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Routine Maintenance’s Disciplinary System Guide

By Guest
Created: 2022-12-26 02:05:17
Expiry: Never

  1. [Starting Colony Deployment Log #001]
  2. [System Date: 01/23/4501]
  3. [Beginning audio transcription]
  5. “Ugh. Blasted terminal. There we go. Looks like that just about got rid of most of the corporate overhead on the system. Still have that ‘Colony Deployment’ text showing up on the log. I’m sure I’ll have enough time to fix that later.”
  7. The sound of quick key clacking can be heard for a few seconds. Some pony clears their throat.
  9. “Now, this might be a little rough. Never really had to make an audio log like this before. I just figure that it’s best to hear some other pony say this instead of reading it on a terminal. No, this is not a joke, and yes I am being serious about what’s in the rest of this here document. The context of this is a little much for me to get into at the moment, but I’ll try to keep it brief.
  11. “A day ago an Albatross mech squadron fell out of the lower atmosphere a few miles from the capital here, Carousel. They were able to take on some of the mercenaries that were roughing up our leader, and I helped them get patched up. Talked to a rather headstrong griffin by the name of Grenda. She had some interesting methods of subduing the two Smokemirror pilots after disabling their mechs, which in part inspired me to make this whole recording. This whole reference document, as it were.
  13. “Long story short, Grenada went on to lead the charge in taking on the rest of the Mirrorsmoke company that had landed here on Generosity. Took their commander and second in command in, as well as another hot shot pilot that had managed to capture one of her teammates. As I record this they were just about to head on their way to the other settlements elsewhere on this moon.
  15. “Now, the way I figure it if her methods were good enough to nearly let a griffin in a Blackbeard IPS-N Striker Frame take on a whole company of mercenaries by herself then they must be darn good. That’s why I’ve decided to adopt some of her tactics in my own work here at the newly created Carousel Detention Center. These Mirrorsmoke grunts are going to be the first to try out what I’ve got in mind. If all goes according to plan, we’ll be able to deter future attempts to reclaim this here moon.
  17. “Now that you know why I’ve written up this guide you should be good to go ahead and read it. I’ve got some things to work on in the meantime. Feel free to ask me any questions, assuming I’m still around by the time you hear this. Now then, what was the command to turn off this-”
  19. The recording stops, and you are able to continue on to the main body of the document.
  21. [End Colony Deployment Log #001]
  22. [Loading Main Document Body]
  24. Manual Punishments
  26. Inserts
  27. Not so subtly named, this technique encompasses using printed cylindrical inserts shoved up the punishee’s backside. This method deserves special note due to how it was a favored tactic of Grenda of the Albatross during the Skirmish of Carousel. The haptic feedback of many mechs is particularly weak to attacks directed at the rear exhaust port. This tactic is versatile due to the widespread availability of printers that are used for industrial or civilian purposes, and the fact that carrying it out does not rely on the apparel of the receiver.
  29. When used as a reformative punishment, there are several ways that it can be enhanced. Putting an Insert into place and forcing a punishee to keep it in place is the most basic maneuver that can be performed. The unfamiliar sensation often catches ponies off guard and can make them drop their combative barriers. If punishees attempt to remove the Insert their wrists can be restrained to make this task more challenging, if not impossible under the right circumstances.
  31. Changing the circumference or shape of the Insert can also prevent punishees from becoming accustomed to the sensation of the technique. This can be done through manual design and digital sculpting, or if the printer has its error prevention turned off printing errors can often result in more exotic and uncomfortable shapes.
  33. The most disliked punishment of all regarding Inserts would be routine replacement and inspection. If the punishee is made to suffer the Insert, only to have it removed and replaced at semi-regular intervals throughout the day it can instill a much more profound sense of submission. Combining this with semi-random inspections while the punishee is performing other tasks can increase the embarrassment factor. For best results, punishees undergoing an Insert punishment should have their underwear and legwear removed to allow easier access to the flank for Insert handling.
