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Four Purple Mares Try To Solve The Worlds Problems Part 1.6

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-01-29 00:59:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Night Glider:
  3. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  4. > As I trotted towards the gates of town hall the reality of my situation was beginning to set in
  5. > Why did I agree to do this?
  6. > I feel like such a fool
  7. > I hadn’t seen Sugar Belle in so long
  8. > Now I’m expected to beg her for a job?
  9. > Talk about awkward.
  11. > From what I’ve been hearing about her around town she’s only gotten more promiscuous.
  12. > A feat I didn’t even think possible.
  13. > Back in college she got passed around more than the attendance sign-in sheet
  14. > But I’m not one to judge
  15. > We were all fornicating like rabbits in those days.
  17. > Like everypony from Our Town, I hadn’t left Sugar Belle on the greatest of terms felt guilty ever since.
  18. > The more I thought about the way I abandoned every pony, the more I stared to consider how I’ve influenced the ponies around me.
  19. > I wonder if things would have turned out differently if I stayed in town instead of joining up with Starlight in the mountains
  20. > They probably would have.
  21. > But I doubt its healthy ruminate on such things
  22. > My mind has been plagued by regret for too long.
  24. > I walked alongside the walls of city hall reading the graffiti as I passed
  25. > Well….All the Ponish graffiti at least…
  26. > Most of the vandalism targeted Sugar Belle referring to her as the “Nymph of Sugar Mountains.”
  27. > Most ponies in a position of power have such writings washed away
  28. > I know Starlight would
  29. > She would probably have the ponies who perpetrated the vandalism arrested…
  31. > I sighed
  32. > Who was I kidding? Sugar Belle was my friend
  33. > Not helping me wasn’t an option for mares as kind as her
  34. > She may be the biggest airhead I've ever met
  35. > But she’s a forgiving airhead.
  36. > Almost to a fault
  38. > I approached the gates of town hall
  39. > A large building made of Ivy coloured stone fashioned to resemble the architecture of Canterlot
  40. > Beyond the steel bars two Crystal Guards approached from beyond the gate wearing golden armour.
  41. > They asked me all the standard questions
  42. > Name, age, residence, etc.
  43. > I lied my way through the entire conversation.
  44. > After all the formal questions, they asked something I didn’t expect
  45. > “Are you involved or associated with any equality faction?” A guard asked, reading from his clipboard.
  47. “Why does it matter?”
  48. > “We can't allow any disruptors into city hall."
  49. > Really?
  50. > I rolled my eyes and leaned my face between the bars
  51. “Isn’t that a little ironic? You know that Sugar Belle was one of the founding members of the Equality movement, right?”
  53. > “Our orders don’t come from Sugar Belle, they come from Princess Cadance.”
  54. > I was beginning to wonder how much power Sugar Belle actually held in this town.
  55. > It seemed like their’s always somepony either pulling her strings or operating under her nose.
  56. > Perhaps Sugar Belle wasn’t as big of a problem as I thought?
  57. > She’s just being played.
  59. > The guards opened the gate and led me through the building
  60. > I followed them upstairs into her office where they shoved me inside and slammed the door behind me.
  61. > Thats when I saw her.
  62. > She was sat behind a large wooden desk while three mean looking griffons stood behind her.
  63. > Towering above the small mare and caressing her shoulders and backside as she worked.
  65. > Sugar Belle appeared to be to focused on her paperwork to see me enter
  66. > All I could do was stare at her…Or what she had become.
  67. > I was gobsmacked by her newfound culture.
  68. > Her face was covered in black tattoos.
  69. > Claw marks tattoos surrounded the perimeter of her face and symbols of griffon supremacy had been stamped over cheeks.
  71. > She was a disaster
  72. > I mean…
  73. > She’s always had a thing for creatures
  74. > A twisted interest of hers that I could never wrap my head around.
  75. > On the rare occasions I asked about her perversions she would answer that she liked creatures bestial and uncivilized nature.
  76. > Something about being dominated by creatures stronger and Dumber than herself.
  77. > I don't think Sugar Belle realizes how racist she actually is.
  79. > One of the griffons behind her reached below her chair and tugged on her tail
  80. > Sugar Belle’s eyes widened and she leaped from her seat and yelped.
  81. > When she landed back in her seat the griffons all began to laugh.
  82. > She pulled her tail into her chest and stared up at the cackling birds
  83. > “Not funny guys.” She hissed
  85. > Sugar Belle rested her tail over her lap and started back with her work
  86. > Upon closer inspection I noticed that she had grown a large belly.
  87. > She looked pregnant
  88. > Oh, Celestia…
  89. > I hope she doesn't bring it up
  90. > I don't wanna hear about what creature knocked her up
  91. > But honestly, I doubt she even knows.
  93. > I made my presence known by clearing my throat
  94. > The griffons heads swivelled and they all shot me annoyed looks
  95. > Clearly upset that I was interrupting their fun
  96. “Hows it going Sugar Belle?” I asked, sounding more meek than I wanted to
  98. > “Oh my gosh! Is that really you!?” She beamed
  99. > She was about to jump from her seat but one of the griffons shoved her back into her chair and pointed to the stack of paperwork.
  100. > “Oh, sorry!” She snorted
  101. > “I would love to hug you right now, but I’m SO busy filling out paperwork.”
