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Four Purple Mares Try to Solve the Worlds Problems 1.2

By Shroooomy
Created: 2022-12-25 00:17:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight:
  2. > Sugar Mountains Hotel
  3. > 6:30 AM
  4. > Current weight: 286 lbs
  6. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  8. > The Sugar Mountains Hotel is a five-story building in the heart of downtown a block off main street.
  9. > Covering a full block in area and built to replicate the hotels of Las Pegasus, The Sugar Mountains Hotel is the biggest property investment in town costing over five million Bits to construct.
  11. > It usually takes me twenty minutes to walk from the train station to the hotel.
  12. > But with Amethyst, it had taken over an hour.
  13. > Because Amethyst likes to take every step with extreme care and needed encouragement the entire time.
  14. “Come on Amythiest we’re almost there.”
  15. > I tried to keep a positive tone but my patience was thinning, I didn’t have time to be babysitting this basketcase and I hate being out in the open in Sugar Mountains.
  16. > The longer I’m in the streets the more vulnerable I feel.
  18. > Since I arrived, ponies have been glaring at me, spitting in my direction, and dropping their garbage at my hooves.
  19. > The disrespect is unbelievable.
  20. >When we finally reached the hotel, I held the door open for her but she was stuck.
  21. >Frozen in terror with her leg tucked into her chest and neck arched backward.
  23. > She stared at the sidewalk beneath the doorway like a black hole was twirling under my hooves.
  24. > “Twilight….Maybe we could go through the back?” She whimpered from behind the curb.
  25. “Why?”
  26. > She had better have a good reason this time.
  27. > She gulped and pointed at the puddle resting at the foot of the hotel doorway.
  28. > “This puddle looks really dirty.” She squeaked in terror.
  31. > Unbelievable.
  32. “It’s a puddle. You’ll be fine.” I replied teeming with irritation.
  33. > Suddenly, a stallion walked by and spat at my hooves into the puddle
  34. > Hissing something in Crystal Ponish as he passed
  35. > My low-hanging eyelids popped open as he walked down the street.
  37. > “I don’t know princess…I just have this really bad feeling that if I touch this puddle I’ll get really sick. My instincts are usually right about this sort of thing, we should find another way inside.” She said nodding in agreement to herself.
  38. > She spun away from the door and tilted her head to the ground and started hovering her hoof over the road trying to calculate the “least infected” place to drop her hoof.
  40. > Watching Amethyst walk through town was painful.
  41. > It reminded me of the scenes in every Daring Do book where she’s trying to navigate an ancient temple without setting off a booby trap.
  42. > Except in Amethyst's case, the only booby traps were the two between her legs that swung with every step she took.
  43. > Her breasts are way too large for a pony her size and often pull her off balance whenever she jumped in fear of an incoming candy wrapper blowing in the wind or whenever she hopped over a puddle like it was a snake-filled pit.
  44. > The sudden movements made her boobs swing, resulting in her backend being yanked in whichever direction by her oversized rack pulled her.
  46. > She continued swaying her hoof over the sidewalk like a pendulum with an expression screaming discomfort and fear.
  47. >The purple lights in her eyes shrunk to the size of pins and her brows were wrinkled along her forehead.
  48. > “Just gotta….Place my hoof…In the safest spot….Wouldn’t want to get sick on such an important mission!” She laughed nervously.
  49. > I don't have time for this.
  50. > With a flick of my neck I grabbed Amethyst and her luggage in a magical aura then pulled her off the ground.
  52. “Twilight!” She yelped
  53. "Just relax. This is quicker." I mumbled
  54. > I trotted inside with her trailing behind me suspended in the purple glow of my magic.
  55. >I trotted across the empty lobby towards the counter.
  57. > The Sugar Mountains Hotel is a very lonely place.
  58. > Despite being built only several months ago, the lobby was caked in dust.
  59. > Lit by dim candlelights, the lobby is a large stone hallway supported by pillars.
  60. > The candles began to taper out after the first couple of pillars and the corridor became consumed by darkness.
  62. >The hotel was already falling apart due to the use of poor building materials and rushed construction.
  63. > The stone that the building was built with was already beginning to crumble.
  64. > Cracks cut deep across the ceiling, alongside large holes where chunks of stone had detached from the ceiling and laid fractured across the reflective marble floor or buried inside deep craters.
  65. >The entire hotel looked like it was hit by an earthquake.
  66. > But in reality, the building was a victim of poor craftsmanship.
  68. > When I arrived at the check-in desk the owner popped out from under the counter like a groundhog.
  69. > A crystal mare who I had begrudgingly become acquainted with named Crystal Frizzle
  70. > A mare from the Empire less than a hundred miles north of Sugar Mountains.
  71. > Sugar Mountains is home to a large Crystal Pony population who had moved to Sugar Mountains shortly after Starlight's banishment.