  34. ---
  35. Kancho
  36. A more subdued and sporadic maneuver similar to Inserts, this move can only really be done by creatures with talons or a unicorn that doesn’t mind getting a little personal with the punishee. Better suited for in-the-moment instances where an Insert is not available for usage, or when a mere reminder of such pain is enough to deter the punishee.
  37. Noogies
  38. A fairly easy and straightforward tactic, the act of noogies is one that many ponies are familiar with at one point or another in their lives. It has the simple act of exerting dominance over another through the act of trapping them in a headlock, and running a hoof or knuckle over the punishee’s scalp. For maximum effectiveness, this should be performed with others to witness the humiliation, and/or alongside verbal taunts or insults.
  39. ---
  40. Pantsing
  41. Similar to wedgies (listed later in this guide), pantsing is dependent on a single article of clothing, usually, the pants, being manipulated to induce embarrassment and shame. Unlike wedgies, this involves yanking down on a pony’s pants, instead of up on their underpants. Due to this punishment’s reliance on a natural shame response from the punishee, it is often best to use this in quick, spur-of-the-moment instances with a punishee that is known to be more introverted or shy. It can also be used to act as an obstacle to a punishee’s escape attempt, given how it makes running much harder to accomplish, without needing to place shackles on the punishee’s legs beforehand.
  43. For longer-term punishments, one could consider revoking the punishee’s pants privileges, forcing them to walk around the detention center with their underwear on display for others to see. This can be most effective when combined with detention center issue underwear being chosen for the punisher, as more embarrassing pairs can more easily embarrass a punishes.
  44. ---
  45. Pink Belly
  46. Named in a rather straightforward manner, the tactic is just like it sounds. The punishee is laid on their back and struck on the stomach with a hoof or open palm. Can leave an Aftersting similar to Spanking (listed later in this guide), however, due to the nature of most creature’s stomachs not taking such force well over repeated applications, this should be reserved as a combat maneuver when quelling riots, or as a more tailored punishment. If at any point a punishee’s belly is made a shade darker than pink this maneuver should be suspended as soon as possible to avoid further injury.
  47. ---
  48. Spanking
  49. A common tactic of discipline dating back to the earliest days of the Pre-Union Equestrian Tribes, this tried and true method has remained a staple in the toolkit of caretakers and those wishing to punish and reform. Carried out by applying a firm impact force to the posterior of a punishee, this maneuver can be done in a variety of ways. The two primary differences that can be engineered are Positioning and Implement.
  51. Given how striking the posterior is the main goal in this maneuver, the position of the punishee must always allow for easy access to the backside while also minimizing the margin of resistance that the punishee has to wriggle or shield their bottom. The secondary effects of position should ideally instill a sense of submission or helplessness in the punishee, to further accentuate any verbal warnings or scolding that may accompany the act.
  53. Given the basic nature of how kinetic force can be applied onto a surface, there is no shortage of implements that can be used in this maneuver. The basic hoof or palm can be used, or synthetic implements made to mimic naturally occurring wood fibers or switches can be printed to act as force multipliers. Synthetic leathers can even be used to provide a more tactile feel to implements, as punishees have reported it leaving a more potent Aftersting given the surface texture.
  54. ---
  55. Swirlie
  56. Requiring significantly more setup to employ, as a lavatory is required given the nature of this maneuver, swirlies can be a high-maintenance method of eliciting a shame or embarrassment response from a punishee. Enacted by dunking the head of a punishee into a toilet bowl, this method can be effective against punishees that prize their appearance and mane highly, as it often leaves them shivering with their mane soaked and water dripping uncomfortably down their neck. While it is not known if there is a significant difference when punishing a Hippogriff this way, it has been noted the irony of such a move could possibly make the punishment more demeaning.
  57. ---
  58. Titty Twister
  59. While often employed by creatures with talons or more maneuverable digits, this move can be done by any creature providing they have something with which to pinch and twist. Effective against both mares and stallions, the act of twisting a nipple, also called a Purple Nurple, can elicit a strong response from punishees. This can be paired up with punishment involving the removal of clothes, so as to highlight how vulnerable the punishee is without a shit or, or carried out through the clothing of a punishee to surprise them.
