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2021 - show moments

By Guest
Created: 2023-01-08 09:11:15
Expiry: Never

  1. 2021:
  2. - First use of the elements
  3. - granny smith telling the founding if ponyville
  4. - hearths warming tale
  5. - hurricane fluttershy
  6. - Cantorlot wedding finale
  7. - Cadence recovers the crystal heart
  8. - Rainbow takes Scootaloo under her wing
  9. - Spitfire catches Dash before she leaves the academy
  10. - all we need to strive to be is part of the Apple family
  11. - MMC everything before the wings
  12. - Twilight Time ending (Twilight gives CMC a second chance, Sweetie Belle realizes that Twilight is special because she's a friend)
  13. - Breezy decides to be nicer
  14. - Maud saves Pinkie Pie
  15. - Sweetie Belle tells Rarity she got the dolphin idea from a dream
  16. - town gets together to teach Rainbow Dash
  17. - Spike saves the games
  18. - Cadence thanks him
  19. - Spikes lights the closing fireworks
  20. - Twilight asks for Discord back
  21. - M6 refute Tirek
  22. - CMC realize they helped Trouble Shoes realize his role
  23. - gilda realizes that friendship can restore Griphonstone
  24. - Twilight reflects on how her friends stopped Sombra in the Sombra timeline
  25. - Twilight realizes that the loss of any friendship could be catastrophic
  26. - Starlight tells Sunburst about the crystal heart being destroyed
  27. - Shining asks Sunburst to be the crystaller and everything that follows
  28. - Tender Taps gets his cutie mark
  29. - Spike gives the scepter to Ember
  30. - the dragon lord acknowledges Ember's strength
  31. - Luna tells Snowfall Frost that the windigos are real
  32. - Starlight decides to join for the Heath's Warming celebration
  33. - Rarity recognizes her friends' work in making the Maehatten boutique opening a success
  34. - Rarity intend to bring a crowd to the Tasty Treat
  35. - Saffron thanks Rarity and Pinkie for reminding them that they loved cooking
  36. - Twilight tells Spike she's proud for risking his reputation for his friend
  37. - Thorax tells the Crystal Empire about his wish for changelings to create love for one another
  38. - Gabby sees how helping spreads from pony to pony
  39. - "the world famous cutie mark crusaders,"
  40. - CMC throw a cutecineara for Gabby
  41. - Fleetfoot tells Dash's parents they should be proud
  42. - realizing that the Wonderbolts are basically Dash's friends
  43. - Celestia acknowledges Luna's bravery and strength
  44. - Luna tells Starlight the map was wise to send her
  45. - Pinkie helps yaks without their ask and so Prince Rutherford acknowledges Pinkie as the best kind of friend
  46. - Fluttershy gets Discord and fixes his home
  47. - Ember tells Thorax she she's he has it in him to be more assertive
  48. - Mistmane sacrifices her beauty for her village and Sable Spirit
  49. - General recognizes Flash Magnus' bravery
  50. - Pharynx has a place defending the hive
  51. - friends told Photo how beautiful they thought Rarity was
  52. - after finding the cure to Swamp Fever Meadowbrook dedicated her life to healing ponies throughout Equestria
  53. - Thunderlane bets Rumble is good at other things than flying
  54. - Crusaders become tutors at the school and Twilight points out Starlight's significance as the guidance counselor
  55. - if you were friends I'd be honor-bound to reverse the trade
  56. - Dash apologizes to Scootaloo for making her feel like she can't be awesome and starts a fanclub for her
  57. - Twilight tells Rockhoofs it's important for him to tell stories
  58. - the first thing some kirins do when they get their voice back is sing a note
  59. - Autumn Blaze returns to the village
  60. - Pistachio recognizes Rarity
  61. - Rarity tells Pistachio he's special
  62. - the raindeer were watching into the castle
  63. - Lofty makes a quilt themed for the CMC
  64. - town throws a celebration for the CMC
  65. - aunts decide to move to Ponyville because of the CMC
  66. - Applejack recognizes Torque's talents
  67. - Rainbow calls Pickle and Barley Barrel future Wonderbolts
  68. - Kerfuffle comes out with accessories for the festival
  69. - color returns to Hope Hollow
  70. - Sans Smirk tells Pinkie that her comments in gags rival Cheese's in his prime

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