears again
  164. >and sure enough
  165. >your cock is beginning to telescope out of its sheath
  166. >already half-hard
  167. >you’re not SMALL
  168. >not by any stretch of the imagination
  169. >but you’ve heard…
  170. >well, we’ve already established your racism
  171. >but some stereotypes have to be based in truth, right?
  172. >s-surely she isn’t laughing at its size
  173. >r-right?
  174. >the stall mares eyes twinkle
  175. >her lustful hunger plain as day
  176. >you involuntarily flex
  177. >your cock slaps up against your underbelly
  178. “Ourgh.”
  179. >your eyes cross
  180. >you shudder as the sensation of your cock slapping off your belly rolls through you
  181. >your tail hikes
  182. >your ponut winks
  183. >you’re very glad neither of them were behind you to see that
  184. >although you’d be lying if the prospect of them seeing your asshole pucker and twitch wasn’t contributing to your growing hardness
  185. >your turn your head slowly back towards the stallion
  186. >and you come snout-to-snout with him
  187. >his snort is gentle
  188. >it bathes your face with his warm breath
  189. >it smells like cinnamon and peppermint tea
  190. >you’re gazing right into those large, gorgeous emerald eyes
  191. >your mouth waters
  192. >you’re frozen in place
  193. >you can’t even shiver or shake
  194. >you DO wince as you feel the mare’s hoof cup the underside of your shaft just below the medial ring
  195. >a bead of sweat rolls down your temple
  196. >your horn sparks slightly
  197. >you can’t even blink
  198. “I-I’m not—“
  199. >your squeak is cut off as the zebra stallion presses his lips against yours
  201. >you couldn't say how long the moment where you kissed was
  202. >it seemed to both go on forever and be over in an instant
  203. >it was very similar to kissing a mare
  204. >which is different from how you imagined kissing a stallion would be
  205. >not that you'd spent hours upon hours imagining kissing stallions or anything
  206. >(you're not gay)
  207. >when your lips made contact you instinctively tensed up
  208. >but you eased at some point during the kiss
  209. >you drag your hoof down the zebra stallion's chest
  210. >his tongue feels remarkably similar to a mare's tongue
  211. >again, not that you'd spent a copious amount of time doing it, BUT
  212. >for some reason you DID imagine that a stallion's tongue would be different
  213. >somehow be rougher or courser
  214. >which come to think of it didn't make any sense at all
  215. >and sure
  216. >the zebra stallion's tongue is quite a bit LARGER than any pony you'd kissed
  217. >it felt fairly proportional to his size
  218. >after feeling it pressed against yours for however long it was
  219. >your scientific deduction was that a zebra's tongue is a bit broader and flatter than a pony's
  220. >but overall, the feeling of wrapping tongues and thrusting them into one another's mouth seemed consistent across both gender and race
  221. >themoreyouknow.webm
  223. >the zebra mare has not stopped her exploration of your cock
  224. >while you were having your sexuality horizons expanded and learning Fun Zebra Facts™
  225. >her hooves have been playing with your length
  226. >sliding up and down your cock
  227. >giggling as she felt it flex and pulse
  228. >each time the stallion flicked his tongue against yours
  229. >or pressed it against the inside of your cheek
  230. >or ran it along your teeth
  231. >your member responded dutifully
  232. >thumping against your belly
  233. >the flare mushrooming out
  234. >a drizzle of precum squirting out to bead in the dirt below
  235. >the mare slides underneath you, between your fretting hooves
  236. >hooves that can't stand still for a second
  237. >hooves that don't know what to do with themselves in response to the onslaught from the stallion's lips and tongue
  238. >"Kuro~"
  239. >she says the word again
  240. >you intuit that it could either mean "cock" or be some sort of approval
  241. >she's definitely been cooing the word each time she says it, no other word for the way she speaks the word
  242. >she lays on her back
  243. >pushes herself upward
  244. >puckers her lips
  245. >and kisses you right on the flare
  246. >you feel her warm, soft lips press against the mottled, sensitive flesh of your length
  247. >so much blood coursing though it that it's burning hot to the touch
  248. >her mouth is almost cool and refreshing by comparison
  249. >but just as you're bathed in the heat of the stallion's mouth
  250. >his soft, wet, wriggling tongue radiating warmth
  251. >So too does her mouth
  252. >and you feel her own tongue press up right against your cockslit
  253. >the little raised middle of the dimpled divot that oozes with pre
  254. >you make a small, muffled noise as you feel her tongue lap against it
  255. >moaning into the zebra's mouth all you can do as your vision goes spotty from sensory overload
  257. >the zebra mare opens her mouth
  258. >her lips sliding up the head of your flare
  259. >her bottom lip passing over the lower ride and allowing the lower half of your head to slip into her mouth
  260. >like you said
  261. >you're not SMALL
  262. >not by any stretch of the imagination
  263. >she won't be so easily able to get the entire thing in there
  264. >not from lack of trying, of course
  265. >she suckles on the flesh of the flare
  266. >her tongue
  267. >broad and flat like her masculine counterpart
  268. >flitting and flicking across your throbbing cockhead
  269. >you grunt into the stallion's mouth as your flare broadens
  270. >you hear a little muffled moan of surprise from beneath you
  271. >you can almost see how her eyes bulged wide
  272. >caught off guard by the sudden flaring of your head
  273. >you feel a strange sensation well up
  274. >a bit of warmth in the pit of your stomach
  275. >however scant
  276. >there's a bit of pride there
  277. >too much stallion to handle, hrm?