  60. ---
  61. Wedgies
  62. A power move utilizing a punishee’s most intimate article of clothing against them in a manner that has long been associated with physically stronger ponies punishing more brainy or nerdy ponies. While there are dozens of subtypes, this guide will be focusing on tactics that can be used regardless of what specific wedgie is being carried out.
  64. In the event of a wedgie being administered, it can take one of two forms. Slow and agonizing, or quick and painful. Each option has its place, but in the event, that a wedgie has to be endured for a long period of time, it is best to let the constant chafing and fabric cramming to the work of belittling the punishee. In the event of a wedgie being given quickly, it is best to pack as much power into the fewest tugs possible, to establish a quick impression of how the yanking will proceed, often based on the compliance of the punishee.
  66. If possible, mandating that a punishee wears a specific pair or print of underwear is helpful in establishing the secondary effect of underwear durability and elasticity, as well as the tertiary effect of embarrassment based on the witnesses' impressions of the underwear as ‘nerdy, dorky, geeky, etc.’
  68. Due to their versatility, and reliance on only one article of clothing on a punishee, wedgies are the punishment of choice in many instances, but this is only because they can cover a vast amount of area, though more specialized punishments should not be discounted due to this.
  69. ---
  70. Wet Willy
  71. Requiring the use of digits or some way of manipulating water with a hydrokinetic device, this move can be employed to catch a punishee off guard, or to deliver a weird sensation that can be very hard for creatures to adapt to given the sensitive nature of most species ears. Note this can be especially effective against thestrals, though hippogriffs seem to have an innate advantage given their centuries of land/sea adaptation.
  73. Automated Solutions
  74. Over the course of the program, the need for automated solutions has presented itself. Below are some of the prototypes that have been created to serve this need to streamline the act of punishment and humility-based reformation.
  76. AutoYanker
  77. Devised to administer all 50+ variants of wedgies that are known, with room for more additions later. When a punishee is locked into the small room the automated arms will proceed to cycle through a list of pre-approved selections, often tailored to their specific inmate profile or adjustable on demand by the supervising guard given the punishee’s behavior or reactions. Replacement underwear is provided to the punishee should the original pair rip. Punishments can be set based on time, number of wedgies given, number of underpants ripped, or a combination of the three.
  78. ---
  79. TurboSpanker
  80. Devised to administer spankings of varying degrees to punishees. Set number of implements, but mounts able to be refitted as needed. Punishee is locked into place in a pillory-like frame holding their arms and head, while a stock-type restraint keeps their hind legs restrained. Punishments can be set based on time, the number of swats, or utilizing image recognition to detect when the desired shade has been achieved on their posterior. Smart scan tech can parse natural coat color to reduce false positives. Trial runs of ultra-low intensity slow burn lasers are underway to devise a motionless spanking system to apply heat energy to punishee’s backsides. The risk of fur catching fire is minimal but should be reserved for dragons or crystal ponies until side effects can be minimized to acceptable levels.
  81. ---
  82. NippleCranker
  83. A small disk-sized device that was originally invented as a joke has been adopted as an infrequently used punishment prototype. Originally a repurposed Pre-Union design for a combination-safe cracker, this disk provides 360 degrees of soft pinch rotation after being affixed to a punishee’s nipple with an over-the-shoulder strap. Results are promising, though the precision of the device may have to be lowered. Multiple subsecond changes in twisting direction have been known to elicit hostility from punishees that are not worth the gain.
  84. ---
  85. ManeRaker
  86. A basic head-mounted device that generates a friction force on the creature’s scalp. Taken out of use after punishee #003 “Fairy Fire” had his mane rubbed off due to the excessive friction. No serious injury was sustained, though complaints throughout the duration of his mane growing back did prompt sending it back to the machine shop for further refinement.
  88. Inmate Tiers
  89. Low
  90. Minor infractions or those in temporary holding. Often no more than a week at the most. Often used for overnight stays to scare potential upstarts straight, uppity off-worlders that start to cause a scene or for the local drunk needing a place to sober up. Rarely if ever require punishment routines.
