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Fluttermilk Baked Goods

By Guest
Created: 2022-12-25 06:21:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's another sunny day in ponyville
  2. >The winter moon celebration is in a few days
  3. >"Wowzie! A letter from Princess Celestia?"
  4. >Pinkie Pie opens her mail in Sugarcube Corner
  5. >"Dear Sugarcube Corner Bakery: The Royal Sisters would like to cordially request you to provide baked goods for the Winter Moon Celebration. We request 800 servings of..."
  6. >The list requests many milk-based desserts
  7. >"Oh my gosh! I've never seen a list of goodies that need this much milk before! There's no way I'll be able to make all these alone! I'll need the help of one of my friends..."
  8. >cut to Fluttershy in her cottage
  9. >"Alright you little good little critters, I'm going to get my drink ready for you all now."
  10. >Fluttershy sits and looks down at her enormous soft teats, each as big as a soccer ball, and attempts to slide one nipple into a suction cup
  11. >Leaning forward causes her teats to gurgle and spray a small stream of milk at the wall
  12. >"Oh, my..."
  13. >Fluttershy blushes and carefully puts a cup around her right nipple
  14. >Her teats start to throb with anticipation and her breath quickens
  15. >"Settle down girls, we need all the milk we can get for-"
  16. >"Fluttershy! You'll never guess what just happened! There's a Winter Moon Celebration and Princess Celestia is going to be there and she asked for 600 servings of custard and-bang!"
  17. >Pinkie Pie trips over the rug at the doorway and lands on her face
  18. >"What's going on Pinkie?"
  19. >Pinkie Pie springs up off the floor
  20. >"Sugarcube Corner needs your help make desserts for the Winter Moon Celebration!"
  21. >"Oh gosh! The Winter Moon Celebration? There's going to be so m-many ponies there..."
  22. >Fluttershy hides her face behind her mane
  23. >"Don't worry Fluttershy, we'll serve all the guests ourself. We just need your milk for all the recipes!"
  24. >Fluttershy blushes and feels her teats start to churn at the thought of it
  25. >"Oh, ok Pinkie. I would love to help by giving my milk."
  26. >"Thanks Fluttershy! Sugarcube Corner will pump out those desserts tomorrow so they'll be nice and fresh for the celebration."
  27. >Flutter's nipples stiffen when she hears the words "pump out"
  28. >"Tomorrow? But there's no way that we'll have enough time to produce that much milk!"
  29. >"I've got it all taken care of Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie's the pony with the plan. Just come with me to Sugarcube Corner."
  30. >Pinkie subtly grins greedily at Fluttershy
  31. >"Well, whatever you say Pinkie. I'll feed the critters with some other food before I go."
  32. >All the animals look sad to get fed regular food instead of milk
  33. >Fluttershy and Pinkie walk back to Sugarcube Corner
  34. >"Alrighty Fluttershy, I got this potion from Zecora. She said: Give the pony who drinks lots of feed, and you'll have all the milk you'll ever need. Drink up!"
  35. >Fluttershy is given the potion and looks worriedly at Pinkie
  36. >"Pinkie, w-what's this potion going to do to me?"
  37. >Pinkie Pie shrugs
  38. >"Drink it and find out!"
  39. >"Well ok, Pinkie, but only because we have to try and feed all those ponies."
  40. >Fluttershy chugs the entire potion and sets down the bottle
  41. >"Um, I don't feel any diff-" "grrrrrrgle"
  42. >Fluttershy is cut off by the sound of her belly
  43. >Fluttershy blushes cutely and rubs her belly
  44. >"Excuse me, I don't think I've had my lunch yet. Could I please get some hay?"
  45. >"Sure thing Fluttershy, Sugarcube Corner has the hay store for all of ponyville!"
  46. >Pinkie Pie leaves and shortly brings back one meal's worth of hay
  47. >"Oh thank you Pinkie, I am famished!"
  48. >Fluttershy quickly and loudly devours the hay in front of her
  49. >"grrrrrmbl... Uh, Pinkie? Um... If you wouldn't mind, I think I might need..."
  50. >Fluttershy looks down at her belly
  51. >There's a small, noticeable bulge in her tummy from eating all the hay
  52. >She still feels hungry though
  53. >"I, um, I'd like some more. If you wouldn't mind, that is."
  54. >"Sure thing Fluttershy, anything for a friend in need!"
  55. >Pinkie Pie gets one more serving of hay from the store
  56. >"Eat up, Fluttershy! We need you in prime milking condition for tomorrow."
  57. >"Thank you so much Pinkie, I hope it's alright that I'm having two helpings."
  58. >Fluttershy's belly groans again and her teats gurgle between her thighs
  59. >"I'd better get this down quickly so we can get to milking..."
  60. >Fluttershy munches down the hay in front of her
  61. >"Mmm, Mmph, gulp, crunch, mmm! Wow pinkie, this hay really hits the spot! Thanks aga-gurrrooop!"
  62. >Fluttershy's tummy cannot be satisfied, making louder noises than before
  63. >It's starting to expand into a rounder shape than before
  64. >"Oh no! Pinkie, could this be the effects of that potion? What's happening to me!"
  65. >"It's ok Fluttershy, Zecora is our friend. There's no way she would give us a potion that could hurt us, right?"
  66. >Fluttershy's face relaxes and she smiles
  67. >"You're right Pinkie. If this is the potion's doing, we'll just have to do what we can to use it." "grrrrrrmble"
  68. >Flutter's belly loudly demands more, causing her to hide her face behind her hooves in embarrassment
  69. >"Just, as long as you don't mind me making these... noises"
  70. >Pinkie smiles wildly
  71. >"Do I mind? No way! I'll get you as much hay as you want!"
  72. >Fluttershy bashfully smiles and gets seated comfortably on the floor
  73. >"I sure hope this turns out ok..."
  74. >Pinkie pie returns, pulling a stack of hay bales on a pallet for Fluttershy
  75. >"This will do it!"
  76. >Pinkie is so busy getting the hay that she starts to drip milk onto the floor, it's well past time for her milking
  77. >Fluttershy starts eating the hay, and begins to lose herself in ecstacy
  78. >Soon she is mindlessly forcing hay into her mouth, unaware of her belly turning into a soft, growing mound underneath her
  79. >All Fluttershy can think of is how good stuffing her tummy with hay feels
  80. >"Rrrmmmpph, mmph, gulp, munch, mmrph!"
  81. >Pinkie sees Fluttershy almost eat the entire hay pallet, and goes to bring out another
  82. >"Here's another pallet for you Flutter-"
  83. >Pinkie pie stops when she sees Fluttershy off of the ground on top of her big sack of a belly
  84. >A large white tribal tattoo of a milk splatter begins to appear on her belly and nipples
  85. >"cough! Pinkie, I'm getting thirsty. Could you please get me something to drink?"
  86. >"Sure thing friend, Pinkie's got all the water you need here at Sugarcube Corner!"
  87. >Pinkie leaves in a dash and brings back a glass of water in a cartoony effect
  88. >"Thanks Pinkie, but it would be nice if..."
  89. >Fluttershy looks away and mumbles something at the floor
  90. >"What was that?"
  91. >Fluttershy turns beet red
  92. >"I said, it would be nice if I could have... your milk instead..."
  93. >Pinkie Pie blushes and looks down at her dripping melon-sized milk factories
  94. >"Well, it is time for my milking after all... I wouldn't mind giving you some of my milk, Fluttershy!"
  95. >"Oh thank you Pinkie! I knew I could count on you! You're the best friend a pony could ask for!"
  96. >Pinkie Pie blushes harder and looks away
  97. >"Aww, thanks Flooty!"
  98. >Pinkie Pie climbs up on Fluttershy's belly and lowers her crotch onto Fluttershy's face
  99. >"They're all yours, Fluttershy!"
  100. >Fluttershy grabs her left teat and begins to suckle
  101. >"Aah! Careful Fluttershy, they're sensitive!"
  102. >Fluttershy stops and slowly licks her erect nipple
  103. >Her nipple throbs repeatedly until it starts to churn and squirt out milk onto Fluttershy's hot tongue
  104. >"Oh, this is so dirty! You're drinking my milk like... a newborn foal!"
  105. >Fluttershy blushes hard and suckles more milk
  106. >Pinkie rocks back and forth on fluttershy's face, idly slapping her other teat onto Fluttershy's face
  107. >"slosh, slap, sqrt! slosh, slap, sqrt! Oooh! Fluttershy! It feels so good! Don't stop!"
  108. >"Mmhmph! gulp gulp gulp gulp..."
  109. >Fluttershy's belly groans and gurgles with the addition of Pinkie's milk
  110. >"Yes Fluttershy! It's emptying all out in your mouth!"
  111. >"glurp gulp sip gulp!"
  112. >Pinkie's marehood winks and wettens all around her hind legs, dripping arousal onto Fluttershy's belly
  113. >Fluttershy raises her tail and winks mare juice strands behind her
  114. >"Ah, ah hah, oh, gasp, gasp, Fluttershy... Now, do my other teat please..."
  115. >Fluttershy pops her mouth off of the teat
  116. >"I would love to, Pinkie. I'll drink all the milk you can give."
  117. >Pinkie audibly winks and smiles lewdly
  118. >Fluttershy has milk all over her mouth and a drop dribbling down her chin
  119. >The next teat slides into Fluttershy's mouth, slickened by the creamy milk all over it
  120. >"Ahh! Mmm!"
  121. >Fluttershy circles her tongue rapidly over Pinkie's conical nipple, causing milk to quickly gush out
  122. >"Aaaaaah!"
  123. >Flutters drinks it all down like a greedy foal on the brink of starvation
  124. >The warm pulse of Pinkie's teat can be felt as Fluttershy massages the milk out of it
  125. >"I'm! Oh goodness! I'm about to!"
  126. >Pinkie's eyes shut hard and slimy mare ejaculate squirts out of her while she lets the last of her milk down into Fluttershy's mouth
  127. >"Aah! Oh! Ahh! Yes!"
  128. >Fluttershy winks rapidly as she hears her friend's orgasm splatter onto her belly and the floor
  129. >"Fluttershy, you made me... Oh wowie!"
  130. >"pop! I hope it felt lovely, Pinkie. Yawn! I... I think I'm finally full now. glorp!"
  131. >Pinkie turns around to cuddle fluttershy on her massive, soft belly
  132. >"Yawn! You're the best friend a pony could ask for too, Fluttershy!"
  133. >"Mmm..."
  134. >Both ponies drift off to sleep on fluttershy's bed of a tummy
  135. >Pinkie wakes up on Fluttershy and the floor, confused
  136. >"Good morning Flutters!"
  137. >"Ah? Good morning Pinkie."
  138. >"Say, what happened to your belly?"
  139. >"My belly? It's normal, but I ate all that hay yesterday, and... your milk."
  140. >Both ponies blush
  141. >Pinkie gets up, and Fluttershy tries to get up
  142. >"Humph! What's this weight on me?"
  143. >Fluttershy looks behind her to see her veiny, throbbing teats the size of five ponies behind her
  144. >Both teats have the white tribal tattoo that looks like a milk splatter on each nipple
  145. >"throb, slosh, throb, slorsh"
  146. >"Oh, my. I guess that's where all the hay went."
  147. >"Give the pony who drinks lots of feed, and you'll have all the milk you'll ever need! That's what the potion meant!"
  148. >Pinkie Pie springs around Sugarcube Corner in a dance, having figured out the riddle
  149. >"We did it! We did it! We did it! Now we can make our desserts!"
  150. >Right on time, Mr. and Mrs. Cake walk in
  151. >"Hey Pinkie, we're ready to start making the- Oh sweet Celestia what are those!?"
  152. >"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Fluttershy came to supply the milk!"
  153. >Fluttershy hides her face behind her mane in embarrassment
  154. >"Eep!"
  155. >"Well, we don't have any time to waste! We have to make these desserts on short notice, so get moving everypony!"
  156. >The Cakes and Pinkie hurriedly begin dumping ingredients into bowls, knowing each recipe by memory
  157. >Each pony worked in perfect tandem with the other
  158. >"Flour! Flour. Sugar! Sugar. Eggs! Eggs. Milk!"
  159. >Pinkie aims Fluttershy's teat into the bowl with one hoof and squeezes the massive teat with her other foreleg
  160. >"throb! Ah! spshhhhh! Milk. Wow Fluttershy! You're just like a big piping bag!"
  161. >"Squee!"
  162. >This goes on for an hour until hundreds of batches of puddings, custards, creams, fillings, and other dessert ingredients are made
  163. >"Knock! Knock! Knock! Good Afternoon Sugarcube Corner, I'm Twilight Sparkle and I'm here to prepare for the Winter Moon Celebration!"
  164. >Twilight's jaw drops open as she sees Pinkie turn her head around while squirting fluttershy's milk from her massive teats into a bowl
  165. >"Hiya Twilight, no time to explain, we're making dessert!"
  166. >"I see... Well, I'll leave you to it then, hah, hah..."
  167. >Twilight slowly backs away and closes the door behind her
  168. >Galloping could be heard outside, shortly after heavy breathing
  169. >Pinkie keeps dispensing the milk from Fluttershy for the baked goods, occasionally licking her nipple if the milk hesitates
  170. >Sometimes she tries a little as well, for testing batch consistency
  171. >"Wow Fluttershy, I've never seen a pony with teats this big before sluuuuurp! suck! gulp!"
  172. >"Aaah! Pinkie! You dirty mare! I'm just here to provide m-my milk for the batches! That's it! But c-could you d-do that again? I-If you wouldn't m-mind, that is"
  173. >"Hmm, I don't know if that last one tasted weird, let me try it again... slulululululurp! Nope!"
  174. >"Ahhahhhaah! You're driving me crazy!"
  175. >"Are you saying you want to take a break? slosh, slosh, slosh, I know this might be real hard on your teats so-"
  176. >"Don't stop! Please!"
  177. >"Alrighty then, no breaks it is!"
  178. >Pinkie licks inside of her nipple hole while she holds it with her lips
  179. >"grrrrrrrblrrr! That's my! Aaaaaah!"
  180. >Fluttershy creams her hindquarters and pinkie's mouth
  181. >"Sliiiiuuuurp! Gulp! Pop! A good friend always returns the favor, Fluttershy!"
  182. >"T-thank you, Pinkie."
  183. >Pinkie squirts more milk into the batches, with some of her own until the desserts are all prepared for the celebration
  184. >Fluttershy's teats finally shrink to the point where she can stand once the bakery is closing
  185. >The tribal markings start to fade
  186. >"Thanks Fluttershy, we couldn't have done it without you!"
  187. >"Well Pinkie, I'm honored that I could h-help."
  188. >"We hope we can use your help if we ever need it. So what'ya say?"
  189. >"Oh, my... I-"
  190. >Pinkie gives Fluttershy a quick peck on the lips
  191. >Fluttershy's face turns bright red
  192. >"We'll be serving these treats to everypony now, thanks again Fluttershy!"
  193. >"S-see you later, Pinkie."
  194. >Fluttershy closes the door and walks away, her teats a fair bit larger than a few days ago bouncing when she walks
  195. >"Maybe sooner than later, he-he!"

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