  278. >you chuckle to yourself
  279. >before your eyes roll back in your head as the stallion absolutely JAMS his tongue into your mouth
  280. >your lips curve into a perfect 'o' around it
  281. >and you suckle on his tongue like a newborn foal on a teat
  282. >you're diamonds
  283. >and your flare pulses wide yet again, dousing the inside of the mare's mouth with another generous helping of your preseed
  285. >the mare opens her mouth wide as she can get it to go
  286. >you hear a soft *pop!*
  287. >you dip your back, a shiver running rampant along your spine
  288. >she's managed to get your flare into her mouth
  289. >by the sound of it
  290. >and certainly by the warm tightness of it
  291. >you can tell it was just *barely* that she got it in
  292. >her tongue is flush against the flat surface of your cockhead
  293. >grinding against it
  294. >wet and velvety
  295. >and slimy
  296. >but slimy in that oddly comforting and arousing way that only a tongue can be
  297. >speaking of tongues
  298. >the tip of yours flicks along the underside of the stallion's buried in your muzzle
  299. >you take another fervent couple of suckles off the muscle
  300. >before the stallion snorts
  301. >the warm and sweet-scented breath bathes your face
  302. >your eyelids flutter
  303. >and he jerks his head up
  304. >you desperately try and keep hold of the stallion's tongue
  305. >to have that wonderful and warm thing in your mouth for just a few moments longer
  306. >but he's stronger than you
  307. >MUCH stronger
  308. >the tongue slides out of your mouth with a *pop!* identical in sound to the one that just came from the mare
  309. >your cock pulses again
  310. >and the instinctual flex of your muscles tries to slap your member back up against your belly
  311. >the zebra mare holds her lips tight around your meat
  312. >she braces her forehooves by wrapping one around each of your own
  313. >you raise yourself up onto the curves of your hooves
  314. >your fetlocks brushing with hers
  315. >the shaggy fur that you don't trim all the way down and haven't since you were a teen as some tiny faux-rebellious fashion statement gets pinched as her hooves turn upward against you
  316. >it's already slipped from your mouth
  317. >and that mouth feels empty
  318. >you fight to keep your eyes from rolling all the way back in your head
  319. >and you half succeed
  320. >Settling in on a derped and honestly undignified cross-eyed stance
  321. >very unbecoming of a supposed commanding officer of a foreign contingent
  322. >but dignity was something that had been knocked out of you alongside your breath when you'd first collided with the zebra stallion
  324. >a thick trail of saliva connects your mouth to his
  325. >you fix your gaze on him
  326. >panting
  327. >cheeks burning brighter than ever with blush
  328. >you swallow hard
  329. >his spit mixed with yours as it slides down your throat
  330. >your stomach leaps and flutters as you imagine it going down into your belly
  331. >a weird, certainly-not-straight warmth welling up from inside you where that spit just went
  332. "I'm..."
  333. >ah, fuck it
  334. >they can't understand you and you don't even really believe it yourself anymore
  335. >the zebra stallion laughs and beams down at you
  336. >eyes glittering in the mid-morning glow
  337. >"Tiri kanara! Durosh tusi kuro~"
  338. >you can hear the tilde hanging in the air
  339. >how wanton~
  340. >oh fuck now he's got you doing it too
  341. >your ruminations on puncvtuation are broken by the sound of the mare gagging
  342. >and the pressure on your cockhead tightens and shifts
  343. >is she—
  344. >oh dear sweet Celestia
  345. "Hnnngh!"
  346. >you grit your teeth as you feel the mare bob her head
  347. >her tongue slipping under the ride of your flare
  348. >your cockhead grinding up against the soft ridges of the roof of her mouth
  349. >your hooves, pressed together against hers, curl inward
  350. >as you engage in the lewdest act of the day thusfar
  351. >(in public no less)
  352. >this shameless display of hoofholding suddenly brings forth the recollection that you have a wife and a daughter at home
  353. >the shame that floods you is wiped away as the mare's lips clamp on your shaft
  354. >and she begins to suckle with a fervor that rivals yours on the stallion's tongue
  355. >you clench your jaw, absolutely blasting the back of the stall mare's throat with a water-balloon's worth of precum
  356. >one of the things Cadance loves about you in bed is the near-endless stream of pre you can muster up
  357. >and that's not even mentioning the volume when it comes to the main event
  358. >the thought of Cadance draws a fresh burst of shame to the surface
  359. >and that is once again easily wiped away by the stallion stepping back and away from you
  360. >you reorient yourself briefly
  361. >fear leaping in your gut
  362. >is he leaving? He can't leave!
  363. >you don't know why but he can't just—
  364. >the stallion merely takes two steps back
  365. >turns around
  366. >and thrusts his rump into your face
  367. >it's toned, muscular
  368. >but his hips are wide
  369. >not necessarily mare-like
  370. >but damn
  371. >he thicc
  372. >he casts a sultry glance over his shoulder, biting his bottom lip
  373. >and raises his tail
  375. >look.
  376. >LOOK.
  377. >you’re no stranger to eating ass
  378. >more than a few times you’ve dined down on your wife’s delicious pink ponut
  379. >but something about this
  380. >perhaps the added gay quality
  381. >this seems like a bridge too far
  382. >the zebra snorts
  383. >flicks his tail playfully
  384. >batting you in the face
  385. >lightly swatting your head with
  386. >you whimper
  387. >this would really be it
  388. >there’d be no coming back from this
  389. >it wouldn’t matter how many mares sucked your cock after this
  390. >eating this zebra stallion’s ass would definitively and unequivocally make you gay
  391. >any percent not-straight makes you 100% gay, after all
  392. >your look down at the delicious zebra asshole waiting before you
  393. >you swallow
  394. >it twitches
  395. >you blink
  396. >it winks
  397. >sweat creeps down your forehead
  398. >sweat drips seductively down the stallion’s taint
  399. >the mare, who you’d nearly forgotten about, makes a noise that’s somewhere between a gargle and a gag
  400. >your head has been flaring at the back of her mouth
  401. >now it’s your nostril’s turn to flare as you take in the heady scent of the zebra ponut
  402. >the powerful musk invading your head
  403. >colonizing your mind
  404. >your own tail bats side to side, slapping off your rump as the mare bobs her head back and forth on your shaft
  405. >you open your mouth
  406. >and plunge your snout forward
  408. >you grind your muzzle against the zebra's asshole
  409. >the stallion sighs happily as you bury your snout in his ass
  410. >the anus opens ever-so-slightly
  411. >bathing your nose in the heat from the inside of the zebra's body
  412. >fuck fuck fuck
  413. >why is this turning you on so much
  414. >it should be gross
  415. >but holy fuck
  416. >your cock absolutely THROBS in the stall mare's mouth
  417. >you swear you hear her jaw creak
  418. >and there certainly was a little moan that escaped her dick-stuffed gullet
  419. >you inhale the stallion's musk
  420. >your mind wiped blank
  421. >wife? never had one
  422. >daughter? you gotta be kidding
  423. >you have always been here
  424. >sniffing and slobbering over zebra asshole
  425. >you pull back, but only just
  426. >you open your mouth
  427. >tongue lolling down your chin
  428. >you immediately plunge your face back into the zebra's ass
  429. >you break the salacious hoofholding with the mare
  430. >rearing up onto your hindlegs
  431. >And slap your forehooves down on those wide striped flanks
  432. >your hips shift
  433. >the mare gurglegags again
  434. >And you feel an immense pressure on your shaft
  435. >Your flaring, spitting cockhead pushes down into her throat
  436. >your pre soaking and lubing the mare's esophagus
  437. >your length still struggles to force its way into her tight throat
  438. >but the shift of your position, and the drop of your hips makes it impossible for it to go anywhere else
  439. >the mare's head slams against the dirt
  440. >her hindlegs splay out, colliding into yours
  441. >you feel something wet douse your balls as the mare makes a noise indescribable
  442. >did she just?
  443. >holy fuck she came so hard it splashed your nuts
  444. >hot damn
  445. >you smirk into the stallion's ponut, licking your lips
  446. >and of course, dragging your tongue along the wrinkled flesh
  447. >it tastes bitter, heady
  448. >strongly of grass and hay and those dick-roots all blended together
  449. >your tail swats up and down, side to side
  450. >balls drawing up close to your body, marecum dripping from your sack
  451. >your eyes rolling back in your head
  452. >this is it
  453. >you must have died when you slammed into the stallion the first time
  454. >this is what pony heaven is like
  455. >deepthroating a gorgeous zebra mare with your face stuffed deep in the rump of a beautiful zebra stallion
  456. >you squeeze your hooves into the zebra's warm, fuzzy flanks
  457. >squeezing the cheeks together
  458. "Gluh."
  459. >that's about the most coherent thought you can muster
  460. >fuck, you love zebras
  462. >the blinding pressure of the mare's throat around your cock
  463. >and, of course, the overwhelming intoxicating musk of the stallion
  464. >you're surprised you haven't cum yet
  465. >the familiar pressure behind your taint
  466. >your prostate throbbing
  467. >your testes churning and shifting in your sack
  468. >your cockhead flaring as the shaft pulses
  469. >you feel the mare's tongue struggling weakly beneath your shaft
  470. >you've managed to sink yourself in to about the medial ring
  471. >but that part of your dick has proved too much for the stall mare
  472. >it's just sliiiightly too wide
  473. >and it won't go past her lips
  474. >those lips are putting up a valiant effort regardless though
  475. >gently touching the ring of your meat
  476. >almost like little, dainty, glancing kisses
  477. >you thrust your tongue into the stallion's asshole
  478. >you feel the muscular ring clench down on your probing
  479. >the strange sensation sending a wonderful wave of aroused shivers down your spine
  480. >you dig your hooves firmer and firmer against the stallion's plot
  481. >wriggling your tongue around in the warm, soft rectum
  482. >you know your prize is around here somewhere
  483. >you press yourself flush against the stallion
  484. >thrusting your hips into the mare's face
  485. >eliciting another strained yet pleased muffled moan from the filly
  486. >you feel the zebra stallion's nuts presses against your neck and upper chest
  487. >Feel those power orbs slowly shift
  488. >your tail hikes
  489. >And your own ponut gives a POWERFUL wink
  490. >your eyes cross
  491. >your whole body quakes
  492. >and your tongue goes stiff
  493. >fuckfuckfuckfuckfUCK
  494. >it takes everything, every ounce of fortitude and every drop of willpower to keep yourself from cumming
  495. >and you do
  496. >but only just barely
  497. >the amount of precum that shot into the stall mare's throat must have felt like a load unto itself
  498. >but you're still in the game
  499. >And if that's what she mistook it for, well
  500. >she was in for a lovely surprise
  501. >but before you can let yourself go over the edge
  502. >you need to find it
  503. >your tongue tip slips and prods around the inside of the stallion
  504. >feeling for any little bump
  505. >any little indication
  506. >any throbbing pulse that was set apart from the beating of his heart
  507. >which is thundering into you
  508. >reverberating around your skull
  509. >threatening to make you one with him
  510. >but you mustn't lose yourself to lust yet
  511. >not before you find—
  512. >THERE!
  513. >your tongue presses down against it, the large rounded and fervently throbbing bulge a few inches into the stallion that could be nothing other than his prostate
  514. >since you were about to unleash one of your own
  515. >it would only be fair if you unlocked the giganut for your handsome zebra brother

Going Native pt 1

by Ebonlocke

Going Native pt 2

by Ebonlocke