  91. ---
  92. Medium
  93. Moderate infractions. Lasting up to two weeks or a few months. Small-time career criminal tier. For offenses that deserve more of a slap on the wrist, but still need to carry weight behind them. Illegal sale of Poison Joke, vehicle theft, or physical altercation with a Peacekeeper. Punishment routines are assigned as needed, or as part of a plea bargain.
  94. ---
  95. High
  96. Major infractions. Lasting from a few months up to a year or two. Larger scale crimes that require harsher justice. Theft or reckless operation of a space fairing vehicle, assault with intent to seriously harm, unlicensed operation of a Lancer Frame in a developed area, and unlicensed ownership of Lancer Frame weaponry. Punishment routines are assigned as needed, as part of a plea bargain, or as part of the sentence itself.
  97. ---
  98. Tartarus
  99. The highest infractions against Generosity and her creatures. Lasting from a few years or until the sentence is deemed served by parole review. Reserved for those that attack the moon Generosity, perform unauthorized para-military action, or that act against her creatures in the pursuit of reclaiming the independent governance made independent from corporate control in the year of AU4501. Punishment routines are assigned as part of the sentence itself. Tartarus inmates are to be considered “Grounded” and placed in the appropriate cells as such until they are deemed to have earned the right to standard inmate accommodations.
  102. “Beware those who earn their bread by stepping their hoof on the downtrodden.
  103. Ye who act out in the pursuit of excess at the expense of another.
  104. Should you stop at the door and leave then we will not press it.
  105. But if you insist on carrying on, then you will be known a bother.
  106. From that day, on for quite some time, your flank will know no respite.”
  107. -Excerpt from a plaque placed at the statue commemorating the Rescue of Generosity by the Albatross
  109. Detention Center Cell Types
  111. Shared Cell
  112. Bunkbed-style cell. Can house up to four inmates. Toilet and sink to the back of the cell. Foot lockers at the head and foot of the bed to store personal belongings. The most numerous type of cell. Four hooks are mounted along the wall by the bars in the event of inmates needing to be suspended via underwear for infractions or during sweeps.
  113. ---
  114. Single Cell
  115. Single bed style cell. Single inmate capacity. Shower, toilet, and sink to the back of the cell. Locker off to the side for personal belongings. Often used to house temporary inmates or those that need to be kept separate from the others through no fault of their own. Single hook mounted beside the bed in the event of inmate needing to be suspended via underwear for infractions or during sweeps.
  116. ---
  117. “Grounded” Cell
  118. Single hook style cell. Single inmate capacity. The cell does not have usual accommodations due to the size and structure resembling a standard-sized stand-up locker. Located in the heart of the Detention Center, and is reserved for those that infringe severely on the rules of the prison. Inmates can be placed into the reinforced lockers, with a single hook within for their underwear to be secured when sleeping or locked in their cell following a rule infraction.
  120. The Grounded Cell Block has its own facilities and area for meals and hygiene, due to the need to often separate them from the general populace.
  122. Disciplinary NHPs
  124. In the development of the Carousel Detention Center several NHPs, Non-Holistic Personnel, the technical term for what is often called Soft A.I., were salvaged from the Mirrorsmoke mechs following their defeat and re-engineered by colonists over the course of the month following the Mirrorsmoke attacks. In the end, they were able to re-engineer the personality matrixes of the NHPs to create Punishment Overseer Advisors to aid guards and those carrying out punishments.
  125. PINK-E
  126. Rather erratic NHP unit. Based upon an altered Horus shackled NHP. Displays slight data distortion properties consistent with other Horus devices. Consists of instances of the PINK-E unit’s name being recolored. Distortion occurs even on older monitors that are not compatible with such vivid color displays.
  128. The PINK-E unit will suggest unorthodox or “wacky” punishments that have no discernible correlation, or seem to go against all logical courses of action when administering punishments, and seem to be geared more towards humorous and novel situations. However, upon follow-up review shows punishment recommendations have proven to be 74.03% effective.
