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Going Native pt 2

By Ebonlocke
Created: 2023-03-01 21:39:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >you ram your tongue into the zebra stallion's prostate
  2. >you feel it pulse back against your explorative laps and thrusts
  3. >the thin wall of flesh between your tongue and his g-spot nowhere near enough to keep you from feeling the gland pulse
  4. >your lips are pressed against his ponut
  5. >he must be close to his own orgasm
  6. >you can feel his prostate hard at work
  7. >throbbing back against your tongue
  8. >your ear twitches
  9. >you could swear you could almost hear a soft gurgling coming from within his sack
  10. >how much cum is in those massive nuts of his?
  11. >your eyes roll back just imagining the absolute LITERS of thick, sperm-laden jizz that you're doing your absolute damndest to milk forth from those apple-sized testicles
  12. >the stall mare makes another muffled gagging noise
  13. >the walls of her throat gripping your girth, cockhead smacking against something tight at the bottom
  14. >could it be...?
  15. >were you actually hitting against the entrance to her stomach
  16. >damn, either her throat was shallower than you thought, or your cock was longer than you thought
  17. >another little warm feeling burning in your belly
  18. >that subtle sense of pride that comes from knowing that your cock is almost too big for her to handle
  19. >a shiver runs through you
  20. >your cock throbbing mightily in her esophagus
  21. >you teeter at the edge of orgasm
  22. >by Celestia's perky dripping teats, how have you even held out this long?
  23. >the hair of your coat on the back of your neck prickles and stands up
  24. >your ears flatten against your head, tail hiking yet again as you feel your zebra brother's asshole clench against your tongue
  25. >you feel his massive sack press against your neck
  26. >so warm
  27. >so soft
  28. >no fur
  29. >just a smooth expanse of leather that puts your own scrotum to shame like nopony's business
  30. >thinking about your nutsack pressed to his, resting atop his
  31. >your amply-sized balls shifting upon his
  32. >the heat from them you feel on your neck envisioned bathing your balls
  33. >there's no way around it
  34. >zigga, you gay as fuck
  36. >you feel his testes shift against your neck
  37. >the gentle gurgle of cum setting a soothing backdrop to the white-hot pounding of your heart in your ears
  38. >your tail swats against your back
  39. >cockhead flaring momentarily, pressing against the zebra mare's throat so tight you're almost certain you're going to bust this time
  40. >once more, you manage to merely shoot a forceful burst of pre directly into the stall mare's stomach
  41. >you're not sure how many of those you have left in you, though
  42. >you can feel the pressure building to a fever pitch
  43. >the need to nut overwhelming
  44. >oh fuck.
  45. >oh, fUCK
  46. >nope
  47. >it's happening
  48. >you can't hold back any longer
  49. >you pop your mouth off the stallion's asshole with a noise reminiscent of a plunger unclogging a drain
  50. >your balls draw up close to your body
  51. >and you let out the most mare-like moan you've ever made in your entire life
  52. >your tail sticks straight (as if) up, your ass thrust towards the sky
  53. >your ponut gaping like your open mouth as the force of what is undeniably the most powerful orgasm of your life barrels through you
  54. >your hooves dig into the zebra stallion's powerful thighs
  55. >the stall mare's muzzle mashed into your crotch
  56. >your cockhead popping past the ring of muscle guarding the mare's stomach and absolutely BLASTING shot after shot of your seed right into her belly
  57. >your mind blends to mush as every nerve in your body lights up in ecstasy
  58. >your cock engorging, pressing up against the tight clutch of the mare's throat to such an extent that it feels impossible for it to be contained within
  59. >balls pulling up close to you body with each shot, dropping down for a moment, and then drawing back
  60. >you're used to four, maybe five ropes when you cum
  61. >Cadance, who you briefly remember exists for a fleeting moment, has in her expert skill occasionally conjured forth six or seven shots from you
  62. >you lose count after the ninth jet of jizz deep into this zebra mare's belly
  63. >your taint plump and twitching as you pump your balls dry
  64. >your horn sparks like a live wire
  65. >your aura trying to form around it
  66. >mana blasting off erratically, like so many fireworks
  67. >or like, well
  68. >you know
  69. >every muscle in your body tenses
  70. >and then goes slack
  71. >you feel like you're completely made of jelly
  72. >like you just jizzed your entire skeleton out
  73. >which sounds decidedly less sexy than it feels
  74. >you're lucky your brain is forming anything resembling a coherent thought, honestly
  76. >the mare has been handling your climax like a champ
  77. >swallowing dutifully, you feel the muscles in her throat hug and pull on your spasming shaft
  78. >milking you of every last wriggling sperm in your nuts
  79. >after what seems like an eternity, you feel your last few spurts of your cum dribble out of your cock
  80. >your length still quite held tight in the grasp of her throat
  81. >you feel the mare weakly paw at your side
  82. >oh, right
  83. >she probably wants to breathe
  84. >your legs are jelly
  85. >all your muscles slack from force of your orgasm
  86. >you somehow manage to push your hooves into the ground and pull your hips back
  87. >your cock slips free from the zebra's mouth with a lewd squelch
  88. >your cockhead drags across her face and spurts one more tiny dollop of cum onto her snout
  89. >you flop back down atop her
  90. >that's enough moving for now
  91. >you're dizzy
  92. >so fucking dizzy
  93. >you lay there atop the mare, twitching
  94. >your whole body numb
  95. >your mind blank
  96. >as sensation and sense alike slowly returns to you, you take a moment to revel in the warmth of the afterglow
  97. >your hindleg twitching as you feel your prostate throb gently
  98. >your cum-soaked cock is sandwiched between your belly and the stall mare's
  99. >grinding against her warm, soft coat
  100. >you feel a dull pulsing in your shaft as your length begins to slowly but surely engorge yet again
  101. >fuck
  102. >all you want to do is cum over and over
  103. >exploring every facet of your sexuality with your newfound life partners
  104. >that reminds you
  105. >should probably learn enough of the language to ask for their names at some point
  107. >your stupor is interrupted by two large hooves cupping you under the chin with great care
  108. "Hmngh?"
  109. >you struggle to focus your eyes as the blurry form of the striped stallion towers over you
  110. >you feel something massive and damp and sticky and WARM slap against the side of your face
  111. >oh.
  112. >right.
  113. >guess your rimjob wasn't enough to QUITE finish him off
  114. >you quiver as you feel his enormous cock grind against you, precum spitting from the tip all down your back
  115. >the gigantic thing throbbing in time with his heartbeat
  116. >you wrap one foreleg around the titanic girth
  117. >your other hoof resting against the inside of his thigh
  118. >your muzzle right up against his medial ring
  119. >the stallion steps back
  120. >you mewl as you feel his cock drag alongside your face
  121. >your own growing harder by the moment
  122. >grinding and humping against the stall mare
  123. >the flat, broad flare grinds against your snout
  124. >pre soaking your face
  125. >out of the corner of your eye you see a puddle on the ground beneath the stallion, undoubtably the result of you shoving your snout in his ass
  126. >your zebra partner prods his cockhead against your lips
  127. >"Bahni..."
  128. >your drool mixes with the pre to form an absolute waterfall of fluids pouring down your chin
  129. "I-it's not gonna fiimngh~"
  130. >you were right, of course
  131. >but your mouth does its best to accommodate the bottom ridge of the zebra's cockhead
  132. >your tongue pushing and flitting against the ever-open slit that produces a seemingly endless supply of that rich, salty precum
  133. >it's so smooth and warm and
  134. >and
  135. >hnnngh
  136. >the SMELL
  137. >your balls draw up close to your dock as you nearly cum yet again
  138. >dear sweet Celestia you are so gay
  140. >it doesn't take much to put him over the edge
  141. >you'd done quite the job on his prostate, after all
  142. >the first shot of zebra cum into your mouth is enough to fill your cheeks, bulging them out as wide as they'll go
  143. >your tongue curls in on itself, dragging through the thick spunk
  144. >it's got the consistency of yogurt
  145. >you have a feeling that you're going to get all the protein and calories you'll need for a few days from this
  146. >the stallion bucks his hips
  147. >your eyes go wide
  148. >your jaw creaks audibly as he shoves his flare past your lips
  149. >your eyes roll back into your head
  150. >cum shoots out of your nose as he continues to pump jet after jet of jizz into your gullet
  151. >your tongue is pinned against the bottom of your mouth
  152. >the flare prods up against the back of your throat
  153. >you gag
  154. >and dutifully swallow as fast as you can
  155. >not fast enough to prevent it from continuing to blast out both nostrils, but certainly enough to lessen the load
  156. >each enormous shot of zebra seed down your throat is heralded by a pulse from the mammoth meat
  157. >you can feel it traveling down the stallion's length before blasting out the tip with incredible force
  158. >right into your mouth
  159. >with the next pump of his cock, the stallion bucks his hips
  160. >and now the cum is shooting directly down your throat
  161. >oh fuck
  162. >are you going find out from personal experience what the mare beneath you felt when you were balls-deep in her throat?
  163. >fuck, even just getting the medial ring into your mouth would probably dislocate your jaw
  164. >already this is the widest you've ever opened it
  165. >each pump of cum forcing it open just a tiny bit wider before it settles back
  166. >if only for a brief moment before yet another shot of seed pushes it back to its limit
  167. >you whine, your head hazy
  168. >his cum is so THICK
  169. >gluing your throat up
  170. >jellylike in its consistency
  171. >and dear princesses, the VOLUME
  172. >it's like chugging a whole barrel filled with caramel
  173. >warm, salty caramel that instead of sweet tastes almost...
  174. >buttery?
  175. >no, that's not it, but you're getting closer
  176. >with so much of it drowning your tongue, it's impossible to remember what you previously thought cum might taste like
  177. >n-not that you've spent any amount of time imagining the taste of cum
  178. >the zebra's seed is rich, salty, and... not quite bitter?
  179. >funny enough
  180. >it reminds you of the taste of those tubers, the ones you purchased laying off to the side, long forgotten
  181. >you wonder briefly if it's affected the taste of your cum
  182. >but soon get lost again in your feverish attempts to keep swallowing
  183. >how in the fuck is he still going?
  184. >those nuts're big, but
  185. >hot damn
  186. >you feel your belly bloat out, pushing against the mare's midsection beneath you that is sloshing with your own load
  187. >your cock getting wrapped around by your expanding belly
  188. >your eyes roll back in your head as you feel a familiar pressure inside you as the NEW pressure of what must be close to if not more than a gallon of zebra cum pressing against your insides
  189. >yup
  190. >you just came again
  192. >your cock slaps against the curve of your belly and spurts three nice (especially considering you just came) ropes of your own seed across the stall mare's upper torso, neck, and face
  193. >the strange yet undeniably elating pressure in your stomach continues to build
  194. >this isn't you on the edge of orgasm, although you wouldn't rule out being made to cum multiple times in succession like a mare
  195. >this feels...
  196. >well, to be honest, it's not entirely dissimilar to the feeling of an oncoming climax
  197. >but it's certainly unique
  198. >your frazzled and baked brain can't quite place it
  199. >and you don't care
  200. >you're ready to go wherever this zebra-operated ride is going
  201. >you've never felt QUITE whatever this sensation is
  202. >all you know is that it's erotic and arousing and—
  203. >POP~!
  204. >your eyes roll back yet again
  205. >you nearly pass out
  206. >hoof thrust to your middle
  207. >holy fuck
  208. >there was so much zebra cum being pumped into your stomach that it popped your navel out
  209. >just like how Cadance's popped out when she was in her final term carrying Flurry
  210. >let's get real
  211. >to the standard observer?
  212. >you look downright GRAVID
  214. >your head swims, dizziness building
  215. >not just from the sheer amount of dopamine flooding your body
  216. >but also because you, like the stall mare beneath you just moments ago, have a cock blocking your ability to breathe
  217. >the pole that is the zebra's cock shudders
  218. >you feel the flare expand inside you
  219. >and the constant pump of his cum wanes
  220. >his hooves squeeze your cheeks
  221. >and with a mighty grunt from your partner, you begin to feel that massive member drag up from inside of you
  222. >it feels like you're throwing up a whole carrot the size of a tree branch
  223. >a bubble of cum forms at your nostril as a sound that a straight stallion should never make escapes you
  224. >with a bit of difficulty, your zebra brother pulls his flare free from your mouth
  225. >you cough, cum and spit spiderwebbing between your lips
  226. >with a moan that's a little too feminine for your tastes, you clutch your stuffed and sloshing middle with your hooves
  227. >you inhale
  228. >and let loose a burp that surprises even you with how loud it is
  229. >your eyes cross when you burp, a wad of cum half the size of your hoof splattering atop your rounded middle
  230. >you're so FULL
  231. >your tail limply flicks against your backside
  232. >your stomach gurgles and groans, working desperately to digest the massive meal it's just been given
  233. >your cock is still hard
  234. >fuck, you love zebras
  236. >you become vaguely aware of the mare moving beneath you
  237. >you slowly slide backwards, landing on your haunches between her hind legs
  238. >your belly is already shrinking, but you imagine you won't be hungry for a day or two (at least)
  239. >your cock slaps up against the sloshing expanse, your eyelids fluttering as you gasp for air
  240. >occasionally spitting and snorting out zebra spunk
  241. >"Danasha!"
  242. >you blink, focusing your gaze
  243. >the stall mare has flipped around on her stomach (which has all but completely returned to normal from when you blew your load the first time)
  244. >her tail hiked high
  245. >her smooth black slit glistening in the morning sun
  246. >she casts a sultry look at you, biting her bottom lip
  247. >and her pink button winks out from the black flesh
  248. >your cock is so hard it hurts
  249. >and you're exhausted
  250. >but you've long since resigned yourself to fucking and sucking until you pass out on top of or beneath one of these striped beauties
  251. >besides, this is your chance to redeem yourself in the eyes of heterosexuality
  252. >okay, fine
  253. >after what just happened, you are gay forever even if you never even so much as looked at another stallion ever again
  254. >you have no time to be concerned about that right now
  255. >there is zebra pussy you could be balls-deep within
  256. >you half-lumber, half-drag yourself to the stall mare
  257. >her ponut twitching as if to tease you
  258. >you sneeze out an absolute torrent of cum
  259. >and you can smell again
  260. >smell that tart, sweet scent of zebra heat in the air
  261. >you flop yourself atop the mare
  262. >cockhead grinding up against her slit
  263. >you wriggle about on top of her, your shrinking stomach allowing you to gain more comfortable purchase with each passing moment
  264. >your flare grinding a small circle on her lips
  265. >parting them
  266. >bathing the tip of your dick with a warmth only rivaled by that of the stallion's shaft
  267. >the mare exhales a pleasured gasp
  268. >and you feel her plump, silky, and soaked clit, wink up just beneath the ridge of your flare

Going Native pt 1

by Ebonlocke

Going Native pt 2

by Ebonlocke