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Four Purple Mares try to solve the Worlds Problems part 1.4

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-01-07 00:46:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Night Glider:
  2. 11:45 AM
  4. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  6. > “When are you going to learn to use your head!?”
  7. > Ivy shouted as we walked to her apartment
  8. > “Of all the ways you could’ve helped, why did you have to choose violence? Do you really think that it's the only way to solve problems?"
  9. > Ironic coming from a mare who thinks the only way to resolve conflict is by screaming
  10. > If I had a Bit for every time she lost her temper over the smallest thing, we would both be living the high life in Canterlot right now.
  11. > “How is it possible for you to be such an idiot? Do you know how much trouble we could be in right now!? There goes all my extra food! If I needed your help I would’ve asked!”
  12. > The day Ivy admits she needs help is the day I side with Twilight Sparkle and her gang of crooked suits.
  14. “No, you wouldn’t!” I shot “You would rather sleep with guards ponies for food than swallow your pride and ask for my help! You talk about me not changing but you haven’t changed a bit!”
  15. > “Well at least I’m still not Starlight's errand mare!”
  17. > Sweet Celestia she’s annoying
  18. > Shrill, whiny, sexy…
  19. > She annoys me so much with her "I'm smarter than everypony, which gives me the right to be rude" attitude.
  20. > Spoiled, bratty pony
  21. > Her temperament served her well during college, but it often clouded her judgment when a bigger picture was in play.
  23. > And even though she’s a brat, I’d be lying if she didn't make me feel like no other mare could.
  24. > Curse her sexy, catty attitude
  25. > Most ponies can’t stand mares as confrontational as Ivy.
  26. > But I relish her confrontational approach to conversation.
  27. > When you’re surrounded by ponies who walk on eggshells all day It’s a breath of fresh air speaking to a pony who says what's on her mind.
  29. > We entered the apartment and began climbing the stairs to her room.
  30. > I’ve only been inside a couple of the new apartments in Sugar Mountains but they all looked the same.
  31. > Colourless towers made of low-quality concrete, held together by rusting rebar and leaky pipes.
  32. > These buildings were commissioned by Twilight in an attempt to fight the homeless problem in Sugar Mountains, and while the intentions may be good, like all things Twilight did the entire plan was executed poorly.
  34. > From a design standpoint, everything about these buildings depressed me
  35. > There are nine of these buildings in Sugar mountains and almost by design, they all lack character, leaving them indistinguishable from each other.
  36. > Almost everypony who lives in Sugar Mountains calls these complexes home.
  37. > The rent is cheap and they’re in a great location…Fo Sugar Mountains at least.
  39. > Because the rent was so cheap it attracted many unfortunate types.
  40. > Drifters, young ponies looking to escape their parents, wanted criminals, the mentally ill…
  41. > A real melting pot of unpredictability.
  44. > Honestly, I don’t know how a pony could live in a place so cold and soulless
  45. > Starlight removes cutie marks, an act of defiance the powers that be have argued is akin to the removal of a pony's individuality and akin to wiping away the magic that makes them special.
  46. > It leaves me to wonder what part of a pony's soul were places like this stripping away.
  47. > Looking around at places like this reminds me of why I joined the revolution in the first place.
  49. > As we passed by a large equal’s sign painted on the hallway wall I smiled
  50. > I leaned in close to Ivy “You know, Starlight hasn't given up. Just because you can’t hack it anymore doesn’t make the movement dumb.” I said proudly.
  52. > “Doesn’t it bother you that the act of living with your crazy friend, getting loaded on lust potions, and spending your days being cynical utopians is all that the movement does anymore? And by the way. Raising a filly on your own in this hell-scape is harder than anything you’ve ever done.”
  54. “Our time will come again.” I smiled “We may be cynical but we have dreams.”
  55. > “I leave my dreams to Luna. At least her machinations are saturated in fantasy and don’t bite me in the flank like those of the “artistic” and “inspired.”
  56. > “Luna keeps giving me dreams of food…” I muttered
  57. > “Same. I bet that slob is gorging her fat face as we speak.”
  58. “Aren’t princesses pathetic?” I laughed
  59. > “Compared to you?”
  60. > Ivy stopped in her tracks and tapped her hoof to her chin
  62. > “Hmmm…I’d say that you’re about equal. Which I guess is what you’ve always wanted right? You and the princesses are now both equally pathetic.”
  63. > Curse her and her wit
  65. > We walked up five flights of stairs and down a long hallway
  66. > Ivy told me that her room was the last door on the left
  67. > When we reached the end of the hall, I stood behind her as she unlocked the door
  68. > When the lock clicked the door swung open.
  69. > Following our entrance was the sound of a wooden chair screeching across concrete and the sound of tiny hooves thumping over the carpet rushing towards us.
  72. > I watched down the hall of the apartment and saw Purple Springs swing from around a corner > With a wide-open smile bubbling with glee
  73. > I watched as she bolted towards us from across the hall
  74. > Despite being an earth pony she was wearing a tattered grey flight suit.
  75. > The ones junior Wonderbolts would wear during training.
  76. > I assume Ivy had either picked the outfit from a donation center in town or was a “gift” from her local guard friend in the bread line.
  78. > With wide and excited eyes Ivy hugged her mother's leg and gripped it tightly.
  79. > "Mom!" The tiny filly squeaked
  80. > “Hi honey Did you hold down the fort while I was gone?” Ivy asked, fluffing the tiny ponies mane.
  81. > “Of course! I was waiting for you in the kitchen! I’m soooo happy that you’re back! And so soon! How was your day!?”
  82. > “Yeah…The line was short today.”
  83. > Ivy had an uneasy tone as she looked away with flushed cheeks.
  84. > I could tell she was uncomfortable lying to her but what else could she say?
  85. > I assume little white lies are common for parents but being on the opposite side of a lie like this was awkward.
  87. > I hadn’t seen Purple Springs in over a year.
  88. > She had grown quite a bit since I last saw her.
  89. > She was thinner than I remember but her lavender coat shined brighter than I had ever seen.
  91. > Her gallop ended with a hop and crashed into Ivy’s chest, nearly knocking her off her hooves.
  92. > The small pony stared up at her mother and batted her lashes excitedly
  93. > I couldn’t help but smile.
  94. > Purple Springs has her mother's purple eyes and her father's freckles
  95. > Two characteristics that equaled a very adorable filly.
  96. > With her mitts latched around her mother's leg she began to swing back and forth, gushing with happiness.
  98. > Purple Springs cradled her long neck around Ivy’s limb, wrapping it around her leg just above her knee like a snake and tucked tightly between the crease of her mother's chest and front left leg.
  99. > I felt my cheeks tremble as my smile cracked wider.
  100. > It was still nice seeing her again.
  101. > I only wish that the circumstances were better
  104. > “I brought us home lots of food today.” Ivy said proudly
  105. > “I knew today was going to be a great day!” The filly cheered
  107. > I nudged Ivy, tapping the blade of my elbow into her side
  108. “You mean WE got lots of food.” I corrected, slicking back the mane from my face.
  109. > The two turned to me and I shot them a smile.
  110. > Purple Springs stared blankly while Ivy’s face twisted
  111. > She went through the full gamut of emotions from shock, annoyance, and anger until finally, she feigned an expression by mixing all her feelings together, forming a stupefied nuance of irritation and frustration.
  112. > It was obvious she wanted to call me out for acting a fool.
  113. > But I could see it in her eyes.
  114. > And I couldn’t help but giggle to myself
  116. > I never grew tired of watching her try to act prim and proper with her all-telling eyes.
  117. > She’s never been a mare to shy away from wearing how she felt along the bends of her collar.
  118. > Ivy never concerned herself with how other ponies saw her or what they thought.
  119. > It’s both admirable and unfortunate because she was always terrible at hiding her emotions.
  120. > Perhaps she’s cursed to never tell a lie.
  121. > Or maybe I just know her too well.
  123. > I turned my attention back to Purple Springs who was staring up at me intensely.
  124. > I nodded to her and smiled, but she remained stoic.
  125. > She studied me like I was an exhibit.
  126. > A ghost that she could see straight through.
  127. > Something that shouldn’t be.
  129. > I had never felt so vulnerable by a gaze like I was hers.
  130. > I felt consumed by her stare and felt uncomfortable.
  131. > Her stare was unyielding and analytical.
  132. > Not the expression befitting a well-behaved filly like I know she undoubtedly was.
  133. > As I stared back I became entrapped in her gaze.
  135. > I noticed her pupils shivering as they struggled to keep still.
  136. > The purple hue which she had inherited from her mother screaming in her eyes
  137. > Most alarming, I had awoken to the fact that the blacks of eyes were not pupils but were actually pools of tar a thousand mile deep, which I could feel myself sinking into
  138. > Down…
  139. > Down…
  140. > Down…
  142. > I felt cold and unwelcome in these pits.
  143. > And I wanted out
  145. > I blinked to escape my trance and cleared my throat “Oh, yes….” I replied, feeling like I had just broken from a trance.
  146. > “Honey, Night Glider is back, she helped me carry the groceries home today.”
  147. > My confident facade shattered before her eyes
  148. > I put out my hoof
  149. > "Heya, Purple! How's it been?” I stammered
  151. > After a moment of hesitation she stuck her hoof out and gave my hoof an awkward shake like it was a wet noodle or an infected tree limb.
  152. > I don’t know which is worse…
  154. > “Ummm….Hi Night Glider. Where have you been?” She asked.
  155. > Her excitement fading into apprehension
  156. “I’ve been busy doing grown-up stuff. It’s great seeing you again though! You’ve gotten so much taller since I last saw you!”
  157. > She twisted her neck
  158. > “I could hardly tell who you were.” She said sarcastically
  159. “What do you mean silly?” I giggled
  160. > She stuck her nose into the air and closed her eyes
  161. > “I haven’t seen you in a very long time and you’re only half the mare you used to be.”
  163. > I was alarmed.
  164. > Sure, I may be half the pony I used to be.
  165. > And I certainly felt like I was.
  166. > But is it really that noticeable?
  167. > ….
  169. > No…
  170. > Just the ramblings of a filly.
  171. > It means nothing.
  172. > “Trust me. It’s me.” I replied biting my tongue.
  173. > Her eyes darted between Ivy and I
  174. > “Well…You made mommy very sad when you left, and I don’t like you anymore.”
  175. > She stuck her tongue out and shot a look of disgust my way before pressing her cheek into her mother's chest.
  178. > I was speechless.
  179. > “Purple, be nice.” Ivy scolded “Night Glider is the reason we have all this food and we should be nice, even if she hasn’t learned to act her age.”
  180. > Purple Springs sunk her head deep into Ivy's fluffy chest and rolled it up and down in cat-like motions.
  181. > “She’s just gonna leave again…” The filly muttered
  183. > I felt filled with anger
  184. > Ivy put her hoof over her neck in shock then looked back at me anxiously
  185. > I saw the fear in her eyes.
  186. > She dropped her hoof and lowered her brows in anger.
  188. > Ivy shoved Purple away with a flick of the hoof and unloaded one of the sacks onto her back then instructed her to hide it in her bedroom.
  189. > I could still see the fear in her eyes and was starting to feel awkward.
  190. > Purple Springs retreated down the hall and turned into one of the doorless rooms.
  192. > The two of us went into the kitchen and started unpacking our spoils
  194. “Cute kid,” I said still in a haze
  195. > “Yeah, she’s the best.” She replied matter of factly
  196. > Ivy organized all the food on the table and stared at the mountain of food for a moment.
  197. > “You know? I think we have enough for a hearty stew tonight.” She said proudly
  198. > “But until then, let me get you a drink.”
  200. “Oh, no! it’s fine, really! I was just helping you unpack. I’ll be on my way.” I attempted to make my way out the door but was halted by Ivy's “stern/motherly tone”
  201. > “Night Glider, just shut up and sit down.” She sighed “I’m not playing this run-around game where I insist you stay and you politely decline and we go in circles until eventually, you agree to stay after I spend my dwindling energy and patience prodding you. You and I both know that we’re way beyond that.”
  202. > I nodded and grabbed a seat at the table.
  204. > She went to the open window and pulled two bottles of milk off the windowsill then poured them into two cups
  205. “Your brand?” I asked
  206. > “Of course. The only milk they sell in this godforsaken place is mare milk. Why would I pay for another ponies nectar when I can make my own!?”
  207. “I’m still surprised that you can produce.”
  208. > “As long as I keep milking myself I’ll produce for as long as I like, you uncultured idiot.”
  209. “Sorry, but I’ve never been a mom,” I said sarcastically
  210. > “Well it sucks. Unless you like being bloated, having uncontrollable urges, and sharing your body, I wouldn’t recommend it.”
  211. > She looked at the fridge plastered with drawings and smiled
  212. “Though…The results are totally worth it,” she said pointing to a crayon drawing of two ponies standing under a rainbow.
  214. > Ivy is far to young to be a mom.
  215. > And we both knew it.
  216. > But like all things she did she adapted quickly.
  218. “So…Have you done any shopping since I left?”
  219. > “Don’t make me laugh. Stallions are the scum of Equestria. Piggish slobs who know nothing beyond physical love. They disgust me.”
  220. “No wonder you haven’t found a husband.”
  221. > “I don’t want a husband.” She grumbled as she cut the head of lettuce in half
  223. “Maybe if you were nicer you would have more positive experiences with the opposite sex.” I teased
  224. > She looked up at me with fury in her eyes as I tried to contain my laughter
  225. > I loved getting her riled up like this.
  227. > “You’re just trying to get me heated.” She scoffed
  228. > She looked down at her lettuce and continued to cut it
  229. > “You always loved to see me angry.”
  231. “What can I say? It’s kinda cute.”
  232. > “Why don’t you jump out the window and see how far you get without flapping your wings, featherbrain.”
  233. “Oh, come on. You’re adorable.” I teased
  235. > Suddenly Purple Springs ran back into the room
  236. > “Mom! I almost forgot to tell you, but we got a letter!”
  238. > “Oh my gosh!” Ivy said in surprise
  239. > “Do you think it’s what I think it is?”
  240. > “I sure hope so! Open it up!” Ivy urged excitedly
  241. > She opened the letter and looked at it in confusion
  242. > “The ER..RE..A..SM!”
  243. >(Equestria Royal Real Estate Agency of Sugar Mountains)
  245. > “Good job!” Ivy cheered “What else does it say?”
  246. > “I…I…I don’t know.” The filly sighed
  247. > “Come on, sound it out.”
  248. > “We…Re…Re?” The filly stuttered
  249. > She lowered the letter in defeat “Mom! This is too hard!”
  250. > “It’s okay, I happy that you tried. Pass the letter to Night Glider and she’ll read it to us.”
  252. > I grabbed the letter and read it
  253. > “We regret to inform you that you (Ivy Vine) don’t have the required paperwork/don’t meet our standards for relocation.”
  254. > Ivy’s eye began to twitch
  255. > “Mom? Is that a bad thing?” Purple Springs asked timidly
  257. > “Sweetie, go to your room and….play.”
  258. > “But mom!”
  259. > “Mommy is making dinner!” Ivy snapped “Please. Just go to your room. I love you very much.”
  260. > Her head hung low as she dragged her hooves out of the kitchen.
  261. > As soon as the door shut Ivy’s face turned cross
  262. > “Don’t meet the requirements!? What the fuck does that mean!? I filled out every form those fucking town hall plotholes sent me! I’ve got a filly for Celestias' sake! Who could be above me on the waitlist!?”
  264. > “I imagine a lot of ponies want to leave, But I think that will change once Starlight returns.”
  266. > “Sure.” She shot “The last thing this place needs is Starlight prancing around poisoning the minds of these ponies even further.”
  267. “How could you say things like that? You looked up to her just as much as anypony.”
  268. > “
  270. > “Look, I have a favour I need to ask. I don’t want to show my face around town after what we did to the guard. How about you go run a little errand for me?”
  272. “Do I look like everypony’s slave?”
  274. > “No, you look like a pony who’s going to skimpier back to wherever she’s hiding with her psycho-bitch friend to get drunk, have sex, and brag about how much smarter you are than everypony else because you figured everything out and the only thing holding you back is everypony else, who are too stupid to see how miserable they actually are.”
  275. > She was right
  276. > Minus the sarcasm of course.
  278. > “Just help me out here, I really need this.”
  279. > This was the closest to begging I’ve ever seen Ivy stoop
  280. > Whatever it is, it must be important.
  282. “Okay fine. What do you need?”
  283. > “I want you to take this letter to Sugar Belle, and ask her why we aren’t on the waitlist. Talk to her like I would.”
  284. > I bet if I did that I would get kicked out of city hall in under five minutes
  285. > Ivy cares little for proper etiquette and good manners
  286. “Okay fine, but I’m doing it my way. If I go city hall with your attitude I’ll probably find myself on the wrong side of a cell.”
  287. > “Suit yourself.” She said as she poured the lettuce into a pot.
  289. > I drank my milk and rested my empty cup on the window sill.
  290. > I peeked out the window and noticed a crowd of ponies gathered around the building across the street below us.
  291. “What happening down there?”
  292. > Ivy froze and gulped nervously.
  293. > “I…I heard some very disturbing news.”
  294. > I was alarmed.
  295. > In all my years of knowing Ivy I had never seen her shaken up about anything outside of her control.
  297. > Her fear was contagious and made me scared.
  298. “Well, what happened?”
  299. > “Close the blinds and I’ll tell you what I’ve been hearing.”
  300. > I pulled the curtains closed and grabbed a seat close to her as she cut the vegetables
  301. > Her eyes were fixated on the task at hoof but her focus had been pulled out from under her.
  302. > I had a bad feeling about this.
  306. Twilight:
  307. Weight: 304 lbs
  308. Time: 12:00 PM
  309. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  310. > When we arrived the apartment was surrounded by Cadances royal guards stationed behind a long string of police tape.
  311. > The police line separated the guards from the shouting ponies like a solid line down the center of a roadway.
  312. > I shuffled through the thick crowd, tucking my head deep between my collars trying to look small as possible.
  313. > I swung under the police line and inhaled a deep breath of fresh air.
  314. > Finally, I was free of the crowd and could observe the scene.
  316. > From the inside, I noticed that the royal guards were outnumbered by locals in rags around twenty to one.
  317. > Near the entrance of the apartment stood ponies wearing full body scrubs writing inside ledgers.
  318. > Special investigations ponies from Canterlot covered hoof to head in virgin white protective gear.
  319. > alongside the specialists were chainmail crystal soldiers with spears, looking ready to pounce on any pony who even looked at them the wrong way.
  322. > A couple of feet to the left a mare was being questioned by a Sugar Mountains police mare.
  323. > The mare under questioning was wearing nothing but rags and was wiping damp her eyes into her hood.
  324. > From there my eyes wandered to the edge of the scene where a cleaning team was waiting impatiently.
  325. > Tapping their hooves as they leaned over their mops and the polyethylene barrels that surrounded their wagon.
  327. > Amethyst grabbed onto my shoulder panting heavily
  328. > “Princess! I finally caught up to you! I…I…I need to rest for a moment…I held my breath that entire time….I feel like…I feel like I’m gonna pass out…”
  329. > As I stared at the chaos surrounding me I felt out of my depth.
  330. > I’m hesitant to call this princess work because my presence here seemed to only make this more of a scene more of a circus than it already was
  331. > Guilt washed over me like a cold shower.
  333. > A guards mare approached us looking overworked and ghostly pale
  334. > “Princess, we’re so glad you arrived! We’ve been waiting for you.”
  335. “Is it as bad as they say?”
  336. > “I can’t speak on your intel Princess. But I’m sure whatever Sugar Belle told you over pony express is true and honest. None of us want to go back in there.”
  337. “As I feared,” I replied trying to swallow the lump in my throat
  339. “Sugar Belle’s been waiting for you near the incident. I’ll lead the way.”
  340. > The mare led us into the apartment and up the stairs.
  341. > “We’ve scanned through the room many times and already sent most of the DNA evidence to Canterlot. At this point, we just need you to look over the area and see what you can find so we can get the cleaning team inside and clean up this mess. The tenants are becoming impatient and want back in their homes and I don’t blame them.
  343. > As we shuffled through the halls I noticed vandalism that painted the walls of the apartment.
  344. > Most of it was written in crystal ponish, a language I couldn’t make heads or tails of regardless of how neatly it was written.
  345. > But who needs words when most of the graffiti was punctuated with equal signs?
  346. > The symbols of a crumbling empire summed up the vandal's sentiments quiet well.
  348. > At the top of the stairs Sugar Belle, paced back and forth outside the apartment door
  349. > She was a sight for sore eyes.
  350. > Belly distended and peaking through her suit stained in sweat (And probably other fluids I didn’t want to ruminate on.)
  351. > Her face was painted in tattoos of Griffon claws and swirling patterns that ran across her cheeks like lace.
  352. > She had a nose piercing, a lip piercing, and probably more that I couldn’t see under her suit.
  354. > “Thank the princesses you’re here!” She cried
  355. > She hugged me tightly
  356. > “Princess I’m so sorry about this!” She cried as she pressed her chest into my neck
  358. > Before we entered I decided to begin my discipline while I still had the motivation to do so.
  359. > I shoved her away and began my piece
  360. “Listen, Sugar Belle, you need to stop sleeping around with the griffons, it’s making us look bad.”
  361. > “W…What do you mean?”
  362. “You're unnatural desires are causing conspiracy among the residents and calling my judgment into question. I can't be seen defending your actions anymore if you're going to continue to behave unprofessionally. Sleeping around with creatures with selfish motivations is putting the faith of our residence in jeopardy.”
  364. > She stared at me with a blank face
  365. > “Twilight…Have you ever been with a griffon?”
  366. > I was offended by the question.
  367. > What makes her think I would be interested in her sick fetish?
  368. “No.” I spat without concealing my disgust at the prospect.
  370. > “Well, they are very….Territorial lovers….You see…It's part my attraction to them..."
  371. "I don't care what you see in them!" I snapped
  372. "This isn't going to be a pleasant visit, Sugar Belle. You've ruined the economy yet again, you're letting foreign investors play you like a puppet, and worst of all, you're making me look bad. The mayor is supposed to be presentable and professional. Not a tattooed, floozy! Don’t you own a mirror? Look at yourself!"
  373. > Sugar Belle looked at her stomach and sighed
  375. "A mare in your condition shouldn't be sleeping around. Don't you want your foals to inherit something that you can be proud of?"
  376. > “Wow Twilight, you're right….I never thought about it like that"
  377. “Of course I'm right! I’m through taking the brunt of your poor decisions. You got everypony into this mess and just because you’re carrying doesn't mean you can take time off. You’re going to help me fix this until you pop, understand?”
  379. > Okay Twilight." Sugar Belle giggled
  380. > Sweet Celestia, she’s thick.
  381. > But at least when I’m around her I don’t feel bad about not having a stallion friend
  382. > She’s spreading her legs enough for everypony
  383. > I came here ready to explode at her for being overly promiscuous, but after talking to Cadance my attitude had shifted.
  384. > Maybe sex is her coping mechanism.
  385. > I shouldn’t be so judgmental.
  387. > I draped my leg around her neck
  388. "That's the spirit! And if you need my help getting through this period of your life, just let me know. I can be your shoulder to cry on! I would love if our relationship was more than just boss and….And…What's the word?”
  389. > “Assistant?” Amethyst peeped
  390. “No, no that would imply that she’s even close to being my equal….How does underling sound?”
  391. > Sugar Belle nodded in agreement.
  392. > I doubt she knows what an underling is and I love her for that
  393. > I wish more ponies were like Sugar Belle.
  394. > Simple-minded, subservient, illiterate, easy to control.
  395. > Qualities of a good puppet in the right hooves
  397. > I leaned into her ear and whispered
  398. “Hey Sugar Belle, just between you and me, I'm totally down to try some of that spontaneous pregnancy comfort foods I've heard about. Pickles and peanut butter sounds delightful." I chuckled
  400. > "I've never thought of pickles and peanut butter before." She replied with a smile
  401. "Well put it on your list! When we have our next meeting I want to try all your comfort foods."
  402. > Sugar Belle nodded “I like whipped cream, pop tart sandwiches!”
  403. “I’m sure you do. Now, are you ready to get this show on the road?”
  406. > She nodded then pushed open the door
  407. > Inside the apartment ponies in protective gear were scanning every inch of the apartment.
  408. > “She’s in the bedroom Princess.” Sugar Belle said with trembling lips
  409. > I walked through the impoverished apartment into the bedroom which was left vacant, dark, and empty.
  410. > The room smelled foul and I was envying Amethyst’s masks
  412. > On the bed laid a naked mare covered in bite marks.
  413. > Her eyes rolled back and her tongue laid limp over the side of her mouth
  414. > I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
  415. > I had been prepped for what I was going to witness.
  416. > But no amount of briefing could prepare me for the real thing.
  418. > The royal guards' mare approached from behind and body began pointing at the lacerations along the mare's body.
  419. > “She was bitten along the neck. Her front legs were gnawed at pretty badly and her stomach…Well…”
  420. > I averted my eyes and turned away.
  421. > I had heard such things happening in places like Griffonstone but never Equestria.
  422. > How could a pony look at a mare and think about eating them?
  424. > We all believed that cannibalism had gone away along with the rest of the other unsavoury old pony traditions.
  425. > We’re civilized ponies now, thousands of years removed from the blood-spilling ceremonies of Celestial appeasement.
  426. > The last record of ponies eating each other was during the apple famines when food was scarce and a dictatorial Celestia with a godlike delusion delighted in the sacrifices of her subjects.
  428. > I pray we weren’t returning to such barbarism, but the poor mare laying across from me gouged and sliced like an overstuffed cherry pie felt like a warning of the new frightening reality we had collectively stumbled into.
  429. > It’s an omen of what could become the new normal if we didn’t act fast.
  432. > “Princess, if the citizens find out about this it could start a riot!” Sugar Belle cried in panic.
  433. > “They’ll have my head for this Twilight! What are we gonna do!?”
  434. “Be quiet and let me think!” I snapped
  435. > I turned to the royal guard and began putting our investigation into motion
  436. “Who was this mare?”
  437. > “She was an owner of a local business in town that sells rock candy.”
  438. > “Any leads on the killer?”
  439. > “Nothing. We sent the DNA to Canterlot like we were ordered to, but who knows how long it’ll take for us to get the results back…
  440. > The mare lowered her head a muttered “Bureaucracy.” Under her breath
  441. > Great…
  442. > My law strikes again.
  444. > “But we do have one piece of evidence that we saved for you.”
  445. > The guard pulled out a transparent baggy
  446. > Inside laid the butt of a snuffed cigarette with a golden ring around the base
  448. “You believe it’s the culprits?” I asked
  449. > “We found no evidence that the victim was a smoker.”
  450. > I took a closer look at the cigarette
  451. > While I’m not a smoker myself I had a good idea where she probably bought this particular brand.
  452. > It was a local strain of “tobacco” grown in town at a shop called The Smoky Pony.
  453. > I’m well acquainted with the co-owner, though our relationship had become strained after she picked up the habit.
  455. > “Princess. Can we begin the cleanup now?” The guard's mare asked
  456. > I nodded
  457. “Yes, begin the cleanup immediately. Unfortunately, DNA is our best option so keep a close line with Canterlot to see if you can speed up the process. Amethyst and I continue the investigation from here.”
  459. > Amethyst turned to me, flashing her large frightened eyes.
  460. > “Princess...What do we do now?” She asked in a hushed, somber tone.
  461. > “Follow me, I know who can help us find this monster.”

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy