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Discarded Ideas: 8465

By ShockAndCringe
Created: 2022-12-30 18:01:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >"ha! its cause of my skin, right? cause you think you're all better with yo mayo skin that we's blacks are below you!"
  3. "Calm down, we can talk this out. I'm trying to get the best situation for the both of us, trust me. And we both know you weren't just doing nothing: spit it out."
  4. >"a nigga's gotta eat."
  5. "You do know that there are much better ways to get money, right? You can go to your nearest employment center to find a job to help you, I'm sure they can work something out, even if you don't have a cutiemark."
  6. >"yous gotta tell me why i ain't getting my welfare check.
  7. "Didn't you hear what I just said? You can easily get a job to help you get the money. It's not that difficult."
  8. >"i got betta stuff to do than 'werk.'"
  9. "That's absurd. Everypony knows that doing your part is important. It's not right to take the hard earned bits of others."
  10. >"yous be saying i a bitch ass nigga?"
  11. >From his tone, a "bich ass niga" seems like a bad connotation.
  12. >And it would do no good to instigate him further.
  13. "No, I'm not. I'm saying that you should at least try to find some employment instead of thinking you can mooch off of the princesses."
  14. >"they owes me repah-ra-shuns, for da injustices against me and muh niggas."
  15. "We never even heard of your species until you arrived here! You're the only one of your species in Equestria!"
  16. >"i... i... woah..."
  17. >Anon's mouth is agape, eyes wide open as realization hits him like a chari-
  18. >"so yous guys gotta give me all da monies! haha!"
  19. "Wait, what?"
  20. >"i's the only one of my suh-sup-e - of my spesies, so i'm very important. that means you give me my money."
  21. "No! That's not how it works, not at all!"
  23. >"aight, aight. i tryna get muh fix, y'know? da good stuff."
  24. >Your eyes narrow.
  25. "What's the 'good stuff?'"
  26. >"like da good stuff. like, like da white powda. oh yeah i need dat shit."
  27. >He needs sugar?
  28. >It's hilariously easy to get sugar in Equestria, nearly every store has it, and for cheap!
  29. "Are you talking about sugar? You do know that it's cheap enough to the point where you don't have to beg for bits."
  30. >"nah, nigga. like cocaine."
  31. >You tilt your head in confusion.
  32. >He smacks his lips.
  33. >"ayo, hol' up. you ponies know what cocaine is?"
  34. >Kocane?
  35. >You never heard of it, but the way he's talking makes it out like a drug.
  36. >And drugs are bad. Illegal.
  37. "I don't think kocane even exists in Equestria. If it does, well, then I'm going to have to arrest you."
  38. >His eyes buldge out at that fact. Not at the arresting part, but the former.
  39. >"ayo, so you be sayin, like, you sayin', you ain't got da good shit? how i finna get my fix? I NEED MY FIX, NIGGA!"
  40. >His hollering has brought the attention of some ponies, and a sizable crowd has now gathered around the two of you.
  41. >Greaaaaat. A bigger scene. Just what you need.
  42. >And an increasingly agitated niga too, to boot.
  43. >You begin to draw on your mana; this situation seems it can topple over in an instant.
  44. "Anon, calm down. It won't end well for you if you go ballistic."
  46. >"fuck you bitch!"
  47. >At that, he begins to aggressively move towards you, something moving in his pocket.
  48. >Not good, not good!
  49. >You backpedal, but because of this Celestia-damned crowd, you find yourself trapped.
  50. >Don't they know when it's a good time to not trap you!
  51. >A flash in the corner of your vision returns your eyes on Anon to see-
  52. >A knife!
  53. >A knife he's approaching you with!
  54. >He lets out an animalistic roar that freezes the crowd, and dashes straight towards you!
  55. >Instinct, paired with royal guard training, takes over, sending you sprawling to the side, his knife missing you.
  56. >"imma getchyo bitch ass!"
  58. "Hey, stand back! This is a crime scene, everypony!"
  59. >Already some ponies are rushing over to check out what's happening.
  60. >"Why'd you zap him!?"

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