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Brodashs shitty fic from middle school

By Guest
Created: 2023-02-01 01:04:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Middle aged anon anon at the we little age of 18. Still young still immature even at his age. Since of his hermit lifestyle he barely has any friends . Hell the only people who he even considered friendly was his old enemies Landon , Janon and his best friend Canaden. Well his ... former friend . U see Canaden and anon have been best friends since they had met each other at the we old little age of of 5. But not all of their family had gotten along with one and another. But that is besides the point .
  3. Anon was happy he has not seen his friend in over 4 years . Last time he talked to him he said he was getting in to "Mary Jane". Funny thing is Anon looked and looked and he could not find anybody name "Mary Jane". But that's beside the point. Things have changed since he last saw him for one he is a brony. A brony who is a person who likes my little pony ( Not dip sherlock ). He could not remember the name of the pony he liked Apple something or was it a pencil . Ya probably a pencil with a face that rived" the thinker "statue .
  5. "Hey Anon". Said somebody behind him. Anon who has been bullied all of his life learned not to look back because it might be a prank.
  6. "Anon look behind u dam idiot". Anon for some reason why looked behind him. What he saw was somebody he thought he never see again. It was Canaden .With his signature pink and yellowish striped hat that he wears all the time and his reddish shirt which looks like a 4 legged messed up spider.
  8. Canaden Hey man where the hell have u been Anon said all surprised to see his friend after so long said anon suppressed .
  9. "Nothing man been hanging out with Mary Jane , She can fuck your shit up man" Said Canaden
  10. " O my god what did she do to u ! " Anon shocked from what his friend is telling him
  12. "No not physical or mental i mean just WOW" said Canadian trying to calm down his friend. He knew his friend was and idiot and has in the past gotten him and his friend in trouble .
  14. "Hear Anon take this " Said Canaden while putting out his hand out while holding 2 suspicious looking blue ish pills with a serial number of which looked like an apple
  16. "Take it" said Canadian encouraging his friend
  18. "Why" said Anon wondering why his friend gave him a piece of unwrapped candy ?
  20. Just take it i heard u like horses so I called a few people and anything u touch will become e a pony in your eyes.
  22. "Fine "said Anon feeling defeated.
  24. Anon dismissed himself to the bathroom. Where he turned on the faucet at his precisely favorite temperature not to hat not to cold.
  26. With The pills in hand dropped the pills in his mouth. Quickly before they melt gulped a gush of water .
  27. " Hmm that's it ? said Anon feeling disappointed.
  28. Anyway back to class. unknowing touching his pencil.
  30. 3 Hours later while at his math test he heard a voice saying " Hey " .
  31. Hello Pandon waving to his old math teacher that he has always hated .
  32. Hey when are u going to get good at math. Joked Pandon.
  33. "Hey when will you ever get good at insults" snared anon back .
  35. Anyway we have a test today and no bribing me i almost got caught last time.
  37. Since anon sucks at math he has to result into bribing his teacher $1 per day to keep him passing.
  39. Give or take a few mins later.
  40. Alright everyone its time for your math test .
  41. " awwww" said the other anons .
  42. " I know it sucks but i honesty do not care " Said the teacher.
  43. Pandon gave out the tests but this time anon had another plan . He would concentrate all of his mind on this one single piece of paper in hopes the answers he seeks come to him.
  44. psss hey
  45. pss hey
  46. HEY
  47. Anon with the surprised yelling at him fell out of his chair
  48. He noticed that nobody was in this classroom. Even though it was suppose to be only 30 mins before lunch time .
  49. Where did everyone go? said Anon all confused .
  51. "I got rid of them for u and I big boy "Said a sexualized voice to his left.
  52. Anon of course looked to his left what he saw surprised him.
  53. It was a Horse but with a pencil for a tail.
  55. Anon fell on the floor terrified slowly moving back away from the approaching pony. With the face of with showed true fear .
  56. O don't worry i am here to take u Home. To equestria ! My name is Hard Wood said the mysterious pony in a interested sounding voice hopping to converse the green human that everything is alright.
  57. Equestria ? said anon confused he swore he heard that word before .
  58. Hard facehoofed. U know the show about ponies.
  59. I know he is an idiot but i hoped he was not this big of an idiot . Whispered Hard
  60. O yea that I remember that show said . anon trying to remember
  61. Anyway in order to take u there u must fuck me . Hard wood said casually
  62. "Fuck u"?
  63. "Yes fuck me".
  64. "Why"?
  65. "U JUST MUST OK" YELLED Hard wood said frustrated
  66. Ok
  68. Shitty sex scene
  70. Anon took of his pants and looked at his hand .
  71. well buddy sorry that i have to cheat on you . .
  72. While putting is hand on his dick while masterbating with it.
  73. O yea Said Hard Wood.
  74. Put it in my eraser.
  76. " O anon YESSS " Hard exclamied . while Anon was putting his dick in her magical pencil pony eraser which he thinks is her pussy.
  77. O yea right there.
  78. O Stay .
  79. O STAY.
  80. I'M GOING TO CUM said Hard Wood while coming into climax.
  81. Liquid graphite can out of the eraser into anons month and his dick..
  83. ANON dies since graphite poisoning.
  85. O fuck another one is dead . Said Hard Pencil frustrated.
  86. That's the 10th one this week.
  87. Well lunch should be done about know i should teleport out of here and leave the body.
  88. i mean he did forget lunch .
  89. Hard wood teleport's out of there with a face of frustration .
  91. Everyone comes back into the room only to find a dead anon covered in pencils and covered in a black mysterious liquid .
  93. The end
  95. Author's Note:
  96. Hello my name is Brodash I had made this fanfic back in 2016 as a tribute to a author
  97. Yes this is a tribute Anon Pencil
  98. Pencil if u are reading this then HI
  99. U are the manliest man who ever lived . Your manliest has turned thousands gay at your voice
  100. Pls dont block me PLS Don't

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