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Fur Affinity 2023 forum closure

By Guest
Created: 2022-12-20 03:13:17
Expiry: Never

  1. (You)s:
  2. >>
  3. Anonymous 12/19/22(Mon)18:59:49 No.39432455▶>>39432464
  4. >>39432367 (You)
  5. >^ looks like the same stallion as >>39393979 who knows about Princess Celestia's affinity for cocaine.
  6. So apparently that's not him but his brother named Skyburn:
  7. The one in >>39393979 is his brother named Thrayburn:
  8. >skyburns brother
  9. >he is estranged with his brother who were both fighting for the last place in the royal guard army, then they had a big fight and never talked again
  10. >he is head strong and always trying to be the beast
  11. Nice to dig up some lore for this silly series.
  12. [...]
  13. >>
  14. Anonymous 12/19/22(Mon)19:48:31 No.39432653▶>>39432691
  15. File: 1340253728.thet7770ify_sh(...).jpg (121 KB, 481x457)
  16. 121 KB
  17. >News: Dec 16, 2022 - Forum Closure, FA Discord Coming Soon
  18. Wow, furfags are retarded. So instead of using traditional Internet forums, will now be using gay ass Discord. Forum posts were open for anyone on the Web to read and access, is login-walled. Apparently they are doing it to become a part of "new technology/social media" and appeal to the Zoomer crowd. See also:
  19. >>
  20. Anonymous 12/19/22(Mon)20:01:50 No.39432691▶
  21. >>39432653 (You)
  22. Hopefully someone more familiar will be able to dig out as much pony relevant stuff to be archived as possible. I've never used that forum.
  24. ----
  26. For:
  28. Via:
  30. Edit text:
  31. {{Infobox project[\n]| title = FurAffinity[\n]| logo = Fa_logo.png[\n]| URL =[\n]| image = Furaffinity_homepage_screenshot.png[\n]| project_status = {{online}}[\n]| archiving_status = {{saved}} (2015-04)<br />{{notsaved}} (more recent content)[\n]| irc = iceking[\n]| irc_network = EFnet[\n]| irc_abandoned = true[\n]| tracker = [ furaffinitydisco] [ furaffinity][\n]| source = [ items] [ furaffinity-discovery] [ furaffinity-grab][\n]| data = {{IA collection|archiveteam_furaffinity}}[\n]}}[\n][\n]'''FurAffinity''' is an art gallery website, and the largest web community of the [ furry fandom]. It was recently acquired by IMVU (see [ the recent journals of the site's mascot account]), and while the site and community have endured multiple prior divisive events, the prior owner's continued control of the site's maintenance is now uncertain due to the acquisition, and the site's future is similarly uncertain as a consequence of that.[\n][\n]The site allows artists to hide their account information, including submitted content, from guest viewers, and mature and adult submissions are hidden from everyone except for registered users over the age of 18 who have enabled the viewing of such content. Backing up the site's submissions in their entirety, therefore, can only be done from a registered account with this setting enabled.[\n][\n]== Archives ==[\n][\n]A [[Warrior]] project was done in April 2015. The archives are in [[WARC]] format and are in the [ archiveteam_furaffinity] collection. It includes the adult items.[\n][\n]There is a bare bones but extensive backup of user hosted FA content on a Tor hidden service hosted by an unknown party ([ cleartext proxy URL] [http://g6jy5jkx466lrqojcngbnksugrcfxsl562bzuikrka5rv7srgguqbjid.onion/ onion URL]). This website hosts a backup of user submissions and their descriptions, but not of comments, user profiles, journal entries, or other website data.[\n][\n]== 2022/2023 Forum closure ==[\n][\n]In 2022-12-16 Fur Affinity announced that it would close Fur Affinity Forums (FAF). In a journal post it was stated that "The forums will go read-only effective January 1, 2023."<ref> - titled "Dec 16, 2022 - Forum Closure, FA Discord Coming Soon -- Fender's Journal -- Fur Affinity [dot] net"</ref> Additional, Fur Affinity stated that they would use a [[Discord]] server instead of forums: "Fur Affinity Discord" (at Discord is harder to archive than public forums.[\n][\n]== References ==[\n][\n]<references/>[\n][\n]== External links ==[\n][\n]*[\n][\n]{{navigation box}}
  33. Edit comment:
  34. Another move towards centralization
  36. Edit submit date/time:
  37. Tue, 20 Dec 2022 03:01:56/03:01:57 GMT
  39. ----
  41. title: Fur Affinity 2023 forum closure
  42. tags: furfag, retarded, centralization, pozzed, Princess Celestia likes cocaine, Princess Celestia, Celestia
  43. vc: CVGH1

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