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[Fixed] Dash's prison fantasy (sub Rainbowprisoner X dom Anonguard)

By Guest
Created: 2023-01-20 18:23:15
Expiry: Never

  1. This "one-shot" belongs to my "Twilight Sparkle is addicted to anon's cum" story; if you want to know why Rainbow Dash is in Ponyville's prison you should read it too!
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. >You are now Rainbow Dash.
  4. >And there are two things you can't believe right now.
  5. >The first thing is that this bitch BonBon called the guards on you.
  6. >You are so going to show her what seagulls do to statues, when you get out. That's for sure.
  7. >The other thing is that you are still sitting in this bucking cell.
  8. >Why hasn't anon come by already and talked with the guards?
  9. >Usually the guards hang a notice at the regarding pony's, or in this case human's, house when something happens.
  10. >Maybe they forgot this time?
  11. >Or maybe he is still busy getting blown by Twilight.
  12. >By Celestia's beard, those two performed a pretty hot show.
  13. >This was easily your best self-achieved orgasm.
  14. >You wonder what else they are going to do or already have done.
  15. >Just thinking about all the possible scenarios gets you going again.
  16. >Phew...
  17. >Eh might as well masturbate again, its not like you have anything better to do.
  18. >They don't even have books here.
  19. >But better make sure that you don't get disturbed.
  20. >Don't want to give the guards the impression that they can join the fun.
  21. "Hey!" you yell.
  22. >No answer.
  23. "Grrr...."
  24. "HEY!"
  25. >The door to your cell opens.
  26. >"Be quiet!" the guard hisses.
  27. >"What do you want?"
  28. "I'm going to bed soon, or whatever you guys like to call this hard bench, so please don't disturb me any more tonight, okay? Once someone wakes me, I have trouble finding sleep again."
  29. >You give him the puppy eyes.
  30. >Better hope this works.
  31. >He sighs.
  32. >"Okay. I will instruct the night-guard of this."
  33. >The guard turns around to leave.
  34. "Wait!"
  35. >Stopping in his tracks, he sighs again.
  36. >"Yes?"
  37. "Could you bring me a glass of water, and maybe a small lamp? I can't sleep when it's pitch black and the ceiling lamp is too bright."
  38. >"How old are you? Five?"
  39. >You glare at him.
  40. "I can't help it, OK?!"
  41. >"We don't have lamps, since inmates tend to set the cells on fire, but I might find a flashlight somewhere. Will that suffice?"
  42. >Uhhh... perfect.
  43. "This will do nicely. Thanks."
  44. >"No problem."
  45. >The guard leaves and closes the door behind him.
  46. >Your lips form a grin.
  47. >This is going to be so good.
  48. >Nothing is better than a nice and intense orgasm right before you go to sleep.
  49. >A few minutes pass and the guard returns.
  50. >Floating in his magical grip are a glass of water, the flashlight and a thin cloth.
  51. >He levitates the three things into your cell.
  52. >"Here you go. You can lay the cloth over the torch, if it's too bright for you."
  53. >Aww how sweet of him.
  54. "Thanks!"
  55. >You beam him a smile and he nods in return.
  56. >"Good night."
  57. "Good night!" you chirp.
  58. >The door closes again.
  59. >Taking the flashlight into your hooves, you inspect your lover for tonight closer.
  60. >It's not as big as anon's but it will do.
  61. >You hop onto the bench and lie down on your back.
  62. >Now you need a setting... masturbation is twice as enjoyable with a good fantasy.
  63. >You think for a bit, your left hoof already caressing your teats.
  64. "Aaachh..."
  65. >Ponyfeathers... you can't think of anything.
  66. >This cell is an imagination killer!
  67. >Or.... you take a look around.
  68. >Or maybe it isn't.
  69. >You close your eyes and indulge in the fantasy you just created,
  71. >You are still Rainbow Dash.
  72. >But this time you have cool scars all over your body, from all the fighting you did.
  73. >Also you are currently sitting in the isolation cell of the Trottingham high security prison.
  74. >One guard threw your food on the ground and you couldn't let that sit with you.
  75. >What would the other prisoners think of you?
  76. >Exactly.
  77. >They would think that you are weak, and that would mean the death of you.
  78. >So you bucked his fucking face in!
  79. >He won't be able to eat any solid food for a while, that's for sure.
  80. >You laugh deeply and menacingly.
  81. >Yeah just like a real criminal.
  82. >*creak*
  83. >!
  84. >The door to your cell opens and the light is switched on.
  85. >You have to shield your eyes from the incoming light.
  86. >After a few seconds your eyes adjust to the sudden brightness.
  87. >Ughh its the strange monkey guard.
  88. >You hate him, he always looks creepily at you.
  89. >"Well, well, well... who do we have here?"
  90. >He steps closer to your cell.
  91. "What do you want, you two-legged freak?!"
  92. >Shaking his head, he strikes his baton against one of the iron bars.
  93. >"No need to get so passive-aggressive Dashie."
  94. >He kneels down.
  95. >"I just heard, what you did to my buddy Hard Lesson."
  96. >His baton points at you.
  97. >"That wasn't really nice, his whole face is ruined now... poor lad."
  98. >You back up a bit.
  99. "That asshole had it coming!"
  100. >"Oh, I know."
  101. "W-What?"
  102. >He laughs.
  103. >"I know what he did to you and the other prisoners. I just couldn't do anything about it, since he is, well was, higher ranked than me."
  104. >The monkey stands up again.
  105. >"To be honest I, and the other guards, are pretty glad that you smashed his head in. Opened his position, you know. And guess who got it?"
  106. >A bit dumbfounded by his sudden openness and friendliness, you shakily point a hoof at him.
  107. >He never was like this... Be careful Rainbow, he has something planned.
  108. >"Exactly."
  109. >His grin grows wider.
  110. "Y-You want something? Why are you here?!"
  111. >Another laugh.
  112. >"Oh you are a quick one. Yeah... I'm here for something."
  113. >He kneels down again to face you.
  114. >"I'm here to propose a small deal to you."
  115. >His eyes glare at you, piercing a hole through your head.
  116. >"I know you don't like the isolation cell. It's so small and so narrow, you can't walk around properly, let alone fly. So how about we make a deal. You give me something, and I give you something. Your normal cell back and more time in the flying cage, to be exact."
  117. >More flying time!? You could finally stretch your wings properly again.... But...
  118. >This sounds good... too good. What might he want?
  119. >You sit down on your haunches.
  120. "And what do you want in return?" you say, shooting him an angry glare.
  121. >He leans his head sideways. The grin still on his face.
  122. >"You."
  123. "W-What?!"
  124. >"You heard me right. I want you."
  125. >Retreating to the back wall you take a defensive stance.
  126. "N-Never! If you want some flank go to the whorehouse or something!
  127. >The monkey guard shakes his head.
  128. >"But I don't want some filthy whorse, I want you and your tight little ass there."
  129. >What?
  130. >No words manage to leave your mouth, you are too shocked.
  131. >"You can either stay here for three more weeks, alone in the dark, or you just accept my offer and feel the wind in your mane again. Your decision."
  132. "...."
  133. >"OK then. Have it your way."
  134. >He rises again and turns around to leave.
  135. >His hand is already on the door handle.
  136. "No! Wait!"
  137. >He looks back to you.
  138. >"Yes?"
  139. >You can't believe you are doing this...
  140. "I will do it..." you say, defeated.
  141. >The turning of a lock can be heard.
  142. "And you promise that I will get my old cell back and more flying time?"
  143. >The monkey chuckles.
  144. >"Of course. That's the difference between me and Hard Lesson. I'm not here to make your life more miserable than it already is. And my new position opened new possibilities to handle things. If you catch my drift."
  145. >You nod.
  146. >"Good girl."
  147. >He opens the door to your cell and steps inside. His form now towering before yours.
  149. >At least this will be over soon, if he is like any other stallion.
  150. >Kneeling down he takes your face in his hand and plants a rough kiss on your lips.
  151. >His tongue pries your mouth open and invades it.
  152. >Exploring every inch of your mouth it finally finds what it was looking for.
  153. >Your own tongue.
  154. >You try to evade his but its no use.
  155. >Complying you let him have his prize.
  156. >It sloppily and greedily snakes around and you try to match its movements.
  157. >You feel a warm feeling building up in your lower abdomen.
  158. >After a good minute he breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes.
  159. >His face still sporting this smug grin of his.
  160. >"Wasn't this nice?"
  161. >With a click, he unbuckles his pants.
  162. >They fall down to his ankles revealing his already erect member.
  163. >You gulp.
  164. >It looks so different from a stallion...
  165. >He grabs the back of your head and forces you closer to it.
  166. >"Come on now. Don't be shy,"
  167. >Hesitantly you open your mouth and take the tip of his penis into it.
  168. >You start to suck on it, which makes him inhale sharply.
  169. >"That's the stuff, Dashie. Go on."
  170. >Your tongue travels down his shaft, lubricating it with your saliva.
  171. >Feeling the pressure on the back of your head increase, you move your head further down.
  172. >He's now nearly hilted and you have to suppress your gag reflex.
  173. >In an effort to increase his arousal, your tongue now coils up and down his cock. Squeezing and massaging it.
  174. >You begin to bob your head up and down, sucking on his glans every time you reach the tip...
  175. >Why hasn't he came yet?
  176. >His breathing starts to get faster and shallower.
  177. >Increasing the pace of your bobbing you use the tips of your wings to tickle and caress his balls.
  178. >Another sharp inhale and he grabs your head on either side.
  179. >You can feel his cock sliding in and out of your throat at a rapid speed, as he fucks your mouth.
  180. >Tears start to form in your eyes and your nose begins to run.
  181. >At the last possible moment he pulls out and lets loose.
  182. >He grunts and several thick strings of his cum land on your snout, mane and face.
  183. >Your tongue betrays you as it licks around your muzzle, trying to lap as much of his seed as possible.
  185. >Exhausted and out of breath you collapse onto the floor.
  186. >Out of the corner of your eye you can see him remove his shirt.
  187. >Isn't he finished? Didn't he get what he wanted?
  188. >He bows down.
  189. >"You did good Dashie. But don't think we are finished yet."
  190. >You shake your head.
  191. "Yes we are! You got what you wanted, now leave me alone."
  192. >His gaze wanders around your cowering form.
  193. >"Oh my!"
  194. >He scoops something up and holds it in front of your face.
  195. >It's ...your own arousal.
  196. >"Somepony got exited!" he states with a chuckle.
  197. >One hand travels along your side and gropes your flank.
  198. >"You enjoyed this? Didn't you?"
  199. >This fucking smug grin returns.
  200. >Ashamed you look away.
  201. >"If you want more, you just have to say it."
  202. >Anon's fingers trace your cutie mark.
  203. >You don't want this.
  204. >Then why are you so bucking turned on right now?!
  205. >"Come on."
  206. >You feel his hot breath on your ear.
  207. >"Say it."
  208. >He gives it a slight nibble.
  209. "Aaach..."
  210. >His hand moves around your thigh, now hovering mere millimeters above your soaked marehood.
  211. >"I can give you so much more..."
  212. >You shudder.
  213. "F..."
  214. >"Yes?"
  215. >A finger flicks your clit.
  216. "Sssssshhhhh......F-Fu..."
  217. >No...please...
  218. >Another nibble.
  219. >"You're so close..."
  220. >You can't take it any more.
  221. "F-Fuck me!"
  222. >"Good girl."
  224. >He grabs you by your hips and turns you on your back. Your hind legs spread wide.
  225. >"You're going to enjoy this, believe me."
  226. >The tip of his cock teases your winking entrance. Your clit fiercely trying to draw it in.
  227. "Just do it already..."
  228. >"Don't worry, you won't have to wait much longer. Just one more thing."
  229. "W-What?"
  230. >He reaches behind him.
  231. >H-His baton?
  232. >You inhale sharply as you feel it's length rubbing against your lower lips. Lubricating it with your nectar.
  233. "W...What are you up to?!"
  234. >His finger shushes you.
  235. >"This should be enough. Don't want to hurt you."
  236. "Hurt me?"
  237. >He doesn't answer you.
  238. >Something presses against your black ring.
  239. >No... he wouldn't.
  240. >"This is it, Dashie."
  241. >He strokes your cheek.
  242. >"Just say it one more time."
  243. >A-Again?
  244. >Buck it...
  245. "Please...Fuck me." you whisper, avoiding his gaze.
  246. >"Good girl."
  247. >Saying these words he thrusts his hips into yours, his cock parting your inner walls.
  248. >At the same time the baton is forced inside your rectum.
  249. >So full...!
  250. >An immense wave of pleasure ripples through your body and you climax nearly instantaneously
  251. >Your head jolts back and you feel your vagina spasming and contracting around his dick.
  252. "Mmmmhaaaa!"
  253. >"You already came?"
  254. >He pulls out a bit.
  255. >"I'm far away from it, you better not pass out Dashie."
  256. >Grabbing your front hooves, anon plunges back in again.
  257. "Aaaahhh!"
  258. >The pace of his thrusting is getting faster and faster.
  259. >Each time he hilts against your sensitive lips, another rush of ecstasy rocks your body and you scream out.
  260. >You don't know how much of this you can take.
  261. >Your tongue is lolling out and your eyes nearly rolled into their sockets.
  262. >His breathing is getting faster again.
  263. >Looks like he is close.
  264. "Cuuu... Cuumuaahhhh!"
  265. >He steadies your face and kisses you again.
  266. >This time more gentle.
  267. >Your tongue intertwines with anon's and you moan into his mouth.
  268. >He breaks the kiss.
  269. >"I'm cumming soon, Dashie."
  270. >You focus your gaze on his face and nod.
  271. "Innnuuaahhh.... I-Inside me! Uaah... E-Every-Everything!"
  272. >Your pussy is clamping down so hard now on his cock, that he nearly can't pull it back out anymore.
  273. >Milking it desperately for his cum.
  274. >You want it so bad.
  275. "Your f-f-f-oals... accchhh... I-I-I want t-them!"
  276. >With one final thrust his whole body shudders and he releases inside you.
  277. >You feel spurt after spurt of his hot seed hitting your womb.
  278. >The world goes black.
  280. >...
  281. >You're awake again.
  282. >By Luna's glorious full moon... did you pass out?
  283. >Looks like it.
  284. >Reaching for your glass of water, you gulp it down.
  285. >Wow... You've to correct yourself.
  286. >THIS was the best and most intense masturbation session you ever had.
  287. >Like you said before... a nice fantasy makes it twice as good.
  288. >You wipe the sweat off your face and take a look around.
  289. >There is quite a large puddle beneath your bench.
  290. >The bench itself is also pretty drenched.
  291. >Buck...
  292. >Better open the small window.
  293. >You'll just wait for the stench to air out a bit, and then ask for more water.
  294. >It's already drying.
  295. >Curling up on the dry end of the bench, you yawn.
  296. >You feel so relaxed and satisfied right now.
  297. >Just a small nap and then you will call the guard...
  298. >Yes...
  299. >Your eyelids fall down and the world goes black again.
  301. title: [Fixed] Dash's prison fantasy (sub Rainbowprisoner X dom Anonguard)
  302. Info/source: {"URL 1": "", "URL 2": "", "author": "X-Roads", "author URL": "", "Created": "2015.01.27 07:47:21 UTC", "Last modified": "2015.01.27 07:47:21 UTC", "Archived from": "", "Archived on": "2020.10.31 17:45:24 UTC", "other version": "", "other version still has errors": "yes"}
  303. tags: X-Roads, NSFW, Rainbow Dash, prison, Anon in Equestria, AiE, Rainbow Dash's prison fantasy - Part of TS is addicted to Anon's cum
  304. vc: qPDtr

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