  129. ---
  130. R-ASH
  131. Rather abrasive NHP unit. Based upon an alter Smith-Shimano Corpo shackled NHP. Suggests aggressive and excessive punishments for prisoners, oftentimes more so than what would normally be necessary to keep an inmate in line or reform them. Seems to have a special interest in making sure inmates that are deemed “nerdy” by the unit are “properly punished” and has expressed how it has a desire to “keep the eggheads from getting too uppity.” The results of using the punishments suggested by this NHP unit are varied.
  133. Notable Inmates
  135. Interest Rate
  136. Inmate Number: #0001
  137. Age: 22
  138. Species: Unicorn
  139. Sex: Mare
  140. Alias/Callsign: Payday
  141. Groups of Interest: Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company
  142. Inmate Tier: Tartarus
  143. Crimes: Humiliation of a public official, intimidation and violence, damage to colony infrastructure, partaking in a hostile paramilitary operation and unlicensed operation of weaponized mech frame.
  144. Notes: Verbal request submitted by Grenda after the defeat of the enemy unit to, “Make sure this one has their undies put over their horn. Bucking teleporting mech forcing me to play catch up…”
  146. -----------------------------------
  148. Cotton Candy
  149. Inmate Number: #0002
  150. Age: 24
  151. Species: Earth Pony
  152. Sex: Mare
  153. Alias/Callsign: Collateral
  154. Groups of Interest: Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company
  155. Inmate Tier: Tartarus
  156. Crimes: Humiliation of a public official, damage to colony infrastructure use of heavy ordinance frame munitions, partaking in a hostile paramilitary operation and unlicensed operation of weaponized mech frame.
  157. Notes: In a relationship with inmate #0003. Occasional ‘dates’ are permitted between the two inmates following good behavior and obedience to staff orders. Precise and unexpected punishments have been found to be most effective with this inmate. Her previous experience as a sniper may indicate she learns better from such split-second situations.
  159. -----------------------------------
  161. Fairy Fire
  162. Inmate Number: #0003
  163. Age: 25
  164. Species: Pegasus
  165. Sex: Stallion
  166. Alias/Callsign: White Phosphorus
  167. Groups of Interest: Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company
  168. Inmate Tier: Tartarus
  169. Crimes: Bodily harm to a peacekeeping officer (Albatross), undue destruction of indigenous flora and fauna, partaking in a hostile paramilitary operation and unlicensed operation of weaponized mech frame.
  170. Notes: In a relationship with inmate #0002. Occasional ‘dates’ are permitted between the two inmates following good behavior and obedience to staff orders. Ego driven. Efforts should be made to demean and belittle him to counteract his natural bullying behavior.
  172. -----------------------------------
  174. Butch Badass
  175. Inmate Number: #0004
  176. Age: 22
  177. Species: Thestral
  178. Sex: Stallion
  179. Alias/Callsign: Profit Margin
  180. Groups of Interest: Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company
  181. Inmate Tier: Tartarus
  182. Crimes: Endangerment of creature wellbeing, partaking in a hostile paramilitary operation, and unlicensed operation of weaponized mech frame.
  183. Notes: Easily persuaded to follow instructions with little to no punishment required. Ensure experienced staff is assigned to handle him, as creatures that show commanding personalities are most easily able to take command of him.
  185. -----------------------------------
  187. Gumdrop Happytime
  188. Inmate Number: #0005
  189. Age: 30
  190. Species: Earth Pony
  191. Sex: Mare
  192. Alias/Callsign: Hostile Takeover
  193. Groups of Interest: Mirrorsmoke Mercenary Company
  194. Inmate Tier: Tartarus
  195. Crimes: Endangerment of creature wellbeing, leading an unlawful paramilitary operation, unlicensed operation of weaponized mech frame.
  196. Notes: Leader of the Mirrorsmoke Merc unit that attacked Generosity. Ensure special treatment is given when selecting punishment routines. Has earned reports of issuing threats and noncompliance with staff. She should be considered first and foremost for punishment routines.

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