  103. “No problem, it's fine…”
  104. > “I’ve been doing so much paperwork recently!” She whined,
  105. "That's great!"
  106. > I tried my hardest to sound interested, but paperwork has got to be the most unsexy and boring thing in all of Equestria.
  108. “What's the paperwork about?” I asked
  109. > Sugar Belle looked up and began to chuckle
  110. > “The Griffons give me the stuff to sign all the time! right now I’m signing the “Griffons for Business bill."
  111. “And what does that do?”
  112. > She looked down at the paper and stared blankly
  113. > “I don’t know, it’s written in Griffon.”
  114. > Her tone suggested that she suddenly realized how ridiculous she was acting
  116. > I felt my heart sink
  117. > Oh no…
  118. > She doesn't even know what she's signing.
  120. "Sugar Belle. Do you have a moment?”
  121. > “Of course, what's on your mind?”
  122. “Well...Do you remember Ivy Vine?”
  123. > “Who could forget Ivy!? She and I practically grew up together!"
  124. “Well…She’s having some trouble acquiring a transfer ticket out of Sugar Mountains. Can you maybe help her?"
  126. > “No problem! I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she gets that pass!"
  127. > I sighed in relief
  128. > Thank goodness
  129. > For some reason I thought this wold be much harder
  131. > She spun in her chair and looked up at the Griffons who were all nodding disagreeably
  132. > She spun back around and shrugged her shoulders
  133. > “Sorry, I would love to give Ivy a transfer ticket, but I can’t. It’s out of my control.”
  134. > My angry eyes wander upwards, meeting the gaze of the griffons who stood behind her like soldiers.
  135. “You’re the mayor.” I argued
  137. > One of the griffins hunched into her ear and whispered something
  138. > Her eyes lit up and she covered her smile behind her hooves
  139. > "I think I have something even better! The griffons are going to open a Mine in the mountains! She could be a miner pony!”
  140. “She doesn’t want to be a miner she wants to leave.” I snarled
  142. > Sugar Belle looked deflated
  143. > I could tell she was trying
  144. > One of the griffons picked her rump off the chair and tossed her on the desk
  145. > Her stomach plopped onto the desk like a sack of hammers
  146. > The Griffons proceeded to spread her back legs apart and began to poke at her marehood
  147. > Sugar Belle wasn’t even phased by the molestation.
  149. > Instead, she put her hoof to her lip and began to think
  150. > “Hmmmm….I would like to help Ivy, but the griffons don’t really like seeing ponies leave. They say it's a sign of weakness. But let's be honest, weakness has always been part of pony culture. That's why this collaboration is so beneficial for us! The Griffons will make us strong!"
  152. > One of the griffons sunk his claws into her tattooed flank and mounted her.
  153. > He then began slowly thrusting his hips back and forth
  154. > Her eyes widened and a smile of pleasure crawled across her flushed red face.
  155. > “Ohhhh….T..That's soooo nice….” She moaned
  156. > Was this really happening?
  157. > The Griffon began to quicken his pace and Sugar Belle was starting to get really into it.
  158. > "You Griffons are so dirty! Taking advantage of a mare like me!"
  160. > I covered my eyes
  161. > I was both disgusted and embarrassed at this display
  162. > "Take me you savages!” She demanded
  163. > I pinched the bridge of my nose
  164. > “Fuck my tiny pony body you disgusting creatures!”
  165. > This was so frustrating
  166. > I was not sitting through another minute of …Whatever this was.
  168. “Sugar Belle!” I shouted
  169. > She froze and stared at me looking ashamed in her sudden outburst
  170. > The griffon continued humping her, paying no mind to how awkward the room had turned
  171. >...
  172. > “Oh! Sorry!” She giggled playfully. “Where were we? Oh yeah! We could make her a supervisor of the mine! They earn two loafs of bread instead of one!"
  173. > The griffon slapped her flank and shook his head “no”
  175. > Sugar Belle frowned and rested her head over her legs in frustration
  176. > “Sorry Night Glider, but the griffons don’t approve. And we have to work together.”
  178. "Why aren't the miner ponies being paid in Sugar Bucks?"
  179. > "The Griffons don't like the idea of paying them in Sugar Bucks. I can see why, all they're gonna use the Sugar Bucks for is bread anyways"
  180. > How could she be so short sighted
  181. > She wasn’t a smart mare, but now it was like she was intentionally acting like an idiot
  182. > Maybe it was the stress?
  183. > Regardless of the reason, I blame Twilight for putting this clearly unstable mare in charge of anything.
  185. "Isn't there anything you CAN do?"
  186. > Sugar Belle thought for a moment
  187. > “If it's Sugarbucks she needs, there's a shop downtown looking for a milk mare. From what I hear it pays well."
  190. > She reached into her drawer and passed me a paper that read:
  191. > “Stony Pony Motherly Milk Mare job opportunity! We are looking for a friendly, hardworking,, big-breasted, team member who’s comfortable having her teats suckled for Sugarbucks and/or Bits. Applicant must be kind, progressive thinking, and comfortable working in hot and smoky areas for long periods of time. - Tree Hugger”
  193. > "Is this really the best you can do?"
  194. > "Look, most ponies would give anything for a job like this. In fact, the only reason the position wasn’t filled already is because these applications were supposed to go out weeks ago! You’re literally the only mare in town who knows about this job so you’re guaranteed to get it!”
  195. > Great
  196. > I bet Ivy would love having ponies (probably stallions) sucking on her boobs all day.
  198. > "You know Ivy will flip when I tell her that the only way to make money in this town is to sell her fluids to strangers, right?”
  199. "I’m trying my best! But I'm just the mayor!" Sugar Belle replied between grunts
  200. > Just the mayor
  201. > I rolled my eyes
  203. > The Griffon had now quickened his pace and Sugar Belle was gripping onto the edge of the table tightly
  204. "Well what do you suggest I do, mayor? Because this isn’t gonna cut it."
  205. > "I don't know! Improvise!" She looked back at the griffon rutting her rear end.
  206. > Her tongue rolled from her mouth and danced to the rhythm of the Griffons thrusts
  207. > “Oh my gosh! Yes! Take me you fucking creature!”
  208. > This was getting…weird
  210. > I made my way out of the office and closed the door behind me
  211. > I could still hear her moaning pleasure beyond the door
  213. > I looked down at the paper Sugar Belle gave me
  214. "The Stony pony.”
  215. > I knew of the place but never visited
  216. > I didn’t care much for their wares or clientele
  217. > But, I don’t think it would hurt to inquire about the job though
  218. > This was for Ivy after all.
  220. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  222. > After a short walk I found myself outside the shop
  223. > The place looked like one of those old cigar stores they had on the old college campus.
  224. > I approached the entrance but I guess I wasn’t paying attention because I bumped into a somepony as I opened the door.
  226. > “AAAAAAHHHHHH!” The mare screamed
  227. > I turned and saw a pony dressed in medical scrubs and face masks
  228. > It was that weird pony Twilight was berating earlier
  229. > Small world
  230. > She threw herself back and pulled out a large bottle of sanitizer from her holster and began slathering herself with the gooey gel.
  231. > “Oh my gosh! I’m going to get so sick!” She screamed
  233. > The mare was shaking nervously and looked like she was going to have a full blown panic attack.
  234. “Shhh! I’m sorry! But I didn’t see!”
  235. > I said trying to calm the panicked pony
  236. > “I’m going to get sick! I’m going to get sick! I can’t get sick!” The mare cried
  237. “No! You're fine! Please just relax, take a couple of deep breaths"
  238. > “I can’t! I’m going to catch Mare-Aids and die!”
  239. > Mare-aids?
  240. > I wasn’t sure if I should be insulted, or pity the poor hypochondriac
  241. > How hysterical can a mare be?
  243. > I smacked the bottle out of her hooves and grabbed her by the cheeks
  244. “Listen.” I ordered
  245. > She tried to pull herself from my grasp but I held as tightly as I could
  246. > I gave half of my power to Starlight, but thankfully this mare was very frail and couldn’t match me in a fight.
  247. “I want you to inhale. Slowly.”
  249. > “Get your hooves off me!” She yelped with her lips squished between my hooves
  250. “No. Not until you calm down.”
  251. > Her eyes darted up and down the street but once she realized I wasn’t going to let go she complied
  253. > She closed her eyes and inhaled slowly
  254. > I could see her face masks contorting with every breath
  255. > It was hard to believe that she could breathe with all that cloth taped round her muzzle
  258. "Now, what are you doing here?" I asked calmly
  259. > “I…I’m doing an investigation…Or something! I don’t know! I’m not allowed to say! Just please let me go!”
  260. “Not until you calm down. Now take another deep breath.”
  261. > The mare complied and I complimented her for her effort
  262. “Good.” I said calmly
  263. “Now exhale.”
  264. > She did as she was told and we continued this exercise for a couple of minutes until she was completely calm.
  266. “Are you calm?”
  267. > “Yes…I’m…I’m sorry I freaked out at you like that.”
  268. “I’m going to remove my hooves from your cheeks. Do you promise that you won’t freak out?”
  269. > She nodded and I slowly removed my hooves from her face
  270. > I could tell that she was uncomfortable, her legs wiggled anxiously and she kept reaching into her sanitizer satchel.
  271. > Thankfully, she was watching her breath and keeping calm.
  273. “See? You’re okay!” I cheered
  274. > “I…I…Thanks?”
  275. “No problem! What's with you anyway? You got some kinda condition?”
  276. > “No! What makes you think that!?”
  277. > I gave her a look of disappointment
  278. “Seriously?”
  279. > “I mean…I have lots of….Unresolved issues.” She squeaked
  280. “Well…Thats okay I guess? My name is Night Glider.”
  281. > I put out my hoof for a hoof shake but she recoiled and stared at it in horror
  282. “Oh yeah….Sorry.” I chuckled
  284. > “My names is Amethyst. I’m a professional report taker!” She said proudly “And you’re one of Twilight’s PPMP agents!”
  285. “Uh…Yeah! Totally.”
  286. > “You’re so lucky! I would be so happy to work for the PPMP. You ponies make so much money.”
  287. > “Don’t you make lots of money?”
  288. > The mare paused
  289. > “I mean…I do, but…”
  290. “But what?”
  292. > “Well…Since you’re a fellow agent I feel comfortable telling you that I don’t get paid very well. And just between you and me, I don’t really like Twilight very much. She scares me. I only took this job because of the pay. Most of my money goes to my mom.”
  293. “Oh, is she sick?”
  294. > “Kind of.” The mares gaze fell to the floor
  295. > “I’ve never told anypony this before but my moms a little…strange, to say the least.”
  297. “That's okay, I think everyponies parents are a little strange.”
  298. > “You don’t understand. My mom isn’t normal, she can’t be around other ponies because she’s…”
  301. > “What the heck is going on here!?” A shrill voice interrupted
  302. > Amethyst jumped in fear and stood on guard for the princess
  303. > Pressing her tissue box covered hoof over her forehead
  304. > I looked up and saw Twilight who looked livid.
  305. > And somehow…Much fatter than the last time we met
  306. “Oh…Sorry, Princess…” I muttered
  309. > As she stared at me a cross expression grew across her sour, purple face.
  310. > “I'm sorry, but Amethyst is busy right now. She’s my royal notetaker and she doesn’t need any distractions." She said sternly
  311. “I understand princess…I was just leaving.”
  312. > I turned and attempted to go my own way but was stopped when she grabbed onto my tail.
  313. > “Hey! You're that PPMP officer aren't you?"
  314. > “Oh…Yes….Small world.” I chuckled
  315. > Fudge
  316. > “You know, I have a couple of words for you.”
  318. > I turned around and locked my eyes with the plump purple princess
  319. > Her suit was stained with what looked like cake and remnants of the baked good hardened along the edges of her mouth.
  320. > Her enormous thighs quivering as they struggled to uphold her fatty derriere and loose, fleshy gut that hung low and tugged at her suit.
  321. > The stretching was so bad that the edges were fraying.
  322. > Staring upon the fat royal filled me with a mix of disgust, fear, and pity.
  324. > I shook away the shock
  325. > “Umm...Sure…?” I peeped
  326. > “You PPMP ponies can try all you like to get me to stop eating tasty food. But I don’t care anymore! I’m going to eat what I want! When I want! And I’m not going to listen to anypony!”
  328. > Twilight had a mean look in her eye
  329. “Oh…Well, That's great princess…I’m very happy for you.” I replied casually
  330. > “And before you ask. No! I’m not going in this shop to buy drugs! I’m conducting a very important investigation. A better question is, what are you doing here?"
  332. > “I...Ummm I got fired?”
  333. >...
  335. "Oh…Well, I'm sorry to hear that."
  336. > Her voice was much calmer now
  337. > It was as if she felt sorry for me
  338. "Yeah, I'm actually looking for a job here. Maybe you could pull a few strings for me princess?"
  339. > I passed her the job application and she scanned it quickly.
  341. "Milk Mare? Hmmm…..Well, As a PPMP agent, you already know everything about me, so I think you'd be perfect for the job."
  342. “Well, actually it's not really for me it's…"
  343. > She gave me a strange look
  344. > Did I say something wrong
  345. > Quick Night Glider! Lie! Its your unofficial special talent!
  346. > "Actually! Never mind!”
  347. > I swiped the application from her hooves and stuffed it into my bag
  348. “I've always wanted to be a milk mare!”
  349. > What kind of hole was I digging myself into?
  351. > “Well, thats perfect! I can’t wait to try your flavour! You look like you taste like…”
  352. > Twilight put her hoof under her chin and thought for a moment.
  353. > “Blueberries!”
  354. “Blueberries?”
  355. > “Yes! I think your milk will taste like blueberries.” She stated matter of factly
  356. “Oh…Okay princess…”
  358. > We walked inside the shop and were greeted by a green mare with messy red dreadlocks
  359. > "Yo! Twilight, what's happening' you looking for Fluttershy?" The pony asked in a slow and grating tone.
  360. > "Matter of fact I am. But first I need to get straight into some business."
  361. > Twilight pulled out a transparent baggy with a cigarette butt inside.
  362. > "Do you know who bought this?"
  363. > "Hmmmmm……I think I know the mare who purchased this, but I haven't seen her in a while. I don't even know her name. Maybe ask around the brothel downtown. I think I've seen her there before.”
  364. > Twilight put the baggy into her purse
  365. > "Do you have a description of this pony?"
  366. > "Of course."
  368. > Amethyst pulled out a notepad and began taking notes
  369. > "She's a purple unicorn mare…I don't remember her cutie mark, but I think it was some sort of fish? Like…Tuna or something?"
  370. > I rolled my eyes
  371. > Stoners
  373. > “A purple unicorn mare with a tuna fish cutie mark.” Twilight restated “Anything else?”
  374. > “She’s a really thin mare, almost skin, and bones.”
  375. > Twilight nodded “Thanks for the information. Now, I think it’s finally time for me to take a nice long break.”
  376. > Tree Hugger smiled “Totally…But I would act fast because Fluttershy and I are off to Ponyville in like…An hour.”
  377. > “Off to Ponyville!? For what purpose?” Twilight asked stomping her hooves indignantly
  379. > “McHoofies is building its new base of operations there. Did you know that they’re serving chicken at their restaurant?”
  380. > “Chicken? Like the bird?”
  381. > “Yeah, it's SO not cool.” The stoner poner replied
  382. > “That's probably just some nonsense an angry customer made up. I love McHoofies! I go the one by the hospital every day for Celestia's sake! I think if anypony were to notice anything weird going on with their food it would be me.”
  383. > Twilight crossed her hooves and closed her eyes
  384. > I don’t think she could be more smug if she tried
  386. > Tree Hugger covered her mouth and began to chuckle
  387. > Twilights eyes cracked open and she uncrossed her hooves
  388. > “What's so funny?” She snarled
  389. > “Didn’t you say that you’re areolas got really like…REALLY puffy when you started eating at McHoofies? Something about the hormones in their food?”
  390. > Twilight flashed red with embarrassment.
  391. > “No…I…I…I told you never to mention that!”
  393. > The green mare giggled loudly “You even asked me if I could fix them!”
  394. > “S-Shut up Tree Hugger!” Twilight stammered
  395. > “You’ve got a real funky pair of purple pepperonis swinging down their Twilight!”
  396. > I could tell by the mares tone that she wasn’t trying to be insulting
  397. > I think she’s just too “out of it” to realize how rude she was being
  399. > I held my hoof over my mouth and tried to hide my laugher
  400. > When I turned to Amethyst, she was writing in her notebook
  401. > “Purple…Pepperoni….nipples…” She whispered to herself
  402. > Twilight spun around like a tornado
  403. > “Do. Not. Write that!” She barked
  404. > Amethyst sunk behind her notepad and began frantically scratching out her entry.
  405. > “Sorry, princess.” She replied at a barely audible volume
  407. > Twilight turned back to Tree Hugger who was holding a cigarette between her lips
  408. > “So, like…Is there anything you can do to stop it?”
  409. > Twilights eye began to twitch
  410. > “Stop what!?” She cried
  411. > Tree Hugger didn’t flinch at Twilights’ outburst
  412. > She just puffed on her cigarette and laughed
  413. > “You know…Like…Stopping McHoofies and stuff.”
  415. > Twilight slammed her hoof to her face
  416. > "No Tree Hugger. Zoning laws are out of my control. You two need to stop protesting so much anyways, didn’t you already hold a protest when McHoofies opened a restaurant here?”
  417. > “Yeah.” The green pony laughed “We sure showed them.”
  419. > “No. No, you didn’t. You got yourselves arrested and I had to bail you out. Ironically, the same day you two were released, McHoofies opened. Do you even know how embarrassed I was? The Equestria Enquirer wrote an entire article about the incident! It was humiliating!”
  420. > Tree Hugger stared at Twilight with her bloodshot eyes and frowned
  421. > “Princess, I’m sorry to say. But your negative energy is seriously bumming me out.”
  422. > “Look, it's a very simple concept. All I’m saying is that protesting is a waste of time. Instead, you and Fluttershy should stay here and sell me milk until I go back home to ponyville.”
  423. > Treehugger shook her head
  424. > “No can do Purple. Those chickens need our help. Fluttershy’s in the back if you want a taste before we leave.”
  426. > Twilight turned to me with a desperate look in her eyes
  427. > “Do you want this job?”
  428. > “Ummmm…..I…I…”
  429. > "Normally, I'm not one to offer this sort of position on such short notice, but it seems like my time is running thin."
  431. “Oh…Well of course princess. I can be your Milk Mare.”
  432. > “Do you promise to keep this secret between us?”
  433. “Sure…I can do that.”
  434. > “Perfect! I’m sure that you’ll make a great personal Milk Mare until Fluttershy returns!”
  435. > What kind of mess have I gotten myself into?
  437. > Twilight grabbed my hoof and pulled me behind the counter into the backroom
  438. > I felt a heat hit my face and smoke fill my lungs
  439. > The room was illuminated by candlelight and covered in “cigarette” smoke
  440. > It felt like a sauna and smelled like skunk and sweat.
  442. > Fluttershy, the famed element of Kindness sat in the center of the room atop a pile of pillows
  443. > She wore a purple hat and sweater along with a teal polka dot scarf and large glasses
  444. > Her mane was tied in a tight braid and she was in sweat
  445. > Her body was completely drenched in her fluids soaking that through the entirety of her outfit
  446. > The smell of her oder permeated the room
  448. > She sat atop the pillows with her legs spread while two mares sucked enthusiastically on her large, plump breasts.
  449. > The mares beneath her adorned matching outfits
  450. > They both had flowers tied into necklaces hanging around their necks.
  451. > Their manes were unkempt and dangled freely over the colourful assortment of rags that looked haphazardly hoof-stitched together.
  453. > They sucked timidly on Fluttershys nipples
  454. > Between sips the two passed a cigarette between each other.
  455. > The skunky smell of their cigarettes was strong.
  456. > Trumped only by Fluttershy’s piercing body odor.
  457. > I looked over at Amethyst and began envying her face masks.
  459. > Fluttershy was holding a small red book in her hoof and was reading aloud to the mares who were staring up at her longingly as they suckled on her teats like newborn puppies.
  460. > “The stallion is the inferior sex.” She read “Their genitalia is exposed and swings between the legs leaving them vulnerable. They compensate for this fragility by destroying whatever they perceived as a threat to their masculinity. On the other hoof, we have the mare, the only creature in Equestria with the potential to tame their savage nature. It is our mission to awaken everypony of this fact because only then can we live in harmony with nature.”
  462. > As we got closer I noticed the spoonfuls of milk dripping from their wide-open maws.
  463. > They were completely hypnotized Fluttershy.
  464. > Intoxicated by her milk and her words
  466. > Fluttershy lowered the book and gently pushed their heads backwards
  467. > Her nipples popped out of their mouths and jiggled slightly
  468. > She covered her nipples with her hooves and smiled
  469. > “It’s good isn’t it?” She asked in a soothing tone
  470. > The mares nodded in agreement and began caressing her factories
  471. > “Do you want another taste?”
  472. > Their hooves grappled onto her breast and began squeezing
  474. > Fluttershy snatched their hooves and pushed them away
  475. > “Ah! Ah! Ah! You need to make a donation first, let's say….. fifty SugarBucks for another twenty minutes?”
  476. > The doozy-eyed mares began searching through their bags that rested at their hooves
  478. > Twilight cleared her throat to get her friend's attention
  479. > Fluttershy looked up and smiled from ear to ear
  480. > “Oh! Hello Twilight! What a great surprise!” Fluttershy cheered
  481. > Twilight approached the tipsy mares and grabbed one of them by her limp hoof
  482. > She looked down on them with disgust
  483. > The mare just smiled back dozily
  484. > “I still don’t think that you should be selling your milk…It's too powerful for average ponies.” Twilight lectured
  486. > “If you know a better way to spread kindness I’m always open. Look at these ponies! They’re practically teeming with kindness!”
  487. > Twilight stared into the mares eyes
  488. > They were in a completely different reality.
  489. > “Are you a princess?” The mare mumbled
  491. > Twilight rolled her eyes and dropped the pony who flopped to the floor like dead weight.
  492. > “You’re exploiting your kindness magic.” Twilight argued
  493. > “Maybe a little.” Fluttershy sighed “But I don’t see it like that. I think I’m bringing much needed positivity into the world.”
  495. > Fluttershy pet one of the mares on the head “Isn’t that right, honey?”
  496. > Twilight looked down at the ponies crawling around on the floor, completely at the mercy of…Whatever it was in Fluttershys milk that made them act this way.
  497. > “I’m not sharing.” Twilight said bluntly
  498. > Fluttershy sighed and took one of the mares by the hoof and brought her up to her eye level
  499. > The dopey-looking pony had a broken smile and her eyelids hung low
  501. > “Your time is up honey.” Fluttershy cooed
  502. > The dazed mare nodded and stumbled out of the room with milky spittle dripping from her lips.
  503. > Twilight stepped over the other mare, who was completely passed out on the floor.
  504. > She sat between Fluttershys legs and began to suck on her left teat
  506. > It was then I noticed something very odd about Fluttershys bust
  507. > Her breasts were covered in veins. They pulsated like a heartbeat as the milk inside discharged into Twilights mouth
  508. > Cups of milk poured in her mouth and bulged at her throat before sliding into her belly which was purred happily.
  509. > She rubbed her stomach with one hoof and stuck the other between her chubby thighs
  510. > The tip of her hoof poked between her legs as she rubbed her crotch in a slow, methodical motion
  512. > Twilights blue suit pants were taut around her large rump
  513. > The cotton stitch was stretched tightly across her flank, gripping to every fold of her rump and forming a mold of her genitals.
  514. > A tear was forming over her ponut
  515. > The laceration in the fabric was small but noticeable and provided a tiny window that exposed the top half of her anus.
  516. > Her tummy fat drooled over her waistband
  517. > The noises her stomach was making were strange and filled the room with dull, low-pitched grumbles.
  519. > “I don’t know why you would let ponies put their mouths on your nipples like that. It’s disgusting and unsanitary.” Amethyst stated
  520. > “Oh, it’s not so bad.” Fluttershy replied, “It can actually feel quiet nice.” She said rubbing Twilights chubby barrel that moaned in delight
  522. > “You look like you would be perfect for this kind of work." She added
  523. > Fluttershy eyes wandered upwards towards Amethysts breasts that tower above her head, held in place by a strange brassiere-like contraption.
  524. > Amethyst shot her nose into the air “Not for all the bits in Equestria!”
  526. > Fluttershy began to squirm in discomfort as Twilights sucking became louder and more intense.
  527. > She tried to hide her unease, but it was obvious she was no longer having fun.
  528. > Her back legs began to fidget and she was subtly trying to shove Twilight off by pushing on her forehead.
  529. > “Well…(Ooooo)….Y-you see…We all need to…(Oh my gosh!)……We all need to be kind….even if it’s not in our best intrESTS!…” She squealed "Ponies are….very…hungry out there…"
  531. > Amethyst rolled her eyes and approached Fluttershy who was trying to force Twilight off her breast while also trying to look calm at the same time.
  532. > Her face screamed discomfort and was clearly nervous
  533. > But I cold tell that she was trying to keep her cool for the sake of the argument
  534. > All ponies have tells
  535. > Some are just more obvious than others
  537. > “You’re…REALLY thirst today aren’t you Twilight?" Fluttershy laughed nervously
  538. > Twilight didn’t respond and only quickened her pace
  539. > Her head bobbing back and forth as she slurped the milk straight from the source
  541. > “Oh, come on! You environmentalist ponies are almost as bad as the Equalists. You never bathe, smell like gym socks, and spend all day being freeloading degenerates.”
  542. > “T… That's not true!” Fluttershy whined “All of our money goes to charity! We use our Bits to help ponies!”
  544. > At this point Fluttershy had lodged her back leg into Twilights stomach and was trying to push her away
  545. > Twilight's tummy only growled at this retaliation
  546. > Profane sounds of digestion began to rise
  547. > Fluttershys resistance only made Twilight more adamant and she started sucking on her nipple even more roughly than before
  548. > She was treating her friend like nothing but a milk dispenser
  549. > Fluttershy didn’t appreciate the objectification.
  551. > Fluttershy breast was beginning to stretch
  552. > “Oh for the love of Celestia please let go…” Fluttershy mumbled
  553. > “What?” Amethyst asked indignantly
  554. > “Ooooohhh…. I just…Said that….I….I…I mean we…..Don’t bathe because….N…Nature is…is….”
  556. > Finally, she managed to push her away
  557. > Fluttershy yelped as her teat was released from Twilights mouth
  558. > With a loud pop and Twilghts head shot backward and Fluttershys breast snapped back into her crotch
  559. > Her droplets of milk flew into the air
  562. > Twilight fell to the floor and a loud rip could be heard
  563. > Fluttershys face began to contort as she held onto her nipple
  564. > “Ummm….Could you be a little more gentle?”
  565. > Twilight looked between her legs
  566. > A large tear over the crotch had formed
  567. > Twilight slammed her hooves between her legs and blushed
  568. > “D..Don’t look at me…”
  570. > “Girls…”
  571. > We all turned to Amethyst who was shaking
  572. > Her face was covered in milk splatters
  573. > She shrieked and bolted out of the room
  575. > She ran into the washroom and slammed the door behind her
  576. > I could hear tap water running from beyond the door
  577. > Fluttershy lifted her breast and stared down at her nipple which was red and swollen
  578. > Her milk was flowing freely without assistance now
  579. >Drooling in a steady stream onto the floor
  581. > Fluttershys face twisted in horror
  582. > “Oh no…Oh no…oh no!”
  583. “What's wrong?”
  584. > “It's not stopping! Twilight sucked too hard! Now it won’t stop leaking!”
  585. > That can happen?
  587. > Tree Hugger pushed her way toward Fluttershy
  588. > “Yo! What's with all the noise back here?”
  589. > “Twilight broke my nipple!” Fluttershy cried
  590. > Twilight was sitting on the ground licking her lips in a trance-like state as the milk pooled around her
  591. > We all stared at the princess in shock
  592. > It took her a few seconds to notice, but when she did her face turned candy apple red
  593. > “What?” Twilight asked casually
  594. > A part of me wanted to say something
  595. > Another part of me wanted to go into the washroom with Amethyst and wash my eyes after everything I’d seen today.
  597. > Tree Hugger approached Fluttershy and lifted a hoof to her chin
  598. > “Hmmm….It's a good thing you work with a master potion maker like myself.”
  599. > Tree Hugger walked over to a cabinet and rummaged through potions
  600. > Meanwhile, Fluttershy nursed her sobbing breast
  602. > “Dude…I think I found something.”
  603. > She pulled out a large empty bottle and pulled the cork off
  604. > Then, she approached Fluttershy and stuck it over her breast
  605. > She used an excessive amount of tape to keep the bottle in place
  607. > I watched the milk quickly fill the bottle
  608. “How is this going to help in the long run?” I asked
  609. > Tree Hugger took a drag of her cigarette and laughed
  610. > “Just watch.”
  611. > I leaned in close and watched the bottle fill up to the halfway point
  612. > But somehow, it wasn’t being filled
  613. > It remind half full.
  614. > Never more
  615. > Never less
  617. > I was puzzled
  618. “I don’t get it. Why isn’t it filling to the top?”
  619. > “It’s an infinity bottle. At the bottom is a small portal. Infinity bottles have been used for centuries. Mostly by alchemists back in the day to share their potions from long distances.”
  620. > I was impressed
  621. > But this raised a number of questions
  623. “Where will all this milk go?”
  624. > Tree Hugger shrugged
  625. > “I don’t know, Maybe it goes to…Space? That would be cool.”
  626. > I shook my head in disappointment
  627. > The fact that such a useless pony has access to this sort of power was worrying
  628. > But I guess it was better than slowly drowning in milk
  630. > “You really shouldn’t be using that sort of magic.” Twilight lectured “You don’t know where that portal leads. Those etherial potion pathways are ancient. You could rip a hole in the space-time continuum.”
  631. > We all shot her an angry look
  632. > If she wants to drown in milk that was her ​​prerogative but cont me of of that weirdness
  633. > “Sorry.” She peeped
  634. > “What's gotten into?” Fluttershy asked, “You’ve never been so aggressive before.”
  635. > “I don’t know, I just feel really hungry all of a sudden.”
  637. > “If you're hungry I think we have some leftover pasta.” Treehugger offered
  638. > “That would be nice.” Twilight nodded
  639. > Treehugger trotted over to the fridge in the corner of the room and pulled out a large aluminum tray of pasta
  640. > “Help yourself Twilight.”
  641. > Twilight shoved her hoof into her purse and pulled out a breast pump then gave it to Fluttershy before scooting over to Tree Hugger and swiping the tray from her hooves.
  643. > Twilight began scarfing down the pasta like tomorrow
  644. > I turned back to Fluttershy who was blowing into the suction cup
  645. > The warmth of her breath caused the transparent plastic to steam
  647. > “What's your name?” Fluttershy asked
  648. “Me? My name is Night Glider.”
  649. > “That's a wonderful name, can you help me for a moment?”
  651. > I nodded and approached the timid mare
  652. > The smell of her sweat became more prominent the closer I got
  653. > between her legs were thick pools of sweat
  655. > She attached the pump to her nipple and put my hooves over her breast
  656. > One hoof above her nipple and the other at the bottom of her breast
  657. > They were hard and I could feel the veins under my hooves
  658. > the veins were very squishy compared to the rest of her boob
  659. > It was a strange texture
  661. > “Now just squeeze gently and the milk will come right out.”
  662. > I added a bit of pressure and the milk began squirting into the container
  663. > Fluttershy picked up a book with a weird symbol on the front
  664. > It was a circle with a line down the middle and two other lines connecting to it on an angle
  665. > I’ve seen worse designs
  667. > “Do you want me to read to you?” Fluttershy asked in a motherly tone
  668. “Sure.”
  669. > She opened the book and began to read in a slow and soft tone
  670. > “The Peace Pamphlet: Chapter One: What is peace in post-Celestia Equestria? How do we as a culture of ponies define peace while living under the wings of a god with a history of bloodshed? Can a pony even define peace in this environment? In this book, we will be exploring the idea of peace and how it can be applied in the same as any other ideology…”
  672. > During the session Fluttershy massaged my shoulders and played with my mane as she read the manifesto aloud.
  673. > I listened carefully to her words over the course of three short chapters.
  674. > The book was very silly
  675. > The pony who wrote it had a very utopian view of the world and seemed to believe that everypony could live in harmony if only they adopted peace through the destruction of the ego.
  677. > I don’t think it's possible to do such a thing
  678. > Ponies are born with ego for a reason
  679. > It would be like taking away a pony's heart or love or…Cutie….Mark….
  680. >....
  681. >....
  682. > Oh no…
  683. >....
  684. > I mean….
  685. > They aren’t comparable…Are they?
  687. > I felt a warm liquid running down my hoof
  688. > I looked down and saw that the milk had overflowed and was running down my leg
  689. > Fluttershy began to laugh
  690. > “Were you distracted by the story?”
  691. “No…Just….I mean….Can I try some of your milk?”
  693. > “Why do you want to try my milk?” Fluttershy blushed
  694. “Twilight said that it contains your kindness magic and I wanted to see what that was like.”
  695. > “Oh no you don’t!” Twilight shot with a mouthful of pasta “I need you clean sober if you're gonna be my milk mare.”
  697. > “Oh come on Twilight, a little kindness never hurt anypony.”
  698. > “While you’re right about that, it’s clear that the average pony simply can’t handle the unique and powerful magic within your milk without getting…fruity.”
  700. > Fluttershy chuckled
  701. > “Don’t mind her…She's a bit uptight about these sorts of things.”
  702. “So, what's your deal anyways? Are you like an equalist?”
  703. > “Not at all. I speak for nature.”
  704. “Nature? Like trees and stuff?”
  705. > “Yeah, trees and stuff.” She replied sarcastically “Ever since I was a filly I've had the power to talk to animals."
  706. “Oh, that sounds really cool!"
  708. > “Its and amazing power. When I met Tree hugger she helped me realize all the good I could be doing with my powers. Together we started this shop. We sell smokable plants, environmental literature, and books about gender inequality. All very important stuff.”
  709. “That sounds…Interesting?”
  710. > “Our goal is to make sure that the environment has a seat at the table in a world where everypony feels the need to cut her into pieces for their own exploitation.”
  711. > This mare is odd.
  712. > Fluttershy removed the container and then tossed it to Twilight who caught it in her free hoof and dropped it into her purse.
  714. > All this teat-sucking and milk stuff was reminding me of my first time with Ivy
  715. > She has this strange habit of leaking milk whenever she orgasms
  716. > I remember our first time
  717. > We were in her dorm after a party
  718. > Looking back, I don't remember exactly how we ended up on the bed
  719. > Maybe we just had too much to drink
  720. > I can't recall the details
  721. > But somehow she convinced me to massage her breasts
  723. > Purple Springs was only a couple months old at the time and Ivy needed her breasts milked or else they got sore
  724. > She told me that her boobs needed a massage because they felt too full.
  725. > At the time I was hesitant.
  726. > I was in my first year of college and she was going into her final year
  728. > She was an older mare and needless to say, my first sexual experience was intimidating
  729. > I think that Ivy being the only pony I’ve ever had sex with askew with my perception of the act.
  730. > I grew not only to enjoy the milk but expected it.
  732. > It was a curse because no other mare produced like her
  733. > Starlight doesn't produce
  734. > I mean…
  735. > I think she's a very wise mare
  736. > But sex with her isn't very fun
  737. > She's too infatuated with being rough-housed
  738. > Slapping
  739. > Spanking
  740. > Choking…
  741. > Especially choking
  742. > A fetish could never wrap my head around
  743. > (No pun intended)
  744. > Especially as her pain threshold has become more…abnormal.
  746. > I don't know why, but my mind wandered back to this moment a lot.
  747. > It was la memory I had been milking since we broke apart.
  748. > It made me feel happy
  750. > Ivy would be much more suitable for this kind of work.
  751. > Her milk tasted so good and always made me feel warm inside
  752. > Unfortunately, I don't think Twilight will let me leave now
  753. > I've seen too much
  754. > My only problem was finding out a way to produce milk
  755. > Lest they find out I’ve been lying about my ability to produce this entire time.

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy