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By Sizeable
Created: 2023-01-19 16:13:12
Expiry: Never

  1. The last battle was fought. A victory won, but not without cost. Cozy Glow, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis had rampaged with the combined power of Discord. While the forces of friendship had succeeded in stopping them, in the processes Princess Twilight Sparkle had been returned to merely Twilight Sparkle. No longer a princess, an Alicorn. Instead, she was just Twilight.
  3. Which would have been fine. Except, in the final battle, luck had played a crucial role. It had been her friend, Trixie, who had appeared to bring victory. As the villainous trio boasted, they had ignored the shivering, terrified unicorn. This oversight enabled Trixie to save the day! All of which led to the current situation…
  5. ”…so, Trixie Lulamoon. It's been *sniff*, a long journey for you. From nearly destroying Ponyville with the Alicorn amulet to saving the Equestrian people." The news reporter leaned in a little as she spoke. “How does that feel, to have come so far?”
  7. "Yes Nosey, it has been a great journey and the humble Trixie is most pleased to have grown as a mare." Trixie had on her full ensemble; her magic hat, her cape, her leotard and tights. It was over the top, as was her mannerisms. Twilight grumbled, “humble my butt.” Trixie had always had a problem letting things go to her head. She’d always go that one step too far and never considering how it effected other ponies. Now wasn’t any different. Which wasn’t anything new. Twilight might have dealt with her and her friends hard work being taken credit for, except…
  9. She had lost it. Being an Alicorn, hadn’t been something Twilight had first liked. Growing taller, bustier, and more beautiful every day had been tough. She’d felt, increasingly, like she was a giant in a cardboard play house. But, it had really boosted her magic and her mental acuity! To go from that back to being an ordinary unicorn was a massive blow to her ego. Which meant that she didn’t have much understanding for a certain mare aggrandizing herself at Twilight’s expense.
  11. "You sure have. That personal growth includes becoming friends with your rival and …former Alicorn ex-Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Did she really have to emphasize that?
  13. "Thats right," Trixie was oblivious to the insult tossed at her friends way due to her being praised at the same time. Instead of protesting, she proudly places her hand on her modest chest. "Trixie had a hard time dealing with Twilight due to our very different approaches to magic. It took time for her to realize that Trixie and Twilight both have different, but equally impressive, methods of magic!"
  15. “Wh-What!" Twilight’s leaned forward in her chair as her entire face flushed with anger.
  17. "That's Mar-ve-lous Trixie. So uplifting to hear~.” Nosey News’ face twisted up at that line.
  19. “It truly is, isn’t it?” Trixie stood and gestured grandly. Her slightly too big hat slumped a little onto her forehead and behind her, Trixie’s cape waved. “Why, realizing that there is zero difference between us is what has helped to ascend to new magical heights. Behold!”
  21. Trixie wiggled her fingers and gave a toothy grin to the audience. Then she plunged her hand into the hat and…. “Voila!”
  23. "Are you kidding me!" Twilight screamed as she watched Trixie pull a rabbit out. The audience, damn them, clapped. It was a simple trick! She had just teleported, an elementary spell that most unicorns could master. Spike, who was visiting her, came into the room after hearing her scream.
  25. "Ya know, Twilight, Trixie isn't entirely wrong..." Twilight turned and gave him an evil look. " she...right? I perform true magic. I bend the laws of nature to my will. She....she pulls rabbits out with elementary teleportation spells. Spells that Starlight had to drill her on forever!" Twilight gesticulated wildly in fury.
  27. Then Trixie made things worse…
  29. "...and so, Trixie thought, why not just go to a four/five pattern!" Nosy actually gave her a little clap. “Such a wonderful idea. The school is soooo lucky to have you as an educator.”
  31. "Tha-that’s hay!" Twilight spluttered in confused rage at the blatant lie. "I came up with that idea. Trixie just set in the meeting!"
  33. Trixie continued to take credit for things, some of which she may have played a small part in, and generally irritated Twilight unaware she was doing so until Spike forced the frazzled mare to go to bed.
  35. The next morning Twilight was tired. She hadn’t slept well. It didn’t help that she had experienced nightmares. Everyone was leaving her. All of her friends. “Well, why should we listen to you when we have the great and powerful Trixie?” Trixie, who was standing there smugly looking at her!
  37. When she was an Alicorn, Twilight had never woken up tired. It was as if her body filled with endless energy. It was just one more way she had become…less.
  39. She arrived at the school early and was drinking her coffee with fellow early riser Starlight Glimmer when….
  41. "Hello Twilight," Trixie came in with a perfectly happy expression. She’d clearly slept well, untroubled by a care in the world. "Hey, uh, Trixie." Twilight responded. She didn’t want to say or do something she’d regret. She brought her coffee up and sipped. "Did you see Trixie on the television last night?" Trixie innocently inquired while preparing a cup for herself.
  43. *twitch*
  45. Twilight’s right eyelid began spasming. Deprived of sleep, worn down from all she’d lost, Twilight forced it closed. "Y-yeah. I suuuure did."
  47. "It was really an honor,” Trixie brought up her mug and drank before continuing. “Of course, the kind and humble Trixie understands that in her role as one of the foremost unicorn magicians of the age, it is understandable that the common people have questions for her.” Beside her, Starlight rolled her eyes. “Always the humble one Trix.” The blue haired mare smiled. “Trixie is, right?” She then turned to Twilight. “She of course made sure to mention the contributions of her good friend.” She winked Twilight.
  49. Did Trixie….believe….that she was doing her a favor???!!!
  53. Suddenly, it was impossible to keep her right eyelid shut and it spasmed. How? How could anypony be so….oblivious????!!!
  55. "Uh, Twilight Sparkle, your eye is..." Trixie leaned forward in concern
  57. Twilight “clapped her free hand over it. “R-right. Sorry Trixie, love to stay and chat. But I...I have something in my eye. Need to go and see to that." She spoke through grinding teeth. "Oh no, maybe Trixie can..." Twilight whirled to face her. “NO!" Twilight calmed herself. "No, I just, need to do it myself. Thank you." With that she whirled and left the room, leaving Trixie and Starlight watching her back.
  59. “I hope Twilight’s okay?” Trixie put her finger to her chin as Starlight buried her head in her hand and sighed.
  61. It was several weeks later, and Starlight Glimmer was becoming increasingly worried about Twilight Sparkle. Her friend had progressively been coming in to work increasingly disheveled. Her mane was haggard and black circles bagged under her eyes.
  63. ”H-hey Twilight, rough night?" Starlight asked the other mare when she saw her that morning in the break room. Twilight turned her head and tilted her neck at an odd angle as she poured a cup of coffee.
  65. >"Heh, why would you say that Starlight? I'm fine, fine..." Twilight’s eyes had an almost haunted look to them and her neck popped. More concerning….
  67. “You’re, uhm, cup is overflowing.” She pointed at the coffee overflowing Twilight's mug as she poured too much in.
  69. "F-I-N-E!" Twilight chimed in a too high, off pitch tone. She stopped pouring and raised the mug to her mouth, the cup shaking.
  71. "Is this...because of Trixie?” Starlight knew the other mare had been through allot. Add to that she was now having her accomplishments being coopted by the innocently oblivious Trixie, and, well….
  75. Twilight clapped her hand to her eye that had started twitching uncontrollably at the mention of Trixie’s could answer, the worst person entered the work break room.
  77. "Twilight! Starlight! So good to see you bo-" before she could finish Twilight Sparkle had let out a strangled cry and fled the break room.
  79. "That was odd?" Trixie commented as she looked at the door Twilight fled through. She cocked her head. "Do you think she might be sick?"
  81. She’d had enough. Twilight sat in the library, desperate. She had gone weeks without decent sleep, constantly stressed by Trixie’s inconsiderate obliviousness.
  83. "But someone has to have gone through this before..." As she whispered that, she saw an account from a unicorn she deeply admired who had indeed faced the same problem.
  85. "Ordinarily, magic should never be used to fix problems. But in this one instance, the unicharm amulet solved everything for the better!"
  87. "The...Unicharm amulet?" Twilight looked over the passage, reading about it. "Created by the greatest unicorns, the Unicharm was specifically created as a right of passage for unicorns of prominence to gain insight..."
  89. "In that case, as Trixie is among the most prominent unicorns today, it's only right she wears it.” Twilight rubbed her hands together as her eye twitched and her neck cracked. “And if it happens that in the process she realizes she's an inconsiderate mare all the better!"
  91. Shortly after this…
  93. "...and so, as was tradition for our ancestors, I present the Unicharm. Trixie, as one of the foremost unicorns of our time would you help revive the tradition?" Twilight hid a snicker as she said foremost and levitated the amulet toward the other mare. Trixie, oblivious, looked on with seriousness. She bowed her head only to raise it with bombast. “Trixie would be honored, both as first among unicorns and your peer, to do so."
  95. Twilight, barely, suppressed herself at Trixie's words and watched as the other placed. the amulet on her neck.
  97. That evening, Twilight arrived home. “Woo boy. It was allot of work to get the museum pony to let me have the Unicharm. But hopefully it will allllll be worth it. A more considerate, aware Trixie….”
  101. Twilight’s slept. She had exhausted herself and for the first night in a long time; she did not experience nightmares. She awoke a new mare. The sun brightly shown through her bedroom window as birds chirped in the trees outside. Twilight groaned as she rubbed her eyes. Then froze. What…had she….done! Everything played through her mind at the fastest speed. She buried her face inside her hands and started to hyperventilate. "What the hay have I done???!!" Twilight grabbed her cheeks and smushed them.
  103. She'd gifted her friend, Trixie, an ancient amulet of great power. Her friend who had, previously, been driven crazy by an ancient amulet of great power. Her friend who was far from a magical genius and clearly wasn’t qualified to handle the incredible object Twilight had just pawned off on her. Her dumb, kind, and loyal friend who she had put in jeopardy all in the hopes it would make her a little more self aware; because Twilight’s ego was bruised?
  105. "I'm a horrible friend!" She moaned.
  107. Twilight hurried to get to the school building. She arrived to see both Trixie and Starlight Glimmer greeted her as she arrived. They were both in the teacher’s lounge, working on their favorite crossword puzzles. Trixie's puzzle was filled with mostly wrong answers, like always, and Starlight's puzzle with mostly right ones. Twilight briefly considered how odd it was that Trixie was at work so much earlier than usual. But that had to be the unicharm. It was already starting to effect her. All the more reason she had to save Trixie before it was too late!
  109. Uhm, Trixie?" Twilight raised her cup of coffee and drank it as forced casually as she could. "...about yesterday." Trixie gave her a serious look before standing up and walking over. Twilight looked down at the shorter unicorn who had a look of unusual seriousness on her face. She lowered her blue sweater a little to reveal the charm hanging above her cleavage. "Worry not, Trixie has not removed it. Not even to bathe."
  111. Twilight winced. This was going to be tough. She just needed to bite the bullet. Tell Trixie the truth and….
  113. Before she could, Trixie spoke, her words driving a dagger through Twilight’s heart. “It meant the world, to Trixie. That you’d trust her with it. Her best friend may be Starlight, but there is not pony that Trixie envies or admires more than you Twilight. She promises to be worthy of your trust.”
  115. Well…crab apples Twilight frowned. She couldn’t do it. The truth was off the table.
  117. A week passed as Twilight tried to think of how to get the unicharm off of Trixie. Meanwhile, Trixie began to experience the unrivaled power the Unicharm poured into her.
  119. "You keep scratching at your horn, Trix," Starlight was doing what she did every morning before teaching. Sitting filling out puzzles with her best friend in the teacher’s lounge. Beside her, she looked at Trixie with some concern.
  121. Trixie stopped scratching her horn and gave the other mare a smile. “Trixie knows, but her forehead is sore. She thinks she has an infection. She has had headaches and her horn has itched all day.” She uncrossed her legs, put her word puzzle onto the table, and stood up. Stretching she turned to face Starlight. "Trixie is done with her puzzle and feeling the need to burn some energy." She turned side ways after her stretch and tugged at her waistband. Trixie’s hips were plushing over the waistline of her pants as they struggled over her buttocks. Pouting, she said, “Trixie's problems never end, look Starlight." It wasn't just the waist band either. The legs were clearly too tight on her thighs. Her button shirt was a little stretched over her torso and arms.
  123. "Heh, must be all those cookies you eat Trix." Starlight teased her friend. But internally she wondered. Could the Unicharm be causing her physical changes? But, it had to be safe, right? Twilight had given it to her after all….
  125. Trixie left, not showing any sign of concern. After the other unicorn left, Starlight became curious at how fast Trixie had finished her puzzle and looked at the crossword. "Did she get all these right?" Starlight thought as she saw that, for the first time, Trixie had gotten more problems right than wrong
  127. “How can I get it off of her?” Twilight scribbled on a paper at her desk. She was sitting alone in her office trying to find a way out of the mess she had made.
  129. Not that she wouldn’t fess up if Trixie showed any sign of suffering negative side effects mental or physically. It was for exactly that reason Twilight’s desk had an crystal ball showing Trixie in real time. It wasn’t something she was proud of. It was simply the latest compromise she had had to make.
  131. She bit her lower lip between her teeth in frustration. Yet again she realized just how much she’d lost when Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis had forced her to descend from an Alicorn back to a Unicorn. It wasn’t easy to explain.
  133. Being an Alicorn meant that you were blessed. A holy blessing that conferred supernatural benefits and, for lack of a better term, ‘buffs.’ One of those buffs had been to Twilight’s natural problem solving abilities. Without that buff, Twilight was realizing just how much luck played a role in finding answers to problems.
  135. She watched on the screen. “I guess it’s time.” She’d planted the idea in a couple of trouble makers heads to booby trap the door to Trixie’s classroom with a paper cup of water. Twilight readied herself.
  136. >"Now class..." Trixie opened the door to her classroom and as she did so a paper cup filled with water fell on her. Her mane was soaked as well as her clothes. She sighed as she stood in the open doorway. She hadn’t realized that the water had made her clothing see through. This caused more than a few of her male students to snap to attention.
  138. "Very funny class," Trixie rolled her eyes. "Do not let it be said that Trixie cannot appreciate a prank. Though, you might not like Trixie returning the favor for finals.” The class groaned in response as behind her, Twilight made arrived.
  140. "Trixie! You're soaked." Twilight’s performance was painfully amaturish. She was not naturally a skilled liar. Thankfully, Trixie was distracted with her wet t-shirt and missed it. Twilight gave the students a fake glower. “You all are in trouble. Until the culprit comes forward….” Trixie interrupted. “It’s find Headmare. Trixie will handle the matter.” She gave a smile. “Though she will need to dry herself first.” Twilight took her by her shoulders and guided her out of the classroom. ”Here, I’ll have Rarity take over your class and you can borrow some of my clothes in my office.”
  142. They arrived and Trixie began to disrobe. She had worried about lending Trixie her clothing, as Twilight was both curvier and half a head taller than Trixie. Or at least she had been…
  144. Twilight took a good look at Trixie as she started undressing. The other mare looked to be Twilight’s height! She’d never thought about it before, but it’d been like those five inches gave her some authority that she’d now lost. Twilight tried to get her mind off that odd thought but quickly run into another.
  146. Trixie was now stacked.
  148. The blue haired unicorn had taken off her shirt and she was wearing a bra that had probably fit her well several inches ago. Twilight flushed as she took in the rounded curves pushing out over the too small cups as the top of her areole peeked. Twilight found looking at the parts of Trixie didn’t help either. Her legs were thicker, her hips wider. The slightly pudgy belly she complained about every spring had disappeared!
  150. She had never thought Trixie as a mare before. She was too irritating. Too much a thorn in her side. Sure, they were friends. Now. But, Trixie was…Trixie. Or she had been.
  152. “Welp, I worried my clothes wouldn’t fit her, looks like that isn’t the case.”
  154. >"Uhm, here's some gym clothes.” She offered them to Trixie. “They, heh, are baggy so they should work for today."
  156. Trixie accepted them with a smile. “Thank you Twi. Trixie is so lucky to have you for her friend.” She took the shirt and frowned. “However, she believes that your bra won’t fit as she maybe, just maybe mind you! Might have put on a teensy bit of weight…”.
  158. Twilight’s mind boggled. The unicharm was clearly working. It was raising Trixie’s existing stats. So was her self awareness this low to start!? How had she lived!????
  160. Twilight thought that if Trixie kept growing she might need to give her Twilight’s old Alicorn clothes. She…hadn’t gotten rid of them. A part of her was still hoping she could reascend. That she could be special again. It was a bitter thought. That those clothes would instead go to…to Trixie. Who would have outgrown her and achieved her old proportions.
  162. She found her self picturing the future Alicorn Twilight sized Trixie. However, to her surprise, she felt a bizarre, tingle in her pussy.
  164. Twilight was able to shove her conflicted feelings to the side focus on the matter at hand.
  166. The Unicharm was clearly changing Trixie physically. That highlighted just why Twilight needed to get it away from her. Who knew just how it would change her! She hadn’t researched enough. That was all. It wasn’t that she was jealous or insecure. Not one bit!
  168. Trixie began to put on the new clothing, when Twilight tried to stop her. “Wa-wait!” She waived her hands in the air as Trixie looked at her curiously. “Yo-you need to dry off first. Also, the unicharm. It needs to be dried. Here, you can go change while I dry it so it doesn't rust."
  170. Secretly, Twilight doubted the powerful object could rust. But it sounded real and Trixie would likely fall for it. Or so she hoped…
  172. Trixie adopted a serious expression. Her wet hair clung to her cheeks as her violet eyes narrowed. Then she pouted her full lips.
  174. Twilight was drawn into her eyes. They sparkled strangely. As if there was something more, something greater. An egg that was beginning to….crack. "That's right." Trixie’s face broke into a smile, "Trixie is so glad she read up on a spell for just this occasion. Boy, Ebony Horn's manual Magic Maid sure is useful, huh?”
  176. Twilight ignored Trixie’s rhetorical question and looked at her in horror. "Wait! What? You read a book? A real one with big words?"
  178. Trixie failed to notice the implied insult in Twilight’s words. She brought up her hand, ever interested in show. Then she snapped her fingers. It was unnecessary, as was the pink and blue smoke that was produced. Quickly, yer entire body tinted red for a moment then next her skin, hair, and the amulet were all dry. Sadly, the spell did not work on clothing, but with a second snap she was sharply dressed in Twilight's gym set.
  180. Twilight watched in horror. Not only had her plan backfired, she now realized more than just Trixie’s body was changing. It was altering her mind. For an instance, Twilight considers breaking down. Of telling Trixie everything.
  182. In the darker corners of her mind, Twilight was feeling something else. Something pettier. Trixie had just used an intermediate spell. One that she had learned, on her own, the day before. She had casually dried herself and the amulet and swapped into Twilight's clothes, that were a little small on her.
  184. This made Twilight feel more insecure than the physical changes. For some reason, Twilight was feeling...intimidated by Trixie's rapid progress in magic and study. It made her feel, smaller.
  186. As she worked up to spilling everything, Trixie stretched in front of her.
  188. ”That’s better." She stretched causing her inflated chest to press out and leaving clear lines of tension in the plain white t-shirt. Her thick arms were pinched a little by the sleeves as her wide hips and ample butt strained the shorts. Twilight’s mind went blank for a moment at that erotic sight.
  190. "Thanks for the clothes Twilight. Trixie would offer to return them, but it looks like this weight Trixie gained has caused her to stretch them out a little much.” She then patted Twilight on the shoulder. “You really humble Trixie. She was always a little envious of you. How honest and brave you were. Trixie hopes she can be as good of a mare as you one day.”
  192. She turned away from Twilight Sparkle, who was flushing in embarrassment at Trixie's words and feeling an inch tall. Then Trixie delivered the coup de grace. "Trixie will buy you new clothes as she’s ruined these. It'll be fun. We can go together! Trixie also needs to buy new clothes as no amount of dieting seems to get this new weight off."
  194. Twilight Sparkle sank into her chair in defeat. “I’m the worst person in Equestria." She buried her head. She couldn’t come clean now! If only she was still an Alicorn…
  196. No. She stopped those thoughts. They’d get her nowhere. She needed to get back to the drawing board and think how to get the Unicharm off. She had just started a new plan when a knock came at her door.
  198. “Come in.”
  200. >"Hey Twilight." Starlight Glimmer stood there with a cold look on her face. Twilight gulped. Starlight closed the door behind her then moved forward to face down the other mare. "We need to talk."
  202. Twilight carefully, and making sure to properly provide to put her mistakes in context and….
  204. "You did what!" Twilight flinched and quickly came around her desk with her finger on her lips. ”Keep it down!" She pleaded.
  206. Starlight bit her lip and stopped yelling, but continued to give Twilight a dark look.
  208. "That was so reckless!" Starlight, calm, hissed to her friend and mentor. “You gave Trixie an amulet you didn’t fully understand! She could’ve been hurt Twilight!!!”
  210. Twilight knew all of that. Worse she was stressed out and feeling like letting off steam. ”I know, I know alright. But it’s rich coming from you, Starlight. You’ve never used a spell you didn’t fully understand?” Starlight’s mouth twisted. “Low. Blow.” Twilight drug her hands down her face and moaned. “I-I just, wanted her to be a little more self aware?" Twilght’s desperate frustration reached her and Starlight backed. Trixie was her best friend and know one one better than Starlight of her best friend's tendency to oblivious lack of consideration for others.
  212. "So, we have to get it off of her?” Starlight was processing this. So far, Trixie was fine. Did the amulet need to even be removed.
  215. "I'm trying!" Twilight rested the corner of her desk. "But every time I try something it fails!" Starlight gave her a quirked eyebrow. “Did you try the truth?” Twilight immediately rejected that. “I-you can’t tell her Starlight. I had no idea she…really looks up to me. I can’t let her know that I…”.
  217. “That you put her life at risk because you got frustrated and had repressed trauma from losing your alicorn princess status?”
  219. Twilight’s shoulders dropped and she had a look of absolute resignation. It was that bad, huh? Starlight thought. Trixie was fine. There was no harm in her wearing the Unicharm or in allowing Twilight to attempt to trick her into removing it. Better not to push Twilight given how she was with unresolved questions that couldn’t be solved logically.
  221. “I’m not getting involved,” Starlight announced. “You aren’t?” Twilight tilted her head in confusion. Starlight nodded. “I’ll give time to figure this out.” With that she walked out of the room leaving Twilight alone.
  223. “All right! Finally something goes my way. Now, I just think of a way to get the unicharm off...what?" Twilight paused her thoughts at what she saw in the crystal ball...
  225. "It appears, class, that the Great and Greatly Endowed Trixie has an opportunity to teach you a lesson on thermodynamics." Trixie had continued to grow. In every meaning of the word. Her clothes strained over her ample chest, the buttons on her shirt barely holding on for dear life as her compared breast flesh surged against them.
  227. "The first lesson, energy is neither created nor destroyed." Trixie exhaled and briefly the poor buttons on her blouse were granted a reprieve. "However, an object at rest stays at rest..." Trixie inhaled, her insanely large milky breasts swelling forward and straining her too small shirt.
  229. >*quiver* *quiver*
  231. >*PPPPOPPPPPPP* *ting* *POPPIITYPOP* *ting*
  233. >Trixie's class watched in rapt awe as their teacher’s massive breasts caused her small tops buttons to pop off. They went zooming, one hitting a young man in the head and another pinging against Trixie’s podium.
  235. "Unless acted upon by an outside force." She chuckled somewhat imperiously. "In this case the Mighty Trixie's amazing bosom.” Trixie looked out and took in the rapt stares of her class. She was so interested in the attention she didn’t realize part of it was her stallion students staring in lust while her mare students glared in resentment and angry envy. "Don't get worried. Trixie does not like to waste. She had outgrown this shirt and decided to dedicate it to science."
  237. Said horny stallions rose from their seats and applauded her little show. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle thumped her head on her desk out of frustration at how out of control everything was becoming.
  239. Things really didn’t get any better after that. She was quickly running through ideas, each one failing spectacularly. She had attempted to sneak into Trixie’s room only to notice the unicorn’s magical detection had improved beyond her ability to deceive. She’d attempted to pay off the local trouble makers, Snips and Snails, to rob her of the Unicharm. That’d been her reaching rock bottom.
  241. It hadn’t worked.
  243. Snips and Snails had managed to distract and then allllmmmmossst get the necklace. As the short boy had reached up to the clasp, Trixie’s magic effortlessly had levitated and thrown him back. “Honestly, did you to amateurs think you could trick the great and talented Trixie?”
  245. The end result was Twilight having to use her remaining clout from her time as a princess to get the two out of jail. She was now out of ideas and feeling terrible she had sunk to hiring two delinquents. Worse, she had then had to abuse her authority, what remained of it, to get them out of jail when they failed!
  247. She was sitting in the cafeteria and looking lost and miserable when Rainbow Dash, being her friend decided to cheer Twilight Sparkle up. “C’mon, I need a partner for a pick-up game and your it!” Despite being nearly a foot shorter than Twilight, the little pegasus was a wiry ball of muscle. Dash pulled the bigger unicorn to her feet and began leading her to the school gymnasium.
  249. Twilight was beginning to be distracted from her funk by watching Dash’s tight, muscular butt flex and bounce in her bicycle shorts. She had always had a thing for Dash and she didn’t remember why she they’d never shared more than a brief fling. Still, she pushed thoughts of sexy little Dash’s tight ass out of her mind. She needed to figure a way out of her current dilemma!
  251. ”Really Rainbow, I'm just too busy to play basketballs with you."
  253. “Yeah, it’s gonna be a ton of fun Twi!” The pegasus was a little ball of energy as she completely ignored Twilight’s protests. Now she remembered. Dash never really listened to anything when she got her mind set and she tended to plow ahead without thinking until after she had finished what she started. It was a great mindset for an athlete. Not so much for a romantic partner.
  255. As they moved forward, Twilight’s thoughts turned to her recent drama with Trixie. Why did the other Unicorn becoming more competent, more powerful bother her so much?
  257. Shouldn't she be happy her friend was a better teacher than before?
  259. She didn’t know. Maybe it was her own recent deascension. It felt like she was having her nose rubbed in her lose of power and ability. That had been part of why Trixie taking credit bothered her, she supposed. But that didn’t cover everything. It didn’t explain the other, odd emotions filling her every time Trixie demonstrated a new spell or got applause.
  261. Maybe it was her insecurities. If she was brutally honest, Twilight was never all that popular as a teacher. She had tried countless times to get people interested in learning. She'd worked hard. But she had never gotten someone who wasn’t interested in learning to become enthralled with it the way the every improving Trixie had. It stung a little. She had, elevated her unintentional rival to a point where she had become a better teacher than her…
  263. Twilight had begun to figure out just how the Unicharm worked by observing its effect on Trixie. It boosted her intelligence, magic, and physique sure. But it was doing so through the lens of Trixie's personality and natural gifts. Thus, her friends natural personality that tended to entertaining and conveying meaning to others colored her increased abilities. In that way it differed the Alicorn ascension. Twilight was tall and somewhat uncoordinated, yet, when she ascended, she had perfect hand eye coordination and her body was changed to a muscular fitness. By contrast, Trixie was seeing height growth sure. But her curves were increasing. She was fitter, maybe. But after lengthy observation Twilight had determined that the Unicharm was expanding upon Trixie as she already was.
  265. There were other differences. Alicorns received, for lack of a better word, blessings. Supernatural strength and health. Becoming one was like, becoming something else. Something perfect that did not exist naturally. The Unicharm, by contrast, simply elevated the person to there peak.
  267. Dash’s perspective
  268. She’d been sitting eating lunch with her favorite student Scootaloo and Scoot's friends. While there, the girls where all talking about Trixie's class. "It was sooo cool sis!" Scoots was eagerly biting into her sloppy joe as she recounted the lecture they’d sit through that morning. "She just, has this way of saying really complicated stuff in an understandable, cool way." Applebloom was nodding along with Scoots point and cleaning a bit of sloppy joe from her lip. "Ah really envy how confident she is with herself. Ah could never have done that shirt stunt or the apple trick." Sweetie Bell put her own two cents in, "Yeah, the boys were kindof gross about it, but she really is so cool. I wish I could be more like her too."
  270. "That's some crazy stuff," Dash made a mental note to talk to Starlight as the Vice Principal about some of the racier stuff. She didn't mind it,; but she bet Applejack would have troubles with it. Best to try to head off any future trouble. As she took her own bite out of the sloppy joe she looked across and saw Twilight. Or rather, a muss haired, exhausted, and depressed version of her.
  272. So she had arranged a little pick up game to pick up her friends mood.
  274. The two arrived and started getting ready. Rainbow insisted Twilight join her in stretching. As she was bent over, Twilight heard the door open and Rainbow call out.
  276. "Oh. You made it! Thanks for coming girls and bringing the ball."
  278. Twilight turned to see who they were playing and she felt her heart catch.
  280. Standing there, holding the basketball and talking was Trixie!
  282. Twilight was nervous. She knew Trixie had surpassed her height. She knew it. But seeing it in person was another thing all together. Trixie was, in a word, big.
  284. It wasn’t just that she had grown taller. She was proportionally curvier.
  286. Trixie stood next to the animated Rainbow Dash and the patient Starlight Glimmer. Starlight was only even with her shoulder and Dash was animatedly talking to the big unicorn’s barely contained tits at her face level.
  288. Twilight felt…weird. She was enraptured seeing Trixie towering over the other two. In her mind’s eye, she was actually imaging herself in front of Trixie. Why did the thought not just bother, but make her heart race?
  290. Trixie came to stand over Twilight and offered her hand to help her up. Twilight took it and rose to stand…with her eyes level with Trixie’s collar bone! Trixie beamed down at her. “This is going to be fun, Twilight! Trixie looks forward to being work out buddies with you!” She flexed her arm and although it tensed a little it lacked the definition of Applejack or Dash’s arms. Not that Twilight was paying attention. In her mind she had realized that her previous height advantage over Trixie was completely reversed!
  292. As Trixie was now the tallest mare and Twilight the second tallest, Dash put them on opposite teams with Dash joining Twilight and Starlight joining Trixie.
  294. Twilight lined up opposite of Trixie, feeling the same mixed emotions from earlier. It wasn't just dread and humiliation. Sure, she was feeling humiliated that her ‘rival’, her pest had grown to tower over her completely. Looking up to Trixie made Twilight's heart race and her mouth dry.
  296. She tried to silence these feelings. She just had to try not to get humiliated during the game. Easy, right? After all, she'd played against Trixie before this. Sure, then she had been the taller one. But, they were both equally terrible at basketballs.
  298. Her plan soon went out the window.
  300. Trixie took the ball and rushed forward. Her much longer legs carried her past Twilight and greater fitness allowed her to make up for her equally lacking skills.
  302. Twilight turned to try to catch up as the other, taller unicorn moved past her. It was too late for her to catch up and when Trixie straightened up to shoot, Twilight realized that the ball held over her head... "I'm not tall enough to grab the ball from her!"
  304. The game continued much the same. Twilight was no long supernaturally fit and hadn’t kept up with her exercise. She’d fallen out of practice since becoming an Alicorn. Meanwhile, the Unicharm had allowed for Trixie to gain the most out of her exercise. She was in great shape, thicc but fit. As a result, though sweaty, she was neither out of breath or particularly strained.
  306. Twilight was flushed red, covered in sweat, and wheezing. Trixie once again lined up in front of her and this time moved to back her up. As Trixie’s plush buttocks smushed against Twilight’s stomach, her eyes widened. Trixie’s but was really nice. It was soft but firm and her wide hips and thick legs were equally a nice mix of tone and softness. Stopping her admiration of this perfect bubble butt, Twilight realized she couldn't see around the other mare. Then, Trixie began thrust her butt back into Twilight. She was pushing her with her inflated lower body, easily moving her back. Twilight felt all her emotions well up as she drowned in the humiliation and pleasure as she was handled by this incredible amazon.
  308. Receiving the ball, Trixie made one, big push with her firm ass and ended up knocking Twilight over. Looking up from the ground, Twilight gaped in awe at the incredible figure rising majestically above.
  310. Laying on the ground, it sunk in. Trixie had utterly outstripped Twilight physically. In the back of her mind, perhaps irrationally, Twilight had clung to the idea that she could at least as a last resort force Trixie to give up the Unicharm. Now, she realized that there was zero chance that, even if she wanted to, Twilight could forcibly take the Unicharm from her.
  312. As that realization sent her spirits plummeting, Twilight’s mind began to work. She, being hyper analytical and number crazy, calculated what it must mean for Trixie to have handled her effortlessly. Taking into account their relative heights and that she knew she weighed roughly 140 pounds, Twilight came to the conclusion that Trixie's growth was definitely asymmetrical. Had she grown the same amount in the chest and hips to be an upsized version of herself, she'd likely have only outweighed Twilight by thirty or forty pounds. But Trixie, in order to look that curvier and move Twilight that easily, had to be over two hundred pounds!
  314. "She can handle me like a foal…"
  316. Twilight was so lost in her realization that she didn't notice that Trixie had come to loom over her. She was apologizing and offering to help her up.
  318. "Sorry Twilight," She offered her hand. Twilight took it and, effortlessly, Trixie lifted her off of the floor and straightened to look down upon Twilight.
  320. "That's just, heh, just a little accident. Probably happens to you allot now." Twilight fidgeted, not sure how to approach the new changes. Obviously Trixie had to be aware by now she was growing, not just putting on weight?
  322. Twilight looked up into Trixie's eyes and again saw that little egg. Now it looked as if cracks had formed. Those eyes made Twilight shift under their gaze.
  324. "Yes. Trixie is apparently growing. In more ways than one" She took a healthy handful of her massive breasts and jiggled them to demonstrate. Twilight's eyes openly ogled the ample flesh overflowing the Trixie’s palm. “Trixie feels It is no doubt the Unicharm causing her to grow."
  326. Feeling some hope at this realization on Trixie’s part, Twilight replied, "Maybe you might want to remove it?" Her voice pitched high at the word remove.
  328. Trixie chuckled with an incredulous expression. "Hardly. The tradition is that Trixie wears this," she tapped the unicharm hanging between her cavernous cleavage, "for a year. Until then, it stays on." She gave a Twilight an easy smile. "Besides, Trixie growing even more wouldn't be the worst thing," she winked and actually patted Twilight on the head, "would it?"
  330. The casual act and her words sent Twilight’s heart fluttering and she lost the ability to speak. Fortunately, Dash had come over after Trixie’s words and was animatedly bouncing and chattering.
  332. "That's so cool! I wish I was bigger. Not that, y’know, I’m not already the coolest. But wouldn’t it be even better to be cooler! Imaging all of this,” she gestured at her wiry, muscular tomboy frame, “scaled up! Say, when you're done with that…what was it? Necklace or whatever. When you’re done can I have a turn?"
  334. Trixie gave the bonding little pegasus a gentle, firm negative. "Sadly, it's the Unicharm, and only works with unicorns." She then continued speaking to the crestfallen Dash, "But who knows? Maybe Trixie will be able to make you a Pegasus charm by year end!"
  336. "That'd rock. Imagine how fast I'd be!" Dash was pumped and began talking about her hypothetical future self as she ping ponged between Starlight and Trixie.
  338. Meanwhile, Twilight walked out of the gym worse than when she entered. Did a part of her find the idea of Trixie outgrowing her, thrilling? Was she actually turned on…by Trixie? And not just turned on by the goofy mare who before this couldn’t even manage a teleportation spell and constantly irritated her. Did it turn her on to feel this humiliated, weakness? What did that say about her. Add to that, if Trixie kept getting smarter and more powerful...wouldn't that mean Twilight wasn't the smartest anymore?
  340. She’d lost so much. Her princesshood. Her Alicorn status. All she had left was her identity as the smart unicorn mare. Without that, did she even have anything left? Would anyone still need her?
  342. After her realization that Trixie had evolved to the point where the only way the Unicharm was coming off was if she chose to remove;Twilight calmed down. On the surface.
  344. She stopped paying attention to Trixie, stopped trying to trick the other unicorn into removing it, and instead avoided both Trixie and buried herself in her work. She didn’t want to think about the confusing feelings that her friends incredible growth caused her. This worked for Twilight. At least during the daytime. At night, though, she had nightmares.
  346. Some were simple. A powerful and out of control giant Trixie would rock Ponyville with her enormous frame and outrageous powers. These dreams were obviously rooted in the Alicorn Amulet incident and Twilight's fears related to the Unicharm corrupting Trixie.
  348. What was harder were the other dreams. Weird ones. Dream’s in which Twilight was interacting with Trixie in ways that went beyond friendship. Where Trixie towered over her, even more than she now did in real life. Where, sometimes, Trixie made Twilight feel small, but protected. Or she bullied Twilight, but it was only in a playful way?
  350. Thank Celestia, Princess Luna happened upon her in one of the former and not the later nightmares!
  352. Princess Luna had in Twilight’s dream as a fifty foot Trixie zapped the inhabitants of Ponyville into rabbits.
  354. "WHO DARES DEF..." The giant mare began to pontificate, only for Princess Luna to hit her hard with her back hand. The result was Trixie falling backward and crushing the Ponyville bakery.
  356. "P-P-Princess Luna...I....thank you for, uh..." Twilight didn’t know how to begin explaining things. Thankfully, the ruler of the night interrupted her. "No need, Twilight Sparkle. Our sister has informed us of your choice in gifting your friend the legendary Unicharm and the resultant problems this has led to you experiencing in your heart."
  358. "She did?" Twilight was confused how Princess Celestia knew about this. But a part of her also warmed that her old mentor still cared despite her fall from Princess to mere Unicorn Mare. But, if she knew why hadn't she stepped in?
  360. "Yes. Your thoughts are written all over your face." Luna gave the unicorn an amused smile. "Trixie Lulamoon has grown much, not thanks to the Unicharm, but as a unicorn. She has gone through her crucible, gave in temptation, and in saving Equestria, however inadvertently,” Princess Luna gave Twilight a little nudge. Twilight smiled, feeling her nervousness evaporate. The Princess was making her heart ease as she spoke. “Trixie is not an evil mare nor will the Unicharm force a mare to abuse it as the Alicorn amulet does." Princess Luna looked down from her lofty height at Twilight. The the meaning of her words sunk in.
  362. Had she been afraid? Was that the reason she’d felt so many weird confusing things. Was she worried not that her innocent friend would be controlled, but that power would lead her friend to lose control of herself?
  364. "Oh Celestia..." Twilight dragged her hands over face in frustration and self realization. "I'm a horrible friend. I'm still making the same mistake I made when I gave the Unicharm by not trusting Trixie, aren't I, Princess Luna?"
  366. Luna gave her a side hug and a warm expression. "Partly. We have also noted you seem to be working too hard. Are you compensating. You do realize that, Alicorn or Unicorn, you are indispensable to the people around. Not because of what you can do for them, but because of what you are to them.”
  368. Twilight sniffed and tears started coming from her eyes. Princess Luna was right! Rainbow Dash was worried about her. So was Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. They’d all continued to stay by her. So what if she wasn't some Alicorn anymore!
  370. "Thank you so much Princess Luna." Twilight wiped her moist eyes and bent her head out of respect to the big Alicorn beside her. Princess Luna accepted her gratitude, but tried to continue. ”You’re welcome, but there's still the matter of..."
  372. Twilight had already disappeared as Princess Luna spoke. No doubt she had awoken in her bed, her nightmare over.
  374. "Well, that's less than ideal." Princess Luna sighed. She hadn’t managed to address the other half of Twilight’s clear problem. But she was sure her big sister’s student would find her way. And if she didn’t? Princess Luna would still be there, in Twilight’s dreams to catch her if she fell into despair again.
  376. After her talk with Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle moved with renewed vigor. Princess Luna's message taken to heart; she was going to trust Trixie as her friend and embrace her new self with all she had!
  378. “Hey Twilight!” She exhaled as all the air in her body was forced out by a tall, imposing mare with a mop of pink hair on her head. “OOOF, hi Pinkie.” She was being held slightly off the ground by the statuesque earth pony. Pinkie had always held a unique place among Twilight’s friend circle. Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy were all straight. Dash batted for both teams. Twilight, after some experimenting in school, had found she preferred mares.
  380. While she and Dash had enjoyed some fun flings, Twilight had been too scared to pursue Pinkie before she became an Alicorn. The earth mare was half a head taller and outweighed her by fifty pounds. Combine that with her lack of discretion and well….
  382. After she had ascended to Alicorn status, she had finally had the courage to approach Pinkie, who apparently shared Dash’s bisexuality. Her times with Pinkie were one of the few times she felt tired or sore as an Alicorn…
  384. “Oopsies.” Pinkie giggled and let Twilight slide down to rest on her own feet. “Tha-nks.” Twilight wheezed and patted Pinkie’s arm. “It’s good to see you too.” Pinkie beamed. “Isn’t it just? Sooo, are you doing anything? Are you, are you, are you?” She was bouncing from her heels to her toes causing a juicy motion under her shirt that Twilight appreciated. Not letting herself get lost, she responded. “Uh, no. Why?”
  386. Twilight followed Pinkie Pie to the cafe. It was her first time since her ascension she had come to Trivial Trot. She had been forced to give it up due to her luck blessing and the unfair edge her Alicorn enhanced reflexes and intellect provided. After she descended….well she’d been too embarrassed. Now? Now she was perfectly happy to and couldn't believe she had waited this long to have some fun!
  388. "Thanks again for letting me team up with you Pinkie." The amazonian earth pony laughed and clapped Twilight on the shoulder causing the smaller unicorn to stumble to the size from the impact. "Of course Twilight. It hasn't been the same since you quit joining me.”
  390. Grinning, the duo entered the room where they went and got their numbers and registered. As Twilight turned around with her number in hand she ran face first into a massive face level ass cheek!
  392. Twilight fell backwards and only avoided falling thanks to Pinkie Pie catching her. “Hey, you okay Twilight?” The earth mare asked Twilight who was dazed. “Yea-yeah. What I ge…for…”. She stopped talking as she took in the incredible vision standing before her.
  394. An enormous bubble butt was wrapped in skin tight denim jeans. The muscular jeans stretched the fabric to its limits. Twilight felt her breath catch and she marveled at the incredible glutes shifting as hips wider than her shoulder swiveled and way above her the owner of that huge butt spoke.
  396. “Twilight, Trixie is so glad you chose to start coming to these again. She missed having someone of your caliber to play against." Twilight flushed pink at the compliment and tried to play it cool despite the fact that she had been...well ogling Trixie’s ass.
  398. She realized as she stood so close to Trixie that she couldn’t really see the other mare’s face. It felt awkward to talk to her like this, with her face more or less at the level of friends crotch and unable to see her face due to the shelf of breast flesh far above her head.
  400. Twilight decided to take a couple of steps back so she could see Trixie's violet eyes. What she saw was quite the sight! Trixie's lower face still wasn't visible, but her eyes literally glowed with a warm, purple light. The egg that she’d once seen had burst and now had resulted in a blazing nova! Trixie’s horn sat on her forehead projecting far and regularly sparking with unused power.
  402. "Th-thanks Trix. Sorry I made you girls wait, heh." Twilight sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. Both she and Trixie giggled and talked casually before the game bell dinged.
  404. Twilight and Pinkie went to their table. Though she was focused on the game and enjoying herself allot, Twilight found herself increasingly taking every opportunity to sneak a look at the incredible giantess Trixie had become.
  406. She was incredible. Trixie required two chairs to sit and even then her buttocks and wide hips were stretched over them and somewhat hung over the edges. She had to bend down and she looked like an adult at a school child’s desk.
  408. The game went fast. Trixie was able to answer any question, provided she could hit the bell. She had some difficulty reaching it and the Unicharm had not increased her reaction time. This enabled Twilight to give her a competitive race, although Trixie wound up winning in the end and it was clear if Twilight hadn’t had faster reflexes she would have gotten squashed. Still…
  410. ”It doesn't feel terrible." Twilight appreciated that she didn't mind being second place or that Trixie was obviously much smarter than she was.
  412. As she thought about that. Trixie being much smarter than her, her heart beat faster. Trixie was smarter than her. She was also much bigger than her and her magic had probably grown as well. Was she better than Twilight in every way? Why? Why did that thought interest and arouse hers so much?
  414. The evening went well, with Twilight taking every opportunity to try to be near Trixie. For her part Trixie didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, Trixie would notice Twilight and immediately straighten or move to make comparison between them possible. It was as if she was encouraging Twilight?
  416. The next day Twilight woke up feeling so great! She hadn't had any dreams, she'd resolved her issues, and was better for her experience. Check, lesson.....
  418. "No...No." The newspaper sitting on her porch read "Fraud Twilight Sparkle exposed!”
  420. Why was it happening again? Was she losing everything again?

Huge Human's Past threads list

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