  72. > In those turbulent times Celestia bestowed me with the duty of unquestioning royal authority over Sugar Mountains.
  73. > As the pony responsible for navigating the town's crests and troughs, I made it my priority to build the economy.
  75. > I unveiled my employment revitalization plan at the top of the year which was designed to incentivize ponies to open businesses in Sugar Mountains.
  76. > I capitalized on the open space of the valley and began paying ponies from the Empire to move to Sugar Mountains.
  77. > I also hired a third-party company to build whatever these ponies wanted, as long as they signed a contract stating that they would pay off the construction debts by the end of the year.
  79. > The city grew quickly, and at first, everything ran smoothly.
  80. > But as time marched along and the final days of fall neared, many ponies were finding it hard to pay off their debts.
  81. >It was my first of many failed urban development plans.
  83. > Behind the counter stood the most unfortunate victim of my failed city planning.
  84. > She stared at me with malice gritting her teeth.
  85. > “Oh, it’s you.” The glistening pink mare grumbled in her thick crystal pony accent.
  86. > “I don’t have your money. So don’t bother asking.” She snapped
  87. “I’m not here for your money, Crystal Frizzle.”
  89. > “No? The banks have been sending me letters…Y..You said that this property would be worth something!”
  90. “I promise that it will, just give it time. I’m sure Sugar Mountains will be a lovely vacation spot for ponies all over Equestria.”
  91. > "A lovely vacation spot? Don't make me laugh! Last week a pony was beaten to death with a brick in my alleyway over political differences! When you sold everypony on Sugar Mountains you said that it was fertile ground for investment. It’s street warfare out there! I don’t even feel safe in my own hotel!”
  93. “Crystal I’m very sorry to hear that….”
  94. > “Tourists don’t even bother staying in town when they visit! They take day trips down from the Crystal Empire to gawk at us for a couple of hours before taking the train back to safety.
  95. And honestly, I don't blame them. I can't say with confidence that any pony would be safe walking these streets at any hour.”
  96. “I understand your frustration, but you don’t need to blast me every time I visit. I’m sure Sugar Belle would be happy to address all of your concerns. She has more authority in town than most ponies give her credit for.” I smiled
  97. > “Don’t get me started on that greedy airhead! That floozy is fucking Griffons for Harmony’s sake!”
  99. > My eyes hit the floor as I laid my hoof over my mouth and began feigning a cough.
  100. “Ummm….I don’t feel comfortable commenting on these issues.”
  101. > “The griffons have made her their bitch! She’s been selling property to them all across town and they’re using it to build businesses that are in direct competition with the ones you promised ponies would have a monopoly on. The Griffons are opening a hotel across the street from mine for crying out loud! And it doesn’t help that she’s been sleeping with them! Isn’t there some sort of conflict of interest law about this?”
  103. “I’m very sorry you feel this way, I’ll try my best to address your problems during my visit.”
  104. > “Have you seen Sugar Belle recently? She’s a damn race traitor! She’s covered in those degrading claw mark tattoos and walking around town with the belly of a pregnant cow for harmony's sake! How could you give a pony of such questionable morals the responsibility of all our future?”
  106. > This was an issue I wished to keep private.
  107. > Though, It's hard to cover for a mare-stained head to hooves with Griffin supremacy tattoos.
  108. > The mare has a disposition for sex, especially between different species.
  109. > She is by all definitions a race traitor, that was undeniable.
  110. > But a more fitting term for her sexual disorder would be bestial attraction.
  111. > A quality I hadn’t accounted for during my appraisal of her when I deemed the silly mare fit for service as mayor.
  113. “That's enough Crystal! You’re being ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself! Show some respect to your mayor. Sugar Belle may not be the smartest pony but she cares deeply about this town. whoever is spreading these rumours will be held to the highest order of the law.”
  114. > “I can’t believe how petty you are. Why did you even come back? Whenever you try and fix your mistakes you only make everything worse. I hope Celestia finds out about how negligent you’ve treated everypony you tricked into settling here.”
  115. > I took a deep breath to calm myself
  116. > I’m not sure how, but she knew exactly where to throw her punches to hurt my feelings.
  117. > Despite wanting to insult her back deep down I know that arguing won’t help any pony.
  118. > I swallowed my pride and apologized before I said even more that I was going to regret
  120. “Crystal, I’m sorry for snapping. I’ve just been under so much pressure recently. I’ve got the princess breathing down my neck, Every week my boneheaded friends are getting into trouble, and I’ve been the target of a year-long media hit piece regarding my weight. It feels like ever since I became a princess ponies don’t see me as worthy of any compassion and I’m treated like garbage, even when I try my best.”
  121. > “Aren’t you just SO relatable.” She hissed
  123. > My face crunched in anger
  124. “I’m just trying to explain that I’m being stretched pretty thin at the moment. if I could do more I would."
  125. >“Ponies are starving in the streets princess. It won’t be long until our faith is broken and we start to consider our own governance, I certainly have.”
  126. “That's a dangerous path to walk Crystal. I’m begging you to give me more time, I’ll sort all of this out the best I can.”
  128. > “I wonder what Celestia would say about an entire town rising up against’ her?”
  129. > She smiled and leaned into my face
  130. > “How would you talk your way outta that, Princess?"
  131. “You wouldn’t last a week on your own. Everypony needs the princesses.”
  133. > “You know what? That's so true. Because when we’re done gnawing at each other over our differences we’ll need something to chew. You know what they’ve been saying in the streets, don’t you? Трим тхе фат, еат тхе рич."
  134. > A rush of unease wriggled down the back of my neck.
  135. > I wasn’t sure what she was saying but her cold tone and smile were enough to make my fur stand on end.
  136. “Crystal Ponish….Such a beautiful language.” I gulped
  137. > She lifted her hoof and dangled our room key in my ear before dropping it onto the counter.
  139. > “I hear whispers of Starlights return.”
  140. “And how do you feel about that Crystal?”
  141. > “Oh, you know…Pяiисэssэs, ьдкэяs, диб ьuяэдuсядтs дяэ pэдсэтimэ фссupдтiфиs. Шэ'яэ sфlбiэяs нэяэ Tшiligнт, Дяэ чфu pяэpдяэб тф дссэpт Эquдliтч Üьэя дllэs?”
  142. “I..I…”
  144. > “What? Don’t speak our language?…Pдтнэтiс. Princess Cadence is twice the princess you will ever be. Sнэ's тнэ фиlч яфчдl I Дссэpт шiтн ди фpэи нэдят. Sнэ is д тяuэ Pяiисэss фf тнэ Cячsтдl pфиiэs! Ифт д sшiиэ liкэ чф.”
  145. > I wasn’t sure what she was saying, but it was spoken in such anger and passion that I felt an uneasy mix of fear and anger bubbling inside me
  146. > I’m not sure if I could wrestle with my patience if I knew what she was saying.
  147. > In a way, I’m happy I didn’t.
  149. > “Enjoy your stay, princess.” she spat before shuffling back into the shadows.
  150. > I watched her glowing green eyes disappear into the darkness.
  151. >I had a very bad feeling
  152. >My fur was standing on end and I felt a chill running through my skin.
  154. >Тр…им тяе a..ат, еат т..е рч.? I had become somewhat familiar with Crystal Ponish but I’m still a novice at best.
  155. >Sugar Mountains has a very large Crystal Pony population because of its proximity to the Crystal Empire.
  156. > It was also the target of my revitalization campaign.
  157. > I was regretting marketing Sugar Mountains to a population of ponies who don’t speak regular Ponish as their first language.
  159. > Crystal Ponish is an ancient language that developed alongside Old Ponish thousands of years ago
  160. > But unlike Old Ponish, Crystal Ponish never updated and is still used in its unaltered state to this day.
  161. > Many of the street signs and businesses in Sugar Mountains are written using its chicken scratch alphabet.
  162. >Crystal Ponish is considered the official language anywhere north of Neigharga Falls.
  163. > Not only did a language barrier exist between regular ponies and the crystal ponies but they also live very differently than the other ponies in Equestria.
  164. > Not that their way of life is bad, but their patriotism made them stubborn and it was proving difficult to assimilate them into regular Equestrian culture.
  166. > I swiped the key off the counter and made my way up to our room with Amethyst still in my magical grasp.
  167. >The hotel is a dark and empty place where no ponies wandered its colourless hallways or
  169. >I’ve stayed at this hotel every time I visited Sugar Mountains in the same room.
  170. > Crystal Frizzle now referred to my room as the princess suite.
  171. > Knowing her I’m not sure if I should be insulted or honoured.
  173. >When I got to my room I dropped Amethyst on the floor
  174. >The room smelled like mold and was furnished with a long fold-out table and three lawn chairs.
  175. >Two beds rested along the wall draped in gray wool blankets which were very coarse and caused me to itch.
  176. >Amethyst jumped to her hooves and began scrubbing every surface with a cloth she doused in hoof sanitizer.
  177. >I made my way to the table by the window and began unpacking.
  178. >I always pack lots of clothes before setting out to Sugar Mountains.
  179. >A couple of suits, sweaters, and heavy coats served have served me well in this frigid town.
  181. > Amethyst bolted to my side with the cloth dripping in sanitizer and wiped the table, leaving a thick film of soapy sludge over the tabletop.
  182. "Don't you think this is a bit overkill?" I asked
  183. > "Germs live everywhere Twilight. Every inch of this place needs to be cleansed before I can settle in comfortably."
  184. >She shook her bottle over the table and squeezed but only a couple of drips sputtered out.
  185. >She brought the bottle to her eye and inspected the inside of the bottle closely before sighing and placing it in the trash bin under the window.
  187. > Thank Celestia she ran out of sanitizer.
  188. >I don’t know how much longer I could take that.
  189. "There, you're all out. Now let's get to work." I ordered
  191. >Amethyst went to her bag and unzipped the largest pocket and an avalanche of sanitizer bottles poured onto the carpet.
  192. > "Don't worry Twilight! I brought extra just in case." She nodded happily
  193. > For the love of Harmony.
  194. >Without skipping a beat she opened another bottle and continued scrubbing the room down like a frantic maid
  196. >I just rolled my eyes and continued unpacking.
  197. > It’s bad enough that I have to share a room with her but her obsessive cleaning was going to drive me crazy!
  198. > “I don’t know about you Twilight, but I can only work in soundly a sterilized environment. After all, you know what they say about a well-kept workspace. Cleanliness is next to Celestianess!”
  199. >Who does she think she is telling ME what Celestia thinks?
  200. > I know the princess better than most ponies and Celestia has never said such a thing.
  201. >Like many sayings involving her they were fabricated by parents as a way to teach good morals.
  203. > She dragged the cloth over the steel bed-frame making a loud squeaking noise.
  204. >I have to put my hoof down before she drives me bananas.
  206. “Amethyst, I need you to stop,” I ordered
  207. > She paused and looked up at me .
  209. “Amethyst, you’re clearly a smart pony so I beg you to take a moment and think. We’re staying in the cheapest hotel in the most filthy town in the nation. You couldn’t clean this place with all the sanitizer in Equestria. Now stop fooling around and help me unpack.”
  211. >With an expression screaming discomfort her eyes bolted between the dripping cloth in her hoof and me.
  212. > “Just give me one minute princess.”
  213. “I’ll let you unpack my bag. I have lots of things you can organize.” I sang
  214. > She dropped the cloth and came dashing over merrily
  215. > “Sure thing Princess!”
  216. > She trotted over to my bag and started removing items using her magic.
  218. “No magic,” I stressed
  219. > “B…But I prefer to use magic… it's so much more…Sanitary.”
  220. “If you’re going to be my assistant you need to listen to me. I could have you fired at the drop of a hat.”
  221. > She looked distraught by the rules I had laid out for her but complied, regardless of how uncomfortable she looked about my stipulation.
  222. > The bag lay across from where she sat shivering with uncertainty.
  223. > I knew that she didn’t want to do this, but she needed to get over this phobia if she was to be of any help during our visit.
  224. >This was for her own good.
  226. > She unzipped the bag as fast as she could and flipped the largest pocket open. She then proceeded to remove my suits from the bag and rest them on the bed.
  227. > “You have a very nice wardrobe princess.”
  228. “You should see my closet in the castle, these uniforms are for looking professional when dealing with delicate matters.”
  229. > She clasped her hoofs together over her chest and rolled her eyes to the ceiling “I can only imagine what you have at the castle.” She sighed dreamily.
  230. > Her wide and excited eyes drifted from the ceiling and locked onto mine “I would love to visit you at the castle for dinner one day.”
  232. >...
  234. > Was she asking for an invitation?
  235. > I don’t want this quack in my castle.
  236. > She’ll slather everything in sanitizer and embarrass me.
  237. > I grabbed a plastic bag from my luggage and tossed it with a flick of my hoof
  238. “Ummm….Here.”
  239. >She caught it in her hooves and looked down
  240. > “What's this?” She said with a smile
  241. > “Underwear and bras.”
  243. > Her pupils thickened as she looked down at the bag, running pale with worry.
  244. > “I…I…I don’t know whether to be flattered or disgusted.”
  245. “Just unpack them,” I replied with my tongue between my teeth.
  247. > She opened the bag and dumped the clothing onto the bed then began to slowly flick the pile of undergarments with her hoof.
  248. >She separated them diligently, laying them out flat over the bed with quick striking flicks of the hoof like they were going to bite her if she touched them for too long.
  249. >But, it seemed that her compulsive organizing was overriding her fear of germs.
  250. >Fascinating
  252. >As she sifted through the pile of underwear and braziers I was starting to regret this exposure therapy lesson.
  253. > She lifted a bra by the strap and found one of my more…Eccentric bras.
  254. > “Ummm…Princess. This doesn’t seem practical.” She said staring at the bra which had two holes cut out where the nipples were supposed to rest.
  256. “Oh! Well…Thats one of Rarity’s designs. She’s something else…” I could feel my face Reddening with embarrassment.
  257. “Ponies really like my boobs….”
  258. > “No offense Twilight, but judging by this cup size I think you would fit in better with the itty bitty titty committee than with mares with actual breasts.” She snorted
  260. > “What are these? Training bras!? I mean, Do you even have boobs? Not to be rude but I would think that a pony of your girth would have bigger boobs.”
  261. “I changed my mind. You don’t need to organize my stuff.” I said snatching the bra from her hooves.
  262. > “No it’s fine!” She shouted swatting me away
  264. >I pulled myself back and shook my head as she proceeded digging into the pile of underwear
  265. > She pulled her hoof from the pile and removed a large plastic suction cup connected to a glass jar.
  266. > I felt my heart sink into my stomach
  267. > “A…A breast pump?”
  268. “No! No! It’s for…..Ummmm….For pumping oxygen into your lungs!”
  269. > “Oh…So where’s the pump?”
  270. >....
  272. “Shut up! How do you even know what a breast pump is anyways?”
  273. > She shot me a look that screamed “Are you serious?”
  274. “Okay, okay stupid question. Just give it back!”
  275. > I grabbed it out of her hooves and shoved it in my purse.
  276. “Now listen, I’m usually accompanied by my closest friends on these missions. You’re going to learn things about me and Sugar Mountains that ponies aren’t supposed to know. Are you prepared to keep these secrets?”
  277. > “Of course I am, princess.”
  279. “Then let's get a move on.”
  280. > “Okay, just let me finish organizing your stuff.”
  281. > I grabbed her by the hoof and began dragging her out of the room
  282. > “It’ll be fine.” I grumbled, “We have lots to do today.”
  283. > “It’ll only take a minute! I swear!” She shouted.
  284. > I pulled her out of the room, across the hall, and down the stairs, kicking and screaming the entire time.
  285. > “Princess, please! I can’t leave the room a mess! It’ll pick at my mind all day!”
  287. > For the love of all that is good under the sun.
  288. > I hate being a princess.
  290. Luna:
  291. > Canterlot Castle
  292. >8:30 AM
  293. > Current weight: 434 lbs
  295. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  297. > I sat in the breakfast closet massaging my aggravated gut.
  298. > I never thought being fat would be so much work
  299. > My belly always hungered causing me constant distress and I was fighting my urge to eat at all times.
  301. > Thankfully, it was breakfast.
  302. > One of the three times of the day I didn’t feel guilty for gorging myself
  303. > Tia and I ate breakfast in this secret spot every morning.
  304. > We preferred this space over the dining hall because it’s much more intimate and we could speak freely without worrying about eavesdroppers.
  306. > When we began exploring our fetishes she ordered that secluded spaces be made across the castle for us to share our personal moments.
  307. > Usually we used her closet for making out and force-feeding but recently we found ourselves just talking.
  308. > It was nice being on good terms with Tia again.
  309. > I missed her company more than I liked to admit.
  311. > Tias' closet is snug and filled from the floor to the ceiling with stuffed animals and pillows.
  312. > The table was short and sat in the center of the room.
  313. > Sitting in this room made me feel like I was attending a little fillies tea party
  315. > My gut hung over the table and growled furiously.
  316. > I was trying my hardest not to summon food, I was already way bigger than I was comfortable with.
  317. > But the food blanketing the table was so tempting.
  318. > Plates of pancakes stacked fifteen high and drowning in syrup, Muffins stuffed with every kind of berry steaming beneath my nose while pies of every flavor cooked to golden perfection teased my trembling tummy.
  320. > I couldn’t help myself any longer and began to drool over my stomach while running my tongue through my lips.
  321. > My temptations were debasing me to that of a hungry dog.
  322. > As my mind was becoming consumed with temptation the closet door creaked open from behind.
  324. > I wiped my mouth and tried to look presentable.
  325. > “Good morning sister! how’s my tubby little sister doing today?” Celestia sang
  326. “I feel like an elephant.” I sighed
  327. > She wrapped her legs around my neck from behind and began jiggling my flabby stomach
  328. > “You used to be so slim and fit…” She teased “My lovely sister Luna. Mommy’s favorite slender little princess. Trim and tender in all the wrong places.”
  330. “Oh sister, how do you manage to jest with such brimming spirits in these late hours?”
  331. > “Well sister, that's because I’ve just awoken from a full night's sleep.” She gave me a peck on the cheek and then grabbed her seat on the other side of the table.
  332. > “Secondly, I have other things on my mind besides food.”
  334. “Ha! My stomach is as full as your head is empty! what could possibly trouble a mind as vacant as yours? Have you finally realized how drab your life has become walking amongst the day ponies for over a thousand years?”
  336. > With her eyes closed she began folding her napkin into a tight square
  337. > “Sister please, A pony who lives underground has no need for the black, moonlit curtain you spend your waking moments prancing through. I thought by now you’d be sick of the night. If you want, I could send you back to the moon…”
  339. > “You wouldn’t!” I gasped
  340. > “Tell me sister, is the moon made of cheese?” She giggled
  341. “It certainly isn’t!”
  342. > “If it was, how long do you think it would take you to eat it?”
  343. “I imagine quite a long time….Would you have found a fitting protege by the time I returned?” I shot
  345. > “Well I…”
  346. “How many young mares will you have ground into dust upon my return from my all-you-can-eat cheesy moon buffet?”
  347. > Celestia was speechless.
  348. > I could see the gears in her head spinning
  349. “I win!” I cheered
  350. > She may be the most beautiful and powerful pony in Equestria
  351. > But since we were fillies, it was obvious to everypony who would grow to become the more perceptive between the two of us.
  353. > The two of us burst out laughing
  354. > “You are far too dark, sister!” Tia hollered “I don’t imagine ruminating on such thoughts to be healthy!”
  355. “When you’re entangled in love perverse as ours and you somehow find yourself under the crushing weight of your own howling gut. I’ll be the first to ask where your mind wanders…Assuming you’re capable of developing the abstract mental process of thoughts.”
  357. > “Luna that's far enough…”
  358. “All I’m saying is that for the pony of the sun you aren’t that bright!” I howled
  359. > “Luna…”
  360. “It seems my legacy investments are far more significant, considering the leaps and bounds MY protege has accomplished in only a couple of years compared to your many moons!”
  362. > The silverware clattered as her hoof slammed into the table
  363. > “How about shoving your pie hole with a plate of pancakes you fat slut! Before I have you banished for ruining yet another breakfast with your morose attitude, you mentally disturbed creature. “
  364. > My laughter ceased and I stared in shock at her cross face
  365. “Sister…I was joking…” I stammered
  367. > Tias face brightened and she smiled
  368. > “I win!” Tia beamed
  370. >...
  372. “Oh..Oh yes, good job….Well played sister.”
  373. > I took an anxious sip of tea
  374. > Sometimes I think that Tia doesn’t understand how to play these types of games
  376. > She grabbed a plate of pancakes and began eating them by the hoof-full
  377. > "Speaking of proteges I sent Twilight to Sugar Mountains upon hearing of very troubling news.”
  378. "I’m aware of the situation. I don’t imagine you plan on pressing this calamity, dear sister?”
  379. > “Of course not, it would ruin her reputation. Twilight is riding the highest wave of popularity all across Equestria, besides the Empire of course.”
  380. “I wouldn’t worry what the Empire thinks. To them, there is only one Princess and as long as she stays in her lane we have nothing to worry about…Twilight on the other hoof…”
  382. > “What are you eluding to?”
  383. “From what I can see, it looks as though you plucked another failed prodigy from your flock. How do you think she’ll be a good princess when she can’t be trusted running a small town?”
  384. > “Don’t question my judgment sister. She’s the youngest princess in over a thousand years and she’s managing her power very well. Need I remind you of a certain young pony who let power go to her head?”
  385. > "Yes...Well…My conduct was an act of bitterness, not incompetence.”
  386. > “Are you still bitter little sister?” She teased
  387. “N-No….I’m just…”
  388. >...
  390. > “What's wrong Luna? Are you worried about your popularity? Because from what I hear the ponies love the moon during the day, especially when it covers the sun for a couple of minutes at noon, I think they’re calling it an eclipse….What a strange word…”
  392. > I grabbed the plate of cookies and began eating them
  393. > All Tia cared about nowadays was her popularity.
  394. > Her vanity repulsed me
  395. > “It’s your weight, isn’t it? Do you want we can go down into the archives and reverse it?”
  396. “No! It’s fine…I was just worried that you didn’t like it is all. I love being fat!”
  398. > I began stuffing my mouth with cookies, Tia gave me a strange look
  399. > “Well as long as you’re enjoying yourself. I don’t see how a pony could enjoy looking like a fucking pig all day…But then again you’ve never cared much about how ponies see you anyways. Plus, I’ve always wondered what you would look like with a backside big as mine.” She chuckled
  401. > Tia always had the larger posterior between the two of us and would always rub it in my face, sometimes figuratively, often literally.
  402. > But now I was bigger than her in every way
  403. > “And your belly! All I can say is that theirs so much of you to love now.”
  405. > Tia began climbing over the table, knocking our breakfast to the floor and covering her belly in syrup as it dragged over the stacks of pancakes.
  406. > She rolled onto her back and stared up at me
  407. > “Hungry?” She asked pouring the syrup over her chest and stomach
  408. > “Tia, you devil.”
  410. > “I can hear that belly grumbling.” She sang
  411. > I reached for a cookie but she stopped me
  412. > “How about we go down to the archives and pick up something exciting?” Tia beamed
  413. > She pulled herself onto her hooves and spun around
  414. > Her hooves sank into the food beneath her and began pouring maple syrup over her crotch which was inches from my face.
  416. “I thought you were prim and proper. What would the guards say if they saw you like this?”
  417. > “I’ll tell them you did it to me in one of your bouts of rage. You still have those, don’t you little sister?”
  418. “Shut up Tia.” I shot
  420. > She chuckled and edged her backside closer to my muzzle.
  421. > Her genitals were slick with the sticky syrup and I could feel the warmth of her crotch plume across my face.
  422. > “If ponies knew what you were really like you would have to find a new way to rule…You aren’t scary.” She laughed
  423. > The winking of her clit made a squishing sound as it peaked between the walls of her vagina.
  424. >Syrup drooled from her button with each flash.
  425. > “There’s nothing to be ashamed of Luna. You rule through fear, I rule by faith and Cadence does through love.”
  426. > I could barely contain myself
  428. “And Twilight?” I whimpered nervously
  429. > “She rules by appeasing me and doing what I say out of fear of the consequences that will befall her when I’m not satisfied. Do you think I gave her that curse for nothing?”
  431. “I thought you were just being humorous.” I laughed nervously
  432. > “I was sister. What kind of self-respecting mare would have a desire for breast milk? I bestowed upon her the unnatural craving for mare milk to remind her where she stands. In my eyes, she will always be an infant compared to my power and wisdom. Her failure to contain Tirek in his path of destruction caused the monarchy millions in lawsuits….Twilight’s law.” She grumbled
  434. > She leaned backward and my muzzle quickly became consumed inside her sticky, sugar-coated vagina.
  435. > “She deserves to be cursed with unnatural urges .” She huffed
  437. > My mind began to race.
  438. > If Tia finds out that the archives were broken into and that I withheld information from her, what curse awaited me?
  439. > Would she send me to the moon again?
  440. > Twilight’s sins were egregious but never affected Tia’s life outside of hitting her checkbook.
  442. > But what I had done was nothing short of shameful a betrayal of my sister's trust.
  443. > If Celestia had cast a spell to spite her most loyal student for making her pay for the funerals of a couple of ponies and signing legislation. My fate was sealed
  444. > My destiny will definitely be one where I’m forced back to my lunar prison, left to watch the world from above longingly from that cursed ball of rock.
  445. > I can’t go back to the moon.
  446. > I’ll do whatever it takes to never have to face that kind of isolation ever again.
  448. > She twisted her head around and faced me with a concerned expression
  449. > "Luna? Are you feeling okay? Usually, you're a lot more…enthusiastic. Am I being too mean? I thought you loved when I talked dirty.”
  450. “No, you’re doing great…I’m just not feeling well at the moment.”
  451. > Her eyes narrowed “So you’re saying you watched me cover myself in syrup for nothing?”
  453. “I mean…I’ll eat the syrup off your crotch if you want but…I’m just distracted is all…”
  454. > “Are ponies saying mean things about you? I told you your popularity is doing great!”
  455. “It’s not that…Just…Maybe you could go easier on the insults?”
  456. > Tia scowled
  457. >“Luna, what's the point of being a fat fuck for my amusement if I can’t comment on it? You look like a fucking whale for harmony’s sake! ”
  458. “Maybe I don’t want to be insulted right now!” I screamed
  459. > “You want me to be the fat one? Because I’m fine with that! just let me go down to the archive and get the spell.”
  462. “Tia no!”
  463. > “Look, if you want to be the feeder I’m okay with that, honest! I’m happy when you’re happy.”
  464. > She jumped off the table and threw on a robe
  465. “Tia I….I…”
  466. > She paused and stared at me in confusion
  467. “I want you to be my pet…”
  468. >....
  470. > “Wait…Are you serious?”
  471. > I composed myself. I couldn’t believe what I was saying.
  472. > This has been Tia’s dream since we started making love.
  473. > Now, controlling my sister like a domesticated animal was never a personal fantasy of mine but it was probably my only option to get out of this corner I had dug myself into.
  475. “Yes, I’m serious…But you have to do what I say, understand?”
  476. > “Can I get cute ears?” She smiled
  477. “You already have cute ears.” I replied flatly
  479. > Tia grabbed her ears and pulled them down the side of her head “I mean even cuter ears!?” She twinkled with large glowing eyes.
  480. > How Tia ruled Equestria alone for over a thousand years is beyond me.
  481. > She’s definitely a lot more disordered in the mind than I remember.
  483. > A thousand years ago she would’ve sent me to Tartarous for even joking about such a thing.
  484. > Now she was reveling in the idea of being my slave.
  485. > “I want to eat store-bought cake and low-grade caviar like the average pony! And wear low-thread count dresses!”
  486. > Was she really that out of touch?
  488. > I was beginning to question myself
  489. > A thousand years on the moon sounds quite serene at the moment.
  490. > Tia has always wanted to be an actor and I’m confident that when she assumes this pet role she will take it as seriously as she does all foreplay.
  491. > But! As long as I could keep her away from the archives, I’ll happily entertain her ridiculous wishes.
  492. > But the question remained:
  493. > Am I ready to be a full-time princess?
  494. > In a way, I owe her for ruling alone for a thousand years and I’ll do anything to keep her away from the archives until my guards return the spells safely.
  496. > The choice was uncomfortably obvious
  497. “Okay, Tia we can do this. But you have to listen to everything I say, understand?”
  498. > “Yes master.” She giggled
  499. > This is going to be super awkward
  500. > “This is going to be so fun! Usually, I’m the one bossing everypony around! But now It’ll be all you! I’ll do whatever you tell me….How does being in charge of all Equestria sound little sis?”
  502. “You sure you trust me enough that I won’t go Nightmare Moon again?” I jested
  503. > “Oh Luna, don’t be silly. You’re not the same pony you were all those years ago. You’ve blossomed into a pony I can not only call my sister but my best friend. I love you. I just wish I had reminded you more often when we were younger.”
  505. > She hugged me and I felt a warm embrace wash over me
  506. > I had never felt so loved in my entire life.
  507. > I can’t let my stupid mistake jeopardize the growing bond between us
  508. > Tia and I had never been closer
  509. > And I’ll be damned to whatever hell her twisted mind has planned for me if I don’t at least try and salvage this relationship.
  512. “Just give me a minute Tia. We’ll start as soon as I return.”
  513. > I picked myself up and waddled out of the closet and took the elevator down to the archives where I found the two guards in charge of the investigation examining the vaults.
  515. “Guards!” I bellowed
  516. > They turned and bowed at my presence
  517. > “Princess! we have news.” One of them beamed
  518. “Speak!” I ordered
  520. > “After sweeping the archives, we found a Pegasi feather amongst the lust potion ward. After we ran it through our directory in the CAIP (Canterlot Archives of Equestria’s Ponies) We believe it belongs to a radical Equalist by the name of Night Glider. From her records, it appears that she attended Crystal Empire College to become a royal guard but dropped out after only a year of study. She went off the grid not long after but we believe she was one of the original founders of Our Town and is probably living somewhere in Sugar Mountains.”
  522. “If that's the case I demand wanted posters with this pony’s face plastered across every surface of Equestria! Go to Sugar Mountains and find her at all costs."
  523. > “I apologize, Princess, but only Celestia can dispatch royal guards.”
  524. “Celestia is…Taking a vacation from her regular duties. I’ll be the final authority over all matters until she says otherwise, understand?”
  525. > One of the guards turned to the other “Imagine the amount of paperwork involved in a shift of power that big.”
  526. > “Tell me about it, I can’t even get my PMWL (Personal Magical Weapons License) Without getting a background check from the MICC (Magical Items Clearance Commission).”
  528. > What kind of bureaucratic hell has Twilight's Law turned Equestria into?
  529. > This was no time for methodical, by-the-books foolishness.
  530. > I had to put my hoof down if I wanted anything to get done
  531. > Ethics be damned
  533. “Okay, listen up. As my first decree as the unquestioned authority of Equestria I give you both immunity to all this bureaucratic nonsense as you conduct your investigation.”
  534. > The two guards smiled, clearly relieved that they were finally free of the shackles of Twilight’s Law.
  535. > “Your wish is our command.” They replied with a respectful bow
  536. > I nodded then returned to the breakfast closet.
  537. > When I returned Tia was wearing a collar long stripped socks
  539. > “Now treat me like the filthy pleb I deserve to be treated as!” she said putting the collar in my hooves.
  540. > This was already getting strange.
  541. > I walked to the corner of the room and tucked myself inside the wall of stuffed animals.
  542. “Okay peasant. Are you ready to serve your queen?”
  543. > “Yes!” She cheered
  544. “My first order is that you feed me. I hunger for pancakes and I demand them now!”
  545. > Tia dashed over to the table and grabbed the plate of pancakes. She fell to her back legs and lowered her head to the floor as she raised the plate to my muzzle.
  547. > “Anything else, princess Luna?”
  548. > I put my hoof to my cheek and thought
  549. “Maybe we should change the language a bit.”
  550. > “What do you mean?”
  551. > “I’m not your princess. I am your god. Understood?”
  552. > “Yes! Yes! Your holiness!” She replied excitedly “What more do you desire?”
  553. > I stared at her as the syrup dripped from her belly onto the carpet
  554. “Lick yourself clean, slut. You look like a fucking disgrace.”
  556. > Tia fell to her rump and began to lick her hooves like a cat.
  557. > Tia is actually really great at taking orders.
  558. > Honestly, I always thought that she would make a better follower than a leader. But that’s beside the point.
  559. > I was really enjoying this, even though it was only temporary, I’ll see how far I can take this until the tomes are returned.
  561. > Tia licked her fur, occasionally looking up at me and smiling.
  562. > It felt cruel, but seeing her lapping her tongue over her sticky body while I tugged at her collar made me feel a strange way I had never felt before.
  563. > Finally, she was assuming the role she deserved
  564. > My lesser
  565. > My subservient.
  566. > My slut
  568. >Hmmmm…..
  570. > I could get used to this….

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy