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Four Purple Mares Try to Solve the Worlds Problems Part 1.5

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-01-15 01:02:44
Expiry: Never

  1. > This is such a dumb chapter.
  3. Luna:
  4. Weight: 493 lbs
  5. Royal Throne Room
  6. 11:54 AM
  7. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  9. > I sat in a packed throne room surrounded by ponies from all over Equestria.
  10. > I had left Tia in her closet to do…Whatever it was her idea of what an “Average pony” Does.
  11. > While she pranced around her closet wearing Wal-Mare clothes and eating pancakes it was my job to assume the role of supreme authority over all of Equestria.
  13. > A 1000 years ago, this kind of power was all I could ever dream of.
  14. > Complete control while my sister is locked away in a tower in peasants clothing.
  15. > But now?
  16. > all I could feel was guilt, shame, and hunger
  17. > Mostly hunger…
  19. > My belly growled like a lion and I could feel the food churning inside me like a hurricane.
  20. > A storm of pain and pleasure was brewing inside me.
  21. > I could actually feel the rumbling of my stomach, inflamed by hunger and begging for food.
  22. > Worst of all, the spell was beginning to plague my mind.
  24. > It’s hard to think straight when all you can think of is food.
  25. > Thoughts of cupcakes of every flavour danced in my mind.
  26. > I imagined how soft and fluffy they would be in my mouth.
  27. > My mind wandered into my desires and I felt the magic surging through my horn like electricity.
  28. > My eyes shot open and I pulled myself back to reality.
  31. > It was difficult, but I had to contain these urges.
  32. > Just the thought of these delicacies caused me to impulsively spawn them into the room.
  33. > By the end of the assembly I was sitting on my throne tending to the needs of my subjects surrounded by cakes and pies.
  35. > Unfortunately, they all splattered across the floor beneath my hooves causing an awful mess.
  36. > The ponies who crowded the throne room stared with confusion and growing annoyance.
  37. > I could feel their frustration rising with every baked good I allowed to spill on the floor.
  38. > In a time of nationwide hunger, this was not appropriate.
  39. > I could tell they were offended, but I doubt any Amount of explanation will lessen the severity of my offense.
  41. > I tried to ignore my spells but seeing the mounting piles of food resting at my hooves only made me hungrier.
  42. > Curse this curse.
  44. > My stomach let out a growl that echoed across the room, bringing the entire room to silence.
  45. > I sunk deep into my seat with embarrassment.
  46. > I slouched so low that I could barely see over my gut which wriggled and moaned.
  48. > Despite how much I ate it always sounded hollow and felt empty.
  49. > I was both dying of starvation and drowning in food.
  50. > Such an exhausting affliction.
  51. > No matter how much I ate, or was uncomfortable I felt my hunger prevailed.
  53. > A hail of cupcakes, fritters, and pastries materialized before my eyes, looming in front of me for a couple of seconds before falling onto the floor with a large splat.
  54. > I don’t show myself in public often and when I did I was flushed with embarrassment.
  55. > I’m an anxious pony who prefers to spend her time in the company of her own shadow on a good day.
  57. > Easily embarrassed and paralyzed by staring.
  58. > Even my smallest social transgressions sent me spiralling into a tizzy.
  59. > But now?
  60. > I was feeling such a high level of embarrassment that I was actually beginning to miss my “lunar leave of absence.”
  62. > A white mare with a pink mane tied in a messy bun approached the stand in the center of the room and prepared her piece.
  63. > Thankfully, she was the final pony of the day.
  64. > fixing all of these ponies' problems while giving my undivided attention was overwhelming.
  65. Especially in my current state.
  67. > As she adjusted the microphone I decided to give into my urges.
  68. > With my mind's eye I conjured a piece of apple pie to munch on to hopefully silence my howling stomach.
  70. > “My name is Redheart.” The mare began
  71. “I’m a nurse at a mental health care facility in Ponyville. I am also the union representative for the Ponyville Nurses Association and I think I speak for all of my colleagues when I say that our demands have been ignored for too long. After years of budget cuts, low pay, and awful working conditions our patience has diminished. We refuse to suffer in silence any longer and have grown tired of trying to appease the throne. If you don’t consider our request by the end of this negotiation, we swear on our oath to strike.”
  73. > I stared at the pony over my gut.
  74. > In all my years I had never seen a pony so bold.
  75. > Tia is ruling over a population of ingrates.
  76. “I feel deeply for your strife, but I’m more of a nighttime Princess…”
  77. > “With all due respect princess, do you want me to fetch one of my night staff?” She interrupted with a sarcastic tone
  78. “No! No! Just….Fill me in. What exactly do you want?”
  80. > “Our demands are simple. We’ve been asking for the right to order McHoofies Jr. Tendy Meals for months and your sister refuses to acknowledge our plight!”
  81. > I stared at her blankly
  82. > Did I hear her correctly
  83. > A Mchoofie what and whom meal?
  84. > I have never heard a more confusing sentence strung together by such gibberish.
  85. > But I don’t want to look a fool.
  86. > So I played along.
  88. “Umm…May I ask why you demand such a thing?”
  89. > “All the nurses at the hospital love crispy tendies and the company is opening its base of operations in Ponyville. But a local law written by your sister five hundred years ago regarding consumer goods and Services has a limit over what certian ponies within Ponyville can buy based on their age! The states that any food product marketed to underage ponies cannot be purchased by ponies over a specific age. Meaning that they'll have to conform to the law and we won't be allowed to buy McHoofies Boopie Meals or Crispy Tendies anymore!”
  91. “Crispy Tendies?”
  92. > “Yes Princess. Crispy Tendies, they’re delicious and come with a toy. We are sick of ponies saying that Boopie meals and their toys are for fillies. Everyone at the hospital loves Crispy Tendies and Boopie Toys.”
  94. > I pulled myself up and opened Tia’s ledger to see why she rejected the nurse's requests.
  95. > In her book the complaint was addressed under “Nurses Tendies.”
  96. > The section occupied a large segment of the book which I briefly scanned.
  97. > below the title was a picture of a brittle stick that looked like breaded poultry.
  98. > Below the picture was a note written by Tia which read:
  99. > “McHoofies mystery meat product: For fillies and colts until further testing."
  101. > I glanced at the photo again.
  102. > It was clearly a piece of poultry.
  103. > You could even see a beak and a set of talons protruding from the white meat.
  104. > I was puzzled
  105. > Ponies eat cock now?
  106. > Maybe it's a new diet.
  107. > The world sure has become a strange place.
  109. > I read the final statement on the issue out loud:
  110. “I’m sorry Nurse. But my sister has made it clear that “McHoofies Crispy Tendies and the toy included in every filly-sized Crispy Tendies Meal are in fact only for kids. If McHoofies wants to move to Ponyville they will be forced to comply with this rule if they want to benefit from the low taxes Ponyville has to offer."
  111. > "Well they've already started construction across from the hospital, so what do you expect us to do? Our tendies are being stolen from us from under our snoodles! Our needs are being untended!"
  112. “I’m sorry, but my hooves are tied ."
  114. > “Then you leave us no choice. We will strike!” She replied slamming her hoof on the floor.
  115. > Is this pony crazy?
  116. > Are the inmates running the asylum down in Ponyville?
  117. > I should smite her for her attitude.
  118. “Question, Nurse…Breadheart?”
  120. > “REDHEART!”
  121. “Oh…My apologies, but I feel that I must ask. Is being crazy a prerequisite for working in your field? Or did your job make you crazy?”
  122. > “And an insult! You heard it here first ponies of the audience! This is the discrimination that is tearing Equestria apart! Give us our Jr. Crispy Tendies Meals and Boopies! Or give us death!”
  123. > The mare spun around dramatically and trotted back into the crowd which cleared around her as she stormed out the door.
  125. > Is this really what my sister is forced to deal with all day?
  126. > I pity her.
  127. > Then again, it’s the system that SHE designed.
  128. > I those tendies do sound good.
  129. > My grumbling stomach agreed and a box of Tendies magically fabricated before my eyes, landing on Tias ledger.
  131. > The clock struck 12:00 and The room emptied, concluding the daily public address.
  132. > I sighed in relief and made my way back up to the tower where I left Tia waiting for me.
  133. > As I climbed the stairs I ate the tendies.
  135. > They didn’t look very appetizing
  136. > White poultry meat breaded and deep fried.
  137. > It looked mangled and unnatural.
  139. > I put it in my mouth and took a tiny bite.
  140. > I was surprised to find that they were very delicious!
  141. > The flavour was indescribable!
  142. > I’ve never eaten meat before but in all my years there is nothing I’ve ever eaten that I can compare to the taste of this deep-fried bird meat!
  143. > Hey! That could be a saying
  144. > It tastes like meat?
  145. > Tastes like…Poultry?
  146. > No…That's not catchy.
  148. > Think Luna!
  149. > What was that word for poultry Starswirl would use when he practiced his spells on the farm birds?
  150. >....
  151. > Cock!
  152. > It tastes like cock!
  153. > I never thought I ever eat meat let alone cock meat!
  154. > It felt so dirty! Which made the delicacy even more delightful.
  155. > I’m a meat-loving, cock munching mare!
  157. > I ran into the closet excited by my new discovery
  158. “Tia! I Have discovered something exciting! Have you ever eaten the flesh of a cock before!?”
  159. > When I found her she was looking at herself in the mirror.
  160. > "Sister?" She asked calmly as she applied mascara
  162. > I was a little surprised to see her getting ready to go out.
  163. > Where was she going? We just began our pet play.
  164. "Yes?"
  165. > "We have a meeting to attend."
  166. “A..A meeting?”
  167. > “Yes, a meeting. We’ll also be attending a party afterward.” she shoved a long wooden stick into her mane and styled her hair into a large bun.
  168. > She turned and laughed “When was the last time you went to a party?”
  170. > It had felt like eons since I attended a party.
  171. > Aside from the Gala of course
  172. > But the Gala is more of a public spectacle than the parties of old.
  173. > The last real party I attended with Tia she had chained all the guests to their tables and released a giant python into the crowd.
  174. > Thankfully, I have a feeling that she’s grown out of these party games.
  175. > The ponies today don’t know how frightening Tia used to be.
  177. > I spawned a tendie and waved it in her face.
  178. > “Tia! I have acquired a wonderful new flavour! Have you ever tried cock before?”
  179. > “Cock?” She asked with a confused
  180. > “A psychotic mare barged into the throne room and turned me onto cock! It’s amazing!”
  182. > Tia stared at the cock-stick with disgust as I waved it in front of her.
  183. > “So that's what they’re made of.” She muttered to herself. “I never would’ve guessed.”
  184. “What's wrong Tia?”
  185. > she sighed “I fear for Equestrias food supply if our subjects are eating their cocks.”
  186. “Your words are true dear sister, I have seen many dirty cocks during my visits to Ponyville, but it makes sense that we are finally putting them to good use! The mare said that they sell them at a place called McHoofies! We should try visit at once!”
  188. > “Please sister, that is poor pony food. Do you think a high-quality establishment would sell cocks? It’s embarrassing that they even have it on the menu. They probably call them “tendies'' because no pony wants to admit that they’re actually eating a fat, disgusting, cock. In times of hunger ponies will resort to eating anything. I understand feeding it to fillies who don't know any better but a grown pony who wants to eat a cock?…Well, there is something plain wrong with them."
  190. > She can be so closed-minded sometimes.
  191. > It’s a mindless, flightless bird for harmony's sake!
  192. > What's the big deal!?
  193. > As she protested I shoved my cock-stick in her mouth and she began to gag but as she began to chew her pupils grew to the size of saucers.
  195. “Isn’t it marvellous?”
  196. > As she chewed she began to nod.
  197. > “My dear sister, this may be the best thing I’ve ever eaten!”
  198. “We must go to McHoofies and acquire all their cocks at once!”
  200. > She placed her hoof on my head and began to pet me
  201. “Oh Luna, I would love to nimble on cock-meat with you. But this is a very important meeting.”
  202. > I shoved her hoof away
  203. “Who is this important pony we’re meeting?" I asked
  204. > “The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Equestria Enquire magazine.”
  205. “That slime ball!” I shot “I would rather send him to Tartarus!”
  206. > “The feeling is mutual, but his magazine is very important for ponies like us. It keeps us in line.”
  207. “Tia, all you have to do is not kill ponies. That should be easy for you! You’re a changed pony!”
  209. > "Luna, it’s complicated. When I banished you I wasn't in a good way and I dated many ponies. The current owner of this magazine is the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandson of a stallion I had fallen for years ago. After I grew bored of his company as I always did he wrote a tell-all about me! Ever since his entire family's legacy has been built around how his grandfather wrote awful and very personal things about me many years ago. Ever since his family has made a business of writing tabloids has been how they made their bread and butter."
  211. > Mmmmmm....
  212. > A plate of Bread and butter sounds great.
  213. > …..
  214. > Wait!
  215. > Focus Luna! Focus!
  217. “Tia, honey. I don’t ever say this, but why didn’t you kill him!”
  218. > “I was trying to change! We all know what happened in Yakyakastan! Their revolt led to the murder of their leader who had committed much lesser crimes. I was committing what the GEYASS (Griffonstone, Equestria and Yakyakastan Agency for Safety and Security) call atrocities! And with you gone…I felt so alone…And at the time I loved him, at least for as long as my attention span allowed me to."
  220. “For the love of Harmony Tia…”
  221. > “I spared him and then he stabbed me in the back! He created an entire business dedicated to stalking me and publishing horrible truths and even worse lies. Only recently I had a change of perspective. If he works for me, he won't write about anything I don't approve of. Twilight’s law was a wake-up call for all ponies in positions of power. We need to be held accountable. He is the pony who covers our faults and presents them to the masses.”
  222. > This news was disturbing and I had my doubts about this plan.
  223. >Negotiating with these types never ends well.
  225. > “We’re going to the Equestria Enquirer building, then we’ll be attending the party. It’s going to be held at the Canterlot Institute of the Arts, so dress fancy.
  226. “What happened to you being my pet?”
  227. > “We can still do it at the party. We just need to be covert about it.”
  228. “You think you’re up for it?”
  229. > “I can be very covert if I want to be. Now which collar should I wear? The one that says “slut”? or the one that says “Lunas bitch”?
  230. > How can a pony rule over all of Equestria for over 3000 thousand years and be such a featherbrain?”
  232. > Tia and I exited the castle and hopped aboard the royal chariot through Canterlot but all I could think of was cock.
  233. > I wonder what other ways you could eat cock?
  234. > Is it a side dish or a main course?
  235. > Can you boil it into a stew? Bake it?
  236. > My mind was nothing but cock!
  237. > Battered cock, steamed cock, deboned cock!
  238. > So many new opportunities
  240. > I will have to ask the master chefs at McHoofies how to cook my own cock when I get the time.
  241. > There are so many cocks wandering Equestria, maybe if these McHoofie ponies tell us how they prepare their cocks we can end the hunger crisis!
  242. > This was a revolutionary discovery that will save countless lives.
  243. > All I can say is
  244. > Let them eat cock!
  246. > The chariot clicked down the streets of Canterlot for about a mile.
  247. > When we arrived at the Equestrian Enquirer building we took the elevator to the top floor.
  248. > We entered the office of a pony named Mr. Cinema
  249. > When Tia opened the door I was met with a disturbing sight
  250. > The walls were plastered with magazine covers.
  251. > Every one displayed an embarrassing picture of Twilight Sparkle gorging herself with titles like:
  253. > “Twilight Sparkle, takes the cake for fattest princess…Then eats it…”
  254. > “Princess of Friendships stomach howls during Grand Galloping Gala, upstages band.”
  255. > “How big can it get? Crystal Ponies betting on how much Twilight Sparkles belly will grow by the end of the year, lowest estimate: 250 lbs!”
  257. > "Hello princesses!"
  258. > The stallion bowed from behind his desk.
  259. > We both took a seat across from him.
  260. > "I didn't expect to see you, Princess Luna."
  261. > I was about to explain myself but Tia cut me off.
  262. > "I'm going on a bit of a vacation. Luna will assume all of my roles as leader and make all important decisions until I feel obligated to return to my post."
  264. > The stallion smiled
  265. > “Well, if she's going to be doing all the talking.”
  266. > He rolled out from behind his desk and spread his legs
  267. > His penis hanging limp beneath the seat cushion.
  268. > “Why don't you put that royal tongue to use, princess?”
  269. > Tia fell to the floor and wrapped her mouth around his cock.
  271. > I was couldn’t believe what I was seeing
  272. “Tia!” I cried
  273. > “What? It’s part of our deal?” She mumbled with a mouth full of dick.
  274. > I covered my eyes and turned away
  275. > This was so wrong.
  277. > “We've never met before, princess.” The stallion said casually
  278. > “You look…"
  279. “Awful.” I spat
  280. > “No princess! I think you look splendid. I’m disappointed haven't been able to make your acquaintance sooner. I love your new look."
  281. “Firstly, You speak as if you’re worth my time. Secondly, I didn't gain this weight for your pleasure or amusement. Your magazine sickens me and if I were to ever find myself on one of their covers I would make it my duty to haunt your dreams so much that even your ancestors will have nightmares."
  282. > The stallion laughed
  283. > "I’ve heard all about your attitude princess, Celestia really does tell no lies. My name is Crystal Cinema, Head of Equestria Enquiry Magazine. You’ve no doubt heard of us.” He said smugly.
  284. “So you're the one who writes all those vile things about us.”
  285. > “It's just business, princess. Your sister and I get along great behind closed doors.”
  287. > I looked down at my sister
  288. “I can tell.”
  289. > I couldn’t believe this.
  290. > Had Tia fallen this far since my banishment?
  291. > I wish I had more time to spend with her
  292. > If I knew this was how she was spending her days like this I would've stayed awake with her more.
  294. > The stallion ruffled through his desk drawer and pulled out two pieces of paper
  295. > “So princess, I have a couple of stories I would like to publish. with your approval of course."
  296. > We would love to run a story about you and your sister's love affair.
  298. > Celestia spat out the publisher's penis
  299. > “Not happening.” She snarled
  300. > The stallion laughed "Well it was worth a shot.” He laughed “So Princess, what do you suggest?"
  301. > "Twilight." Celestia replied without hesitation
  302. > "Your favourite scapegoat" the stallion laughed
  303. > Tia rolled her eyes and stuck the stallions cock back into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down.
  305. > "I've done great work crafting Twilights image. Everypony loves reading about that bloated, know-it-all ballooning into a cow. it’s so…"
  306. > He trailed off and shoved Tias face into his crotch
  307. > “Lets just say that it’s quickly becoming Equestrias new favourite pass time."
  308. “Stop masturbating yourself.” I growled “You’re taking advantage of her just like you do everypony else.”
  310. > "I don’t want to fight with you princess. It’s bad manners to speak ill towards a pony of your stature and beauty.”
  311. > What a lying, creepy jerk.
  312. > He grabbed a paper off his desk and flipped it over revealing a picture of an unkempt Twilight covered in whipped cream at a party.
  313. > “We would love to run this story, I think the title should be “Princess Twilight’s creampie disaster!” He began to laugh.
  315. >...
  317. > I was confused
  318. > Twilight was covered in whipped cream, not pie.
  319. “What's so funny about creampies?”
  320. > He stopped laughing and gave me a confused look “You don’t get it?”
  321. “It’s not funny. When I look around your office it’s obvious that you pride yourself on your witty and distasteful titles. I don’t understand how creampies are funny or witty.”
  322. > “Princess…It’s a creampie jooke...
  323. “Listen bub, I think we’ve all had a couple of messy creampies in our life. As a princess, I’ve probably had hundreds.”
  325. > “Ummm….Princess, can you elaborate?”
  326. “All I’m saying is that some ponies like a little danger in their life. Creampies are inherently messy and you take a big risk with them, especially when you’re given one unexpectedly. Personally, I enjoy the adrenaline of a thick creampie after dinner.”
  327. > This was such an infuriating conversation
  328. > What's not to understand? It’s a creampie. Am I missing something?
  329. >...
  330. > No, this pony is just too uncultured to understand anything about baking.
  331. > I bet he’s never even had a creampie.
  333. > “Princess, with all due respect, I think you may be misunderstanding…”
  334. “I know what a creampie is! Do you think I’m ignorant? I know exactly what I’m saying, you fool! For a magazine writer, you don’t seem to know about the most basic of things. When I say creampie I mean creampie! Am I not being clear?”
  335. > The stallion looked frazzled
  336. > “So when I say cream pie do you mean…”
  337. “What do you think I mean?”
  339. > The ignorant writer looked dumbfounded
  340. > “Princess, if these truths were revealed anywhere outside of this office I would be entitled to write about it.”
  341. “And I would allow you to write about my love of creampies. But I don’t want to contribute to any of your disgusting business more than I am already being forced to.”
  343. > He sat looking confused
  345. > “Well....Moving on." He said darting his eyes around the room "We also have a picture of Cadence passed out at a party.”
  346. > He said flipping another photo over on his desk.
  347. > “The unfortunate thing about stories critical of Cadence is that they don't sell very well. The Crystal Ponies don't buy them and the Crystal Empire is our second biggest market. Twilight is our cash cow because her stories sell very well! She’s what we call at the office a tabloids wet dream.”
  348. > “Trust me, Mr. Cinema. I know enough about wet dreams and I would compare what you're doing more akin to nightmare.”
  349. > I watched Tia swallow the stallions cock, moaned loudly as she preformed the sick act.
  351. > When I looked back up he was staring at my belly intensely
  352. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
  353. > “Just admiring your form. You’re so much more beautiful in the flesh.”
  354. > I slammed my hoof on the table
  355. “A thousand years ago Tia and I would’ve fed you to a manticore! Consider yourself lucky for each breath you take.”
  356. > “Isn’t that the beauty of progress?” He chuckled gawking at my stomach
  358. > I stared at the photos and began to weigh my options
  359. > The more the press focuses on Twilight the less pressure Tia and I will have to worry about.
  360. > These are very fragile times and I don’t need any alphabet soup organizations snooping around the castle more than they already do.
  361. > But I also feel bad for Twilight.
  362. > I can tell that the stress of being Equestrias centre of attention is getting to her
  363. > Her dreams have become very dark recently.
  364. “Hmmm….”
  366. > I didn’t like this situation one bit.
  367. > But if it comes between Twilight and my sisters love, I will choose my sister a thousand times over another one of her potential prodigies.
  368. “Run the Twilight story.” I sighed
  369. > The stallion smiled and shoved it into an envelope
  371. > I haven't felt so sickened with myself in a very long time.
  372. > I felt bad about my decision
  373. > I hated this Crystal Cinema stallion and his slimy business. But at least he was under our hoof and I had some control over him.
  374. > "Excellent choice Princess! Ponies eat up Twilight stories just as much as the princess eats cake!"
  375. “Oh, shut your muzzle,” I grumbled crossing my hooves
  377. > “In more interesting news I have your Changeling milk.”
  378. “Changeling Milk? Why wold I need that”
  379. > Tia pulled herself off the stallions rod and laughed
  380. >"It’s for the party! Everypony who’s anypony drinks Changeling milk. It's used to transform into other ponies. It’s mostly used for anonymous sex so their reputations don’t get ruined by the press.”
  381. > Crystal Cinema shoved Tia back between his legs harshly then passed me a vial
  383. > The liquid inside glowed green and slowly climbed the walls of the vial when I tilted it.
  384. > Changelings produce milk?
  385. > Actually…
  386. > I don’t want to think about it.
  388. > “All you daytime ponies are so secretive. Have you forgotten who you’re talking to? I know everything about everypony and I know exactly what you're all into.”
  389. > “Is that so?” Crystal Cinema asked rubbing his hoof under his chin.
  390. > I stared at all the pictures of Twilight Sparkle he had taped over every surface of the room
  391. > They were all shots of her engorged belly.
  392. > In most pictures, it was the focus of the picture.
  393. > Either covered in food or visibly grumbling
  394. > You don’t need to be a dream dancer to know what gets this ponies rocks off.
  396. > “Oh yes, I’ve seen it in my dreams.” I bragged
  397. > My belly began to scream in hunger and waves of protest ran across my stomach
  398. > Crystal Cinema locked his eyes onto my stomach again.
  399. > He grabbed Tias head and began to jerk his hips forward aggressively and began to orgasm.
  400. > His breath was quick and he moaned loudly.
  401. > After he came he fell back in his chair and stared at the magazines on the wall behind him.
  403. > For such a despicable and uncultured pony he sure has a refined fetish
  404. > As I stared at the stallion I began picking apart his looks
  405. > My heartbeat quickened and my crotch began to tingle
  406. > I didn’t want to admit it, but I was developing a lust for this pony
  408. > Maybe he isn’t so bad?
  409. > How could a pony who shared my fetish be evil?
  410. > That make me evil and I know for certain that I am not.
  411. > Maybe it was the curse, or maybe I was just confused.
  412. > Equestria has changed so much since my banishment and is only becoming stranger.
  414. > I need to rid myself of this curse
  415. > These urges are clouding my judgment.
  416. > The longer I stared at Crystal Cinema the more my mind wandered further into uncomfortable places.
  417. > I hate this pony with every fiber of my being
  418. > But we may be more common than I would like to admit.
  419. > My fear and excitement mixed and turned into lust.
  420. > My belly grumbled and the two of us locked eyes.

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy